Automated Attack Framework for
Test & Evaluation (AAFT)
2019 International Test and Evaluation Association
Cybersecurity Workshop
March 26-29, 2019
Mr. Andrew Shaffer
The Applied Research Laboratory
The Pennsylvania State University
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Test & Evaluation Needs
AAFT Overview
Development Approach
New Technologies
System Tools
Potential Use Cases
Development Status
Summary & Future Work
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Automated tools are needed to improve tester utilization & efficiency
Test & Evaluation Needs
DoD 8500.01 requires Red Team cyber penetration testing
- Must test IP & non-IP systems (DOT&E Cybersecurity Memos of 7/27/16 & 4/3/18)
- Continuous and comprehensive monitoring recommended
Red Teams lack availability for all required system testing
- Limited availability delays system accreditation and increases risk
- Tools to improve tester utilization and efficiency are needed
Red Team training is time-consuming and highly specialized
- Knowledge of one attack tool often does not translate to others
- Decision aids are needed to improve and accelerate tester training
Defender training and vulnerability validation require better support
- Automated tools are needed to accelerate tasks and free up testing personnel
System Accredited Following
Red Team Testing
New System Delayed By Limited
Red Team Availability
Deployed System Compromised
Before Red Team Testing Completed
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
AAFT provides an integrated framework to automate cyber attacks
AAFT Overview
Provides automated basic and intermediate-level penetration testing
- Enables comprehensive continuous monitoring of IP and non-IP systems
- Provides decision aid for attack selection
- Facilitates defender training and improves entry-level tester effectiveness
- Generates comprehensive attack logs to support post-attack forensic analysis
Provides easy-to-use framework that facilitates new attack integration
- Supports easy integration with new open-source and custom tools
- Similar to Metasploit but with support for multiple network types and attack tools
Allows skilled testers to focus on advanced threats
- Takes over less challenging penetration testing tasks
- Accelerates vulnerability validation
With AAFT, skilled testers can
focus on advanced threats:
AAFT emulates
basic/intermediate threats
AAFT facilitates interactions
with IP and non-IP systems
AAFT emulates adversaries
AAFT validates vulnerabilities
Penetration Testing Techniques
Currently, the few available
skilled testers must:
Emulate all threats
Possess extensive IP and
non-IP system knowledge
Emulate adversaries for
defender training
Validate vulnerabilities
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Development Approach
Develop database of real-world attacks
- Specify attack preconditions, postconditions,
timing, risk of detection, and risk of damaging target
Create modular attack scripts
- Programmatically invoke attacks from command line
- Capture, parse and store attack output
Develop attack tree generation algorithms
- Generate attack trees offline using threat representative
attack scripts that meet timing and risk tolerances
- Algorithms automatically reconfigure attack tree
whenever new attack scripts become available
Develop Autonomous Attack Engine & GUI
- Create algorithms to optimize attack selection
based on attack objective, timing, and risk
- Support large attack tree visualization & navigation
Develop non-IP network connectors
- Develop hardware and software to automate
connections to non-IP network interfaces
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Incremental development ensures ongoing capability improvement
Attack scripts encode individual attack tool commands
Attack scripts encode simple attack commands and parameters
- Specify preconditions (i.e. knowledge required) for attack to proceed
- Specify estimates of time required, risk of detection, and risk of damaging target
- Specify expected postconditions (i.e. knowledge gained) if attack is successful
Scripts capture attack tool output following attack execution
- Parse tool output and update list of conditions that have been fulfilled
Simple well-defined interfaces facilitate community creation of new
attack scripts
- Community involvement supports broad coverage of current and new attack tools
Attack Command
Attack Timing
Detection Risk
Damage Risk
Attack script issues attack command,
captures and parses attack tool output,
and updates fulfilled conditions
Attack tool
output and
obtained target
information is
stored for
future use
Attack parameters Target knowledge store
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
New Technologies
Attack Scripts
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
AAFT attack trees encode attack sequences and target knowledge
- Overall attack initially starts with minimal target knowledge
- Each attack script attempted gains additional target knowledge
- Attack tree nodes encode specific attack scripts and knowledge about target at
specific points during attack
Attack trees are generated offline using all available threat
representative attack scripts that meet timing and risk tolerances
- Attacks are added to the tree wherever their preconditions are fulfilled and the
attack has the potential to gain additional target knowledge or access
- Attacks are added to tree recursively until no further additions are possible
- Branches not reaching the objective and non-optimal branches are pruned
Attack Trees are generated offline to emulate specific threat profiles
IP Address IP Address
Open Ports List
Exploit 1
Exploit N
IP Address
Open Ports List
Exploit 1 Successful
IP Address
Open Ports List
Exploit N Successful
IP Address
Open Ports List
Exploit 1 Successful
Privileges Escalated
* Italicized text indicates knowledge to be gained by attack
New Technologies
Attack Tree Generation
Autonomous Attack Engine provides high-level direction for AAFT attack
Autonomous Attack Engine
iteratively selects and executes
optimal attack, updates target
knowledge, and updates attack
tree until attaining objective or
exhausting all available attacks
- Optimally selects next attack based on
currently available information
- Continually updates alternative attack
options as target knowledge increases
- Changes attack paths whenever a
better attack option becomes available
Can also recommend attacks as a
decision aid instead of
autonomously executing them
Records complete transcript of
attacks for forensic analysis
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Select &
Execute (or
Next Attack
Update Target
Update Attack
Tree to Reflect
Latest Target
Autonomous Attack Engine Processing Cycle
Start: Full threat-
representative attack tree
w/minimal target knowledge
Finish: Attack transcript
showing how objective achieved
or determined unreachable
New Technologies
Autonomous Attack Engine
Connectors enable AAFT automated testing of non-IP systems
Non-IP network connectors automate connections to a wide variety of
network types to dramatically accelerate non-IP system testing
- MIL-STD-1553, ARINC-429, CAN Bus, Profibus, Modbus, NTDS, etc
Connectors streamline connection process and reduce test setup time
- Provide AAFT with physical link to non-IP networks
- Automatically detect and decode network protocols and parameters
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
New Technologies
Non-IP Network Connectors
Systems Under Test (SUT)
IP-based networks
AAFT Non-IP Connector Stack
Other network
types as
Initial AAFT development is focused on common open-source tools
- Nmap (network mapper)
- Metasploit (integrated attack framework)
- THC Hydra (online login cracker)
- John the Ripper (offline password cracker)
Attack scripts and target knowledge encoded using
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- XML is portable and highly extensible
- Open-source and custom attack tools use the same interfaces
Python facilitates rapid software development
- Highly portable high-productivity language that is widely used
VirtualBox supports software portability and easy installation
- AAFT system will ship as a ready-to-run virtual machine image
- Simplifies end user configuration and maintenance requirements
System Tools
AAFT framework supports both open-source and custom tools
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
AAFT supports Red Team and Network Defender cybersecurity efforts
Allow skilled Red Team testers to focus on advanced attacks
Perform basic and intermediate-level Red Team attacks using an
innovative Autonomous Attack Engine
Accelerate vulnerability validation and remediation for test & evaluation
Support Network Defender training
Potential Use Cases
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
AAFT facilitates and
automates basic and
intermediate attacks
AAFT accelerated
Automated and advanced attacks
discover new vulnerabilities
Attacks blocked by
accelerated remediation
Skilled Red
Team focuses
on advanced
training improves
Network Defender
Red: AAFT supports Red Team
Blue: AAFT supports Network Defenders
AAFT-enabled training
supports entry-level Red
Team tester skill development
Development Status
Develop database of real-world attacks
Internal and external data structures defined
Create modular attack scripts
Basic attack script structure developed
Initial scripts populated (compromise 4 test systems)
- Additional scripts currently in development
Develop attack tree generation algorithms
Attack tree generation and pruning algorithms defined
Initial regression testing data sets developed
Algorithms have already demonstrated attack synthesis
- Scalability optimizations currently being applied
Develop Autonomous Attack Engine & GUI
Shortest-path selection algorithm implemented
- Additional selection algorithms, GUI, and tree
visualization algorithms currently in development
Develop non-IP network connectors
- Prioritization of non-IP networks currently in progress
= Completed
Blue = In Progress
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
AAFT system development is well underway
AAFT advances state-of-the-art in Red Team cybersecurity testing
Automatic attack tree generation and Autonomous Attack Engine are
new technologies that advance cybersecurity test and evaluation
- Applying autonomy research to cybersecurity improves state-of-the-art in
cybersecurity penetration testing
AAFT addresses critical cybersecurity Test and Evaluation needs
- Enables better utilization and efficiency of available Red Team testers
- Increases scope of cybersecurity testing that can be performed
- Supports efficient cybersecurity testing of IP and non-IP systems and networks
System design and development is ongoing as ARL internal research
- Created attack tool test lab and system prototype development lab
- Developed initial attack scripts and algorithms for attack tree generation
- Began initial development of Automated Attack Engine
Skilled Red
Team Testing
Penetration Testing Techniques
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
IP & Non-IP Systems Under Test
Seeking transition sponsors & funding to support further maturation
Incrementally increase tool and attack sophistication
- Add support for concurrent, persistent, and social engineering attacks
- Survey MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, & Common Knowledge (ATT&CK)
Matrix and add attacks to ensure that AAFT supports full spectrum of threats
Add support for automated analysis of harvested target information
- Apply automated text analysis and natural language processing to identify key IP
addresses, port numbers, and user information that may enable greater penetration
Improve attack tree visualization and GUI
- Leverage gaming techniques for attack navigation and full attack tree visualization
Improve support for non-IP network testing
- Integrate hardware and automated network detection/protocol decoding algorithms
Future Work
Skilled Red
Team Testing
IP & Non-IP Systems Under Test
Penetration Testing Techniques
Yellow: Future Work Focus
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Points of Contact
Andrew Shaffer
Penn State Applied Research Laboratory
Bruce Einfalt
Penn State Applied Research Laboratory
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
AAFT Quad Chart
Attack Synthesis Illustration
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Expanded cyber penetration testing is urgently
needed to detect emergent system vulnerabilities
Continuous comprehensive cyber penetration testing needed
for IP & non-IP systems to improve security and reduce cost
Red Team shortage delays tests & increases risk
Tools needed to improve Red Team utilization and efficiency
Red Team tester training is time-intensive
Current tools are highly specialized and not well integrated
Decision aids and integrated tools accepting high-level attack
directives are needed to reduce tester training time
Vulnerability validation & tester training shortfalls
Tools needed for training and rapid vulnerability validation
Attack scripts, attack tree generation algorithm &
Autonomous Attack Engine advance cybersecurity
Identify & exhaustively execute threat representative attacks
Support continuous comprehensive monitoring
Increase testing rigor & reduce reauthorization costs
Automation & decision aids improve tests & training
Allow skilled Red Teams to focus on most challenging tasks
Record complete attack transcripts to support forensic analysis
Improve Network Defender vulnerability validation & training
Increase capabilities of entry-level cyber testing personnel
Framework enables easy future tool integration
Supports open-source, custom, and proprietary attack tools
Automatically integrates with newly created attack tools
Key Features
Develop repository of real-world attacks
Specify attack preconditions, postconditions, timing
requirements, risk of detection, and risk of damaging target
Create modular attack scripts
Programmatically invoke attacks from command line
Capture, parse and store attack output
Develop attack tree generation algorithms
Automatically generate threat representative attack trees
Support automatic attack tree reconfiguration for new attacks
Develop novel Autonomous Attack Engine & GUI
Create new algorithms to optimize attack selections
Develop techniques to visualize extremely large attack trees
Develop non-IP network connectors
Create hardware and software to streamline non-IP tests
Use Cases
AAFT automates cybersecurity Red Team tasks
Automated Attack Framework for T&E (AAFT)
“Automates Red Team tasks to improve utilization and efficiency of
cybersecurity Test and Evaluation personnel”
Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
T&E Gap
New Science and Technology
Project Tasks
Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
AAFT attack tree generation identifies all possible combinations
of available attack tools that can achieve a specified attack
objective, identifying emergent attacks before adversaries do
Manually Encoded Attacks
Synthesized Attacks
AAFT has synthesized emergent attacks using as few as 15 scripts
Attack Synthesis