© Tennessee Department of Education
Brinn Obermiller
FY24 Stronger
Connections Grant
Senior Director of ESEA Oversight
Federal Programs and Oversight
© 2022 Tennessee Department of Education
© Tennessee Department of Education
PLEASE NOTE: This presentation was prepared for informational purposes only
and does not constitute legal or financial advice. Awardees are responsible for
compliance and monitoring of the grant award in accordance with the Grant
assurances and applicable state and federal law. Please contact your board
attorney for specific legal guidance.
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We will set all students on a path to success.
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© Tennessee Department of Education
FY24 Strong Connections Grant
SCG Reminders
SCG Revisions
Equitable Services
Other Reminders
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FY24 Strong Connections
Grant Overview
© Tennessee Department of Education
On June 25, 2022, President Biden signed into law the Bipartisan Safer Communities
Act (BSCA)
, which includes $1 billion through Title IV, Part A of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act (ESEA) for state educational agencies (SEAs) to competitively
award subgrants to high-need local education agencies (LEAs).
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) has designated this component of the BSCA
the Stronger Connections Grant (SCG) program.
The purpose of the SCG is to establish safer and healthier learning environments,
and to prevent and respond to acts of bullying, violence, and hate that impact school
communities at individual and systemic levels, among other programs and activities.
Detailed information regarding the SCG can be found in ED’s Stronger Connections
Grant Program Frequently Asked Questions.
© Tennessee Department of Education
In Tennessee:
SCG by the Numbers
18 LEAs
$49 million
in SCG
43 LEAs
53 LEAs
an intent to
71 LEAs
eligible to
© Tennessee Department of Education
Stronger Connections Grant- Awarded LEAs
Anderson County Schools Knox County Schools
Bledsoe County Schools Lake County Schools
Bristol City Schools Macon County Schools
Carter County Schools Memphis-Shelby County Schools
Cleveland City Schools Murfreesboro City Schools
Fayetteville City Schools Robertson County Schools
Hancock County Schools Sumner County Schools
Hawkins County Schools Van Buren County Schools
Johnson City Schools Warren County Schools
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SCG Reminders
© Tennessee Department of Education
Funding Timeline
The SCG is one-time funding: LEAs will have until Sept. 30, 2026, to obligate all
grant funds.
LEAs who are granted an award will receive their total SCG allocation in FY24.
LEAs will be able to submit a multi-year budget and then carry over the remaining
funds into the next fiscal year (including funds for equitable services) through the
annual completion of the SCG application in ePlan.
FY24 (2023-24):
SCG allocations
awarded (Year 1)
FY25 (2024-25):
carryover funds
available (Year 2)
FY26 (2025-26):
carryover funds
available (Year 3)
© Tennessee Department of Education
Allowable Uses of Funds
In Tennessee, the SCG will be structured around allowable
activities in four (4) focus areas:
1. Mental Health/Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Supports for
2. Mental Health/SEL Professional Development (PD) for Educators,
SROs, Administrators, and Other Staff
3. Parent and Family Engagement (e.g., training and resources for
families focused on mental health/SEL)
4. Improving School Climate and Culture
© Tennessee Department of Education
Stakeholder Involvement
Engaging students, parents, families, and community members is critical to
the successful implementation of activities supported by SCG funds.
LEAs must provide ongoing and meaningful opportunities for educators and
staff to be involved in the selection of evidence-based strategies and activities
implemented under the SCG.
Documentation of stakeholder involvement must be collected and
maintained throughout the life of the SCG. Examples of documentation may
include, but are not limited to:
Meeting invitations, agendas, sign-in sheets, minutes, etc.
Survey and survey results
Printed material or other communications regarding the SCG
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SCG Revisions
© Tennessee Department of Education
Revision Timeline
Event Deadline
FY24 SCG budgets and other revisions
due in ePlan
Sept. 1, 2023
FY24 SCG Equitable Services Affirmation
and Agreement forms due in ePlan
Sept. 1, 2023
Ongoing revisions after initial approval Submit as needed
© Tennessee Department of Education
Sections to Revise
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Revision Steps
Based on your allocation amount, build out your final budget.
Enter the budget on the Budget page of the application.
See pp. 16-20 of the SCG Technical Application Guide for assistance with
the Budget page.
Revise the Spending Plan, Personnel, and LEA Program
Administration pages as needed to align with the final budget.
If the LEA has participating non-public schools, complete the
Equitable Services page.
See pp. 11-13 and 25-26 of the SCG Technical Application Guide for
assistance with this section of the application.
© Tennessee Department of Education
Budget Page Reminders
Budget tags are a required step in the SCG application and will populate the
amount to be spent in each focus area on the Spending Plan page.
The SCG budget tags are based on the subgrant focus areas:
Mental Health/SEL Supports for Students
Mental Health/SEL PD for Staff
Parent and Family Engagement
Improving School Climate and Culture
SCG Administration (2% max)
© Tennessee Department of Education
Budget Page Reminders
In addition to being allowable under ESSA § 4108 and meeting the intent of one or more of
the SCG focus areas, activities funded with SCG funds must meet the following fiscal
1. Be reasonable and necessary for the performance of the grant;
2. Be allocable to the grant;
3. Supplement and not supplant other non-Federal funds (i.e., state and local funds)
that would otherwise be used to pay for authorized activities;
4. Not be of the prohibited activities in ESEA § 4001(b) or § 8526; and
5. Be consistent with any other applicable Uniform Guidance provisions
(see 2 C.F.R. 200 et seq., in particular, 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Subpart E).
Note: Narrative descriptions within the application and budget pages must contain details making it evident that all
purchases and programs meet the above requirements.
© Tennessee Department of Education
Spending Plan Page Reminders
The amount tagged for each focus area will populate the amount to be spent in that area
on the Spending Plan page.
Please remove any unneeded narrative information regarding the proposed amount of
funds and update the information to reflect the final budget.
© Tennessee Department of Education
Revising the Spending Plan and Budget Pages
As you are revising the Spending Plan and Budget pages, please
Each narrative on the Spending Plan page must be complete and include
all requested information.
Be sure all purchases are discussed in full on the Spending Plan page.
The final Spending Plan/Budget pages must address the needs identified in
the initial needs assessment.
If a project will span multiple years, please provide these details on the
Spending Plan/Budget pages.
© Tennessee Department of Education
Personnel Page Reminders
Revise the Personnel pages as needed based on any changes to
your budget.
Enter both a headcount and a full-time equivalent (FTE) for staff
supported with SCG funds.
System-wide staff are employees not assigned to a building and
work across the LEA in multiple school sites as necessary, but
not as part of a planned assignment.
Round FTEs to the nearest hundredth as necessary.
Note: FTEs must match FTEs identified in budget narratives (individually and sum). Titles of
staff must
match titles identified within the budget narratives and Spending Plan page.
© Tennessee Department of Education
LEA Program Administration Reminders
Program Administration: The reasonable and necessary costs to
manage the federal grant in a compliant and effective manner.
Awarded LEAs may charge up to 2% of grant funds as direct
administrative costs.
Indicate whether:
The LEA is utilizing grant funds to administer the SCG (maximum of 2%).
Complete the table and narrative prompt; or
The LEA is not utilizing grant funds to administer the SCG. Provide information
on how the grant program will be administered, including the title of the staff
responsible for the grant administration, the FTE(s), and the other funding
sources that will contribute to administrative staff salaries/benefits.
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Equitable Services
© Tennessee Department of Education
Equitable Services Overview
Funding for the SCG program is provided through ESEA Title IV, Part A; therefore,
LEAs receiving grant funds must provide equitable services to eligible non-public
school students and educators.
ESEA § 8501(a)(4) requires an LEA to ensure that its expenditures for equitable
services for eligible non-public school students and educators under covered
ESEA programs are equal on a per-pupil basis to the expenditures for
participating public school students and educators, taking into account the
number and needs of the eligible non-public school students and educators.
In other words, the proportionate share for participating non-public schools
must be based on the
total enrollment of the non-public schooljust as it works
for equitable services under Title IV, Part A.
© Tennessee Department of Education
Equitable Services
© Tennessee Department of Education
Equitable Services
Requirements for
Awarded SCG Funds
Consultation requirements:
Continue to engage participating non-public school public officials in ongoing, timely, and
meaningful consultation.
LEAs may choose to utilize the
Stronger Connections Grant Affirmation and Agreement
to document the consultation process or may design their own method.
Provide equitable services to eligible non-public school students and educators, ensuring
that expenditures for equitable services for eligible non-public school students and
educators under the SCG are equal on a per-pupil basis to the expenditures for
participating public school students and educators, taking into account the number and
needs of the eligible non-public school students and educators.
Within the funded
SCG application:
Provide a list of participating non-public schools and allocation amounts.
Describe the process and timeline the LEA will utilize to conduct timely and meaningful
consultation with non-public school officials.
Describe the services that will be provided to non-public school students with SCG and:
How the activities connect to one or more of the SCG focus areas, and
How the activities will be evaluated/assessed.
Upload documentation of meaningful consultation (e.g., affirmation forms, final
agreements, meeting agendas/minutes) to the SCG application in ePlan by Sept. 1, 2023.
Provide a detailed budget for all non-public school purchases.
© Tennessee Department of Education
Equitable Services Templates
Documentation of ongoing and meaningful consultation with
non-public school officials will be required throughout the SCG.
LEAs are encouraged to edit these documents and develop
other documents/processes as applicable to ensure the needs
of the LEA and non-public school(s) are met and proper
documentation is maintained.
Stronger Connections Grant Intent to Participate Form
Stronger Connections Grant Affirmation and Agreement Form
© Tennessee Department of Education
Equitable Services Page
If there are no participating non-public schools in the LEA, check
the box indicating that this page is not applicable. No more
information is needed on this page.
© Tennessee Department of Education
Equitable Services Page
Formula to Determine Amount for SCG Equitable Expenditures
© Tennessee Department of Education
Equitable Services Page
Describe the consultation process between the LEA and eligible
non-public school(s). In the response, include:
1. Important dates,
2. Modes of communication, and
3. The information provided to non-public school representatives.
(Upload affirmation of consultation(s) and other documentation
in Related Documents).
Describe the process used to evaluate/assess SCG non-public
school activities and/or services.
© Tennessee Department of Education
Equitable Services Page
List the non-public schools participating in the SCG program. Provide each
school’s allocation amount, a brief description of the activities and services that
will be provided to each non-public school, and the applicable SCG focus area(s)
for the activities.
Information provided in this section should align with the information provided
on the Budget page.
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Related Documents
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Other Reminders
© Tennessee Department of Education
Other Reminders
Grantees are expected to:
Keep records, and provide information to the State, as may be
reasonably required for fiscal audit, data reporting, and program
As requested, report data to the State regarding the use of grant
funds and progress toward meeting identified goals.
As requested by the state, participate in SCG program monitoring.
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© Tennessee Department of Education
ePlan > TDOE Resources > ESSA Information, Guidance, PPTs, &
Webinars >Stronger Connections Grant Program:
SCG Technical Application Guide
FY24 Stronger Connection Grant Office Hours
SCG Non-Public School Intent to Participate Form
SCG Equitable Services Affirmation and Agreement Form
Dear Colleague Letter: Stronger Connections Grant Program
Frequently Asked Questions: Stronger Connections Grant Program
Proposed Budget Template for Competitive Funding Applications
© Tennessee Department of Education © Tennessee Department of Education
© Tennessee Department of Education
Brinn Obermiller
Senior Director of ESEA Oversight
ESEA Divisional Coordinators
East Tennessee: Henry.LaFollette@tn.gov
West Tennessee: [email protected]v
Middle Tennessee: Alisha.Gilmore@tn.gov
20 Most Populous: Heather.Farle[email protected]ov
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Please Share your Feedback:
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Thank You!
Permission is granted to use and copy these materials for non-commercial educational purposes with attribution credit to the
“Tennessee Department of Education”. If you wish to use these materials for reasons other than non-commercial educational
purposes, please contact Joanna Collins (Joanna.Co[email protected]v).
© Tennessee Department of Education
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you observe an agency director or employee engaging in any
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please call the state Comptrollers toll-free Hotline:
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