March 2021 | HP6653
Application for Loss of Earnings Form
Live Organ Donor
Please note: This is a llable form, If you wish to ll it out on your computer you
will need to download the form to your computer and save it before starting to ll it out.
Donor details
Family name Given name(s)
Date of birth NHI number
What gender do you identify as?
Gender diverse
Which ethnic group do you belong to? (Mark as many ethnicities as apply to you)
New Zealand European
Cook Island Maori
Other (Please state)
New Zealand residential address
Street No. and name
Overseas residential address (if applicable)
Street No. and name
Postal address (ifdierent)
Phone number Mobile number Email
I am donating:
A kidney to someone I know
A kidney to someone I don’t know
Part of my liver
I am donating as part of the kidney exchange programme
Recipient’s name (If you know who you are donating to or have a co-registered recipient in the kidney exchange programme)
Recipient’s address
Planned surgery date
You must send this application form to us before the date of your surgery
For ocial use only
Client ID
Hospital which assessed your suitability for donation
Donor liaison or transplant coordinator name Phone number Email
Hospital where donation will take place
Donor liaison or transplant coordinator name Phone number Email
Compensation for loss of earnings
more about eligibility for earnings compensation and how compensation is calculated from the ‘Compensation for
loss of earnings’ on the Ministry of Health website
Employment type (tick appropriate boxes)
Full-time employment Self-employed Voluntary employment Shareholder employee
Not in paid employment Not employed Part-time employment
Parental leave
Loss of earnings prior to surgery
Are you taking unpaid leave to attend medical appointments required for your
surgery to go ahead on the scheduled date?
Yes No
If Yes, what are the dates of the appointments?
Plans for returning to work
Do you plan to return to work on reduced hours while you recover from surgery?
Yes No Not sure
If Yes, what is the date of your anticipated return to work on reduced hours?
What average reduced weekly hours will you work?
What is your aniticpated return to work on your usual hours?
What are your usual average weekly hours?
March 2021 | HP6653
Employment details – Job 1
Business name
Employment type
New Zealand paid employee New Zealand shareholder employee
Self-employed (Please attach your most recent tax return)
Overseas earnings (Pleaseattachyourmostrecenttaxreturnfromtherelevanttaxauthorityinthatcountryandaveried
translation if this document is not in English)
Start date with employer
Manager name Payroll contact name
Phone number Phone number
Email address Email address
Postal address (if applicable) Postal address (ifdierent)
Employment details – Other jobs (if applicable)
If you have had more than one job over the last 12 months, please complete a multi-employer form on the Ministry of
Health’s website and attach it to this application.
Payment details (New Zealand bank account)
Nominated bank account(Pleaseattachaveriedcopyofthebankaccountdetails)
Bank Branch Account Name
Bank account number IRD number Student loan
Tax code (Provideyourprimarytaxcodeandlloutataxcodedeclaration(IR330)from
Note: ‘WT’ is not a valid tax code for this application
KiwiSaver: Are you a member?
Your contribution rate (%) Employer contribution rate (%) I am currently on a KiwiSaver holiday
Other superannuation scheme:
Yes (Please attach details: name, client reference number, contact details, amount)
Please contact IRD on 0800 277774 to discuss the impact of receiving compensation on your social benet entitlements
(eg, child support, working tax credits).
March 2021 | HP6653
March 2021 | HP6653
I, the person applying to be a qualifying donor, understand that this information is being collected in order
to correctly compensate me for lost earnings during my recuperation from donor surgery. For this reason, I
consent to
any necessary information being shared between the Ministry of Health and:
the Ministry of Social Development and/or Inland Revenue Department and relevant clinical agencies in
order to calculate the correct amount of compensation I should be paid, to help the Ministry of Health make
payments at the correct time and for the correct period of time.
my employer if any, to help the Ministry of Health to make payments for the correct period of time and
I understand that:
this information is being collected in order to correctly compensate me for lost earnings during my
recuperation from donor surgery
the information is being collected by the Ministry of Health, under the authority of the Compensation for
this information will be held by the Ministry of Health but may also be shared with the Ministry of Social
Development, and/or Inland Revenue Department and/or relevant clinical agencies, with my consent
provided by signing this application
my application will be declined if I fail to provide the information requested by the Ministry of Health
about me and to request corrections to that information
I am responsible for contacting Inland Revenue Department to discuss my child support obligations
conrm that:
the organ removal and transplant will occur in New Zealand or as part of the Australian and New Zealand
Kidney Exchange Program as I am registered with the New Zealand Kidney Exchange Programme
I will forego earnings as a result of taking unpaid leave or otherwise ceasing employment to allow for my
recuperation from the donor surgery, and/or to attend a medical appointment immediately prior to my
there has been no exchange of money between the recipient, an agent of the recipient and myself.
Signature of donor or their representative Date
This form can be completed in full by the potential organ donor with support from the donor liaision coordinator,
transplant coordinator or social worker
For help completing the form, phone: 0800 855 066
Once you have completed the form and have all your supporting documents, please either:
• Email everything to: [email protected] (Email is preferred)
• Mail everything to: Live Organ Donor Compensation
Sector Operations
Ministry of Health
New Zealand