United States
Department of
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
May 2009
Rev. 05
Lygodium microphyllum (Old world
climbing fern), Lygodium japonicum
(Japanese climbing fern), and Lygodium
Weed Risk Assessment
Agency Contact:
United States Department of Agriculture
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Plant Protection and Quarantine
Center for Plant Health Science and Technology
Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory
1730 Varsity Drive, Suite 300
Raleigh, NC 27606
Left: Lygodium microphyllum on cypress trees (Peggy Greb, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Bugwood.org).
Right: Lygodium japonicum in pine forest (James H. Miller, USDA Forest Service, Bugwood.org).
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
Table of Contents
1. Initiating Event............................................................................................................................ 1
2. Plant Identity............................................................................................................................... 1
3. Current PPQ Policy..................................................................................................................... 1
4. Data Sheet(s) and Other Risk Assessments................................................................................ 1
5. Pest Characterization .................................................................................................................. 2
5.1. Distribution, Prevalence, and Potential Pathways of Entry................................................. 2
5.2. Weed Biology and Impact ................................................................................................... 3
5.3. Current Response and Activities.......................................................................................... 4
5.4. Plant Protection Act’s (PPA) Definition of Noxious Weed................................................. 4
6. Risk Assessment ......................................................................................................................... 4
6.1. Establishment/Spread Potential ........................................................................................... 4
6.2. Potential Impacts: Production, Environmental, and Human/Social..................................... 5
6.3. Geographic Potential............................................................................................................ 7
6.4. Entry Potential ..................................................................................................................... 7
6.6. Recommendations................................................................................................................ 9
7. Contributors ................................................................................................................................ 9
8. Figures....................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 1. County level distribution of Lygodium microphyllum in the lower 48 states............ 10
Figure 2. County level distribution of Lygodium japonicum in the lower 48 states................. 11
9. References................................................................................................................................. 12
Appendix A................................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix B................................................................................................................................... 32
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
1. Initiating Event
APHIS received an inquiry regarding market access for leaves of
Lygodium microphyllum from China to be used in basket-weaving
(Lehtonen, 2008). Lygodium microphyllum and its congener, L.
aponicum, are already present in the United States, where they are
listed as state noxious weeds in Florida and Alabama (NRCS, 2008).
Lygodium japonicum is also used in Asian handcrafts (fern fronds)
(Ferriter, 2001). Historically, this species has been confused with L.
microphyllum (FDEP, N.D.; Pemberton and Ferriter, 1998). Because
importation of L. microphyllum and L. japonicum may lead to the
establishment of additional populations in the United States, Plant
Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) requested that PERAL prepare a weed
risk assessment to evaluate listing these species as Federal Noxious
Weeds (Tasker, 2008). L. flexuosum, which is not in the United States,
was also assessed because it is similar to these other two species, and
may have similar impacts if introduced. We assessed all three species
together in this document
2. Plant Identity
Lygodium microphyllum (Cav.) R. Br.
Syn: Lygodium scandens auct. and Ugena microphylla Cavanilles
Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw.
Syn: Ophioglossum japonicum Thunb.
Lygodium flexuosum (L.) Sw.
Syn: Ophioglossum flexuosum L.
References: (ARS, 2008a)
3. Current PPQ Policy
None of these species is listed as a Federal Noxious Weed (queried
April 29, 2008). PPQ issued a Federal Import Quarantine Order on May
30, 2008 to prevent the importation of L. microphyllum and L.
4. Data Sheet(s) and Other Risk Assessments
The State of Florida requested that APHIS assess/list the entire genus of Lygodium. In this document, we only
assessed species for which there was ample evidence of harm. A preliminary review of the literature indicated that
of the approximately 25 species in the genus (Mabberley, 2008), only two other species have been considered
weeds: L. polymorphum and L. circinnatum (Holm et al. 1979). Due to the limited amount of information available
on these two species, they will be assessed separately after PPQ completes developing a predictive weed screening
tool. No other species of Lygodium have been noted in the literature to be weeds.
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
PPQ has not formally evaluated these species. Gordon et al. (2008b)
assessed L. microphyllum and L. japonicum in their test of the
Australian weed risk assessment system in Florida. Because these two
taxa are generally considered major invaders (e.g., Weber, 2003),
numerous reports are available about them (e.g., Brandt and Black,
2001; ISSG, 2008; Masterson, 2007; Wu et al., 2006).
5. Pest Characterization
5.1. Distribution, Prevalence, and Potential Pathways of Entry
Lygodium microphyllum is native to tropical Africa, India, southeast
Asia, Taiwan, and portions of Malaysia and northern Australia (ARS,
2008a; Langeland and Burks, 1998). The native range includes the
following countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Cameroon,
Gabon, Zaire, Cote D’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia,
Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Angola, Mozambique, Zambia,
Zimbabwe, South Africa, China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi,
Yunnan), Japan (Ryukyu Islands), Taiwan, India, Thailand, Brunei,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Australia,
Micronesia, and Fiji (ARS, 2008a; Langeland and Burks, 1998; NTU,
Lygodium microphyllum is also currently established in the United
States in twenty counties of peninsular Florida. The oldest known
collection is from 1958 (Loxahatchee River area), but it had probably
been in cultivation since at least the early 1950s (Nauman and Austin,
1978). It was probably introduced as an ornamental, as was its invasive
congener, L. japonicum (Gordon and Thomas, 1997). A molecular study
suggests that the U.S. population of L. microphyllum probably
originated from Australia/Papua New Guinea (Goolsby et al., 2006).
Where it occurs in natural areas, L. microphyllum is very abundant
(Hutchinson et al., 2006). Lygodium microphyllum has not yet reached
the limit of its potential geographic distribution in the United States (see
geographic potential below and Figure 1).
Lygodium japonicum is native to tropical and temperate Asia, from
Malaysia and Papua New Guinea northward to Taiwan, Japan, and
Korea (ARS, 2008a). Its native range includes China, Japan, Korea,
Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines (ARS,
2008a). It appeared in a U.S. nursery catalog as early as the 1880s and
was probably introduced as an ornamental species at the same time
(Pemberton and Ferriter, 1998). It has been established since at least
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
1937 (Soxman, 1939)
. It is also established in Puerto Rico and Hawaii
(Liogier and Martorell, 2000; NRCS, 2008). Lygodium japonicum is
relatively widespread in some states, but more regionalized or isolated
in others (Figure 2) (NRCS, 2008). In the latter states, L. japonicum
may not have reached the limit of its potential geographic distribution
(USDA plant hardiness zone 8), and may spread further north (see
geographic potential below). For example, researchers in Georgia report
that after being present for some time, “…the population now seems to
be spreading at an alarming rate” (Evans and Moorhead, 2005). Besides
being spread through horticulture, it is readily wind-dispersed (Ferriter,
2001) and can spread in contaminated pine-straw and on field
equipment (Miller, 2007).
Lygodium flexuosum is native to temperate and tropical Southeast Asia
and Australia. It has been reported from Australia, China, India,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Sri
Lanka, and Thailand (ARS, 2008a; Dangol, 2005). Other than for
iocontrol research at a quarantine facility in Gainesville (ARS, 2008b),
we found no evidence of it being introduced to the United States.
Several species of Lygodium, including L. microphyllum and L.
aponicum, are cultivated as ornamentals (Bailey and Bailey, 1976;
Wiersema and Leon, 1999). Lygodium flexuosum is also likely to be
cultivated, since one seed order company lists it in its online catalogue
(Anonymous, 2008) and it is used in basket weaving (Anonymous,
2005). We found no evidence that any of these species have been
domesticated or bred for any particular traits.
5.2. Weed Biology and Impact
All three species are ferns with a vine-like growth form. Fronds of
Lygodium japonicum and L. microphyllum grow up to 30 feet long,
capable of reaching into forest canopies (Ferriter, 2001; FNA Editorial
Committee, 1993; Pemberton and Ferriter, 1998). They can blanket
entire communities, shading out plants below, and, importantly,
providing a means for fire to reach tree canopies (Ferriter, 2001;
Munger, 2005; Pemberton and Ferriter, 1998). In the United States, they
invade many different habitats, including wet (mesic) habitats, ditches,
hammocks, pine forests, wetlands, and disturbed areas (Ferriter, 2001;
ISSG, 2008). Lygodium flexuosum is a weed of rice fields and rubber,
oil palm, and tea plantations, where it competes with plants and
obstructs harvesting (PIC, 2008; Rajkhowa et al., 2005; Roder et al.,
1995b; Roder et al., 1997). All three species are agricultural weeds in
their native range (Holm et al., 1979).
The USDA Plants Database currently indicates its presence in Pennsylvania (NRCS,
2008), but this report is going to be removed because the original reference is
unverifiable and dubious (Skinner, 2008).
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
5.3. Current Response and Activities
Lygodium microphyllum and L. japonicum are state noxious weeds in
Florida and Alabama; the other eight states with known populations of
L. japonicum (Figure 2) do not list this species as a noxious weed
(ADAI, 2008; Ferriter, 2001; NRCS, 2008). Outside of Florida, L.
aponicum is controlled locally by various federal, state, or local
agencies [e.g., Georgia (Evans et al., 2005), Texas (Korn et al., 2007;
USDA-FS, 2007), and Mississippi River bottomland forests (Stanturf et
al., 2004)]; however, the extent of local control is unknown. A survey o
control measures for L. microphyllum in southern Florida highlighted
the range of agencies managing it (Hutchinson and Langeland, 2006).
To help coordinate control efforts, a detailed management plan for L.
microphyllum was released two years ago (Hutchinson et al., 2006); a
similar one is planned for L. japonicum. Both species are subject to
intense monitoring and research (Carmichael and Platt, 2007; Clarke et
al., 2007; Lott and Volin, 2003; Lott et al., 2003; Pemberton, 2003;
Schmitz, 2007). In Florida, where both species are abundant (Wunderlin
and Hansen, 2008), the Florida Department of Environmental Protection
has spent approximately $15 million over the last ten years to control
and study them (Sole, 2008).
5.4. Plant Protection Act’s (PPA) Definition of Noxious Weed
To be listed as a Federal Noxious Weed, a plant must meet the
definition of a Noxious Weed in the Plant Protection Act (7 U.S.C. §
7701-7786, 2000). The term “noxious weed means any plant or plant
product that can directly or indirectly injure or cause damage to crops
(including nursery stock or plant products), livestock, poultry, or other
interests of agriculture, irrigation, navigation, the natural resources of
the United States, the public health, or the environment” (7 U.S.C. §
7701-7786, 2000). APHIS lists in the Federal noxious weed regulations
those species that are prohibited or restricted from entering the United
States, or moving interstate, and for which authority exists under
sections 412 and 414 of the PPA for APHIS to apply remedial
Based on the information described above, all three species meet the
PPA definition of noxious weed.
6. Risk Assessment
6.1. Establishment/Spread Potential
Lygodium microphyllum and L. japonicum have already demonstrated
their ability to establish and spread beyond their native range, having
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
naturalized in other places outside of the United States (Liogier and
Martorell, 2000; Pemberton and Ferriter, 1998; Randall, 2007). In the
United States, they are considered invasive species that have rapidly
spread across the region (Ferriter, 2001; Hutchinson et al., 2006;
Pemberton and Ferriter, 1998; Volin et al., 2004; Wilson, 2002). For
example, in Florida, L. microphyllum has increased in coverage nearly
ten-fold in a decade (27,000 acres in 1993 vs. 120,000 acres in 2005;
Hutchinson et al., 2006). And although L. japonicum has been
established since at least 1937 in the United States (Soxman, 1939), it
continues to spread “at an alarming rate” (Evans and Moorhead, 2005).
We assessed the establishment and spread potential of all three species
using the 26 questions for this risk element listed in Appendices A & B.
Although not necessary because they have already demonstrated their
ability to spread, we did a full assessment on L. microphyllum and L.
aponicum to evaluate which traits may have contributed to their
invasiveness in the United States (Appendix A). On a scale of -22 to 28,
where 28 represents a species scoring positively on all invasive traits, all
three species scored relatively high (Table 1). Lygodium flexuosum
scored somewhat lower (12) than L. microphyllum (18) and L.
aponicum (17), primarily because of the first question about invasive
status elsewhere (Appendix B).
Our review suggests that the following traits have contributed greatly to
the establishment, naturalization, and spread of L. microphyllum and L.
aponicum in the United States: 1) tolerance to a wide range of light
conditions; 2) massive amounts of spore production; 3) long-distance
wind dispersal of spores; 4) self-compatible gametophytes; 5) tolerance
to fire; 6) relatively rapid growth rates and photosynthetic rates; and 7)
regional spread via several pathways (FDEP, N.D.; Ferriter, 2001;
Hutchinson et al., 2006; Hutchinson and Langeland, 2006; Lott and
Volin, 2003; Lott et al., 2003; Masterson, 2007; Miller, 2007; Nauman
and Austin, 1978; Pemberton and Ferriter, 1998; Volin et al., 2004).
Lygodium flexuosum possesses many of these same traits.
6.2. Potential Impacts: Production, Environmental, and
Lygodium microphyllum and L. japonicum invade pristine habitats,
disturbed areas, forest plantations, and rangelands (Ferriter, 2001;
Handley, 2008; Miller, 2003; Pemberton and Ferriter, 1998; Rowe,
2008; USDA-FS, 2007). Their prolific growth shades underlying
vegetation and promotes fire in plant canopies, thereby changing fire
regime, altering habitat structure, reducing native plant diversity, and
threatening rare species (Brandt and Black, 2001; Ferriter, 2001;
Hutchinson et al., 2006; Pemberton and Ferriter, 1998). Lygodium
microphyllum often creates a one-meter thick mat of live and dead fern
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
fronds (Pemberton and Ferriter, 1998). Treating Lygodium infestations
in natural areas with herbicides and mechanical means can result in non-
target impacts to native communities (Hutchinson et al., 2006;
Hutchinson and Langeland, 2006). Control costs for L. microphyllum
range between $1000 per ha in easily accessed areas to $3,750 per ha in
more remote areas (2002 values; Masterson, 2007). We expect similar
control costs for L. japonicum.
Lygodium microphyllum and L. japonicum are controlled by timber and
agricultural managers (Carter-Finn et al., 2006; Ferriter, 2001;
Hutchinson and Langeland, 2006), and are classified as agricultural
weeds (Holm et al., 1979), which indicates they are harmful to wood
production systems. Lygodium japonicum forms mats that smother
shrubs and trees, and promotes fire in timber stands (Barnard and Loan,
N.D.; Ferriter, 2001; Miller, 2003). Anecdotal evidence and personal
communication with field biologists support these observations. For
example, L. microphyllum grows from drainage ditches in Florida onto
adjacent orchards (Nagid, 2008). Finally, Lygodium contaminates pine-
straw and hay, leading to regulatory action against these products
(ADAI, 2008) and potentially lower product value. Some interest exists
for developing a certification program for Lygodium-free pine-straw
(FFWCC, 2005).
Because Lygodium microphyllum and L. japonicum form impenetrable
vine blankets that are unsightly and relatively useless to wildlife, they
are likely harming outdoor recreational activities such as wildlife
viewing and hunting (Handley, 2008; Rowe, 2008). A member of the
Florida Cattlemen’s Association reported that Lygodium invades forests
that are adjacent to rangeland. These recreational activities are a
significant source of revenue. For example, in 2006 across the United
States, hunters spent $740 million on hunting leases, while wildlife
watchers spent $45.7 billion on travel and equipment (USFWS, 2006).
While these forests may or may not be used by cattle, the revenue
obtained from hunting leases is a significant source of income for the
Florida cattle industry (Handley, 2008).
Lygodium microphyllum and L. japonicum were assessed for their
impact potential using the set of questions listed in Appendix A. The
assessment indicated an overall moderate-high score of 3.0 and 3.2,
respectively (Table 1). Both species have well-documented
environmental effects.
We found less information about the impact and potential impact of L.
lexuosum than for the other two species, so the uncertainty was greater.
Lygodium flexuosum has never been taken out of its native range
(except see ARS, 2008b), where it lives in association with its
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
coevolved pathogens and predators (e.g., Goolsby et al., 2003; Mound,
2002; Solis et al., 2005). Nevertheless, it is considered an agricultural
weed in its native range (Holm et al., 1979), where it reduces rice yields
(Roder et al., 1995a; Roder et al., 1995b), interferes with harvest
operations in rubber tree and oil palm plantations (PIC, 2008), and may
compete with tea plants for resources (Rajkhowa et al., 2005). In this
assessment, L. flexuosum obtained a moderate score of 2.1 (Table 1),
mostly due to impacts to production systems. Because its biology is
similar to that of the other two Lygodium species, L. flexuosum is likely
to similarly affect natural habitats and human environs if it establishes
in the United States. Lygodium flexuosum ranked among the top 25
species not yet in cultivation with the potential to significantly affect
agricultural and environmental ecosystems in the United States (Parker
et al., 2007).
6.3. Geographic Potential
As discussed above (sects. 5.1, 6.1) all three Lygodium species have
wide native distributions.
The distribution of L. microphyllum includes Plant Hardiness Zones 10-
13, and it may potentially occur in zone 9 based on country-province
level occurrences (e.g., Fujian, China; see Appendix A; Magarey et al.,
2008). In Florida, L. microphyllum is killed back to the ground by frost,
but it can regrow if its roots do not freeze (Pemberton and Ferriter,
1998). Because it grows in wet habitats, soil moisture protects the roots
somewhat from freezing temperatures. We think this fern could grow in
zone 9 (Pemberton and Ferriter, 1998). Thus, we think L. microphyllum
could establish in all of Florida, and coastal regions of Texas, Louisiana,
Alabama, and Mississippi. Approximately 9.9 percent of the total area
of the United States occurs in Plant Hardiness Zones 9-13 (PERAL,
The tropical and subtropical distribution of L. flexuosum in Southeast
Asia, suggests that it can also survive in Plant Hardiness Zones 9-13.
The distribution of L. japonicum indicates that it can survive in Plant
Hardiness Zones 7-13. We estimate that L. japonicum could establish in
about 39 percent of the United States (Appendix A). It may also survive
in zone 6, based on its presence in Korea (see Appendix A; ARS,
2008a), but this occurrence has not been confirmed, and we did not
consider it here. Experts recommend that gardeners in zone 6 mulch the
plant after the first frost (Ferriter, 2001), suggesting that it may not be
able to survive without human assistance in this zone.
6.4. Entry Potential
An international standard for pest risk assessment (ISPM #11)
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
recommends that assessments consider pest entry potential (IPPC,
2007). Because L. microphyllum and L. japonicum are already in the
United States (Langeland and Burks, 1998), however, we do not need to
consider their entry potential (IPPC, 2007: see ISPM #11 sect. 2.2.1).
Overall, we estimate that the likelihood of entry for Lygodium
lexuosum to be high (0.55; Table 1) because it is used in basket
weaving (Anonymous, 2005) and is marketed on the internet
(Anonymous, 2008). Of less importance is its potential ability to
contaminate other pathways (Table 1).
Table 1. Summary of weed risk assessment results for three Lygodium species. See Appendix A
for more details. Numbers in parentheses are mean uncertainty levels for that risk element. The
scores for the four risk elements were not combined in any way; we used them to confirm the
preponderance of the descriptive evidence given above.
Risk Element (score range) Scores (mean uncertainty
L. microphyllum L. japonicum L. flexuosum
Establishment/Spread Potential (-23 – 29) 18 (0.9) 17 (1.0) 12 (1.3)
Potential Effects (1 – 4)
3.0 (1.5) 3.2 (1.5) 2.1 (2.1)
Environmental (0 – 1.2) 1.1 (1.3) 1.1 (1.4) 0.3 (2.5)
Human/Social (0 – 0.6) 0.3 (2.0) 0.3 (2.0) 0.0 (2.0)
Production (0 – 1.2) 0.6 (2.0) 0.8 (1.8) 0.8 (1.8)
Geographic Potential (0 – 1) 0.10 (1.2) 0.39 (1.3) 0.10 (1.0)
Entry Potential (0 – 1) N/A N/A 0.55 (1.7)
Negligible = 0, Low = 1, Moderate = 2, High = 3
The base score for potential effects is 1; the scores for the three sub-elements modify this value.
6.5. Weed Risk Potential
Lygodium microphyllum and L. japonicum have several traits that have
contributed to their ability to establish, naturalize, and spread in the
United States (sensu Richardson et al., 2000). Because they can form
dense vine blankets and alter fire regime, they have a variety of
environmental, aesthetic, and economic impacts. As such, they are
considered significant invaders. The results of this assessment are
consistent with another assessment that used the Australian weed risk
assessment system to evaluate their invasiveness (Gordon et al., 2008b).
Among a group of 205 species not in cultivation in the United States, L.
lexuosum was one of the top 25 weeds that pose the greatest risk to the
United States (Parker et al., 2007), supporting our recommendation
below. Due to limited information on L. flexuosum, its assessment had
higher uncertainty than that of the other two species (Table 1). Because
it shares many of the same traits as L. microphyllum and L. japonicum,
though, and because it is a “weed” in its native range, we expect it to
behave similarly in the United States.
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium microphyllum is in Florida, where it is a state noxious weed
(NRCS, 2008) and under widespread control by local, state, and federal
agencies (Hutchinson et al., 2006; Hutchinson and Langeland, 2006). It
is also regulated in Alabama where program managers are trying to
prevent its establishment in the state (ADAI, 2008). Lygodium
aponicum occurs throughout the southeastern United States, but it has
not yet reached the limit of its distribution and abundance. It also is a
state noxious weed in Florida and Alabama and controlled by a wide
variety of groups [e.g., Alabama (ADAI, 2008), Florida (Ferriter, 2001),
Georgia (Evans et al., 2005), and Texas (Korn et al., 2007; USDA-FS,
Lygodium flexuosum is not in the United States. It meets the definition
of a noxious weed in the Plant Protection Act (7 U.S.C. § 7701-7786,
6.6. Recommendations
Based on their moderate to moderate high risk scores, we recommend
that Lygodium microphyllum (Cavanilles) R. Brown, Lygodium
aponicum (Thunb.) Sw., and Lygodium flexuosum (L.) Sw. be
considered for listing as Federal Noxious Weeds under the authority
granted to APHIS by the Plant Protection Act.
7. Contributors
Center for Plant Health Science and Technology
Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory
Author: Anthony L. Koop (Botanist/Ecologist,)
Reviewers: Barney Caton (Ecologist), Larry Fowler (Botanist)
Editor: Ashley Jackson
USDA-APHIS-PPQ, Commodity Import Analysis & Operations
External reviewer: Polly Lehtonen (Senior Import Specialist)
External reviewer: Claudia Ferguson (Regulatory Policy
External reviewer: Christa Speekmann (Import Specialist – AAAS
USDA-APHIS-PPQ, Emergency and Domestic Programs
External reviewer: Al Tasker (National Weeds Program Manager)
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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8. Figures
Figure 1. County level distribution of Lygodium microphyllum in the lower 48 states.
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
Figure 2. County level distribution of Lygodium japonicum in the lower 48 states.
Note, it is also present in Hawaii and Puerto Rico which are not shown.
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
9. References
7 U.S.C. § 7701-7786. 2000. Plant Protection Act, Title 7 United States Code § 7701-7786.
ADAI. 2008. Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries: Administrative code. Alabama
Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI). Last accessed April 28, 2008,
ALIPC. N.D. Alabama's ten worst invasive weeds. Alabama Invasive Plant Council (ALIPC),
AL, U.S.A. 2 pp.
Amoroso, C. B., and V. B. Amoroso. 1998. Spore culture studies on some economic ferns of
Mindanao, Philippines [Abstract]. Acta Horticulturae (461):231-235.
Anonymous. 2005. Jatujak weekend market. jj247.com, Bangkok, Thailand. Last accessed June
13, 2008, http://www.jj247.com/jatujak_about.html.
Anonymous. 2008. B & T world seeds, online catalogue. B & T World Seeds Company. Last
accessed June 13, 2008, http://www.b-and-t-world-seeds.com/index.htm.
APHIS. 2006. A guide to the listing process for federal noxious weeds. Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service (APHIS), Plant Protection and Quarantine.
ARS. 2008a. Germplasm Resources Information Network, online database. United States
Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (ARS), National Germplasm
Resources Laboratory. http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/paper.pl. (Archived at
ARS. 2008b. Research project: Natural enemies of weeds which are endemic to Australia and
Southeast Asia, and invasive to the U.S.: 2006 annual report: 4d. progress report.
Agricultural Research Service (ARS), U.S.A. Last accessed June 13, 2008,
Bailey, L. H., and E. Z. Bailey. 1976. Hortus Third: A Concise Dictionary of Plants Cultivated in
The United States and Canada (revised and expanded by The Staff of the Liberty Hyde
Bailey Hortorium). Macmillan, New York, U.S.A. 1290 pp.
Banks, J. A. 1999. Gametophyte development in ferns. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and
Plant Molecular Biology 50:163-186.
Barnard, E. L., and A. N. V. Loan. N.D. An assessment of Fusiform rust and selected non-native
invasive pest plants in Longleaf and Slash pine plantations established with Florida
Division of Forestry seedlings. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Services, Division of Forestry, FL, U.S.A. 25 pp.
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WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Appendix A.
Weed risk assessment of Lygodium microphyllum and L. japonicum. Note: The Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory of APHIS
is currently revising its weed risk assessment process. Many of the questions used below come from or have been adapted from the Australian
weed risk assessment system (Pheloung et al., 1999) which has been tested over a wide range of geographies (e.g., Gordon et al., 2008a).
Most of the remaining questions originated from the current USDA weed risk assessment system (USDA, 2004), and the IPPC’s standard for
pest risk assessment (IPPC, 2007; ISPM #11). Both Lygodium spp. were analyzed using this new approach. For each species, the result or
letter response is shown, the associated score for that result, and the corresponding uncertainty level associated with the response. Generally,
an uncertainty level of negligible is appropriate when there can be no doubt from the literature or when the question was answered by an
expert. In contrast, high uncertainty corresponds to questions where the evidence is unclear or unavailable. Levels of low and moderate
uncertainty fall in between. The score for each of the four risk elements were summed and summarized in Table 1.
Lygodium microphyllum Lygodium japonicum Question
References & Notes Result/Score/
References & Notes
Establishment/Spread Potential
1. Select one: (A) Introduced
elsewhere long ago (>75 years) but
not escaped (-4 pts); (B) Introduced
recently (<75 years) but not escaped
(-2); (C) Never introduced
elsewhere (0); (D) Escaped/Casual
(1); (E) Naturalized (2); (F)
Invasive (4).
f 4 negl Naturalized in Jamaica and
Guyana (Pemberton and Ferriter,
1998); however, in Florida, it is
an invasive that has rapidly
spread across the peninsula over
the last few decades (Hutchinson
et al., 2006; Pemberton and
Ferriter, 1998).
f 4 negl Naturalized in Puerto Rico
(Liogier and Martorell, 2000)
and Australia (Randall, 2007).
Invasive in the southeastern
United States (Ferriter, 2001)
and in Hawaii (Wilson, 2002).
2. Is the species highly
domesticated? (y=-3; n=0, ?=_)
n 0 mod There is no evidence that this
species has been domesticated.
n 0 mod Used as an ornamental
(DavesGarden, 2008), but no
evidence of domestication and
reduced invasiveness.
3. Adaptive potential. (A)
Individual plants demonstrated to
be phenotypically plastic/variable
when exposed to different
environmental conditions (2); (B)
Populations exhibit phenotypic or
a 2 mod One report states that it is
phenotypically plastic
(Hutchinson et al., 2006). Also, in
Florida, "it is common in bald
cypress stands, but also infests
pine flatwoods, wet prairies, saw
c 1 mod Tolerates sun to shade (FDEP,
N.D.). From habitat
descriptions, it appears to
invade moist to mesic uplands
(Ferriter, 2001).
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium microphyllum Lygodium japonicum Question
References & Notes Result/Score/
References & Notes
genetic variation (among population
variation) (1); (C) Plants reported to
grow in diverse habitats or across a
wide/broad range of environmental
gradients (e.g., wet to dry, nutrient
poor to rich, sun to shade, fresh to
salt, hot to cold, etc.) (1); (D) Plants
are not known to be variable or
genetically diverse, or plants are
restricted to a narrow
environmental range (-1); (E)
Unknown (0 pts).
grass marshes, mangrove
communities, Everglades tree
islands, and disturbed areas"
(Pemberton and Ferriter, 1998).
4. [Answer only if question 1 is A,
B, or C]. Consider invasive/weed
status of congeners. (A) Plant has
no invasive/weedy congeners (0
pts); (B) Plant has a few (1-4)
invasive/weedy congeners (1); (C )
Plant has many (5 or more)
invasive/weedy congeners (2).
5. Propagule pressure. Is the species
widely cultivated/popular/useful
such that its introduction and
cultivation will increase
establishment? (y=1, n=0, ?=_)
n 0 low Although this species was once
cultivated in North America
(Bailey and Bailey, 1976), there is
no evidence suggesting it is still
n 0 mod Only three nurseries listed
under Plant Information online,
one under Plant Find, and one
under Dave's Garden.
6. Shade tolerant at some stage of
life cycle? (y=1, n=0, ?=_)
y 1 negl Shade tolerance is believed to be
one of the main reasons it is
invasive in Florida (Volin et al.,
y 1 low Tolerates shade (FDEP, N.D.).
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
Lygodium microphyllum Lygodium japonicum Question
References & Notes Result/Score/
References & Notes
7. Climbing or smothering growth
habit? (y=1, n=0, ?=_)
y 1 negl (Pemberton and Ferriter, 1998) y 1 negl Plant is a vine (Langeland and
Burks, 1998; Mueller, 1983).
8. Aquatic? (y=5, n=0, ?=_) n 0 low Terrestrial (FNA Editorial
Committee, 1993).
n 0 low Terrestrial (Langeland and
Burks, 1998).
9. Grass? (y=1, n=0) n 0 negl Plant is a fern (NRCS, 2008). n 0 negl Not a grass (FNA Editorial
Committee, 1993).
10. Nitrogen-fixing woody plant?
(y=1, n=0, ?=_)
n 0 mod No evidence. n 0 mod No evidence.
11. Geophyte (herbaceous with
underground storage organs)? (y=1,
n=0, ?=_).
y 1 low Plants with rhizomes (Miller,
y 1 low Plants with rhizomes
(Hutchinson et al., 2006).
12. Produces viable seed or spores?
(y=1, ?=0, n=-1)
y 1 negl (Call et al., 2007) y 1 low Plants reproduce sexually via
spores (Ferriter, 2001).
13. Self-compatible or apomictic?
(y=1, ?=0, n=-1)
y 1 negl (Lott et al., 2003) y 1 negl Experiences intragametophytic
selfing (Lott et al., 2003)
14. Requires specialist pollinators?
(y=-1, n=0, ?=_)
n 0 negl Plant is a fern; does not use
pollinators (Lott et al., 2003).
n 0 negl Plant is a fern; does not use
pollinators (Lott et al., 2003)
15. Unpalatable to grazing animals?
(y=1, ?=0, n=-1)
? 0 high While one study reports cattle
eating an unknown Lygodium
species, this study is insufficient
to determine the overall
palatability of Lygodium (Dahlan
et al., 1988).
? 0 high While one study reports cattle
eating an unknown Lygodium
species, this study is
insufficient to determine the
overall palatability of
Lygodium (Dahlan et al., 1988).
16. Reproduction by vegetative
fragmentation? (y=1, ?=0, n=-1)
y 1 low Produces a short-creeping
rhizome (Weber, 2003).
y 1 low Produces a short-creeping
rhizome (Weber, 2003).
17. Minimum generative time (A) 1
year or less (1 pt), (B) 2 or 3 years
(0), (C) >3 years (-1pt); Unknown
b 0 mod The gametophytic generation
becomes sexually mature in about
5 weeks (Lott et al., 2003). Plants
produce spores in 2-5 years
? high Unknown. No data available.
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium microphyllum Lygodium japonicum Question
References & Notes Result/Score/
References & Notes
(Gardener and Marrinan, 2004)
18. Evidence that a persistent
propagule bank (e.g., seed bank) is
formed (>1yr)? (y=1, ?=0, n=-1)
y 1 mod Lygodium spp. spores can remain
viable for years (Hutchinson et
al., 2006).
y 1 mod Lygodium spp. spores can
remain viable for years
(Hutchinson et al., 2006).
"Spores of the Lygodium genus
have very thick walls, giving
these propagules long
environmental viability"
(Ferriter, 2001).
19. Well controlled by herbicides or
other cultural / management
techniques? (y=-1, ?=0, n=1)
n 1 mod "Many herbicides have activity
against Old World climbing fern,
however results are inconsistent.
Herbicide performance can be
affected by variables such as
weather conditions, site
conditions, application technique,
etc" (Hutchinson et al., 2006).
n 1 mod Although various herbicides
show activity against L.
japonicum, long-term control is
very variable, and overall
success is inconsistent. "All
Garlon 3A, Garlon 4, and
Pathfinder II plots had almost
100 percent regrowth within 8
months. The Rodeo plot had
approximately 5 percent
regrowth of L. japonicum and
growth of native species"
(Ferriter, 2001).
20. Tolerates/benefits from
mutilation, cultivation, or fire?
(y=1, ?=0, n=-1)
y 1 low Plant tolerates fires, returning to
pre-burn coverage within two
years (Hutchinson et al., 2006).
Furthermore, fire may help to
spread spores (Hutchinson and
Langeland, 2006).
y 1 mod Anecdotal comments and
observations suggest that it
tolerates fire (Munger, 2005).
21. Is resistant to some herbicides n 0 low No Lygodium species is listed as n 0 low No Lygodium species is listed
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium microphyllum Lygodium japonicum Question
References & Notes Result/Score/
References & Notes
or has potential to acquire herbicide
resistance (e.g., related to
genetically modified crop it can
outcross to, congener of weeds
which have developed herbicide
resistance)? (y=1, n=0, ?=_)
having developed herbicide
resistance (Heap, 2008).
as having developed herbicide
resistance (Heap, 2008).
22. Hybridizes naturally? (y=1,
?=0, n=-1)
n -1 low There doesn't appear to be any
evidence of this species
hybridizing. A quick search
showed only one hybridization
event in Lygodium (Fay, 1973).
n -1 low There doesn't appear to be any
evidence of this species
hybridizing. A quick search
showed only one hybridization
event in Lygodium (Fay, 1973).
23. Propagules likely to be
dispersed unintentionally by
people? (y=1, ?=0, n=-1)
y 1 low Control operators may disperse
from site to site, but this may be
an insignificant risk compared to
the plant’s natural capacity to
spread (Hutchinson et al., 2006).
y 1 low Contaminates pine-straw and
equipment (Ferriter, 2001;
Miller, 2007). Spores
contaminate clothing (ISSG,
24. Propagules dispersed
intentionally by people? (y=1, ?=0,
y 1 low Even though it does not appear to
be cultivated still, as an
ornamental species it is likely to
be dispersed intentionally by
some (Bailey and Bailey, 1976).
y 1 negl Imported in the 1880s as an
ornamental (Pemberton and
Ferriter, 1998) and currently
featured in gardening books
(Bailey and Bailey, 1976; Page
and Olds, 2001). This species is
still cultivated, grown and sold
(DavesGarden, 2008).
25. Propagules adapted for either
wind, water, or animal (internal or
external) dispersal? (y=1, ?=0, n=-
y 1 negl Wind-dispersed (Wu et al., 2006). y 1 negl Spores are wind-dispersed
(Miller, 2007). Spores cling to
animal fur (ISSG, 2008).
26. Prolific seed/spore production y 1 negl As a fern, this question gets an y 1 low As a fern, this question gets an
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium microphyllum Lygodium japonicum Question
References & Notes Result/Score/
References & Notes
(see scoring guide)? (y=1, ?=0, n=-
automatic yes. But one study
estimated about 15,000 spores per
square cm of fertile pinnae (Volin
et al., 2004).
automatic yes. One study
estimated bout 15,000 spores
per square cm of fertile pinnae
on L. microphyllum (Volin et
al., 2004); thus, L. japonicum is
probably very similar.
Impact Potential
27. Is there evidence or strong
reason to believe it impacts
ecosystem processes and system-
wide parameters that affect other
species (e.g., changes fire regime,
nutrient cycling, water availability,
community light levels, etc.)?
(y=0.2, n=0)
y 0.2 low Changes fire regime and
community light levels
(Hutchinson et al., 2006).
y 0.2 low Forms sun-blocking walls
(Langeland and Burks, 1998).
Alters fire regime (Ferriter,
28. Does it change community
structure by creating, modifying, or
eliminating vegetation layers?
(y=0.2, n=0)
y 0.2 low Creates an impermeable mat over
all vegetation, including the
canopy (Brandt and Black, 2001).
y 0.2 low Can form large vine mats in
native range (Ferriter, 2001).
Covers native plants in Florida
(ALIPC, N.D.; Langeland and
Burks, 1998).
29. Does the invasive/weedy taxon
change community composition by
reducing or eliminating native
species or promoting other invasive
species? (y=0.2, n=0)
y 0.2 low Reduces native species abundance
(Brandt and Black, 2001;
Pemberton, 2003).
y 0.2 low Smothers and displaces native
species (ALIPC, N.D.;
Langeland and Burks, 1998).
30. Does it impact or is it likely to
impact any particular native plant
species significantly more so than
others (e.g., through competition,
y 0.1 high L. microphyllum is a host for
Octothrips lygodii, which thus far
appears to only affect Lygodium
hosts (Mound, 2002). L.
y 0.1 high L. japonicum is a host for
Octothrips lygodii, which thus
far appears to only affect
Lygodium hosts (Mound,
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium microphyllum Lygodium japonicum Question
References & Notes Result/Score/
References & Notes
parasitism, hybridization, or
alternate host for pest or disease)?
(y=0.1, n=0)
microphyllum in the U.S. may
provide a pathway for the entry
and establishment of the thrips,
which could impact the native L.
2002). L. japonicum in the U.S.
may provide a pathway for the
entry and establishment of the
thrips, which could impact the
native L. palmatum.
31. Consider the potential
distribution of the invasive plant in
the United States and the potential
habitats it may invade. Is it likely to
affect any federal Threatened and
Endangered plant species? (y=0.1,
y 0.1 low
Cucurbita okeechobeensis
(Hutchinson et al., 2006).
y 0.1 mod Is a threat to at least three
Florida T&E species (Ferriter,
2001). It may also threaten
U.S.-listed Threatened and
Endangered species such as
Thalictrum cooleyi, which
occurs in similar mesic habitats
as Lygodium (CPC, 2008)
32. Consider the potential
distribution of the invasive plant in
the United States and the potential
habitats it may invade. Is it likely to
affect any globally outstanding
ecoregions as defined by Ricketts et
al. (1999)? (y=0.1, n=0)
y 0.1 low It has invaded southern and
central Florida (Hutchinson et al.,
y 0.1 low It has invaded the southeastern
United States (NRCS, 2008),
which contain several globally
outstanding ecoregions
(Ricketts et al., 1999).
33. Allelopathic? (y=0.1, n=0) n 0 mod There is no evidence that it is
n 0 mod There is no evidence that it is
34. Is this plant directly
targeted/controlled by managers in
conservation areas? (y=0.2, n=0)
y 0.2 negl (Hutchinson et al., 2006) y 0.2 negl (Ferriter, 2001)
35. Produces a human allergen or
toxin, or is otherwise physically
harmful? (y=0.1, n=0)
n 0 mod No evidence. n 0 mod No evidence.
36. Produces spines, thorns, burrs, n 0 mod No evidence. n 0 mod No evidence.
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium microphyllum Lygodium japonicum Question
References & Notes Result/Score/
References & Notes
or other undesirable trait (e.g., foul
smell, stains property)? (y=0.1,
37. Does it hinder or otherwise
affect processes and aspects
generally deemed important for
human civilization or safety (e.g.,
vines on power lines, shrubs or
trees on utility right-of-ways,
growth in urban structures,
destabilizes coastal dunes)? (y=0.1,
y 0.1 mod It is being managed and cleared
on a major highway in Florida
(Florida Turnpike) (Hutchinson et
al., 2006).
y 0.1 mod "Lygodium [japonicum] then
occurred in about 10 locations
along the park drive and in an
equal number of locations
along powerline rights-of-way"
(Ferriter, 2001). Moderate
uncertainty because there was
no mention of degree of
38. Changes or limits recreational
use of an area (e.g., hinders
navigation in bodies of water,
hunting/fishing, impedes scenic
vistas)? (y=0.1, n=0)
y 0.1 mod May impact hunting leases on
private lands (Handley, 2008;
Rowe, 2008). "Lygodium poses an
unknown economic threat to the
tourism industry through its
degradation of natural resources
in Florida's parks and recreation
areas" (Ferriter, 2001).
y 0.1 low "Access to lands is denied"
(ALIPC, N.D.). May impact
hunting leases on private lands
(Handley, 2008; Rowe, 2008).
"Lygodium poses an unknown
economic threat to the tourism
industry through its degradation
of natural resources in Florida's
parks and recreation areas"
(Ferriter, 2001).
39. Outcompetes, replaces or
otherwise affects desirable plants
and vegetation (e.g., gardens,
lawns, street trees)? (y=0.1, n=0 )
n 0 mod No evidence. y 0.1 high "In 2000, plants were found in
Kaneohe, volunteering in
gardens among cultivated and
native plants" (Wilson, 2002).
High uncertainty because there
is no real evidence that it
impacts these features.
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium microphyllum Lygodium japonicum Question
References & Notes Result/Score/
References & Notes
40. Is this plant widely
targeted/controlled by citizens or
other groups or agencies in
urban/suburban areas? (y=0.1, n=0)
y 0.1 mod Along major highways in Florida
(Hutchinson et al., 2006).
n 0 mod No evidence.
41. Reduces crop/product yield
(e.g., by parasitism, competition, or
by harboring other pests)? (y=0.2,
n 0 mod No evidence. y 0.2 mod "L. japonicum poses a serious
economic risk to pine
plantations through its spread
and intensification of fire"
(Ferriter, 2001). "Scattered in
open timber stands and
plantations, but can increase in
cover to form mats, smothering
shrubs and trees." (Miller,
2003). Present in timber stands
(Barnard and Loan, N.D.).
42. Lowers commodity value (e.g.,
by increasing costs of production,
lowering market prices, or other)?
(y=0.2, n=0)
y 0.2 mod L. microphyllum grows in wet
ditches along orchards (e.g.,
citrus); it can grow over and onto
the trees, thereby requiring
treatment (Nagid, 2008).
y 0.2 low Treatment of L. japonicum in
pine plantations will increase
control costs, particularly to
avoid contaminated pine straw
(Nagid, 2008). There is a
movement to certify plantations
that are Lygodium free
(FFWCC, 2005).
43. Results in a loss of markets
(foreign or domestic) due to the
presence of a new quarantine pest?
(y=0.2, n=0)
y 0.2 mod L. microphyllum is a state noxious
weed in Alabama where it is
regulated, including in nursery
stock and hay (ADAI, 2008).
y 0.2 low Regulated in Florida and
Alabama (NRCS, 2008).
Because it contaminates pine-
straw bales (Ferriter, 2001), it
may result in a loss of domestic
and or foreign markets, or at
least requirement of risk
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium microphyllum Lygodium japonicum Question
References & Notes Result/Score/
References & Notes
management programs (e.g.
Clark, 2005).
44. Reduces the quality or
availability of irrigation, or strongly
competes with plants for water?
(y=0.1, n=0).
n 0 mod No evidence. n 0 mod No evidence.
45. Toxic to animals, including
livestock/range animals and poultry
(y=0.1, n=0)?
n 0 mod No evidence (CU, 2008). n 0 mod No evidence (CU, 2008).
46. Host for recognized pests and
pathogens? (y=0.1, n=0, ?=_)
? high Unknown. ? high Unknown.
47. Parasitic? (y=0.1, n=0) n 0 low Not described as a parasitic plant
(FNA Editorial Committee,
n 0 low Not described as a parasitic
plant (FNA Editorial
Committee, 1993).
48. Is this plant directly controlled
or managed in some fashion in any
production system (e.g., agriculture,
forestry, horticulture, aquaculture,
etc.)? (y=0.2, n=0)
y 0.2 mod See Table 4: "Land area infested
with and treated for invasive
species by professional managers"
(Carter-Finn et al., 2006).
Assigning moderate uncertainty
because the reference was not
directly about Lygodium.
y 0.2 mod "Foresters in north central
Florida report that neither
prescribed burns nor
application of herbicide
containing the active ingredient
2,4-D, or combinations, were
effective for controlling it in
pine plantations" (Ferriter,
2001). Assigned moderate
uncertainty, because it doesn't
appear to be a problem all the
time, at least during dry springs
(Ferriter, 2001).
Entry Potential
49. Plant already here? (y=1, n=0). y 1 negl (Wunderlin and Hansen, 2008) y 1 negl (Miller, 1995)
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium microphyllum Lygodium japonicum Question
References & Notes Result/Score/
References & Notes
50. Plant proposed for entry, or
entry is imminent? (y=1, n=0)
51. Plant under cultivation or
sold/traded elsewhere? (y=0.25,
n=0) [Skip #54 if yes. Skip #53 if
52. Plant currently marketed on the
internet or traded by growers
elsewhere? (enter 2 for yes, or 1 for
53. Plant not under cultivation but
deemed important? (y=0.05, n=0)
N/A Used in its native range
(Hutchinson et al., 2006).
54. Natural dispersal? (y=.05, n=0) N/A N/A
55. Plant present in Canada,
Mexico, Central America, the
Caribbean or China? Note doubles
likelihood of all contaminating
pathways (enter 2 for yes, or 1 for
N/A (Hutchinson et al., 2006) N/A
56. Q56 (contaminants of fruits and
vegetables for consumption)?
(y=0.01, n=0)
57. Q37 (contaminants in plants for
planting, including aquarium plants
and products)? (y=0.04, n=0)
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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58. Bird seed, or seeds for planting
(contaminants in grain, flower seed
packets, etc.)? (y=0.04, n=0)
59. Ballast water? (y=0.03, n=0) N/A N/A
60. Military vehicles or other
equipment? (y=0.02, n=0)
61. Imported landscape products
(e.g., pine-straw, hydro mulch, etc.)
(y=0.02, n=0)?
62. Other (specify) (A) 0.01, (B)
0.02, (C ) 0.03, (D) 0.04
Geographic Potential (USDA
Plant Hardiness Zones)
Zone 1 (0.056) n 0 low n 0 low
Zone 2 (0.037) n 0 low n 0 low
Zone 3 (0.058) n 0 low n 0 low
Zone 4 (0.129) n 0 low n 0 low
Zone 5 (0.133) n 0 low n 0 mod
Zone 6 (0.192) n 0 low n 0 high Korea (ARS, 2008a).
Gardeners in Zone 6 are
recommended to mulch after
first frost (Ferriter, 2001).
Because it may be unlikely to
survive without human
assistance, answering no, but
with high uncertainty.
Numbers in parentheses represent the proportion of the United States (lower 48 states, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico) in that plant hardiness zone. All numbers sum to
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium microphyllum Lygodium japonicum Question
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Zone 7 (0.152) n 0 low y 0.152 mod Korea (ARS, 2008a). Reported
to be in Korea (ARS, 2008a),
but no documentation in which
location. Zone 7 is the warmest
zone in Korea (Magarey et al.,
Zone 8 (0.143) n 0 low y 0.143 low Western Japan (ARS, 2008a);
southern Arkansas (NRCS,
2008); (DavesGarden, 2008)
Zone 9 (0.089) y 0.089 mod South Africa, China (ARS,
2008a). Orlando, Florida
(Pemberton, 2003)
y 0.089 low Taiwan (NTU, 2008);
(DavesGarden, 2008)
Zone 10 (0.009) y 0.009 low Angola, Mozambique, Zambia,
Zimbabwe, China, Florida (ARS,
y 0.009 low Taiwan (NTU, 2008);
(DavesGarden, 2008)
Zone 11 (0.001) y 0.001 low Angola, Mozambique, Zambia,
Zimbabwe, Florida (ARS, 2008a)
y 0.001 low Taiwan (NTU, 2008);
(DavesGarden, 2008)
Zone 12 (0.0003) y 0.0003 low Australia, Tanzania (ARS, 2008a) y 0.0003 low Hawaii (Wilson, 2002);
Malaysia, Papua New Guinea
(ARS, 2008a)
Zone 13 (0.0004) y 0.0004 mod Kenya, Uganda (ARS, 2008a) y 0.0004 low Hawaii (Wilson, 2002);
Malaysia, Papua New Guinea
(ARS, 2008a)
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Appendix B.
Weed risk assessment of Lygodium flexuosum. See Appendix A table heading for additional information.
Lygodium flexuosum Question
References & Notes
Establishment/Spread Potential
1. Select one: (A) Introduced elsewhere long ago (>75 years)
but not escaped (-4 pts); (B) Introduced recently (<75 years)
but not escaped (-2); (C) Never introduced elsewhere (0); (D)
Escaped/Casual (1); (E) Naturalized (2); (F) Invasive (4).
c 0 mod No evidence that it has been moved outside of its
naturalized range, other than for research under
quarantine conditions (ARS, 2008b).
2. Is the species highly domesticated? (y=-3; n=0, ?=_) n 0 mod No evidence.
3. Adaptive potential. (A) Individual plants demonstrated to be
phenotypically plastic/variable when exposed to different
environmental conditions (2); (B) Populations exhibit
phenotypic or genetic variation (among population variation)
(1); (C) Plants reported to grow in diverse habitats or across a
wide/broad range of environmental gradients (e.g., wet to dry,
nutrient poor to rich, sun to shade, fresh to salt, hot to cold,
etc.) (1); (D) Plants are not known to be variable or genetically
diverse, or plants are restricted to a narrow environmental
range (-1); (E) Unknown (0 pts).
c 1 low "Climbs trees and scrambles in open places in rainforest
and on cliffs and banks" (DEWR, 2008). Grows in
deciduous forests and mixed forests (SFD, 2008).
4. [Answer only if question 1 is A, B, or C]. Consider
invasive/weed status of congeners. (A) Plant has no
invasive/weedy congeners (0 pts); (B) Plant has a few (1-4)
invasive/weedy congeners (1); (C ) Plant has many (5 or more)
invasive/weedy congeners (2).
b 1 negl Lygodium japonicum and L. microphyllum are invasive
weeds in the United States (Ferriter, 2001). L.
circinnatum and L. polymorphum are considered weeds
by others (Holm et al., 1979; Randall, 2008), but
evidence is less clear.
5. Propagule pressure. Is the species widely
cultivated/popular/useful such that its introduction and
cultivation will increase establishment? (y=1, n=0, ?=_)
n 0 low No nurseries appear to currently carry it (query: Plant
Find and Plant Information Online). Basic horticultural
information unavailable (query: Dave’s Garden).
6. Shade tolerant at some stage of life cycle? (y=1, n=0, ?=_) y 1 low Requires partial to full shade (DavesGarden, 2008).
Found in mature shaded areas in plantations (PIC, 2008).
7. Climbing or smothering growth habit? (y=1, n=0, ?=_) y 1 negl (DEWR, 2008)
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium flexuosum Question
References & Notes
8. Aquatic? (y=5, n=0, ?=_) n 0 negl (DEWR, 2008)
9. Grass? (y=1, n=0) n 0 negl Plant is a terrestrial fern.
10. Nitrogen-fixing woody plant? (y=1, n=0, ?=_) n 0 mod No evidence that it fixes nitrogen.
11. Geophyte (herbaceous with underground storage organs)?
(y=1, n=0, ?=_).
y 1 low The genus Lygodium produces rhizomes (Mueller,
12. Produces viable seed or spores? (y=1, ?=0, n=-1) y 1 negl Spores have a high rate of germination (94%-95%)
(Amoroso and Amoroso, 1998).
13. Self-compatible or apomictic? (y=1, ?=0, n=-1) y 1 low Capable of intragametophytic selfing (Lal and Roy,
14. Requires specialist pollinators? (y=-1, n=0, ?=_) n 0 negl Plant is a fern.
15. Unpalatable to grazing animals? (y=1, ?=0, n=-1) ? 0 high In oil and rubber plantations in Malaysia, it is grazed on
last, after all other palatable species (Wahab, 2001).
16. Reproduction by vegetative fragmentation? (y=1, ?=0, n=-
y 1 high Plants produce rhizomes (DEWR, 2008), which are
assumed to result in vegetative reproduction.
17. Minimum generative time (A) 1 year or less (1 pt), (B) 2 or
3 years (0), (C) >3 years (-1pt); Unknown (?)=_.
b 0 mod Plants produce spores in 2-5 years (Gardener and
Marrinan, 2004). Spores producing the gametophyte
generation germinate within a few days (Trivedi and
Kher, 1976).
18. Evidence that a persistent propagule bank (e.g., seed bank)
is formed (>1yr)? (y=1, ?=0, n=-1)
y 1 mod Lygodium spp. spores can remain viable for years
(Hutchinson et al., 2006). "Spores of the Lygodium
genus have very thick walls, giving these propagules
long environmental viability" (Ferriter, 2001). Fern
spores can remain dormant for years (Banks, 1999).
Moderate uncertainty because decision was based on
genus level information.
19. Well controlled by herbicides or other cultural /
management techniques? (y=-1, ?=0, n=1)
? 0 high Unknown, but paraquat is specifically recommended for
ferns (PIC, 2008).
20. Tolerates/benefits from mutilation, cultivation or fire? (y=1, ? 0 high
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium flexuosum Question
References & Notes
?=0, n=-1)
21. Is resistant to some herbicides or has potential to acquire
herbicide resistance (e.g., related to genetically modified crop it
can outcross to, congener of weeds which have developed
herbicide resistance)? (y=1, n=0, ?=_)
n 0 low No Lygodium species is listed as having developed
herbicide resistance (Heap, 2008).
22. Hybridizes naturally? (y=1, ?=0, n=-1) n -1 low There doesn't appear to be any evidence of this species
hybridizing. A quick search showed only 1 hybridization
event in Lygodium (Fay, 1973).
23. Propagules likely to be dispersed unintentionally by
people? (y=1, ?=0, n=-1)
y 1 high L. microphyllum and L. japonicum can be dispersed
unintentionally by people (Hutchinson et al., 2006;
Miller, 2007). It is reasonable to assume the same will be
true for L. flexuosum.
24. Propagules dispersed intentionally by people? (y=1, ?=0,
y 1 mod Marketed on the internet (Anonymous, 2008).
25. Propagules adapted for either wind, water, or animal
(internal or external) dispersal? (y=1, ?=0, n=-1)
y 1 negl Ferns produce wind-dispersed spores.
26. Prolific seed/spore production (see scoring guide)? (y=1,
?=0, n=-1)
y 1 negl As a fern, this question gets an automatic yes. One study
estimated bout 15,000 spores per square cm of fertile
pinnae on L. microphyllum (Volin et al., 2004); L.
flexuosum is probably very similar.
Impact Potential
27. Is there evidence or strong reason to believe it impacts
ecosystem processes and system-wide parameters that affect
other species (e.g., changes fire regime, nutrient cycling, water
availability, community light levels, etc.)? (y=0.2, n=0)
? high No information available from native or introduced
range outside of U.S. However, L. microphyllum, which
has a similar growth form, changes fire regime and
community light levels in Florida (Hutchinson et al.,
28. Does it change community structure by creating,
modifying, or eliminating vegetation layers? (y=0.2, n=0)
? high No information available from native or introduced
range outside of U.S. However, L. microphyllum, which
has a similar growth form, creates an impermeable mat
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
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Lygodium flexuosum Question
References & Notes
over all vegetation, including the canopy (Brandt and
Black, 2001).
29. Does the invasive/weedy taxon change community
composition by reducing or eliminating native species or
promoting other invasive species? (y=0.2, n=0)
? high No information available from native or introduced
range outside of U.S. However, L. microphyllum, which
has a similar growth form, reduces native species
abundance (Brandt and Black, 2001; Pemberton, 2003)
30. Does it impact or is it likely to impact any particular native
plant species significantly more so than others (e.g., through
competition, parasitism, hybridization, or alternate host for pest
or disease)? (y=0.1, n=0)
y 0.1 high L. flexuosum is a host for Octothrips lygodii, which thus
far, appears to only affect Lygodium hosts (Mound,
2002). Establishment of L. flexuosum in the U.S. may
provide a pathway for the entry and establishment of the
thrips, which could impact the native L. palmatum.
31. Consider the potential distribution of the invasive plant in
the United States and the potential habitats it may invade. Is it
likely to affect any federal Threatened and Endangered plant
species? (y=0.1, n=0)
y 0.1 mod It may threaten US listed Threatened and Endangered
species such as Thalictrum cooleyi which occurs in
similar mesic habitats as Lygodium (CPC, 2008).
32. Consider the potential distribution of the invasive plant in
the United States and the potential habitats it may invade. Is it
likely to affect any globally outstanding ecoregions as defined
by Ricketts et al. (1999)? (y=0.1, n=0)
y 0.1 low Based upon its potential distribution in plant hardiness
zones 9 and higher, it can impact the southeastern U.S.
which contains several globally outstanding ecoregions
(Ricketts et al., 1999).
33. Allelopathic? (y=0.1, n=0) n 0 mod No evidence.
34. Is this plant directly targeted/controlled by managers in
conservation areas? (y=0.2, n=0)
n 0 high No evidence that it has been introduced elsewhere and
subject to control.
35. Produces a human allergen or toxin, or is otherwise
physically harmful? (y=0.1, n=0)
n 0 mod No evidence.
36. Produces spines, thorns, burrs, or other undesirable trait
(e.g., foul smell, stains property)? (y=0.1, n=0)
n 0 mod No evidence.
37. Does it hinder or otherwise affect processes and aspects
generally deemed important for human civilization or safety
(e.g., vines on power lines, shrubs or trees on utility right-of-
n 0 mod No evidence.
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
Lygodium flexuosum Question
References & Notes
ways, growth in urban structures, destabilizes coastal dunes)?
(y=0.1, n=0)
38. Changes or limits recreational use of an area (e.g., hinders
navigation in bodies of water, hunting/fishing, impedes scenic
vistas)? (y=0.1, n=0)
n 0 mod No evidence.
39. Outcompetes, replaces or otherwise affects desirable plants
and vegetation (e.g., gardens, lawns, street trees)? (y=0.1, n=0 )
n 0 mod No evidence.
40. Is this plant widely targeted/controlled by citizens or other
groups or agencies in urban/suburban areas? (y=0.1, n=0)
n 0 mod No evidence.
41. Reduces crop/product yield (e.g., by parasitism,
competition, or by harboring other pests)? (y=0.2, n=0)
y 0.2 low Considered a primary constraint to rice production and
reduces rice yield (Roder et al., 1995b; Roder et al.,
42. Lowers commodity value (e.g., by increasing costs of
production, lowering market prices, or other)? (y=0.2, n=0)
y 0.2 low Weeding in rice fields increases cost of production;
weeding is labor intensive (Roder et al., 1995b; Roder et
al., 1997). Interferes with harvest in tree plantations
(PIC, 2008)
43. Results in a loss of markets (foreign or domestic) due to the
presence of a new quarantine pest? (y=0.2, n=0)
y 0.2 high Unknown. But L. japonicum and L. microphyllum are
regulated in Florida and Alabama (NRCS, 2008).
Because L. japonicum contaminates pine straw bales
(Ferriter, 2001), it may result in a loss of domestic and/or
foreign markets, or at least requirement of risk
management programs (e.g., Clark, 2005).
44. Reduces the quality or availability of irrigation, or strongly
competes with plants for water? (y=0.1, n=0).
? high
45. Toxic to animals, including livestock/range animals and
poultry (y=0.1, n=0)?
n 0 mod No evidence (CU, 2008).
46. Host for recognized pests and pathogens? (y=0.1, n=0, ?=_) ? high
47. Parasitic? (y=0.1, n=0) n 0 low Not described as a parasitic plant.
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
Lygodium flexuosum Question
References & Notes
48. Is this plant directly controlled or managed in some fashion
in any production system (e.g., agriculture, forestry,
horticulture, aquaculture, etc.)? (y=0.2, n=0)
y 0.2 negl Controlled in rice fields (Roder et al., 1995b; Roder et
al., 1997) and tree plantations (PIC, 2008). It, among
other weeds, is controlled in tea plantations, where it is
considered a high to significant weed (Rajkhowa et al.,
Entry Potential
49. Plant already here? (y=1, n=0). STOP IF YES n 0 low Not listed in the USDA Plants Database. Imported by
USDA-ARS to study impact of potential biological
control agents for Lygodium microphyllum (ARS,
50. Plant proposed for entry, or entry is imminent? (y=1, n=0)
n 0 low
51. Plant under cultivation or sold/traded elsewhere? (y=0.25,
n=0) [Skip #54 if yes. Skip #53 if no.]
y 0.5 low Listed in a seed company catalogue, but may not be
readily available (Anonymous, 2008). Plant used in
handcrafts (Anonymous, 2005).
52. Plant currently marketed on the internet or traded by
growers elsewhere? (enter 2 for yes, or 1 for no)
2 negl (Anonymous, 2008).
53. Plant not under cultivation but deemed important? (y=0.05,
54. Natural dispersal? (y=.05, n=0) n 0 negl Not present in surrounding regions.
55. Plant present in Canada, Mexico, Central America, the
Caribbean or China. Note doubles likelihood of all
contaminating pathways? (enter 2 for yes, or 1 for no)
1 negl Not present in surrounding regions.
56. Q56 (contaminants of fruits and vegetables for
consumption)? (y=0.01, n=0)
y 0.01 mod "Creepers like Mikania [and Lygodium flexuosum]
contaminate plucked shoots" of tea in India (Rajkhowa et
al., 2005). It is likely spores may be present on the
57. Q37 (contaminants in plants for planting, including
aquarium plants and products)? (y=0.04, n=0)
? 0 high Unknown, but spores could readily contaminate any Q37
WRA for Lygodium microphyllum, L. japonicum, & L. flexuosum.
Rev. 005 May 12, 2009
Lygodium flexuosum Question
References & Notes
58. Bird seed, or seeds for planting (contaminants in grain,
flower seed packets, etc.)? (y=0.04, n=0)
? 0 high Unknown, but spores could readily contaminate this
59. Ballast water? (y=0.03, n=0) n 0 mod No evidence, but considered unlikely.
60. Military vehicles or other equipment? (y=0.02, n=0) y 0.02 high Unknown for L. flexuosum, but L. japonicum
contaminates equipment (Miller, 2007).
61. Imported landscape products (e.g., pine-straw, hydro
mulch, etc.) (y=0.02, n=0)?
y 0.02 high Unknown for L. flexuosum, but "L. japonicum has also
been identified as a contaminant in pine straw bales"
(Clark, 2005; Ferriter, 2001).
62. Other (specify) (A) 0.01, (B) 0.02, (C ) 0.03, (D) 0.04 ? 0.00 high
Geographic Potential (USDA Plant Hardiness Zones)
Zone 1 (0.056) n 0 low
Zone 2 (0.037) n 0 low
Zone 3 (0.058) n 0 low
Zone 4 (0.129) n 0 low
Zone 5 (0.133) n 0 low
Zone 6 (0.192) n 0 low
Zone 7 (0.152) n 0 low
Zone 8 (0.143) n 0 high
Zone 9 (0.089) y 0.089 mod
Zone 10 (0.009) y 0.009 low
Temperate and subtropical China: Guangdong, Guangzi,
and Guizhou provinces (ARS, 2008a).
Zone 11 (0.001) y 0.001 negl In northern Australia (DEWR, 2008).
Zone 12 (0.0003) y 0.0003 negl In northern Australia (DEWR, 2008).
Zone 13 (0.0004) y 0.0004 negl Sir Lanka (ARS, 2008a); Malaysia (Lim et al., 2001).
Numbers in parentheses are the proportion of area of the United States (lower 48 states, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico) in that plant hardiness zone. All numbers sum
to 1.