VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3, PAGES 45–65 (2017)
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society
E-ISSN 2332-886X
Available online at
Corresponding author: Henry F. Fradella, Arizona State University, Mail Code 4420. 411 North Central Avenue, Suite 600,
Phoenix, AZ 85004-0685, USA. Email: [email protected].
Reforming Stop-and-Frisk
Henry F. Fradella and Michael D. White
Arizona State University
Although stop-and-frisk has a long history as a policing tactic rooted in particularized, reasonable suspicion of
criminal activity, several U.S. jurisdictions morphed stop-and-frisk into a broad and sometimes aggressive crime-
control strategy. The recent experiences in many jurisdictions demonstrate a strong disconnect between
constitutionally sanctioned principles and policing practice. Arguably, stop-and-frisk has become the next iteration
of a persistent undercurrent in racial injustice in American policing. Although stop-and-frisk has a legitimate place in
21st-century policing, changes must be made to prevent officers from engaging in racially biased or otherwise
improper and illegal behavior during stops of citizens. Recommended reforms include better selection of police
personnel during recruitment, improved training, clearer administrative policies, enhanced supervision of officers
with corresponding accountability mechanisms, and external oversight.
Fradella, H. F., & White, M. D. (2017). Stop-and-frisk. In E. Luna (Ed.), Reforming criminal justice: A report of
the Academy for Justice on bridging the gap between scholarship and reform (Vol. 2, pp. 51–81). Phoenix,
AZ: Academy for Justice.
policing, stop-and-frisk, race and justice, criminal justice policy reform
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In 1968, the U.S. Supreme Court decided the
landmark case of Terry v. Ohio
(1968). In the interest
“of effective crime prevention and detection,” the
Court built on an English common law tradition
justifying a stop when it held that “a police officer
may, in appropriate circumstances and in an
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society – Volume 18, Issue 3
appropriate manner, approach a person for purposes of
investigating possibly criminal behavior even though
there is no probable cause to make an arrest” (Terry v.
Ohio, 1968, p. 22). Moreover, during that encounter,
an officer might also be justified in conducting a frisk
for the reasons Chief Justice Earl Warren summarized
as follows:
[T]here must be a narrowly drawn
authority to permit a reasonable search for
weapons for the protection of the police
officer, where he has reason to believe that
he is dealing with an armed and dangerous
individual, regardless of whether he has
probable cause to arrest the individual for a
crime. The officer need not be absolutely
certain that the individual is armed; the
issue is whether a reasonably prudent man,
in the circumstances, would be warranted
in the belief that his safety or that of others
was in danger. (Terry v. Ohio, 1968, p. 27)
More than 40 years after Terry v. Ohio was
decided, U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin presided
over two cases in which residents of New York City
alleged that Terry’s “stop-and-frisk”
authority had
been seriously abused by New York City Police
Department (NYPD) officers (Daniels v. City of New
York, 1999; Daniels v. City of New York, 2001; Floyd
v. City of New York, 2008; Floyd v. City of New York,
2013; Ligon v. City of New York, 2013). When she
ruled that the NYPD had violated New Yorkers’
Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S.
Constitution, Judge Scheindlin said that, “[t]he City
acted with deliberate indifference toward the NYPD’s
practice of making unconstitutional stops and
conducting unconstitutional frisks. Even if the City
had not been deliberately indifferent, the NYPD’s
unconstitutional practices were sufficiently
widespread as to have the force of law” (Floyd v. City
of New York, 2013, p. 562).
Although the NYPD’s aggressive approach to
stop-and-frisk may have garnered the most attention,
the strategy generated similar controversies in other
jurisdictions throughout the United States (White &
Fradella, 2016).
On one hand, Terry stops are
constitutionally permissible and are grounded in a
historical and legal tradition dating back hundreds of
years. Moreover, few people would disagree that law
enforcement officers should be able to be take action
to protect themselves under circumstances reasonably
indicating that they, or others, may be in danger.
On the other hand, the events in New York and
other jurisdictions reveal gross overuse and misuse of
stop-and-frisk resulting not only in violations of
citizens’ constitutional rights, but also in strained
police-community relationships; damage to police
legitimacy; and significant emotional, psychological,
and physical consequences to citizens, especially those
of racial or ethnic minority backgrounds. Indeed, the
line between a sound, constitutionally approved police
practice and racial profiling has become so blurred that
some city and police leaders have faced media scrutiny
and backlash from citizens when they consider
adopting a stop-and-frisk program (Harris, 2017;
Jablonski, 2014). But stop-and-frisk can be reformed.
First, an officer’s decision to detain a person
temporarily on suspicion of criminality must be
viewed as an exercise of police discretion. The
policing literature suggests that effective hiring
practices, proper training, clear administrative
guidance, and sufficient supervisory oversight can all
help to properly control police discretion so that it is
exercised in a fair and just manner. But unlike some
other discretionary decisions that the law neither
explicitly requires nor prohibits, an officer’s decision
to stop someone, along with the subsequent decision
to pat down the person for weapons, are both
constrained by law. Thus, and to the second point, the
tactic must be used in a manner that satisfies the
constitutional standards regarding reasonable
And third, stop-and-frisk must be
employed with sensitivity to citizens’ concerns. Thus,
assessment of the tactic should occur through a
procedural justice lens.
The Origins of Stop-and-Frisk Authority
English constables and “watchmen” were
permitted to detain “night-walkers”—suspicious
people encountered at night (Ronayne, 1964). Indeed,
those on the night watch could legally “arrest such as
pass by until the morning, and if no suspicion, they are
then to be delivered [released], and if suspicion be
touching them, they shall be delivered to the sheriff”
(Hale, 1736, p. 96; see also Lawrence v. Hedger,
1810). Even private citizens had the authority to detain
and question suspicious “night-walkers” (Hawkins,
Uniform Arrest Act
In 1939, the Interstate Commission on Crime
authorized a study to examine how arrests were made
across the United States. The study examined the
feasibility of creating a model law that states could
adopt to harmonize arrest practices across the country
and to bring the actions of police into alignment with
constitutional standards (Warner, 1942). Once drafted,
that model law became known as the Uniform Arrest
Act. Its provisions dealt with nine types of police-
initiated contacts with citizens, the first two of which
were [q]uestioning and detaining suspects” and
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society – Volume 18, Issue 3
“[s]earching suspects for weapons” (Warner, 1942, p.
317). Section 2 of the Uniform Arrest Act provided:
“A peace officer may stop any person abroad whom he
has reasonable ground to suspect is committing, has
committed or is about to commit a crime. … The total
period of detention provided for by this section shall
not exceed two hours” (Warner, 1942, pp. 320–321).
Additionally, Section 3 of the Act stated that an officer
was permitted to conduct a “search for a dangerous
weapon … whenever he has reasonable ground to
believe [a person stopped or detained for questioning]
possesses a dangerous weapon” (Warner, 1942, p.
In 1941, the legislatures of New Hampshire and
Rhode Island adopted the Uniform Arrest Act as the
laws of their states (1941 N.H. Laws 242, ch. 163;
1941 R.I. Pub. Laws 21, ch. 982). Delaware followed
suit in 1951 (48 Del. Laws 769, ch. 304, 1951). Other
states enacted statutes authorizing stop-and-frisk
practices that were not consistent with the Uniform
Arrest Act (Ronayne, 1964). As a consequence,
considerable variation persisted across states with
regard to stop-and-frisk authority.
Terry, Sibron, and Peters
Prompted by the need to clarify the scope of
permissible conduct during stop-and-frisk procedures,
the U.S. Supreme Court issued three landmark rulings
in 1968 that set federal constitutional benchmarks for
stop-and-frisk within the framework of the Fourth
Amendment: Terry v. Ohio and the companion cases
of Sibron v. New York and Peters v. New York.
Collectively, these rulings afforded police the
discretion to stop citizens based on reasonable
suspicion. This standard of proof required more than a
mere hunch, but less evidence than probable cause; it
is satisfied when a law enforcement officer can “point
to specific and articulable facts which, taken together
with rational inferences from those facts, reasonably
warrant” a brief, limited stop to investigate whether
criminal activity is afoot (Terry v. Ohio, 1968, p. 21).
These cases also made clear that law enforcement
officers may superficially “pat down” a suspect if
there is reasonable suspicion to believe the suspect is
armed. Such frisks are limited to cursory inspections
for weapons and, therefore, may not involve a “general
exploratory search for whatever evidence of criminal
activity he might find” (Terry v. Ohio, 1968, p. 30).
Justice William Douglas wrote the lone dissenting
opinion in Terry. He rejected the notion that the
Reasonableness Clause of the Fourth Amendment
could provide a basis to support stop-and-frisk outside
the usual probable cause standard (Terry v. Ohio,
1968, pp. 35–39). Indeed, Douglas presciently
cautioned that the reasonable suspicion standard—one
so low that it would not justify a magistrate issuing a
warrant—would not ring a “bell of certainty” (Terry v.
Ohio, 1968, p. 37). Rather, such a low and amorphous
standard would be a blank check for law enforcement
officers to exercise nearly unbridled discretion without
regard to constitutional protections:
To give the police greater power than a
magistrate is to take a long step down the
totalitarian path. Perhaps such a step is
desirable to cope with modern forms of
lawlessness. But if it is taken, it should be
the deliberate choice of the people through
a constitutional amendment. Until the
Fourth Amendment, which is closely allied
with the Fifth, is rewritten, the person and
the effects of the individual are beyond the
reach of all government agencies until
there are reasonable grounds to believe
(probable cause) that a criminal venture
has been launched or is about to be
launched (Terry v. Ohio, 1968, p. 38–39).
Perhaps as reaction to the concerns Douglas
raised in his dissent in Terry, Chief Justice Earl
Warren’s majority opinion in the case was written very
cautiously and narrowly (Sundby, 1988). The opinion
could have been applied in a manner limited to police
safety stops. But through subsequent cases—most
notably Adams v. Williams (1972) and Delaware v.
Prouse (1979)—Terry gradually was interpreted as
granting police expansive stop” authority to conduct
broader, more general investigative detentions than
night-walker statutes which, by the terms, were
confined to night-time detentions to prevent breaches
of the peace (Ronayne, 1964, pp. 213–215).
Moreover, those who made arrests under night-walker
statutes were subject to liability for false imprisonment
if the overnight detention was not justified. As
Rosenthal noted, “[u]nder the contemporary qualified
immunity doctrine, in contrast, officers face no
personal liability even if they violate Fourth
Amendment standards, as long as their judgment
under the circumstances is considered reasonable”
(Rosenthal, 2010, p. 333). Courts assess the validity of
stop-and-frisks under the reasonable suspicion
standard by considering “the whole picture”—all of
the facts known under the totality of the
circumstances” (United States v. Cortez, 1981, p. 417).
Importantly, judges are supposed to defer to the
professional judgment and experience of police when
assessing the totality of the circumstances (United
States v. Cortez, 1981, pp. 421–422).
Stop-and-Frisk Beyond Terry and It Progeny
Throughout the 1980s, the Court exempted
several classes of stops from the usual requirements of
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society – Volume 18, Issue 3
For example, in United States v. Mendenhall
(1980), the Court ruled that a stop had not occurred
when federal agents approached the defendant in the
open concourse area of an airport. Because the agents
neither wore uniforms nor displayed weapons, and
because they requested—but did not demand—to see
the defendant’s ticket and identification, the Court
reasoned that the encounter did not constitute a stop
that qualified as a seizure for Fourth Amendment
purposes. Rather, the stop was deemed a voluntary and
cooperative encounter because at no time should a
reasonable person in the defendant’s situation have
ever felt that she could not leave (United States v.
Mendenhall, 1980, pp. 554–555). Then, in I.N.S. v.
Delgado (1984), the “free to leave” test morphed into
something even more restrictive on personal liberty:
free to continue working and moving about a factory
while armed agents wearing badges roamed the
premises questioning people about their immigration
status. The Court further narrowed Terry in Florida v.
Bostick (1991) when it clarified that law enforcement
officers have the authority to stop and ask basic
investigatory questions—including requests to
examine identification or to search luggage of bus
passengers—without there being a seizure for Fourth
Amendment purposes “as long as the police do not
convey a message that compliance with their requests
is required” (p. 435). In short, Bostick interpreted
Mendenhall’s free-to-leave test by narrowing the
inquiry to one of coercive police tactics through shows
of authority from the perspective of a “reasonable,
innocent person” (Florida v. Bostick, 1991, p. 438).
In other cases, the Supreme Court extended the
authority of police to conduct frisks. Consider that in
Michigan v. Long (1983), the Court permitted the
police to conduct a brief search of the passenger
compartment of a car to look for hidden weapons.
Perhaps most importantly, the Court has partially
retreated from Sibron’s holding that reasonable
suspicion needed to be based on more than just
hunches. In Alabama v. White, the Court upheld a stop
of a vehicle based on an anonymous tip even though
there was no indication of the reliability of the tip
(1990). At first blush, Alabama v. White (1990) might
not appear to have retreated from Sibron’s holding
since an anonymous tip is more than a hunch, but it
paved the way for the decision in Michigan
Department of State Police v. Sitz (1990), which
authorized sobriety checkpoints at which police
stopped drivers without any particularized suspicion of
driving while impaired.
Illinois v. Wardlow (2000)
approved an inference of suspicion from flight—an
inference that logically extends to any type of evasive
behavior (for a review of cases, see Ferguson &
Bernache, 2008). Whren v. United States (1996)
upheld pretextual stops, thereby allowing police to
conduct stops for minor infractions so they could
investigate other, more serious crimes. And because
Minnesota v. Dickerson (1993) approved of the so-
called “plain feel” exception, police likely have an
incentive to frisk people even when they do not
actually fear the presence of a weapon,
but rather
hope to feel some drugs in the pat-down—a seemingly
permissible pretext in light of Whren (see Chin &
Vernon, 2015; Levit, 1996). Notably, Justice Antonin
Scalia wrote a concurring opinion in Dickerson in
which he expressed doubts about the constitutionality
of Terry as applied “frisks” because it exceeded the
scope of authority granted to watchmen under English
night-walker statutes. Scalia expressed doubt that “the
fiercely proud men who adopted our Fourth
Amendment would have allowed themselves to be
subjected, on mere suspicion of being armed and
dangerous, to such indignity” (Minnesota v.
Dickerson, 1993, p. 381, Scalia, J., dissenting). In
other words, where we are today with stop-and-frisk
authority under Terry is not necessarily a preordained
constitutional conclusion.
In short, Fourth Amendment jurisprudence has
steadily expanded stop-and-frisk authority since the
early 1980s. Notably, this expanded authority
increased the risk that officers would employ racial,
ethnic, and socioeconomic class stereotypes as part of
a calculus of suspicion to initiate stop-and-frisks. The
expansion of this authority, and the increased risk of
racial profiling, is especially problematic when
considering the persistent undercurrent of racial
injustice throughout nearly two centuries of American
policing—an undercurrent that is even evident in the
Terry decision itself. Consider that in his opinion in
Terry, Chief Justice Warren noted that stop-and-frisk
activities by police contributed to racial strife:
We would be less than candid if we did not
acknowledge that this question thrusts to
the fore difficult and troublesome issues
regarding a sensitive area of police
activity—issues which have never before
been squarely presented to this Court.
Reflective of the tensions involved are the
practical and constitutional arguments
pressed with great vigor on both sides of
the public debate over the power of the
police to stop and frisk”—as it is
sometimes euphemistically termed—
suspicious persons. (Terry v. Ohio, 1968,
pp. 9–10)
The opinions in Terry, however, omitted or
glossed over several important facts relevant to the
racial issues underlying the case. Indeed, nowhere in
any of the opinions in Terry does any justice mention
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society – Volume 18, Issue 3
that both Terry and his co-defendant, Chilton, were
Black men (Barrett, 1998). Nor does any justice
mention that a third man, Katz—a White man whom a
police officer observed interacting with Terry and
Chilton—was not charged; he was held as a
“suspicious person” and released after two days
(Barrett, 1998, p. 1465). According to the transcript of
the trial court’s suppression hearing in Terry, Officer
McFadden testified that when he saw the men standing
on the street, “they didn’t look right to [him] at the
time” (Barrett, 1998, p. 1456). Jones-Brown and
Maule (2010) suggested that McFadden’s attention
may have been drawn to the men on account of their
race. This conclusion is bolstered by a number of
ambiguities and inconsistencies in McFadden’s
account of the case. As Katz (2004) noted, McFadden
could not explain why he was initially suspicious of
the men; he repeatedly changed the number of trips the
men made up and down the street; and he expressed
uncertainty regarding the type of store into which the
men were looking. Thus, the reasonableness of the
initial stop appears to be more open to debate than the
Terry decision suggests.
The failure of the Court to
address the questionable reasonableness of the stop in
Terry illustrates how the very foundation of the
reasonable-suspicion standard in American
constitutional law masks racially disparate stop-and-
frisk practices with the cloak of race-neutrality
(McAffee, 2012; Maclin, 1998; for an in-depth
discussion of how racial stereotypes contribute to
police officer suspicion in the stop-and-frisk context,
see Fradella, Morrow, & White, 2016).
A Review of the Literature Documenting
the Rise and Impact of “SQF
Terry and its progeny clearly constitutionally
sanctioned stop-and-frisk as a policing tactic. But
stop-and-frisk morphed into an aggressive crime-
control strategy quite different from the tactic outlined
in Terry, largely as a result of policing activities in
New York City. We differentiate the tactic of stop-
and-frisk under Terry from the New York City “Stop,
Question, and Frisk” (SQF) strategy by capitalizing
the latter and referring to it by the acronym “SQF.”
The Rise of SQF in New York City
Like many cities across the United States, New
York experienced a major spike in violence, crime,
and disorder in the 1980s (Lardner & Reppetto, 2000).
Much of the violence in New York was driven by the
emergence of crack cocaine and competition for the
drug market (Fryer, Heaton, Levitt, & Murphy, 2013).
Homicides climbed steadily from 1,392 in 1985 to
2,262 in 1990 (White, 2014). At the same time, the city
and subway system were struggling with rampant
social and physical disorder (Kelling & Coles, 1996).
Marijuana, heroin, cocaine, and crack cocaine were
regularly and openly being sold on street corners,
blocks, and city parks (Johnson, Golub, & McCabe,
2010). Kelling and Coles (2010) estimated that
“[a]pproximately 1,200 to 2,000 persons a night” were
sleeping in the subway system (pp. 117–118).
The New York Transit Authority appointed
William Bratton as chief of the transit police to address
crime and disorder in the subway system (“The Life
and Times,” 2013). Chief Bratton partnered with
criminologist George Kelling to develop an
enforcement strategy based on Wilson and Kelling’s
“broken windows” theory (Kelling & Wilson, 1982, p.
This broken-windows based strategy targeted
low-level offenses (e.g., turnstile jumping), as well as
social and physical disorder through frequent arrests
and removals from the subway system (Joanes, 2000).
Over the next two years, the level of disorder dropped
dramatically, and felony offenses declined by 30%
(Joanes, 2000).
New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
appointed William Bratton to become the
commissioner of the NYPD in 1994, and Bratton
immediately began implementation of a broken-
windows based strategy throughout New York
(Mitchell, 1993). Under Bratton (January 1994–April
1996) and his successors Howard Safir (April 1996-
August 2000), Bernard Kerik (August 2000–January
2002), and Raymond Kelly (January 2002–January
2014), SQF emerged as one of the primary strategies
not only to achieve order-maintenance by targeting
disorder and quality-of-life offenses (e.g., replicating
the subway strategy on a larger scale), but also as a
means of reducing gun violence through the seizure of
illegal firearms and through the intensive investigation
of gun-related incidents (White, 2014). Importantly,
the aggressive manner in which NYPD officers used
SQF to achieve these ends ignored the principles of
community policing, causing community resentment,
rather than fostering police-community collaboration.
This, in turn, contributed to critics charging that the
NYPD over-enforced quality-of-life infractions
through a zero-tolerance approach because officers
could easily justify the stops under the reasonable
suspicion standard (Fagan & Davies, 2000; Waldeck,
1999). Nonetheless, the aggressive use of SQF as a
department-wide strategy had the endorsement of
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (1994–2001) and Mayor
Michael Bloomberg (2002–2013). Thus, SQF enjoyed
political support for a considerable period of time and
under two successive administrations that spanned
nearly 20 years.
The NYPD’s use of SQF increased steadily in the
late 1990s into the 21st century. In 2003, for example,
NYPD officers conducted more than 160,000 SQFs
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society – Volume 18, Issue 3
(New York City Police Department, 2017; New York
Civil Liberties Union, 2017). In 2003, the NYPD
implemented “Operation Impact,” a hot-spots strategy
where police commanders identified 24 high-crime
“Impact Zones” that would be targeted with
“saturation foot patrol in combination with resources
from a variety of departmental divisions” (Weisburd,
Telep, & Lawton, 2014, pp. 136–137). SQF activity
increased dramatically over the next several years,
peaking at more than 685,000 in 2011 (N.Y. Civil
Liberties Union, 2017). As the frequency of stops
increased, critics attacked the strategy’s low rates of
return. Jones-Brown and colleagues (2010) found that
of the 540,320 stops in 2008, just 6.0% (32,206 stops)
resulted in an arrest and an additional 6.4% (34,802
stops) resulted in a summons; thus, the percentage of
“innocent stops”—those not resulting in summons or
arrest—accounted for roughly 87.6% (pp. 10–11).
Similarly, the percentage of stops resulting in the
recovery of a gun dropped from 0.39% in 2003—627
guns recovered out of a total of 160,851 stops,
representing only one gun recovered per 257 stops—
to 0.15% in 2008—824 guns recovered out of a total
of 540,320 stops, representing only one gun recovered
per 656 stops (Jones-Brown, Gill, & Trone, 2010, p.
10–13). Furthermore, SQFs became an increasing
basis for citizen complaints, rising from a quarter
(24.6%) of all complaints filed against the police in
2004 to a third (32.7%) of all complaints in 2008
(Jones-Brown, Gill, & Trone, 2010, p. 14).
As the use of SQF expanded dramatically, the
NYPD drifted away from the central tenets of broken-
windows theory, and the program devolved into a
strictly zero-tolerance approach against social disorder
such as public drunkenness, vandalism, loitering,
panhandling, prostitution, and the like (Waldeck,
1999, p. 1273-1274). In other words, rather than
focusing on the “amelioration” of disorder in
partnership with the community, the NYPD focused
on the “interdiction” of disorder without regard to
community policing practices (Fagan & Davies, 2000,
p. 468). These efforts led the NYPD to implement a
set of practices that encouraged the aggressive pursuit
of individuals through SQF, rather than mutually
beneficial interactions with law-abiding citizens
(Waldeck, 1999). This zero-tolerance mentality
compounded the police department’s disconnect from
the community, especially by de-emphasizing
informal interactions between police and the
community in the manner advocated by both
community policing principles and broken-windows
theory (White, Fradella, & Coldren, 2015).
Crime-Control Benefits of SQF
During the time that the NYPD implemented its
order-maintenance strategy to target disorder, illegal
gun carrying, and crime—with SQF as a central
feature—the city witnessed a large, prolonged drop in
recorded crime. “From its peak in 1990 until 2000,
violent crime in the city dropped about 60.3%, and
property crime declined 63.7%. … Between 2001 and
2010, violent crime dropped 37.2% and property crime
declined 37.0%” (Weisburd, Telep, & Lawton, 2014,
p. 130). These declines in crime in New York City
were at a level constituting roughly twice the national
average (Weisburd, Telep, & Lawton, 2014; Zimring,
2012). The drop in homicides was even more
pronounced. In 2007, there were 496 homicides in
New York, down from 2,245 in 1990 (Mitchell, 2008;
Rosenfeld, Fornango, & Rengifo, 2007).
Proponents of SQF, such as former NYPD
Commissioner Raymond Kelly (“New York Police
Commissioner,” 2013) and former New York City
Mayor Michael Bloomberg (2013), argue that these
statistics are evidence that the strategy is effective. But
whether SQF caused or contributed to the crime
decline in New York City is a hotly contested
proposition (for full treatment of this question, see the
2014 special issue of Justice Quarterly on the New
York City crime decline). Several studies suggest a
causal connection, although some of these studies
have been criticized for their methodological
limitations. Corman and Mocan (1999), for example,
reported that misdemeanor arrests were associated
with declines in robbery, motor-vehicle theft, and
grand larceny, but not homicide, assault, burglary, and
rape. Similarly, Kelling and Sousa (2011) found that
misdemeanor arrest levels were significantly
associated with reductions in violent crime, while
controlling for several relevant community factors.
Smith and Purtell (2007) found that Operation Impact
had a significant effect on crimes-against-persons in
Impact Zones. Smith and Purtell also examined the
effects of SQF on crime in New York, and they found
that there was a significant inverse relationship
between stop rates and robbery, burglary, motor-
vehicle theft, and homicides rates. Zimring (2012)
argued that New York’s crime decline from 1990
through 2009 was largely attributable to the NYPD’s
policing practices, although he emphasized that he
could not disentangle stop-and-frisk from other
changes in policing that occurred at about the same
Conversely, there are a number of more recent
studies—many of which used more sophisticated
quantitative methods than the first wave of empirical
research on the impact of SQF on crime New York
City—that indicate the relationship between SQF and
the crime decline in New York City is modest at best
(Cerdá, Tracy, Messner, Vlahov, Tardiff, & Galea,
2009; Cerdá, Messner, Tracy, Vlahov, Goldmann,
Tardiff, & Galea, 2010; Rosenfeld, Fornango, &
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society – Volume 18, Issue 3
Rengifo, 2007, p. 375–377). For instance, Rosenfeld
and Fornango (2014) found that police stops did not
decrease robbery and burglary rates. In a re-analysis of
Kelling and Sousa’s data, Harcourt and Ludwig (2006)
found no significant relationships between policing
minor disorder offenses and New York City’s crime
decline. MacDonald and colleagues (2016) conducted
a comprehensive examination of the crime effects of
Operation Impact, with a specific focus on SQF. They
concluded that “saturating high crime blocks with
police helped reduce crime in New York City, but that
the bulk of the investigative stops did not play an
important role in the crime reductions. The findings
indicate that crime reduction can be achieved with
more focused investigative stops” (p. 1). This
conclusion is bolstered by recent New York City crime
data. Although the number of stops conducted by
NYPD officers declined by more than 90% between
2011 (the height of the SQF program) and 2014 (the
year after SQF was discontinued as part of the
settlement of the lawsuits in which the NYPD’s use of
SQF was found to be unconstitutional), the quality of
those stops has increased and the crime rate has
continued to decrease:
The percentage of stops resulting in arrest
has more than doubled. The percentage of
stops where weapons and contraband were
seized remain low, but those percentages
have doubled or tripled compared to the
2011 rates. In short, the NYPD has altered
its day-to-day practices with regard to stop-
and-frisk, to the benefit of thousands of
New Yorkers. And importantly, the
reforms in the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk
program coincided with continued declines
in crime and violence in New York,
especially homicides, which declined by
35% from 2011 to 2014 (White et al.,
Notably, the decrease in the overall crime rate and
the homicide rate, in particular, has continued: 2016
formed a record low for homicides in New York, down
approximately 4% from 2015 (New York City Police
Department, 2017b).
The Social Costs
Regardless of the impact on crime, there is
considerable evidence demonstrating that the NYPD’s
SQF program exacted significant social costs that were
disproportionately experienced by members of racial
and ethnic minority groups. By the end of the 1990s,
SQF had become a point of contention among ethnic
minorities. A Vera Institute of Justice study (Fratello,
Rengifo, Trone, & Velazquez, 2013) examined the
experiences of more than 500 people who had been
stopped by the NYPD:
44% of young people surveyed indicated
they had been stopped repeatedly—nine
times or more.
Less than a third—29%—reported ever
being informed of the reason for a stop.
71% of young people surveyed reported
being frisked at least once, and 64% said
they had been searched.
45% reported encountering an officer who
threatened them, and 46% said they had
experienced physical force at the hands of
an officer.
One out of four said they were involved in
a stop in which the officer displayed his or
her weapon.
61% stated that the way police acted
toward them was influenced by their age.
51% indicated that they were treated worse
than others because of their race and/or
ethnicity (p. 34).
The racial focus of SQF was acknowledged and
minimized by New York City and NYPD leaders
(Kelly, 2013). Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg
stated publicly that, according to the department’s
statistics on violent-crime suspects, “we
disproportionately stop whites too much and
minorities too little” (Fermino, 2013, para. 5).
2013, an officer in the 40th precinct recorded his
commanding officer directing him to stop “the right
people, at the right time, at the right location,”
described as Black males between the ages of 14 and
21 (Rayman, 2013, para. 7). The Center for
Constitutional Rights ([CCR], 2012) interviewed 54
people who had been subjected to SQF in order to
paint a clearer picture of the “human impact” of the
program. The CCR concluded:
These interviews provide evidence of how
deeply this practice impacts individuals
and they document widespread civil and
human rights abuses. … The effects of
these abuses can be devastating and often
leave behind lasting emotional,
psychological, social, and economic harm.
Residents of some New York City
neighborhoods describe a police presence
so pervasive and hostile that they feel like
they are living in a state of siege (p. 1).
The overt racially charged statements by city and
police leaders, along with clear racial
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society – Volume 18, Issue 3
disproportionality in the administration of the SQF
program, illustrates the persistent undercurrent of
racial injustice in New York City policing.
Unfortunately, though, New York is not the only U.S.
city with such problems. Allegations of widespread
unconstitutional SQF practices have been made in
many jurisdictions, including Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania; Newark, New Jersey; Miami Gardens,
Florida; and Chicago, Illinois, just to name a few that
resulted in either class-action civil litigation or in-
depth media investigations (American Civil Liberties
Union of Illinois, 2014; Brennan & Lieberman, 2014;
Ofer & Rosmarin, 2014; see also Bailey v. City of
Philadelphia, 2010; 2011, 2013). As was the case in
New York, both Fourth Amendment (i.e., stops are
being made without reasonable suspicion) and
Fourteenth Amendment (i.e., racial profiling)
concerns permeated policing practice in spite of the
low “hit rates” such strategies yielded (Fagan, 2017;
Harris, 2017; Richardson, 2017).
Also consider the highly publicized deaths of Eric
Garner, Michael Brown, and Freddie Gray—all of
which stemmed from Terry stops (Richardson, 2017).
On July 17, 2014, NYPD officers approached Eric
Garner on a street corner in Staten Island because they
suspected that he was selling unlicensed cigarettes
(Duncan, 2014). The incident was captured on a
bystander’s cell phone. After brief questioning,
officers attempted to take Garner, a 400-pound man,
into custody. During the struggle, Officer Daniel
Pantaleo applied a chokehold and Garner can be heard
stating nearly a dozen times that he cannot breathe.
Garner lost consciousness after the struggle; he was
pronounced dead an hour later. Five months later, a
grand jury refused to indict Officer Pantaleo, sparking
waves of protests (Duncan, 2014; Goodman & Baker,
On August 9, 2014, Ferguson police officer
Darren Wilson observed Michael Brown and Dorian
Johnson walking in the middle of the street. There is
no video of the incident and the facts are disputed, but
what is clear is that the initial stop of Brown and
Johnson led to a struggle between Wilson, who was
still seated in his patrol car, and Brown, who was next
to the car (Pearce, 2014). Physical evidence supports
Officer Wilson’s assertion that there was a struggle
over Wilson’s gun and that one shot was fired while
he was still in his car (U.S. Department of Justice,
2015). Wilson got out of the patrol car and fired
several more shots that killed Michael Brown. Officer
Wilson claimed that Brown had turned and was
charging at him. Other testimony indicated that Brown
had his hands up and was posing no threat to Wilson
(U.S. Department of Justice, 2015). Protests and civil
disorder began shortly after Brown’s death and
continued for several days. On August 16, 2014,
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of
emergency in Ferguson. On November 24, 2014, a
grand jury declined to indict Officer Wilson for
Michael Brown’s death (Davey & Bosman, 2014).
On April 12, 2015, Baltimore police officers
attempted to stop and question Freddie Gray. Gray fled
from the officers, but he was quickly taken into
custody and arrested for possessing an illegal
switchblade. During his transport in a police van, Gray
slipped into a coma and died several days later on
April 19 (Graham, 2015). Autopsy findings indicate
that Gray died from injuries to his spinal cord (Fenton,
2015). Though there are questions about whether force
was used during the arrest, Baltimore Police
Commissioner Anthony Batts acknowledged that
Freddie Gray was not properly secured during the van
transport. Protests and civil disorder erupted after
Gray’s death. On May 1, 2015, six officers were
charged with Freddie Gray’s death by the State
Attorney’s Office, and on May 21, 2015, a grand jury
indicted the six officers (Pérez-Peña, 2015). A mistrial
was declared in the first trial of one of the officers after
the jury failed to reach a unanimous verdict (Fenton &
Rector, 2015). Three other officers were acquitted in
separate bench trials between May and July of 2016,
which, in turn, led the state to drop the charges against
all of the remaining officers (Rector, 2016).
The numerous allegations of racial profiling that
have emerged in the wake of stop-and-frisk programs,
and the deaths of Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and
Freddie Gray, demonstrate the persistent undercurrent
of racial injustice in American policing. Moreover, the
perceived discriminatory treatment of racial and ethnic
minorities during SQF adversely affects citizen trust
and faith in the police. This problem is likely to be
exacerbated as the expanding interpretation of the
Second Amendment results in so many citizens legally
carrying firearms (McDonald v. City of Chicago,
2010; see also Bellin, 2015; Zimring, 2017), a fact
which, in turn, can combine with implicit bias to create
a suspicion profile that targets young men of racial and
ethnic minority backgrounds (Fradella et al., 2016).
Research strongly demonstrates that procedural
justice—or the manner in which police are perceived
to treat citizens—is crucial to achieving police
legitimacy (Eck & Rosenbaum, 1994; Tyler, 2006).
Furthermore, the President’s Task Force on 21st
Century Policing (2015) recently concluded that
“[t]rust between law enforcement agencies and the
people they protect is essential in a democracy” (p. 1).
To foster trust and legitimacy, police officers must be
impartial and consistent in their decisions, and must
treat all people with dignity, fairness, and respect. The
community policing and police legitimacy
frameworks provide an important lens for
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society – Volume 18, Issue 3
consideration of the role of stop-and-frisk going
Assessment: Ways to Fix Stop-and-Frisk
Aggressive SQF strategies (i.e., those enacted
department-wide through either formal or informal
policies) have no place in 21st-century policing. Not
only do such broad strategies lend themselves to racial
and ethnic profiling along the lines of which occurred
in New York City, but they also damage police-
community relations in ways that stray from the tenets
and aims of broken-windows theory. But stop-and-
frisk as a particularized tactic—one that is judiciously
employed by individual police officers when objective
circumstances give rise to reasonable suspicion of
criminal activity—can help prevent crime if the
practice is viewed as an exercise in police discretion.
With that in mind, we offer suggestions for reforming
stop-and-frisk as a tactic using the vast literature on
the control of police discretion.
Ideally, an officer witnesses something that
generates reasonable suspicion (i.e., bulge in the
waistband, behavior suggesting potential criminal
activity), and then initiates a stop. This decision to stop
a civilian, and consequently to conduct a frisk (or even
a search), is based in officers’ discretionary authority.
Many influences impact the development of individual
police officer discretionary behaviors, including their
training, expertise, and overall field experience. Stop-
and-frisks that are discriminatory or otherwise fail to
meet the constitutionally required threshold are of
main concern and generate controversy surrounding
police-initiated stops of citizens.
Therefore, it is
important to explore how police departments can
control their officers’ decisions to initiate stops of
citizens, to ensure that such stops meet constitutional
standards and do not violate citizens’ rights, and to
mitigate the potential for police misconduct.
For more than 40 years, researchers have
investigated how to impact officers’ situational
decision-making during encounters with citizens.
These efforts have explored predictors of a range of
behaviors, including arrest, use of force (including
deadly force), decisions to conduct automobile
pursuits, and use of canines. One empirically evident
fact is that combating police misconduct is complex
and goes far beyond quick fixes (e.g., increased
training) or removing a few “bad apples” that
consistently make poor decisions (Skolnick & Fyfe,
1993). Additionally, various aspects of police culture
can further inhibit attempts to stem police misconduct
at the department level. Research has consistently
demonstrated the powerful nature of the informal
police culture, particularly with regard to how it can
shape officer behavior in the field, and how difficult it
is to change (Skolnick, 1966).
Clearly, the challenges surrounding these are
daunting and they must be addressed in the context of
the larger historical backdrop of racial injustice in
American policing. However, the larger body of
research on police discretion offers numerous lessons
that can guide effective reform. Police departments
should consider adopting changes reflective of the
following recommendations in order to prevent their
officers from engaging in racially biased or otherwise
improper and illegal behavior during stops of citizens:
recruitment, training, administrative policies,
supervision with corresponding accountability, and
external oversight.
A Careful Selection of Personnel
In 1967, the President’s Commission on Law
Enforcement and the Administration of Justice
established standards for the screening of police
recruits. As a result, law enforcement agencies have
implemented processes to screen out applicants ill-
suited for the profession due to concerns over mental
health, criminal history, poor credit, troubling
interpersonal relationships, and other “red flags,”
especially through the use of thorough background
checks (Fyfe & Kane, 2005; Mui, 1977). The
screening-out process typically occurs within the
context of concerns over corruption and brutality, but
the lessons are equally relevant for abuse of discretion
in stop-and-frisk.
A screening-in process is also important. Despite
the limited success of efforts to identify predictors of
good policing, relevant personal attributes certainly
include good judgment, an even temperament, respect
and appreciation for diversity, creativity and problem-
solving skills, ability to think on one’s feet and handle
pressure, and leadership skills (Grant & Grant, 1995).
Additionally, scholars have noted a need for a college
education to develop the relevant skills to be an
effective police officer and reduce the likelihood of
misconduct (Harris, 2014). One recent study found
that departments with an associate’s degree
requirement for applicants experienced fewer citizen
complaints of police use of force and fewer citizen
assaults on their officers (Shjarback & White, 2016).
Officers who possess empathy, moral acceptance of
coercive authority, protection of the vulnerable, and
problem-solving, what some have called good
craftsmanship, will be less likely to engage in racially
biased and otherwise improper behavior during
encounters of any kind with citizens (Bittner, 1967).
Therefore, departments should carefully and
aggressively seek out these characteristics (White &
Fradella, 2016).
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society – Volume 18, Issue 3
Careful recruit selection must be followed with
effective training in the police academy, as well as
later through field and in-service training. At the
academy, the goal of training is to provide officers
with the basic skills and knowledge necessary to
become a police officer. Cadets must receive a clear
message at this early stage that racially biased stop-
and-frisks are inappropriate, illegal, and will not be
tolerated. Following graduation from the academy,
officers are typically assigned to a veteran officer for
a period of field training. This is a formative stage of
a police officer’s career, and it is critically important
for field-training officers to impart the message that
racially biased Terry stops are not consistent with the
principles of good policing. The final form of training,
called “in service,” where officers periodically receive
additional training while on the job, can be used to
“refresh” officers on ethical issues, such as avoiding
discriminatory decision-making, and to resend the
message that the department leadership denounces
racial bias and expects the same from its officers.
Properly trained officers are less likely than
poorly trained officers to engage in unconstitutional
stop-and-frisk practices. Fyfe’s work exploring the
impact of training on violence provides several
suggestions for successful training practices, including
that it should be: realistic—adult learning, role plays,
instruction by legal experts, and coverage of implicit
bias and its effect on the suspicion heuristic (Banaji &
Greenwald, 2016; Fradella et al., 2016; Levinson &
Smith, 2012); continuous; tailored to the department
and the community; and focused on the means or
process, not just the ends, such as avoiding the split-
second syndrome (Fyfe, 1995). Similarly, Bayley and
Bittner stated that learning can be “accelerated and
made more systematic” by relevant training that brings
the reality of police work into the academy (Bayley &
Bittner, 1984, p. 53). Fyfe’s (1995) arguments on the
importance of training are persuasive:
The development of successful boxers,
diplomats, combat soldiers, and trial
lawyers demonstrates that maintaining
one’s temper under stressful and
confrontational conditions is a skill that
can be taught. At the broadest level, police
training designed to do so may involve
providing students with what Muir called
understanding—a nonjudgmental sense
that people’s behavior, no matter how
bizarre or provocative, may usually be
explained by factors that go beyond the
dichotomy of good and evil. Even if
genuine understanding, as defined by
Muir, cannot be imparted to individuals
who bring extremely narrow views to
policing, officers can be made to know in
training that they simply will not be
permitted to act out their prejudices
through violent, or even discourteous
conduct (p. 174).
By adopting evidenced-based training policies,
law-enforcement agencies can create an environment
of intolerance toward unconstitutional stop-and-frisk
practices, other forms of police misconduct, and better
meet the needs of their respective communities (White
& Fradella, 2016).
Administrative Policy
Administrative guidance in the form of policies,
rules, and procedures communicates to officers what a
police department expects, what is considered
acceptable, and what will not be condoned (Kappeler,
Sluder, & Alpert, 1998). An administrative-
rulemaking framework that has three basic
components helps to ensure accountability with regard
to critical incidents, such as use of force (Walker &
Archbold, 2014). First, agencies should develop
written policies that specify what is (and what is not)
appropriate behavior during given circumstances.
Second, agencies should require officers to write a
written report following a critical incident. Third,
agencies should require supervisory review of critical-
incident reports to ensure the officer acted within
policy and law.
The adoption of clearly articulated policies
governing police stops of citizens, with specific
prohibitions of racial profiling, is absolutely crucial
for controlling police behavior (Friedman &
Ponomarenko, 2015, 2017).
The body of research
that highlights police departments’ success in
managing officer discretion across a wide range of
police actions provides an important backdrop for
consideration of stop-and-frisk practices. Supervisory
review and accountability is especially critical for
stop-and-frisk because the practice generally does not
reach the level of being classified as a critical incident.
The “invisible” nature of such stops presents a unique
challenge for effective discretionary control and
guidance. That said, it is well established that officers’
behavior changes when they know that violations of
policy will have consequences. In plain terms, officers
seek to avoid behavior that will get them into
administrative trouble. This has been demonstrated
across a range of officer field behaviors, particularly
with use of deadly force and automobile pursuits, and
it applies equally well to stop-and-frisk (Albert, 1997;
Fyfe, 1988; White & Fradella, 2016).
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society – Volume 18, Issue 3
Supervision and Accountability
Supervision of police officers is a critical
department task that serves as a foundational element
in the agency’s effort to control officer field behavior,
including stop-and-frisk practices (The Mollen
Commission, 1994; Weisburd, Greenspan, Hamilton,
Williams, & Bryant, 2000).
Key principles of
effective police supervision include proper span of
control (8-10 officers per sergeant), proper training
(good supervision can and should be taught), and
holding supervisors accountable for the behavior of
their subordinates (Kappeler et al., 1998; Skolnick &
Fyfe, 1993). The International Association of Chiefs
of Police (1989) stated that “many officers face
temptations every day management has the
capacity and control to reinforce high integrity, detect
corruption, and limit opportunities for wrongdoing”
(p. 53). These words apply to Terry stops as well as
they do for other forms of police field behavior.
Simply put, if officers believe they will be caught and
punished for unconstitutional stop-and-frisk
behaviors, they will be less likely to engage in those
activities (Klockars, Ivkovich, Harver, & Haberfeld,
2000). Technology like body-worn cameras (BWCs)
offer a unique opportunity for police departments to
track and monitor officers through systematic (or at
least periodic) review of BWC footage (White, 2014;
White & Fradella, in press). For example, supervisory
authority to review BWC footage could be structured
in a number of ways to enhance accountability.
Review authority could be limited to a specific set of
encounters, circumstances, or officers (e.g., all use-of-
force encounters; only probationary officers).
Supervisory authority could also be random or
systematic, where a sergeant is required to review
some number of randomly selected videos per month
for each officer. Finally, supervisor authority to review
BWC footage of officers could be broad and
unfettered (e.g., sergeant has authority to review any
video at any time). Supervisor authority to examine
BWC footage that captures stop-and-frisk activities
could be included in any of the aforementioned review
protocols (White & Fradella, 2016).
External Oversight
The auditor model of oversight offers great
promise as a reform and accountability mechanism.
Under this model, one individual (or office) with some
degree of legal and/or policing expertise serves as a
full-time independent auditor. Auditors are typically
permanent positions created by local or state law, and
in the vast majority of cases, they have much greater
authority than the more traditional citizen oversight
board (Walker & Archbold, 2014). Specific functions
of an auditor include a range of activities such as
auditing the complaint process, auditing police
operations (which can include review of BWC
footage), policy review, community outreach, and
contributing to transparency by publishing reports that
detail the activities of the auditor (Walker & Archbold,
External oversight through an independent
auditor provides a critically important check on police
officers’ discretionary decision-making (White &
Fradella, 2016). For an auditor to be particularly
useful, we echo David A. Harris’ (2017) suggestion
that the police compile data on every pedestrian stop,
including: (1) a description of the time, place, and
length of the stop; (2) the race or ethnic group of the
person stopped as perceived by the officer; (3) the
behavior witnessed by the officer that led to the stop;
(4) whether a frisk was performed; (5) whether the
frisk revealed a weapon and the type of weapon; (6)
whether the frisk revealed other contraband and the
type of contraband; and (6) whether a warning, citation
or arrest occurred, and for what offense.
There is little consensus on the crime-control
effects of SQF in New York City or similar programs
elsewhere. Although New York experienced a
significant crime decline that coincided with
numerous changes in the NYPD under William
Bratton’s leadership—one of which was increased use
of SQF—crime declined in many other places that did
not employ aggressive use of stop-and-frisk.
Moreover, the NYPD’s overuse and misuse of stop-
and-frisk violated the constitutional rights of
thousands of New Yorkers. The unconstitutional SQF
program produced severe collateral consequences that
negatively affected the emotional and physical well-
being of thousands of New Yorkers; caused significant
damage to the NYPD’s relationship with members of
racial and ethnic minority groups in neighborhoods
throughout the city; and seriously impaired the
NYPD’s ability to effectively fight crime in those
neighborhoods. Unfortunately, the experiences in New
York were witnessed in other jurisdictions that also
overused and misused stop-and-frisk.
Terry stops were intended to be used as an
individualized crime-investigation tactic that police
could employ in response to suspect behaviors that
generated reasonable suspicion of criminal activity
(Meares, 2015). But the SQF program in New York
City expanded far beyond these original intentions into
a pervasive, department-wide surveillance program
that sought to generate deterrence through fear of
being stopped. A program designed in this manner is
at great risk of producing unconstitutional behavior on
the part of the police (Bellin, 2014). Moreover, the
deployment of an NYPD-like SQF program in
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society – Volume 18, Issue 3
communities where the racial-injustice undercurrent is
strong will undoubtedly exacerbate tensions between
police and minority citizens, and will quickly erode the
limited reserves of police legitimacy. When police-
minority community relations reach this level, they
represent a powder keg that will explode in the wake
of a controversial arrest, use of force, or citizen death.
Michael Brown in Ferguson and Freddie Gray in
Baltimore demonstrate this tragic point.
1. Because stop-and-frisk is, in its most basic
form, an exercise in discretion, the literature on
effective police discretion control offers lessons
for reforming stop-and-frisk activities. Those
lessons are grounded in careful recruit
selection, training, administrative policy,
supervision, accountability, and external
oversight. In particular, an auditor can assess
the legality of stops and can engage with
citizens to assess the potential for collateral
2. Technology also offers potential to control
officer decision-making during stop-and-frisk
activities. For example, big data—“vast troves
of information that can be used by police such
as databases that capture criminal and driving
history, biometric data, employment and
housing records, spending habits, and a wide
range of other individually-specific behaviors
or attributes”— could be harnessed in ways that
satisfy the Fourth Amendment’s requirements
for particularized suspicion justifying a Terry
stop (White & Fradella, 2016, p. 178; see also
Ferguson & Bernache, 2008; Polansky &
Fradella, in press; Slobogin, 2017). And BWC
footage can be reviewed by first-line
supervisors, training units, internal affairs units,
or by external auditors. The technology also
represents an opportunity for police
departments to demonstrate accountability and
transparency to their communities.
3. Finally, stop-and-frisk, if used justly and
selectively (and not as a widespread deterrence-
based program), can be successfully applied
within a number of contemporary policing
frameworks that stress procedural justice, such
as community-oriented policing and problem-
oriented policing. Procedural justice involves
treating people with dignity and respect; giving
individuals “voice during encounters (an
opportunity to tell their side of the story); being
neutral and transparent in decision-making; and
conveying trustworthy motives (Mazerolle,
Bennett, Davis, Sargeant, & Manning, 2012).
Stop-and-frisk activities should be examined
critically in terms of legal standards (was there
articulable reasonable suspicion?) and in terms
of procedural justice standards. During a stop-
and-frisk, was the citizen treated with dignity
and respect? Was the citizen given an
opportunity to tell his or her side of the story?
Was the officer neutral and transparent? Did the
officer convey trustworthy motives? Police
departments that benchmark their stop-and-
frisk practices along these standards, while
applying the lessons described above, will
achieve police legitimacy in the eyes of their
citizens and will emerge as leadership
organizations in 21st-century policing.
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The authors gratefully acknowledge New York
University Press for their gracious permission to distill
and build upon their book Stop and Frisk: The Use and
Abuse of a Controversial Policing Tactic (2016) for
this article. The authors also thank Megan Verhagen
and Kyle Meditz Ernst for their assistance with
assembling this article. Finally, the authors deeply
appreciate the insightful feedback we received on
previous drafts of this paper from Albert W. Alschuler,
Susan Bandes, Karen Henning, Delores Jones-Brown,
Erik Luna, Michael Scott, and Scott Sundby.
About the Authors
Henry F. Fradella is a Professor in and Associate
Director of the School of Criminology and Criminal
Justice at Arizona State University, where he also
holds affiliate appointments as a professor of law and
psychology. He holds a B.A. in psychology, a master’s
in forensic science, a law degree, and Ph.D. in justice
studies. He researches the historical development of
substantive, procedural, and evidentiary criminal law;
the evaluation of law's effects on human behavior; the
dynamics of legal decision-making; and the nature,
sources, and consequences of variations and changes
in legal institutions or processes. He is the author or
co-author of nine books including Stop and Frisk: The
Use and Abuse of a Controversial Police Tactic (New
York University Press); Sex, Sexuality, Law, and
(In)Justice (Routledge); Mental Illness and Crime
(Sage); The Foundations of Criminal Justice (Oxford
University Press); Defenses of Excuse in American
Law (Academica); and four textbooks published by
Cengage. Dr. Fradella has also authored or co-
authored more than 85 articles, book chapters,
reviews, and scholarly commentaries that have
appeared in outlets such as the American Journal of
Criminal Law; Criminal Justice Policy Review;
Criminal Law Bulletin; Criminology and Public
Policy; Federal Courts Law Review; Journal of
Contemporary Criminal Justice; Journal of Criminal
Justice Education; and the Ohio State Journal of
Criminal Law. A fellow and past-president of the
Western Society of Criminology (WSC), Dr. Fradella
current serves as the executive director of the WSC.
From 2014–2017, Fradella served as the co-editor of
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society.
Michael D. White is a Professor in the School of
Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State
University, where he also serves as the Associate
Director of ASU’s Center for Violence Prevention and
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society – Volume 18, Issue 3
Community Safety, as well as the Director of the
doctoral program. He is a Senior Subject Matter
Expert for the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Smart
Policing Initiative and he is Co-Director of Training
and Technical Assistance for the U.S. Department of
Justice Body-Worn Camera Policy and
Implementation Program. He received his Ph.D. in
Criminal Justice from Temple University in 1999.
Prior to entering academia, Dr. White worked as a
deputy sheriff in Pennsylvania. His primary research
interests involve the law enforcement, including police
use-of-force, law enforcement technologies, and
police misconduct. He has published 55 peer-reviewed
journal articles that appear in leading journals,
including Justice Quarterly, Criminology and Public
Policy, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Applied
Cognitive Psychology, Crime & Delinquency,
Policing: An International Journal of Police
Strategies and Management, Journal of Criminal
Justice, Police Practice and Research: An
International Journal, Journal of Experimental
Criminology, Justice Policy Journal, Police
Quarterly, Criminal Justice Policy Review, the Ohio
State Journal of Criminal Law, and the Criminal Law
Bulletin. He is the co-author of two scholarly books:
Stop and Frisk: The Use and Abuse of a Controversial
Policing Tactic (NYU Press 2016), and Jammed Up:
Bad Cops, Police Misconduct, and the New York City
Police Department (NYU Press 2013). He also is the
author of two textbooks: Race, Ethnicity and Policing:
New and Essential Readings (NYU Press, 2010) and
Current Issues and Controversies in Policing (Allyn
& Bacon, 2007).
The authors are aware of the fact that the punctuation of the phrase stop-and-frisk varies considerably by style
guide. The Associated Press, for example, calls for the words to be in quotations when used as a subject or
object noun phrase, while separating the words with hyphens when used as compound modifier. But even the
Associated Press is wildly inconsistent in how their style guide is actually used (see HeadsUp, 2013). For the
sake of consistency and readability, we hyphenate the phrase stop-and-frisk all the time when referring to the
tactic as sanctioned by Terry and its progeny. In contrast, we differentiate how the practice was used as a
widespread crime control strategy in New York City and elsewhere by referring to it as “Stop, Question, and
Frisk” (“SQF”).
The authors note that Judge Scheindlin was eventually removed from the case by the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit. Importantly, however, the appellate court did not make any changes to her findings of fact
or conclusions of law. And although the appeal was settled before resolution on its merits, it is clear that Judge
Scheindlin’s perceptions of the NYPD’s use of stop-and-frisk as an aggressive, city-wide strategy for fighting
crime were shared by many New Yorkers. Among other things, William de Blasio was elected mayor in a
landslide after having run on platform to end the strategy (see Barbaro & Chen, 2013).
It should be noted that stop-and-frisk at the incident (or tactical) level is governed by law. This should be
distinguished from SQF policies that are enacted at the departmental (or strategic) level. The former requires
that we examine whether the suspect’s civil liberties were violated and whether the officer made a wise
investigative and personal safety decision. The latter requires that we examine whether the general
policy/strategy of encouraging officers to stop and frisk lots of people—presumably in furtherance of a crime
control/crime prevention goal—is (a) an effective strategy; (b) a constitutionally permissible strategy; (c) a
procedurally just strategy; and (d) the optimal strategy for achieving the particular objective. Thus, for example,
as will be explained in this chapter, the problem in New York City was not just that many police officers did not
seem to understand the constitutional standards governing stop-and-frisk as a tactic, but also that NYPD
command staff pressed officers to engage in SQF on a massive, proactive basis as a strategic approach to
controlling certain forms of crime.
The Court may have also motivated, in part, by concerns about how vagrancy and loitering laws contributed to
police infringements on constitutionally protected liberty interests (Foote, 1956; see also Papachristou v. City of
Jacksonville, 1972 [invalidating a vagrancy ordinance on vagueness grounds].
Our arguments for reform advocate reining-in police discretion so that the practice of stop-and-frisk brings
Terry back to its more limited, cautious roots.
At first blush, the cases discussed in the remainder of this section may appear to lack a common thread other
than expanding stop-and-frisk authority. But there is a theoretical connection between Terry and these cases if
Terry is viewed as having accomplished more than authorizing stop-and-frisk under the Fourth Amendment.
Indeed, Terry severed the Reasonableness Clause from the Warrant Clause, thereby carving-out swathes of
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society – Volume 18, Issue 3
police conduct exempt from both the requirements of probable cause and a warrant (Dudley, 2012; Stelzner,
1979–1980). Thus, all of the cases highlighted in the remainder of this section were decided with regard to a
balancing test aimed at “reasonableness” divorced from other Fourth Amendment principles.
In City of Indianapolis v. Edmond (2000), the Court curtailed law enforcement authority to use drug-sniffing
dogs at roadblocks on the grounds that the DUI checkpoints sanctioned in Sitz were “designed to serve special
needs, beyond the normal need for law enforcement” (p. 37, internal quotations omitted), whereas suspicionless
searches using drug-sniffing dogs at roadblocks impermissibly extended into the realm of investigating
“ordinary criminal wrongdoing” (p. 38). Nonetheless, Sitz remains good law insofar as it permits stops of
vehicles at DUI checkpoints without any particularized suspicion of impaired driving.
To be clear, we are not suggesting that Whren led to Dickerson. In Sibron, the Court held that the test is whether
a reasonable person would find a frisk to be justified under the circumstances, regardless of whether the
particular officer conducting the frisk subjectively believed it was justified. Whren passed up the opportunity to
alter Sibron by applying the “reasonableness” analysis to pretextual stops where an officer stops someone in a
situation in which no other officer would do so. Because Whren failed to find such action unreasonable, our
point is that the combination of Dickerson and Whren—the combination of “plain feel” without the ability to
challenge a frisk as being pretextual—created an incentive for law enforcement officers to conduct frisks even
when they do not suspect the presence of a weapon.
Broken windows theory posits that minor forms of social and physical disorder cause a breakdown in informal
social control as citizen investment in an area diminishes. As citizens withdraw from the area, the level of
disorder increases and the risk for more serious types of crime to emerge becomes greater. The theory suggests
that police focus enforcement efforts on disorder and quality-of-life offenses as a mechanism for reengaging
law-abiding citizens’ commitment to the area. Under Chief Bratton, the transit police adopted a broken
windows-based strategy in the subway system.
It should be noted that Bloomberg was essentially making the case that police should be stopping and searching
people of various races, ethnicities, genders, and ages in rough proportion to their representation in the known
offending population. Conversely, many critics of disparate rates of police stops and other interventions base
their criticism on a contrary assumption, namely that police ought to stop people of various demographic groups
on the basis of their representation in the general population of that jurisdiction (or perhaps of the relevant
neighborhood). The lack of consensus as to which is the proper basis for calculating disparity leads to debates
about the propriety of police practices that cannot be resolved. Even if, for the sake of argument, the latter
approach were used to measure racial and ethnic disparities (which we do not endorse), that would not
necessarily translate into the propriety of police practices premised on that measurement approach. Put
differently, even if it were proven that young Black men were disproportionately represented among offenders
of certain crimes (a supposition we reject, but offer here only for the sake of argument), that fact would not, in
and of itself, justify SQF practices that targeted young Black men. Rather, it would call for consideration of
alternate police strategies that could yield the same crime-control benefits without incurring the same police-
legitimacy costs.
It should be noted that it might be possible to eradicate discrimination in stop-and-frisks and ensure that all
stops are conducted in accordance with the Constitution, but nonetheless still have a problem with how people
perceive stop-and-frisk as a tactic. That is because stops are inherently intrusive and unpleasant and frisks are
even more so. Adherence to the four tenets of procedural justice (voice, transparency, fairness, and impartiality)
can help minimize these concerns, but since no one likes being stopped, it very may well be that the public
might prefer other approaches to policing that can prevent crime without depending significantly on intrusive
and unpleasant police actions. But such solutions are beyond the scope of this chapter and our arguments for
reforming stop-and-frisk as a police practice.
Notably, Fyfe (1989) put these principles in practice as part of the Metro-Dade Police/Citizen Violence
Reduction Project, which culminated in the development of a five-day role-play training program. Results from
the project indicate substantial reductions in use of force, officer injuries and citizen complaints after the
training program was implemented.
As Barry Friedman and Maria Ponomarenko (2015, 2017) suggest, the public has an important role to play in
the development of these policies. Public participation in policymaking promotes accountability and increases
transparency, both of which can help improve policy legitimacy in eyes of community members.
As an example of the importance of supervision with corresponding accountability, Weisburd and colleagues
reported that nearly 90% of police officers surveyed agreed that effective supervision prevents misconduct such
as racially-biased policing.