1. To inform and promote enthusiasm
about neuroscience to residents of
North Carolina, targeting youth
2. To provide fun, structured
opportunities for students, faculty and
staff at the UNC Bowles Center for
Alcohol Studies to practice community
The Exhibit - Specifics & Numbers
Thanks to many UNC students, postdocs, faculty and staff who
participated in the events. Funding provided by NIH (P60
AA011605 “Molecular and Cellular Pathogenesis in Alcoholism:
Information Dissemination Component”) and the UNC Bowles
Center for Alcohol Studies.
North Carolina Museum of Life and
Science provided hands-on lab space
and support from museum staff
UNC Bowles Center for Alcohol
Studies provided new, brain-centered
exhibit staffed by scientist volunteers
Dana Foundation provided Brain
Awareness Week supplies (activity
books, pencils, brain erasers, stickers)
National Institute of Alcoholism and
Alcohol Abuse provided funding
through P60 Alcohol Research Center
at UNC and brochures on prevention
of alcohol abuse
Activity Guides
31 volunteer scientists from UNC and
the community
630 visitors (425 children, 205 adults)
Groups of 3-5 children (plus parents)
came through the exhibit at a time
Station 1: Brains
One scientist showed visitors the
brains, asking questions
Station 2: Robo-Brain
Three scientists worked with 2-3
children (and parents) each to
illustrate how to use the claw
Visitors wrote what they learned on
a poster board and received BAW
stickers and pencils
UNC Science Expo
An outdoor street fair on campus,
attended by over 10,000 people
Part of the NC Science Festival
9 scientists volunteered in 2 shifts
The “Claw
1. Brains
Human brain from the UNC Bowles
Center for Alcohol Studies
Sheep brains from Carolina
Biological Supply
Rat and mouse brains from
research labs (scheduled for
Brain models from
2. The “Claw
Claw Bundle from Backyard Brains
Small toy brains to pick up with the
3. Videos on prosthetic hands
Brain Awareness Week: Robo-Brain Interactive Exhibit
The following information was provided to all volunteers prior to their shift.
Activities in the Investigate Health Lab:
Station 1: The brain. The human brain that we bring is the star of the show. People are either excited or scared or
disgusted or curious they have definite opinions on touching a brain! Rat and mouse brains will be in small, sealed
vials. Sheep brains and the human brain can be touched by visitors, but only with gloves. Sheep and human brains need
to be kept damp when not in use (cover with a damp cloth).
One person will staff this station, and we can talk to visitors about the brain and how it controls our muscles and
behavior. We can talk about things like what parts of the brain control your muscles (the motor cortex), the spinal
cord (point out the foramen magnum where the spinal cord exits the skull), and how nerves (specialized cells in the
brain and spinal cord) communicate/send messages with electricity. Finally, introduce the concept that the brain
controls muscles (point out the motor cortex) and mention that neurons use electricity to move information from
one place to another. We can also bring up the concept of using electrical signals from the brain to control
prosthetics that could help people with limited mobility. Example questions are:
What makes you move? (muscles, your brain) What tells your muscles to move?
How does the brain talk to your muscles? What part of the brain controls our muscles?
If someone got hurt, what could keep someone from being able to move their legs or hands? Where could the
injury be? (motor cortex, spinal cord, arm or leg)
How could machines be used to help people who can’t move their arms or hands?
Station 2: The “Clawcontrolled by brain power. Two people will staff this station. This activity uses a portable EMG
to pick up the electrical potentials of your muscle to control a robotic claw. We will apply electrodes to the inside of the
forearm, above the flexor digitoris muscles. (A step-by-step guide is below.) We will lead the visitors through visualizing
the strength of the muscle contraction (little lights light up). Next, we will assist them to use the claw to pick up a plastic
brain and hold it as long as they can. You can get an idea of what we are doing by looking at the product description
Here is a step-by-step guide (don’t worry if it sounds complicated, we will train you on how to use it!):
Tell the visitor that we can use the electricity from their muscles to send a signal to the claw to and make it move.
We have a prop (next page) that shows the brain sending a signal to the muscle, and the muscle sending a signal to
the claw. *Ask them if they want to try.*
If they are willing, then tell them you will need to attach an electrode to their arm it will be taped on. *Again,
make sure they are ok with this, as some kids will be timid.*
We’ll use a set of muscles called the flexor digitoris muscles flexor means to flex, and digitoris refers to our fingers.
*Help the visitor to feel these muscles working before attaching any electrodes.* To feel these muscles, extend
your arm with your palm up. Make a fist and bring it back toward your body. You can feel the flexor muscles tighten.
(You can see a picture of this on the attached “Claw” instructions.)
When they feel it, it will make it more real that they are actually moving their muscle.
When you feel their muscle, you will have a good idea of where to attach the electrodes.
Public health messages. As always, we want some good take-
home messages. The exhibit shows how electrical activity from
our brain and muscles can be “picked up” and used to control a
robotic claw this is a simple model for a prosthetic. One message
is that scientists are working to use brain signals to control
prosthetics that can help people with various kinds of damage or
mobility issues. Another general public health message is to keep
our brains healthy. As we chat with kids and adults, we can
reinforce healthy behaviors: wearing helmets, eating healthy food,
protecting our brains from drugs and alcohol (or excessive alcohol
in the case of adults).
We will have brochures from NIH and SAMHSA on alcohol use
talking to your kids about alcohol, what is problem drinking, etc.
Please encourage adults to take these, and talk about research we
do to understand alcohol’s effects on the brain and body.
Freebies to give to kids. We will have pencils with brain erasers,
pins and stickers. Let children choose what they want (one item
per child). We will also have brochures on underage drinking and
how to talk to your kids about drinking for parents and educators.
Video on screen in lab space
Attach two electrodes on the visitors arm, above the muscle: one midway from wrist to elbow,
and one closer to the elbow.
Talk through what you are doing as you attach the leads to the electrodes. (They can’t feel
anything except the adhesive of the electrodes.) Make sure that they hold the metal part of the
black (ground) lead.
Now, before the claw is attached, have them tighten the muscles and see the LED lights on the
main board light up *make sure they can reach red.* If not, you can adjust the sensitivity with
the white button. Ideally, a strong contraction will reach red, but after a few seconds it will
flicker as the muscles fatigue. They will enjoy seeing the lights reflect their effort.
Next, you can attach the claw the yellow wire should be oriented toward the middle of the
board. Be gentle it won’t go down all the way.
Now when they contract you will still have the LEDs but also the claw will contract. (The red
button changes the direction of the claw try to keep it on contraction = closing.)
You can play around with trying to pick up the plastic brain with the claw and seeing how long
they can hold it. These muscles will fatigue, so its hard to hold it for more than a few seconds,
unless the sensitivity is set wrong.
Fun fact: researchers are using the electrical signals from the motor cortex of the brain (rather
than muscle) to do the same thing for people, so that robotic arms and devices can help them.
We know from experience that some kids will want to keep their electrodes on thats fine!
– Robo-Brain –
An interactive exhibit for Brain Awareness Week and beyond
Donita L. Robinson & Joyce Besheer
Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA