Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3
Release Notes
What's new in Red Hat JBoss Fuse
Last Updated: 2020-10-27
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
What's new in Red Hat JBoss Fuse
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These notes provide an overview of the changes between each release of Red Hat JBoss Fuse.
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Table of Contents
2.2. APRIL 2017 6.3 ADDENDUM
2.3. OCTOBER 2016 GA
5.1. GENERAL - 6.3.0
5.2. MESSAGING - 6.3.0
5.8. CONTAINER - 6.3.0
5.9. FUSE FABRIC - 6.3.0
6.1. GENERAL - 6.3.0
6.2. MESSAGING - 6.3.0
6.7. CONTAINER - 6.3.0
6.8. FUSE FABRIC - 6.3.0
Table of Contents
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
This section describes the main features and changes in version 6.3.
The main new features in version 6.3 are:
JBoss Fuse tooling is available in Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio starting with Developer
Studio 11.0. Previously, Fuse tooling was available in Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio
Integration Stack.
The look and feel of the Fuse tooling Camel route editor has been revised.
The Camel CDI component has been rewritten to provide better integration with the JSR 299:
Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) programming model. See chapter "Camel CDI" in
"Deploying into Apache Karaf" for more details.
New Camel Braintree component (camel-braintree) provides integration with various payment
systems, including PayPal. See chapter "Braintree" in "Apache Camel Component Reference"
for more details.
New Camel ServiceNow component (camel-servicenow) provides integration with the
ServiceNow REST API. See chapter "ServiceNow" in "Apache Camel Component Reference" for
more details.
RH-SSO adapter for JBoss Fuse is now supported in combination with the 6.3.0 Roll Up 2 patch
version of JBoss Fuse. See the section JBoss Fuse Adapter from the RH-SSO 7.1 Securing
Applications and Services Guide for more details.
JBoss Fuse 6.3.0 Roll Up 1 is the minimum required version, but 6.3.0 Roll Up 2 is
Oracle JDK 1.7 is incompatible with Maven central repository
Due to recent changes in the security requirements for connecting to the Maven central repository,
Oracle JDK 1.7 is no longer compatible with Maven central and is unable to download Maven artifacts.
We recommend that you upgrade to Oracle JDK 1.8 to avoid this issue. See Section 4.2, “List of Known
Issues” for more details.
New Maven repository
Since JBoss Fuse 6.3, the JBoss Fuse Maven artifacts are available only from the following Maven
Hence for JBoss Fuse 6.3, you need to edit your Maven settings.xml file, replacing the old repository URLs (at and with the new Maven repository URLs.
Older versions of JBoss Fuse (prior to 6.3) continue to use the old Maven repositories.
ActiveMQ runtime can now be wired to JMS 2.0 API bundle in OSGi
In JBoss Fuse 6.3, the ActiveMQ runtime has been modified so that it is compatible with and can be
wired to the JMS 2.0 API bundle. This does not imply that ActiveMQ supports JMS 2.0. In fact,
ActiveMQ still supports JMS 1.1 only. This change does mean, however, that it is now possible to deploy
an ActiveMQ broker (which is a JMS 1.1 application) alongside a JMS 2.0 compliant application in the
same OSGi container. This can be useful, for example, if you want to deploy two different messaging
products in the same Apache Karaf container.
Upgraded Jetty from 8.1.x to 9
In the Apache Karaf container, Jetty (which provides the default HTTP servlet container for Karaf) has
been upgraded from Jetty 8.1.x to Jetty 9. This has a significant impact on the Jetty container
configuration, affecting settings in the etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg file, in the etc/jetty.xml file, and in
the Camel Jetty endpoint. For more details, see chapter "Securing the Jetty HTTP Server" in "Security
Guide" and chapter "Securing the Camel Jetty Component" in "Security Guide" .
Apache Karaf package name changed from jboss-fuse-full to jboss-fuse-karaf
The package name for the Apache Karaf distribution of JBoss Fuse has changed from jboss-fuse- to in this release.
CXF security changes
Note the following important changes to CXF security in this release:
The STS (Security Token Service) now issues tokens using the RSA-SHA256 signature
algorithm by default (previously RSA-SHA1), and the SHA-256 digest algorithm (previously
The SAML/XACML functionality previously available in the cxf-rt-security module is now in the
cxf-rt-security-saml module.
New interceptor required for transactional RFC SAP endpoints
A new interceptor object is provided in JBoss Fuse 6.3, which is needed to configure transactional RFC
destinations properly for the Camel SAP component. For details, see section "Interceptor for tRFC and
qRFC destinations" in "Apache Camel Component Reference".
Make Quickstart Examples Available
In previous releases, profiles for quickstart example were available by default. The new default behavior
is that profiles for quickstart examples are not available in a new fabric. To create a fabric in which you
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
can run the quickstart examples, edit the $FUSE_HOME/fabric/
file by uncommenting the line that starts with the following:
# importProfileURLs =
If you create a fabric without doing this and you want to run the quickstart examples, follow these steps
to make them available:
1. Edit the $FUSE_HOME/quickstarts/pom.xml file to add a fabric I/O plugin, for example:
2. In the $FUSE_HOME/quickstarts directory, change to the directory for the quickstart example
you want to run, for example:
cd beginner
3. In that directory, execute the following command:
mvn fabric8:deploy
You would need to run this command in each directory that contains a quickstart example that
you want to run.
After recent planning activities for JBoss Fuse 7.0, additional features have been deprecated for 7.0, as
listed under Section 2.2, “April 2017 6.3 Addendum” .
If you need any assistance or have any questions about the upcoming changes in Fuse 7, please contact
A complete list of the features that are deprecated from the JBoss Fuse 6.x family of products
(including those from previous minor releases) is given in the knowledge base article, JBoss Fuse 6.x
Deprecated and Removed Features.
2.2. APRIL 2017 6.3 ADDENDUM
Features that were deprecated in the context of planning for the next major release, 7.0, of JBoss Fuse.
Embedded ActiveMQ broker will be removed in 7.0
In JBoss Fuse 7.0, JBoss Fuse on Karaf will no longer provide an embedded ActiveMQ Broker.
Customers should connect to a supported remote broker directly. For more information on our
supported brokers please refer to the messaging lifecycle.
Geronimo transaction manager will be replaced in 7.0
In JBoss Fuse 7.0, the Geronimo transaction manager in the Karaf container will be replaced by
JBoss Fuse integration pack will be removed in 7.0
In JBoss Fuse 7.0, support for running rules and processes will be provided by components shipped with
Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite and Red Hat JBoss BRMS.
Jetty container will be replaced in 7.0
In JBoss Fuse 7.0, the Jetty container will be replaced by Undertow. Initially, this change applies only to
internal use of the Jetty container (for example, in the Karaf container). Other Jetty components will be
removed in a future release
Karaf console commands for child container administration will be removed in 7.0
In JBoss Fuse 7.0, the Karaf console commands for child container administration (commands prefixed
by admin:, such as admin:create, admin:list, and so on) will be removed.
SwitchYard will be removed in 7.0
In JBoss Fuse 7.0, SwitchYard will be removed, and you should use Apache Camel directly instead. For
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
In JBoss Fuse 7.0, SwitchYard will be removed, and you should use Apache Camel directly instead. For
more detailed information, see the knowledge base article, SwitchYard Support Plan After Releasing
JBoss Fuse 7.
2.3. OCTOBER 2016 GA
Features that were deprecated or removed at the time of the JBoss Fuse release in October 2016.
Support for Fabric8 1.x will be removed in the next major release of JBoss Fuse
In the next major release of JBoss Fuse (planned as JBoss Fuse 7.0), Fabric8 v1 will be replaced by Fuse
Integration Services (FIS), which includes components of Fabric8 v2 technology. FIS provides a set of
tools and Docker-formatted images that enable development, deployment, and management of
integration microservices within OpenShift.
Although FIS has a different architecture, it fulfills the same provisioning, automation, central
configuration and management requirements that Fabric8 v1 provides. For more information, please see
Red Hat JBoss Fuse Integration Services 2.0 for OpenShift .
Please contact Fuse Support with any questions or concerns.
bin/deletefabric8 script has been removed
The bin/deletefabric8 script has been removed in this release.
Camel components for Google App Engine are deprecated
The GAE components for Apache Camel are deprecated in JBoss Fuse 6.3 and will be removed from a
future release of JBoss Fuse.
Camel Netty component is deprecated
The Camel Netty component and the SwitchYard Camel Netty component are both deprecated in
JBoss Fuse 6.3 and will be removed in a future release of JBoss Fuse. It is recommended that you use
the Camel Netty4 component instead.
Camel jBPM component is deprecated
The Camel jBPM component (camel-jbpm) is deprecated in JBoss Fuse 6.3 and will be removed in a
future release of JBoss Fuse.
Camel LevelDB component is deprecated on all operating systems except for Linux
Since JBoss Fuse 6.3, the Camel LevelDB (camel-leveldb) component is deprecated on all operating
systems except for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In future, the Camel LevelDB component will be
supported only on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Tanuki based wrapper for installing JBoss Fuse as a service is deprecated
The Tanuki based wrapper scripts—generated using the wrapper:install Karaf console command—for
installing JBoss Fuse as a service are deprecated since JBoss Fuse 6.3 and will be removed in a future
release of JBoss Fuse. To install the Apache Karaf container as a service, it is recommended that you
use the new karaf-service-*.sh scripts from the bin/contrib directory instead.
Smooks is deprecated
Since JBoss Fuse 6.3, the Smooks component for SwitchYard is deprecated and will be removed in a
future release of JBoss Fuse.
BPEL is deprecated
BPEL (based on the Riftsaw project) is no longer being actively developed and will be removed from a
future release of JBoss Fuse. If you are currently using BPEL, it is recommended that you consider
migrating to the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (which is supported through the JBoss Fuse Integration
Design Time Governance is deprecated
The Design Time Governance component is deprecated since 6.2.1 and not included with the product.
Runtime Governance is deprecated.
Since JBoss Fuse 6.3, the Runtime Governance (RTGov) component is deprecated and will be removed
in a future release of JBoss Fuse.
S-RAMP is deprecated
The SOA Repository Artifact Model and Protocol (S-RAMP) component is deprecated since 6.2.1 and
will be removed from a future release.
bin/patch script is deprecated
The bin/patch script (bin\patch.bat on Windows O/S) is deprecated and will be removed in a future
Spring Dynamic Modules (Spring-DM) is deprecated
Spring-DM (which integrates Spring XML with the OSGi service layer) is deprecated since 6.2.1 and you
should use the Blueprint framework instead. Using Blueprint does not prevent you from using the Java
libraries from the Spring framework: the latest version of Spring is compatible with Blueprint.
Apache OpenJPA is deprecated
The Apache OpenJPA implementation of the Java Persistence API (JPA) is deprecated since 6.2.1. It is
recommended that you use the Hibernate implementation instead.
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
The Apache Aries Blueprint Web module is not supported in JBoss Fuse. The presence of an example
featuring Blueprint Web in the community edition of Apache Camel (provided in extras/apache-camel- does not imply that this feature is supported in JBoss Fuse.
The PHP scripting language is not supported in Camel applications on the Apache Karaf container,
because there is no OSGi bundle available for PHP. The PHP scripting language is deprecated in Camel
applications on the JBoss EAP container and on the Spring Boot container.
The Python scripting language is not supported in Camel applications on the Apache Karaf container,
because there is no OSGi bundle available for Python. The Python scripting language is deprecated in
Camel applications on the JBoss EAP container and on the Spring Boot container.
The Integration Pack is not supported in Fabric and cannot be installed in a fabric container. For more
details, see ENTESB-5796.
As a middleware integration platform, JBoss Fuse can potentially be integrated with a large number of
third-party components. It is not always possible to exclude the possibility that some third-party
dependencies of JBoss Fuse could have security vulnerabilities. This section documents known security
vulnerabilities affecting third-party dependencies of JBoss Fuse 6.3.
[CVE-2017-12629] Multiple CVEs related to jackson-databind security vulnerability
Applications that that use the FasterXML jackson-databind library to instantiate Java objects by
deserializing JSON content are potentially vulnerable to a remote code execution attack. The
vulnerability is not automatic, however, and it can be avoided if you take the appropriate mitigation
At a minimum, the following prerequisites must all be satisfied before an attack becomes possible:
1. You have enabled polymorphic type handling for deserialization of JSON content in
jackson-databind. There are two alternative ways of enabling polymorphic type handling in
Jackson JSON:
a. Using a combination of the @JsonTypeInfo and @JsonSubTypes annotations.
b. By calling the ObjectMapper.enableDefaultTyping() method. This option is particularly
dangerous, as it effectively enables polymorphic typing globally.
2. There are one or more gadget classes in your Java classpath, which have not yet been
blacklisted by the current version of jackson-databind. A gadget class is defined as any class
that performs a sensitive (potentially exploitable) operation as a side effect of executing a
constructor or a setter method (which are the methods that can be called during a
deserialization). The gadget blacklist maintained by the Jackson JSON library is the last line
of defence against the remote code execution vulnerability.
It is the existence of a large number of gadget classes which explains why there are many individual
CVEs related to the jackson-databind vulnerability. There are different CVEs related to different
kinds of gadget class.
If you do need to use the jackson-databind library in your application, the most important measure
you can take to mitigate the risk is this: avoid polymorphic type handling in Jackson JSON and on no
account should you call the ObjectMapper.enableDefaultTyping() method.
[CVE-2020-11972] CVE-2020-11972 camel-rabbitmq: camel: RabbitMQ enables Java deserialization
by default which could lead to remote code execution [fuse-6.3.0]
In the version of Apache Camel provided with Fuse 6.3 (which is Camel 2.17), the Camel RabbitMQ
component enables java deserialization, by default, without any means of disabling which can lead to
arbitrary code being executed. To avoid this security vulnerability, we recommend that you do not
use the Camel RabbitMQ component in Fuse 6.3.
The following list describes known issues in version 6.3:
[ENTESB-13343] Maven resolution of remote repository artifacts are broken on Oracle JDK7 [and
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
[ENTESB-13343] Maven resolution of remote repository artifacts are broken on Oracle JDK7 [and
Due to recent changes in the security requirements for connecting to the Maven central repository,
Oracle JDK 1.7 and IBM JDK7 is no longer compatible with Maven central and is unable to download
Maven artifacts. Specifically, Maven resolution through the internal Fuse Maven proxy from HTTPS
secured repositories is broken on Oracle JDK7 and IBM JDK7. We recommend that you upgrade to
Oracle JDK 1.8 to avoid this issue.
[ENTESB-11757] [QUICKSTART] camel-linkedin quickstart is not working
In Fuse 6.3, the Camel LinkedIn component is no longer able to communicate with the LinkedIn
server, because it is implemented using the LinkedIn Version 1.0 API, which is no longer supported by
LinkedIn. The Camel LinkedIn component will be updated to use the Version 2 API in a future patch
release of Fuse 6.3.
[SWITCHYARD-2936] Add support for Integration Pack with Kie 6.4.0
For SwitchYard projects in JBoss Fuse 6.3, and in the associated Integration Pack, there is no longer
a backward compatibility layer, so we have added support for the Integration Pack BPM & Rules
components (Fuse-specific) as well as the SwitchYard ones (more basic components for community
releases). When you specify an Integration Pack and Kie version for your SwitchYard project, the
appropriate components are selected. There is a known issue, however, if you select both varieties of
BPM or Rules components and don't have Integration Pack versions specified. If you accidentally
check both of them and are not using the Integration Pack, simply uncheck the (Integration Pack)
version on the Capabilities page. Other supported components are not affected.
[ENTESB-6038] Error loading situations when using Postgres
RTGov 6.2.1 and 6.3 configured with Postgres for the OverlordRTGov datasource fails to load
situations in the RT-Gov UI. You can work around this problem by modifying the standalone-full.xml
configuration file as follows:
[ENTESB-6079] The domain-camel.xml in Fuse on EAP doesn't work OOTB
The domain-camel.xml domain configuration file in Fuse on EAP does not work at the earlier patch
levels of JBoss EAP 6.4. You need to use JBoss EAP 6.4.7 or later for this configuration file to work.
[ENTESB-4995] Classloader leak in wildfly-camel ContextCreateHandlerRegistryService
JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP with a small metaspace can lead to OutOfMemoryError. SwitchYard is
<configuration name="overlord-rtgov">
<!-- ADD THIS -->
<property name="hibernate.transaction.factory_class"
<property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class"
<!--property name="JpaStore.jtaPlatform"
<!-- ... other properties -->
JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP with a small metaspace can lead to OutOfMemoryError. SwitchYard is
unaffected by this.
[ENTESB-6033] Qpid jms client hangs when used in camel route
The Camel AMQP component, which is based on the Qpid JMS client, freezes when it is used in a
Camel route. This is because the associated camel-amqp Karaf feature depends on the wrong
version of the Qpid Proton-J library. This issue will be fixed in an upcoming patch.
[ENTESB-4850] No bean could be found in the registry for: ConnectionFactory of type:
In certain circumstances, when deploying multiple Camel JMS endpoints into a JBoss EAP container,
the following error can be thrown:
This error can occur either in a SwitchYard application or in a Camel on EAP (Wildfly Camel)
application. There are two known workarounds for this issue:
Workaround 1: Use the org.jboss.server.bootstrap.maxThreads system property
If you face this issue, you can start JBoss EAP with the org.jboss.server.bootstrap.maxThreads
system property with a value less than or equal to 3 to resolve the issue, as follows:
Note that the default value of org.jboss.server.bootstrap.maxThreads is (number of
processors)*2 and setting it to a value lower than the default may slow the startup time of JBoss
Workaround 2: Use the org.switchyard.deployment.disableAutoStartup SwitchYard
domain property
If the first workaround does not work for you, you can then disable auto start-up of SwitchYard
bindings by setting the org.switchyard.deployment.disableAutoStartup domain property to true
to resolve the issue.
Note that if you disabled auto start-up of SwitchYard bindings, you need to manually start the
bindings after the applications are deployed.
[ENTESB-5653] Profile-import fails on Windows paths (with backslashes)
When using the profile-import Karaf console command with Windows paths (using backslashes), the
org.apache.camel.NoSuchBeanException: No bean could be found in the registry for:
ConnectionFactory of type: javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
$ ./bin/ -c standalone-full.xml -Dorg.jboss.server.bootstrap.maxThreads=3
<switchyard xmlns="urn:switchyard-config:switchyard:1.0" xmlns:sca="http://docs.oasis-" [...]>
<property name="org.switchyard.deployment.disableAutoStartup"
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
When using the profile-import Karaf console command with Windows paths (using backslashes), the
command fails, because the backslashes are left out. The workaround is to use forward slashes
instead. For example:
[ENTESB-5231] PHP script language does not work
The PHP scripting language is not supported in Camel applications on the Apache Karaf container,
because there is no OSGi bundle available for PHP.
[ENTESB-5232] Python language does not work
The Python scripting language is not supported in Camel applications on the Apache Karaf container,
because there is no OSGi bundle available for Python.
[ENTESB-5911] bpel-jms-binding is not working on solaris11sparc
The bpel-jms-binding example from Apache Karaf quickstarts/switchyard does not work on the
Solaris 11 operating system.
[ENTESB-5892] Jetty - Applications: Links in the list are wrong
In the Fuse Management Console (Hawtio console) on the Apache Karaf container, when you
navigate to the Jetty menu tab, the URL links for the Jetty applications shown on this page are
[ENTESB-5117] [patching] Add patch feature by default to admin:create child containers
By default, child containers created using the admin:create Karaf console command do not support
the new JBoss Fuse patching mechanism, because the requisite patch feature is not available. You
can work around this limitation by creating a child container using the following command:
Where 1.2.0.redhat-630xxx might need to be replaced by whatever version of fabric8 you are using in
your container.
[ENTESB-5911] bpel-jms-binding is not working on solaris11sparc
The bpel-jms-binding quickstart for SwitchYard on Apache Karaf (in the
quickstarts/switchyard/bpel-jms-binding directory) does not work on Solaris 11, due to a
ClassNotFound error.
[ENTESB-5892] Jetty - Applications: Links in the list are wrong
If you click on the Jetty tab of the Fuse Management Console (Hawtio), the links appearing in the Url
column of this page are incorrect.
[ENTESB-4291] Conflict in Saxon implementations (switchyard-bpel, camel-saxon)
In the Apache Karaf container, the switchyard-bpel feature and the camel-saxon feature cannot
both be installed at the same time, because they use conflicting versions of the Saxon parsing library.
In testing we have seen classpath issues such as the following when both features are installed
JBossFuse:karaf@root> profile-import file:C:/jboss-fuse-6.3.0.redhat-xxx/
admin:create --featureURL mvn:io.fabric8.patch/patch-features/1.2.0.redhat-630xxx/xml/features -
-feature patch test
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
[ENTESB-5447] Cannot add openjpa, camel-hbase, or camel-hdfs features to featuresBoot
If you add any of the features, openjpa, camel-hbase, or camel-hdfs, to featuresBoot in the
etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg file, this will result in an OSGi wiring error. All of these features
are deprecated in any case.
[CAMEL-10237] Problem setting JMSX JMS properties on OracleAQ
The Camel JMS component is affected by a regression error that can cause problems integrating
with Oracle AQ. This issue has already been fixed in the Apache Camel community project and the fix
will be made available in a patch for JBoss Fuse 6.3.
[ENTESB-3982] If changing the BPEL data source, you may need to restart EAP
If you install a new data source for BPEL in JBoss EAP, it might be necessary to restart the JBoss
EAP container—instead of simply executing :reload—in order for the data source to be recognized.
[ENTESB-4408] Patching functionality in Fuse Management Console (Hawtio) temporarily
The patching functionality in the Fuse Management Console (Hawtio) has been disabled since JBoss
Fuse 6.2.1. This is because the Hawtio UI has not been updated to use the new patching mechanism.
To install Fabric patches, use the Karaf console instead. This issue will be fixed in a future release.
[ENTESB-3938] JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 takes a long time to start up on OpenStack
When a JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 container is deployed on RHEL Openstack Platform, it can take a long time
(several minutes) for the container to start up. A workaround is to add the following option to the
JVM that starts the container (for example, by setting the JAVA_OPTS environment variable):
The extra dot in the pathname, as in /./, is required.
The effect of the workaround is to replace the default /dev/random by
/dev/urandom. The alternative is faster, but less random than /dev/random. This has
an impact on any security packages that depend on this device to generate entropy
and random numbers.
[ENTESB-4390] Some quickstarts using SAAJ API fail on IBM JAVA
When using the Apache Karaf container with IBM Java version 1.7.0, the following quickstarts can fail:
With the following error:
at java.lang.Class.getMethod(
at org.apache.camel.builder.xml.XsltBuilder.doStart(
... 42 more
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Class com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/dom/ElementImpl illegally
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
This appears to be a problem with the IBM JDK. You can work around the problem as follows:
1. Remove saaj-api from endorsed libraries:
2. Before invoking the ./bin/fuse script:, set the JAVA_OPTS environment variable as follows:
[AESH-324] Don't require special chars within arguments to be escaped
The S-RAMP query language currently requires you to escape special characters in a function
argument. For example, in the following query you must escape the single quotes around 'submit.*'
using the backslash character:
[ENTESB-3980] ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
After a clean installation of S-RAMP to to JBoss EAP 6.4.0 with a PostgreSQL database and after
first navigation to the Artifacts | Dashboard page, the following exception is thrown.
This error has no effect on the S-RAMP functionality, however, and can safely be ignored.
[FABRIC-963] Cannot create a fabric on a Windows 7 operating system with Java 7
To connect to the ZooKeeper server, you must change the connectivity type from IPv6 to IPv4. For
the detailed solution, see the following Customer Portal article: Cannot create fabric in JBoss Fuse
6.1 Beta on Windows 7
[ENTESB-2443] Google Mail API - Sending of messages and drafts is not synchronous
When you send a message or draft, the response contains a Message object with an ID. It may not be
possible to immediately get this message via another call to the API. You may have to wait and retry
the call.
[ENTESB-2458] Google Mail Component - Import of message throws sometimes
Importing a message may throw a if the send operation was
accessing "package private" member of class
rm lib/endorsed/org.apache.servicemix.specs.saaj-api-1.3-2.5.0.jar
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique
constraint "pg_type_typname_nsp_index"
Detail: Key (typname, typnamespace)=(artificerartifact, 136381) already exists.
Importing a message may throw a if the send operation was
called before. Workaround: After a send call wait for few moments before calling import.
[ENTESB-2365] Google Drive API bug - Response of permission insert operation mostly does not
contain emailAddress property
Response of permission insert operation sometimes does not return emailAddress property even if
the value of request property type was set to user. Nevertheless the permission is successfully
[ENTESB-2332] Google Drive API JSON reponse for changes returns bad count of items for the
first page
Google Drive API JSON reponse for changes returns bad count of items for the first page. Setting
maxResults for a list operation may not return all the results in the first page. You may have to go
through several pages to get the complete list (that is by setting pageToken on new requests).
[ENTESB-3039] [HTTP Gateway] apis mapping rules don't work right after deployment
If the zooKeeperPath property in the is
changed, a gateway node restart will be required.
[ENTESB-2929] can't install features camel-avro camel-hbase camel-hdfs2
camel-avro, camel-hbase, camel-hdfs2 are not supported on Solaris / AIX. The camel-hdfs2
feature can only run if you have libsnappyjava.dylib in java.library.path. You must manually setup
libsnappyjava.dylib in Red Hat JBoss Fuse before installing these features.
[ENTESB-2924] Insight - Elasticsearch: JsonPretty error: Unable to get property 'toLowerCase' of
undefined or null reference (:7999:6)
Insight Elasticsearch page is not supported in IE. The error occurs when clicking rectangles with
numbers at Insight - Elasticsearch page.
[ENTESB-2773] [platform AIX HPUX] camel-leveldb missing native library
The camel-leveldb feature is not supported on IBM AIX, HP-UX, and Oracle Solaris operating
[ENTESB-2513] OSE Fuse JVM sometimes dies with SIGABRT
RHEL customers need to upgrade openjdk to java-1.7.0-openjdk- or later which
will fix the SIGABRT.
[ENTESB-2069] Container which is created from Hawtio can not start if restarting openshift node
After restarting OpenShift, containers created from Hawtio cannot be started. This happens because
the containers started before the ZooKeeper starts running will fail to start. The workaround is to
wait for the start and keep restarting until we get connected to ZooKeeper.
[ENTESB-4490] Integration Pack Maven Repository is missing some CXF artifacts
For users intending to use the Integration Pack with Maven, the Integration Pack pom.xml files do
not consistently define the versions for the camel-cxf and cxf Maven artifacts. For an explantion of
how to set up the Maven dependencies in this case, see chapter "Configuring Maven Dependencies"
in "Integration Guide".
JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:info camel-hdfs2
Description of camel-hdfs2 2.15.0.redhat-620133 feature
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
[FUSEDOC-1716] The examples/samples projects is missing from apache-camel-2.17.0.redhat-
JBoss Fuse 6.3 does not provide a code sample for how to deploy an Apache CXF web service
endpoint. Documentation for an unsupported example has been removed from the end of the JBoss
Fuse 6.3 document, "Deploying into a Web Server".
There is an Apache Camel CXF JAX-WS example that is available from the upstream Wildfly Camel
project. This example requires the Undertow servlet container, which is not supported in JBoss Fuse
6.3. Red Hat expects to provide a supported sample in a future release.
5.1. GENERAL - 6.3.0
Table 5.1, “General Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Table 5.1. General Issues Resolved in 6.3.0
Issue Number Description
ENTESB-1769 "Error in initialization script: Command not found: shell:if" after fabric:create on fuse with
ENTESB-3546 Cannot access LinkedIn API with camel-linkedin
ENTESB-3939 fuse EsbProfileRedeployTest fails consistently
ENTESB-4160 BPEL - Domain mode - Deployment throws MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException
ENTESB-4415 Multiple Error messages while updating JBoss A-MQ using new patch mechanism
ENTESB-4435 Fix hardcoded link to activemq nms zip
ENTESB-4480 [Patch mechanism] Missing startup bundles when migrating container joined via fabric:join
ENTESB-4495 Hibernate and Bundle ClassLoaders out of sync on Bundle Refresh
ENTESB-4622 Please update file name from jboss-fuse-full to jboss-fuse-karaf
ENTESB-4711 [JBoss A-MQ distro, Fabric, offline] A-MQ distro will not create a fabric when no access to
ENTESB-4732 JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 quickstarts/custom readme should be updated to indicate jboss fuse zip
needs to be added to local repo
ENTESB-4770 fix swagger dependencies in Fuse BOM
ENTESB-4773 Corrupted Screenshots in camel-sap-binding quickstart
ENTESB-4786 Fuse quickstart builds fail with missing pom
ENTESB-4804 Corrupt war file in (GA)
ENTESB-4875 Update dependencies for CXF secure-soap quickstart
ENTESB-4876 CXF features fails to install on
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
ENTESB-4903 [Solaris 11] local: not found when starting fuse
ENTESB-4925 don't start camel-jetty8 in fuse by default
ENTESB-4961 Fuse and A-MQ both have the amq:(esb:)check-for-user and amq:(esb:)create-admin-
ENTESB-5003 [Win+Karaf-service] Can't run .exe on win server 2012r2
ENTESB-5105 Some profiles in fabric doesn't work out of the box in Fuse running in offline env
ENTESB-5140 Verify that quickstarts do not refer to SNAPSHOT versions
ENTESB-5172 Unable to install cxf-secure-rest quickstart
ENTESB-5213 Bump licence headers to 2016
ENTESB-5484 security-propagation-jms connector.jks needs to be copied differently
ENTESB-5630 container-list on child fails with illegal state exception in 630085 build
ENTESB-5647 Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo
ENTESB-5669 Quickstarts pom has duplicates in pluginRepositories in 6.3.0.redhat-095 build
ENTESB-5687 camel-sap quickstart can't be build
ENTESB-5751 Fuse 6.3 Jenkins build has 6 test failures
ENTESB-5774 Fabric8 profiles for Camel quickstarts
ENTESB-5781 Can't install camel-amq quickstart on build jboss-fuse-6.3.0.redhat-131
ENTESB-5786 rest and secure-rest quickstarts are missing changes from fabric8
ENTESB-5799 All .jpgs in switchyard quickstarts are corrupted
ENTESB-5833 quickstarts/custom assembly cannot be started without modification
ENTESB-5844 Should enable fork option in codegen plug-in for quickstarts/cxf/camel-cxf-contract-first
ENTESB-5893 secure-soap quickstart doesn't work on fabric
ENTESB-5926 rest and secure-rest quickstarts do not work on fabric
Issue Number Description
ENTESB-5927 contains empty quickstart folders
ENTESB-5951 Shell SCR bundle redeploy loop with camel-amq quickstart
ENTMQ-1447 Unable to apply patch to JBoss AM-Q 6.2.0 SSH-containers
ENTMQ-1517 The does not startup properly
ENTMQ-1548 Duplicate entries in etc/ shipped with A-MQ 6.2
ENTMQ-1774 A-MQ 6.2.1 R2 errors on startup without Internet access
Issue Number Description
5.2. MESSAGING - 6.3.0
Table 5.2, “Messaging Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Table 5.2. Messaging Issues Resolved in 6.3.0
Issue Number Description
AMQ-5854 Duplicate messages when failover is done during prepare phase of two phase commit.
AMQ-5856 allowLinkStealing option is not working when using mqtt over websocket
AMQ-5857 Message content stored twice while sending
AMQ-5865 Enable "getRemoteAddress()" method in WebSocket Requests
AMQ-5870 Lazy create if MQTTProtocolConverter in the WebSocket transport needs to be thread
AMQ-5875 Removing a destination when using mKahaDB can cause an IllegalStateException
AMQ-5890 AMQP: possible NPE when handling disposition with Modified state
AMQ-5891 AMQP: update to proton-j 0.10
AMQ-5895 FilteredDestinations do not work when loaded by runtimeConfigurationPlugin
AMQ-5903 Message headers are lost when using the Broker Component for Camel
AMQ-5914 Pull consumer hang when message expires in flight.
AMQ-5933 NullPointerException in SelectorAwareVirtualTopicInterceptor
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
AMQ-5972 Policy entries not applied in correct order
AMQ-6000 Pause/resume feature of ActiveMQ not resuming properly
AMQ-6005 Slave broker startup corrupts shared PList storage
AMQ-6013 Restrict classes that can be serialized in ObjectMessages
AMQ-6014 Offline Durable Topic Subscription exceeds memory limits
AMQ-6029 wss transport don't work with certificate authentication properly
AMQ-6031 AMQP: use System.nanoTime() when deriving time to tick the transport with for idle-
timeout handling
AMQ-6046 Concurrent access to a Transport from WebSocket client can deadlock
AMQ-6055 SASL PLAIN auth with AMQP doesn't take authzid into account
AMQ-6059 DLQ message lost after broker restarts
AMQ-6060 "Will message" retain property is not respected
AMQ-6065 Allow selective use of broker systemExitOnShutdown from DefaultIOExceptionHandler
AMQ-6066 Performance issue in OrderedPendingList
AMQ-6068 RAR - cannot reset clientId on pooled managed connection
AMQ-6069 Purging a Queue can lead to OOM error with prioritized messages
AMQ-6070 originalDestination property of advisory messages set to message id in error
AMQ-6071 Log info about corrupted journal records at WARN level
AMQ-6073 WebSockets no longer working on most browers
AMQ-6074 AMQ4126Test#testOpenwireNIOSSLWithCertificate fails with JDK8
AMQ-6083 Broker starts on corrupted kahadb despite checkForCorruptJournalFiles="true" and
AMQ-6086 Broker stop and start are not at all thread safe - we can do better
AMQ-6088 Runtime configuration does not properly apply policy updates
Issue Number Description
AMQ-6094 Memory Leak with abnormal disconnecting consumers
AMQ-6102 JMX SubscriptionViewMBean reset statistics method doesn't reset
AMQ-6113 Add the X-Frame-Options" header for the WebConsole
AMQ-6121 Messages can continually expire from DLQ and back
AMQ-6122 Potential Deadlock when a duplicate message is read from the store for the DLQ
AMQ-6124 failover backup transports do not update the brokerInfo leaving stale
AMQ-6125 Potential NPE in session rollback if no default redlivery policy configured
AMQ-6128 browsing priority queue can return messages in different order than they will be consumed
AMQ-6131 Durable subscription rewrote in journal can be to agressive and cause message loss on
AMQ-6133 Message updates can cause message loss on recovery
AMQ-6137 Special escape characters in LIKE selectors do not work as expected
AMQ-6142 ActiveMQBytesMessage decompress throws DataFormatException incorrect header
AMQ-6146 Use proper JSTL tags in the WebConsole
AMQ-6151 Redelivered messages bypass priority ordering
AMQ-6152 KahaDB scheduler log files not being deleted
AMQ-6168 STOMP: Connection should be closed on receiving an invalid STOMP Frame with unknown
action value.
AMQ-6169 STOMP: Invliad frames are logged in warn messages
AMQ-6170 X-Frame-Options are not set for static content
AMQ-6171 legal colon in broker name breaks vm transport
AMQ-6183 Provide the DispatchAsync value on Subscriptions to the SubscriptionViewMBean
Issue Number Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
AMQ-6194 Deleting a temporary queue creates a warning message in the broker
AMQ-6199 cursorMemoryHighWaterMark configuration not applied to topic subscription
AMQ-6206 properties in stomp non persistent messages are not reflected in the message size used for
usage tracking
AMQ-6207 KahaDB: corruption of the index possible on sudden stop of the broker
AMQ-6208 The connector's jmx attribute UpdateClusterClients is not correct
AMQ-6211 Synchronize creating of JMX OpenType objects
AMQ-6214 JAAS bug that causes user group membership not reloaded dynamically when reload is
AMQ-6215 priority message dispatch can be affected by jms browser or expiry processing paging
messages in error
AMQ-6218 Message content returns null occasionally from Virtual Topic to the consumer
AMQ-6221 ActiveMQTextMessage should synchronize on state changes
AMQ-6222 Message content can be cleared by mistake when isReduceMemoryFootprint is enabled
AMQ-6235 SimpleDiscoveryAgent doesn't honor it's configured initialReconnectDelay
AMQ-6240 Producer cannot be terminated when slow consumer is detected
AMQ-6246 STOMP: Unprefixed composite destination values not properly parsed
AMQ-6248 Failover - transport connected to one broker fails due to error in connection to another
AMQ-6250 MultiKahaDBTransactionStore should have null protection in close
AMQ-6254 Durable wildcard subscription causes memory leak after broker restart
AMQ-6256 ConcurentStoreAndDispatch can lead to inconsistent message states using VM Transport
AMQ-6263 AMQP: Using JMS Transformer, preserve the type of the original MessageID
AMQ-6264 Deadlock on destination map - slow topic sub with slowConsumerAdvisory
AMQ-6275 Error when using ws transport connector
Issue Number Description
AMQ-6285 MessageDatabase doesn't properly cleanup the checkpoint scheduler on shutdown
AMQ-6286 Queue order lost on repeated redelivery
AMQ-6288 Message ack compaction needs to acquire the checkpoint lock
AMQ-6290 JMS Pool reconnection logic not always reliable
AMQ-6303 Message ack rewrite does not always set the right journal file type code
AMQ-6305 AMQP: Drain requests can go unaswered in certain cases.
AMQ-6317 ActiveMQ createSchemaStatements are not executed on init if a previous
createSchemaStatement failed on execution
AMQ-6340 Queue order lost on consumer close in some cases
AMQ-6350 PooledConnectionFactory throws 'IllegalStateException: Pool not open' after re-init
AMQ-6361 Message can remain inflight after consumer side expiration acknowledgements
AMQ-6370 JDBC message store - jdbc connection pool - potential deadlock with cleanup task when
pool exhausted
AMQ-6372 KahaDB reader pool not releasing unused open files till deletion - too many open files
AMQ-6376 IOException on pageIn should involve IOExeceptionHandler
AMQ-6378 KahaDb recover from corrupt metadata state locations that can be rebuilt
AMQ-6389 LoggingBrokerPlugin logs a message size equal to 0
AMQ-6392 Allow host name mapping with publishedAddressPolicy on a transportConnector
AMQ-6406 kahadb concurrentStoreAndDispatch - duplicate suppression in cursor needs to wait for
possible store add
AMQ-6413 kahadb concurrentStoreAndDispatch - producer audit managed by store is skipped
CAMEL-1022 DOT generator (Visualizor) - Doen't handle that pipeline is default
[COLLECTIONS-580] Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer
Issue Number Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
ENTESB-4902 Fuse 6.2.1 failed to handle maven repository url with special characters like "@" for
authentication parameters.
ENTESB-4957 missing package org.apache.geronimo.osgi.locator for features:install pax-*-tomcat
ENTESB-5647 Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo
ENTESB-5818 Upgrade httpclient version to latest, at a minimum > 4.3.4
ENTESB-5872 Unable to send JSON/Object to activemq in Camel
ENTESB-5935 intermittent ServerModel LinkageError when connecting to ssh container
ENTMQ-1160 When ActiveMQ encountered exception during rollback, the message is stuck instead of
retry the rollback.
ENTMQ-1180 Offline Durable Topic Subscription exceeds memory limits
ENTMQ-1419 Second connection request with Durable subscriber throws "Setting clientID on a used
Connection is not allowed"
ENTMQ-1421 Broker starts on corrupted kahadb despite checkForCorruptJournalFiles="true" and
ENTMQ-1426 originalDestination property of advisory messages set to message id in error
ENTMQ-1428 AMQ4126Test#testOpenwireNIOSSLWithCertificate fails with JDK8
ENTMQ-1434 StompSubscriptionRemoveTest hangs on Solaris with JDK8
ENTMQ-1484 Implementation of AMQ-6077 in Fuse 6.2.1 is incomplete
ENTMQ-1517 The does not startup properly
ENTMQ-1584 Threads Blocked On ActiveMQConnection.ensureConnectionInfoSent
ENTMQ-1656 Enable configuration for mqtt-over-ws transport
ENTMQ-1681 Issue with message ordering after transaction rollback
ENTMQ-1683 *:help missing descriptions for activemq commands
ENTMQ-1708 The connection to 'tcp://...' is taking a long time to shutdown
ENTMQ-1791 Regression in from ENTMQ-703 leads to metrics issue for temp transactional queues
Issue Number Description
ENTMQ-1822 Broker Unable To Recover After Exceeding File Descriptor Limit
ENTMQ-1823 Two clustered A-MQ nodes using JDBCPersistentAdaptor and lease database locker were
active the same time
[ZOOKEEPER-2380] Deadlock between leader shutdown and forwarding ACK to the
[ZOOKEEPER-2383] Startup race in ZooKeeperServer
Issue Number Description
Table 5.3, “SwitchYard Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Table 5.3. SwitchYard Issues Resolved in 6.3.0
Issue Description
CXF-6431 Attachment serialization does not conform to the relevant specs
CXF-6665 ClassCastException in SoapActionInInterceptor
ENTESB-3814 Add missing camel-sap converters to TypeConverter file
ENTESB-3822 Smooks transformer needs "org.milyn" OSGi package
ENTESB-4070 policy-security-basic throws error when executing test
ENTESB-4137 Unable to create SAP destination endpoints if there is no SAP server endpoint.
ENTESB-4320 jca-inflow-activemq quickstart not working
ENTESB-4356 Switchyard JPA does not work on IBM JDK
ENTESB-4398 Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer
ENTESB-4433 camel-mqtt-binding not working on Fuse
ENTESB-4436 policy-security-saml quickstart throws error when undeploying
ENTESB-4445 Add all missing switchyard-* artifacts to switchyard bom
ENTESB-4739 HTTPS endpoint address doesn't work with HTTP proxy for RESTEasy reference binding
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
ENTESB-4747 No SwitchYard schema is included in Fuse 6.2.1
ENTESB-4777 Unable to install switchyard-http feature
ENTESB-4815 Camel Enrich route not marshalled properly after 2.15.2->2.16.1 update
ENTESB-4850 No bean could be found in the registry for: ConnectionFactory of type:
ENTESB-4895 Switchyard application with two services based on a WSDL fails to deploy using Java 8
ENTESB-5016 bpel-jms-binding QS on Fuse/Karaf : Username [karaf] or password is invalid
ENTESB-5018 camel-amqp-binding quickstart : unsatisfied requirement
ENTESB-5025 rest-binding error : dual dependency chains
ENTESB-5027 ftp-binding quickstart ReadMe Fuse section needs changes
ENTESB-5055 Add deltaspike module to switchyard
ENTESB-5084 SwitchYard: Karaf build test failure
ENTESB-5113 Message trace modifies character encoding
ENTESB-5140 Verify that quickstarts do not refer to SNAPSHOT versions
ENTESB-5146 Enable smooks bundle in features.xml
ENTESB-5164 Change geronimo servlets 3.0 spec use to javax.servlets
ENTESB-5194 can't install feature switchyard-demo-security-propagation-jms
ENTESB-5195 can't install switchyard-demo-policy-security-basic
ENTESB-5208 bpel: wait timer longer than 30 seconds causes process to wait indefinitely
ENTESB-5221 bpel-xts-subordinate-wsba quickstart deployment fails
ENTESB-5258 Re-enable org.switchyard.karaf.test.quickstarts.CamelMQTTBindingQuickstartTest
ENTESB-5264 camel Mail changes to only accept lower-cased "cc/bcc" in 2.17
ENTESB-5283 SecurityServices info should be cached for performance
Issue Description
ENTESB-5360 ClassNotFoundException: javax.jws.WebService from Module org.apache.camel.cxf:main
ENTESB-5385 Fix in "security-propagation-jms" quickstart
ENTESB-5416 Switchyard features url adds old version of activemq features url (5.9.0)
ENTESB-5418 hawtio camel inconsistent with karaf camel:context-list
ENTESB-5447 bundle geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec/1.2 may cause various wiring chain issues
ENTESB-5491 SY camel-jms-binding Fuse instructions need to add karaf user to etc/
ENTESB-5564 transform-datamapper quickstart is missing instructions for Fuse
ENTESB-5602 camel-mqtt-binding - no message received with IBM java
ENTESB-5610 CNFE: org.apache.el.ExpressionFactoryImpl not found via camel-dozer
ENTESB-5647 Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo
ENTESB-5664 Transform-datamapper quickstart has problems with target folder
ENTESB-5689 Align SwitchYard
ENTESB-5700 [fabric:create] Error executing command: Unable to create zookeeper server configuration
ENTESB-5711 Threading issue with Weld Switchyard and cxf-ws-policy
ENTESB-5881 Cannot install rest-binding quickstart with Java 7
ENTESB-5935 intermittent ServerModel LinkageError when connecting to ssh container
Issue Description
Table 5.4, “Routing Issues Resolved in 6.3.0 lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Table 5.4. Routing Issues Resolved in 6.3.0
Issue Description
AMQ-5652 IdGenerator not optimal in port restricted enviroments.
ARIES-1544 Blueprint property resolution fails for setters with derived type
CAMEL-1000 Trace interceptor does not work with Spring-event component
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-1001 ExceptionType handledPolicy is not exposed in the XSD
CAMEL-1003 seda component - will lose message if its stopped while it polls
CAMEL-1019 unexpected result in pressure testing
CAMEL-1023 camel:dot - pipeline is drawn as a multicast
CAMEL-6069 Permission denied from
MarkerFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy.acquireExclusiveReadLock on NAS
CAMEL-6256 Camel xmpp dynamic router is not sending incoming messages to openfire upon first failed
groupchatroom join
CAMEL-6336 camel cdi uses postconstruct to inject in cdi beans
CAMEL-6720 SoapJaxbDataFormat not handling correctly SOAP action with request wrapper element
CAMEL-7443 Remote Print URI changed to UNC Name
CAMEL-7500 Concurrent modification of exchange during retry after netty TCP failure leads to futher
processing of failed messages
CAMEL-7565 SFTP using PollEnrich with "disconnect=true" and "delete=true" does NOT delete the file
CAMEL-7822 Feature camel-google-drive is failing
CAMEL-7849 Decrypting properties via Jasypt outside of <camelContext>
CAMEL-7884 camel-netty4-http does not work for HTTP POST requests on routingSlip
CAMEL-7897 Camel consumes & discards activemq messages after suspension
CAMEL-7921 The soapAction HTTP header is not correctly set when running the CXF client in POJO
mode using Camel
CAMEL-8163 socketFactory must also be set in MailConfiguration when STARTTLS is used
CAMEL-8193 Frequent BlockingOperationExceptions under load
CAMEL-8241 Exec command failures using Java 8 on Unix
CAMEL-8270 camel-rabbitmq: exchangeName in URI must be optional, i.e. default "" exchange
CAMEL-8302 Rabbitmq shouldn't require/bind queue if not specified
Issue Description
CAMEL-8393 Redelivery doesn't work correctly on Dynamic Routers
CAMEL-8431 Consume all files in aws S3 bucket where deleteAfterRead = false
CAMEL-8437 Simple bean call doesn't like parenthesis in parameter values
CAMEL-8455 camel-linkedin - update_key option should be optional in
CAMEL-8456 Remove addCompanyUpdateComment endpoint from camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8457 Correct return types of some endpoints in camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8458 camel-linkedin - public_profile_url option should be String
CAMEL-8460 camel-spring-boot - Routes restart during startup
CAMEL-8461 camel-netty-http does not respect client's keep-alive setting
CAMEL-8462 HttpServerChannelHandler should not store the instance of HttpRequest
CAMEL-8464 Remove likeCompanyUpdate endpoint from camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8466 Feature camel-linkedin is missing dependencies for xalan, xerces and xmlresolver
CAMEL-8467 Update camel-linkedin and camel-box components to use servicemix bundle for htmlunit
CAMEL-8469 Several enum types should generate lower case values in camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8470 Several small fixes for camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8471 Port IdGenerator not optimal in port restricted environments.
CAMEL-8475 CamelSpringDelegatingTestContextLoader and TestNG
CAMEL-8476 Unexpected behavior in fault handling with doTry/doCatch
CAMEL-8479 TrapReceiveTest is failed within Camel 2.15.0
CAMEL-8480 camel-catalog has unnecessary imports if it cannot access some other artifacts
CAMEL-8484 File language - Should support file extensions with multiple dots such as tar.gz
CAMEL-8492 BeanInfo introspection ignores overriden methods
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-8498 CamelContextFactoryBean missing setEndpoints method
CAMEL-8500 ClassCastException when something other than PropertiesComponent is bound to
"properties" JNDI name
CAMEL-8504 Failed to process Schematron XSLT templates and/or rules on windows
CAMEL-8505 Missed CamelSchematronValidationStatus header
CAMEL-8510 NPE will be thrown from doAppend() of PaxLoggingConsumer during load testing
CAMEL-8515 Camel marshal/unmarshal - Should catch throwable in case dataformat causes an
CAMEL-8519 Salesforce component security listener does not replace old auth header
CAMEL-8520 Camel XMPP doesn't use a DNS resolver to look at SRV records
CAMEL-8521 camel-script - Should try all classloaders before throwing IAE
CAMEL-8530 can't install camel-github feature in karaf
CAMEL-8540 S3Consumer uses maxMessagesPerPoll incorrectly
CAMEL-8546 No LanguageResolver found for language=js
CAMEL-8547 Usage of camel-xmlbeans depends on TCCL
CAMEL-8556 AnnotationTypeConverterLoader treats package as class
CAMEL-8566 Feature camel-cxf doesn't install all required dependencies
CAMEL-8568 Feature camel-swagger doesn't install all required dependencies
CAMEL-8573 Feature camel-hbase doesn't install all required dependencies
CAMEL-8574 Feature camel-hdfs doesn't install all required dependencies
CAMEL-8575 Salesforce component doesn't properly retries the request when doing re-login
CAMEL-8578 camel-http - May double encode uri when using HTTP_URI or HTTP_QUERY headers
CAMEL-8584 Circuit breaker does not honour halfOpenAfter period
CAMEL-8585 The lazy load option doesn't unlock the file
Issue Description
CAMEL-8587 Exceptions from multicast aggregators are not propagated to the global exception handler
CAMEL-8589 url.getPort returning -1, needs additional check
CAMEL-8592 NPE in AbstractListAggregationStrategy if empty list
CAMEL-8597 Elasticsearch component ignores indexType header set from endpoint URL
CAMEL-8607 Camel endpoint RAW password unsafe characters
CAMEL-8609 Remove open-jpa bundle from camel-jpa feature
CAMEL-8624 Bean component - Potential NPE in BeanInfo
CAMEL-8626 Leaking exchangesInFlightKeys in ManagedRoute
CAMEL-8628 camel-dozer component fails when multiple expressions are used in a mapping
CAMEL-8636 camel-kafka need to commit the last batch of messages when the auto commit is false
CAMEL-8639 Camel FTP component cannot recover after network failure
CAMEL-8643 Http Post from a streaming client sometimes fails to parse
CAMEL-8646 Camel doesn't allow intercept and advice on the same route
CAMEL-8649 Camel RAW() cannot handle String of %2050
CAMEL-8660 camel-ftp - Disconnect when no messages dont call disconnect
CAMEL-8663 Namespaces defined on the SOAP envelope get lost in PAYLOAD mode
CAMEL-8665 Throttler EIP - Using method call for message per sec exp fails in spring
CAMEL-8672 Restlet Rest Component properties are ignored
CAMEL-8673 ConcurrentModificationException when creating dynamic routes
CAMEL-8674 Camel-Netty4 does not set remote UDP address in headers
CAMEL-8678 Infinite recursion in TransactionErrorHandler toString method
CAMEL-8682 Context scoped OnException should not be stopped if a route is stopped
CAMEL-8683 Using load balancer in onException adds duplicate outputs for each route defined
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-8687 SyslogConverter doesn't handle the structured data rightly
CAMEL-8688 Removed StreamCache when doing a Wiretap
CAMEL-8689 camel-dozer: Multiple contexts / bundles - Does not use the correct classloader
CAMEL-8690 Camel HDFS2 - ShutdownHookManager class not found when shutting down OSGi
CAMEL-8694 java.lang.NullPointerException in at
CAMEL-8702 when occurs "Connection reset by peer",netty4 client's EventLoopGroup select thread
won't shut down
CAMEL-8707 camel-smpp: smpps doesn't work over proxy
CAMEL-8708 SOAP unmarshalling shouldn't fail for Faults that lack an optional Detail element
CAMEL-8713 ParallelAggregate option when using parallel mode does not run in parallel
CAMEL-8715 camel-sql - Should close ResultSet
CAMEL-8717 camel-kafka feature miss kafka-clients bundle
CAMEL-8718 Connection leak with ftp consumer and invalid credentials
CAMEL-8737 camel-salesforce - Unable to generate DTOs for Filtered Lookup fields
CAMEL-8738 Referring to constants using type
CAMEL-8742 RabbitMqConsumer did not retry if connection failed
CAMEL-8745 Swagger requires context name with quotes
CAMEL-8746 Jasypt with BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer is not handling spring property injection
with defaults anymore
CAMEL-8747 camel-rx - Should leverage UoW when subscribe or observe
CAMEL-8748 DozerBeanMapper cannot instantiate DozerThreadContextClassLoader
CAMEL-8756 KafkaConsumer doesn't stop consuming when suspended, preventing graceful route
Issue Description
CAMEL-8757 SO_TIMEOUT not really set on SFTP connections
CAMEL-8758 NPE for CacheComponent
CAMEL-8764 Camel-Spring-Redis: Jedis bundle require commons-pool2
CAMEL-8765 JpaConsumer - May poll too soon before JPA stuff is initialized
CAMEL-8768 hdfs2 component overwrite option is also being applied to directory filesystem path
CAMEL-8770 Camel Blueprint - depends-on does not work
CAMEL-8771 Add MaxChannelMemorySize and MaxTotalMemorySize for
CAMEL-8774 DefaultJettyHttpBinding preserves CONTEXT_ENCODING from the request even HTTP
response doesn't contain the header
CAMEL-8780 Camel exec component have trouble to load arguments list from message header
CAMEL-8782 Configuring endpoints using reference lookup may fail with matching primitive types with
their Object counterpart types
CAMEL-8783 Transacted not working correctly in scala
CAMEL-8784 Policy, Validate, Wiretap Scala DSL don't work out of box
CAMEL-8785 StackOverFlowError using Custom InterceptStrategy
CAMEL-8786 The ServletContext init parameters check is not right in CamelServletContextListener
CAMEL-8798 weaveAddLast throwing UnsupportedOperation when route have a ChoiceDefinition
CAMEL-8803 Conflicting classes in camel-jetty9 Maven artifact dependencies
CAMEL-8804 NullPointerException in RestSwaggerReader
CAMEL-8805 NullPointerException on RestletComponent.disconnect
CAMEL-8810 Camel CXF may propagate wrong Content-Length headers
CAMEL-8812 Memory leak in HL7MLLPNettyDecoder
CAMEL-8816 Elasticsearch component fails in an OSGi environment due to missing names.txt
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-8829 ConcurrentModificationException while logging
CAMEL-8841 camel:context-inflight returns 'Object name cannot be null'
CAMEL-8858 Camel-Hazelcast: HazelcastComponentHelper miss some operations in mapping
CAMEL-8864 Camel-Aggregator JDBC repository always overwrites old exchange
CAMEL-8871 null body after exception from transform method
CAMEL-8874 camel-blueprint-archetypes should have test dependency of camel-test-blueprint
CAMEL-8884 camel:run with CDI has been reported to not work
CAMEL-8885 ConsumeLockEntity without ConsumeDelete
CAMEL-8887 Exceptions on routes SFTP and SEDA or DISRUPTOR (probably others)
CAMEL-8888 Camel-Aws EC2: Add getMessageForResponse to the producer as the other components
already do
CAMEL-8895 camel-swagger component throws exception, when multiple different camel-contexts in
CAMEL-8898 ElementNotFoundException on LinkedIn authentication
CAMEL-8900 Javadoc parser in API Component Framework misses first method with void return type in
CAMEL-8901 NBSP characters in camel-kafka:KafkaConfiguration parameter
CAMEL-8902 Camel Facebook - Endpoint URI must contain a parameter
CAMEL-8904 Breadcrumb ID changes when using netty4-http as a producer
CAMEL-8905 encoding problems in jsonpath
CAMEL-8909 Jasypt CLI outputs help twice
CAMEL-8914 Unable to shutdown endpoint when intercepted with interceptSendToEndpoint
CAMEL-8916 Support autoCreate=true in ftp/ftps/sftp consumers
CAMEL-8923 Kafka: Topic name lookup from message headers in the producer causes infinite loop
Issue Description
CAMEL-8927 camel-ahc-ws - Do not swallow exception when connecting
CAMEL-8933 mail consumer (imap) polls continuously (not using the default polling interval)
CAMEL-8945 Loop - Should break out looping if exception happened during routing
CAMEL-8949 Netty 3 component spins on receiving TCP RST
CAMEL-8950 Injected Quartz2 scheduler doesn't have access to CamelContext in jobs
CAMEL-8951 RecipientList with RAW parameter do not work
CAMEL-8954 Lock information is not handovered together with Exchange on-completion
CAMEL-8955 Processor for .pollEnrich incorrectly handles provided AggregationStrategy
CAMEL-8957 adviceWith() doesn't work with loadBalance().failover()
CAMEL-8963 camel:route-suspend karaf command doesn't work as expected
CAMEL-8964 CamelContext - API for control routes may cause Route not to update it state
CAMEL-8967 Karaf Camel command for route profile has karaf rbac problem
CAMEL-8978 Setting of SOAP headers via the Camel Header "org.apache.cxf.headers.Header.list" not
working for CXF data format "PAYLOAD"
CAMEL-8984 BlueprintCamelContext OSGi service is not unregistered when context is stopped
CAMEL-8988 Can't manually trigger quartz2 jobs
CAMEL-8989 SJMS drops messages with null body even if allowNullBody is true
CAMEL-9005 Yammer - Endpoint "received" does not work
CAMEL-9012 Olingo2's batch process generates the invalid request
CAMEL-9013 Camel HTTP no longer supporting chunked transfer encoding with Tomcat
CAMEL-9017 Camel-Hazelcast: HazelcastAggregationRepository::confirm should check useRecovery
before using persistedCache
CAMEL-9019 ManagedRuntimeEndpointRegistry was not enlisted in JMX
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9022 JacksonTypeConverter breaks CSV marshalling
CAMEL-9026 ClassNotFoundException: kafka.serializer.StringEncoder
CAMEL-9027 camel-sjms - Parse destinationName from endpointUri having colon in the name
CAMEL-9029 JGroups managed routes can be started too early
CAMEL-9030 The instructions for camel-example-box-osgi are incorrect
CAMEL-9031 Dependency missing in camel-kafka feature
CAMEL-9032 Bean component - Should filter out abstract methods
CAMEL-9035 unbind smpp connection bug
CAMEL-9037 DefaultJmsMessageListenerContainer leaks threads
CAMEL-9043 Fix camel-example-cxf-osgi/blueprint examples
CAMEL-9048 camel-core causes restart of karaf console if it is refreshed
CAMEL-9049 Websocket Component not shutting down embedded jetty server on component
CAMEL-9057 Camel Example Servlet REST generates java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
CAMEL-9059 Jetty exposes its endpoint without component name
CAMEL-9065 Exchange created needs to be aware of its FROM endpoint.
CAMEL-9079 XPathBuilder - Evaluate without exchange inconsistent response
CAMEL-9087 camel-pgevent payload always null
CAMEL-9089 Ambiguous URI in Rest API
CAMEL-9090 camel-cxf - test dependency not in test scope?
CAMEL-9092 MQTT consumer receives duplicate messages after broker restart
CAMEL-9094 Can't use custom FTPParser on OSGI
CAMEL-9099 [camel-script] wrong detection of script engine factories
Issue Description
CAMEL-9101 RabbitMQ specific message properties are forwarded as message headers
CAMEL-9104 HttpHelper concats fixed endpoint URI query parameters with CamelHttpPath header in
wrong order
CAMEL-9106 URI option mapMailMessage doesn't obey peek=true option
CAMEL-9112 Problem upgrading to Camel 2.14.3 in Karaf 3.0.4
CAMEL-9121 activemq-camel pulls in outdated version of commons-pool2
CAMEL-9122 Ruby script cannot access request object
CAMEL-9124 RedeliveryPattern should support property placeholders
CAMEL-9126 camel-swagger may see unrelated type=context mbeans
CAMEL-9127 SmppConsumer throws IllegalArgumentException if the delivery receipt contains vendor
specific optional parameters
CAMEL-9130 "need to add the dependency of jedis as redis client lib"
CAMEL-9139 Reading parameter not configurable via header in camel-facebook
CAMEL-9140 Missing configuration properties in camel-facebook
CAMEL-9142 dropped support for multiple blueprint descriptors in unit tests
CAMEL-9143 Producers that implement the ServicePoolAware interface cause memory leak due to JMX
CAMEL-9144 Regression with camel-jackson 2.15.3
CAMEL-9150 Seda suspend/resume should not trigger start/stop logic
CAMEL-9151 Wrong statistics for subroutes
CAMEL-9159 wireTap("log: ...") leads to script engine error
CAMEL-9161 Camel spring-boot not finding routes when using spring-cloud
CAMEL-9164 errorHandlerRef causes NoSuchBeanException on uninstall
CAMEL-9166 Some functionality broken in Camel-8857
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9171 camel-xmpp processes no messages when running in Karaf
CAMEL-9177 combination of JPA-Component, loop and wiretap throws entitymanger cloesd exception
CAMEL-9183 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported namespaces:
CAMEL-9191 camel-example-spring-jms ServerRoutes contains invalid URI parameter methodName
CAMEL-9195 Memory leak in UndertowProducer
CAMEL-9196 CLONE - DefaultShutdownStrategy shutdown timeout of 0 will never timeout and go in
negative time
CAMEL-9199 RabbitMQ Consumer threads crash when sending partially serializable objects
CAMEL-9200 Context component conflates endpoints with the same local id from different
CAMEL-9202 Flatpack: Body reader never closed
CAMEL-9205 REST endpoint with CORS sends invalid header value for Access-Control-Allow-Origin
CAMEL-9208 camel-netty4-http does not resolve nettyHttpBinding option
CAMEL-9215 Missing .handled(true) in Camel 2.16.0 when using wiretap and newExchangeBody
CAMEL-9217 URI validation verifies usage of & char incorrectly
CAMEL-9220 swagger - Model schema not including nested objects
CAMEL-9223 IllegalArgumentException when reverting fields using property placeholders
CAMEL-9227 No type converter available to convert from Bean to List
CAMEL-9230 CXFRS NPE when response code not in Response.Status
CAMEL-9231 camel-example-spring-ws - Does not work
CAMEL-9233 ZipFileDataFormat doesn't take exchange's charset into account
CAMEL-9235 No type converter available when destination is super type
CAMEL-9238 NPE while GenericFile.changeFileName
Issue Description
CAMEL-9243 Invocation of Bean fails when Bean extends and abstract which implements the actual
CAMEL-9245 camel-paho - Endpoint should allow a flexible naming.
CAMEL-9246 camel-cxf proxy with MTOM does not get attachment back when RPC/literal style WSDL
CAMEL-9247 rest-dsl with api-doc should allow multiple rest's
CAMEL-9248 Exception is thrown when receiving a message where JMSDestination is null
CAMEL-9255 documentType not used for XPath predicates in XML DSL
CAMEL-9257 route stop/start doesn't work for camel-websocket producer
CAMEL-9259 enableTrace of the Main class doesn't work
CAMEL-9269 NotifyBuilder.fromRoute() does not work for some endpoint types
CAMEL-9270 rest-dsl - CORS support doesn't work with Restlet 2.3
CAMEL-9272 requires an APPID id since 09/10/2015
CAMEL-9276 Netty4 component allows multiple consumers to bind to the same {host}:{port}
CAMEL-9277 FTP shutdown whole context on startup if throwExceptionOnConnectFailed true
CAMEL-9281 Http4 component removes trailing slashes from http requests (producer)
CAMEL-9282 IndexOutOfBoundsException if SoapAction parameter is empty
CAMEL-9290 netty4 consumer in clientMode only reconnects once
CAMEL-9311 Concurrency issue with the dynamic router
CAMEL-9313 CamelBlueprintTestSupport - can't initialize ConfigAdmin configurations
CAMEL-9316 LevelDBAggregationRepository is logging warnings when exchange is already complete on
first aggregation
CAMEL-9318 org.apache.camel.component.twitter.TwitterEndpointEvent cannot be cast to
CAMEL-9319 SshClient resource leak when used from ProducerTemplate
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9321 Blueprint example and archetype does not work when executed with camel:run
CAMEL-9331 Thread leak in Http4Endpoint, doStop() does not close() the httpClient
CAMEL-9340 FileIdempotentRepository fails to create fileStore when no path is specified
CAMEL-9347 camel-blueprint - Fix auto lookup of transaction policy
CAMEL-9362 Camel CDI component should not require the PAX CDI Camel capability
CAMEL-9366 CXFRS "skipFaultLogging" attribute doesn't work in Spring
CAMEL-9368 Netty4 producer hangs when connection is prematurely closed
CAMEL-9374 camel-mail - The dummyTrustManager do not work
CAMEL-9375 camel-tarfile - TarSplitter includes one extra empty entry at the end
CAMEL-9381 Upgrade camel-amqp to the latest qpid-jms-client
CAMEL-9384 Host HTTP header should contain a port number if it differs form 80
CAMEL-9386 Camel-git: Support credentials in clone operation
CAMEL-9391 Set parameter enableEventsResending should be before Atmosphere wrap request
CAMEL-9398 NullPointerException when connectionKey is not valid
CAMEL-9405 Amazon SQS message deletion behaviour change on exception
CAMEL-9406 Request Reply via RabbitMQ not handling reply correctly
CAMEL-9411 Remove old stuff
CAMEL-9417 SOAP 1.2 Fault processing should use value of Reasontext to build exception message
CAMEL-9423 dependency on restlet in camel-rx module does have default scope
CAMEL-9424 CronScheduledRoutePolicy regression introduced with 2.16, setting both start and stop
route times fails with duplicate trigger
CAMEL-9425 base.path, host, and schemes are all ignored for generating the swagger definitions
CAMEL-9426 spring-boot with rest-dsl with api-doc registers multiple instances with multiple
Issue Description
CAMEL-9431 camel-spring-boot - TypeConverter autoconfiguration leads to invalid shutdown sequence
CAMEL-9432 Bindy CSV separator not treated as regex but fixed character in all cases
CAMEL-9438 Unable to use camel-example-cxf
CAMEL-9439 Cannot use camel-geocoder in Karaf
CAMEL-9442 Query string gets decoded when bridging from netty-http to http4
CAMEL-9444 Incorrect exceptions handling from Splitter
CAMEL-9459 Cannot install camel-kubernetes in karaf
CAMEL-9462 HTTP 1.1 Host header be dealt wrongly in proxy & load balancer
CAMEL-9468 Bindy fails to marshal objects in Spring Boot
CAMEL-9480 IdempotentConsumer - If exception from repo it should be able to handle by onException
CAMEL-9483 Deploying bundle with Camel routes packaged in KAR fails randomly
CAMEL-9491 statement.maxRows not working as expected camel jdbc
CAMEL-9503 OnCompletion - restores the rollback only last in the wrong key
CAMEL-9505 RabbitMQConsumer don't use Camel ExceptionHandler BEFORE requeing message
CAMEL-9506 STOMP component does not handle stream objects
CAMEL-9509 camel-cometd is not working with camel 2.15.2
CAMEL-9522 Groovy does not work with spring boot
CAMEL-9526 Blueprint depends-on can no longer contain multiple bean ids
CAMEL-9527 camel-netty4 - Should not log stacktrace when client has received reply
CAMEL-9528 Camel loadbalancing example is broken
CAMEL-9532 Default value given in RestOperationParamDefinition not output in swagger api
CAMEL-9543 Discovering new type converters in OSGi wipes out those manually added
CAMEL-9545 Dozer classloading may fail with spring based context
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9553 Twitter consumer doesn't respect the delay parameter
CAMEL-9555 Setting deadLetterHandleNewException to false breaks DeadLetterChannel default
exception handling
CAMEL-9557 Facebook consumer throws IllegalArgumentException with reading parameters
CAMEL-9558 DefaultErrorHandler logs despite "handled true"
CAMEL-9560 RabbitMQ InOut Producer generates a null body response when a correlationId is used
CAMEL-9566 camel-asf-ws component does not reconnect to the web socket
CAMEL-9569 Idempotent Consumer EIP - Memory leak when add/remove routes
CAMEL-9576 ClassLoadingAwareObjectInputStream cannot handle deserializing proxies with mixed JDK
& non-JDK interfaces
CAMEL-9582 swagger-api docs not working in only using xml without any java route
CAMEL-9593 camel-example-swagger-cdi is not producing valid swagger definition
CAMEL-9599 camel-cxfrs - When responding then do not use content-length from input
CAMEL-9607 chmod does not work for the File producer whitout setting a charset
CAMEL-9608 camel-jpa consumer fails to poll after transaction timeout
CAMEL-9611 Restlet GET request should not trying to stringify the exchange body
CAMEL-9613 camel-spark-rest - Adds duplicate content-type
CAMEL-9614 xsd schemalocation for osgi blueprint is using http instead of https
CAMEL-9636 CamelBlueprintTestSupport - initialization error in case of empty cm:property-placeholder
CAMEL-9640 Query string gets decoded when bridging from netty*-http to netty*-http
CAMEL-9641 Simple backwards parser bug if using file
CAMEL-9656 Using SpringBoot HealthEndpoint bean throws AmbiguousMethodCallException
CAMEL-9658 Path gets decoded when bridging HTTP endpoints
Issue Description
CAMEL-9660 HTTP producers crash when Exchange.HTTP_URI header contains unencoded unsafe
CAMEL-9664 DefaultRestletBinding.populateRestletRequestFromExchange uses wrong mediaType
CAMEL-9665 camel-ahc-ws Consumer does not connect
CAMEL-9666 Safe copy of DefaultExchange does not propagate 'fault' property
CAMEL-9667 Resequencer does not work with asynchronous producers
CAMEL-9668 Add lzf to DataFormatsDefinition
CAMEL-9670 Camel-ftp: No error message on invalid credentials
CAMEL-9672 ClassCastException with interceptFrom
CAMEL-9673 doTry .. doFinally should run the finally block for fault messages also
CAMEL-9680 Stream caching is broken under Spring Boot
CAMEL-9686 camel-aws - Using cron scheduler on aws-s3 do not work
CAMEL-9687 camel-swagger - Should use resolved placeholders in output
CAMEL-9698 camel-servlet karaf feature misses dependency on camel-core
CAMEL-9700 seda - discardIfNoConsumers=true do not call on completions
CAMEL-9703 Infinispan endpoint requires infinispan-query-dsl
CAMEL-9710 Camel Dozer Component - Fails to load custom function due to NPE
CAMEL-9713 Can not set custom Jetty HttpClient to producer endpoint
CAMEL-9714 camel-boon - Unmarshal to Map does not work
CAMEL-9728 change Reader to InputStream if the camel-cxf endpoint use RAW|MESSAGE DataFormat
CAMEL-9730 NPE in camel-jaxb when using in OSGi running from CamelTestBlueprint
CAMEL-9731 Camel-josql: the sql script language does not work
CAMEL-9732 camel-swagger-java - Issue in appendModels in the reader
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9738 Thread leak for camel-mina2 consumers
CAMEL-9739 Mina2Consumer exception handler do close session also for IOException
CAMEL-9767 CDI deployment problem in JBoss EAP 6.3
CAMEL-9774 CXFPayload may lose CDATA sections under stream caching
CAMEL-9777 camel-zipfile - Using zip iterator with dataformat may fail
CAMEL-9779 camel-netty4-http - Using no port number issue
CAMEL-9780 Cannot install camel-hazelcast in Karaf 3.x
CAMEL-9784 Camel polling the files from S3 only once if deleteAfterRead is false
CAMEL-9793 PropertyPlaceHolder not loading Property, thinks it is a Parameter
CAMEL-9794 camel-http4 - The producer should check the response header in the reply for content-
CAMEL-9805 camel-sql - body not copied from in to out when useing outputHeader and
outputType=SelectOne when sql doesn't return a result
CAMEL-9807 Blocking of CXF consumer endpoint by http GET request
CAMEL-9812 Camel leaves Kafka consumers running after shutdown
CAMEL-9819 camel-jetty8 test missing dependency
CAMEL-9820 SFTP readLock=changed does not work with readLockMinAge option
CAMEL-9821 camel-cxf should be able to handle InOnly MEP for the RAW|MESSAGE dataFormat
CAMEL-9834 WatchConsumer does not properly set watchIndex
CAMEL-9841 NPE in MIME-Multipart Data Format if no file name is defined on attachment
CAMEL-9851 Zookeeper RoutePolicy failing to create znode
CAMEL-9852 Camel-weather: is no longer available. Need switch to something else.
CAMEL-9853 Camel-CXF: Possible NPE in DefaultCXFBinding
CAMEL-9854 CXF Stream Cache contains duplicate namespace definition
Issue Description
CAMEL-9862 Potential NPE in UndertowComponent.unregisterConsumer
CAMEL-9866 @PropertyInject doesn't work with Spring-Boot
CAMEL-9874 Camel Jetty consumer endpoint incorrectly handles multipart/form-data
CAMEL-9876 Error handling in splitter is broken with version 2.17.0
CAMEL-9881 Aggregator completionPredicate unusable with scala DSL
CAMEL-9887 onCompletion not called on Splitter configured with
CompletionAwareAggregationStrategy and shareUnitOfWork=true
CAMEL-9890 Migrate Camel-websocket to Jetty9
CAMEL-9891 ApplicationReadyEvent not dispatched if camel.springboot.main-run-controller = true
CAMEL-9896 Deadletter Failure processor is invoked even if error handling strategy defines to continue
CAMEL-9903 DumpRouteStatsAsXml do not work when jmx domain is customized
CAMEL-9906 camel-sql - Should allow null values as a valid value
CAMEL-9911 RestBindingMode auto not honored
CAMEL-9920 Handle SocketTimeoutException on accept
CAMEL-9921 Dozer variable mapping doesn't work on karaf
CAMEL-9926 HTTP Proxy support in Salesforce component is broken with upgrade to Jetty9
CAMEL-9929 camel-restlet - Using synchronous=false with no error handler leak inflight exchange
CAMEL-9933 Camel-CSV marshalling breaks characters not in default charset
CAMEL-9941 Blueprint bug ARIES-1544 causes issues in Olingo2 configuration
CAMEL-9950 Camel-Websocket: NPE in case minThreads, maxThreads and getThreadPool equals to null
CAMEL-9951 Setup default values for thread-connected properties in WebSocket component
CAMEL-9953 Camel-ssh: Review logic in doStart and doStop in the SshConsumer and SshProducer
CAMEL-9960 create ReaderInputStream align encoding with Exchange
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9968 camel restlet not populating body form parameters correctly for x-www-form-urlencoded
CAMEL-9972 Explicitly add Connection Close HTTP header with a parameter in URI
CAMEL-9973 CdiCamelExtension.shouldDeployDefaultCamelContext throws NPE with primitive
injection points
CAMEL-9978 Camel-Kafka: configuration type mismatch for parameter acks
CAMEL-9981 CamelSpringJUnit4ClassRunner registers listeners twice
CAMEL-9984 RabbitConsumer.stop() doesn't stop underlying AutorecoveringConnection obtained from
supplied ConnectionFactory
CAMEL-9986 MIME-Multipart Data Format is inconsistent if trying to unmarshal non-MIME data
CAMEL-9995 Camel-JMS: includeAllJMSXProperties parameter doesn't work
ENTESB-2799 Improper Handling of Spring NullPointerException
ENTESB-4223 Feature camel-spring security does not install spring-security-config bundle
ENTESB-4811 Camel 2.17.x.redhat-6-3-x-checkin has multiple test failures
ENTESB-4957 missing package org.apache.geronimo.osgi.locator for features:install pax-*-tomcat
ENTESB-5007 Unable to install camel-websocket and camel-cometd feature
ENTESB-5134 Fuse on EAP: Hawtio findComponentNames lookup fails
ENTESB-5180 can't install camel-cdi - incorrect dependency in features.xml
ENTESB-5181 can't install feature camel-hdfs
ENTESB-5187 can't install feature camel-hbase
ENTESB-5211 NullPointerException in camel-cxf consumer with dataFormat=MESSAGE and JMS
transport at the end of Camel route
ENTESB-5237 Can't pass a large, form-encoded POST body through camel-jetty
ENTESB-5406 can't install feature camel-ignite
ENTESB-5407 gson two dependency chains jclouds, camel-ironmq
Issue Description
ENTESB-5440 camel-cassandraql component does not preserve headers
ENTESB-5457 Camel WebSocket consumer cannot create server (NullPointerException)
ENTESB-5509 jms failing on osgi.wiring.package=javax.jms)(version>=1.1.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)
ENTESB-5516 Null Pointer On Deployment When Jetty Bean is used in Blueprint with REST DSL
ENTESB-5543 fix camel-jetty* features
ENTESB-5570 Upgrade jgroups version (TCCL issue)
ENTESB-5575 HDFS2 component - ClassNotFoundException - org.apache.htrace.SamplerBuilder
ENTESB-5647 Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo
ENTESB-5666 woodstox-core-asl : Jar is not a bundle
ENTESB-5700 [fabric:create] Error executing command: Unable to create zookeeper server configuration
ENTESB-5935 intermittent ServerModel LinkageError when connecting to ssh container
ENTESB-5950 can't install feature camel-olingo2
[ZOOKEEPER-2380] Deadlock between leader shutdown and forwarding ACK to the
[ZOOKEEPER-2383] Startup race in ZooKeeperServer
ENTESB-4715 support for camel-sap in Fabric mode
ENTESB-5616 Fix SAP Component build of SAP Data Layer update site
ENTESB-5801 Can't build camel-sap-repository in brew
Issue Description
Table 5.5, “Camel on JBoss EAP Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Table 5.5. Camel on JBoss EAP Issues Resolved in 6.3.0
Issue Description
ENTESB-5838 camel-restlet throws NCDFE for URLEncodedUtils
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
ENTESB-5867 Use of '${body.replaceAll()}' leads to logger warning
ENTESB-5780 Add support for camel-ldap
ENTESB-5675 Add support for camel-smpp
ENTESB-5724 Cannot build wildfly-camel / missing slf4j-log4j12 artefact
ENTESB-5667 Braintree module.xml dependency problem
ENTESB-5636 3rd party alignments to Red Hat versions
ENTESB-5647 add MRRC EA repo to support alpha releases
ENTESB-5578 jython-2.5.3.jar contains natives and needs investigation
ENTESB-5511 Ensure that jackson annotations are visible to deployment ClassLoader
ENTESB-5503 Update to fuse-patch-2.4.0
ENTESB-5505 Fix bug where camel subsystem config could be added multiple times
ENTESB-5485 Remove hard coded namespace from camel-servergroup XML
ENTESB-5282 Add REST DSL test coverage for Jackson annotated classes
ENTESB-5380 Align with Camel bsh dependency version
ENTESB-5255 Upgrade to fuse patch 2.3.0
ENTESB-5314 Upgrade to jboss-eap-6.4.7.GA (7.5.7.Final-redhat-3)
ENTESB-5282 Add JacksonDataFormat marshalling test coverage for Jackson annotated classes
ENTESB-5141 Update to camel 2.17
ENTESB-5137 Increase timeout values for camel-braintree integration tests
ENTESB-5205 Need to add org.slf4j dependency to org.apache.camel.xml module
ENTESB-5134 Hawtio findComponentNames lookup fails
ENTESB-5028 Add spring-context-support module to Fuse on EAP
ENTESB-3335 Reinstate hawtio tests
Issue Description
ENTESB-4995 Fix potential classloader leaks in ContextCreateHandlerRegistryService
ENTESB-4664 Add camel-braintree component
ENTESB-5072 Update to fuse-patch-2.1.0
ENTESB-4281 Remove references to community documentation from README files
ENTESB-5006 Expose HttpOperationFailedException from org.apache.camel.component.http4
ENTESB-4769 Rework example to not use unsupported embedded ActiveMQ broker
ENTESB-4389 Add hawtio fuse branding plugin to the ditro
ENTESB-4618 Dozer classloading may fail with spring based context
ENTESB-4900 Dozer cannot find org.apache.el.ExpressionFactory
ENTESB-4606 Port camel-swagger-java to Fuse EAP
ENTESB-4828 elasticsearch may incorrectly wire to the default lucene slot
ENTESB-4607 Port camel-elasticsearch to Fuse-EAP
ENTESB-4790 Examples fail with camel-2.16-redhat
ENTESB-4780 Update to camel-2.16
ENTESB-4615 Remove references to obsolete configuration files
ENTESB-4520 Fix bug with email form field
ENTESB-4227 Add module dependncies to support JPA idempotent consumers
ENTESB-4214 Unable to configure JDBC idempotent consumers
Issue Description
Table 5.6, “Web Services Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Table 5.6. Web Services Issues Resolved in 6.3.0
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
Issue Description
[COLLECTIONS-580] Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer
CXF-1194 Schema Validation & MTOM fails
CXF-4109 UriInfo getHost caches first request's host and always returns that on subsequent calls
CXF-4817 JAX-RS AsyncResponse implementation needs to call AsyncContext.complete after the
request is done
CXF-5348 Exception mappers implementing ExceptionMapper through an abstract class are not
mapped to the declared exception
CXF-5640 CXF bundle is not compatible with new spring features from Karaf
CXF-5688 Problem Parsing FIQL Involving Enums
CXF-5744 @XmlTransient behavior change in WSDL fault content
CXF-5788 JMS replyToDestination doesn't work
CXF-5795 Reading the entity from a Response with 202 - Accepted causes NullPointerException
CXF-5844 Annotations inherited from interface not merged with annotations from implementing
CXF-5846 ClassCastException in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.BinaryDataProvider & SourceProvider
CXF-5862 NullPointerException in class CustomizationParser
CXF-5878 Disabling policy engine causes NPE
CXF-5897 Relax setter method name restriction for @context injection
CXF-5898 Feature wss4j should be updated after saaj-impl version change
CXF-5899 JAX-RS 2.0 Configuration injection is not supported if DynamicFeature is not registered
CXF-5900 websocket destination in osgi fails to start after being stopped
CXF-5904 wadl2java -inheritResourceParams don't generate parent parameter
CXF-5906 Claim Manager only parses first claim value
CXF-5910 Filters registered by DynamicFeatures match on overloaded resource methods.
CXF-5911 SoapFault's lang property is not set in case of SOAP 1.1 faults
CXF-5913 logStacktrace Property Not Implemented in MapEventLogger
CXF-5916 WADL contains wrong parameter name for parameter beans
CXF-5917 SAMLP Response Validator does not decrypt if EncryptedKey is the assertion element
CXF-5920 JAX-RS Link implementation (LinkBuilder) looses context path
CXF-5938 LuceneQueryVisitor is not reusable / not thread-safe
CXF-5943 Throw error in exceptionmapper
CXF-5946 ensure unregister cxf http transport Servlet OSGi service before we re-register it
CXF-5949 LogBrowser not working
CXF-5952 wadl2java: process representation params
CXF-5953 wadl2java: generate full class name for representation parameter
CXF-5958 incorrect OSGi header in cxf-core bundle
CXF-5961 wadl2java: 'required = false' don't generated for @Multipart argument
CXF-5963 LuceneQueryVisitor should use analyzer to create query properly
CXF-5964 JAX-RS Contexts are injected into Application class too late
CXF-5966 NPE in MessageContextImpl when setting ResponseBuilder entity in an ExceptionMapper
CXF-5968 Setting use.async.http.conduit property causes IllegalArgumentException
CXF-5969 CXF does not pass a generic type to ParamConverterProvider
CXF-5970 review org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.ProviderFactory.Message*ReaderComparator
CXF-5972 Fix all karaf features definitions
CXF-5974 WADLGenerator sets representation media type to application/octet-stream by default
CXF-5976 incompatible with javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement error when using
List<JAXBElement<Book>> as resource method param
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-5978 Incomplete dependencies in archetype cxf-jaxrs-service
CXF-5980 JAX-RS 2.0 client: response.readEntity(new GenericType<...>{}) fails with "unexpected
element" UnmarshalException
CXF-5988 Provide support for a pluggable parameter conversion mechanism for JAX-RS client side
CXF-5989 Query Params not showing up in WADL when declared using @BeanParam
CXF-5992 Cannot set org.apache.cxf.stax.maxAttributeCount
CXF-5995 ClientProxyImpl problem with handling @BeanParams with null headers/cookies.
CXF-5999 Moving JiBX related systests into its own module.
CXF-6000 Wrong default algorithm is used for TrustManagerFactory instantiation
CXF-6003 jaxrs:server "basePackages" attribute doesn't initialize REST services properly
CXF-6007 WebClient does not resend request in Digest authentication for HTTP methods GET,
HEAD, DELETE, OPTIONS (with no body).
CXF-6010 NPE in MessageModeOutInterceptor.validateFaultDetail for faults with no <detail>
CXF-6015 Path parameters containing semicolon are truncated due to missing encoding
CXF-6020 UrilInfo.getAbsolutePath() missing path separator between servlet url and relative url
CXF-6021 WebClient has Accept defaulted to application/xml
CXF-6027 oauth2 client redirect uris are never valid
CXF-6030 Fault string, and possibly fault code, not set for
CXF-6032 NullPointerException while validating cert for SAML HOK
CXF-6034 Wrong schemaLocation if jax-ws-catalog is used
CXF-6037 in JAX-RS search there is no support for java.sql.Time in fiql
CXF-6038 Repeatedly invoking setHandlerChain() can cause a build up of handler interceptors on the
Issue Description
CXF-6040 need use servicemix wrapped opensaml 2.6.1_2
CXF-6041 Corba Binding is throwing a ObjectNotActive Corba exception being thrown back to
application code on endpoint/bus shutdown
CXF-6045 Setting an entity from ClientRequestFilter has no effect if no entity is already set
CXF-6057 WADL to Java code generator does not support the documented "encoding" flag
CXF-6058 NPE in cxf-rt-transports-http org.apache.cxf.transport.http.Headers line 280
CXF-6059 wsdl:fault wsdl2java fails with IllegalArgumentException
CXF-6060 Calling readEntity() on Response created by causes
CXF-6061 The publish attribute on jaxws:endpoint doesn't support placeholder in spring configuration
CXF-6062 Interceptors added in Spring Bus configuration are ignored
CXF-6066 JAX-RS 2.0 Client implementation is OOM prone due to its strongly referencing
CXF-6067 ProviderFactory fails to analyze generic types correctly with some class hierachies
CXF-6071 CXF's WSDL2Java tool can generate impl classes that jdk compiler will refuse to compile
CXF-6072 jaxrs securityContext.getUserPrincipal is broken if login is done during the request
CXF-6073 cxf-wsn installation in Karaf fails
CXF-6075 NPE may occur at websocket destination under high load
CXF-6076 MediaType parameter not parsed correctly
CXF-6077 In OSGi, the wsdl extensor loaders may not be able to generate their special
CXF-6078 AnnotationUtils.getAnnotatedMethod for abstract classes not inherit from interface
CXF-6089 XmlAccessorOrder.ALPHABETICAL, Exception.getMessage() duplicate WSDL elements
CXF-6090 java.lang.NullPointerException when running wsdl2java
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-6091 Server is not properly stopped with MultipleEndpointObserver
CXF-6092 When there is bad connection/timeout, ClientImpl throws NullPointerException
CXF-6094 wsdl2java - Default key managers cannot be initialized
CXF-6096 http components transport is missing a dependency on commons-logging
CXF-6101 Accept Header not Respected with Response from Custom MessageReader
CXF-6103 Nillable field, in a json payload, was sent as "@nil":"true" instead of an empty string
CXF-6105 CXF 3.x does not use the older WS-SecurityPolicy 1.1 namespace
CXF-6106 ClientResponseFilterInterceptor wraps client response exchange message into
ClientRequestContextImpl - as a result code can't access client request context
CXF-6109 Incorrect TrustException constructor in AbstractSTSClient
CXF-6111 JavascriptGetInterceptor.isRecognizedQuery is always false
CXF-6112 org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ResourceContextImpl#getResource should support a custom
CXF-6115 Transferable.transferTo can cause infinite loop or stack overflow
CXF-6118 Schema Validation refinements
CXF-6122 JAX-RS proxy client with @QueryParam is not encoding the parameter value
CXF-6127 Check thrown Exception's cause for SOAPFaultException
CXF-6137 WADL generation does not correctly support query parameters
CXF-6138 JAXB unmarshaller Properties can't be configured
CXF-6139 WADLGenerator may produce a schema invalid resource id
CXF-6143 SSL/TLS hostname verification does not strictly follow HTTPS RFC2818
CXF-6145 WS-RM demo server throws exception
CXF-6146 Demo wsdl_first_xmlbeans fails to build
CXF-6147 Part of demo wsdl_first_soap12 doesnt work
Issue Description
CXF-6149 ContainerRequestContextImpl hasEntity() always returns true for non-GET requests.
Similar for ClientResponseContextImpl
CXF-6151 Apache-cxf wsdlvalidator returns error in mime:part
CXF-6152 WSDLValidator may throw ClassCastException under verbose mode
CXF-6153 OAuthRequestFilter throws NullPointerException when "Authorization" header is missing
CXF-6155 Exceptions thrown from ParamConverter generate 500 response
CXF-6160 AsyncResponse infinite loops
CXF-6163 WSDL Javascript generator for xsd:any elements is not correct when any is optional
CXF-6166 Parsing Bug in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.json.JsonMapObjectReaderWriter
CXF-6172 WS-Discovery should work also in IPv6 only environment
CXF-6176 org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.bus.providers property is not taken in account in cxf bus
CXF-6178 Missing io.netty.util.Version
CXF-6184 HTTPConduit "transport.retransmit.url" property may have side-effects in case of non-
redirect retransmits
CXF-6187 JMS sample fails "connectionFactory may not be null"
CXF-6188 Authorization loop using "CurrentWindowsCredentials"
CXF-6189 Improve memory usage of UrlUtils
CXF-6192 Cxf Clustering Blueprint handler doesn't create the distribute feature rightly
CXF-6194 [multipart] Server handle Collection argument as single element
CXF-6198 No SOAPFault for HTTP error code 400
CXF-6204 JAX-RS Set-Cookie parser uses case-sensitive keys
CXF-6209 Bug in processing Signed/Encrypted Elements policies with multiple XPaths
CXF-6210 XPath evaluation failure on the client side causes all subsequent evaluations to fail
CXF-6211 JAX-RS client runtime ignores Content-Type set directly from MessageBodyWriter
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-6217 JmsPullPoint does not protect against external entities
CXF-6221 CDI integration extension does not detect annotations on Karaf
CXF-6222 Password can end up in log file
CXF-6228 Using XSLTFeature with large messages creates unremovable temporary files
CXF-6229 EndpointReferenceUtils.getSchema does NOT cache negative schema parsing
CXF-6233 STS client only sends AppliesTo on first RST call
CXF-6234 Invalid ?wsdl response with relative imports/includes when using jaxws-catalog.xml
CXF-6235 wsdl2java behaves differently from cxf-codegen-plugin
CXF-6236 proxyAuthSupplier not used in HTTPConduit.setHeadersByAuthorizationPolicy
CXF-6241 WS-RM doesn't work with WS-Security configured with @EndpointProperties
CXF-6245 Loading non-existent class org.apache.cxf.xmlbeans.XmlBeansWrapperHelper in
WrapperClassOutInterceptor is causing performance issues
CXF-6246 missing osgi import of javax.jws
CXF-6250 WebSocket conduit fails to process String based responses and throws NPE
CXF-6252 JAXRS Async Client hangs in case of Connection errors
CXF-6256 Unexpected response code
CXF-6257 Creating and Endpoint using JAX-WS API, getting the binding and then publishing causes
a NullPointerException
CXF-6260 JAXRS Async Client can not handle InvocationCallback TypeVariable
CXF-6272 SCT Renew in Secure Conversation
CXF-6274 NullPointerException in DestinationSequence because of RMCaptureInInterceptor not in
interceptor chain
CXF-6284 JAX-RS servlet run-time leaks additional strong references
CXF-6285 NPE in SwaggerFeature.calculateDefaultResourcePackage
Issue Description
CXF-6294 Cannot activate TLSv1.2 cipher suites on client on Java7
CXF-6295 String cannot be cast to
CXF-6297 JAX-RS BeanValidation feature fails with NPE in JAXRSBeanValidationOutInterceptor on
sub-resource call
CXF-6300 cipherSuite configuration does not work with HTTPJ servers
CXF-6302 JAXRS endpoints with URL encoded addresses can not be located
CXF-6304 AuthorizationCodeGrantHandler sets the approved scopes as the requested ones
CXF-6306 AuthorizationCodeGrantService does not record a single pre-registered redirect uri in a
session if current request has no redirect uri set
CXF-6307 Wrong select the message body reader
CXF-6309 Client processing exception has its cause set to the original exception wrapped in Fault
CXF-6313 SamlHeaderOutInterceptor does not set headers on the message if it had none
CXF-6314 WebSocket transport should not require dependency to jetty
CXF-6315 Optional WS-Addressing policy doesn't return required soap headers
CXF-6317 Authorization not possible with multiple service beans
CXF-6319 Regression: failing namespace resolution after CXF-5891
CXF-6320 Zero-length entity should throw 400 on pre-packaged provider
CXF-6321 Make sure global JAX-RS filters are applied once per request even if made to sub-resource
CXF-6322 AbstractSearchConditionParser not working with UUID fields
CXF-6327 Invalid Policy exception for EndorsingSupportingTokens with more than one token
CXF-6331 Wrap exceptions in JAXRSBeanValidationInvoker into Fault so that these exceptions are
exposed to ExceptionMapper-s
CXF-6332 Wadl Genertion: @Description cannot be bound to field
CXF-6336 Client ParamConverterProvider may be lost if Client runs in the server scope
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-6338 Reversed logic in AbstractJwtHandler#validateSignature
CXF-6340 Return value of AsyncResponseImpl.cancel() not follow JAXRS 2.0 javadoc
CXF-6343 EncryptedHeader not properly processed or generated
CXF-6347 CXF bundle activators not called in Eclipse/Equinox
CXF-6352 ContainerResponseContext.getLinks() loses links if they have no 'rel' parameter
CXF-6356 NPE when calling ServiceUnavailableException.getRetryTime()
CXF-6359 NullPointerException when certAlias specified but no keyManagers are configured
CXF-6361 HttpCondiut is not detecting the redirect loop properly
CXF-6366 JAX-RS Client runtime does not encode forward slashes in Matrix parameters
CXF-6367 JAX-RS Client runtime does not check BeanParam bean fields
CXF-6368 Unexpected response code
CXF-6369 org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ConfigurationImpl does not comply with SPEC
CXF-6370 wrong usages for System.arraycopy in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.AsyncResponseImpl
CXF-6371 WADL Generator does not always correctly deal with generic types
CXF-6373 CompletionCallback can not get the Throwable if error occurs in other interceptor (no
CXF-6375 Providers.getMessageBodyReader throws NPE
CXF-6377 Wrong media type of response
CXF-6378 LinkBuilderImpl does not resolve relative links against baseUri
CXF-6379 Separate HTTP headers for multiple header values not possible - bug in CXF-3714 fix
CXF-6380 Context provider not working
CXF-6388 NPE has been swallowed in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.AsyncResponseImpl
CXF-6389 set initialSuspend=true incorrectly when resume the asyncresponse
Issue Description
CXF-6390 JAXRS Async Client does not always wrap the client side exceptions into
CXF-6392 Schema imports are not handled correctly in generated WSDL and XSD files
CXF-6393 JAXRS Async Client unwraps a parameterized type given to InvocationCallback
CXF-6395 Call setTimeout() in a second request cause illegalStateException from web container.
CXF-6398 AlgorithmSuitePolicyValidator rejects enveloped-signature Transform
CXF-6402 JettyHTTPServerEngine cannot set a provided Jetty Server
CXF-6403 Potential memory leak in PolicyBasedWSS4JInInterceptor and
CXF-6406 WS-RM persistence with RMTxStore does not work with JNDI Lookup
CXF-6408 HTTP Conduit throws NPE exception for "invalid" 401 HTTP response
CXF-6415 WS-RM client persistent tests are failing
CXF-6429 Provider matching when nested generic type
CXF-6431 Attachment serialization does not conform to the relevant specs
CXF-6434 SOAPAction value may not be extracted correctly for SOAP 1.2 with Attachments
CXF-6435 Support base64 for attachment encoding in CXF
CXF-6436 NPE in DefaultLogEventMapper when running on cameltransport
CXF-6442 Possible uses contraint violation because of different servlet API versions
CXF-6444 should not set Origin=* when Credentials=true
CXF-6446 WADL JavaDocProvider misses operation markers for the docs built with Java 8
CXF-6450 Bad handling of JAX-RS generic interfaces
CXF-6451 Set-Cookie Header incorrectly parsed
CXF-6458 CXF 3.1.0 memory leak (Tomcat)
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-6464 The derived key versions of sign/encrypt in SymmetricBindingHandler don't support
CXF-6466 Closing JAX-RS clients from finalize affects clients sharing the same conduit
CXF-6467 Jaxrs client handles array type property in a form object as a single element
CXF-6468 Secure Conversation Renew is missing Instance creation
CXF-6469 schemaLocation in xsd import is not rewritten correctly in Java 8
CXF-6472 Cannot create ContextResolver for class extending HttpServletRequest,
HttpServletResponse, etc.
CXF-6473 Double signatures while using AsymmetricBindingHandler
CXF-6474 UriTemplate should not always ignore an empty/null group value
CXF-6475 problems using CXF as a JAX-RS 2.0 client
CXF-6479 Denial of Service: Regular Expression in StringUtils
CXF-6480 InjectionUtils createThreadLocalServletApiContext better error message for invalid
@Context classes
CXF-6481 Jetty HTTPJ session manager Blueprint configuration is not effective
CXF-6484 Regression in Content-id format
CXF-6488 Binding style vs part type R2203 And R2204 problems in wsdl document
CXF-6489 Cannot set ClientSecretVerifier in AbstractTokenService
CXF-6491 wadl2java produces incorrect Consumes annotation for multiple representations on POST
CXF-6492 AbstractHTTPDestination class incorrectly assume only one empty space after "Basic" in
Authorization header value.
CXF-6493 cxf-rt-transports-http-3.1.1.jar contains OSGi interface classes
CXF-6495 Inconsistent RMAsserion may be built for 3.0.x
CXF-6502 JAXRSInInterceptor throw java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException if content-type header
is empty
Issue Description
CXF-6506 Client-side message context value HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS is not shared between
SOAP handlers
CXF-6507 WSRM 3.0 may store corrupted message
CXF-6512 The host property is missing in Swagger2 feature's configuration properties
CXF-6513 CXF Using async WebClient with load distribution failover strategy leads to memory leak
CXF-6515 provider sorting not right
CXF-6517 Regression in 3.1.2 attachment handling
CXF-6519 WS-RM - Invalid response for CloseSequence
CXF-6522 ThreadLocalInvocationHandler doesn't handle InvocationTargetException
CXF-6527 WSDLRefValidator reject valid target reference URI/IRI
CXF-6528 JAX-RS "lastModified" generates timestamp with non-standard format
CXF-6534 Kerberos delegation not possible if Authorization given
CXF-6535 Swagger2Feature's properties cannot be set when using Blueprint
CXF-6536 XML pretty printing produces double line spacing if incoming XML contains linefeeds
CXF-6542 Setting the signature digest algorithm on the SAMLCallback does not work for WS-
CXF-6543 It's not possible to specify the signature + digest algorithms for self-signed SAML
Assertions with JAX-RS
CXF-6547 HTTPTransportActivator Does Not Propagate Servlet Init Parameters
CXF-6548 LoggingOutInterceptor logs the wrong Content-Type for some scenarios
CXF-6550 AsyncConduitHTTPFactory will throw NPE if passed properties are null
CXF-6551 Digest authentication to intermediate HTTP proxy fails with 407 without retry
CXF-6552 Multiple chained schema imports not handled correctly
CXF-6553 Unable to override Content-Type on GET requests
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-6558 DefaultEncryptingOAuthDataProvider.getAccessToken throws SecurityException on
invalid accessToken format
CXF-6559 AbstractOAuthDataProvider.refreshAccessToken method can't handle an invalid refresh
CXF-6561 ResourceOwnerGrantHandler: ResourceOwnerLoginHandler can't return null or throw
CXF-6570 FormattedServiceListWriter - meta http-equiv value not quoted
CXF-6574 Issue with Digest Authentication
CXF-6575 WS-A Action generation defect
CXF-6577 MessageContextImpl needs to get a property from a current message first
CXF-6579 Inflated tokens can be corrupted if compression ratio is greater than 2:1
CXF-6580 wsdl2java - Issue with import to default namespace
CXF-6582 Support newer symmetric signature algorithms with WS-SecurityPolicy
CXF-6583 MessageListenerTest#testLocalTransaction fails intermittently
CXF-6584 EncryptSignature is ignored
CXF-6585 Possible to send invalid Soap 1.2 faults
CXF-6588 NPE in providers.getMessageBodyReader
CXF-6590 MAPCodec: memory leak with sync client when soapfaults returned from endpoint
CXF-6591 Aegis DataSourceType.getBytes fails to close the InputStream fetched from DataSource,
which prevents the underlying file to be deleted on Windows
CXF-6592 Maven[cxf-java2wadl-plugin] when stylesheetReference are set,package ended with
Nullpoint Error
CXF-6593 Some thread-local contexts may get lost on the client side after a refresh
CXF-6595 CXF Karaf feature file: set dependency = true in the jta bundle for CXF
CXF-6599 CXF ProxyHelper might cause OOM like conditions
Issue Description
CXF-6600 Sudden repeating NPE on token request by STSClient
CXF-6601 Swagger2Feature can hit a NPE when running in localtransport
CXF-6602 Digest algorithms are not set properly when derived keys are used
CXF-6606 Encoded characters in URI are decoded multiple times during preprocess
CXF-6607 Cached STS-issued tokens are not renewed on expiry in delegation scenario
CXF-6609 Data Race in org/apache/cxf/transport/http/HTTPConduit.prepare
CXF-6614 "Comparison method violates its general contract" in
CXF-6615 the order of attributes in SubjectDN of certificate shouldn't be significant
CXF-6616 need always close the CipherOutputStream when the encryption is done to get the
complete content
CXF-6621 Schema imports are not handled correctly in generated WSDL and XSD files when using
catalog rewrites
CXF-6629 ConcurrentModificationException at AbstractResourceInfo.clearProxies()
CXF-6630 Cannot call setAttribute with a null name
CXF-6632 Memory leak due to literal keys in WSDLDefinition map
CXF-6637 @GZIP and similar CXF annotations are not recognized if set on super classes
CXF-6638 AsyncHTTPConduit does not allow body payloads with "PATCH" method
CXF-6640 [Locale Issue] HTTP header Issue for IOS 9 + Chinese Language user
CXF-6641 JWE elliptic curve error
CXF-6642 Memory Leak in ResponseImpl.readEntity()
CXF-6648 Wildcard Content-Type is set for GET
CXF-6653 NPE may result while generating a SequenceFault in WS-RM 1.1
CXF-6655 Error Invalid address. Endpoint address cannot be null
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-6657 CXF Failover using JAXRS prevents header retrieval from ResponseExceptionMappers
CXF-6664 NullpointerException in LinkBuilderImpl#getResolvedUri when linkheader url has a matrix
CXF-6667 Closing a source sequence in WS-RM may lead to inconsistent sequence status
CXF-6668 [wadl2java] @Multipart annotation generated, @QueryParam expected
CXF-6670 Problem with casting ParamConverter responses to primitive types
CXF-6671 Ambiguous JAXRSServerFactoryBean.setApplication() breaks Spring injection
CXF-6673 StaticService setEndpoints(List<String>) doesn't work correctly
CXF-6675 Update commons-collections from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2
CXF-6676 Incorrect Interface Method Name Generation
CXF-6677 Content-Type is empty on POST request with empty body
CXF-6679 @Context HttpServletRequest request.getParameterMap() can't contain post parameters
by application/x-www-form-urlencoded
CXF-6682 NullpointerException in LinkBuilderImpl#getResolvedUri when only baseUri is set
CXF-6688 ClientProxyImpl does not populate class-level path params if BeanParam holds the values
CXF-6693 CXF fails to parse Cookie header when it contains $ character
CXF-6694 SpringResourceFactory does not work with constructor-autowired beans
CXF-6699 DefaultAddress not set in HTTPConduit class
CXF-6701 JAXRS Proxy impl does not check field JAXRS annotations on BeanParam super classes
CXF-6705 Incorrect version in Import-Package for javax.validation for CXF Core
CXF-6706 Bean validation seems to not be working in OSGi
CXF-6709 HttpServletRequest.getInputStream is empty
CXF-6711 Aegis Databinding Deserialization Vulnerability
CXF-6720 AbstractHTTPDestination#WrappedOutputStream.close() calls flush after close
Issue Description
CXF-6721 NullPointerException for some responses containing SoapFault.
CXF-6729 Version 1 NewCookie is not compliant with RFC 2109
CXF-6730 ClassCastException TransportBinding cannot be cast to
AbstractSymmetricAsymmetricBinding in AbstractBindingBuilder
CXF-6743 Inconsistent versions of jax-rs specs can lead to OSGi pain
CXF-6744 Exceptions thrown from methods annotated with @Suspended result in no response at all
CXF-6748 the qop,nc,algorithm parameter in http auth header must not be enclosed between doble
CXF-6749 Classloader leak on FileUtils.createTmpDir()
CXF-6753 OAuth2 audience support is incomplete
CXF-6754 Determin Media Type in Response
CXF-6759 WADL2JAVA Tools Generated Source has Duplicate Method Name
CXF-6761 JAX-RS ClientImpl does not set TLSClientParameters on HTTPConduit when only
HostnameVerifier is configured
CXF-6763 STS requires ClaimHandler even in ClaimMapping only scenarios
CXF-6764 Should add RI JAXB Namespacemapper support
CXF-6768 WS-Discovery missing schema when internet connection not present
CXF-6769 Underscores in values of FIQL search expressions are incorrectly escaped
CXF-6770 PrettyLoggingFilter not working well when using camel-cxf-transport
CXF-6772 HttpClientPolicy browserType is reported as BrowserType header
CXF-6783 ReflectionServiceFactoryBean generates invalid WSDL if anonymousWrapperTypes==true
CXF-6785 AbstractHTTPDestination should handle the case when pathInfo of HttpServletRequest is
CXF-6787 not sufficient WadlGenerator presence detection
CXF-6793 InvocationCallback doesn't try to get response class type
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-6795 WS-Discovery add support for discovery on localhost
CXF-6799 java.lang.ClassCastException:
sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.ParameterizedTypeImpl cannot be cast to
CXF-6805 cxf-rt-transports-http adds Content-Type header to GET request
CXF-6806 don't mark the optional "encoding" parameter as required for cxf-java2wadl-plugin
CXF-6809 SAMLRequest ID must not start with a Number
CXF-6810 JAX-RS Client one way requests do not work with jms-transport
CXF-6812 WebTargetImpl should always check if client is closed first
CXF-6813 MediaTypeHeaderProvider doesn't check the illegal media type string like
CXF-6814 ClientRequestFilter should be added with descending order of priority
CXF-6819 ConfigurationImp returns wrong value for isRegistered(Object obj)
CXF-6820 LinkBuilderImpl#link() doesn't throw exception for invalid input
CXF-6823 Duplicate injectedProviders in ProviderFactory impacting throughput by ~30%
CXF-6828 [OAuth] AbstractGrant set wrong value(scope) for audience
CXF-6832 Attachment content-disposition modification-date not parsed correctly
CXF-6836 Swagger2 tests need to be updated to do a more robust JSON or YAML comparison
CXF-6838 AsyncResponse doesn't use 204 when body is empty
CXF-6842 Unwrap exception nested with WebApplicationException
CXF-6845 Some methods in MessageUtils prone to NPE
CXF-6849 Form parameter names including '%' are not decoded properly
CXF-6850 implementation doesn't match Accept-Encoding: * for any
encoding value
CXF-6867 Envelope and Body element prefixes changed when processing messages without headers
Issue Description
CXF-6887 http-hc: NPE and incorrept assumption that there is only one bus
CXF-6939 can't install cxf-http-async feature
CXF-7008 Regression: CXF-5788 - JMS replyToDestination doesn't work
CXF-7026 o.a.c.transport.http.osgi.HttpServiceTrackerCust service leak
CXF-7034 should close HttpServiceTracker in HTTPTransportActivator
ENTESB-4398 Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer
ENTESB-4933 When cxf service is deployed to child container SwaggerFeature uses root container port
ENTESB-4942 missing requirements for features:install cxf-jaxrs-cdi
ENTESB-4957 missing package org.apache.geronimo.osgi.locator for features:install pax-*-tomcat
ENTESB-5008 quiet a few test failure on cxf 3.1.x.redhat-6-3-x-patch branch with JAVA8
ENTESB-5410 please fix duplicate javax.mail in fuse
ENTESB-5442 Swagger2Feature throws an exception
ENTESB-5460 CXF and Camel need olingo version alignment in Fuse
ENTESB-5589 NCDFE when using JAX-WS schema validation on IBM java
ENTESB-5647 Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo
ENTESB-5700 [fabric:create] Error executing command: Unable to create zookeeper server configuration
ENTESB-5777 can't install cxf-databinding-jibx
ENTESB-5907 CXF's JMSConfiguration replyToDestination does not have any effect
ENTESB-5935 intermittent ServerModel LinkageError when connecting to ssh container
ENTESB-5938 After Multiple Profile Deployments Fabric Container Runs Out of PermGen Space
FEDIZ-156 SAMLRequest ID must not start with a Number
WSS-549 Don't write out a ReferenceList if there are no elements to encrypt
Issue Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
Table 5.7, “Fuse on EAP Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Table 5.7. Fuse on EAP Issues Resolved in 6.3.0
Issue Description
ENTESB-4160 BPEL - Domain mode - Deployment throws MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException
ENTESB-4513 Exclude itests directory from Camel quickstarts distribution
ENTESB-4747 No SwitchYard schema is included in Fuse 6.2.1
ENTESB-5112 Fuse on EAP Quickstarts fail to build on Fuse 6.3
ENTESB-5255 Failed installation of fuse-eap-installer into the newest jboss-eap
ENTESB-5328 Fuse EAP installer does not work on Windows
ENTESB-5485 Fuse on EAP can't start in domain mode
ENTESB-5503 Fuse EAP installer cannot upgrade from Fuse 6.2.1 to Fuse 6.3 on Windows
ENTESB-5647 Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo
5.8. CONTAINER - 6.3.0
Table 5.8, “Container Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Table 5.8. Container Issues Resolved in 6.3.0
Issue Number Description
[COLLECTIONS-580] Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer
ENTESB-1609 Can not install fuse as system service on AIX7.1
ENTESB-3997 admin:create && admin:start doesn't work after 6.2 P2 patch
ENTESB-4055 Improve Performance
ENTESB-4156 On Windows offline patching causes "
org.fusesource.insight:type=Log Query"
ENTESB-4223 Feature camel-spring security does not install spring-security-config bundle
ENTESB-4231 Unable to unzip RC4 prepatched zip on windows 2012 RC4
ENTESB-4398 Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer
ENTESB-4443 null log msg causes org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.adapter.LogEventAdapter to be
ENTESB-4447 Incompatible TypedQuery exception is thrown when application(Using JPA-Hibernate)
bundle is refreshed/re-installed
ENTESB-4450 admin:connect default username is not the sme as admin:create
ENTESB-4458 bin\client.bat doesn't work on windows
ENTESB-4495 Hibernate and Bundle ClassLoaders out of sync on Bundle Refresh
ENTESB-4616 Space in path results in bin/karaf: line 417: [: /home/fuse/te: binary operator expected
ENTESB-4742 Default "org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra" configuration should be empty
ENTESB-4838 Camel on EAP bundles Spring version other than Karaf
ENTESB-4886 6.2.1 Patching mechanism should support applying rollup patch to non-fabric child
ENTESB-4889 Xslt Transformation seems to be broken in Fuse 6.2.1
ENTESB-4902 Fuse 6.2.1 failed to handle maven repository url with special characters like "@" for
authentication parameters.
ENTESB-4903 [Solaris 11] local: not found when starting fuse
ENTESB-4921 problem with installing / uninstalling features in fuse 6.3
ENTESB-4935 admin script report wrong pid and wrong status
ENTESB-4954 can't install feature camel-spring-redis
ENTESB-4955 deltaspike-* features can't be installed (versions 1.3.0 or 1.5.1)
ENTESB-4957 missing package org.apache.geronimo.osgi.locator for features:install pax-*-tomcat
ENTESB-4960 ssh:sshd command lists default values twice
ENTESB-4967 Karaf Wrapper fails if Path to KARAF_HOME Contains Spaces
Issue Number Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
ENTESB-4980 [Karaf-service] script does nothing on Debian (in docker)
ENTESB-4997 redirect parent and child instance std out to a karaf.out file
ENTESB-4999 Apply the same logic of ENTESB-4935 to karaf.bat script
ENTESB-5003 [Win+Karaf-service] Can't run .exe on win server 2012r2
ENTESB-5015 Aries JPA unable inject jpa context in blueprint
ENTESB-5045 [] Not working on AIX and HPUX
ENTESB-5058 6.3.0 DR2 doesn't start on Windows
ENTESB-5065 localhost:8181/hawtio/index.html not available (404)
ENTESB-5067 "The syntax of the command is incorrect" error when running "shutdown -f"
ENTESB-5104 In JBoss Fuse shell, when running grep, there will be 3 ANSI reset sequence on each line.
ENTESB-5118 Invalid BundleContext when installing patch feature to admin:created container
ENTESB-5131 [6.3] Can't start fuse on solaris 10
ENTESB-5132 [6.3] Solaris 10 does not like a first empty row in the service file
ENTESB-5157 Not able to login when user belongs to jaas PublickeyLoginModule.
ENTESB-5179 Maven proxy behavior broken
ENTESB-5191 Apparent mismatch between command count with tab completion
ENTESB-5217 Feature Installation - no Refresh of Fragment-Host bundle upon installation of fragment
ENTESB-5323 thrown by hawtio-osgi-jmx
ENTESB-5332 Fuse doesn't start after unexpected termination
ENTESB-5366 Fuse client fails with
ENTESB-5370 Aries transaction manager fails with background connection validation
ENTESB-5395 Wildcard in NCName for Camel CXF Transport in Blueprint
Issue Number Description
ENTESB-5399 Fuse on windows does not start without data directory
ENTESB-5401 fix pax-http-tomcat jaxp-api dependencies
ENTESB-5410 please fix duplicate javax.mail in fuse
ENTESB-5540 Exceptions in log after *:help - Service cannot be cast:
ENTESB-5550 Bundle "spring-security-config" from servicemix does not contain spring metadata
ENTESB-5588 Switchyard reference throws ClassCastException with IBM java
ENTESB-5608 Revert hard coded v1.7 jdk for darwin in karaf launch script introduced via KARAF-2921
ENTESB-5620 wrapper:install on solaris11 lacks instructions to symlink scripts
ENTESB-5647 Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo
ENTESB-5683 get Exception when enter "tab" from karaf console
ENTESB-5700 [fabric:create] Error executing command: Unable to create zookeeper server configuration
ENTESB-5716 Can't create child on 111, 115
ENTESB-5760 Can't create child on ssh container
ENTESB-5762 Can't resolve any of the quickstarts in build #125
ENTESB-5792 We are not properly replacing versions in client.bat in jboss-fuse-6.3.0.redhat-131
ENTESB-5795 ldap connection pool not created when using ssl (ldaps)
ENTESB-5850 thrown at JMX
org.apache.karaf - services
ENTESB-5860 Camel-amq quickstart is not processing files
ENTESB-5869 Exception when Encrypting with PGPDataFormat
ENTESB-5917 6.2.1 R3 prevents base DN lookup in Tivoli LDAP Server
ENTESB-5935 intermittent ServerModel LinkageError when connecting to ssh container
ENTESB-5942 karaf jaas modules test failing on IBM JDK
Issue Number Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
ENTESB-5961 hawtio not showing activemq tab
ENTESB-6101 Fuse won't start with IBM java
ENTMQ-1683 *:help missing descriptions for activemq commands
KARAF-3240 BundleWatcher should not depend to pax-url-mvn
KARAF-3327 Incorrect LC_CTYPE parsing
KARAF-4005 Different locations for KARAF_HOME and KARAF_BASE
KARAF-4024 role.policy "group" ceased to function
KARAF-4123 Provide a more dynamic default for serviceUrl configuration
KARAF-4150 bin/status fails if KARAF_DEBUG is set
KARAF-4247 Issues with LDAP caching
KARAF-4330 Instance script doesn't return correct PID number if root instance is started two times
KARAF-4348 [RBAC] Wildcard PIDs chosen before more specific ones
KARAF-4373 Karaf.bat script produces "The syntax of the command is incorrect" even if it is working
KARAF-4499 Can't start a crashed server on Windows
KARAF-4607 ldap connection pool not created when using ssl (ldaps)
KARAF-4659 Ability to disable ldap listeners
KARAF-4686 ClassLoader leak with RmiRegistryFactory and sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPEndpoint
KARAF-4687 ClassLoader leak with java.lang.Exception and karaf.exception library
Issue Number Description
5.9. FUSE FABRIC - 6.3.0
Table 5.9, “Fuse Fabric Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Table 5.9. Fuse Fabric Issues Resolved in 6.3.0
Issue Number Description
[COLLECTIONS-580] Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer
CURATOR-126 IllegalStateException in performBackgroundOperation during close
ENTESB-1769 "Error in initialization script: Command not found: shell:if" after fabric:create on fuse with
ENTESB-2699 EnsembleRemove.applyEnsembleConfiguration() Throws
ENTESB-3449 Profile-rename Error executing command: versionId when not specifying version
ENTESB-3945 Profile import in fabric results in Container 'root' does not exist
ENTESB-4012 profile-import and profile-refresh don't download the latest snapshot
ENTESB-4073 Creating fabric with profile fabric leads to duplicated profile
ENTESB-4138 JMX mbean operation `setProfileProperty` is not working as expected.
ENTESB-4167 fabric-git-server defaults to admin role and may only be associated with one role
ENTESB-4225 Unable to scale down using fabric:profile-scale command
ENTESB-4362 jgit errors affecting patch management
ENTESB-4367 General patching problems on Windows
ENTESB-4369 Standby Fuse container in active/standby configuration does not expose an SSH service
since 6.2
ENTESB-4374 Fabric - Services - MQ, Wiki: Patch branches are visible as versions
ENTESB-4387 [Patch mechanism] Command patch:fabric-synchronize has wrong description
ENTESB-4393 [Patch mechanism] Provision status freezes on installing when upgrading child container
ENTESB-4398 Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer
ENTESB-4399 Insight: quickly and periodically refreshes Hawtio and throws errors on remote Fabric
ENTESB-4415 Multiple Error messages while updating JBoss A-MQ using new patch mechanism
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
ENTESB-4422 [Patch mechanism] Option --upload in command patch:fabric-install doesn't work on
ENTESB-4431 [Patch mechanism] Unable to upgrade ssh container with build 073 (container doesn't
ENTESB-4432 [Patch mechanism] Cannot create child or ssh container after 6.2.0 to 073 migration in
offline environment
ENTESB-4437 zk group - deal with partial creation of sequential node
ENTESB-4443 null log msg causes org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.adapter.LogEventAdapter to be
ENTESB-4451 [Patch mechanism] Upgrading child container reverts to karaf default
ENTESB-4462 [Patch mechanism] Unable to rollback child container to 1.0 after upgrade
ENTESB-4469 NullPointerException during patch:install
ENTESB-4470 Invalid boolean value exception after rollback
ENTESB-4472 [Patch mechanism] Upgrading SSH container results into wrong merged
and general problem with reconnecting to fabric
ENTESB-4474 patch 6.2 GA >> 621 build 73 >> build 078 fails on "auth" bundle on windows
ENTESB-4482 [patching] patch:list shows patch as installed even-though installation failed with
ENTESB-4485 Provisioning containers fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException for Maven-URL
ENTESB-4489 Prevent hitting at Fabric creation
ENTESB-4491 [patching] NPE in bin/setenv resolver
ENTESB-4494 Fix Maven worrisome message about repos without ids
ENTESB-4496 NoNode for /fabric/registry/maven/proxy/download/p_0000000002
ENTESB-4497 [patching] Changes in org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg do not propagate to newer version
ENTESB-4508 HTTP proxy does not work for osgi:install and profile artifact resolution at the same time
ENTESB-4574 HTTP Gateway and URL parameters
Issue Number Description
ENTESB-4610 Fabric gateway fails because of incorrect use of ShutdownTracker
ENTESB-4622 Please update file name from jboss-fuse-full to jboss-fuse-karaf
ENTESB-4694 [itests] ExampleCamelClusterTest fails in 6-3-x branch
ENTESB-4710 [itests] ExampleCamelCxfTest problems in 6-3-x branch
ENTESB-4742 Default "org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra" configuration should be empty
ENTESB-4761 Transitive Dependency on org.osgi.core 4.1.0 Breaks Unit Tests
ENTESB-4770 fix swagger dependencies in Fuse BOM
ENTESB-4781 fabric8 6.3 build fails with missing pom for quickstarts
ENTESB-4796 Setting KARAF_DATA Results in Error When Creating Fabric
ENTESB-4808 [itests] ServiceFactoryTest.testZkDisconnectFastReconnect fails sometimes on 6-3-x
ENTESB-4816 [patching] Fix detection of fabric env when initalizing patch management
ENTESB-4820 mvn fabric8:zip does not work for quickstart examples.
ENTESB-4827 [itests] ProfileManagementJolokiaTest/ProfileManagementProxyTest fail sometimes
ENTESB-4834 "start-level" property in <feature> element and 'start="false"' in <bundle> element didn't
work in Fuse 6.2.1
ENTESB-4841 Fabric8 - NullPointerException from GitDataStore when having hostname with underscore
ENTESB-4845 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.sf.ehcache.distribution.RMICachePeer_Stub (no
security manager: RMI class loader disabled)
ENTESB-4862 Hawtio-Viewing history on profile files throws exception
ENTESB-4886 6.2.1 Patching mechanism should support applying rollup patch to non-fabric child
ENTESB-4888 OSGi configurations to the feature does not work in fabric mode if config name contains "-
" character.
ENTESB-4894 fabric:create command terminates a script
Issue Number Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
ENTESB-4902 Fuse 6.2.1 failed to handle maven repository url with special characters like "@" for
authentication parameters.
ENTESB-4903 [Solaris 11] local: not found when starting fuse
ENTESB-4918 The fabric:profile-export Command Does Not Export Sub-folders or Specific Profiles
ENTESB-4939 When Creating a A Fabric with External Repo Configuration is Lost Unless Manually Edited
in Files
ENTESB-4946 wiring chain issue with package javax.servlet.http
ENTESB-4956 Fabric8 HTTP gateway does not respond to container version changes without a restart
ENTESB-4957 missing package org.apache.geronimo.osgi.locator for features:install pax-*-tomcat
ENTESB-4970 Http gateway logs "listening at port 9000" before being unable to bind to that port.
ENTESB-4971 admin permission is added to first user in users.propertie automatically by fabric:create
ENTESB-4992 patch:add allows to add empty folder
ENTESB-4994 repeated ElasticSearch warning "Error executing request: MapperParsingException[failed
to parse]; nested: JsonParseException[Non-standard token 'NaN': enable
JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_NON_NUMERIC_NUMBERS to allow"
ENTESB-5003 [Win+Karaf-service] Can't run .exe on win server 2012r2
ENTESB-5012 Unnecessary default values in help of some commands
ENTESB-5014 [6.3.015] Can't create SSH container
ENTESB-5022 Authentication Error when Adding Containers to Ensemble
ENTESB-5029 A fabric server generated by "fabric:container-create-ssh" with "--ensemble-server" option
will record ERROR log during it's boot up phase
ENTESB-5034 container-edit-jvm-options can not delete a jvm option and it also duplicates all "-D"
ENTESB-5060 fabric:create causes java.lang.NullPointerException
ENTESB-5065 localhost:8181/hawtio/index.html not available (404)
ENTESB-5075 Fabric - issue with external git repo and provisioning
Issue Number Description
ENTESB-5085 Patch commands are only available with Fabric container provisioned with the jboss-fuse-
full profile
ENTESB-5105 Some profiles in fabric doesn't work out of the box in Fuse running in offline env
ENTESB-5107 Cannot create fabric with user as member as Administrator group via bin/client script
ENTESB-5109 fabric:join command should display a message if container is already connected to fabric
ENTESB-5119 Problem with authentication when creating fabric
ENTESB-5120 [patching] Patching admin:created container causes that all previously installed features
are removed
ENTESB-5124 cxf/rest quickstart "mvn -Ptest" fails
ENTESB-5138 [patching] patch:fabric-install removes previously added features from default profile
ENTESB-5172 Unable to install cxf-secure-rest quickstart
ENTESB-5174 WARN from jetty happens very regular
ENTESB-5175 All containers have to run while executing fabric:wait-for-provisioning
ENTESB-5179 Maven proxy behavior broken
ENTESB-5186 container-stop operation may report wrong outcome
ENTESB-5191 Apparent mismatch between command count with tab completion
ENTESB-5206 "Client is not started" Exception
ENTESB-5213 Bump licence headers to 2016
ENTESB-5225 fabric:container-delete command does not display an appropriate message
ENTESB-5228 [Fabric] Support empty passwords in external git repos
ENTESB-5242 Patch:show command throws NPE in case of inexistent patch
ENTESB-5253 Profile update via git results in CheckoutConflictException
ENTESB-5254 Container-create-ssh does not respect --new-user and --new-user-password
ENTESB-5257 jsr311-api bundle not included in the distro
Issue Number Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
ENTESB-5298 profile-export does not export profiles
ENTESB-5361 Container-delete does not fail when the credentials are invalid
ENTESB-5395 Wildcard in NCName for Camel CXF Transport in Blueprint
ENTESB-5396 [patching] Upgrade of container is overriding profile properties
ENTESB-5400 ChildContainers don't have correct RBAC configuration.
ENTESB-5402 SSHContainers don't have correct RBAC configuration.
ENTESB-5424 Pushing invalid branch name to fabric git breaks version-list
ENTESB-5433 Fabric8 Maven Plugin with Multi-module Maven projects only append last module to the
bundle list of the created profile on Jboss Fuse 6.2.1.
ENTESB-5437 Fabric HTTP GW does not recognize query params
ENTESB-5443 fabric8 jboss-fuse-full profile is missing some ACL entries for fabric:* commands
ENTESB-5448 camel-cxf-contract-first building fails with ibm1.8 java
ENTESB-5453 beginner/camel-log example uses invalid timer value
ENTESB-5456 java.lang.NullPointerException at
ENTESB-5461 profile-refresh command does not update the content of added features.xml
ENTESB-5463 Creating version with invalid name responds with Profile name is invalid
ENTESB-5475 Missing javax.mail jar with the correct version
ENTESB-5478 Downloading of artifacts is frozen due to some file locks in local repository
ENTESB-5488 SSH container cannot resolve SNAPSHOT artifacts uploaded to fabric
ENTESB-5490 fabric:profile-refresh is deleting the folder under the profiles.
ENTESB-5492 [patching] handle better
ENTESB-5513 Fabric maven proxy is not reachable by agent
ENTESB-5517 [patching] allow patch descriptor files starting with jboss-fuse- or jboss-a-mq- name
Issue Number Description
ENTESB-5562 fabric:create should validate the value passed to "resolver" param
ENTESB-5591 Fabric git pushes rejected due to non fast forward
ENTESB-5619 [itests] ARQ/pax-exam tests affected by package refresh
ENTESB-5633 [patching] Problems upgrading pax-cdi, pax-web, jclouds features
ENTESB-5634 [patching] Migrate serialized container metadata during patching
ENTESB-5635 fabric join not allowing FQDN names throwing Container name 'abc.domain' is invalid.
Container name must be: lower-case letters, numbers, and _ or - characters
ENTESB-5647 Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo
ENTESB-5682 Status of installed 6.2.1 R2 and R3 patch on standalone container is false
ENTESB-5691 Remove fabric-groovy from fabric feature
ENTESB-5700 [fabric:create] Error executing command: Unable to create zookeeper server configuration
ENTESB-5714 JVM options for Fabric managed containers are not aligned
ENTESB-5716 Can't create child on 111, 115
ENTESB-5728 Hawtio throws "Cannot connect to Jolokia to access this Java process" exception for user
with role Monitor, while trying to access container perspective
ENTESB-5741 "org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.JGitInternalException: Invalid ref name: baseline-ssh-fabric8-
ENTESB-5759 A lot of connection refused in log when creating ssh in offline mode
ENTESB-5760 Can't create child on ssh container
ENTESB-5761 Ssh container in offline mode contains PatchException: can't find baseline
ENTESB-5762 Can't resolve any of the quickstarts in build #125
ENTESB-5816 Changing ZooKeeper settings invalidates ZK client session
ENTESB-5820 HTTP gateway does not show CXF endpoints after container restart
ENTESB-5832 Fabric - Wiki: Void profiles version "container-history" appeared
Issue Number Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
ENTESB-5836 PatchException during AMQ container fabric:join
ENTESB-5854 etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg overwritten with default values on first start
ENTESB-5898 not updated after ensemble-add
ENTESB-5904 across profiles
ENTESB-5914 patch:add allows to add incorrect file
ENTESB-5926 rest and secure-rest quickstarts do not work on fabric
ENTESB-5935 intermittent ServerModel LinkageError when connecting to ssh container
ENTESB-5938 After Multiple Profile Deployments Fabric Container Runs Out of PermGen Space
ENTESB-5947 Increase default ZooKeeper Retry and Retry Interval
ENTESB-5951 Shell SCR bundle redeploy loop with camel-amq quickstart
ENTESB-5957 Many fabric8 patching tests are failing on windows with UnsupportedOperationException
ENTESB-5958 Fabric - Services - Containers: Containers list disappears when a container migrated to a
version not containing one of the current profiles
ENTESB-5986 REST Endpoints are registered under /fabric/registry/clusters/apis/ws/ instead of
ENTESB-6003 handle PID file delete during patching
ENTESB-6011 Unable to patch fabric root container, when registered as system service on windows
ENTESB-6032 Unable to rollback standalone child container
ENTMQ-1314 PatchException: Invalid baseline-root-amq-6.2.1.redhat-071 specified
ENTMQ-1517 The does not startup properly
ENTMQ-1724 Broker in fabric master/slave set up is shut down late when it loses connection to
KARAF-3092 Remove ${services-${karaf.framework}} variables from
KARAF-4155 Fall to feature start-level
Issue Number Description
SUREFIRE-1187 [SUREFIRE-1187] JUnit4 Provider created unnecessary Runner instance
[ZOOKEEPER-2380] Deadlock between leader shutdown and forwarding ACK to the
[ZOOKEEPER-2383] Startup race in ZooKeeperServer
Issue Number Description
Table 5.10, “Issues Resolved in 6.3.0:” lists the issues resolved between Fuse MQ Enterprise 7.1 and 6.3.0.
Table 5.10. Issues Resolved in 6.3.0:
Issue Number Description
ENTESB-2401 [user experience] hawtio fabric wiki page missing picture
ENTESB-3387 RH Access - Links in RHA main menu vanish when mouse over
ENTESB-3504 The labels for the Actions submenu on the Wiki page disappear on mouse over
ENTESB-3515 Hawtio provides delete button for root container but it cannot be delete
ENTESB-3956 OSGi: fast switching OSGi tabs causes exception
ENTESB-3957 OSGi - Bundles: Clicking links in a Bundle details page opens the welcome page instead of
collapsing a pane conent
ENTESB-4021 Camel: Route diagram isn't displayed in IE
ENTESB-4055 Improve Performance
ENTESB-4080 Can't delete queue created in Hawtio when name contains ":"
ENTESB-4165 ActiveMQ - Chart: PersistenceAdapter tree item has "View chart' under Chart tab and no
ENTESB-4166 ActiveMQ - Browse: Checkboxes at message rows works badly after messages list is
manually refreshed
ENTESB-4176 Camel - Camel Contexts - Attributes: Wrong ordering of some columns with text
ENTESB-4177 Camel - Camel Contexts - Attributes: Contexts table isn't refreshed after any context
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
ENTESB-4183 Filtering is case sensitive
ENTESB-4185 OSGi - Bundles - Table view: Ordering of Version column content is wrong
ENTESB-4186 OSGi - Features: Filtering is case sensitive
ENTESB-4193 OSGi - Services: Bundle (number value) colomn ordering is lexicographical
ENTESB-4194 OSGi - Declarative Services: Activate button is enabled when Activated service is selected,
Deactivate as well
ENTESB-4209 Preferences - Core - Host identification: All colors in color palette are white (IE10)
ENTESB-4219 About page contains unneccessarily 2 same links
ENTESB-4232 Containers - Profiles: Stop, Start, Delete buttons shouldn't be there
ENTESB-4234 Container detail - Provision list: Filtering is case sensitive
ENTESB-4246 Fabric - Wiki: Deleting default version causes exception and disables Wiki page
ENTESB-4253 Fabric - Services - APIs: "APIs, Container, Version" table columns allow only one direction
of ordering
ENTESB-4256 Fabric - Services - EIPs: Diagram filtering is case sensitive
ENTESB-4331 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities
ENTESB-4350 Camel on EAP - filtering is not working
ENTESB-4352 Camel on EAP - Route Diagram - ns_error_failure
ENTESB-4365 Unnecessary down arrow
ENTESB-4366 Camel on EAP - Routes - Clear messages should delete message
ENTESB-4370 Camel Debug - Create breakpoint button is not intuitive
ENTESB-4372 Cross in filter field is not unified
ENTESB-4375 Fabric - Services - APIs: Quickstarts link points to a blank page
ENTESB-4379 Camel on EAP - Creating endpoint without choosing component
ENTESB-4380 Camel on EAP - checkboxes are not editable
Issue Number Description
ENTESB-4381 Camel on EAP - Type converters - Enable/Disable statistics
ENTESB-4385 ContextCreateHandler executed on non camel enabled deployments
ENTESB-4391 Null user on EAP
ENTESB-4404 No automatic reload after Camel Preferences change
ENTESB-4405 Preferences - ID label does not work
ENTESB-4407 Camel on EAP - Showing / Hiding Inflight counter does not work
ENTESB-4417 Preferences - Server Logs: Log batch size setting doesn't work
ENTESB-4418 Camel - two Create Endpoint buttons do different things
ENTESB-4516 Location of containers is displayed differently under Containers and Services tabs
ENTESB-4575 OSGi - getElementsByTagName error
ENTESB-4766 Authorization not working for Hawtio on EAP
ENTESB-4862 Hawtio-Viewing history on profile files throws exception
ENTESB-4892 "viewer" has some rights unexpected in hawtio
ENTESB-4919 Child container does not inherit the location from its parent
ENTESB-4928 Missing convertBodyTo icon
ENTESB-4933 When cxf service is deployed to child container SwaggerFeature uses root container port
ENTESB-4934 Possible to Create Duplicate Container Processes in Hawtio
ENTESB-4937 Hawtio fails to show custom bundles in OSGi default view
ENTESB-4996 Viewer role able to create/delete queues and messages via Hawtio
ENTESB-5013 hawtio jetty threadpools tab shows no data
ENTESB-5037 Hawtio - clicking on Services/EIPs results in java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication
ENTESB-5059 Fabric - Wiki: Several icons missing in the left navigation with checkboxes
Issue Number Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
ENTESB-5062 Fabric: missing all tabs except "Containers"
ENTESB-5088 Hawtio JavaScript error when accessing Quartz tab
ENTESB-5191 Apparent mismatch between command count with tab completion
ENTESB-5196 Vanishing items at various menus
ENTESB-5198 Logs: Often Parse error when loading logs
ENTESB-5199 Fabric - Containers - Profiles: Clicking profile's tags causes exception
ENTESB-5200 Fabric - Containers,Services: Remove Stop button when Root container selected
ENTESB-5209 Deleting topics doesn't have a confirmation dialog
ENTESB-5213 Bump licence headers to 2016
ENTESB-5226 Hawtio change behavior of Activate/Deactivate buttons in OSGi/Declarative Services
ENTESB-5244 Fabric - Wiki - Delete version dialog: Change warning for default version
ENTESB-5252 Clicking on Jetty tab shows "Are you sure?" screen for a moment
ENTESB-5324 Health tab in Hawtio not being displayed for fabric containers
ENTESB-5441 Scaling Save and Cancel buttons are not disabled after cancel
ENTESB-5525 Fabric - Containers - Location: Filtering field filters containers instead of locations
ENTESB-5566 Multiple roles defined in hawtio.roles property not working in EAP
ENTESB-5596 OSGi - Declarative Services - {{}} shows up
ENTESB-5622 User with Read-only privilege can delete/move messages through hawtio
ENTESB-5629 Authenticator.checkIfSubjectHasRequiredRoleOnWebsphere method is missing logic to
handle multiple roles
ENTESB-5647 Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo
ENTESB-5657 Fabric - Profiles - Deploy: Creating a new container with profiles version other than default
ENTESB-5768 Fabric - Wiki - profile detail: typing in add artifact field is mirrored to another text field
Issue Number Description
ENTESB-5818 Upgrade httpclient version to latest, at a minimum > 4.3.4
ENTESB-5921 There is not Delete button in Hawtio for SSH container
ENTESB-5935 intermittent ServerModel LinkageError when connecting to ssh container
ENTESB-5958 Fabric - Services - Containers: Containers list disappears when a container migrated to a
version not containing one of the current profiles
ENTESB-5976 Hawtio on EAP shows wrong Context Root
ENTMQ-1078 Some characters in the name of queue should not be allowed
ENTMQ-1850 ActiveMQ - Browse: Un/checking all messages doesn't work properly after any message
Issue Number Description
Table 5.11, “JON Plug-In Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Table 5.11. JON Plug-In Issues Resolved in 6.3.0
Issue Description
ENTESB-5213 Bump licence headers to 2016
FUSEJON-128 StorePercentUsage measurement value is returned by the plug-in as an integer rather then
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
6.1. GENERAL - 6.3.0
Table 6.1, “General Enhancements in 6.3.0” lists the enhancements in version 6.3.0.
Table 6.1. General Enhancements in 6.3.0
Enhancement Description
ENTESB-4221 Please tidy up jetty port references in our configuration files
ENTESB-4479 Update Jenkins jobs to use Flaky Test Plugin and Surefire rerun failing tests option
ENTESB-4685 Package javadocs with distro
ENTESB-5246 Security Enhancements To Address Vulnerabilities
ENTMQ-1473 [A-MQ, Kahadb] change default config/behaviour to shutdown broker when
" No space left on device"
ENTESB-4386 Use system specific init scripts
ENTESB-5050 Package Javadoc for Karaf
ENTESB-4296 Patch management needs a productised build
ENTESB-5451 Remove legacy patch artifacts from Fuse 6.3
ENTESB-5803 [patching] split patch-core to impl and api bundles
6.2. MESSAGING - 6.3.0
Table 6.2, “Messaging Enhancements in 6.3.0” lists the enhancements in version 6.3.0.
Table 6.2. Messaging Enhancements in 6.3.0
Enhancement Description
ENTESB-3176 Set OriginalDestination AMQ message property before sending it to DLQ
ENTESB-4135 Update to the JMS 2.0 API
ENTMQ-1432 [A-MQ,kahadb] add configuration so broker will not start if storeUsage limit is not available
on the disk
ENTMQ-1498 Work with JMS 2.0 osgi dependency
ENTMQ-1525 [A-MQ, RuntimeConfigurationBroker] allowing policy that applies to multiple destination to
be updated.
ENTMQ-1528 JDBC Concurrency
ENTMQ-1628 Stand-alone A-MQ has DBCP2, whilst OSGi version has DBCP1.4
ENTMQ-1836 Temporary store index/log files splitting
ENTMQ-1885 configurable hostname for published address strategy
AMQ-5289 Track forwards across a network in destination statistics
AMQ-5578 preallocate journal files
AMQ-5603 Consider preallocation of journal files in batch increments
AMQ-5621 Unit tests cleanup
AMQ-5636 Upgrade the bundled DBCP component. The current one is very old and buggy.
AMQ-5845 AMQP: Include broker version information in the Connection properties
AMQ-6001 AMQP: Refill sender credit faster to avoid throttling fast producers
AMQ-6015 AMQP: Report more meaningful error conditions when an incoming send fails
AMQ-6077 Better configuration of restricted classes for clients
AMQ-6100 Virtual topic message destination should be the target queue
AMQ-6116 Improve security context authorization cache
AMQ-6126 The corePoolSize value of the TaskRunnerFactory created Executor should be
AMQ-6147 AMQP: Update Proton-J to 0.12.1
AMQ-6149 Pre-configure jolokia
AMQ-6164 queue sendLock prevents concurrent journal updates
AMQ-6167 examples/other/perfharness misses readme and uses broken link.
AMQ-6184 Improve nio transport scalability
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
AMQ-6203 KahaDB: Allow rewrite of message acks in older logs which prevent cleanup
AMQ-6228 Max Frame Size Error exception shows incorrect values at times
AMQ-6239 Performance issue in PrioritizedPendingListIterator
AMQ-6259 Enable configuration for mqtt-over-ws transport
AMQ-6276 Remove fileserver webapp
AMQ-6277 KahaDB does journal recovery for last append in error in normal restart case
AMQ-6278 Revisit the log level in LeaseDatabaseLocker
AMQ-6292 ACK rewrite task does unnecessary syncs
AMQ-6304 Container-id field blank on sending an AMQP 1.0 open frame to the client
AMQ-6336 QueueBrowser delivers expired messages
AMQ-6403 Allow splitting the temporary message store
CAMEL-8522 Set OriginalDestination AMQ message property before sending it to DLQ
AMQ-3519 Allow getJMSRedelivered flag to survive a restart
AMQ-5847 AMQP: Support transactions that span multiple session for a single TXN
AMQ-6037 AMQP: Add support for sending scheduled message using message annotations
AMQ-6362 Add an option to time out connection attempts when blocked in
ENTMQ-1659 Consider preallocation of journal files in batch increments
AMQ-5962 Update HTTP Client and Core versions
AMQ-5980 Update to the latest Jetty version
AMQ-6084 Have an option to error out if a limit is exceeded
AMQ-5957 Update outdated dependencies used by broker.
AMQ-6044 AMQP: Add support for testing transactions with the test client.
Enhancement Description
AMQ-6093 Remove deprecated getXURL methods from the BrokerServiceMBean
AMQ-6107 AMQP: Remove deprecated prefetch size configuration option from the transport
AMQ-6178 AMQP: Update Qpid JMS to 0.9.0
AMQ-6181 Upgrade to Joda-time 2.9
AMQ-6309 AMQP: Static code analysis of activemq-amqp
ENTESB-5636 3rd party alignments - built from source strict alignments
ENTMQ-1565 The Readme File For The Stomp Extras Example Needs More Details
Enhancement Description
Table 6.3, “SwitchYard Enhancements in 6.3.0” lists the enhancements in version 6.3.0.
Table 6.3. SwitchYard Enhancements in 6.3.0
Enhancement Description
ENTESB-4135 Update to the JMS 2.0 API
ENTESB-4479 Update Jenkins jobs to use Flaky Test Plugin and Surefire rerun failing tests option
ENTESB-4587 SY: Support property replacement in 'from' and 'to' camel definitions
ENTESB-4596 SY: Property expansion for soap binding
ENTESB-5100 Transform message to String automatically in HttpMessageComposer#decompose
ENTESB-5162 SOAP - Externalize binary content in the payload as an attachment automatically
ENTESB-5239 Upgrade Xalan bundle to 2.7.2_3
ENTESB-5597 Change endpoint in camel-bindy camel context
ENTESB-4944 Can't install switchyard-http
ENTESB-5150 Fuse 6.3 SwitchYard version alignment
ENTESB-4196 Align versions of JBoss Logging distributed in Fuse to 3.3.0.Final
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
ENTESB-4448 Upgrade SwitchYard to OverlordCommons 2.0.18.Final-redhat-2
ENTESB-4824 Resolve issues with
ENTESB-5021 camel-dozer quickstart needs a Fuse section of instructions
ENTESB-5412 Re-enable tests in jboss-as7/standalone/dist/pom.xml
ENTESB-5636 3rd party alignments - built from source strict alignments
Enhancement Description
Table 6.4, “Routing Enhancements in 6.3.0 lists the enhancements in version 6.3.0.
Table 6.4. Routing Enhancements in 6.3.0
Enhancement Description
ENTESB-4135 Update to the JMS 2.0 API
ENTESB-4597 Review examples shipped in extras directory for camel & cxf
ENTESB-5375 Avoid creating an empty default Camel context in Camel CDI
ENTESB-5877 Support cassandra-core 3.x in camel-cassandraql feature and bundle
ENTESB-5184 Create camel component for ServiceNow
CAMEL-1002 Quartz support should allow stateful jobs
CAMEL-1005 should we have an annotation - maybe @Handler or something which can mark a method as
being the default method invoked by the Bean Binding if no other Camel annotations are
used to bind parameters
CAMEL-1011 improve the Bean Ref usage on DOT files generated
CAMEL-1024 [IDEA] could we refactor the expression implementations (invoking JavaScript / Groovy /
Ruby / XPath / XQuery et al) so they are easy to invoke from any library - not just from an
CAMEL-3907 Component camel-sql needs the abiliity to process sql from the body of the exchange
CAMEL-4576 Make exception throwing as flexible in XML as in Java DSL
CAMEL-4917 To avoid to confuse end users, a different name should be used for output position of CSV
and not position as now (pos vs postion)
CAMEL-5398 Optimize String.replaceAll() to cache Patterns where suitable
CAMEL-5402 Parameter Binding Annotations used for Camel Proxy
CAMEL-5452 DoCatch doesn't notify ExchangeFailureHandledEvent
CAMEL-5561 allow camel:run to auto detect OSGI-INF/*.xml for blueprint XML files or META-
INF/beans.xml for CDI to avoid users having to customize camel-maven-plugin
configuration on a per project basis
CAMEL-5857 Add server side encryption to header options when constructing an ObjectMetadata for a
PUT in the S3Producer
CAMEL-5958 Bindy ignores bean class type
CAMEL-6062 Placeholder cannot be determined in camel property definition
CAMEL-6094 Cannot specify which converter to use when several can do the same conversion
CAMEL-6269 MainSupport in camel-core should make it easier to have callbacks when starting /
stopping etc
CAMEL-6338 camel-cdi shouldn't use deltapsike bean manager provider in the CamelExtension
CAMEL-6406 Add support to ObjectHelper.getException() for Java 1.7 Throwable.getSuppressed()
CAMEL-6439 camel-jms - Add thread pool for handling timeout when doing request/reply and allow to
configure this thread pool
CAMEL-6469 Add StatusLine object to exchange in populateResponse
CAMEL-6646 Support static method calls on OGNL expressions
CAMEL-6858 Delayer EIP - Add JMX attribute to know if any messages are delayed
CAMEL-6913 Add dynamic unmarshalling capability to JiBX data format
CAMEL-6934 Create new Address for every openConnection call
CAMEL-6944 Add exchangeId in the toString() method of the DefaultExchange
CAMEL-6955 Migrate camel-hl7 and camel-syslog from mina to netty
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-7054 CamelNetty - No way to get ChannelGroup
CAMEL-7193 Assertions are applied an extra, unnecessary time after an assertion period
CAMEL-7247 No way to 'abort' the onCompletion action of the MailConsumer
CAMEL-7454 Camel-Quartz2 Scheduler Name Difference
CAMEL-7463 Why tokenize (and some others) does not support properties substitution?
CAMEL-7474 Error blocks mail-consumer
CAMEL-7528 Aggregate - Allow aggregation repository to report back in-flight exchanges for in-
memory repos
CAMEL-7638 Use response input stream directly in http producer
CAMEL-7683 Upgrade camel-hbase component to hbase 0.98.0-hadoop2
CAMEL-7753 xslt component - Store warning/errors etc as exchange properties so end users can get
hold of those
CAMEL-7800 camel-swagger - Upgrade to swagger that is pure Java based
CAMEL-7813 Make camel-jms more robust for replyTo
CAMEL-7905 New option to ignore missing consumers on direct endpoints
CAMEL-7907 Add support for JMSCorrelationIDAsBytes to jms component
CAMEL-7974 Provide CircuitBreaker state in an exchange property
CAMEL-7985 camel-test-blueprint - Upgrading to newer felix fails with NPE in fileinstall
CAMEL-8027 Add ByteArrayCodec implementation for udp to camel-netty4
CAMEL-8075 Camel sftp should send a command to check if the connection is broken
CAMEL-8147 Using @ManagedResource on an Endpoint removes all the default JMX properties
CAMEL-8175 camel-swagger - Add support for multiple CamelContexts
CAMEL-8243 Enhance the Infinispan module to add support for HotRod events
CAMEL-8258 camel-twitter - Support Streaming from User Endpoint including Direct Messages
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-8323 Provide ability to specify node type
CAMEL-8381 XML XSD enriched documentation should maybe word wrap for easier read in raw format
CAMEL-8392 Upgrade Camel-Gora to Gora 0.6
CAMEL-8397 Support Salesforce Analytics
CAMEL-8410 Add stream caching for CxfPayload
CAMEL-8415 DefaultExchangeHolder - Only transfer primitive headers/properties
CAMEL-8438 [Aggregation] [Optimistic Locking] [Hazelcast] Binary representation of same exchanges
are different
CAMEL-8446 Camel Toolbox - Add support for @UriParam / @UriParams on component level
CAMEL-8452 Camel route model - Preserve {{ }} placeholders in model
CAMEL-8459 Java DSL - Align beanRef as bean to be similar to xml dsl
CAMEL-8468 Usage of camel-xstream depends on TCCL
CAMEL-8473 DeadLetterChannel - Add onPrepare
CAMEL-8478 IdempotentRepository - Add clear operation
CAMEL-8483 MongoDB Endpoints: Allow ReadPreference to be set on consumers
CAMEL-8488 Java DSL - Improved CBR to detect if endChoice vs end was invalid used
CAMEL-8489 camel-sjms - Allow to create empty message for null body
CAMEL-8491 Camel POJO producer/consumer should defer starting until CamelContext is starting
CAMEL-8497 Add extra capabilities to the github component
CAMEL-8503 camel-jms - Have replyTo options for concurrent consumers
CAMEL-8506 Add SEARCH operation to Elasticsearch component
CAMEL-8509 camel-catalog - Add api to parse endpoint uri and reverse
CAMEL-8511 Properties component - Add encoding option to use when reading the properties files
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-8512 Simple - Add exchange as function to access the exchange easily
CAMEL-8513 FTP consumer - Add option to use a larger buffer size so download is faster
CAMEL-8514 camel-castor should depend on castor-xml
CAMEL-8516 Salesforce component does not return the list of matching records for HTTP status code
CAMEL-8517 Salesforce session handling must declare shared fields volatile
CAMEL-8522 Set OriginalDestination AMQ message property before sending it to DLQ
CAMEL-8523 Spring Boot should automagically load XML routes definitions from classpath
CAMEL-8525 Aggregate - Expose statistics about completed exchanges
CAMEL-8526 EIPs - Expose more statistics for the different EIPs in Java and JMX
CAMEL-8527 Processor in routes should be IdAware so we can easily map from/to its model definition
CAMEL-8528 rest-dsl - Allow producers to control what content-type header to return
CAMEL-8532 Spring Boot applications should block the main thread of the execution
CAMEL-8541 Camel main TestSupport class is incompatible with the CDI specification
CAMEL-8543 Support easy configuration of HTTP proxy parameters for Camel salesforce component
and maven plugin
CAMEL-8544 Camel - Dynamic router - unsupported cacheSize attribute
CAMEL-8545 Allow camel-swagger component to run in an internal container
CAMEL-8552 camel-jackson should provide Map => Object converter
CAMEL-8554 camel-jackson should provide Map => Object converter
CAMEL-8558 Camel Catalog - Add humanize component name
CAMEL-8560 camel-mail - Make it easier to configure sort term in XML DSL
CAMEL-8561 Camel Catalog - Add better description of components and others
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-8562 Removing a route - Should check if the route input endpoint is static and used by other
CAMEL-8564 Add support for dataformat ref parameter
CAMEL-8569 Ability to easily extract email attachments
CAMEL-8571 Split EIP - Should use new message id per splitted message
CAMEL-8572 Upgrade aws sdk java version and add support for DynamoDB v2
CAMEL-8576 Added a option to let camel netty take the message body as byte buffer
CAMEL-8579 Upgrade to jclouds 1.9.x
CAMEL-8586 File component optimization required for file response body
CAMEL-8593 JmsEndpoint.configureListenerContainer() some debug logs miss {}
CAMEL-8598 Set default timeouts on workflows registered by the camel-aws / aws-swf component
CAMEL-8600 Change the ftp default separator to be Unix style
CAMEL-8601 Add Support for SFDC-specific Field Types To The Camel SFDC Component
CAMEL-8615 Update Dropbox-core-sdk from 1.7.6 to 1.7.7
CAMEL-8616 Update Twitter4j to latest version
CAMEL-8617 camel-vertx - Add timeout during startup to wait for EventBus to be ready
CAMEL-8618 Camel Catalog - Remove the label commands
CAMEL-8620 Update LightCouch version from 0.1.3 to 0.1.6
CAMEL-8621 Update Apache Kafka version from to
CAMEL-8622 Update Apache PdfBox from version 1.6.0 to version 1.8.9
CAMEL-8623 Update Dropwizard Metrics from version 3.1.0 to 3.1.1
CAMEL-8632 httpBindingRef & httpBinding for the servlet component documentation
CAMEL-8634 Wire tap - Should emit event notification about sending to tapped endpoint
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-8635 XStream no longer supports dynamic CL updates
CAMEL-8640 BacklogTracer allocates 100k elements for an array even it is not enabled
CAMEL-8642 Support to use custom classloader when deserializeJavaObjectFromStream in HttpHelper
CAMEL-8645 Camel Netty component should not intercept consumers with
CAMEL-8647 Make Camel OSGI Extender Subsystem-Aware
CAMEL-8653 camel-kafka need to commit the last batch offset when shutdown the consumer
CAMEL-8666 Infinispan add other operations to the available
CAMEL-8670 Add spring-ws:uripath endpoint mapping
CAMEL-8681 Camel-Infinispan: use Lifespan and Max Idle Time in the implementation
CAMEL-8684 Load balancer model should not implement processor
CAMEL-8685 Netty should resolve OPTIONS prefix matches earlier
CAMEL-8686 Camel-Infinispan Replace operation can use options Lifespan and Max Idle Time
CAMEL-8691 Camel-docker: Add FollowRedirects and LoggingFilter options to client configuration
CAMEL-8692 Improve the PredicateBuilder with the missing vargs and list or helper method
CAMEL-8693 Invalid uri syntax: Trailing & marker found error should be
configurable or skipped
CAMEL-8695 Update apns library to 1.0.0.Beta6
CAMEL-8698 Camel-Infinispan: Add size operation
CAMEL-8700 Camel-OpenShift: Add new operations to available set
CAMEL-8703 Camel-Openshift: Scaling management operations and gitUrl feature
CAMEL-8706 Increase set of parameters for elasticsearch component
CAMEL-8709 Camel-Infinispan: Add Async operations to available set
CAMEL-8710 Make auth configurable for Google app components
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-8711 JMS Session not exposed to Camel route
CAMEL-8712 User the Netty Timer per Component
CAMEL-8714 Camel-Openshift: Add Environment Variables management
CAMEL-8716 camel-http - Make it easier to extend DefaultHttpBinding and have default no-arg ctr
CAMEL-8725 explainEndpointJson should order the options according to the given order from the
CAMEL-8726 Camel-Openshift: Add multiple environment variables to application
CAMEL-8728 Hazelcast idempotent repository - Should use locks
CAMEL-8729 Add query all capabilities in hazelcast map producers
CAMEL-8730 Camel-Hazelcast: Add replace operation to map producer
CAMEL-8731 Camel-Hazelcast: Add clear operation to map and multimap producers
CAMEL-8732 File consumer - Allow to sort by random
CAMEL-8733 Camel-Hazelcast: Add the possibility to specify a ttl related to a specific key
CAMEL-8734 camel-netty-http - Should ignore case of context-path
CAMEL-8735 Camel-Hazelcast: Add putIfAbsent operation to map producer
CAMEL-8736 Create new component using Hazelcast JCache implementation
CAMEL-8739 Camel-Hazelcast: Add Replicated Map support
CAMEL-8750 Camel-Infinispan: Add Remove, RemoveAsync, Replace, ReplaceAsync operation for a
specific value
CAMEL-8752 camel-fop - Allow to set output format easier
CAMEL-8753 camel-twitter - Allow to configure http proxy on component level
CAMEL-8755 No Message History on deadLetterChannel
CAMEL-8761 Idempotent Consumer EIP - Allow to commit when EIP scope ends
CAMEL-8763 Default error handler should use default redelivery delay of 1 sec
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-8766 camel-cache - CacheConfiguration - parseURI not needed
CAMEL-8767 camel-elasticsearch - ElasticsearchConfiguration should be a plain pojo
CAMEL-8779 camel-mail - Message copy can be optimized if mapMessage=false
CAMEL-8790 Kafka producer hard coded to use Strings
CAMEL-8795 camel-kafka - Support for Scala 2.11
CAMEL-8799 Make it possible for JsonPath to suppress PathNotFoundException
CAMEL-8801 CamelContext auto-configuration should be conditional
CAMEL-8807 camel-ftp - Add option to turn off sendNoop as alive check
CAMEL-8811 No data coding headers in deliverSM
CAMEL-8818 Set default for SO_TIMEOUT in camel-ftp
CAMEL-8820 Allow to do post logic when creating expression/predicate from routes
CAMEL-8821 Support to disable the stream caching in camel-servlet from the camel context
CAMEL-8824 Add startTimestamp to JMX attributes
CAMEL-8826 Add timezone parameter to Cron Scheduler Route Policy
CAMEL-8835 Replace PojoSR with felix-connect
CAMEL-8836 Remove the joda-time bundle camel-elasticsearch
CAMEL-8842 Camel-Hazelcast: Add addAll and removeAll operation to list
CAMEL-8843 Camel-AWS EC2: Add DescribeInstancesStatus operation to available set
CAMEL-8844 Treat absolute FTP directories as invalid and convert to relative
CAMEL-8845 Property placeholder - service lookup should use underscore instead of dash
CAMEL-8846 camel-archetype-web - Should use servlet as example
CAMEL-8849 Camel-Hazelcast: Add retainAll operation to list
CAMEL-8850 Camel-AWS EC2: Add rebootInstances operation
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-8851 Camel-AWS EC2: Enabling/Disabling monitoring on instances
CAMEL-8852 Camel JCR doesnt include Connection to a repository workspace except the default one
CAMEL-8856 Camel-Hazelcast: Add evict and evictAll operation to hazelcast map
CAMEL-8857 Camel SCR should create OSGi service for CamelContext
CAMEL-8863 Camel-Hazelcast: Add valueCount operation to multimap
CAMEL-8865 Remove version from URL in Camel web examples
CAMEL-8868 Camel-Hazelcast: Add remainingCapacity operation to queue
CAMEL-8870 Remove version from URL in Maven web archetype
CAMEL-8872 Camel-Hazelcast: Add new operations to HazelcastAtomicNumber producer
CAMEL-8876 Add an option for HttpProducer to ignore response body avoiding stream caching
CAMEL-8877 Camel-Hazelcast: Add containsKey and containsValue operation to map Producer
CAMEL-8879 Camel-sjms doesn't treat InOnly and InOut equally
CAMEL-8882 Camel-AWS EC2: Add options to Run Instance command
CAMEL-8883 Camel-Hazelcast: Add containsKey and containsValue operation to ReplicatedMap and
MultiMap Producer
CAMEL-8893 Upgrade to CXF 3.1.x
CAMEL-8894 Support to reconnect the server in ClientMode.
CAMEL-8897 camel-example-servlet-rest-tomcat should include rest-dsl query params docs
CAMEL-8903 Camel-Infinispan: Add ClearAsync operation to producer
CAMEL-8910 Camel-JClouds: Add new operations to JClouds Compute Service Producer
CAMEL-8918 Camel-Jclouds: Add countBlobs and removeBlob operation to Blobstore component
CAMEL-8920 Camel-JClouds: Add new operations to Blobstore component
CAMEL-8921 Cleanup a bit on the example-cdi and archetype
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-8922 Camel-Jclouds: Use ObjectHelper to check if headers exists
CAMEL-8924 camel-maven-plugin - The goal that generates the list of components etc
CAMEL-8925 camel-vertx - Upgrade to vertx 3
CAMEL-8926 camel-spring - contextScan should allow to exclude non-singletons
CAMEL-8930 Add removeHeader and family to route DSL
CAMEL-8935 camel-spring-ws - Expose more options
CAMEL-8941 Restlet supports binary files only with media type application/octet-stream
CAMEL-8942 aws-sqs - Make it easier to configure http proxy
CAMEL-8943 camel-jetty should use jetty9 as default
CAMEL-8944 Routing engine - When UoW done let the route context be present so MDC logging is
CAMEL-8946 Original SSLHandshakeException was overridden by Camel Netty Http producer
CAMEL-8948 CamelBlueprintTestSupport tests have issues with namespace handlers
CAMEL-8956 camel-cxf - The namespace parser should use FactoryBean
CAMEL-8960 direct component - Should defer failing if no active consumer until camel context is started
CAMEL-8961 Update Camel-Docker to support docker-java 1.4.0
CAMEL-8965 Wire Tap EIP - Support dynamic uris
CAMEL-8966 Add a dynamic to that is simpler to use than recipient list
CAMEL-8970 File consumer - Add option to turn on/off whether to delete orphaned marker lock files
CAMEL-8972 Classloader leak reported in Apache tomcat
CAMEL-8974 DefaultPropertiesParser does not support the system properties mode
CAMEL-8976 netty-http - Allow to configure max size of headers
CAMEL-8977 Enrich and PollEnrich - Add option ignoreInvalidEndpoint
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-8980 Add Camel-git feature
CAMEL-8981 camel-test-spring - Allow to use UseOverridePropertiesWithPropertiesComponent
CAMEL-8983 Add random function to simple
CAMEL-8986 Add specialized mbean for enrich and pollEnrich
CAMEL-8987 Vert.x endpoints should support mutliple consumers
CAMEL-8990 camel-guice - Upgrade to v4
CAMEL-8991 rest-dsl - Add support for toD
CAMEL-8992 EIPs with Expression - Allow to detail those in jmx friendly information
CAMEL-8994 Large memory use on Large core count(512) servers
CAMEL-8995 camel-restlet - Should defer UoW done until after writing response
CAMEL-9003 Allow multiple producers with differing request timeouts
CAMEL-9010 camel-stream - When using scanStream it should be able to deal if the file is deleted or not
CAMEL-9011 Circuit Breaker LB - Only supports 1 processor so validate it has only 1
CAMEL-9015 JMX agent - JVM system properties should always take precedence
CAMEL-9016 <jmxAgent> in XML DSL should not output default values when dumped
CAMEL-9020 Splunk component should use TLS instead of SSLv3
CAMEL-9023 Use Redis String instead of Set as datatype for idempotent consumer
CAMEL-9033 Abstract undertow HttpHandler creation
CAMEL-9036 Camel-Hazelcast: Add support for set Data Structure
CAMEL-9039 Feature camel-core contains bundles, which should be made optional for micro-services
CAMEL-9044 aws-sns - Make it easier to configure http proxy
CAMEL-9045 Camel-aws: Make it easier to configure http proxy
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9050 Camel-cassandraql: Add loadbalancingpolicy as uri option
CAMEL-9052 HttpHeaderFilterStrategy should filter any Camel header on consumer side as well
CAMEL-9054 sftp - Reduce logging noise from JSCH
CAMEL-9055 camel-aws - SQS should not allow handover the delete task
CAMEL-9056 Aggregator - Allow to clear closed correlation key cache
CAMEL-9061 Java DSL - Allow to configure parallel processing and similar using a string configuration
CAMEL-9062 Java DSL - ValueBuilder should build expressions as languages so they model can be
CAMEL-9063 Add useGetBytesForBlob option in camel-jdbc
CAMEL-9064 File language - Add functions to get extension in single mode
CAMEL-9066 Include any headers unmarshalled by SoapJaxbDataFormat in content marshalled by the
CAMEL-9068 Log output to show which route is shutdown and has a pending message
CAMEL-9069 Add processor to immediately handle exception while in retry loop
CAMEL-9078 camel-http - Allow to configure the success range for http status codes
CAMEL-9086 Add support for relative path requests in netty http
CAMEL-9088 camel-pgevent - Use prepared statement and close resources
CAMEL-9093 Provide an unparsed read mode for olingo2
CAMEL-9096 rest-dsl - Reuse logic for matching best rest path to use
CAMEL-9102 CxfEndpoint could use loggingSizeLimit = -1 for no size limit
CAMEL-9105 Camel DefaultHttpBinding should convert response Date headers to HTTP-friendly
CAMEL-9115 camel-restlet - Should doneUoW using restlet callback
CAMEL-9116 camel-sjms - Should use same binding to/from JMS messages as camel-jms
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-9118 camel-pgevent, use pg_notify for sending notifications with postgres verion 9 and above
CAMEL-9119 XSLT errors should not be ignored
CAMEL-9131 Camel components - Add more labels to group the options
CAMEL-9145 Upgrade camel-hbase component to hbase 1.1.1 on Hadoop 2.7.1
CAMEL-9153 ThreadPoolRejectedPolicy does not implement Abort as expected
CAMEL-9158 camel-univocity-parsers should initize in doStart and not use reset flag
CAMEL-9160 Dynamic to - Should use language: as prefix when using other languages
CAMEL-9163 PGP Data Format: Support PGP Messages without Compressed Data packet
CAMEL-9173 camel-artchetype-scr - Should be a simple route example
CAMEL-9174 Main - Make it easier to configure CamelContext before its started
CAMEL-9175 Simple random function - Should trim the min/max values
CAMEL-9178 Apache Camel is not able to read map-id in Dozer mapping xml but does not throw any
CAMEL-9179 Add uptime to route so we can easily see per route how long time they have been running
CAMEL-9184 Throttler: Rejected message whe rejectExecution=true
CAMEL-9192 camel-elsql - Allow using simple language as named parameters
CAMEL-9193 Aggregator in preCompletion mode should also timeout if the new group does not receive
further messages
CAMEL-9194 camel-elasticsearch search request only supports map object
CAMEL-9201 Improved Camel CDI component
CAMEL-9203 camel-amqp should provide qpid dependencies
CAMEL-9204 Provide AMQP component factory method for AMQP 1.0
CAMEL-9207 Make it easy to collate/group N items from a message body with the splitter
CAMEL-9213 CamelContext - explainEndpointJson should not include component properties
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9219 Base64 Spring XML tests and documentation
CAMEL-9225 camel-exec - Enrich exception with stdout/stderr
CAMEL-9232 camel-paho - Create exchange correct
CAMEL-9239 camel-sjms - Add completionInterval to batch jms
CAMEL-9240 Abstract CXF endpoint creation for WildFly integration
CAMEL-9244 camel-paho - Endpoint must implement publishing of retained messages option
CAMEL-9249 timer - Allow to specify a delay of -1 or something to indicate loop asap forever
CAMEL-9251 rest-dsl - Allow to configure api-doc route id
CAMEL-9256 Paho file persistence store should be configurable
CAMEL-9258 camel-boon - Serializing/Deserializing Lists, Maps with camel-boon
CAMEL-9263 camel-servlet - Allow to configure the context path without leading slash
CAMEL-9271 Extending RouteDefinition
CAMEL-9274 StreamCache does not work correctly with MarshalProcessor and pretty much all
CAMEL-9275 camel-jackson - Allow to use a custom ObjectMapper instance
CAMEL-9278 camel-undertow - Should support multiple rest services
CAMEL-9285 controlbus - Allow to grab current route id so you can control current route easier
CAMEL-9286 Log component - Include log formatter options in docs
CAMEL-9297 Expose more configuration options from Camel's XStream component
CAMEL-9298 camel-netty4 - Connection timeout is already done by netty itself
CAMEL-9303 PropertiesComponent - Allow service host and port to be specified individually
CAMEL-9305 PropertiesComponent.isDefaultCreated method only check the absence of defined
CAMEL-9306 XML Signature: Header "CamelXmlSignatureTransformMethods" for Transform Methods
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-9309 camel-jetty - Make it easier to turn on|off java transport over http
CAMEL-9314 Improve error logging in Kura router
CAMEL-9315 KuraRouter should provide consumer template
CAMEL-9317 camel-salesforce's XStream to use a system property to configure its setting
CAMEL-9325 camel-spring-boot - Allow to use spring xml easier
CAMEL-9326 JndiRegistry should default to use CamelInitialContextFactory if no env factory specified
CAMEL-9328 KuraRouter should provide required and optional service resolvers
CAMEL-9329 Kura router should provide OSGi compendium services
CAMEL-9330 Main - enableHangupSupport should be default enabled
CAMEL-9332 Support @MockEndpoint and @MockEndpointAndSkip in Spring Boot
CAMEL-9333 KuraRouter should try to load XML routes from ConfigAdmin
CAMEL-9335 camel-netty-http - Suppress Connection reset by peer WARNs
CAMEL-9339 camel-cdi - If starting camel-cdi main and no camel found then log a WARN about this
CAMEL-9342 Metrics component should log at debug level
CAMEL-9345 Migrate example to rest-dsl
CAMEL-9346 camel-sql - Add transacted option
CAMEL-9349 ResourceHelper - Allow to load resource from registry
CAMEL-9351 Kura router should offer SCR programming model
CAMEL-9352 camel-jms - Add transferFault option
CAMEL-9355 Current Throttler implementation is not accurate and does not work in a multi-threaded
CAMEL-9356 Allow delivery receipts with empty shortMessage field
CAMEL-9357 KuraRouter should provide default routes configuration
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9358 Support UPDATE request in elastic-search component
CAMEL-9359 DefaultExchangeHolder.marshal() logs NULL header values to WARN
CAMEL-9365 camel-metrics - Allow to configure naming pattern for route policy
CAMEL-9369 Acknowledge messages for RabbitMQ InOut exchange when transferring exception
CAMEL-9371 Add support of Swagger for restlet component
CAMEL-9373 Camel JSSE security - Allow to use custom trust manager
CAMEL-9377 [test-blueprint] support configadmin as source of initial properties for BP camel context
CAMEL-9379 Camel BOM should not include tooling depdencies
CAMEL-9380 Method call expression - Validate bean name for mistake
CAMEL-9382 netty4-http - Hostname should allow without double slash
CAMEL-9388 Provide properties-based AMQP connection discovery
CAMEL-9390 Camel-git: Allow to specify username/email on a commit operation
CAMEL-9395 Reduce the number of default services registered in JMX
CAMEL-9399 Provide support for Publisher Acknowledges
CAMEL-9400 Camel-Elasticsearch: Add Multiget Operation support
CAMEL-9409 wiretap - Allow to use endpoint injected instance
CAMEL-9410 camel-netty-http - should default to port 80 and 443
CAMEL-9427 camel-jetty - Should also support rest-dsl with api-doc
CAMEL-9434 camel-catalog - Add did you mean functionality
CAMEL-9436 camel-catalog - Make it easy to include extra components
CAMEL-9437 Fix checkstyle indentation violation for generated API test cases
CAMEL-9441 Camel-Elasticsearch: Add an operation to know if an index exists or not
CAMEL-9446 camel-swagger-java - Support allowedValues in model generated
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-9447 camel-swagger-java - Add type for response model
CAMEL-9450 rest-dsl - Configuration allow to use # to refer to beans to be looked up
CAMEL-9454 camel-gora - Should preserve headers
CAMEL-9455 Enhance Google Calendar service account with user impersonation support
CAMEL-9456 Component docs - Add information if a component is deprecated
CAMEL-9457 Camel Main - Stop from JMX should trigger stop of the Main/JVM
CAMEL-9461 camel-sql - Allow to load sql from resource
CAMEL-9469 Properties component - Should include component docs
CAMEL-9470 Add consumer option to component docs
CAMEL-9471 Tokenizer - Add option to skip first
CAMEL-9472 Add multi value to component docs
CAMEL-9473 camel-mail - The from/to/cc/bcc options should be like others and in component docs
CAMEL-9474 camel-jpa - Add consumer options to component docs
CAMEL-9475 Simple - Calling method should favor best matching type
CAMEL-9479 bean/class component - Should use bean. prefix for bean options
CAMEL-9482 Remove some deprecated options on http/http4/servlet
CAMEL-9486 Camel component docs - Add support for username password configured in userinfo part
of uri
CAMEL-9488 Camel script - Add missing languages
CAMEL-9492 camel-netty-http - The http/https protocol should be mandatory
CAMEL-9495 camel-hipchat - Should require url for hipchat server
CAMEL-9496 camel-hbase - The mapping options in the uri should use prefix
CAMEL-9500 CamelVersionHelper cannot handle version qualifier
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9501 Support to setup the filter InitParameter from Jetty URI
CAMEL-9504 OnCompletion - Keep caught exception so it can access the exception
CAMEL-9508 camel-sjms to support jms 2.0 in osgi manifest
CAMEL-9511 Setting Kafka's endpoint configuration by reference overrides everything instead of
CAMEL-9515 Does not handle an expired iterator exception
CAMEL-9517 Validator Component: add clearCachedSchema method to ValidatorEndpoint
CAMEL-9518 Swagger may see non-camel MBeans
CAMEL-9523 Use setStopRow on org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan
CAMEL-9524 file - Allow to turn on|off probe content type
CAMEL-9531 Camel catalog - method call, tokenizer and xtokenizer do not use @XmlValue
CAMEL-9534 XsltComponent: fix support for Saxon-B (and Woodstox)
CAMEL-9539 toString of Exchange/Message should only output id
CAMEL-9549 camel-schematron - More fine grained error messages when compiling the schema
CAMEL-9550 File consumer - Use Filter while deleting orphaned marker lock files
CAMEL-9551 ErrorHandler - Should not log message body by default
CAMEL-9559 camel-undertow - Allow to configure SSL on component level
CAMEL-9564 EndpointHelper.resolveReferenceListParameter should not return immutable lists
CAMEL-9572 Validator Component: Support custom resource resolver which depends on dynamic
resource URI of the endpoint
CAMEL-9577 Only support suspension if a component has custom logic
CAMEL-9578 Reduce object creation in InfinispanProducer
CAMEL-9579 Replace deprecated entry listener signature in HazelcastMapConsumer
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-9580 XSLT Component: Support custom URI resolver which depends on dynamic resource URI
of the endpoint
CAMEL-9583 camel-jackson - Allow the FallbackTypeConverter to convert to/from string types
CAMEL-9584 LevelDB - Allow serializable objects in headers
CAMEL-9594 Use swagger.json instead of api-doc in examples
CAMEL-9595 Camel-Kubernetes consumer should use DefaultConsumer and not
CAMEL-9596 REST DSL - Jetty component ignores custom HTTP Binding
CAMEL-9601 camel-restlet - Should support the Accept header
CAMEL-9603 Support producer in Kinesis
CAMEL-9604 camel-jpa - Endpoint should be singleton
CAMEL-9605 Allow camel-gson to unmarshall more type by default
CAMEL-9609 camel-aws - SQS allow to configure attribute names easier
CAMEL-9610 Chmod does not work properly with "recursive=true"
CAMEL-9616 Support looking up MetricRegistry by type only in the Metrics component
CAMEL-9620 Support IGNORE_RETURN_VALUES for write ops in Infinispan component
CAMEL-9621 camel-restlet - The producer should support message body as bytes or streams
CAMEL-9624 Add Infinispan remote query support
CAMEL-9625 rest-dsl - Marshal should only happen if content-type is json or xml
CAMEL-9627 Splitup camel-cxf into modules so REST dont pull in old SOAP stuff
CAMEL-9628 camel-cxfrs - RsEndpoint should be enlisted in JMX
CAMEL-9629 camel-cxfrs - Allow to configure providers easily from endpoint
CAMEL-9632 Allow for adding ResponeHeader info to documentation.
CAMEL-9635 Continuation settings are only evaluated on first creation for each port/connector
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9644 Improve camel-hbase component
CAMEL-9649 Do not require @XmlRootElement annotation in JAXB FallbackTypeConverter
CAMEL-9653 Bean language - Add support for calling purely static methods
CAMEL-9654 camel-undertow - rest-dsl should support {name} placeholders from path
CAMEL-9655 rest-dsl - Default hostname should be
CAMEL-9657 Problems with DefaultCamelContext constructor calling Container.Instance.manage()
CAMEL-9675 Improve loop EIP to act like a while loop
CAMEL-9677 FallbackTypeConverter that are CamelContextAware should have it injected
CAMEL-9684 camel-infinispan : add support for setting query builder in InifispanConfiguration
CAMEL-9693 camel-infinispan : disable building tests on JDK < 1.8
CAMEL-9696 test component - Allow to pass in uri options to endpoint
CAMEL-9697 Test component - Allow to receive in any order, or split using expression
CAMEL-9699 Change the default for DataSets used as sources to zero
CAMEL-9704 rest-dsl - Options requests should not be routed
CAMEL-9705 rest-dsl - Do not allow duplicate verbs
CAMEL-9706 MockEndpoint: isEqualTo predicate does not handle arrays correctly
CAMEL-9711 camel-sql - Allow to use IN queries where the parameter is expanded
CAMEL-9715 Log EIP - Allow to configure the log name globally
CAMEL-9720 camel-spring-boot - Make it easy to keep the JVM running
CAMEL-9726 camel-swagger-java - Add support for yaml
CAMEL-9735 camel-tarfile throws OutOfMemoryError when splitting large files
CAMEL-9736 SolrComponent gets the wrong Content Type
CAMEL-9740 Improve camel-infinispan
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-9745 Splitter - Should skip null messages if iterator returns null
CAMEL-9752 Quartz2 Scheduled route too many workers
CAMEL-9761 camel-swagger-java - Allow to use custom CORS headers for api-docs
CAMEL-9769 camel-spring-javaconfig - Make the main class easier
CAMEL-9775 Clean configuration meta-datat description
CAMEL-9776 camel-braintree: add uri param to configure advanced options
CAMEL-9782 camel-spring-boot - Allow to configure options on CamelContext using auto config
CAMEL-9790 camel-kafka 2.17 not throwing TimeoutException back which is throw by Kafka client
CAMEL-9791 DeadLetterChannel not triggered on RejectedExecutionException
CAMEL-9796 Internal Access still displayed, no change to JSON generated
CAMEL-9798 camel-cdi - Add support for injecting default ProducerTemplate
CAMEL-9808 SFTP: Enable configuration of bulk requests
CAMEL-9811 camel-cdi - Add support for consumer template injection
CAMEL-9815 Add URI parameter to skip the declaration of the exchange
CAMEL-9818 Camel kafka consumer adds legacy (deprecated properties) in the kafka consumer
CAMEL-9831 Camel-http4: Make possible to use System Properties for configuration
CAMEL-9833 Add mapHttpMessage option to allow to turn off mapping by default
CAMEL-9838 Add ends with operator to simple language
CAMEL-9859 Re-enable Netty4 Channel Options.
CAMEL-9860 csv dataformat - Should have quoteMode option in model
CAMEL-9875 CamelBlueprintTestSupport lacks support for multiple PID loading
CAMEL-9899 camel-rx - Use a worker pool for tasks such as stopping consumers
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9900 camel-jms - provide option for MessageListenerContainer for reply managers to stop
quicker when CamelContext is stopping
CAMEL-9904 Avoid creating an empty default Camel context in Camel CDI for empty deployments
CAMEL-9905 TarAggregationStragegy should delete temporary files
CAMEL-9915 Allow to use the tarfile data format in XML marshal/unmarshal
CAMEL-9925 Update Salesforce component to use Jetty9
CAMEL-9927 Reduce object creation in RedisProducer
CAMEL-9932 sql-stored - Add support for arrays in grammar
CAMEL-9937 camel-catalog - Add api to validate time pattern
CAMEL-9955 Add uptimeMillis as JMX attribute to CamelContextMBean
CAMEL-9957 camel-kafka producer sends the message in an async way
CAMEL-9962 Add a field in the consumer to define if it subscribed to the topic or not
CAMEL-9963 camel-blueprint - Namespace parser should skip placeholders for component
CAMEL-9966 Restlet - Should not enable stream by default
CAMEL-9996 Use passed in Camel Context in
org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory#createConsumer implementations
CAMEL-1004 make it easy to start/stop routes by their definition (RouteBuilder or Route class)
CAMEL-3552 camel-pdf component
CAMEL-3910 Add "Sticky Failover" support in the camel load balancer
CAMEL-4596 enrich and pollEnrich should accept an expression for dynamic uris
CAMEL-4725 camel-sql - Add support for Callable statements
CAMEL-5583 Add ning-compress as data format
CAMEL-5911 seda/vm - Add option to discard message if no active consumers
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-6098 Add script to the DSL to invoke a expression language and allow noop changes on the
CAMEL-6415 camel-twitter - Support for the User Stream Endpoint
CAMEL-6649 AWS Simple Email Service - add attachment support
CAMEL-7152 HttpProducer loses response data (specifically which headers where returned)
CAMEL-7378 camel-mongodb: Investigate returning DBCursor to enable streaming of large result sets
CAMEL-7425 Add EventDrivenPollingConsumer option to specify timeout
CAMEL-7433 Please create a preCompletionPredicate for camel aggregator
CAMEL-7434 Provide a way to force the completion of a aggregate exchange from an external event
CAMEL-7609 Add option "shareUnitOfWork" to pattern "enrich"
CAMEL-7808 camel-boon json parser
CAMEL-7833 create an extension of the RX Observable<T> to add more of the Camel DSL in there (e.g.
to() or to go back to the general camel DSL)
CAMEL-7865 Support to carry file attributes on file endpoint
CAMEL-7877 json DataFormat: support the prettyPrint option by all the supported JSON libraries
CAMEL-7982 camel-git - A generic git component
CAMEL-7999 Camel Toolbox - Easy information about all Camel components and the release for tooling
CAMEL-8054 Use SharedEntityManager to reduce connections
CAMEL-8093 Adding Message headers for sinceid, maxid, user
CAMEL-8211 Camel commands - camel-component-info
CAMEL-8269 camel-salesforce: support for Salesforce Apex API
CAMEL-8317 XML DSL - Allow to use bean property style to configure endpoint options
CAMEL-8413 camel-stomp - Allow to configure SSL
CAMEL-8465 Add groups/getPosts endpoint to camel-linkedin
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-8487 Custom arguments to RabbitMQ queues
CAMEL-8496 Create Camel Paho component
CAMEL-8507 camel-rabbitmq - Support for the mandatory and immediate flags
CAMEL-8531 Make it easy to get the management mbean for a given process by its id
CAMEL-8538 Add inOut support for the RabbitMQ component
CAMEL-8563 camel-ftp - Add support for account option for login
CAMEL-8565 Support for camel-gson to handle generic types
CAMEL-8656 camel-test - Add option to dump route stats to file
CAMEL-8696 Allow ApnsNotification/EnhancedApnsNotification instances to be send to apns endpoints
CAMEL-8727 File consumer - Add read lock that is based on idempotent repository
CAMEL-8740 DeadLetterChannel - Add SPI so custom components can prepare message for DLC
CAMEL-8762 Support for adding multiple services with same interface in CamelBlueprintTestSupport
CAMEL-8777 Calendar component - support for Google Service Accounts
CAMEL-8808 Create Grape component
CAMEL-8817 Expose additional geolocation parameters in standard search
CAMEL-8825 Add support to AWS EC2 inside Camel-AWS component
CAMEL-8832 Add =~ operation as equals ignore case operation to simple language
CAMEL-8834 Camel-AWS EC2: Add describeInstances Operation
CAMEL-8837 camel-archetype-cdi
CAMEL-8855 camel-jpa - Add support for JPA producer to delete records
CAMEL-8861 Add a factory to support custom websocket sub-protocol
CAMEL-8873 Management api for ErrorHandler to expose stats about pending exchanges scheduled for
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-8880 Enable ability to expose Camel JMX service using IP address via API
CAMEL-8936 camel-test-cdi - Create a test module for cdi
CAMEL-8952 Expression or predicates - allow to refer to external script on file/classpath
CAMEL-8969 Add component for CoAP
CAMEL-8996 camel-undertow - Add support for Exchange.HTTP_QUERY
CAMEL-8997 Camel-Git: Add a show branches operation
CAMEL-9006 Add ability to use the same rest route for multiple components
CAMEL-9014 Add statistics for usage of endpoints in EIPs
CAMEL-9085 Create a Camel-Kubernetes/Openshift v3 Component
CAMEL-9097 XSLT Aggregation Strategy
CAMEL-9111 Camel Tarfile component
CAMEL-9128 Camel-Hazelcast: Add a Ringbuffer producer
CAMEL-9129 Create OptionsVerbDefinition - REST
CAMEL-9156 camel-swagger-java - Add JMX and Camel commands
CAMEL-9157 JMX - Add dataformat as mbean category
CAMEL-9162 camel-elsql component
CAMEL-9172 JOLT Component
CAMEL-9180 camel-cmis Lazy Initialize Session Facade
CAMEL-9186 Camel-Scala: Ability to add route policy in the Scala DSL based route definition
CAMEL-9187 Add support in endpoint for setting splunk event host field
CAMEL-9189 Jackson XML Mapper Data format
CAMEL-9206 add Kerberos Security into camel-HBase
CAMEL-9212 Enable dynamic values in the headerName / propertyName
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9224 Camel specific commands for spring boot shell
CAMEL-9252 Batch camel messages
CAMEL-9267 camel-nats - A java client component for the nats broker
CAMEL-9268 camel-okhttp - Using the popular okhttp client
CAMEL-9280 Allow passing custom headers to the proxy server in camel-smpp component
CAMEL-9283 Data Format for MIME-Multipart
CAMEL-9312 Rest DSL should support defaulting values for query strings
CAMEL-9364 Add ability to receive onOpen/onClose/onError websocket events through camel rout.
CAMEL-9376 Camel-Kubernetes: add a Namespace-based consumer
CAMEL-9385 Create Apache Spark component
CAMEL-9389 camel-metrics - Allow to capture message history easily
CAMEL-9392 Add ability to pass parameters within websocket url and handle them in onOpen event
CAMEL-9393 Add ability to send a message to multiple defined connections with guaranty of delivery
CAMEL-9416 Creation of Camel-MLLP component
CAMEL-9418 camel-elasticsearch: make client.transport.sniff configurable
CAMEL-9430 Create camel-component for braintreepayments
CAMEL-9445 camel-ignite: New Apache Ignite component
CAMEL-9449 Allow to specify custom exit code when camel exits due to expired Duration
CAMEL-9452 Camel-Elasticsearch: Support Multisearch operation
CAMEL-9453 Camel-Git: Add support for cherry-pick operation
CAMEL-9507 Support suppressing body from aws-s3 consumer
CAMEL-9542 Allow HttpClient configuration (proxy, connection pooling, etc) for camel-geocoder
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-9544 Option to add headers to MIME-Multipart in DataFormat
CAMEL-9586 Create camel-etcd
CAMEL-9591 Support Saxon integrated extension functions
CAMEL-9633 quartz2 - Add support for specifying custom calendar
CAMEL-9637 camel-netty - Allow to reuse previous Channel in next call
CAMEL-9645 Add messageHistory function to simple to allow to dump it anywhere
CAMEL-9648 IronMQ Component
CAMEL-9652 camel-spark-rest - Add support for hosting swagger api
CAMEL-9659 Create new component for GridFS
CAMEL-9661 YAML DataFormat
CAMEL-9679 Support for Hessian serialization - add new Data Format
CAMEL-9681 Add an option to enable/disable cache creation
CAMEL-9685 camel-infinispan : support continuous query in consumer
CAMEL-9707 Add ListDataSet and FileDataSet
CAMEL-9719 Spring Boot Starter
CAMEL-9737 Create camel component for ServiceNow
CAMEL-9916 SJMS component is not currently nodev/XML route compatible
CAMEL-9943 Expose mail session as a URI option for camel-mail endpoints
CAMEL-1009 create a 'mvn guice:run' plugin so we can run Guice based Camel applications easily in
CAMEL-1012 redeliveryPolicyType should use attributes for simple values
CAMEL-1014 ExpressionType is missing in Spring DSL
CAMEL-1017 we have two loadbalancetype
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-8906 Application hangs when Spring Boot Actuator shutdown hook is used
CAMEL-1008 remove more context-free DSL methods
CAMEL-4074 Remove machine specific testcase setups from CXF test
CAMEL-5319 openjpa profile doesn't work in camel-bam
CAMEL-6976 camel-itest-cdi - Fails due recent changes in camel-cdi etc
CAMEL-7263 Remove camel:dot
CAMEL-7634 camel-facebook - Upgrade facebook4j to 2.x
CAMEL-8198 Upgrade to JAXB 2.2.11
CAMEL-8454 Correct a comment in files generated by camel-api-component-maven-plugin
CAMEL-8533 camel-ognl exposes servicemix ognl bundle
CAMEL-8548 upgrade commons-codec version to 1.10
CAMEL-8577 BOM does not publish scriptengine dependencies
CAMEL-8591 Upgrade to restlet 2.3.x
CAMEL-8614 camel-linkedin and camel-olingo2 should use same Maven coord as others
CAMEL-8627 Update Infinispan version from 6.0.2.Final to 7.1.1.Final
CAMEL-8629 Update AWS SDK from version 1.9.17 to version 1.9.30
CAMEL-8637 Upgrade Jetty version to 9.x in Camel-CometD
CAMEL-8644 Update Google Gson version from 2.3 to 2.3.1
CAMEL-8648 Update Docker-java version from 0.10.5 to 1.2.0
CAMEL-8650 camel-docker - Add to karaf features
CAMEL-8651 Update Ehcache from version 2.9.1 to 2.10.0
CAMEL-8652 Update MongoDB Java Driver to 2.13.1 and Embed-Mongo to 1.47.2
CAMEL-8655 Create Spring Boot examples and archetypes
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-8658 Replace SMX bundles of commons-dbcp1 with Apache versions
CAMEL-8659 Update commons-lang to 2.6 (xmljson)
CAMEL-8661 Use managed version of jackrabbit in hdfs and hbase features
CAMEL-8662 Use managed version of avro in hdfs2 feature
CAMEL-8664 Update MongoDB Java Driver from 2.13.1 to 3.0.0
CAMEL-8671 Update XStream from version 1.4.7 to version 1.4.8
CAMEL-8677 Update iCal4j from version to version 1.6.0
CAMEL-8679 Update Openshift Java Client Version from 2.5.0.Final to 2.7.0.Final
CAMEL-8697 Update olingo-odata2-api from version 2.0.0 to version 2.0.3
CAMEL-8741 Upgrade jsch
CAMEL-8759 Try enabling google error prone source code detector
CAMEL-8760 Upgrade Netty 3
CAMEL-8772 camel-salesforce - Add documentation to its endpoint options
CAMEL-8802 Upgrade to CXF 3.0.5
CAMEL-8809 Upgrade AWS SDK bundle to version 1.10.2
CAMEL-8839 Camel-Hazelcast: Add clear operation to List
CAMEL-8840 Camel-AWS EC2: Add Security Groups support when creating and running instances
CAMEL-8867 Upgrade GAE bundle version to 1.9.23
CAMEL-8928 spring-security not part of the camel BOM
CAMEL-8959 Remove old code from camel-cxf no longer needed due the CXF 3.0+ upgrade
CAMEL-8982 Upgrade Freemarker to version 2.3.23
CAMEL-9021 depends on non-free JAR
CAMEL-9028 BOM does not export scala-library
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9038 Make the existing tests of camle-olingo2 automatically executable
CAMEL-9051 Upgrade ServiceMix-Specs to 2.4.0
CAMEL-9077 camel-bindy - Wonder if it outputs numbers using thousand separators
CAMEL-9080 Update to elsaticsearch 1.7.1
CAMEL-9082 Upgrade ServiceMix Specs to 2.5.0
CAMEL-9113 Upgrade Infinispan to 8.x
CAMEL-9114 Upgrade Jgroups to version 3.6.7.Final
CAMEL-9120 Add Camel-Undertow to Camel features
CAMEL-9132 Upgrade Kafka to
CAMEL-9209 camel-jbpm - use logging jar from maven central
CAMEL-9228 Update to undertow-1.3.0
CAMEL-9242 Upgrade slf4j-api to 1.7
CAMEL-9265 Use servicemix-specs version of jsr311-api
CAMEL-9300 DeltaSpike container control dependency in Camel CDI should be optional
CAMEL-9302 Add camel-jolt to features
CAMEL-9307 Remove unnecessary call to setCamelContext when adding a component by name
CAMEL-9334 Upgrade to spring 4.2x.
CAMEL-9337 Add readme.txt to all examples
CAMEL-9338 Upgrade camel-spring-integration
CAMEL-9360 Upgrade to elasticsearch 2.x
CAMEL-9361 Upgrade Kafka to 0.9.0
CAMEL-9402 Upgrade Spring Dependency to 4.1.9.RELEASE or later
CAMEL-9403 camel-examples should not be in BOM
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-9404 Create .MD Readme for top folder
CAMEL-9412 Correct camel-example-swagger-cdi documentation
CAMEL-9413 camel-examples - update readme about correct version
CAMEL-9414 Update quickfixj to v1.6.1
CAMEL-9420 camel-paho : provide dynamic qos and rentained option
CAMEL-9429 Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.13.1
CAMEL-9433 Update to javax-mail 1.5.5
CAMEL-9458 Cannot install camel-ignite in karaf
CAMEL-9464 Camel-chunk: use Chunk-templates bundle in OSGi feature instead of wrapping the jar
CAMEL-9467 Camel-Kafka: Upgrade to kafka 0.9 and use the Java client instead of Scala
CAMEL-9494 Camel-Facebook: Use the OSGi bundle instead of wrapping the jar
CAMEL-9513 Upgrade the Servlet API to 3.1
CAMEL-9514 camel-netty4 maximumPoolSize option is ignored
CAMEL-9520 DdbStreamConsumer should inherit ?pollStrategy from DdbStreamEndpoint
CAMEL-9536 org.codehaus.mojo:taglist-maven-plugin:maven-plugin:2.10 does not exist
CAMEL-9556 Main - We should @deprecate enableHangupSupport
CAMEL-9573 Multicast and RecipientList - ShareUnitOfWork should rework a bit
CAMEL-9618 File endpoint - Move some options from generic to file as they are file specifc
CAMEL-9646 Upgrade Xalan bundle to 2.7.2_3
CAMEL-9662 Expose cxf-rt-transports-http through BOM
CAMEL-9691 camel-infinispan : cleanup uri options
CAMEL-9709 Define jackson version in dependency management
CAMEL-9712 Define lucene version in dependency management
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CAMEL-9717 Define kafka version in dependency management
CAMEL-9722 Explicitly define cxf transitive dependencies
CAMEL-9723 Move spring-boot-starter-sample to examples so we can collapse the camel-spring-boot-
starter module
CAMEL-9725 camel-example-osgi-cdi - Some maven warns
CAMEL-9757 camel-gae - Deprecate
CAMEL-9760 Google drive component syntax inconsistency
CAMEL-9781 Installing camel in Karaf 3.0.x
CAMEL-9806 Add camel-IronMQ Karaf feature
CAMEL-9825 Exclude CDI generated proxies from context tracker
CAMEL-9902 Remove ServiceMix scripting-api from Karaf features
CAMEL-9913 Upgrading Beanshell for CVE-2016-2510
CAMEL-9976 camel:rest-show command requires only context name as argument and not route Id
ENTESB-5384 Camel-JacksonXML: Some tests fails
ENTESB-5444 Switch Camel-Dropbox to servlet-api 3.1.0
ENTESB-5636 3rd party alignments - built from source strict alignments
CAMEL-8699 Camel-example-cxf: Remove ref from LoadBalance tag
CAMEL-8869 Switching httpClient from 4.3.x to 4.4.x break tests
CAMEL-8886 camel-cxf - 2 tests fails
CAMEL-8919 NettyUDPMulticastAsyncTest failing on Windows
CAMEL-8985 camel-jetty - A test fails
CAMEL-9072 camel-test-blueprint - Custom converter test fails
CAMEL-9211 Increase the number of Karaf integration tests
Enhancement Description
CAMEL-9229 Wrong folder name for jacksonxml test resources
CAMEL-9407 Camel-Elasticsearch: Re-enable cluster tests
CAMEL-9490 FacebookMethodsTypeHelperTest.testGetType fails with IllegalArgument Exception
CAMEL-9493 camel-mllp - Use dynamic assigned port number for testing
CAMEL-9615 camel-itest-karaf - Some failed tests
CAMEL-9708 Multiple tests not using equality predicate correctly
CAMEL-9827 MongoDB - The unit tests have some issues
CAMEL-8501 BOM does not publish restlet dependencies
CAMEL-9835 Enable kafka consumer to subcribe to multiple topics
ENTESB-4479 Update Jenkins jobs to use Flaky Test Plugin and Surefire rerun failing tests option
Enhancement Description
Table 6.5, “Web Services Enhancements in 6.3.0” lists the enhancements in version 6.3.0.
Table 6.5. Web Services Enhancements in 6.3.0
Enhancement Description
ENTESB-4135 Update to the JMS 2.0 API
ENTESB-4597 Review examples shipped in extras directory for camel & cxf
ENTESB-5239 Upgrade Xalan bundle to 2.7.2_3
CXF-3344 Runtime Exceptions should not be wrapped. Exceptions should not be logged and rethrown
in AbstractFaultChainInitiatorObserver
CXF-4242 Add exception name to faultstring/detail/stackTrace
CXF-5193 Support fixed data type
CXF-5311 Support OAuth2 JWT token
CXF-5439 Introduce annotations for marking CXF interceptors and features to enable the auto-
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-5582 Enhance CXF LogBrowser to receive Log events in real time via WebSocket
CXF-5606 WADL to Java code generator should translate wadl:doc into Java documentation
CXF-5669 Create JAX-RS service for managing 3rd party client registrations
CXF-5674 CXF Support in "Audience Restriction" of SAML 2 (SOAP)
CXF-5854 Add property "refreshTemplates" to XSLTJaxbProvider
CXF-5891 ReadHeadersInterceptor performances improvement
CXF-5902 Provide utility support for Jwe composite AesCbcHmac content encryption algorithm
CXF-5908 Making Claims clonable
CXF-5914 Extend AbstractPolicyProvider.getEffectivePolicy() with optional message parameter
CXF-5922 Secure CXF WSDL with standard HTTP Authentication
CXF-5925 JEXL Support for STS Claim Mappings
CXF-5926 Extend SSL KeyManagers with password callback handler
CXF-5927 Claim Mapping Utils
CXF-5929 WADL to Java code generator should support mappings to parameterized types
CXF-5932 Monitor contention at
MultivaluedMap, Message)
CXF-5934 Make WadlGenerator more easily extensible
CXF-5937 CXF Servlets should optionally react to X-Forwarded headers
CXF-5944 Get Jwe and Jws code to the stage where it can be documented
CXF-5948 wadl2java -inheritResourceParams: put parent param first
CXF-5954 Jwe and Jws JAX-RS filters should be able to use JWK stores
CXF-5956 wadl2java: support 'repeating' attribute for response param
CXF-5959 support to specify of ManagedBus
Enhancement Description
CXF-5960 Provide a default encrypting OAuth2 provider
CXF-5962 Make LogBrowser sample also run in OSGi
CXF-5975 SecurityToken::isExpired: add clock skew option
CXF-5979 Allow some headers to be returned in WebSocket's streaming responses
CXF-5984 Provide a simple way start a decoupled servlet endpoint
CXF-5986 wadl2java maven plugin: add support for filename wildcards
CXF-5990 Integration custom parser
CXF-6006 StreamingOutput in JAXRS client proxies
CXF-6009 Monitor contention at org.apache.cxf.transport.http.Headers
CXF-6019 WSDLGetUtils: original exception isn't logged by exceptions in WSDL parser
CXF-6042 Support certificate constraints in JAX-RS XML Signature
CXF-6043 Multi User BaseDN Support for LdapClaimsHandler
CXF-6046 Enhance SwaggerFeature to support JAX-RS annotations
CXF-6047 Extend the STSTokenValidator to be able to call the issue binding
CXF-6048 Support roles in the AuthPolicyValidatingInterceptor
CXF-6051 Support sp13:Nonce + sp13:Created in the UsernameTokenInterceptor
CXF-6054 Add a property to allow using unsigned saml tokens as principals
CXF-6064 Improve WADL Generator Extensibility for ID generation
CXF-6074 Add configured XmlAdapters
CXF-6079 static-resource-list cache control
CXF-6081 Make it easier to control the way AccessTokenService checks the passwords
CXF-6084 Critical Header for JWS
CXF-6087 Add a way to exclude (multiple) SSL/TLS protocols in the HTTPJ namespace
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-6098 Use RSA-SHA256 by default when issuing tokens in the STS
CXF-6107 Supporting (Un)marshaller aware XML Readers and Writers in jaxb data binding
CXF-6110 AbstractSTSClient MEX: download XML schema from Location
CXF-6120 Optionally disable the creation of the JMS Security Context for incoming messages
CXF-6124 Switch http transport to use HttpService for OSGi
CXF-6131 JAX-RS resource spring auto-discovery doesn't work in OSGi
CXF-6133 Introduce Jwe and Jws exception classes to make it easier to provide dedicated JAX-RS
exception mappers
CXF-6135 CXF should be installable in karaf 4 minimal
CXF-6141 KeyType information in STS Audit Log
CXF-6142 OAuth2 AccessTokenValidator needs to accept more parameters
CXF-6148 Adding support for xsd:choice in Javascript generator
CXF-6150 Override XSLTJaxbProvider xsl path at runtime
CXF-6157 Support storing of OAuth2 redirection state in a session token
CXF-6162 Adding support for xsd:group ref in Javascript generator
CXF-6164 OAuthClientUtils Consumer class needs to be moved to a standalone class
CXF-6167 Add an ability to specify SOAP error parser for Javascript client
CXF-6168 Avoid ServletController synchronizing on the destination by default
CXF-6173 Unable to configure CXF StAX properties on a per-endpoint/client basis if a JAX-WS
handler is configured
CXF-6175 STS: warning message is not informative, in case if service doesn't match
CXF-6191 Avoid Spring usage by configuration in ClassHelper
CXF-6199 Allow scalability for slow services on jms
CXF-6200 CXF JAX-RS Model extension should be usable without custom service classes
Enhancement Description
CXF-6206 JAASLoginInterceptor: Return proper unauthorized response when JAAS login with basic
auth fails
CXF-6220 JWA algorithm representation code needs to be cleaned up
CXF-6223 Support message property for encryption certificate
CXF-6227 JAX-WS client performance improvements
CXF-6232 Refactor CXF's Atmosphere based WebSocket transport for more flexible and extensible
CXF-6238 Java2WADL : Generating response status attribute
CXF-6244 ContentDisposition should support UTF-8 filenames
CXF-6251 Allow org.apache.cxf.logging.enabled to have a value of "pretty" for pretty printing
CXF-6255 WSS4JInInterceptor: "Security header, but it's a fault"
CXF-6267 Refactor issuing and renewing SAML token functionality into utility class
CXF-6268 Make cxf-codegen-plugin toolchains aware during maven build
CXF-6277 Enhance the X509TokenValidator to also validate X509Data DOM Elements
CXF-6282 Add ability to have proxies implement AutoCloseable
CXF-6283 Support binary attributes in the LDAPClaimsHandler
CXF-6286 Make request logging more Modular
CXF-6308 Make WebSocket transport's embedded jetty mode to use atmosphere if available
CXF-6329 Allow multiple atmosphere interceptors to be configured for the websocket transport
CXF-6333 Support Inclusive C14N via security policy
CXF-6334 Add the ability to plug in custom security policy validators for various assertions
CXF-6335 Explicitly set HTTPConduit on client inbound message
CXF-6337 Support the redirection directly via the injected JAX-RS ServletContext context
CXF-6341 Add atmosphere when installing feature cxf-transports-websocket-server
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-6344 Support system file location for JexlClaimMapper scripts
CXF-6345 Support Logging in JexlClaimMapper scripts
CXF-6353 provide a not typed way to configure cxf jaxrs clients
CXF-6363 Introduce JwsHeaders
CXF-6372 Generating distinct claim values for multi-value LDAP attributes
CXF-6381 Upgrade to pax exam 4.5.0 and allow to test with karaf 4
CXF-6394 Add an option to add the namespace map of the container element in the message
CXF-6399 Add attributes transform handling in transform feature
CXF-6400 Make ws-security.callback-handler optional for generating a WS-Security signature
CXF-6401 Change the order that the set of security results are searched to create a security context
CXF-6404 HTTPConduit performance improvements
CXF-6407 Use default JVM cipher suites if no filters are specified
CXF-6411 Improve NoOsgi Blueprint Integration
CXF-6414 Add a way of including TLS protocols in the Jetty server
CXF-6417 Investigate how the logging of binary attachment parts can be disabled
CXF-6419 Update JMSEndpoint properties using EndpointInfo
CXF-6420 Maven cxf-java2ws-plugin copies to the maven repository only the last wsdl of multiple
services/executions - overwrites the others
CXF-6421 Slim Exchange map down
CXF-6425 Check for external transactions in PollingMessageListenerContainer
CXF-6438 Optimize ExtensionInvocationHandler
CXF-6440 New metrics component doesn't record metrics for Rest resources
CXF-6470 Make SimplePrinciple Serializable
Enhancement Description
CXF-6476 Introduce Swagger v1.5 feature (v2.0 specification)
CXF-6478 Introduce the option to disable using query parameters to populate the form maps
CXF-6482 Old javax.servlet.http version in oauth2 bundle
CXF-6483 Sort ConfigurerImpl Matchers by a number of literal characters
CXF-6498 Update JAX-RS 2.0 ClientImpl to support CXF features
CXF-6499 WADL Generator should optionally ignore path params for the same path method
CXF-6508 JAASLoginInterceptor should allow named Principals
CXF-6509 CXF is mysterious about invalid JAX-RS bean classes
CXF-6521 RS SAML Out Interceptors should be able to reuse tokens set by STSTokenOutInterceptor
CXF-6525 Support for
Content-Only when using WSS-Policy
CXF-6557 Use the default swagger-ui html page in swagger2 sample
CXF-6562 ResourceOwnerGrantHandler: doesn't have getter for loginHandler
CXF-6565 DOM4JProvider should support suppressing XML declarations
CXF-6566 Update WADLGenerator to avoid converting existing resources to DOM
CXF-6568 Default WebApplicationExceptionMapper should be optionally made less specific
CXF-6571 Adding an option in Swager2Feature to scan non-swagger annotated resources
CXF-6572 OAuth2 Hawk Scheme requests
CXF-6586 Missing some bean properties in Swagger2Feature
CXF-6610 Throttling Interceptors can not abort but only delay overflowing requests
CXF-6623 Add support for nested @BeanParam's
CXF-6625 Wadl-to-Java should be able to generate custom method annotation classes
CXF-6633 Enhance Swagger feature with optional dynamic basePath, tags and Javadocs handling
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-6634 Move DocumentationProvider interface out of .model.wadl. package
CXF-6643 Upgrade Apache HTrace to 4.0
CXF-6644 Move Basic JSON parser code into a dedicated module
CXF-6645 Introduce a 'jose.debug' property
CXF-6658 Make ServletContextResourceResolver optionally ignored
CXF-6661 WADLGenerator should optionally include xsi schemaLocation
CXF-6663 Scope based authorization support for OAuth2 RS endpoints
CXF-6686 Provide AccessTokenValidator RFC7662
CXF-6690 WADL2Java should try to split complex XJC parameters
CXF-6695 SwaggerFeature: add support for @MatrixParam and @BeanParam
CXF-6712 [cxf-java2wadl-plugin] Add parameter encoding to goal parsejavadoc
CXF-6716 java2ws should log a warning message for a Holder parameter annoated with
WebParam.Mode.IN property
CXF-6722 OAuthDataProvider needs to have methods for listing client tokens
CXF-6732 Allow SOAPAction to be overwritten via RequestContext property
CXF-6736 Support login_hint at OidcClientCodeRequestFilter
CXF-6738 Reduce contention on
CXF-6739 Reduce memory pressure in org.apache.cxf.attachment.AttachmentDeserializer
CXF-6766 Option to disable XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING in XSLTJaxbProvider
CXF-6767 OSGI ServletImporter should be able to accept extra properties
CXF-6771 JAX-RS ContextProvider should be able to support Servlet contexts
CXF-6774 Allow ClientImpl to be thread-safe
CXF-6779 Swagger Feature should become discoverable
Enhancement Description
CXF-6786 avoid Error log from NamePasswordCallbackHandler
CXF-6789 SwaggerFeature default resource package calculation should try to support multiple
resource classes better
CXF-6802 Decode ContentDisposition filename encoded with codepoints only
CXF-6808 Update JWS/JWE utils to load named properties
CXF-6826 Cache MediaTypeHeaderProvider.valueOf(String mType) results
CXF-6827 OAuthRequestFilter should be able to cache token validation results
CXF-6831 should be able to configure the certStore key type
CXF-6837 Add cache for MessageBodyReader/Writer
CXF-6840 xsd:import without schemaLocation does not get resolved in SchemaHandler
CXF-6861 Introduce a typed JAXBElement provider
CXF-6903 add a NameDigestPasswordCallbackHandler for JAASLoginInterceptor
CXF-6910 don't need setSocketTimeout when create ahc RequestConfig
CXF-5118 Create CXF interceptor which will use HTTPS client certificates to create JAAS
CXF-5607 Support for CXF OAuth2 endpoints participating in OpenId-Connect flows
CXF-5909 TLS Authenticated Handshake and Authentication/Authorization with JAAS by TLS
CXF-5923 Create sample to demonstrate usage of search extension with Lucene and Tika
CXF-5996 respect client cache headers
CXF-6028 Improved metrics
CXF-6053 Support JWS JSON Serialization
CXF-6085 JWE JSON Serialization
CXF-6132 Provide JAX-RS ServletContainerInitializer
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-6215 Introduce JAX-RS DefaultMethod extension
CXF-6242 Ability to configure the format of the marshalling / unmarshalling exceptions that are
thrown by JAXB when schema validation is enabled.
CXF-6264 Provide Swagger to CXF UserResource converter
CXF-6360 Integration with Apache HTrace
CXF-6477 Add "publish" attribute to jaxrs blueprint bean
CXF-6735 Enable/Disable SecurityTokenReference with configuration for CXF/.NET interoperability
CXF-6784 WS-Notification subscription should support renew
FEDIZ-134 Create light-weight OIDC IDP
CXF-5855 Introduce support for Server Sent Events
CXF-4780 Enhance JAASAuthenticationFilter to support FORM login
CXF-4913 Add 'validate' option to WADL to Java generator
CXF-5886 Provide a default Ehcache based OAuth2 provider
CXF-5901 Investigate how WebSocket Transport can support CORS
CXF-5941 Update JAX-RS version to 2.0.1
CXF-5993 Update to Jettison 1.3.6
CXF-6052 Upgrade the Karaf version to support JDK8
CXF-6121 Update to Jettison 1.3.7
CXF-6165 Create OIDC OAuth2 demo
CXF-6253 Upgrade async-http-client to 1.9.8
CXF-6278 Introduce MessageDigestInputStream utility class
CXF-6279 Introduce X509 Certificate Path validation utility code
CXF-6280 Consider providing a DirectAccessToken JAXRS service
Enhancement Description
CXF-6391 Create JAX-WS and JAX-RS Spring Boot demo
CXF-6397 Upgrade atmosphere to 2.3.0
CXF-6449 Upgrade Atmosphere to 2.3.2
CXF-6487 OIDC RP code needs to pass a verification test
CXF-6490 Create OIDC Authentication Only demo
CXF-6503 Investigate if WADL JavaDocProvider can report JavaDocs of inherited methods
CXF-6530 Add a webapp version of Swagger2Feature sample using spring
CXF-6541 Add an OSGi version of Swagger2Feature sample using blueprint
CXF-6725 Remove deprecated JOSE configuration properties
CXF-6726 Complete JOSE documentation
CXF-6815 Upgrade Reflections bundle to version 0.9.10_3
CXF-6818 Upgrade to latest Jetty8 8.1.19.v20160209
CXF-6853 Support encoded value in @ApplicationPath
ENTESB-4708 [6.3] Summary of problems with version alignment
ENTESB-5636 3rd party alignments - built from source strict alignments
CXF-6070 NPE while calling a webservice using a clientproxy
CXF-6129 CXF STS basic systests failure
CXF-6130 all tests in org.apache.cxf.osgi.itests failed
CXF-6202 Create JWS JoseCookBook tests
CXF-6318 Execute JAXRS WebSocket systests with and without atmosphere
CXF-6346 Unit test failures with JDK8
CXF-6068 Make org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.interceptor.ReadHeadersInterceptor compatible with
WebSphere 7
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
CXF-6704 Upgrade to httpclient 4.5.x
CXF-6790 change accessibility of WadlGenerator.getBaseUri(...) to protected
Enhancement Description
Table 6.6, “Fuse on EAP Enhancements in 6.3.0” lists the enhancements in version 6.3.0.
Table 6.6. Fuse on EAP Enhancements in 6.3.0
Enhancement Description
ENTESB-4479 Update Jenkins jobs to use Flaky Test Plugin and Surefire rerun failing tests option
ENTESB-4685 Package javadocs with distro
ENTESB-5072 Update to fuse-patch-2.1.0
6.7. CONTAINER - 6.3.0
Table 6.7, “Container Enhancements in 6.3.0” lists the enhancements in version 6.3.0.
Table 6.7. Container Enhancements in 6.3.0
Enhancement Description
KARAF-4343 Upgrade to Xalan 2.7.2_3
KARAF-4449 Upgrade to Aries proxy-impl 1.0.5
ENTESB-4135 Update to the JMS 2.0 API
ENTESB-4479 Update Jenkins jobs to use Flaky Test Plugin and Surefire rerun failing tests option
ENTESB-4674 jmxRole configuration not inherited from parent when creating child container
ENTESB-4787 Fabric child container's initial properties should default to those of its parent
ENTESB-4839 System scripts: provide Systemd templates to manage Karaf child instances
ENTESB-4865 Improve support for Solaris 10 init scripts
ENTESB-4989 Improve fuse init scripts
ENTESB-5215 Add "-Xshareclasses:none" to DEFAULT_JAVA_OPTS for IBM Java
ENTESB-5553 Use Red Hat build of winsw
ENTESB-5632 Download brew tanuki libs rather than checking them into source
ENTESB-4386 Use system specific init scripts
ENTESB-4440 upgrade to jetty 9
ENTESB-5236 Need DigestPasswordLoginModule so PasswordDigest can work with Karaf JAAS realm
ARIES-1395 Add a structure-only option to Blueprint xml-validation feature
KARAF-2921 bin/karaf selecting the wrong Java VM on a computer with Java 8 installed
KARAF-3016 Be able to redirect child instance std out in a file
KARAF-4243 Add apache ignite to feature repo:add shorthand
KARAF-4351 [RBAC] Optimize access to JMXSecurityMBean.canInvoke(Map)
KARAF-4520 Add DigestPasswordLoginModule so PasswordDigest can work with Karaf JAAS realm
KARAF-4523 JMXSecurityMBean bulk canInvoke should be robust even if bulkQuery contains duplicate
KARAF-4157 Provide system script to start Karaf without service wrapper
ENTESB-4953 incorrect version imports in features:install camel-spring-security
ENTESB-5243 Upgrade pax-url to version >= 2.4.7
ENTESB-1335 Use Red Hat Tanuki build in Fuse 6.1
ENTESB-4708 [6.3] Summary of problems with version alignment
ENTESB-5376 Remove spring-dm support
ENTESB-5408 Upgrade to Pax Logging 1.8.5
ENTESB-55 Staring FuseESB on Windows shows karaf in the window title bar
ENTESB-5636 3rd party alignments - built from source strict alignments
KARAF-4349 Use the same approach of KARAF-4330 in karaf.bat script
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
KARAF-4363 ssh:sshd command shows default values twice
Enhancement Description
6.8. FUSE FABRIC - 6.3.0
Table 6.8, “Fabric Enhancements in 6.3.0” lists the enhancements in version 6.3.0.
Table 6.8. Fabric Enhancements in 6.3.0
Enhancement Description
KARAF-4449 Upgrade to Aries proxy-impl 1.0.5
ENTESB-2705 Appending value to property in default profile breaks property file
ENTESB-3155 mq-create : use default-version when no version is specified, instead of 1.0
ENTESB-4135 Update to the JMS 2.0 API
ENTESB-4221 Please tidy up jetty port references in our configuration files
ENTESB-4222 Improve the recovery of fuse ensemble cluster
ENTESB-4581 Fabric8 jvm options for nodes should be applied when node is started using bin/karaf
ENTESB-4583 Need a way to change the user credentials for managing SSH containers
ENTESB-4598 Need a way to set "autopurge.purgeInterval" of Zookeeper.
ENTESB-4600 [patching] Add warning or error when applying patch for Fuse 6.1 on Fuse 6.2
ENTESB-4674 jmxRole configuration not inherited from parent when creating child container
ENTESB-4684 Request to provide additional status in the fabric:container-list command
ENTESB-4726 Upgrade swagger to 1.5.4
ENTESB-4787 Fabric child container's initial properties should default to those of its parent
ENTESB-4917 Enhance Exception Reporting In FabricFeaturesServiceImpl
ENTESB-5041 Add option to "fabric:requirements-export" command to indent requirements-export json
ENTESB-5052 Update the camel-cxf-code-first and camel-cxf-contract-first quickstarts so they don't
use the same endpoints
ENTESB-5182 Please include org.springframework/spring-webmvc in Fuse BOM
ENTESB-5479 Fabric should externalize jolokia-access.xml, or provide similar configuration facilities
ENTESB-5533 unable to delete resource from fabric:profile-edit --delete
ENTESB-5537 [patching] Make it easier to patch patching mechanism itself
ENTESB-5805 beginner/camel-log-wiki example uses invalid timer value
ENTESB-4340 Delete bin/deletefabric8 script
ENTESB-4386 Use system specific init scripts
ENTESB-4440 upgrade to jetty 9
ENTESB-4441 upgrade to CXF 3.1
ENTESB-4852 Support AMQ 7 clients and camel connector
ENTESB-4901 Missing --manual-ip parameter for fabric:container-resolver-set manualip
ARIES-1395 Add a structure-only option to Blueprint xml-validation feature
CAMEL-9039 Feature camel-core contains bundles, which should be made optional for micro-services
ENTESB-4806 Race condition in Fabric environment deploying SAP Components to child container
ENTESB-5243 Upgrade pax-url to version >= 2.4.7
ENTESB-4708 [6.3] Summary of problems with version alignment
ENTESB-4857 Disable geoIP by default
ENTESB-5408 Upgrade to Pax Logging 1.8.5
ENTESB-5636 3rd party alignments - built from source strict alignments
ENTESB-5764 [maven] Verify whether fabric-maven should serve SNAPSHOTs from defaultRepositories
ENTESB-5803 [patching] split patch-core to impl and api bundles
Enhancement Description
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes
Table 6.9, “Enhancements in 6.3.0” lists the enhancements in 6.3.0.
Table 6.9. Enhancements in 6.3.0
Enhancement Description
ENTESB-4479 Update Jenkins jobs to use Flaky Test Plugin and Surefire rerun failing tests option
ENTESB-4581 Fabric8 jvm options for nodes should be applied when node is started using bin/karaf
ENTESB-4599 Hawtio: Update Camel tab for new or removed camel contexts/routes [Fabric mode]
ENTESB-5479 Fabric should externalize jolokia-access.xml, or provide similar configuration facilities
ENTESB-5791 Jolokia - Allow to override all the defaults at startup time
ENTESB-4708 [6.3] Summary of problems with version alignment
ENTESB-5004 Update Fuse Jenkins to use Build Pipelines
ENTESB-5636 3rd party alignments - built from source strict alignments
Table 6.10, “JON Plug-In Enhancements in 6.3.0” lists the enhancements in version 6.3.0.
Table 6.10. JON Plug-In Enhancements in 6.3.0
Enhancement Description
FUSEJON-126 AMQ Restart via JBoss ON fails sometimes
For information about supported configurations, standards, and components in version 6.3, see the
following Customer Portal articles:
Red Hat JBoss Fuse Supported Configurations
Red Hat JBoss Fuse Supported Standards
Red Hat JBoss Fuse Component Details
Red Hat JBoss A-MQ Supported Configurations
Red Hat JBoss A-MQ Supported Standards and Protocols
Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 Release Notes