Suicide on YouTube:Factors engaging viewers
to a selection of suicide-themed videos
Eun Ji Jung
, Seongcheol Kim
1 Smart Study Co., Ltd, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2 School of Media and Communication, Korea University,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Visual social media platforms can function as both facilitators and intervenors of concerning
behaviors. This study focused on one of the health concerns worldwide, a leading cause of
death related to mental health—suicide—in the context of a dominant visual social media
platform, YouTube. This study employed content analysis method to identify the factors pre-
dicting viewer responses to suicide-themed content from the perspectives of who’s, what’s,
and how’s of suicide-themed videos. The results of the hierarchical multiple regression
showed that the characteristics of content provider and content expression were more sig-
nificant predictors of viewer engagement than were the characteristics of the message.
These findings have implications for not only platform service providers but also diverse
groups of individuals who participate in online discussions on suicide. YouTube has the
potential to function as a locus for open discussion, education, collective coping, and even
the diagnosis of suicidal ideation.
1. Introduction
According to the latest data on suicide by the World Health Organization [1], nearly 800,000
people die every year due to suicide, meaning one person dies every 90 seconds. Suicide can
occur at any time in life and is the second leading cause of death among individuals aged 15–
29 years.
The role of the Internet, particularly social networking services (SNSs), on suicide-related
thoughts and behaviors has been a topic of growing interest and debate. There have been long-
standing concerns over how social networking services manage content that may negatively
affect the psychological well-being of its audience, especially the young users. This became an
urgent issue following the death of a British girl, Molly Russel, whose father, Ian Russel, stated
in an interview with BBC that Instagram encouraged his daughter to commit suicide [2]. In
2017, Molly Russel, who was known to have been posting and searching for keywords related to
suicide and self-harm, such as “cutting,” “biting,” and “burning,” ended her own life. The posts
that she “liked” were identified to be images that glorified suicide. This prompted the discussion
on the need for an advanced platform policy to prevent such incidents from happening again.
Furthermore, there have been several incidents of self-expressive YouTubers ending their
own lives. Jamey Rodemeyer, a 14-year-old YouTuber who actively expressed himself through
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Citation: Jung EJ, Kim S (2021) Suicide on
YouTube:Factors engaging viewers to a selection of
suicide-themed videos. PLoS ONE 16(6):
Editor: Vincenzo De Luca, University of Toronto,
Received: December 14, 2020
Accepted: May 23, 2021
Published: June 10, 2021
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Copyright: © 2021 Jung, Kim. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the manuscript and we provide our
Funding: This work was supported by the Ministry
of Education of the Republic of Korea and the
videos on matters of his sexuality; homophobia; and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
rights, ended his life on 18 September 2011. Although the school counselors had advised him
not to use social media to talk about his sexuality, he voiced his thoughts through his YouTube
posts. He appeared to be strong as he shared videos about the “It Gets Better” project, which
aimed to address prevention of teen suicide. His suicide was attributed to excessive hostile
comments. This case shows that social media sites are becoming venues to share personal
opinions and to express oneself—even painful thoughts [3]—but at the same time, are making
it easier for cyber-bullies to target their victims [4].
The influence of social media on concerning behaviors is not limited to children and teen-
agers alone. The debate lies in how media function—whether as a facilitator or as an intervenor
of such behaviors. Considering the debate, this study aims to examine how deliverers of sui-
cide-themed contents discuss suicide and to examine what factors, among content provider
characteristics, story characteristics, and content expression characteristics, predict viewer
engagement. The current study focused on one of the mainstream online video platforms,
YouTube, as a site of analysis. It is not only a visual media platform but also a social network-
ing service, which makes the investigation into the ongoing suicide-themed discussions on the
platform worthwhile.
2. Literature review and research questions
Suicide and the self
Suicide is defined as a “conscious act of self-induced annihilation” [5: p. 203] in the current
Western society. A review of comparable concepts suggests that society has historically con-
demned the act of killing oneself. Synonyms of suicide, such as self-killing, self-disembodiment,
and self-murder, have shared stigmatizing connotations. This is because individuals are the con-
stituents of society, where the sanity of one represents the degree of social health and well-being
of the society as a whole. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors have also been considered pathologi-
cal in the context of religion or morality. For example, the Protestants attribute melancholic
self-disintegration to the temptation of Satan or a diabolical entity, which is distinguished from
the inner self [6]. The concept evolved in the eighteenth century, encompassing terms from vol-
untary death to involuntary self-killing. Since the term “suicide” indicates a change in attitude,
relatively decriminalizing the act and the individual [6], it is used in the following discussions.
As a multidimensional malaise [5], one suicidal event involves “biological, psychological,
intrapsychic, logical, conscious, and unconscious, interpersonal, sociological, cultural, and
philosophical or existential” elements [7: p. 221]. In the field of suicidology, the utility of sui-
cide note has been acknowledged [8]. Suicide notes provide information closest to the suicidal
mind, which comprises multidimensional thoughts of an individual.
Suicide pertains to not only the self but also society, as society is regarded as an aggregate of
many selves. There have been longstanding concerns over the diffusive nature of suicide. The
diffusion process involves successful or unsuccessful suicide attempts that lead to serious sui-
cidal ideations among others, and some of those contemplators make successful or unsuccessful
attempts [9,10]. The diffusion of suicide in relation to the influence of media was studied follow-
ing the widespread imitation of Werther’s suicide, as described in the novel The Sorrows of the
Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [10]. The matter lies in determining whether
and how the media augment or intervene in the diffusion of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
Influence of media on suicidal individuals
Studies of the potential influence of media-publicized suicide stories of actual suicide have
yielded inconsistent findings [11]. The existence of both media contagion effect and
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National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-
2019S1A3A2099973) and the MSIT(Ministry of
Science and ICT), Korea, under the ITRC
(Information Technology Research Center) support
program(IITP-2020-0-01749) supervised by the
IITP(Institute of Information & Communications
Technology Planning & Evaluation).
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
intervention effect on suicide has been observed [1]. Media contagion refers to an adverse
effect of media, whereas media intervention refers to a positive function of media.
Media contagion effect. The relationship between social media and socially concerning
behaviors is complex. Social media can be hazardous to the vulnerable, as some online com-
munities advocate extreme beliefs and behaviors, such as anorexia, suicide, and deliberate
amputation, which are otherwise considered socially unacceptable [12]. Online discussion
forums and social media chatrooms may facilitate socially undesirable behaviors as a result of
peer pressure [13].
Recent studies that aimed to replicate and extend Phillips’ imitation theorem suggest that
widely publicized suicide stories trigger copycat suicides [10,11]. News or television coverage
of suicide stories may provide role models for individuals at risk, which is related to a social
learning theory of deviant behavior [14]. From this perspective, publicized suicide stories may
encourage suicides in the real world, which makes it imperative to develop guidelines on how
to deliver suicide stories in order to promote safe media content.
Media intervention effect. While a large body of research supports the propagative effect
of media on suicide, another vein of research suggests that media has preventive functions.
The protective function of media is referred to as the Papageno effect [15]. It was named after
a character in Mozart’s opera, The Magic Flute. Papageno becomes suicidal upon the loss of his
beloved Papagena; however, he refrains from committing suicide thanks to a hopeful song by
three elves. Media intervention effect suggests that media has a preventive function through
education or collective coping with adverse situations.
The effectiveness of media on health-promoting activities was highlighted when articles
that cited stories of individuals who refrained from executing their suicidal plans and of those
who instead positively coped with adverse circumstances were published [15,16]. SNSs can
help create social connections among individuals with shared experiences, raise awareness
about prevention programs and crisis hotlines, and provide access to other available resources
The advancement of media has enabled speedy diffusion of information without bound-
aries. The current study aimed to analyze suicide-themed content in a dominant visual media
service platform, considering its reach and potential influence on the users.
Characteristics of YouTube as a dominant media platform
Social Networking Services (SNS) and YouTube. A large number of SNSs exists, each
with different technological affordances. They provide an array of features including profile-
generating, making friends, commenting, and private messaging. Although designed to be
available to a wide range of audiences, much of the populations for each site are segmented
upon homogenous interests and purposes [17,18].
YouTube is an example of a community website that reflects the evolution of the Web envi-
ronment [19], which can be characterized as follows. Web 1.0 environment was based on one-
way information consumption, whereas in Web 2.0 environment, individual users and the net-
works among them are given the power; users have richer and more complex experiences; con-
tent distribution is not limited to content creators alone; and the boundaries of the devices are
blurred [20]. With higher bandwidth, faster and more interactive experiences have been real-
ized, providing users with rich visual media content such as audio and video streaming.
According to YouTube Press, over 1.9 billion logged-in users visit YouTube monthly, which
account for nearly one-third of the Internet users worldwide. YouTube provides multi-lingual
experiences with a total of 80 different languages, covering about 95% of the entire Internet
population. As it features a variety of video contents, YouTube, as a media-sharing website
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that has become an SNS, is drawing the attention of everyone, regardless of age, gender, race
or ethnicity, occupation, etc [17].
Technological advancement that has enabled SNSs to disseminate high volumes and a
diverse range of information at a rapid rate across online networks has not always been dis-
cussed from a positive perspective. Continuous efforts have been made by multiple SNSs to
develop an auto-filtering system to screen for and remove unsafe content. Following the inci-
dent of the live streaming of the New Zealand terror attack by Branton Tarrant, Facebook offi-
cially announced that they would adopt artificial intelligence (AI) technology to automatically
filter harmful information. Twitter announced its plan to filter hate speech and spam tweets,
while Tumbler, an image-based microblogging SNS, censors pornographic or illegal adult con-
tent. All these measures have been enforced, considering the influence of such mainstream
platforms with a large user base.
YouTube as a visual media platform. Video-sharing websites have been gaining popular-
ity on the Internet since the launch of YouTube in 2005. Compared to other media platforms,
the most-frequently and widely-visited visual social media platform is YouTube, where the
posts includes some form of visual information. Videos related to suicide or self-harm are con-
cerning, because it is possible that such behaviors might become normalized, reinforced, or
disinhibited [21,22] when the message is presented with visual effects. Extant studies show that
the inclusion of visual material in a message facilitates longer memory retention [23], more
accurate comprehension of the message [24], greater likelihood of reacting to a call to action
presented in the message [25], and an increase in online engagement [26].
YouTube’s current policy on suicide and self-injury states, “Content that promotes self-
harm or is intended to shock or disgust users is not allowed on YouTube. We do allow users to
post content discussing their experiences with depression, self-harm, or other mental health
issues” [27]. When users come across content where the deliverer “expresses suicidal thoughts
or is engaging in self-harm,” they are advised to contact local authorities and press the flag but-
ton, which brings the post to YouTube’s immediate attention, according to Andrea Faville, a
spokesperson for YouTube [28]. The stance of the platform is that “the users should not be
afraid to speak openly about the topics of mental health or self-harm,” and the platform pro-
vides community guidelines, according to which content “promoting or glorifying suicide,
providing instructions on how to self-harm, graphic images of self-harm posted to shock or
disgust viewers” is banned [27]. The platform applies the same policies across all products and
features, such as video posts, content descriptions, comments, and live streams. In instances of
violation, the content is removed, and the creator is sent an email if it is their first time violat-
ing the policy. If it is not the first time, the creator is given a strike; three strikes result in chan-
nel termination.
These measures taken by platform service providers can be understood from the perspec-
tives of both the Werther effect and Papageno effect. Studies of the relationship between the
media coverage of suicide and suicidal behaviors in the real world have yielded inconsistent
findings [11].
Characteristics of the deliverer
The purposes of watching health-related YouTube videos include social utility, convenient
information-seeking, leisure, and entertainment [29]. With increasing popularity of health-
related social media usage, it is important to pay attention to the characteristics of the deliver-
ers of the content. Given that shared content on YouTube is a source of health information
and reflects one’s experiences and emotions, the credibility and the diversity of the source are
pivotal concerns.
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Founded on the user-generated content (UGC) model, the contents on YouTube are cre-
ated by its own users [30]. Content creators on this platform are commonly referred to as
“YouTubers.” Those who satisfy the community’s needs through their content gain popularity
and become so-called “influencers,” who are considered micro-celebrities. New media scholar
David Marshall [31] identified a transition from “representational” to “presentational” media
and culture. In the age of social media and self-created content, the public self, public-private
self, and transgressive intimate self are presented. This develops into the establishment of trust,
credibility, and a sense of closeness between the creators and audience. The boundary between
legacy media and new media as sources of information has become less meaningful, as the
consumers of media have begun to identify these influencers as new information providers.
Furthermore, social media could be used to intervene in suicidal ideation or suicide attempt
by encouraging help-seeking behavior that relies on the user’s anonymity. Expression of thoughts
and intentions about a concerning behavior is stigmatized. The rate of help-seeking behavior for
mental issues like suicidality is low due to social stigma. Evidence suggests that “55% of people
who complete suicide have no contact with a primary care provider in the month before suicide
and 68% have no contact with mental health services in the year before suicide” ([32] as cited in
[33]: p.525). SNSs can solve this issue by creating an anonymous online sphere where how people
communicate and behave is less influenced by social desirability or social influence.
Many studies suggest that self-disclosure and honesty tend to increase online when partici-
pants’ identities are hidden. Joinson’s study [34] shows that the visual anonymity in computer-
mediated communication (CMC) settings heightens the level of self-disclosure. Bargh,
Mckenna, and Fitzsimons’s experiment [35] also revealed that the likelihood of one’s true self
being activated is higher in Internet setting than it is in face-to-face setting due to the relative
anonymity. Thus, individuals can present themselves in ways that might not be possible in
face-to-face settings, thereby promoting help-seeking and collective coping behaviors.
The results of the preliminary coding analysis in this study revealed specific characteristics
of content deliverers. There are multiple groups of content uploaders, also known as channel
operators, who are distinct from message deliverers. The group of content uploaders are listed
as clinic and health organizations, news agencies, one-person creators, production organiza-
tions, educational facilities, religious groups, and others, while the group of message deliverers
are listed as survivors of suicide attempt; family members of the deceased; friends; news per-
sonnel; rescuers; third-party narrators; artists, musicians, and film personnel; lecturers and
educators; medical professionals; one-person creators; and others. Some of the message deliv-
erers provide real names, whereas the others are anonymous. Considering the aforementioned
characteristics of the content deliverer, the following hypotheses are proposed.
H1. The characteristics of the deliverer, that is, the one who delivers the suicide-themed
message would determine the degree of viewer engagement.
H1-1: The degree of engagement with the suicide-themed content would differ according to
the content uploader.
H1-2: The degree of engagement with the suicide-themed content would differ according to
the message deliverer.
H1-3: The degree of engagement with the suicide-themed content would differ according to
the anonymity of the message deliverer.
Characteristics of the content story
Media contagion effect has been examined from multiple perspectives. A meta-analysis of sui-
cide induced by media identified factors and conditions that maximize or minimize the
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copycat effect. These factors include the characteristics of the suicide story (i.e. celebrity or pol-
itician vs. non-celebrity, real vs. fictional, and completion vs. attempt), the amount of coverage,
period effects (i.e. pre-television era vs. post), characteristics of the suicide rate, and media
type (i.e. newspapers vs. television) [11]. Studies that are based on newspapers compared to
television (TV, 82% less likely), studies that include suicide stories of political/entertainment
celebrity (14.3 times), studies based on real suicides (4.03 times) as opposed to fictional sui-
cides in films and soap operas, and studies based on suicide attempts as an outcome measure
as opposed to completed suicide rates or counts are more apt to investigate copycat effects
[11]. In addition, media influence on suicide has been studied in multiple country-settings.
Regardless of the small effect size compared to other psychosocial risk factors for suicide,
media contagion shows that not only audience characteristics but also media content involve
risk [36,37].
Since the current study did not consider the difference in viewer engagement among differ-
ent media or the period effect, only the characteristics of suicide story were included among
multiple factors. The results of the preliminary coding analysis in this study categorized con-
tent into three story characteristics: (1) celebrity stories, politician stories, and non-celebrity
stories; (2) real stories and fictional stories; and (3) suicide attempts, complete suicides, and
suicide ideation (see Table 2). Considering the aforementioned characteristics of the suicide-
themed content, the following hypotheses are proposed.
H2. The characteristics of the story characteristics, that is, the type of messages delivered,
would determine the degree of viewer engagement.
H2-1: The degree of engagement with suicide-themed content would be higher for celebrity
suicide stories than for non-celebrity suicide stories.
H2-2: The degree of engagement with suicide-themed content would be higher for real suicide
stories than for fictional suicide stories.
H2-3: The degree of engagement with suicide-themed content would be higher for suicide
attempt stories than for complete suicide stories and suicide ideation stories.
Characteristics of content expression
To promote safe media environment, the WHO and national agencies developed guidelines
on reporting suicide [38], which includes 11 recommendations as follows: “take the opportu-
nity to educate the public about suicide,” “avoid language which sensationalizes or normalizes
suicide, or presents it as a solution to problems,” “avoid prominent placement and undue repe-
tition of stories about suicide,” “avoid explicit description of the method used in a completed
or attempted suicide,” “avoid providing detailed information about the site of a completed or
attempted suicide,” “word headlines carefully,” “exercise caution in using photographs or
video footage,” “take particular care in reporting celebrity suicides,” “show due consideration
for people bereaved by suicide,” “provide information about where to seek help,” and “recog-
nize that media professionals themselves may be affected by stories about suicide” [38: p. 7]
The rationale for the guidelines is that some reporting characteristics could either prevent or
trigger suicides. The guidelines are commonly used as educational material for journalists and
editors of traditional media agencies and were developed for traditional news reports of suicide
rather than online news or social media posts. Thus, reporters are advised to refrain from using
visual material. However, majority of new media content is visual-based, indicating the need to
customize existing guidelines based on the new media message or channel features.
Reflecting the reporting guidelines for suicide stories, the current analysis categorized con-
tent expression characteristics into five groups: existence of advertisement, expression of
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suicide method, existence and placement of warning signs, existence and placement of hot-
lines, and the genre category. In this current study, the results of the preliminary coding proce-
dure listed graphic, verbal, and textual expressions of suicide method. Warning signs and
hotlines were listed in the description, the first-half of the video clip, and in the second-half of
the video clip. YouTube platform provides a special warning function. Only those who have
clicked on the “I understand and wish to proceed” option after being shown the YouTube
community warning for inappropriate or offensive content warranting viewer discretion are
allowed to view the content. The genre categories were listed as Entertainment, People &
Blogs, News & Politics, Music, Film & Animation, Nonprofits & Activism, and Education (see
Table 3). Considering the aforementioned characteristics of expressive methods, the following
hypotheses are proposed.
H3. The characteristics of content expression, that is, how the message is delivered, would
determine the degree of viewer engagement.
H3-1: The degree of engagement with suicide-themed content would be higher for advertised
videos than for non-advertised videos.
H3-2: The degree of engagement with suicide-themed content would be higher for graphic
illustration of suicide method than for verbal or textual illustration of suicide method.
H3-3: The degree of engagement with suicide-themed content would differ according to the
existence of a warning sign.
H3-4: The degree of engagement with suicide-themed content would differ according to the
position of the warning sign.
H3-5: The degree of engagement with suicide-themed content would differ according to the
existence of the hotline.
H3-6: The degree of engagement with suicide-themed content would differ according to the
position of the hotline.
H3-7: The degree of engagement with suicide-themed content would differ according to the
genre of the content.
3. Methods
The current study employed a quantitative content analysis method to identify the factors that
draw viewers to suicide-themed videos on YouTube. Content analysis is a research method
that examines the characteristics of the content, and it involves a systematic, objective, quanti-
tative analysis of the message characteristics [39]. A thorough exploration of the content,
including what the users are exposed to or what kind of messages they are currently acquiring
online, from whom, and in what ways the message is received, is the most suitable method for
The preliminary analysis employed a bottom-up grounded theory approach [40], which is a
qualitative method, to examine the characteristics of suicide-themed videos. The sample
included a selection of 100 videos from the top to bottom in the order of exposure in the key-
word search results with the term “suicide” in English on YouTube. The keyword search was
done in Seoul, South Korea at one point in time, September 2019, by the researchers using
Incognito Window on Google Chrome browser. The search result was ranked by the default
method that YouTube provides which is ‘relevance.’ Neither specific inclusion nor exclusion
criteria was set in the sample selection process with the purpose of extracting all possible codes
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relevant to suicide-themed videos. The sample video content was coded to observe the specific
instances of the content delivers, the messages, and the expressions. The characteristics of con-
tent deliverer were identified by three factors: uploader category, message deliverer category,
and anonymity. The characteristics of the stories included four factors: whether the story
involves a public or non-public figure, whether the story is real or fictional, whether the story
is about a suicide attempt, completed suicide, or suicide ideation, and the number of suicide
stories. The characteristics of story expressions were observed using 7 factors: the existence of
advertisement, illustration of method, existence of a warning sign, placement of the warning
sign, existence of hotlines, placement of hotlines, and genre category. Every newly observed
item for each factor was recorded. The list of the items for each factor was built upon after sev-
eral iterative processes until saturation had been reached. The iterative process continued until
only redundant instances were observed and until no new codes occurred to the degree in
which the researchers have agreed that further data collection or data coding is counter-pro-
ductive [41].
Categories were extracted based on the list of characteristics and were used as a foundation
for the coding protocols for the quantitative content analysis. In the search results for the key-
word “suicide,” an additional 100 YouTube videos were retrieved and analyzed. Unlike the
search results from search engines, YouTube has no clear distinction in terms of pages. After
several videos, a swipe up motion leads to the loading of more videos. Considering that the
number of videos presented before the first swipe up motion was 20, it can be regarded that a
page on YouTube contains 20 videos. A total of 589 videos were available for the search term
‘suicide’ after pages loaded until ‘No more results’ were left to show. Among 589 videos, 100
videos were chosen in the order of exposure after excluding search results for superhero movie
based on DC Comics ‘Suicide Squad.’ Those videos were discernible through the video title
and thumbnail, as the major actors and characters were visible in the thumbnail area. The
researchers have eliminated 7 Suicide Squad videos because of the low relevance to the health-
related issue of suicide, and added 7 other videos to make 100. Videos categorized as ‘music’ or
‘film’ were not related to ‘Suicide Squad’ but they were videos created by individuals who
express suicide-related information through the form of music or film.
The sample size (n = 100) was chosen because the purpose of the research was to reflect a
basic query of what general people would likely to be exposed to with the keyword search. The
first several pages of search result presented to the person searching the keyword engage most
viewers whereas the following pages are less attended [42,43]. Multiple health information-
related studies included the first several pages of search results in the sample, implying that
people tend to select the information they are provided with first rather than the information
they are provided later [4449]. The first two to three pages were the most commonly observed
number for YouTube content analysis on health-related matters.
However, a power analysis was performed as Niederkrotenthaler, Schacherl, and Till [50]
did to identify the minimum number of samples required. The desired sample size was com-
puted with the software G
Power 3.1 [51]. In order to identify a medium-sized difference effect
size (f
) = 0.15; with an Alpha-level of 0.05 and Power (1-β error prob) = 0.80, with the number
of predictors n = 3 (who, what, how models), and the total number of predictors 44 (1 continu-
ous variable and 43 dummy variables), a total of 82 videos were required as a minimum. Since
each page holds 20 videos, this study required more than four pages to meet the minimum
number of samples. Thus, five pages were included in the final sample, in other words, 100
A comprehensive content analysis was conducted which investigated the following: (1) who
uploaded and delivered the suicide-themed videos, (2) what kind of messages were delivered
and (3) how the messages were delivered. The data extracted for each video were as follows: (1)
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video identification information, which included the title, description, and upload date; (2)
characteristics of content deliverer, which included the uploader category, message deliverer
category, and anonymity; (3) characteristics of the stories, including whether the story involves
a public or non-public figure, whether the story is real or fictional, whether the story is about a
suicide attempt, completed suicide, or suicide ideation, and the number of suicide stories; and
(4) characteristics of story expressions, which included the existence of advertisement, illustra-
tion of method, existence of a warning sign, placement of the warning sign, existence of hot-
lines, placement of hotlines, and genre category. A total of 14 variables were examined. The
characteristics of content deliverer, stories, and expressions were dummy coded.
Furthermore, YouTube’s user engagement metrics, including the view count, the number
of likes, and the number of comments of the selected 100 videos, were retrieved using You-
Tube Statistics, which is a free application that tracks the statistics for YouTube videos [52]. It
is assumed that the degree of viewer engagement increases in the following order: view count,
number of likes, and number of comments. Pressing the like button requires more engage-
ment than merely watching the video, whereas active expression of an opinion through a com-
ment requires additional time and effort. With dummy coding, statistical analysis using
hierarchical multiple regression was conducted to observe the linear relationships between the
categorical factors of suicide-themed video contents and the amount of attention or
Hierarchical multiple regression is a method that considers the relative effect of more than
one explanatory variable on the dependent variable of interest. It enables the researchers to
build several models to compare the proportion of explained variance in the dependent vari-
able by sequentially adding models. The newly added models always include the previous
models. The analysis can determine which model better explains and predicts the dependent
variable in a statistically meaningful way. The current study takes three models, sometimes
referred as blocks: who, what, and how variables of the suicide-themed content in explaining
viewer engagement. The analysis was completed on IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences) Statistics software [53].
4. Results
This study hypothesized that deliverer characteristics, story characteristics, and content
expression characteristics would predict viewers’ attention or engagement with suicide-
themed videos. Among 14 variables, 5 variables including message deliverer category, whether
the story is about a suicide attempt, completed suicide, or suicide ideation, illustration of
method, placement of the warning sign, and placement of hotlines were multi-coded. Thus,
the number of instances coded in each category may not be equal to the total number of
observed instances which is 100. The descriptive analyses of the main factors are presented in
Tables 13. The results showed that the regression model with three levels (deliverer character-
istics, story characteristics, and content expression characteristics) had different explanatory
powers according to the degree of engagement, each measured by the number of views, likes,
and comments.
The results of the hierarchical multiple regression are illustrated in Table 4. Deliverer char-
acteristics were the only predictor that was significant across all three viewer responses (p =
.036, adjusted R
= .132 for the view count; p = .011, adjusted R
= .175 for the number of likes;
and p = .048, adjusted R
= .129 for the number of comments). Hypothesis 1 was partially sup-
ported, hypothesis 2 was not supported, and hypothesis 3 was partially supported. In particu-
lar, the regression analysis showed that survivors of suicide attempt (β = .338, t = 2.818, p =
.006 for the number of likes and β = .443, t = 3.303, p = .001 for the number of comments),
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artists/musicians/film personnel (β = .575, t = 2.653, p = .010 for the number of likes and β =
.538, t = 2.098, p = .039 for the number of comments), and one-person creators (β = .423,
t = 3.218, p = .002 for the number of likes and β = .414, t = 2.813, p = .006 for the number of
comments) were significant predictors.
Although the final model was not a significant predictor of view count and number of likes,
it was a significant predictor of the number of comments, which indicates the highest level of
Table 1. Descriptive statistics for content deliverer characteristics (who).
View count Number of likes Number of comments
Category N Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Content Uploader Clinic and Health Organization 5 542 559 5 7 1 1
News Agency 24 1,990 2,791 15 17 5 7
One Person Creator 6 6,252 11,848 369 834 111 260
Production Organization 24 22,464 32,103 187 209 17 24
Educational Facilities 13 988 1,798 25 46 2 5
Religious Group 2 1,185 1,519 6 6 1 -
Others 26 5,845 6,488 124,138 162 16 18
Message Deliverer Survivors 11 4,398 8,844 239 610 64 191
Family 16 845 1,177 20 28 3 6
Friends 7 2,571 3,969 46 59 9 11
News personnel 16 2,342 3,266 16 19 6 8
Rescuer 2 3,534 1,167 83 12 9 1
Narrator 10 2,241 1,720 40 37 15 19
Artist/Musician/Film personnel 24 24,034 31,266 218 206 19 23
Lecturer/Educator 8 330 346 5 5 - -
Medical personnel 8 386 449 4 4 1 -
One-person creator 7 10,034 12,457 445 766 108 237
Others 15 2,634 5,057 30 56 8 13
Anonymity Anonymous 41 12,791 20,216 151 196 17 22
Real name provided 59 4,574 15,939 75 276 18 87
Unit: One thousand. Numbers below one thousand are marked as “-”.
Table 2. Descriptive statistics for story characteristics (what).
View count Number of likes Number of comments
Category N Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Celebrity 7 3,386 6,554 81 168 9 9
YouTuber 2 13,780 15,617 405 514 46 38
Non-celebrity 71 3,561 5,904 78 249 18 79
Other 20 56,259 48,574 366 300 37 38
Real 61 2,743 5,036 69 265 18 85
Fictional 13 16,710 24,510 185 207 18 23
Other 26 20,297 32,368 281 342 43 37
Attempt 26 4,319 7,432 142 405 32 127
Complete 41 3,016 4,734 47 92 9 12
Ideation 40 2,802 5,189 57 128 8 17
Unit: One thousand. Numbers below one thousand are marked as “-”.
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viewer engagement (p < .001, adjusted R
= .554). The analysis of the final model showed that
educational facilities (β = - 1.987, t = -5.995, p < .001) and religious groups (β = -.949, t =
-4.612, p < .001) as the video uploader and rescuer (β = .389, t = 2.911, p = .006) as the deliv-
erer were significant predictors of the number of comments, whereas other deliverer-related
variables were not. Hypotheses 1–1 and 1–2 were supported. However, anonymity was not a
significant determinant of viewer response, thus rejecting hypothesis 1–3.
None of the story-related variables was significant, rejecting hypotheses 2–1, 2–2, and 2–3.
On the other hand, three content expression-related variables were significant predictors of
comments: textual expression of suicide method (β = -.230, t = -2.034, p = .048), People and
Blogs as genre (β = .425, t = 2.183, p = .034), and Nonprofits & Activism as genre (β = 2.510,
t = 7.645, p < .001), supporting hypotheses 3–2 and 3–7. The existence and placement of
advertisements, warning signs, and hotlines did not have a significant influence on viewer
response, rejecting hypotheses 3–1, 3–3, 3–4, 3–5, and 3–6. Thus, who delivers the suicide-
themed-message and how the message is delivered are more significant predictors than what is
discussed in terms of viewer engagement.
Table 3. Descriptive statistics for content expression characteristics (how).
View count Number of likes Number of comments
Category N Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Advertisement O 22 20,267 29,992 182 184 16 21
Advertisement X 78 4,509 11,199 86 262 18 76
Graphic Expression 20 17,360 30,586 192 235 22 25
Verbal Expression 29 3,355 6,475 113 380 30 120
Textual Expression 5 6,007 8,207 68 92 18 19
None 57 6,810 14,379 72 121 9 148
Warning sign O 10 4,681 6,204 99 108 15 19
Warning sign in title 1 1,130 - 58 - 6 -
Warning sign in the description 2 5,307 5,906 199 199 29 32
Warning sign in the first-half of the video 12 3,981 5,854 82 105 13 18
YouTube Warning 5 6,311 10,506 175 332 28 34
Warning Sign X 85 8,508 19,554 104 258 17 73
Hotline O 22 4,379 7,620 146 445 45 145
Hotline in description 13 6,539 9,187 237 581 68 181
Hotline in the first half of the video 4 1,457 2,138 20 25 16 28
Hotline in second-half of the video 15 3,874 8,142 179 546 62 183
Hotline X 78 8,988 20,116 97 97 11 17
Entertainment 20 15,058 31,373 156 227 18 23
People & Blogs 10 2,411 1,744 54 44 8 7
News & Politics 24 1,875 2,805 14 17 5 7
Music 10 24,119 25,094 225 204 18 26
Science & Technology 1 1,220 - 17 - 0 -
Film & Animation 8 14,778 12,885 204 150 19 15
Gaming 1 3,891 - 56 - 5 -
Nonprofits &Activism 14 3,041 8,021 167 549 47 171
Education 12 1,424 1,877 28 38 10 18
Unit: One thousand. Numbers below one thousand are marked as “-”.
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Table 4. Results for the hierarchical multiple regression analysis for popularity.
Engagement (Standardized Coefficients beta)
View count Number of Likes Number of Comments
Factors (Characteristics) Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Content Deliverer¶ (Who) Clinic and health organization -.104 -.111 -0.186 0.029 0.002 -0.096 0.073 0.062 -0.048
News agency -.218 -.128 0.066 0.068 0.126 0.401 0.122 0.192 0.465
One-person creator -.152 -.023 0.024 0.155 0.299 0.128 0.298 0.454 0.092
Educational facilities -.186 -.041 -0.238 0.034 0.121 -0.778 0.073 0.159 -1.987
Religious groups -.060 -.011 -0.154 0.021 0.067 -0.321 0.015 0.074 -0.949
Others -.166 -.095 -0.135 0.125 0.195 0.148 0.134 0.266 -0.049
Survivors -.046 -.045 0.1 0.338
0.293 0.311 0.443
0.418 -0.042
Family -.113 -.102 -0.102 0.049 0.032 -0.056 0.127 0.111 -0.173
Friends .012 .021 0.069 0.021 0.042 0.055 -0.006 -0.009 0.034
News personnel -.025 -.014 0.004 0.119 0.123 0.045 0.237 0.286 -0.177
Rescuer -.027 -.019 0.077 0.09 0.059 0.31 0.122 0.087 0.389
Narrator .006 -.021 -0.035 0.125 0.061 -0.21 0.291 0.359 -0.05
Artist/Musician/Film personnel .376 .286 0.183 0.575
0.541 0.271 0.538
0.742 0.121
Lecturer/Educator -.073 -.098 -0.017 0.1 0.053 0.08 0.178 0.171 -0.235
Medical personnel -.09 -.052 -0.006 0.012 0.078 0.102 0.035 0.167 0.028
One-person creator .107 .024 -0.147 0.423
0.31 0.193 0.414
0.395 0.136
Others -.011 .042 0.039 0.073 0.09 0.196 0.14 0.153 0.036
Anonymity -.190 -.171 -0.205 -0.009 -0.062 -0.075 -0.023 -0.023 0.038
Content Story¶ (What) Number of stories -.049 -0.077 -0.072 -0.007 -0.031 0.06
Celebrity -.014 -0.03 -0.099 -0.076 -0.236 -0.003
YouTuber .114 0.027 0.175 0.164 0.028 0.031
Other .215 0.244 0.031 0.05 0.045 0.144
Fictional -.029 -.059 0.033 0.137 -0.132 -0.029
Attempt -.032 0.095 0.069 -0.129 0.11 0.166
Complete -.099 0.092 -0.043 -0.026 0.039 0.136
Ideation -.103 -0.128 -0.078 -0.091 -0.05 0.108
Content Express-ion¶ (How) Advertise-ment -0.003 0.024 -0.052
Graphic expression of method 0.078 0.025 0.144
Verbal expression of method -0.038 -0.116 0.261
Textual expression of method -0.229 -0.122 -0.23
Warning sign Existence 0.373 0.1 0.2
in Title 0.097 -0.03 -0.167
in description 0.192 0.117 0.232
in the first-half of the video 0.189 -0.044 -0.025
Hotline Existence -0.048 0.168
in the description 0.078 0.23 0.018
in the first-half of the video -0.038 -0.114 -0.017
in the second-half of the video -0.229 0.061 0.05
Entertainment 0.373 0.339 0.251
People & Blogs 0.097 0.183 0.425
Music 0.192 0.297 0.167
Film & Animation 0.189 0.223 0.065
Gaming 0.069 0.001 -0.017
Nonprofits &Activism 0.386 1.298 2.51
Education 0.234 0.43 0.168
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5. Discussion and conclusion
The findings showed that videos uploaded by educational facilities and religious groups, and
videos textually expressing suicide methods had relatively fewer comments. On the contrary,
videos categorized as People & Blogs and Non-profits & Activism, and content delivered by
rescuers of suicide had relatively more comments. Content delivered by survivors of suicide
attempt, artists, musicians, film personnel, and one-person creators also received more likes
and comments.
These findings imply that viewers are more engaged with the content when the deliverers
have close experience of suicide. Sharing suicide stories through art, music, and film such as in
vlog format is involving, whereas lecture-based or preaching approaches are less involving.
Traditionally, suicide has been discussed by suicide prevention organizations or medical pro-
fessionals via news channels. Suicide stories have been publicized through news portals, and
the influence of publicized suicide stories has been studied. Although it is difficult to deny the
influence of informative and educational news content, this study shows that suicide conversa-
tions are carried out in online spheres, where rescuers and survivors of suicide attempt actively
participate in the discussion. Suicide prevention organizations and educational facilities need
to strategically engage viewers.
This study has implications for not only health and medical professionals but also platform
service providers. As the deliverers of suicide-themed posts are survivors and rescuers rather
than health professionals, the platform may play an important role as an arena for diagnosis.
The symptoms and the reasons for suicide ideation may be explicitly stated on the platform,
which may help health professionals to diagnose individuals who ideate suicide or those with
suicide experiences. The extant studies suggest that individuals can positively cope with sui-
cidal thoughts when they openly talk about their state of mind. Much of the video content ana-
lyzed in this study addressed the need for a platform to discuss suicide and to share personal
feelings without judgement and stigma. As these dominant media platforms are becoming the
locus for open discussion, education, and collective coping, platform service providers are rec-
ommended to continue facilitating the discussion by engaging more people.
The accountability of participants in suicide-themed online conversations should be equally
emphasized as much as the accountability of platforms. The creators of suicide-themed videos
and the viewers should take advantage of the platform, but with discretion. Uploaders should
acknowledge the societal influence of their posts, and the viewers should actively alert the
authorities of any harmful or triggering content.
Most importantly, this study also has implications for policymakers in terms of addressing
the need for developing a proper guideline for suicide-themed new media content. The current
Table 4. (Continued)
Engagement (Standardized Coefficients beta)
View count Number of Likes Number of Comments
Factors (Characteristics) Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
R Square .292 .341 .455 .327 .364 .595 .300 .344 .782
Adjusted R Square .132 .090 -.048 .175 .122 .222 .129 .072 .554
F 1.827
1.358 .905 2.155
1.503 1.595 1.759
1.264 3.427
Durbin-Watson 2.016 2.006 1.849
p < .05
p < .01
p < .001.
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guidelines include news reporting guidelines, which advise reporters to refrain from using
visual material. However, a majority of new media content includes visual expressions. The
current analysis showed that over 50% of suicide-themed content on YouTube involves
graphic, verbal, or textual illustrations of suicide methods, while the majority did not provide
any warning sign or crisis hotlines. Only 5% of the observed content required age registration
by the platform, which has been highlighted as a problem [50]. As young adults tend to obtain
information and resources through online channels, new media platforms might be the first or
most-frequently visited sources of information. Therefore, there is a need to revise the existing
guidelines to fit new media features.
This study is limited in that only content-related predictors were included in the analysis.
Platform affordances or external factors were not taken into consideration. Moreover, alterna-
tive measurement of viewer engagement should be considered, such as the positive comment
to negative comment ratio or the net comment calculated by the number of positive comments
subtracted by the number of negative comments. A more appropriate measure of viewer
engagement other than the number of views, likes, and comments will provide more fruitful
implications as positive engagement on sensitive topics like suicide enables collective coping.
In addition, the video samples analyzed in this study were search results, which had already
been filtered by the platform. This indicates that extremely triggering or harmful content had
already been removed from the website, which were, therefore, not included in the analysis.
However, it can be concluded that the sample did consist of videos maintained available on the
platform that an ordinary user would find using the same keyword. Lastly, the applicability of
research results can be another limitation since selecting a certain number of videos at a spe-
cific time in a specific location with specific language may not incorporate all instances of sui-
cide-themed videos on YouTube. Nonetheless, the selection of top several pages in the order of
relevance was the best alternative as the formula of search result presentation on YouTube is
unknown like a black box. Follow up studies pertaining to multiple location and language set-
tings can be helpful.
In order to determine whether dominant visual media platforms facilitate the diffusion of
suicidal thoughts, future studies are needed to identify the factors of dominant visual media
platform that augment or spread suicidal thoughts. As society continues to undergo digital
transformation, daily-visited new media sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, should
not facilitate suicide, but help to mitigate suicidal thoughts. The findings of this germinal
explorative study could help establish a cornerstone for a safe online community and a con-
structive communication ground, by examining societal issues and highlighting the responsi-
bilities of dominant visual new media platforms.
Supporting information
S1 Codebook.
S1 File.
S2 File.
Author Contributions
Supervision: Seongcheol Kim.
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Writing – original draft: Eun Ji Jung.
Writing – review & editing: Seongcheol Kim.
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