SP12 Admissions 2022 Entry 1 Reviewed & Approved by LGB Date: Feb 2021
Next Review Date: Oct/Nov 2021
Admissions Policy (2022 entry)
Review Period: Annually Autumn Term
Review By: SHS LGB
This policy is derived from the Warwickshire County Council Admission Arrangements and Coordinated Admissions
Scheme and is based on the School Admissions Code which came into effect on 1st February 2012.
SP12 Admissions 2022 Entry 2 Reviewed & Approved by LGB Date: Feb 2021
Next Review Date: Oct/Nov 2021
Admission Arrangements
Students will be considered for admission, without reference to ability or aptitude, on the following criteria.
These are in accordance with Warwickshire L.A. The agreed Entry Capacity for each Year Group is 150.
Warwickshire L.A. Admissions administer applications for places in Year 7 for the following year.
Criteria for admission in the event of over-subscription
i. Children in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, a L.A. and children who were looked after, but
ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship
ii. Children living in the priority area who will have a sibling at the school at the time of admission.
iii. Other pupils living in the priority area.
iv. Children living outside the priority area who will have a sibling at the school at the time of admission.
v. Children of staff employed at the school for two or more years at the time the application is made, or those
recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage.
vi. Children living outside the priority area and completing Year 6 at Webheath Primary Academy
vii. Other children living outside the priority area.
Within these criteria first priority is given in order of distance between the child’s home and school (shortest
distance = highest priority). Distance will be calculated by the straight line measurement from the centre of
the applicant’s home address (as set by Ordnance Survey) to the centre point (“centroid”) of the school. (All
measurements are subject to prepositional accuracy changes). This applies equally to those living inside
and outside the County’s boundary.
Studley High School’s Priority Area
The parishes of Morton Bagot (northern tip only). Sambourne (including Middletown and Littlewood Green but
excluding the village of Sambourne), Studley and Mappleborough Green.
Please see: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/mapsecondaryschools for further details.
Parents will be informed by their home authority of their statutory right of appeal when they receive the
outcome of their applications. Parents can appeal for any preference expressed, but not allocated, even if it
was a lower preference than the one offered. Appeal forms are available from the Local Authority.
Waiting Lists
These will be held by the Local Authority, who administer the admissions process for Studley High School, as
detailed in the Secondary Schools in Southern Area Admissions booklet available from Warwickshire County
Council. Waiting lists are compiled in strict priority order against the published oversubscription criteria.
Offers will be made from the waiting list as vacancies arise. A child’s position can move both up and down
the waiting list as other students are added to the list. Late applicants are not penalised when added to the
waiting list and the amount of time a child has been on a school’s waiting list is irrelevant. Waiting lists for
year 7 will be held until the end of the autumn term. The parents of all children on the list will then be
contacted and asked if they wish their child to remain on the list. Parents must respond within the relevant
timescale. If they do not register their continued interest the child will be removed from the relevant list.
SP12 Admissions 2022 Entry 3 Reviewed & Approved by LGB Date: Feb 2021
Next Review Date: Oct/Nov 2021
In Year Admissions
Parents should apply directly to Warwickshire County Council.
In Year Fair Access Protocol
The School adopts Warwickshire County Council’s Protocol.
Definitions applying to all the criteria
Definition of sibling
Brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission:
Sibling refers to a brother or sister, a half brother or sister, an adopted brother or sister, a step brother or sister,
or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the
same family unit at the same address as that child.
A sibling connection will not be accepted if the original place was obtained by using fraudulent or false
Definition of Home Address:
Where the child normally resides/sleeps when s/he attends schools. Addresses involved in child minding
arrangements (professional or with relatives) are excluded.
N.B. Where a school place is allocated on the basis of an address which is subsequently found to be different
from the child’s home address that place is liable to be withdrawn.
Where applications are made from the same multiple dwelling sharing a single PAF or Postal Address File
(the address point location coordinate of the applicant’s home address as set by Ordnance Survey), such
applications in a single criterion will be considered initially by distance between the PAF and the school in
the normal way.
Where there are insufficient places to admit all those applicants, the individual priority for each applicant will
be set by random allocation (lottery). The draw will be carried out by two officers of the Admissions Service,
Children, Young People and Families Directorate in the presence of the Senior Solicitor, Legal Services,
Performance and Development Directorate. The order of draw will be recorded and countersigned at the
time. NB Any further offers made at a later time from the waiting list will be freshly drawn in the same
Split Parents
Where a child lives with two parents in separate addresses, the qualifying address will be that where the
child spends (i.e. sleeps) the majority of the school week. If the child spends exactly equal amounts of time
in the two addresses the parents themselves will need to nominate which address they wish to be the child’s
main address for school admission purposes.
SP12 Admissions 2022 Entry 4 Reviewed & Approved by LGB Date: Feb 2021
Next Review Date: Oct/Nov 2021
Twins, Triplets etc.
Where the final place in a year group is offered to one of twins (or triplets etc) it is normally our policy to admit
the other twin, etc. too, even if that means going above the admission number.
Staff are employees of the school.
Admissions above PAN
Looked after children: Except where a child is placed in an emergency, no care placement should be made
by Social Services without the education element being satisfactorily arranged. Where the placement has had
to be made in an emergency, and education has not been secured, or where education provision breaks down,
then local authorities must secure an educational placement within 20 school days.
Moves of care placement can occur outside the normal admissions round when many schools are full. To
avoid delays necessitated by the local appeals procedure Studley High School may admit, without appeal,
looked after children from within the priority area even though the admission limit has already been reached
or exceeded.
Exclusion: Pupils who are permanently excluded from school are referred to Area Behaviour Management
Panels in order that consideration can be given as to the appropriateness of a return to mainstream school.
On the recommendation of the Behaviour Management Panel, schools may offer places to previously excluded
pupils even though the school is full in the year group.
Managed Moves: On the recommendation of the Behaviour Management Panel, schools may offer places to
pupils on a Managed Move even though the school is full in the year group.
“Children with a statement of special educational needs that names Studley High School will be admitted.
This may reduce the number of places available to applicants.”
Offers of places in the secondary transfer group (for entry in September 2022) will be posted to the child’s
home address on 1
March 2022.
The date for the return of application forms to the Admissions Service by 31
October 2021.
If the school is full in the year group another place can be offered provided that:
no other applicants have been refused places in the same year group wherever they live
the child is living or moving into the school’s priority area
the school is willing.
Under Age and Over Age applications
It is the policy of Studley High School, and that of the Warwickshire County Council Education Services, that
all children should be educated within their appropriate age group. In a very few rare cases where it might
SP12 Admissions 2022 Entry 5 Reviewed & Approved by LGB Date: Feb 2021
Next Review Date: Oct/Nov 2021
not be appropriate for the child to be in their age appropriate year group, there is a detailed process to
consider the child’s physical, emotional and social maturity before any decisions are made.
Late Applications
Late applications will only be considered after the applications received by the closing dates (on time
Late Applications due to an impending move
Offers of places will take account of a future move involving the child’s address only if it can be confirmed
before the deadline (as set by Warwickshire County Council) i.e. if parents can provide independent proof of
the move, such as a tenancy agreement that terminates after the start of the autumn term or proof that there
has been an exchange of contracts in the purchase of a house. After this date parents should contact the
school direct.
All applications must be submitted to the LA in accordance with their outlined procedure and by the date