BSW Social Work 2023-24
Baccalaureate Degree Plan
NCCCS Associate in Arts or Associate in Science
transfer to
East Carolina University, BSW SOCIAL WORK
The Social Work, BSW is a program of classroom study and fieldwork. The program supports the concept that
professional social work practitioners in human services have a strong professional knowledge, skill, and value
base from which they offer services.
dmission to the Social Work, BSW is by application only.
Application to the program is made in the academic year preceding upper-division courses.
Admission decisions are made in the spring semester preceding fall admission into the major.
Students may be admitted provisionally.
A transfer student is eligible to apply for admission to the Social Work, BSW if they:
have completed a minimum of 32 hours of General Education credit;
have an overall ECU GPA of 2.5;
have completed the equivalent of SOCW 1010 and SOCW 2010* with a 2.5 GPA in both courses.
ansfer students should email an Academic Advisor as soon as possible, hhpadvi[email protected].
An example of how to plan your first 2 years of the traditional 4 years of study is included at the end of this document.
However, depending on when you transfer and how many recommended courses you take at the community college, it
may take longer than 4 years to complete any degree at ECU.
BIO 110
BIO 140,
CO 251
ENG 111
ENG 112
EA 110
IS 131
MAT 143 or 171
OL 120
Choose 2 from:
PSY 241
PSY 237
PSY 239
PSY 281
Choose 2 from:
SOC 210
SOC 220
SOC 225
SWK 110
Other courses to complete an AA or AS are student’s choice; no other current department
recommendations. Other equivalent courses may be listed in the degree requirements.
pletion of an approved NCCCS AA or AS waives the General Education requirement. For more
information about the waiver, click here.
For more information about General Education Core Requirements at ECU, and a list of specific course
ions, click here
ou do not have to complete all NCCCS equivalents or recommended courses before transferring.
However, taking minimal recommendations may prolong your time to degree at ECU.
Recommended courses to take at a North Carolina Community College
BSW Social Work 2023-24
Degree Requirements
General Education Core Requirements
40 semester hours credit required; completion of an approved AA or AS waives this requirement, with the
exception of Health Promotion and Health-Related Physical Activity.
Written Communication
ENG 111 and ENG 112 should be taken at the community college to
satisfy this competency.
Humanities & Fine Arts
At least one class should be labeled as Humanities (HU) and one
should be labeled as Fine Arts (FA).
Social Sciences
NCCCS HIS courses are not considered a social science at ECU.
Natural Sciences
One course must include a lab.
Choose MAT 143 or 171.
Health Promotion and Health-
Related Physical Activity
HEA 110 should be taken at the community college to satisfy this
Specific General
As part of the 40 hours, please include the following:
BIOL 1050 - General Biology
BIOL 1051 - General Biology Laboratory
BIOL 1060 - Environmental Biology
ECON 2113 - Principles of Microeconomics
MATH 1050 - Explorations in Mathematics or higher approved
general education math course
POLS 1010 - National Government
PSYC 1000 - Introductory Psychology
BIO 110
BIO 140, 140A
ECO 251
MAT 143
POL 120
PSY 150
Complete 15 hours as part of the Social and Behavioral Science
Choose one course:
HIST 1051 - American History Since 1877
HIST 3240 - The Age of Franklin Roosevelt, 1919-1945
HIST 3245 - The United States Since 1945
HIS 131
Choose two courses:
PSYC 2777 - Ethnocultural Psychology
PSYC 3206 - Developmental Psychology
PSYC 3221 - Social Psychology
PSYC 3300 - Psychology of Personality
PSYC 3375 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY 237
PSY 239
PSY 281
Choose two courses:
GENS 2400 - Introduction to Gender Studies
SOCI 1010 - Race, Gender, Class
SOCI 2110 - Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 2111 - Modern Social Problems
SOCI 3289 - Community Organization
SOCI 4347 - Social Inequality
OC 225
SOC 210
SOC 220
BSW Social Work 2023-24
SOCI 4350 - Social Change
Social Work Tier
Core Courses
Complete 57 hours.
SOCW 1010 - Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Work
SOCW 2010 - Introduction to Social Work Practice with Special
SOCW 3101 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment I
SOCW 3201 - Social Work Practice I
SOCW 3202 - Social Work Practice II
SOCW 3306 - Social Work Policy I
SOCW 3401 - Social Work Research I: Quantitative Methods and
SOCW 3402 - Social Work Research II: Qualitative Methods
SOCW 3501 - Writing for Social Work
SOCW 4102 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment II
SOCW 4203 - Social Work Practice III
SOCW 4306 - Social Work Policy II
SOCW 4980 - Pre-Field Capstone
SOCW 4990 - Field Education and Seminar
Choose 6 s.h. SOCW electives
SWK 110
General Electives
Complete requirements for graduation.
Students will be encouraged to choose electives to strengthen their total program.
Requirements in
North Carolina
The curriculum for all ECU Certificates, Degrees, and Minors have been designed to
meet the licensure/certification requirements in North Carolina and prepare students
to sit for licensure/certification exams in North Carolina. The various licensure boards
in each state are responsible for setting requirements for licensure/certification in
their state. Other states have their own requirements, and you’ll want to make sure
your program meets criteria in your home state (or state where you intend to work)
before you apply. Search our state Licensure Dashboard to see if the program you’re
interested in meets the educational requirements for licensing/certification in your
home state (or state where you intend to work).
The Social Work, BSW program fully subscribes to and is guided by the National
Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics. Applicants and students are
expected to demonstrate professional behavior which reflects a commitment to the
values and ethics of the social work profession as exemplified in the Code of Ethics.
Behavior and statements contrary to these ethics or the technical standards for
professional and ethical behavior may be cause for denial of the applicant’s
admission to or a student’s dismissal from the programs. Examples of behavior which
would warrant a review include, but are not limited to, derogatory oral and/or written
statements toward students, staff, faculty, agency representatives or clients.
Derogatory statements concerning racial, ethnic, cultural background, ability status,
religion, socio-economic background, gender or gender expression, sexual
orientation, or other status may also warrant review. Social workers work with people
from a variety of backgrounds and with a wide range of issues and concerns. It is
important that the social work student not permit personal issues and/or conditions to
interfere with this role.
BSW Social Work 2023-24
Potential 2 Year Map for BSW, Social Work
An example of courses to take at your community college.
First Semester at NCCCS Institution
NCCCS Course
ECU Transfer Equivalent
ENG 111
ENGL 1100
BIO 110
BIOL 1050, 1051
PSY 150
PSYC 1000
SKW 110
SOCW 1010
ACA 122
COAD 1XXX (elective credit)
Second Semester at NCCCS Institution
NCCCS Course
ECU Transfer Equivalent
MAT 143 or 171
MATH 1050 or 1065
PSY 237, 239, 241 or 281
PSYC 3221, 3300, 3206, 3375
ECO 251
ECON 2113
Humanities/Fine Arts course
BIO 140, 140A
BIOL 1060
hird Semester at a NCCCS Institution
NCCCS Course
ECU Transfer Equivalent
ENG 112
ENGL 2201
PSY 237, 239, 241 or 281
PSYC 3221, 3300, 3206, 3375
Humanities/Fine Arts course
HEA 110
HLTH 1000/KINE 1000
SOC 210, 225 or 220
SOCI 2110. 1010, or 2111
th Semester at a NCCCS Institution
NCCCS Course
ECU Transfer Equivalent
Humanities/Fine Arts course or 2
Math course
POL 120
POLS 1010
SOC 210, 225 or 220
SOCI 2110. 1010, or 2111
HIS 132
HIST 1051
Elective course or 2
Natural Science course
Schedule at ECU will depend on courses completed at the community college and semester of entry
(fall or spring).
ou should email [email protected] as soon as possible for more specialized advising.
s schedule is dependent on taking full-time course loads; however, it may not be realistic to take
ull-time course load if you are working full-time or part-time, are a caregiver, or have other obligations.
Ask your advisor how you can be most successful.