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Chapter 74. Curriculum Requirements
Subchapter B. Graduation Requirements
§74.11. High School Graduation Requirements.
(a) To receive a high school diploma, a student entering Grade 9 in the 2014-2015 school year and thereafter
must complete the following:
(1) in accordance with subsection (d) of this section, requirements of the Foundation High School
Program specified in §74.12 of this title (relating to Foundation High School Program);
(2) testing requirements for graduation as specified in Chapter 101 of this title (relating to
Assessment); and
(3) demonstrated proficiency, in Grade 8 or higher, as determined by the district in which the student
is enrolled, in delivering clear verbal messages; choosing effective nonverbal behaviors; listening
for desired results; applying valid critical-thinking and problem-solving processes; and
identifying, analyzing, developing, and evaluating communication skills needed for professional
and social success in interpersonal situations, group interactions, and personal and professional
(b) Beginning with students enrolled in Grade 12 during the 2021-2022 school year, each student in Grade 12
must complete and submit a free application for federal student aid (FAFSA) or a Texas application for
state financial aid (TASFA) before graduating from high school.
(1) A student may graduate under the Foundation High School Program without completing a
financial aid application if:
(A) the student's parent or other person standing in parental relation submits a signed form,
approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), indicating that the parent or other
person declines to complete and submit the application or authorizes the student to
decline to complete and submit the financial aid application;
(B) the student signs and submits the form described by paragraph (1) of this subsection on
the student's own behalf if the student is 18 years of age or older or has been emancipated
under Texas Family Code, Chapter 31; or
(C) a school counselor authorizes the student to decline to complete and submit the financial
aid application for good cause, as determined by the school counselor.
(2) A school counselor may not indicate that a student has not complied with this subsection if the
school district or open-enrollment charter school fails to provide the form described by paragraph
(1)(A) of this subsection to the student or the student's parent or guardian.
(c) A school district shall clearly indicate the distinguished level of achievement under the Foundation High
School Program, an endorsement, and a performance acknowledgment on the transcript or academic
achievement record (AAR) of a student who satisfies the applicable requirements.
(d) A student entering Grade 9 in the 2014-2015 school year and thereafter shall enroll in the courses necessary
to complete the curriculum requirements for the Foundation High School Program specified in §74.12 of
this title and the curriculum requirements for at least one endorsement specified in §74.13 of this title
(relating to Endorsements).
(e) A student may graduate under the Foundation High School Program without earning an endorsement if,
after the student's sophomore year:
(1) the student and the student's parent or person standing in parental relation to the student are
advised by a school counselor of the specific benefits of graduating from high school with one or
more endorsements; and
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(2) the student's parent or person standing in parental relation to the student files with a school
counselor written permission, on a form adopted by the TEA, allowing the student to graduate
under the Foundation High School Program without earning an endorsement.
(f) A student may earn a distinguished level of achievement by successfully completing the curriculum
requirements for the Foundation High School Program and the curriculum requirements for at least one
endorsement required by the Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.025(b-15), including four credits in science
and four credits in mathematics to include Algebra II.
(g) An out-of-state or out-of-country transfer student (including foreign exchange students) or a transfer
student from a Texas nonpublic school is eligible to receive a Texas diploma but must complete all
requirements of this section to satisfy state graduation requirements. Any course credit required in this
section that is not completed by the student before he or she enrolls in a Texas school district may be
satisfied through the provisions of §74.23 of this title (relating to Correspondence Courses and Distance
Learning) and §74.24 of this title (relating to Credit by Examination) or by completing the course or
courses according to the provisions of §74.26 of this title (relating to Award of Credit).
(h) Elective credits may be selected from the following:
(1) high school courses not required for graduation that are listed in the following chapters of this
(A) Chapter 110 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for English
Language Arts and Reading);
(B) Chapter 111 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for
(C) Chapter 112 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science);
(D) Chapter 113 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Social
(E) Chapter 114 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Languages
Other Than English);
(F) Chapter 115 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Health
(G) Chapter 116 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Physical
(H) Chapter 117 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Fine Arts);
(I) Chapter 127 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career
Development and Career and Technical Education); and
(J) Chapter 130 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and
Technical Education);
(2) state-approved innovative courses as specified in §74.27 of this title (relating to Innovative
Courses and Programs);
(3) Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC)--one to four credits;
(4) Driver Education--one-half credit; and
(5) College preparatory English language arts or mathematics courses developed and offered pursuant
to the TEC, §28.014.
(i) Courses offered for dual credit at or in conjunction with an institution of higher education that provide
advanced academic instruction beyond, or in greater depth than, the essential knowledge and skills for the
equivalent high school course required for graduation may satisfy graduation requirements, including
requirements for required courses, advanced courses, and courses for elective credit as well as requirements
for endorsements.
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(j) A student may not be enrolled in a course that has a required prerequisite unless:
(1) the student has successfully completed the prerequisite course(s);
(2) the student has demonstrated equivalent knowledge as determined by the school district; or
(3) the student was already enrolled in the course in an out-of-state, an out-of-country, or a Texas
nonpublic school and transferred to a Texas public school prior to successfully completing the
(k) A district may exempt a student from a specific career and technical education (CTE) course prerequisite
for a CTE course that satisfies a mathematics or science credit if the district determines the student is not
using the course to complete a CTE program of study.
(l) A district may award credit for a course a student completed without meeting the prerequisites if the
student completed the course in an out-of-state, an out-of-country, or a Texas nonpublic school where there
was not a prerequisite.
(m) A district shall allow a student who successfully completes AP Computer Science A or IB Computer
Science Higher Level to satisfy both one advanced mathematics requirement and one languages other than
English requirement for graduation.
(n) Each school district shall annually report to the TEA the names of the locally developed courses, programs,
institutions of higher education, and internships in which the district's students have enrolled as authorized
by the TEC, §28.002(g-1). The TEA shall make available information provided under this subsection to
other districts. If a district chooses, it may submit any locally developed course for approval under §74.27
of this title as an innovative course.
(o) Each school district shall annually report to the TEA the names of cybersecurity courses approved by the
board of trustees for credit and the institutions of higher education in which the district's students have
enrolled as authorized by the TEC, §28.002(g-3). The TEA shall make available information provided
under this subsection to other districts. If a district chooses, it may submit any locally developed course for
approval under §74.27 of this title as an innovative course.
(p) A school district shall permit a student to comply with the curriculum requirements under the Foundation
High School Program by successfully completing appropriate courses in the core curriculum of an
institution of higher education (IHE). A student who has completed the core curriculum of an IHE in
accordance with TEC, §61.822, as certified by the IHE in accordance with §4.28 of this title (relating to
Core Curriculum):
(1) is considered to have earned an endorsement by successfully completing the appropriate courses
for that endorsement;
(2) is considered to have earned a distinguished level of achievement under the Foundation High
School Program; and
(3) is entitled to receive a high school diploma.
Statutory Authority: The provisions of this §74.11 issued under the Texas Education Code, §§7.102(c)(4); 28.002;
28.018; 28.025; and 28.0256(a), (b), and (d).
Source: The provisions of this §74.11 adopted to be effective July 8, 2014, 39 TexReg 5149; amended to be effective
August 22, 2016, 41 TexReg 5040; amended to be effective August 27, 2018, 43 TexReg 4190; amended to be
effective November 24, 2019, 44 TexReg 7050; amended to be effective August 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 4178; amended
to be effective August 1, 2021, 46 TexReg 3874; amended to be effective August 1, 2022, 47 TexReg 4502.
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§74.12. Foundation High School Program.
(a) Credits. A student must earn at least 22 credits to complete the Foundation High School Program.
(b) Core courses. A student must demonstrate proficiency in the following.
(1) English language arts--four credits. Two of the credits must consist of English I and II. (Students
with limited English proficiency who are at the beginning or intermediate level of English
language proficiency, as defined by §74.4(d) of this title (relating to English Language Proficiency
Standards), may satisfy the English I and English II graduation requirements by successfully
completing English I for Speakers of Other Languages and English II for Speakers of Other
Languages.) A third credit must consist of English III, a comparable Advanced Placement (AP)
English language arts course that does not count toward another credit required for graduation, or
a comparable International Baccalaureate (IB) English language arts course that meets all the
requirements in §110.33 of this title (relating to English Language Arts and Reading, English III
(One Credit), Beginning with School Year 2009-2010). A fourth credit may be selected from one
full credit or a combination of two half credits from two different courses, subject to prerequisite
requirements, from the following courses:
(A) English IV;
(B) Independent Study in English;
(C) Literary Genres;
(D) Creative Writing;
(E) Research and Technical Writing;
(F) Humanities;
(G) Public Speaking III;
(H) Communication Applications, which must be combined with another half credit from the
other courses listed in subparagraphs (A)-(G) and (I)-(S) of this paragraph;
(I) Oral Interpretation III;
(J) Debate III;
(K) Independent Study in Speech;
(L) Independent Study in Journalism;
(M) Advanced Broadcast Journalism III;
(N) Advanced Journalism: Newspaper III;
(O) Advanced Journalism: Yearbook III;
(P) a comparable Advanced Placement (AP) English language arts course that does not count
toward another credit required for graduation;
(Q) a comparable International Baccalaureate (IB) English language arts course that meets all
the requirements in §110.34 of this title (relating to English Language Arts and Reading,
English IV (One Credit), Beginning with School Year 2009-2010);
(R) after the successful completion of English I, II, and III, a locally developed English
language arts course or other activity, including an apprenticeship or training hours
needed to obtain an industry-recognized credential or certificate that is developed
pursuant to the Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.002(g-1);
(S) Business English; and
(T) a college preparatory English language arts course that is developed pursuant to the TEC,
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(2) Mathematics--three credits. Two of the credits must consist of Algebra I and Geometry.
(A) The additional credit may be selected from one full credit or a combination of two half
credits from two different courses, subject to prerequisite requirements, from the
following courses or a credit selected from the courses listed in subparagraph (B) of this
(i) Mathematical Models with Applications;
(ii) Mathematical Applications in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources;
(iii) Digital Electronics;
(iv) Financial Mathematics;
(v) Applied Mathematics for Technical Professionals;
(vi) Accounting II;
(vii) Manufacturing Engineering Technology II; and
(viii) Robotics II.
(B) The additional credit may be selected from one full credit or a combination of two half
credits from two different courses, subject to prerequisite requirements, from the
following courses:
(i) Algebra II;
(ii) Precalculus;
(iii) Advanced Quantitative Reasoning;
(iv) Independent Study in Mathematics;
(v) Discrete Mathematics for Problem Solving;
(vi) Algebraic Reasoning;
(vii) Statistics;
(viii) a comparable AP mathematics course that does not count toward another credit
required for graduation;
(ix) AP Computer Science A;
(x) IB Computer Science Higher Level;
(xi) Engineering Mathematics;
(xii) Statistics and Business Decision Making;
(xiii) Mathematics for Medical Professionals;
(xiv) Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science;
(xv) pursuant to the TEC, §28.025(b-5), after the successful completion of Algebra
II, a mathematics course endorsed by an institution of higher education as a
course for which the institution would award course credit or as a prerequisite
for a course for which the institution would award course credit. The Texas
Education Agency (TEA) shall maintain a current list of courses offered under
this clause; and
(xvi) after the successful completion of Algebra I and Geometry, a locally developed
mathematics course or other activity, including an apprenticeship or training
hours needed to obtain an industry-recognized credential or certificate that is
developed pursuant to the TEC, §28.002(g-1).
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(C) One credit of a two-credit IB mathematics course selected from Chapter 111 of this title
(relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Mathematics) may satisfy the
additional mathematics credit.
(3) Science--three credits. One credit must consist of Biology or a comparable AP or IB biology
(A) One credit must be selected from the following laboratory-based courses:
(i) Integrated Physics and Chemistry;
(ii) Chemistry;
(iii) Physics;
(iv) Principles of Technology; and
(v) a comparable AP or IB chemistry or physics course that does not count toward
another credit required for graduation.
(B) The additional credit may be selected from one full credit or a combination of two half
credits from two different courses, subject to prerequisite requirements, from the
following laboratory-based courses:
(i) Chemistry;
(ii) Physics;
(iii) Aquatic Science;
(iv) Astronomy;
(v) Earth Systems Science;
(vi) Environmental Systems;
(vii) Specialized Topics in Science;
(viii) a comparable AP science course that does not count toward another credit
required for graduation;
(ix) Advanced Animal Science;
(x) Advanced Plant and Soil Science;
(xi) Anatomy and Physiology;
(xii) Medical Microbiology;
(xiii) Pathophysiology;
(xiv) Food Science;
(xv) Forensic Science;
(xvi) Biotechnology I;
(xvii) Biotechnology II;
(xviii) Principles of Technology;
(xix) Scientific Research and Design;
(xx) Engineering Design and Problem Solving;
(xxi) Engineering Science;
(xxii) pursuant to the TEC, §28.025(b-5), after the successful completion of physics, a
science course endorsed by an institution of higher education as a course for
which the institution would award course credit or as a prerequisite for a course
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for which the institution would award course credit. The TEA shall maintain a
current list of courses offered under this clause;
(xxiii) a locally developed science course or other activity, including an apprenticeship
or training hours needed to obtain an industry-recognized credential or
certificate that is developed pursuant to the TEC, §28.002(g-1); and
(xxiv) one credit of a two-credit IB science course selected from Chapter 112 of this
title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science).
(C) Credit may not be earned for both physics and Principles of Technology to satisfy science
credit requirements.
(4) Social studies--three credits.
(A) One credit must consist of United States History Studies Since 1877.
(B) One-half credit must consist of United States Government.
(C) One-half credit must be selected from the following:
(i) Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits; or
(ii) Personal Financial Literacy/Economics.
(D) One credit must be selected from the following:
(i) World History Studies;
(ii) World Geography Studies; or
(iii) a comparable AP or IB world history or world geography course that does not
count toward another credit required for graduation.
(5) Languages other than English (LOTE)--two credits.
(A) The credits may be selected from the following:
(i) any two levels in the same language, including comparable AP or IB language
courses that do not count toward another credit required for graduation; or
(ii) two credits in computer programming languages, including computer coding, to
be selected from Computer Science I, II, and III, AP Computer Science
Principles, AP Computer Science A, IB Computer Science Standard Level, and
IB Computer Science Higher Level.
(B) A single two-credit IB LOTE course may only satisfy one LOTE requirement.
(C) If a student, in completing the first credit of LOTE, demonstrates that the student is
unlikely to be able to complete the second credit, the student may substitute another
appropriate course as follows:
(i) Special Topics in Language and Culture;
(ii) World History Studies or World Geography Studies for a student who is not
required to complete both by the local district;
(iii) another credit selected from Chapter 114 of this title (relating to Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills for Languages Other Than English); or
(iv) computer programming languages, including computer coding.
(D) The determination regarding a student's ability to complete the second credit of LOTE
must be agreed to by:
(i) the teacher of the first LOTE credit course or another LOTE teacher designated
by the school district, the principal or designee, and the student's parent or
person standing in parental relation;
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(ii) the student's admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee if the student
receives special education services under the TEC, Chapter 29, Subchapter A; or
(iii) the committee established for the student under Section 504, Rehabilitation Act
of 1973 (29 United States Code, Section 794) if the student does not receive
special education services under the TEC, Chapter 29, Subchapter A, but is
covered by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
(E) A student, who due to a disability, is unable to complete two credits in the same language
in a language other than English, may substitute a combination of two credits that are not
being used to satisfy another specific graduation requirement selected from English
language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies or two credits in career and
technical education for the LOTE credit requirements. The determination regarding a
student's ability to complete the LOTE credit requirements will be made by:
(i) the student's ARD committee if the student receives special education services
under the TEC, Chapter 29, Subchapter A; or
(ii) the committee established for the student under Section 504, Rehabilitation Act
of 1973 (29 United States Code, Section 794) if the student does not receive
special education services under the TEC, Chapter 29, Subchapter A, but is
covered by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
(F) A student who successfully completes a dual language immersion/two-way or dual
language immersion/one-way program in accordance with §89.1210(d)(3) and (4) of this
title (relating to Program Content and Design), §89.1227 of this title (relating to
Minimum Requirements for Dual Language Immersion Program Model), and §89.1228
of this title (relating to Two-Way Dual Language Immersion Program Model
Implementation) at an elementary school may satisfy one credit of the two credits
required in a language other than English.
(i) To successfully complete a dual language immersion program, a student must:
(I) have participated in a dual language immersion program for at least
five consecutive school years;
(II) achieve high levels of academic competence as demonstrated by
performance of meets or masters grade level on both the mathematics
and reading State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness
(STAAR®) in English or Spanish, as applicable, in at least one grade
level; and
(III) achieve proficiency in both English and a language other than English
as demonstrated by scores of proficient or higher in the reading and
speaking domains on language proficiency or achievement tests in both
(ii) The second credit of a language other than English must be in the same language
as the successfully completed dual language immersion program.
(G) A student who successfully completes a course in American Sign Language while in
elementary school may satisfy one credit of the two credits required in a language other
than English.
(6) Physical education--one credit.
(A) The required credit may be selected from one full credit or a combination of two half
credits from two different courses from the following courses:
(i) Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Pursuits;
(ii) Lifetime Recreation and Outdoor Pursuits; and
(iii) Skill-Based Lifetime Activities.
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(B) In accordance with local district policy, the required credit may be earned through
completion of any Texas essential knowledge and skills-based course that meets the
requirement in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph for 100 minutes of moderate to
vigorous physical activity per five-day school week and that is not being used to satisfy
another specific graduation requirement.
(C) In accordance with local district policy, credit for any of the courses listed in
subparagraph (A) of this paragraph may be earned through participation in the following
(i) Athletics;
(ii) Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC); and
(iii) appropriate private or commercially sponsored physical activity programs
conducted on or off campus. The district must apply to the commissioner of
education for approval of such programs, which may be substituted for state
graduation credit in physical education. Such approval may be granted under the
following conditions.
(I) Olympic-level participation and/or competition includes a minimum of
15 hours per week of highly intensive, professional, supervised
training. The training facility, instructors, and the activities involved in
the program must be certified by the superintendent to be of
exceptional quality. Students qualifying and participating at this level
may be dismissed from school one hour per day. Students dismissed
may not miss any class other than physical education.
(II) Private or commercially sponsored physical activities include those
certified by the superintendent to be of high quality and well supervised
by appropriately trained instructors. Student participation of at least
five hours per week must be required. Students certified to participate
at this level may not be dismissed from any part of the regular school
(D) In accordance with local district policy, up to one credit for any one of the courses listed
in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph may be earned through participation in any of the
following activities:
(i) Drill Team;
(ii) Marching Band; and
(iii) Cheerleading.
(E) All substitution activities allowed in subparagraphs (B)-(D) of this paragraph must
include at least 100 minutes per five-day school week of moderate to vigorous physical
(F) Credit may not be earned more than once for the courses identified in subparagraph (A)(i)
and (iii) of this paragraph. Credit may not be earned more than twice for the course
identified in subparagraph (A)(ii) of this paragraph. No more than four substitution
credits may be earned through any combination of substitutions allowed in subparagraphs
(B)-(D) of this paragraph.
(G) A student who is unable to participate in physical activity due to disability or illness may
substitute an academic elective credit (English language arts, mathematics, science, or
social studies) or a course that is offered for credit as provided by the TEC, §28.002(g-1),
for the physical education credit requirement. The determination regarding a student's
ability to participate in physical activity will be made by:
(i) the student's ARD committee if the student receives special education services
under the TEC, Chapter 29, Subchapter A;
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(ii) the committee established for the student under Section 504, Rehabilitation Act
of 1973 (29 United States Code, Section 794) if the student does not receive
special education services under the TEC, Chapter 29, Subchapter A, but is
covered by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; or
(iii) a committee established by the school district of persons with appropriate
knowledge regarding the student if each of the committees described by clauses
(i) and (ii) of this subparagraph is inapplicable. This committee shall follow the
same procedures required of an ARD or a Section 504 committee.
(7) Fine arts--one credit.
(A) The credit may be selected from the following courses subject to prerequisite
(i) Art, Level I, II, III, or IV;
(ii) Dance, Level I, II, III, or IV;
(iii) Music, Level I, II, III, or IV;
(iv) Music Studies;
(v) Theatre, Level I, II, III, or IV;
(vi) Musical Theatre, Level I, II, III, or IV;
(vii) Technical Theatre, Level I, II, III, or IV;
(viii) IB Film Standard or Higher Level;
(ix) Floral Design;
(x) Digital Art and Animation; and
(xi) 3-D Modeling and Animation.
(B) In accordance with local district policy, credit may be earned through participation in a
community-based fine arts program not provided by the school district in which the
student is enrolled. The district must apply to the commissioner of education for approval
of such programs, which may be substituted for state graduation credit in fine arts.
Approval may be granted if the fine arts program provides instruction in the essential
knowledge and skills identified for a fine arts course as defined by Chapter 117,
Subchapter C, of this title (relating to High School, Adopted 2013).
(c) Elective courses--five credits. The credits must be selected from the list of courses specified in §74.11(g) or
(h) of this title (relating to High School Graduation Requirements) or from a locally developed course or
activity developed pursuant to the TEC, §28.002(g-1), for which a student may receive credit and that does
not satisfy a specific course requirement.
(d) Substitutions. No substitutions are allowed in the Foundation High School Program, except as specified in
this chapter.
Statutory Authority: The provisions of this §74.12 issued under the Texas Education Code, §§7.102(c)(4); 28.002;
28.018; and 28.025.
Source: The provisions of this §74.12 adopted to be effective July 8, 2014, 39 TexReg 5149; amended to be effective
August 22, 2016, 41 TexReg 5040; amended to be effective August 28, 2017, 42 TexReg 3139; amended to be
effective August 27, 2018, 43 TexReg 4190; amended to be effective August 1, 2019, 44 TexReg 3802; amended to be
effective August 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 4178; amended to be effective August 1, 2022, 47 TexReg 4502; amended to be
effective August 1, 2024 49 TexReg 5501.
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§74.13. Endorsements.
(a) A student shall specify in writing an endorsement the student intends to earn upon entering Grade 9.
(b) A district shall permit a student to enroll in courses under more than one endorsement before the student's
junior year and to choose, at any time, to earn an endorsement other than the endorsement the student
previously indicated. This section does not entitle a student to remain enrolled to earn more than 26 credits.
(c) A student must earn at least 26 credits to earn an endorsement.
(d) A school district may define advanced courses and determine a coherent sequence of courses for an
endorsement area, provided that prerequisites in Chapters 110-117, 127, and 130 of this title are followed.
(e) To earn an endorsement a student must demonstrate proficiency in the following.
(1) The curriculum requirements for the Foundation High School Program as defined by §74.12 of
this title (relating to Foundation High School Program).
(2) A fourth credit in mathematics that may be selected from one full credit or a combination of two
half credits from two different courses, subject to prerequisite requirements, from the following
(A) Algebra II;
(B) Precalculus;
(C) Advanced Quantitative Reasoning;
(D) Independent Study in Mathematics;
(E) Discrete Mathematics for Problem Solving;
(F) Algebraic Reasoning;
(G) Statistics;
(H) a comparable Advanced Placement (AP) mathematics course that does not count toward
another credit required for graduation;
(I) AP Computer Science A;
(J) International Baccalaureate (IB) Computer Science Higher Level;
(K) Engineering Mathematics;
(L) Statistics and Business Decision Making;
(M) Mathematics for Medical Professionals;
(N) Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science;
(O) pursuant to the Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.025(b-5), after the successful
completion of Algebra II, a mathematics course endorsed by an institution of higher
education as a course for which the institution would award course credit or as a
prerequisite for a course for which the institution would award course credit. The Texas
Education Agency (TEA) shall maintain a current list of courses offered under this
subparagraph; and
(P) after the successful completion of Algebra I and Geometry, a locally developed
mathematics course or other activity, including an apprenticeship or training hours
needed to obtain an industry-recognized credential or certificate that is developed
pursuant to the TEC, §28.002(g-1).
(3) A student may complete a course listed in paragraph (2) of this subsection before or after
completing a course listed in §74.12(b)(2)(A) of this title.
(4) The fourth mathematics credit may be a college preparatory mathematics course that is developed
and offered pursuant to the TEC, §28.014.
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(5) The fourth mathematics credit may be satisfied with one credit of a two-credit IB mathematics
course selected from Chapter 111 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
for Mathematics) that does not count toward another credit required for graduation.
(6) An additional credit in science that may be selected from one full credit or a combination of two
half credits from two different courses, subject to prerequisite requirements, from the following
(A) Chemistry;
(B) Physics;
(C) Aquatic Science;
(D) Astronomy;
(E) Earth Systems Science;
(F) Environmental Systems;
(G) Specialized Topics in Science;
(H) a comparable AP science course that does not count toward another credit required for
(I) Advanced Animal Science;
(J) Advanced Plant and Soil Science;
(K) Anatomy and Physiology;
(L) Medical Microbiology;
(M) Pathophysiology;
(N) Food Science;
(O) Forensic Science;
(P) Biotechnology I;
(Q) Biotechnology II;
(R) Principles of Technology;
(S) Scientific Research and Design;
(T) Engineering Design and Problem Solving;
(U) Engineering Science;
(V) pursuant to the TEC, §28.025(b-5), after the successful completion of physics, a science
course endorsed by an institution of higher education as a course for which the institution
would award course credit or as a prerequisite for a course for which the institution
would award course credit. The TEA shall maintain a current list of courses offered under
this subparagraph;
(W) a locally developed science course or other activity, including an apprenticeship or
training hours needed to obtain an industry-recognized credential or certificate that is
developed pursuant to the TEC, §28.002(g-1);
(X) pursuant to the TEC, §28.025(c-3), a student pursuing an arts and humanities
endorsement who has the written permission of the student's parent or a person standing
in parental relation to the student may substitute a course that is not being used to satisfy
another specific graduation requirement selected from:
(i) Chapter 110 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for
English Language Arts and Reading);
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(ii) Chapter 113 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for
Social Studies);
(iii) Chapter 114 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for
Languages Other Than English); or
(iv) Chapter 117 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for
Fine Arts); and
(Y) credit may not be earned for both physics and Principles of Technology to satisfy science
credit requirements.
(Z) The fourth science credit may be satisfied with one credit of a two-credit IB science
course selected from Chapter 112 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and
Skills for Science) that does not count toward another credit required for graduation.
(7) Two additional elective credits that may be selected from the list of courses specified in §74.11(g)
or (h) of this title (relating to High School Graduation Requirements).
(f) A student may earn any of the following endorsements.
(1) Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Students who entered high school
prior to the 2022-2023 school year may earn a STEM endorsement by completing the
requirements specified in subsection (e) of this section, including Algebra II, chemistry, and
physics or Principles of Technology and:
(A) a coherent sequence of courses for four or more credits in career and technical education
(CTE) that consists of at least two courses in the same career cluster and at least one
advanced CTE course. The courses may be selected from Chapter 130 of this title
(relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education),
Chapter 127 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career
Development and Career and Technical Education), or CTE innovative courses. The final
course in the sequence must be selected from Chapter 127, Subchapter O, of this title
(relating to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) or Career Preparation I
or II (Career Preparation General or Career Preparation for Programs of Study) and
Project-Based Research (Career and Technical Education Project-Based Capstone) in
Chapter 127, Subchapter B, of this title (relating to High School), if the course addresses
a STEM-related field;
(B) courses required to complete a TEA-designated program of study related to STEM;
(C) three credits in mathematics by successfully completing Algebra II and two additional
mathematics courses for which Algebra II is a prerequisite by selecting courses from
subsection (e)(2) of this section;
(D) four credits in science by successfully completing chemistry, physics, and two additional
science courses by selecting courses from subsection (e)(6) of this section; or
(E) in addition to Algebra II, chemistry, and physics, a coherent sequence of three additional
credits from no more than two of the categories or disciplines represented by
subparagraphs (A), (B), (C), and (D) of this paragraph.
(2) Business and industry. Students who entered high school prior to the 2022-2023 school year may
earn a business and industry endorsement by completing the requirements specified in subsection
(e) of this section and:
(A) a coherent sequence of courses for four or more credits in CTE that consists of at least
two courses in the same career cluster and at least one advanced CTE course. The courses
may be selected from Chapter 130 of this title, Chapter 127 of this title, or CTE
innovative courses. The final course in the sequence must be selected from one of the
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(i) Chapter 127, Subchapter C, of this title (related to Agriculture, Food, and
Natural Resources);
(ii) Chapter 130, Subchapter A, of this title (relating to Agriculture, Food, and
Natural Resources);
(iii) Chapter 130, Subchapter B, of this title (relating to Architecture and
(iv) Chapter 130, Subchapter C, of this title (relating to Arts, Audio/Video
Technology, and Communications);
(v) Chapter 127, Subchapter F, of this title (relating to Business, Marketing, and
(vi) Chapter 130, Subchapter D, of this title (relating to Business Management and
(vii) Chapter 130, Subchapter F, of this title (relating to Finance);
(viii) Chapter 127, Subchapter J, of this title (relating to Hospitality and Tourism);
(ix) Chapter 130, Subchapter K, of this title (relating to Information Technology);
(x) Chapter 130, Subchapter M, of this title (relating to Manufacturing);
(xi) Chapter 130, Subchapter N, of this title (relating to Marketing);
(xii) Chapter 127, Subchapter P, of this title (relating to Transportation, Distribution,
and Logistics);
(xiii) Chapter 130, Subchapter P, of this title (relating to Transportation, Distribution,
and Logistics);
(xiv) Chapter 130, Subchapter Q, of this title (relating to Energy); or
(xv) Career Preparation I or II (Career Preparation General or Career Preparation for
Programs of Study) and Project-Based Research (Career and Technical
Education Project-Based Capstone) in Chapter 127, Subchapter B, of this title if
the course addresses a career from a field listed in clauses (i)-(xiv) of this
(B) courses required to complete a TEA-designated program of study related to business and
(C) four English credits by selecting courses from Chapter 110 of this title to include three
levels in one of the following areas:
(i) public speaking;
(ii) debate;
(iii) advanced broadcast journalism;
(iv) advanced journalism: newspaper;
(v) advanced journalism: yearbook; or
(vi) advanced journalism: literary magazine; or
(D) a coherent sequence of four credits from subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of this paragraph.
(3) Public services. Students who entered high school prior to the 2022-2023 school year may earn a
public services endorsement by completing the requirements specified in subsection (e) of this
section and:
(A) a coherent sequence of courses for four or more credits in CTE that consists of at least
two courses in the same career cluster and at least one advanced CTE course. The courses
Graduation Requirements §74.B.
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may be selected from Chapter 130 of this title, Chapter 127 of this title, or CTE
innovative courses. The final course in the sequence must be selected from one of the
(i) Chapter 127, Subchapter G, of this title (relating to Education and Training);
(ii) Chapter 127, Subchapter I, of this title (relating to Health Science);
(iii) Chapter 130, Subchapter J, of this title (relating to Human Services);
(iv) Chapter 127, Subchapter M, of this title (relating to Law and Public Service); or
(v) Career Preparation I or II (Career Preparation General or Career Preparation for
Programs of Study) and Project-Based Research (Career and Technical
Education Project-Based Capstone) in Chapter 127, Subchapter B, of this title if
the course addresses a field from a cluster listed in clauses (i)-(v) of this
(B) courses required to complete a TEA-designated program of study related to public
services; or
(C) four courses in Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC).
(4) Arts and humanities. A student may earn an arts and humanities endorsement by completing the
requirements specified in subsection (e) of this section and:
(A) five social studies credits by selecting courses from Chapter 113 of this title; or
(B) four levels of the same language in a language other than English by selecting courses in
accordance with Chapter 114 of this title, which may include Advanced Language for
Career Applications; or
(C) two levels of the same language in a language other than English and two levels of a
different language in a language other than English by selecting courses in accordance
with Chapter 114 of this title; or
(D) four levels of American sign language by selecting courses in accordance with Chapter
114 of this title; or
(E) a coherent sequence of four credits by selecting courses from one or two categories or
disciplines in fine arts from Chapter 117 of this title or innovative courses approved by
the commissioner; or
(F) four English credits by selecting from the following:
(i) English IV; or
(ii) Independent Study in English; or
(iii) Literary Genres; or
(iv) Creative Writing; or
(v) Research and Technical Writing; or
(vi) Humanities; or
(vii) Communication Applications; or
(viii) AP English Literature and Composition; or
(ix) AP English Language and Composition; or
(x) IB Language Studies A: Language and Literature Standard Level; or
(xi) IB Language Studies A: Language and Literature Higher Level; or
(xii) IB Language Studies A: Literature Standard Level; or
Graduation Requirements §74.B.
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(xiii) IB Language Studies A: Literature Higher Level; or
(xiv) IB Literature and Performance Standard Level.
(5) Multidisciplinary studies. A student may earn a multidisciplinary studies endorsement by
completing the requirements specified in subsection (e) of this section and:
(A) four advanced courses that prepare a student to enter the workforce successfully or
postsecondary education without remediation from within one endorsement area or
among endorsement areas that are not in a coherent sequence; or
(B) four credits in each of the four foundation subject areas to include chemistry and/or
physics and English IV or a comparable AP or IB English course; or
(C) four credits in Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or dual credit selected
from English, mathematics, science, social studies, economics, languages other than
English, or fine arts.
(6) STEM. Students who entered high school in the 2022-2023 school year or later may earn a STEM
endorsement by completing the requirements specified in subsection (e) of this section, including
Algebra II, chemistry, and physics or Principles of Technology and:
(A) courses required to be designated a CTE completer in one of the following
approved programs of study related to STEM:
(i) biomedical sciences;
(ii) civil engineering;
(iii) cybersecurity;
(iv) electrical engineering;
(v) engineering foundations;
(vi) geospatial engineering and land surveying;
(vii) mechanical and aerospace engineering;
(viii) networking systems;
(ix) nursing science;
(x) programming and software development;
(xi) renewable energy;
(xii) robotics and automation technology; or
(xiii) web development;
(B) three credits in mathematics by successfully completing Algebra II and two additional
mathematics courses for which Algebra II is a prerequisite by selecting courses from
subsection (e)(2) of this section;
(C) four credits in science by successfully completing chemistry, physics, and two additional
science courses by selecting courses from subsection (e)(6) of this section; or
(D) in addition to chemistry, physics, and Algebra II, one additional mathematics course
listed in subsection (e)(2) of this section for which Algebra II is a prerequisite and one
additional science course listed in subsection (e)(6) of this section.
(7) Business and industry. Students who entered high school in the 2022-2023 school year or later
may earn a business and industry endorsement by completing the requirements specified in
subsection (e) of this section and:
(A) courses required to be designated a CTE completer in one of the following TEA-
approved programs of study related to business and industry:
Graduation Requirements §74.B.
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(i) accounting and financial services;
(ii) agriculture business, leadership, and communications;
(iii) agricultural technology and mechanical systems;
(iv) animal science;
(v) architectural drafting and design;
(vi) automotive and collision repair;
(vii) aviation maintenance;
(viii) aviation pilots;
(ix) business management;
(x) carpentry;
(xi) construction management and inspection;
(xii) cosmetology;
(xiii) culinary arts;
(xiv) diesel and heavy equipment maintenance and commercial drivers;
(xv) digital communications;
(xvi) distribution, logistics, and warehousing;
(xvii) drone (unmanned vehicle);
(xviii) electrical;
(xix) entrepreneurship;
(xx) environmental and natural resources;
(xxi) food science and technology;
(xxii) graphic design and interactive media;
(xxiii) HVAC and sheet metal;
(xxiv) industrial maintenance;
(xxv) information technology support and services;
(xxvi) lodging and resort management;
(xxvii) manufacturing technology;
(xxviii) maritime;
(xxix) marketing and sales;
(xxx) masonry;
(xxxi) oil and gas exploration and production;
(xxxii) plant science;
(xxxiii) plumbing and pipefitting;
(xxxiv) printing and imaging;
(xxxv) real estate;
(xxxvi) refining and chemical processes;
(xxxvii) retail management;
Graduation Requirements §74.B.
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(xxxviii) travel, tourism, and attractions; or
(xxxix) welding;
(B) courses required to be designated a CTE completer in one of the following TEA-
approved programs of study related to business and industry, if the mathematics and
science requirements for the STEM endorsement are not met:
(i) civil engineering;
(ii) cybersecurity;
(iii) electrical engineering;
(iv) engineering foundations;
(v) geospatial engineering and land surveying;
(vi) mechanical and aerospace engineering;
(vii) networking systems;
(viii) programming and software development;
(ix) renewable energy;
(x) robotics and automation technology; or
(xi) web development; or
(C) four English credits by selecting courses from Chapter 110 of this title to include three
levels in one of the following areas:
(i) public speaking;
(ii) debate;
(iii) advanced broadcast journalism;
(iv) advanced journalism: newspaper;
(v) advanced journalism: yearbook; or
(vi) advanced journalism: literary magazine.
(8) Public services. Students who entered high school in the 2022-2023 school year or later may earn
a public services endorsement by completing the requirements specified in subsection (e) of this
section and:
(A) courses required to be designated a CTE completer in one of the following TEA-
approved programs of study related to public services:
(i) biomedical science, if the mathematics and science requirements for the STEM
are not met;
(ii) diagnostic and therapeutic services;
(iii) early learning;
(iv) exercise science, wellness, and restoration;
(v) family and community services;
(vi) fire science;
(vii) government and public administration;
(viii) health and wellness;
(ix) health informatics;
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(x) law enforcement;
(xi) legal studies;
(xii) nursing science, if the mathematics and science requirements for the STEM are
not met; or
(xiii) teaching and training; or
(B) four courses in Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC).
(g) A course completed as part of the set of four courses needed to satisfy an endorsement requirement may
also satisfy a requirement under §74.12(b) and (c) of this title and subsection (e)(2), (4), (5), and (6) of this
section, including an elective requirement. The same course may count as part of the set of four courses for
more than one endorsement.
Statutory Authority: The provisions of this §74.13 issued under the Texas Education Code, §§7.102(c)(4); 28.002;
28.018; and 28.025.
Source: The provisions of this §74.13 adopted to be effective July 8, 2014, 39 TexReg 5149; amended to be effective
August 22, 2016, 41 TexReg 5040; amended to be effective August 28, 2017, 42 TexReg 3139; amended to be
effective August 27, 2018, 43 TexReg 4190; amended to be effective August 1, 2019, 44 TexReg 3802; amended to be
effective August 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 4178; amended to be effective August 1, 2022, 47 TexReg 4502; amended to be
effective August 1, 2024 49 TexReg 5501.
Graduation Requirements §74.B.
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§74.14. Performance Acknowledgments.
(a) A student may earn a performance acknowledgment on the student's transcript for outstanding performance
in a dual credit course by successfully completing:
(1) at least 12 hours of college academic courses, including those taken for dual credit as part of the
Texas core curriculum, and advanced technical credit courses, including locally articulated
courses, with a grade of the equivalent of 3.0 or higher on a scale of 4.0; or
(2) an associate degree while in high school.
(b) A student may earn a performance acknowledgment on the student's transcript for outstanding performance
in bilingualism and biliteracy as follows.
(1) A student may earn a performance acknowledgment by demonstrating proficiency in accordance
with local school district grading policy in two or more languages by:
(A) completing all English language arts requirements and maintaining a minimum grade
point average (GPA) of the equivalent of 80 on a scale of 100; and
(B) satisfying one of the following:
(i) completion of a minimum of three credits in the same language in a language
other than English with a minimum GPA of the equivalent of 80 on a scale of
100; or
(ii) demonstrated proficiency in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Level
IV or higher in a language other than English with a minimum GPA of the
equivalent of 80 on a scale of 100; or
(iii) completion of at least three credits in foundation subject area courses in a
language other than English with a minimum GPA of 80 on a scale of 100; or
(iv) demonstrated proficiency in one or more languages other than English through
one of the following methods:
(I) a score of 3 or higher on a College Board Advanced Placement
examination for a language other than English; or
(II) a score of 4 or higher on an International Baccalaureate examination for
a higher-level languages other than English course; or
(III) performance on a national assessment of language proficiency in a
language other than English of at least Intermediate High or its
(2) In addition to meeting the requirements of paragraph (1) of this subsection, to earn a performance
acknowledgment in bilingualism and biliteracy, an emergent bilingual student must also have:
(A) participated in and met the exit criteria for a bilingual or English as a second language
(ESL) program; and
(B) scored at the Advanced High level on the Texas English Language Proficiency
Assessment System (TELPAS).
(c) A student may earn a performance acknowledgment on the student's transcript for outstanding performance
on a College Board Advanced Placement test or International Baccalaureate examination by earning:
(1) a score of 3 or above on a College Board Advanced Placement examination; or
(2) a score of 4 or above on an International Baccalaureate examination.
(d) A student may earn a performance acknowledgment on the student's transcript for outstanding performance
on an established, valid, reliable, and nationally norm-referenced preliminary college preparation
assessment instrument used to measure a student's progress toward readiness for college and the workplace
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or on an established valid, reliable, and nationally norm-referenced assessment instrument used by colleges
and universities as part of their undergraduate admissions process by:
(1) earning a score on the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test
(PSAT/NMSQT®) that qualifies the student for recognition as a commended scholar or higher by
the National Merit Scholarship Corporation or as an awardee of the National Recognition
Programs of the College Board;
(2) earning a composite score of 442 on the ACT Aspire
(3) earning a composite score of 29 on the ACT PreACT® examination;
(4) earning a total score of at least 1350 on the SAT®; or
(5) earning a composite score on the ACT® examination of 29 (excluding the writing subscore).
(e) A student may earn a performance acknowledgment on the student's transcript for earning a state-
recognized or nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license as
(1) A student may earn a performance acknowledgment with:
(A) performance on an examination or series of examinations sufficient to obtain a nationally
or internationally recognized business or industry certification; or
(B) performance on an examination sufficient to obtain a government-required credential to
practice a profession.
(2) Nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification shall be defined as an
industry-validated credential that complies with knowledge and skills standards promulgated by a
nationally or internationally recognized business, industry, professional, or government entity
representing a particular profession or occupation that is issued by or endorsed by:
(A) a national or international business, industry, or professional organization;
(B) a state agency or other government entity; or
(C) a state-based industry association.
(3) Certifications or licensures for performance acknowledgements shall:
(A) be age appropriate for high school students;
(B) represent a student's substantial course of study and/or end-of-program knowledge and
(C) include an industry-recognized examination or series of examinations, an industry-
validated skill test, or demonstrated proficiency through documented, supervised field
experience; and
(D) represent substantial knowledge and multiple skills needed for successful entry into a
high-skill occupation.
Statutory Authority: The provisions of this §74.14 issued under the Texas Education Code, §§7.102(c)(4); 28.002;
28.018; and 28.025.
Source: The provisions of this §74.14 adopted to be effective July 8, 2014, 39 TexReg 5149; amended to be effective
August 22, 2016, 41 TexReg 5040; amended to be effective August 27, 2018, 43 TexReg 4190; amended to be
effective August 1, 2022, 47 TexReg 4502.