PHS-1881-1 (Rev. 01/23)
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PSC Publishing Services (301) 443-6740 EF
U.S. Public Health Service
Commissioned Corps Headquarters
Personnel and Career Management Branch
U.S. Public Health Service
Commissioned Corps Headquarters (CCHQ)
Personnel and Career Management Branch (PCMB)
1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite 300
Rockville, MD 20852
THIS CONTRACT is entered into by and between the United States of America, hereinafter called the Government, represented by the
Contracting Officer executing this contract, and (Name of Contractor and address)
hereinafter called the Contractor. The parties hereto agree that the contractor shall perform all services set forth in Terms and Conditions (on
reverse side).
PERIOD COVERED: From (mm/dd/yyyy) To (mm/dd/yyyy)
Funds to be allotted in each order issued pursuant to Article I of Terms and Conditions.
The Personnel and Career Management Branch (PCMB), Rockville, Maryland, is designated as the office having overall responsibility for
initiating the contract. The Director, CCHQ, Rockville, Maryland, has sole administrative responsibility for execution and formalization of
the contract.
Invoices shall be forwarded to the respective office issuing the orders provided for under Article I, who will approve the same and thereupon
forward such invoices to the proper accounting point for certification and payment.
The Contractor represents that the aggregate number of employees of the Contractor and its affiliates is:
500 or more Less than 500
1. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
2. a partnership consisting of
3. an individual trading as
If Contractor is a corporation, the following certificate should be executed under its corporate seal, provided that the same officer shall not
execute both the contract and the certificate.
I, , certify that I am the
of the corporation named as Contractor herein, that
who signed this contract on the part of the Contractor, was then of said
corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within scope of its corporation powers.
This contract is entered into pursuant to the provisions of the Public Health Service Act, approved July 1, 1944 58 Stat. 682, as amended.
PHS-1881-1 (Rev. 01/23)
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(continued on next page)
(a) The Contractor shall enroll and provide instruction during the
period specified for student(s), who shall be officers or em-
ployees of the Public Health Service who are acceptable to
and approved by Contractor, in the courses and for the re-
spective periods of time determined as hereinafter provided.
(b) Requests by the Government for instruction shall be made by
delivery to the Contractor of an Order to this contract.
(c) Such Order shall cover one (1) student each, shall be pre-
sented in quintuplicate to the Contractor by such student at
the time of matriculation, shall be completed by the Contractor
to show the curriculum of the student and the cost thereof and
shall be forwarded in quadruplicate to the Office whose name
appears on the Order.
(d) All students accepted by the Contractor shall be registered
in the same manner as other students and shall be subject
to the same academic regulations, and shall have the same
privileges, including use of all facilities and equipment nor-
mally furnished by the Contractor to all students.
(e) In the event it is desired to amend an Order issued hereun-
der for any reason, an amended Order will be initiated by the
Government and forwarded to the Contractor for completion
and signature, who shall then process the same in the same
manner as an original. Such amended Order shall bear the
same number as the original Order in addition to the appropri-
ate amendment number.
(f) Necessary textbooks required for use by individual students
will be procured by said students at their own expense.
(a) The Government will pay to the Contractor as compensa-
tion, the cost of the course of instruction of each student as
set forth in the Order covering his/her enrollment, which cost
will in no event be a greater amount than charged for other
students pursuing the same or similar curriculum; provided
that, if the Contractor regularly charges higher rates of tu-
ition for students who are not residents of the State in which
the Contractor is located, the Contractor may charge the
Government not in excess of the lowest rates applicable to
such nonresident students.
(b) The Government will pay the compensation, stated in para-
graph (a) above in advance, as follows:
(1) For the first semester in which the student is enrolled,
upon the receipt of the approved copy of the Order as pro-
vided in paragraph (c) of Article I hereof, the Contractor
will submit to the authorizing official whose name appears
on the Order a bill covering each Order separately, in du-
plicate. All bills shall have the following certificates placed
thereon and shall be signed by such representative or
representatives of the Contractor as shall be authorized
by the Government:
“I certify that the above bill is correct and just; that
payment therefor has not been received.”
(2) As to subsequent semesters, the Contractor will submit
bills as provided in (1) above after the student has been
enrolled for the semester.
(3) Advance payments to be made under the terms hereof
are authorized by the following:
Public Health Service Act, approved July 1, 1944, 58
Stat. 682, (42 U.S. C. 201 et seq.), as amended.
(4) Payment on any such voucher will be deemed to be in
complete discharge of the Government’s obligation under
this contract relative to the student(s) named thereon, to
the extent of the tuition or other related fees and charges
as the case may be, for the semester or period of instruc-
tion covered by such voucher.
(c) It is understood and agreed that Bureau, Division, and
Institute Chiefs of the Public Health Service may sign indi-
vidual Orders to this General Training Contract.
(a) The performance of work under this contract may be ter-
minated by the Government in accordance with this para-
graph in whole, or from time to time in part, whenever, (i) the
Contracting Officer shall determine that any such termination
is for the best interests of the Government, or (ii) the student
voluntarily, or at the request of the Contractor, withdraws from
any course or courses. Whenever termination is effected
pursuant to (i) above, the Contracting Officer shall deliver to
the Contractor a notice of termination specifying the extent to
which performance of work under this contract shall be termi-
nated and the effective date of such termination. Whenever
termination is effected under (ii) above, the student, after re-
ceiving approval of the Officer whose name appears on the
original Order, shall notify the Contractor of the effective date
of his/her withdrawal and upon receipt by the Contractor of
any such notice, it shall discontinue all the work and activity
specified by such notice at the time set forth therein.
(b) In the event of termination in whole or in part, the Contractor
shall be paid (i) all fees then due and owing and theretofore
unpaid, and (ii) all accrued fees, in accordance with the es-
tablished policies of the Contractor if termination is effected
during any period of instruction.
(c) In event of discontinuance or interruption of a student’s ma-
triculation for any cause whatsoever the Contractor agrees to
make proper refund of any unearned tuition and related fees
for services contemplated but not rendered.
sideration as set forth in each Order issued hereunder is based
on the Contractor’s standard fees on the date of such Order. The
contractor shall have the right to change any or all fees for any
succeeding semester after the first semester or period of instruc-
tion upon written notices to the Government thirty (30) days prior
to the commencement of such semester, but in no event to a
greater amount than that charged for other students pursuing the
same or similar course of instruction. In the event of such notice,
the Government shall have the option to accept or refuse the re-
vised fee basis. If the Government elects to refuse the revised fee
basis, it may proceed to terminate the contract under the terms of
Article III hereof.
V. STUDENT SUPERVISION. The Contracting Officer may vary the
curriculum as selected by the student but shall not require nor
make any change in any course as offered by the Contractor with-
out the Contractor’s consent.
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(a) The contractor shall submit to the sponsoring program within
the Public Health Service, at the end of each term or semes-
ter and at such other times as may be directed a written report
containing the progress and grades of each student and such
other information as may be required: Provided that, any re-
port required by the Government not regularly furnished other
students pursuing the same or similar curriculum will be paid
for by the Government at a rate agreed upon in advance ei-
ther in an original Order or an amended Order.
(b) Any student who, in the opinion of the Government, fails to
maintain a satisfactory standing in the course in which he/she
has enrolled or whom the Contracting Officer, for any reason
whatsoever, desires to remove from such course may, at the
option of the Contracting Officer be withdrawn at any time.
In such event or in the event that the Contractor ejects any
student for breach of its regulation, the matter shall be treated
as a partial termination and the tuition for such student shall
be computed in accordance with Article III hereof.
VII. DISPUTES. Except as otherwise provided in this contract, any
disputes concerning a question of fact arising under this contract
which is not disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the
Contracting Officer, who shall reduce his/her decision to writing
and mail or otherwise furnish a copy thereof to the Contractor.
Within 30 days from the date of receipt of such copy, the Contractor
may appeal by mailing or otherwise furnishing to the Contracting
Officer a written appeal addressed to the Secretary of Health and
Human Services and the decision of the Secretary of Health and
Human Services or his/her duly authorized representative for the
hearing of such appeals shall be final and conclusive; provided,
that if no such appeal is taken, the decision of the Contracting
Officer shall be final and conclusive. In connection with any appeal
proceeding under this clause, the Contractor shall be afforded an
opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence in support of its ap-
peal. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the Contractor
shall proceed diligently with the performance of the contract and in
accordance with the Contracting Officer’s decision.
warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed
or retained to solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement
or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or
contingent fees, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide
established commercial or selling agencies maintained by the
Contractor for the purpose of securing business. For breach or
violation of this warranty, the Government shall have the right to
annul this contract without liability or at its discretion to deduct
from the contract price or consideration the full amount of such
commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee.
IX. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT. No member of or delegate to
Congress, or resident commissioner, shall be admitted to any
share or part of this contract, or to any benefit that may arise
therefrom; but this provision shall not be construed to extend to
this contract if made with a corporation for its general benefit.
performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees not to discrim-
inate against any employee or applicant for employment because
of race, creed, color, or national origin; and further agrees to in-
sert the foregoing provision in all subcontracts hereunder except
subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or for raw material.
The Contractor also agrees not to discriminate because of race,
creed, color, or national origin in the admission or in the subse-
quent treatment of students.
XI. CONVICT LABOR. In connection with the performance of this
contract, the Contractor agrees not to employ any person under-
going sentence or imprisonment at hard labor.
(a) The term “Contracting Officer” means the person executing
this contract on behalf of the Government, and any other
officer or civilian employee who is a properly designated
Contracting Officer; and the term includes, except as oth-
erwise provided in this contract, the authorized representa-
tive of a Contracting Officer acting within the limits of his/her
(b) In addition, the following terms and definitions shall govern for
the purpose of this contract:
“Course” – A series of lectures and/or instructions and/or
laboratory periods relating to one particular field of science
or learning.
“Curriculum” – The courses are selected by one student for
his/her course of instruction.