Application Checklist
Last Name ___________________________ First Name____________________________
U of G ID ____________________________ Proposed Level of Study_________________
Citizenship Status________________________________
Declaration of Canadian Indigenous Status?____________
Graduate Program Assistant Name____________________________________________________
Your Graduate Program Assistant must receive all components of your award application via e-mail
by the due date (11:59 p.m. EST on January 31, 2024).
Complete Application Package
OGS Application Checklist complete
OGS Application Form (pages 1-8) complete and, if not a current Guelph student, complete
application for admission to a Guelph graduate program submitted
Academic Assessment Report 1:
Name of Referee____________________________________________________
Email Address of Referee_____________________________________________
Academic Assessment Report 2:
Name of Referee____________________________________________________
Email Address of Referee_____________________________________________
Student Signature_____ ___________________ Dat
Protection of Privacy: We are committed to protecting your privacy. Personal information is collected under the authority of the
University of Guelph Act and pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have questions
about the use and disclosure of your personal information, call the Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies at (519)
824-4120 ext. 56833. You can also find more information about access to information and protection of privacy at the University of
Guelph from the University_Secretariat .
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Application Form
Personal Information
Last Name: First Name:
U of G ID:
Date of Birth (yyyy/mm/dd):
U of G Email Address:
All correspondence regarding the status of your application will be communicated to you by email to your Guelph email address.
Citizenship Status
If you selected Permanent Resident, Protected Person, or Student Visa, please provide the date your residency status was received.
Date Residency Status Received:
Applicants are invited to indicate on a voluntary basis whether they are Indigenous Canadians.
Are you Indigenous Canadian? (Optional)
Proposed Studies for OGS Funding at U of G
Proposed Level: Proposed Department/School:
Current/Most Recent Studies:
Current/Most Recent Institution Attended:
Current/Most Recent Department:
Current/Most Recent Program Level:
If you are not currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program, please indicate the date of degree completion for your
most recent degree (yyyy/mm/dd):
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Select One
2024-2025 Ontario Graduate Scholarship Application
Last Name U of G ID
Previous Studies
Starting with the most recent/current institution, please list all of the post-secondary institutions you have attended.
reviously Held Government
Funded Awards
Social Sc
iences and Hum
Research Council (SSHRC)
Total years held:
Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council (NSERC)
Total years held
Canadian Institute of Health Research
(CIHR) l
Total years held
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)
Total years held
Queen Elizabeth II Graduate
Scholarship in Science & Technology
Total years held
Ontario Trillium Scholarship (OTS)
Total years held
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship
Total years held
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2024-2025 Ontario Graduate Scholarship Application Last Name
U of G ID
Research Proposal/Plan of Study/Statement of Interest (must not exceed space provided)
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2024-2025 Ontario Graduate Scholarship Application
Last Name U of G ID
Bibliography and Citations (must not exceed space provided
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2024-2025 Ontario Graduate Scholarship Application
Last Name U of G ID
List of Publications and Presentations (must not exceed space provided)
Use an R to indicate refereed work.
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2024-2025 Ontario Graduate Scholarship Application
Last Name U of G ID
List of Significant Academic Accomplishments (must not exceed space provided)
E.g., Internships, research projects, involvement in student organizations, volunteer work.
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2024-2025 Ontario Graduate Scholarship Application
Last Name U of G ID
List of Scholarships and Awards (attach additional page if needed)
Name of Scholarship,
Award, Prize, etc.
Type of Award (e.g.
National, Provincial,
Year(s) Awarded Amount (if applicable)
Special Circumstances (Optional) (must not exceed space provided)
Describe any special considerations such as health problems, family responsibilities, disabilities, pandemic-related
impacts, or other circumstances that have had an effect on your performance or productivity, including delays in
disseminating your research results or completing your degree.
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2024-2025 Ontario Graduate Scholarship Application Last
Name U of G ID
Notices, consents, declaration
, and signatur
e of applicant
Collection and Disclosure of Information:
The Ministry of Colleges & Universities (MCU) has provided the University of Guelph (university) with funding to administer the
Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) Program and the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology
(QEII-GSST). As a condition of this funding, the university is required to make reports to MCU of your contact information, the
amount of funding you receive, and information related to your program of study. This personal information will be used by MCU
to administer and finance the OGS/QEII-GSST Program. If you apply for the Ontario Student Assistance Program, this personal
information will be used to update your OSAP application or award, including your declared income. Administration includes:
public reporting on the administration and financing of the OGS/QEII-GSST Program; monitoring and auditing the university or
its authorized agents to ensure that they are administering the OGS/QEII-GSST Program appropriately; conducting risk
management, error management, audit and quality assessment activities; and conducting policy analysis, evaluation and
research related to all aspects of student assistance. Financing includes: planning, arranging or providing funding for the OGS/
QEII-GSST Program.
The Ministry administers the OGS/QEII-GSST Program under the authority of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.19, as amended. If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, contact the
Director, Student Financial Assistance Branch, Ministry of Colleges & Universities, P.O. Box 4500, 189 Red River Road, 4th
Floor, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6G9.
Applicant's consent to indirect collection and disclosure of personal information
• I agree that the University may, without limitation, collect, use and disclose personal information about me that is relevant to the
administration and financing of OGS/QEII-GSST with: its authorized financial administration agents a nd auditors; my
academic references; SSHRC; NSERC; CIHR; bodies identified on this application form and other bodies, including
government bodies within and outside Canada that administer scholarships for graduate study or student loans; the
Ministry's contractors, auditors and third party administrators; Ministry of Government Services and collection agencies it
operates or retains; and consumer reporting agencies.
ree that the University may without limitation, collect, use and disclose personal information about me that is relevant to the
consideration of my OGS application and its report to the Minister with respect to the granting of the OGS/QEII-GSST
with: the Ministry, my academic references and the selection panel it appoints to assess my application.
• I ag
Applicant's Declaration
• I have given complete and true information on this application form and in the required supporting documentation.
• I understand that I am responsible for providing all required supporting documentation as
indicated on my application or as
directed by the Ministry or my eligible Ontario institution in respec
t of my eligibility for an OGS or QEII-GSST.
• I understand that information I provide will be verified and audited and the Ministry may also conduct inspections and investigations.
• I will keep a copy of my application and all required supporting documentation
in the event that I am required to produce
this information for audit, verification, inspection or investigation purposes.
• I will promptly not
ify the University in
writing of any changes to the information that I have provided and
of any changes to my
eligibility for an OGS/QEII-GSST, including ceasing to be enrolled in an eligible program at
an eligible Ontario
institution; receiving an NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR, Vanier, Trillium.
• I understand that any change to the information I provide and any change resulting from verification and audit will result
in a reassessment.
• I understand that if my application is reassessed, it may affect my eligibility and the amount of my
if required I will promptly repay all or
part of my OGS/QEII-GSST.
Student Signature
Protection of Privacy: We are committed to protecting your privacy. Personal information is collected under the authority of the University of Guelph Act and
pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have questions about the use and disclosure of your personal information,
call the Office of Graduate Studies at (519) 824-4120 ext. 56833 or visit the Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies website. For further information about
access to information and protection of priva
cy at the University of Guelph, visit the University Secretariat website.
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