Western Michigan University
Residency Policy – for Admissions and/or Tuition and Fees Purposes
The governing board at each university in Michigan has the authority to establish a residency
policy for admissions and/or tuition and fee purposes. Therefore, residency policies will vary
between institutions and are independent of those used by the State to determine residency for
purposes such as income and property tax liability, driving and voting.
Any Western Michigan University student may apply for in-state resident status for any
semester/session in which they are enrolled in on campus courses by completing a residency
application in accordance with University procedure.
Since a student normally comes to Western Michigan University for the primary purpose of
attending the University rather than to establish a domicile in Michigan, one who enrolls in the
University as a non-resident shall continue to be deemed a non-resident, unless and until the
student demonstrates that his/her previous domicile has been abandoned and a Michigan
domicile established.
Domicile is defined as the place where an individual’s true, fixed and permanent home and
principle establishment is and to which the individual returns whenever absent from the
University. Twelve consecutive months of physical presence immediately preceding the first
day of classes is a strong indicator of domicile.
A. Residence of Student
A student may be considered domiciled in Michigan if the student is in continuous physical
presence in this state for one year (12 consecutive months) immediately preceding the first day
of classes of the term for which resident status is sought and intends to make Michigan his/her
permanent home and has no domicile elsewhere. The year of continuous presence is never the
only criterion used for determining in-state residency status and, by itself, will not qualify a
student for residency status for tuition paying purposes at Western.
B. Residence of Parents
The domicile of a dependent student is presumed to be the same as that of the student’s
parents. Regardless of whether the parent is the student’s custodial parent, a dependent
student with one or both parents domiciled in Michigan, according to Western’s Residency
Policy, is presumed to be eligible for resident status as long as the student has not taken steps
to establish a domicile outside of Michigan or any other action inconsistent with maintaining a
domicile in Michigan.
The domicile of a dependent student’s legal guardian(s) has the same evidentiary effect as that
of a dependent student’s parent(s), and references to parents in this policy shall include legal
guardians, only when the student is the dependent of the legal guardian, and such guardianship
has been established due to complete incapacity or death of the student’s natural parent(s). A
parent’s inability to provide funds necessary to support a college education does not qualify as
complete incapacity.
A dependent student who is living in Michigan and who is, according to Western’s Residency
Policy, permanently domiciled in Michigan would maintain resident status if the parents leave
Michigan provided: (1) the student has completed at least the junior year of high school prior to
the parent’s departure; (2) the student remains in Michigan, enrolled as a full-time student in
high school or an institution of higher education and (3) the student has not taken steps to
establish a domicile outside Michigan or any other action inconsistent with maintaining a
domicile in Michigan.
C. Residence of Spouse
The residence of a student who otherwise would be classified as a non-resident will follow that
of his/her spouse if the spouse qualifies as a resident for tuition-paying purposes.
D. Michigan High School Enrollment and Graduation
A Michigan high school graduate who completes his/her senior year at a Michigan high school,
remains physically present in Michigan immediately following high school graduation to the first
day of classes of the term in which the student is enrolled in on campus courses, and provides
the required State of Michigan tax documents of parent(s) or guardian(s) (for dependent
student) or student (if independent) qualifies as a resident student for tuition and fee purposes
at Western.
E. Returning Veterans
Western Michigan University supports returning WMU students, transfers, or new students who
are veterans by classifying all returning veterans as Michigan residents for tuition-paying
purposes beginning with their first semester/session of enrollment at WMU.
F. Individuals Holding Visas
International students attending on a student visa of F1, J1, or M1 and H (work) visas are in
Michigan on a temporary basis. By definition, these students are not able to establish a
permanent domicile in Michigan and should not apply for Michigan resident tuition unless they
qualify for residency under another provision of this policy such as residence of spouse.
Persons entitled to reside permanently in the United States may be eligible to obtain resident
status. These individuals must still prove that they have established a Michigan domicile as
defined in this policy. Currently, individuals will qualify under this classification only if they hold
and can provide one of the following 1) a fully processed Permanent Resident Alien Card or
passport stamp verifying final approval by the filing deadline established for the applicable term
2) an I-94 card with “Refugee” designation; or 3) an A, E (primary), G or I visa.
G. Migrant Worker (Seasonal/Agricultural Employment)
If an independent student, or the parent of a dependent student, has been employed as a
migrant worker in Michigan for a minimum of two (2) months each year for three (3) of the five
(5) years prior to the date of the proposed in-state classification or for a minimum of three (3)
months each year for two (2) of the five (5) years prior to the date of the proposed in-state
classification, the student shall be classified as a resident. Proof and verification of employment
is required. A migrant worker in Michigan is defined as one who travels to Michigan to pursue
agricultural or related industry employment.
H. In-State Tuition Rates Required by Law
Western Michigan University will comply with all state and federal laws that require a student to
be classified as a Michigan resident for the purpose of tuition and fees.
I. Misrepresentation and Falsification of Information
Students who provide false or misleading information or who intentionally omit relevant
information on their admissions application or the residency application or any other document
relevant to residency eligibility may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal measures. Decisions
made based upon misrepresented or falsified information may be revoked.
J. Appeal Process
Any student may appeal the decision on their residency application by following the prescribed
appeal process. Failure to comply with the procedure shall constitute a waiver of all claims to
reclassification or rebates for the applicable semester/session. The student will receive a
written response on the appeal request. The decision on the residency appeal shall be the final
recourse within the University.
K. Required Documentation
A student must provide the following documentation when applying for residency.
A copy of their valid Michigan driver’s license and/or a copy of the Michigan driver’s license
of the person(s) upon whom the applicant is basing the claim to resident eligibility.
Verification of U.S. citizenship or of visa status if the applicant was born outside of the
United States. This verification may be based upon information already provided by the
student to the University through the admission process.
Any other documentation requested by the University that is deemed necessary to support
the applicant’s claim to residency eligibility.
When applicable, applicants claiming in-state residency will be asked to provide documentation
verifying the 12-month consecutive domicile requirement of Western’s policy. Types of
documentation that may be requested include proof of employment, proof of Michigan personal
income taxes being withheld, copies of recent Michigan and federal tax returns and W2 or 1099
forms, and enrollment verification at a Michigan school, if applicable. Additional documentation
may also be requested. The application procedure for residency specifies additional detail on
the nature of documentation that is required. In addition, the documentation provided must
apply to the person(s) upon whom the applicant is basing the claim to resident eligibility.
L. Initial Residency Classification
A student enrolling at Western for the first time shall be classified as a resident or non-resident
for tuition paying purposes. The student is responsible for reading the Residency Policy and to
register under the proper residency classification. Admissions reviews the residency
classification at the time of application. If an application does not denote residency status, a
status of non-resident will be assigned. If an applicant indicates Michigan residency on the
admissions application and Admissions questions this status then the applicant will be classified
as a non-resident. Additionally, if an applicant previously attended Western as a non-resident
and reapplies for admission, he/she will be classified as a non-resident at the time of
readmission. Questions raised regarding a student’s Michigan residency do not necessarily
mean that the student will be ineligible for in-state residency. It simply means that the
student’s circumstance must be documented by completing an application for a change in
residency status.
M. Establishing a Michigan Domicile
The circumstances and activities described in sections A through H above may demonstrate
Michigan domicile, though not conclusive or exhaustive, they may lend support to a claim of
eligibility for resident status.
The following circumstances, standing alone, shall not constitute sufficient evidence of domicile
to effect classification of a student as a resident under these regulations; however, they do
provide some supporting evidence.
A Michigan’s driver license
Enrollment in a Michigan educational institution
Michigan employment
Payment of Michigan income or property taxes
Ownership of property in Michigan
12-month lease in Michigan
Presence of relative(s) in Michigan (other than parent(s) for dependent student)
N. Administration of the Policy
The Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance will administer this policy and is
authorized to establish procedures to effectuate and interpret the Residency Policy. The
Accounts Receivable Office may grant residency status based upon the use of professional
judgment in applying this policy.
Approved by Board of Trustees 7/23/2010
Accounts Receivable Office, Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo,+
MI+49008‐5210+according to the schedule below. Your application must include your WESTERN
IDENTIFICATION+NUMBER+(WIN)+and+you+must%be%registered%for%classes+before+you r+
application+will+be+processed+for+the+semes ter/session+requested.+
Earliest%Date%to%Turn%in%A pplication:%
First%Day%of%Clas se s%
First%Day%of%Clas se s%
First%Day%of%Clas se s%
First%Day%of%Clas se s%
immediate+denial+and/or+delay+the+processing+of+your+applicatio n+for+a+change+in+residency+
status+for+tuition‐paying+purposes. ++All+official+actions+conce rning+the+review+of+your+residency+
_____+ Signed+and+Dated+Application+(Page+2+Application )+
_____+ State+Tax+Return+with+W2+forms+included+
_____+ Federal+Tax+Return+with+W2+forms+included+
_____+ NR+ (Non‐Resident)+Tax+Retu rn+from+prior+state+
_____+ Cop y+of+valid+Michigan+driver’s+license+for+self+and/or+person+u pon+whom+claim+in+based+
_____+ Document+verifying+U.S.+Citizenship+(if+applicant+is+bo rn+outside+of+U.S.)+
_____+ Document+verifying+VISA+status+(if+applicant+is+born+outside+of+U.S.)+
_____+ Letter(s)+from+employer(s)+verifying+employment+during+the+last+12+months+
_____+ Cop y+of+first+and+most+recent+pay+stub+for+th is+calendar+year+
_____+ Record+of+In‐person+financial+transactions+(ATM,+Debit,+Credit+Card+activity)++
_____+ Mar riage+Certificate+(if+applicable)+
_____+ Unofficial+transcr ipt+from+school(s)+attended+during+the+last+12+months+(except+WMU)++
File No.
Application for Resident Classification for University Admission and/or Fee Purposes
(Submit this application to the Accounts Receivable Office, WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY, 1903 W. MICHIGAN AVENUE,
KALAMAZOO, MI 49008-5210 by the established semester/session submission dates. You must sign, date and include all required
documents. Keep a copy for your records.)
Please type or print in blue or black ink.
1 Name
/ / /
Last First Middle Former
2 WIN ______________________________
3 Address City State Zip Code 4 Phone Number
/ / / /
5 Birthdate: Month ______ Day ______ Year_______ 6 Place of Birth: City ___________________ State ____ Country _______________
7 State of Legal Residence _____________________ How long have you lived in Michigan? ______________ 8 U.S. Citizen: YES NO
9 Non-U.S. Citizen Only
: My Country of Citizenship is ___________________
I have an I-551 Immigrant Visa. Date: _____________ I currently have a _______________ Visa. Date: __________________
(Please note that you must
include a copy of your Alien Registration Card (Visa) with this application.)
10 This application is for (check one):
Fall _______ Spring _______ Summer I ________ Summer II ________
11 Currently Enrolled (check one)
YES 12 Status: Undergraduate 13 Major: _______________________
NO Graduate
14 In the space below list all schools attended during the past two years. Include WMU as well as other colleges, universities, post high school
educational programs and high school if applicable.
Name of School/College/University Address (City, State) Dates Attended Resident Classification
15 List your current and all previous addresses (most recent first) for the past two years.
Address Dates (From – To) Landlord Information
Name Telephone No.
16 List all your employers during the past two years. (A letter verifying your employment from each of your employer(s) during the past 12 months
be attached along with a copy of your first and most recent paycheck stubs for this calendar year.)
Employer – Company Name & Address Supervisor Name Phone Number Employment Dates (From-To)
Page 2
17a Are you rec
eiving scholars
hips, fellowships, assistantships and/or student financial aid this current year? (check one)
b Have you received scholarships, fellowships, assistantships and/or student financial aid in prior years? (check one) NO YES
If “YES” to 17 a or b, please provide information in the space below beginning
with the current year awards.
Type of Aid Received (include Department/College) Dollar Amount Dates Received (Seme
18 My request to change my resident status is based on (check one):
My status as a Michigan residency Michi
an residency
Michigan resident of my parent(s) of my spouse **
(**A photocopy of your Marriage Certificate must
be included with this application.)
19 If
your status is based on a parent(s) or spouse being a Michigan resident as
indicated in Section 18, you must complete Section 19 in its
entirety and include documents as requested. Otherwise, please proceed to Section 20 on this form.
State of Legal Residence of parent(s) or spouse: _____________________ How long has parent(s) or spouse lived there? _______
How long has parent(s) or s
pouse resided in Michigan
through present date? _________________________________________
My parent(s) or spouse’s address is the
Same as OR Different than listed in Section 3. (If different, list the address below.)
Address City State
Zip Code
_______________________________________/______________________ ______________/_____________________/___________________
(Circle One) My
spouse / parent
currently enrolled at WMU?
NO YES If Yes, provide (Western Identification Number) WIN ______________________________
currently employed at WMU?
NO YES If Yes, list position and department: ____________________________________________
currently employed in the State of Michigan?
NO YES If Yes, complete employment information below.
Name and Address of Michi
gan Employer Phone Number Dates of Employment
___________________________________________________________/______________/___________________ ______________________
(A lett
er from the employer verifying employment of spouse/parent MUST be included with this application along with a copy of
the first and most recen
t paycheck stubs for this calendar year.)
20 Were you claimed as a depend
ent on any person’s income
tax returns (federal and state) during either or both of the past two years?
NO YES If “YES”, please complete the following information.
Name Address
Relationship to You
/ /
(NOTE: If your residency status is based on that of your parent(s) or spouse in Section 18, a copy of the federal and state tax
returns and W2s for your parent(s) or spouse must
be included with this application. Otherwise you must include your individual
federal and state tax returns and W2s with this application.)
You must include a brief but complete statement justifying your claim for residency for tuition-paying purposes by citing the
residency policy stipulations under which you q
y. A
h ad
ditional sheets, if needed.
22 Your signature is required to complete this application.
I have read and understand the Residenc
y Policy of WMU. I hereby certify that
all answers on this application and in all attachments thereto are true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize WMU to
verify all facts to my claim to residency. Misrepresentation and falsification of information may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal measures.
Signature __________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________
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