Application of the
Balanced Scorecard in
Higher Education
Opportunities and Challenges
An evaluation of balance scorecard implementation at the College of St. Scholastica.
by Cindy Brown
In the 1990s a new way of evaluating performance
improvement in the business industry was introduced.
The balanced scorecard (BSC) emerged as a conceptual
framework for organizations to use in translating their
strategic objectives into a set of performance indicators.
Rather than focusing on operational performance and the
use of quantitative financial measures, the BSC approach
links the organizations strategy to measurable goals and
objectives in four perspectives: financial, customer, internal
process, and learning and growth (Niven 2003).
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the use of the
BSC in the nonprofit sector, specifically at an institution of
higher education. Case studies in higher education and
personal perspectives are presented, and the opportunities
for and challenges of implementing the BSC framework in
higher education are discussed.
Balanced Scorecard Principles
Achievement of equilibrium is at the core of the BSC
system. Balance must be attained among factors in three
areas of performance measurement: financial and nonfinancial
indicators, internal and external constituents, and lag and
40 July-September 2012 |Copyright © Society for College and University Planning (SCUP). All rights reserved.
Cindy Brown, DNP, MPH, RD, RN is an
assistant professor in the School of Nursing
at the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth,
Minnesota. Her professional expertise is in
public health, nutrition, and chemical
dependency. She also provides nursing
services at a housing facility for residents
with chronic alcoholism. She has an interest
in performance improvement evaluation in
higher education; this article is a culmination
of her review and application conducted as
part of her graduate course work for her
doctorate of nursing practice degree.
lead indicators. Equilibrium must also be attained between
financial and nonfinancial measures; nonfinancial measures
drive the future performance of an organization and are
therefore integral to its success. Further, the use of
nonfinancial measures allows problems to be identified and
resolved early, while they are still manageable (Gumbus
2005). The sometimes contradictory needs of internal
constituents (employees and internal processes) and
external stakeholders (funders, legislators, and customers)
should be equally represented in the scorecard system
(Niven 2003). A key function of the BSC is its use as a
performance measurement system. The scorecard enables
organizations to measure performance through a variety of
lead and lag indicators relating to finances, customers,
internal processes, and growth and development (Niven 2003).
According to Niven (2003), lag indicators are past performance
indicators such as revenue or customer satisfaction,
whereas lead indicators are “the performance drivers that
lead to the achievement of the lag indicators” (p. 23).
The BSC framework provides tools to assist business
organizations in mapping their performance improvement
strategies and establishing connections throughout the various
levels of the organization. Additionally, the framework
identifies cause-and-effect relationships. The strategy map
component of the BSC provides a graphical description of
the organizations strategy, including the interrelationships
of its elements. This map is considered the blueprint for
the organizational plan (Lichtenberg 2008). Further, the
BSC’s cascading process gives the organization a tool for
taking the scorecard down to departmental, unit, divisional,
or individual measures of performance, resulting in a
consistent focus at all levels of the organization. Ideally,
these measures of performance at the various levels directly
relate to the organizational strategy; if not, the organization
is just benchmarking its metrics. The cascading of the
scorecard also presents employees with a clear image of
how their individual actions make a difference in relation
to the organizations strategic objectives. The cascaded
scorecard creates alignment among the performance
measurement outcomes throughout the various levels of
the organization (Lichtenberg 2009).
The BSC has evolved into a powerful communications
tool and strategic management system for profit-based
organizations. Harvard Business Review has recognized the
framework as one of the top 75 most influential ideas in
the 21st century (Niven 2003). Its successful use in the
for-profit arena has been clearly demonstrated, but does it
have applicability in the nonprofit sector, specifically in
institutions of higher education (IHEs)?
Use of Performance Indicators in Higher
Like other nonprofit organizations, IHEs are increasingly
under pressure to provide external stakeholders such as
communities, alumni, and prospective students with
performance indicators that reflect the overall value
and excellence of the institution. Historically, however,
performance indicators in higher education have
emphasized academic measures (Ruben 1999). Driven by
external accountability and comparability issues, IHEs often
focus on quantitative academic variables such as faculty
demographics, enrollment, grade point average, retention
rates, faculty-student ratios, standardized test scores,
graduation rates, faculty teaching loads, and faculty scholarly
activity (Ruben 1999). IHEs often assume that measuring
external accountability through one-dimensional parameters
such as college rankings or accrediting agency mandates
will influence internally driven parameters related to
institutional effectiveness; yet, unless these indicators are
linked in a meaningful way to the drivers of institutional
effectiveness, desired improvements in service, productivity,
and impact are unlikely to occur (Stewart and Carpenter-Hubin
2000–2001). Additionally, some of these academic variables
do not reflect the value that the IHE adds through the
teaching and learning process but instead reflect students
existing capabilities (Ruben 1999).
Another challenge in using traditional measures of
excellence in higher education is their failure to capture a
comprehensive image of the institutions current status
(Ruben 1999; Stewart and Carpenter-Hubin 2000–2001).
Further, the tendency for IHE performance indicators to
focus on external accountability fails to account for the
importance of internal assessment. Inclusion of internal
assessment indicators broadens perspectives and, if done
correctly, provides a connection between the institutions
values and goals (Stewart and Carpenter-Hubin 2000–2001).
Indicators used in traditional higher education performance
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The BSC’s cascading process results
in a consistent focus at all levels of
the organization.
measurement frameworks cannot be adequately translated
into meaningful applications for the purpose of monitoring,
planning strategically, or conducting comparative evaluations
against standards of excellence among IHEs (Johnson and
Seymour 1996, as cited in Ruben 1999. These traditional
performance indicators also lack the predictive power
necessary to adequately alert IHEs of needed changes
in a timely manner. In addition, traditional models for
measuring higher education performance are constrained by
departmental boundaries and are limited in their ability to link
individual performance objectives and performance evaluation
processes with institutional performance (Hafner 1998).
Not as much emphasis is placed on other less tangible
indicators in higher education such as relevance, need,
accessibility, value added, appreciation of diversity, student
satisfaction levels, and motivation for lifelong learning; yet,
a common mission of IHEs is to foster lifelong learning.
Many of these indicators, especially those related to
student and faculty expectations and satisfaction levels,
deserve greater attention; recruiting, retaining, and nurturing
the best and brightest individuals is the primary goal of
IHEs (Ruben 1999). Despite this, the five most common
performance-based measures used in higher education
are retention and graduation rates, faculty teaching load,
licensure test scores, two- to four-year transfers, and use
of technology/distance learning (Burke 1997).
Absent from these common performance-based
indicators are the measurement categories and specific
metrics suggested by a BSC approach. IHEs need measurable
indicators that reflect value and excellence achieved
through investments in technology, innovation, students,
faculty, and staff (Nefstead and Gillard 2006). Current
ranking systems in higher education consider the multiple
facets of higher education but do not offer guidance on the
selection and organization of performance measures in
terms of performance drivers or diagnostic indicators.
Moreover, these ranking systems often do not relate
performance indicators to the institutions mission or
provide guidance toward continuous quality improvement
(Beard 2009).
The Balanced Scorecard and Higher
While implementation of the BSC cannot guarantee a
formula for accurate decision making, it does provide
higher education with “an integrated perspective on
goals, targets, and measures of progress” (Stewart and
Carpenter-Hubin 2000–2001, p. 40). Some IHEs have taken
the step of measuring performance indicators through the
implementation of a BSC approach. These IHEs have
identified the important characteristics of the scorecard:
inclusion of a strategic plan; establishment of lag and
lead performance indicators; improvement of efficiency,
effectiveness, and overall quality; and inclusion of faculty
and staff in the process (Rice and Taylor 2003). Successful
implementation of the BSC framework in higher education
relies on the progression through various steps as part
of the process. The first step is clear delineation of the
mission and vision, including translating this vision into
specific strategies with a set of performance measures.
The next step is establishing communication and linkage
among schools, departments, student support services,
institutional advancement, and other offices such as
physical plant and maintenance services. This step is
important in establishing direct connections between the
individual unit goals and objectives and the macro-level
institutional goals. To increase the potential for success, it
is imperative that administrators develop specific strategies
to achieve goals and allocate sufficient resources for these
strategies. Credible measures of progress toward these
goals must also be instituted. The final step involves creating
a feedback mechanism whereby the IHE can evaluate its
overall performance using updated indicators and revise
its strategies when needed (Stewart and Carpenter-Hubin
Application of the Balanced Scorecard
Framework in IHEs
There is a dearth of published literature regarding BSC
applications in IHEs. Beard (2009) believes that this may be
attributed to a lack of knowledge and awareness of the
opportunities for BSC application rather than to incongruence
between the BSC approach and higher education strategic
planning. Scholey and Armitage (2006) suggest that as
IHEs are expected to develop more innovative programs
and also demonstrate greater fiscal and customer
Cindy Brown
42 July-September 2012 | Search and read online at:
Traditional models are limited
in their ability to link individual
performance objectives with
institutional performance.
accountability, more will adopt the BSC framework. Others
contend that the lack of a detailed, systematic process for
executing the BSC model has hindered its widespread use
in IHEs; as a result, they have developed models for its
application in higher education (Asan and Tanyas 2007;
Karpagam and Suganthi 2010). Asan and Tanyas (2007)
presented a methodology that integrates the BSC (a
performance-based approach) with Hoshin Kanri (a
process-based approach). Karpagam and Suganthi (2010)
created a generic BSC framework to assist IHEs in
assessing overall institutional performance through the
use of identified higher education measurement criteria
that lead to the establishment of benchmarks and quality
improvement goals.
Despite the reluctance of IHEs to adopt standard
innovations (Pineno 2008), there are some documented case
studies in which the BSC approach has been successfully
implemented in IHEs both nationally and internationally.
From an international perspective, authors in both Australia
and Canada have published case-study data on the use of
the BSC approach (Cribb and Hogan 2003; Mikhail 2004).
Additionally, colleges and university systems in the United
States that have documented their use of the BSC include
the University of California System, Fairfield University,
University of Wisconsin-Stout, and the University of
Minnesota College of Foods, Agricultural and Natural
Resource Sciences (Nefstead and Gillard 2006).
Bond University in Australia initiated a BSC approach
for performance improvement. The library unit at Bond
University used the university’s vision, mission, strategies,
and performance goals to develop and implement its own
BSC. As part of the process, the library’s senior and middle
managers provided input on strategic objectives and
proposed metrics. This process also included the linkage
of measures through cause-and-effect relationships. An
identified challenge involved narrowing the list of possible
measures to the select few that would best capture the
core of the desired strategy (Cribb and Hogan 2003). The
library’s objective for each of its perspectives closely aligned
with the university’s objectives. For example, under the
customer perspective, the university defined customer
satisfaction as an objective. The library then identified its
own objectives focused on the assurance of customer
satisfaction through a variety of strategies, including an
emphasis on available resources and services as well
as effective collaboration and communication with
academic staff.
In developing financial measures, Bond University
initially decided to use library resources in relation to
student numbers to measure the library’s role in achieving
cost-effectiveness. However, since the university had lower
student enrollment and smaller economies of scale in
comparison to other universities in Australia, this financial
measure did not adequately reflect the relationships among
library expenditures, usage, student educational achievement,
and customer satisfaction. Therefore, additional measures
were identified to more accurately support both the library’s
and university’s objectives. A key factor that contributed
to the successful implementation of the BSC at Bond
University was the involvement of staff in the process;
staff involvement created an alignment between both the
library’s and university’s strategic objectives (Cribb and
Hogan 2003).
Ontario Community College in Canada also shared its
application of the BSC. The college substituted a strategic
goals perspective for the financial perspective typically
used in the BSC framework. This perspective was intended
to identify “how we should appear to our shareholders” in
order to succeed (Mikhail 2004, p. 9). The college identified
the following strategic goals: (1) achieve academic/service
excellence, (2) manage enrollment growth, (3) develop
strategic partnerships, (4) achieve organizational success,
and (5) manage cost-effectiveness and achieve a balanced
budget (Mikhail 2004).
In the mid-1990s, the University of California System
initiated a “Partnership for Performance,” a collaborative
effort involving the development and implementation of a
BSC framework throughout the nine distinctly different
campuses. The system executed specific approaches that
contributed to the overall success of this initiative. Senior
administrative managers from each campus participated in
the development of the overall vision and goals for business
administration and operations. This administrative group
also served as a steering committee over the life of the
initiative by providing direction, prioritizing, solving problems,
and encouraging and motivating their staff to participate.
The five business areas on each campus—human resources,
facilities management, environmental health and safety,
information technology, and financial operations—piloted
the development of common BSC measures. Creating a
performance measurement culture was challenging, but
part of the system’s success in achieving this culture
resulted from the creation of “performance champions
groups” that met quarterly to exchange dialogue and
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information related to organizational performance measurement
and management. As a result of the initiative, two of the
campuses adopted the BSC as a strategic planning tool for
business administration at the university level (Hafner 1998).
The Fairfield University School of Business designed
a phased approach for the implementation of the BSC
framework at the academic unit level. The phases of the
strategy revitalization process included building a foundation,
developing the scorecard, compiling measures, analyzing
results, recommending changes, revising measures, and
implementing initiatives (McDevitt, Giapponi, and Solomon
2008). The university also defined its own perspectives that
it felt were more appropriate to academics, including growth
and development, scholarship and research, teaching and
learning, service and outreach, and financial resources.
In some instances, the university needed to adopt a
benchmarking program; in others, it changed its metrics
because information was not available or easily accessible.
During the analysis phase, metrics were reevaluated and
faculty members were assessed on their ability to meet goals.
Faculty metrics included numbers and types of “intellectual
contributions,” measured through refereed publications and
attendance at or sponsorship of pedagogical seminars
(McDevitt, Giapponi, and Solomon 2008, p. 45).
Fairfield University’s School of Business had difficulty
in maintaining momentum throughout the implementation
of the program. The institution found it challenging to develop
effective measures to meet long-term qualitative goals and
to create effective communication strategies across work
groups, which led to delays in establishing consensus
within and among the various groups. Key outcomes of this
revitalization program included creating a communications
network between faculty and staff, increasing faculty
awareness of the institutions goals and objectives, and
identifying and documenting needs for the purpose of
determining budget and funding (McDevitt, Giapponi, and
Solomon 2008).
The University of Wisconsin-Stout, another BSC
implementer, was one of the first three organizations to
receive the Baldrige education award (Karathanos and
Karathanos 2005). The Malcolm Baldrige Education Criteria
for Performance Excellence was designed to recognize
integrated performance measurement in IHEs that includes
(1) the delivery of ongoing value to stakeholders, (2) the
improvement of the institutions overall effectiveness and
capability, and (3) the promotion of organizational and
individual learning. The Baldrige National Quality Program
criteria focus on results and creation of value. Its requirement
of an institutional report with comprehensive measures
comprised of both leading and lagging performance indicators
is consistent with the basic premise of the BSC framework
(Beard 2009; Karathanos and Karathanos 2005).
Balanced Scorecard Application at a
Select IHE
A BSC, including a strategy map and departmental
improvement plan, was developed for a select IHE
(figures 1, 2, and 3, respectively). This IHE is a small liberal
arts college located in northern Minnesota, rich in its
Benedictine heritage and Catholic tradition. Applying
Stewart and Carpenter-Hubins (2000–2001) process, the
IHE first identified strategies/objectives and performance
measures that fit with the distinct mission and vision of the
college. The strategy map (figure 2) was an invaluable
resource in expressing the cause-and-effect relationships
among the various perspectives. The strategy map provided
useful visual connections that illustrated the colleges overall
calculated planning process, which helped generate faculty
and staff buy-in to the BSC approach. For example, faculty
could see how their work in strengthening and creating
new academic programs and program delivery systems
affected other performance indicators such as improving
student satisfaction and increasing enrollment growth in
extended studies programs. Similarly, staff could gain an
understanding of how their commitment to strengthening
student support services and enhancing service-learning
experiences affected the student experience and
community partnerships.
Once the overall strategies were identified in each
of the four perspectives—financial, internal processes,
students and community, and learning and growth—it was
relatively easy to develop School of Nursing (SoN) and
undergraduate nursing department-based objectives that fit
with the institutions overall objectives/goals through the
process of cascading, as illustrated by the BSC performance
improvement plan (figure 3). As a nursing faculty member,
it was beneficial to see how the undergraduate nursing
department’s objectives were linked to the overall college
objectives. For example, strategies from the internal process
dimension at the college level included strengthening the
Benedictine Liberal Arts (BLA) program and enhancing
student service-learning experiences. Measures related to
achieving these strategies at the undergraduate nursing
Cindy Brown
44 July-September 2012 | Search and read online at:
Application of the Balanced Scorecard in Higher
Education: Opportunities and Challenges
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A. Manage
B. Secure
capital funds
C. Increase
D. Strengthen the
Liberal Arts
E. Enhance
F. Support faculty
practice and
G. Strengthen
Increase student
enrollment in Adult
Day and Evening
Programs (ADEP),
extended sites,
and with the three
online initiatives.
Seek private donor
funding through
capital campaign.
Increase students
overall satisfaction
with their college
Develop a
Benedictine Liberal
Arts program that
aligns itself with the
mission and values
of the college.
and student
Expand faculty
funding to support
faculty advance
practice and
Provide a
that supports the
needs of students,
faculty, and staff.
1) Ten percent increase in student
enrollment at each ADEP extended
site: Brainerd, St. Cloud, St. Paul,
and Rochester.
2) Twenty percent increase in the three
online initiatives: RN to BS, HIIM
Master’s, and DPT programs.
Obtain 10 percent of estimated $15
million for Science building expansion
from private donations.
1) One hundred percent of students will
report being “satisfied” or “very
satisfied” with their overall experience
at the college.
2) One hundred percent of students
will report being “satisfied” or “very
satisfied” with their preparation for
future work.
1) Implementation of new Benedictine
Liberal Arts program beginning Fall
of 2011.
2) By Fall of 2011, 25 percent of the
Benedictine Liberal Arts program will
be available in an online format.
1) Each school—Education, Management,
Business & Technology, Health
Science, Sciences, Nursing, and Arts
& Letters—will add at least two new
service-learning experience options
each semester.
2) Prior to graduation, 100 percent of
students will participate in a service-
learning experience.
1) Five percent of entire faculty each
year will become eligible for associate
professor status through achievement
of a terminal degree and advance
2) These faculty receive 50 percent
funding, up to $10,000/year, for
advanced education/research.
1) Each school within the college has
its own designated academic IT
development/support staff in proportion
to its number of programs and departments.
2) IT Help “desk” support is available
7 days per week.
3) One hundred percent of college
classrooms and labs are evaluated
for supportive technology needs.
Figure 1 Balanced Scorecard
Cindy Brown
46 July-September 2012 | Search and read online at:
Figure 2 Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map
As financial
stakeholders, how
do we intend to meet
the mission and
vision and foster the
Benedictine values?
Students and
What do the
community and
students expect,
want, and need
from the college?
Internal Processes
As members of the
staff, what do we
need to do
to meet the needs
of our students and
our community?
Learning and Growth
As an organization,
what type of culture,
skills, training, and
technology are we
going to develop
to support
our processes?
Achieve financial
stability with reserves
Managed enrollment
financial resources
Secure capital
Improve student
Advance student
success and
graduation rates
Optimize student
learning experience
Create community
Strengthen the
Benedictine liberal
arts program
delivery formats
Strengthen student
support network
Retain qualified
faculty & staff
Support faculty
professional practice
& research
Enhance faculty &
staff development
Strengthen Information
Technology (IT) infrastructure
Build service
learning awareness
& training
department level included expectations that five percent of
nursing faculty would teach in the BLA program and that
service-learning experiences would be offered each semester
at all three levels of the nursing program: sophomore, junior,
and senior. The cascading tool proved useful throughout
the college, especially when used as a basis for developing
and justifying departmental budgets. Budget allocation
could be directly linked to the colleges BSC strategic plan
and subsequent SoN and departmental performance
improvement plans.
Enhance service
learning experiences
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Figure 3 Balanced Scorecard Performance Improvement Plan: Undergraduate Department of Nursing
A. Manage enrollment
B. Secure capital funds
C. Improve student
D. Strengthen the
Benedictine Liberal
Arts (BLA) program
E. Enhance student
F. Support faculty
professional practice
and research
G. Strengthen
Increase enrollment in
ADEP extended sites and
the three college online
Private donor funding for
capital campaign for
Science building.
Increase studentsoverall
satisfaction with their
college experience.
Alignment of BLA program
with mission, vision, and
values of the college.
Increase service-learning
opportunities and student
Expand faculty development
to support advanced
practice and research.
Provide a competitive
technology infrastructure.
Undergraduate Nursing
Increase enrollment in the
online RN to BS program
by 10 percent.
School of Nursing
Identify community
benefactors in the health
care field.
Undergraduate Nursing
One hundred percent of
nursing students report
being satisfied with
availability and variety
of course offerings in
the program.
Undergraduate Nursing
Five percent of nursing
faculty teach BLA courses.
One hundred percent of
nursing students participate
in service-learning
Undergraduate Nursing
Nursing faculty funding
sources are available for
advancing education and
research experience.
Integrate nursing
informatics into the
Department Initiatives
1) Develop and revise RN to BS
program for rolling admission,
online format.
2) Nursing faculty training necessary
for successful online courses
School of Nursing Initiative
School of Nursing solicits identified
benefactors for capital funds.
Department Initiatives
1) Evaluate nursing elective courses
for the purpose of aligning
offerings with students needs.
2) Identify additional ways of meeting
program requirements through a
variety of course or service-learning
Department Initiatives
1) Adjustment of nursing faculty
workload to accommodate
teaching of BLA courses.
2) Nursing faculty representation and
participation in BLA program
planning initiative.
1) Embed service-learning
opportunities in undergraduate
nursing program curriculum.
2) Make service-learning opportunities
available each semester at each
program level: sophomore, junior,
and senior.
Department Initiatives
1) Obtain grant funding to support
nursing faculty education and
2) Offer nursing faculty and student
collaboration experiences to
advance evidenced-based nursing
1) Advance the use of simulation and
the academic electronic health
record in the curriculum.
2) Increase student didactic and
clinical experiences with nursing
This writer agrees with several authorsassessments
that modification of the BSC is necessary for successful
application in IHEs. As a nursing faculty member, it was
difficult to identify objectives and develop specific performance
measures from a financial perspective. As Mikhail (2004)
suggests, it would have been useful to replace the financial
perspective with a strategic goals perspective. These strategic
goals could be established to support the colleges financial
priorities: to contain costs and to increase enrollment and
revenue in extended campuses and online programs.
Further, future IHE BSC implementations should consider
including the service and outreach perspectives (McDevitt,
Giapponi, and Solomon 2008), especially since these are
congruent with this colleges mission and vision. This
perspective could also be reasonably addressed through
the splitting of the customer perspective into two parts,
with students as one customer and the community as
another, as demonstrated in the strategy map (figure 2).
It would be advantageous for this select liberal arts college
in northern Minnesota to adopt the BSC framework as a
communication tool and strategic management system. Prior
to implementation, it is imperative to name organizational
champions to lead the process, garner support, and gain
the momentum necessary to execute the BSC framework.
These champions should include not only administrators,
but also faculty and staff representatives from the various
schools and administrative departments that support the
colleges academic programs. A valuable resource already
exists in the colleges strategic plan for 2011–2016, which
directly links to the mission and vision of this IHE. The
champions could take the strategic goals found in the plan
and articulate appropriate measures for their attainment
through the development of a BSC that considers all four
perspectives: financial, internal processes, students and
community, and learning and growth.
The SoN could serve as the pilot for implementing the
BSC approach; the SoN is in a position to greatly benefit
from such an approach. Having grown in recent years to
become one of the largest nursing programs in Minnesota,
the school faces challenges in organizing its complex
structure, which is composed of undergraduate programs
taught in traditional, accelerated, and online formats and
graduate programs that include baccalaureate and master’s
degree tracks to doctoral degrees and master’s degree
tracks to five different advanced nursing practice options.
Historically, the SoN’s goals were established without
measurable outcomes and without direct linkages to
departmental budgets. When these goals were revisited at
the end of the academic year, faculty questioned how their
achievement was being measured. While the SoN’s goals
do connect to the colleges mission and vision, nursing
faculty have requested that a long-term strategic plan be
developed to manage the school’s growth and assist in
identifying priorities. Adopting the BSC would enable the
nursing faculty to participate in the identification of SoN
priorities and then, through the BSC improvement plan,
develop school- and department-specific objectives with
performance measure outcomes. The BSC improvement
plan would also establish connections and improve
communication among the four nursing departments and
the school. Clear alignment of performance measurement
indicators with the institutions mission, values, and strategies
is an imperative in the BSC approach. Further, nursing
education accreditation standards, which have the purpose
of ensuring the quality of baccalaureate and graduate nursing
programs (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
2009), mandate that the SoNs mission, goals, and outcomes
fit with the colleges mission and vision. The BSC improvement
plan can serve as the working document that illustrates the
achievement of this important quality standard.
After successful implementation of the BSC
framework in the SoN, momentum could be maintained by
disseminating the approach to the other schools until the
entire college has adopted the system. Using the colleges
strategy map (figure 2), improvement plans could be
developed by the various schools and departments,
starting with school plans and cascading down to
designated department-level plans. This systematic
approach would help to minimize any difficulty in obtaining
consensus in setting performance measures and would
enhance communication within each school. Moreover,
this process would delineate how each school supports
the colleges mission and values. IHE accrediting
organizations require an institution to demonstrate the
fulfillment of its mission through organizational structure
and system processes. This quality indicator can be
validated through the use of the BSC approach, which
links the college’s mission and values with specific
performance measures in each of the four perspectives
that then cascade down to school and departmental
improvement plans.
Cindy Brown
48 July-September 2012 | Search and read online at:
A common issue in IHEs is a disconnect between faculty
and administrators. Communication in IHEs often flows in a
top-down, vertical-type way. Feeling some of these same
sentiments, the faculty at this liberal arts college have
asked for a shared-governance structure. In whole system
shared governance (WSSG), the organizational structure is
decentralized and accountability-based. WSSG operates
from its core where its mission, vision, and values should
be most visible” (Crow and DeBourgh 2010, p. 216).
Implementation of the BSC framework at this college
would help build relationships among faculty, staff, and
administrators, a start in the process of shared governance.
This writer believes that this college has historically
functioned in a reactive manner. With its emphasis on
continuous improvement processes, the BSC would better
position the college to operate in a proactive mode, since
the scorecard’s lead indicators link college strategies and
mission with measurable outcomes that then drive future
endeavors and initiatives. An efficient and effective way to
gauge and/or predict upcoming trends and issues is
through active engagement and alignment with a variety of
stakeholders; this alignment and engagement is encouraged
with the BSC approach. The college is also challenged by
growth related to distant campuses and online formats,
which may contribute to isolation and inconsistency in
measuring and achieving quality performance standards;
the BSC framework serves to foster connections and build
alignment around key performance indicators.
The BSC framework is an excellent strategy-based
management system that can be used in IHEs to assist
them in clarifying their mission and vision and translating
their vision into strategies. These strategies, in turn, can
serve as the basis for developing operational objectives
or actions with measurable indicators for the purpose of
evaluating performance improvement and achieving success.
In these tumultuous economic times, the use of the
scorecard, with its inclusion of nonfinancial measures,
paradoxically provides IHEs with a way to develop strategic
priorities for resource allocation. Monitoring nonfinancial
measures also affords IHEs the opportunity to consider student
and stakeholder feedback, faculty and staff satisfaction, and
the internal efficiency of the institutions processes.
The scorecard can serve as an effective communication
tool for IHEs. The BSC approach enhances communication
with internal and external stakeholders; it also provides
a venue for identifying what really matters to these
stakeholders. Improved communication flow builds trust
within and outside the IHE. Since successful execution of
the BSC requires engagement and cooperation among
all levels in the institution, it promotes collaboration and
alignment, which are key motivators in pursuing continuous
quality improvement strategies (Rice and Taylor 2003).
Further, the cascading of the BSC also creates the alignment
of performance measures. With the proliferation of IHE
learning formats to include virtual sites and extended
campuses, decentralization, isolation, and quality control
can be problematic. The collaboration and alignment that
drives the development of BSC performance measures
fosters consistency and motivates action and change at
the institutional level.
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Cindy Brown
50 July-September 2012 | Search and read online at: