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Review of potential collision between
tidal stream devices and marine
Report No: 444
Author Name: Frost, N., Goldsmith, N., San Martin, E., West, V.
Author Affiliation: ABPMer
June 2020
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About Natural Resources Wales
Natural Resources Wales’ purpose is to pursue sustainable management of natural
resources. This means looking after air, land, water, wildlife, plants and soil to improve
Wales’ well-being, and provide a better future for everyone.
Evidence at Natural Resources Wales
Natural Resources Wales is an evidence-based organisation. We seek to ensure that our
strategy, decisions, operations and advice to Welsh Government and others are
underpinned by sound and quality-assured evidence. We recognise that it is critically
important to have a good understanding of our changing environment.
We will realise this vision by:
Maintaining and developing the technical specialist skills of our staff;
Securing our data and information;
Having a well resourced proactive programme of evidence work;
Continuing to review and add to our evidence to ensure it is fit for the challenges facing
us; and
Communicating our evidence in an open and transparent way.
This Evidence Report series serves as a record of work carried out or commissioned by
Natural Resources Wales. It also helps us to share and promote use of our evidence by
others and develop future collaborations. However, the views and recommendations
presented in this report are not necessarily those of NRW and should, therefore, not be
attributed to NRW.
Report series: NRW Evidence Reports
Report number: 444
Publication date: June 2020
Contractor: ABPMer
Contract Manager: L.G. Murray
Title: Review of potential collision between tidal stream devices and marine animals
Author(s): Frost, N., Goldsmith, N., San Martin, E., West, V.
Restrictions: None
ABPmer Document reference: Report No. R.3322
ABPmer Project no.: R/4780/1
ABPmer preparation by N J Goldsmith; Approved by N J Frost; Authorised by S C Hull.
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NRW Library, Bangor 2
National Library of Wales 1
British Library 1
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Scottish Natural Heritage Library 1
Natural England Library (Electronic Only) 1
Recommended citation for this volume:
ABPmer 2020. Review of Potential Collision Between Tidal Stream Devices and Marine
Animals. NRW Evidence Report No: 444, 65 pp, NRW, Bangor.
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About Natural Resources Wales .......................................................................................... 2
Evidence at Natural Resources Wales ................................................................................ 2
Distribution List (core) .......................................................................................................... 4
Recommended citation for this volume: ............................................................................... 4
Contents .............................................................................................................................. 5
List of Tables ....................................................................................................................... 7
1. Crynodeb Gweithredol ..................................................................................................... 8
2. Executive summary........................................................................................................ 10
3. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 12
4. Approach ....................................................................................................................... 15
4.1. Task 1 Identified series of projects/devices ....................................................... 15
4.2. Task 2 Set up a standardised evidence template .............................................. 16
4.3 Task 3 Evidence gathering and gap analysis ........................................................ 18
5. Evidence review ............................................................................................................. 20
5.1. Marine mammals ..................................................................................................... 20
5.1.1. Monitoring approaches ..................................................................................... 20
5.1.2. Monitoring studies and results .......................................................................... 23
5.1.3. Wider evidence and assessment of collision .................................................... 25
5.1.4. Summary of current knowledge ........................................................................ 27
5.2. Seabirds ............................................................................................................... 28
5.2.1. Monitoring approaches ..................................................................................... 28
5.2.2. Monitoring studies and results .......................................................................... 29
5.2.3. Wider evidence and assessment of collision .................................................... 30
5.2.4. Summary of current knowledge ........................................................................ 31
5.3. Fish ....................................................................................................................... 32
5.3.1. Monitoring approaches ..................................................................................... 32
5.3.2. Monitoring studies and results .......................................................................... 34
5.3.3. Wider evidence and assessment of collision .................................................... 37
5.3.4. Summary of current knowledge ........................................................................ 40
6. Gap Analysis .................................................................................................................. 46
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7. Recommendations for Addressing Key Gaps ................................................................ 50
8. Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 52
9. References .................................................................................................................... 54
10. Appendices .................................................................................................................. 59
Appendix A - Agreed List of Tidal Devices ..................................................................... 59
Appendix B - Full list of Contacted organisations ........................................................... 68
Data Archive Appendix ...................................................................................................... 69
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List of Tables
Table 1: Overview of devices and developers: Evidence spreadsheet. ....................... 17
Table 2: Parameters assessed for each tidal development: Evidence spreadsheet. ... 17
Table 3: References spreadsheet. ............................................................................... 18
Table 4: Summary table of the collision risk monitoring techniques used to date. ....... 42
Table 5: Gap analysis of evidence available for undertaking robust collision risk
assessments. ............................................................................................................... 47
Table 6: Initial long list of tidal stream energy devices/developers agreed with NRW
and the status of the monitoring and/or reporting. ........................................................ 59
Table 7: Organisations contacted (same order as Appendix A) that have/had devices in
situ or pre-consent stage. ............................................................................................. 68
Table 8: Organisations contacted (same order as Appendix A) that are involved in tidal
energy. ......................................................................................................................... 68
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1. Crynodeb Gweithredol
Mae gwrthdrawiadau posibl rhwng anifeiliaid y môr a dyfeisiau llif llanw yn bryder o ran
trwyddedu defnydd o'r fath oherwydd ansicrwydd presennol. Comisiynodd Cyfoeth
Naturiol Cymru ABPmer i gasglu ac adolygu unrhyw ddata sydd ar gael a gasglwyd oddi
wrth ddyfeisiau yn y fan a'r lle, a'r llenyddiaeth ehangach, a ymchwiliodd i wrthdrawiadau
rhwng mamaliaid y môr, adar môr a physgod a dyfeisiau llif llanw. Ar sail canlyniadau'r
adolygiad hwn, darperir argymhellion ar y bylchau allweddol sy'n parhau yn y dystiolaeth
ac sydd angen eu llenwi er mwyn cefnogi'r gwaith o gydsynio ac asesu datblygiadau o
fewn y sector hwn yng Nghymru ymhellach.
Roedd y dull o fynd ati i gynnal yr adolygiad tystiolaeth hwn yn cynnwys tair tasg allweddol.
Roedd Tasg 1 yn gofyn am nodi'r holl brosiectau llif llanw a gynlluniwyd ac a weithredwyd
yn fyd-eang a dod i benderfyniad ynglŷn â'u prosesau o ran asesu a monitro
gwrthdrawiadau posibl. O hyn, dewiswyd is-set o 21 o ddyfeisiau/datblygwyr/prosiectau llif
llanw a oedd wedi monitro neu asesu'r risg gwrthdrawiad er mwyn llywio'r adolygiad
tystiolaeth hwn.
Roedd Tasg 2 yn gofyn am sefydlu templed safonol i gasglu manylion monitro ac asesu
gwrthdrawiadau ar gyfer pob un o'r prosiectau llif llanw a ddewiswyd. Nod hyn oedd
sicrhau bod y dystiolaeth wedi'i chasglu mewn modd cyson, a bod yr holl ganlyniadau
wedi'u darparu ar daenlen ar wahân. Darparwyd taenlen hefyd yn cynnwys amrediad
eang o lenyddiaeth yn ymwneud â gwrthdrawiadau posibl rhwng anifeiliaid morol a
dyfeisiau llif llanw, dulliau monitro, datganiadau amgylcheddol, modelu risg
gwrthdrawiadau, ac unrhyw lenyddiaeth berthnasol arall.
Roedd Tasg 3 yn gofyn am gasglu data monitro a gwybodaeth o'r datblygiadau/dyfeisiau
llif llanw a ddewiswyd, o nifer o ffynonellau, gan gynnwys trafodaethau â datblygwyr ac
academyddion llif llanw, yn ogystal ag adolygu asesiadau amgylcheddol, adroddiadau
monitro, a’r llenyddiaeth ehangach o ymchwil a adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid ac adolygiadau
strategol. Wedyn, adolygwyd y wybodaeth hon er mwyn penderfynu: dulliau presennol o
fonitro gwrthdrawiadau posibl rhwng dyfeisiau llif llanw a phob un o'r tri grŵp derbynnydd
ar gyfer anifeiliaid morol (mamaliaid morol, adar môr a physgod); gwerth ac effeithiolrwydd
y gwaith monitro hwn; dulliau o ddeall effeithiau posibl gwrthdrawiadau; y bylchau
allweddol mewn data ac argymhellion ar gyfer ymchwil i'r dyfodol; ac, yn olaf, sut y gellid
trosglwyddo'r holl wybodaeth hon, o bosib, i ddatblygiadau llif llanw yn nyfroedd Cymru.
Darganfu'r adolygiad hwn fod technegau monitro yn y maes a ddefnyddiwyd i benderfynu
patrymau dosbarthiad gofodol-amserol anifeiliaid morol (yn bennaf mamaliaid morol ac
adar môr) wedi darparu gwybodaeth werthfawr ar gyfer disgrifio presenoldeb, dosbarthiad
a bregusrwydd tebygol rhywogaethau o ran dyfeisiau llif llanw. Cafodd yr astudiaethau
arsylwi gweledol cychwynnol hyn eu cwblhau cyn i ddyfais gael ei gosod (monitro
gwaelodlin) ac ar ôl ei gosod (monitro effaith) fel ei bod yn bosib monitro symudiadau
mewn dosbarthiad (e.e. osgoi o bell). Maent hefyd yn darparu amcangyfrifon dwysedd sy'n
baramedr mewnbwn angenrheidiol ar gyfer modelu risg gwrthdrawiadau. Nid yw'r dulliau
hyn yn darparu tystiolaeth uniongyrchol o wrthdrawiadau ond maent yn galluogi'r gwaith o
asesu a monitro rhai o'r effeithiau a achosir o ganlyniad i osod y dyfeisiau.
Hyd yn hyn, nid yw'r un o'r astudiaethau monitro ar famaliaid morol ac adar môr wedi
cofnodi gwrthdrawiad uniongyrchol yn erbyn dyfais lanwol. Fodd bynnag, bu problemau
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methodolegol (e.e. cymal diffodd, diffyg dadansoddi'r holl ddata oedd ar gael a/neu ddiffyg
monitro gwirioneddol o wrthdrawiad uniongyrchol) sy’n awgrymu na fyddai gwrthdrawiad
wedi cael ei ganfod pe byddai wedi digwydd. Cofnodwyd gwrthdrawiadau yn erbyn
tyrbinau llanwol mewn un o'r astudiaethau monitro ar bysgod, yn arbennig pysgod ifanc
sy'n heigio. Ceir prinder o ddata monitro gan mai nifer fach yn unig o ddyfeisiau llanwol
sydd wedi'u gosod a’u monitro hyd yn hyn. Er hyn, mae'r data sydd wedi'i gasglu hyd yn
hyn yn darparu tystiolaeth werthfawr ar ymddygiad (e.e. osgoi o bell) a gorgyffyrddiad
tebygol gwahanol rywogaethau morol o gwmpas dyfeisiau. Mae data symudiadau tri
dimensiwn ar raddfa fân, trwy ddyfeisiau telemetreg a hydroacwstig, wedi darparu ychydig
o dystiolaeth gychwynnol ar achosion o osgoi agos. Fodd bynnag, mae'r dulliau hyn yn
gymharol gostus ac yn cynhyrchu maint sylweddol o ddata sydd angen llawer o amser ac
adnoddau i'w brosesu a dadansoddi.
Modelu sy'n parhau i fod y dull mwyaf cyffredin a ddefnyddir er mwyn asesu risg
gwrthdrawiad o ran anifeiliaid y môr. Mae amrediad o offerynnau modelu risg
gwrthdrawiadau ar gael, a phob un ohonynt â gofynion paramedr mewnbwn a
rhagdybiaethau gwahanol, sydd yn aml yn geidwadol. Mae'n ymddengys mai dilysiad
cyfyngedig o'r modelau hyn a gafwyd o ran y canlyniadau monitro yn ystod y cyfnod
gweithredol. Felly, lefel isel o hyder sydd yng nghanlyniadau'r offerynnau modelu hyn,
ond, hyd yn hyn, dyma yw'r ffordd orau o asesu'r risg bosibl o ran gwrthdrawiadau.
Mae'r bylchau allweddol mewn tystiolaeth ar gyfer pob anifail morol yn ymwneud â
chyfraddau osgoi neu daro, a hefyd cadarnhau os yw gwrthdrawiad gwirioneddol wedi
digwydd a beth fyddai effeithiau gwrthdrawiad. Yn ogystal, mae'r data monitro cyfyngedig
sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd yn benodol i rywogaethau, lleoliadau a dyfeisiau, ac felly efallai
na fydd modd ei drosglwyddo, neu na fydd modd ei gymhwyso, i waith asesu prosiectau llif
llanw eraill. Mae bylchau allweddol eraill yn cynnwys goblygiadau posibl marwolaeth o
ganlyniad i wrthdrawiad ar lefel y boblogaeth a'r effeithiau cronnus yn sgil gosod dyfeisiau
ac araeau llanwol lluosog yn yr amgylchedd morol.
Un o'r prif argymhellion ar gyfer ymdrin â'r bylchau allweddol hyn yw casglu tystiolaeth
bellach ar ymddygiad o dan y dŵr (gan gynnwys osgoi agos) fel ei bod yn bosib creu
cyfraddau osgoi cadarn. Gellid archwilio technolegau eraill, fel synwyryddion gwasgedd a
osodir ar lafnau neu ddelweddau hydroacwstig (sy'n dechnoleg sy'n datblygu'n gyflym), a'u
datblygu ymhellach er mwyn cadarnhau a ydynt yn effeithiol wrth benderfynu a oes
gwrthdrawiad wedi digwydd. Mae'n ofynnol hefyd casglu rhagor o wybodaeth o ran
goblygiadau ffisegol gwrthdrawiad (â'r llafn neu’r differyn yn y gwasgedd) er mwyn deall y
posibilrwydd o farwolaeth neu anaf yn llawn.
Efallai y bydd rhywfaint o dystiolaeth berthnasol neu wersi y gellir eu dysgu o fathau tebyg
eraill o ddatblygiad (e.e. lagwnau llanwol neu brosiectau amrediad llanw) sydd â'r potensial
i arwain at wrthdrawiad, ond canolbwyntiodd yr adolygiad hwn yn gyfan gwbl ar ddyfeisiau
llanw llif. O ddiddordeb arbennig yw effaith unrhyw ddifferyn mewn gwasgedd a achoswyd
gan y llafnau wrth iddynt droi. Cynhaliwyd ymchwil i hyn mewn dyfeisiau ynni cefnforol
eraill ond prin yw'r dystiolaeth sydd ar gael o ddyfeisiau llif llanw ar hyn o bryd.
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2. Executive summary
The potential for collision between marine animals and tidal stream devices is a concern in
relation to consenting such deployments due to current uncertainties. NRW commissioned
ABPmer to collate and review any available data collected from in situ devices and the
wider literature that investigated collision between marine mammals, seabirds and fish and
tidal stream devices. Based on the outcomes of this review, recommendations are
provided on the key outstanding evidence gaps that need to be resolved to further support
consenting and assessment of developments within this sector in Wales.
The approach to this evidence review comprised three key tasks. Task 1 involved
identifying all planned and implemented tidal stream projects globally and determining their
assessment and monitoring of potential collision. From this, a subset of 21 tidal stream
devices/developers/projects that had monitored or assessed the risk of collision was
selected to inform this evidence review.
Task 2 involved setting up a standardised template to collate details of the collision
monitoring and assessment for each of the selected tidal stream projects. This was
designed to ensure the evidence was captured in a consistent manner, with all results
provided in a separate spreadsheet. An additional spreadsheet was also provided
containing a wide range of literature relating to potential collision between marine animals
and tidal stream devices; monitoring methods; environmental statements; collision risk
modelling and any other relevant literature
Task 3 involved gathering monitoring data and information from the selected tidal stream
developments/devices from a number of sources, including discussions with tidal stream
developers and academics as well as reviewing environmental assessments, monitoring
reports and wider literature from peer-reviewed research and strategic reviews. A review
of this information was then undertaken to determine: the current methods of monitoring
potential collisions between tidal stream devices and each of the three marine animal
receptor groups (marine mammals, seabirds and fish); the value and effectiveness of this
monitoring; approaches to understanding potential impacts of collision; the key data gaps
and recommendations for future research; and finally, how all this knowledge could
potentially be transferred to tidal stream developments within Welsh Waters.
This review found that field monitoring techniques used to determine the spatial-temporal
distribution patterns of marine animals (mainly marine mammals and seabirds), provided
valuable information for describing the presence, distribution and likely vulnerability of
species to tidal stream devices. These initial visual observation studies were undertaken
both before the installation of a device (baseline monitoring) and after its deployment
(impact monitoring) enabling distribution shifts (e.g. far field avoidance) to be monitored.
They also provide density estimates that are a necessary input parameter for collision risk
modelling. These methods do not provide direct evidence of collision but enable some of
the consequences of installation of the devices to be assessed and monitored.
To date, none of the monitoring studies on marine mammals and seabirds have been able
to record a direct collision with a tidal device. This may reflect an absence of collisions or
because of methodological limitations (e.g. shut down clause, no analysis of all available
data and/or no actual monitoring of direct collision) that may have prevented detection of a
collision even if it had occurred. One of the monitoring studies undertaken on fish have
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recorded collisions with tidal turbines, particularly shoaling juvenile fish. There is a paucity
of monitoring data because there have only been a small number of tidal devices deployed
and monitored thus far. Despite this, the data that has been collected to date provides
valuable evidence on the behaviour (e.g. far-field avoidance) and likely overlap of different
marine species around devices. Fine-scale 3D movement data, through telemetry and
hydroacoustic devices, has provided some initial evidence for near-field evasions.
However, these methods are relatively costly and generate a considerable amount of data
which require a large amount of time and resource to process and analyse.
Modelling continues to be the most commonly used approach to assess the risk of collision
of marine animals. There are a range of collision risk modelling tools available, each with
different input parameter requirements and assumptions which are often conservative.
There appears to have been limited validation of these models with the results of
monitoring during operation. The level of confidence in the outputs of these modelling
tools is therefore low, but to date, they are still the best way to assess the potential risk of
The key evidence gaps for all marine animals relate to avoidance or encounter rates, as
well as confirming if an actual collision has occurred and what the effects of a collision
would be. In addition, the limited monitoring data that is currently available is species,
location and device specific and may therefore, not be transferable or applicable to the
assessment of other tidal stream projects. Other key gaps are the potential implication of
collision mortality at the population level and the cumulative effects of deploying multiple
tidal devices and arrays in the marine environment.
One of the main recommendations for addressing these key gaps is to collect further
evidence on underwater behaviour (including near field evasion) to be able to generate
robust avoidance rates. Other technologies, such as blade mounted pressure sensors or
rapidly improving hydroacoustic imagery, could be explored and developed further in order
to confirm if they are effective in determining a collision event. More information on the
physical consequences of a collision (with the blade or pressure differential) is also
required to fully understand the potential for death or injury.
There may be some relevant evidence or lessons that can be learned from other similar
types of development (e.g. tidal lagoons or tidal range projects) that have the potential to
result in a collision, but this review focussed wholly on tidal stream devices. Of particular
interest is the impact and effect of any pressure differential, caused by the rotating blades,
this has been studied in other ocean energy devices but available evidence from tidal
stream devices is currently lacking.
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3. Introduction
The marine renewable energy industry is expanding globally in response to concern
around the impacts of climate change and increased energy demands. Within the UK,
Wales has the potential for the development of diverse marine renewable technologies
(Roche et al., 2016). In line with Welsh Government’s road to decarbonisation there are
aspirations to increase the contribution of marine renewable energy to Wales’ electricity
generation, and the recent introduction of demonstration zones for tidal energy aims to
facilitate developers in device deployment (Roche et al., 2016; Welsh Government, 2019).
Potential collisions with marine animals are a concern in relation to consenting tidal stream
energy deployments and a high level of uncertainty surrounds the likelihood of collisions
and the population consequences (e.g. mortality). NRW commissioned ABPmer to review
available evidence about the interaction and collision risk of seabirds, fish and mammals
with tidal stream energy devices.
This study has involved collating and evaluating existing evidence from tidal stream
deployments in the UK and worldwide. Recommendations are provided on how the
findings of the study can be used by NRW to advise on the development of the evidence to
support the growth of tidal stream energy sector in Wales while ensuring the sustainable
management of natural resources.
The key objectives of this study were to:
Determine the overall status of evidence relating to collision;
Evaluate the value and effectiveness of monitoring and other approaches to
understanding potential collision risk;
Undertake a gap analysis to understand the further data and information requirements
and associated recommendations for future research; and
Consider how the evidence can be applied to potential tidal stream energy
developments in Wales in the knowledge of the levels of confidence and outstanding
In this study ‘collision’ refers to the situation in which a transit through the swept area of a
tidal turbine would be predicted to result in either a direct physical contact between the
individual animal and the turbine blade or an indirect impact as a result of the pressure
differential associated with the turbine blade. These interactions have the potential to
result in injury or death. Where the text refers to ‘collision risk’, this is the probability of
collision for an animal when making a single transit through the swept area of a turbine.
Once account is taken of the likely number of such transits, ‘collision rate’ is the overall
number of collisions estimated within a given period (usually one year). These estimates
can then be used to determine the potential consequences for the population.
The main approaches that are used to assess the potential risk of collision between tidal
energy devices and marine animals are modelling tools, monitoring in the field and
laboratory studies. These different approaches are described in general terms below.
Further detail is provided in the subsequent evidence review with illustrated examples.
Models allow for an estimate of the number of individuals of different species that might
collide with a turbine device to be predicted. Simple models assume equal distribution of
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animals through the water column and at different times of tide, day and season. More
complex models incorporate depth distribution information and may be refined for
particular species or for a specific device design. The three main types of model available
to determine the potential collision rate in marine mammals and seabirds (and which could
also be used modified for fish) are the Encounter Rate Model (ERM), the Collision Risk
Model (CRM) and the Exposure Time Population Model (ETPM). Existing fish collision risk
models include kinematic models and agent-based models. Available models tend to
assume there is no avoidance action taken by animals. Avoidance rate is considered
separately as part of the assessment process and is usually based on judgement. Models
also tend to assume that all collisions are fatal, irrespective of the blade speed, which
varies with tidal speed, blade length and distance along blade (increasing blade speed with
distance from hub).
There are three main basic approaches to collision monitoring in the field. One involves
recording the spatial-temporal distribution of animals to estimate their density and
determine the probability of encounters with a device. The second is directly recording the
near or “far field” behaviour (e.g. avoidance or evasion, respectively) and collision of
animals with operating turbines. The third is the opportunity to examine the physical
consequences of potential collisions through post mortem examination and/or necropsy of
stranding individuals. Laboratory studies have also been used to assess the collision risk
of various turbine blade designs and survival rates of animals following a strike.
The information collated during field monitoring can be used to provide the required input
parameter data into models (e.g. density estimates) and/or to refine model predictions of
collision risk and collision/avoidance rate. Each of the monitoring approaches has different
strengths and limitations which can affect the level, resolution and/or quality of the data
that can be collected. This limits the extent of model validation, which in turn affects the
confidence in the modelled outputs, as well as what the results might mean for predictions
of population level effects.
Estimation of population level effects can be undertaken using population models which
take account of population dynamics (fecundity, lifespan etc). Such population models
have been applied to seabirds in relation to onshore and offshore wind farm collision
mortality, fish in relation to commercial fishing and power station cooling water entrapment
and for marine mammals in relation to by-catch and tidal turbine collision mortality.
A more detailed review of the main approaches outlined above available to determine
collision risk of different marine animals (namely marine mammals, seabirds and fish) with
tidal turbine devices has been undertaken and is provided in the following section. This
review examined the available evidence that has been gathered by several planned and
implemented tidal stream projects in the UK, Europe and North America.
The report has been structured as follows:
Introduction provides background context as to what is included within the study and
sets out the key objectives to the study;
Approach presents an outline of the method applied to inform the project objectives;
Evidence reviewpresents the main findings of the review structured according to key
receptor groups (marine mammals, seabirds and fish); and
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Discussion provides a summary of the key project findings, data gaps and
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4. Approach
The Evidence Review captured information from tidal stream projects that are planned
and/or have been implemented as well as wider literature sources. This included
discussions with tidal stream developers and academics whose research is focussed on
collision risk as well as the review of environmental assessments, monitoring reports and
wider published materials.
The method followed for this Evidence Review was split into three key inter-linked tasks as
outlined below:
Task 1 Identify past, present and future tidal stream deployments for which evidence
on collision might be available;
Task 2 Create a standardised template to capture details of the collision evidence for
each of the planned/implemented tidal stream projects; and
Task 3 Evidence gathering and reporting.
Each of these tasks is explained in greater detail below.
4.1. Task 1 Identified series of projects/devices
The most comprehensive list of planned and implemented tidal stream projects, both in the
UK and overseas, is hosted on the Tethys website ( This combined with
both NRW and ABPmer knowledge was used to develop an over-arching list of tidal
stream projects (see Appendix A). Key characteristics of each of the identified projects
were collated to determine their potential relevance to understanding collision risk. This
included consideration of the following, and allowed prioritisation of efforts as part of the
evidence review process:
Status; and
Monitoring & Reporting.
From this list of tidal stream projects, a subset were selected to inform the evidence review
process. This resulted in a total of 21 projects being captured within the evidence review
including planned deployments, for which the likelihood of collision has been evaluated at
a pre-consented stage:
Minesto Deep Green Tidal Kite
Tidal Energy Ltd DeltaStream turbine
Mentor Mon (Morlais Energy)
EMEC Multiple: Demonstration area
Nova Innovation NOVA M100 Turbine
SIMEC Atlantis Energy MeyGen and SeaGen
SmartBayMultiple: Demonstration area
Atlantis Marine Energy Test SiteMultiple: Demonstration area
Atlantis Operations Atlantis Resources AR1500 turbine
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Cape Sharp Tidal OpenHydro turbine
FORCE Multiple: Demonstration area
Sustainable Marine Energy: PLAT-1 and PLAT-0
Clean Current Clean Current Turbine
Ocean Renewable Power RivGen and TideGen
Verdant Power Gen4 Free Flow
Atlantis Resources AK-1000
Perpetuus Multiple: Demonstration area
Sabella D10 turbine
SEENEOH Multiple: Riverine test area
The list of devices/deployments to be considered within the evidence review was agreed
with NRW at the project inception phase. Several projects were not progressed within the
review either due to a lack of data availability or lack of progress with the development
(see Appendix A for full list of devices, information on location, technologies, and reasons
behind screening out/in).
4.2. Task 2 Set up a standardised evidence template
A standardised template was set up to capture details of the collision risk evidence base
for each of the planned/implemented tidal stream projects. This was designed to ensure
the evidence was captured in a consistent manner for each of the projects reviewed.
An excel spreadsheet was set up in which to capture the evidence. The first tab of the
evidence spreadsheet presents key information for each of the reviewed projects (see
Table 1). The subsequent tabs within the spreadsheet contain more detailed information
for each of the identified projects (Table 2). A separate references spreadsheet has also
been produced to provide a comprehensive source of current tidal stream collision risk
literature (Table 3).
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Table 1: Overview of devices and developers: Evidence spreadsheet.
Table 2: Parameters assessed for each tidal development: Evidence spreadsheet.
Name of developer
Details of the type of device that has been/will be deployed
Project name
Project location
Years Deployed/
Timescales of device deployment
Development stage
Project status, either - Pre-consent/in development,
Consented, Deployed or Decommissioned
Assessment of
Environmental Effects
A signpost as to how the potential collision risk has been
evaluated for each receptor type. This is further broken
down in to:
Theoretical Modelling
Monitoring Pre-construction
Monitoring Post-construction
Data availability
An indication as to whether the respective data is publicly
available (and where it is held)
Key references
Key references of relevance to that project
Name of developer
Details of the type of device that has been/will be deployed
Project name
Project location
Years Deployed
Timescales of device deployment
Current Status
Project status, either - Pre-consent/in development,
Consented, Deployed, Decommissioned or Not operational
Assessment and
Monitoring Undertaken
Summary of the project specific evidence collected for the
development through:
Monitoring Pre-construction
Monitoring Post-construction
This has been further broken down for each receptor type
Results from monitoring
Results of any in situ monitoring undertaken for both pre-
construction (baseline) and post-construction (operational)
monitoring. This has been broken down for each receptor
Limitations of monitoring
Constraints associated with pre- and post-construction
monitoring results
Limitations of modelling
Constraints associated with modelling results
Key reference of relevance to a particular project
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Table 3: References spreadsheet.
4.3 Task 3 Evidence gathering and gap analysis
Evidence gathering was focused solely on projects related to tidal stream energy
developments. It is acknowledged that wider evidence (including assessment of number of
collision events through modelling) and monitoring techniques are available for other forms
of green energy devices however these fell outside the scope of this review. Collision risk
evidence was gathered from a number of sources including:
Project specific details in the form of environmental assessments, application and
post consent monitoring documentation;
Interviews with developers and academics working in the field of tidal stream
collision risk; and
Literature review.
Evidence was sourced from tidal stream developments in the UK and worldwide. This was
designed to capture all available data and evidence to inform collision risk assessment and
to identify any knowledge which could potentially be transferred to tidal stream
developments within Welsh Waters.
The types of project specific documentation reviewed included Environmental Statements,
Habitats Regulations Assessments, as well as wider assessment and application details.
These were extracted from publicly available sources such as the Tethys website, The
Crown Estate’s Marine Data Exchange, the Marine Management Organisation’s (MMO)
Reference Number
Internal reference provided to each report. This links to the
reference numbers provided in the evidence spreadsheet
Year report was published
First author
First Author or Company Name
Additional authors
Other named authors or contributors
Report title
Journal/ Report Number
The publishing journal for the report and report number or
The form of the report. This was categorised as:
Research Paper (Original research)
Research Paper (Review article)
Book chapter
Conference Presentation
Scoping Report (EIA)
Environmental Statement (EIA)
Environmental Appraisal
Technical Report
Website page
Website link to the report for online access where available
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marine licence public register (Marine Case Management System (MCMS)), local
authorities’ planning portals, planning inspectorate’s website and/or individual developers’
Contact was made with over 36 individuals at 30 organisations (including developers,
academics and industry bodies) to try to obtain evidence in relation to collisions which is
not necessarily in the public domain. A full list of organisations contacted can be found in
Appendix B. A total of 18 responses were received in answer to this information request.
Interviews were held with five developers/demonstration areas to obtain further evidence,
or clarification, with respect to their individual projects and any wider experiences with
respect to collision risk (European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) (Scotland), Morlais
(Wales), NOVA Innovation (Scotland), SEENEOH (France) and Sustainable Marine
Energy (Canada)). The main point of the telephone interviews was to understand the
amount and type of monitoring that had been undertaken for the tidal device or at the test
centre. Additionally, the success and limitations of the different monitoring techniques
undertaken were discussed to understand which types of monitoring were not practical or
feasible. It was also requested that where available, any unpublished monitoring data were
shared with the project team to further develop the evidence base. Where information has
been provided from these telephone interviews it is referenced within the separate
Evidence Spreadsheet.
Similarly, discussions were also held with academics from two universities (Swansea, and
Bangor) to understand the nature of ongoing research studies and how these contribute to
the tidal stream collision risk evidence base.
A wider literature review was undertaken to determine the current state of knowledge on
collision risk with tidal stream devices globally. This included both published research
papers as well as strategic reviews (e.g. Ocean Energy Systems Technology Collaboration
Programme (OES) and The Offshore Renewables Joint Industry Programme ORJIP).
Search tools such as ScienceDirect and Google Scholar were used to identify key
literature. A systematic approach was used to identify literature through the use of pre-
defined search terms.
The tidal stream collision risk evidence derived from each of these sources was
synthesised for each of the main receptor types (marine mammals, seabirds and fish). The
evidence is detailed within the supporting standardised evidence templates and
summarised in the subsequent sections of this report. An assessment of the effectiveness
and limitations of the evidence for each receptor has also been discussed below.
Additionally, in all instances, where it was not possible to get hold of the actual data or
evidence this has been signposted within the evidence spreadsheet.
Once the evidence had been collated gaps within the current knowledge were identified.
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5. Evidence review
A synthesis of the results from the evidence review and an assessment of the predicted
collision between marine mammals, seabirds and fish and tidal stream devices is provided
below and within the separate evidence spreadsheet. Each section aims to review:
The overall status of the evidence relating to collision by summarising in situ
monitoring approaches that have been used to date and looking at wider evidence
(including modelling techniques that have been employed to predict number of
collisions, wider academic literature and non field-based studies);
The potential value and/or limitation of monitoring approaches to understanding
potential collision between tidal stream energy devices and marine animals; and
Any gaps in data/information requirements to collision assessment.
Consideration has been given to how the evidence can be applied to potential tidal stream
energy developments in Wales throughout the review accounting for the levels of
confidence and outstanding uncertainties with the current monitoring approaches
5.1. Marine mammals
Marine mammals are regularly recorded foraging within high energy environments
indicating a potential risk of collision with tidal stream devices (Benjamins et al., 2015;
Copping et al., 2016). This spatial overlap means that the potential risk of collision with
such devices requires full consideration when evaluating the impacts that could arise from
a project. Marine mammals are offered high levels of international protection with any
detrimental effect needed to be fully assessed and mitigated where necessary. Several
species of marine mammal have small population sizes and therefore even a small
number of injuries/mortalities could have potential population level impacts and therefore
risk of collision is an especially challenging consenting risk for the industry.
5.1.1. Monitoring approaches
Monitoring to understand the potential for collision between marine mammals and tidal
stream devices, and the effect of these collisions, has been undertaken through three main
The first approach focuses on observing the spatial-temporal overlap between
marine mammals and the tidal stream device, and therefore the probability of
encounters. This approach also monitors far field avoidance;
The second approach focuses directly on detecting collision and monitoring near
field evasion with tidal stream devices; and
The third approach looks at the aftermath of a potential collision through post
mortem examination and/or necropsy.
Spatial and temporal overlap
The first monitoring approach aims to map the distribution and density of species within the
vicinity of a proposed and/or operational tidal stream deployment. This can be achieved by
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using visual observations via vantage point, boat or aerial surveys (for cetaceans and
seals), by placing data loggers onto the animals (for seals only) or by acoustic surveys
(cetaceans only). Each of these survey types have different methodologies depending on
the geography of the tidal stream area.
Vantage point, boat and aerial surveys are the most common example of monitoring that is
undertaken to provide baseline information in the vicinity of a proposed device and is often
continued post-deployment to understand the behavioural response of marine mammals.
The vast majority of projects included within this Evidence Review have undertaken some
form of visual observation. Vantage point surveys are undertaken from a set location,
scanning the near-field environment at regular intervals. The scanned area is usually
divided into sections to help with spatial analysis. These surveys are limited to daylight
hours and the difficulty of accurately locating sightings over large distances is well known
(JNCC, 2005). Boat and aerial surveys are undertaken along pre-defined transects often
zig-zagging over the device footprint with one or two trained observers recording all
species of marine mammal observed and the location of each sighting. Aerial surveys,
including digital aerial surveys, can be undertaken over a large area but analysis to
species level can sometimes be difficult (Hammond et al., 2017).
Data loggers can be glued onto the heads/back of seals to provide data on fine-scale
movement patterns (Hastie et al.¸ 2014). Within each datalogger a wide variety of sensors
can be housed including time-depth recorders, satellite positioning (e.g. global positioning
system (GPS)), accelerometers, and magnetometers. Each sensor provides a different
parameter which potentially can then be interpreted together to produce fine-scale 3D
movements and evidence of behaviour (e.g. rapid swim away from a turbine). However,
they are attached to only a small sample of the population. These loggers can be limited
by battery life, storage availability and can only transmit data on surfacing and connecting
with satellites or when animals are recaptured. The more sensors within the device the
greater the battery drain, and more data storage capacity needed. Another limitation of
applying data loggers is that there is also potential that once deployed the seal may not
return to the same haul out site again, this can be overcome by using certain technologies
that transmit data remotely.
Cetaceans are vocal organisms and the vocalisations can be recorded using acoustic
devices to understand distribution, behaviour, relative abundance and other aspects of
ecology (Zimmer, 2011). Acoustic receivers (such as hydrophones, C-PODS, T-PODS, or
SoundTraps) may be placed close to the tidal stream device, in the surrounding area, or
on the devices themselves. These passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) devices are placed
at either the surface or seabed and detect acoustic signals at a set frequency. Single
acoustic receivers can show the presence/absence of marine mammals, but multiple
devices can be placed within an array or cluster to locate and detect movement of animals
by investigating the detection rate/intensity at the varying devices (Hastie et al., 2014;
Williamson et al., 2015; Malinka et al., 2018). PAM can be undertaken 24 hours a day in
turbid environments, making it appropriate for these high energy environments with several
multi-year studies undertaken to date (Zimmer, 2011; Tollit et al., 2019). There are,
however, some limitations; for example, cetaceans are not constantly vocalising so there is
the potential not to detect some individuals. The range of PAM is limited, and cetacean
sound is also directional, meaning animals swimming away from the device may not be
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Direct collision monitoring
Direct monitoring approaches to detect collision use either technologies which can “see”
the device, through hydroacoustic monitoring (e.g. sonar or echosounders) or underwater
video cameras or technologies which monitor impacts with tidal stream devices (e.g.
accelerometers or strain gauges) but does not distinguish between objects (debris or
Modern hydroacoustic imaging devices (e.g. sonar, echosounders, split- and multi-beam
devices), operating at high frequencies, can acquire detailed acoustic images of the
underwater environment. Variables such as occurrence, size class and behaviour of a
variety of aquatic species of fish, seabirds, and mammals that occur in high energy marine
environments can be monitored using imaging sonar systems. The specific approach to
the deployment of such acoustic devices has varied between studies and sites. To date
hydroacoustic devices have been incorporated into the tidal stream device or positioned on
specifically designed platforms set away from the tidal stream device (Hastie et al., 2014;
Williamson et al., 2015). Each device differs in the technology used, but in general
hydroacoustic devices pulse acoustic energy from the echosounder via a transducer which
is reflected off the animal/object. The high pulse frequency enables movement to be
detected and tracked through the observational window.
In order to ascertain the movement patterns of each marine mammal species, computer
algorithms have been developed to automatically assign a detection to a certain species.
This has been achieved by hydroacoustic devices that were mounted on a vessel to
provide worked examples of each species’ movement pattern (Hastie, 2013; Hastie et al.,
2019). This automation of detections is critical in the future deployment of hydroacoustic
devices in order to increase processing speed by reducing human involvement which
currently is a major limitation for this type of monitoring.
The placement, observational window and frequency of recording varies between studies
but will result in a trade-off between data resolution and field of data capture. Only
echosounder instruments with a sufficient range provide the practical means to investigate
the behaviour of marine mammals throughout the entire water column of a typical tidal
channel. The functionality of echosounders in energetic environments has so far been
limited due to the operational difficulties of data collection in such conditions and the
intense interference caused by backscatter related to turbulence (Fraser et al., 2017; Fox
et al., 2018). Another limitation of hydroacoustic monitoring is the large amount of data
produced, which is then time consuming to analyse and restricts the ability to have long-
term datasets (Hastie et al., 2019).
Underwater video techniques involve the placement of a camera system on the turbine
structure to record the presence of marine mammals in the vicinity of the turbine. Where
possible the passage of species through the turbine device to capture any collision and/or
injury is overserved/recoded. One key limitation of video systems is that due to light
requirements they are only able to capture data during daylight hours, at certain depths
and turbidity levels. Additionally, the camera view can be obscured at times by the turbine
blades or the field of view may not cover the entire rotor area, meaning not all encounters
may be captured. Cameras are also prone to biofouling. Footage collected can provide
clear evidence of collision or injury caused to marine mammals, however data analysis is
extremely time consuming.
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Accelerometers and strain gauges have been placed on tidal stream devices with the
primary purpose of monitoring the physiological stress on the blades as the device is
operational. These monitoring devices could also provide an indication, through adverse
parameters, as to when an object collides with the blade. Marine mammals have the
largest mass and it is likely that if an animal was to collide with the blade any vibration or
reduction in velocity of the blade should be recorded. The main limitation is that the
amount of deviation from a normal reading that would indicate a collision is unknown. Even
if an abnormal reading is recorded (indicating a collision) there is no way of knowing what
object it was.
Individual consequences of collision
The third approach to monitoring collisions in marine mammals is to understand the
consequences of collision to the individual. This can involve searching and then
investigating stranded (either alive or dead) marine mammals and looking for any signs of
impact. If a collision occurs, it is unknown whether a lethal or sublethal injury could occur.
Investigation of any carcasses within the vicinity of a tidal device and wider region could
provide further information on the potential impact injury. However, after finding an injured
carcass it would be hard to ascertain how and when this injury occurred, so there are
major caveats to this monitoring. If there was an overall increase in strandings with similar
injuries within the vicinity of a new device/operation then this method could allude to a
direct impact; however, there would be high levels of uncertainty of causation.
The potential impact of a blade can also be assessed theoretically based on a series of
physiological and biological assumptions. This type of prediction has been supported by
studies using dead carcasses and subjecting them to strikes in water from an object similar
to a blade or investigating tissue tensile strength (Carlson et al., 2014; Copping et al.,
2017; Onoufriou et al., 2019).
5.1.2. Monitoring studies and results
Since the first deployment of a tidal turbine several developers have undertaken in situ
monitoring to record marine mammal species in the vicinity of tidal devices. Multiple
approaches, as discussed above, have been used for monitoring potential collision risk,
with varying degrees of success. This section reviews some of the monitoring undertaken
across a range of developments, summarises the findings of the monitoring with regards to
collision risk and discusses any limitations of the findings.
Marine Current Turbines’(MCT) SeaGen device (now owned by SIMEC Atlantis) provides
the best example of a long-term project that has undertaken multiple examples of
monitoring (both pre-deployment and during operation). The project was located in
Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland and involved implementing a range of monitoring
approaches between 2005 (pre-deployment) until decommissioning and removal in
Over the lifetime of the project several of the monitoring approaches (described above)
have been undertaken within the vicinity of the device. These comprised visual
observations via boat, aerial, shore and device-based surveys, harbour seal telemetry,
passive acoustic monitoring (via Timed POrpoise Detectors (T-PODs)), carcass post
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mortems and active SONAR (Royal Haskoning, 2011; Hastie et al.¸ 2014; Savidge et al.,
Following the initial commissioning of the device, three years of monitoring was required in
accordance with the Environment Monitoring Plan (2008 to 2011). This monitoring
concluded that there were “no major impacts on marine mammals” (Royal Haskoning,
2011). The monitoring identified a slight change in the distribution of species, but no barrier
effect or reduction in the overall population size (through seal haul-out sites aerial
monitoring). It should be noted, however, that there was a licence condition to stop the
operation of the device if a marine mammal was spotted within its vicinity. This meant
near-scale evasion was not able to be ascertained from the monitoring, and direct
collisions would be prevented. Initially the shutdown clause was for a 250 m buffer zone,
but when the active sonar device was active, the shutdown clause was reduced to a 30 m
buffer zone (Hastie et al., 2014; Savidge et al., 2014).
As direct collision monitoring was not able to be undertaken within Strangford Lough, novel
techniques were used to see if a population level change could be detected. Biannual
aerial surveys (from a helicopter and thermal imagery) of the known haul out sites within
the Lough and wider region were undertaken between 2006 and 2014. There was a
decline in number of seals at monitored haul out sites, but the rate of decline was continual
since 2002, and not expected to have been impacted by the SeaGen device (Savidge et
al., 2014).
More recent analysis of the harbour seal telemetry data collected between 2006 and 2010
looked in greater detail at any barrier effect and the number of transitions through the
Narrows (via the device) (Joy et al., 2018; Sparling et al., 2018). Comparisons were made
between data collected in 2006 (pre-deployment), 2008 (installation period) and 2010
(operational). The main conclusion drawn from this analysis was that the 32 tagged seals
exhibited avoidance behaviour away from the operational device suggesting there was a
reduction in potential collision risk. Sparling et al. (2018) demonstrated that the
operational device reduced the number of transitions through the Narrows, by 20 %
(overall) and 57 % (during daylight hours), however when transitions did occur, they were
approximately 250 m either side of the device.
Using the same seal telemetry data, Joy et al. (2018) looked at how this monitoring could
feed into collision risk models. By modelling the depth at which the seals transited past the
device, the number of seals that pass through the “impact zone” was reduced by 90 %
compared to modelling using only the 2D locational data. Within the study, only 10 % of
the transit lines occurred at depths at which the device was located. Therefore, in addition
to any avoidance/evasion, the period for which a seal is within the “impact zone” is greatly
Similar to MCT’s SeaGen device, Minesto’s quarter scale device was trialled in Strangford
Lough between February 2013 and June 2014. The marine mammal observer present
recorded a 95% reduction in the presence of seals within 50 m of the device following its
deployment (Minesto, 2016). This supports the previous study that found the number of
animals in the vicinity reduced during the operational phase.
Both devices and the respective monitoring within Strangford Lough were unable to
monitor direct collision due to the shutdown licence condition described above. This means
while there was empirical evidence relating to potential collision via near field evasion and
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far field avoidance, which can inform avoidance rates in CRM/ERM, there was no direct
understanding of collision from either SeaGen or Minesto.
Different devices deployed within other locations have also monitored the spatial-temporal
overlap between the device and marine mammals. EMEC’s wildlife observations data
indicates there was a noticeable change in the distribution of marine mammals around the
test devices (Long, 2017). Low densities of cetaceans made it difficult to draw conclusions
on how they might have been affected. For seals, however, there was an initial decrease in
abundance around the turbines on and immediately after installation. Numbers appeared
to recover gradually thereafter, including when turbines were operational, although not to
baseline levels. It is thought the initial decrease related to the associated increase in
shipping activity rather than the presence or operation of the turbines.
Another method of monitoring spatial temporal overlap is PAM. PAM was undertaken
around the DeltaStream device in Wales and at the Fundy Ocean Research Centre for
Energy (FORCE) in Canada. Both the resulting analysis of the data indicated that harbour
porpoise click detection reduced close to the device when the devices were operational
(Joy et al., 2018; Malinka et al.¸ 2018; Tollit et al., 2019). Each study found that overall
detection did not change but the number of detections decreased at the PAM devices
closest to the device potentially suggesting avoidance behaviour was taken by harbour
porpoise. Results found at the DeltaStream site indicate a preference for foraging at night
with 71 % of harbour porpoise detections occurring during darkness. This limits the
effectiveness of monitoring approaches involving visual observations which are commonly
employed (Malinka et al., 2018). PAM at DeltraStream included arrays of hydrophones
which allowed animals to be localised, resulted in three detections of porpoise close to the
device when it was operational (Malinka et al., 2018).
The monitoring techniques used at MCT’s SeaGen to monitor direct collision
(hydroacoustic monitoring) have also been replicated at other locations including EMEC
and Ramsey Sound. However, the hydroacoustic device at EMEC (FLOWBEC) did not
detect any marine mammals during six 14-day deployments and data at Ramsey Sound
has not been publicly released (three months of deployment) (Williamson et al., 2017).
5.1.3. Wider evidence and assessment of collision
The wider evidence with respect to the risk of collision is also available through scientific
literature as well as from modelling studies undertaken to inform impact assessments.
The most applicable models used in the assessment of collision between marine mammals
and tidal devices are largely derived from offshore wind farm collision risk models (CRMs)
(e.g. Band, 2000, Grant et al., 2014). Some of the models have been refined further for
particular species (e.g. harbour seals, Band et al., 2016), or for a different device design
(e.g. tidal kite, Schmitt et al., 2017). Often after a model has been run, the results are
inserted into a Population Viability Analysis (PVA) to understand what the results mean for
the affected population. Recent examples of CRM/ERM and then PVA analysis was
undertaken for Morlais, due to unconfirmed phasing and number of devices, the range of
outcomes were large, with several of the estimations (with no avoidance) indicating that
the number of animals killed annually would be larger than the population size. This
highlights the inaccuracy that can exist within some of these models, especially when no
avoidance behaviour is factored in.
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In summary there are three main types of model - ERMs, CRMs and Exposure Time
Population Models (ETPM). Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) undertook a detailed review
of modelling methods for tidal stream devices. The review included a detailed outline of
each model, the methods used to gather input parameters and guidance on how to
undertake and interpret the results (SNH, 2016). The SNH review still provides the most in-
depth overview of the knowledge on collision risk modelling and marine mammals. There
has been more recent, device specific modelling which is described below.
The approaches of the ERM and CRM are broadly similar in that they both use a physical
model of the rotor and the body size and swimming activity of the animal to estimate the
potential collision rate. The ERM model focuses on the volume per unit time swept by each
blade, while the CRM focuses on the number of animal transits through a rotating rotor and
the collision risk during each transit. In both models, the shape of the rotor blades and
animal are highly simplified, and single mean values are used for tidal current, animal and
rotor speeds (Band et al., 2016; SNH, 2016).
The ETPM uses population modelling to assess the critical additional mortality due to
collisions which would cause an adverse effect to an animal population. The model
translates that into the collision rate for each animal within the volume swept by the rotors
which would be sufficient to cause such an effect.
Schmitt et al.’s (2017) model was refined for non-static devices within the water column
and used real underwater movement data from Minesto’s tidal kite to define the
parameters. The assumptions within the previously described models is that an animal
swims at a constant speed perpendicular to the device and would therefore encounter the
device at a certain rate. However, as the device moves in this case the rate of encounter
would be lower.
All models have the limitation that they are only as good as the input data, and there is still
an overall lack of understanding around near field evasion and far field avoidance of tidal
stream devices by marine mammals, with an estimated avoidance rate between 0 and 100
% used in the SNH recommended CRM/ERM. In addition, the models presume that all
collisions would result in mortality; this is unlikely for larger animals like marine mammals
(Carlson et al., 2014; Copping et al., 2017). Work undertaken by Band et al. (2016)
addressed some of the uncertainties by including refined input parameters by including
telemetry derived movement data (Thompson et al., 2016) and reducing the likelihood of
mortality if a collision event occurs.
The density of marine mammals used as an input parameter for the models suggested
within SNH’s review are largely provided from visual observations, which as mentioned
previously are susceptible to error. The density estimates will relate to number of
mammals observed in two dimensions at the surface of the water, this does not account
for use of the water column (i.e. three dimensions) described by dive time, dive depth or
swimming profile, which will all impact on the potential collision risk. It is also possible that
if turbines act as fish aggregation devices then this might alter mammal densities in the
vicinity. Furthermore, current models are highly precautionary due to the large number of
In addition to monitoring and modelling studies, wider investigations have also been
undertaken to help understand collision risk, for example the impact of a collision for
harbour and grey seals in Scotland, south resident killer whales in Canada and harbour
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seals in the USA has been examined (Onoufriou et al., 2019; Carlson et al., 2014; and
Copping et al., 2017, respectively). Through direct field observations and lab studies
Carson et al. (2014) and Copping et al. (2017) investigated dead stranded animals, taking
tissue samples to understand the tensile strength of the samples and determining collision
at varying points along the body at differing speeds. These studies concluded that
collisions between the device and killer whales would likely lead to “some subcutaneous
damage…while laceration of the skin is thought unlikely”. This did not represent a lethal
impact if a collision where to occur (Carlson et al., 2014). To understand the impacts on a
smaller species, the same testing was done on harbour seals in the USA and the same
conclusions were drawn. The chance of a serious, fatal injury occurring was estimated to
be minimal (0.005 % chance). For this to a occur a unique set of circumstances had to
happen whereby a marine mammal would need to hit the tip of the blade while the blade
was at full rotational speed, with no avoidance behaviour shown. The likelihood of a
sublethal effect occurring was concluded to be more likely (Copping et al., 2017).
Onoufriou et al. (2019) simulated the potential impacts of collision using dead seal
carcasses (18 grey seals, and one harbour seal) and a boat, the keel of which had been
modified at the bow to replicate a turbine blade. Pre- and post-impact x-rays were taken to
assess the impact of the collision on the animal. The speed of the boat (blade), was the
key factor in determining the level of injury and whether it could potentially be lethal, with
speed greater than 5.1 m/s indicating lethal skeletal damage. During the study, 48 % of the
collisions produced sufficient skeletal trauma to be considered likely to have been fatal.
The study was heavily caveated, as there were multiple assumptions and acceptance of
the oversimplified impact. There were also some caveats to the study, in terms of
representing a worst-case example by using the thinnest part of the blade.
5.1.4. Summary of current knowledge
This section provides an overview of the empirical evidence from tidal stream devices and
summarises the results for the monitoring approaches described above for marine
mammals (see Table 4 for a summary of all monitoring techniques to date). Currently there
is little actual monitoring data or limited direct evidence relating to collision risk between
marine mammals and turbine devices and as such there is a large gap in current
understanding of actual encounter rates as well as direct and indirect mortality rates in the
event of a collision.
Several projects have recorded a distribution shift of marine mammals pre- and post-
instalment, and then another shift, once operation has started. Avoidance behaviour has
been exhibited at Strangford Lough, EMEC and DeltaStream. This reduces the spatial
temporal overlap between marine mammals and tidal stream devices and therefore a
reduction in potential collision that might have otherwise occurred. This far-field avoidance
is understood to some extent, but each individual population of marine mammals is likely
to exhibit a different response, and therefore the changes recorded elsewhere should not
be presumed to apply to all populations. The spatial temporal patterns for some species
derived from visual observations have shown a clear preference to certain tidal periods,
applying a tidal restriction to operation could reduce potential risk.
Overall there is no evidence of an observed collision between a marine animal and a tidal
stream device. However, this may be due to limitations of the monitoring methods (e.g.
shut down clause, partial coverage of swept area, biofouling) indicating that if a collision
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had occurred it would have not been detected, and the small amount of operational time
that has been monitored. The evidence gathered to date, indicated marine mammals show
distribution shifts away from a device, suggesting some degree of far-field avoidance.
However, there has not been enough information on near-field evasion to provide an
overall conclusion about any near-field responses. The monitoring undertaken for these
projects/studies has provided useful insights into animal movements within the vicinity of
tidal turbines and have proven the potential applicability of several technologies.
If a collision were to occur, there is not enough information on what the impact on the
individual would be. Current thinking suggests that all collisions may not be lethal, and
would depend on how fast the rotors were turning and where on the bladed the collision
occurred, with the sublethal effects hard to test and quantify (Copping et al., 2017;
Onoufriou et al., 2019).
5.2. Seabirds
Seabirds are attracted to high tidal energy areas due to increased prey resources
associated with the high-energy environment (Benjamins et al., 2015; Waggit et al., 2016).
Most species of seabird are attracted to these high energy areas, but it is diving species
that are likely to be affected the most, but all species might potentially be impacted by
surface placed devices. Both surface diving species (e.g. auks and cormorants) and
plunge diving species (e.g. gannets) can dive to depths at which a bottom mounted tidal
device could be positioned (Furness et al., 2012). Surface foraging species (e.g. gulls and
terns) could also be impacted from a surface device, with these species able to “dive” to
one or two meters. This direct overlap between the swept area of the blade/device and a
foraging seabird means that a seabird could be struck by a blade (Langton et al., 2011;
Furness et al., 2012; McCluskie et al., 2012; Benjamins et al., 2015).
5.2.1. Monitoring approaches
Monitoring to understand the potential risk of collision between seabirds and tidal stream
devices has been undertaken through two main approaches:
The first approach focuses on understanding the spatial-temporal overlap
between seabirds and the tidal stream device, and therefore the probability of
encounters; and
The second approach focuses directly on monitoring collision with tidal stream
Spatial and temporal overlap
Seabirds are recorded during the same visual observation surveys as marine mammals,
with experienced personal able to record both seabirds and marine mammals concurrently.
Due to the size of some seabird species, there are increased challenges of correctly
identifying and placing individual seabirds into the correct section to provide fine-scale
distribution data (Waggit et al., 2014). The range of successful species identification is
reduced compared to marine mammals. New technologies that incorporate laser range
finders into binoculars have been used during visual surveys to increase the accuracy of
the sighting locations (Cole et al.¸ 2019).
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Like marine mammal monitoring, boat and aerial surveys are undertaken along pre-defined
transects often zig-zagging over the device footprint with one or two trained observers
recording all species of seabird observed and the location of each sighting. Aerial surveys,
including digital aerial surveys, are used to survey large areas quickly and particular areas
where certain species of seabird are known to be easily flushed (fly away or dive) e.g.
divers and seaducks by the presence of a boat. If seabirds are flushed outwith the
detection area (common for sensitive species) the estimate calculated after the survey
may underestimate the true number of seabirds present. However, some species are
harder to observe from the aerial surveys due to their size and colouration (e.g. species
with dark feathering on the upperparts can be overlooked, due to the feathering blending
into the sea when viewed dorsally).
Data loggers have been glued onto the back of seabirds or attached via a harness
providing fine-scale movement patterns. Within each datalogger a wide variety of sensors
can be housed including time-depth recorders, satellite positioning (e.g. global positioning
system (GPS)) and accelerometers. Each sensor provides a different parameter which can
then be interpreted together to produce fine-scale 3D movements and evidence of
behaviour (Collins et al., 2015). These loggers can be limited by battery life, storage
availability and accepted size of device in order to avoid impacting the seabird. The more
sensors within the device, the greater the battery drain, and more data storage capacity
needed and therefore the larger size. There is also potential that once deployed the
seabird may not be recaptured. This is considered unlikely during the breeding season
when seabirds need to return to the nest, but wintering patterns are very hard to ascertain.
The most common deployment is for a short timeframe due to the size of the device
(Owen, 2015; Shoji et al., 2015; Johnston et al., 2018).
Direct collision monitoring
Direct measures to determine collision use technologies which can “see” the device, either
through hydroacoustic monitoring (e.g. sonar or echosounders) or underwater video
cameras. In theory, these technologies could detect when an object, whether it be debris,
or seabird directly collides with the device, but to date this has not happened. The
methods that are used to detect seabirds are similar to the methods used to detect marine
mammals, with all technologies applicable to both receptors. Please refer to Section 6.1.3
for full explanation of the monitoring approaches used.
A seabird specific limitation of the device, especially hydroacoustic, is that due to the small
size of seabirds it is impossible to identify the species of seabird recorded (Williamson et
al., 2017). Currently, to understand species specific direct collision monitoring, the use of
video cameras is required. However, for future projects hydroacoustic monitoring could be
used concurrently with either data loggers or vantage point surveys to identify which
species are detected on the hydroacoustic monitoring device. In reality this would be time
consuming and during mixed-species feeding would be virtually impossible.
5.2.2. Monitoring studies and results
Since the first in situ placing of a tidal turbine several developers have implemented
monitoring to record seabird species in the vicinity of tidal stream devices. Multiple
approaches, as discussed above, have been used for monitoring potential collision risk,
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with varying degrees of success. This section reviews some of the monitoring undertaken
across a range of developments, summarises the findings of the monitoring with regard to
collision between seabirds and tidal stream devices and discusses key limitations of the
EMEC provides the best example in Europe of a long-term tidal stream energy project that
has undertaken monitoring of seabirds (between 2005 and 2015) and published
interpreted results (both pre-deployment and during operation). FORCE in Canada has
also undertaken multiple years (2009 to 2012 for the baseline and then 2016 to present for
operational) of monitoring and analysis of seabird distribution. Monitoring via visual
observation through dedicated vantage point surveys and the use of hydroacoustic devices
have been deployed in both locations to monitor seabird distribution and potential collision.
Other projects/devices which have published data on seabirds include, SeaGen in
Northern Ireland, Verdant Power in USA and DeltaStream in Wales.
During vantage point surveys at EMEC, FORCE and SeaGen changes in the distribution of
seabird species between pre-deployment, instalment and operational phases were
observed (Robbins, 2012; Savidge et al., 2014; Long, 2017; Envirosphere, 2018). Several
seabird species increased in abundance in the vicinity of the device, for example
cormorants were more abundant after the device was installed (but not operational), likely
due to the devices acting as fish aggregation devices (FAD) (Long, 2017). Once the
devices become operational a distribution shift was observed and avoidance occurred for
some species (including cormorants and divers) (Long, 2017; Envirosphere, 2018). In
contrast, Verdant Power’s Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy (RITE) Project observed no
measurable change in the number of diving species following the installation of the devices
(Double-breasted Cormorant specifically). However, it should be noted that the location of
RITE restricted the number of seabirds present due to the urbanised riverine location close
to New York (Verdant Power, 2010).
Acoustic monitoring of seabirds has often been a secondary aim of the hydroacoustic
devices deployed at tidal stream projects. This is due to the difficulty in identifying species
owing to the relatively small size of seabirds compared to marine mammals. However,
several hydroacoustic devices have successfully tracked seabirds by tracking dives on
acoustic imagery (Savidge et al., 2014). The FLOWBEC platform deployed at EMEC was
specifically designed to monitor seabirds, by using novel algorithms that aid detection of
seabirds within high energy areas (Williamson et al., 2019). Six trials lasting 14 days each
detected a single seabird at both the control location and the location with a turbine
present. During the short trial period the technology was proven, and the algorithms
refined to ensure the technology would be able to record a collision (if one were to
happen). Similarly, at the DeltaStream device in Ramsey Sound, the hydroacoustic device
detected seabirds on multiple occasions, with no collision observed.
5.2.3. Wider evidence and assessment of collision
The wider evidence with respect to the risk of collision is also available through scientific
literature as well as from modelling studies undertaken to inform impact assessments.
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Similar to marine mammals, SNH undertook a detailed review of different models that
predict collision between seabirds and tidal stream devices (see Section 5.1.3). The SNH
review still provides the most comprehensive knowledge on modelling for seabirds.
Several recent examples of the models are described below.
Recent assessments in support of applications for tidal stream projects have used both the
CRM and ERM models to predict collision for seabirds. As there is no consensus on which
is the most appropriate for use underwater both of the methods are often used (nrp, 2014:
Minesto, 2016; Morlais, 2019). Similar input parameters are required for all of the models
including, body length, time at the swept area depth, swim speed and density, but none
are able to provide an avoidance rate, so each model includes avoidance estimates
between 50 and 99 %. This wide variety of avoidance estimates means that worse case
scenarios are often high (over 1 % of a population could be “struck” annually).
Studies evaluating potential for interaction have also considered seabird behaviour and
environmental factors within highly energetic tidal areas. Some species of seabird are
often recorded in largest numbers during periods of lowest tidal movement whereas other
species have been observed in the largest numbers when the tidal increases in speed.
The tidal cycle has been observed to influence foraging rates at multiple tidal steam
locations, both positively and negatively (Wade, 2015; Waggit et al., 2016; Goldsmith,
2017; Lieber et al., 2019). These results have also been observed during surveys of tidal
stream devices with significant relationships between abundance estimates and tidal
strength observed (Robbins, 2012; Savidge et al., 2014; Long, 2017; Envirosphere, 2018).
Furness et al. (2012) used a vulnerability index similar to ones used in offshore windfarms
(Garthe & Hüppop, 2004) to investigate which species are most vulnerable to collision in
Scottish waters. By assessing the species conservation status via four parameters (status
in relation to the Birds Directive, percentage of the biogeographic population that occurs in
Scotland, adult survival rate, and UK threat status) and seven biological parameters
(drowning risk, mean and maximum diving depth, benthic foraging, use of tidal races for
foraging, feeding range, disturbance by ship traffic, and habitat specialisation) a metric of
impact was determined. In conclusion, the paper identified Black Guillemot, Razorbill,
European Shag, Common Guillemot, Great Cormorant, divers and Atlantic Puffin as the
species most vulnerable to the adverse effects from tidal turbines in Scottish waters. The
method used within this study could be applied to other areas to provide site specific
vulnerability estimates once initial surveys have ascertained which species are present.
5.2.4. Summary of current knowledge
This section provides an overview of the empirical evidence from tidal stream devices and
summarises the results for the monitoring approaches described above for seabirds (see
Table 4 for a summary of all monitoring techniques to date).
Currently there is little actual monitoring data or limited direct evidence relating to collision
risk between birds and turbine devices and as such there is a large gap in current
understanding of actual encounter rates as well as direct and indirect mortality rates in the
event of a collision. From visual surveys to date, there is some evidence that seabird
species (particularly cormorants and divers) do not habitually forage during periods of the
fastest currents, with a clear preference for areas/times of a lower tidal flow. Some smaller
species like auks have been observed to increase at tidal flow increase, at different
Page 32 of 69
locations. This highlights the importance of site-specific baseline surveys to address this. If
the tidal patterns show a decrease in usage with an increase in current speed it would
restrict the number of seabirds that are active when the devices would be operational.
The evidence gathered to date, indicating birds show distribution shifts away from a
device, suggested far-field avoidance. However, there has not been enough information on
near-field evasion to provide an overall conclusion. The monitoring undertaken for these
projects/studies has provided useful insights into animal movements within the vicinity of
tidal turbines and have proven the potential applicability of several technologies. Telemetry
is widely used in ornithological studies, but there do not appear to be any published
studies where data telemetry devices (either GPS or underwater accelerometers) have
been deployed on seabirds close to tidal stream devices. Such studies would provide
important empirical data.
Overall there is no evidence of an observed collision between a seabird and a tidal stream
device. However, this may be due to the limitations associated with all monitoring methods
and the limited amount of monitoring that has been undertaken. As direct collision is very
hard to monitor for small species like seabirds, data are few and far between. The use of
hydroacoustic devices provides the clearest “picture” to date. Hydroacoustic devices have
tracked diving seabirds in the vicinity of a device (Williamson et al., 2015). Neither of the
locations in which this monitoring has been successfully deployed have recorded a
collision event, with very few encounters recorded.
The largest gap within our current understanding is driven by the lack of empirical
avoidance data. Distribution shifts of several seabird species after the deployment of a
device have been observed, but due to the challenges of monitoring direct collision, there
is still unknown potential for collision, especially when considering arrays of devices.
5.3. Fish
Several studies have been undertaken evaluating the impact of tidal turbine devices on
fish behaviour and fish collision risk with rotating turbine blades. This has included in situ
monitoring, in laboratory settings and through collision risk modelling. A synthesis of
current understanding of fish collision risk with tidal stream devices is provided below and
within the evidence spreadsheet.
Within the UK, migratory fish have been highlighted as the main concern in regards to fish
interactions with tidal stream devices. However, various fish species also contribute to the
diet of diving seabirds and marine mammals.
The review has therefore considered all fish species (for which evidence exists) including
commercially important species and those that are protected through environmental
designations. Physical injuries to fish caused by mechanical strike, shear and cavitation
are the principle risks identified.
5.3.1. Monitoring approaches
Monitoring to understand the potential collision risk of fish and elasmobranchs with tidal
stream devices is in its infancy and there is limited data available to inform collision risk
assessments. Direct sampling of fish (typically undertaken by nets and trawls) is
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impractical in the energetic conditions in which most tidal stream developments are placed
and is therefore not an acceptable form of monitoring (Fraser et al., 2018). Currently
monitoring has been undertaken through two main approaches:
The first approach uses underwater video monitoring to assess fish distributions
and monitor the device to ascertain potential rate of collision or the consequences
of collision; and
The second approach uses a hydroacoustic device to determine the spatial-
temporal overlap between fish and the tidal stream device, and therefore the
likelihood of encounters.
These methods can be used to enable an estimation of fish density. In addition, fish
behaviour such as shoaling, avoidance and collision with turbines can be recorded.
Underwater video monitoring can also allow species identification.
Underwater video techniques involve the placement of a camera system on the turbine
structure. Video cameras can be used to record the presence of particular fish species in
the vicinity of the turbine, information on tidally-induced behaviour and, to some degree,
the passage of species through the turbine device to capture any collision or injury. One
key limitation of video systems is that due to light requirements they are only able to
capture data during daylight hours. Additionally, the field of view may not cover the entire
rotor and the camera view can be obscured at times by the turbine blades meaning that
not all encounters may be captured. Cameras may also become obscured by biofouling.
Footage collected can provide clear evidence of collision or injury caused to fish, however,
data analysis is extremely time consuming. The use of baited video cameras may provide
additional information on species present but also risks biasing recording towards
predatory species.
Echosounders, split-beam acoustic transducers (SBT), high definition sonar or other
similar hydroacoustic devices can also be used to monitor fish presence in the vicinity of
turbine devices. The deployment of such acoustic devices has varied between studies.
Echosounders can be mounted on a vessel to conduct transects across the development
area. Specific over-the-turbine transects are necessary to generate a representative strike
risk model but transects can also be conducted across the wider area to assess fish
populations and diurnal movement patterns. Data collection through this mechanism is
limited by vessel operational periods and weather down-time which might prevent data
Hydroacoustic devices can also be placed directly onto the turbine device and left in situ
for a set period of time or can be seabed-mounted and deployed within the wake of the
tidal stream turbine. This fixed-location method includes the use of Dual Frequency
IDentification SONar (DIDSON) acoustic cameras (Sound Metrics Corp., Seattle, WA),
which can provide acoustic imagery to monitor movements of fish within the vicinity of tidal
turbines. As devices can be continuously recording they can collect data across a 24-hour
window and are not light sensitive so are able to monitor during the dark and in highly
turbid environments. However, data analysis is resource intensive.
The placement, observational window and frequency of recording vary between studies
but will result in a trade-off between data resolution and field of data capture. Only
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echosounder instruments with a sufficient range provide the practical means to investigate
the behaviour of fish throughout the entire water column of a typical tidal channel. The
functionality of echosounders in energetic environments has so far been limited due to the
operational difficulties of data collection in such conditions and the intense interference
caused by backscatter related to turbulence (Fraser et al., 2018).
Two additional techniques which have been trialled to assess fish collision risk are injury
assessment (direct sampling of fish injuries) and fish tagging (tracking studies of fish
movements), however, their accuracy and reliability to assess risk are inconclusive.
Direct sampling can be undertaken to conduct an injury assessment. During site visits, fish
can be collected and any injured fish identified. The type of injury, such as bruising,
laceration or descaling, can be identified and the likely cause assessed. In addition,
discussions with fishermen can also provide data to inform injury assessment if they have
noted any injured fish during catches. However, to date many assessments have been
unable to conclude the sources of injury or determine if all injuries have come from a single
Attaching tracking tags to fish, is another method which has been used to analyse fish
movements in the vicinity of tidal turbines. The use of tags can, for example, allow the
tracking of seasonal and diurnal movements of fish species. It can also provide
information on swimming velocity and direction and has been highlighted as particularly
useful in areas with migratory fish species. The use of this method is relatively new and in
many cases data is not yet publicly available. One of the main challenges faced in
detecting acoustically tagged fish is poor receiver efficiency due to excessive noise
interference when current speeds exceed 2 m s-1 (Redden et al., 2014). To date, such
methods have had limited success in informing collision risk.
Use of electro-mechanical (strain/ accelerometers) devices can be used to measure force
on a turbine blade from object collision and assess where on a turbine the collision has
occurred. However, due to the nature of tidal stream environments accelerometers are
always under strain and there is uncertainty over the sensitivity of the devices and the
force of impact required to register a collision event. Currently these devices have not
been utilised for fish collision risk monitoring and there is no clear evidence as to their
effectiveness, however there is potential applicability for their use in monitoring basking
shark collisions.
Despite the availability of the above monitoring techniques, it should be noted that many
developments have not undertaken project specific monitoring and instead rely on desk-
based reviews and historic data to inform the potential distribution of fish species in the
vicinity of a site. Although the literature can identify potential species present in the vicinity
of a tidal device and provide background on fish behaviour, the specific impacts through
collision risk are difficult to predict. This is a significant limitation with respect to the current
understanding of fish collision risk assessments.
5.3.2. Monitoring studies and results
Since the first in situ placing of a tidal turbine several developers have implemented
monitoring to record fish species in the vicinity of tidal devices. Multiple approaches, as
discussed above, have been used for monitoring potential collision risk, with varying
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degrees of success. This section reviews some of the monitoring undertaken across a
range of developments, summarises the findings of the monitoring with regards to collision
risk and discusses any limitations of the findings.
Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC), as part of their RivGen project, similarly used
underwater imagery to assess fish distributions in the vicinity of their turbines in the Igiugig
River, Alaska. Underwater imagery was collected 24 hours per day from 19 to 25 July and
19 to 27 August 2015 (Priest and Nemeth, 2015). Due to the large time and resource
implications of analysing the video footage initial analysis focused on only the first 10
minutes of the footage each hour.
The initial results identified 1,020 fish from six species observed across the monitoring
period. Several instances of fish moving through the turbine were recorded but there was
no direct evidence of physical injury or collision. However, the footage did record some
evidence of disorientation by juvenile salmon moving downstream (Priest and Nemeth,
2015). Following later analysis of the remaining footage results revealed a total 2,538 fish
within the vicinity of the turbine. Across the period a total of 20 collisions were recorded
(0.8 %), the majority of which involved shoals of juvenile fish (Matzner et al., 2017). The
differences in results shows the limitation in only part assessing video footage and indicate
the time constraints required to undertake accurate analysis. Additionally, the method of
post processing and analysis of footage can be key in determining collision risk.
As part of the TidGen Project, ORPC undertook a down-looking hydroacoustic survey to
assess the impact of their TidGen horizontal axis turbines. The survey was undertaken
between August 2012 and September 2013, monitoring fish presence, abundance and
vertical distribution. Key species recorded in the vicinity of the turbines at all tidal
conditions were Atlantic herring, Atlantic mackerel, winter flounder, silver hake, haddock
and white hake. The results of the study showed a significant decline in fish density closer
to the turbine, starting from approximately 140 m from the device. Fish were more likely to
be recorded at the same depth as the turbine during the night compared to day time, the
tidal stage did not appear to have an impact. On the basis of this level of avoidance from
the turbine it was concluded that the probability of a fish encountering the turbine’s blade
would be less than 2.9%, based on the density of fish in the study area (Shen et al., 2015;
FORCE, 2018). However, it should be noted that the use of hydroacoustics limited the
ability to isolate individual fish species within mixed shoals and limited the area/ range in
which behaviour could be observed.
The Cape Sharp Tidal project in Minas Passage, Canada, also utilised a downward facing
hydroacoustic echosounder mounted onto a vessel as part of the baseline fish monitoring.
The OpenHydro open centred turbine was deployed between 2009 and 2010 and 2016
and 2018. As part of defining the environmental baseline a fish-monitoring programme was
implemented. Three 24-hour surveys in May, August and October 2016 were undertaken
to assess fish abundance and behaviour. Following the start of operations four additional
24 hour surveys were undertaken in November 2016, January, March and May 2017.
Preliminary findings suggested no significant effect of the turbine on the density of fish in
the mid-field i.e. less than 1 km from the turbine or on fish vertical distributions or at
different tidal states. However, monitoring did record highly variable fish densities
seasonally with highest densities observed in November and January. Specific over-the-
turbine transects were necessary to generate a representative strike risk model.
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A further project example in which fish interaction with tidal stream devices have been
examined through the use of hydroacoustic devices is the Ocean Renewables turbine
testing platform in Cobscook Bay, Maine. In this example, two DIDSON acoustic cameras
were deployed for a period of 22 hours in September 2010 (Viehman and Zydlewski,
2015). This time span included approximately 11 hours of daylight and 11 hours of
darkness, and nearly two tidal cycles. The two DIDSON units were mounted upstream and
downstream of the device and were operated in high-frequency mode (1.8 MHz), which
provides better resolution at short ranges, however this limits the viewing window to 10 m.
Behaviours of individual fish and schools were classified (e.g. entering, avoiding, passing,
or remaining in the wake of the turbine) and the effects of turbine motion (rotating or not
rotating), diel condition (day or night), and fish size (small, ≤10 cm; large, >10 cm) were
Turbine motion significantly affected the probability of fish entering, avoiding, and passing
by the turbine. The turbine began rotating (and generating power) when current speeds
exceeded 1 m s−1. 11,377 fish were detected while the turbine was not rotating (24% of
the time), and 17,611 were detected while it was rotating (76% of the time). When the
turbine was rotating, the probability of fish entering the turbine decreased by over 35%
from when it was not. The probability of fish entering the turbine was also greater at night.
Overall, no direct collisions were detected, but 19% of fish were recorded entering the
turbine while the turbine was operational and therefore at risk of collision. The largest
shortcoming of the DIDSON technology in this study was the resolution, although DIDSON
image resolution is among the best available, the results could not provide information on
direct blade strike of fish or the condition of fish exiting the turbine for the same reason.
Additionally, the rotation of the turbine caused a slight blurring around the blade edges, so
everything within approximately 5 cm of the blades was not discernible (Viehman and
Zydlewski, 2015).
Verdant at Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy (RITE) project used acoustic sampling via mobile
split-beam acoustic transducers (SBT) to monitor fish. SBTs were attached and mounted
downward on a vessel. Four baseline surveys were conducted between September 2005
and November 2005, six further surveys were undertaken during operation between
October and December 2008. Additionally, 24 stationary SBTs were deployed to monitor
passing fish. These were monitored once a month for the first six months of deployment,
January to June 2007. From the stationary SBTs 38 schools and 82 individual fish were
observed within the 112 minutes of video footage collected when turbines were rotating
and operational. Thorough assessment of the footage revealed five occurrences (4%) of
what appeared to be direct encounters with the rotor blade. However, a key limitation of
the analysis was the limited field of view of the SBT which was blocked by turbine blades,
as such some collision incidences may have been missed (Bevelhimer et al., 2016).
FORCE in the upper Bay of Fundy is a tidal energy test facility. A multi-year fish tracking
study (2010-2013) has been undertaken at this site to address questions related to the
potential risks of turbine operation to migratory species. VEMCO animal tracking
technology was used to detect near year-round animal movements (path, velocity and
depth) and behaviour of 386 tagged Atlantic salmon, Atlantic sturgeon, American eel and
striped bass.
Hydo-acoustic receivers were placed in lines at 300 to 400 m intervals across both the
Minas Passage (5 km wide) and the FORCE test site (1 km wide) to detect the presence of
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transmitters surgically implanted in fish as they moved within the Minas Passage during
migrations into and out of the Minas Basin. Results show that the FORCE test area
represents an important migratory corridor for all fish species examined and provided
evidence of frequent use of the passage rather than use for just in- and out-migration.
Compared to the other species monitored, striped bass were within the detection range of
acoustic receivers for surprisingly long periods of time (up to 10 months) and were
considered at significant risk of interaction with tidal devices.
Despite these findings, the results of the tagging study could not indicate direct interactions
with tidal devices and therefore provides no assessment of collision risk. Additionally, the
study found poor receiver detection efficiency during periods of high current velocity
(greater than 2 m s-1). The tag transmission dataset was therefore predicted to represent
40% or less of the actual transmissions within the general range of the receivers which
was a key limitation to the assessment (Redden et al., 2014).
As an additional part of this project specific fish injury monitoring was also undertaken.
Incidence of injured fish were monitored through visits and discussions with fishers of the
southern Minas Basin. The survey was conducted from May 2017 until approximately two
weeks after the tidal turbine was removed. However, the cause of the injuries could not be
determined, nor could it be concluded that all injuries were from a single source and
therefore the assessment could not provide specific results on fish collision rates (FORCE,
5.3.3. Wider evidence and assessment of collision
Potential impacts of tidal turbines on fish species have been predicted through collision
risk modelling. Various types of models have been used to predict the risk of fish colliding
with tidal turbine devices as there is currently no single recommended model type for this
purpose. As such studies have adopted different approaches to collision risk modelling.
The different collision risk models have some similarities but differ in scope (coverage of
the collision risk pathway) and in consideration of animal behaviour, such as natural
seasonal or diurnal movement patterns, movement in different tidal flows and avoidance
Two of the key models which are used to directly assess collision risk include kinematic
models which are mathematical models that describe the motion of objects without
consideration of forces, this includes fish movement and tidal turbine operation; and Agent-
Based Models (ABM) which simulate animal-structure interactions to predict collision risk.
A Kinetic Hydropower System (KHPS)-Fish Interaction Model was developed and applied
by Verdant Power to support assessment of its Gen4 KHPS device at the RITE project.
Using the results from acoustic fish monitoring surveys undertaken between 2007 and
2009 collision risk modelling was undertaken using Echoview analysis. Data on the
location of 34,708 fish was used including the location, heading and velocity of each fish
that passed through the multibeam field, alongside data on turbine operation and velocity,
current velocity and tidal state (ebb/flow). The model predicted the probability of a blade
strike on fish passing the turbine to be below 0.50 % for all arrays up to 30 turbines
(Bevelhimer et al., 2016). However, the rotational speed of the turbine blades was also
considered as a known constant at 35 ft s-1, the model did therefore not include
parameters to assess the varying rotational speed at different points along the blade and
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therefore did not account for where on the blade the strike would occur. The blade was
considered to be rotating above 1 m s-1 and all collision with a rotating blade were
considered to be lethal.
To further assess the impacts of its TidGen device, Ocean Renewable Power conducted
an encounter probability model to assess the likely number of fish collisions. The model
was based on previous monitoring work at both the RivGen and TidGen test sites. The
model took account of fish abundance, vertical distribution and avoidance behaviour (Shen
et al., 2015). From the baseline monitoring it was assessed that the probability of fish
being at the depth of the blade and therefore at risk of collision was 0.793 %. However,
when accounting for avoidance behaviour and for time when the turbine was actually
operational (minimum tidal current of > 1 m s-1) the probability of a collision fell to 0.083%.
One caveat to this finding is that no interpretation has been made as to the impact on
wider fish population dynamics and no specification is made as to what probability means,
i.e. per day, per year, or based of fish density.
The probability of collision risk calculated in the above model differs from that determined
as part of a separate operational monitoring study undertaken at the TidGen site. Based
on the outputs of the monitoring study the probability of a fish encountering the turbine’s
blade was calculated to be less than 2.9 %, a 34-fold difference in collision probability
(Viehman and Zydlewski, 2015; FORCE, 2018). This indicates the potential limitations of
modelling (also noting all the potential inaccuracies associated with monitoring) and shows
that care needs to be taken when interpreting results. However, the probability of collision
from this model is comparable to the results from modelling by Bevelhimer et al. (2016),
which predicted a 0.5 % risk for fish passing through the swept area of a 30-turbine array.
No further assessment of the exposure time of fish to turbines was undertaken to analyse
wider population impacts.
An ABM was developed to predict the likely collision risk of migrating silver eels passing a
tidal turbine in Strangford Lough. The ABM aimed to simulate interactions between fish
and consider the natural population cycle and behaviours. The dimensions of the device,
the number of blades, current speed and the size of the fish were all characterised within
the model. An additional parameter was also included where combined collision speeds
greater than 5 m s-1 were assumed to be fatal.
Results predicted low rates of collisions, with just 1.1 % of eels passing through Strangford
Lough predicted to collide with the turbines. The model also predicted that more collisions
would occur for fish swimming upstream (against the flow and increased with longer body
lengths). However, risk decreased the faster the fish swam. As with other modelling
studies this project did not include an assessment of avoidance behaviour and therefore
further work could include modifying swimming behaviours to include active turbine
avoidance (Rossington and Benson, 2019).
The current outputs of collision risk models are primarily derived from density data
indicating utilisation of fish at a set location. However, a recognised limitation is that these
models do not generally account for avoidance behaviour of fish and thus it is difficult to
assess the level of exposure to collision risk pressure. Modelling approaches are also
limited by the degree of species, site and tidal device specific data for any given location.
In addition, there is relatively little validation data of actual collisions to verify predictions
that are made. Care therefore needs to be taken when interpreting the results from
Page 39 of 69
modelling studies as specific input parameters may mean results are not comparable to
real world situations, as shown by Shen et al., (2015). However, modelling can provide an
indication of likely collision risk when monitoring data is not available.
Alongside gathering of empirical data from locations in which tidal stream devices have
been deployed, theoretical studies have also been undertaken to help understand collision
risk. These studies look at fish activity to determine the likelihood of encounter based on
behaviour alone. Interaction with turbine devices is only considered conceptually and not
through direct interaction with tidal stream devices.
A study by Hammar et al. (2015), for example, assessed collision risk based upon video
data of fish movements in strong tidal currents. Only fish species known to fully or partly
utilise the mid and upper parts of the water column were included in the study as they were
considered most important in the context of collision risk. Fish movements (directions,
depth, speed), fish length, avoidance behaviour and tidal current were included in the
The study generated three important findings regarding the probability of co-occurrence
between fish and tidal turbines. Firstly, results showed that as current speed increased fish
movement decreased as fish seek shelter. Fish were very rare in currents as strong as 1 m
s−1, therefore many species will have a very low probability of co-occurring with operating
tidal turbines. Secondly, the findings indicate that in strong tidal currents fish are most
likely to swim in the direction of the current, increasing the probability of entering turbines
in the direction of the flow. The authors also noted that large fish have a higher probability
of collision compared to small fish, including high probabilities of blade incident and
Hammar et al. (2015) further assessed the implications of turbine design on likely collision
impact and noted that turbine design has a large influence on potential mortality rates. The
theoretical assessment found that small turbines were easier to avoid than large ones, and
slow rotational speeds reduce the probability of turbine injury. Turbines with rotors moving
fast and of a large diameter were more likely to cause severe injury. Among the many
developing turbine designs, the Minesto Deep Green design is distinguished by the fact
that it moves very fast (>10 m s-1) has a very large diameter and can operate in relatively
slow currents (1 m s−1) where fish activity is higher than in stronger currents. The study
suggested that the installation of such turbines in areas frequented by large fish of
vulnerable populations should therefore be carefully assessed with regards to ecological
risks before installation (Hammar et al., 2015).
Another factor which is not generally well understood is the survivability of fish following a
collision. Combining strike probability with strike mortality provides a measure of turbine
passage survival. As such a multi-year study was initiated by EPRI to evaluate the
importance of turbine design, including leading-edge blade thickness, shape, and impact
velocity, on fish survival (EPRI, 2011).
The study used modelling and laboratory testing to develop a blade design criterion.
Initially the modelling indicated that a semi-circular shaped blade created the highest
differential forces (leading edge pressures) and therefore had the greatest potential to
deflect a fish prior to impact. Laboratory testing was undertaken using rainbow trout, white
sturgeon and American eel, of various lengths to test the model findings. Turbines were
Page 40 of 69
installed in a large, recirculating flume and fish were exposed to blades of differing
thicknesses (9.5, 25.4, 50.8, 101.6, and 152.4 mm) traveling at speeds up to 30 ft s-1.
The ratio of fish length to blade thickness (L/t) was used to standardize the results. Strike
survival rates greater than 90% were observed when the L/t ratio was 1 or less (i.e., fish
length was equivalent to or greater than the leading-edge blade thickness).
A similar study by Amaral et al. (2015) considered the survivability of fish following a
collision by monitoring delayed mortality to fish injured during a collision. Underwater video
cameras were used to record fish movements in the flume, and to test survivability of
species for up to 48 hours following collision.
The results found that survivability was variable between species but ranged from 1 to 0.96
one-hour post collision. However, for some species survivability dropped 48 hour post
testing, ranging from 1 to 0.91. The predominant form of injury observed was bruising
(seen on 23% of all fish). This assessment therefore highlights the potential indirect/
delayed mortality related to collisions something which is not captured in current turbine
monitoring studies (Amaral et al., 2015).
In both studies, across the species monitored the observed survival rates were generally
greater than 95%. However, it should be noted that survivability decreases with increasing
blade diameter (as blades are moving across a larger volume of water) and with increasing
strike speed (Hammar et al., 2015). Survivability also varied between species. It should
also be noted that due to the scale of the projects, full size turbines could not be used. In
the study by Amaral et al., (2015) only a turbine with 1.5 m blade diameter could be used,
which may have resulted in fewer injuries to fish.
5.3.4. Summary of current knowledge
Monitoring techniques utilised to monitor fish populations predominantly include either
underwater video assessment or use of hydroacoustic devices (including Echosounders,
SBTs, DIDSON). However, there are multiple limitations to the monitoring methods
currently undertaken (see Table 4 for a summary of all monitoring techniques to date).
For hydroacoustic devices these limitations include a narrow sampling/ viewing window
limiting the area of analysis, a limited resolution which makes estimating fish species and
fish size particularly difficult and being unable to provide information of direct blade strike
on fish or the condition of fish exiting the turbine. In contrast, video equipment allows for
the identification of individual fish species and for the effects of turbines on swimming
behaviour to be analysed. However, video cameras are not able to sample at night without
artificial lighting, and often footage is obstructed by turbine blades which reduces the
accuracy of the data collected.
Overall, Viehman and Zydlewski, (2015) concluded that if blade strike is the focus of a
study, video may be a more useful tool, but that DIDSON is a useful tool for monitoring fish
interaction with tidal turbine devices and is especially well suited to sampling at night or in
turbid conditions.
Page 41 of 69
Currently there is little actual monitoring data or limited direct evidence relating to collision
risk between fish and turbine devices and as such there is a large gap in current
understanding of actual encounter rates as well as direct and indirect mortality rates in the
event of a collision. Fish species composition and abundance vary spatially between
different tidal stream project sites, and temporally over seasonal or diurnal cycles, which
means site specific studies over an appropriate timescale are, necessary to assess
potential device impact. The potential interactions between fish and tidal turbines have
been identified as a research gap for tidal stream power generation in the UK as a whole,
and Wales in particular (Roche et al., 2016).
Limitations to current collision risk assessment include:
1. Uncertainly around all input parameters and models which do not include fish
avoidance behaviour;
2. Limited analysis of individual species - behaviours of species, e.g. demersal vs
pelagic or fish size, will change likely impacts and risk of collision;
3. Results are species, location and device specific and may not be appropriate for
the assessment of other devices;
4. Delayed mortality from injury caused during collision has not been assessed.
Survivability predicted from current studies are likely an underestimate; and
5. No interpretation as to what impact the probability of collision risk has on wider
fish population dynamics.
Additionally, there has been little verification of model outputs and the associated
predictions given the lack of available monitoring data and the limitations around this.
These limitations lead to uncertainty concerning the reliability of results and limit the
potential extrapolation or use of results to inform other tidal developments. Therefore, care
should be taken when interpreting results from previous studies.
Page 42 of 69
Table 4: Summary table of the collision risk monitoring techniques used to date.
Category of
Main Pros Main Cons In situ example(s)
observations -
vantage point
mammals and
Relatively cheap
compared to the
other observations
allowing a longer-
term evidence base
to be collected;
Provides information
on behaviour and
occupancy patterns
(surface only)
Does not provide
information on sub-
surface collision risk;
Restricted to daylight
Long-term datasets
may be needed to
undertake robust
Can be hard to
provide accurate
spatial information.
All sites/projects to
date have
undertaken visual
observations -
boat and aerial
mammals and
Able to cover a large
area quickly (aerial);
Only methods able
to provide density
estimates for
modelling (true
density provided
over the whole site).
Does not provide
information on
Restricted to daylight
Can be hard to
identify all animals to
species (some stay
at species group
All sites/projects to
date have
undertaken visual
Page 43 of 69
Category of
Main Pros Main Cons In situ example(s)
mounted video
Direct collision
and spatial-
seabirds and
Allows direct visual
observation of any
Provides data on
near-field presence
and behaviours
around turbines
Able to have multiple
cameras on tidal
stream device;
Technology is
Quantity of data
processing and
storage issues;
conditions required
to allow visual
observations to be
made (i.e. during
daytime, low turbid
Not usually viewed
live, not able to stop
any collision.
Nova Innovation’s
devices in Bluemull
Sustainable Marine
Energy’s PLAT-I
Provide 24/7
Relatively easy to
deploy and retrieve
(if not attached to
Only monitors
May not provide
Does not provide
information on actual
Minesto (at the
Holyhead Deep Site
and Strangford
Page 44 of 69
Category of
Main Pros Main Cons In situ example(s)
Active SONAR
Direct collision
and spatial-
seabirds and
Provide real time
feedback which
could stop a collision
from occurring;
Tracks 3D
movement of
Large initial cost;
Not able to
determine species
for fish, seabirds or
some mammal
Produces vast
amounts of data
which can be
challenging to
DeltaStream device
in Ramsey Sound;
SeaGen in
Strangford Lock.
Blade mounted
Direct collision
seabirds and
Can provide
performance data at
same time as
Not able to ascertain
what has hit (maybe
Inbuilt to turbines so
hard to repair if
Often hypersensitive
and recording water
Several devices at
Page 45 of 69
Category of
Main Pros Main Cons In situ example(s)
Direct collision
and spatial-
mammals and
seabirds (and
Provides a large
amount of data
within a small tag,
which can last a long
May not be able to
retrieve device (may
not be needed by
some type of
Provides an
individual level of
detail, may not be
applicable to the
population and
therefore need to tag
a lot to understand
patterns fully.
May be limited
information on near-
field behaviour
Seal population of
Strangford Loch.
Seals within Ramsey
Seabirds off north
coast of Anglesey.
Page 46 of 69
6. Gap Analysis
Given the small number of tidal stream deployments to date and therefore the limited
evidence base, a gap analysis of the evidence has been undertaken to determine the
information that is required to undertake robust assessments of collision risk and also the
best approach for future consenting.
The results of the gap analysis are presented in Table 5. In summary, the evidence that
can be collected from baseline surveys to determine the spatial and temporal distribution
and density estimates of marine mammals and seabirds is considered to be largely
adequate, although it should be noted that not all tidal stream developments have
undertaken baseline monitoring. Gathering this same spatial and temporal information for
fish can be more challenging as most monitoring methods are based only on passage data
and are dependent on the swimming behaviour or life history of particular fish species.
The key evidence gaps for all receptor groups during operational monitoring are in relation
to determining avoidance or encounter rates of different marine species, as well as
confirming if an actual collision has occurred and what the effects of a collision are. For
example, there is evidence that some fish may avoid high tidal flows and thus not be
exposed to collision risk and evidence that marine mammals may also avoid tidal turbines
to some extent. Evidence on near-field evasion is also very limited thus creating
challenges in estimating avoidance rates. For example, there is no evidence of what
happens when fish approach tidal devices as a result of the pressure differential
associated with turbine blades. Operational monitoring of fish is additionally challenging
given the limitations of the particular methods that are available and that approaches are
not species specific.
In addition to these gaps, the limited monitoring data that is currently available is species,
location and device specific and may therefore not be transferable or applicable to the
assessment of other tidal stream projects. In particular, species composition and
abundance can vary spatially between different tidal stream project sites, and temporally
over seasonal or diurnal cycles, which means site specific studies over an appropriate
timescale are necessary to be able to assess the potential impact of a device.
Another key gap is the potential implication of collision mortality at the population level.
Whilst it might be possible to estimate the collision risk for an individual, understanding
what the consequence might be for the population is challenging. Methods do exist to
assess population level effects of tidal stream devices, and these have been applied to
marine mammals and seabirds but there is no evidence that these have been applied for
The cumulative effects of deploying multiple tidal devices and arrays in the marine
environment is a further key uncertainty. This is particularly the case for marine species
that travel large distances and that have the potential to overlap with more than one project
Page 47 of 69
Table 5: Gap analysis of evidence available for undertaking robust collision risk assessments.
Receptor Baseline Evidence Operational Monitoring Modelling
Marine Mammals
collecting general baseline
(density) data but limited
information available on finer
scale behaviour within tidal
stream areas (non-device and
device areas);
Density estimates between
acoustic and visual surveys can
be significantly different, a
multi-method approach to
baseline collection would be
Uncertainty around avoidance
rates and actual strikes;
No evidence of the
effectiveness of accelerometers
and these are generally not
considered sufficiently sensitive
to accurately register collision
events (although the larger the
animal the more effective this
method is likely to be);
Real-time assessment of
collision requires improved
algorithms for identifying marine
mammals approaching turbine
Currently based on hypothetical
avoidance rates (no avoidance
behaviour); avoidance rates
need to be well defined in order
for models to provide accurate
collision estimates
Assumes that all collisions are
fatal; better information required
on the consequences of
Page 48 of 69
Receptor Baseline Evidence Operational Monitoring Modelling
collecting general baseline
(density) data but fine-scale
distribution is hard to gather
over large spatial scales using
traditional methods (vantage
Unknown near-field avoidance
rates and subsequent
consequences if an actual strike
was to occur;
Currently near-field observation
methods cannot identify seabird
species, therefore unknown
impact on the population;
Telemetry is widely used in
ornithology, but there has been
no published work on bird
movement within tidal stream
environments using this
Currently based on hypothetical
avoidance rates (no avoidance
behaviour); avoidance rates
need to be well defined in order
for models to provide accurate
collision estimates
Currently assume that all
collisions are fatal, better
information required on
consequences of collision.
Page 49 of 69
Receptor Baseline Evidence Operational Monitoring Modelling
lacking, with few methods used
to understand which species
are present. Unknown best
monitoring approach;
The period that fish spend
within the vicinity of the tidal
stream device, is not well
understood, seasonally,
temporally, or tidally driven
The behaviour of basking
sharks in high energy
environments; is there a similar
attraction observed within
seabirds and marine mammals?
The extent to which devices,
moorings and inter-array areas
may act as fish aggregation
Better understanding needed
on the use of tidal stream areas
by fish, including:
- Migratory species pathways
and behaviour;
- Fish swimming behaviour
Swimming depth preference
Probability of collision not
related to wider population
Real-time assessment of
collision not currently
Additional information on
specific species impact.
Fish are currently classed
assessed as a
homogenous entity, but
likely to be differences in
exposure between
demersal and pelagic
No assessment of impacts
to fish from pressure
differential across the
blade, which may cause
injury and/or mortality;
There is little information
currently on the sublethal
effects of collision.
Currently based on
hypothetical avoidance
rates (no avoidance
behaviour); avoidance rates
need to be well defined in
order for models to provide
accurate collision estimates
No agreed approach for
Collision Risk Modelling for
fish species;
Modelling parameters do
not currently account for
pressure differential across
the blade;
Rotational speeds at
different points along the
blade not assessed within
models and all collisions
are considered fatal.
Page 50 of 69
7. Recommendations for Addressing Key Gaps
Recommendations on addressing the key gaps in data and information have been
identified and are discussed below.
Further evidence on realistic animal densities and near field evasion is likely to be needed
to generate robust avoidance rates. This is particularly important for marine mammals and
fish which may swim through tidal arrays on each tide and thus regularly be exposed to
collision risk.
While acoustic techniques for tracking fine scale behaviour of marine animals close to
turbines have matured recently, they still require further development. Other relevant
technologies, such as blade mounted pressure sensors for instance, also need to be
explored and developed further in order to confirm if they are effective in determining a
collision event. More information on the behaviour of animals in the presence of a turbine
and on the physical consequences of a collision (with the blade or pressure differential) is
also required to fully understand the potential for death or injury.
Development of and improvement to fish monitoring techniques is a key recommendation
and research priority to improve the knowledge of fish behaviour within tidal stream areas.
Further research is also needed to accurately determine fish behaviour around tidal turbine
devices, as well as to detect and record collision events to quantify the occurrence and
frequency of collisions.
There may be some relevant evidence or lessons that can be learned from other similar
types of development that have the potential to result in a collision risk, notwithstanding
that the design of these developments are different to tidal energy devices and therefore
the actual collision risk would not be the same. For example, there is growing experience
of applying collision risk modelling to seabirds in relation to offshore wind farms. There is
also a good understanding of the impact of hydropower turbines on fish. Established
projects with longer term monitoring programmes would provide some further insight into
the interaction of different marine animals with moving structures in the marine
environment and the likelihood of evasion. They would also provide evidence on the
potential impact of pressure differentials which is currently lacking from the evidence
available from tidal stream development.
Population Viability Analysis (PVA) methods are available to determine population level
effects and these are often applied to marine mammals and seabirds and can be applied
to fish too but this is not often done. Assessing the population level effects on all fish
receptors is considered to be more challenging. Monitoring techniques are not species
specific and stock assessment data against which to compare impacts is quite limited.
Equivalent Adult Values (EAVs) are often used to assess population level fish impacts but
there are limitations to this approach. For example, published EAV’s are highly variable
and monitoring is not species specific. The requirement to improve our confidence in
monitoring and assessing fish impacts is therefore key to a reliable assessment of the
population level effects becoming possible.
Page 51 of 69
Page 52 of 69
8. Conclusions
A primary concern with tidal turbines is the risk of marine animal collision, however, there
is a lack of clear evidence to illustrate how animals interact with the turbines and to what
degree this represents a real risk. This is largely due to the uncertainties relating to the
likelihood and potential effects of collision and the individual and population consequences
of injury/mortality. The main approaches that are used to help determine the possible risk
of collision are modelling tools, monitoring in the field and laboratory studies. This
Evidence Review has undertaken an in-depth review of these approaches, focussing in
particular on information from field monitoring, and the empirical evidence available from a
number of planned and implemented tidal stream projects in the UK, Europe and North
The range of available monitoring techniques, and their strengths and weaknesses, are
summarised in Table 4. Monitoring requirements will vary from site to site, but could
Animal behaviour around turbine structures (e.g. can they detect turbines, do
they avoid them, can they escape once detected etc.);
Quantification of number of collisions and near misses (primarily dependent
on accuracy of assumed or modelled impact);
Outcome of animal collisions (e.g. injury/damage to animal, noting that where
evidence is not available, collision is currently assumed to be fatal on a
precautionary basis); and
Identification of object/species types (to inform behaviour and impact
The review found that field monitoring techniques used to determine the spatial and
temporal overlap between a tidal stream device and marine animal, primarily to
characterise the baseline environment (baseline monitoring) but also during the
operational phase (impact monitoring), are valuable in determining the presence,
distribution and likely vulnerability of species to tidal stream devices. They also provide
density estimates that are a key input parameter for collision risk models. However, these
types of surveys need to be carefully designed to ensure that the data collected is of
sufficient spatial resolution (e.g. include depth distribution) and accounts for temporal
variability (e.g. tidal cycle and seasonality).
To date, none of the monitoring studies on marine mammals and seabirds have recorded a
direct collision with a tidal device; however, there are limitations with all of these studies
(e.g. shut down clause, no analysis of all available data and/or no actual monitoring of
direct collision) such that if a collision had occurred it may not have been detected. One of
the monitoring studies undertaken on fish have recorded collisions with tidal turbines,
particularly shoaling juvenile fish. There has been an overall paucity of monitoring data
given that there have only been a small number of tidal devices deployed and monitored
thus far. Despite this, the data that has been collected to date, provides valuable evidence
on the behaviour (e.g. far-field avoidance) and likely overlap of different marine species
around devices.
Page 53 of 69
Fine-scale 3D movement data, through telemetry and hydroacoustic devices, have
provided some initial evidence for near-field evasions. However, these methods are
relatively costly and generate a considerable amount of data which require a large amount
of time and resource to process and analyse. In addition to the challenges of monitoring in
a tidal environment, not all these methods are able to provide conclusive evidence that an
actual strike has occurred, and each method has different limitations that need to be taken
account of in terms of the resolution and quality of the data that can be collected (e.g.
battery capacity of telemetry tags, narrow sampling/viewing window of hydroacoustic
devices, video footage not possible to collect at night or in turbid conditions etc.).
Modelling continues to be the most commonly used approach to assessing the risk of
collision. There are a range of modelling tools available, each with different input
parameter requirements (e.g. the physical characteristics of turbines, physical and
behavioural characteristics of animals and local density estimates). Model assumptions
are often conservative, for example, they may assume there is no avoidance behaviour
and that all collisions are fatal. The three main types of model available to determine the
potential collision rate in marine mammals and seabirds (and which could also be used
modified for fish) are ERMs, CRMs and ETPMs. Existing fish collision risk models include
kinematic models and agent-based models.
From a review of the evidence currently available, there has been limited validation of
collision risk models with the results of monitoring during operation. The level of
confidence in the outputs of these modelling tools is therefore quite limited.
Over time, as additional tidal stream energy devices are deployed and monitored, the
evidence base that can then be used in the consenting of future projects will increase. The
monitoring techniques and ultimately the predictions of collision and its potential effects on
the population will therefore also improve.
Page 54 of 69
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Page 59 of 69
10. Appendices
Appendix A - Agreed List of Tidal Devices
Table 6: Initial long list of tidal stream energy devices/developers agreed with NRW and the status of the monitoring and/or reporting.
Country Developer Device Project Location Status
Monitoring and
within this
Deep Green
Tidal Kite DG500
One 0.5 MW tidal
kite, no moving
Off Holyhead,
Anglesey, Wales
Testing in
Lough 2017
and then
deployment in
Holyhead in
EIA undertaken.
Currently undertaking
operational monitoring.
Monitoring a condition of
Marine Licence (ORML
Tidal Energy
400 kW device of
3-bladed turbines
Ramsey Sound,
Operational monitoring
occurred and scientific
papers of the results
published. Company no
longer exists so no
contact was made.
Page 60 of 69
Country Developer Device Project Location Status
Monitoring and
within this
application is
being prepared
for the
ion Zone
Off Holyhead,
Anglesey Wales
At the pre-
EIA undertaken with
baseline data collected,
but no device has been
put into operation and
therefore no operational
Up to nine
SeaGen devices
Between Carmel
Head and the
Skerries, off
Anglesey, Wales.
Consented in
2015. Project
put on hold in
EIA undertaken, baseline
data collected but no
operational monitoring,
as project has stalled.
Testing site in
which multiple
devices have
been placed. Will
review the
monitoring at
EMEC as well as
projects if
monitoring has
Falls of Warness,
The DA
opened in
2006, with the
first device
placed in the
water in
EMEC undertakes
wildlife observations
throughout the year
alongside various
projects. Multiple
researchers have
published papers in the
area. Annual reports up
to 2014 online.
Nova M100
Twin 4.5 m
blades 100 kw
Tidal Array
Bluemull Sound,
Two devices
since 2016
with an
deployed in
assessment undertaken,
including collision risk
modelling. Monitoring
started in 2010 and is
continuing. Undertook
phone interview for
additional information.
Page 61 of 69
Country Developer Device Project Location Status
Monitoring and
within this
AR1500 and
Andritz Hydro
(AHH) AH1000
Four No.1.5 MW
three 18 m blade
turbines, one
Atlantis and
three AHH
coast and
Currently in
Phase 1 with
first turbine
installed in
October 2016,
up to 4 in situ
(by April
phases are
planned with
more turbines
EIA undertaken.
Currently undertaking
operational monitoring.
No information was
found about this project.
Atlantis did not partake in
the evidence review.
CoRMaT tidal
stream turbine
turbine with two
blades moving in
Argyll Tidal
or Project
Mull of Kintyre,
Approved in
2013 but never
installed at
EMEC in 2017
(see EMEC
Environmental Appraisal
for Mull of Kintyre site,
using baseline data. No
operational phase
monitoring undertaken at
this location.
See EMEC, for
monitoring at that
DP Energy
West Islay
West of Islay,
Consented in
2017 by
Crown Estate
and Marine
Scotland but
no device has
been placed in
the water.
EIA undertaken, baseline
data collected but no
operational monitoring as
project has halted.
Page 62 of 69
Country Developer Device Project Location Status
Monitoring and
within this
1.2 MW device
with 2
No.600 kW
Strangford Lough
Northern Ireland.
from 2008-
ed in 2019.
Large amounts of
monitoring data were
collected and reported as
part of this project.
Ireland’s national
marine and
energy test and
Galway Bay,
west of Ireland
since 2006.
Operational monitoring is
being undertaken as part
of the licence conditions.
Authority of
Test Site
Annagh Head,
west of
Belmullet, Ireland
consented in
2015 but yet to
have devices
put in place.
EIA undertaken with
baseline data collected,
but no device has been
put into operation and
therefore no monitoring.
Will follow up with
company as they put out
a tender for monitoring
services may still be
collecting data.
Canada Ltd.
(a joint
venture of
Ltd. and Rio
Fundo Ltd. (a
DP Energy
No.1.5 MW three
18 m blade
Minas Passage,
Bay of Fundy,
Canada (Fundy
Ocean Research
Center for
Unclear when
the device was
put into the
FORCE undertakes
monitoring reporting
annually and reports on
their environmental
Scientific publications
have been undertaken at
this location.
Page 63 of 69
Country Developer Device Project Location Status
Monitoring and
within this
Cape Sharp
and Emera)
Open centred
2 MW turbine
(16 m diameter)
First device
2009 2010.
Second device
2016 2018
went into
FORCE undertakes
monitoring reporting
annually and reports on
their environmental
Scientific publications
have been undertaken at
this location.
DP Energy
Six Andrtiz
Hydro (AHH)
MK1 (up to 9
Uisce Tapa
Will use Berth
E and C at
yet in water.
FORCE undertakes
monitoring reporting
annually and reports on
their environmental
Scientific publications
have been undertaken at
this location.
Energy Ltd
Floating platform
with four
SIT250 70 kW
Grand Passage
(between Long
Island and Brier
Island, in Digby
County, Nova
Sep 2018 and
June 2019 for
phase 1
Operational monitoring
occurred via video
Page 64 of 69
Country Developer Device Project Location Status
Monitoring and
within this
Clean Current
65 kW Horizontal
axis bi-directional
ducted turbine.
Race Rocks, Off
Island, Canada
between 2005-
Monitoring Report
produced after 1 year of
operation. No information
was found about this
project. Archipelago
(consultancy who
undertook the
monitoring) did not
partake in the evidence
RivGen Tidal
Horizontal Axis
Igiugig River,
Alaska, USA.
Monitoring reports on
fish available using
EyeSea, 43 hours
detected 20 fish
interactions with no
TidGen Tidal
Horizontal Axis
Turbines (750
Bay Tidal
Cobscook Bay,
part of the bigger
Bay of Fundy, off
the Maine coast,
Monitoring reports 2012-
2016 are available
Page 65 of 69
Country Developer Device Project Location Status
Monitoring and
within this
Gen4 Free Flow
array of six
System (KHPS)
turbines. Gen5 is
being licensed at
the moment for
deployment in
Island Tidal
East Channel of
East River - New
York, NY, USA.
(9,000 hours
of operation).
Operational monitoring
occurred, specifically for
100 kW
device, a 150 kW
(Nereus™ I)
device, and a
400 kW AN-
400™ (Nereus™
II) device where
used over the
projects lifespan.
San Remo
Test Site
Wharf, near San
Remo, Victoria,
between 2006
and 2015
Tethys mentions “zero
environmental impact”
after two years of
independent testing. No
information was found
about this project.
Atlantis did not partake in
the evidence review.
Strait Tidal
Clarence Strait,
Still in the pre-
Impact assessment
undertaken with baseline
data collection but no
operational monitoring.
Page 66 of 69
Country Developer Device Project Location Status
Monitoring and
within this
Energy Ltd
platform with two
Off Yarmouth,
IOW. Then
Blank cell
Operational monitoring
occurred at IOW and
also continued at EMEC.
See EMEC, for
monitoring at that
and Isle of
Off St.
Point, IOW,
consented in
2016 by MMO
however put
on hold in
2017 due to
EIA undertaken with
baseline data collected,
but no device has been
put into operation and
therefore no operational
Dutch Marine
Energy Centre
between Den
Helder and the
Wadden island of
Texel, Holland
Operates one
test site, but
only mentions
one user.
Little information online
with no clear monitoring
plan. Only device
mentioned also placed in
Multiple 10 m
blades (1 MW)
Between Brest
and Ushant
Island, France
and then again
in 2018-
Email communication
confirmed video cameras
where placed on device.
Multiple small
scale devices
can be tested in
a riverine
Gironde Estuary,
since 2016
No monitoring to date but
plan for fish mortality
studies. Undertook
telephone interview to
find out about project.
Page 67 of 69
Country Developer Device Project Location Status
Monitoring and
within this
South Korea
Helical Turbine
(1 MW)
Tidal Power
Uldolmok Strait
in the Yellow
Sea, at Jindo
Island, South
Jeolla, South
since 2009
and currently
in use
No environmental
assessment or
monitoring has taken
(a Naval
Open centred
Off Brittany,
EMEC; and
between 2007
until 2018 (not
company went
into liquidation.
OpenHydro undertook
several EIAs due to the
different locations that
the device has been
placed. Operational
monitoring also occurred
at several of the sites.
Included fish, marine
mammals and seabirds.
for monitoring at that
Company no longer
exists so no contact was
Page 68 of 69
Appendix B - Full list of Contacted organisations
Table 7: Organisations contacted (same order as Appendix A) that have/had devices in situ or pre-
consent stage.
Table 8: Organisations contacted (same order as Appendix A) that are involved in tidal energy.
Organisation Contacted
No response received.
SIMEC Atlantis Energy
No response received.
Response received and interview undertaken.
Response received and interview undertaken.
Nova Innovation
Response received and interview undertaken.
DP Energy
No response received.
No response received.
Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site
No response received.
Sustainable Marine Energy
Response received and interview undertaken.
Archipelago (undertook monitoring
of Clean Current at Race Rocks)
No response received.
Ocean Renewable Power Company
No response received.
Verdant Power
No response received.
Response received.
Response received and interview undertaken.
Organisation Contacted
No response received.
Bangor University
Response received.
Edinburgh University
Response received.
No response received.
Juno Energy
Response received and interview undertaken.
Marine Energy Wales
Response received.
Marine Power Solutions
No response received.
Response received.
Plymouth University
No response received.
No response received.
Response received and interviews undertaken.
SMRU (and SMRU Consulting)
No response received.
Page 69 of 69
Data Archive Appendix
The data archive contains:
[A] The final report in Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF formats.
Metadata for this project is publicly accessible through Natural Resources Wales’ Library
Catalogue (English Version) and (Welsh Version) by searching ‘Dataset Titles’.
© Natural Resouces Wales
All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced with prior permission of Natural
Resources Wales.
Further copies of this report are available from