Advancing Mobile App Development and Generative AI Education through MIT App
David Y.J. Kim
, Anqi Zhou
, Yasuhiro Sudo
, Kosuke Takano
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kanagawa Institute of Technology
This study evaluates MIT App Inventor's efficacy in
teaching Computational Thinking and Generative AI to a
diverse international student cohort. Centered on a five-
day workshop, we focus on teaching students to create
mobile applications that harness the power of Generative
AI. The use of App Inventor, known for its block-based
coding, made programming more accessible and engaging,
particularly for novices. Participants' feedback indicated a
significant shift in their perception of programming. They
reported increased confidence and motivation to integrate
these skills into daily life. The student-developed
applications during the workshop demonstrated practical
applications of their learning, aligning with the concept of
Computational Action the application of computational
thinking in real-world scenarios. The research highlights
App Inventor's strengths as an educational tool and
suggests enhancements for its interface and features. It
sheds light on the tool's role in encouraging technological
proficiency and creativity among global student
Computational Thinking, Generative AI, MIT App
Inventor, Computational Action
Technology exerts a profound transformative impact on
society, altering our lives on an unparalleled scale. Rather
than merely being passive consumers, we envisage a future
where individuals actively contribute to technological
progress. However, the path to this vision of
democratizing technology is frequently hindered by its
intricate nature. Numerous efforts from researchers,
practitioners, and educators have been made to address this
challenge through various approaches. Among these is the
implementation of block-based programming, exemplified
by platforms like Scratch (Maloney et al., 2010). Another
example is MIT App Inventor (Wolber, Abelson, and
Friedman, 2015), which enables anyone to craft unique
applications for smartphones and tablets. Users of App
Inventor develop apps by arranging and connecting
geometric, tinker-toy-like blocks through a drag-and-drop
interface on their browser screen. The platform then
translates these block assemblies into executable apps
compatible with Android or iOS devices.
MIT App Inventor has demonstrated its effectiveness in
sparking interest among numerous students in creating
mobile applications (Perdikuri, 2014), even for young
middle school students (Grover and Pea, 2013). However,
most of these curricula have been evaluated primarily with
students in the United States, leaving it uncertain whether
they hold the same effectiveness for students abroad.
This paper explores this question through an intensive one-
week workshop designed for Japanese university students,
many of whom had no prior experience in coding or even
using tools like App Inventor. The selection of participants
was notably diverse, encompassing students from various
academic backgrounds, thus presenting a unique
opportunity to evaluate the efficacy of block-based coding
as a universal tool outside of the States for imparting
computational thinking education. This paper details the
structure of the workshop, the pedagogical strategies
employed, and the outcomes observed, shedding light on
the transformative potential of block-based coding in
education abroad.
1.1. Computational Thinking Education
Computational Thinking (CT), popularized by Jeannette
Wing in her seminal 2006 paper (Wing, 2006), represents
a fundamental paradigm in modern education, emerging as
a critical skill set akin to reading, writing, and arithmetic.
At its core, Computational Thinking involves problem-
solving methods and techniques that draw from the
domain of computer science, yet its application transcends
far beyond the confines of programming. The implications
of CT education are profound. By fostering computational
thinking skills, educators are preparing students for a
future where digital literacy is paramount. Moreover, CT
education promotes problem-solving skills, logical
reasoning, and creativity, which are valuable in various
fields (Kong and Abelson, 2022).
1.2. Computational Action
Computational action represents the practical
implementation of computational thinking concepts.
Computational action is characterized by its application in
real-world scenarios, iterative process of refinement,
emphasis on collaboration and communication, outcome-
oriented nature, and direct engagement with technology
(Tissenbaum, Sheldon, and Abelson, 2019). It goes
beyond theoretical understanding, involving the creation of
tangible solutions like software applications, algorithms,
or systems. This transition is critical, particularly in
educational contexts, as it enables learners to apply
abstract principles to real-world tasks, thereby solidifying
their understanding and enhancing their problem-solving
skills. This practical approach is essential in the
educational process, helping students not only reinforce
their computational thinking but also gain confidence and
skills in technological innovation and creation (Du et al.,
1.3. MIT App Inventor
The App Inventor's design philosophy is centered around
democratizing software development by enabling users of
varying programming expertise to create mobile
applications. It utilizes a block-based programming
language (Patton, Tissenbaum, Harunani, 2019).
The block-based language allows users to "snap" together
command blocks to create a program, eliminating the need
for syntax and reducing common coding errors. In the App
Inventor environment, the app creation process is divided
into two main parts: the Designer and the Blocks Editor.
Figure 1. Designer section of App Inventor
Designer (Figure 1): The Designer is used to build the
layout of the application. Users can drag and drop
components, such as buttons, images, or sliders, onto a
visual representation of a phone screen. This way, users
can build the app's user interface without writing a single
line of code.
Figure 2. Blocks Editor in App Inventor
Blocks Editor (Figure 2): The Blocks Editor is where the
app's behavior is defined. Users can select from a pallet of
blocks that represent different functions or variables, and
drag them into the workspace. By connecting different
blocks, users define the app's responses to user inputs or
other events.
1.4. Educating Students about Generative AI
Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that
can generate new content, ideas, or data that are novel and
not merely a reshuffling of existing information. This field
has seen a significant surge in both interest and
development in recent years, primarily due to advances in
machine learning and neural network technologies
(OpenAI, 2016). Generative AI holds the capacity to
profoundly transform numerous facets of human society,
bringing with it a spectrum of both positive and negative
impacts. It is crucial for an increasing number of people to
not only become aware of this transformative technology
but also to possess the skills and understanding necessary
to integrate it into their daily lives effectively. The
importance of educating about these technologies becomes
increasingly critical. Education in generative AI not only
involves understanding the technical workings of these
systems but also encompasses a broader comprehension of
their ethical, societal, and practical implications (Sharples,
2023). Recently, the MIT App Inventor acquired an
innovative addition to its platform - a chatbot/imagebot
component. This new feature abstracted the integration of
advanced generative AI models, like OpenAI's ChatGPT
and Dall-E (Shi et al. 2020), into mobile applications built
with App Inventor. With just a few programming blocks,
developers can now tap into the power of these AI models,
opening up a wide range of possibilities for app
An assessment of the workshop's effectiveness was
primarily based on the feedback provided by the students
and the evaluation of the projects presented on the final
day. These projects served as a practical indicator of the
students' grasp of the concepts and skills imparted during
the workshop.
Figure 3. Experience in coding and in App Inventor
The workshop titled “Harnessing Generative AI in Mobile
Application Development” was conducted at the
Kanagawa Institute of Technology. It spanned five days,
with each session lasting three hours. The participant
group comprised 23 in-person students at the Kanagawa
Institute of Technology and 60 to 100 remote students,
primarily students from Malaysia and Indonesia.
The workshop's primary objective was to introduce
students, many of whom had minimal to no experience in
coding, as you can see in Figure 3, to the basics of mobile
application development using App Inventor. A special
emphasis was placed on the integration of generative AI
components, showcasing the potential of block-based
coding in teaching computational thinking and practical
application skills.
Figure 4. Curriculum of the workshop
As shown in Figure 4, the first three days of the workshop
were dedicated to hands-on tutorials in App Inventor,
focusing particularly on utilizing its new chatbot and
imagebot components. These sessions were designed to
provide step-by-step guidance, enabling students to
become familiar with block-based coding and the
essentials of mobile app creation.
On the fourth day, the workshop shifted its focus to the
foundational concepts of generative AI. This segment
included both theoretical and practical elements, aiming to
enhance students' understanding of how generative AI
operates and how it can be incorporated into mobile
applications. This was particularly relevant given the use
of AI components in the App Inventor activities.
The workshop culminated on the fifth day with student
presentations. Each participant or group was tasked with
presenting a simple mobile application they had developed
using App Inventor, which incorporated elements of
generative AI. This session provided an opportunity for
students to demonstrate their understanding and creative
application of the skills acquired during the workshop.
An assessment of the workshop's effectiveness was
primarily based on the feedback provided by the students
and the evaluation of the projects presented on the final
day. These projects served as a practical indicator of the
student's grasp of the concepts and skills imparted during
the workshop. The IRB approval was obtained from
Kanagawa Institute of Technology, ensuring that all
research methods, participant recruitment, and data
handling procedures complied with ethical standards and
regulatory guidelines.
The students' final presentations were particularly
impressive, considering that most of them had never heard
of MIT App Inventor before the workshop and for many,
English was not their primary language. Despite these
challenges, they showcased remarkable ingenuity in
integrating generative AI with mobile application
development into their everyday lives. For instance,
highlighted in Figure 5, a standout project was an app
developed by a student using a chatbot to determine a
random ‘lucky color’. This color then inspired the
generation of images of items in that hue, along with
information on where to find these items. The student
noted, “This app helps me choose the color of my shirt
each day,” brilliantly demonstrating the practical use of
chatbot and imagebot functionalities. This example
underscores the students' capacity to creatively utilize AI
tools, significantly enhancing their daily routines and
decision-making processes, all achieved within the context
of navigating a new programming language and working
in a non-native language.
Figure 5. Example of an app a student created
We also show both qualitative and quantitative results
based on the student survey after the workshop ended.
3.1. Did students become more confident in
The five-day workshop utilizing MIT App Inventor for
mobile application development significantly influenced
the participants' views on programming. Attendees who
already had an interest in programming noted less change
in their perspective. In contrast, for many others, the
workshop was an eye-opening experience, revealing its
simplicity and accessibility.
The workshop boosted the participants' confidence in
programming. Individuals who previously found
programming challenging or had struggled with mobile
app development reported that the workshop rendered
these tasks more manageable and enjoyable. Someone
mentioned that “Before diving into programming, I was
overwhelmed and doubted my ability to master it.
However, once I began to learn, my confidence grew,
sparking a genuine interest in application development.”
Figure 6.
Additionally, A considerable number of participants
discovered a new enthusiasm for programming, largely
attributed to the user-friendly and less intimidating nature
of the block-based approach, as opposed to traditional line
coding. As one student noted “I had the impression that
programming would be difficult, but this lecture made me
realize the freedom and ease of programming. Thanks to
this, I became interested in programming.” Our workshop
effectively made software development more tangible and
engaging, particularly for beginners, by demystifying the
The practicality of the workshop was another key aspect
highlighted by attendees. One student mentioned This
workshop introduced us to block programming which is
straightforward, requiring no prior coding experience.”
Others mention that it helped clarify fundamental
programming concepts such as event handling, data
storage, and the overall logic of programming languages.
The workshop proved to be revelatory for those initially
skeptical or unfamiliar with block-based programming,
demonstrating how this kind of programming can
streamline and elevate the development process.
Furthermore, the workshop showcased the exciting
possibilities of integrating AI into app development. It not
only sparked an interest in programming and AI among
participants but also shed light on alternative approaches
to programming, such as visual programming and the use
of pre-built components, highlighting the diverse
applications and versatility of AI.
3.2. Was App Inventor an effective tool to learn?
Participants unanimously lauded MIT App Inventor for its
user-centric, accessible interface, highlighting its particular
appeal to novices and those with minimal coding
background. Its simplicity, a stark contrast to traditional
coding approaches, stood out as a significant benefit. The
platform's block-based, drag-and-drop interface was
celebrated for demystifying the app development process,
as encapsulated by one participant's remark, “It is easy to
tinker around with blocks, making programming far less
daunting than traditional line coding.”
Figure 7.
The ease with which users could navigate and utilize App
Inventor was a recurring theme among feedback. Its direct,
no-frills functionality facilitated a seamless and swift app
creation experience, devoid of the complexities often
associated with coding. The platform’s design, inherently
accommodating to those without a coding pedigree,
enables the swift and straightforward development of
mobile applications. This accessibility is pivotal,
positioning App Inventor as an invaluable resource across
a broad spectrum of users, particularly those venturing into
programming for the first time. Moreover, the platform’s
intuitive structure allows users to quickly comprehend
both the logic behind app development and its design
aspects. This feature was especially attractive to
participants who, despite finding traditional coding
barriers, were keen on venturing into mobile app
Also, some praised the geometric tinkering process of App
Inventor. One student noted “the workshop ignited my
interest in programming, particularly because I tend to
avoid tasks that require extensive memorization, like
learning a programming language. The transformation of
programming into a puzzle-like format simplified the
learning process for me, allowing me to grasp the
underlying concepts of the project more intuitively.”. The
visual nature of App Inventor, where coding is akin to
solving puzzles, was highlighted as a feature that enhances
learning and retention, especially for those who struggle
with writing code from memory. The platform was also
lauded for its ability to facilitate understanding of
technological developments and for making programming
a more approachable and enjoyable experience.
Furthermore, the platform was recognized for its
efficiency in frontend development and its broad
functionality, supporting various features needed for
smartphone application creation as one mentioned “The
breadth of functionality that allows for the implementation
of a complete set of functions needed to create a
smartphone application, as well as support for external
hardware such as pose estimation, ChatBot, cloud, Lego,
etc.” The convenience of real-time programming checks
and the reduced need for high-end equipment were also
3.3. What can App Inventor improve?
The feedback from participants on MIT App Inventor was
varied, focusing on enhancements in user interface (UI)
design, additional features, and educational resources.
UI/UX Design Improvements: Several respondents
suggested more flexibility and customization options in the
UI design of the platform. This included a desire for more
UI components and the ability to edit code directly for
customizing UI and logic. Improvements in UI/UX design
were a recurring theme, with suggestions like a more user-
friendly interface and the introduction of features like dark
Enhanced Features: Participants expressed interest in
seeing more advanced features in App Inventor. Specific
suggestions included improved functionality for the
chatbot and imagebot components, image recognition AI,
and an in-built emulator for quick app testing. Some users
also requested more variety in components for editing user
interfaces and a desire for the platform to support
Educational Resources: Requests for more
comprehensive educational resources were common. This
included more advanced tutorials, both in video and PDF
formats, complete documentation about the blocks, and
additional tutorials on diverse topics, including game
development. The idea of making tutorials more accessible
and inclusive for various learning environments was also
Accessibility and Language Support: Enhancements in
accessibility features, such as Japanese language support
and a clearer display of warnings and commands, were
mentioned. Suggestions for an offline mode and
improvements in the website's UI/UX were also proposed.
Performance and Bug Fixes: Addressing performance
issues and fixing bugs were noted as areas for
improvement. This includes dealing with issues where
blocks do not display or the display freezes.
Community and Collaboration Features: Some
participants suggested features to facilitate sharing and
collaboration directly within the app, such as enabling
multiple users to work on an app simultaneously and
hosting activities to promote App Inventor's growth
Transparency in Coding: A few responses indicated an
interest in seeing the block-based code translated into
standard programming language notation, which could
help those interested in transitioning to traditional coding.
In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of MIT App
Inventor as an educational tool for imparting
Computational Thinking and Generative AI skills to
students globally, extending beyond the confines of the
United States. The workshop, encompassing a blend of
theoretical learning and hands-on practice over five days,
effectively guided students through the core principles and
practical applications of programming. The strategic use of
App Inventor was instrumental in this process, enabling
students to engage with coding constructs visually. This
approach not only facilitated a deeper understanding of
programming concepts but also made the learning journey
more accessible and less daunting for beginners.
Our analysis reveals that students overwhelmingly favored
the block-based programming approach offered by App
Inventor, appreciating its intuitiveness and ease of access.
The feedback underscored a significant enhancement in
their confidence in programming, coupled with a
newfound inspiration to integrate these skills into their
daily lives. Importantly, the various applications
developed by the students during the workshop are a
testament to their creative engagement with the tool. These
applications reflect not just a grasp of programming
concepts but also a broader vision of using technology as a
means of personal and community development.
This aligns closely with the essence of Computational
Action, where the application of learned skills in real-
world scenarios is as crucial as the learning itself. The
successful implementation of App Inventor in this context
showcases its potential as a powerful catalyst in the realm
of educational technology, particularly in fostering a
deeper, more practical understanding of Computational
Thinking and Generative AI across diverse student
populations. The study thereby contributes valuable
insights into the scalability and adaptability of such
educational tools in a global educational landscape,
highlighting their role in shaping a technologically adept
and innovative future generation.
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