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Accessible version: https://www.cdc.gov/infection-control/hcp/environmental-control/index.html
Guidelines for Environmental
Infection Control in Health-Care
Recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control
Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Atlanta, GA 30329
Updated: July 2019
Ebola Virus Disease Update [August 2014]: The recommendations in this guideline for Ebola has
been superseded by these CDC documents:
Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients with Known or
Suspected Ebola Virus Disease in U.S. Hospitals (https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/healthcare-
Interim Guidance for Environmental Infection Control in Hospitals for Ebola Virus
See CDC’s Ebola Virus Disease website (https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/index.html) for current
information on how Ebola virus is transmitted.
New Categorization Scheme for Recommendations [November 2018]
In November 2018, HICPAC voted to approve an updated recommendation scheme. The category
Recommendation means that we are confident that the benefits of the recommended approach
clearly exceed the harms (or, in the case of a negative recommendation, that the harms clearly
exceed the benefits). In general, Recommendations should be supported by high- to moderate-quality
evidence. In some circumstances, however, Recommendations may be made based on lesser
evidence or even expert opinion when high-quality evidence is impossible to obtain and the
anticipated benefits strongly outweigh the harms or when then Recommendation is required by
federal law. For more information, see November 2018 HICPAC Meeting Minutes [PDF - 126
pages] (http://www.cdc.gov/hicpac/pdf/2018-Nov-HICPAC-Meeting-508.pdf).
C. difficile Update [April 2019]: Recommendations E.VI.G. and E.VI.H. and the supporting text
were updated to reflect changes in Federal regulatory approvals:
LIST K: EPA’s Registered
Antimicrobial Products Effective against Clostridium difficile Spores
Interim Measles Infection Control [July 2019]
See Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Measles in Healthcare Settings
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Suggested Citations:
Available from the CDC Internet Site:
The full-text version of the guidelines appears as a web-based document at the CDC’s Division of
Healthcare Quality Promotion’s Infection Control
The full-text version of the guidelines should be cited when reference is made primarily to material in
Parts I and IV. The print version of the guidelines appears as:
Sehulster LM, Chinn RYW, Arduino MJ, Carpenter J, Donlan R, Ashford D, Besser R, Fields B, McNeil
MM, Whitney C, Wong S, Juranek D, Cleveland J. Guidelines for environmental infection control in
health-care facilities. Recommendations from CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices
Advisory Committee (HICPAC). Chicago IL; American Society for Healthcare Engineering/American
Hospital Association; 2004.
Part II of these guidelines appeared in the CDC’s “Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report:”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for environmental infection control in health-care
facilities: recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee
(HICPAC). MMWR 2003; 52 (No. RR-10): 1–48.
Updates to the Part II recommendations also appeared in the MMWR in 2003 as “Errata: Vol. 52 (No.
RR-10)” (MMWR Vol. 52 [42]: 1025–6) on October 24, 2003 and as a “Notice to Readers” scheduled to
appear in February 2004. The full-text version of these guidelines (this document) incorporates these
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory
Committee (HICPAC)
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in
Health-Care Facilities
Although the environment serves as a reservoir for a variety of microorganisms, it is rarely implicated in
disease transmission except in the immunocompromised population. Inadvertent exposures to
environmental opportunistic pathogens (e.g., Aspergillus spp. and Legionella spp.) or airborne pathogens
(e.g., Mycobacterium tuberculosis and varicella-zoster virus) may result in infections with significant
morbidity and/or mortality. Lack of adherence to established standards and guidance (e.g., water quality
in dialysis, proper ventilation for specialized care areas such as operating rooms, and proper use of
disinfectants) can result in adverse patient outcomes in health-care facilities.
The objective is to develop an environmental infection-control guideline that reviews and reaffirms
strategies for the prevention of environmentally-mediated infections, particularly among health-care
workers and immunocompromised patients. The recommendations are evidence-based whenever possible.
Search Strategies:
The contributors to this guideline reviewed predominantly English-language articles identified from
MEDLINE literature searches, bibliographies from published articles, and infection-control textbooks.
Criteria for Selecting Citations and Studies for This Review:
Articles dealing with outbreaks of infection due to environmental opportunistic microorganisms and
epidemiological- or laboratory experimental studies were reviewed. Current editions of guidelines and
standards from organizations (i.e., American Institute of Architects [AIA], Association for the
Advancement of Medical Instrumentation [AAMI], and American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and
Air-Conditioning Engineers [ASHRAE]) were consulted. Relevant regulations from federal agencies (i.e.,
U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA]; U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health
Administration [OSHA]; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA]; and U.S. Department of Justice)
were reviewed. Some topics did not have well-designed, prospective studies nor reports of outbreak
investigations. Expert opinions and experience were consulted in these instances.
Types of Studies:
Reports of outbreak investigations, epidemiological assessment of outbreak investigations with control
strategies, and in vitro environmental studies were assessed. Many of the recommendations are derived
from empiric engineering concepts and reflect industry standards. A few of the infection-control measures
proposed cannot be rigorously studied for ethical or logistical reasons.
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Outcome Measures:
Infections caused by the microorganisms described in this guideline are rare events, and the effect of
these recommendations on infection rates in a facility may not be readily measurable. Therefore, the
following steps to measure performance are suggested to evaluate these recommendations:
1. Document whether infection-control personnel are actively involved in all phases of a healthcare
facility’s demolition, construction, and renovation. Activities should include performing a risk
assessment of the necessary types of construction barriers, and daily monitoring and documenting of
the presence of negative airflow within the construction zone or renovation area.
2. Monitor and document daily the negative airflow in airborne infection isolation rooms (AII) and
positive airflow in protective environment rooms (PE), especially when patients are in these rooms.
3. Perform assays at least once a month by using standard quantitative methods for endotoxin in water
used to reprocess hemodialyzers, and for heterotrophic, mesophilic bacteria in water used to prepare
dialysate and for hemodialyzer reprocessing.
4. Evaluate possible environmental sources (e.g., water, laboratory solutions, or reagents) of specimen
contamination when nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) of unlikely clinical importance are isolated
from clinical cultures. If environmental contamination is found, eliminate the probable mechanisms.
5. Document policies to identify and respond to water damage. Such policies should result in either
repair and drying of wet structural materials within 72 hours, or removal of the wet material if drying
is unlikely within 72 hours.
Main Results:
Infection-control strategies and engineering controls, when consistently implemented, are effective in
preventing opportunistic, environmentally-related infections in immunocompromised populations.
Adherence to proper use of disinfectants, proper maintenance of medical equipment that uses water (e.g.,
automated endoscope reprocessors and hydrotherapy equipment), water-quality standards for
hemodialysis, and proper ventilation standards for specialized care environments (i.e., airborne infection
isolation [AII], protective environment [PE], and operating rooms [ORs]), and prompt management of
water intrusion into facility structural elements will minimize health-care associated infection risks and
reduce the frequency of pseudo-outbreaks. Routine environmental sampling is not advised except in the
few situations where sampling is directed by epidemiologic principles and results can be applied directly
to infection control decisions, and for water quality determinations in hemodialysis.
Reviewers’ Conclusions:
Continued compliance with existing environmental infection control measures will decrease the risk of
health-care associated infections among patients, especially the immunocompromised, and health-care
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory
Committee (HICPAC)
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations Used in This Publication ............................................................................................ 9
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................... 15
Part I. Background Information: Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities .................... 17
A. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 17
B. Key Terms Used in this Guideline ..................................................................................................... 19
C. Air ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
1. Modes of Transmission of Airborne Diseases ................................................................................ 20
2. Airborne Infectious Diseases in Health-Care Facilities .................................................................. 21
3. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems in Health-Care Facilities ............................. 27
4. Construction, Renovation, Remediation, Repair, and Demolition .................................................. 35
5. Environmental Infection-Control Measures for Special Health-Care Settings ............................... 48
6. Other Aerosol Hazards in Health-Care Facilities ............................................................................ 54
D. Water .................................................................................................................................................. 54
1. Modes of Transmission of Waterborne Diseases ............................................................................ 54
2. Waterborne Infectious Diseases in Health-Care Facilities .............................................................. 55
3. Water Systems in Health-Care Facilities ........................................................................................ 60
4. Strategies for Controlling Waterborne Microbial Contamination................................................... 68
5. Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers ................................................................................ 72
6. Dialysis Water Quality and Dialysate ............................................................................................. 74
7. Ice Machines and Ice....................................................................................................................... 80
8. Hydrotherapy Tanks and Pools ....................................................................................................... 82
9. Miscellaneous Medical/Dental Equipment Connected to Main Water Systems ............................. 84
E. Environmental Services ...................................................................................................................... 86
1. Principles of Cleaning and Disinfecting Environmental Surfaces .................................................. 86
2. General Cleaning Strategies for Patient-Care Areas ....................................................................... 88
3. Cleaning Strategies for Spills of Blood and Body Substances ....................................................... 91
4. Carpeting and Cloth Furnishings .................................................................................................... 93
5. Flowers and Plants in Patient-Care Areas ....................................................................................... 94
6. Pest Control ..................................................................................................................................... 95
7. Special Pathogen Concerns ............................................................................................................. 97
. Environmental Sampling .................................................................................................................. 103
1. General Principles: Microbiologic Sampling of the Environment ................................................ 103
2. Air Sampling ..................................................................................................................................... 104
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3. Water Sampling ............................................................................................................................ 109
4. Environmental Surface Sampling ................................................................................................. 110
G. Laundry and Bedding ....................................................................................................................... 113
1. General Information ...................................................................................................................... 113
2. Epidemiology and General Aspects of Infection Control ............................................................. 113
3. Collecting, Transporting, and Sorting Contaminated Textiles and Fabrics .................................. 114
4. Parameters of the Laundry Process ............................................................................................... 115
5. Special Laundry Situations ........................................................................................................... 117
6. Surgical Gowns, Drapes, and Disposable Fabrics ........................................................................ 118
7. Antimicrobial-Impregnated Articles and Consumer Items Bearing Antimicrobial Labeling ....... 118
8. Standard Mattresses, Pillows, and Air-Fluidized Beds ................................................................. 118
H. Animals in Health-Care Facilities .................................................................................................... 120
1. General Information ...................................................................................................................... 120
2. Animal-Assisted Activities, Animal-Assisted Therapy, and Resident Animals ........................... 121
3. Service Animals ............................................................................................................................ 123
4. Animals as Patients in Human Health-Care Facilities .................................................................. 125
5. Research Animals in Health-Care Facilities ................................................................................. 126
I. Regulated Medical Waste .................................................................................................................. 127
1. Epidemiology ................................................................................................................................ 127
2. Categories of Medical Waste ........................................................................................................ 128
3. Management of Regulated Medical Waste in Health-Care Facilities ........................................... 128
4. Treatment of Regulated Medical Waste ........................................................................................ 128
5. Discharging Blood, Fluids to Sanitary Sewers or Septic Tanks ................................................... 131
6. Medical Waste and CJD ................................................................................................................ 131
Part II. Recommendations for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities ...................... 132
A. Rationale for Recommendations ...................................................................................................... 132
B. Rating Categories ............................................................................................................................. 132
C. Recommendations—Air ................................................................................................................... 133
I. Air-Handling Systems in Health-Care Facilities..................................................................... 133
II. Construction, Renovation, Remediation, Repair, and Demolition .......................................... 135
III. Infection-Control and Ventilation Requirements for PE Rooms ............................................ 137
. Infection-Control and Ventilation Requirements for All Rooms ............................................ 138
V. Infection-Control and Ventilation Requirements for Operating Rooms ................................. 139
VI. Other Potential Infectious Aerosol Hazards in Health-Care Facilities ................................... 140
D. Recommendations—Water .............................................................................................................. 140
I. Controlling the Spread of Waterborne Microoganisms .......................................................... 140
VII. Routine Prevention of Waterborne Microbial Contamination Within the Distribution System
................................................................................................................................................ 141
VIII. Remediation Strategies for Distribution System Repair or Emergencies ............................... 141
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IX. Additional Engineering Measures as Indicated by Epidemiologic Investigation for Controlling
Waterborne, Health-care associated Legionnaires Disease..................................................... 142
X. General Infection-Control Strategies for Preventing Legionnaires Disease ........................... 143
XI. Preventing Legionnaires Disease in Protective Environments and Transplant Units ............. 144
XIII. Dialysis Water Quality and Dialysate ..................................................................................... 145
XIV. Ice Machines and Ice............................................................................................................... 145
XV. Hydrotherapy Tanks and Pools ............................................................................................... 146
XVI. Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Connected to Water Systems .......................................... 146
E. Recommendations—Environmental Services .................................................................................. 147
I. Cleaning and Disinfecting Strategies for Environmental Surfaces in Patient-Care Areas ...... 147
II. Cleaning Spills of Blood and Body Substances ...................................................................... 149
F. Recommendations—Environmental Sampling ................................................................................. 152
I. General Information ................................................................................................................ 152
II. Air, Water, and Environmental-Surface Sampling ................................................................. 152
G. Recommendations—Laundry and Bedding ..................................................................................... 153
I. Employer Responsibilities ...................................................................................................... 153
II. Laundry Facilities and Equipment .......................................................................................... 153
III. Routine Handling of Contaminated Laundry .......................................................................... 153
IV. Laundry Process ...................................................................................................................... 153
V. Microbiologic Sampling of Textiles ....................................................................................... 154
VI. Special Laundry Situations ..................................................................................................... 154
VII. Mattresses and Pillows ............................................................................................................ 154
VIII. Air-Fluidized Beds .................................................................................................................. 154
H. Recommendations—Animals in Health-Care Facilities .................................................................. 154
I. General Infection-Control Measures for Animal Encounters ................................................. 154
II. Animal-Assisted Activities, Animal-Assisted Therapy, and Resident Animal Programs ...... 155
III. Protective Measures for Immunocompromised Patients ......................................................... 155
IV. Service Animals ...................................................................................................................... 155
V. A
nimals as Patients in Human Health-Care Facilities ............................................................ 156
VI. Research Animals in Health-Care Facilities ........................................................................... 156
I. Recommendations—Regulated Medical Waste ................................................................................ 157
I. Categories of Regulated Medical Waste ................................................................................. 157
II. Disposal Plan for Regulated Medical Wastes ......................................................................... 157
III. Handling, Transporting, and Storing Regulated Medical Wastes ........................................... 157
IV. Treatment and Disposal of Regulated Medical Wastes .......................................................... 158
V. Special Precautions for Wastes Generated During Care of Patients with Rare Diseases ....... 158
Part III. References ................................................................................................................................... 158
Part IV. Appendices .................................................................................................................................. 215
Appendix A. Glossary of Terms ........................................................................................................... 215
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Appendix B. Air .................................................................................................................................... 223
1. Airborne Contaminant Removal ................................................................................................... 223
2. Air Sampling for Aerosols Containing Legionellae ...................................................................... 224
3. Calculation of Air Sampling Results ............................................................................................ 224
4. Ventilation Specifications for Health-Care Facilities ................................................................... 225
Appendix C. Water ............................................................................................................................... 233
1. Biofilms......................................................................................................................................... 233
2. Water and Dialysate Sampling Strategies in Dialysis ................................................................... 234
3. Water Sampling Strategies and Culture Techniques for Detecting Legionellae ........................... 235
4. Procedure for Cleaning Cooling Towers and Related Equipment ................................................ 237
5. Maintenance Procedures Used to Decrease Survival and Multiplications of Legionella spp. in
Potable-Water Distribution Systems ....................................................................................... 238
Appendix D. Insects and Microorganisms ............................................................................................ 239
Appendix E. Information Resources ..................................................................................................... 240
Air andWater ..................................................................................................................................... 240
Environmental Sampling................................................................................................................... 240
Animals in Health-Care Facilities ..................................................................................................... 240
Regulated Medical Waste ................................................................................................................. 240
General Resources ............................................................................................................................ 240
Appendix F. Areas of Future Research ................................................................................................. 241
Air….. ............................................................................................................................................... 241
Water…… ......................................................................................................................................... 241
Environmental Services .................................................................................................................... 241
Laundry and Bedding ........................................................................................................................ 241
Animals in Health-Care Facilities ..................................................................................................... 241
Regulated Medical Waste ................................................................................................................. 241
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List of Abbreviations Used in This Publication
animal-assisted activity
Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
animal-assisted therapy
American Council of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
air changes per hour
Americans with Disabilities Act
automated endoscope reprocessor
acid-fast bacilli
American Hospital Association
authorities having jurisdiction
American Institute of Architects
airborne infection isolation
amphotericin B
absolute neutrophil count
American National Standards Institute
Association of periOperative Registered Nurses
American Society for Healthcare Engineering
American Society of Heating, Refirgeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
Bacille Calmette-Guérin
buffered charcoal yeast extract medium
brain-heart infusion
CDC/NIH publication “Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories
biological oxygen demand
bovine spongiform encephalopathy
biosafety level
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
continual cycling peritoneal dialysis
count median aerodynamic diameter
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Code of Federal Regulations
colony-forming unit
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
compliance document (OSHA)
cooling tower/evaporative condenser
direct fluorescence assay; direct fluorescent antibody
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
duck hepatitis B virus
deoxyribonucleic acid
U.S. Department of Transportation
environment of care (JCAHO)
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
end-stage renal disease
endotoxin unit
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U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
free residual chlorine
foot (feet)
U.S. Federal Trade Commission
glycopeptide intermediate resistant Staphylococcus aureus
hepatitis B virus
hepatitis C virus
high efficiency particulate air
Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee
human immunodeficiency virus
human papilloma virus
hematopoietic stem cell transplant
heating, ventilation, air conditioning
infection control risk assessment
intensive care unit
ID 50
50% median infectious dose
intermittent peritoneal dialysis
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Mycobacterium avium complex; also used to denote MacConkey agar
multiple-drug resistant organism
minimum inhibitory concentration
micrometer; micron
mass median aerodynamic diameter
“Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report”
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
material safety data sheet
sodium chloride
sodium hydroxide
National Center for Infectious Diseases
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards
neonatal intensive care unit
U.S. National Institutes of Health
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance
nontuberculous mycobacteria
on-premises laundry
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
polymerase chain reaction
peritoneal dialysis
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protective environment
permissible exposure limit
personal protective equipment
parts per million
randomly amplified polymorphic DNA
replicate organism direct agar contact
respiratory syncytial virus
reverse osmosis
severe acute respiratory syndrome
SARS coronavirus
surgical site infection
threshold limit value-time weighted average
tryptic soy agar
tryptic soy broth
transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
United States
United States Code
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Postal Service
ultraviolet germicidal irradiation
variable air ventilation
variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
vancomycin intermediate resistant Staphylococcus aureus
vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus
vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
varicella-zoster virus
Note: Use of trade names and commercial sources is for identification only and does not imply
endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. References to non-CDC sites on the
Internet are provided as a service to the reader and does not constitute or imply endorsement of these
organization s or their programs by CDC or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. CDC is
not responsible for the content of pages found at these sites.
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The following CDC staff member and HICPAC member prepared this report:
Lynne Sehulster, PhD
Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Raymond Y.W. Chinn, MD
HICPAC Advisor
Sharp Memorial Hospital
San Diego, California
Disclosure of Relationship: Raymond Y.W. Chinn is a private-practice physician and salaried employee
of Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego, California. Dr. Chinn received no research funds from
commercial sources either directly, or indirectly through awards made to the hospital, before or
during the development of these guidelines.
Contributions were made by the following CDC staff members:
Matthew Arduino, DrPH
Joe Carpenter, PE
Rodney Donlan, PhD
Lynne Sehulster, PhD
Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion
National Center for Infectious Diseases
David Ashford, DVM, Dsc, MPH
Richard Besser, MD
Barry Fields, PhD
Michael M. McNeil, MBBS, MPH
Cynthia Whitney, MD, MPH
Stephanie Wong, DMV, MPH
Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Dennis Juranek, DVM, MSC
Division of Parasitic Diseases
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Jennifer Cleveland, DDS, MPH
Division of Oral Health
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
In collaboration with the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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HICPAC Members, February 2002
Robert A. Weinstein, MD
Cook County Hospital
Chicago, IL
Michele L. Pearson, MD
Executive Secretary
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA
Alfred DeMaria, Jr., MD
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Jamaica Plain, MA
James T. Lee, MD, PhD
University of Minnesota
VA Medical Center
William A. Rutala, PhD, MPH, CIC
University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Chapel Hill, NC
Beth H. Stover, RN, CIC
Kosair Children’s Hospital
Louisville, KY
Jane D. Siegel, MD
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX
Raymond Y.W. Chinn, MD
Sharp Memorial Hospital
San Diego, CA
Elaine L. Larson, RN, PhD
Columbia University School of Nursing
New York, NY
Ramon E. Moncada, MD
Coronado Physician’s Medical Center
Coronado, CA
St. Paul, MN
William E. Scheckler, MD
University of Wisconsin Medical School
Madison, WI
Marjorie A. Underwood, RN, BSN, CIC
Mt. Diablo Medical Center
Concord, CA
Liaison Members
Loretta L. Fauerbach, MS, CIC
Association for Professionals in Infection
Control and Epidemiology (APIC)
Washington, DC
Dorothy M. Fogg, RN, BSN, MA
Association of periOperative Registered
Nurses (AORN)
Denver, CO
Chiu S. Lin, PhD
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Rockville, MD
Sandra L. Fitzler, RN
American Health Care Association
Washington, DC
Stephen F. Jencks, MD, MPH
U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Baltimore, MD
James P. Steinberg, MD
Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America,
Inc. (SHEA)
Atlanta, GA
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Liaison Members (continued)
Michael L. Tapper, MD
Advisory Committee for the Elimination of
Tuberculosis (ACET)
New York, NY
Expert Reviewers
Trisha Barrett, RN, MBA, CIC
Alta Bates Medical Center
Berkeley, CA
Michael Berry
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Walter W. Bond, MS
RCSA, Inc.
Lawrenceville, GA
Douglas Erickson, FASHE
American Society for Healthcare
Park Ridge, IL
Richard Miller, MD
University of Louisville School of Medicine
Louisville, KY
Gina Pugliese, RN, MS
Premier Safety Institute
Oak Brook, IL
James D. Scott, PE
Michigan Department of Consumer and
Industry Services
Lansing, MI
Dale Woodin
American Society for Healthcare Engineering
Chicago, IL
Judene Bartley, MS, MPH, CIC
Epidemiology Consulting Services, Inc.
Beverly Hills, MI
Col. Nancy Bjerke, BSN, MA, MEd, MPH, CIC
(USAF, Retired)
Infection Control Associates (ICA)
San Antonio, TX
Cheryl Carter, RN
University of Iowa Health Center
Iowa City, IA
tin S. Favero, PhD
Advanced Sterilization Products, Johnson and
Irvine, CA
Col. Shannon E. Mills, DDS
HQ USAF / Surgeon General Detail
Bolin AFB, DC
Craig E. Rubens, MD, PhD
Children’s Hospital and Medical Center
Seattle, WA
Andrew J. Streifel, MPH, REHS
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Executive Summary
The Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities is a compilation of
recommendations for the prevention and control of infectious diseases that are associated with healthcare
environments. This document
a. revises multiple sections from previous editions of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
[CDC] document titled Guideline for Handwashing and Hospital Environmental Control;
1, 2
b. incorporates discussions of air and water environmental concerns from CDC’s Guideline for the
Prevention of Nosocomial Pneumonia;
c. consolidates relevant environmental infection-control measures from other CDC guidelines;
d. includes two topics not addressed in previous CDC guidelines — infection-control concerns related to
animals in health-care facilities and water quality in hemodialysis settings.
Part I of this report, Background Information: Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities,
provides a comprehensive review of the scientific literature. Attention is given to engineering and infection-
control concerns during construction, demolition, renovation, and repairs of health-care facilities. Use of an
infection-control risk assessment is strongly supported before the start of these or any other activities expected
to generate dust or water aerosols. Also reviewed in Part I are infection-control measures used to recover from
catastrophic events (e.g., flooding, sewage spills, loss of electricity and ventilation, and disruption of the water
supply) and the limited effects of environmental surfaces, laundry, plants, animals, medical wastes, cloth
furnishings, and carpeting on disease transmission in healthcare facilities.
Part II of this guideline, Recommendations for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities,
outlines environmental infection control in health-care facilities, describing measures for preventing infections
associated with air, water, and other elements of the environment. These recommendations represent the views
of different divisions within CDC’s National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID) (e.g., the Division of
Healthcare Quality Promotion [DHQP] and the Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases [DBMD]) and the
consensus of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC), a 12-member group
that advises CDC on concerns related to the surveillance, prevention, and control of health-care associated
infections, primarily in U.S. healthcare facilities.10 In 1999, HICPAC’s infection-control focus was expanded
from acute-care hospitals to all venues where health care is provided (e.g., outpatient surgical centers, urgent
care centers, clinics, outpatient dialysis centers, physicians’ offices, and skilled nursing facilities). The topics
addressed in this guideline are applicable to the majority of health-care venues in the United States. This
document is intended for use primarily by infection-control professionals (ICPs), epidemiologists, employee
health and safety personnel, information system specialists, administrators, engineers, facility managers,
environmental service professionals, and architects for health-care facilities.
Key recommendations include
a. infection-control impact of ventilation system and water system performance;
b. establishment of a multidisciplinary team to conduct infection-control risk assessment;
c. use of dust-control procedures and barriers during construction, repair, renovation, or demolition;
d. environmental infection-control measures for special care areas with patients at high risk;
e. use of airborne particle sampling to monitor the effectiveness of air filtration and dust-control measures;
f. procedures to prevent airborne contamination in operating rooms when infectious tuberculosis [TB]
patients require surgery
g. guidance regarding appropriate indications for routine culturing of water as part of a comprehensive
control program for legionellae;
h. guidance for recovering from water system disruptions, water leaks, and natural disasters [e.g.,
i. infection-control concepts for equipment that uses water from main lines [e.g., water systems for
hemodialysis, ice machines, hydrotherapy equipment, dental unit water lines, and automated endoscope
j. environmental surface cleaning and disinfection strategies with respect to antibiotic-resistant
k. infection-control procedures for health-care laundry;
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l. use of animals in health care for activities and therapy;
m. managing the presence of service animals in health-care facilities;
n. infection-control strategies for when animals receive treatment in human health-care facilities; and
o. a call to reinstate the practice of inactivating amplified cultures and stocks of microorganisms on-site
during medical waste treatment.
Whenever possible, the recommendations in Part II are based on data from well-designed scientific
studies. However, certain of these studies were conducted by using narrowly defined patient populations
or for specific health-care settings (e.g., hospitals versus long-term care facilities), making generalization
of findings potentially problematic. Construction standards for hospitals or other healthcare facilities may
not apply to residential home-care units. Similarly, infection-control measures indicated for
immunosuppressed patient care are usually not necessary in those facilities where such patients are not
present. Other recommendations were derived from knowledge gained during infectious disease
investigations in health-care facilities, where successful termination of the outbreak was often the result
of multiple interventions, the majority of which cannot be independently and rigorously evaluated. This is
especially true for construction situations involving air or water.
Other recommendations are derived from empiric engineering concepts and may reflect an industry
standard rather than an evidence-based conclusion. Where recommendations refer to guidance from the
American Institute of Architects (AIA), (AIA guidance has been superseded by the Facilities Guidelines
Institute [FGI]) the statements reflect standards intended for new construction or renovation. Existing
structures and engineered systems are expected to be in continued compliance with the standards in effect
at the time of construction or renovation. Also, in the absence of scientific confirmation, certain infection-
control recommendations that cannot be rigorously evaluated are based on a strong theoretical rationale
and suggestive evidence. Finally, certain recommendations are derived from existing federal regulations.
The references and the appendices comprise Parts III and IV of this document, respectively.
Infections caused by the microorganisms described in these guidelines are rare events, and the effect of
these recommendations on infection rates in a facility may not be readily measurable. Therefore, the
following steps to measure performance are suggested to evaluate these recommendations (Box 1):
Box 1. Environmental infection control: performance measures
1. Document whether infection-control personnel are actively involved in all phases of a health-care
facility’s demolition, construction, and renovation. Activities should include performing a risk
assessment of the necessary types of construction barriers, and daily monitoring and documenting
of the presence of negative airflow within the construction zone or renovation area.
2. Monitor and document daily the negative airflow in airborne infection isolation (AII) rooms and
positive airflow in protective environment (PE) rooms, especially when patients are in these rooms.
3. Perform assays at least once a month by using standard quantitative methods for endotoxin in
water used to reprocess hemodialyzers, and for heterotrophic and mesophilic bacteria in water used
to prepare dialysate and for hemodialyzer reprocessing.
4. Evaluate possible environmental sources (e.g., water, laboratory solutions, or reagents) of
specimen contamination when nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) of unlikely clinical
importance are isolated from clinical cultures. If environmental contamination is found, eliminate
the probable mechanisms.
5. Document policies to identify and respond to water damage. Such policies should result in either
repair and drying of wet structural or porous materials within 72 hours, or removal of the wet
material if drying is unlikely with 72 hours.
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Topics outside the scope of this document include
a. noninfectious adverse events (e.g., sick building syndrome);
b. environmental concerns in the home;
c. home health care;
d. bioterrorism; and
e. healthcare-associated foodborne illness.
This document includes only limited discussion of
handwashing/hand hygiene;
standard precautions; and
infection-control measures used to prevent instrument or equipment contamination during patient care
(e.g., preventing waterborne contamination of nebulizers or ventilator humidifiers).
These topics are mentioned only if they are important in minimizing the transfer of pathogens to and from
persons or equipment and the environment. Although the document discusses principles of cleaning and
disinfection as they are applied to maintenance of environmental surfaces, the full discussion of
sterilization and disinfection of medical instruments and direct patient-care devices is deferred for
inclusion in the Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Health-Care Facilities, a document
currently under development. Similarly, the full discussion of hand hygiene is available as the Guideline
for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings: Recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control
Practices Advisory Committee and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force. Where
applicable, the Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities are consistent in
content to the drafts available as of October 2002 of both the revised Guideline for Prevention of Health-
care Associated Pneumonia and Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis in Health-Care Facilities.
This guideline was prepared by CDC staff members from NCID and the National Center for Chronic
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) and the designated HICPAC advisor.
Contributors to this document reviewed predominantly English-language manuscripts identified from
reference searches using the National Library of Medicine’s MEDLINE, bibliographies of published
articles, and infection-control textbooks. Working drafts of the guideline were reviewed by CDC
scientists, HICPAC committee members, and experts in infection control, engineering, internal medicine,
infectious diseases, epidemiology, and microbiology. All recommendations in this guideline may not
reflect the opinions of all reviewers.
Part I. Background Information: Environmental Infection Control
in Health-Care Facilities
A. Introduction
The health-care environment contains a diverse population of microorganisms, but only a few are
significant pathogens for susceptible humans. Microorganisms are present in great numbers in moist,
organic environments, but some also can persist under dry conditions. Although pathogenic
microorganisms can be detected in air and water and on fomites, assessing their role in causing infection
and disease is difficult.
Only a few reports clearly delineate a “cause and effect” with respect to the
environment and in particular, housekeeping surfaces.
Eight criteria are used to evaluate the strength of evidence for an environmental source or means of
transmission of infectious agents (Box 2).
11, 12
Applying these criteria to disease investigations allows
scientists to assess the contribution of the environment to disease transmission. An example of this
application is the identification of a pathogen (e.g., vancomycin-resistant enterococci [VRE]) on an
environmental surface during an outbreak. The presence of the pathogen does not establish its causal role;
its transmission from source to host could be through indirect means (e.g., via hand transferral).
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surface, therefore, would be considered one of a number of potential reservoirs for the pathogen, but not
the “de facto” source of exposure. An understanding of how infection occurs after exposure, based on the
principles of the “chain of infection,” is also important in evaluating the contribution of the environment
to health-care associated disease.
All of the components of the “chain” must be operational for infection
to occur (Box 3).
Box 2. Eight criteria for evaluating the strength of evidence for environmental sources of
1. The organism can survive after inoculation onto the fomite.
2. The organism can be cultured from in-use fomites.
3. The organism can proliferate in or on the fomite.
4. Some measure of acquisition of infection cannot be explained by other recognized modes of transmission.
5. Retrospective case-control studies show an association between exposure to the fomite and infection.
6. Prospective case-control studies may be possible when more than one similar type of fomite is in use.
7. Prospective studies allocating exposure to the fomite to a subset of patients show an association between
exposure and infection.
8. Decontamination of the fomite results in the elimination of infection transmission.
* These criteria are listed in order of strength of evidence.
+ Adapted from references 11 and 12.
Box 3. Chain of infection components*
1. Adequate number of pathogenic organisms (dose)
2. Pathogenic organisms of sufficient virulence
3. A susceptible host
4. An appropriate mode of transmission or transferal of the organism in sufficient number from source to host
5. The correct portal of entry into the host
* Adapted from reference 13.
The presence of the susceptible host is one of these components that underscores the importance of the
health-care environment and opportunistic pathogens on fomites and in air and water. As a result of
advances in medical technology and therapies (e.g., cytotoxic chemotherapy and transplantation
medicine), more patients are becoming immunocompromised in the course of treatment and are therefore
at increased risk for acquiring health-care associated opportunistic infections. Trends in health-care
delivery (e.g., early discharge of patients from acute care facilities) also are changing the distribution of
patient populations and increasing the number of immunocompromised persons in nonacute-care
hospitals. According to the American Hospital Association (AHA), in 1998, the number of hospitals in
the United States totaled 6,021; these hospitals had a total of 1,013,000 beds,
representing a 5.5%
decrease in the number of acute-care facilities and a 10.2% decrease in the number of beds over the 5-
year period 1994–1998.
In addition, the total average daily number of patients receiving care in U.S.
acute-care hospitals in 1998 was 662,000 (65.4%) – 36.5% less than the 1978 average of 1,042,000.
the number of acute-care hospitals declines, the length of stay in these facilities is concurrently
decreasing, particularly for immunocompetent patients. Those patients remaining in acute-care facilities
are likely to be those requiring extensive medical interventions who therefore at high risk for
opportunistic infection. The growing population of severely immunocompromised patients is at odds with
demands on the health-care industry to remain viable in the marketplace; to incorporate modern
equipment, new diagnostic procedures, and new treatments; and to construct new facilities. Increasing
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numbers of health-care facilities are likely to be faced with construction in the near future as hospitals
consolidate to reduce costs, defer care to ambulatory centers and satellite clinics, and try to create more
“home-like” acute-care settings. In 1998, approximately 75% of health-care associated construction
projects focused on renovation of existing outpatient facilities or the building of such facilities;
number of projects associated with outpatient health care rose by 17% from 1998 through 1999.
aging population is also creating increasing demand for assisted-living facilities and skilled nursing
centers. Construction of assisted-living facilities in 1998 increased 49% from the previous year, with 138
projects completed at a cost of $703 million.
Overall, from 1998 to 1999, health-care associated
construction costs increased by 28.5%, from $11.56 billion to $14.86 billion.
Environmental disturbances associated with construction activities near health-care facilities pose
airborne and waterborne disease threats risks for the substantial number of patients who are at risk for
health-care associated opportunistic infections. The increasing age of hospitals and other health-care
facilities is also generating ongoing need for repair and remediation work (e.g., installing wiring for new
information systems, removing old sinks, and repairing elevator shafts) that can introduce or increase
contamination of the air and water in patient-care environments. Aging equipment, deferred maintenance,
and natural disasters provide additional mechanisms for the entry of environmental pathogens into high-
risk patient-care areas.
Architects, engineers, construction contractors, environmental health scientists, and industrial hygienists
historically have directed the design and function of hospitals’ physical plants. Increasingly, however,
because of the growth in the number of susceptible patients and the increase in construction projects, the
involvement of hospital epidemiologists and infection-control professionals is required. These experts
help make plans for building, maintaining, and renovating health-care facilities to ensure that the adverse
impact of the environment on the incidence of health-care associated infections is minimal. The following
are examples of adverse outcomes that could have been prevented had such experts been involved in the
planning process:
transmission of infections caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, varicella-zoster virus (VZV), and
measles (i.e., rubeola) facilitated by inappropriate air-handling systems in health-care facilities;
disease outbreaks caused by Aspergillus spp.,
and Penicillium spp. associated
with the absence of environmental controls during periods of health-care facility-associated
infections and/or colonizations of patients and staff with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium
[VRE] and Clostridium difficile acquired indirectly from contact with organisms present on
environmental surfaces in health-care facilities;
outbreaks and pseudoepidemics of legionellae,
26, 27
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 28-30 and the
nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM)
31, 32
linked to water and aqueous solutions used in health-care
The purpose of this guideline is to provide useful information for both health-care professionals and
engineers in efforts to provide a safe environment in which quality health care may be provided to
patients. The recommendations herein provide guidance to minimize the risk for and prevent transmission
of pathogens in the indoor environment.
B. Key Terms Used in this Guideline
Although Appendix A provides definitions for terms discussed in Part I, several terms that pertain to
specific patient-care areas and patients who are at risk for health-care associated opportunistic infections
are presented here. Specific engineering parameters for these care areas are discussed more fully in the
text. Airborne Infection Isolation (AII) refers to the isolation of patients infected with organisms spread
via airborne droplet nuclei <5 μm in diameter. This isolation area receives numerous air changes per hour
(ACH) (12 ACH for new construction as of 2001; 6 ACH for construction before 2001), and is under
negative pressure, such that the direction of the airflow is from the outside adjacent space (e.g., corridor)
into the room. The air in an AII room is preferably exhausted to the outside, but may be recirculated
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provided that the return air is filtered through a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. The use of
personal respiratory protection is also indicated for persons entering these rooms.
Protective Environment (PE) is a specialized patient-care area, usually in a hospital, with a positive
airflow relative to the corridor (i.e., air flows from the room to the outside adjacent space). The
combination of HEPA filtration, high numbers of air changes per hour (12 ACH), and minimal leakage
of air into the room creates an environment that can safely accommodate patients who have undergone
allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT).
Immunocompromised patients are those patients whose immune mechanisms are deficient because of
immunologic disorders (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection, congenital immune
deficiency syndrome, chronic diseases [such as diabetes, cancer, emphysema, and cardiac failure]) or
immunosuppressive therapy (e.g., radiation, cytotoxic chemotherapy, anti-rejection medication, and
steroids). Immunocompromised patients who are identified as high-risk patients have the greatest risk of
infection caused by airborne or waterborne microorganisms. Patients in this subset include those who are
severely neutropenic for prolonged periods of time (i.e., an absolute neutrophil count [ANC] of 500
cells/mL), allogeneic HSCT patients, and those who have received intensive chemotherapy (e.g.,
childhood acute myelogenous leukemia patients).
C. Air
1. Modes of Transmission of Airborne Diseases
A variety of airborne infections in susceptible hosts can result from exposures to clinically significant
microorganisms released into the air when environmental reservoirs (i.e., soil, water, dust, and decaying
organic matter) are disturbed. Once these materials are brought indoors into a health-care facility by any
of a number of vehicles (e.g., people, air currents, water, construction materials, and equipment), the
attendant microorganisms can proliferate in various indoor ecological niches and, if subsequently
disbursed into the air, serve as a source for airborne health-care associated infections.
Respiratory infections can be acquired from exposure to pathogens contained either in droplets or droplet
nuclei. Exposure to microorganisms in droplets (e.g., through aerosolized oral and nasal secretions from
infected patients
) constitutes a form of direct contact transmission. When droplets are produced during a
sneeze or cough, a cloud of infectious particles >5 μm in size is expelled, resulting in the potential
exposure of susceptible persons within 3 feet of the source person.
Examples of pathogens spread in this
manner are influenza virus, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Because
these agents primarily are transmitted directly and because the droplets tend to fall out of the air quickly,
measures to control air flow in a health-care facility (e.g., use of negative pressure rooms) generally are
not indicated for preventing the spread of diseases caused by these agents. Strategies to control the spread
of these diseases are outlined in another guideline.
The spread of airborne infectious diseases via droplet nuclei is a form of indirect transmission.
nuclei are the residuals of droplets that, when suspended in air, subsequently dry and produce particles
ranging in size from 1–5 μm. These particles can
a. contain potentially viable microorganisms,
b. be protected by a coat of dry secretions,
c. remain suspended indefinitely in air, and
d. be transported over long distances.
The microorganisms in droplet nuclei persist in favorable conditions (e.g., a dry, cool atmosphere with
little or no direct exposure to sunlight or other sources of radiation). Pathogenic microorganisms that can
be spread via droplet nuclei include Mycobacterium tuberculosis, VZV, measles virus (i.e., rubeola), and
smallpox virus (i.e., variola major).
Several environmental pathogens have life-cycle forms that are
similar in size to droplet nuclei and may exhibit similar behavior in the air. The spores of Aspergillus
fumigatus have a diameter of 23.5 μm, with a settling velocity estimated at 0.03 cm/second (or about 1
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meter/hour) in still air. With this enhanced buoyancy, the spores, which resist desiccation, can remain
airborne indefinitely in air currents and travel far from their source.
2. Airborne Infectious Diseases in Health-Care Facilities
a. Aspergillosis and Other Fungal Diseases
Aspergillosis is caused by molds belonging to the genus Aspergillus. Aspergillus spp. are prototype
health-care acquired pathogens associated with dusty or moist environmental conditions. Clinical and
epidemiologic aspects of aspergillosis (Table 1) are discussed extensively in another guideline.
Format Change [November 2016]: The format of this section was changed to improve readability
and accessibility. The content is unchanged.
Table 1. Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of aspergillosis
Modes of transmission
Airborne transmission of fungal spores; direct inhalation; direct inoculation from environmental sources (rare)
Causative agents
Aspergillus fumigatus (90%95% of Aspergillus infections among hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT)
patients; A. flavus, A. niger, A. terreus, A. nidulans
Activities associated with infection
Construction, renovation, remodeling, repairs, building demolition; rare episodes associated with fomites
Clinical syndromes and diseases
Acute invasive: pneumonia; ulcerative tracheobronchitis; osteomyelitis; abscesses (aspergillomas) of the lungs,
brain, liver, spleen, and kidneys; thrombosis of deep blood vessels; necrotizing skin ulcers; endophthalmitis;
and sinusitis Chronic invasive: chronic pneumonitis Hypersensity: allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
Cutaneous: primary skin and burn-wound infections
44, 45, 52–58
Patient populations at greatest risk
Hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients (HSCT): immunocompromised patients (ie, those with underlying
disease), patients undergoing chemotherapy, organ transplant recipients, preterm neonates, hemodialysis
patients, patients with identifiable immune system deficiencies who receive care in general intensive care units
(ICUs), and cystic fibrosis patients (may be colonized, occasionally become infected)
3 6, 59–78
Factors affecting severity and outcomes
The immune status of the patient and the duration of severe neutropenia
79, 80
Rare and sporadic, but increasing as proportion of immunocompromised patients increases; 5% of HSCT
patients infected, <5% of solid organ transplant recipients infected
36, 37, 81–88
Mortality rate
Rate can be as high as 100% if severe neutropenia persists; 13%80% mortality among leukemia patients
5, 8, 83,
89, 90
Aspergillus spp. are ubiquitous, aerobic fungi that occur in soil, water, and decaying vegetation; the
organism also survives well in air, dust, and moisture present in health-care facilities.
The presence of
aspergilli in the health-care facility environment is a substantial extrinsic risk factor for opportunistic
invasive aspergillosis (invasive aspergillosis being the most serious form of the disease).
69, 94
renovation and construction can disturb Aspergillus-contaminated dust and produce bursts of airborne
fungal spores. Increased levels of atmospheric dust and fungal spores have been associated with clusters
health-care acquired infections in immunocompromised patients.
17, 20, 44, 47, 49, 50, 95–98
Absorbent building
materials (e.g., wallboard) serve as an ideal substrate for the proliferation of this organism if they become
and remain wet, thereby increasing the numbers of fungal spores in the area. Patient-care items, devices,
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and equipment can become contaminated with Aspergillus spp. spores and serve as sources of infection if
stored in such areas.
Most cases of aspergillosis are caused by Aspergillus fumigatus, a thermotolerant/thermophilic fungus
capable of growing over a temperature range from 53.6°F–127.4°F (12°C–53°C); optimal growth occurs
at approximately 104°F (40°C), a temperature inhibitory to most other saprophytic fungi.
It can use
cellulose or sugars as carbon sources; because its respiratory process requires an ample supply of carbon,
decomposing organic matter is an ideal substrate. (For AIA guidance on Aspergillus spp. see Table 2.)
Other opportunistic fungi that have been occasionally linked with health-care associated infections are
members of the order Mucorales (e.g., Rhizopus spp.) and miscellaneous moniliaceous molds (e.g.,
Fusarium spp. and Penicillium spp.) (Table 2). Many of these fungi can proliferate in moist environments
(e.g., water-damaged wood and building materials). Some fungi (e.g., Fusarium spp. and
Pseudoallescheria spp.) also can be airborne pathogens.
As with aspergillosis, a major risk factor for
disease caused by any of these pathogens is the host’s severe immunosuppression from either underlying
disease or immunosuppressive therapy.
101, 102
Format Change [November 2016]: The format of this section was changed to improve readability
and accessibility. The content is unchanged.
Table 2. Environmental fungal pathogens: entry into and contamination of the healthcare facility
Fungal pathogen
Implicated environmental vehicle
Aspergillus spp.
Improperly functioning ventilation systems
20, 46, 47, 97, 98, 103, 104
Air filters+
17, 18, 105–107
Pigeons, their droppings and roosts are associated with spread of Aspergillus,
Cryptococcus, and Histoplasma spp. There have been at least three outbreaks linked to
contamination of the filtering systems from bird droppings
98, 103, 104
Pigeon mites may
gain access into a health-care facility through the ventilation system.
Air filter frames
17, 18
Window air conditioners
Backflow of contaminated air
Air exhaust contamination+
False ceilings
48, 57, 97, 108
Fibrous insulation and perforated metal ceilings
Acoustic ceiling tiles, plasterboard
18, 109
Fireproofing material
48, 49
Damp wood building materials
Opening doors to construction site
Open windows
20, 108, 111
Disposal conduit door
Hospital vacuum cleaner
Arm boards
Unit kitchen
Ornamental plants
Mucorales /
Rhizopus spp.
Air filter
20, 115
False ceilings
Scedosporium spp.
Penicillium spp.
Rotting cabinet wood, pipe leak
Ventilation duct fiberglass insulation
Air filters
Topical anesthetic
Acremonium spp.
Air filters
Cladosporium spp.
Air filters
Construction (pseudoepidemic)
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+ The American Institute of Architects (AIA) standards stipulate that for new or renovated construction
o exhaust outlets are to be placed >25 feet from air intake systems,
o the bottom of outdoor air intakes for HVAC systems should be 6 feet above ground or 3 feet above roof level, and
o exhaust outlets from contaminated areas are situated above the roof level and arranged to minimize the
recirculation of exhausted air back into the building.
Infections due Cryptococcus neoformans, Histoplasma capsulatum, or Coccidioides immitis can occur in
health-care settings if nearby ground is disturbed and a malfunction of the facility’s air-intake components
allows these pathogens to enter the ventilation system. C. neoformans is a yeast usually 4 8 μm in size.
However, viable particles of <2 μm diameter (and thus permissive to alveolar deposition) have been found in
soil contaminated with bird droppings, particularly from pigeons.
98, 103, 104, 121
H. capsulatum, with the infectious
microconidia ranging in size from 25 μm, is endemic in the soil of the central river valleys of the United
States. Substantial numbers of these infectious particles have been associated with chicken coops and the
roosts of blackbirds.
98, 103, 104, 122
Several outbreaks of histoplasmosis have been associated with disruption of the
environment; construction activities in an endemic area may be a potential risk factor for health-care acquired
airborne infection.
123, 124
C. immitis, with arthrospores of 35 μm diameter, has similar potential, especially in
the endemic southwestern United States and during seasons of drought followed by heavy rainfall. After the
1994 earthquake centered near Northridge, California, the incidence of coccidioidomycosis in the surrounding
area exceeded the historical norm.
Emerging evidence suggests that Pneumocystis carinii, now classified as a fungus, may be spread via airborne,
person-to-person transmission.
Controlled studies in animals first demonstrated that P. carinii could be
spread through the air.
More recent studies in health-care settings have detected nucleic acids of P. carinii in
air samples from areas frequented or occupied by P. carinii-infected patients but not in control areas that are
not occupied by these patients.
128, 129
Clusters of cases have been identified among immunocompromised
patients who had contact with a source patient and with each other. Recent studies have examined the presence
of P. carinii DNA in oropharyngeal washings and the nares of infected patients, their direct contacts, and
persons with no direct contact.
130, 131
Molecular analysis of the DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
provides evidence for airborne transmission of P. carinii from infected patients to direct contacts, but
immunocompetent contacts tend to become transiently colonized rather than infected.
The role of colonized
persons in the spread of P. carinii pneumonia (PCP) remains to be determined. At present, specific
modifications to ventilation systems to control spread of PCP in a health-care facility are not indicated. Current
recommendations outline isolation procedures to minimize or eliminate contact of immunocompromised
patients not on PCP prophylaxis with PCP-infected patients.
6, 132
b. Tuberculosis and Other Bacterial Diseases
The bacterium most commonly associated with airborne transmission is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A
comprehensive review of the microbiology and epidemiology of M. tuberculosis and guidelines for
tuberculosis (TB) infection control have been published.
4, 133, 134
A summary of the clinical and
epidemiologic information from these materials is provided in this guideline (Table 3).
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and accessibility. The content is unchanged.
Table 3. Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of tuberculosis (TB)*
Modes of transmission
Airborne transmission via droplet nuclei 15 μm in diameter
Causative agents
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. africanum
Patient factors associated with infectivity and transmission
Disease of the lungs, airways, or larynx
Presence of cough or other forceful expiratory measures
Presence of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in the sputum
Failure of the patient to cover the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
Presence of cavitation on chest radiograph
Inappropriate or shortened duration of chemotherapy
Activities associated with infections
Exposures in relatively small, enclosed spaces
Inadequate ventilation resulting in insufficient removal of droplet nuclei
Cough-producing procedures done in areas without proper environmental controls
Recirculation of air containing infectious droplet nuclei
Failure to use respiratory protection when managing open lesions for patients with suspected extrapulmonary
Clinical syndromes and disease
Pulmonary TB
Extrapulmonary TB can affect any organ system or tissue
Laryngeal TB is highly contagious
Patient populations at greatest risk
Immunocompromised persons (eg, HIV-infected persons)
Medically underserved persons, urban poor, homeless persons, elderly persons, migrant farm workers, close
contacts of known patients
Substance abusers, present and former prison inmates
Foreign-born persons from areas with high prevalence of TB
Health-care workers
Factors affecting severity and outcomes
Concentration of droplet nuclei in air, duration of exposure
Age at infection
Immunosuppression due to therapy or disease, underlying chronic medical conditions, history of
malignancies or lesions or the lungs
Worldwide; incidence in the United States is 56 cases/100,000 population (2001)
Mortality rate
930 deaths in the United States (1999)
Chemoprophylaxis / treatment
Treatment of latent infection includes isoniazid (INH) or rifampin (RIF)
4, 134, 137–139
Directly observed therapy (DOT) for active cases as indicated: INH, RIF, pyrazinamide (PZA), ethambutol
(EMB), streptomycin (SM) in various combinations determined by prevalent levels of specific resistance
4, 134,
Consult therapy guidelines for specific treatment indications
* Material in this table is compiled from references 4, 133141.
M. tuberculosis is carried by droplet nuclei generated when persons (primarily adults and adolescents) who
have pulmonary or laryngeal TB sneeze, cough, speak, or sing;
normal air currents can keep these particles
airborne for prolonged periods and spread them throughout a room or building.
However, transmission of
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TB has occurred from mycobacteria aerosolized during provision of care (e.g., wound/lesion care or during
handling of infectious peritoneal dialysis fluid) for extrapulmonary TB patients.
135, 140
Gram-positive cocci (i.e., Staphylococcus aureus, group A beta-hemolytic streptococci), also important
health-care associated pathogens, are resistant to inactivation by drying and can persist in the environment
and on environmental surfaces for extended periods. These organisms can be shed from heavily colonized
persons and discharged into the air. Airborne dispersal of S. aureus is directly associated with the
concentration of the bacterium in the anterior nares.
Approximately 10% of healthy carriers will
disseminate S. aureus into the air, and some persons become more effective disseminators of S. aureus than
The dispersal of S. aureus into air can be exacerbated by concurrent viral upper respiratory
infection, thereby turning a carrier into a “cloud shedder.”
Outbreaks of surgical site infections (SSIs)
caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococci have been traced to airborne transmission from colonized
operating-room personnel to patients.
In these situations, the strain causing the outbreak was recovered
from the air in the operating room
150, 151, 154
or on settle plates in a room in which the carrier exercised.
aureus and group A streptococci have not been linked to airborne transmission outside of operating rooms,
burn units, and neonatal nurseries.
155, 156
Transmission of these agents occurs primarily via contact and
Other gram-positive bacteria linked to airborne transmission include Bacillus spp. which are capable of
sporulation as environmental conditions become less favorable to support their growth. Outbreaks and
pseudo-outbreaks have been attributed to Bacillus cereus in maternity, pediatric, intensive care, and
bronchoscopy units; many of these episodes were secondary to environmental contamination.
Gram-negative bacteria rarely are associated with episodes of airborne transmission because they generally
require moist environments for persistence and growth. The main exception is Acinetobacter spp., which can
withstand the inactivating effects of drying. In one epidemiologic investigation of bloodstream infections
among pediatric patients, identical Acinetobacter spp. were cultured from the patients, air, and room air
conditioners in a nursery.
Aerosols generated from showers and faucets may potentially contain legionellae and other gram-negative
waterborne bacteria (e.g., Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Exposure to these organisms is through direct
inhalation. However, because water is the source of the organisms and exposure occurs in the vicinity of the
aerosol, the discussion of the diseases associated with such aerosols and the prevention measures used to
curtail their spread is discussed in another section of the Guideline (see Part I: Water).
c. Airborne Viral Diseases
Some human viruses are transmitted from person to person via droplet aerosols, but very few viruses are
consistently airborne in transmission (i.e., are routinely suspended in an infective state in air and capable of
spreading great distances), and health-care associated outbreaks of airborne viral disease are limited to a few
agents. Consequently, infection-control measures used to prevent spread of these viral diseases in health-care
facilities primarily involve patient isolation, vaccination of susceptible persons, and antiviral therapy as
appropriate rather than measures to control air flow or quality.
Infections caused by VZV frequently are
described in health-care facilities. Health-care associated airborne outbreaks of VZV infections from patients
with primary infection and disseminated zoster have been documented; patients with localized zoster have,
on rare occasions, also served as source patients for outbreaks in health-care facilities.
VZV infection
can be prevented by vaccination, although patients who develop a rash within 6 weeks of receiving varicella
vaccine or who develop breakthrough varicella following exposure should be considered contagious.
Viruses whose major mode of transmission is via droplet contact rarely have caused clusters of infections in
group settings through airborne routes. The factors facilitating airborne distribution of these viruses in an
infective state are unknown, but a presumed requirement is a source patient in the early stage of infection
who is shedding large numbers of viral particles into the air. Airborne transmission of measles has been
documented in health-care facilities.
In addition, institutional outbreaks of influenza virus infections
have occurred predominantly in nursing homes,
and less frequently in medical and neonatal intensive
care units, chronic-care areas, HSCT units, and pediatric wards.
Some evidence supports airborne
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transmission of influenza viruses by droplet nuclei,
181, 182
and case clusters in pediatric wards suggest that
droplet nuclei may play a role in transmitting certain respiratory pathogens (e.g., adenoviruses and respiratory
syncytial virus [RSV]).
177, 183, 184
Some evidence also supports airborne transmission of enteric viruses. An
outbreak of a Norwalk-like virus infection involving more than 600 staff personnel over a 3-week period was
investigated in a Toronto, Ontario hospital in 1985; common sources (e.g., food and water) were ruled out
during the investigation, leaving airborne spread as the most likely mode of transmission.
Smallpox virus, a potential agent of bioterrorism, is spread predominantly via direct contact with infectious
droplets, but it also can be associated with airborne transmission.
186, 187
A German hospital study from 1970
documented the ability of this virus to spread over considerable distances and cause infection at low doses in
a well-vaccinated population; factors potentially facilitating transmission in this situation included a patient
with cough and an extensive rash, indoor air with low relative humidity, and faulty ventilation patterns
resulting from hospital design (e.g., open windows).
Smallpox patients with extensive rash are more likely
to have lesions present on mucous membranes and therefore have greater potential to disseminate virus into
the air.
In addition to the smallpox transmission in Germany, two cases of laboratory-acquired smallpox
virus infection in the United Kingdom in 1978 also were thought to be caused by airborne transmission.
Ebola Virus Disease Update [August 2014]: The recommendations in this guideline for Ebola has been
superseded by these CDC documents:
Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients with Known or
Suspected Ebola Virus Disease in U.S. Hospitals (https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/healthcare-
Interim Guidance for Environmental Infection Control in Hospitals for Ebola Virus
See CDC’s Ebola Virus Disease website (https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/index.html) for current
information on how Ebola virus is transmitted.
Airborne transmission may play a role in the natural spread of hantaviruses and certain hemorrhagic fever
viruses (e.g., Ebola, Marburg, and Lassa), but evidence for airborne spread of these agents in health-care
facilities is inconclusive.
Although hantaviruses can be transmitted when aerosolized from rodent
191, 192
person-to-person spread of hantavirus infection from source patients has not occurred in health-
care facilities.
Nevertheless, health-care workers are advised to contain potentially infectious aerosols
and wear National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approved respiratory protection
when working with this agent in laboratories or autopsy suites.
Lassa virus transmission via aerosols has
been demonstrated in the laboratory and incriminated in health-care associated infections in Africa,
airborne spread of this agent in hospitals in developed nations likely is inefficient.
200, 201
Yellow fever is
considered to be a viral hemorrhagic fever agent with high aerosol infectivity potential, but health-care
associated transmission of this virus has not been described.
Viral hemorrhagic fever diseases primarily
occur after direct exposure to infected blood and body fluids, and the use of standard and droplet precautions
prevents transmission early in the course of these illnesses.
203, 204
However, whether these viruses can persist
in droplet nuclei that might remain after droplet production from coughs or vomiting in the latter stages of
illness is unknown.
Although the use of a negative-pressure room is not required during the early stages of
illness, its use might be prudent at the time of hospitalization to avoid the need for subsequent patient
transfer. Current CDC guidelines recommend negative-pressure rooms with anterooms for patients with
hemorrhagic fever and use of HEPA respirators by persons entering these rooms when the patient has
prominent cough, vomiting, diarrhea, or hemorrhage.
6, 203
Face shields or goggles will help to prevent
mucous-membrane exposure to potentially-aerosolized infectious material in these situations. If an anteroom
is not available, portable, industrial-grade high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter units can be used to
provide the equivalent of additional air changes per hour (ACH).
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Table 4. Microorganisms associated with airborne transmission*
Evidence for
Numerous reports
in health-care
Mucorales (Rhizopus spp.)
Measles (rubeola) virus
Varicella-zoster virus
Occasional reports
in health-care
facilities (atypical)
Fusarium spp.
Pseudoallescheria boydii
Scedosporium spp.
Acinetobacter spp.
Bacillus spp.
160, 207
Brucella spp.**
Staphylococcus aureus
148, 156
Group A Streptococcus
Smallpox virus (variola)§
188, 189
Influenza viruses
181, 182
Respiratory syncytial virus
Norwalk-like virus
No reports in
facilities; known to
be airborne outside.
Cryptococcus spp.
Histoplasma capsulatum
Coxiella burnetii (Q fever)
193, 195
Lassa virus
Marburg virus
Ebola virus
Crimean-Congo virus
Under investigation
* This list excludes microorganisms transmitted from aerosols derived from water.
+ Refer to the text for references for these disease agents.
§ Airborne transmission of smallpox is infrequent. Potential for airborne transmission increases with patients who
are effective disseminators present in facilities with low relative humidity in the air and faulty ventilation.
Documentation of pseudoepidemic during construction.
** Airborne transmission documented in the laboratory but not in patient-care areas
Ebola Virus Disease Update [August 2014]: The recommendations in this guideline for Ebola has been
superseded by these CDC documents:
Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients with Known or
Suspected Ebola Virus Disease in U.S. Hospitals (https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/healthcare-
Interim Guidance for Environmental Infection Control in Hospitals for Ebola Virus
See CDC’s Ebola Virus Disease website (https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/index.html) for current
information on how Ebola virus is transmitted.
3. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems in Health-Care Facilities
a. Basic Components and Operations
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in health-care facilities are designed to
maintain the indoor air temperature and humidity at comfortable levels for staff, patients, and visitors
control odors;
remove contaminated air;
facilitate air-handling requirements to protect susceptible staff and patients from airborne health-care
associated pathogens; and
minimize the risk for transmission of airborne pathogens from infected patients.
35, 120
An HVAC system includes an outside air inlet or intake; filters; humidity modification mechanisms (i.e.,
humidity control in summer, humidification in winter); heating and cooling equipment; fans; ductwork;
air exhaust or out-takes; and registers, diffusers, or grilles for proper distribution of the air (Figure 1).
Decreased performance of healthcare facility HVAC systems, filter inefficiencies, improper
installation, and poor maintenance can contribute to the spread of health-care associated airborne
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has published guidelines for the design and construction of
new health-care facilities and for renovation of existing facilities. These AIA guidelines address indoor
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air-quality standards (e.g., ventilation rates, temperature levels, humidity levels, pressure relationships,
and minimum air changes per hour [ACH]) specific to each zone or area in health-care facilities (e.g.,
operating rooms, laboratories, diagnostic areas, patient-care areas, and support departments).
guidelines represent a consensus document among authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ), governmental
regulatory agencies (i.e., Department of Health and Human Services [DHHS]; Department of Labor,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA]), health-care professionals, professional
organizations (e.g., American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
[ASHRAE], American Society for Healthcare Engineering [ASHE]), and accrediting organizations (i.e.,
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations [JCAHO]). More than 40 state agencies
that license health-care facilities have either incorporated or adopted by reference these guidelines into
their state standards. JCAHO, through its surveys, ensures that facilities are in compliance with the
ventilation guidelines of this standard for new construction and renovation.
Figure 1. Diagram of a ventilation system*
Outdoor air and recirculated air pass through air cleaners (e.g., filter banks) designed to reduce the
concentration of airborne contaminants. Air is conditioned for temperature and humidity before it enters
the occupied space as supply air. Infiltration is air leakage inward through cracks and interstitial spaces of
walls, floors, and ceilings. Exfiltration is air leakage outward through these same cracks and spaces.
Return air is largely exhausted from the system, but a portion is recirculated with fresh, incoming air.
* Used with permission of the publisher of reference 214 (ASHRAE)
Engineering controls to contain or prevent the spread of airborne contaminants center on
local exhaust ventilation [i.e., source control],
general ventilation, and
air cleaning.
General ventilation encompasses
dilution and removal of contaminants via well-mixed air distribution of filtered air,
directing contaminants toward exhaust registers and grilles via uniform, non-mixed airflow patterns,
pressurization of individual spaces relative to all other spaces, and
pressurization of buildings relative to the outdoors and other attached buildings.
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A centralized HVAC system operates as follows. Outdoor air enters the system, where low-efficiency or
“roughing” filters remove large particulate matter and many microorganisms. The air enters the
distribution system for conditioning to appropriate temperature and humidity levels, passes through an
additional bank of filters for further cleaning, and is delivered to each zone of the building. After the
conditioned air is distributed to the designated space, it is withdrawn through a return duct system and
delivered back to the HVAC unit. A portion of this “return air” is exhausted to the outside while the
remainder is mixed with outdoor air for dilution and filtered for removal of contaminants.
Air from
toilet rooms or other soiled areas is usually exhausted directly to the atmosphere through a separate duct
exhaust system. Air from rooms housing tuberculosis patients is exhausted to the outside if possible, or
passed through a HEPA filter before recirculation. Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) can be used
as an adjunct air-cleaning measure, but it cannot replace HEPA filtration.
b. Filtration
i. Filter Types and Methods of Filtration
Filtration, the physical removal of particulates from air, is the first step in achieving acceptable indoor air
quality. Filtration is the primary means of cleaning the air. Five methods of filtration can be used (Table
5). During filtration, outdoor air passes through two filter beds or banks (with efficiencies of 20%40%
and 90%, respectively) for effective removal of particles 15 μm in diameter.
35, 120
The low-to-medium
efficiency filters in the first bank have low resistance to airflow, but this feature allows some small
particulates to pass onto heating and air conditioning coils and into the indoor environment.
air is mixed with recirculated air and reconditioned for temperature and humidity before being filtered by
the second bank of filters. The performance of filters with 90% efficiency is measured using either the
dust-spot test or the weight-arrestance test.
35, 216
Table 5. Filtration methods*
Basic method
Principle of performance
Filtering efficiency
Particles in the air are larger than the openings between the filter
fibers, resulting in gross removal of large particles.
Particles collide with filter fibers and remain attached to the filter.
Fibers may be coated with adhesive.
Particles enter into the filter and become entrapped and attached
to the filter fibers.
Small particles, moving in erratic motion, collide with filter fibers
and remain attached.
Particles bearing negative electrostatic charge are attracted to the
filter with positively charged fibers.
* Material in this table was compiled from information in reference 217.
The second filter bank usually consists of high-efficiency filters. This filtration system is adequate for
most patient-care areas in ambulatory-care facilities and hospitals, including the operating room
environment and areas providing central services.
Nursing facilities use 90% dust-spot efficient filters
as the second bank of filters,
whereas a HEPA filter bank may be indicated for special-care areas of
hospitals. HEPA filters are at least 99.97% efficient for removing particles ≥0.3 μm in diameter. (As a
reference, Aspergillus spores are 2.53.0 μm in diameter.) Examples of care areas where HEPA filters are
used include PE rooms and those operating rooms designated for orthopedic implant procedures.
Maintenance costs associated with HEPA filters are high compared with other types of filters, but use of
in-line disposable prefilters can increase the life of a HEPA filter by approximately 25%. Alternatively, if
a disposable prefilter is followed by a filter that is 90% efficient, the life of the HEPA filter can be
extended ninefold. This concept, called progressive filtration, allows HEPA filters in special care areas to
be used for 10 years.
Although progressive filtering will extend the mechanical ability of the HEPA
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filter, these filters may absorb chemicals in the environment and later desorb those chemicals, thereby
necessitating a more frequent replacement program. HEPA filter efficiency is monitored with the
dioctylphthalate (DOP) particle test using particles that are 0.3 μm in diameter.
HEPA filters are usually framed with metal, although some older versions have wood frames. A metal
frame has no advantage over a properly fitted wood frame with respect to performance, but wood can
compromise the air quality if it becomes and remains wet, allowing the growth of fungi and bacteria.
Hospitals are therefore advised to phase out water-damaged or spent wood-framed filter units and replace
them with metal-framed HEPA filters.
HEPA filters are usually fixed into the HVAC system; however, portable, industrial grade HEPA units are
available that can filter air at the rate of 300–800 ft
/min. Portable HEPA filters are used to
a. temporarily recirculate air in rooms with no general ventilation,
b. augment systems that cannot provide adequate airflow, and
c. provide increased effectiveness in airflow.
Portable HEPA units are useful engineering controls that help clean the air when the central HVAC system
is undergoing repairs
but these units do not satisfy fresh-air requirements.
The effectiveness of the portable unit for particle removal is dependent on
a. the configuration of the room,
b. the furniture and persons in the room,
c. the placement of the units relative to the contents and layout of the room, and
d. the location of the supply and exhaust registers or grilles.
If portable, industrial-grade units are used, they should be capable of recirculating all or nearly all of the
room air through the HEPA filter, and the unit should be designed to achieve the equivalent of 12 ACH.
(An average room has approximately 1,600 ft
of airspace.) The hospital engineering department should
be contacted to provide ACH information in the event that a portable HEPA filter unit is necessary to
augment the existing fixed HVAC system for air cleaning.
ii. Filter Maintenance
Efficiency of the filtration system is dependent on the density of the filters, which can create a drop in
pressure unless compensated by stronger and more efficient fans, thus maintaining air flow. For optimal
performance, filters require monitoring and replacement in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations and standard preventive maintenance practices.
Upon removal, spent filters can be
bagged and discarded with the routine solid waste, regardless of their patient-care area location.
accumulation of dust and particulates increases filter efficiency, requiring more pressure to push the air
through. The pressure differential across filters is measured by use of manometers or other gauges. A
pressure reading that exceeds specifications indicates the need to change the filter. Filters also require
regular inspection for other potential causes of decreased performance. Gaps in and around filter banks and
heavy soil and debris upstream of poorly maintained filters have been implicated in health-care associated
outbreaks of aspergillosis, especially when accompanied by construction activities at the facility.
17, 18, 106, 222
c. Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI)
As a supplemental air-cleaning measure, UVGI is effective in reducing the transmission of airborne
bacterial and viral infections in hospitals, military housing, and classrooms, but it has only a minimal
inactivating effect on fungal spores.
UVGI is also used in air handling units to prevent or limit the
growth of vegetative bacteria and fungi. Most commercially available UV lamps used for germicidal
purposes are low-pressure mercury vapor lamps that emit radiant energy predominantly at a wave-length
of 253.7 nm.
229, 230
Two systems of UVGI have been used in health-care settings duct irradiation and
upper-room air irradiation. In duct irradiation systems, UV lamps are placed inside ducts that remove air
from rooms to disinfect the air before it is recirculated. When properly designed, installed, and maintained,
high levels of UVGI can be attained in the ducts with little or no exposure of persons in the rooms.
231, 232
upper-room air irradiation, UV lamps are either suspended from the ceiling or mounted on the wall.
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air UVGI units have two basic designs:
a. a “pan” fixture with UVGI unshielded above the unit to direct the irradiation upward and
b. a fixture with a series of parallel plates to columnize the irradiation outward while preventing the light
from getting to the eyes of the room’s occupants.
The germicidal effect is dependent on air mixing via convection between the room’s irradiated upper zone
and the lower patient-care zones.
233, 234
Bacterial inactivation studies using BCG mycobacteria and Serratia marcescens have estimated the
effect of UVGI as equivalent to 10 ACH39 ACH.
235, 236
Another study, however, suggests that UVGI
may result in fewer equivalent ACH in the patient-care zone, especially if the mixing of air between
zones is insufficient.
The use of fans or HVAC systems to generate air movement may increase the
effectiveness of UVGI if airborne microorganisms are exposed to the light energy for a sufficient length
of time.
233, 235, 237–239
The optimal relationship between ventilation and UVGI is not known.
Because the clinical effectiveness of UV systems may vary, UVGI is not recommended for air
management prior to air recirculation from airborne isolation rooms. It is also not recommended as a
substitute for HEPA filtration, local exhaust of air to the outside, or negative pressure.
The use of UV
lamps and HEPA filtration in a single unit offers only minimal infection-control benefits over those
provided by the use of a HEPA filter alone.
Duct systems with UVGI are not recommended as a
substitute for HEPA filters if the air from isolation rooms must be recirculated to other areas of the
Regular maintenance of UVGI systems is crucial and usually consists of keeping the bulbs free
of dust and replacing old bulbs as necessary. Safety issues associated with the use of UVGI systems are
described in other guidelines.
d. Conditioned Air in Occupied Spaces
Temperature and humidity are two essential components of conditioned air. After outside air passes
through a low- or medium-efficiency filter, the air undergoes conditioning for temperature and
humidity control before it passes through high-efficiency or HEPA filtration.
i. Temperature
HVAC systems in health-care facilities are often single-duct or dual-duct systems.
35, 241
A single-duct
system distributes cooled air (55°F [12.8°C]) throughout the building and uses thermostatically
controlled reheat boxes located in the terminal ductwork to warm the air for individual or multiple
rooms. The dual-duct system consists of parallel ducts, one with a cold air stream and the other with a
hot air stream. A mixing box in each room or group of rooms mixes the two air streams to achieve the
desired temperature. Temperature standards are given as either a single temperature or a range,
depending on the specific health-care zone. Cool temperature standards (68°F–73°F [20°C–23°C])
usually are associated with operating rooms, clean workrooms, and endoscopy suites.
A warmer
temperature (75°F [24°C]) is needed in areas requiring greater degrees of patient comfort. Most other
zones use a temperature range of 70°F–75°F (21°C–24°C).
Temperatures outside of these ranges may
be needed occasionally in limited areas depending on individual circumstances during patient care (e.g.,
cooler temperatures in operating rooms during specialized operations).
ii. Humidity
Four measures of humidity are used to quantify different physical properties of the mixture of water
vapor and air. The most common of these is relative humidity, which is the ratio of the amount of water
vapor in the air to the amount of water vapor air can hold at that temperature.
The other measures of
humidity are specific humidity, dew point, and vapor pressure.
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Relative humidity measures the percentage of saturation. At 100% relative humidity, the air is
saturated. For most areas within health-care facilities, the designated comfort range is 30%–60%
relative humidity.
120, 214
Relative humidity levels >60%, in addition to being perceived as
uncomfortable, promote fungal growth.
Humidity levels can be manipulated by either of two
In a water-wash unit, water is sprayed and drops are taken up by the filtered air;
additional heating or cooling of this air sets the humidity levels. The second mechanism is by means of
water vapor created from steam and added to filtered air in humidifying boxes. Reservoir-type
humidifiers are not allowed in health-care facilities as per AIA guidelines and many state codes.
Cool-mist humidifiers should be avoided, because they can disseminate aerosols containing allergens
and microorganisms.
Additionally, the small, personal-use versions of this equipment can be difficult
to clean.
iii. Ventilation
The control of air pollutants (e.g., microorganisms, dust, chemicals, and smoke) at the source is the
most effective way to maintain clean air. The second most effective means of controlling indoor air
pollution is through ventilation. Ventilation rates are voluntary unless a state or local government
specifies a standard in health-care licensing or health department requirements. These standards
typically apply to only the design of a facility, rather than its operation.
220, 246
Health-care facilities
without specific ventilation standards should follow the AIA guideline specific to the year in which the
building was 120, 214, 241 built or the ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor
Air Quality.
Ventilation guidelines are defined in terms of air volume per minute per occupant and are based on the
assumption that occupants and their activities are responsible for most of the contaminants in the
conditioned space.
Most ventilation rates for health-care facilities are expressed as room ACH. Peak
efficiency for particle removal in the air space occurs between 12 ACH15 ACH.
35, 247, 248
rates vary among the different patient-care areas of a health-care facility (Appendix B).
Health-care facilities generally use recirculated air.
35, 120, 241, 249, 250
Fans create sufficient positive
pressure to force air through the building duct work and adequate negative pressure to evacuate air from
the conditioned space into the return duct work and/or exhaust, thereby completing the circuit in a
sealed system (Figure 1). However, because gaseous contaminants tend to accumulate as the air
recirculates, a percentage of the recirculated air is exhausted to the outside and replaced by fresh
outdoor air. In hospitals, the delivery of filtered air to an occupied space is an engineered system design
issue, the full discussion of which is beyond the scope of this document.
Hospitals with areas not served by central HVAC systems often use through-the-wall or fan coil air
conditioning units as the sole source of room ventilation. AIA guidelines for newly installed systems
stipulate that through-the-wall fan-coil units be equipped with permanent (i.e., cleanable) or replaceable
filters with a minimum efficiency of 68% weight arrestance.
These units may be used only as
recirculating units; all outdoor air requirements must be met by a separate central air handling system
with proper filtration, with a minimum of two outside air changes in general patient rooms (D.
Erickson, ASHE, 2000).
If a patient room is equipped with an individual through-the-wall fan coil
unit, the room should not be used as either AII or as PE.
These requirements, although directed to
new HVAC installations also are appropriate for existing settings. Non-central air-handling systems are
prone to problems associated with excess condensation accumulating in drip pans and improper filter
maintenance; health-care facilities should clean or replace the filters in these units on a regular basis
while the patient is out of the room.
Laminar airflow ventilation systems are designed to move air in a single pass, usually through a bank of
HEPA filters either along a wall or in the ceiling, in a one-way direction through a clean zone with
parallel streamlines. Laminar airflow can be directed vertically or horizontally; the unidirectional
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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system optimizes airflow and minimizes air turbulence.
63, 241
Delivery of air at a rate of 0.5 meters per
second (90 ± 20 ft/min) helps to minimize opportunities for microorganism proliferation.
63, 251, 252
Laminar airflow systems have been used in PE to help reduce the risk for health-care associated
airborne infections (e.g., aspergillosis) in high-risk patients.
63, 93, 253, 254
However, data that demonstrate a
survival benefit for patients in PE with laminar airflow are lacking. Given the high cost of installation
and apparent lack of benefit, the value of laminar airflow in this setting is questionable.
9, 37
Few data
support the use of laminar airflow systems elsewhere in a hospital.
iv. Pressurization
Positive and negative pressures refer to a pressure differential between two adjacent air spaces (e.g.,
rooms and hallways). Air flows away from areas or rooms with positive pressure (pressurized), while
air flows into areas with negative pressure (depressurized). AII rooms are set at negative pressure to
prevent airborne microorganisms in the room from entering hallways and corridors. PE rooms housing
severely neutropenic patients are set at positive pressure to keep airborne pathogens in adjacent spaces
or corridors from coming into and contaminating the airspace occupied by such high-risk patients. Self-
closing doors are mandatory for both of these areas to help maintain the correct pressure differential.
4, 6,
Older health-care facilities may have variable pressure rooms (i.e., rooms in which the ventilation
can be manually switched between positive and negative pressure). These rooms are no longer
permitted in the construction of new facilities or in renovated areas of the facility,
and their use in
existing facilities has been discouraged because of difficulties in assuring the proper pressure
differential, especially for the negative pressure setting, and because of the potential for error associated
with switching the pressure differentials for the room. Continued use of existing variable pressure
rooms depends on a partnership between engineering and infection control. Both positive- and negative-
pressure rooms should be maintained according to specific engineering specifications (Table 6).
Table 6. Engineered specifications for positive- and negative pressure rooms*
Positive pressure areas
(e.g., protective environments [PE])
Negative pressure areas
(e.g., airborne infection isolation [AII])
Pressure differentials
> +2.5 Pa§ (0.01″ water gauge)
> 2.5 Pa (0.01″ water gauge)
Air changes per hour (ACH)
12 (for renovation or new construction)
Filtration efficiency
Supply: 99.97% @ 0.3 μm DOP
(dioctylphthalate particles of 0.3 μm
Return: none required (If the patient
requires both PE and AII, return air
should be HEPA-filtered or otherwise
exhausted to the outside)
Supply: 90% (dust spot test) Return:
99.97% @ 0.3 μm DOP (dioctylphthalate
particles of 0.3 μm diameter);
HEPA filtration of exhaust air from AII
rooms should not be required, providing
that the exhaust is properly located to
prevent re-entry into the building.
Room airflow direction
Out to the adjacent area
In to the room
Clean-to-dirty airflow in
Away from the patient (high-risk patient,
immunosuppressed patient)
Towards the patient (airborne disease
Ideal pressure differential
> + 8 Pa
> 2.5 Pa
* Material in this table was compiled from references 35 and 120. Table adapted from and used with permission of
the publisher of reference
(Lippincott Williams and Wilkins).
§ Pa is the abbreviation for Pascal, a metric unit of measurement for pressure based on air velocity; 250 Pa equals
1.0 inch water gauge.
Health-care professionals (e.g., infection control, hospital epidemiologists) must perform a risk
assessment to determine the appropriate number of AII rooms (negative pressure) and/or PE rooms
(positive pressure) to serve the patient population. The AIA guidelines require a certain number of AII
rooms as a minimum, and it is important to refer to the edition under which the building was built for
appropriate guidance.
In large health-care facilities with central HVAC systems, sealed windows help to ensure the efficient
operation of the system, especially with respect to creating and maintaining pressure differentials. Sealing
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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the windows in PE areas helps minimize the risk of airborne contamination from the outside. One
outbreak of aspergillosis among immunosuppressed patients in a hospital was attributed in part to an open
window in the unit during a time when both construction and a fire happened nearby; sealing the window
prevented further entry of fungal spores into the unit from the outside air.
Additionally, all emergency
exits (e.g., fire escapes and emergency doors) in PE wards should be kept closed (except during
emergencies) and equipped with alarms.
e. Infection Control Impact of HVAC System Maintenance and Repair
A failure or malfunction of any component of the HVAC system may subject patients and staff to
discomfort and exposure to airborne contaminants. Only limited information is available from formal
studies on the infection-control implications of a complete air-handling system failure or shutdown for
maintenance. Most experience has been derived from infectious disease outbreaks and adverse outcomes
among high-risk patients when HVAC systems are poorly maintained. (See Table 7 for potential
ventilation hazards, consequences, and correction measures.)
AIA guidelines prohibit U.S. hospitals and surgical centers from shutting down their HVAC systems for
purposes other than required maintenance, filter changes, and construction.
Airflow can be reduced;
however, sufficient supply, return, and exhaust must be provided to maintain required pressure
relationships when the space is not occupied. Maintaining these relationships can be accomplished with
special drives on the air-handling units (i.e., a variable air ventilation [VAV] system).
Microorganisms proliferate in environments wherever air, dust, and water are present, and air-handling
systems can be ideal environments for microbial growth.
Properly engineered HVAC systems require
routine maintenance and monitoring to provide acceptable indoor air quality efficiently and to minimize
conditions that favor the proliferation of health-care associated pathogens.
35, 249
Performance monitoring
of the system includes determining pressure differentials across filters, regular inspection of system
filters, DOP testing of HEPA filters, testing of low- or medium efficiency filters, and manometer tests for
positive- and negative-pressure areas in accordance with nationally recognized standards, guidelines, and
manufacturers’ recommendations. The use of hand-held, calibrated equipment that can provide a
numerical reading on a daily basis is preferred for engineering purposes (A.Streifel, University of
Minnesota, 2000).
Several methods that provide a visual, qualitative measure of pressure differentials
(i.e., airflow direction) include smoke-tube tests or placing flutter strips, ping-pong balls, or tissue in the
air stream.
Preventive filter and duct maintenance (e.g., cleaning ductwork vents, replacing filters as needed, and
properly disposing spent filters into plastic bags immediately upon removal) is important to prevent
potential exposures of patients and staff during HVAC system shut-down. The frequency of filter
inspection and the parameters of this inspection are established by each facility to meet their unique
needs. Ductwork in older health-care facilities may have insulation on the interior surfaces that can trap
contaminants. This insulation material tends to break down over time to be discharged from the HVAC
system. Additionally, a malfunction of the air-intake system can overburden the filtering system and
permit aerosolization of fungal pathogens. Keeping the intakes free from bird droppings, especially those
from pigeons, helps to minimize the concentration of fungal spores entering from the outside.
Accumulation of dust and moisture within HVAC systems increases the risk for spread of health-care
associated environmental fungi and bacteria. Clusters of infections caused by Aspergillus spp., P.
aeruginosa, S. aureus, and Acinetobacter spp. have been linked to poorly maintained and/or
malfunctioning air conditioning systems.
68, 161, 257, 258
Efforts to limit excess humidity and moisture in the
infrastructure and on air-stream surfaces in the HVAC system can minimize the proliferation and
dispersion of fungal spores and waterborne bacteria throughout indoor air.
Within the HVAC
system, water is present in water-wash units, humidifying boxes, or cooling units. The dual-duct system
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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may also create conditions of high humidity and excess moisture that favor fungal growth in drain pans as
well as in fibrous insulation material that becomes damp as a result of the humid air passing over the hot
stream and condensing.
If moisture is present in the HVAC system, periods of stagnation should be avoided. Bursts of organisms
can be released upon system start-up, increasing the risk of airborne infection.
Proper engineering of the
HVAC system is critical to preventing dispersal of airborne organisms. In one hospital, endophthalmitis
caused by Acremonium kiliense infection following cataract extraction in an ambulatory surgical center
was traced to aerosols derived from the humidifier water in the ventilation system.
The organism
proliferated because the ventilation system was turned off routinely when the center was not in operation;
the air was filtered before humidification, but not afterwards.
Most health-care facilities have contingency plans in case of disruption of HVAC services. These plans
include back-up power generators that maintain the ventilation system in high-risk areas (e.g., operating
rooms, intensive-care units, negative- and positive-pressure rooms, transplantation units, and oncology
units). Alternative generators are required to engage within 10 seconds of a loss of main power. If the
ventilation system is out of service, rendering indoor air stagnant, sufficient time must be allowed to clean
the air and re-establish the appropriate number of ACH once the HVAC system begins to function again.
Air filters may also need to be changed, because reactivation of the system can dislodge substantial
amounts of dust and create a transient burst of fungal spores.
Duct cleaning in health-care facilities has benefits in terms of system performance, but its usefulness for
infection control has not been conclusively determined. Duct cleaning typically involves using specialized
tools to dislodge dirt and a high-powered vacuum cleaner to clean out debris.
Some duct-cleaning
services also apply chemical biocides or sealants to the inside surfaces of ducts to minimize fungal growth
and prevent the release of particulate matter. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), however,
has concerns with the use of sanitizers and/or disinfectants to treat the surfaces of ductwork, because the
label indications for most of these products may not specifically include the use of the product in HVAC
Further, EPA has not evaluated the potency of disinfectants in such applications, nor has the
agency examined the potential attendant health and safety risks. The EPA recommends that companies
use only those chemical biocides that are registered for use in HVAC systems.
Although infrequent
cleaning of the exhaust ducts in AII areas has been documented as a cause of diminishing negative
pressure and a decrease in the air exchange rates,
no data indicate that duct cleaning, beyond what is
recommended for optimal performance, improves indoor air quality or reduces the risk of infection.
Exhaust return systems should be cleaned as part of routine system maintenance. Duct cleaning has not
been shown to prevent any health problems,
and EPA studies indicate that airborne particulate levels do
not increase as a result of dirty air ducts, nor do they diminish after cleaning, presumably because much
of the dirt inside air ducts adheres to duct surfaces and does not enter the conditioned space.
research is needed to determine if air-duct contamination can significantly increase the airborne infection
risk in general areas of health-care facilities.
4. Construction, Renovation, Remediation, Repair, and Demolition
a. General Information
Environmental disturbances caused by construction and/or renovation and repair activities (e.g.,
disruption of the above-ceiling area, running cables through the ceiling, and structural repairs) in and near
health-care facilities markedly increase the airborne Aspergillus spp. spore counts in the indoor air of such
facilities, thereby increasing the risk for health-care associated aspergillosis among high-risk patients.
Although one case of health-care associated aspergillosis is often difficult to link to a specific
environmental exposure, the occurrence of temporarily clustered cases increase the likelihood that an
environmental source within the facility may be identified and corrected.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Table 7. Ventilation hazards in health-care facilities that may be associated with increased potential
of airborne disease transmission*
Possible solutions
building materials (18,
Water leaks can soak wood, wall board,
insulation, wall coverings, ceiling tiles,
and carpeting. All of these materials can
provide microbial habitat when wet. This
is especially true for fungi growing on
gypsum board.
1. Replace water-damaged materials.
2. Incorporate fungistatic compounds into
building materials in areas at risk for
moisture problems.
3. Test for all moisture and dry in less than
72 hours. Replace if the material cannot
dry within 72 hours.
Filter bypasses (17)
Rigorous air filtration requires air flow
resistance. Air stream will elude filtration
if openings are present because of filter
damage or poor fit.
1. Use pressure gauges to ensure that filters
are performing at proper static pressure.
2. Make ease of installation and
maintenance criteria for filter selection.
3. Properly train maintenance personnel in
HVAC concerns.
4. Design system with filters down- stream
from fans.
5. Avoid water on filters or insulation.
Improper fan setting
Air must be delivered at design volume to
maintain pressure balances. Air flow in
special vent rooms reverses.
1. Routinely monitor air flow and pressure
balances throughout critical parts of
HVAC system.
2. Minimize or avoid using rooms that
switch between positive and negative
disconnections (268)
Dislodged or leaky supply duct runs can
spill into and leaky returns may draw from
hidden areas. Pressure balance will be
interrupted, and infectious material may be
disturbed and entrained into hospital air
1. Design a ductwork system that is easy to
access, maintain, and repair.
2. Train maintenance personnel to regularly
monitor air flow volumes and pressure
balances throughout the system.
3. Test critical areas for appropriate air flow
Air flow impedance
Debris, structural failure, or improperly
adjusted dampers can block duct work and
prevent designed air flow.
1. Design and budget for a duct system that
is easy to inspect, maintain, and repair.
2. Alert contractors to use caution when
working around HVAC systems during
the construction phase.
3. Regularly clean exhaust grilles.
Provide monitoring for special ventilation
Open windows (96,
Open windows can alter fan-induced
pressure balance and allow dirty-to clean
air flow.
1. Use sealed windows.
2. Design HVAC systems to deliver
sufficient outdoor dilution ventilation.
3. Ensure that OSHA indoor air quality
standards are met.
Dirty window air
conditioners (96, 269)
Dirt, moisture, and bird droppings can
contaminate window air conditioners,
which can then introduce infectious
material into hospital rooms.
1. Eliminate such devices in plans for new
2. Where they must be used, make sure that
they are routinely cleaned and inspected.
Inadequate filtration
Infectious particles may pass through
filters into vulnerable patient areas.
1. Specify appropriate filters during new
construction design phase.
2. Make sure that HVAC fans are sized to
overcome pressure demands of filter
3. Inspect and test filters for proper
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Possible solutions
disruptions (271)
Fan shut-offs, dislodged filter cake
material contaminates downstream air
supply and drain pans. This may
compromise air flow in special ventilation
1. Budget for a rigorous maintenance
schedule when designing a facility.
2. Design system for easy maintenance.
3. Ensure communication between
engineering and maintenance personnel.
4. Institute an ongoing training program for
all involved staff members.
Excessive moisture in
the HVAC system
Chronically damp internal lining of the
HVAC system, excessive condensate, and
drip pans with stagnant water may result
from this problem.
1. Locate duct humidifiers upstream of the
final filters.
2. Identify a means to remove water from
the system.
3. Monitor humidity; all duct take-offs
should be downstream of the humidifiers
so that moisture is absorbed completely.
4. Use steam humidifiers in the HVAC
Duct contamination
(18, 272)
Debris is released during maintenance or
1. Provide point-of-use filtration in the
critical areas.
2. Design air-handling systems with
insulation of the exterior of the ducts.
3. Do not use fibrous sound attenuators.
4. Decontaminate or encapsulate
* Reprinted with permission of the publisher of reference 35 (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins).
§ Numbers in parentheses are reference citations.
Construction, renovation, repair, and demolition activities in health-care facilities require substantial
planning and coordination to minimize the risk for airborne infection both during projects and after their
completion. Several organizations and experts have endorsed a multi-disciplinary team approach (Box 4)
to coordinate the various stages of construction activities (e.g., project inception, project implementation,
final walk-through, and completion).
120, 249, 250, 273–276
Environmental services, employee health,
engineering, and infection control must be represented in construction planning and design meetings
should be convened with architects and design engineers. The number of members and disciplines
represented is a function of the complexity of a project. Smaller, less complex projects and maintenance
may require a minimal number of members beyond the core representation from engineering, infection
control, environmental services, and the directors of the specialized departments.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Box 4. Suggested members and functions of a multi-disciplinary coordination team for
construction, renovation, repair, and demolition projects
Infection-control personnel, including hospital epidemiologists
Laboratory personnel
Facility administrators or their designated representatives, facility managers
Director of engineering
Risk-management personnel
Directors of specialized programs (e.g., transplantation, oncology and ICU [intensive care unit] programs)
Employee safety personnel, industrial hygienists, and regulatory affairs personnel
Environmental services personnel Information systems personnel
Construction administrators or their designated representatives
Architects, design engineers, project managers, and contractors
Functions and responsibilities
Coordinate members’ input in developing a comprehensive project management plan.
Conduct a risk assessment of the project to determine potential hazards to susceptible patients.
Prevent unnecessary exposures of patients, visitors, and staff to infectious agents.
Oversee all infection-control aspects of construction activities.
Establish site-specific infection-control protocols for specialized areas.
Provide education about the infection-control impact of construction to staff and construction workers.
Ensure compliance with technical standards, contract provisions, and regulations.
Establish a mechanism to address and correct problems quickly.
Develop contingency plans for emergency response to power failures, water supply disruptions, and fires.
Provide a water-damage management plan (including drying protocols) for handling water intrusion from
floods, leaks, and condensation.
Develop a plan for structural maintenance.
Education of maintenance and construction workers, health-care staff caring for high-risk patients, and
persons responsible for controlling indoor air quality heightens awareness that minimizing dust and
moisture intrusion from construction sites into high-risk patient-care areas helps to maintain a safe
120, 250, 271, 275–278
Visual and printed educational materials should be provided in the language
spoken by the workers. Staff and construction workers also need to be aware of the potentially
catastrophic consequences of dust and moisture intrusion when an HVAC system or water system fails
during construction or repair; action plans to deal quickly with these emergencies should be developed in
advance and kept on file. Incorporation of specific standards into construction contracts may help to
prevent departures from recommended practices as projects progress. Establishing specific lines of
communication is important to address problems (e.g., dust control, indoor air quality, noise levels, and
vibrations), resolve complaints, and keep projects moving toward completion. Health-care facility staff
should develop a mechanism to monitor worker adherence to infection-control guidelines on a daily basis
in and around the construction site for the duration of the project.
b. Preliminary Considerations
The three major topics to consider before initiating any construction or repair activity are as follows:
a. design and function of the new structure or area,
b. assessment of environmental risks for airborne disease and opportunities for prevention, and
c. measures to contain dust and moisture during construction or repairs.
A checklist of design and function considerations can help to ensure that a planned structure or area can
be easily serviced and maintained for environmental infection control (Box 5)
17, 250, 273, 275–277
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Specifications for the construction, renovation, remodeling, and maintenance of health-care facilities are
outlined in the AIA document, Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals and Health Care
120, 275
Box 5. Construction design and function considerations for environmental infection control
Location of sinks and dispensers for handwashing products and hand hygiene products
Types of faucets (e.g., aerated vs. non-aerated)
Air-handling systems engineered for optimal performance, easy maintenance, and repair
ACH and pressure differentials to accommodate special patient-care areas
Location of fixed sharps containers
Types of surface finishes (e.g., porous vs. non-porous)
Well-caulked walls with minimal seams
Location of adequate storage and supply areas
Appropriate location of medicine preparations areas (e.g., >3 ft. from a sink)
Appropriate location and type of ice machines (e.g., preferably ice dispensers rather than ice bins)
Appropriate materials for sinks and wall coverings
Appropriate traffic flow (e.g., no “dirty” movement through “clean” areas)
Isolation rooms with anterooms as appropriate
Appropriate flooring (e.g., seamless floors in dialysis units)
Sensible use carpeting (e.g., avoiding use of carpeting in special care areas or areas likely to become wet)*
Convenient location of soiled utility areas
Properly engineered areas for linen services and solid waste management
Location of main generator to minimize the risk of system failure from flooding or other emergency
Installation guidelines for sheetrock
* Use of carpet cleaning methods (e.g., “bonneting”) that disperse microorganisms into the air may increase the
risk of airborne infection among at-risk patients, especially if they are in the vicinity of the cleaning activity.
Proactive strategies can help prevent environmentally mediated airborne infections in health-care
facilities during demolition, construction, and renovation. The potential presence of dust and moisture and
their contribution to health-care associated infections must be critically evaluated early in the planning of
any demolition, construction, renovation, and repairs.
120, 250, 251, 273, 274, 276–279
Consideration must extend
beyond dust generated by major projects to include dust that can become airborne if disturbed during
routine maintenance and minor renovation activities (e.g., exposure of ceiling spaces for inspection;
installation of conduits, cable, or sprinkler systems; rewiring; and structural repairs or replacement).
273, 276,
Other projects that can compromise indoor air quality include construction and repair jobs that
inadvertently allow substantial amounts of raw, unfiltered outdoor air to enter the facility (e.g., repair of
elevators and elevator shafts) and activities that dampen any structure, area, or item made of porous
materials or characterized by cracks and crevices (e.g., sink cabinets in need of repair, carpets, ceilings,
floors, walls, vinyl wall coverings, upholstery, drapes, and countertops).
18, 273, 277
Molds grow and
proliferate on these surfaces when they become and remain wet.
21, 120, 250, 266, 270, 272, 280
Scrubbable materials
are preferred for use in patient-care areas.
Containment measures for dust and/or moisture control are dictated by the location of the construction
site. Outdoor demolition and construction require actions to keep dust and moisture out of the facility
(e.g., sealing windows and vents and keeping doors closed or sealed). Containment of dust and moisture
generated from construction inside a facility requires barrier structures (either pre-fabricated or
constructed of more durable materials as needed) and engineering controls to clean the air in and around
the construction or repair site.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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c. Infection-Control Risk Assessment
An infection-control risk assessment (ICRA) conducted before initiating repairs, demolition, construction,
or renovation activities can identify potential exposures of susceptible patients to dust and moisture and
determine the need for dust and moisture containment measures. This assessment centers on the type and
extent of the construction or repairs in the work area but may also need to include adjacent patient-care
areas, supply storage, and areas on levels above and below the proposed project. An example of designing
an ICRA as a matrix, the policy for performing an ICRA and implementing its results, and a sample
permit form that streamlines the communication process are available.
Knowledge of the air flow
patterns and pressure differentials helps minimize or eliminate the inadvertent dispersion of dust that
could contaminate air space, patient-care items, and surfaces.
57, 282, 283
A recent aspergillosis outbreak
among oncology patients was attributed to depressurization of the building housing the HSCT unit while
construction was underway in an adjacent building. Pressure readings in the affected building (including
12 of 25 HSCT-patient rooms) ranged from 0.1 Pa–5.8 Pa. Unfiltered outdoor air flowed into the building
through doors and windows, exposing patients in the HSCT unit to fungal spores.
During long-term
projects, providing temporary essential services (e.g., toilet facilities) and conveniences (e.g., vending
machines) to construction workers within the site will help to minimize traffic in and out of the area. The
type of barrier systems necessary for the scope of the project must be defined.
12, 120, 250, 279, 284
Depending on the location and extent of the construction, patients may need to be relocated to other areas
in the facility not affected by construction dust.
51, 285
Such relocation might be especially prudent when
construction takes place within units housing immunocompromised patients (e.g., severely neutropenic
patients and patients on corticosteroid therapy). Advance assessment of high-risk locations and planning
for the possible transport of patients to other departments can minimize delays and waiting time in
Although hospitals have provided immunocompromised patients with some form of
respiratory protection for use outside their rooms, the issue is complex and remains unresolved until more
research can be done. Previous guidance on this issue has been inconsistent.
Protective respirators (i.e.,
N95) were well tolerated by patients when used to prevent further cases of construction-related
aspergillosis in a recent outbreak.
The routine use of the N95 respirator by patients, however, has not
been evaluated for preventing exposure to fungal spores during periods of non-construction. Although
health-care workers who would be using the N95 respirator for personal respiratory protect must be fit-
tested, there is no indication that either patients or visitors should undergo fit-testing.
Surveillance activities should augment preventive strategies during construction projects.
3, 4, 20, 110, 286, 287
By determining baseline levels of health-care acquired airborne and waterborne infections, infection-
control staff can monitor changes in infection rates and patterns during and immediately after
construction, renovations, or repairs.
d. Air Sampling
Air sampling in health-care facilities may be conducted both during periods of construction and on a
periodic basis to determine indoor air quality, efficacy of dust-control measures, or air-handling system
performance via parametric monitoring. Parametric monitoring consists of measuring the physical
periodic assessment of the system (e.g., air flow direction and pressure, ACH, and filter efficiency) can
give assurance of proper ventilation, especially for special care areas and operating rooms.
Air sampling is used to detect aerosols (i.e., particles or microorganisms). Particulate sampling (i.e., total
numbers and size range of particulates) is a practical method for evaluating the infection-control
performance of the HVAC system, with an emphasis on filter efficiency in removing respirable particles
(<5 μm in diameter) or larger particles from the air. Particle size is reported in terms of the mass median
aerodynamic diameter (MMAD), whereas count median aerodynamic diameter (CMAD) is useful with
respect to particle concentrations.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Particle counts in a given air space within the health-care facility should be evaluated against counts
obtained in a comparison area. Particle counts indoors are commonly compared with the particulate levels
of the outdoor air. This approach determines the “rank order” air quality from “dirty” (i.e., the outdoor
air) to “clean” (i.e., air filtered through high-efficiency filters [90%95% filtration]) to “cleanest” (i.e.,
HEPA-filtered air).
Comparisons from one indoor area to another may also provide useful information
about the magnitude of an indoor air-quality problem. Making rank-order comparisons between clean,
highly-filtered areas and dirty areas and/or outdoors is one way to interpret sampling results in the
absence of air quality and action level standards.
35, 289
In addition to verifying filter performance, particle counts can help determine if barriers and efforts to
control dust dispersion from construction are effective. This type of monitoring is helpful when
performed at various times and barrier perimeter locations during the project. Gaps or breaks in the
barriers’ joints or seals can then be identified and repaired. The American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) has set a threshold limit value-time weighted average (TLV®-TWA) of
10 mg/m
for nuisance dust that contains no asbestos and <1% crystalline silica.
Alternatively, OSHA
has set permissible exposure limits (PELs) for inert or nuisance dust as follows: respirable fraction at 5
and total dust at 15 mg/m
Although these standards are not measures of a bioaerosol, they are
used for indoor air quality assessment in occupational settings and may be useful criteria in construction
areas. Application of ACGIH guidance to health-care settings has not been standardized, but particulate
counts in health-care facilities are likely to be well below this threshold value and approaching clean-
room standards in certain care areas (e.g., operating rooms).
Particle counters and anemometers are used in particulate evaluation. The anemometer measures air flow
velocity, which can be used to determine sample volumes. Particulate sampling usually does not require
microbiology laboratory services for the reporting of results.
Microbiologic sampling of air in health-care facilities remains controversial because of currently
unresolved technical limitations and the need for substantial laboratory support (Box 6). Infection-control
professionals, laboratorians, and engineers should determine if microbiologic and/or particle sampling is
warranted and assess proposed methods for sampling. The most significant technical limitation of air
sampling for airborne fungal agents is the lack of standards linking fungal spore levels with infection
rates. Despite this limitation, several health-care institutions have opted to use microbiologic sampling
when construction projects are anticipated and/or underway in efforts to assess the safety of the
environment for immunocompromised patients.
35, 289
Microbiologic air sampling should be limited to
assays for airborne fungi; of those, the thermotolerant fungi (i.e., those capable of growing at 95°F–
98.6°F [35°C–37°C]) are of particular concern because of their pathogenicity in immunocompromised
Use of selective media (e.g., Sabouraud dextrose agar and inhibitory mold agar) helps with the
initial identification of recovered organisms.
Microbiologic sampling for fungal spores performed as part of various airborne disease outbreak
investigations has also been problematic.
18, 49, 106, 111, 112, 289
The precise source of a fungus is often difficult
to trace with certainty, and sampling conducted after exposure may neither reflect the circumstances that
were linked to infection nor distinguish between health-care acquired and community-acquired infections.
Because fungal strains may fluctuate rapidly in the environment, health-care acquired Aspergillus spp.
infection cannot be confirmed or excluded if the infecting strain is not found in the health-care setting.
Sensitive molecular typing methods (e.g., randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) techniques and
a more recent DNA fingerprinting technique that detects restriction fragment length polymorphisms in
fungal genomic DNA) to identify strain differences among Aspergillus spp., however, are becoming
increasingly used in epidemiologic investigations of health-care acquired fungal infection (A.Streifel,
University of Minnesota, 2000).
68, 110, 286, 287, 292–296
During case cluster evaluation, microbiologic sampling
may provide an isolate from the environment for molecular typing and comparison with patient isolates.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Therefore, it may be prudent for the clinical laboratory to save Aspergillus spp. isolated from
colonizations and invasive disease cases among patients in PE, oncology, and transplant services for these
Box 6. Unresolved issues associated with microbiologic air sampling*
Lack of standards linking fungal spore levels with infection rates (i.e., no safe level of exposure)
Lack of standard protocols for testing (e.g., sampling intervals, number of samples, sampling locations)
Need for substantial laboratory support
Culture issues (e.g., false negatives, insensitivity, lag time between sampling and recording the results)
New, complex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analytical methods
Unknown incubation period for Aspergillus spp. infection
Variability of sampler readings
Sensitivity of the sampler used (i.e., the volumes of air sampled)
Lack of details in the literature about describing sampling circumstances (e.g., unoccupied rooms vs.
ongoing activities in rooms, expected fungal concentrations, and rate of outdoor air penetration)
Lack of correlation between fungal species and strains from the environment and clinical specimens
Confounding variables with high-risk patients (e.g., visitors and time spent outside of protective
environment [PE] without respiratory protection)
Need for determination of ideal temperature for incubating fungal cultures (95°F [35°C] is the most
commonly used temperature)
* Material in this box is compiled from references 35, 100, 222, 289, 297.
Sedimentation methods using settle plates and volumetric sampling methods using solid impactors are
commonly employed when sampling air for bacteria and fungi. Settle plates have been used by numerous
investigators to detect airborne bacteria or to measure air quality during medical procedures (e.g.,
17, 60, 97, 151, 161, 287
Settle plates, because they rely on gravity during sampling, tend to select for
larger particles and lack sensitivity for respirable particles (e.g., individual fungal spores), especially in
highly-filtered environments. Therefore, they are considered impractical for general use.
35, 289, 298–301
plates, however, may detect fungi aerosolized during medical procedures (e.g., during wound dressing
changes), as described in a recent outbreak of aspergillosis among liver transplant patients.
The use of slit or sieve impactor samplers capable of collecting large volumes of air in short periods of
time are needed to detect low numbers of fungal spores in highly filtered areas.
35, 289
In some outbreaks,
aspergillosis cases have occurred when fungal spore concentrations in PE ambient air ranged as low as
0.9–2.2 colony-forming units per cubic meter (CFU/m
) of air.
18, 94
On the basis of the expected spore
counts in the ambient air and the performance parameters of various types of volumetric air samplers,
investigators of a recent aspergillosis outbreak have suggested that an air volume of at least 1000 L (1 m
should be considered when sampling highly filtered areas.
Investigators have also suggested limits of
15 CFU/m
for gross colony counts of fungal organisms and <0.1 CFU/m
for Aspergillus fumigatus and
other potentially opportunistic fungi in heavily filtered areas (12 ACH and filtration of 99.97%
No correlation of these values with the incidence of health-careassociated fungal infection
rates has been reported.
Air sampling in health-care facilities, whether used to monitor air quality during construction, to verify
filter efficiency, or to commission new space prior to occupancy, requires careful notation of the
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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circumstances of sampling. Most air sampling is performed under undisturbed conditions. However, when
the air is sampled during or after human activity (e.g., walking and vacuuming), a higher number of
airborne microorganisms likely is detected.
The contribution of human activity to the significance of air
sampling and its impact on health-care associated infection rates remain to be defined. Comparing
microbiologic sampling results from a target area (e.g., an area of construction) to those from an
unaffected location in the facility can provide information about distribution and concentration of
potential airborne pathogens. A comparison of microbial species densities in outdoor air versus indoor air
has been used to help pinpoint fungal spore bursts. Fungal spore densities in outdoor air are variable,
although the degree of variation with the seasons appears to be more dramatic in the United States than in
92, 287, 303
Particulate and microbiologic air sampling have been used when commissioning new HVAC system
installations; however, such sampling is particularly important for newly constructed or renovated PE or
operating rooms. Particulate sampling is used as part of a battery of tests to determine if a new HVAC
system is performing to specifications for filtration and the proper number of ACH.
268, 288, 304
Microbiologic air sampling, however, remains controversial in this application, because no standards for
comparison purposes have been determined. If performed, sampling should be limited to determining the
density of fungal spores per unit volume of air space. High numbers of spores may indicate contamination
of air-handling system components prior to installation or a system deficiency when culture results are
compared with known filter efficiencies and rates of air exchange.
e. External Demolition and Construction
External demolition, planned building implosions, and dirt excavation generate considerable dust and
debris that can contain airborne microorganisms. In one study, peak concentrations in outdoor air at grade
level and HVAC intakes during site excavation averaged 20,000 CFU/m
for all fungi and 500 CFU/m
for Aspergillus fumigatus, compared with 19 CFU/m
and 4 CFU/m
, respectively, in the absence of
Many health-care institutions are located in large, urban areas; building implosions are
becoming a more frequent concern. Infection-control risk assessment teams, particularly those in facilities
located in urban renewal areas, would benefit by developing risk management strategies for external
demolition and construction as a standing policy. In light of the events of 11 September 2001, it may be
necessary for the team to identify those dust exclusion measures that can be implemented rapidly in
response to emergency situations (Table 8). Issues to be reviewed prior to demolition include
a. proximity of the air intake system to the work site,
b. adequacy of window seals and door seals,
c. proximity of areas frequented by immunocompromised patients, and
d. location of the underground utilities (D. Erickson, ASHE, 2000).
120, 250, 273, 276, 277, 280, 305
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Table 8. Strategies to reduce dust and moisture intrusion during external demolition and construction
Demolition site Shroud the site if possible to reduce environmental contamination.
Dust-generating equipment Prior to placing dust-generating equipment, evaluate the location to
ensure that dust produced by the equipment will not enter the building
through open doorways or windows, or through ventilation air intakes.
Construction materials storage Locate this storage away from the facility and ventilation air intakes.
Adjacent air intakes Seal off affected intakes, if possible, or move if funds permit.
HVAC system Consult with the facility engineer about pressure differentials and air
recirculation options; keep facility air pressure positive to outside air.
Filters Ensure that filters are properly installed; change roughing filters
frequently to prevent dust build-up on high-efficiency filters.
Windows Seal and caulk to prevent entry of airborne fungal spores.
Doors Keep closed as much as possible; do not prop open; seal and caulk
unused doors (i.e., those that are not designated as emergency exits);
use mats with tacky surfaces at outside entrances.
Water utilities Note location relative to construction area to prevent intrusion of dust
into water systems. (Contamination of water pipes during demolition
activities has been associated with health-care associated transmission
of Legionella spp.
Medical gas piping Ensure that these lines/pipes are insulated during periods of vibration.
Rooftops Temporarily close off during active demolition/construction those
rooftop areas that are normally open to the public (e.g., rooftop
Dust generation Provide methods (e.g., misting the area with water) to minimize dust.
Immunocompromised patients Use walk-ways protected from demolition/construction sites; avoid
outside areas close to these sites; avoid rooftops.
Pedestrian traffic Close off entry ways as needed to minimize dust intrusion.
Truck traffic Reroute if possible, or arrange for frequent street cleaning.
Education and awareness+ Encourage reporting of hazardous or unsafe incidents associated with
+ When health-care facilities have immunosuppressed patients in their census, telephoning the city building
department each month to find out if buildings are scheduled for demolition is prudent.
Minimizing the entry of outside dust into the HVAC system is crucial in reducing the risk for airborne
contaminants. Facility engineers should be consulted about the potential impact of shutting down the system
or increasing the filtration. Selected air handlers, especially those located close to excavation sites, may
have to be shut off temporarily to keep from overloading the system with dust and debris. Care is needed to
avoid significant facility-wide reductions in pressure differentials that may cause the building to become
negatively pressured relative to the outside. To prevent excessive particulate overload and subsequent
reductions in effectiveness of intake air systems that cannot be shut off temporarily, air filters must be
inspected frequently for proper installation and function. Excessive dust penetration can be avoided if
recirculated air is maximally utilized while outdoor air intakes are shut down. Scheduling demolition and
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excavation during the winter, when Aspergillus spp. spores may be present in lower numbers, can help,
although seasonal variations in spore density differ around the world.
92, 287, 303
Dust control can be managed by misting the dirt and debris during heavy dust-generating activities. To
decrease the amount of aerosols from excavation and demolition projects, nearby windows, especially in
areas housing immunocompromised patients, can be sealed and window and door frames caulked or weather-
stripped to prevent dust intrusion.
50, 301, 306
Monitoring for adherence to these control measures throughout
demolition or excavation is crucial. Diverting pedestrian traffic away from the construction sites decreases
the amount of dust tracked back into the health-care facility and minimizes exposure of high-risk patients to
environmental pathogens. Additionally, closing entrances near construction or demolition sites might be
beneficial; if this is not practical, creating an air lock (i.e., pressurizing the entry way) is another option.
f. Internal Demolition, Construction, Renovations, and Repairs
The focus of a properly implemented infection-control program during interior construction and repairs is
containment of dust and moisture. This objective is achieved by
a. educating construction workers about the importance of control measures
b. preparing the site;
c. notifying and issuing advisories for staff, patients, and visitors;
d. moving staff and patients and relocating patients as needed;
e. issuing standards of practice and precautions during activities and maintenance;
f. monitoring for adherence to control measures during construction and providing prompt feedback
about lapses in control
g. monitoring HVAC performance;
h. implementing daily clean-up, terminal cleaning and removal of debris upon completion; and
i. ensuring the integrity of the water system during and after construction.
These activities should be coordinated with engineering staff and infection-control professionals.
Physical barriers capable of containing smoke and dust will confine dispersed fungal spores to the
construction zone.
279, 284, 307, 308
The specific type of physical barrier required depends on the project’s
scope and duration and on local fire codes. Short-term projects that result in minimal dust dispersion (e.g.,
installation of new cables or wiring above ceiling tiles) require only portable plastic enclosures with
negative pressure and HEPA filtration of the exhaust air from the enclosed work area. The placement of a
portable industrial-grade HEPA filter device capable of filtration rate of 300800 ft
/min. adjacent to the
work area will help to remove fungal spores, but its efficacy is dependent on the supplied ACH and size
of the area. If the project is extensive but short-term, dust-abatement, fire-resistant plastic curtains (e.g.,
Visqueen®) may be adequate. These should be completely airtight and sealed from ceiling to floor with
overlapping curtains;
276, 277, 309
holes, tears, or other perforations should be repaired promptly with tape. A
portable, industrial-grade HEPA filter unit on continuous operation is needed within the contained area,
with the filtered air exhausted to the outside of the work zone. Patients should not remain in the room
when dust-generating activities are performed. Tools to assist the decision-making process regarding
selection of barriers based on an ICRA approach are available.
More elaborate barriers are indicated for long-term projects that generate moderate to large amounts of
dust. These barrier structures typically consist of rigid, noncombustible walls constructed from sheet rock,
drywall, plywood, or plaster board and covered with sheet plastic (e.g., Visqueen®). Barrier requirements
to prevent the intrusion of dust into patient-care areas include
a. installing a plastic dust abatement curtain before construction of the rigid barrier
b. sealing and taping all joint edges including the top and bottom;
c. extending the barrier from floor to floor, which takes into account the space [approximately 28 ft.]
above the finished, lay-down ceiling; and
d. fitting or sealing any temporary doors connecting the construction zone to the adjacent area. (See Box
7 for a list of the various construction and repair activities that require the use of some type of barrier.)
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Box 7. Construction/repair projects that require barrier structures*
Demolition of walls, wallboard, plaster, ceramic tiles, ceiling tiles, and ceilings
Removal of flooring and carpeting, windows and doors, and casework
Working with sinks and plumbing that could result in aerosolization of water in high-risk areas
Exposure of ceiling spaces for demolition and for installation or rerouting of utility services (e.g., rewiring,
electrical conduction installation, HVAC ductwork, and piping)
Crawling into ceiling spaces for inspection in a manner that may dislodge dust
Demolition, repair, or construction of elevator shafts
Repairing water damage
* Material for this box was compiled from references 120, 250, 273, 276, 277.
Dust and moisture abatement and control rely primarily on the impermeable barrier containment
approach; as construction continues, numerous opportunities can lead to dispersion of dust to other areas
of the health-care facility. Infection-control measures that augment the use of barrier containment should
be undertaken (Table 9).
Dust-control measures for clinical laboratories are an essential part of the infection-control strategy
during hospital construction or renovation. Use of plastic or solid barriers may be needed if the ICRA
determines that air flow from construction areas may introduce airborne contaminants into the laboratory
space. In one facility, pseudofungemia clusters attributed to Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. were
linked to improper air flow patterns and construction projects adjacent to the laboratory; intrusion of dust
and spores into a biological safety cabinet from construction activity immediately next to the cabinet
resulted in a cluster of cultures contaminated with Aspergillus niger.
310, 311
Reportedly, no barrier
containment was used and the HEPA filtration system was overloaded with dust. In addition, an outbreak
of pseudobacteremia caused by Bacillus spp. occurred in another hospital during construction above a
storage area for blood culture bottles.
Airborne spread of Bacillus spp. spores resulted in contamination
of the bottles’ plastic lids, which were not disinfected or handled with proper aseptic technique prior to
collection of blood samples.
Table 9. Infection-control measures for internal construction and repair projects*+
Steps for implementation
Prepare for the project.
1. Use a multi-disciplinary team approach to incorporate infection control into the
2. Conduct the risk assessment and a preliminary walk-through with project managers
and staff.
Educate staff and
construction workers.
1. Educate staff and construction workers about the importance of adhering to infection-
control measures during the project.
2. Provide educational materials in the language of the workers.
3. Include language in the construction contract requiring construction workers and
subcontractors to participate in infection-control training.
Issue hazard and
warning notices.
1. Post signs to identify construction areas and potential hazards.
2. Mark detours requiring pedestrians to avoid the work area.
Relocate high-risk
patients as needed,
especially if the
construction is in or
adjacent to a PE area.
1. Identify target patient populations for relocation based on the risk assessment.
2. Arrange for the transfer in advance to avoid delays.
3. At-risk patients should wear protective respiratory equipment (e.g., a high- efficiency
mask) when outside their PE rooms.
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Steps for implementation
Establish alternative
traffic patterns for staff,
patients, visitors, and
construction workers.
1. Determine appropriate alternate routes from the risk assessment.
2. Designate areas (e.g., hallways, elevators, and entrances/exits) for construction-
worker use.
3. Do not transport patients on the same elevator with construction materials and debris.
Erect appropriate
barrier containment.
1. Use prefabricated plastic units or plastic sheeting for short-term projects that will
generate minimal dust.
2. Use durable rigid barriers for ongoing, long-term projects.
Establish proper
1. Shut off return air vents in the construction zone, if possible, and seal around grilles.
2. Exhaust air and dust to the outside, if possible.
3. If recirculated air from the construction zone is unavoidable, use a pre-filter and a
HEPA filter before the air returns to the HVAC system.
4. When vibration-related work is being done that may dislodge dust in the ventilation
system or when modifications are made to ductwork serving occupied spaces, install
filters on the supply air grilles temporarily.
5. Set pressure differentials so that the contained work area is under negative pressure.
6. Use air flow monitoring devices to verify the direction of the air pattern.
7. Exhaust air and dust to the outside, if possible.
8. Monitor temperature, air changes per hour (ACH), and humidity levels (humidity
levels should be <65%).
9. Use portable, industrial grade HEPA filters in the adjacent area and/or the
construction zone for additional ACH.
10. Keep windows closed, if possible.
Control solid debris.
1. When replacing filters, place the old filter in a bag prior to transport and dispose as a
routine solid waste.
2. Clean the construction zone daily or more often as needed.
3. Designate a removal route for small quantities of solid debris.
4. Mist debris and cover disposal carts before transport (i.e., leaving the construction
5. Designate an elevator for construction crew use.
6. Use window chutes and negative pressure equipment for removal of larger pieces of
debris while maintaining pressure differentials in the construction zone.
7. Schedule debris removal to periods when patient exposures to dust is minimal.
Control water damage.
1. Make provisions for dry storage of building materials.
2. Do not install wet, porous building materials (i.e., sheet rock).
3. Replace water-damaged porous building materials if they cannot be completely dried
out within 72 hours.
Control dust in air and
on surfaces.
1. Monitor the construction area daily for compliance with the infection-control plan.
2. Protective outer clothing for construction workers should be removed before entering
clean areas.
3. Use mats with tacky surfaces within the construction zone at the entry; cover
sufficient area so that both feet make contact with the mat while walking through the
4. Construct an anteroom as needed where coveralls can be donned and removed.
5. Clean the construction zone and all areas used by construction workers with a wet
6. If the area is carpeted, vacuum daily with a HEPA-filteredequipped vacuum.
7. Provide temporary essential services (e.g., toilets) and worker conveniences (e.g,
vending machines) in the construction zone as appropriate.
8. Damp-wipe tools if removed from the construction zone or left in the area.
9. Ensure that construction barriers remain well sealed; use particle sampling as needed.
10. Ensure that the clinical laboratory is free from dust contamination.
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Steps for implementation
Complete the project.
1. Flush the main water system to clear dust-contaminated lines.
2. Terminally clean the construction zone before the construction barriers are removed.
3. Check for visible mold and mildew and eliminate (i.e., decontaminate and remove), if
4. Verify appropriate ventilation parameters for the new area as needed.
5. Do not accept ventilation deficiencies, especially in special care areas.
6. Clean or replace HVAC filters using proper dust-containment procedures.
7. Remove the barriers and clean the area of any dust generated during this work.
8. Ensure that the designated air balances in the operating rooms (OR) and protective
environments (PE) are achieved before occupancy.
9. Commission the space as indicated, especially in the OR and PE, ensuring that the
room’s required engineering specifications are met.
* Material in this table includes information from D. Erickson, ASHE, 2000.
+ Material in this table was compiled from references 19, 51, 67, 80, 106, 120, 250, 266, 273, 276278, 280, 285,
309, 312315.
5. Environmental Infection-Control Measures for Special Health-Care Settings
Areas in health-care facilities that require special ventilation include
a. operating rooms
b. PE rooms used by high-risk, immunocompromised patients; and
c. AII rooms for isolation of patients with airborne infections (e.g., those caused by M. tuberculosis,
VZV, or measles virus).
Interim Measles Infection Control [July 2019]
See Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Measles in Healthcare Settings
The number of rooms required for PE and AII are determined by a risk assessment of the health-care
Continuous, visual monitoring of air flow direction is required for new or renovated pressurized
120, 256
a. Protective Environments (PE)
Although the exact configuration and specifications of PEs might differ among hospitals, these care areas
for high-risk, immunocompromised patients are designed to minimize fungal spore counts in air by
a. filtration of incoming air by using central or point-of-use HEPA filters
b. directed room air flow [i.e., from supply on one side of the room, across the patient, and out through
the exhaust on the opposite side of the room];
c. positive room air pressure of 2.5 Pa [0.01" water gauge] relative to the corridor;
d. well-sealed rooms; and
e. 12 ACH.
44, 120, 251, 254, 316–319
Air flow rates must be adjusted accordingly to ensure sufficient ACH, and these rates vary depending on
certain factors (e.g., room air leakage area). For example, to provide 12 ACH in a typical patient room with
0.5 sq. ft. air leakage, the air flow rate will be minimally 125 cubic feet/min (cfm).
320, 321
Higher air flow rates
may be needed. A general ventilation diagram for a positive-pressure room is given in Figure 2. Directed room
air flow in PE rooms is not laminar; parallel air streams are not generated. Studies attempting to demonstrate
patient benefit from laminar air flow in a PE setting are equivocal.
316, 318, 319, 322 - 327
Air flow direction at the entrances to these areas should be maintained and verified, preferably on a daily
basis, using either a visual means of indication (e.g., smoke tubes and flutter strips) or manometers.
Permanent installation of a visual monitoring device is indicated for new PE construction and
Facility service structures can interfere with the proper unidirectional air flow from the
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patients’ rooms to the adjacent corridor. In one outbreak investigation, Aspergillus spp. infections in a
critical care unit may have been associated with a pneumatic specimen transport system, a textile disposal
duct system, and central vacuum lines for housekeeping, all of which disrupted proper air flow from the
patients’ rooms to the outside and allowed entry of fungal spores into the unit (M.McNeil, CDC, 2000).
Figure 2. Example of positive-pressure room control for protection from airborne environmental
microbes (PE)* + §
* Stacked black boxes represent patient’s bed. Long open box with cross-hatch represents supply air.
Open boxes with single, diagonal slashes represent air exhaust registers. Arrows indicate directions of
air flow.
+ Possible uses include immunocompromised patient rooms (e.g., hematopoietic stem cell transplant or
solid organ transplant procedure rooms) and orthopedic operating rooms.
§ Positive-pressure room engineering features include positive pressure (greater supply than exhaust air
volume); pressure differential range of 2.5–8 Pa (0.01–0.03-in. water gauge), ideal at 8 Pa; air flow
volume differential >125-cfm supply versus exhaust; sealed room, approximately 0.5-sq. ft. leakage;
clean to dirty air flow; monitoring; 12 air changes per hour (ACH); and return air if refiltered.
This diagram is a generic illustration of air flow in a typical installation. Alternative air flow
arrangements are recognized. Adapted and used with permission from A. Streifel and the publisher of
reference 328 (Penton Media, Inc.)
The use of surface fungicide treatments is becoming more common, especially for building materials.
Copper-based compounds have demonstrated anti-fungal activity and are often applied to wood or paint.
Copper-8-quinolinolate was used on environmental surfaces contaminated with Aspergillus spp. to
control one reported outbreak of aspergillosis.310 The compound was also incorporated into the
fireproofing material of a newly constructed hospital to help decrease the environmental spore burden.
b. Airborne Infection Isolation (AII)
Acute-care inpatient facilities need at least one room equipped to house patients with airborne infectious
disease. Every health-care facility, including ambulatory and long-term care facilities, should undertake
an ICRA to identify the need for AII areas. Once the need is established, the appropriate ventilation
equipment can be identified. Air handling systems for this purpose need not be restricted to central
systems. Guidelines for the prevention of health-care acquired TB have been published in response to
multiple reports of health-care associated transmission of multi-drug resistant strains.
4, 330
In reports
documenting health-care acquired TB, investigators have noted a failure to comply fully with prevention
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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measures in established guidelines.
331 - 345
These gaps highlight the importance of prompt recognition of
the disease, isolation of patients, proper treatment, and engineering controls. AII rooms are also
appropriate for the care and management of smallpox patients.
Environmental infection control with
respect to smallpox is currently being revisited (see Appendix E).
Salient features of engineering controls for AII areas include
a. use of negative pressure rooms with close monitoring of air flow direction using manometers or
temporary or installed visual indicators [e.g., smoke tubes and flutter strips] placed in the room with
the door closed
b. minimum 6 ACH for existing facilities, 12 ACH for areas under renovation or for new construction;
c. air from negative pressure rooms and treatment rooms exhausted directly to the outside if possible.
120, 248
As with PE, airflow rates need to be determined to ensure the proper numbers of ACH.
320, 321
AII rooms
can be constructed either with (Figure 3) or without (Figure 4) an anteroom. When the recirculation of air
from AII rooms is unavoidable, HEPA filters should be installed in the exhaust duct leading from the
room to the general ventilation system. In addition to UVGI fixtures in the room, UVGI can be placed in
the ducts as an adjunct measure to HEPA filtration, but it can not replace the HEPA filter.
4, 346
fixture placed in the upper room, coupled with a minimum of 6 ACH, also provides adequate air
Figure 3. Example of negative-pressure room control for airborne infection isolation (AII)* + §¶
* Stacked black boxes represent patient’s bed. Long open box with cross-hatch represents supply air.
Open boxes with single, diagonal slashes represent air exhaust registers. Arrows indicate direction of
air flow.
+ Possible uses include treatment or procedure rooms, bronchoscopy rooms, and autopsy.
§ Negative-pressure room engineering features include negative pressure (greater exhaust than supply
air volume); pressure differential of 2.5 Pa (0.01-in. water gauge); air flow volume differential >125-
cfm exhaust versus supply; sealed room, approximately 0.5-sq. ft. leakage; clean to dirty air flow;
monitoring; 12 air changes per hour (ACH) new or renovation, 6 ACH existing; and exhaust to
outside or HEPA-filtered if recirculated.
This diagram is a generic illustration of air flow in a typical installation. Alternative air flow
arrangements are recognized. Adapted and used with permission from A. Streifel and the publisher of
reference 328 (Penton Media, Inc.)
One of the components of airborne infection isolation is respiratory protection for health-care workers and
visitors when entering AII rooms.
4, 6, 347
Recommendations of the type of respiratory protection are
dependent on the patient’s airborne infection (indicating the need for AII) and the risk of infection to
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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persons entering the AII room. A more in-depth discussion of respiratory protection in this instance is
presented in the current isolation guideline;
a revision of this guideline is in development. Cough-
inducing procedures (e.g., endotracheal intubation and suctioning of known or suspected TB patients,
diagnostic sputum induction, aerosol treatments, and bronchoscopy) require similar precautions.
Additional engineering measures are necessary for the management of patients requiring PE (i.e.,
allogeneic HSCT patients) who concurrently have airborne infection. For this type of patient treatment, an
anteroom (Figure 4) is required in new construction and renovation as per AIA guidelines.
Figure 4. Example of airborne infection isolation (AII) room with anteroom and neutral anteroom*
+ §
* The top diagram indicates air flow patterns when patient with only airborne infectious disease
occupies room. Middle and bottom diagrams indicate recommended air flow patterns when room is
occupied by immunocompromised patient with airborne infectious disease. Stacked black boxes
represent patient beds. Long open boxes with cross-hatches represent supply air. Open boxes with
single, diagonal slashes represent air exhaust registers. Arrows indicate directions of air flow.
+ AII isolation room with anteroom engineering features include
pressure differential of 2.5 Pa (0.01-in. water gauge) measured at the door between patient room
and anteroom;
air flow volume differential >125-cfm. depending on anteroom air flow direction (pressurized
versus depressurized);
38 sealed room with approximately 0.5-sq. ft. leakage;
clean to dirty air flow
12 air changes per hour (ACH) new or renovation, 6 ACH existing; and
anteroom air flow patterns. The small in panels 1 and 2 indicate the anteroom is pressurized
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(supply versus exhaust), while the small in panel 3 indicates the anteroom is depressurized
(exhaust versus supply).
§ Used with permission of A. Streifel, University of Minnesota
The pressure differential of an anteroom can be positive or negative relative to the patient in the
An anteroom can act as an airlock (Figure 4). If the anteroom is positive relative to the air
space in the patient’s room, staff members do not have to mask prior to entry into the anteroom if air is
directly exhausted to the outside and a minimum of 10 ACH (Figure 4, top diagram).
When an
anteroom is negative relative to both the AII room and the corridor, health-care workers must mask
prior to entering the anteroom (Figure 4, bottom diagram). If an AII room with an anteroom is not
available, use of a portable, industrial-grade HEPA filter unit may help to increase the number of ACHs
while facilitating the removal of fungal spores; however, a fresh air source must be present to achieve
the proper air exchange rate. Incoming ambient air should receive HEPA filtration.
c. Operating Rooms
Operating room air may contain microorganisms, dust, aerosol, lint, skin squamous epithelial cells, and
respiratory droplets. The microbial level in operating room air is directly proportional to the number of
people moving in the room.
One study documented lower infection rates with coagulase-negative
staphylococci among patients when operating room traffic during the surgical procedure was limited.
Therefore, efforts should be made to minimize personnel traffic during operations. Outbreaks of SSIs
caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococci have been traced to airborne transmission from
colonized operating-room personnel to patients.
Several potential health-care associated pathogens
(e.g., Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis) and drug-resistant organisms have also
been recovered from areas adjacent to the surgical field,
but the extent to which the presence of
bacteria near the surgical field influences the development of postoperative SSIs is not clear.
Proper ventilation, humidity (<68%), and temperature control in the operating room is important for the
comfort of surgical personnel and patients, but also in preventing environmental conditions that
encourage growth and transmission of microorganisms.
Operating rooms should be maintained at
positive pressure with respect to corridors and adjacent areas.
Operating rooms typically do not have
a variable air handling system. Variable air handling systems are permitted for use in operating rooms
only if they continue to provide a positive pressure with respect to the corridors and adjacent areas and
the proper ACHs are maintained when the room is occupied. Conventional operating-room ventilation
systems produce a minimum of about 15 ACH of filtered air for thermal control, three (20%) of which
must be fresh air.
120, 357, 358
Air should be introduced at the ceiling and exhausted near the floor.
357, 359
Laminar airflow and UVGI have been suggested as adjunct measures to reduce SSI risk for certain
operations. Laminar airflow is designed to move particle-free air over the aseptic operating field at a
uniform velocity (0.3–0.5 m/sec), sweeping away particles in its path. This air flow can be directed
vertically or horizontally, and recirculated air is passed through a HEPA filter.
Neither laminar
airflow nor UV light, however, has been conclusively shown to decrease overall SSI risk.
356, 364–370
Elective surgery on infectious TB patients should be postponed until such patients have received
adequate drug therapy. The use of general anesthesia in TB patients poses infection-control challenges
because intubation can induce coughing, and the anesthesia breathing circuit apparatus potentially can
become contaminated.
Although operating room suites at 15 ACH exceed the air exchanges required
transmission of TB to operating-room personnel. If feasible, intubation and extubation of the TB
surgical patient should be performed in AII. AIA currently does not recommend changing pressure
from positive to negative or setting it to neutral; most facilities lack the capability to do so.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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emergency surgery is indicated for a suspected/diagnosed infectious TB patient, taking specific
infection-control measures is prudent (Box 8).
Box 8. Strategy for managing TB patients and preventing airborne transmission in operating
1. If emergency surgery is indicated for a patient with active TB, schedule the TB patient as the last surgical
case to provide maximum time for adequate ACH.
2. Operating room personnel should use NIOSH-approved N95 respirators without exhalation valves.
3. Keep the operating room door closed after the patient is intubated, and allow adequate time for sufficient
ACH to remove 99% of airborne particles (Appendix B, Table B.1.):
a. after the patient is intubated and particularly if intubation produces coughing
b. if the door to the operating suite must be opened, and intubation induces coughing in the patient; or
c. after the patient is extubated and suctioned [unless a closed suctioning system is present].
4. Extubate the patient in the operating room or allow the patient to recover in AII rather than in the regular
open recovery facilities.
5. Temporary use of a portable, industrial grade HEPA filter may expedite removal of airborne contaminants
(fresh-air exchange requirements for proper ventilation must still be met).
6. Breathing circuit filters with 0.10.2 μm pore size can be used as an adjunct infection-control measure.
373, 374
* Material in this table was compiled from references 4, 347, and 372374.
+ The placement of portable HEPA filter units in the operating room must be carefully evaluated for potential
disruptions in normal air flow. The portable unit should be turned off while the surgical procedure is underway
and turned on following extubation. Portable HEPA filter units previously placed in construction areas may be
used in subsequent patient care, provided that all internal and external surfaces are cleaned and the filter’s
performance is verified with appropriate particle testing and is changed, if needed.
Table 10. Summary of ventilation specifications in selected areas of health-care facilities*
AII room (includes
bronchoscopy suites)
PE room
Critical care room§
Air pressure¶ Negative Positive
Positive, negative,
or neutral
Positive or
Room air
≥6 ACH (for existing
≥12 ACH (for renovation or
new construction)
≥12 ACH ≥6 ACH ≥10 ACH ≥15 ACH
Sealed** Yes Yes No Yes Yes
90% (dust-spot ASHRAE
52.1 1992)
99.97% (Fungal spore
filter at point of use
(HEPA at 99.97% of
0.3 μm particles))
>90% >90% 90%
(Recirculated air may be
used if the exhaust air is first
processed through a HEPA
Yes Yes No Yes
* Material in this table is compiled from references 35 and 120. Table used with permission of the publisher of
reference 35 (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins).
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 54 of 241
§ Positive pressure and HEPA filters may be preferred in some rooms in intensive care units (ICUs) caring for
large numbers of immunocompromised patients.
Clean-to-dirty: negative to an infectious patient, positive away from an immunocompromised patient.
** Minimized infiltration for ventilation control; pertains to windows, closed doors, and surface joints.
¶¶ Table used with permission of the publisher of reference 35 (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins).
6. Other Aerosol Hazards in Health-Care Facilities
In addition to infectious bioaerosols, several crucial non-infectious, indoor air-quality issues must be
addressed by health-care facilities. The presence of sensitizing and allergenic agents and irritants in the
workplace (e.g., ethylene oxide, glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde, hexachlorophene, and latex allergens
) is
increasing. Asthma and dermatologic and systemic reactions often result with exposure to these chemicals.
Anesthetic gases and aerosolized medications (e.g., ribavirin, pentamidine, and aminoglycosides) represent
some of the emerging potentially hazardous exposures to health-care workers. Containment of the aerosol
at the source is the first level of engineering control, but personal protective equipment (e.g., masks,
respirators, and glove liners) that distances the worker from the hazard also may be needed.
Laser plumes and surgical smoke represent another potential risk for health-care workers.
transfer electromagnetic energy into tissues, resulting in the release of a heated plume that includes
particles, gases, tissue debris, and offensive smells. One concern is that aerosolized infectious material in
the laser plume might reach the nasal mucosa of surgeons and adjacent personnel. Although some viruses
(i.e., varicella-zoster virus, pseudorabies virus, and herpes simplex virus) do not aerosolize efficiently,
other viruses and bacteria (e.g., human papilloma virus [HPV], HIV, coagulasenegative
Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium spp., and Neisseria spp.) have been detected in laser plumes.
presence of an infectious agent in a laser plume may not, however, be sufficient to cause disease from
airborne exposure, especially if the normal mode of transmission for the agent is not airborne. No
evidence indicated that HIV or hepatitis B virus (HBV) has been transmitted via aerosolization and
Although continuing studies are needed to fully evaluate the risk of laser plumes to surgical personnel, the
prevention measures in these other guidelines should be followed:
a. NIOSH recommendations,
b. the Recommended Practices for Laser Safety in Practice Settings developed by the Association of
periOperative Registered Nurses [AORN],
c. the assessments of ECRI,
d. the ANSI standard.
These guidelines recommend the use of
a. respirators (N95 or N100) or full face shields and masks,
b. central wall-suction units with in-line filters to collect particulate matter from minimal plumes, and
c. dedicated mechanical smoke exhaust systems with a high-efficiency filter to remove large amounts of
laser plume.
Although transmission of TB has occurred as a result of abscess management practices that lacked
airborne particulate control measures and respiratory protection, use of a smoke evacuator or needle
aspirator and a high degree of clinical awareness can help protect healthcare workers when excising and
draining an extrapulmonary TB abscess.
D. Water
1. Modes of Transmission of Waterborne Diseases
Moist environments and aqueous solutions in health-care settings have the potential to serve as reservoirs
for waterborne microorganisms. Under favorable environmental circumstances (e.g., warm temperature
and the presence of a source of nutrition), many bacterial and some protozoal microorganisms can either
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 55 of 241
proliferate in active growth or remain for long periods in highly stable, environmentally resistant (yet
infectious) forms. Modes of transmission for waterborne infections
direct contact [e.g., that required for hydrotherapy];
ingestion of water [e.g., through consuming contaminated ice];
indirect-contact transmission [e.g., from an improperly reprocessed medical device];
inhalation of aerosols dispersed from water sources;
aspiration of contaminated water.
The first three modes of transmission are commonly associated with infections caused by gram-negative
bacteria and nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). Aerosols generated from water sources contaminated
with Legionella spp. often serve as the vehicle for introducing legionellae to the respiratory tract.
2. Waterborne Infectious Diseases in Health-Care Facilities
a. Legionellosis
Legionellosis is a collective term describing infection produced by Legionella spp., whereas Legionnaires
disease is a multi-system illness with pneumonia.
The clinical and epidemiologic aspects of these
diseases (Table 11) are discussed extensively in another guideline.
Although Legionnaires disease is a
respiratory infection, infection-control measures intended to prevent healthcare-associated cases center on
the quality of water—the principal reservoir for Legionella spp.
Format Change [November 2016]: The format of this section was changed to improve readability
and accessibility. The content is unchanged.
Table 11. Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of legionellosis/Legionnaires disease
Modes of transmission
Aspiration of water, direct inhalation or water aerosols.
3, 394398, 400
Causative agent
Legionella pneumophila (90% of infections); L. micdadei, L. bozemanii, L. dumoffii, L. longbeachii, (14
additional species can cause infection in humans).
Source of exposure
Exposure to environmental sources of Legionella spp. (i.e., water or water aerosols).
31, 33, 401–414
Clinical syndromes and diseases
Two distinct illnesses:
397–399, 415–422
Pontiac fever [a milder, influenza-like illness]; and
progressive pneumonia that may be accompanied by cardiac, renal, and gastrointestinal involvement
Patient populations at greatest risk
Immunosuppressed patients (e.g., transplant patients, cancer patients, and patients receiving corticosteroid
Immunocompromised patients (e.g., surgical patients, patients with underlying chronic lung disease, and
dialysis patients);
Elderly persons; and
Patients who smoke.
395–397, 423–433
Proportion of community-acquired pneumonia caused by Legionella spp. ranges from 1%5%; estimated
annual incidence among the general population is 8,00018,000 cases in the United States; the incidence of
healthcare-associated pneumonia (0%14%) may be underestimated if appropriate laboratory diagnostic
methods are unavailable.
396, 397, 434–444
Mortality rate
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 56 of 241
Mortality declined markedly during 19801998, from 34% to 12% for all cases; the mortality rate is higher
among persons with health-care associated pneumonia compared with the rate among community-acquired
pneumonia patients (14% for health-care associated pneumonia versus 10% for community-acquired
pneumonia [1998 data]).
395–397, 445
Legionella spp. are commonly found in various natural and man-made aquatic environments
446, 447
and can
enter health-care facility water systems in low or undetectable numbers.
448, 449
Cooling towers, evaporative
condensers, heated potable water distribution systems, and locally-produced distilled water can provide
environments for multiplication of legionellae.
In several hospital outbreaks, patients have been
infected through exposure to contaminated aerosols generated by cooling towers, showers, faucets,
respiratory therapy equipment, and room-air humidifiers.
401–410, 455
Factors that enhance colonization and
amplification of legionellae in man-made water environments include
a. temperatures of 77°F–107.6°F [25°C–42°C],
b. stagnation,
c. scale and sediment,
d. presence of certain free-living aquatic amoebae that can support intracellular growth of legionellae.
462, 463
The bacteria multiply within single-cell protozoa in the environment and within alveolar macrophages in
b. Other Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections
Other gram-negative bacteria present in potable water also can cause health-care associated infections.
Clinically important, opportunistic organisms in tap water include Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas
spp., Burkholderia cepacia, Ralstonia pickettii, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and Sphingomonas spp.
(Tables 12 and 13). Immunocompromised patients are at greatest risk of developing infection. Medical
conditions associated with these bacterial agents range from colonization of the respiratory and urinary tracts
to deep, disseminated infections that can result in pneumonia and bloodstream bacteremia. Colonization by
any of these organisms often precedes the development of infection. The use of tap water in medical care
(e.g., in direct patient care, as a diluent for solutions, as a water source for medical instruments and
equipment, and during the final stages of instrument disinfection) therefore presents a potential risk for
exposure. Colonized patients also can serve as a source of contamination, particularly for moist
environments of medical equipment (e.g., ventilators).
In addition to Legionella spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas spp. are among the most
clinically relevant, gram-negative, health-care associated pathogens identified from water. These and other
gram-negative, non-fermentative bacteria have minimal nutritional requirements (i.e., these organisms can
grow in distilled water) and can tolerate a variety of physical conditions. These attributes are critical to the
success of these organisms as health-care associated pathogens. Measures to prevent the spread of these
organisms and other waterborne, gram-negative bacteria include hand hygiene, glove use, barrier
precautions, and eliminating potentially contaminated environmental reservoirs.
464, 465
Format Change [November 2016]: The format of this section was changed to improve readability and
accessibility. The content is unchanged.
Table 12. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections
Modes of transmission
Direct contact with water, aerosols; aspiration of water and inhalation of water aerosols; and indirect transfer
from moist environmental surfaces via hands of health-care workers.
28, 502–506
Clinical syndromes and diseases
Septicemia, pneumonia (particularly ventilator-associated), chronic respiratory infections among cystic
fibrosis patients, urinary tract infections, skin and soft-tissue infections (e.g., tissue necrosis and hemorrhage),
burn-wound infections, folliculitis, endocarditis, central nervous system infections (e.g., meningitis and
abscess), eye infections, and bone and joint infections.
Environmental sources of pseudomonads in healthcare settings
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Potable (tap) water, distilled water, antiseptic solutions contaminated with tap water, sinks, hydrotherapy
pools, whirlpools and whirlpool spas, water baths, lithotripsy therapy tanks, dialysis water, eyewash stations,
flower vases, and endoscopes with residual moisture in the channels.
28, 29, 466, 468, 507–520
Environmental sources of pseudomonads in the community
Fomites (e.g., drug injection equipment stored in contaminated water).
494, 495
Patient populations at greatest risk
Intensive care unit (ICU) patients (including neonatal ICU), transplant patients (organ and hematopoietic stem
cell), neutropenic patients, burn therapy and hydrotherapy patients, patients with malignancies, cystic fibrosis
patients, patients with underlying medical conditions, and dialysis patients.
28, 466, 467, 472, 477, 493, 506508, 511, 512, 521–526
Format Change [November 2016]: The format of this section was changed to improve readability
and accessibility. The content is unchanged.
Table 13. Other gram-negative bacteria associated with water and moist environments
Implicated contaminated environmental vehicle
Distilled water
Contaminated solutions and disinfectants
528, 529
Dialysis machines
Water baths
Intrinsically-contaminated mouthwash
(This report describes contamination occurring during manufacture prior to use by the
health-care facility staff. All other entries reflect extrinsic sources of contamination.)
Ventilator temperature probes
Sphingomonas spp.
Distilled water
536, 537
Contaminated solutions and disinfectants
Dialysis machines
Ventilator temperature probes
Ralstonia pickettii
Fentanyl solutions
Distilled water
Contaminated respiratory therapy solution
541, 542
Potable water
Contaminated antiseptics (i.e., benzalkonium chloride and chlorhexidine)
Contaminated disinfectants (i.e., quaternary ammonium compounds and
547, 548
Acinetobacter spp.
Medical equipment that collects moisture (e.g., mechanical ventilators, cool mist
humidifiers, vaporizers, and mist tents)
Room humidifiers
553, 555
Environmental surfaces
Enterobacter spp.
Humidifier water
Intravenous fluids
Unsterilized cotton swabs
565, 569
Rubber piping on a suctioning machine
565, 569
Blood gas analyzers
Two additional gram-negative bacterial pathogens that can proliferate in moist environments are
Acinetobacter spp. and Enterobacter spp.
571, 572
Members of both genera are responsible for healthcare
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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associated episodes of colonization, bloodstream infections, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections
among medically compromised patients, especially those in ICUs and burn therapy units.
566, 572–583
Infections caused by Acinetobacter spp. represent a significant clinical problem. Average infection rates
are higher from July through October compared with rates from November through June.
rates associated with Acinetobacter bacteremia are 17%–52%, and rates as high as 71% have been
reported for pneumonia caused by infection with either Acinetobacter spp. or Pseudomonas spp.Multi-
drug resistance, especially in third generation cephalosporins for Enterobacter spp., contributes to
increased morbidity and mortality.
569, 572
Patients and health-care workers contribute significantly to the environmental contamination of surfaces
and equipment with Acinetobacter spp. and Enterobacter spp., especially in intensive care areas, because
of the nature of the medical equipment (e.g., ventilators) and the moisture associated with this
549, 571, 572, 585
Hand carriage and hand transfer are commonly associated with health-careassociated transmission of
these organisms and for S. marcescens.
Enterobacter spp. are primarily spread in this manner among
patients by the hands of health-care workers.
567, 587
Acinetobacter spp. have been isolated from the hands
of 4%33% of health-care workers in some studies,
and transfer of an epidemic strain of
Acinetobacter from patients’ skin to health-care workers’ hands has been demonstrated experimentally.
Acinetobacter infections and outbreaks have also been attributed to medical equipment and materials
(e.g., ventilators, cool mist humidifiers, vaporizers, and mist tents) that may have contact with water of
uncertain quality (e.g., rinsing a ventilator circuit in tap water).
549– 556
Strict adherence to hand hygiene
helps prevent the spread of both Acinetobacter spp. and Enterobacter spp.
577, 592
Acinetobacter spp. have also been detected on dry environmental surfaces (e.g., bed rails, counters, sinks,
bed cupboards, bedding, floors, telephones, and medical charts) in the vicinity of colonized or infected
patients; such contamination is especially problematic for surfaces that are frequently touched.
two studies, the survival periods of Acinetobacter baumannii and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus on dry
surfaces approximated that for S. aureus (e.g., 26–27 days).
593, 594
Because Acinetobacter spp. may come
from numerous sources at any given time, laboratory investigation of health-care associated
Acinetobacter infections should involve techniques to determine biotype, antibiotype, plasmid profile, and
genomic fingerprinting (i.e., macrorestriction analysis) to accurately identify sources and modes of
transmission of the organism(s).
c. Infections and Pseudo-Infections Due to Nontuberculous Mycobacteria
NTM are acid-fast bacilli (AFB) commonly found in potable water. NTM include both saprophytic and
opportunistic organisms. Many NTM are of low pathogenicity, and some measure of host impairment is
necessary to enhance clinical disease.
The four most common forms of human disease associated with
NTM are
pulmonary disease in adults;
cervical lymph node disease in children;
skin, soft tissue, and bone infections; and
disseminated disease in immunocompromised patients.
596, 597
Person-to-person acquisition of NTM infection, especially among immunocompetent persons, does not
appear to occur, and close contacts of patients are not readily infected, despite the high numbers of
organisms harbored by such patients.
596, 598–600
NTM are spread via all modes of transmission associated
with water. In addition to health-care associated outbreaks of clinical disease, NTM can colonize patients
in health-care facilities through consumption of contaminated water or ice or through inhalation of
Colonization following NTM exposure, particularly of the respiratory tract, occurs when a
patient’s local defense mechanisms are impaired; overt clinical disease does not develop.
Patients may
have positive sputum cultures in the absence of clinical disease.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Using tap water during patient procedures and specimen collection and in the final steps of instrument
reprocessing can result in pseudo-outbreaks of NTM contamination.
607– 609
NTM pseudo-outbreaks of
Mycobacterium chelonae, M. gordonae, and M. xenopi have been associated with both bronchoscopy and
gastrointestinal endoscopy when
a. tap water is used to provide irrigation to the site or to rinse off the viewing tip in situ or
b. the instruments are inappropriately reprocessed with tap water in the final steps.
610– 612
Table 14. Nontuberculous mycobacteria—environmental vehicles
Format Change [November 2016]: The format of this section was changed to improve readability
and accessibility. The content is unchanged.
Table 14a. Infections or colonizations
Vehicles associated with infections or colonizations
Mycobacterium abscessus
Inadequately sterilized medical instruments
Mycobacterium avium complex
Potable water
Mycobacterium chelonae
Dialysis, reprocessed dialyzers
31, 32
Inadequately-sterilized medical instruments, jet injectors
617, 618
Contaminated solutions
619, 620
Hydrotherapy tanks
Mycobacterium fortuitum
Aerosols from showers or other water sources
605, 606
Inadequately sterilized medical instruments
Hydrotherapy tanks
Mycobacterium marinum
Hydrotherapy tanks
Mycobacterium ulcerans
Potable water
Table 14b. Pseudo-outbreaks
Vehicles associated with pseudo-outbreaks
Mycobacterium chelonae
Potable water used during bronchoscopy and instrument
Mycobacterium fortuitum
Mycobacterium gordonae
Deionized water
Laboratory solution (intrinsically contaminated
Potable water ingestion prior to sputum specimen collection
Mycobacterium kansasii
Potable water
Mycobacterium terrae
Potable water
Mycobacterium xenopi
Potable water
609, 612, 627
NTM can
be isolated from both natural and man-made environments. Numerous studies have identified
Some NTM species (e.g., Mycobacterium xenopi) can survive in water at 113°F (45°C), and can be
isolated from hot water taps, which can pose a problem for hospitals that lower the temperature of their
hot water systems.
Other NTM (e.g., Mycobacterium kansasii, M. gordonae, M. fortuitum, and M.
chelonae) cannot tolerate high temperatures and are associated more often with cold water lines and
NTM have a high resistance to chlorine; they can tolerate free chlorine concentrations of 0.05–0.2 mg/L
(0.05–0.2 ppm) found at the tap.
598, 633, 634
They are 20100 times more resistant to chlorine compared
with coliforms; slow-growing strains of NTM (e.g., Mycobacterium avium and M. kanasii) appear to be
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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more resistant to chorine inactivation compared to fast-growing NTM.
Slow-growing NTM species
have also demonstrated some resistance to formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde, which has posed problems
for reuse of hemodialyzers.
The ability of NTM to form biofilms at fluid-surface interfaces (e.g.,
interior surfaces of water pipes) contributes to the organisms’ resistance to chemical inactivation and
provides a microenvironment for growth and proliferation.
636, 637
d. Cryptosporidiosis
Cryptosporidium parvum is a protozoan parasite that causes self-limiting gastroenteritis in normal hosts
but can cause severe, life-threatening disease in immunocompromised patients. First recognized as a
human pathogen in 1976, C. parvum can be present in natural and finished waters after fecal
contamination from either human or animal sources.
The health risks associated with drinking potable water contaminated with minimal numbers of C.
parvum oocysts are unknown.
It remains to be determined if immunosuppressed persons are more
susceptible to lower doses of oocysts than are immunocompetent persons. One study demonstrated that a
median 50% infectious dose (ID50) of 132 oocysts of calf origin was sufficient to cause infection among
healthy volunteers.
In a second study, the same researchers found that oocysts obtained from infected
foals (newborn horses) were infectious for human volunteers at median ID50 of 10 oocysts, indicating
that different strains or species of Cryptosporidium may vary in their infectivity for humans.
In a small
study population of 17 healthy adults with pre-existing antibody to C. parvum, the ID50 was determined
to be 1,880 oocysts, more than 20-fold higher than in seronegative persons.
These data suggest that
pre-existing immunity derived from previous exposures to Cryptosporidium offers some protection from
infection and illness that ordinarily would result from exposure to low numbers of oocysts.
645, 646
Oocysts, particularly those with thick walls, are environmentally resistant, but their survival under
natural water conditions is poorly understood. Under laboratory conditions, some oocysts remain viable
and infectious in cold (41°F [5°C]) for months.
The prevalence of Cryptosporidium in the U.S.
drinking water supply is notable. Two surveys of approximately 300 surface water supplies revealed that
55%–77% of the water samples contained Cryptosporidium oocysts.
647, 648
Because the oocysts are highly
resistant to common disinfectants (e.g., chlorine) used to treat drinking water, filtration of the water is
important in reducing the risk of waterborne transmission. Coagulation-floculation and sedimentation,
when used with filtration, can collectively achieve approximately a 2.5 log10 reduction in the number of
However, outbreaks have been associated with both filtered and unfiltered drinking water
systems (e.g., the 1993 outbreak in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that affected 400,000 people)
641, 650–652
presence of oocysts in the water is not an absolute indicator that infection will occur when the water is
consumed, nor does the absence of detectable oocysts guarantee that infection will not occur. Health-
care associated outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis primarily have been described among groups of elderly
patients and immunocompromised persons.
3. Water Systems in Health-Care Facilities
a. Basic Components and Point-of-Use Fixtures
Treated municipal water enters a health-care facility via the water mains and is distributed throughout
the building(s) by a network of pipes constructed of galvanized iron, copper, and polyvinylchloride
(PVC). The pipe runs should be as short as is practical. Where recirculation is employed, the pipe runs
should be insulated and long dead legs avoided in efforts to minimize the potential for water stagnation,
which favors the proliferation of Legionella spp. and NTM. In high-risk applications (e.g., PE areas for
severely immunosuppressed patients), insulated recirculation loops should be incorporated as a design
minimal loss.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Each water service main, branch main, riser, and branch (to a group of fixtures) has a valve and a means
to reach the valves via an access panel.
Each fixture has a stop valve. Valves permit the isolation of a
portion of the water system within a facility during repairs or maintenance. Vacuum breakers and other
similar devices in the lines prevent water from back-flowing into the system. All systems that supply
water should be evaluated to determine risk for potential back siphonage and cross connections.
Health-care facilities generate hot water from municipal water using a boiler system. Hot water heaters and
storage vessels for such systems should have a drainage facility at the lowest point, and the heating element
should be located as close as possible to the bottom of the vessel to facilitate mixing and to prevent water
temperature stratification. Those hot or cold water systems that incorporate an elevated holding tank should
be inspected and cleaned annually. Lids should fit securely to exclude foreign materials.
The most common point-of-use fixtures for water in patient-care areas are sinks, faucets, aerators, showers,
and toilets; eye-wash stations are found primarily in laboratories. The potential for these fixtures to serve as
a reservoir for pathogenic microorganisms has long been recognized (Table 15).
509, 654656
Wet surfaces and the production of aerosols facilitate the multiplication and dispersion of microbes. The
level of risk associated with aerosol production from point-of-use fixtures varies. Aerosols from shower
heads and aerators have been linked to a limited number of clusters of gram-negative bacterial
colonizations and infections, including Legionnaires disease, especially in areas where
immunocompromised patients are present (e.g., surgical ICUs, transplant units, and oncology units).
412, 415,
In one report, clinical infection was not evident among immunocompetent persons (e.g., hospital staff)
who used hospital showers when Legionella pneumophila was present in the water system.
Given the
infrequency of reported outbreaks associated with faucet aerators, consensus has not been reached
regarding the disinfection of or removal of these devices from general use. If additional clusters of
infections or colonizations occur in high-risk patient-care areas, it may be prudent to clean and
decontaminate the aerators or to remove them.
658, 659
ASHRAE recommends cleaning and monthly
disinfection of aerators in high-risk patient-care areas as part of Legionella control measures.
aerosols are produced with toilet flushing,
662, 663
no epidemiologic evidence suggests that these aerosols
pose a direct infection hazard.
Although not considered a standard point-of-use fixture, decorative fountains are being installed in
increasing numbers in health-care facilities and other public buildings. Aerosols from a decorative
fountain have been associated with transmission of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 infection to a
small cluster of older adults.
This hotel lobby fountain had been irregularly maintained, and water in
the fountain may have been heated by submersed lighting, all of which favored the proliferation of
Legionella in the system.
Because of the potential for generations of infectious aerosols, a prudent
prevention measure is to avoid locating these fixtures in or near high-risk patient-care areas and to
adhere to written policies for routine fountain maintenance.
Table 15. Water and point-of-use fixtures as sources and reservoirs of waterborne pathogens*
Strength of
Prevention and control
Potable water
bacteria, NTM
occasional well-
Follow public health
Potable water
occasional well-
Provide supplemental
treatment for water.
Table 11)
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 62 of 241
Strength of
Prevention and control
Holy water
Low: few well-
Avoid contact with severe
burn injuries. Minimize use
among immunocompromised
Dialysis water
occasional well-
Dialysate should be ≤2,000
cfu/mL; water should be
≤200 cfu/mL.
2, 527,
and rinse
occasional well-
Use and maintain equipment
according to instructions;
eliminate residual moisture
by drying the channels (e.g.,
through alcohol rinse and
forced air drying).
Water baths
occasional well-
Add germicide to the water;
wrap transfusion products in
protective plastic wrap if
using the bath to modulate
the temperature of these
29, 533,
676, 677
occasional well-
Drain and disinfect tub after
each use; consider adding
germicide to the water; water
in large hydrotherapy pools
should be properly
disinfected and filtered.
Ice and ice
occasional well-
Low: few well-
Clean periodically; use
automatic dispenser (avoid
open chest storage
compartments in patient
601, 684
occasional well-
Clean and disinfect monthly
in high-risk patient areas;
consider removing if
additional infections occur.
415, 661
Low: few well-
No precautions are necessary
at present in
immunocompetent patient-
care areas.
658, 659,
688, 689
occasional well-
Use separate sinks for
handwashing and disposal of
contaminated fluids.
509, 653,
Low: few well-
Provide sponge baths for
hematopoietic stem cell
transplant patients; avoid
shower use for
patients when Legionella is
detected in facility water.
Dental unit
water lines
Low: few well-
Clean water systems
according to system
manufacturer’s instructions.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 63 of 241
Strength of
Prevention and control
Ice baths for
Low: few well-
Use sterile water.
697, 698
Low: few well-
Perform regular maintenance,
including water disinfection;
avoid use in or near high-risk
patient-care areas.
Low: few well-
Minimal: actual
infections not
Flush eyewash stations
weekly; have sterile water
available for eye flushes.
518, 699,
Minimal: actual
infections not
Clean regularly; use good
hand hygiene.
Minimal: actual
infections not
Avoid use in intensive care
units and in
patient-care settings.
515, 701,
* Modified from reference 654 and used with permission of the publisher (Slack, Inc.)
b. Water Temperature and Pressure
Hot water temperature is usually measured at the point of use or at the point at which the water line enters
equipment requiring hot water for proper operation.
Generally, the hot water temperature in hospital
patient-care areas is no greater than a temperature within the range of 105°F–120°F (40.6°C– 49°C),
depending on the AIA guidance issued at the year in which the facility was built.
Hot water temperature
in patient-care areas of skilled nursing-care facilities is set within a slightly lower range of 95°F–110°F
(35°C–43.3°C) depending on the AIA guidance at the time of facility construction.
Many states have
adopted a temperature setting in these ranges into their health-care regulations and building codes.
ASHRAE, however, has recommended higher settings.
Steam jets or booster heaters are usually needed
to meet the hot water temperature requirements in certain service areas of the hospital (e.g., the kitchen
[120°F (49°C)] or the laundry [160°F (71°C)]).
Additionally, water lines may need to be heated to a
particular temperature specified by manufacturers of specific hospital equipment. Hot-water distribution
systems serving patient-care areas are generally operated under constant recirculation to provide
continuous hot water at each hot-water outlet.
If a facility is or has a hemodialysis unit, then
continuously circulated, cold treated water is provided to that unit.
To minimize the growth and persistence of gram-negative waterborne bacteria (e.g., thermophilic NTM
and Legionella spp.),
627, 703–709
cold water in health-care facilities should be stored and distributed at
temperatures below 68°F (20°C); hot water should be stored above 140°F (60°C) and circulated with a
minimum return temperature of 124°F (51°C),
or the highest temperature specified in state regulations
and building codes. If the return temperature setting of 124°F (51°C) is permitted, then installation of
preset thermostatic mixing valves near the point-of-use can help to prevent scalding. Valve maintenance
is especially important in preventing valve failure, which can result in scalding. New shower systems in
large buildings, hospitals, and nursing homes should be designed to permit mixing of hot and cold water
near the shower head. The warm water section of pipe between the control valve and shower head should
be self-draining. Where buildings can not be retrofitted, other approaches to minimize the growth of
Legionella spp. include
periodically increasing the temperature to at least 150°F [66°C] at the point of use [i.e., faucets] and
adding additional chlorine and flushing the water.
661, 710, 711
Systems should be inspected annually to ensure that thermostats are functioning properly.
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Adequate water pressure ensures sufficient water supplies for
a. direct patient care;
b. operation of water-cooled instruments and equipment [e.g., lasers, computer systems,
telecommunications systems, and automated endoscope reprocessors
c. proper function of vacuum suctioning systems;
d. indoor climate control; and
e. fire-protection systems.
Maintaining adequate pressure also helps to ensure the integrity of the piping system.
c. Infection-Control Impact of Water System Maintenance and Repair
Corrective measures for water-system failures have not been studied in well-designed experiments; these
measures are instead based on empiric engineering and infection-control principles. Health-care facilities
can occasionally sustain both intentional cut-offs by the municipal water authority to permit new
construction project tie-ins and unintentional disruptions in service when a water main breaks as a result
of aging infrastructure or a construction accident. Vacuum breakers or other similar devices can prevent
backflow of water in the facility’s distribution system during water-disruption emergencies.
To be
prepared for such an emergency, all health-care facilities need contingency plans that identify
the total demand for potable water,
the quantity of replacement water [e.g., bottled water] required for a minimum of 24 hours when the
water system is down,
mechanisms for emergency water distribution, and
procedures for correcting drops in water pressure that affect operation of essential devices and
equipment that are driven or cooled by a water system [Table 16].
Format Change [November 2016]: The format of this section was changed to improve readability
and accessibility. The content is unchanged.
Table 16. Water demand in health-care facilities during water disruption emergencies
Potable water use
Bottled, sterile water use
Drinking water
Cafeteria services
Manual flushing of toilets
Patient baths, hygiene
Fire prevention (e.g., sprinkler systems)
Surgery and critical care areas
Laboratory services
Laundry and central sterile services (Arrange to have a
contingency provision of these services from another resource,
if possible (e.g., another health-care facility or contractor).)
Cooling towers (Some cooling towers may use a potable water
source, but most units use non-potable water.)
Steam generation
Surgical scrub
Emergency surgical procedures
Pharmaceutical preparations
Patient-care equipment (e.g., ventilators)
(This item is included in the table under
the assumption that electrical power is
available during the water emergency.)
Detailed, up-to-date plans for hot and cold water piping systems should be readily available for
maintenance and repair purposes in case of system problems. Opening potable water systems for repair or
construction and subjecting systems to water-pressure changes can result in water discoloration and
dramatic increases in the concentrations of Legionella spp. and other gram-negative bacteria. The
maintenance of a chlorine residual at all points within the piping system also offers some protection from
entry of contamination to the pipes in the event of inadvertent cross-connection between potable and non-
potable water lines. As a minimum preventive measure, ASHRAE recommends a thorough flushing of
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the system.
High-temperature flushing or hyperchlorination may also be appropriate strategies to
decrease potentially high concentrations of waterborne organisms. The decision to pursue either of these
remediation strategies, however, should be made on a case-by-case basis. If only a portion of the system
is involved, high temperature flushing or chlorination can be used on only that portion of the system.
When shock decontamination of hot water systems is necessary (e.g., after disruption caused by
construction and after cross-connections), the hot water temperature should be raised to 160°F–170°F
(71°C–77°C) and maintained at that level while each outlet around the system is progressively flushed. A
minimum flush time of 5 minutes has been recommended;
the optimal flush time is not known, however,
and longer flush times may be necessary.
The number of outlets that can be flushed simultaneously
depends on the capacity of the water heater and the flow capability of the system. Appropriate safety
procedures to prevent scalding are essential. When possible, flushing should be performed when the
fewest building occupants are present (e.g., during nights and weekends).
When thermal shock treatment is not possible, shock chlorination may serve as an alternative method.
Experience with this method of decontamination is limited, however, and high levels of free chlorine can
corrode metals. Chlorine should be added, preferably overnight, to achieve a free chlorine residual of at
least 2 mg/L (2 ppm) throughout the system.
This may require chlorination of the water heater or tank
to levels of 2050 mg/L (20–50 ppm). The pH of the water should be maintained at 7.0–8.0.
completion of the decontamination, recolonization of the hot water system is likely to occur unless proper
temperatures are maintained or a procedure such as continuous supplemental chlorination is continued.
Interruptions of the water supply and sewage spills are situations that require immediate recovery and
remediation measures to ensure the health and safety of patients and staff.
When delivery of potable
water through the municipal distribution system has been disrupted, the public water supplier must issue a
“boil water” advisory if microbial contamination presents an immediate public health risk to customers.
The hospital engineer should oversee the restoration of the water system in the facility and clear it for use
when appropriate. Hospitals must maintain a high level of surveillance for waterborne disease among
patients and staff after the advisory is lifted.
Flooding from either external (e.g., from a hurricane) or internal sources (e.g., a water system break)
usually results in property damage and a temporary loss of water and sanitation.
JCAHO requires all
hospitals to have plans that address facility response for recovery from both internal and external
713, 719
The plans are required to discuss
a. general emergency preparedness,
b. staffing,
c. regional planning among area hospitals,
d. emergency supply of potable water,
e. infection control and medical services needs,
f. climate control, and
g. remediation.
The basic principles of structural recovery from flooding are similar to those for recovery from sewage
contamination (Box 9 and 10). Following a major event (e.g., flooding), facilities may elect to conduct
microbial sampling of water after the system is restored to verify that water quality has been returned to
safe levels (<500 CFU/mL, heterotrophic plate count). This approach may help identify point-of-use
fixtures that may harbor contamination as a result of design or engineering features.
Medical records
should be allowed to dry and then either photocopied or placed in plastic covers before returning them to
the record.
Moisture meters can be used to assess water-damaged structural materials. If porous structural materials
for walls have a moisture content of >20% after 72 hours, the affected material should be removed.
266, 278,
The management of water-damaged structural materials is not strictly limited to major water
catastrophes (e.g., flooding and sewage intrusions); the same principles are used to evaluate the damage
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from leaking roofs, point-of-use fixtures, and equipment. Additional sources of moisture include
condensate on walls from boilers and poorly engineered humidification in HVAC systems.
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Box 9. Recovery and remediation measures for water-related emergencies*
Potable water disruptions
Contingency plan items
o Ensure access to plumbing network so that repairs can be easily made.
o Provide sufficient potable water, either from bottled sources or truck delivery.
o Post advisory notices against consuming tap water, ice, or beverages made with water.
o Rope off or bag drinking fountains to designate these as being “out of service” until further notice.
o Rinse raw foods as needed in disinfected water.
o Disconnect ice machines whenever possible. (Ice machines should always be disconnected from the
water source in advance of planned water disruptions.)
o Postpone laundry services until after the water system is restored.
Water treatment
o Heat water to a rolling boil for ≥1 minute.
Remediation of the water system after the “boil water” advisory is rescinded
o Flush fixtures (e.g., faucets and drinking fountains) and equipment for several minutes and restart.
o Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle.
o Drain, disinfect, and refill water storage tanks, if needed.
o Change pretreatment filters and disinfect the dialysis water system.
Sewage spills/malfunction
Overall strategy
o Move patients and clean/sterile supplies out of the area.
o Redirect traffic away from the area.
o Close the doors or use plastic sheeting to isolate the area prior to clean-up.
o Restore sewage system function first, then the potable water system (if both are malfunctioning).
o Remove sewage solids, drain the area, and let dry.
Remediation of the structure
o Hard surfaces: clean with detergent/disinfectant after the area has been drained.
o Carpeting, loose tiles, buckled flooring: remove and allow the support surface to dry; replace the
items; wet down carpeting with a low-level disinfectant or sanitizer prior to removal to minimize
dust dispersion to the air.
o Wallboard and other porous structural materials: remove and replace if they cannot be cleaned and
dried within 72 hours. (Moisture meter readings should be <20% moisture content.)
o Hard surface furniture (e.g., metal or plastic furniture): clean and allow to dry.
o Wood furniture: let dry, sand the wood surface, and reapply varnish.
o Cloth furniture: replace.
Electrical equipment
o Replace if the item cannot be easily dismantled, cleaned, and reassembled.
* Material in this box is compiled from references 266, 278, 315, 713, 716719, 721729.
An exception to these recommendations is made for hemodialysis units where water is further treated
either by portable water treatment or large-scale water treatment systems usually involving reverse
osmosis (RO). In the United States, >97% of dialysis facilities use RO treatment for their water.
However, changing pre-treatment filters and disinfecting the system to prevent colonization of the RO
membrane and microbial contamination down-stream of the pre-treatment filter are prudent measures.
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Box 10. Contingency planning for flooding
General emergency preparedness
Ensure that emergency electrical generators are not located in flood-prone areas of the facility.
Develop alternative strategies for moving patients, water containers, medical records, equipment, and
supplies in the event that the elevators are inoperable.
Establish in advance a centralized base of operations with batteries, flashlights, and cellular phones.
Ensure sufficient supplies of sandbags to place at the entrances and the area around boilers, incinerators,
and generators.
Establish alternative strategies for bringing core employees to the facility if high water prevents travel.
Staffing Patterns
Temporarily reassign licensed staff as needed to critical care areas to provide manual ventilation and to
perform vital assessments on patients.
Designate a core group of employees to remain on site to keep all services operational if the facility
remains open.
Train all employees in emergency preparedness procedures.
Regional planning among are facilities for disaster management
Incorporate community support and involvement (e.g., media alerts, news, and transportation).
Develop in advance strategies for transferring patients, as needed.
Develop strategies for sharing supplies and providing essential services among participating facilities
(e.g., central sterile department services, and laundry services).
Identify sources for emergency provisions (e.g., blood, emergency vehicles, and bottled water).
Medical services and infection control
Use alcohol-based hand rubs in general patient-care areas.
Postpone elective surgeries until full services are restored, or transfer these patients to other facilities.
Consider using portable dialysis machines. (Portable dialysis machines require less water compared to
the larger units situated in dialysis settings.)
Provide an adequate supply of tetanus and hepatitis A immunizations for patients and staff.
Climate control
Provide adequate water for cooling towers. (Water for cooling towers may need to be trucked in,
especially if the tower uses a potable water source.)
* Material in this box was compiled from references 713, 716719.
4. Strategies for Controlling Waterborne Microbial Contamination
a. Supplemental Treatment of Water with Heat and/or Chemicals
In addition to using supplemental treatment methods as remediation measures after inadvertent
contamination of water systems, health-care facilities sometimes use special measures to control
waterborne microorganisms on a sustained basis. This decision is most often associated with outbreaks of
legionellosis and subsequent efforts to control legionellae,
although some facilities have tried
supplemental measures to better control thermophilic NTM.
The primary disinfectant for both cold and hot water systems is chlorine. However, chlorine residuals are
expected to be low, and possibly nonexistent, in hot water tanks because of extended retention time in the
tank and elevated water temperature. Flushing, especially that which removes sludge from the bottom of
the tank, probably provides the most effective treatment of water systems. Unlike the situation for
disinfecting cooling towers, no equivalent recommendations have been made for potable water systems,
although specific intervention strategies have been published.
403, 723
The principal approaches to
disinfection of potable systems are heat flushing using temperatures 160°F–170°F (71°– 77°C),
hyperchlorination, and physical cleaning of hot-water tanks.
3, 403, 661
Potable systems are easily recolonized
and may require continuous intervention (e.g., raising of hot water temperatures or continuous
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403, 711
Chlorine solutions lose potency over time, thereby rendering the stocking of large
quantities of chlorine impractical.
Some hospitals with hot water systems identified as the source of Legionella spp. have performed
emergency decontamination of their systems by pulse (i.e., one-time) thermal disinfection/superheating or
711, 714, 724, 725
After either of these procedures, hospitals either maintain their heated
water with a minimum return temperature of 124°F (51°C) and cold water at <68°F (<20°C) or chlorinate
their hot water to achieve 12 mg/L (1–2 ppm) of free residual chlorine at the tap.
26, 437, 709711, 726, 727
Additional measures (e.g., physical cleaning or replacement of hot-water storage tanks, water heaters,
faucets, and shower heads) may be required to help eliminate accumulations of scale and sediment that
protect organisms from the biocidal effects of heat and chlorine.
457, 711
Alternative methods for controlling
and eradicating legionellae in water systems (e.g., treating water with chlorine dioxide, heavy metal ions
[i.e., copper/silver ions], ozone, and UV light) have limited the growth of legionellae under laboratory and
operating conditions.
Further studies on the long-term efficacy of these treatments are needed before
these methods can be considered standard applications.
Renewed interest in the use of chloramines stems from concerns about adverse health effects associated
with disinfectants and disinfection by-products.
Monochloramine usage minimizes the formation of
disinfection by-products, including trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids. Monochloramine can also reach
distal points in a water system and can penetrate into bacterial biofilms more effectively than free
However, monochloramine use is limited to municipal water treatment plants and is currently
not available to health-care facilities as a supplemental water-treatment approach. A recent study
indicated that 90% of Legionnaires disease outbreaks associated with drinking water could have been
prevented if monochloramine rather than free chlorine has been used for residual disinfection.
In a
retrospective comparison of health-care associated Legionnaires disease incidence in central Texas
hospitals, the same research group documented an absence of cases in facilities located in communities
with monochloramine-treated municipal water.
Additional data are needed regarding the effectiveness
of using monochloramine before its routine use as a disinfectant in water systems can be recommended.
No data have been published regarding the effectiveness of monochloramine installed at the level of the
health-care facility.
Additional filtration of potable water systems is not routinely necessary. Filters are used in water lines in
dialysis units, however, and may be inserted into the lines for specific equipment (e.g., endoscope
washers and disinfectors) for the purpose of providing bacteria-free water for instrument reprocessing.
Additionally, an RO unit is usually added to the distribution system leading to PE areas.
b. Primary Prevention of Legionnaires Disease (No Cases Identified)
The primary and secondary environmental infection-control strategies described in this section on the
guideline pertain to health-care facilities without transplant units. Infection-control measures specific to
PE or transplant units (i.e., patient-care areas housing patients at the highest risk for morbidity and
mortality from Legionella spp. infection) are described in the subsection titled Preventing Legionnaires
Disease in Protective Environments.
Health-care facilities use at least two general strategies to prevent health-care associated legionellosis
when no cases or only sporadic cases have been detected. The first is an environmental surveillance
approach involving periodic culturing of water samples from the hospital’s potable water system to
monitor for Legionella spp.
If any sample is culture-positive, diagnostic testing is recommended for
all patients with health-care associated pneumonia.
748, 749
In-house testing is recommended for facilities
with transplant programs as part of a comprehensive treatment/management program. If 30% of the
samples are culture-positive for Legionella spp., decontamination of the facility’s potable water system is
The premise for this approach is that no cases of health-care associated legionellosis can
occur if Legionella spp. are not present in the potable water system, and, conversely, cases of health-care
associated legionellosis could potentially occur if Legionella spp. are cultured from the water.
26, 751
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Physicians who are informed that the hospital’s potable water system is culture-positive for Legionella
spp. are more likely to order diagnostic tests for legionellosis.
A potential advantage of the environmental surveillance approach is that periodic culturing of water is
less costly than routine laboratory diagnostic testing for all patients who have health-care associated
pneumonia. The primary argument against this approach is that, in the absence of cases, the relationship
between water-culture results and legionellosis risk remains undefined.
Legionnella spp. can be present
in the water systems of buildings
without being associated with known cases of disease.
437, 707, 753
In a
study of 84 hospitals in Québec, 68% of the water systems were found to be colonized with Legionella
spp., and 26% were colonized at >30% of sites sampled; cases of Legionnaires disease, however, were
infrequently reported from these hospitals.
Other factors also argue against environmental surveillance. Interpretation of results from periodic water
culturing might be confounded by differing results among the sites sampled in a single water system and
by fluctuations in the concentration of Legionella spp. at the same site.
709, 754
In addition, the risk for
illness after exposure to a given source might be influenced by several factors other than the presence or
concentration of organisms, including
a. the degree to which contaminated water is aerosolized into respirable droplets,
b. the proximity of the infectious aerosol to the potential host,
c. the susceptibility of the host, and
d. the virulence properties of the contaminating strain.
Thus, data are insufficient to assign a level of disease risk even on the basis of the number of colony-
forming units detected in samples from areas for immunocompetent patients. Conducting environmental
surveillance would obligate hospital administrators to initiate water-decontamination programs if
Legionella spp. are identified. Therefore, periodic monitoring of water from the hospital's potable water
system and from aerosol-producing devices is not widely recommended in facilities that have not
experienced cases of health-care associated legionellosis.
661, 758
The second strategy to prevent and control health-care associated legionellosis is a clinical approach, in
which providers maintain a high index of suspicion for legionellosis and order appropriate diagnostic tests
(i.e., culture, urine antigen, and direct fluorescent antibody [DFA] serology) for patients with health-care
associated pneumonia who are at high risk for legionellosis and its complications.
437, 759, 760
The testing of
autopsy specimens can be included in this strategy should a death resulting from healthcare–associated
pneumonia occur. Identification of one case of definite or two cases of possible healthcare–associated
Legionnaires disease should prompt an epidemiologic investigation for a hospital source of Legionella
spp., which may involve culturing the facility’s water for Legionella. Routine maintenance of cooling
towers, and use of sterile water for the filling and terminal rinsing of nebulization devices and ventilation
equipment can help to minimize potential sources of contamination. Circulating potable water
temperatures should match those outlined in the subsection titled Water Temperature and Pressure, as
permitted by state code.
c. Secondary Prevention of Legionnaires Disease (With Identified Cases)
The indications for a full-scale environmental investigation to search for and subsequently decontaminate
identified sources of Legionella spp. in health-care facilities without transplant units have not been
clarified; these indications would likely differ depending on the facility. Case categories for health-care
associated Legionnaires disease in facilities without transplant units include definite cases (i.e.,
laboratory-confirmed cases of legionellosis that occur in patients who have been hospitalized
continuously for 10 days before the onset of illness) and possible cases (i.e., laboratory-confirmed
infections that occur 2–9 days after hospital admission).
In settings in which as few as one to three
health-care associated cases are recognized over several months, intensified surveillance for Legionnaires
disease has frequently identified numerous additional cases.
405, 408, 432, 453, 739, 759, 760
This finding suggests
the need for a low threshold for initiating an investigation after laboratory confirmation of cases of health-
care associated legionellosis. When developing a strategy for responding to such a finding, however,
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infection-control personnel should consider the level of risk for health-care– associated acquisition of, and
mortality from, Legionella spp. infection at their particular facility.
An epidemiologic investigation conducted to determine the source of Legionella spp. involves several
important steps (Box 11). Laboratory assessment is crucial in supporting epidemiologic evidence of a link
between human illness and a specific environmental source.
Strain determination from subtype analysis
is most frequently used in these investigations.
410, 762–764
Once the environmental source is established and
confirmed with laboratory support, supplemental water treatment strategies can be initiated as
Box 11. Steps in an epidemiologic investigation for legionellosis
Review medical and microbiologic records.
Initiate active surveillance to identify all recent or ongoing cases.
Develop a line listing of cases by time, place, and person.
Determine the type of epidemiologic investigation needed for assessing risk factors:
o Case-control study,
o Cohort study.
Gather and analyze epidemiologic information:
o Evaluate risk factors associated with potential environmental exposures (e.g., showers,
cooling towers, and respiratory-therapy equipment).
Collect water samples:
o Sample environmental sources implicated by epidemiologic investigation,
o Sample other potential source of water aerosols.
Subtype strains of Legionella spp. cultured from both patients and environmental sources.
Review autopsy records and include autopsy specimens in diagnostic testing.
The decision to search for hospital environmental sources of Legionella spp. and the choice of procedures
to eradicate such contamination are based on several considerations, as follows:
a. the hospital’s patient population
b. the cost of an environmental investigation and institution of control measures to eradicate Legionella
spp. from the water supply;
c. the differential risk, based on host factors, for acquiring health-care associated legionellosis and
developing severe and fatal infection.
d. Preventing Legionnaires Disease in Protective Environments
This subsection outlines infection-control measures applicable to those health-care facilities providing
care to severely immunocompromised patients. Indigenous microorganisms in the tap water of these
facilities may pose problems for such patients. These measures are designed to prevent the generation of
potentially infectious aerosols from water and the subsequent exposure of PE patients or other
immunocompromised patients (e.g., transplant patients) (Table 17). Infection-control measures that
address the use of water with medical equipment (e.g., ventilators, nebulizers, and equipment humidifiers)
are described in other guidelines and publications.
3, 455
If one case of laboratory-confirmed, health-care associated Legionnaires disease is identified in a patient
in a solid-organ transplant program or in PE (i.e., an inpatient in PE for all or part of the 2–10 days prior
to onset of illness) or if two or more laboratory-confirmed cases occur among patients who had visited an
outpatient PE setting, the hospital should report the cases to the local and state health departments. The
hospital should then initiate a thorough epidemiologic and environmental investigation to determine the
likely environmental sources of Legionella spp.
The source of Legionella should be decontaminated or
removed. Isolated cases may be difficult to investigate. Because transplant recipients are at substantially
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higher risk for disease and death from legionellosis compared with other hospitalized patients, periodic
culturing for Legionella spp. in water samples from the potable water in the solid-organ transplant and/or
PE unit can be performed as part of an overall strategy to prevent Legionnaires disease in PE units.
9, 431,
710, 769
The optimal methodology (i.e., frequency and number of sites) for environmental surveillance
cultures in PE units has not been determined, and the cost-effectiveness of this strategy has not been
evaluated. Because transplant recipients are at high risk for Legionnaires disease and because no data are
available to determine a safe concentration of legionellae organisms in potable water, the goal of
environmental surveillance for Legionella spp. should be to maintain water systems with no detectable
9, 431
Culturing for legionellae may be used to assess the effectiveness of water treatment or
decontamination methods, a practice that provides benefits to both patients and health-care workers.
767, 770
Format Change [November 2016]: The format of this section was changed to improve readability
and accessibility. The content is unchanged.
Table 17. Additional infection-control measures to prevent exposure of high-risk patients to
waterborne pathogens
Restrict patients from taking showers if the water is contaminated with Legionella spp.
407, 412, 654, 655, 658
Use water that is not contaminated with Legionella spp. for patients’ sponge baths.
Provide sterile water for drinking, tooth brushing, or for flushing nasogastric tubes.
9, 412
Perform supplemental treatment of the water for the unit.
Consider periodic monitoring (i.e., culturing) of the unit water supply for Legionella spp.
9, 431
Remove shower heads and faucet aerators monthly for cleaning. (These measures can be considered in
settings where legionellosis cases have occurred. These measures are not generally recommended in
routine patient-care setting.)
Use a 500–600 ppm (1:100 v/v dilution) solution of sodium hypochlorite to disinfect shower heads and
faucet aerators. (These measures can be considered in settings where legionellosis cases have occurred.
These measures are not generally recommended in routine patient-care setting.)
Do not use large-volume room air humidifiers that create aerosols unless these are subjected to cleaning
and high-level disinfection daily and filled with distilled water.
Eliminate water-containing bath toys. (These items have been associated with outbreaks of
Protecting patient-care devices and instruments from inadvertent tap water contamination during room
cleaning procedures is also important in any immunocompromised patient-care area. In a recent outbreak
of gram-negative bacteremias among open-heart-surgery patients, pressure-monitoring equipment that
was assembled and left uncovered overnight prior to the next day’s surgeries was inadvertently
contaminated with mists and splashing water from a hose-disinfectant system used for cleaning.
5. Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers
Modern health-care facilities maintain indoor climate control during warm weather by use of cooling
towers (large facilities) or evaporative condensers (smaller buildings). A cooling tower is a wet-type,
evaporative heat transfer device used to discharge to the atmosphere waste heat from a building’s air
conditioning condensers (Figure 5).
772, 773
Warm water from air-conditioning condensers is piped to the
cooling tower where it is sprayed downward into a counter- or cross-current air flow. To accelerate heat
transfer to the air, the water passes over the fill, which either breaks water into droplets or causes it to
spread into a thin film.
772, 773
Most systems use fans to move air through the tower, although some large
industrial cooling towers rely on natural draft circulation of air. The cooled water from the tower is piped
back to the condenser, where it again picks up heat generated during the process of chilling the system’s
refrigerant. The water is cycled back to the cooling tower to be cooled. Closed-circuit cooling towers and
evaporative condensers are also evaporative heat-transfer devices. In these systems, the process fluid
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(e.g., water, ethylene glycol/water mixture, oil, or a condensing refrigerant) does not directly contact the
cooling air, but is contained inside a coil assembly.
Figure 5. Diagram of a typical air conditioning (induced draft) cooling tower*
* This figure is reprinted with permission of the publisher of reference 773 (Plenum Medical).
Water temperatures are approximate and may differ substantially according to system use and design.
Warm water from the condenser (or chiller) is sprayed downward into a counter- or cross-current air flow.
Water passes over the fill (a component of the system designed to increase the surface area of the water
exposed to air), and heat from the water is transferred to the air. Some of the water becomes aerosolized
during this process, although the volume of aerosol discharged to the air can be reduced by the placement
of a drift eliminator. Water cooled in the tower returns to the heat source to cool refrigerant from the air
conditioning unit.
Cooling towers and evaporative condensers incorporate inertial stripping devices called drift eliminators
to remove water droplets generated within the unit. Although the effectiveness of these eliminators varies
substantially depending on design and condition, some water droplets in the size range of <5 μm will
likely leave the unit, and some larger droplets leaving the unit may be reduced to ≤5 μm by evaporation.
Thus, even with proper operation, a cooling tower or evaporative condenser can generate and expel
respirable water aerosols. If either the water in the unit’s basin or the make-up water (added to replace
water lost to evaporation) contains Legionella spp. or other waterborne microorganisms, these organisms
can be aerosolized and dispersed from the unit.
Clusters of both Legionnaires disease and Pontiac fever
have been traced to exposure to infectious water aerosols originating from cooling towers and evaporative
condensers contaminated with Legionella spp. Although most of these outbreaks have been community-
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acquired episodes of pneumonia,
health-care associated Legionnaires disease has been linked to
cooling tower aerosol exposure.
404, 405
Contaminated aerosols from cooling towers on hospital premises
gained entry to the buildings either through open windows or via air handling system intakes located near
the tower equipment.
Cooling towers and evaporative condensers provide ideal ecological niches for Legionella spp. The
typical temperature of the water in cooling towers ranges from 85°F–95°F (29°C–35°C), although
temperatures can be above 120°F (49°C) and below 70°F (21°C) depending on system heat load, ambient
temperature, and operating strategy.
An Australian study of cooling towers found that legionellae
colonized or multiplied in towers with basin temperatures above 60.8°F (16°C), and multiplication
became explosive at temperatures above 73.4°F (23°C).
Water temperature in closed-circuit cooling
towers and evaporative condensers is similar to that in cooling towers. Considerable variation in the
piping arrangement occurs. In addition, stagnant areas or dead legs may be difficult to clean or penetrate
with biocides.
Several documents address the routine maintenance of cooling towers, evaporative condensers, and
whirlpool spas.
661, 784–787
They suggest following manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning and
biocide treatment of these devices; all health-care facilities should ensure proper maintenance for their
cooling towers and evaporative condensers, even in the absence of Legionella spp (Appendix C). Because
cooling towers and evaporative condensers can be shut down during periods when air conditioning is not
needed, this maintenance cleaning and treatment should be performed before starting up the system for
the first time in the warm season.
Emergency decontamination protocols describing cleaning procedures
and hyperchlorination for cooling towers have been developed for towers implicated in the transmission
of legionellosis.
786, 787
6. Dialysis Water Quality and Dialysate
a. Rationale for Water Treatment in Hemodialysis
Hemodialysis, hemofiltration, and hemodiafiltration require special water-treatment processes to prevent
adverse patient outcomes of dialysis therapy resulting from improper formulation of dialysate with water
containing high levels of certain chemical or biological contaminants. The Association for the
Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) has established chemical and microbiologic standards
for the water used to prepare dialysate, substitution fluid, or to reprocess hemodialyzers for renal
replacement therapy.
The AAMI standards address:
a. equipment and processes used to purify water for the preparation of concentrates and dialysate and
the reprocessing of dialyzers for multiple use and
b. the devices used to store and distribute this water. Future revisions to these standards may include
hemofiltration and hemodiafiltration.
Water treatment systems used in hemodialysis employ several physical and/or chemical processes either
singly or in combination (Figure 6). These systems may be portable units or large systems that feed
several rooms. In the United States, >97% of maintenance hemodialysis facilities use RO alone or in
combination with deionization.
Many acute-care facilities use portable hemodialysis machines with
attached portable water treatment systems that use either deionization or RO. These machines were
exempted from earlier versions of AAMI recommendations, but given current knowledge about toxic
exposures to and inflammatory processes in patients new to dialysis, these machines should now come
into compliance with current AAMI recommendations for hemodialysis water and dialysate quality.
788, 789
Previous recommendations were based on the assumption that acute-care patients did not experience the
same degree of adverse effects from short-term, cumulative exposures to either chemicals or
microbiologic agents present in hemodialysis fluids compared with the effects encountered by patients
during chronic, maintenance dialysis.
788, 789
Additionally, JCAHO is reviewing inpatient practices and
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record-keeping for dialysis (acute and maintenance) for adherence to AAMI standards and recommended
Figure 6. Dialysis water treatment system*
* See text for description of the placement and function of these components.
Neither the water used to prepare dialysate nor the dialysate itself needs to be sterile, but tap water can not
be used without additional treatment. Infections caused by rapid-growing NTM (e.g., Mycobacterium
chelonae and M. abscessus) present a potential risk to hemodialysis patients (especially those in
hemodialyzer reuse programs) if disinfection procedures to inactivate mycobacteria in the water (low-
level disinfection) and the hemodialyzers (high-level disinfection) are inadequate.
31, 32, 633
Other factors
associated with microbial contamination in dialysis systems could involve the water treatment system, the
water and dialysate distribution systems, and the type of hemodialyzer.
666, 667, 794–799
Understanding the
various factors and their influence on contamination levels is the key to preventing high levels of
microbial contamination in dialysis therapy.
In several studies, pyrogenic reactions were demonstrated to have been caused by lipopolysaccharide or
endotoxin associated with gram-negative bacteria.
794, 800–803
Early studies demonstrated that parenteral
exposure to endotoxin at a concentration of 1 ng/kg body weight/hour was the threshold dose for
producing pyrogenic reactions in humans, and that the relative potencies of endotoxin differ by bacterial
804, 805
Gram-negative water bacteria (e.g., Pseudomonas spp.) have been shown to multiply
rapidly in a variety of hospital-associated fluids that can be used as supply water for hemodialysis (e.g.,
distilled water, deionized water, RO water, and softened water) and in dialysate (a balanced salt solution
made with this water).
Several studies have demonstrated that the attack rates of pyrogenic reactions are
directly associated with the number of bacteria in dialysate.
666, 667, 807
These studies provided the rationale
for setting the heterotrophic bacteria standards in the first AAMI hemodialysis guideline at 2,000
CFU/mL in dialysate and one log lower (200 CFU/mL) for the water used to prepare dialysate.
668, 788
the level of bacterial contamination exceeded 200 CFU/mL in water, this level could be amplified in the
system and effectively constitute a high inoculum for dialysate at the start of a dialysis treatment.
807, 808
Pyrogenic reactions did not appear to occur when the level of contamination was below 2,000 CFU/mL in
dialysate unless the source of the endotoxin was exogenous to the dialysis system (i.e., present in the
community water supply). Endotoxins in a community water supply have been linked to the development
of pyrogenic reactions among dialysis patients.
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Whether endotoxin actually crosses the dialyzer membrane is controversial. Several investigators have
shown that bacteria growing in dialysate-generated products that could cross the dialyzer membrane.
809, 810
Gram-negative bacteria growing in dialysate have produced endotoxins that in turn stimulated the
production of anti-endotoxin antibodies in hemodialysis patients;
801, 811
these data suggest that bacterial
endotoxins, although large molecules, cross dialyzer membranes either intact or as fragments. The use of
the very permeable membranes known as high-flux membranes (which allow large molecules [e.g., β2
microglobulin] to traverse the membrane) increases the potential for passage of endotoxins into the blood
path. Several studies support this contention. In one such study, an increase in plasma endotoxin
concentrations during dialysis was observed when patients were dialyzed against dialysate containing
CFU/mL Pseudomonas spp.
In vitro studies using both radiolabeled lipopolysaccharide and
biologic assays have demonstrated that biologically active substances derived from bacteria found in
dialysate can cross a variety of dialyzer membranes.
802, 813–816
Patients treated with high-flux membranes
have had higher levels of anti-endotoxin antibodies than subjects or patients treated with conventional
Finally, since 1989, 19%–22% of dialysis centers have reported pyrogenic reactions in the
absence of septicemia.
818, 819
Investigations of adverse outcomes among patients using reprocessed dialyzers have demonstrated a
greater risk for developing pyrogenic reactions when the water used to reprocess these devices contained
>6 ng/mL endotoxin and >10
CFU/mL bacteria.
In addition to the variability in endotoxin assays, host
factors also are involved in determining whether a patient will mount a response to endotoxin.
investigations of pyrogenic reactions and bacteremias associated with hemodialyzer reuse have
demonstrated that pyrogenic reactions are prevented once the endotoxin level in the water used to
reprocess the dialyzers is returned to below the AAMI standard level.
Reuse of dialyzers and use of bicarbonate dialysate, high-flux dialyzer membranes, or high-flux dialysis
may increase the potential for pyrogenic reactions if the water in the dialysis setting does not meet
Although investigators have been unable to demonstrate endotoxin transfer across
dialyzer membranes,
803, 822, 823
the preponderance of reports now supports the ability of endotoxin to
transfer across at least some high-flux membranes under some operating conditions. In addition to the
acute risk of pyrogenic reactions, indirect evidence in increasingly demonstrating that chronic exposure to
low amounts of endotoxin may play a role in some of the long-term complications of hemodialysis
therapy. Patients treated with ultrafiltered dialysate for 5–6 months have demonstrated a decrease in
serum β2 microglobulin concentrations and a decrease in markers of an inflammatory response.
studies of longer duration, use of microbiologically ultrapure dialysate has been associated with a
decreased incidence of β2 microglobulin-associated amyloidosis.
827, 828
Although patient benefit likely is associated with the use of ultrapure dialysate, no consensus has been
reached regarding the potential adoption of this as standard in the United States. Debate continues
regarding the bacterial and endotoxin limits for dialysate. As advances in water treatment and
hemodialysis processes occur, efforts are underway to move improved technology from the manufacturer
out into the user community. Cost-benefit studies, however, have not been done, and substantially
increased costs to implement newer water treatment modalities are anticipated.
To reconcile AAMI documents with current International Organization for Standardization (ISO) format,
AAMI has determined that its hemodialysis standards will be discussed in the following four installments:
RD 5 for hemodialysis equipment, RD 62 for product water quality, RD 47 for dialyzer reprocessing, and
RD 52 for dialysate quality. The Renal Diseases and Dialysis Committee of AAMI is expected to finalize
and promulgated the dialysate standard pertinent to the user community (RD 52), adopting by reference
the bacterial and endotoxin limits in product water as currently outlined in the AAMI standard that applies
to systems manufacturers (RD 62). At present, the user community should continue to observe water
quality and dialysate standards as outlined in AAMI RD 5 (Hemodialysis Systems, 1992) and AAMI RD
47 (Reuse of Hemodialyzers, 1993) until the new RD 52 standard becomes available (Table 18).
789, 791
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Table 18. Microbiologic limits for hemodialysis fluids*
Format Change [November 2016]: The format of this section was changed to improve readability
and accessibility. The content is unchanged.
Table 18a. Present standard
Hemodialysis fluid
Maximum total heterotrophs
(colony forming units per milliliter)
Maximum endotoxin level
(endotoxin units per milliliter)
Product water - Used to prepare dialysate
No standard
Product water - Used to reprocess dialyzers
No standard
Product water presently includes water used to prepare dialysate and water used to reprocess dialyzers
Table 18b. Proposed standard**
Hemodialysis fluid
Maximum total heterotrophs
(colony forming units per milliliter)
Maximum endotoxin level
(endotoxin units per milliliter)
Product water
** Dialysate for hemodialysis, RD 52, under development, American National Standards Institute, Association for
the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI).
* The material in this table was compiled from references 789 and 791 (ANSI/AAMI standards RD 5-1992 and
ANSI/AAMI RD 47-1993).
The current AAMI standard directed at systems manufacturers (RD 62 [Water Treatment Equipment for
Hemodialysis Applications, 2001]) now specifies that all product water used to prepare dialysate or to
reprocess dialyzers for multiple use should contain <2 endotoxin units per milliliter (EU/mL).
A level of 2
EU/mL was chosen as the upper limit for endotoxin because this level is easily achieved with contemporary
water treatment systems using RO and/or ultrafiltration. CDC has advocated monthly endotoxin testing
along with microbiologic assays of water, because endotoxin activity may not correspond to the total
heterotrophic plate counts.
Additionally, the current AAMI standard RD 62 for manufacturers includes
action levels for product water. Because 48 hours can elapse between the time of sampling water for
microbial contamination and the time when results are received, and because bacterial proliferation can be
rapid, action levels for microbial counts and endotoxin concentrations are reported as 50 CFU/mL and 1
EU/mL, respectively, in this revision of the standard.
These recommendations will allow users to initiate
corrective action before levels exceed the maximum levels established by the standard.
In hemodialysis, the net movement of water is from the blood to the dialysate, although within the
dialyzer, local movement of water from the dialysate to the blood through the phenomenon of back-
filtration may occur, particularly in dialyzers with highly permeable membranes.
In contrast,
hemofiltration and hemodiaflltration feature infusion of large volumes of electrolyte solution (20–70 L)
into the blood. Increasingly, this electrolyte solution is being prepared on-line from water and
concentrate. Because of the large volumes of fluid infused, AAMI considered the necessity of setting
more stringent requirements for water to be used in this application, but this organization has not yet
established these because of lack of expert consensus and insufficient experience with on-line therapies in
the United States. On-line hemofiltration and hemodiafiltration systems use sequential ultrafiltration as
the final step in the preparation of infusion fluid. Several experts from AAMI concur that these point-of-
use ultrafiltration systems should be capable of further reducing the bacteria and endotoxin burden of
solutions prepared from water meeting the requirements of the AAMI standard to a safe level for infusion.
b. Microbial Control Strategies
The strategy for controlling massive accumulations of gram-negative water bacteria and NTM in dialysis
systems primarily involves preventing their growth through proper disinfection of water-treatment systems
and hemodialysis machines. Gram-negative water bacteria, their associated lipopolysaccharides (bacterial
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endotoxins), and NTM ultimately come from the community water supply, and levels of these bacteria can be
amplified depending on the water treatment system, dialysate distribution system, type of dialysis machine,
and method of disinfection (Table 19).
634, 794, 831
Control strategies are designed to reduce levels of microbial
contamination in water and dialysis fluid to relatively low levels but not to completely eradicate it.
Format Change [November 2016]: The format of this section was changed to improve readability
and accessibility. The content is unchanged.
Table 19. Factors influencing microbial contamination in hemodialysis systems
Water supplySource of community water
Ground water
Contains endotoxin and bacteria
Surface water
Contains high levels of endotoxin and bacteria
Water treatment at the dialysis center
Not recommended
Filtration: Prefilter
Particulate filter to protect equipment; does not remove microorganisms
Filtration:Absolute filter (depth or membrane filter)
Removes bacteria, however, unless the filter is changed frequently or disinfected, bacteria will accumulate and
grow through the filter; acts as a significant reservoir of bacteria and endotoxin
Filtration:Activated carbon filter
Removes organics and available chlorine or chloramines; acts as a significant reservoir of bacteria and
Water treatment devices
Deionization/ion-exchange softener
Both softeners and deionizers are significant reservoirs of bacteria and do not remove endotoxin.
Reverse osmosis (RO)
Removes bacteria and endotoxin, but must be disinfected; operates at high water pressure
Ultraviolet light
Kills some bacteria, but there is no residual; ultraviolet-resistant bacteria can develop if the unit is not properly
Removes bacteria and endotoxin; operates on normal line pressure; can be positioned distal to deionizer; must
be disinfected
Water and dialysate distribution system (Distribution pipes)
Oversized diameter and length decrease fluid flow and increase bacterial reservoir for both treated water and
centrally-prepared dialysate.
Rough joints, dead ends, unused branches, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) piping can act as bacterial reservoirs.
Outlet taps should be located at the highest elevation to prevent loss of disinfectant; keep a recirculation loop in
the system; flush unused ports routinely.
Storage tanks
Tanks are undesirable because they act as a reservoir for water bacteria; if tanks are present, they must be
routinely scrubbed and disinfected.
Dialysis machines
Disinfectant should have contact with all parts of the machine that are exposed to water or dialysis fluid.
Recirculating single-pass or recirculating (batch)
Recirculating pumps and machine design allow for massive contamination levels if not properly disinfected;
overnight chemical germicide treatment is recommended.
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Two components of hemodialysis water distribution systems pipes (particularly those made of polyvinyl
chloride [PVC]) and storage tanks can serve as reservoirs of microbial contamination. Hemodialysis
systems frequently use pipes that are wider and longer than are needed to handle the required flow, which
slows the fluid velocity and increases both the total fluid volume and the wetted surface area of the system.
Gram-negative bacteria in fluids remaining in pipes overnight multiply rapidly and colonize the wet surfaces,
producing bacterial populations and endotoxin quantities in proportion to the volume and surface area. Such
colonization results in formation of protective biofilm that is difficult to remove and protects the bacteria
from disinfection.
Routine (i.e., monthly), low-level disinfection of the pipes can help to control bacterial
contamination of the distribution system. Additional measures to protect pipes from contaminations include
a. situating all outlet taps at equal elevation and at the highest point of the system so that the disinfectant
cannot drain from pipes by gravity before adequate contact time has elapsed and
b. eliminating rough joints, dead-end pipes, and unused branches and taps that can trap fluid and serve as
reservoirs of bacteria capable of continuously inoculating the entire volume of the system.
Maintain a flow velocity of 35 ft/sec.
A storage tank in the distribution system greatly increases the volume of fluid and surface area available and
can serve as a niche for water bacteria. Storage tanks are therefore not recommended for use in dialysis
systems unless they are frequently drained and adequately disinfected, including scrubbing the sides of the
tank to remove bacterial biofilm. An ultrafilter should be used distal to the storage tank.
808, 833
Microbiologic sampling of dialysis fluids is recommended because gram-negative bacteria can proliferate
rapidly in water and dialysate in hemodialysis systems; high levels of these organisms place patients at risk
for pyrogenic reactions or health-care associated infection.
667, 668, 808
Health-care facilities are advised to sample dialysis fluids at least monthly using standard microbiologic
assay methods for waterborne microorganisms.
788, 793, 799, 834–836
Product water used to prepare dialysate and to
reprocess hemodialyzers for reuse on the same patient should also be tested for bacterial endotoxin on a
monthly basis.
792, 829, 837
(See Appendix C for information about water sampling methods for dialysis.)
Cross-contamination of dialysis machines and inadequate disinfection measures can facilitate the spread of
waterborne organisms to patients. Steps should be taken to ensure that dialysis equipment is performing
correctly and that all connectors, lines, and other components are specific for the equipment, in good repair,
and properly in place. A recent outbreak of gram-negative bacteremias among dialysis patients was
attributed to faulty valves in a drain port of the machine that allowed backflow of saline used to flush the
dialyzer before patient use.
838, 839
This backflow contaminated the drain priming connectors, which
contaminated the blood lines and exposed the patients to high concentrations of gram-negative bacteria.
Environmental infection control in dialysis settings also includes low-level disinfection of housekeeping
surfaces and spot decontamination of spills of blood (see Environmental Services in Part I of this guideline
for further information).
c. Infection-Control Issues in Peritoneal Dialysis
Peritoneal dialysis (PD), most commonly administered as continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
and continual cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD), is the third most common treatment for end-stage renal
disease (ESRD) in the United States, accounting for 12% of all dialysis patients.
Peritonitis is the primary
complication of CAPD, with coagulase-negative staphylococci the most clinically significant causative
Other organisms that have been found to produce peritonitis include Staphylococcus aureus,
Mycobacterium fortuitum, M. mucogenicum, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Burkholderia cepacia,
Corynebacterium jeikeium, Candida spp., and other fungi.
Substantial morbidity is associated with
peritoneal dialysis infections. Removal of peritoneal dialysis catheters usually is required for treatment of
peritonitis caused by fungi, NTM, or other bacteria that are not cleared within the first several days of
effective antimicrobial treatment. Furthermore, recurrent episodes of peritonitis may lead to fibrosis and loss
of the dialysis membrane.
Many reported episodes of peritonitis are associated with exit-site or tunneled catheter infections. Risk
factors for the development of peritonitis in PD patients include
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1. under dialysis,
2. immune suppression,
3. prolonged antimicrobial treatment,
4. patient age [more infections occur in younger patients and older hospitalized patients],
5. length of hospital stay, and
6. hypoalbuminemia.
844, 851, 852
Concern has been raised about infection risk associated with the use of automated cyclers in both inpatient
and outpatient settings; however, studies suggest that PD patients who use automated cyclers have much
lower infection rates.
One study noted that a closed-drainage system reduced the incidence of system-
related peritonitis among intermittent peritoneal dialysis (IPD) patients from 3.6 to 1.5 cases/100 patient
The association of peritonitis with management of spent dialysate fluids requires additional study.
Therefore, ensuring that the tip of the waste line is not submerged beneath the water level in a toilet or in a
drain is prudent.
7. Ice Machines and Ice
Microorganisms may be present in ice, ice-storage chests, and ice-making machines. The two main sources of
microorganisms in ice are the potable water from which it is made and a transferral of organisms from hands
(Table 20). Ice from contaminated ice machines has been associated with patient colonization, blood stream
infections, pulmonary and gastrointestinal illnesses, and pseudoinfections.
602, 603, 683, 684, 854, 855
Microorganisms in ice can secondarily contaminate clinical specimens and medical solutions that require
cold temperatures for either transport or holding.
601, 620
An outbreak of surgical-site infections was interrupted
when sterile ice was used in place of tap water ice to cool cardioplegia solutions.
Format Change [November 2016]: The format of this section was changed to improve readability
and accessibility. The content is unchanged.
Table 20. Microorganisms and their sources in ice and ice machines
From potable water
Legionella spp.
684, 685, 857, 858
Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM)
602, 603, 859
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Burkholderia cepacia
859, 860
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Flavobacterium spp.
From fecally-contaminated water
Norwalk virus
Giardia lamblia
Cryptosporidium parvum
From hand-transfer of organisms
Acinetobacter spp.
Coagulase-negative staphylococci
Salmonella enteriditis
Cryptosporidium parvum
In a study comparing the microbial populations of hospital ice machines with organisms recovered from ice
samples gathered from the community, samples from 27 hospital ice machines yielded low numbers (<10
CFU/mL) of several potentially opportunistic microorganisms, mainly gram-negative bacilli.
During the
survey period, no health-care associated infections were attributed to the use of ice. Ice from community
sources had higher levels of microbial contamination (75%95% of 194 samples had total heterotrophic
plate counts <500 CFU/mL, with the proportion of positive cultures dependent on the incubation
temperature) and showed evidence of fecal contamination from the source water.
Thus, ice machines in
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health-care settings are no more heavily contaminated compared with ice machines in the community. If the
source water for ice in a health-care facility is not fecally contaminated, then ice from clean ice machines
and chests should pose no increased hazard for immunocompetent patients. Some waterborne bacteria found
in ice could potentially be a risk to immunocompromised patients if they consume ice or drink beverages
with ice. For example, Burkholderia cepacia in ice could present an infection risk for cystic fibrosis
859, 860
Therefore, protecting immunosuppressed and otherwise medically at-risk patients from
exposure to tap water and ice potentially contaminated with opportunistic pathogens is prudent.
No microbiologic standards for ice, ice-making machines, or ice storage equipment have been established,
although several investigators have suggested the need for such standards.
859, 866
Culturing of ice machines
is not routinely recommended, but it may be useful as part of an epidemiologic investigation.
Sampling might also help determine the best schedule for cleaning open ice-storage chests.
Recommendations for a regular program of maintenance and disinfection have been published.
Health-care facilities are advised to clean ice-storage chests on a regular basis. Open ice chests may
require a more frequent cleaning schedule compared with chests that have covers. Portable ice chests and
containers require cleaning and low-level disinfection before the addition of ice intended for
consumption. Ice-making machines may require less frequent cleaning, but their maintenance is important
to proper performance. The manufacturer’s instructions for both the proper method of cleaning and/or
maintenance should be followed. These instructions may also recommend an EPA-registered disinfectant
to ensure chemical potency, materials compatibility, and safety. In the event that instructions and suitable
EPA-registered disinfectants are not available for this process, then a generic approach to cleaning,
disinfecting, and maintaining ice machines and dispensers can be used (Box 12).
Ice and ice-making machines also may be contaminated via improper storage or handling of ice by
patients and/or staff.
684–686, 855858, 870
Suggested steps to avoid this means of contamination include
a. minimizing or avoiding direct hand contact with ice intended for consumption,
b. using a hard-surface scoop to dispense ice, and
c. installing machines that dispense ice directly into portable containers at the touch of a control.
687, 869
Box 12. General steps for cleaning and maintaining ice machines, dispensers, and storage chests*+
1. Disconnect unit from power supply.
2. Remove and discard ice from bin or storage chest.
3. Allow unit to warm to room temperature.
4. Disassemble removable parts of machine that make contact with water to make ice.
5. Thoroughly clean machine and parts with water and detergent.
6. Dry external surfaces of removable parts before reassembling.
7. Check for any needed repair.
8. Replace feeder lines, as appropriate (e.g., when damaged, old, or difficult to clean).
9. Ensure presence of an air space in tubing leading from water inlet into water distribution system of machine.
10. Inspect for rodent or insect infestations under the unit and treat, as needed.
11. Check door gaskets (open compartment models) for evidence of leakage or dripping into the storage chest.
12. Clean the ice-storage chest or bin with fresh water and detergent; rinse with fresh tap water.
13. Sanitize machine by circulating a 50100 parts per million (ppm) solution of sodium hypochlorite (i.e., 48
mL sodium hypochlorite/gallon of water) through the ice-making and storage systems for 2 hours (100 ppm
solution), or 4 hours (50 ppm solution).
14. Drain sodium hypochlorite solutions and flush with fresh tap water.
15. Allow all surfaces of equipment to dry before returning to service.
* Material in this box is adapted from reference 869.
+ These general guidelines should be used only where manufacturer-recommended methods and EPA-registered
disinfectants are not available.
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8. Hydrotherapy Tanks and Pools
a. General Information
Hydrotherapy equipment (e.g., pools, whirlpools, whirlpool spas, hot tubs, and physiotherapy tanks)
traditionally has been used to treat patients with certain medical conditions (e.g., burns,
871, 872
septic ulcers,
lesions, amputations,
orthopedic impairments and injuries, arthritis,
and kidney lithotripsy).
Wound-care medicine is increasingly moving away from hydrotherapy, however, in favor of bedside
pulsed-lavage therapy using sterile solutions for cleaning and irrigation.
492, 875–878
Several episodes of
health-care associated infections have been linked to use of hydrotherapy equipment (Table 21). Potential
routes of infection include incidental ingestion of the water, sprays and aerosols, and direct contact with
wounds and intact skin (folliculitis). Risk factors for infection include
a. age and sex of the patient,
b. underlying medical conditions,
c. length of time spent in the hydrotherapy water, and
d. portals of entry.
Table 21. Infections associated with use of hydrotherapy equipment
Medical conditions
Acinetobacter baumanii
Citrobacter freundii
Enterobacter cloacae
Legionella spp.
Mycobacterium abscessus,
Mycobacterium fortuitum,
Mycobacterium marinum
Skin ulcers and soft tissue infections 621623, 883
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Sepsis, soft tissue infections, folliculitis, and
wound infections
492, 493, 506, 679,
Adenovirus, adeno-associated virus
Infection control for hydrotherapy tanks, pools, or birthing tanks presents unique challenges because
indigenous microorganisms are always present in the water during treatments. In addition, some studies
have found free living amoebae (i.e., Naegleria lovaniensis), which are commonly found in association
with Naegleria fowleri, in hospital hydrotherapy pools.
Although hydrotherapy is at times appropriate
for patients with wounds, burns, or other types of non-intact skin conditions (determined on a case-by-
case basis), this equipment should not be considered “semi-critical” in accordance with the Spaulding
Microbial data to evaluate the risk of infection to patients using hydrotherapy pools and
birthing tanks are insufficient. Nevertheless, health-care facilities should maintain stringent cleaning and
disinfection practices in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and with relevant scientific
literature until data supporting more rigorous infection-control measures become available. Factors that
should be considered in therapy decisions in this situation would include
a. availability of alternative aseptic techniques for wound management and
b. a risk-benefit analysis of using traditional hydrotherapy.
b. Hydrotherapy Tanks
Hydrotherapy tanks (e.g., whirlpools, Hubbard tanks and whirlpool bath tubs) are shallow tanks
constructed of stainless steel, plexiglass, or tile. They are closed-cycle water systems with hydrojets to
circulate, aerate, and agitate the water. The maximum water temperature range is 50°F–104°F (10°C–
40°C). The warm water temperature, constant agitation and aeration, and design of the hydrotherapy tanks
provide ideal conditions for bacterial proliferation if the equipment is not properly maintained, cleaned,
and disinfected. The design of the hydrotherapy equipment should be evaluated for potential infection-
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control problems that can be associated with inaccessible surfaces that can be difficult to clean and/or
remain wet in between uses (i.e., recessed drain plates with fixed grill plates).
Associated equipment
(e.g., parallel bars, plinths, Hoyer lifts, and wheelchairs) can also be potential reservoirs of
microorganisms, depending on the materials used in these items (i.e., porous vs. non-porous materials)
and the surfaces that may become wet during use. Patients with active skin colonizations and wound
infections can serve as sources of contamination for the equipment and the water. Contamination from
spilled tub water can extend to drains, floors, and walls.
Health-care associated colonization or
infection can result from exposure to endogenous sources of microorganisms (autoinoculation) or
exogenous sources (via cross-contamination from other patients previously receiving treatment in the
Although some facilities have used tub liners to minimize environmental contamination of the tanks, the
use of a tub liner does not eliminate the need for cleaning and disinfection. Draining these small pools and
tanks after each patient use, thoroughly cleaning with a detergent, and disinfecting according to
manufacturers’ instructions have reduced bacterial contamination levels in the water from 10
CFU/mL to
<10 CFU/mL.
A chlorine residual of 15 ppm in the water should be obtained prior to the patient’s
therapy session (e.g., by adding 15 grams of calcium hypochlorite 70% [e.g., HTH®] per 100 gallons of
A study of commercial and residential whirlpools found that superchlorination or draining,
cleaning, disinfection, and refilling of whirlpools markedly reduced densities of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
in whirlpool water.
The bacterial populations were rapidly replenished, however, when disinfectant
concentrations dropped below recommended levels for recreational use (i.e., chlorine at 3.0 ppm or
bromine at 6.0 ppm). When using chlorine, however, knowing whether the community drinking-water
system is disinfected with chloramine is important, because municipal utilities adjust the pH of the water
to the basic side to enhance chloramine formation. Because chlorine is not very effective at pH levels
above 8, it may be necessary to re-adjust the pH of the water to a more acidic level.
A few reports describe the addition of antiseptic chemicals to hydrotherapy tank water, especially for burn
patient therapy.
One study involving a minimal number of participants demonstrated a reduction in
the number of Pseudomonas spp. and other gram-negative bacteria from both patients and equipment
surfaces when chloramine-T (“chlorazene”) was added to the water.
Chloramine-T has not, however,
been approved for water treatment in the United States.
c. Hydrotherapy Pools
Hydrotherapy pools typically serve large numbers of patients and are usually heated to 91.4°F–98.6°F
(31°C–37°C). The temperature range is more narrow (94°F–96.8°F [35°C–36°C]) for pediatric and
geriatric patient use.
Because the size of hydrotherapy pools precludes draining after patient use, proper
management is required to maintain the proper balance of water conditioning (i.e., alkalinity, hardness,
and temperature) and disinfection. The most widely used chemicals for disinfection of pools are chlorine
and chlorine compounds – calcium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite, lithium hypochlorite,
chloroisocyanurates, and chlorine gas. Solid and liquid formulations of chlorine chemicals are the easiest
and safest to use.
Other halogenated compounds have also been used for pool-water disinfection, albeit
on a limited scale. Bromine, which forms bactericidal bromamines in the presence of ammonia, has
limited use because of its association with contact dermatitis.
Iodine does not bleach hair, swim suits, or
cause eye irritation, but when introduced at proper concentrations, it gives water a greenish-yellowish
In practical terms, maintenance of large hydrotherapy pools (e.g., those used for exercise) is similar to
that for indoor public pools (i.e., continuous filtration, chlorine residuals no less than 0.4 ppm, and pH of
902, 903
Supply pipes and pumps also need to be maintained to eliminate the possibility of this
equipment serving as a reservoir for waterborne organisms.
Specific standards for chlorine residual and
pH of the water are addressed in local and state regulations. Patients who are fecally incontinent or who
have draining wounds should refrain from using these pools until their condition improves.
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d. Birthing Tanks and Other Equipment
The use of birthing tanks, whirlpool spas, and whirlpools is a recent addition to obstetrical practice.
Few studies on the potential risks associated with these pieces of equipment have been conducted. In one
study of 32 women, a newborn contracted a Pseudomonas infection after being birthed in such a tank, the
strain of which was identical to the organism isolated from the tank water.
Another report documented
identical strains of P. aeruginosa isolates from a newborn with sepsis and on the environmental surfaces
of a tub that the mother used for relaxation while in labor.
Other studies have shown no significant
increases in the rates of post-immersion infections among mothers and infants.
908, 909
Because the water and the tub surfaces routinely become contaminated with the mother’s skin flora and
blood during labor and delivery, birthing tanks and other tub equipment must be drained after each patient
use and the surfaces thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Health-care facilities are advised to follow the
manufacturer’s instructions for selection of disinfection method and chemical germicide. The range of
chlorine residuals for public whirlpools and whirlpool spas is 2–5 ppm.
Use of an inflatable tub is an
alternative solution, but this item must be cleaned and disinfected between patients if it is not considered a
single-use unit.
Recreational tanks and whirlpool spas are increasingly being used as hydrotherapy equipment. Although
such home equipment appears to be suitable for hydrotherapy, they are neither designed nor constructed
to function in this capacity. Additionally, manufacturers generally are not obligated to provide the health-
care facility with cleaning and disinfecting instructions appropriate for medical equipment use, and the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not evaluate recreational equipment. Health-care
facilities should therefore carefully evaluate this “off-label” use of home equipment before proceeding
with a purchase.
9. Miscellaneous Medical/Dental Equipment Connected to Main Water Systems
a. Automated Endoscope Reprocessors
The automated endoscopic reprocessor (AER) is classified by the FDA as an accessory for the flexible
A properly operating AER can provide a more consistent, reliable method of
decontaminating and terminal reprocessing for endoscopes between patient procedures than manual
reprocessing methods alone.
An endoscope is generally subjected to high-level disinfection using a
liquid chemical sterilant or a high-level disinfectant. Because the instrument is a semi-critical device, the
optimal rinse fluid for a disinfected endoscope would be sterile water.
Sterile water, however, is
expensive and difficult to produce in sufficient quantities and with adequate quality assurance for
instrument rinsing in an AER.
912, 913
Therefore, one option to be used for AERs is rinse water that has been
passed through filters with a pore size of 0.1–0.2 μm to render the water “bacteria-free.” These filters
usually are located in the water line at or near the port where the mains water enters the equipment. The
product water (i.e., tap water passing through these filters) in these applications is not considered
equivalent in microbial quality to that for membrane-filtered water as produced by pharmaceutical firms.
Membrane filtration in pharmaceutical applications is intended to ensure the microbial quality of polished
product water.
Water has been linked to the contamination of flexible fiberoptic endoscopes in the following two
a. rinsing a disinfected endoscope with unfiltered tap water, followed by storage of the instrument
without drying out the internal channels and
b. contamination of AERs from tap water inadvertently introduced into the equipment.
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In the latter instance, the machine’s water reservoirs and fluid circuitry become contaminated with
waterborne, heterotrophic bacteria (e.g., Pseudomonas aeruginosa and NTM), which can survive and
persist in biofilms attached to these components.
Colonization of the reservoirs and water lines of
the AER becomes problematic if the required cleaning, disinfection, and maintenance are not performed
on the equipment as recommended by the manufacturer.
669, 916, 917
Use of the 0.10.2-μm filter in the water
line helps to keep bacterial contamination to a minimum,
670, 911, 917
but filters may fail and allow bacteria to
pass through to the equipment and then to the instrument undergoing reprocessing.
671–674, 913, 918
Filters also
require maintenance for proper performance.
670, 911, 912, 918, 919
Heightened awareness of the proper
disinfection of the connectors that hook the instrument to the AER may help to further reduce the
potential for contaminating endoscopes during reprocessing.
An emerging issue in the field of
endoscopy is that of the possible role of rinse water monitoring and its potential to help reduce
endoscopy/bronchoscopyassociated infections.
Studies have linked deficiencies in endoscope cleaning and/or disinfecting processes to the incidence of
post-endoscopic adverse outcomes.
Several clusters have been traced to AERs of older designs and
these were associated with water quality.
675, 914–916
Regardless of whether manual or automated terminal
reprocessing is used for endoscopes, the internal channels of the instrument should be dried before
The presence of residual moisture in the internal channels encourages the proliferation of
waterborne microorganisms, some of which may be pathogenic. One of the most frequently used methods
employs 70% isopropyl alcohol to flush the internal channels, followed by forced air drying of these
channels and hanging the endoscope vertically in a protected cabinet; this method ensures internal drying
of the endoscope, lessens the potential for proliferation of waterborne microorganisms,
669, 913, 917, 922, 926, 927
and is consistent with professional organization guidance for endoscope reprocessing.
An additional problem with waterborne microbial contamination of AERs centers on increased microbial
resistance to alkaline glutaraldehyde, a widely used liquid chemical sterilant/high-level disinfectant.
669, 929
Opportunistic waterborne microorganisms (e.g., Mycobacterium chelonae, Methylobacterium spp.) have
been associated with pseudo-outbreaks and colonization; infection caused by these organisms has been
associated with procedures conducted in clinical settings (e.g., bronchoscopy).
669, 913, 929–931
microbial resistance to glutaraldehyde has been attributed to improper use of the disinfectant in the
equipment, allowing the dilution of glutaraldehyde to fall below the manufacturer’s recommended
minimal use concentration.
b. Dental Unit Water Lines
Dental unit water lines (DUWLs) consist of small-bore plastic tubing that delivers water used for general,
non-surgical irrigation and as a coolant to dental handpieces, sonic and ultrasonic scalers, and air-water
syringes; municipal tap water is the source water for these lines. The presence of biofilms of waterborne
bacteria and fungi (e.g., Legionella spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and NTM) in DUWLs has been
636, 637, 694, 695, 932– 934
Biofilms continually release planktonic microorganisms into the water, the
titers of which can exceed 1H10
However, scientific evidence indicates that
immunocompetent persons are only at minimal risk for substantial adverse health effects after contact
with water from a dental unit. Nonetheless, exposing patients or dental personnel to water of uncertain
microbiological quality is not consistent with universally accepted infection-control principles.
In 1993, CDC issued guidelines relative to water quality in a dental setting. These guidelines recommend
that all dental instruments that use water (including high-speed handpieces) should be run to discharge
water for 2030 seconds after each patient and for several minutes before the start of each clinic day.
practice can help to flush out any patient materials that many have entered the turbine, air, or waterlines.
The 1993 guidance also indicated that waterlines be flushed at the beginning of the clinic day. Although
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these guidelines are designed to help reduce the number of microorganisms present in treatment water, they
do not address the issue of reducing or preventing biofilm formation in the waterlines. Research published
subsequent to the 1993 dental infection control guideline suggests that flushing the lines at the beginning of
the day has only minimal effect on the status of the biofilm in the lines and does not reliably improve the
quality of water during dental treatment.
Updated recommendations on infection-control practices for
water line use in dentistry will be available in late 2003.
The numbers of microorganisms in water used as coolant or irrigant for non-surgical dental treatment
should be as low as reasonably achievable and, at a minimum, should meet nationally recognized
standards for safe drinking water.
935, 943
Only minimal evidence suggests that water meeting drinking
water standards poses a health hazard for immunocompetent persons. The EPA, the American Public
Health Association (APHA), and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) have set a maximum
limit of 500 CFU/mL for aerobic, heterotrophic, mesophilic bacteria in drinking water in municipal
distribution systems.
944, 945
This standard is achievable, given improvements in water-line technology.
Dentists should consult with the manufacturer of their dental unit to determine the best equipment and
method for maintaining and monitoring good water quality.
935, 946
E. Environmental Services
1. Principles of Cleaning and Disinfecting Environmental Surfaces
Although microbiologically contaminated surfaces can serve as reservoirs of potential pathogens, these
surfaces generally are not directly associated with transmission of infections to either staff or patients.
The transferral of microorganisms from environmental surfaces to patients is largely via hand contact
with the surface.
947, 948
Although hand hygiene is important to minimize the impact of this transfer,
cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces as appropriate is fundamental in reducing their potential
contribution to the incidence of healthcare-associated infections.
The principles of cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces take into account the intended use of
the surface or item in patient care. CDC retains the Spaulding classification for medical and surgical
instruments, which outlines three categories based on the potential for the instrument to transmit infection
if the instrument is microbiologically contaminated before use.
949, 950
These categories are “critical,
“semicritical,” and “noncritical.” In 1991, CDC proposed an additional category designated
“environmental surfaces” to Spaulding’s original classification
to represent surfaces that generally do
not come into direct contact with patients during care. Environmental surfaces carry the least risk of
disease transmission and can be safely decontaminated using less rigorous methods than those used on
medical instruments and devices. Environmental surfaces can be further divided into medical equipment
surfaces (e.g., knobs or handles on hemodialysis machines, x-ray machines, instrument carts, and dental
units) and housekeeping surfaces (e.g., floors, walls, and tabletops).
The following factors influence the choice of disinfection procedure for environmental surfaces:
a. the nature of the item to be disinfected,
b. the number of microorganisms present,
c. the innate resistance of those microorganisms to the inactivating effects of the germicide,
d. the amount of organic soil present,
e. the type and concentration of germicide used,
f. duration and temperature of germicide contact, and
g. if using a proprietary product, other specific indications and directions for use.
952, 953
Cleaning is the necessary first step of any sterilization or disinfection process. Cleaning is a form of
decontamination that renders the environmental surface safe to handle or use by removing organic matter,
salts, and visible soils, all of which interfere with microbial inactivation.
The physical action of
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scrubbing with detergents and surfactants and rinsing with water removes large numbers of
microorganisms from surfaces.
If the surface is not cleaned before the terminal reprocessing procedures
are started, the success of the sterilization or disinfection process is compromised.
Spaulding proposed three levels of disinfection for the treatment of devices and surfaces that do not
require sterility for safe use. These disinfection levels are “high-level,” “intermediate-level,” and “low
949, 950
The basis for these levels is that microorganisms can usually be grouped according to their innate
resistance to a spectrum of physical or chemical germicidal agents (Table 22). This information, coupled
with the instrument/surface classification, determines the appropriate level of terminal disinfection for an
instrument or surface.
Table 22. Levels of disinfection by type of microorganism*
(lipid and
(nonlipid and small
High-level disinfectant chemicals
possess sporicidal activityonly
with extended exposure time are
high level disinfections capable of
killing high numbers of bacterial
spores in laboratory tests.
Some intermediate
(e.g., hypochlorites) can exhibit some
sporicidal activity; others (e.g.,
alcohols and phenolics) have no
demonstrable sporicidal activity.
Variable killing effect
Some intermediate
disinfectants, although
they are tuberculocidal,
may have limited
virucidal activity.
Variable killing effect
+ indicates that a killing effect can be expected when the normal use-concentrations of chemical disinfectants or
are properly employed
- indicates little or no killing effect
* Material in this table compiled from references 2, 951.
This class of microorganisms includes asexual spores but not necessarily chlamydospores or sexual spores.
The process of high-level disinfection, an appropriate standard of treatment for heat-sensitive, semi-
critical medical instruments (e.g., flexible, fiberoptic endoscopes), inactivates all vegetative bacteria,
mycobacteria, viruses, fungi, and some bacterial spores. High-level disinfection is accomplished with
powerful, sporicidal chemicals (e.g., glutaraldehyde, peracetic acid, and hydrogen peroxide) that are not
appropriate for use on housekeeping surfaces. These liquid chemical sterilants/high-level disinfectants are
highly toxic.
Use of these chemicals for applications other than those indicated in their label
instructions (i.e., as immersion chemicals for treating heat-sensitive medical instruments) is not
Intermediate-level disinfection does not necessarily kill bacterial spores, but it does
inactivate Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis, which is substantially more resistant to chemical
germicides than ordinary vegetative bacteria, fungi, and medium to small viruses (with or without lipid
envelopes). Chemical germicides with sufficient potency to achieve intermediate-level disinfection
include chlorine-containing compounds (e.g., sodium hypochlorite), alcohols, some phenolics, and some
iodophors. Low-level disinfection inactivates vegetative bacteria, fungi, enveloped viruses (e.g., human
immunodeficiency virus [HIV], and influenza viruses), and some non-enveloped viruses (e.g.,
adenoviruses). Low-level disinfectants include quaternary ammonium compounds, some phenolics, and
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some iodophors. Sanitizers are agents that reduce the numbers of bacterial contaminants to safe levels as
judged by public health requirements, and are used in cleaning operations, particularly in food service and
dairy applications. Germicidal chemicals that have been approved by FDA as skin antiseptics are not
appropriate for use as environmental surface disinfectants.
The selection and use of chemical germicides are largely matters of judgment, guided by product label
instructions, information, and regulations. Liquid sterilant chemicals and high-level disinfectants intended
for use on critical and semi-critical medical/dental devices and instruments are regulated exclusively by
the FDA as a result of recent memoranda of understanding between FDA and the EPA that delineates
agency authority for chemical germicide regulation.
965, 966
Environmental surface germicides (i.e.,
primarily intermediate- and low-level disinfectants) are regulated by the EPA and labeled with EPA
registration numbers. The labels and technical data or product literature of these germicides specify
indications for product use and provide claims for the range of antimicrobial activity. The EPA requires
certain pre-registration laboratory potency tests for these products to support product label claims. EPA
verifies (through laboratory testing) manufacturers’ claims to inactivate microorganisms for selected
products and organisms. Germicides labeled as “hospital disinfectant” have passed the potency tests for
activity against three representative microorganisms Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus,
and Salmonella cholerae suis. Low-level disinfectants are often labeled “hospital disinfectant” without a
tuberculocidal claim, because they lack the potency to inactivate mycobacteria. Hospital disinfectants
with demonstrated potency against mycobacteria (i.e., intermediate-level disinfectants) may list
“tuberculocidal” on the label as well. Other claims (e.g., “fungicidal,” “pseudomonicidal,” and
“virucidal”) may appear on labels of environmental surface germicides, but the designations of
“tuberculocidal hospital disinfectant” and “hospital disinfectant” correlate directly to Spaulding’s
assessment of intermediate-level disinfectants and low-level disinfectants, respectively.
A common misconception in the use of surface disinfectants in health-care settings relates to the
underlying purpose for use of proprietary products labeled as a “tuberculocidal” germicide. Such products
will not interrupt and prevent the transmission of TB in health-care settings because TB is not acquired
from environmental surfaces. The tuberculocidal claim is used as a benchmark by which to measure
germicidal potency. Because mycobacteria have the highest intrinsic level of resistance among the
vegetative bacteria, viruses, and fungi, any germicide with a tuberculocidal claim on the label (i.e., an
intermediate-level disinfectant) is considered capable of inactivating a broad spectrum of pathogens,
including much less resistant organisms such the bloodborne pathogens (e.g., hepatitis B virus [HBV],
hepatitis C virus [HCV], and HIV). It is this broad spectrum capability, rather than the product’s specific
potency against mycobacteria, that is the basis for protocols and OSHA regulations indicating the
appropriateness of using tuberculocidal chemicals for surface disinfection.
2. General Cleaning Strategies for Patient-Care Areas
The number and types of microorganisms present on environmental surfaces are influenced by the
following factors:
a. number of people in the environment,
b. amount of activity,
c. amount of moisture,
d. presence of material capable of supporting microbial growth,
e. rate at which organisms suspended in the air are removed, and
f. type of surface and orientation [i.e., horizontal or vertical].
Strategies for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in patient-care areas take into account
a. potential for direct patient contact,
b. degree and frequency of hand contact, and
c. potential contamination of the surface with body substances or environmental sources of
microorganisms (e.g., soil, dust, and water).
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a. Cleaning of Medical Equipment
Manufacturers of medical equipment should provide care and maintenance instructions specific to their
equipment. These instructions should include information about
a. the equipments’ compatibility with chemical germicides,
b. whether the equipment is water-resistant or can be safely immersed for cleaning, and
c. how the equipment should be decontaminated if servicing is required.
In the absence of manufacturers’ instructions, non-critical medical equipment (e.g., stethoscopes, blood
pressure cuffs, dialysis machines, and equipment knobs and controls) usually only require cleansing
followed by low- to intermediate-level disinfection, depending on the nature and degree of contamination.
Ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol in concentrations of 60%90% (v/v) is often used to disinfect small
surfaces (e.g., rubber stoppers of multiple-dose medication vials, and thermometers)
952, 969
occasionally external surfaces of equipment (e.g., stethoscopes and ventilators). However, alcohol
evaporates rapidly, which makes extended contact times difficult to achieve unless items are immersed, a
factor that precludes its practical use as a large-surface disinfectant.
Alcohol may cause discoloration,
swelling, hardening, and cracking of rubber and certain plastics after prolonged and repeated use and may
damage the shellac mounting of lenses in medical equipment.
Barrier protection of surfaces and equipment is useful, especially if these surfaces are
a. touched frequently by gloved hands during the delivery of patient care,
b. likely to become contaminated with body substances, or
c. difficult to clean. Impervious-backed paper, aluminum foil, and plastic or fluid-resistant covers are
suitable for use as barrier protection.
An example of this approach is the use of plastic wrapping to cover the handle of the operatory light in
dental-care settings.
936, 942
Coverings should be removed and discarded while the health-care worker is still
936, 942
The health-care worker, after ungloving and performing hand hygiene, must cover these
surfaces with clean materials before the next patient encounter.
b. Cleaning Housekeeping Surfaces
Housekeeping surfaces require regular cleaning and removal of soil and dust. Dry conditions favor the
persistence of gram-positive cocci (e.g., coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp.) in dust and on surfaces,
whereas moist, soiled environments favor the growth and persistence of gram-negative bacilli.
948, 971, 972
Fungi are also present on dust and proliferate in moist, fibrous material.
Most, if not all, housekeeping surfaces need to be cleaned only with soap and water or a
detergent/disinfectant, depending on the nature of the surface and the type and degree of contamination.
Cleaning and disinfection schedules and methods vary according to the area of the health-care facility,
type of surface to be cleaned, and the amount and type of soil present. Disinfectant/detergent formulations
registered by EPA are used for environmental surface cleaning, but the actual physical removal of
microorganisms and soil by wiping or scrubbing is probably as important, if not more so, than any
antimicrobial effect of the cleaning agent used.
Therefore, cost, safety, product-surface compatibility,
and acceptability by housekeepers can be the main criteria for selecting a registered agent. If using a
proprietary detergent/disinfectant, the manufacturers’ instructions for appropriate use of the product
should be followed.
Consult the products’ material safety data sheets (MSDS) to determine appropriate
precautions to prevent hazardous conditions during product application. Personal protective equipment
(PPE) used during cleaning and housekeeping procedures should be appropriate to the task.
Housekeeping surfaces can be divided into two groups – those with minimal hand-contact (e.g., floors,
and ceilings) and those with frequent hand-contact (“high touch surfaces”). The methods, thoroughness,
and frequency of cleaning and the products used are determined by health-care facility policy.
high-touch housekeeping surfaces in patient-care areas (e.g., doorknobs, bedrails, light switches, wall
areas around the toilet in the patient’s room, and the edges of privacy curtains) should be cleaned and/or
disinfected more frequently than surfaces with minimal hand contact. Infection-control practitioners
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typically use a risk-assessment approach to identify high-touch surfaces and then coordinate an
appropriate cleaning and disinfecting strategy and schedule with the housekeeping staff.
Horizontal surfaces with infrequent hand contact (e.g., window sills and hard-surface flooring) in routine
patient-care areas require cleaning on a regular basis, when soiling or spills occur, and when a patient is
discharged from the facility.
Regular cleaning of surfaces and decontamination, as needed, is also
advocated to protect potentially exposed workers.
Cleaning of walls, blinds, and window curtains is
recommended when they are visibly soiled.
972, 973, 975
Disinfectant fogging is not recommended for general
infection control in routine patient-care areas.
2, 976
Further, paraformaldehyde, which was once used in this
application, is no longer registered by EPA for this purpose. Use of paraformaldehyde in these
circumstances requires either registration or an exemption issued by EPA under the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Infection control, industrial hygienists, and environmental
services supervisors should assess the cleaning procedures, chemicals used, and the safety issues to
determine if a temporary relocation of the patient is needed when cleaning in the room.
Extraordinary cleaning and decontamination of floors in health-care settings is unwarranted. Studies have
demonstrated that disinfection of floors offers no advantage over regular detergent/water cleaning and has
minimal or no impact on the occurrence of health-care associated infections.
947, 948, 977–980
newly cleaned floors become rapidly recontaminated from airborne microorganisms and those transferred
from shoes, equipment wheels, and body substances.
971, 975, 981
Nevertheless, healthcare institutions or
contracted cleaning companies may choose to use an EPA-registered detergent/disinfectant for cleaning
low-touch surfaces (e.g., floors) in patient-care areas because of the difficulty that personnel may have in
determining if a spill contains blood or body fluids (requiring a detergent/disinfectant for clean-up) or
when a multi-drug resistant organism is likely to be in the environment. Methods for cleaning non-porous
floors include wet mopping and wet vacuuming, dry dusting with electrostatic materials, and spray
973, 982–984
Methods that produce minimal mists and aerosols or dispersion of dust in patient-care
areas are preferred.
9, 20, 109, 272
Part of the cleaning strategy is to minimize contamination of cleaning solutions and cleaning tools.
Bucket solutions become contaminated almost immediately during cleaning, and continued use of the
solution transfers increasing numbers of microorganisms to each subsequent surface to be cleaned.
971, 981,
Cleaning solutions should be replaced frequently. A variety of “bucket” methods have been devised to
address the frequency with which cleaning solutions are replaced.
986, 987
Another source of contamination
in the cleaning process is the cleaning cloth or mop head, especially if left soaking in dirty cleaning
971, 988–990
Laundering of cloths and mop heads after use and allowing them to dry before re-use
can help to minimize the degree of contamination.
A simplified approach to cleaning involves replacing
soiled cloths and mop heads with clean items each time a bucket of detergent/disinfectant is emptied and
replaced with fresh, clean solution (B. Stover, Kosair Children’s Hospital, 2000). Disposable cleaning
cloths and mop heads are an alternative option, if costs permit.
Another reservoir for microorganisms in the cleaning process may be dilute solutions of the detergents or
disinfectants, especially if the working solution is prepared in a dirty container, stored for long periods of
time, or prepared incorrectly.
Gram-negative bacilli (e.g., Pseudomonas spp. and Serratia marcescens)
have been detected in solutions of some disinfectants (e.g., phenolics and quaternary ammonium
547, 991
Contemporary EPA registration regulations have helped to minimize this problem by
asking manufacturers to provide potency data to support label claims for detergent/disinfectant properties
under real- use conditions (e.g., diluting the product with tap water instead of distilled water). Application
of contaminated cleaning solutions, particularly from small-quantity aerosol spray bottles or with
equipment that might generate aerosols during operation, should be avoided, especially in high-risk
patient areas.
992, 993
Making sufficient fresh cleaning solution for daily cleaning, discarding any remaining
solution, and drying out the container will help to minimize the degree of bacterial contamination.
Containers that dispense liquid as opposed to spray-nozzle dispensers (e.g., quart-sized dishwashing
liquid bottles) can be used to apply detergent/disinfectants to surfaces and then to cleaning cloths with
minimal aerosol generation. A pre-mixed, “ready-to-use” detergent/disinfectant solution may be used if
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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c. Cleaning Special Care Areas
Guidelines have been published regarding cleaning strategies for isolation areas and operating rooms.
6, 7
The basic strategies for areas housing immunosuppressed patients include
a. wet dusting horizontal surfaces daily with cleaning cloths pre-moistened with detergent or an EPA-
registered hospital disinfectant or disinfectant wipes;
94, 98463
b. using care when wet dusting equipment and surfaces above the patient to avoid patient contact with
the detergent/disinfectant;
c. avoiding the use of cleaning equipment that produces mists or aerosols;
d. equipping vacuums with HEPA filters, especially for the exhaust, when used in any patient-care area
housing immunosuppressed patients;
9, 94, 986
e. regular cleaning and maintenance of equipment to ensure efficient particle removal.
When preparing the cleaning cloths for wet-dusting, freshly prepared solutions of detergents or
disinfectants should be used rather than cloths that have soaked in such solutions for long periods of time.
Dispersal of microorganisms in the air from dust or aerosols is more problematic in these settings than
elsewhere in health-care facilities. Vacuum cleaners can serve as dust disseminators if they are not
operating properly.
Doors to immunosuppressed patients’ rooms should be closed when nearby areas
are being vacuumed.
Bacterial and fungal contamination of filters in cleaning equipment is inevitable,
and these filters should be cleaned regularly or replaced as per equipment manufacturer instructions.
Mats with tacky surfaces placed in operating rooms and other patient-care areas only slightly minimize
the overall degree of contamination of floors and have little impact on the incidence rate of health-care
associated infection in general.
351, 971, 983
An exception, however, is the use of tacky mats inside the entry
ways of cordoned-off construction areas inside the health-care facility; these mats help to minimize the
intrusion of dust into patient-care areas.
Special precautions for cleaning incubators, mattresses, and other nursery surfaces have been
recommended to address reports of hyperbilirubinemia in newborns linked to inadequately diluted
solutions of phenolics and poor ventilation.
These medical conditions have not, however, been
associated with the use of properly prepared solutions of phenolics. Non-porous housekeeping surfaces in
neonatal units can be disinfected with properly diluted or pre-mixed phenolics, followed by rinsing with
clean water.
However, phenolics are not recommended for cleaning infant bassinets and incubators
during the stay of the infant. Infants who remain in the nursery for an extended period should be moved
periodically to freshly cleaned and disinfected bassinets and incubators.
If phenolics are used for
cleaning bassinets and incubators after they have been vacated, the surfaces should be rinsed thoroughly
with water and dried before either piece of equipment is reused. Cleaning and disinfecting protocols
should allow for the full contact time specified for the product used. Bassinet mattresses should be
replaced, however, if the mattress cover surface is broken.
3. Cleaning Strategies for Spills of Blood and Body Substances
Neither HBV, HCV, nor HIV has ever been transmitted from a housekeeping surface (i.e., floors, walls,
or countertops). Nonetheless, prompt removal and surface disinfection of an area contaminated by either
blood or body substances are sound infection-control practices and OSHA requirements.
Studies have demonstrated that HIV is inactivated rapidly after being exposed to commonly used
chemical germicides at concentrations that are much lower than those used in practice.
HBV is
readily inactivated with a variety of germicides, including quaternary ammonium compounds.
Embalming fluids (e.g., formaldehyde) are also capable of completely inactivating HIV and HBV.
1005, 1006
OSHA has revised its regulation for disinfecting spills of blood or other potentially infectious material to
include proprietary products whose label includes inactivation claims for HBV and HIV, provided that
such surfaces have not become contaminated with agent(s) or volumes of or concentrations of agent(s) for
which a higher level of disinfection is recommended.
These registered products are listed in EPA’s
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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List D Registered Antimicrobials Effective Against Hepatitis B Virus and Human HIV-1, which may
include products tested against duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) as a surrogate for HBV.
1008, 1009
lists of interest include EPA’s List C Registered Antimicrobials Effective Against Human HIV-1 and
EPA’s List E Registered Antimicrobials Effective Against Mycobacterium spp., Hepatitis B Virus, and
Human HIV-1.
Sodium hypochlorite solutions are inexpensive and effective broad-spectrum germicidal solutions.
1010, 1011
Generic sources of sodium hypochlorite include household chlorine bleach or reagent grade chemical.
Concentrations of sodium hypochlorite solutions with a range of 5,000–6,150 ppm (1:10 v/v dilution of
household bleaches marketed in the United States) to 500–615 ppm (1:100 v/v dilution) free chlorine are
effective depending on the amount of organic material (e.g., blood, mucus, and urine) present on the
surface to be cleaned and disinfected.
1010, 1011
EPA-registered chemical germicides may be more
compatible with certain materials that could be corroded by repeated exposure to sodium hypochlorite,
especially the 1:10 dilution. Appropriate personal protective equipment (e.g., gloves and goggles) should
be worn when preparing and using hypochlorite solutions or other chemical germicides.
Despite laboratory evidence demonstrating adequate potency against bloodborne pathogens (e.g., HIV
and HBV), many chlorine bleach products available in grocery and chemical-supply stores are not
registered by the EPA for use as surface disinfectants. Use of these chlorine products as surface
disinfectants is considered by the EPA to be an “unregistered use.” EPA encourages the use of registered
products because the agency reviews them for safety and performance when the product is used according
to label instructions. When unregistered products are used for surface disinfection, users do so at their
own risk.
Strategies for decontaminating spills of blood and other body fluids differ based on the setting in which
they occur and the volume of the spill.
In patient-care areas, workers can manage small spills with
cleaning and then disinfecting using an intermediate-level germicide or an EPA-registered germicide from
the EPA List D or E.
967, 1007
For spills containing large amounts of blood or other body substances,
workers should first remove visible organic matter with absorbent material (e.g., disposable paper towels
discarded into leak-proof, properly labeled containment) and then clean and decontaminate the area.
1003, 1012
If the surface is nonporous and a generic form of a sodium hypochlorite solution is used (e.g.,
household bleach), a 1:100 dilution is appropriate for decontamination assuming that
a. the worker assigned to clean the spill is wearing gloves and other personal protective equipment
appropriate to the task,
b. most of the organic matter of the spill has been removed with absorbent material, and
c. the surface has been cleaned to remove residual organic matter.
A recent study demonstrated that even strong chlorine solutions (i.e., 1:10 dilution of chlorine bleach)
may fail to totally inactivate high titers of virus in large quantities of blood, but in the absence of blood
these disinfectants can achieve complete viral inactivation.
This evidence supports the need to remove
most organic matter from a large spill before final disinfection of the surface. Additionally, EPA-
registered proprietary disinfectant label claims are based on use on a pre-cleaned surface.
951, 954
Managing spills of blood, body fluids, or other infectious materials in clinical, public health, and research
laboratories requires more stringent measures because of
a. the higher potential risk of disease transmission associated with large volumes of blood and body
fluids and
b. high numbers of microorganisms associated with diagnostic cultures.
The use of an intermediate-level germicide for routine decontamination in the laboratory is prudent.
Recommended practices for managing large spills of concentrated infectious agents in the laboratory
a. confining the contaminated area,
b. flooding the area with a liquid chemical germicide before cleaning, and
c. decontaminating with fresh germicidal chemical of at least intermediate-level disinfectant potency.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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A suggested technique when flooding the spill with germicide is to lay absorbent material down on the
spill and apply sufficient germicide to thoroughly wet both the spill and the absorbent material.
using a solution of household chlorine bleach, a 1:10 dilution is recommended for this purpose. EPA-
registered germicides should be used according to the manufacturers’ instructions for use dilution and
contact time. Gloves should be worn during the cleaning and decontamination procedures in both clinical
and laboratory settings. PPE in such a situation may include the use of respiratory protection (e.g., an N95
respirator) if clean-up procedures are expected to generate infectious aerosols. Protocols for cleaning
spills should be developed and made available on record as part of good laboratory practice.
in laboratories and in patient-care areas of the facility should receive periodic training in environmental-
surface infection-control strategies and procedures as part of an overall infection-control and safety
4. Carpeting and Cloth Furnishings
a. Carpeting
Carpeting has been used for more than 30 years in both public and patient-care areas of health-care
facilities. Advantages of carpeting in patient-care areas include
a. its noise-limiting characteristics
b. the “humanizing” effect on health care; and
c. its contribution to reductions in falls and resultant injuries, particularly for the elderly.
Compared to hard-surface flooring, however, carpeting is harder to keep clean, especially after spills of
blood and body substances. It is also harder to push equipment with wheels (e.g., wheelchairs, carts, and
gurneys) on carpeting.
Several studies have documented the presence of diverse microbial populations, primarily bacteria and
fungi, in carpeting;
111, 1017–1024
the variety and number of microorganisms tend to stabilize over time. New
carpeting quickly becomes colonized, with bacterial growth plateauing after about 4 weeks.
Vacuuming and cleaning the carpeting can temporarily reduce the numbers of bacteria, but these
populations soon rebound and return to pre-cleaning levels.
1019, 1020, 1023
Bacterial contamination tends to
increase with higher levels of activity.
1018–1020, 1025
Soiled carpeting that is or remains damp or wet provides
an ideal setting for the proliferation and persistence of gram-negative bacteria and fungi.
Carpeting that
remains damp should be removed, ideally within 72 hours.
Despite the evidence of bacterial growth and persistence in carpeting, only limited epidemiologic
evidence demonstrates that carpets influence health-care associated infection rates in areas housing
immunocompetent patients.
1023, 1025, 1027
This guideline, therefore, includes no recommendations against
the use of carpeting in these areas. Nonetheless, avoiding the use of carpeting is prudent in areas where
spills are likely to occur (e.g., laboratories, areas around sinks, and janitor closets) and where patients
may be at greater risk of infection from airborne environmental pathogens (e.g., HSCT units, burn units,
ICUs, and ORs).
111, 1028
An outbreak of aspergillosis in an HSCT unit was recently attributed to carpet
contamination and a particular method of carpet cleaning.
A window in the unit had been opened
repeatedly during the time of a nearby building fire, which allowed fungal spore intrusion into the unit.
After the window was sealed, the carpeting was cleaned using a “bonnet buffing” machine, which
dispersed Aspergillus spores into the air.
Wet vacuuming was instituted, replacing the dry cleaning
method used previously; no additional cases of invasive aspergillosis were identified.
The care setting and the method of carpet cleaning are important factors to consider when attempting to
minimize or prevent production of aerosols and dispersal of carpet microorganisms into the air.
94, 111
vacuuming and shampooing or wet cleaning with equipment can disperse microorganisms to the air.
111, 994
Vacuum cleaners should be maintained to minimize dust dispersal in general, and be equipped with
HEPA filters, especially for use in high-risk patient-care areas.
9, 94, 986
Some formulations of carpet-
cleaning chemicals, if applied or used improperly, can be dispersed into the air as a fine dust capable of
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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causing respiratory irritation in patients and staff.
Cleaning equipment, especially those that engage in
wet cleaning and extraction, can become contaminated with waterborne organisms (e.g., Pseudomonas
aeruginosa) and serve as a reservoir for these organisms if this equipment is not properly maintained.
Substantial numbers of bacteria can then be transferred to carpeting during the cleaning process.
Therefore, keeping the carpet cleaning equipment in good repair and allowing such equipment to dry
between uses is prudent.
Carpet cleaning should be performed on a regular basis determined by internal policy. Although spills of
blood and body substances on non-porous surfaces require prompt spot cleaning using standard cleaning
procedures and application of chemical germicides,
similar decontamination approaches to blood and
body substance spills on carpeting can be problematic from a regulatory perspective.
Most, if not all,
modern carpet brands suitable for public facilities can tolerate the activity of a variety of liquid chemical
germicides. However, according to OSHA, carpeting contaminated with blood or other potentially
infectious materials cannot be fully decontaminated.
Therefore, facilities electing to use carpeting for
high-activity patient-care areas may choose carpet tiles in areas at high risk for spills.
967, 1032
In the event
of contamination with blood or other body substances, carpet tiles can be removed, discarded, and
replaced. OSHA also acknowledges that only minimal direct skin contact occurs with carpeting, and
therefore, employers are expected to make reasonable efforts to clean and sanitize carpeting using carpet
detergent/cleaner products.
Over the last few years, some carpet manufacturers have treated their products with fungicidal and/or
bactericidal chemicals. Although these chemicals may help to reduce the overall numbers of bacteria or
fungi present in carpet, their use does not preclude the routine care and maintenance of the carpeting.
Limited evidence suggests that chemically treated carpet may have helped to keep health-careassociated
aspergillosis rates low in one HSCT unit,
but overall, treated carpeting has not been shown to prevent
the incidence of health-care associated infections in care areas for immunocompetent patients.
b. Cloth Furnishings
Upholstered furniture and furnishings are becoming increasingly common in patient-care areas. These
furnishings range from simple cloth chairs in patients’ rooms to a complete decorating scheme that gives
the interior of the facility more the look of an elegant hotel.
Even though pathogenic microorganisms
have been isolated from the surfaces of cloth chairs, no epidemiologic evidence suggests that general
patient-care areas with cloth furniture pose increased risks of health-care associated infection compared
with areas that contain hard-surfaced furniture.
1034, 1035
Allergens (e.g., dog and cat dander) have been
detected in or on cloth furniture in clinics and elsewhere in hospitals in concentrations higher than those
found on bed linens.
1034, 1035
These allergens presumably are transferred from the clothing of visitors.
Researchers have therefore suggested that cloth chairs should be vacuumed regularly to keep the dust and
allergen levels to a minimum. This recommendation, however, has generated concerns that aerosols
created from vacuuming could place immunocompromised patients or patients with preexisting lung
disease (e.g., asthma) at risk for development of health-care associated, environmental airborne disease.
20, 109, 988
Recovering worn, upholstered furniture (especially the seat cushion) with covers that are easily
cleaned (e.g., vinyl), or replacing the item is prudent; minimizing the use of upholstered furniture and
furnishings in any patient-care areas where immunosuppressed patients are located (e.g., HSCT units)
reduces the likelihood of disease.
5. Flowers and Plants in Patient-Care Areas
Fresh flowers, dried flowers, and potted plants are common items in health-care facilities. In 1974,
clinicians isolated an Erwinia sp. post mortem from a neonate diagnosed with fulminant septicemia,
meningitis, and respiratory distress syndrome.
Because Erwinia spp. are plant pathogens, plants
brought into the delivery room were suspected to be the source of the bacteria, although the case report
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did not definitively establish a direct link. Several subsequent studies evaluated the numbers and diversity
of microorganisms in the vase water of cut flowers. These studies revealed that high concentrations of
bacteria, ranging from 10
CFU/mL, were often present, especially if the water was changed
515, 702, 1039
The major group of microorganisms in flower vase water was gram-negative
bacteria, with Pseudomonas aeruginosa the most frequently isolated organism.
515, 702, 1039, 1040
aeruginosa was also the primary organism directly isolated from chrysanthemums and other potted
1041, 1042
However, flowers in hospitals were not significantly more contaminated with bacteria
compared with flowers in restaurants or in the home.
Additionally, no differences in the diversity and
degree of antibiotic resistance of bacteria have been observed in samples isolated from hospital flowers
versus those obtained from flowers elsewhere.
Despite the diversity and large numbers of bacteria associated with flower-vase water and potted plants,
minimal or no evidence indicates that the presence of plants in immunocompetent patient-care areas poses
an increased risk of health-care associated infection.
In one study involving a limited number of
surgical patients, no correlation was observed between bacterial isolates from flowers in the area and the
incidence and etiology of postoperative infections among the patients.
Similar conclusions were
reached in a study that examined the bacteria found in potted plants.
Nonetheless, some precautions for
general patient-care settings should be implemented, including
a. limiting flower and plant care to staff with no direct patient contact,
b. advising health-care staff to wear gloves when handling plants,
c. washing hands after handling plants,
d. changing vase water every 2 days and discharging the water into a sink outside the immediate patient
environment, and
e. cleaning and disinfecting vases after use.
Some researchers have examined the possibility of adding a chemical germicide to vase water to control
bacterial populations. Certain chemicals (e.g., hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine) are well tolerated by
1040, 1043, 1044
Use of these chemicals, however, was not evaluated in studies to assess impact on
health-care associated infection rates. Modern florists now have a variety of products available to add to
vase water to extend the life of cut flowers and to minimize bacterial clouding of the water.
Flowers (fresh and dried) and ornamental plants, however, may serve as a reservoir of Aspergillus spp.,
and dispersal of conidiospores into the air from this source can occur.
Health-care associated outbreaks
of invasive aspergillosis reinforce the importance of maintaining an environment as free of Aspergillus
spp. spores as possible for patients with severe, prolonged neutropenia. Potted plants, fresh-cut flowers,
and dried flower arrangements may provide a reservoir for these fungi as well as other fungal species
(e.g., Fusarium spp.).
109, 1045, 1046
Researchers in one study of bacteria and flowers suggested that flowers
and vase water should be avoided in areas providing care to medically at-risk patients (e.g., oncology
patients and transplant patients), although this study did not attempt to correlate the observations of
bacterial populations in the vase water with the incidence of health-care associated infections.
study using molecular epidemiology techniques demonstrated identical Aspergillus terreus types among
environmental and clinical specimens isolated from infected patients with hematological malignancies.
Therefore, attempts should be made to exclude flowers and plants from areas where immunosuppressed
patients are be located (e.g., HSCT units).
9, 1046
6. Pest Control
Cockroaches, flies and maggots, ants, mosquitoes, spiders, mites, midges, and mice are among the typical
arthropod and vertebrate pest populations found in health-care facilities. Insects can serve as agents for the
mechanical transmission of microorganisms, or as active participants in the disease transmission process by
serving as a vector.
Arthropods recovered from health-care facilities have been shown to carry a
wide variety of pathogenic microorganisms.
Studies have suggested that the diversity of
microorganisms associated with insects reflects the microbial populations present in the indoor health-care
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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environment; some pathogens encountered in insects from hospitals were either absent from or present to a
lesser degree in insects trapped from residential settings.
Some of the microbial populations
associated with insects in hospitals have demonstrated resistance to antibiotics.
1048, 1059, 1061–1063
Insect habitats are characterized by warmth, moisture, and availability of food.
Insects forage in and
feed on substrates, including but not limited to food scraps from kitchens/cafeteria, foods in vending
machines, discharges on dressings either in use or discarded, other forms of human detritis, medical
wastes, human wastes, and routine solid waste.
Cockroaches, in particular, have been known to
feed on fixed sputum smears in laboratories.
1065, 1066
Both cockroaches and ants are frequently found in the
laundry, central sterile supply departments, and anywhere in the facility where water or moisture is
present (e.g., sink traps, drains and janitor closets). Ants will often find their way into sterile packs of
items as they forage in a warm, moist environment.
Cockroaches and other insects frequent loading
docks and other areas with direct access to the outdoors.
Although insects carry a wide variety of pathogenic microorganisms on their surfaces and in their gut, the
direct association of insects with disease transmission (apart from vector transmission) is limited,
especially in health-care settings; the presence of insects in itself likely does not contribute substantially
to health-care associated disease transmission in developed countries. However, outbreaks of infection
attributed to microorganisms carried by insects may occur because of infestation coupled with breaks in
standard infection-control practices.
Studies have been conducted to examine the role of houseflies as
possible vectors for shigellosis and other forms of diarrheal disease in non-healthcare settings.
1046, 1067
When control measures aimed at reducing the fly population density were implemented, a concomitant
reduction in the incidence of diarrheal infections, carriage of Shigella organisms, and mortality caused by
diarrhea among infants and young children was observed.
Myiasis is defined as a parasitosis in which the larvae of any of a variety of flies use living or necrotic
tissue or body substances of the host as a nutritional source.
Larvae from health-care acquired myiasis
have been observed in nares, wounds, eyes, ears, sinuses, and the external urogenital structures.
Patients with this rare condition are typically older adults with underlying medical conditions (e.g.,
diabetes, chronic wounds, and alcoholism) who have a decreased capacity to ward off the flies. Persons
with underlying conditions who live or travel to tropical regions of the world are especially at risk.
1070, 1071
Cases occur in the summer and early fall months in temperate climates when flies are most active.
environmental assessment and review of the patient’s history are necessary to verify that the source of the
myiasis is health-care acquired and to identify corrective measures.
1069, 1072
Simple prevention measures
(e.g., installing screens on windows) are important in reducing the incidence of myiasis.
From a public health and hygiene perspective, arthropod and vertebrate pests should be eradicated from
all indoor environments, including health-care facilities.
1073, 1074
Modern approaches to institutional pest
management usually focus on
a. eliminating food sources, indoor habitats, and other conditions that attract pests
b. excluding pests from the indoor environments; and
c. applying pesticides as needed.
Sealing windows in modern health-care facilities helps to minimize insect intrusion. When windows need
to be opened for ventilation, ensuring that screens are in good repair and closing doors to the outside can
help with pest control. Insects should be kept out of all areas of the health-care facility, especially ORs
and any area where immunosuppressed patients are located. A pest-control specialist with appropriate
credentials can provide a regular insect-control program that is tailored to the needs of the facility and
uses approved chemicals and/or physical methods. Industrial hygienists can provide information on
possible adverse reactions of patients and staff to pesticides and suggest alternative methods for pest
control, as needed.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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7. Special Pathogen Concerns
a. Antibiotic-Resistant Gram-Positive Cocci
Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and S.
aureus with intermediate levels of resistance to glycopeptide antibiotics (vancomycin intermediate
resistant S. aureus [VISA] or glycopeptide intermediate resistant S. aureus [GISA]) represent crucial and
growing concerns for infection control. Although the term GISA is technically a more accurate
description of the strains isolated to date (most of which are classified as having intermediate resistance to
both vancomycin and teicoplanin), the term “glycopeptide” may not be recognized by many clinicians.
Thus, the label of VISA, which emphasizes a change in minimum inhibitory concentration (MICs) to
vancomycin, is similar to that of VRE and is more meaningful to clinicians.
According to National
Nosocomial Infection Surveillance (NNIS) statistics for infections acquired among ICU patients in the
United States in 1999, 52.3% of infections resulting from S. aureus were identified as MRSA infections,
and 25.2% of enterococcal infections were attributed to VRE. These figures reflect a 37% and a 43%
increase, respectively, since 1994–1998.
People represent the primary reservoir of S. aureus.
Although S. aureus has been isolated from a
variety of environmental surfaces (e.g., stethoscopes, floors, charts, furniture, dry mops, and hydrotherapy
tanks), the role of environmental contamination in transmission of this organism in health care appears to
be minimal.
S. aureus contamination of surfaces and tanks within burn therapy units, however,
may be a major factor in the transmission of infection among burn patients.
Colonized patients are the principal reservoir of VRE, and patients who are immunosuppressed (e.g.,
transplant patients) or otherwise medically at-risk (e.g., ICU patients, cardio-thoracic surgical patients,
patients previously hospitalized for extended periods, and those having received multi-antimicrobial or
vancomycin therapy) are at greatest risk for VRE colonization.
The mechanisms by which cross-
colonization take place are not well defined, although recent studies have indicated that both MRSA and
VRE may be transmitted either
a. directly from patient to patient,
b. indirectly by transient carriage on the hands of health-care workers,
c. by hand transfer of these gram-positive organisms from contaminated environmental surfaces and
patient-care equipment.
1084, 1087, 1092–1097
In one survey, hand carriage of VRE in workers in a long-term care facility ranged from 13%41%.
Many of the environmental surfaces found to be contaminated with VRE in outbreak investigations have
been those that are touched frequently by the patient or the health-care worker.
Such high-touch
surfaces include bedrails, doorknobs, bed linens, gowns, overbed tables, blood pressure cuffs, computer
table, bedside tables, and various medical equipment.
22, 1087, 1094, 1095, 1100–1102
Contamination of
environmental surfaces with VRE generally occurs in clinical laboratories and areas where colonized
patients are present,
1087, 1092, 1094, 1095, 1103
but the potential for contamination increases when such patients
have diarrhea
or have multiple body-site colonization.
Additional factors that can be important in
the dispersion of these pathogens to environmental surfaces are misuse of glove techniques by healthcare
workers (especially when cleaning fecal contamination from surfaces) and patient, family, and visitor
Interest in the importance of environmental reservoirs of VRE increased when laboratory studies
demonstrated that enterococci can persist in a viable state on dry environmental surfaces for extended
periods of time (7 days to 4 months)
1099, 1105
and multiple strains can be identified during extensive periods
of surveillance.
VRE can be recovered from inoculated hands of health-care workers (with or without
gloves) for up to 60 minutes.
The presence of either MRSA, VISA, or VRE on environmental surfaces,
however, does not mean that patients in the contaminated areas will become colonized. Strict adherence
to hand hygiene/handwashing and the proper use of barrier precautions help to minimize the potential for
spread of these pathogens. Published recommendations for preventing the spread of vancomycin
resistance address isolation measures, including patient cohorting and management of patient-care items.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Direct patient-care items (e.g., blood pressure cuffs) should be disposable whenever possible when used
in contact isolation settings for patients with multiply resistant microorganisms.
Careful cleaning of patient rooms and medical equipment contributes substantially to the overall control
of MRSA, VISA, or VRE transmission. The major focus of a control program for either VRE or MRSA
should be the prevention of hand transfer of these organisms. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the
housekeeping surfaces (e.g., floors and walls) and patient-care surfaces (e.g., bedrails) should be adequate
for inactivation of these organisms. Both MRSA and VRE are susceptible to several EPA-registered low-
and intermediate-level disinfectants (e.g., alcohols, sodium hypochlorite, quaternary ammonium
compounds, phenolics, and iodophors) at recommended use dilutions for environmental surface
1103, 1106–1109
Additionally, both VRE and vancomycin-sensitive enterococci are equally
sensitive to inactivation by chemical germicides,
1106, 1107, 1109
and similar observations have been made
when comparing the germicidal resistance of MRSA to that of either methicillin-sensitive S. aureus
The use of stronger solutions of disinfectants for inactivation of either VRE,
MRSA, or VISA is not recommended based on the organisms’ resistance to antibiotics.
VRE from
clinical specimens have exhibited some measure of increased tolerance to heat inactivation in temperature
ranges <212°F (<100°C);
1106, 1113
however, the clinical significance of these observations is unclear
because the role of cleaning the surface or item prior to heat treatment was not evaluated. Although
routine environmental sampling is not recommended, laboratory surveillance of environmental surfaces
during episodes when VRE contamination is suspected can help determine the effectiveness of the
cleaning and disinfecting procedures. Environmental culturing should be approved and supervised by the
infection-control program in collaboration with the clinical laboratory.
1084, 1087, 1088, 1092, 1096
Two cases of wound infections associated with vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA)
determined to be resistant by NCCLS standards for sensitivity/resistance testing were identified in
Michigan and Pennsylvania in 2002.
1114, 1115
These represented isolated cases, and neither the family
members nor the health-care providers of these case-patients had evidence of colonization or infection
with VRSA. Conventional environmental infection-control measures (i.e., cleaning and then disinfecting
surfaces using EPA-registered disinfectants with label claims for S. aureus) were used during the
environmental investigation of these two cases;
however, studies have yet to evaluate the potential
intrinsic resistance of these VRSA strains to surface disinfectants.
Standard procedures during terminal cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, if performed incorrectly, may
be inadequate for the elimination of VRE from patient rooms.
1113, 1116–1118
Given the sensitivity of VRE to
hospital disinfectants, current disinfecting protocols should be effective if they are diligently carried out
and properly performed. Health-care facilities should be sure that housekeeping staff use correct
procedures for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in VRE-contaminated areas, which include using
sufficient amounts of germicide at proper use dilution and allowing adequate contact time.
b. Clostridium difficile
Clostridium difficile is the most frequent etiologic agent for health-care associated diarrhea.
1119, 1120
In one
hospital, 30% of adults who developed health-care associated diarrhea were positive for C. difficile.
One recent study employing PCR-ribotyping techniques demonstrated that cases of C. difiicile-acquired
diarrhea occurring in the hospital included patients whose infections were attributed to endogenous C.
difficile strains and patients whose illnesses were considered to be health-careassociated infections.
Most patients remain asymptomatic after infection, but the organism continues to be shed in their stools.
Risk factors for acquiring C. difficile-associated infection include
a. exposure to antibiotic therapy, particularly with beta-lactam agents;
b. gastrointestinal procedures and surgery;
c. advanced age; and
d. indiscriminate use of antibiotics.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Of all the measures that have been used to prevent the spread of C. difficile-associated diarrhea, the most
successful has been the restriction of the use of antimicrobial agents.
1129, 1130
C. difficile is an anaerobic, gram-positive bacterium. Normally fastidious in its vegetative state, it is
capable of sporulating when environmental conditions no longer support its continued growth. The
capacity to form spores enables the organism to persist in the environment (e.g., in soil and on dry
surfaces) for extended periods of time. Environmental contamination by this microorganism is well
known, especially in places where fecal contamination may occur.
The environment (especially
housekeeping surfaces) rarely serves as a direct source of infection for patients.
1024, 1132–1136
direct exposure to contaminated patient-care items (e.g., rectal thermometers) and high-touch surfaces in
patients’ bathrooms (e.g., light switches) have been implicated as sources of infection.
1130, 1135, 1136, 1138
Transfer of the pathogen to the patient via the hands of health-care workers is thought to be the most
likely mechanism of exposure.
24, 1133, 1139
Standard isolation techniques intended to minimize enteric
contamination of patients, health-careworkers’ hands, patient-care items, and environmental surfaces
have been published.
Handwashing remains the most effective means of reducing hand contamination.
Proper use of gloves is an ancillary measure that helps to further minimize transfer of these pathogens
from one surface to another.
The degree to which the environment becomes contaminated with C. difficile spores is proportional to the
number of patients with C. difficile-associated diarrhea,
24, 1132, 1135
although asymptomatic, colonized
patients may also serve as a source of contamination. Few studies have examined the use of specific
chemical germicides for the inactivation of C. difficile spores, and no well-controlled trials have been
conducted to determine efficacy of surface disinfection and its impact on health-care associated diarrhea.
Some investigators have evaluated the use of chlorine-containing chemicals (e.g., 1,000 ppm hypochlorite
at recommended use-dilution, 5,000 ppm sodium hypochlorite [1:10 v/v dilution], 1:100 v/v dilutions of
unbuffered hypochlorite, and phosphate-buffered hypochlorite [1,600 ppm]). One of the studies
demonstrated that the number of contaminated environmental sites was reduced by half,
another two studies demonstrated declines in health-care associated C. difficile infections in a HSCT
and in two geriatric medical units
during a period of hypochlorite use. The presence of
confounding factors, however, was acknowledged in one of these studies.
C. difficile Update [April 2019]
Recommendations E.VI.G. and E.VI.H. were updated to reflect changes in Federal regulatory
LIST K: EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products Effective against Clostridium
difficile Spores (https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/list-k-epas-registered-antimicrobial-
The recommended approach to environmental infection control with respect to C. difficile is
meticulous cleaning followed by disinfection using EPA-registered products specific for
inactivating C. difficile spores as appropirate. Thus, combined use of appropriate hand hygiene,
barrier precautions, and meticulous environmental cleaning, and use of an EPA-registered product
that is appropriate for the level of risk, should effectively prevent spread of the organism. [
EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products Effective against Clostridium difficile Spores
c. Respiratory and Enteric Viruses in Pediatric-Care Settings
Although the viruses mentioned in this guideline are not unique to the pediatric-care setting in healthcare
facilities, their prevalence in these areas, especially during the winter months, is substantial. Children
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(particularly neonates) are more likely to develop infection and substantial clinical disease from these
agents compared with adults and therefore are more likely to require supportive care during their illness.
Common respiratory viruses in pediatric-care areas include rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus
(RSV), adenoviruses, influenza viruses, and parainfluenza viruses. Transmission of these viruses occurs
primarily via direct contact with small-particle aerosols or via hand contamination with respiratory
secretions that are then transferred to the nose or eyes. Because transmission primarily requires close
personal contact, contact precautions are appropriate to interrupt transmission.
Hand contamination can
occur from direct contact with secretions or indirectly from touching high-touch environmental surfaces
that have become contaminated with virus from large droplets. The indirect transfer of virus from one
persion to other via hand contact with frequently-touched fomites was demonstrated in a study using a
bacteriophage whose environmental stability approximated that of human viral pathogens (e.g., poliovirus
and parvovirus).
The impact of this mode of transmission with respect to human respiratory- and
enteric viruses is dependent on the ability of these agents to survive on environmental surfaces. Infectious
RSV has been recovered from skin, porous surfaces, and non-porous surfaces after 30 minutes, 1 hour,
and 7 hours, respectively.
Parainfluenza viruses are known to persist for up to 4 hours on porous
surfaces and up to 10 hours on non-porous surfaces.
Rhinoviruses can persist on porous surfaces and
non-porous surfaces for approximately 1 and 3 hours respectively; study participants in a controlled
environment became infected with rhinoviruses after first touching a surface with dried secretions and
then touching their nasal or conjunctival mucosa.
Although the efficiency of direct transmission of
these viruses from surfaces in uncontrolled settings remains to be defined, these data underscore the basis
for maintaining regular protocols for cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces.
The clinically important enteric viruses encountered in pediatric care settings include enteric adenovirus,
astroviruses, caliciviruses, and rotavirus. Group A rotavirus is the most common cause of infectious
diarrhea in infants and children. Transmission of this virus is primarily fecal-oral, however, the role of
fecally contaminated surfaces and fomites in rotavirus transmission is unclear. During one epidemiologic
investigation of enteric disease among children attending day care, rotavirus contamination was detected
on 19% of inanimate objects in the center.
1148, 1149
In an outbreak in a pediatric unit, secondary cases of
rotavirus infection clustered in areas where children with rotaviral diarrhea were located.
cause gastroenteritis and diarrhea in newborns and young children and can persist on fecally contaminated
surfaces for several months during periods of relatively low humidity.
1151, 1152
Outbreaks of small round-
structured viruses (i.e., caliciviruses [Norwalk virus and Norwalk-like viruses]) can affect both patients
and staff, with attack rates of 50%.
Routes of person-to-person transmission include fecal-oral spread
and aerosols generated from vomiting.
Fecal contamination of surfaces in care settings can spread
large amounts of virus to the environment. Studies that have attempted to use low- and intermediate-level
disinfectants to inactivate rotavirus suspended in feces have demonstrated a protective effect of high
concentrations of organic matter.
1157, 1158
Intermediate-level disinfectants (e.g., alcoholic quaternary
ammonium compounds, and chlorine solutions) can be effective in inactivating enteric viruses provided
that a cleaning step to remove most of the organic matter precedes terminal disinfection.
findings underscore the need for proper cleaning and disinfecting procedures where contamination of
environmental surfaces with body substances is likely. EPA-registered surface disinfectants with label
claims for these viral agents should be used in these settings. Using disposable, protective barrier
coverings may help to minimize the degree of surface contamination.
d. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Virus
In November 2002 an atypical pneumonia of unknown etiology emerged in Asia and subsequently
developed into an international outbreak of respiratory illness among persons in 29 countries during the
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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first six months of 2003. “Severe acute respiratory syndrome” (SARS) is a viral upper respiratory
infection associated with a newly described coronavirus (SARS-associated Co-V [SARS-CoV]). SARS-
CoV is an enveloped RNA virus. It is present in high titers in respiratory secretions, stool, and blood of
infected persons. The modes of transmission determined from epidemiologic investigations were
primarily forms of direct contact (i.e., large droplet aerosolization and person-to-person contact).
Respiratory secretions were presumed to be the major source of virus in these situations; airborne
transmission of virus has not been completely ruled out. Little is known about the impact of fecal-oral
transmission and SARS.
The epidemiology of SARS-CoV infection is not completely understood, and therefore recommended
infection control and prevention measures to contain the spread of SARS will evolve as new information
becomes available.
At present there is no indication that established strategies for cleaning (i.e., to
remove the majority of bioburden) and disinfecting equipment and environmental surfaces need to be
changed for the environmental infection control of SARS. In-patient rooms housing SARS patients
should be cleaned and disinfected at least daily and at the time of patient transfer or discharge. More
frequent cleaning and disinfection may be indicated for high-touch surfaces and following aerosol-
producing procedures (e.g., intubation, bronchoscopy, and sputum production). While there are presently
no disinfectant products registered by EPA specifically for inactivation of SARS-CoV, EPA-registered
hospital disinfectants that are equivalent to low- and intermediate-level germicides may be used on pre-
cleaned, hard, non-porous surfaces in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions for environmental
surface disinfection. Monitoring adherence to guidelines established for cleaning and disinfection is an
important component of environmental infection control to contain the spread of SARS.
e. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) in Patient-Care Areas
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare, invariably fatal, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
(TSE) that occurs worldwide with an average annual incidence of 1 case per million population.
CJD is one of several TSEs affecting humans; other diseases in this group include kuru, fatal familial
insomnia, and Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome. A TSE that affects a younger population
(compared to the age range of CJD cases) has been described primarily in the United Kingdom since
This variant form of CJD (vCJD) is clinically and neuropathologically distinguishable from
classic CJD; epidemiologic and laboratory evidence suggests a causal association for bovine spongiform
encephalopathy (BSE [Mad Cow disease]) and vCJD.
The agent associated with CJD is a prion, which is an abnormal isoform of a normal protein constituent of
the central nervous system.
The mechanism by which the normal form of the protein is converted
to the abnormal, disease-causing prion is unknown. The tertiary conformation of the abnormal prion
protein appears to confer a heightened degree of resistance to conventional methods of sterilization and
1170, 1171
Although about 90% of CJD cases occur sporadically, a limited number of cases are the result of a direct
exposure to prion-containing material (usually central nervous system tissue or pituitary hormones)
acquired as a result of health care (iatrogenic cases). These cases have been linked to
a. pituitary hormone therapy [from human sources as opposed to hormones prepared through the
use of recombinant technology],
b. transplants of either dura mater or corneas,
c. neurosurgical instruments and depth electrodes.
In the cases involving instruments and depth electrodes, conventional cleaning and terminal reprocessing
methods of the day failed to fully inactivate the contaminating prions and are considered inadequate by
today’s standards.
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Prion inactivation studies involving whole tissues and tissue homogenates have been conducted to
determine the parameters of physical and chemical methods of sterilization or disinfection necessary for
complete inactivation;
1170, 1186–1191
however, the application of these findings to environmental infection
control in health-care settings is problematic. No studies have evaluated the effectiveness of medical
instrument reprocessing in inactivating prions. Despite a consensus that abnormal prions display some
extreme measure of resistance to inactivation by either physical or chemical methods, scientists disagree
about the exact conditions needed for sterilization. Inactivation studies utilizing whole tissues present
extraordinary challenges to any sterilizing method.
Additionally, the experimental designs of these
studies preclude the evaluation of surface cleaning as a part of the total approach to pathogen
951, 1192
Some researchers have recommended the use of either a 1:2 v/v dilution of sodium hypochorite
(approximately 20,000 ppm), full-strength sodium hypochlorite (50,000–60,000 ppm), or 1–2 N sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) for the inactivation of prions on certain surfaces (e.g., those found in the pathology
1170, 1188
Although these chemicals may be appropriate for the decontamination of laboratory,
operating-room, or autopsy-room surfaces that come into contact with central nervous system tissue from
a known or suspected patient, this approach is not indicated for routine or terminal cleaning of a room
previously occupied by a CJD patient. Both chemicals pose hazards for the healthcare worker doing the
decontamination. NaOH is caustic and should not make contact with the skin. Sodium hypochlorite
solutions (i.e., chlorine bleach) can corrode metals (e.g., aluminum). MSDS information should be
consulted when attempting to work with concentrated solutions of either chemical. Currently, no EPA-
registered products have label claims for prion inactivation; therefore, this guidance is based on the best
available evidence from the scientific literature.
Environmental infection-control strategies must based on the principles of the “chain of infection,”
regardless of the disease of concern.
Although CJD is transmissible, it is not highly contagious. All
iatrogenic cases of CJD have been linked to a direct exposure to prion-contaminated central nervous
system tissue or pituitary hormones. The six documented iatrogenic cases associated with instruments and
devices involved neurosurgical instruments and devices that introduced residual contamination directly to
the recipient’s brain. No evidence suggests that vCJD has been transmitted iatrogenically or that either
CJD or vCJD has been transmitted from environmental surfaces (e.g., housekeeping surfaces). Therefore,
routine procedures are adequate for terminal cleaning and disinfection of a CJD patient’s room.
Additionally, in epidemiologic studies involving highly transfused patients, blood was not identified as a
source for prion transmission.
Routine procedures for containing, decontaminating, and
disinfecting surfaces with blood spills should be adequate for proper infection control in these
951, 1199
Guidance for environmental infection control in ORs and autopsy areas has been published.
1197, 1199
Hospitals should develop risk-assessment procedures to identify patients with known or suspected CJD in
efforts to implement prion-specific infection-control measures for the OR and for instrument
This assessment also should be conducted for older patients undergoing non-lesionous
neurosurgery when such procedures are being done for diagnosis. Disposable, impermeable coverings
should be used during these autopsies and neurosurgeries to minimize surface contamination. Surfaces
that have become contaminated with central nervous system tissue or cerebral spinal fluid should be
cleaned and decontaminated by
a. removing most of the tissue or body substance with absorbent materials,
b. wetting the surface with a sodium hypochlorite solution containing 5,000 ppm or a 1 N NaOH
solution, and
c. rinsing thoroughly.
951, 11971199, 1201
The optimum duration of contact exposure in these instances is unclear. Some researchers recommend a
1-hour contact time on the basis of tissue-inactivation studies,
1197, 1198, 1201
whereas other reviewers of the
subject draw no conclusions from this research.
Factors to consider before cleaning a potentially
contaminated surface are
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a. the degree to which gross tissue/body substance contamination can be effectively removed and
b. the ease with which the surface can be cleaned.
F. Environmental Sampling
This portion of Part I addresses the basic principles and methods of sampling environmental surfaces and
other environmental sources for microorganisms. The applied strategies of sampling with respect to
environmental infection control have been discussed in the appropriate preceding subsections.
1. General Principles: Microbiologic Sampling of the Environment
Before 1970, U.S. hospitals conducted regularly scheduled culturing of the air and environmental surfaces
(e.g., floors, walls, and table tops).
By 1970, CDC and the American Hospital Association (AHA) were
advocating the discontinuation of routine environmental culturing because rates of healthcare–associated
infection had not been associated with levels of general microbial contamination of air or environmental
surfaces, and because meaningful standards for permissible levels of microbial contamination of
environmental surfaces or air did not exist.
During 1970–1975, 25% of U.S. hospitals reduced the
extent of such routine environmental culturing — a trend that has continued.
1206, 1207
Random, undirected sampling (referred to as “routine” in previous guidelines) differs from the current
practice of targeted sampling for defined purposes.
2, 1204
Previous recommendations against routine
sampling were not intended to discourage the use of sampling in which sample collection, culture, and
interpretation are conducted in accordance with defined protocols.
In this guideline, targeted
microbiologic sampling connotes a monitoring process that includes
a. a written, defined, multidisciplinary protocol for sample collection and culturing
b. analysis and interpretation of results using scientifically determined or anticipatory baseline values
for comparison; and
c. expected actions based on the results obtained.
Infection control, in conjunction with laboratorians, should assess the health-care facility’s capability to
conduct sampling and determine when expert consultation and/or services are needed.
Microbiologic sampling of air, water, and inanimate surfaces (i.e., environmental sampling) is an expensive
and time-consuming process that is complicated by many variables in protocol, analysis, and interpretation.
It is therefore indicated for only four situations.
The first is to support an investigation of an outbreak of
disease or infections when environmental reservoirs or fomites are implicated epidemiologically in disease
161, 1209, 1210
It is important that such culturing be supported by epidemiologic data.
Environmental sampling, as with all laboratory testing, should not be conducted if there is no plan for
interpreting and acting on the results obtained.
11, 1211, 1212
Linking microorganisms from environmental
samples with clinical isolates by molecular epidemiology is crucial whenever it is possible to do so.
The second situation for which environmental sampling may be warranted is in research. Well-designed
and controlled experimental methods and approaches can provide new information about the spread of
health-care associated diseases.
126, 129
A classic example is the study of environmental microbial
contamination that compared health-care associated infection rates in an old hospital and a new facility
before and shortly after occupancy.
The third indication for sampling is to monitor a potentially hazardous environmental condition, confirm
the presence of a hazardous chemical or biological agent, and validate the successful abatement of the
hazard. This type of sampling can be used to:
a. detect bioaerosols released from the operation of health-care equipment (e.g., an ultrasonic cleaner)
and determine the success of repairs in containing the hazard,
b. detect the release of an agent of bioterrorism in an indoor environmental setting and determine its
successful removal or inactivation, and
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c. sample for industrial hygiene or safety purposes (e.g., monitoring a “sick building”).
The fourth indication is for quality assurance to evaluate the effects of a change in infection-control
practice or to ensure that equipment or systems perform according to specifications and expected
outcomes. Any sampling for quality-assurance purposes must follow sound sampling protocols and
address confounding factors through the use of properly selected controls. Results from a single
environmental sample are difficult to interpret in the absence of a frame of reference or perspective.
Evaluations of a change in infection-control practice are based on the assumption that the effect will be
measured over a finite period, usually of short duration. Conducting quality-assurance sampling on an
extended basis, especially in the absence of an adverse outcome, is usually unjustified. A possible
exception might be the use of air sampling during major construction periods to qualitatively detect
breaks in environmental infection-control measures. In one study, which began as part of an investigation
of an outbreak of health-care associated aspergillosis, airborne concentrations of Aspergillus spores were
measured in efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of sealing hospital doors and windows during a period of
construction of a nearby building.
Other examples of sampling for quality-assurance purposes may
include commissioning newly constructed space in special care areas (i.e., ORs and units for
immunosuppressed patients) or assessing a change in housekeeping practice. However, the only types of
routine environmental microbiologic sampling recommended as part of a quality-assurance program are
a. the biological monitoring of sterilization processes by using bacterial spores
b. the monthly culturing of water used in hemodialysis applications and for the final dialysate use dilution.
Some experts also advocate periodic environmental sampling to evaluate the microbial/particulate quality
for regular maintenance of the air handling system (e.g., filters) and to verify that the components of the
system meet manufacturer’s specifications (A. Streifel, University of Minnesota, 2000). Certain
equipment in health-care settings (e.g., biological safety cabinets) may also be monitored with air flow
and particulate sampling to determine performance or as part of adherence to a certification program;
results can then be compared with a predetermined standard of performance. These measurements,
however, usually do not require microbiologic testing.
2. Air Sampling
Biological contaminants occur in the air as aerosols and may include bacteria, fungi, viruses, and
1215, 1216
Aerosols are characterized as solid or liquid particles suspended in air. Talking for 5
minutes and coughing each can produce 3,000 droplet nuclei; sneezing can generate approximately
40,000 droplets which then evaporate to particles in the size range of 0.5–12 μm.
137, 1217
Particles in a
biological aerosol usually vary in size from <1 μm to ≥50 μm. These particles may consist of a single,
unattached organism or may occur in the form of clumps composed of a number of bacteria. Clumps can
also include dust and dried organic or inorganic material. Vegetative forms of bacterial cells and viruses
may be present in the air in a lesser number than bacterial spores or fungal spores. Factors that determine
the survival of microorganisms within a bioaerosol include
a. the suspending medium,
b. temperature,
c. relative humidity,
d. oxygen sensitivity, and
e. exposure to UV or electromagnetic radiation.
Many vegetative cells will not survive for lengthy periods of time in the air unless the protective cover
(e.g., dried organic or inorganic matter).
Pathogens that resist drying (e.g., Staphylococcus spp.,
Streptococcus spp., and fungal spores) can survive for long periods and can be carried considerable
distances via air and still remain viable. They may also settle on surfaces and become airborne again as
secondary aerosols during certain activities (e.g., sweeping and bed making).
1216, 1218
Microbiologic air sampling is used as needed to determine the numbers and types of microorganisms, or
particulates, in indoor air.
Air sampling for quality control is, however, problematic because of lack of
uniform air-quality standards. Although airborne spores of Aspergillus spp. can pose a risk for
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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neutropenic patients, the critical number (i.e., action level) of these spores above which outbreaks of
aspergillosis would be expected to occur has not been defined. Health-care professionals considering the
use of air sampling should keep in mind that the results represent indoor air quality at singular points in
time, and these may be affected by a variety of factors, including
a. indoor traffic,
b. visitors entering the facility,
c. temperature,
d. time of day or year,
e. relative humidity,
f. relative concentration of particles or organisms, and g) the performance of the air-handling system
To be meaningful, air-sampling results must be compared with those obtained from other defined areas,
conditions, or time periods.
Several preliminary concerns must be addressed when designing a microbiologic air sampling strategy
(Box 13). Because the amount of particulate material and bacteria retained in the respiratory system is
largely dependent on the size of the inhaled particles, particle size should be determined when studying
airborne microorganisms and their relation to respiratory infections. Particles >5 μm are efficiently
trapped in the upper respiratory tract and are removed primarily by ciliary action.
Particles ≤5 μm in
diameter reach the lung, but the greatest retention in the alveoli is of particles 12 μm in diameter.
Box 13. Preliminary concerns for conducting air sampling
Consider the possible characteristics and conditions of the aerosol, including size range of particles, relative
amount of inert material, concentration of microorganisms, and environmental factors.
Determine the type of sampling instruments, sampling time, and duration of the sampling program.
Determine the number of samples to be taken.
Ensure that adequate equipment and supplies are available.
Determine the method of assay that will ensure optimal recovery of microorganisms.
Select a laboratory that will provide proper microbiologic support.
Ensure that samples can be refrigerated if they cannot be assayed in the laboratory promptly.
Bacteria, fungi, and particulates in air can be identified and quantified with the same methods and
equipment (Table 23). The basic methods include
a. impingement in liquids,
b. impaction on solid surfaces,
c. sedimentation,
d. filtration,
e. centrifugation,
f. electrostatic precipitation, and
g. thermal precipitation.
Of these, impingement in liquids, impaction on solid surfaces, and sedimentation (on settle plates) have
been used for various air-sampling purposes in health-care settings.
Several instruments are available for sampling airborne bacteria and fungi (Box 14). Some of the
samplers are self-contained units requiring only a power supply and the appropriate collecting medium,
but most require additional auxiliary equipment (e.g., a vacuum pump and an airflow measuring device
[i.e., a flowmeter or anemometer]). Sedimentation or depositional methods use settle plates and therefore
need no special instruments or equipment. Selection of an instrument for air sampling requires a clear
understanding of the type of information desired and the particular determinations that must be made
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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(Box 14). Information may be needed regarding
a. one particular organism or all organisms that may be present in the air,
b. the concentration of viable particles or of viable organisms,
c. the change in concentration with time, and
d. the size distribution of the collected particles.
Before sampling begins, decisions should be made regarding whether the results are to be qualitative or
quantitative. Comparing quantities of airborne microorganisms to those of outdoor air is also standard
operating procedure. Infection-control professionals, hospital epidemiologists, industrial hygienists, and
laboratory supervisors, as part of a multidisciplinary team, should discuss the potential need for microbial
air sampling to determine if the capacity and expertise to conduct such sampling exists within the facility
and when it is appropriate to enlist the services of an environmental microbiologist consultant.
Table 23. Air sampling methods and examples of equipment*
Suitable for
media or
Rate of
Points to
Impingement in
Air drawn
jet and
against a
liquid surface
Viable organisms,
and concentration
Legionella spp.
may be
influence length
of collection time
Impaction on
solid surfaces
Air drawn
dry surface
Viable particles;
organisms that
air for
Dry surface,
28 (sieve)
Available as sieve
up to
have a
for agar
to allow for
Andersen Air
Particles and
air for
in the
of and
plates or
Simple and
are too
Settle plates
Air drawn
trapped; 0.2
spores and
resist drying);
Filter must be
rinse fluid is
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 107 of 241
Suitable for
media or
Rate of
Points to
time. Example
air sampling
spores, and dust
assayed; used
a solid
spores and
time. Example
air sampling
Coated glass
Calibration is
and is
only by
Biotest RCS
Air drawn
Viable particles;
viable organisms
(on non
surfaces, limited
to spores
concentration over
High volume
rate, but
equipment is
complex and
for use in
- care
Air drawn
coverslip, and
Determine particle
size by
* Material in this table is compiled from references 289, 1218, 1223, and 1224.
+ Most samplers require a flow meter or anemometer and a vacuum source as auxiliary equipment.
§ Trade names listed are for identification purposes only and are not intended as endorsements by the U.S. Public
Health Service.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Box 14. Selecting an air sampling device*
The following factors must be considered when choosing an air sampling instrument:
Viability and type of the organism to be sampled
Compatibility with the selected method of analysis
Sensitivity of particles to sampling
Assumed concentrations and particle size
Whether airborne clumps must be broken (i.e., total viable organism count vs. particle count)
Volume of air to be sampled and length of time sampler is to be continuously operated
Background contamination
Ambient conditions
Sampler collection efficiency
Effort and skill required to operate sampler
Availability and cost of sampler, plus back-up samplers in case of equipment malfunction
Availability of auxiliary equipment and utilities (e.g., vacuum pumps, electricity, and water)
* Material in this box is compiled from reference 1218.
Liquid impinger and solid impactor samplers are the most practical for sampling bacteria, particles, and
fungal spores, because they can sample large volumes of air in relatively short periods of time.
impactor units are available as either “slit” or “sieve” designs. Slit impactors use a rotating disc as support
for the collecting surface, which allows determinations of concentration over time. Sieve impactors
commonly use stages with calibrated holes of different diameters. Some impactor-type samplers use
centrifugal force to impact particles onto agar surfaces. The interior of either device must be made sterile
to avoid inadvertent contamination from the sampler. Results obtained from either sampling device can be
expressed as organisms or particles per unit volume of air (CFU/m
Sampling for bacteria requires special attention, because bacteria may be present as individual organisms,
as clumps, or mixed with or adhering to dust or covered with a protective coating of dried organic or
inorganic substances. Reports of bacterial concentrations determined by air sampling therefore must
indicate whether the results represent individual organisms or particles bearing multiple cells. Certain types
of samplers (e.g., liquid impingers) will completely or partially disintegrate clumps and large particles; the
sampling result will therefore reflect the total number of individual organisms present in the air.
The task of sizing a bioaerosol is simplified through the use of sieves or slit impactors because these
samplers will separate the particles and microorganisms into size ranges as the sample is collected. These
samplers must, however, be calibrated first by sampling aerosols under similar use conditions.
The use of settle plates (i.e., the sedimentation or depositional method) is not recommended when
sampling air for fungal spores, because single spores can remain suspended in air indefinitely.
plates have been used mainly to sample for particulates and bacteria either in research studies or during
epidemiologic investigations.
161, 1226–1229
Results of sedimentation sampling are typically expressed as
numbers of viable particles or viable bacteria per unit area per the duration of sampling time (i.e.,
CFU/area/time); this method can not quantify the volume of air sampled. Because the survival of
microorganisms during air sampling is inversely proportional to the velocity at which the air is taken into
the sampler,
one advantage of using a settle plate is its reliance on gravity to bring organisms and
particles into contact with its surface, thus enhancing the potential for optimal survival of collected
organisms. This process, however, takes several hours to complete and may be impractical for some
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Air samplers are designed to meet differing measurement requirements. Some samplers are better suited
for one form of measurement than others. No one type of sampler and assay procedure can be used to
collect and enumerate 100% of airborne organisms. The sampler and/or sampling method chosen should,
however, have an adequate sampling rate to collect a sufficient number of particles in a reasonable time
period so that a representative sample of air is obtained for biological analysis. Newer analytical
techniques for assaying air samples include PCR methods and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays
3. Water Sampling
A detailed discussion of the principles and practices of water sampling has been published.
sampling in health-care settings is used detect waterborne pathogens of clinical significance or to
determine the quality of finished water in a facility’s distribution system. Routine testing of the water in a
health-care facility is usually not indicated, but sampling in support of outbreak investigations can help
determine appropriate infection-control measures. Water-quality assessments in dialysis settings have
been discussed in this guideline (see Water, Dialysis Water Quality and Dialysate, and Appendix C).
Health-care facilities that conduct water sampling should have their samples assayed in a laboratory that
uses established methods and quality-assurance protocols. Water specimens are not “static specimens” at
ambient temperature; potential changes in both numbers and types of microbial populations can occur
during transport. Consequently, water samples should be sent to the testing laboratory cold (i.e., at
approximately 39.2°F [4°C]) and testing should be done as soon as practical after collection (preferably
within 24 hours).
Because most water sampling in health-care facilities involves the testing of finished water from the
facility’s distribution system, a reducing agent (i.e., sodium thiosulfate [Na2S2O3]) needs to be added to
neutralize residual chlorine or other halogen in the collected sample. If the water contains elevated levels
of heavy metals, then a chelating agent should be added to the specimen. The minimum volume of water
to be collected should be sufficient to complete any and all assays indicated; 100 mL is considered a
suitable minimum volume. Sterile collection equipment should always be used.
Sampling from a tap requires flushing of the water line before sample collection. If the tap is a mixing
faucet, attachments (e.g., screens and aerators) must be removed, and hot and then cold water must be run
through the tap before collecting the sample.
If the cleanliness of the tap is questionable, disinfection
with 500–600 ppm sodium hypochlorite (1:100 v/v dilution of chlorine bleach) and flushing the tap
should precede sample collection.
Microorganisms in finished or treated water often are physically damaged (“stressed”) to the point that
growth is limited when assayed under standard conditions. Such situations lead to false-negative readings
and misleading assessments of water quality. Appropriate neutralization of halogens and chelation of
heavy metals are crucial to the recovery of these organisms. The choice of recovery media and incubation
conditions will also affect the assay. Incubation temperatures should be closer to the ambient temperature
of the water rather than at 98.6°F (37°C), and recovery media should be formulated to provide appropriate
concentrations of nutrients to support organisms exhibiting less than rigorous growth.
content media (e.g., blood agar and tryptic soy agar [TSA]) may actually inhibit the growth of these
damaged organisms. Reduced nutrient media (e.g., diluted peptone and R2A) are preferable for recovery
of these organisms.
Use of aerobic, heterotrophic plate counts allows both a qualitative and quantitative measurement for
water quality. If bacterial counts in water are expected to be high in number (e.g., during waterborne
outbreak investigations), assaying small quantities using pour plates or spread plates is appropriate.
Membrane filtration is used when low-count specimens are expected and larger sampling volumes are
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required (100 mL). The sample is filtered through the membrane, and the filter is applied directly face-
up onto the surface of the agar plate and incubated.
Unlike the testing of potable water supplies for coliforms (which uses standardized test and specimen
collection parameters and conditions), water sampling to support epidemiologic investigations of disease
outbreaks may be subjected to modifications dictated by the circumstances present in the facility. Assay
methods for waterborne pathogens may also not be standardized. Therefore, control or comparison
samples should be included in the experimental design. Any departure from a standard method should be
fully documented and should be considered when interpreting results and developing strategies. Assay
methods specific for clinically significant waterborne pathogens (e.g., Legionella spp., Aeromonas spp.,
Pseudomonas spp., and Acinetobacter spp.) are more complicated and costly compared with both
methods used to detect coliforms and other standard indicators of water quality.
4. Environmental Surface Sampling
Routine environmental-surface sampling (e.g., surveillance cultures) in health-care settings is neither
cost-effective nor warranted.
951, 1225
When indicated, surface sampling should be conducted with
multidisciplinary approval in adherence to carefully considered plans of action and policy (Box 15).
Box 15. Undertaking environmental-surface sampling*
The following factors should be considered before engaging in environmental-surface sampling:
Background information from the literature and present activities (i.e., preliminary results from an
epidemiologic investigation)
Location of surfaces to be sampled
Method of sample collection and the appropriate equipment for this task
Number of replicate samples needed and which control or comparison samples are required
Parameters of the sample assay method and whether the sampling will be qualitative, quantitative, or both
An estimate of the maximum allowable microbial numbers or types on the surface(s) sampled (refer to the
Spaulding classification for devices and surfaces)
Some anticipation of a corrective action plan
* The material in this box is compiled from reference 1214.
Surface sampling is used currently for research, as part of an epidemiologic investigation, or as part of a
comprehensive approach for specific quality assurance purposes. As a research tool, surface sampling has
been used to determine
a. potential environmental reservoirs of pathogens,
564, 1230–1232
b. survival of microorganisms on surfaces,
1232, 1233
c. the sources of the environmental contamination.
Some or all of these approaches can also be used during outbreak investigations.
Discussion of surface
sampling of medical devices and instruments is beyond the scope of this document and is deferred to
future guidelines on sterilization and disinfection issues.
Meaningful results depend on the selection of appropriate sampling and assay techniques.
The media,
reagents, and equipment required for surface sampling are available from any well-equipped
microbiology laboratory and laboratory supplier. For quantitative assessment of surface organisms, non-
selective, nutrient-rich agar media and broth (e.g., TSA and brain-heart infusion broth [BHI] with or
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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without 5% sheep or rabbit blood supplement) are used for the recovery of aerobic bacteria. Broth media
are used with membrane-filtration techniques. Further sample work-up may require the use of selective
media for the isolation and enumeration of specific groups of microorganisms. Examples of selective
media are MacConkey agar (MAC [selects for gram-negative bacteria]), Cetrimide agar (selects for
Pseudomonas aeruginosa), or Sabouraud dextrose- and malt extract agars and broths (select for fungi).
Qualitative determinations of organisms from surfaces require only the use of selective or non-selective
broth media.
Effective sampling of surfaces requires moisture, either already present on the surface to be sampled or
via moistened swabs, sponges, wipes, agar surfaces, or membrane filters.
1214, 1234–1236
Dilution fluids and
rinse fluids include various buffers or general purpose broth media (Table 24). If disinfectant residuals are
expected on surfaces being sampled, specific neutralizer chemicals should be used in both the growth
media and the dilution or rinse fluids. Lists of the neutralizers, the target disinfectant active ingredients,
and the use concentrations have been published.
1214, 1237
Alternatively, instead of adding neutralizing
chemicals to existing culture media (or if the chemical nature of the disinfectant residuals is unknown),
the use of either
a. commercially available media including a variety of specific and nonspecific neutralizers or
b. double-strength broth media will facilitate optimal recovery of microorganisms.
The inclusion of appropriate control specimens should be included to rule out both residual antimicrobial
activity from surface disinfectants and potential toxicity caused by the presence of neutralizer chemicals
carried over into the assay system.
Table 24. Examples of eluents and diluents for environmental-surface sampling* +
Concentration in water
1⁄4 strength
Peptone water 0.1%1.0%
Buffered peptone water
0.067 M phosphate, 0.43% NaCl, 0.1% peptone
Phosphate-buffered saline
0.02 M phosphate, 0.9% NaCl
Sodium chloride (NaCl)
Calgon Ringer (This solution is used for dissolution of
calcium alginate swabs.)
1⁄4 strength
Thiosulfate Ringer (This solution is used for
neutralization of residual chlorine.)
1⁄4 strength
Tryptic soy broth (TSB) n/a
Brain-heart infusion broth (BHI) supplemented with
0.5% beef extract
* Material in this table is compiled from references 1214 and 1238.
+ A surfactant (e.g., polysorbate [i.e., Tween® 80]) may be added to eluents and diluents. A concentration ranging
from 0.01%0.1% is generally used, depending on the specific application. Foaming may occur during use.
Several methods can be used for collecting environmental surface samples (Table 25). Specific step-
bystep discussions of each of the methods have been published.
1214, 1239
For best results, all methods
should incorporate aseptic techniques, sterile equipment, and sterile recovery media.
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Table 25. Methods of environmental-surface sampling
Suitable for
Procedural notes
Points of
qualitative or
Assay multiple
measures areas or
devices with
separate swabs
Report results
per measured
areas or if
assaying an
per the
entire sample
YES: food
NO: heath
Large areas and
surfaces (e.g.,
floors or walls)
qualitative or
Vigorously rub a
sterile sponge over
the surface
Report results
per measured
YES: food
NO: health
Large areas and
surfaces (e.g.,
qualitative or
Use a sterile wipe
Report results
per measured
YES: food
NO: health
Small items
capable of being
qualitative or
Use membrane
filtration if rinse
volume is large
and anticipated
concentration is
Report results
per item
Interior surfaces
of containers,
tubes, or bottles
qualitative or
Use membrane
filtration if rinse
volume is large
Evaluate both
types and
YES: food
to fill
Direct Agar
cleaned and
sanitized flat,
surfaces; not
suitable for
Direct assay Overgrowth
occurs if used on
surfaces; use
neutralizers in
agar if
residuals are
Provides direct,
results; use a
minimum of
plates per an
average hospital
1214, 1237,
1239, 1243,
Sample/rinse methods are frequently chosen because of their versatility. However, these sampling
methods are the most prone to errors caused by manipulation of the swab, gauze pad, or sponge.
Additionally, no microbiocidal or microbiostatic agents should be present in any of these items when used
for sampling.
Each of the rinse methods requires effective elution of microorganisms from the item
used to sample the surface. Thorough mixing of the rinse fluids after elution (e.g., via manual or
mechanical mixing using a vortex mixer, shaking with or without glass beads, and ultrasonic bath) will
help to remove and suspend material from the sampling device and break up clumps of organisms for a
more accurate count.
In some instances, the item used to sample the surface (e.g., gauze pad and
sponge) may be immersed in the rinse fluids in a sterile bag and subjected to stomaching.
technique, however, is suitable only for soft or absorbent items that will not puncture the bag during the
elution process.
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If sampling is conducted as part of an epidemiologic investigation of a disease outbreak, identification of
isolates to species level is mandatory, and characterization beyond the species level is preferred.
interpreting the results of the sampling, the expected degree of microbial contamination associated with
the various categories of surfaces in the Spaulding classification must be considered. Environmental
surfaces should be visibly clean; recognized pathogens in numbers sufficient to result in secondary
transfer to other animate or inanimate surfaces should be absent from the surface being sampled.
Although the interpretation of a sample with positive microbial growth is self-evident, an environmental
surface sample, especially that obtained from housekeeping surfaces, that shows no growth does not
represent a “sterile” surface. Sensitivities of the sampling and assay methods (i.e., level of detection) must
be taken into account when no-growth samples are encountered. Properly collected control samples will
help rule out extraneous contamination of the surface sample.
G. Laundry and Bedding
1. General Information
Laundry in a health-care facility may include bed sheets and blankets, towels, personal clothing, patient
apparel, uniforms, scrub suits, gowns, and drapes for surgical procedures.
Although contaminated
textiles and fabrics in health-care facilities can be a source of substantial numbers of pathogenic
microorganisms, reports of health-care associated diseases linked to contaminated fabrics are so few in
number that the overall risk of disease transmission during the laundry process likely is negligible. When
the incidence of such events are evaluated in the context of the volume of items laundered in health-care
settings (estimated to be 5 billion pounds annually in the United States),
existing control measures
(e.g., standard precautions) are effective in reducing the risk of disease transmission to patients and staff.
Therefore, use of current control measures should be continued to minimize the contribution of
contaminated laundry to the incidence of health-care associated infections. The control measures
described in this section of the guideline are based on principles of hygiene, common sense, and
consensus guidance; they pertain to laundry services utilized by health-care facilities, either inhouse or
contract, rather than to laundry done in the home.
2. Epidemiology and General Aspects of Infection Control
Contaminated textiles and fabrics often contain high numbers of microorganisms from body substances,
including blood, skin, stool, urine, vomitus, and other body tissues and fluids. When textiles are heavily
contaminated with potentially infective body substances, they can contain bacterial loads of 10
CFU/100 cm
of fabric.
Disease transmission attributed to health-care laundry has involved
contaminated fabrics that were handled inappropriately (i.e., the shaking of soiled linens). Bacteria
(Salmonella spp., Bacillus cereus), viruses (hepatitis B virus [HBV]), fungi (Microsporum canis), and
ectoparasites (scabies) presumably have been transmitted from contaminated textiles and fabrics to
workers via
a. direct contact or
b. aerosols of contaminated lint generated from sorting and handling contaminated textiles.
In these events, however, investigations could not rule out the possibility that some of these reported
infections were acquired from community sources. Through a combination of soil removal, pathogen
removal, and pathogen inactivation, contaminated laundry can be rendered hygienically clean.
Hygienically clean laundry carries negligible risk to health-care workers and patients, provided that the
clean textiles, fabric, and clothing are not inadvertently contaminated before use.
OSHA defines contaminated laundry as “laundry which has been soiled with blood or other potentially
infectious materials or may contain sharps.”
The purpose of the laundry portion of the standard is to
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protect the worker from exposure to potentially infectious materials during collection, handling, and
sorting of contaminated textiles through the use of personal protective equipment, proper work practices,
containment, labeling, hazard communication, and ergonomics.
Experts are divided regarding the practice of transporting clothes worn at the workplace to the healthcare
worker’s home for laundering. Although OSHA regulations prohibit home laundering of items that are
considered personal protective apparel or equipment (e.g., laboratory coats),
experts disagree about
whether this regulation extends to uniforms and scrub suits that are not contaminated with blood or other
potentially infectious material. Health-care facility policies on this matter vary and may be inconsistent
with recommendations of professional organizations.
1253, 1254
Uniforms without blood or body substance
contamination presumably do not differ appreciably from street clothes in the degree and microbial nature
of soilage. Home laundering would be expected to remove this level of soil adequately. However, if
health-care facilities require the use of uniforms, they should either make provisions to launder them or
provide information to the employee regarding infection control and cleaning guidelines for the item
based on the tasks being performed at the facility. Health-care facilities should address the need to
provide this service and should determine the frequency for laundering these items. In a recent study
examining the microbial contamination of medical students’ white coats, the students perceived the coats
as “clean” as long as the garments were not visibly contaminated with body substances, even after
wearing the coats for several weeks.
The heaviest bacterial load was found on the sleeves and the
pockets of these garments; the organisms most frequently isolated were Staphylococcus aureus,
diphtheroids, and Acinetobacter spp.
Presumably, the sleeves of the coat may make contact with a
patient and potentially serve to transfer environmentally stable microorganisms among patients. In this
study, however, surveillance was not conducted among patients to detect new infections or colonizations.
The students did, however, report that they would likely replace their coats more frequently and regularly
if clean coats were provided.
Apart from this study, which documents the presence of pathogenic
bacteria on health-care facility clothing, reports of infections attributed to either the contact with such
apparel or with home laundering have been rare.
1256, 1257
Laundry services for health-care facilities are provided either in-house (i.e., on-premise laundry [OPL]),
co-operatives (i.e., those entities owned and operated by a group of facilities), or by off-site commercial
laundries. In the latter, the textiles may be owned by the health-care facility, in which case the processor
is paid for laundering only. Alternatively, the textiles may be owned by the processor who is paid for
every piece laundered on a “rental” fee. The laundry facility in a health-care setting should be designed
for efficiency in providing hygienically clean textiles, fabrics, and apparel for patients and staff.
Guidelines for laundry construction and operation for health-care facilities, including nursing facilities,
have been published.
120, 1258
The design and engineering standards for existing facilities are those cited in
the AIA edition in effect during the time of the facility’s construction.
A laundry facility is usually
partitioned into two separate areas - a “dirty” area for receiving and handling the soiled laundry and a
“clean” area for processing the washed items.
To minimize the potential for recontaminating cleaned
laundry with aerosolized contaminated lint, areas receiving contaminated textiles should be at negative air
pressure relative to the clean areas.
Laundry areas should have handwashing facilities readily
available to workers. Laundry workers should wear appropriate personal protective equipment (e.g.,
gloves and protective garments) while sorting soiled fabrics and textiles.
Laundry equipment should be
used and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions to prevent microbial contamination of
the system.
1250, 1263
Damp textiles should not be left in machines overnight.
3. Collecting, Transporting, and Sorting Contaminated Textiles and Fabrics
The laundry process starts with the removal of used or contaminated textiles, fabrics, and/or clothing from
the areas where such contamination occurred, including but not limited to patients’ rooms,
surgical/operating areas, and laboratories. Handling contaminated laundry with a minimum of agitation
can help prevent the generation of potentially contaminated lint aerosols in patient-care areas.
967, 1259
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Sorting or rinsing contaminated laundry at the location where contamination occurred is prohibited by
Contaminated textiles and fabrics are placed into bags or other appropriate containment in this
location; these bags are then securely tied or otherwise closed to prevent leakage.
Single bags of
sufficient tensile strength are adequate for containing laundry, but leak-resistant containment is needed if
the laundry is wet and capable of soaking through a cloth bag.
Bags containing contaminated laundry
must be clearly identified with labels, color-coding, or other methods so that health-care workers handle
these items safely, regardless of whether the laundry is transported within the facility or destined for
transport to an off-site laundry service.
Typically, contaminated laundry originating in isolation areas of the hospital is segregated and handled
with special practices; however, few, if any, cases of health-care associated infection have been linked to
this source.
Single-blinded studies have demonstrated that laundry from isolation areas is no more
heavily contaminated with microorganisms than laundry from elsewhere in the hospital.
adherence to standard precautions when handling contaminated laundry in isolation areas and minimizing
agitation of the contaminated items are considered sufficient to prevent the dispersal of potentially
infectious aerosols.
Contaminated textiles and fabrics in bags can be transported by cart or chute.
1258, 1262
Laundry chutes
require proper design, maintenance, and use, because the piston-like action of a laundry bag traveling in
the chute can propel airborne microbial contaminants throughout the facility.
Laundry chutes
should be maintained under negative air pressure to prevent the spread of microorganisms from floor to
floor. Loose, contaminated pieces of laundry should not be tossed into chutes, and laundry bags should be
closed or otherwise secured to prevent the contents from falling out into the chute.
facilities should determine the point in the laundry process at which textiles and fabrics should be sorted.
Sorting after washing minimizes the exposure of laundry workers to infective material in soiled fabrics,
reduces airborne microbial contamination in the laundry area, and helps to prevent potential percutaneous
injuries to personnel.
Sorting laundry before washing protects both the machinery and fabrics from
hard objects (e.g., needles, syringes, and patients’ property) and reduces the potential for recontamination
of clean textiles.
Sorting laundry before washing also allows for customization of laundry formulas
based on the mix of products in the system and types of soils encountered. Additionally, if work flow
allows, increasing the amount of segregation by specific product types will usually yield the greatest
amount of work efficiency during inspection, folding, and pack-making operations.
Protective apparel
for the workers and appropriate ventilation can minimize these exposures.
967, 1258–1260
Gloves used for the
task of sorting laundry should be of sufficient thickness to minimize sharps injuries.
Employee safety
personnel and industrial hygienists can help to determine the appropriate glove choice.
4. Parameters of the Laundry Process
Fabrics, textiles, and clothing used in health-care settings are disinfected during laundering and generally
rendered free of vegetative pathogens (i.e., hygienically clean), but they are not sterile.
cycles consist of flush, main wash, bleaching, rinsing, and souring.
Cleaned wet textiles, fabrics, and
clothing are then dried, pressed as needed, and prepared (e.g., folded and packaged) for distribution back
to the facility. Clean linens provided by an off-site laundry must be packaged prior to transport to prevent
inadvertent contamination from dust and dirt during loading, delivery, and unloading. Functional
packaging of laundry can be achieved in several ways, including
a. placing clean linen in a hamper lined with a previously unused liner, which is then closed or covered
b. placing clean linen in a properly cleaned cart and covering the cart with disposable material or a
properly cleaned reusable textile material that can be secured to the cart; and
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c. wrapping individual bundles of clean textiles in plastic or other suitable material and sealing or
taping the bundles.
The antimicrobial action of the laundering process results from a combination of mechanical, thermal, and
chemical factors.
1271, 1275, 1276
Dilution and agitation in water remove substantial quantities of
microorganisms. Soaps and detergents function to suspend soils and also exhibit some microbiocidal
properties. Hot water provides an effective means of destroying microorganisms.
A temperature of at
least 160°F (71°C) for a minimum of 25 minutes is commonly recommended for hot-water washing.
Water of this temperature can be provided by steam jet or separate booster heater.
The use of chlorine
bleach assures an extra margin of safety.
1278, 1279
A total available chlorine residual of 50–150 ppm is
usually achieved during the bleach cycle.
Chlorine bleach becomes activated at water temperatures of
135°F–145°F (57.2°C–62.7°C). The last of the series of rinse cycles is the addition of a mild acid (i.e.,
sour) to neutralize any alkalinity in the water supply, soap, or detergent. The rapid shift in pH from
approximately 12 to 5 is an effective means to inactivate some microorganisms.
Effective removal of
residual alkali from fabrics is an important measure in reducing the risk for skin reactions among patients.
Chlorine bleach is an economical, broad-spectrum chemical germicide that enhances the effectiveness of
the laundering process. Chlorine bleach is not, however, an appropriate laundry additive for all fabrics.
Traditionally, bleach was not recommended for laundering flame-retardant fabrics, linens, and clothing
because its use diminished the flame-retardant properties of the treated fabric.
However, some modern-
day flame retardant fabrics can now tolerate chlorine bleach. Flame-retardant fabrics, whether topically
treated or inherently flame retardant, should be thoroughly rinsed during the rinse cycles, because
detergent residues are capable of supporting combustion. Chlorine alternatives (e.g., activated oxygen-
based laundry detergents) provide added benefits for fabric and color safety in addition to antimicrobial
activity. Studies comparing the antimicrobial potencies of chlorine bleach and oxygen-based bleach are
needed. Oxygen-based bleach and detergents used in health-care settings should be registered by EPA to
ensure adequate disinfection of laundry. Health-care workers should note the cleaning instructions of
textiles, fabrics, drapes, and clothing to identify special laundering requirements and appropriate hygienic
cleaning options.
Although hot-water washing is an effective laundry disinfection method, the cost can be substantial.
Laundries are typically the largest users of hot water in hospitals. They consume 50%–75% of the total
hot water,
representing an average of 10%–15% of the energy used by a hospital. Several studies have
demonstrated that lower water temperatures of 71°F–77°F (22°C–25°C) can reduce microbial
contamination when the cycling of the washer, the wash detergent, and the amount of laundry additive are
carefully monitored and controlled.
1247, 1281–1285
Low-temperature laundry cycles rely heavily on the
presence of chlorine- or oxygen-activated bleach to reduce the levels of microbial contamination. The
selection of hot- or cold-water laundry cycles may be dictated by state health-care facility licensing
standards or by other regulation. Regardless of whether hot or cold water is used for washing, the
temperatures reached in drying and especially during ironing provide additional significant microbiocidal
Dryer temperatures and cycle times are dictated by the materials in the fabrics. Man-made
fibers (i.e., polyester and polyester blends) require shorter times and lower temperatures.
After washing, cleaned and dried textiles, fabrics, and clothing are pressed, folded, and packaged for
transport, distribution, and storage by methods that ensure their cleanliness until use.
State regulations
and/or accrediting standards may dictate the procedures for this activity. Clean/sterile and contaminated
textiles should be transported from the laundry to the health-care facility in vehicles (e.g., trucks, vans,
and carts) that allow for separation of clean/sterile and contaminated items. Clean/sterile textiles and
contaminated textiles may be transported in the same vehicle, provided that the use of physical barriers
and/or space separation can be verified to be effective in protecting the clean/sterile items from
contamination. Clean, uncovered/unwrapped textiles stored in a clean location for short periods of time
(e.g., uncovered and used within a few hours) have not been demonstrated to contribute to increased
levels of health-care acquired infection. Such textiles can be stored in convenient places for use during the
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provision of care, provided that the textiles can be maintained dry and free from soil and body-substance
In the absence of microbiologic standards for laundered textiles, no rationale exists for routine
microbiologic sampling of cleaned health-care textiles and fabrics.
Sampling may be used as part of an
outbreak investigation if epidemiologic evidence suggests that textiles, fabrics, or clothing are a suspected
vehicle for disease transmission. Sampling techniques include aseptically macerating the fabric into
pieces and adding these to broth media or using contact plates (RODAC plates) for direct surface
1271, 1286
When evaluating the disinfecting properties of the laundering process specifically,
placing pieces of fabric between two membrane filters may help to minimize the contribution of the
physical removal of microorganisms.
Washing machines and dryers in residential-care settings are more likely to be consumer items rather than
the commercial, heavy-duty, large volume units typically found in hospitals and other institutional health-
care settings. Although all washing machines and dryers in health-care settings must be properly
maintained for performance according to the manufacturer’s instructions, questions have been raised
about the need to disinfect washers and dryers in residential-care settings. Disinfection of the tubs and
tumblers of these machines is unnecessary when proper laundry procedures are followed; these
procedures involve
a. the physical removal of bulk solids (e.g., feces) before the wash/dry cycle and
b. proper use of temperature, detergent, and laundry additives.
Infection has not been linked to laundry procedures in residential-care facilities, even when consumer
versions of detergents and laundry additives are used.
5. Special Laundry Situations
Some textile items (e.g., surgical drapes and reusable gowns) must be sterilized before use and therefore
require steam autoclaving after laundering.
Although the American Academy of Pediatrics in previous
guidelines recommended autoclaving for linens in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), studies on the
microbial quality of routinely cleaned NICU linen have not identified any increased risk for infection
among the neonates receiving care.
Consequently, hygienically clean linens are suitable for use in this
The use of sterile linens in burn therapy units remains unresolved.
Coated or laminated fabrics are often used in the manufacture of PPE. When these items become
contaminated with blood or other body substances, the manufacturer’s instructions for decontamination
and cleaning take into account the compatibility of the rubber backing with the chemical germicides or
detergents used in the process. The directions for decontaminating these items should be followed as
indicated; the item should be discarded when the backing develops surface cracks.
Dry cleaning, a cleaning process that utilizes organic solvents (e.g., perchloroethylene) for soil removal,
is an alternative means of cleaning fabrics that might be damaged in conventional laundering and
detergent washing. Several studies, however, have shown that dry cleaning alone is relatively ineffective
in reducing the numbers of bacteria and viruses on contaminated linens;
1289, 1290
microbial populations are
significantly reduced only when dry-cleaned articles are heat pressed. Dry cleaning should therefore not
be considered a routine option for health-care facility laundry and should be reserved for those
circumstances in which fabrics can not be safely cleaned with water and detergent.
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6. Surgical Gowns, Drapes, and Disposable Fabrics
An issue of recent concern involves the use of disposable (i.e., single use) versus reusable (i.e., multiple
use) surgical attire and fabrics in health-care settings.
Regardless of the material used to manufacture
gowns and drapes, these items must be resistant to liquid and microbial penetration.
7, 1293– 1297
gowns and drapes must be registered with FDA to demonstrate their safety and effectiveness. Repellency
and pore size of the fabric contribute to gown performance, but performance capability can be influenced
by the item’s design and construction.
1298, 1299
Reinforced gowns (i.e., gowns with double-layered fabric)
generally are more resistant to liquid strike-through.
1300, 1301
Reinforced gowns may, however, be less
comfortable. Guidelines for selection and use of barrier materials for surgical gowns and drapes have
been published.
When selecting a barrier product, repellency level and type of barrier should be
compatible for the exposure expected.
However, data are limited regarding the association between
gown or drape characteristics and risk for surgical site infections.
7, 1303
Health-care facilities must ensure
optimal protection of patients and health-care workers. Not all fabric items in health care lend themselves
to single-use. Facilities exploring options for gowns and drapes should consider the expense of disposable
items and the impact on the facility’s waste-management costs once these items are discarded. Costs
associated with the use of durable goods involve the fabric or textile items; staff expenses to collect, sort,
clean, and package the laundry; and energy costs to operate the laundry if on-site or the costs to contract
with an outside service.
1304, 1305
7. Antimicrobial-Impregnated Articles and Consumer Items Bearing Antimicrobial
Manufacturers are increasingly incorporating antibacterial or antimicrobial chemicals into consumer and
health-care items. Some consumer products bearing labels that indicate treatment with antimicrobial
chemicals have included pens, cutting boards, toys, household cleaners, hand lotions, cat litter, soaps,
cotton swabs, toothbrushes, and cosmetics. The “antibacterial” label on household cleaning products, in
particular, gives consumers the impression that the products perform “better” than comparable products
without this labeling, when in fact all household cleaners have antibacterial properties.
In the health-care setting, treated items may include children’s pajamas, mattresses, and bed linens with
label claims of antimicrobial properties. These claims require careful evaluation to determine whether
they pertain to the use of antimicrobial chemicals as preservatives for the fabric or other components or
whether they imply a health claim.
1306, 1307
No evidence is available to suggest that use of these products
will make consumers and patients healthier or prevent disease. No data support the use of these items as
part of a sound infection-control strategy, and therefore, the additional expense of replacing a facility’s
bedding and sheets with these treated products is unwarranted.
EPA has reaffirmed its position that manufacturers who make public health claims for articles containing
antimicrobial chemicals must provide evidence to support those claims as part of the registration
Current EPA regulations outlined in the Treated Articles Exemption of the Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) require manufacturers to register both the
antimicrobial chemical used in or on the product and the finished product itself if a public health claim is
maintained for the item. The exemption applies to the use of antimicrobial chemicals for the purpose of
preserving the integrity of the product’s raw material(s). The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is
evaluating manufacturer advertising of products with antimicrobial claims.
8. Standard Mattresses, Pillows, and Air-Fluidized Beds
Standard mattresses and pillows can become contaminated with body substances during patient care if the
integrity of the covers of these items is compromised. The practice of sticking needles into the mattress
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should be avoided. A mattress cover is generally a fitted, protective material, the purpose of which is to
prevent the mattress from becoming contaminated with body fluids and substances. A linen sheet placed
on the mattress is not considered a mattress cover. Patches for tears and holes in mattress covers do not
provide an impermeable surface over the mattress. Mattress covers should be replaced when torn; the
mattress should be replaced if it is visibly stained. Wet mattresses, in particular, can be a substantial
environmental source of microorganisms. Infections and colonizations caused by Acinetobacter spp.,
MRSA, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa have been described, especially among burn patients.
these reports, the removal of wet mattresses was an effective infection-control measure. Efforts were
made to ensure that pads and covers were cleaned and disinfected between patients using disinfectant
products compatible with mattress-cover materials to ensure that these covers remained impermeable to
Pillows and their covers should be easily cleanable, preferably in a hot water laundry
These should be laundered between patients or if contaminated with body substances.
Air-fluidized beds are used for the care of patients immobilized for extended periods of time because of
therapy or injury (e.g., pain, decubitus ulcers, and burns).
These specialized beds consist of a base unit
filled with microsphere beads fluidized by warm, dry air flowing upward from a diffuser located at the
bottom of the unit. A porous, polyester filter sheet separates the patient from direct contact with the beads
but allows body fluids to pass through to the beads. Moist beads aggregate into clumps which settle to the
bottom where they are removed as part of routine bed maintenance.
Because the beads become contaminated with the patient’s body substances, concerns have been raised
about the potential for these beds to serve as an environmental source of pathogens. Certain pathogens (e.g.,
Enterococcus spp., Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus fecalis) have been
recovered either from the microsphere beads or the polyester sheet after cleaning.
1317, 1318
Reports of cross-
contamination of patients, however, are few.
Nevertheless, routine maintenance and between-patient
decontamination procedures can minimize potential risks to patients. Regular removal of bead clumps,
coupled with the warm, dry air of the bed, can help to minimize bacterial growth in the unit.
Beads are decontaminated between patients by high heat (113°F–194°F [45°C–90°C], depending on the
manufacturer’s specifications) for at least 1 hour; this procedure is particularly important for the
inactivation of Enterococcus spp. which are relatively resistant to heat.
1322, 1323
The polyester filter sheet
requires regular changing and thorough cleaning and disinfection, especially between patients.
1317, 1318, 1322,
Microbial contamination of the air space in the immediate vicinity of a properly maintained air-fluidized
bed is similar to that found in air around conventional bedding, despite the air flow out of the base unit
and around the patient.
1320, 1324, 1325
An operational air-fluidized bed can, however, interfere with proper
pressure differentials, especially in negative-pressure rooms;
the effect varies with the location of the
bed relative to the room’s configuration and supply and exhaust vent locations. Use of an air-fluidized
bed in a negative-pressure room requires consultation with a facility engineer to determine appropriate
placement of the bed.
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H. Animals in Health-Care Facilities
1. General Information
Animals in health-care facilities traditionally have been limited to laboratories and research areas. However, their
presence in patient-care areas is now more frequent, both in acute-care and long-term care settings, prompting
consideration for the potential transmission of zoonotic pathogens from animals to humans in these settings.
Although dogs and cats may be commonly encountered in health-care settings, other animals (e.g., fish, birds,
non-human primates, rabbits, rodents, and reptiles) also can be present as research, resident, or service animals.
These animals can serve as sources of zoonotic pathogens that could potentially infect patients and health-care
workers (Table 26).
Animals potentially can serve as reservoirs for antibiotic-resistant microorganisms,
which can be introduced to the health-care setting while the animal is present. VRE have been isolated from both
farm animals and pets,
and a cat in a geriatric care center was found to be colonized with MRSA.
Table 26. Examples of diseases associated with zoonotic transmission* (This table does not include
vectorborne diseases.)
Table 26A. Virus
Infectious disease
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
Table 26B. Bacteria
Infectious disease
Capnocytophaga canimorsus
Cat scratch disease (Bartonella
Q fever (Coxiella burnetti)
Rat bite fever (Spirrillum minus,
Streptobacillus monliformis)
Table 26C. Parasites
Infectious disease
Table 26D. Fungi
Infectious disease
* Material in this table is adapted from reference 1331 and used with permission of the publisher (Lippincott
Williams and Wilkins).
§ Reptiles include lizards, snakes, and turtles. Rodents include hamsters, mice, and rats.
+ Indicates that the pathogen associated with the infection has been isolated from animals and is considered to
pose potential risk to humans.
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Zoonoses can be transmitted from animals to humans either directly or indirectly via bites, scratches,
aerosols, ectoparasites, accidental ingestion, or contact with contaminated soil, food, water, or
unpasteurized milk.
1331, 1332, 1343–1345
Colonization and hand transferral of pathogens acquired from pets in
health-care workers’ homes represent potential sources and modes of transmission of zoonotic pathogens
in health-care settings. An outbreak of infections caused by a yeast (Malassezia pachydermatis) among
newborns was traced to transfer of the yeast from the hands of health-care workers with pet dogs at
In addition, an outbreak of ringworm in a NICU caused by Microsporum canis was associated
with a nurse and her cat,
and an outbreak of Rhodococcus (Gordona) bronchialis sternal SSIs after
coronary-artery bypass surgery was traced to a colonized nurse whose dogs were culture-positive for the
In the latter outbreak, whether the dogs were the sole source of the organism and whether
other environmental reservoirs contributed to the outbreak are unknown. Nonetheless, limited data
indicate that outbreaks of infectious disease have occurred as a result of contact with animals in areas
housing immunocompetent patients. However, the low frequency of outbreaks may result from
a. the relatively limited presence of the animals in health-care facilities and
b. the immunocompetency of the patients involved in the encounters.
Formal scientific studies to evaluate potential risks of transmission of zoonoses in health-care settings
outside of the laboratory are lacking.
2. Animal-Assisted Activities, Animal-Assisted Therapy, and Resident Animals
Animal-Assisted Activities (AAA) are those programs that enhance the patients’ quality of life. These
programs allow patients to visit animals in either a common, central location in the facility or in
individual patient rooms. A group session with the animals enhances opportunities for ambulatory
patients and facility residents to interact with caregivers, family members, and volunteers.
Alternatively, allowing the animals access to individual rooms provides the same opportunity to non-
ambulatory patients and patients for whom privacy or dignity issues are a consideration. The decision to
allow this access to patients’ rooms should be made on a case-by-case basis, with the consultation and
consent of the attending physician and nursing staff.
Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) is a goal-directed intervention that incorporates an animal into the
treatment process provided by a credentialed therapist.
1330, 1331
The concept for AAT arose from the
observation that some patients with pets at home recover from surgical and medical procedures more
rapidly than patients without pets.
1352, 1353
Contact with animals is considered beneficial for enhancing
wellness in certain patient populations (e.g., children, the elderly, and extended-care hospitalized
1349, 1354–1357
However, evidence supporting this benefit is largely derived from anecdotal reports
and observations of patient/animal interactions.
Guidelines for establishing AAT programs are
available for facilities considering this option.
The incorporation of non-human primates into an AAA or AAT program is not encouraged because of
concerns regarding potential disease transmission from and unpredictable behavior of these animals.
Animals participating in either AAA or AAT sessions should be in good health and up-to-date with
recommended immunizations and prophylactic medications (e.g., heartworm prevention) as determined
by a licensed veterinarian based on local needs and recommendations. Regular re-evaluation of the
animal’s health and behavior status is essential.
Animals should be routinely screened for enteric
parasites and/or have evidence of a recently completed antihelminthic regimen.
They should also be
free of ectoparasites (e.g., fleas and ticks) and should have no sutures, open wounds, or obvious
dermatologic lesions that could be associated with bacterial, fungal, or viral infections or parasitic
infestations. Incorporating young animals (i.e., those aged <1 year) into these programs is not encouraged
because of issues regarding unpredictable behavior and elimination control. Additionally, health of these
animals at risk. Animals should be clean and well-groomed. The visits must be supervised by persons
who know the animals and their behavior. Animal handlers should be trained in these activities and
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receive site-specific orientation to ensure that they work efficiently with the staff in the specific health-
care environment.
Additionally, animal handlers should be in good health.
The most important infection-control measure to prevent potential disease transmission is strict
enforcement of hand-hygiene measures (e.g., using either soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub)
for all patients, staff, and residents after handling the animals.
1355, 1364
Care should also be taken to avoid
direct contact with animal urine or feces. Clean-up of these substances from environmental surfaces
requires gloves and the use of leak-resistant plastic bags to discard absorbent material used in the
The area must be cleaned after visits according to standard cleaning procedures.
The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology estimates that dog or cat allergies occur in
approximately 15% of the population.
Minimizing contact with animal saliva, dander, and/or urine
helps to mitigate allergic responses.
Some facilities may not allow animal visitation for patients
a. underlying asthma,
b. known allergies to cat or dog hair,
c. respiratory allergies of unknown etiology, and
d. immunosuppressive disorders.
Hair shedding can be minimized by processes that remove dead hair (e.g., grooming) and that prevent the
shedding of dead hair (e.g., therapy capes for dogs). Allergens can be minimized by bathing therapy
animals within 24 hours of a visit.
1333, 1368
Animal therapists and handlers must take precautions to prevent animal bites. Common pathogens
associated with animal bites include Capnocytophaga canimorsus, Pasteurella spp., Staphylococcus spp.,
and Streptococcus spp. Selecting well-behaved and well-trained animals for these programs greatly
decreases the incidence of bites. Rodents, exotic species, wild/domestic animals (i.e., wolf-dog hybrids),
and wild animals whose behavior is unpredictable should be excluded from AAA or AAT programs. A
well-trained animal handler should be able to recognize stress in the animal and to determine when to
terminate a session to minimize risk. When an animal bites a person during AAA or AAT, the animal is to
be permanently removed from the program. If a bite does occur, the wound must be cleansed immediately
and monitored for subsequent infection. Most infections can be treated with antibiotics, and antibiotics
often are prescribed prophylactically in these situations.
The health-care facility’s infection-control staff should participate actively in planning for and
coordinating AAA and AAT sessions. Many facilities do not offer AAA or AAT programs for severely
immunocompromised patients (e.g., HSCT patients and patients on corticosteroid therapy).
question of whether family pets or companion animals can visit terminally-ill HSCT patients or other
severely immunosuppressed patients is best handled on a case-by-case basis, although animals should not
be brought into the HSCT unit or any other unit housing severely immunosuppressed patients. An in-
depth discussion of this issue is presented elsewhere.
Immunocompromised patients who have been discharged from a health-care facility may be at higher risk
for acquiring some pet-related zoonoses. Although guidelines have been developed to minimize the risk
of disease transmission to HIV-infected patients,
these recommendations may be applicable for patients
with other immunosuppressive disorders. In addition to handwashing or hand hygiene, these
recommendations include avoiding contact with
a. animal feces and soiled litter box materials,
b. animals with diarrhea,
c. very young animals (i.e., dogs <6 months of age and cats <1 year of age), and
d. exotic animals and reptiles.
Pets or companion animals with diarrhea should receive veterinary care to resolve their condition.
Many health-care facilities are adopting more home-like environments for residential-care or extended-
stay patients in acute-care settings, and resident animals are one element of this approach.
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concept, the “Eden Alternative,” incorporates children, plants, and animals (e.g., dogs, cats, fish, birds,
rabbits, and rodents) into the daily care setting.
1370, 1371
The concept of working with resident animals has
not been scientifically evaluated. Several issues beyond the benefits of therapy must be considered before
embarking on such a program, including
a. whether the animals will come into direct contact with patients and/or be allowed to roam freely in
the facility
b. how the staff will provide care for the animals;
c. the management of patients’ or residents’ allergies, asthma, and phobias;
d. precautionary measures to prevent bites and scratches; and
e. measures to properly manage the disposal of animal feces and urine, thereby preventing
environmental contamination by zoonotic microorganisms (e.g., Toxoplasma spp., Toxocara spp., and
Ancylostoma spp.).
1372, 1373
Few data document a link between health-care acquired infection rates and frequency of cleaning fish
tanks or rodent cages. Skin infections caused by Mycobacterium marinum have been described among
persons who have fish aquariums at home.
1374, 1375
Nevertheless, immunocompromised patients should
avoid direct contact with fish tanks and cages and the aerosols that these items produce. Further, fish
tanks should be kept clean on a regular basis as determined by facility policy, and this task should be
performed by gloved staff members who are not responsible for patient care. The use of the infection-
control risk assessment can help determine whether a fish tank poses a risk for patient or resident safety
and health in these situations. No evidence, however, links the incidence of health-care acquired
infections among immunocompetent patients or residents with the presence of a properly cleaned and
maintained fish tank, even in dining areas. As a general preventive measure, resident animal programs are
advised to restrict animals from
a. food preparation kitchens,
b. laundries,
c. central sterile supply and any storage areas for clean supplies, and
d. medication preparation areas.
Resident-animal programs in acute-care facilities should not allow the animals into the isolation areas,
protective environments, ORs, or any area where immunocompromised patients are housed. Patients and
staff routinely should wash their hands or use waterless, alcohol-based hand-hygiene products after
contact with animals.
3. Service Animals
Although this section provides an overview about service animals in health-care settings, it cannot
address every situation or question that may arise (see Appendix E - Information Resources). A service
animal is any animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a
1366, 1376
A service animal is not considered a pet but rather an animal trained to provide
assistance to a person because of a disability. Title III of the “Americans with Disabilities Act” (ADA) of
1990 mandates that persons with disabilities accompanied by service animals be allowed access with their
service animals into places of public accommodation, including restaurants, public transportation,
schools, and health-care facilities.
1366, 1376
In health-care facilities, a person with a disability requiring a
service animal may be an employee, a visitor, or a patient.
An overview of the subject of service animals and their presence in health-care facilities has been
No evidence suggests that animals pose a more significant risk of transmitting infection
than people; therefore, service animals should not be excluded from such areas, unless an individual
patient’s situation or a particular animal poses greater risk that cannot be mitigated through reasonable
measures. If health-care personnel, visitors, and patients are permitted to enter care areas (e.g., inpatient
rooms, some ICUs, and public areas) without taking additional precautions to prevent transmission of
infectious agents (e.g., donning gloves, gowns, or masks), a clean, healthy, well-behaved service animal
should be allowed access with its handler.
Similarly, if immunocompromised patients are able to
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receive visitors without using protective garments or equipment, an exclusion of service animals from this
area would not be justified.
Because health-care facilities are covered by the ADA or the Rehabilitation Act, a person with a disability
may be accompanied by a service animal within the facility unless the animal’s presence or behavior
creates a fundamental alteration in the nature of a facility’s services in a particular area or a direct threat
to other persons in a particular area.
A “direct threat” is defined as a significant risk to the health or
safety of others that cannot be mitigated or eliminated by modifying policies, practices, or procedures.
The determination that a service animal poses a direct threat in any particular healthcare setting must be
based on an individualized assessment of the service animal, the patient, and the health-care situation.
When evaluating risk in such situations, health-care personnel should consider the nature of the risk
(including duration and severity); the probability that injury will occur; and whether reasonable
modifications of policies, practices, or procedures will mitigate the risk (J. Wodatch, U.S. Department of
Justice, 2000). The person with a disability should contribute to the risk-assessment process as part of a
pre-procedure health-care provider/patient conference.
Excluding a service animal from an OR or similar special care areas (e.g., burn units, some ICUs, PE
units, and any other area containing equipment critical for life support) is appropriate if these areas are
considered to have “restricted access” with regards to the general public. General infection-control
measures that dictate such limited access include
a. the area is required to meet environmental criteria to minimize the risk of disease transmission,
b. strict attention to hand hygiene and absence of dermatologic conditions, and
c. barrier protective measures [e.g., using gloves, wearing gowns and masks] are indicated for persons
in the affected space.
No infection-control measures regarding the use of barrier precautions could be reasonably imposed on
the service animal. Excluding a service animal that becomes threatening because of a perceived danger to
its handler during treatment also is appropriate; however, exclusion of such an animal must be based on
the actual behavior of the particular animal, not on speculation about how the animal might behave.
Another issue regarding service animals is whether to permit persons with disabilities to be accompanied
by their service animals during all phases of their stay in the health-care facility. Healthcare personnel
should discuss all aspects of anticipatory care with the patient who uses a service animal. Health-care
personnel may not exclude a service animal because health-care staff may be able to perform the same
services that the service animal does (e.g., retrieving dropped items and guiding an otherwise ambulatory
person to the restroom). Similarly, health-care personnel can not exclude service animals because the
health-care staff perceive a lack of need for the service animal during the person’s stay in the health-care
facility. A person with a disability is entitled to independent access (i.e., to be accompanied by a service
animal unless the animal poses a direct threat or a fundamental alteration in the nature of services);
“need” for the animal is not a valid factor in either analysis. For some forms of care (e.g., ambulation as
physical therapy following total hip replacement or knee replacement), the service animal should not be
used in place of a credentialed health-care worker who directly provides therapy. However, service
animals need not be restricted from being in the presence of its handler during this time; in addition,
rehabilitation and discharge planning should incorporate the patient’s future use of the animal. The
health-care personnel and the patient with a disability should discuss both the possible need for the
service animal to be separated from its handler for a period of time during non-emergency care and an
alternate plan of care for the service animal in the event the patient is unable or unwilling to provide that
care. This plan might include family members taking the animal out of the facility several times a day for
exercise and elimination, the animal staying with relatives, or boarding off-site. Care of the service
animal, however, remains the obligation of the person with the disability, not the health-care staff.
Although animals potentially carry zoonotic pathogens transmissible to man, the risk is minimal with a
healthy, clean, vaccinated, well-behaved, and well-trained service animal, the most common of which are
dogs and cats. No reports have been published regarding infectious disease that affects humans
originating in service dogs. Standard cleaning procedures are sufficient following occupation of an area
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by a service animal.
Clean-up of spills of animal urine, feces, or other body substances can be
accomplished with blood/body substance procedures outlined in the Environmental Services section of
this guideline. No special bathing procedures are required prior to a service animal accompanying its
handler into a health-care facility.
Providing access to exotic animals (e.g., reptiles and non-human primates) that are used as service
animals is problematic. Concerns about these animals are discussed in two published reviews.
1331, 1366
Because some of these animals exhibit high-risk behaviors that may increase the potential for zoonotic
disease transmission (e.g., herpes B infection), providing health-care facility access to nonhuman primates
used as service animals is discouraged, especially if these animals might come into contact with the
general public.
1361, 1362
Health-care administrators should consult the Americans with Disabilities Act for
guidance when developing policies about service animals in their facilities.
1366, 1376
Requiring documentation for access of a service animal to an area generally accessible to the public
would impose a burden on a person with a disability. When health-care workers are not certain that an
animal is a service animal, they may ask the person who has the animal if it is a service animal required
because of a disability; however, no certification or other documentation of service animal status can be
4. Animals as Patients in Human Health-Care Facilities
The potential for direct and indirect transmission of zoonoses must be considered when rooms and
equipment in human health-care facilities are used for the medical or surgical treatment or diagnosis of
Inquiries should be made to veterinary medical professionals to determine an appropriate
facility and equipment to care for an animal.
The central issue associated with providing medical or surgical care to animals in human health-care
facilities is whether cross-contamination occurs between the animal patient and the human health-care
workers and/or human patients. The fundamental principles of infection control and aseptic practice
should differ only minimally, if at all, between veterinary medicine and human medicine. Health-care
associated infections can and have occurred in both patients and workers in veterinary medical facilities
when lapses in infection-control procedures are evident.
Further, veterinary patients can be at risk
for acquiring infection from veterinary health-care workers if proper precautions are not taken.
The issue of providing care to veterinary patients in human health-care facilities can be divided into the
following three areas of infection-control concerns:
a. whether the room/area used for animal care can be made safe for human patients,
b. whether the medical/surgical instruments used on animals can be subsequently used on human
patients, and
c. which disinfecting or sterilizing procedures need to be done for these purposes.
Studies addressing these concerns are lacking. However, with respect to disinfection or sterilization in
veterinary settings, only minimal evidence suggests that zoonotic microbial pathogens are unusually
resistant to inactivation by chemical or physical agents (with the exception of prions). Ample evidence
supports the contrary observation (i.e., that pathogens from human- and animal sources are similar in their
relative instrinsic resistance to inactivation).
Further, no evidence suggests that zoonotic pathogens
behave differently from human pathogens with respect to ventilation. Despite this knowledge, an aesthetic
and sociologic perception that animal care must remain separate from human care persists. Health-care
facilities, however, are increasingly faced with requests from the veterinary medical community for
access to human health-care facilities for reasons that are largely economical (e.g., costs of acquiring
sophisticated diagnostic technology and complex medical instruments). If hospital guidelines allow
treatment of animals, alternate veterinary resources (including veterinary hospitals, clinics, and
universities) should be exhausted before using human health-care settings. Additionally, the hospital’s
public/media relations should be notified of the situation. The goal is to develop policies and procedures
to proactively and positively discuss and disclose this activity to the general public.
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An infection-control risk assessment (ICRA) must be undertaken to evaluate the circumstances specific to
providing care to animals in a human health-care facility. Individual hospital policies and guidelines
should be reviewed before any animal treatment is considered in such facilities. Animals treated in human
health-care facilities should be under the direct care and supervision of a licensed veterinarian; they also
should be free of known infectious diseases, ectoparasites, and other external contaminants (e.g., soil,
urine, and feces). Measures should be taken to avoid treating animals with a known or suspected zoonotic
disease in a human health-care setting (e.g., lambs being treated for Q fever).
If human health-care facilities must be used for animal treatment or diagnostics, the following general
infection-control actions are suggested:
a. whenever possible, the use of ORs or other rooms used for invasive procedures should be avoided
[e.g., cardiac catheterization labs and invasive nuclear medicine areas]
b. when all other space options are exhausted and use of the aforementioned rooms is unavoidable, the
procedure should be scheduled late in the day as the last procedure for that particular area such that
patients are not present in the department/unit/area;
c. environmental surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using procedures discussed in
the Environmental Services portion of this guideline after the animal is removed from the care area;
d. sufficient time should be allowed for ACH to help prevent allergic reactions by human patients [Table
B.1. in Appendix B];
e. only disposable equipment or equipment that can be thoroughly and easily cleaned, disinfected, or
sterilized should be used;
f. when medical or surgical instruments, especially those invasive instruments that are difficult to clean
[e.g., endoscopes], are used on animals, these instruments should be reserved for future use only on
animals; and g) standard precautions should be followed.
5. Research Animals in Health-Care Facilities
The risk of acquiring a zoonotic infection from research animals has decreased in recent years because
many small laboratory animals (e.g., mice, rats, and rabbits) come from quality stock and have defined
microbiologic profiles.
Larger animals (e.g., nonhuman primates) are still obtained frequently from the
wild and may harbor pathogens transmissible to humans. Primates, in particular, benefit from
vaccinations to protect their health during the research period provided the vaccination does not interfere
with the study of the particular agent. Animals serving as models for human disease studies pose some
risk for transmission of infection to laboratory or health-care workers from percutaneous or mucosal
exposure. Exposures can occur either through
a. direct contact with an infected animal or its body substances and secretions or
b. indirect contact with infectious material on equipment, instruments, surfaces, or supplies.
Uncontained aerosols generated during laboratory procedures can also transmit infection.
Infection-control measures to prevent transmission of zoonotic infections from research animals are
largely derived from the following basic laboratory safety principles:
a. purchasing pathogen-free animals,
b. quarantining incoming animals to detect any zoonotic pathogens,
c. treating infected animals or removing them from the facility,
d. vaccinating animal carriers and high-risk contacts if possible,
e. using specialized containment caging or facilities, and
f. using protective clothing and equipment [e.g., gloves, face shields, gowns, and masks].
An excellent resource for detailed discussion of these safety measures has been published.
The animal research unit within a health-care facility should be engineered to provide
a. adequate containment of animals and pathogens;
b. daily decontamination and transport of equipment and waste;
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c. proper ventilation and air filtration, which prevents recirculation of the air in the unit to other areas of
the facility; and
d. negative air pressure in the animal rooms relative to the corridors.
To ensure adequate security and containment, no through traffic to other areas of the health-care facility
should flow through this unit; access should be restricted to animal-care staff, researchers, environmental
services, maintenance, and security personnel.
Occupational health programs for animal-care staff, researchers, and maintenance staff should take into
consideration the animals’ natural pathogens and research pathogens. Components of such programs
a. prophylactic vaccines,
b. TB skin testing when primates are used,
c. baseline serums, and
d. hearing and respiratory testing.
Work practices, PPE, and engineering controls specific for each of the four animal biosafety levels have
been published.
1013, 1393
The facility’s occupational or employee health clinic should be aware of the
appropriate post-exposure procedures involving zoonoses and have available the appropriate post-
exposure biologicals and medications.
Animal-research-area staff should also develop standard operating procedures for
a. daily animal husbandry [e.g., protection of the employee while facilitating animal welfare]
b. pathogen containment and decontamination;
c. management, cleaning, disinfecting and/or sterilizing equipment and instruments; and
d. employee training for laboratory safety and safety procedures specific to animal research
The federal Animal Welfare Act of 1966 and its amendments serve as the regulatory basis for ensuring
animal welfare in research.
1394, 1395
I. Regulated Medical Waste
1. Epidemiology
No epidemiologic evidence suggests that most of the solid- or liquid wastes from hospitals, other
healthcare facilities, or clinical/research laboratories is any more infective than residential waste. Several
studies have compared the microbial load and the diversity of microorganisms in residential wastes and
wastes obtained from a variety of health-care settings.
Although hospital wastes had a greater
number of different bacterial species compared with residential waste, wastes from residences were more
heavily contaminated.
1397, 1398
Moreover, no epidemiologic evidence suggests that traditional waste-
disposal practices of health-care facilities (whereby clinical and microbiological wastes were
decontaminated on site before leaving the facility) have caused disease in either the health-care setting or
the general community.
1400, 1401
This statement excludes, however, sharps injuries sustained during or
immediately after the delivery of patient care before the sharp is “discarded.” Therefore, identifying
wastes for which handling and disposal precautions are indicated is largely a matter of judgment about the
relative risk of disease transmission, because no reasonable standards on which to base these
determinations have been developed. Aesthetic and emotional considerations (originating during the early
years of the HIV epidemic) have, however, figured into the development of treatment and disposal
policies, particularly for pathology and anatomy wastes and sharps.
Public concerns have resulted
in the promulgation of federal, state, and local rules and regulations regarding medical waste management
and disposal.
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2. Categories of Medical Waste
Precisely defining medical waste on the basis of quantity and type of etiologic agents present is virtually
impossible. The most practical approach to medical waste management is to identify wastes that represent
a sufficient potential risk of causing infection during handling and disposal and for which some
precautions likely are prudent.
Health-care facility medical wastes targeted for handling and disposal
precautions include microbiology laboratory waste (e.g., microbiologic cultures and stocks of
microorganisms), pathology and anatomy waste, blood specimens from clinics and laboratories, blood
products, and other body-fluid specimens.
Moreover, the risk of either injury or infection from certain
sharp items (e.g., needles and scalpel blades) contaminated with blood also must be considered. Although
any item that has had contact with blood, exudates, or secretions may be potentially infective, treating all
such waste as infective is neither practical nor necessary. Federal, state, and local guidelines and
regulations specify the categories of medical waste that are subject to regulation and outline the
requirements associated with treatment and disposal. The categorization of these wastes has generated the
term “regulated medical waste.” This term emphasizes the role of regulation in defining the actual
material and as an alternative to “infectious waste,” given the lack of evidence of this type of waste’s
infectivity. State regulations also address the degree or amount of contamination (e.g., blood-soaked
gauze) that defines the discarded item as a regulated medical waste. The EPA’s Manual for Infectious
Waste Management identifies and categorizes other specific types of waste generated in health-care
facilities with research laboratories that also require handling precautions.
3. Management of Regulated Medical Waste in Health-Care Facilities
Medical wastes require careful disposal and containment before collection and consolidation for
treatment. OSHA has dictated initial measures for discarding regulated medical-waste items. These
measures are designed to protect the workers who generate medical wastes and who manage the wastes
from point of generation to disposal.
A single, leak-resistant biohazard bag is usually adequate for
containment of regulated medical wastes, provided the bag is sturdy and the waste can be discarded
without contaminating the bag’s exterior. The contamination or puncturing of the bag requires placement
into a second biohazard bag. All bags should be securely closed for disposal. Puncture-resistant containers
located at the point of use (e.g., sharps containers) are used as containment for discarded slides or tubes
with small amounts of blood, scalpel blades, needles and syringes, and unused sterile sharps.
prevent needlestick injuries, needles and other contaminated sharps should not be recapped, purposefully
bent, or broken by hand. CDC has published general guidelines for handling sharps.
6, 1415
facilities may need additional precautions to prevent the production of aerosols during the handling of
blood-contaminated items for certain rare diseases or conditions (e.g., Lassa fever and Ebola virus
Transporting and storing regulated medical wastes within the health-care facility prior to terminal
treatment is often necessary. Both federal and state regulations address the safe transport and storage of
on- and off-site regulated medical wastes.
Health-care facilities are instructed to dispose medical
wastes regularly to avoid accumulation. Medical wastes requiring storage should be kept in labeled, leak-
proof, puncture-resistant containers under conditions that minimize or prevent foul odors. The storage
area should be well ventilated and be inaccessible to pests. Any facility that generates regulated medical
wastes should have a regulated medical waste management plan to ensure health and environmental
safety as per federal, state, and local regulations.
4. Treatment of Regulated Medical Waste
Regulated medical wastes are treated or decontaminated to reduce the microbial load in or on the waste
and to render the by-products safe for further handling and disposal. From a microbiologic standpoint,
waste need not be rendered “sterile” because the treated waste will not be deposited in a sterile site. In
addition, waste need not be subjected to the same reprocessing standards as are surgical instruments.
Historically, treatment methods involved steam-sterilization (i.e., autoclaving), incineration, or interment
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(for anatomy wastes). Alternative treatment methods developed in recent years include chemical
disinfection, grinding/shredding/disinfection methods, energy-based technologies (e.g., microwave or
radiowave treatments), and disinfection/encapsulation methods.
State medical waste regulations
specify appropriate treatment methods for each category of regulated medical waste.
Of all the categories comprising regulated medical waste, microbiologic wastes (e.g., untreated cultures,
stocks, and amplified microbial populations) pose the greatest potential for infectious disease
transmission, and sharps pose the greatest risk for injuries. Untreated stocks and cultures of
microorganisms are subsets of the clinical laboratory or microbiologic waste stream. If the microorganism
must be grown and amplified in culture to high concentration to permit work with the specimen, this item
should be considered for on-site decontamination, preferably within the laboratory unit. Historically, this
was accomplished effectively by either autoclaving (steam sterilization) or incineration. If steam
sterilization in the health-care facility is used for waste treatment, exposure of the waste for up to 90
minutes at 250°F (121°C) in a autoclave (depending on the size of the load and type container) may be
necessary to ensure an adequate decontamination cycle.
After steam sterilization, the residue can
be safely handled and discarded with all other nonhazardous solid waste in accordance with state solid-
waste disposal regulations. On-site incineration is another treatment option for microbiologic, pathologic,
and anatomic waste, provided the incinerator is engineered to burn these wastes completely and stay
within EPA emissions standards.
Improper incineration of waste with high moisture and low energy
content (e.g., pathology waste) can lead to emission problems. State medical-waste regulatory programs
identify acceptable methods for inactivating amplified stocks and cultures of microorganisms, some of
which may employ technology rather than steam sterilization or incineration.
Concerns have been raised about the ability of modern health-care facilities to inactivate microbiologic
wastes on-site, given that many of these institutions have decommissioned their laboratory autoclaves.
Current laboratory guidelines for working with infectious microorganisms at biosafety level (BSL) 3
recommend that all laboratory waste be decontaminated before disposal by an approved method,
preferably within the laboratory.
These same guidelines recommend that all materials removed from a
BSL 4 laboratory (unless they are biological materials that are to remain viable) are to be decontaminated
before they leave the laboratory.
Recent federal regulations for laboratories that handle certain
biological agents known as “select agents” (i.e., those that have the potential to pose a severe threat to
public health and safety) require these agents (and those obtained from a clinical specimen intended for
diagnostic, reference, or verification purposes) to be destroyed on-site before disposal.
recommendations for laboratory waste disposal from BSL 1 or 2 laboratories (e.g., most health-care
clinical and diagnostic laboratories) allow for these materials to be decontaminated off-site before disposal,
on-site decontamination by a known effective method is preferred to reduce the potential of exposure
during the handling of infectious material.
A recent outbreak of TB among workers in a regional medical-waste treatment facility in the United States
demonstrated the hazards associated with aerosolized microbiologic wastes.
1419, 1420
The facility received
diagnostic cultures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from several different health-care facilities before these
cultures were chemically disinfected; this facility treated this waste with a grinding/shredding process that
generated aerosols from the material.
1419, 1420
Several operational deficiencies facilitated the release of
aerosols and exposed workers to airborne M. tuberculosis. Among the suggested control measures was that
health-care facilities perform on-site decontamination of laboratory waste containing live cultures of
microorganisms before release of the waste to a waste management company.
1419, 1420
This measure is
supported by recommendations found in the CDC/NIH guideline for laboratory workers.
This outbreak
demonstrates the need to avoid the use of any medical-waste treatment method or technology that can
aerosolize pathogens from live cultures and stocks (especially those of airborne microorganisms) unless
aerosols can be effectively contained and workers can be equipped with proper PPE.
Safe laboratory
practices, including those addressing waste management, have been published.
1013, 1422
In an era when local, state, and federal health-care facilities and laboratories are developing bioterrorism
response strategies and capabilities, the need to reinstate in-laboratory capacity to destroy cultures and
stocks of microorganisms becomes a relevant issue.
Recent federal regulations require health-care
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facility laboratories to maintain the capability of destroying discarded cultures and stocks on-site if these
laboratories isolate from a clinical specimen any microorganism or toxin identified as a “select agent” from
a clinical specimen (Table 27).
1412, 1413
As an alternative, isolated cultures of select agents can be transferred
to a facility registered to accept these agents in accordance with federal regulations.
State medical waste
regulations can, however, complicate or completely prevent this transfer if these cultures are determined to
be medical waste, because most states regulate the inter-facility transfer of untreated medical wastes.
Table 27. Microorganisms and biologicals identified as select agents*+
Table 27 A. HHS Non-overlap select agents and toxins (42 CFR Part 73 §73.4)
Pathogen type
Select agents
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus; Ebola viruses; Cercopithecine herpesvirus 1 (herpes
virus); Lassa fever virus; Marburg virus; monkeypox virus; South American hemorrhagic
fever viruses (Junin, Machupo, Sabia, Flexal, Guanarito); tick-borne encephalitis complex
viruses (Central European tick-borne encephalitis, Far Eastern tick-borne encephalitis
[Russian spring and summer encephalitis, Kyasnaur Forest disease, Omsk hemorrhagic
fever]); variola
major virus (smallpox virus); and variola minor virus (alastrim)
Exclusions: Vaccine strain of Junin virus (Candid. #1)
Rickettsia prowazekii, R. rickettsii, Yersinia pestis
Coccidioides posadasii
Abrin; conotoxins; diacetoxyscirpenol; ricin; saxitoxin; Shiga-like ribosome inactivating
proteins; tetrodotoxin
Exclusions: The following toxins (in purified form or in combinations of pure and impure
forms) if the
aggregate amount under the control of a principal investigator does not, at any
time, exceed the
amount specified: 100 mg of abrin; 100 mg of conotoxins; 1,000 mg of
diacetoxyscirpenol; 100 mg of ricin; 100 mg of saxitoxin; 100 mg of Shiga-like ribosome
inactivating proteins; or 100 mg of tetrodotoxin
Genetic elements,
nucleic acids, and
Select agent viral nucleic acids (synthetic or naturally-derived, contiguous or fragmented, in
host chromosomes or in expression vectors) that can encode infectious and/or replication
competent forms of any of the select agent viruses;
Nucleic acids (synthetic or naturally-derived) that encode for the functional form(s) of any
of the toxins listed in this table if the nucleic acids:
a. are in a vector or host chromosome;
b. can be expressed in vivo or in vitro; or
c. are in a vector or host chromosome and can be
expressed in vivo or in vitro;
Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and toxins listed in this table that have been genetically modified.
Table 27 B. High consequence livestock pathogens and toxins/select agents (overlap agents) (42
CFR Part 73 §73.5 and USDA regulation 9 CFR Part 121)
Pathogen type
Select agents
Eastern equine encephalitis virus; Nipah and Hendra complex viruses; Rift Valley fever virus;
Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus
Exclusions: MP-12 vaccine strain of Rift Valley fever virus; TC-83 vaccine strain of
Venezuelan equine
encephalitis virus
Bacillus anthracis; Brucella abortus, B. melitensis, B. suis; Burkholderia mallei (formerly
Pseudomonas mallei), B. pseudomallei (formerly P. pseudomallei); botulinum neurotoxin-
producing species of Clostridium; Coxiella burnetii; Francisella tularensis
Coccidioides immitis
Botulinum neurotoxins; Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin; Shigatoxin; staphylococcal
enterotoxins; T-2 toxin
Exclusions: The following toxins (in purified form or in combinations of pure and impure
forms) if the aggregate amount under the control of a principal investigator does not, at any
time, exceed the amount specified: 0.5 mg of botulinum neurotoxins; 100 mg of Clostridium
perfringens epsilon toxin; 100 mg of Shigatoxin; 5 mg of staphylococcal enterotoxins; or
1,000 mg of T-2 toxin
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Pathogen type
Select agents
Genetic elements,
nucleic acids, and
Select agent viral nuclei acids (synthetic or naturally derived, contiguous or fragmented, in
host chromosomes or in expression vectors) thatcan encode infectious and/or replication
competent forms of any of the select agent viruses;
Nucleic acids (synthetic or naturally derived) that encode for the functional form(s) of any
of the toxins listed in this table if the nucleic acids:
a. are in a vector or host chromosome;
b. can be expressed in vivo or in vitro; or
c. are in a vector or host chromosome and can be expressed in vivo or in vitro;
Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and toxins listed in this table that have been genetically modified
* Material in this table is compiled from references 1412, 1413, 1424. Reference 1424 also contains lists of
select agents that include plant pathogens and pathogens affecting livestock.
+ 42 CFR 73 §§73.4 and 73.5 do not include any select agent or toxin that is in its naturally-occurring
environment, provided it has not been intentionally introduced, cultivated, collected, or otherwise extracted from
its natural source. These sections also do not include non-viable select agent organisms or nonfunctional toxins.
This list of select agents is current as of 3 October 2003 and is subject to change pending the final adoption of 42
CFR Part 73.
These table entries are listed in reference 1412 and 1413, but were not included in reference 1424.
5. Discharging Blood, Fluids to Sanitary Sewers or Septic Tanks
The contents of all vessels that contain more than a few milliliters of blood remaining after laboratory
procedures, suction fluids, or bulk blood can either be inactivated in accordance with state-approved
treatment technologies or carefully poured down a utility sink drain or toilet.
State regulations may
dictate the maximum volume allowable for discharge of blood/body fluids to the sanitary sewer. No
evidence indicates that bloodborne diseases have been transmitted from contact with raw or treated
sewage. Many bloodborne pathogens, particularly bloodborne viruses, are not stable in the environment
for long periods of time;
1425, 1426
therefore, the discharge of small quantities of blood and other body fluids
to the sanitary sewer is considered a safe method of disposing of these waste materials.
The following
factors increase the likelihood that bloodborne pathogens will be inactivated in the disposal process:
a. dilution of the discharged materials with water
b. inactivation of pathogens resulting from exposure to cleaning chemicals, disinfectants, and other
chemicals in raw sewage; and
c. effectiveness of sewage treatment in inactivating any residual bloodborne pathogens that reach the
treatment facility.
Small amounts of blood and other body fluids should not affect the functioning of a municipal sewer
system. However, large quantities of these fluids, with their high protein content, might interfere with the
biological oxygen demand (BOD) of the system. Local municipal sewage treatment restrictions may
dictate that an alternative method of bulk fluid disposal be selected. State regulations may dictate what
quantity constitutes a small amount of blood or body fluids.
Although concerns have been raised about the discharge of blood and other body fluids to a septic tank
system, no evidence suggests that septic tanks have transmitted bloodborne infections. A properly
functioning septic system is adequate for inactivating bloodborne pathogens. System manufacturers’
instructions specify what materials may be discharged to the septic tank without jeopardizing its proper
6. Medical Waste and CJD
Concerns also have been raised about the need for special handling and treatment procedures for wastes
generated during the care of patients with CJD or other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
(TSEs). Prions, the agents that cause TSEs, have significant resistance to inactivation by a variety of
physical, chemical, or gaseous methods.
No epidemiologic evidence, however, links acquisition of
CJD with medical-waste disposal practices. Although handling neurologic tissue for pathologic
examination and autopsy materials with care, using barrier precautions, and following specific procedures
for the autopsy are prudent measures,
employing extraordinary measures once the materials are
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discarded is unnecessary. Regulated medical wastes generated during the care of the CJD patient can be
managed using the same strategies as wastes generated during the care of other patients. After
decontamination, these wastes may then be disposed in a sanitary landfill or discharged to the sanitary
sewer, as appropriate.
Part II. Recommendations for Environmental Infection Control in
Health-Care Facilities
A. Rationale for Recommendations
As in previous CDC guidelines, each recommendation is categorized on the basis of existing scientific data,
theoretic rationale, applicability, and possible economic benefit. The recommendations are evidence-based
wherever possible. However, certain recommendations are derived from empiric infection-control or
engineering principles, theoretic rationale, or from experience gained from events that cannot be readily
studied (e.g., floods).
The HICPAC system for categorizing recommendations has been modified to include a category for
engineering standards and actions required by state or federal regulations. Guidelines and standards
published by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and
Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), and the Association for the Advancement in Medical
Instrumentation (AAMI) form the basis of certain recommendations. These standards reflect a consensus of
expert opinions and extensive consultation with agencies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. Compliance with these standards is usually voluntary. However, state and federal governments
often adopt these standards as regulations. For example, the standards from AIA regarding construction and
design of new or renovated health-care facilities, have been adopted by reference by >40 states. Certain
recommendations have two category ratings (e.g., Categories IA and IC or Categories IB and IC), indicating
the recommendation is evidence-based as well as a standard or regulation.
B. Rating Categories
Recommendations are rated according to the following categories:
Category IA. Strongly recommended for implementation and strongly supported by well-designed
experimental, clinical, or epidemiologic studies.
Category IB. Strongly recommended for implementation and supported by certain experimental,
clinical, or epidemiologic studies and a strong theoretical rationale.
Category IC. Required by state or federal regulation, or representing an established association
standard. (Note: Abbreviations for governing agencies and regulatory citations are listed, where
appropriate. Recommendations from regulations adopted at state levels are also noted.
Recommendations from AIA guidelines cite the appropriate sections of the standard).
Category II. Suggested for implementation and supported by suggestive clinical or epidemiologic
studies, or a theoretical rationale.
Unresolved Issue. No recommendation is offered. No consensus or insufficient evidence exists
regarding efficacy.
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C. RecommendationsAir
C.I. Air-Handling Systems in Health-Care Facilities
Edit [February 2017]: An * indicates recommendations that were renumbered for clarity. The
renumbering does not constitute change to the intent of the recommendations.
A. Use AIA guidelines as minimum standards where state or local regulations are not in place for
design and construction of ventilation systems in new or renovated health-care facilities. Ensure that
existing structures continue to meet the specifications in effect at the time of construction.
Category IC (AIA: 1.1.A, 5.4)
B. Monitor ventilation systems in accordance with engineers’ and manufacturers’ recommendations to
ensure preventive engineering, optimal performance for removal of particulates, and elimination of
excess moisture.
18, 35, 106, 120, 220, 222, 333, 336
Category IB, IC (AIA: 7.2, 7.31.D, 8.31.D, 9.31.D, 10.31.D,
11.31.D, EPA guidance)
1. Ensure that heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) filters are properly installed and
maintained to prevent air leakages and dust overloads.
17, 18, 106, 222
Category IB
2. Monitor areas with special ventilation requirements (e.g., AII or PE) for ACH, filtration, and
pressure differentials.
21, 120, 249, 250, 273275, 277, 333–344
Category IB, IC (AIA: 7.2.C7, 7.2.D6)
* Develop and implement a maintenance schedule for ACH, pressure differentials, and
filtration efficiencies using facility-specific data as part of the multidisciplinary risk
assessment. Take into account the age and reliability of the system.
* Document these parameters, especially the pressure differentials.
3. Engineer humidity controls into the HVAC system and monitor the controls to ensure proper
moisture removal.
Category IC (AIA: 7.31.D9)
* Locate duct humidifiers upstream from the final filters.
* Incorporate a water-removal mechanism into the system.
* Locate all duct takeoffs sufficiently down-stream from the humidifier so that moisture is
completely absorbed.
4. Incorporate steam humidifiers, if possible, to reduce potential for microbial proliferation within
the system, and avoid use of cool mist humidifiers. Category II
5. Ensure that air intakes and exhaust outlets are located properly in construction of new facilities
and renovation of existing facilities.
3, 120
Category IC (AIA: 7.31.D3, 8.31.D3, 9.31.D3,
10.31.D3, 11.31.D3)
* Locate exhaust outlets >25 ft. from air-intake systems.
* Locate outdoor air intakes 6 ft. above ground or 3 ft. above roof level.
* Locate exhaust outlets from contaminated areas above roof level to minimize recirculation
of exhausted air.
6. Maintain air intakes and inspect filters periodically to ensure proper operation.
3, 120, 249, 250, 273–275,
Category IC (AIA: 7.31.D8)
7. Bag dust-filled filters immediately upon removal to prevent dispersion of dust and fungal spores
during transport within the facility.
106, 221
Category IB
* Seal or close the bag containing the discarded filter.
* Discard spent filters as regular solid waste, regardless of the area from which they were
8. Remove bird roosts and nests near air intakes to prevent mites and fungal spores from entering
the ventilation system.
3, 98, 119
Category IB
9. Prevent dust accumulation by cleaning air-duct grilles in accordance with facility-specific
procedures and schedules when rooms are not occupied by patients.
21, 120, 249, 250, 273275, 277
Category IC, II (AIA: 7.31.D10)
10. Periodically measure output to monitor system function; clean ventilation ducts as part of routine
HVAC maintenance to ensure optimum performance.
120, 263, 264
Category II (AIA: 7.31.D10)
C. Use portable, industrial-grade HEPA filter units capable of filtration rates in the range of 300–800
/min. to augment removal of respirable particles as needed.
Category II
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1. Select portable HEPA filters that can recirculate all or nearly all of the room air and provide the
equivalent of 12 ACH.
Category II
2. Portable HEPA filter units previously placed in construction zones can be used later in patient-
care areas, provided all internal and external surfaces are cleaned, and the filter’s performance
verified by appropriate particle testing. Category II
3. Situate portable HEPA units with the advice of facility engineers to ensure that all room air is
Category II
4. Ensure that fresh-air requirements for the area are met.
214, 219
Category II
D. Follow appropriate procedures for use of areas with through-the-wall ventilation units.
IC (AIA: 8.31.D1, 8.31.D8, 9.31.D23, 10.31.D18, 11.31.D15)
1. Do not use such areas as PE rooms.
Category IC (AIA: 7.2.D3)
2. Do not use a room with a through-the-wall ventilation unit as an AII room unless it can be
demonstrated that all required AII engineering controls required are met.
4, 120
Category IC (AIA:
E. Conduct an infection-control risk assessment (ICRA) and provide an adequate number of AII and PE
rooms (if required) or other areas to meet the needs of the patient population.
4, 6, 9, 18, 19, 69, 94, 120, 142, 331
334, 336–338
Category IA, IC (AIA: 7.2.C, 7.2.D)
F. When UVGI is used as a supplemental engineering control, install fixtures:
* on the wall near the ceiling or suspended from the ceiling as an upper air unit;
* in the air-return duct of an AII room; or
* in designated enclosed areas or booths for sputum induction.
Category II
G. Seal windows in buildings with centralized HVAC systems and especially with PE areas.
35, 111, 120
Category IB, IC (AIA: 7.2.D3)
H. Keep emergency doors and exits from PE rooms closed except during an emergency; equip
emergency doors and exits with alarms. Category II
I. Develop a contingency plan for backup capacity in the event of a general power failure.
IC (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations [JCAHO]: Environment of Care
[EC] 1.4)
1. Emphasize restoration of proper air quality and ventilation conditions in AII rooms, PE rooms,
operating rooms, emergency departments, and intensive care units.
120, 713
Category IC (AIA:
1.5.A1; JCAHO: EC 1.4)
2. Deploy infection-control procedures to protect occupants until power and systems functions are
6, 120, 713
Category IC (AIA: 5.1, 5.2; JCAHO: EC 1.4)
J. Do not shut down HVAC systems in patient-care areas except for maintenance, repair, testing of
emergency backup capacity, or new construction.
120, 206
Category IB, IC (AIA: 5.1, 5.2.B, C)
1. Coordinate HVAC system maintenance with infection-control staff to allow for relocation of
immunocompromised patients if necessary.
Category IC (AIA: 5.1, 5.2)
2. Provide backup emergency power and air-handling and pressurization systems to maintain
filtration, constant ACH, and pressure differentials in PE rooms, AII rooms, operating rooms,
and other critical-care areas.
9, 120, 278
Category IC (AIA: 1.5, 5.1, 5.2)
3. For areas not served by installed emergency ventilation and backup systems, use portable units
and monitor ventilation parameters and patients in those areas.
Category II
4. Coordinate system startups with infection-control staff to protect patients in PE rooms from
bursts of fungal spores.
9, 35, 120, 278
Category IC (AIA: 5.1, 5.2) 120
5. Allow sufficient time for ACH to clean the air once the system is operational (Appendix B,
Table B.1).
4, 120
Category IC (AIA: 5.1, 5.2)
K. HVAC systems serving offices and administration areas may be shut down for energy conservation
purposes, but the shutdown must not alter or adversely affect pressure differentials maintained in
laboratories or critical-care areas with specific ventilation requirements (i.e., PE rooms, AII rooms,
operating rooms). Category II
L. Whenever possible, avoid inactivating or shutting down the entire HVAC system at one time,
especially in acute-care facilities. Category II
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M. Whenever feasible, design and install fixed backup ventilation systems for new or renovated
construction for PE rooms, AII rooms, operating rooms, and other critical care areas identified by
Category IC (AIA: 1.5.A1)
C.II. Construction, Renovation, Remediation, Repair, and Demolition
Edit [February 2017]: These recommendations contain minor edits in order to clarify the meaning.
The edits do not constitute any change to the intent of the recommendations.
* Indicates a change to the numbering system.
~ Indicates a text change.
A. Establish a multidisciplinary team that includes infection-control staff to coordinate demolition,
construction, and renovation projects and consider proactive preventive measures at the inception;
produce and maintain summary statements of the team’s activities.
17, 19, 20, 97, 109, 120, 249, 250, 273–277
Category IB, IC (AIA: 5.1)
B. Educate both the construction team and the health-care staff in immunocompromised patient-care
areas regarding the airborne infection risks associated with construction projects, dispersal of fungal
spores during such activities, and methods to control the dissemination of fungal spores.
3, 249, 250, 273
277, 1428–1432
Category IB
C. Incorporate mandatory adherence agreements for infection control into construction contracts, with
penalties for noncompliance and mechanisms to ensure timely correction of problems.
3, 120, 249, 273–277
Category IC (AIA: 5.1)
D. Establish and maintain surveillance for airborne environmental disease (e.g., aspergillosis) as
appropriate during construction, renovation, repair, and demolition activities to ensure the health and
safety of immunocompromised patients.
3, 64, 65, 79
Category IB
1. Using active surveillance, monitor for airborne fungal infections in immunocompromised
3, 9, 64, 65
Category IB
2. Periodically review the facility’s microbiologic, histopathologic, and postmortem data to
identify additional cases.
3, 9, 64, 65
Category IB
3. If cases of aspergillosis or other health-care associated airborne fungal infections occur,
aggressively pursue the diagnosis with tissue biopsies and cultures as feasible.
3, 64, 65, 79, 249, 273–277
Category IB
E. Implement infection-control measures relevant to construction, renovation, maintenance, demolition,
and repair.
96, 97, 120, 276, 277
Category IB, IC (AIA: 5.1, 5.2)
1. Before the project gets underway, perform an ICRA to define the scope of the project and the
need for barrier measures.
96, 97, 120, 249, 273–277
* Determine if immunocompromised patients may be at risk for exposure to fungal spores
from dust generated during the project.
20, 109, 273275, 277
* Develop a contingency plan to prevent such exposures.
20, 109, 273275, 277
Category IB, IC
(AIA: 5.1)
2. Implement infection-control measures for external demolition and construction activities.
50, 249,
273–277, 283
* Determine if the facility can operate temporarily on recirculated air; if feasible, seal off
adjacent air intakes.
* If this is not possible or practical, check the low-efficiency (roughing) filter banks
frequently and replace as needed to avoid buildup of particulates.
* Seal windows and reduce wherever possible other sources of outside air intrusion (e.g.,
open doors in stairwells and corridors), especially in PE areas. Category IB
3. Avoid damaging the underground water distribution system (i.e., buried pipes) to prevent soil
and dust contamination of the water.
120, 305
Category IB, IC (AIA: 5.1) 121
4. Implement infection-control measures for internal construction activities.
20, 49, 97, 120, 249, 273–277
* Construct barriers to prevent dust from construction areas from entering patient-care areas;
ensure that barriers are impermeable to fungal spores and in compliance with local fire
20, 49, 97, 120, 284, 312, 713, 1431
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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* Block and seal off return air vents if rigid barriers are used for containment.
120, 276, 277
* Implement dust control measures on surfaces and by diverting pedestrian traffic away
from work zones.
20, 49, 97, 120
* Relocate patients whose rooms are adjacent to work zones, depending upon their immune
status, the scope of the project, the potential for generation of dust or water aerosols, and the
methods used to control these aerosols.
49, 120, 281
Category IB, IC (AIA: 5.1, 5.2)
5. Perform those engineering and work-site related infection-control measures as needed for
internal construction, repairs, and renovations:
20, 49, 97, 109, 120, 312
Category IB, IC (AIA: 5.1, 5.2)
a. Ensure proper operation of the air-handling system in the affected area after erection of
barriers and before the room or area is set to negative pressure.
49, 69, 276, 278
Category IB
b. Create and maintain negative air pressure in work zones adjacent to patient-care areas and
ensure that required engineering controls are maintained.
20, 49, 97, 109, 120, 132
~ Category IB
c. Monitor negative air flow inside rigid barriers.
120, 281
~ Category IC
d. Monitor barriers and ensure the integrity of the construction barriers; repair gaps or breaks in
barrier joints.
120, 284, 307, 312
~ Category IC
e. Seal windows in work zones if practical; use window chutes for disposal of large pieces of
debris as needed, but ensure that the negative pressure differential for the area is
20, 120, 273
~ Category IC
f. Direct pedestrian traffic from construction zones away from patient-care areas to minimize
the dispersion of dust.
20, 49, 97, 109, 111, 120, 273–277
~ Category IB
g. Provide construction crews with
* designated entrances, corridors, and elevators whenever practical;
* essential services [e.g., toilet facilities], and convenience services [e.g., vending
* protective clothing [e.g., coveralls, footgear, and headgear] for travel to patient-care
areas; and
* a space or anteroom for changing clothing and storing equipment.
120, 249, 273–277
~ Category IB
h. Clean work zones and their entrances daily by
wet-wiping tools and tool carts before their removal from the work zone;
placing mats with tacky surfaces inside the entrance; and
covering debris and securing this covering before removing debris from the work
120, 249, 273–277
~ Category IB
i. In patient-care areas, for major repairs that include removal of ceiling tiles and disruption of
the space above the false ceiling, use plastic sheets or prefabricated plastic units to contain
dust; use a negative pressure system within this enclosure to remove dust; and either pass air
through an industrial grade, portable HEPA filter capable of filtration rates ranging from
300–800 ft
/min., or exhaust air directly to the outside.
49, 276, 277, 281, 309
~ Category IB
j. Upon completion of the project, clean the work zone according to facility procedures, and
install barrier curtains to contain dust and debris before removal of rigid barriers.
20, 97, 120, 249,
~ Category IB
k. Flush the water system to clear sediment from pipes to minimize waterborne microorganism
120, 305
~ Category IB
l. Restore appropriate ACH, humidity, and pressure differential; clean or replace air filters;
dispose of spent filters.
35, 106, 221, 278
~ Category IC
F. Use airborne-particle sampling as a tool to evaluate barrier integrity.
35, 100
Category II
G. Commission the HVAC system for newly constructed health-care facilities and renovated spaces
before occupancy and use, with emphasis on ensuring proper ventilation for operating rooms, AII
rooms, and PE areas.
100, 120, 288, 304
Category IC (AIA: 5.1; ASHRAE: 11996)
H. No recommendation is offered on routine microbiologic air sampling before, during, or after
construction or before or during occupancy of areas housing immunocompromised patients.
17, 20, 49, 97,
109, 272, 1433
Unresolved issue
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 137 of 241
I. If a case of health-care acquired aspergillosis or other opportunistic environmental airborne fungal
disease occurs during or immediately after construction, implement appropriate follow-up
20, 55, 62, 77, 94, 95
Category IB
1. Review pressure differential monitoring documentation to verify that pressure differentials in the
construction zone and in PE rooms were appropriate for their settings.
94, 95, 120
Category IB, IC
(AIA: 5.1)
2. Implement corrective engineering measures to restore proper pressure differentials as needed.
95, 120
Category IB, IC (AIA: 5.1)
3. Conduct a prospective search for additional cases and intensify retrospective epidemiologic
review of the hospital’s medical and laboratory records.
3, 20, 62, 63, 104
Category IB
4. If there is no evidence of ongoing transmission, continue routine maintenance in the area to
prevent health-care acquired fungal disease.
3, 55
Category IB
J. If there is epidemiologic evidence of ongoing transmission of fungal disease, conduct an
environmental assessment to determine and eliminate the source.
3, 96, 97, 109, 111, 115, 249, 273277
Category IB
1. Collect environmental samples from potential sources of airborne fungal spores, preferably
using a high-volume air sampler rather than settle plates.
3, 18, 44, 48, 49, 97, 106, 111, 112, 115, 249, 254, 273–277,
292, 312
Category IB
2. If either an environmental source of airborne fungi or an engineering problem with filtration or
pressure differentials is identified, promptly perform corrective measures to eliminate the source
and route of entry.
96, 97
Category IB
3. Use an EPA-registered anti-fungal biocide (e.g., copper-8-quinolinolate) for decontaminating
structural materials.
50, 277, 312, 329
Category IB
4. If an environmental source of airborne fungi is not identified, review infection control measures,
including engineering controls, to identify potential areas for correction or improvement.
73, 117
Category IB
5. If possible, perform molecular subtyping of Aspergillus spp. isolated from patients and the
environment to establish strain identities.
252, 293–296
Category II
K. If air-supply systems to high-risk areas (e.g., PE rooms) are not optimal, use portable, industrial-
grade HEPA filters on a temporary basis until rooms with optimal air-handling systems become
3, 120, 273–277
Category II
C.III. Infection-Control and Ventilation Requirements for PE Rooms
Edit [February 2017]: These recommendations contain minor edits in order to clarify the meaning.
The edits do not constitute any change to the intent of the recommendations.
* Indicates a change to the numbering system.
~ Indicates a text change.
A. Minimize exposures of severely immunocompromised patients (e.g., solid organ transplant patients
or allogeneic neutropenic patients) to activities that might cause aerosolization of fungal spores (e.g.,
vacuuming or disruption of ceiling tiles).
9, 20, 109, 272
Category IB
B. Minimize the length of time that immunocompromised patients in PE are outside their rooms for
diagnostic procedures and other activities.
9, 283
Category IB
C. Provide respiratory protection for severely immunocompromised patients when they must leave PE
for diagnostic studies and other activities; consult the most recent revision of CDC’s Guidelines for
Prevention of Health-Care Associated Pneumonia for information regarding the appropriate type of
respiratory protection.
3, 9
Category II
D. Incorporate ventilation engineering specifications and dust-controlling processes into the planning
and construction of new PE units. Category IB, IC
1. Install central or point-of-use HEPA filters for supply (incoming) air.
3, 18, 20, 44, 99104, 120, 254, 316–318,
1432, 1434
Category IB, IC (AIA: 5.1, 5.2, 7.2.D)
2. Ensure that rooms are well sealed by
* properly constructing windows, doors, and intake and exhaust ports;
* maintaining ceilings that are smooth and free of fissures, open joints, and crevices;
* sealing walls above and below the ceiling, and
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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* monitoring for leakage and making necessary repairs.
3, 111, 120, 317, 318
Category IB, IC (AIA:
3. Ventilate the room to maintain 12 ACH.
3, 9, 120, 241, 317, 318
Category IC (AIA: 7.2.D)
4. Locate air supply and exhaust grilles so that clean, filtered air enters from one side of the room,
flows across the patient’s bed, and exits from the opposite side of the room.
3, 120, 317, 318
IC (AIA: 7.31.D1)
5. Maintain positive room air pressure (2.5 Pa [0.01-inch water gauge]) in relation to the
3, 35, 120, 317, 318
Category IB, IC (AIA: Table 7.2)
6. Maintain airflow patterns and monitor these on a daily basis by using permanently installed
visual means of detecting airflow in new or renovated construction, or using other visual
methods (e.g., flutter strips, or smoke tubes) in existing PE units. Document the monitoring
120, 273
Category IC (AIA: 7.2.D6)
7. Install self-closing devices on all room exit doors in protective environments.
Category IC
(AIA: 7.2.D4)
E. Do not use laminar air flow systems in newly constructed PE rooms.
316, 318
Category II
F. Take measures to protect immunocompromised patients who would benefit from a PE room and who
also have an airborne infectious disease (e.g., acute VZV infection or tuberculosis).
1. Ensure that the patient’s room is designed to maintain positive pressure. ~ Category IC
2. Use an anteroom to ensure appropriate air balance relationships and provide independent
exhaust of contaminated air to the outside, or place a HEPA filter in the exhaust duct if the
return air must be recirculated.
120, 317
Category IC (AIA: 7.2.D1, A7.2.D)
3. If an anteroom is not available, place the patient in AII and use portable, industrial-grade HEPA
filters to enhance filtration of spores in the room.
Category II
G. Maintain backup ventilation equipment (e.g., portable units for fans or filters) for emergency
provision of ventilation requirements for PE areas and take immediate steps to restore the fixed
ventilation system function.
9, 120, 278
Category IC (AIA: 5.1)
C.IV. Infection-Control and Ventilation Requirements for All Rooms
Edit [February 2017]: An * indicates recommendations that were renumbered for clarity. The
renumbering does not constitute change to the intent of the recommendations.
A. Incorporate certain specifications into the planning, and construction or renovation of AII units.
4, 107,
120, 317, 318
Category IB, IC
1. Maintain continuous negative air pressure (2.5 Pa [0.01-inch water gauge]) in relation to the air
pressure in the corridor; monitor air pressure periodically, preferably daily, with audible
manometers or smoke tubes at the door (for existing AII rooms) or with a permanently installed
visual monitoring mechanism. Document the results of monitoring.
120, 317, 31
8 Category IB, IC
(AIA: 7.2.C7, Table 7.2)
2. Ensure that rooms are well-sealed by properly constructing windows, doors, and air-intake and
exhaust ports; when monitoring indicates air leakage, locate the leak and make necessary
120, 317, 318
Category IB, IC (AIA: 7.2.C3)
3. Install self-closing devices on all AII room exit doors.
Category IC (AIA: 7.2.C4)
4. Provide ventilation to ensure 12 ACH for renovated rooms and new rooms, and 6 ACH for
existing AII rooms.
4, 107, 120
Category IC (AIA: Table 7.2)
5. Direct exhaust air to the outside, away from air-intake and populated areas. If this is not
practical, air from the room can be recirculated after passing through a HEPA filter.
4, 120
Category IC (AIA: Table 7.2)
B. Where supplemental engineering controls for air cleaning are indicated from a risk assessment of the
AII area, install UVGI units in the exhaust air ducts of the HVAC system to supplement HEPA
filtration or install UVGI fixtures on or near the ceiling to irradiate upper room air.
Category II
C. Implement environmental infection-control measures for persons with known or suspected airborne
infectious diseases.
1. Use AII rooms for patients with or suspected of having an airborne infection who also require
cough-inducing procedures, or use an enclosed booth that is engineered to provide
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 139 of 241
* 12 ACH;
* air supply and exhaust rate sufficient to maintain a 2.5 Pa [0.01-inch water gauge] negative
pressure difference with respect to all surrounding spaces with an exhaust rate of 50
/min.; and
* air exhausted directly outside away from air intakes and traffic or exhausted after HEPA
filtration prior to recirculation.
4, 120, 348–350
Category IB, IC (AIA: 7.15.E, 7.31.D23, 9.10,
Table 7.2)
2. Although airborne spread of viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) has not been documented in a
health-care setting, prudence dictates placing a VHF patient in an AII room, preferably with an
anteroom to reduce the risk of occupational exposure to aerosolized infectious material in blood,
vomitus, liquid stool, and respiratory secretions present in large amounts during the end stage of
a patient’s illness.
* If an anteroom is not available, use portable, industrial-grade HEPA filters in the patient’s
room to provide additional ACH equivalents for removing airborne particulates.
* Ensure that health-care workers wear face shields or goggles with appropriate respirators
when entering the rooms of VHF patients with prominent cough, vomiting, diarrhea, or
Category II
Ebola Virus Disease [August 2014]: The recommendations in this guideline for Ebola has
been superseded by these CDC documents:
Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients with
Known or Suspected Ebola Virus Disease in U.S. Hospitals
Interim Guidance for Environmental Infection Control in Hospitals for Ebola Virus
See CDC’s Ebola Virus Disease website (https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/index.html) for
current information on how Ebola virus is transmitted.
3. Place smallpox patients in negative pressure rooms at the onset of their illness, preferably using
a room with an anteroom if available.
Category II
D. No recommendation is offered regarding negative pressure or isolation rooms for patients with
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.
126, 131, 132
Unresolved issue
E. Maintain back-up ventilation equipment (e.g., portable units for fans or filters) for emergency
provision of ventilation requirements for AII rooms and take immediate steps to restore the fixed
ventilation system function.
4, 120, 278
Category IC (AIA: 5.1)
C.V. Infection-Control and Ventilation Requirements for Operating Rooms
A. Implement environmental infection-control and ventilation measures for operating rooms.
1. Maintain positive-pressure ventilation with respect to corridors and adjacent areas.
7, 120, 356
Category IB, IC (AIA: Table 7.2)
2. Maintain 15 ACH, of which 3 ACH should be fresh air.
120, 357, 358
Category IC (AIA: Table
3. Filter all recirculated and fresh air through the appropriate filters, providing 90% efficiency
(dust-spot testing) at a minimum.
120, 362
Category IC (AIA: Table 7.3)
4. In rooms not engineered for horizontal laminar airflow, introduce air at the ceiling and exhaust
air near the floor.
120, 357, 359
Category IC (AIA: 7.31.D4)
5. Do not use UV lights to prevent surgical-site infections.
356, 364–370
Category IB
6. Keep operating room doors closed except for the passage of equipment, personnel, and patients,
and limit entry to essential personnel.
351, 352
Category IB
B. Follow precautionary procedures for TB patients who also require emergency surgery.
4, 347, 371
Category IB, IC
1. Use an N95 respirator approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) without exhalation valves in the operating room.
347, 372
Category IC (Occupational
Safety and Health Administration [OSHA]; 29 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR]
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 140 of 241
2. Intubate the patient in either the AII room or the operating room; if intubating the patient in the
operating room, do not allow the doors to open until 99% of the airborne contaminants are
removed (Appendix B, Table B.1).
4, 358
Category IB
3. When anesthetizing a patient with confirmed or suspected TB, place a bacterial filter between
the anesthesia circuit and patient’s airway to prevent contamination of anesthesia equipment or
discharge of tubercle bacilli into the ambient air.
371, 373
Category IB
4. Extubate and allow the patient to recover in an AII room.
4, 358
Category IB
5. If the patient has to be extubated in the operating room, allow adequate time for ACH to clean
99% of airborne particles from the air (Appendix B, Table B.1) because extubation is a cough-
producing procedure.
4, 358
Category IB
C. Use portable, industrial-grade HEPA filters temporarily for supplemental air cleaning during
intubation and extubation for infectious TB patients who require surgery.
4, 219, 358
Category II
1. Position the units appropriately so that all room air passes through the filter; obtain engineering
consultation to determine the appropriate placement of the unit.
Category II
2. Switch the portable unit off during the surgical procedure. Category II
3. Provide fresh air as per ventilation standards for operating rooms; portable units do not meet the
requirements for the number of fresh ACH.
120, 215, 219
Category II
D. If possible, schedule infectious TB patients as the last surgical cases of the day to maximize the time
available for removal of airborne contamination. Category II
E. No recommendation is offered for performing orthopedic implant operations in rooms supplied
with laminar airflow.
362, 364
Unresolved issue
F. Maintain backup ventilation equipment (e.g., portable units for fans or filters) for emergency
provision of ventilation requirements for operating rooms, and take immediate steps to restore the
fixed ventilation system function.
68, 120, 278,372
Category IB, IC (AIA: 5.1)
C.VI. Other Potential Infectious Aerosol Hazards in Health-Care Facilities
A. In settings where surgical lasers are used, wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including
N95 or N100 respirators, to minimize exposure to laser plumes.
347, 378, 389
Category IC (OSHA; 29
CFR 1910.134,139)
B. Use central wall suction units with in-line filters to evacuate minimal laser plumes.
378, 382, 386, 389
Category II
C. Use a mechanical smoke evacuation system with a high-efficiency filter to manage the generation of
large amounts of laser plume, when ablating tissue infected with human papilloma virus (HPV) or
performing procedures on a patient with extrapulmonary TB.
4, 382, 389– 392
Category II
D. RecommendationsWater
D.I. Controlling the Spread of Waterborne Microoganisms
A. Practice hand hygiene to prevent the hand transfer of waterborne pathogens, and use barrier
precautions (e.g., gloves) as defined by other guidelines.
6, 464, 577, 586, 592, 1364
Category IA
B. Eliminate contaminated water or fluid environmental reservoirs (e.g., in equipment or solutions)
wherever possible.
464, 465
Category IB
C. Clean and disinfect sinks and wash basins on a regular basis by using an EPA-registered product as
set by facility policies. Category II
D. Evaluate for possible environmental sources (e.g., potable water) of specimen contamination when
waterborne microorganisms (e.g., NTM) of unlikely clinical importance are isolated from clinical
cultures (e.g., specimens collected aseptically from sterile sites or, if post-procedural, colonization
occurs after use of tap water in patient care).
607, 610–612
Category IB
E. Avoid placing decorative fountains and fish tanks in patient-care areas; ensure disinfection and
fountain maintenance if decorative fountains are used in the public areas of the healthcare facility.
Category IB
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 141 of 241
D.II. Routine Prevention of Waterborne Microbial Contamination Within the
Distribution System
A. Maintain hot water temperature at the return at the highest temperature allowable by state regulations
or codes, preferably 124°F (51°C), and maintain cold water temperature at <68°F (<20°C).
3, 661
Category IC (States; ASHRAE: 12:2000)
B. If the hot water temperature can be maintained at 124°F (51°C), explore engineering options (e.g.,
install preset thermostatic valves in point-of-use fixtures) to help minimize the risk of scalding.
Category II
C. When state regulations or codes do not allow hot water temperatures above the range of 105°F–
120°F (40.6°C–49°C) for hospitals or 95°F–110°F (35°C–43.3°C) for nursing care facilities or when
buildings cannot be retrofitted for thermostatic mixing valves, follow either of these alternative
preventive measures to minimize the growth of Legionella spp. in water systems. Category II
1. Periodically increase the hot water temperature to 150°F (66°C) at the point of use.
Category II
2. Alternatively, chlorinate the water and then flush it through the system.
661, 710, 711
Category II
D. Maintain constant recirculation in hot-water distribution systems serving patient-care areas.
Category IC (AIA: 7.31.E.3)
D.III. Remediation Strategies for Distribution System Repair or Emergencies
Edit [February 2017]: An * indicates recommendations that were renumbered for clarity. The
renumbering does not constitute change to the intent of the recommendations.
A. Whenever possible, disconnect the ice machine before planned water disruptions. Category II
B. Prepare a contingency plan to estimate water demands for the entire facility in advance of significant
water disruptions (i.e., those expected to result in extensive and heavy microbial or chemical
contamination of the potable water), sewage intrusion, or flooding.
713, 719
Category IC (JCAHO: EC
C. When a significant water disruption or an emergency occurs, adhere to any advisory to boil water
issued by the municipal water utility.
Category IB, IC (Municipal order)
1. Alert patients, families, staff, and visitors not to consume water from drinking fountains, ice, or
drinks made from municipal tap water, while the advisory is in effect, unless the water has been
disinfected (e.g., by bringing to a rolling boil for 1 minute).
Category IB, IC (Municipal
2. After the advisory is lifted, run faucets and drinking fountains at full flow for 5 minutes, or use
high-temperature water flushing or chlorination.
642, 661
Category IC, II (Municipal order;
ASHRAE 12:2000)
D. Maintain a high level of surveillance for waterborne disease among patients after a boil water
advisory is lifted. Category II
E. Corrective decontamination of the hot water system might be necessary after a disruption in service
or a cross-connection with sewer lines has occurred.
1. Decontaminate the system when the fewest occupants are present in the building (e.g., nights or
3, 661
Category IC (ASHRAE: 12:2000)
2. If using high-temperature decontamination, raise the hot-water temperature to 160°F– 170°F
(71°C–77°C) and maintain that level while progressively flushing each outlet around the system
for 5 minutes.
3, 661
Category IC (ASHRAE: 12:2000)
3. If using chlorination, add enough chlorine, preferably overnight, to achieve a free chlorine
residual of 2 mg/L (2 ppm) throughout the system.
* Flush each outlet until chlorine odor is detected.
* Maintain the elevated chlorine concentration in the system for 2 hrs (but 24 hrs).
4. Use a very thorough flushing of the water system instead of chlorination if a highly chlorine-
resistant microorganism (e.g., Cryptosporidium spp.) is suspected as the water contaminant.
Category II
F. Flush and restart equipment and fixtures according to manufacturers’ instructions. Category II
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 142 of 241
G. Change the pretreatment filter and disinfect the dialysis water system with an EPA-registered
product to prevent colonization of the reverse osmosis membrane and downstream microbial
Category II
H. Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle to restore their capacity and function. Category II
I. If the facility has a water-holding reservoir or water-storage tank, consult the facility engineer or
local health department to determine whether this equipment needs to be drained, disinfected with an
EPA-registered product, and refilled. Category II
J. Implement facility management procedures to manage a sewage system failure or flooding (e.g.,
arranging with other health-care facilities for temporary transfer of patients or provision of services),
and establish communications with the local municipal water utility and the local health department
to ensure that advisories are received in a timely manner upon release.
713, 719
Category IC (JCAHO:
EC 1.4; Municipal order)
K. Implement infection-control measures during sewage intrusion, flooding, or other water-related
1. Relocate patients and clean or sterilize supplies from affected areas. Category II
2. If hands are not visibly soiled or contaminated with proteinaceous material, include an alcohol-
based hand rub in the hand hygiene process
* before performing invasive procedures;
* before and after each patient contact; and
* whenever hand hygiene is indicated.
Category II
3. If hands are visibly soiled or contaminated with proteinaceous material, use soap and bottled
water for handwashing.
Category II
4. If the potable water system is not affected by flooding or sewage contamination, process surgical
instruments for sterilization according to standard procedures. Category II
5. Contact the manufacturer of the automated endoscope reprocessor (AER) for specific
instructions on the use of this equipment during a water advisory. Category II
L. Remediate the facility after sewage intrusion, flooding, or other water-related emergencies.
1. Close off affected areas during cleanup procedures. Category II
2. Ensure that the sewage system is fully functional before beginning remediation so contaminated
solids and standing water can be removed. Category II
3. If hard-surface equipment, floors, and walls remain in good repair, ensure that these are dry
within 72 hours; clean with detergent according to standard cleaning procedures. Category II
4. Clean wood furniture and materials (if still in good repair); allow them to dry thoroughly before
restoring varnish or other surface coatings. Category II
5. Contain dust and debris during remediation and repair as outlined in air recommendations (Air:
II G 4, 5). Category II
M. Regardless of the original source of water damage (e.g., flooding versus water leaks from point-of-
use fixtures or roofs), remove wet, absorbent structural items (e.g., carpeting, wallboard, and
wallpaper) and cloth furnishings if they cannot be easily and thoroughly cleaned and dried within 72
hours (e.g., moisture content 20% as determined by moisture meter readings); replace with new
materials as soon as the underlying structure is declared by the facility engineer to be thoroughly
18, 266, 278, 1026
Category IB
D.IV. Additional Engineering Measures as Indicated by Epidemiologic
Investigation for Controlling Waterborne, Health-Care Associated
Legionnaires Disease
A. When using a pulse or one-time decontamination method, superheat the water by flushing each
outlet for 5 minutes with water at 160°F–170°F (71°C–77°C) or hyperchlorinate the system by
flushing all outlets for 5 minutes with water containing 2 mg/L (2 ppm) free residual chlorine
using a chlorine-based product registered by the EPA for water treatment (e.g., sodium hypochlorite
[chlorine bleach]).
661, 711, 714, 724, 764, 766
Category IB (ASHRAE: 12:2000)
B. After a pulse treatment, maintain both the heated water temperature at the return and the cold water
temperature as per the recommendation (Water: IIA) wherever practical and permitted by state
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 143 of 241
codes, or chlorinate heated water to achieve 12 mg/L (1–2 ppm) free residual chlorine at the tap
using a chlorine-based product registered by the EPA for water treatment (e.g., sodium hypochlorite
26, 437, 661, 709, 726, 727
Category IC (States; ASHRAE: 12:2000)
C. Explore engineering or educational options (e.g., install preset thermostatic mixing valves in point-
of-use fixtures or post warning signs at each outlet) to minimize the risk of scalding for patients,
visitors, and staff. Category II
D. No recommendation is offered for treating water in the facility’s distribution system with chlorine
dioxide, heavy-metal ions (e.g., copper or silver), monochloramine, ozone, or UV light.
Unresolved issue
D.V. General Infection-Control Strategies for Preventing Legionnaires Disease
A. Conduct an infection-control risk assessment of the facility to determine if patients at risk or
severely immunocompromised patients are present.
3, 431, 432
Category IB
B. Implement general strategies for detecting and preventing Legionnaires disease in facilities that do
not provide care for severely immunocompromised patients (i.e., facilities that do not have HSCT or
solid organ transplant programs).
3, 431, 432
Category IB
1. Establish a surveillance process to detect health-care associated Legionnaires disease.
3, 431, 432
Category IB
2. Inform health-care personnel (e.g., infection control, physicians, patient-care staff, and
engineering) regarding the potential for Legionnaires disease to occur and measures to prevent
and control health-care associated legionellosis.
437, 759
Category IB
3. Establish mechanisms to provide clinicians with laboratory tests (e.g., culture, urine antigen,
direct fluorescence assay [DFA], and serology) for the diagnosis of Legionnaires disease.
3, 431
Category IB
C. Maintain a high index of suspicion for health-care associated Legionnaires disease, and perform
laboratory diagnostic tests for legionellosis on suspected cases, especially in patients at risk who do
not require a PE for care (e.g., patients receiving systemic steroids; patients aged 65 years; or
patients with chronic underlying disease [e.g., diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, or chronic
obstructive lung disease]).
3, 395, 417, 423425, 432, 435, 437, 453
Category IA
D. Periodically review the availability and clinicians’ use of laboratory diagnostic tests for Legionnaires
disease in the facility; if cliniciansuse of the tests on patients with diagnosed or suspected
pneumonia is limited, implement measures (e.g., an educational campaign) to enhance clinicians’
use of the test(s).
Category IB
E. If one case of laboratory-confirmed, health-care associated Legionnaires disease is identified, or if
two or more cases of laboratory-suspected, health-care associated Legionnaires disease occur during
a 6-month period, certain activities should be initiated.
408, 431, 453, 739, 759 Category IB
1. Report the cases to the state and local health departments where required. Category IC (States)
2. If the facility does not treat severely immunocompromised patients, conduct an epidemiologic
investigation, including retrospective review of microbiologic, serologic, and postmortem data to
look for previously unidentified cases of healthcare–associated Legionnaires disease, and begin
intensive prospective surveillance for additional cases.
3, 405, 408, 431, 453, 739, 759
Category IB
3. If no evidence of continued health-care associated transmission exists, continue intensive
prospective surveillance for 2 months after the initiation of surveillance.
3, 405, 408, 431, 453, 739, 759
Category IB
F. If there is evidence of continued health-care associated transmission (i.e., an outbreak), conduct an
environmental assessment to determine the source of Legionella spp.
403–410, 455
Category IB
1. Collect water samples from potential aerosolized water sources (Appendix C).
Category IB
2. Save and subtype isolates of Legionella spp. obtained from patients and the environment.
453, 763, 764
Category IB
3. If a source is identified, promptly institute water system decontamination measures per
recommendations (see Water IV).
766, 767
Category IB
4. If Legionella spp. are detected in 1cultures (e.g., conducted at 2-week intervals during 3
months), reassess the control measures, modify them accordingly, and repeat the
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 144 of 241
decontamination procedures; consider intensive use of techniques used for initial
decontamination, or a combination of superheating and hyperchlorination.
3, 767, 768
Category IB
G. If an environmental source is not identified during a Legionnaires disease outbreak, continue
surveillance for new cases for 2 months. Either defer decontamination pending identification of the
source of Legionella spp., or proceed with decontamination of the hospital's water distribution
system, with special attention to areas involved in the outbreak. Category II
H. No recommendation is offered regarding routine culturing of water systems in health-care facilities
that do not have patient-care areas (i.e., PE or transplant units) for persons at high risk for Legionella
spp. infection.
26, 453, 707, 709, 714, 747, 753
Unresolved issue
I. No recommendation is offered regarding the removal of faucet aerators in areas for
immunocompetent patients. Unresolved issue
J. Keep adequate records of all infection-control measures and environmental test results for potable
water systems. Category II
D.VI. Preventing Legionnaires Disease in Protective Environments and Transplant
A. When implementing strategies for preventing Legionnaires disease among severely
immunosuppressed patients housed in facilities with HSCT or solid-organ transplant programs,
incorporate these specific surveillance and epidemiologic measures in addition to the steps
previously outlined (Water: V and Appendix C).
1. Maintain a high index of suspicion for legionellosis in transplant patients even when
environmental surveillance cultures do not yield legionellae.
430, 431
Category IB
2. If a case occurs in a severely immunocompromised patient, or if severely immunocompromised
patients are present in high-risk areas of the hospital (e.g., PE or transplant units) and cases are
identified elsewhere in the facility, conduct a combined epidemiologic and environmental
investigation to determine the source of Legionella spp.
431, 767
Category IB
B. Implement culture strategies and potable water and fixture treatment measures in addition to those
previously outlined (Water: V). Category II
1. Depending on state regulations on potable water temperature in public buildings,
housing patients at risk for health-care associated legionellosis should either maintain heated
water with a minimum return temperature of 124°F [51°C] and cold water at <68°F [<20°C]),
or chlorinate heated water to achieve 12 mg/L (1–2 ppm) of free residual chlorine at the tap.
441, 661, 709711, 726, 727
Category II
2. Periodic culturing for legionellae in potable water samples from HSCT or solid-organ transplant
units can be performed as part of a comprehensive strategy to prevent Legionnaires disease in
these units.
9, 431, 710, 769
Category II
3. No recommendation is offered regarding the optimal methodology (i.e., frequency or number
of sites) for environmental surveillance cultures in HSCT or solid organ transplant units.
Unresolved issue
4. In areas with patients at risk, when Legionella spp. are not detectable in unit water, remove,
clean, and disinfect shower heads and tap aerators monthly by using a chlorine-based, EPA-
registered product. If an EPA-registered chlorine disinfectant is not available, use a chlorine
bleach solution (500–615 ppm [1:100 v/v dilution]).
661, 745
Category II
C. If Legionella spp. are determined to be present in the water of a transplant unit, implement certain
measures until Legionella spp. are no longer detected by culture.
1. Decontaminate the water supply as outlined previously (Water: IV).
3, 9, 661, 766, 767
Category IB
2. Do not use water from the faucets in patient-care rooms to avoid creating infectious aerosols.
9, 412
Category IB
3. Restrict severely immunocompromised patients from taking showers.
9, 412
Category IB
4. Use water that is not contaminated with Legionella spp. for HSCT patients’ sponge baths.
9, 412
Category IB
5. Provide patients with sterile water for tooth brushing, drinking, and for flushing nasogastric
tubing during legionellosis outbreaks.
9, 412
Category IB
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 145 of 241
D. Do not use large-volume room air humidifiers that create aerosols (e.g., by Venturi principle,
ultrasound, or spinning disk) unless they are subjected to high-level disinfection and filled only with
sterile water.
3, 9, 402, 455
Category IB
D.VII. Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers
A. When planning construction of new health-care facilities, locate cooling towers so that the drift is
directed away from the air-intake system, and design the towers to minimize the volume of aerosol
404, 661, 786
Category IC (ASHRAE: 12:2000) 131
B. Implement infection-control procedures for operational cooling towers.
404, 661, 784
Category IC
(ASHRAE: 12:2000)
1. Install drift eliminators.
404, 661, 784
Category IC (ASHRAE: 12:2000)
2. Use an effective EPA-registered biocide on a regular basis.
Category IC (ASHRAE: 12:2000)
3. Maintain towers according to manufacturers’ recommendations, and keep detailed maintenance
and infection control records, including environmental test results from legionellosis outbreak
Category IC (ASHRAE: 12:2000)
C. If cooling towers or evaporative condensers are implicated in health-care associated legionellosis,
decontaminate the cooling-tower system.
404, 405, 786, 787
Category IB
D.VIII. Dialysis Water Quality and Dialysate
Edit [February 2017]: An * indicates recommendations that were renumbered for clarity. The
renumbering does not constitute change to the intent of the recommendations.
A. Adhere to current AAMI standards for quality assurance performance of devices and equipment used
to treat, store, and distribute water in hemodialysis centers (both acute and maintenance [chronic]
settings) and for the preparation of concentrates and dialysate.
31, 32, 666668, 789, 791, 800, 807, 809, 1454, 1455
Category IA, IC (AAMI: ANSI/AAMI RD5:1992, ANSI/AAMI RD 47:1993)
B. No recommendation is offered regarding whether more stringent requirements for water quality
should be imposed in hemofiltration and hemodiafiltration. Unresolved issue
C. Conduct microbiological testing specific to water in dialysis settings.
789, 791, 792, 834, 835
Category IA, IC
(AAMI: ANSI/AAMI RD 5: 1992, ANSI/AAMI RD 47: 1993, ANSI/AAMI RD 62:2001)
1. Perform bacteriologic assays of water and dialysis fluids at least once a month and during
outbreaks using standard quantitative methods.
792, 834, 835
* Assay for heterotrophic, mesophilic bacteria (e.g., Pseudomonas spp).
* Do not use nutrient-rich media (e.g., blood agar or chocolate agar). Category IA, IC
(AAMI: ANSI/AAMI RD 62:2001)
2. In conjunction with microbiological testing, perform endotoxin testing on product water used to
reprocess dialyzers for multiple use.
789, 791, 806, 811, 816, 829
RD 5:1992, ANSI/AAMI RD 47:1993)
3. Ensure that water does not exceed the limits for microbial counts and endotoxin concentrations
outlined in Table 18.
789, 791, 800
RD 47:1993)
D. Disinfect water distribution systems in dialysis settings on a regular schedule. Monthly disinfection
is recommended.
666–668, 792, 800
Category IA, IC (AAMI: ANSI/AAMI RD62:2001)
E. Whenever practical, design and engineer water systems in dialysis settings to avoid incorporating
joints, dead-end pipes, and unused branches and taps that can harbor bacteria
666–668, 792, 800
F. When storage tanks are used in dialysis systems, they should be routinely drained, disinfected with
an EPA-registered product, and fitted with an ultrafilter or pyrogenic filter (membrane filter with a
pore size sufficient to remove small particles and molecules ≥1 kilodalton) installed in the water line
distal to the storage tank.
Category IC (AAMI: ANSI/AAMI RD62:2001)
D.IX. Ice Machines and Ice
A. Do not handle ice directly by hand, and wash hands before obtaining ice. Category II
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 146 of 241
B. Use a smooth-surface ice scoop to dispense ice.
680, 863
Category II
1. Keep the ice scoop on a chain short enough the scoop cannot touch the floor, or keep the scoop
on a clean, hard surface when not in use.
680, 863
Category II
2. Do not store the ice scoop in the ice bin. Category II
C. Do not store pharmaceuticals or medical solutions on ice intended for consumption; use sterile ice to
keep medical solutions cold, or use equipment specifically manufactured for this purpose.
600, 863
Category IB
D. Machines that dispense ice are preferred to those that require ice to be removed from bins or chests
with a scoop.
687, 869
Category II
E. Limit access to ice-storage chests, and keep the container doors closed except when removing ice.
Category II
F. Clean, disinfect, and maintain ice-storage chests on a regular basis. Category II
1. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning. Category II
2. Use an EPA-registered disinfectant suitable for use on ice machines, dispensers, or storage
chests in accordance with label instructions. Category II
3. If instructions and EPA-registered disinfectants suitable for use on ice machines are not
available, use a general cleaning/disinfecting regimen as outlined in Box 12.
Category II
4. Flush and clean the ice machines and dispensers if they have not been disconnected before
anticipated lengthy water disruptions. Category II
G. Install proper air gaps where the condensate lines meet the waste lines. Category II
H. Conduct microbiologic sampling of ice, ice chests, and ice-making machines and dispensers where
indicated during an epidemiologic investigation.
Category IB
D.X. Hydrotherapy Tanks and Pools
A. Drain and clean hydrotherapy equipment (e.g., Hubbard tanks, tubs, whirlpools, whirlpool spas, or
birthing tanks) after each patient’s use, and disinfect equipment surfaces and components by using
an EPA-registered product in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Category II
B. In the absence of an EPA-registered product for water treatment, add sodium hypochlorite to the
water: Category II
1. Maintain a 15-ppm chlorine residual in the water of small hydrotherapy tanks, Hubbard tanks,
and tubs.
Category II
2. Maintain a 25 ppm chlorine residual in the water of whirlpools and whirlpool spas.
Category II
3. If the pH of the municipal water is in the basic range (e.g., when chloramine is used as the
primary drinking water disinfectant in the community), consult the facility engineer regarding
the possible need to adjust the pH of the water to a more acid level before disinfection, to
enhance the biocidal activity of chlorine.
Category II
C. Clean and disinfect hydrotherapy equipment after using tub liners. Category II
D. Clean and disinfect inflatable tubs unless they are single-use equipment. Category II
E. No recommendation is offered regarding the use of antiseptic chemicals (e.g., chloramine-T) in the
water during hydrotherapy sessions. Unresolved issue
F. Conduct a risk assessment of patients prior to their use of large hydrotherapy pools, deferring
patients with draining wounds or fecal incontinence from pool use until their condition resolves.
Category II
G. For large hydrotherapy pools, use pH and chlorine residual levels appropriate for an indoor pool as
provided by local and state health agencies. Category IC (States)
H. No recommendation is offered regarding the use in health care of whirlpools or spa equipment
manufactured for home or recreational use. Unresolved issue
D.XI. Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Connected to Water Systems
Edit [February 2017]: An * indicates recommendations that were renumbered for clarity. The
renumbering does not constitute change to the intent of the recommendations.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 147 of 241
A. Clean, disinfect, and maintain AER equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions and
relevant scientific literature to prevent inadvertent contamination of endoscopes and bronchoscopes
with waterborne microorganisms.
Category IB
1. To rinse disinfected endoscopes and bronchoscopes, use water of the highest quality practical for
the system’s engineering and design (e.g., sterile water or bacteriologically-filtered water [water
filtered through 0.1–0.2-μm filters]).
912, 914, 915, 918
Category IB
2. Dry the internal channels of the reprocessed endoscope or bronchoscope using a proven method
(e.g., 70% alcohol followed by forced-air treatment) to lessen the potential for the proliferation of
waterborne microorganisms and to help prevent biofilm formation.
671, 921, 923, 925, 928
Category IB
B. Use water that meets nationally recognized standards set by the EPA for drinking water (<500
CFU/mL for heterotrophic plate count) for routine dental treatment output water.
935, 936, 943, 944
Category IB, IC (EPA: 40 CFR 1 Part 141, Subpart G).
C. Take precautions to prevent waterborne contamination of dental unit water lines and instruments.
1. After each patient, discharge water and air for a minimum of 20–30 seconds from any dental
device connected to the dental water system that enters the patient’s mouth (e.g., handpieces,
ultrasonic scalers, and air/water syringe).
936, 937
Category II
2. Consult with dental water-line manufacturers to
* determine suitable methods and equipment to obtain the recommended water quality; and
* determine appropriate methods for monitoring the water to ensure quality is maintained.
Category II
3. Consult with the dental unit manufacturer on the need for periodic maintenance of anti-retraction
937, 946
Category IB
E. RecommendationsEnvironmental Services
E.I. Cleaning and Disinfecting Strategies for Environmental Surfaces in Patient-
Care Areas
Edit [February 2017]: An * indicates recommendations that were renumbered for clarity. The
renumbering does not constitute change to the intent of the recommendations.
A. Select EPA-registered disinfectants, if available, and use them in accordance with the manufacturer’s
2, 974, 983
Category IB, IC (EPA: 7 United States Code [USC] § 136 et seq)
B. Do not use high-level disinfectants/liquid chemical sterilants for disinfection of either noncritical
instrument/devices or any environmental surfaces; such use is counter to label instructions for these
toxic chemicals.
951, 952, 961–964
Category IB, IC (FDA: 21 CFR 801.5, 807.87.e)
C. Follow manufacturers’ instructions for cleaning and maintaining noncritical medical equipment.
Category II
D. In the absence of a manufacturer’s cleaning instructions, follow certain procedures.
1. Clean noncritical medical equipment surfaces with a detergent/disinfectant. This may be
followed with an application of an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant with or without a
tuberculocidal claim (depending on the nature of the surface and the degree of contamination), in
accordance with disinfectant label instructions.
Category II
2. Do not use alcohol to disinfect large environmental surfaces.
Category II
3. Use barrier protective coverings as appropriate for noncritical equipment surfaces that are
* touched frequently with gloved hands during the delivery of patient care;
*likely to become contaminated with blood or body substances; or
*difficult to clean (e.g., computer keyboards).
Category II
E. Keep housekeeping surfaces (e.g., floors, walls, and tabletops) visibly clean on a regular basis and
clean up spills promptly.
Category II
1. Use a one-step process and an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant/detergent designed for
general housekeeping purposes in patient-care areas when
* uncertainty exists as to the nature of the soil on these surfaces [e.g., blood or body fluid
contamination versus routine dust or dirt]; or
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 148 of 241
* uncertainty exists regarding the presence or absence of multi-drug resistant organisms on
such surfaces.
952, 983, 986, 987
Category II
2. Detergent and water are adequate for cleaning surfaces in nonpatient-care areas (e.g.,
administrative offices). Category II
3. Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, bed rails, light switches, and surfaces
in and around toilets in patients’ rooms) on a more frequent schedule than minimal touch
housekeeping surfaces. Category II
4. Clean walls, blinds, and window curtains in patient-care areas when they are visibly dusty or
2, 971, 972, 982
Category II
F. Do not perform disinfectant fogging in patient-care areas.
2, 976
Category IB
Environmental Fogging [December 2009].
Clarification Statement: CDC and HICPAC have
recommendations in the 2003 Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care
Facilities that state that the CDC does not support disinfectant fogging.
These recommendations refer to the spraying or fogging of chemicals (e.g., formaldehyde, phenol-
based agents, or quaternary ammonium compounds) as a way to decontaminate environmental
surfaces or disinfect the air in patient rooms. The recommendation against fogging was based on
studies in the 1970’s that reported a lack of microbicidal efficacy (e.g., use of quaternary
ammonium compounds in mist applications) but also adverse effects on healthcare workers and
others in facilities where these methods were utilized. Furthermore, some of these chemicals are
not EPA-registered for use in fogging-type applications.
These recommendations do not apply to newer technologies involving fogging for room
decontamination (e.g., ozone mists, vaporized hydrogen peroxide) that have become available
since the 2003 recommendations were made. These newer technologies were assessed by CDC
and HICPAC in the 2011 Guideline for the Prevention and Control of Norovirus Gastroenteritis
Outbreaks in Healthcare Settings, which makes the recommendation:
“More research is required to clarify the effectiveness and reliability of fogging, UV
irradiation, and ozone mists to reduce norovirus environmental contamination. (No
recommendation/ unresolved issue)”
The 2003 recommendations still apply; however, CDC does not yet make a recommendation
regarding these newer technologies. This issue will be revisited as additional evidence becomes
G. Avoid large-surface cleaning methods that produce mists or aerosols or disperse dust in patient-care
9, 20, 109, 272
Category IB
H. Follow proper procedures for effective use of mops, cloths, and solutions. Category II
1. Prepare cleaning solutions daily or as needed, and replace with fresh solution frequently
according to facility policies and procedures.
986, 987
Category II
2. Change the mop head at the beginning of the day and also as required by facility policy, or after
cleaning up large spills of blood or other body substances. Category II
3. Clean mops and cloths after use and allow to dry before reuse; or use single-use, disposable mop
heads and cloths.
971, 988–990
Category II
I. After the last surgical procedure of the day or night, wet vacuum or mop operating room floors with
a single-use mop and an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant.
Category IB
J. Do not use mats with tacky surfaces at the entrance to operating rooms or infection-control suites.
Category IB
K. Use appropriate dusting methods for patient-care areas designated for immunocompromised patients
(e.g., HSCT patients):
9, 94, 986
Category IB
1. Wet-dust horizontal surfaces daily by moistening a cloth with a small amount of an EPA-
registered hospital detergent/disinfectant.
9, 94, 986
Category IB
2. Avoid dusting methods that disperse dust (e.g., feather-dusting).
Category IB
L. Keep vacuums in good repair, and equip vacuums with HEPA filters for use in areas with patients at
9, 94, 986, 994
Category IB
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 149 of 241
M. Close the doors of immunocompromised patients’ rooms when vacuuming, waxing, or buffing
corridor floors to minimize exposure to airborne dust.
9, 94, 994
Category IB
N. When performing low- or intermediate-level disinfection of environmental surfaces in nurseries and
neonatal units, avoid unnecessary exposure of neonates to disinfectant residues on environmental
surfaces by using EPA-registered disinfectants in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions and
safety advisories.
974, 995–997
Category IB, IC (EPA: 7 USC § 136 et seq.)
1. Do not use phenolics or any other chemical germicide to disinfect bassinets or incubators during
an infant’s stay.
952, 995–997
Category IB
2. Rinse disinfectant-treated surfaces, especially those treated with phenolics, with water.
Category IB
O. When using phenolic disinfectants in neonatal units, prepare solutions to correct concentrations in
accordance with manufacturers’ instructions, or use premixed formulations.
974, 995–997
Category IB,
IC (EPA: 7 USC § 136 et seq.)
E.II. Cleaning Spills of Blood and Body Substances
A. Promptly clean and decontaminate spills of blood or other potentially infectious materials
967, 998–1004
Category IB, IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 §d.4.ii.A)
B. Follow proper procedures for site decontamination of spills of blood or blood-containing body
967, 998–004
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.ii.A)
1. Use protective gloves and other PPE appropriate for this task.
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR
1910.1030 § d.3.i, ii) 135
2. If the spill contains large amounts of blood or body fluids, clean the visible matter with
disposable absorbent material, and discard the contaminated materials in appropriate, labeled
967, 1002, 1003, 1010, 1012
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.iii.B)
3. Swab the area with a cloth or paper towels moderately wetted with disinfectant, and allow the
surface to dry.
967, 1010
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.ii.A)
C. Use EPA-registered hospital disinfectants labeled tuberculocidal or registered germicides on the
EPA Lists D and E (products with specific label claims for HIV or hepatitis B virus [HBV]) in
accordance with label instructions to decontaminate spills of blood and other body fluids.
967, 1007, 1010
Category IC (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.ii.A memorandum 2/28/97; compliance document
CPL 2-2.44D [11/99])
D. An EPA-registered sodium hypochlorite product is preferred, but if such products are not available,
generic versions of sodium hypochlorite solutions (e.g., household chlorine bleach) may be used.
1. Use a 1:100 dilution (500–615 ppm available chlorine) to decontaminate nonporous surfaces
after cleaning a spill of either blood or body fluids in patient-care settings.
1010, 1011
Category II
2. If a spill involves large amounts of blood or body fluids, or if a blood or culture spill occurs in
the laboratory, use a 1:10 dilution (5,000–6,150 ppm available chlorine) for the first application
of germicide before cleaning.
954, 1010
Category II
E.III. Carpeting and Cloth Furnishings
A. Vacuum carpeting in public areas of health-care facilities and in general patient-care areas regularly
with well-maintained equipment designed to minimize dust dispersion.
Category II
B. Periodically perform a thorough, deep cleaning of carpeting as determined by facility policy by
using a method that minimizes the production of aerosols and leaves little or no residue.
C. Avoid use of carpeting in high-traffic zones in patient-care areas or where spills are likely (e.g., burn
therapy units, operating rooms, laboratories, and intensive care units).
111, 1023, 1028
Category IB
D. Follow proper procedures for managing spills on carpeting.
1. Spot-clean blood or body substance spills promptly.
967, 1010, 1011, 1032
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR
1910.1030 § d.4.ii.A, interpretation)
2. If a spill occurs on carpet tiles, replace any tiles contaminated by blood and body fluids or body
Category IC (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.ii interpretation)
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 150 of 241
E. Thoroughly dry wet carpeting to prevent the growth of fungi; replace carpeting that remains wet
after 72 hours.
9, 1026
Category IB
F. No recommendation is offered regarding the routine use of fungicidal or bactericidal treatments for
carpeting in public areas of a health-care facility or in general patient-care areas. Unresolved issue
G. Do not use carpeting in hallways and patient rooms in areas housing immunosuppressed patients
(e.g., PE areas).
9, 111
Category IB
H. Avoid the use of upholstered furniture and furnishings in high-risk patient-care areas and in areas
with increased potential for body substance contamination (e.g., pediatrics units).
Category II
I. No recommendation is offered regarding whether upholstered furniture and furnishings should be
avoided in general patient-care areas. Unresolved issue
J. Maintain upholstered furniture in good repair. Category II
1. Maintain the surface integrity of the upholstery by repairing tears and holes. Category II
2. If upholstered furniture in a patient’s room requires cleaning to remove visible soil or body
substance contamination, move that item to a maintenance area where it can be adequately cleaned
with a process appropriate for the type of upholstery and the nature of the soil. Category II
E.IV. Flowers and Plants in Patient-Care Areas
A. Flowers and potted plants need not be restricted from areas for immunocompetent patients.
515, 702, 1040,
Category II
B. Designate care and maintenance of flowers and potted plants to staff not directly involved with
patient care.
Category II
C. If plant or flower care by patient-care staff is unavoidable, instruct the staff to wear gloves when
handling the plants and flowers and perform hand hygiene after glove removal.
Category II
D. Do not allow fresh or dried flowers, or potted plants in patient-care areas for immunosuppressed
9, 109, 515, 1046
Category II
E.V. Pest Control
A. Develop pest-control strategies, with emphasis on kitchens, cafeterias, laundries, central sterile
supply areas, operating rooms, loading docks, construction activities, and other areas prone to
1050, 1072, 1075
Category II
B. Install screens on all windows that open to the outside; keep screens in good repair.
Category IB
C. Contract for routine pest control service by a credentialed pest-control specialist who will tailor the
application to the needs of a health-care facility.
Category II
D. Place laboratory specimens (e.g., fixed sputum smears) in covered containers for overnight
1065, 1066
Category II
E.VI. Special Pathogens
A. Use appropriate hand hygiene, PPE (e.g., gloves), and isolation precautions during cleaning and
disinfecting procedures.
5, 952, 1130, 1364
Category IB
B. Use standard cleaning and disinfection protocols to control environmental contamination with
antibiotic-resistant gram-positive cocci (e.g., methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,
vancomycin intermediate-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus
[VRE] ).
5, 1116–1118
Category IB
1. Pay close attention to cleaning and disinfection of high-touch surfaces in patient-care areas (e.g.,
bed rails, carts, bedside commodes, bedrails, doorknobs, or faucet handles).
5, 1116–1118
2. Ensure compliance by housekeeping staff with cleaning and disinfection procedures.
5, 1116–1118
Category IB
3. Use EPA-registered hospital disinfectants appropriate for the surface to be disinfected (e.g.,
either low- or intermediate-level disinfection) as specified by the manufacturers’ instructions.
1106–1110, 1118
Category IB, IC (EPA: 7 USC § 136 et seq.)
4. When contact precautions are indicated for patient care, use disposable patient-care items (e.g.,
blood pressure cuffs) whenever possible to minimize cross-contamination with multiple-resistant
Category IB
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 151 of 241
5. Follow these same surface cleaning and disinfecting measures for managing the environment of
VRSA patients.
1110, 1116–1118
Category II
C. Environmental-surface culturing can be used to verify the efficacy of hospital policies and
procedures before and after cleaning and disinfecting rooms that house patients with VRE.
5, 1084, 1087,
1088, 1092, 1096
Category II
1. Obtain prior approval from infection-control staff and the clinical laboratory before performing
environmental surface culturing. Category II
2. Infection-control staff, with clinical laboratory consultation, must supervise all environmental
culturing. Category II
D. Thoroughly clean and disinfect environmental and medical equipment surfaces on a regular basis
using EPA-registered disinfectants in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions.
952, 974, 1130, 1143
Category IB, IC (EPA: 7 USC § 136 et seq.)
E. Advise families, visitors, and patients about the importance of hand hygiene to minimize the spread of
body substance contamination (e.g., respiratory secretions or fecal matter) to surfaces.
Category II
F. Do not use high-level disinfectants (i.e., liquid chemical sterilants) on environmental surfaces; such
use is inconsistent with label instructions and because of the toxicity of the chemicals.
2, 951, 952, 964
Category IC (FDA: 21 CFR 801.5, 807.87.e)
C. difficile Update [April 2019]
Recommendations E.VI.G. and E.VI.H. were updated to reflect changes in Federal regulatory
LIST K: EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products Effective against Clostridium
difficile Spores (https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/list-k-epas-registered-antimicrobial-
G. Update: Use an EPA-registered product effective against Clostridium difficile spores for
disinfection of environmental surfaces in rooms where C. difficile patients are treated. (New
Categorization Scheme: Recommendation. See page 2) See
LIST K: EPA’s Registered
Antimicrobial Products Effective against Clostridium difficile Spores
H. Update: This recommendation has been superseded by recommendation E.VI.G. See
EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products Effective against Clostridium difficile Spores
I. Apply standard cleaning and disinfection procedures to control environmental contamination with
respiratory and enteric viruses in pediatric-care units and care areas for immunocompromised
986, 1158
Category IC (EPA: 7 USC § 136 et seq.)
J. Clean surfaces that have been contaminated with body substances; perform low- to intermediate-
level disinfection on cleaned surfaces with an EPA-registered disinfectant in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
967, 974, 1158
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.ii.A; EPA: 7
USC § 136 et seq.)
K. Use disposable barrier coverings as appropriate to minimize surface contamination. Category II
L. Develop and maintain cleaning and disinfection procedures to control environmental contamination
with agents of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), for which no EPA-registered product exists.
Category II
1. In the absence of contamination with central nervous system tissue, extraordinary measures
(e.g., use of 2N sodium hydroxide [NaOH] or applying full-strength sodium hypochlorite) are
not needed for routine cleaning or terminal disinfection of a room housing a confirmed or
suspected CJD patient.
951, 1199
Category II
2. After removing gross tissue from the surface, use either 1N NaOH or a sodium hypochlorite
solution containing approximately 10,000–20,000 ppm available chlorine (dilutions of 1:5 to 1:3
v/v, respectively, of U.S. household chlorine bleach; contact the manufacturers of commercially
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 152 of 241
available sodium hypochlorite products for advice) to decontaminate operating room or autopsy
surfaces with central nervous system or cerebral spinal fluid contamination from a diagnosed or
suspected CJD patient.
951, 1170, 1188, 1191, 1197–1199, 1201
* The contact time for the chemical used during this process should be 30 min–1 hour.
1197, 1201
* Blot up the chemical with absorbent material and rinse the treated surface thoroughly with
* Discard the used, absorbent material into appropriate waste containment. Category II
3. Use disposable, impervious covers to minimize body substance contamination to autopsy tables
and surfaces.
1197, 1201
Category IB
M. Use standard procedures for containment, cleaning, and decontamination of blood spills on surfaces
as previously described (Environmental Services: II).
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030
1. Wear PPE appropriate for a surface decontamination and cleaning task.
967, 1199
Category IC
(OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030 §d.3.i, ii)
2. Discard used PPE by using routine disposal procedures or decontaminate reusable PPE as
967, 1199
Category IC (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030 §d.3.viii)
F. RecommendationsEnvironmental Sampling
F.I. General Information
Edit [February 2017]: An * indicates recommendations that were renumbered for clarity. The
renumbering does not constitute change to the intent of the recommendations.
A. Do not conduct random, undirected microbiologic sampling of air, water, and environmental
surfaces in health-care facilities.
2, 1214
Category IB
B. When indicated, conduct microbiologic sampling as part of an epidemiologic investigation or during
assessment of hazardous environmental conditions to detect contamination and verify abatement of a
2, 1214
Category IB
C. Limit microbiologic sampling for quality assurance purposes to
* biological monitoring of sterilization processes;
* monthly cultures of water and dialysate in hemodialysis units; and
* short-term evaluation of the impact of infection-control measures or changes in infection-
control protocols.
2, 1214
Category IB
F.II. Air, Water, and Environmental-Surface Sampling
A. When conducting any form of environmental sampling, identify existing comparative standards and
fully document departures from standard methods.
945, 1214, 1223, 1224, 1238
Category II
B. Select a high-volume air sampling device if anticipated levels of microbial airborne contamination
are expected to be low.
290, 1218, 1223, 1224
Category II
C. Do not use settle plates to quantify the concentration of airborne fungal spores.
Category II
D. When sampling water, choose growth media and incubation conditions that will facilitate the
recovery of waterborne organisms.
Category II
E. When using a sample/rinse method for sampling an environmental surface, develop and document a
procedure for manipulating the swab, gauze, or sponge in a reproducible manner so that results are
Category II
F. When environmental samples and patient specimens are available for comparison, perform the
laboratory analysis on the recovered microorganisms down to the species level at a minimum and
beyond the species level if possible.
Category II
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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G. RecommendationsLaundry and Bedding
G.I. Employer Responsibilities
A. Employers must launder workers’ personal protective garments or uniforms that are contaminated
with blood or other potentially infectious materials.
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 §
G.II. Laundry Facilities and Equipment
A. Maintain the receiving area for contaminated textiles at negative pressure compared with the clean
areas of the laundry in accordance with AIA construction standards in effect during the time of
facility construction.
120, 1260–1262
Category IC (AIA: 7.23.B1, B2)
B. Ensure that laundry areas have handwashing facilities and products and appropriate PPE available
for workers.
120, 967
Category IC (AIA: 7.23.D4; OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.2.iii)
C. Use and maintain laundry equipment according to manufacturers’ instructions.
1250, 1263
Category II
D. Do not leave damp textiles or fabrics in machines overnight.
Category II
E. Disinfection of washing and drying machines in residential care is not needed as long as gross soil is
removed before washing and proper washing and drying procedures are used. Category II
G.III. Routine Handling of Contaminated Laundry
A. Handle contaminated textiles and fabrics with minimum agitation to avoid contamination of air,
surfaces, and persons.
6, 967, 1258, 1259
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.iv)
B. Bag or otherwise contain contaminated textiles and fabrics at the point of use.
Category IC
(OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.iv)
1. Do not sort or prerinse contaminated textiles or fabrics in patient-care areas.
Category IC
(OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 §d.4.iv)
2. Use leak-resistant containment for textiles and fabrics contaminated with blood or body
967, 1258
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.iv)
3. Identify bags or containers for contaminated textiles with labels, color coding, or other
alternative means of communication as appropriate.
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030
§ d.4.iv)
C. Covers are not needed on contaminated textile hampers in patient-care areas. Category II
D. If laundry chutes are used, ensure that they are properly designed, maintained, and used in a manner
to minimize dispersion of aerosols from contaminated laundry.
1253, 1267–1270
Category IC (AAMI:
ANSI/AAMI ST65:2000)
1. Ensure that laundry bags are closed before tossing the filled bag into the chute. Category II
2. Do not place loose items in the chute. Category II
E. Establish a facility policy to determine when textiles or fabrics should be sorted in the laundry
facility (i.e., before or after washing).
1271, 1272
Category II
G.IV. Laundry Process
A. If hot-water laundry cycles are used, wash with detergent in water 160°F (71°C) for 25
2, 120
Category IC (AIA: 7.31.E3)
B. No recommendation is offered regarding a hot-water temperature setting and cycle duration for
items laundered in residence-style health-care facilities. Unresolved issue
C. Follow fabric-care instructions and special laundering requirements for items used in the facility.
Category II
D. Choose chemicals suitable for low-temperature washing at proper use concentration if low-
temperature (<160°F [<71°C]) laundry cycles are used.
1247, 1281–1285
Category II
E. Package, transport, and store clean textiles and fabrics by methods that will ensure their cleanliness and
protect them from dust and soil during interfacility loading, transport, and unloading.
Category II
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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G.V. Microbiologic Sampling of Textiles
A. Do not conduct routine microbiological sampling of clean textiles.
2, 1286
Category IB
B. Use microbiological sampling during outbreak investigations if epidemiologic evidence suggests a
role for health-care textiles and clothing in disease transmission.
Category IB
G.VI. Special Laundry Situations
A. Use sterilized textiles, surgical drapes, and gowns for situations requiring sterility in patient care.
Category IB
B. Use hygienically clean textiles (i.e., laundered, but not sterilized) in neonatal intensive care units.
Category IB
C. Follow manufacturers’ recommendations for cleaning fabric products including those with coated or
laminated surfaces. Category II
D. Do not use dry cleaning for routine laundering in health-care facilities.
Category II
E. Use caution when considering the use of antimicrobial mattresses, textiles, and clothing as
replacements for standard bedding and other fabric items; EPA has not approved public health
claims asserting protection against human pathogens for treated articles.
Category II
F. No recommendation is offered regarding using disposable fabrics and textiles versus durable
goods. Unresolved issue
G.VII. Mattresses and Pillows
A. Keep mattresses dry; discard them if they become and remain wet or stained, particularly in burn
Category IB
B. Clean and disinfect mattress covers using EPA-registered disinfectants, if available, that are
compatible with the cover materials to prevent the development of tears, cracks, or holes in the
Category IB
C. Maintain the integrity of mattress and pillow covers. Category II
1. Replace mattress and pillow covers if they become torn or otherwise in need of repair. Category II
2. Do not stick needles into the mattress through the cover. Category II
D. Clean and disinfect moisture-resistant mattress covers between patients using an EPA-registered
product, if available.
Category IB
E. If using a mattress cover completely made of fabric, change these covers and launder between
Category IB
F. Launder pillow covers and washable pillows in the hot-water cycle between patients or when they
become contaminated with body substances.
Category IB
G.VIII. Air-Fluidized Beds
A. Follow manufacturers’ instructions for bed maintenance and decontamination. Category II
B. Change the polyester filter sheet at least weekly or as indicated by the manufacturer.
1317, 1318, 1322, 1323
Category II
C. Clean and disinfect the polyester filter sheet thoroughly, especially between patients, using an EPA-
registered product, if available.
1317, 1318, 1322, 1323
Category IB
D. Consult the facility engineer to determine the proper location of air-fluidized beds in negative-
pressure rooms.
Category II
H. RecommendationsAnimals in Health-Care Facilities
H.I. General Infection-Control Measures for Animal Encounters
A. Minimize contact with animal saliva, dander, urine, and feces.
Category II
B. Practice hand hygiene after any animal contact.
2, 1364
Category IB
1. Wash hands with soap and water, especially if hands are visibly soiled.
Category IB
2. Use either soap and water or alcohol-based hand rubs when hands are not visibly soiled.
Category IB
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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H.II. Animal-Assisted Activities, Animal-Assisted Therapy, and Resident Animal
A. Avoid selection of nonhuman primates and reptiles in animal-assisted activities, animal- assisted
therapy, or resident animal programs.
Category IB
B. Enroll animals that are fully vaccinated for zoonotic diseases and that are healthy, clean, well-
groomed, and negative for enteric parasites or otherwise have completed recent antihelminthic
treatment under the regular care of a veterinarian.
1349, 1360
Category II
C. Enroll animals that are trained with the assistance or under the direction of individuals who are
experienced in this field.
Category II
D. Ensure that animals are handled by persons trained in providing activities or therapies safely, and
who know the animals’ health status and behavior traits.
1349, 1360
Category II
E. Take prompt action when an incident of biting or scratching by an animal occurs during an animal-
assisted activity or therapy.
1. Remove the animal permanently from these programs.
Category II
2. Report the incident promptly to appropriate authorities (e.g., infection-control staff, animal
program coordinator, or local animal control).
Category II
3. Promptly clean and treat scratches, bites, or other accidental breaks in the skin. Category II
F. Perform an ICRA and work actively with the animal handler prior to conducting an animal-assisted
activity or therapy to determine if the session should be held in a public area of the facility or in
individual patient rooms.
1349, 1360
Category II
G. Take precautions to mitigate allergic responses to animals. Category II
1. Minimize shedding of animal dander by bathing animals <24 hours before a visit.
Category II
2. Groom animals to remove loose hair before a visit, or using a therapy animal cape.
Category II
H. Use routine cleaning protocols for housekeeping surfaces after therapy sessions. Category II
I. Restrict resident animals, including fish in fish tanks, from access to or placement in patient-care
areas, food preparation areas, dining areas, laundry, central sterile supply areas, sterile and clean
supply storage areas, medication preparation areas, operating rooms, isolation areas, and PE areas.
Category II
J. Establish a facility policy for regular cleaning of fish tanks, rodent cages, bird cages, and any other
animal dwellings and assign this cleaning task to a nonpatient-care staff member; avoid splashing
tank water or contaminating environmental surfaces with animal bedding. Category II
H.III. Protective Measures for Immunocompromised Patients
A. Advise patients to avoid contact with animal feces and body fluids such as saliva, urine, or solid
litter box material.
Category II
B. Promptly clean and treat scratches, bites, or other wounds that break the skin.
Category II
C. Advise patients to avoid direct or indirect contact with reptiles.
Category IB
D. Conduct a case-by-case assessment to determine if animal-assisted activities or animal-assisted
therapy programs are appropriate for immunocompromised patients.
Category II
E. No recommendation is offered regarding permitting pet visits to terminally ill immunosuppressed
patients outside their PE units. Unresolved issue
H.IV. Service Animals
Edit [February 2017]: An * indicates recommendations that were renumbered for clarity. The
renumbering does not constitute change to the intent of the recommendations.
A. Avoid providing access to nonhuman primates and reptiles as service animals.
1340, 1362
Category IB
B. Allow service animals access to the facility in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
of 1990, unless the presence of the animal creates a direct threat to other persons or a fundamental
alteration in the nature of services.
1366, 1376
Category IC (U.S. Department of Justice: 28 CFR §
C. When a decision must be made regarding a service animal’s access to any particular area of the
health-care facility, evaluate the service animal, the patient, and the health-care situation on a case-
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 156 of 241
by-case basis to determine whether significant risk of harm exists and whether reasonable
modifications in policies and procedures will mitigate this risk.
Category IC (Justice: 28 CFR §
36.208 and App.B)
D. If a patient must be separated from his or her service animal while in the health-care facility
* ascertain from the person what arrangements have been made for supervision or care of the
animal during this period of separation; and
* make appropriate arrangements to address the patient’s needs in the absence of the service
animal. Category II
H.V. Animals as Patients in Human Health-Care Facilities
A. Develop health-care facility policies to address the treatment of animals in human healthcare
1. Use the multidisciplinary team approach to policy development, including public media relations
in order to disclose and discuss these activities. Category II
2. Exhaust all veterinary facility, equipment, and instrument options before undertaking the
procedure. Category II
3. Ensure that the care of the animal is supervised by a licensed veterinarian. Category II
B. When animals are treated in human health-care facilities, avoid treating animals in operating rooms
or other patient-care areas where invasive procedures are performed (e.g., cardiac catheterization
laboratories, or invasive nuclear medicine areas). Category II
C. Schedule the animal procedure for the last case of the day for the area, at a time when human
patients are not scheduled to be in the vicinity. Category II
D. Adhere strictly to standard precautions. Category II
E. Clean and disinfect environmental surfaces thoroughly using an EPA-registered product in the room
after the animal is removed. Category II
F. Allow sufficient ACH to clean the air and help remove airborne dander, microorganisms, and
allergens [Appendix B, Table B.1.]). Category II
G. Clean and disinfect using EPA-registered products or sterilize equipment that has been in contact
with animals, or use disposable equipment. Category II
H. If reusable medical or surgical instruments are used in an animal procedure, restrict future use of
these instruments to animals only. Category II
H.VI. Research Animals in Health-Care Facilities
A. Use animals obtained from quality stock, or quarantine incoming animals to detect zoonotic
diseases. Category II
B. Treat sick animals or remove them from the facility. Category II
C. Provide prophylactic vaccinations, as available, to animal handlers and contacts at high risk.
Category II
D. Ensure proper ventilation through appropriate facility design and location.
Category IC (U.S.
Department of Agriculture [USDA]: 7 USC 2131)
1. Keep animal rooms at negative pressure relative to corridors.
Category IC (USDA: 7 USC
2. Prevent air in animal rooms from recirculating elsewhere in the health-care facility.
IC (USDA: 7 USC 2131)
E. Keep doors to animal research rooms closed. Category II
F. Restrict access to animal facilities to essential personnel. Category II
G. Establish employee occupational health programs specific to the animal research facility, and
coordinate management of postexposure procedures specific for zoonoses with occupational health
clinics in the health-care facility.
1013, 1378
Category IC (U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services [DHHS]: BMBL; OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030.132-139)
H. Document standard operating procedures for the unit.
Category IC (DHHS: BMBL)
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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I. Conduct routine employee training on worker safety issues relevant to the animal research facility
(e.g., working safely with animals and animal handling).
1013, 1393
Category IC (DHHS: BMBL;
OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030.132-139)
J. Use precautions to prevent the development of animal-induced asthma in animal workers.
Category IC (DHHS: BMBL)
I. RecommendationsRegulated Medical Waste
I.I. Categories of Regulated Medical Waste
Edit [February 2017]: An * indicates recommendations that were renumbered for clarity. The
renumbering does not constitute change to the intent of the recommendations.
A. Designate the following as major categories of medical waste that require special handling and
disposal precautions:
* microbiology laboratory wastes [e.g., cultures and stocks of microorganisms];
* bulk blood, blood products, blood, and bloody body fluid specimens;
* pathology and anatomy waste; and
* sharps [e.g., needles and scalpels].
Category II
B. Consult federal, state, and local regulations to determine if other waste items are considered
regulated medical wastes.
967, 1407, 1408
Category IC (States; Authorities having jurisdiction [AHJ];
OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 §g.2.1; U.S. Department of Transportation [DOT]: 49 CFR 171-180;
U.S. Postal Service: CO23.8)
I.II. Disposal Plan for Regulated Medical Wastes
A. Develop a plan for the collection, handling, predisposal treatment, and terminal disposal of regulated
medical wastes.
967, 1409
Category IC (States; AHJ; OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 §g.2.i;)
B. Designate a person or persons to be responsible for establishing, monitoring, reviewing, and
administering the plan. Category II
I.III. Handling, Transporting, and Storing Regulated Medical Wastes
A. Inform personnel involved in the handling and disposal of potentially infective waste of the possible
health and safety hazards; ensure that they are trained in appropriate handling and disposal
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § g.2.i)
B. Manage the handling and disposal of regulated medical wastes generated in isolation areas by using
the same methods as for regulated medical wastes from other patient-care areas.
Category II
C. Use proper sharps disposal strategies.
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.iii.A)
1. Use a sharps container capable of maintaining its impermeability after waste treatment to avoid
subsequent physical injuries during final disposal.
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 §
2. Place disposable syringes with needles, including sterile sharps that are being discarded, scalpel
blades, and other sharp items into puncture-resistant containers located as close as practical to
the point of use.
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.iii.A)
3. Do not bend, recap, or break used syringe needles before discarding them into a container.
6, 967,
Category IC (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.2.vii and § d.2.vii.A)
D. Store regulated medical wastes awaiting treatment in a properly ventilated area that is inaccessible to
vertebrate pests; use waste containers that prevent the development of noxious odors. Category IC
(States; AHJ)
E. If treatment options are not available at the site where the medical waste is generated, transport
regulated medical wastes in closed, impervious containers to the on-site treatment location or to
another facility for treatment as appropriate. Category IC (States; AHJ)
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 158 of 241
I.IV. Treatment and Disposal of Regulated Medical Wastes
A. Treat regulated medical wastes by using a method (e.g., steam sterilization, incineration, interment,
or an alternative treatment technology) approved by the appropriate authority having jurisdiction
(AHJ) (e.g., states, Indian Health Service [IHS], Veterans Affairs [VA]) before disposal in a sanitary
landfill. Category IC (States, AHJ)
B. Follow precautions for treating microbiological wastes (e.g., amplified cultures and stocks of
Category IC (DHHS: BMBL)
1. Biosafety level 4 laboratories must inactivate microbiological wastes in the laboratory by using
an approved inactivation method (e.g., autoclaving) before transport to and disposal in a sanitary
Category IC (DHHS: BMBL)
2. Biosafety level 3 laboratories must inactivate microbiological wastes in the laboratory by using
an approved inactivation method (e.g., autoclaving) or incinerate them at the facility before
transport to and disposal in a sanitary landfill.
Category IC (DHHS: BMBL)
C. Biosafety levels 1 and 2 laboratories should develop strategies to inactivate amplified microbial
cultures and stocks onsite by using an approved inactivation method (e.g., autoclaving) instead of
packaging and shipping untreated wastes to an offsite facility for treatment and disposal.
1013, 1419–1421
Category II
D. Laboratories that isolate select agents from clinical specimens must comply with federal regulations
for the receipt, transfer, management, and appropriate disposal of these agents.
Category IC
(DHHS: 42 CFR 73 § 73.6)
E. Sanitary sewers may be used for the safe disposal of blood, suctioned fluids, ground tissues,
excretions, and secretions, provided that local sewage discharge requirements are met and that the
state has declared this to be an acceptable method of disposal.
Category II
I.V. Special Precautions for Wastes Generated During Care of Patients with Rare
A. When discarding items contaminated with blood and body fluids from VHF patients, contain these
regulated medical wastes with minimal agitation during handling.
6, 203
Category II
B. Manage properly contained wastes from areas providing care to VHF patients in accordance with
recommendations for other isolation areas (Regulated Medical Waste: III B).
2, 6, 203
Category II
C. Decontaminate bulk blood and body fluids from VHF patients using approved inactivation methods
(e.g., autoclaving or chemical treatment) before disposal.
6, 203
Category IC, II (States; AHJ)
D. When discarding regulated medical waste generated during the routine (i.e., non-surgical) care of
CJD patients, contain these wastes and decontaminate them using approved inactivation methods
(e.g., autoclaving or incineration) appropriate for the medical waste category (e.g., blood, sharps,
pathological waste).
2, 6, 948, 1199
Category IC, II (States; AHJ)
E. Incinerate medical wastes (e.g., central nervous system tissues or contaminated disposable materials)
from brain autopsy or biopsy procedures of diagnosed or suspected CJD patients.
1197, 1201
Category IB
Part III. References
Note: The bold item in parentheses indicated the citation number or the location of this reference listed in
the MMWR version of this guideline.
1. Simmons BP. Guideline for hospital environmental control. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, 1981.
2. (270) Garner JS, Favero MS. Guideline for handwashing and hospital environmental control. Atlanta,
GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease
Control, 1985. Document No. 99–1117 (Also available at Infect Control 1986; 7: 231–43.)
3. (27) CDC. Guidelines for prevention of nosocomial pneumonia. MMWR 1997;46(No. RR-1):1–79.
4. (34) CDC. Guidelines for preventing the transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in health-care
facilities. MMWR 1994;43(No. RR-13):1–132.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
Last update: July 2019 159 of 241
5. (318) CDC. Recommendations for preventing the spread of vancomycin resistance. Recommendations
of the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). MMWR 1995;44(No. RR-
12):1– 13.
6. (36) Garner JS, Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. Guideline for isolation
precautions in hospitals. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1996;17:53–80.
7. (114) Mangram AJ, Horan TC, Pearson ML, Silver LC, Jarvis WR, Hospital Infection Control Practices
Advisory Committee. Guideline for prevention of surgical site infection, 1999. Infect Control Hosp
Epidemiol 1999;20:247–80.
8. (396) CDC. USPHS/IDSA guidelines for the prevention of opportunistic infections in persons infected
with human immunodeficiency virus. MMWR 1999;48(No. RR-10):1–66.
9. (37, Appendix; 5) CDC. CDC/IDSA/ASBMT guidelines for the prevention of opportunistic infections
in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. MMWR 2000;49(No. RR-10):1–128.
10. Garner JS. The CDC Hospital Infection Control Practice Advisory Committee. Am J Infect Control
11. Bennett JV, Brachman PS, eds. The inanimate environment. In: Rhame FS. Hospital Infections, 4th ed.
Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott-Raven, 1998;299–324.
12. Weber DJ, Rutala WA. Environmental issues and nosocomial infections. In: Wenzel RP, ed. Prevention
and control of nosocomial infections, 3rd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins,1997;491–514.
13. Greene VW. Microbiological contamination control in hospitals. Hospitals JAHA 1969;43:78–88.
14. American Hospital Association. Hospital statistics, 2000 ed.Historical trends in utilization, personnel,
and finances for selected years from 1946 through 1998 [Table]. Chicago, IL: Health Forum LLC,
15. McKee B. Neither bust nor boom. Architecture 1998. Available at: [This link is no longer active:
16. Croswell CL. Better, not bigger: construction costs soar on wings of patient demand, construction and
design survey finds. Mod Healthc 1999;29:23–6, 28–34, 36–8.
17. (9) Sarubbi FA Jr, Kopf BB, Wilson NO, McGinnis MR, Rutala WA. Increased recovery of Aspergillus
flavus from respiratory specimens during hospital construction. Am Rev Respir Dis 1982;125:33–8.
18. (2) Arnow PM, Sadigh MC, Weil D, Chudy R. Endemic and epidemic aspergillosis associated with
inhospital replication of Aspergillus organisms. J Infect Dis 1991;164:998–1002.
19. (38) Flynn PM, Williams BG, Hethrington SV, Williams BF, Giannini MA, Pearson TA. Aspergillus
terreus during hospital renovation [letter]. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1993;14:363–5.
20. (48) Weems JJ Jr, Davis BJ, Tablan OC, Kaufman L, Martone WJ. Construction activity: an
independent risk factor for invasive aspergillosis and zygomycosis in patients with hematologic
malignancy. Infect Control 1987;8:71–5.
21. (10) Streifel AJ, Stevens PP, Rhame FS. In-hospital source of airborne Penicillium species spores. J
Clin Microbiol 1987;25:1–4.
22. Noskin GA, Stosor V, Cooper J, Peterson L. Recovery of vancomycin-resistant enterococci on
fingertips and environmental surfaces. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1995;16:577–81.
23. Manian FA, Meyer L, Jenne J. Clostridium difficile contamination of blood pressure cuffs: a call for a
closer look at gloving practices in the era of universal precautions. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol
24. McFarland LV, Mulligan NE, Kwok RYY, et al. Nosocomial acquisition of Clostridium difficile
infection. N Engl J Med 1989;320:204–10.
25. Nath SK, Thomely JH, Kelly M, et al. A sustained outbreak of Clostridium difficile in a general
hospital: persistence of a toxigenic clone in four units. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1994;15:382–9.
26. (165) Johnson JT, Yu VL, Best MG, et al. Nosocomial legionellosis in surgical patients with head and
neck cancer: implications for epidemiological reservoir and mode of transmission. Lancet 1985;2:298
27. Blatt SP, Parkinson MD, Pace E, et al. Nosocomial Legionnaires' disease: aspiration as a primary mode
of disease acquisition. Am J Med 1993;95:16–22
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Part IV. Appendices
Appendix A. Glossary of Terms
Acceptable indoor air quality: air in which there are no known contaminants at harmful concentrations as
determined by knowledgeble authorities and with which a substantial majority (80%) of the people exposed
do not express dissatisfaction.
ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.
Action level: the concentration of a contaminant at which steps should be taken to interrupt the trend toward
higher, unacceptable levels.
Aerosol: particles of respirable size generated by both humans and environmental sources and that have the
capability of remaining viable and airborne for extended periods in the indoor environment.
AIA: American Institute of Architects, a professional group responsible for publishing the Guidelines for
Design and Construction of Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities, a consensus document for design and
construction of health-care facilities endorsed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, health-
care professionals, and professional organizations.
Air changes per hour (ACH): the ratio of the volume of air flowing through a space in a certain period of
time (the airflow rate) to the volume of that space (the room volume). This ratio is expressed as the number
of air changes per hour (ACH).
Air mixing: the degree to which air supplied to a room mixes with the air already in the room, usually
expressed as a mixing factor. This factor varies from 1 (for perfect mixing) to 10 (for poor mixing). It is used
as a multiplier to determine the actual airflow required (i.e., the recommended ACH multiplied by the mixing
factor equals the actual ACH required).
Airborne transmission: a means of spreading infection when airborne droplet nuclei (small particle residue
of evaporated droplets 5 μm in size containing microorganisms that remain suspended in air for long
periods of time) are inhaled by the susceptible host.
Air-cleaning system: a device or combination of devices applied to reduce the concentration of airborne
contaminants (e.g., microorganisms, dusts, fumes, aerosols, other particulate matter, and gases).
Air conditioning: the process of treating air to meet the requirements of a conditioned space by controlling
its temperature, humidity, cleanliness, and distribution.
Allogeneic: non-twin, non-self. The term refers to transplanted tissue from a donor closely matched to a
recipient but not related to that person.
Ambient air: the air surrounding an object.
Anemometer: a flow meter which measures the wind force and velocity of air. An anemometer is often used
as a means of determining the volume of air being drawn into an air sampler.
Anteroom: a small room leading from a corridor into an isolation room. This room can act as an airlock,
preventing the escape of contaminants from the isolation room into the corridor.
ASHE: American Society for Healthcare Engineering, an association affiliated with the American Hospital
ASHRAE: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Inc.
Autologous self: The term refers to transplanted tissue whose source is the same as the recipient, or an
identical twin.
Automated cycler: a machine used during peritoneal dialysis which pumps fluid into and out of the patient
while he/she sleeps.
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD): a measure of the amount of oxygen removed from aquatic
environments by aerobic microorganisms for their metabolic requirements. Measurement of BOD is used to
determine the level of organic pollution of a stream or lake. The greater the BOD, the greater the degree of
water pollution. The term is also referred to as Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD).
Biological oxygen demand (BOD): an indirect measure of the concentration of biologically degradable
material present in organic wastes (pertaining to water quality). It usually reflects the amount of oxygen
consumed in five days by biological processes breaking down organic waste (BOD5).
Biosafety level: a combination of microbiological practices, laboratory facilities, and safety equipment
determined to be sufficient to reduce or prevent occupational exposures of laboratory personnel to the
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microbiological agents they work with. There are four biosafety levels based on the hazards associated with
the various microbiological agents.
BOD5: the amount of dissolved oxygen consumed in five days by biological processes breaking down
organic matter.
Bonneting: a floor cleaning method for either carpeted or hard surface floors that uses a circular motion of a
large fibrous disc to lift and remove soil and dust from the surface.
Capped spur: a pipe leading from the water recirculating system to an outlet that has been closed off
(“capped”). A capped spur cannot be flushed, and it might not be noticed unless the surrounding wall is
: colony forming units per cubic meter (of air).
Chlamydospores: thick-walled, typically spherical or ovoid resting spores asexually produced by certain
types of fungi from cells of the somatic hyphae.
Chloramines: compounds containing nitrogen, hydrogen, and chlorine. These are formed by the reaction
between hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and ammonia (NH3) and/or organic amines in water. The formation of
chloramines in drinking water treatment extends the disinfecting power of chlorine. The term is also referred
to as Combined Available Chlorine.
Cleaning: the removal of visible soil and organic contamination from a device or surface, using either the
physical action of scrubbing with a surfactant or detergent and water, or an energy-based process (e.g.,
ultrasonic cleaners) with appropriate chemical agents.
Coagulation-flocculation: coagulation is the clumping of particles that results in the settling of impurities. It
may be induced by coagulants (e.g., lime, alum, and iron salts). Flocculation in water and wastewater
treatment is the agglomeration or clustering of colloidal and finely-divided suspended matter after
coagulation by gentle stirring by either mechanical or hydraulic means, such that they can be separated from
water or sewage.
Commissioning (a room): testing a system or device to ensure that it meets the pre-use specifications as
indicated by the manufacturer or predetermined standard, or air sampling in a room to establish a
preoccupancy baseline standard of microbial or particulate contamination. The term is also referred to as
benchmarking at 77°F (25°C).
Completely packaged: functionally packaged, as for laundry.
Conidia: asexual spores of fungi borne externally.
Conidiophores: specialized hyphae that bear conidia in fungi.
Conditioned space: that part of a building that is heated or cooled, or both, for the comfort of the occupants.
Contaminant: an unwanted airborne constituent that may reduce the acceptibility of air.
Convection: the transfer of heat or other atmospheric properties within the atmosphere or in the airspace of
an enclosure by the circulation of currents from one region to another, especially by such motion directed
Cooling tower: a structure engineered to receive accumulated heat from ventilation systems and equipment
and transfer this heat to water, which then releases the stored heat to the atmosphere through evaporative
Critical item (medical instrument): a medical instrument or device that contacts normally sterile areas of
the body or enters the vascular system. There is a high risk of infection from such devices if they are
microbiologically contaminated prior to use. These devices must be sterilized before use.
Dead legs: areas in the water system where water stagnates. A dead leg is a pipe or spur, leading from the
water recirculating system to an outlet that is used infrequently, resulting in inadequate flow of water from
the recirculating system to the outlet. This inadequate flow reduces the perfusion of heat or chlorine into this
part of the water distribution system, thereby adversely affecting the disinfection of the water system in that
Deionization: removal of ions from water by exchange with other ions associated with fixed charges on a
resin bed. Cations are usually removed and H
ions are exchanged; OH
ions are exchanged for anions.
Detritis: particulate matter produced by or remaining after the wearing away or disintegration of a substance
or tissue.
Dew point: the temperature at which a gas or vapor condenses to form a liquid; the point at which moisture
begins to condense out of the air. At dew point, air is cooled to the point where it is at 100% relative
humidity or saturation.
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Dialysate: the aqueous electrolyte solution, usually containing dextrose, used to make a concentration
gradient between the solution and blood in the hemodialyzer (dialyzer).
Dialyzer: a device that consists of two compartments (blood and dialysate) separated by a semipermeable
membrane. A dialyzer is usually referred to as an artificial kidney.
Diffuser: the grille plate that disperses the air stream coming into the conditioned air space.
Direct transmission: involves direct body surface-to-body surface contact and physical transfer of
microorganisms between a susceptible host and an infected/colonized person, or exposure to cloud of
infectious particles within 3 feet of the source; the aerosolized particles are >5 μm in size.
Disability: as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, a disability is any physical or mental
impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, including but not limited to walking,
talking, seeing, breathing, hearing, or caring for oneself.
Disinfection: a generally less lethal process of microbial inactivation (compared to sterilization) that
eliminates virtually all recognized pathogenic microorganisms but not necessarily all microbial forms (e.g.,
bacterial spores).
Drain pans: pans that collect water within the HVAC system and remove it from the system. Condensation
results when air and steam come together.
Drift: circulating water lost from the cooling tower in the form as liquid droplets entrained in the exhaust air
stream (i.e., exhaust aerosols from a cooling tower).
Drift eliminators: an assembly of baffles or labyrinth passages through which the air passes prior to its exit
from the cooling tower. The purpose of a drift eliminator is to remove entrained water droplets from the
exhaust air.
Droplets: particles of moisture, such as are generated when a person coughs or sneezes, or when water is
converted to a fine mist by a device such as an aerator or shower head. These particles may contain infectious
microorganisms. Intermediate in size between drops and droplet nuclei, these particles tend to quickly settle
out from the air so that any risk of disease transmission is generally limited to persons in close proximity to
the droplet source.
Droplet nuclei: sufficiently small particles (15 μm in diameter) that can remain airborne indefinitely and
cause infection when a susceptible person is exposed at or beyond 3 feet of the source of these particles.
Dual duct system: an HVAC system that consists of parallel ducts that produce a cold air stream in one and
a hot air stream in the other.
Dust: an air suspension of particles (aerosol) of any solid material, usually with particle sizes 100 μm in
Dust-spot test: a procedure that uses atmospheric air or a defined dust to measure a filter’s ability to remove
particles. A photometer is used to measure air samples on either side of the filter, and the difference is
expressed as a percentage of particles removed.
Effective leakage area: the area through which air can enter or leave the room. This does not include supply,
return, or exhaust ducts. The smaller the effective leakage area, the better isolated the room.
Endotoxin: the lipopolysaccharides of gram-negative bacteria, the toxic character of which resides in the
lipid portion. Endotoxins generally produce pyrogenic reactions in persons exposed to these bacterial
Enveloped virus: a virus whose outer surface is derived from a membrane of the host cell (either nuclear or
the cell’s outer membrane) during the budding phase of the maturation process. This membrane-derived
material contains lipid, a component that makes these viruses sensitive to the action of chemical germicides.
Evaporative condenser: a wet-type, heat-rejection unit that produces large volumes of aerosols during the
process of removing heat from conditioned space air.
Exhaust air: air removed from a space and not reused therein.
Exposure: the condition of being subjected to something (e.g., infectious agents) that could have a harmful
Fastidious: having complex nutritional requirements for growth, as in microorganisms.
Fill: that portion of a cooling tower which makes up its primary heat transfer surface. Fill is alternatively
known as “packing.”
Finished water: treated, or potable water.
Fixed room-air HEPA recirculation systems: nonmobile devices or systems that remove airborne
contaminants by recirculating air through a HEPA filter. These may be built into the room and permanently
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ducted or may be mounted to the wall or ceiling within the room. In either situation, they are fixed in place
and are not easily movable.
Fomite: an inanimate object that may be contaminated with microorganisms and serves in their transmission.
Free and available chlorine: the term applied to the three forms of chlorine that may be found in solution
(i.e., chlorine [Cl2], hypochlorite [OCl
], and hypochlorous acid [HOCl]).
Germicide: a chemical that destroys microorganisms. Germicides may be used to inactivate microorganisms
in or on living tissue (antiseptics) or on environmental surfaces (disinfectants).
Health-care associated: an outcome, usually an infection, that occurs in any health-care facility as a result of
medical care. The termhealth-care associated” replaces “nosocomial,” the latter term being limited to
adverse infectious outcomes occurring only in hospitals.
Hemodiafiltration: a form of renal replacement therapy in which waste solutes in the patient’s blood are
removed by both diffusion and convection through a high-flux membrane.
Hemodialysis: a treatment for renal replacement therapy in which waste solutes in the patient’s blood are
removed by diffusion and/or convection through the semipermeable membrane of an artificial kidney or
Hemofiltration: cleansing of waste products or other toxins from the blood by convection across a
semipermeable, high-flux membrane where fluid balance is maintained by infusion of sterile, pyrogenfree
substitution fluid pre- or post-hemodialyzer.
HEPA filter: High Efficiency Particulate Air filters capable of removing 99.97% of particles 0.3 μm in
diameter and may assist in controlling the transmission of airborne disease agents. These filters may be used
in ventilation systems to remove particles from the air or in personal respirators to filter air before it is
inhaled by the person wearing the respirator. The use of HEPA filters in ventilation systems requires
expertise in installation and maintenance. To test this type of filter, 0.3 μm particles of dioctylphthalate
(DOP) are drawn through the filter. Efficiency is calculated by comparing the downstream and upstream
particle counts. The optimal HEPA filter allows only three particles to pass through for every 10,000 particles
that are fed to the filter.
Heterotrophic (heterotroph): that which requires some nutrient components from exogenous sources.
Heterotrophic bacteria cannot synthesize all of their metabolites and therefore require certain nutrients from
other sources.
High-efficiency filter: a filter with a particle-removal efficiency of 90%95%.
High flux: a type of dialyzer or hemodialysis treatment in which large molecules (>8,000 daltons [e.g., β2
microglobulin]) are removed from blood.
High-level disinfection: a disinfection process that inactivates vegetative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, and
viruses, but not necessarily high numbers of bacterial spores.
Housekeeping surfaces: environmental surfaces (e.g., floors, walls, ceilings, and tabletops) that are not
involved in direct delivery of patient care in health-care facilities.
Hoyer lift: an apparatus that facilitates the repositioning of the non-ambulatory patient from bed to
wheelchair or gurney and subsequently to therapy equipment (immersion tanks).
Hubbard tank: a tank used in hydrotherapy that may accomodate whole-body immersion (e.g., as may be
indicated for burn therapy). Use of a Hubbard tank has been replaced largely by bedside post-lavage therapy
for wound care management.
HVAC: Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning.
Iatrogenic: induced in a patient by a physician’s activity, manner, or therapy. The term is used especially in
reference to an infectious complication or other adverse outcome of medical treatment.
Impactor: an air-sampling device in which particles and microorganisms are directed onto a solid surface
and retained there for assay.
Impingement: an air-sampling method during which particles and microorganisms are directed into a liquid
and retained there for assay.
Indirect transmission: involves contact of a susceptible host with a contaminated intermediate object,
usually inanimate (a fomite).
Induction unit: the terminal unit of an in-room ventilation system. Induction units take centrally conditioned
air and further moderate its temperature. Induction units are not appropriate for areas with high exhaust
requirements (e.g., research laboratories).
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Intermediate-level disinfection: a disinfection process that inactivates vegetative bacteria, most fungi,
mycobacteria, and most viruses (particularly the enveloped viruses), but does not inactivate bacterial spores.
Isoform: a possible configuration (tertiary structure) of a protein molecule. With respect to prion proteins,
the molecules with large amounts of α-conformation are the normal isoform of that particular protein,
whereas those prions with large amounts of β-sheet conformation are the proteins associated with the
development of spongiform encephalopathy (e.g., Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease [CJD]).
Laminar flow: HEPA-filtered air that is blown into a room at a rate of 90 ± 10 feet/min in a unidirectional
pattern with 100 ACH400 ACH.
Large enveloped virus: viruses whose particle diameter is >50 nm and whose outer surface is covered by a
lipid-containing structure derived from the membranes of the host cells. Examples of large enveloped viruses
include influenza viruses, herpes simplex viruses, and poxviruses.
Laser plume: the transfer of electromagnetic energy into tissues which results in a release of particles, gases,
and tissue debris.
Lipid-containing viruses: viruses whose particle contains lipid components. The term is generally
synonymous with enveloped viruses whose outer surface is derived from host cell membranes. Lipid-
containing viruses are sensitive to the inactivating effects of liquid chemical germicides.
Lithotriptors: instruments used for crushing caliculi (i.e., calcified stones, and sand) in the bladder or
Low efficiency filter: the prefilter with a particle-removal efficiency of approximately 30% through which
incoming air first passes. See also Prefilter.
Low-level disinfection: a disinfection process that will inactivate most vegetative bacteria, some fungi, and
some viruses, but cannot be relied upon to inactivate resistant microorganisms (e.g., mycobacteria or
bacterial spores).
Makeup air: outdoor air supplied to the ventilation system to replace exhaust air.
Makeup water: a cold water supply source for a cooling tower.
Manometer: a device that measures the pressure of liquids and gases. A manometer is used to verify air
filter performance by measuring pressure differentials on either side of the filter.
Membrane filtration: an assay method suitable for recovery and enumeration of microorganisms from
liquid samples. This method is used when sample volume is large and anticipated microbial contamination
levels are low.
Mesophilic: that which favors a moderate temperature. For mesophilic bacteria, a temperature range of
68°F131°F (20°C55°C) is favorable for their growth and proliferation.
Mixing box: the site where the cold and hot air streams mix in the HVAC system, usually situated close to
the air outlet for the room.
Mixing faucet: a faucet that mixes hot and cold water to produce water at a desired temperature.
MMAD: Mass Median Aerodynamic Diameter. This is the unit used by ACGIH to describe the size of
particles when particulate air sampling is conducted.
Moniliaceous: hyaline or brightly colored. This is a laboratory term for the distinctive characteristics of
certain opportunistic fungi in culture (e.g., Aspergillus spp. and Fusarium spp.).
Monochloramine: the result of the reaction between chlorine and ammonia that contains only one chlorine
atom. Monochloramine is used by municipal water systems as a water treatment.
Natural ventilation: the movement of outdoor air into a space through intentionally provided openings (i.e.,
windows, doors, or nonpowered ventilators).
Negative pressure: air pressure differential between two adjacent airspaces such that air flow is directed into
the room relative to the corridor ventilation (i.e., room air is prevented from flowing out of the room and into
adjacent areas).
Neutropenia: a medical condition in which the patient’s concentration of neutrophils is substantially less
than that in the normal range. Severe neutropenia occurs when the concentration is <1,000
polymorphonuclear cells/μL for 2 weeks or <100 polymorphonuclear cells /mL for 1 week, particularly for
hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients.
Noncritical devices: medical devices or surfaces that come into contact with only intact skin. The risk of
infection from use of these devices is low.
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Non-enveloped virus: a virus whose particle is not covered by a structure derived from a membrane of the
host cell. Non-enveloped viruses have little or no lipid compounds in their biochemical composition, a
characteristic that is significant to their inherent resistance to the action of chemical germicides.
Nosocomial: an occurrence, usually an infection, that is acquired in a hospital as a result of medical care.
NTM: nontuberculous mycobacteria. These organisms are also known as atypical mycobacteria, or as
“Mycobacteria other than tuberculosis” (MOTT). This descriptive term refers to any of the fast- or slow-
growing Mycobacterium spp. found in primarily in natural or man-made waters, but it excludes
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its variants.
Nuisance dust: generally innocuous dust, not recognized as the direct cause of serious pathological
Oocysts: a cyst in which sporozoites are formed; a reproductive aspect of the life cycle of a number of
parasitic agents (e.g., Cryptosporidium spp., and Cyclospora spp.).
Outdoor air: air taken from the external atmosphere and, therefore, not previously circulated through the
ventilation system.
Parallel streamlines: a unidirectional airflow pattern achieved in a laminar flow setting, characterized by
little or no mixing of air.
Particulate matter (particles): a state of matter in which solid or liquid substances exist in the form of
aggregated molecules or particles. Airborne particulate matter is typically in the size range of 0.01100 μm
Pasteurization: a disinfecting method for liquids during which the liquids are heated to 140°F (60°C) for a
short time (30 mins.) to significantly reduce the numbers of pathogenic or spoilage microorganisms.
Plinth: a treatment table or a piece of equipment used to reposition the patient for treatment.
Portable room-air HEPA recirculation units: free-standing portable devices that remove airborne
contaminants by recirculating air through a HEPA filter.
Positive pressure: air pressure differential between two adjacent air spaces such that air flow is directed
from the room relative to the corridor ventilation (i.e., air from corridors and adjacent areas is prevented from
entering the room).
Potable (drinking) water: water that is fit to drink. The microbiological quality of this water as defined by
EPA microbiological standards from the Surface Water Treatment Rule:
a. Giardia lamblia: 99.9% killed/inactivated
b. viruses: 99.9% inactivated;
c. Legionella spp.: no limit, but if Giardia and viruses are inactivated, Legionella will also be controlled;
d. heterotrophic plate count [HPC]: 500 CFU/mL; and
e. >5% of water samples total coliform-positive in a month.
PPE: Personal Protective Equipment.
ppm: parts per million. The term is a measure of concentration in solution. Chlorine bleaches (undiluted) that
are available in the U.S. (5.25%6.15% sodium hypochlorite) contain approximately 50,00061,500 parts per
million of free and available chlorine.
Prefilter: the first filter for incoming fresh air in a HVAC system. This filter is approximately 30% efficient
in removing particles from the air. See also Low-Efficiency Filter.
Prion: a class of agent associated with the transmission of diseases knowns as transmissible spongiform
encephalopathies (TSEs). Prions are considered to consist of protein only, and the abnormal isoform of this
protein is thought to be the agent that causes diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), kuru, scrapie,
bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), and the human version of BSE which is variant CJD (vCJD).
Product water: water produced by a water treatment system or individual component of that system.
Protective environment: a special care area, usually in a hospital, designed to prevent transmission of
opportunistic airborne pathogens to severely immunosuppressed patients.
Pseudoepidemic (pseudo-outbreak): a cluster of positive microbiologic cultures in the absence of clinical
disease. A pseudoepidemic usually results from contamination of the laboratory apparatus and process used
to recover microorganisms.
Pyrogenic: an endotoxin burden such that a patient would receive 5 endotoxin units (EU) per kilogram of
body weight per hour, thereby causing a febrile response. In dialysis this usually refers to water or dialysate
having endotoxin concentrations of 5 EU/mL.
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Rank order: a strategy for assessing overall indoor air quality and filter performance by comparing airborne
particle counts from lowest to highest (i.e., from the best filtered air spaces to those with the least filtration).
RAPD: a method of genotyping microorganisms by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA. This is one
version of the polymerase chain reaction method.
Recirculated air: air removed from the conditioned space and intended for reuse as supply air.
Relative humidity: the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere to the amount necessary for
saturation at the same temperature. Relative humidity is expressed in terms of percent and measures the
percentage of saturation. At 100% relative humidity, the air is saturated. The relative humidity decreases
when the temperature is increased without changing the amount of moisture in the air.
Reprocessing (of medical instruments): the procedures or steps taken to make a medical instrument safe for
use on the next patient. Reprocessing encompasses both cleaning and the final or terminal step (i.e.,
sterilization or disinfection) which is determined by the intended use of the instrument according to the
Spaulding classification.
Residuals: the presence and concentration of a chemical in media (e.g., water) or on a surface after the
chemical has been added.
Reservoir: a nonclinical source of infection.
Respirable particles: those particles that penetrate into and are deposited in the nonciliated portion of the
lung. Particles >10 μm in diameter are not respirable.
Return air: air removed from a space to be then recirculated.
Reverse osmosis (RO): an advanced method of water or wastewater treatment that relies on a
semipermeable membrane to separate waters from pollutants. An external force is used to reverse the normal
osmotic process resulting in the solvent moving from a solution of higher concentration to one of lower
Riser: water piping that connects the circulating water supply line, from the level of the base of the tower or
supply header, to the tower’s distribution system.
RODAC: Replicate Organism Direct Agar Contact. This term refers to a nutrient agar plate whose convex
agar surface is directly pressed onto an environmental surface for the purpose of microbiologic sampling of
that surface.
Room-air HEPA recirculation systems and units: devices (either fixed or portable) that remove airborne
contaminants by recirculating air through a HEPA filter.
Routine sampling: environmental sampling conducted without a specific, intended purpose and with no
action plan dependent on the results obtained.
Sanitizer: an agent that reduces microbial contamination to safe levels as judged by public health standards
or requirements.
Saprophytic: a naturally-occurring microbial contaminant.
Sedimentation: the act or process of depositing sediment from suspension in water. The term also refers to
the process whereby solids settle out of wastewater by gravity during treatment.
Semicritical devices: medical devices that come into contact with mucous membranes or non-intact skin.
Service animal: any animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with
a disability.
Shedding: the generation and dispersion of particles and spores by sources within the patient area, through
activities such as patient movement and airflow over surfaces.
Single-pass ventilation: ventilation in which 100% of the air supplied to an area is exhausted to the outside.
Small, non-enveloped viruses: viruses whose particle diameter is <50 nm and whose outer surface is the
protein of the particle itself and not that of host cell membrane components. Examples of small, non-
enveloped viruses are polioviruses and hepatitis A virus.
Spaulding Classification: the categorization of inanimate medical device surfaces in the medical
environment as proposed in 1972 by Dr. Earle Spaulding. Surfaces are divided into three general categories,
based on the theoretical risk of infection if the surfaces are contaminated at time of use. The categories are
“critical,” “semicritical,” and “noncritical.”
Specific humidity: the mass of water vapor per unit mass of moist air. It is expressed as grains of water per
pound of dry air, or pounds of water per pound of dry air. The specific humidity changes as moisture is added
or removed. However, temperature changes do not change the specific humidity unless the air is cooled
below the dew point.
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Splatter: visible drops of liquid or body fluid that are expelled forcibly into the air and settle out quickly, as
distinguished from particles of an aerosol which remain airborne indefinitely.
Steady state: the usual state of an area.
Sterilization: the use of a physical or chemical procedure to destroy all microbial life, including large
numbers of highly-resistant bacterial endospores.
Stop valve: a valve that regulates the flow of fluid through a pipe. The term may also refer to a faucet.
Substitution fluid: fluid that is used for fluid management of patients receiving hemodiafiltration. This fluid
can be prepared on-line at the machine through a series of ultrafilters or with the use of sterile peritoneal
dialysis fluid.
Supply air: air that is delivered to the conditioned space and used for ventilation, heating, cooling,
humidification, or dehumidification.
Tensile strength: the resistance of a material to a force tending to tear it apart, measured as the maximum
tension the material can withstand without tearing.
Therapy animal: an animal (usually a personal pet) that, with their owners or handlers, provide supervised,
goal-directed intervention to clients in hospitals, nursing homes, special-population schools, and other
treatment sites.
Thermophilic: capable of growing in environments warmer than body temperature.
Thermotolerant: capable of withstanding high temperature conditions.
TLV®: an exposure level under which most people can work consistently for 8 hours a day, day after day,
without adverse effects. The term is used by the ACGIH to designate degree of exposure to contaminants.
TLV® can be expressed as approximate milligrams of particulate per cubic meter of air (mg/m
). TLVs® are
listed as either an 8-hour TWA (time weighted average) or a 15-minute STEL (short term exposure limit).
TLV-TWA: Threshold Limit Value-Time Weighted Average. The term refers to the time-weighted average
concentration for a normal 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek to which nearly all workers may be
exposed repeatedly, day after day, without adverse effects. The TLV-TWA for “particulates (insoluble) not
otherwise classified” (PNOC) - (sometimes referred to as nuisance dust) - are those particulates containing no
asbestos and <1% crystalline silica. A TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m
for inhalable particulates and a TLV-TWA of
3 mg/m
for respirable particulates (particulates 5 m in aerodynamic diameter) have been established.
Total suspended particulate matter: the mass of particles suspended in a unit of volume of air when
collected by a high-volume air sampler.
Transient: a change in the condition of the steady state that takes a very short time compared with the steady
state. Opening a door, and shaking bed linens are examples of transient activities.
TWA: average exposure for an individual over a given working period, as determined by sampling at given
times during the period. TWA is usually presented as the average concentration over an 8-hour workday for a
40-hour workweek.
Ultraclean air: air in laminar flow ventilation that has also passed through a bank of HEPA filters.
Ultrafilter: a membrane filter with a pore size in the range of 0.0010.05 μm, the performance of which is
usually rated in terms of a nominal molecular weight cut-off (defined as the smallest molecular weight
species for which the filter membrance has more than 90% rejection).
Ultrafiltered dialysate: the process by which dialysate is passed through a filter having a molecular weight
cut-off of approximately 1 kilodalton for the purpose of removing bacteria and endotoxin from the bath.
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI): the use of ultraviolet radiation to kill or inactivate
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation lamps: lamps that kill or inactivate microorganisms by emitting
ultraviolet germicidal radiation, predominantly at a wavelength of 254 nm. UVGI lamps can be used in
ceiling or wall fixtures or within air ducts of ventilation systems.
Vapor pressure: the pressure exerted by free molecules at the surface of a solid or liquid. Vapor pressure is
a function of temperature, increasing as the temperature rises.
Vegetative bacteria: bacteria that are actively growing and metabolizing, as opposed to a bacterial state of
quiescence that is achieved when certain bacteria (gram-positive bacilli) convert to spores when the
environment can no longer support active growth.
Vehicle: any object, person, surface, fomite, or media that may carry and transfer infectious microorganisms
from one site to another.
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Ventilation: the process of supplying and removing air by natural or mechanical means to and from any
space. Such air may or may not be conditioned.
Ventilation air: that portion of the supply air consisting of outdoor air plus any recirculated air that has been
treated for the purpose of maintaining acceptable indoor air quality.
Ventilation, dilution: an engineering control technique to dilute and remove airborne contaminants by the
flow of air into and out of an area. Air that contains droplet nuclei is removed and replaced by contaminant-
free air. If the flow is sufficient, droplet nuclei become dispersed, and their concentration in the air is
Ventilation, local exhaust: ventilation used to capture and removed airborne contaminants by enclosing the
contaminant source (the patient) or by placing an exhaust hood close to the contaminant source.
v/v: volume to volume. This term is an expression of concentration of a percentage solution when the
principle component is added as a liquid to the diluent.
w/v: weight to volume. This term is an expression of concentration of a percentage solution when the
principle component is added as a solid to the diluent.
Weight-arrestance: a measure of filter efficiency, used primarily when describing the performance of low-
and medium-efficiency filters. The measurement of weight-arrestance is performed by feeding a standardized
synthetic dust to the filter and weighing the fraction of the dust removed.
Appendix B. Air
1. Airborne Contaminant Removal
Table B.1. Air changes/hour (ACH) and time required for airborne-contaminant removal by
efficiency *
ACH § ¶
Time (mins.) required for removal:
99% efficiency
Time (mins.) required for removal:
99.9% efficiency
* This table is revised from Table S3-1 in reference 4 and has been adapted from the formula for the rate of
purging airborne contaminants presented in reference 1435.
+ Denotes frequently cited ACH for patient-care areas.
§ Values were derived from the formula:
t1 = initial timepoint in minutes t2 = final timepoint in minutes
C1 = initial concentration of contaminant C2 = final concentration of contaminant
C2 / C1 = 1 – (removal efficiency / 100) Q = air flow rate in cubic feet/hour
V = room volume in cubic feet Q / V = ACH
Values apply to an empty room with no aerosol-generating source. With a person present and
generating aerosol, this table would not apply. Other equations are available that include a constant
generating source. However, certain diseases (e.g., infectious tuberculosis) are not likely to be
aerosolized at a constant rate. The times given assume perfect mixing of the air within the space (i.e.,
mixing factor = 1). However, perfect mixing usually does not occur. Removal times will be longer in
rooms or areas with imperfect mixing or air stagnation.
Caution should be exercised in using this
table in such situations. For booths or other local ventilation enclosures, manufacturers’ instructions
should be consulted.
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2. Air Sampling for Aerosols Containing Legionellae
Air sampling is an insensitive means of detecting Legionella pneumophila, and is of limited practical
value in environmental sampling for this pathogen. In certain instances, however, it can be used to
a. demonstrate the presence of legionellae in aerosol droplets associated with suspected bacterial
b. define the role of certain devices [e.g., showers, faucets, decorative fountains, or evaporate
condensers] in disease transmission; and
c. quantitate and determine the size of the droplets containing legionellae.
Stringent controls and
calibration are necessary when sampling is used to determine particle size and numbers of viable
Samplers should be placed in locations where human exposure to aerosols is
anticipated, and investigators should wear a NIOSH-approved respirator (e.g., N95 respirator) if
sampling involves exposure to potentially infectious aerosols.
Methods used to sample air for legionellae include impingement in liquid, impaction on solid medium,
and sedimentation using settle plates.
The Chemical Corps.-type all-glass impingers (AGI) with the
stem 30 mm from the bottom of the flask have been used successfully to sample for legionellae.
Because of the velocity at which air samples are collected, clumps tend to become fragmented, leading to
a more accurate count of bacteria present in the air. The disadvantages of this method are
a. the velocity of collection tends to destroy some vegetative cells
b. the method does not differentiate particle sizes; and
c. AGIs are easily broken in the field.
Yeast extract broth (0.25%) is the recommended liquid medium for AGI sampling of legionellae;
standard methods for water samples can be used to culture these samples.
Andersen samplers are viable particle samplers in which particles pass through jet orifices of decreasing
size in cascade fashion until they impact on an agar surface.
The agar plates are then removed and
incubated. The stage distribution of the legionellae should indicate the extent to which the bacteria would
have penetrated the respiratory system. The advantages of this sampling method are
a. the equipment is more durable during use
b. the sampler can cetermine the number and size of droplets containing legionellae;
c. the agar plates can be placed directly in an incubator with no further manipulations; and
d. both selective and nonselective BCYE agar can be used. If the samples must be shipped to a
laboratory, they should be packed and shipped without refrigeration as soon as possible.
3. Calculation of Air Sampling Results
Assuming that each colony on the agar plate is the growth from a single bacteria-carrying particle, the
contamination of the air being sampled is determined from the number of colonies counted. The airborne
microorganisms may be reported in terms of the number per cubic foot of air sampled. The following
formulas can be applied to convert colony counts to organisms per cubic foot of air sampled.
For solid agar impactor samplers:
C / (R H P) = N where N = number of organisms collected per cubic foot of air sampled
C = total plate count
R = airflow rate in cubic feet per minute
P = duration of sampling period in minutes
For liquid impingers:
(C H V) / (Q H P H R) = N where C = total number of colonies from all aliquots plated
V = final volume in mL of collecting media
Q = total number of mL plated
P, R, and N are defined as above
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4. Ventilation Specifications for Health-Care Facilities
The following tables from the AIA Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals and Health-Care Facilities, 2001 are reprinted with permission of
the American Institute of Architects and the publisher (The Facilities Guidelines Institute).
Note: This table is Table 7.2 in the AIA guidelines, 2001 edition. Superscripts used in this table refer to notes following the table.
Table B.2. Ventilation requirements for areas affecting patient care in hospitals and outpatient facilities
Area designation
Air movement
relationship to
adjacent area
Minimum air
changes of outdoor
air per hour
Minimum total
air change per
All air exhausted
directly to
Recirculated by
means of room
(degrees F [C])
Surgery and critical care
Operating/surgical cystoscopic rooms
10, 11
6873 (2023)
Delivery room
6873 (2023)
Recovery room
7075 (2124)
Critical and intensive care
7075 (2124)
Newborn intensive care
7278 (2226)
Treatment room
75 (24)
Trauma room
7075 (2124)
Anesthesia gas storage
6873 (2023)
6873 (2023)
ER waiting rooms
14, 15
7075 (2124)
7075 (2124)
Radiology waiting rooms
14, 15
7075 (2124)
Procedure room
7075 (2124)
Patient room
7075 (2124)
Toilet room
Newborn nursery suite
7278 (2226)
Protective environment room
11, 17
75 (24)
Airborne infection isolation room
17, 18
75 (24)
Isolation alcove or anteroom
17, 18
7075 (2124)
Labor/delivery/recovery/ postpartum
7075 (2124)
Patient corridor
X-ray (surgical/critical care and
7075 (2124)
X-ray (diagnostic & treatment)
75 (24)
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Area designation
Air movement
relationship to
adjacent area
Minimum air
changes of outdoor
air per hour
Minimum total
air change per
All air exhausted
directly to
Recirculated by
means of room
(degrees F [C])
75 (24)
75 (24)
75 (24)
Glass washing
75 (24)
75 (24)
75 (24)
Nuclear medicine
75 (24)
75 (24)
75 (24)
Autopsy room
Nonrefrigerated body-holding room
70 (21)
Diagnostic and treatment
Examination room
75 (24)
Medication room
Treatment room
75 (24)
Physical therapy and hydrotherapy
75 (24)
Soiled workroom or soiled holding
Clean workroom or clean holding
Sterilizing and supply
ETO-sterilizer room
75 (24)
Sterilizer equipment room
Central medical and surgical supply
Soiled or decontamination room
6873 (2023)
Clean workroom
75 (24)
Sterile storage
Food preparation center
Ware washing
Dietary day storage
Laundry, general
Soiled linen (sorting and storage)
Clean linen storage
Soiled linen and trash chute room
Bedpan room
75 (24)
Janitor’s closet
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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1. The ventilation rates in this table cover ventilation for comfort, as well as for asepsis and odor control in areas of acute care hospitals that directly affect
patient care and are determined based on health-care facilities being predominantly “No Smoking” facilities. Where smoking may be allowed,
ventilation rates will need adjustment. Areas where specific ventilation rates are not given in the table shall be ventilated in accordance with ASHRAE
Standard 62, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, and ASHRAE Handbook - HVAC Applications. Specialized patient care areas, including
organ transplant units, burn units, specialty procedure rooms, etc., shall have additional ventilation provisions for air quality control as may be
appropriate. OSHA standards and/or NIOSH criteria require special ventilation requirements for employee health and safety within health-care
2. Design of the ventilation system shall provide air movement which is generally from clean to less clean areas. If any form of variable air volume or
load shedding system is used for energy conservation, it must not compromise the corridor-to-room pressure balancing relationships or the minimum
air changes required by the table.
3. To satisfy exhaust needs, replacement air from the outside is necessary. Table B2 does not attempt to describe specific amounts of outside air to be
supplied to individual spaces except for certain areas such as those listed. Distribution of the outside air, added to the system to balance required
exhaust, shall be as required by good engineering practice. Minimum outside air quantities shall remain constant while the system is in operation.
4. Number of air changes may be reduced when the room is unoccupied if provisions are made to ensure that the number of air changes indicated is
reestablished any time the space is being utilized. Adjustments shall include provisions so that the direction of air movement shall remain the same
when the number of air changes is reduced. Areas not indicated as having continuous directional control may have ventilation systems shut down when
space is unoccupied and ventilation is not otherwise needed, if the maximum infiltration or exfiltration permitted in Note 2 is not exceeded and if
adjacent pressure balancing relationships are not compromised. Air quantity calculations must account for filter loading such that the indicated air
change rates are provided up until the time of filter change-out.
5. Air change requirements indicated are minimum values. Higher values should be used when required to maintain indicated room conditions
(temperature and jumidity), based on the cooling load of the space (lights, equipment, people, exterior walls and windows, etc.).
6. Air from areas with contamination and/or odor problems shall be exhausted to the outside and not recirculated to other areas. Note that individual
circumstances may require special consideration for air exhaust to the outside, (e.g., in intensive care units in which patients with pulmonary infection
are treated) and rooms for burn patients.
7. Recirculating room HVAC units refer to those local units that are used primarily for heating and cooling of air, and not disinfection of air. Because of
cleaning difficulty and potential for buildup of contamination, recirculating room units shall not be used in areas marked “No.” However, for airborne
infection control, air may be recirculated within individual isolation rooms if HEPA filters are used. Isolation and intensive care unit rooms may be
ventilated by reheat induction units in which only the primary air supplied from a central system passes through the reheat unit. Gravity-type heating or
cooling units such as radiators or convectors shall not be used in operating rooms and other special care areas. See this table’s Appendix I for a
description of recirculation units to be used in isolation rooms (A7).
8. The ranges listed are the minimum and maximum limits where control is specifically needed. The maximum and minimum limits are not intended to be
independent of a space’s associated temperature. The humidity is expected to be at the higher end of the range when the temperature is also at the
higher end, and vice versa.
9. Where temperature ranges are indicated, the systems shall be capable of maintaining the rooms at any point within the range during normal operation.
A single figure indicates a heating or cooling capacity of at least the indicated temperature. This is usually applicable when patients may be undressed
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and require a warmer environment. Nothing in these guidelines shall be construed as precluding the use of temperatures lower than those noted when
the patients' comfort and medical conditions make lower temperatures desirable. Unoccupied areas such as storage rooms shall have temperatures
appropriate for the function intended.
10. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) criteria documents regarding “Occupational Exposure to Waste Anesthetic Gases and
Vapors,” and “Control of Occupational Exposure to Nitrous Oxide” indicate a need for both local exhaust (scavenging) systems and general ventilation
of the areas in which the respective gases are utilized.
11. Differential pressure shall be a minimum of 0.01" water gauge (2.5 Pa). If alarms are installed, allowances shall be made to prevent nuisance alarms of
monitoring devices.
12. Some surgeons may require room temperatures which are outside of the indicated range. All operating room design conditions shall be developed in
consultation with surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nursing staff.
13. The term “trauma room” as used here is the operating room space in the emergency department or other trauma reception area that is used for
emergency surgery. The “first aid room” and/or “emergency room” used for initial treatment of accident victims may be ventilated as noted for the
“treatment room.” Treatment rooms used for bronchoscopy shall be treated as Bronchoscopy rooms. Treatment rooms used for cryosurgery procedures
with nitrous oxide shall contain provisions for exhausting waste gases.
14. In a ventilation system that recirculates air, HEPA filters can be used in lieu of exhausting the air from these spaces to the outside. In this application,
the return air shall be passed through the HEPA filters before it is introduced into any other spaces.
15. If it is not practical to exhaust the air from the airborne infection isolation room to the outside, the air may be returned through HEPA filters to the air-
handling system exclusively serving the isolation room.
16. Total air changes per room for patient rooms, labor/delivery/recovery rooms, and labor/delivery/recovery/postpartum rooms may be reduced to 4 when
supplemental heating and/or cooling systems (radiant heating and cooling, baseboard heating, etc.) are used.
17. The protective environment airflow design specifications protect the patient from common environmental airborne infectious microbes (i.e., Aspergillus
spores). These special ventilation areas shall be designed to provide directed airflow from the cleanest patient care area to less clean areas. These rooms
shall be protected with HEPA filters at 99.97 percent efficiency for a 0.3 μm sized particle in the supply airstream. These interrupting filters protect
patient rooms from maintenance-derived release of environmental microbes from the ventilation system components. Recirculation HEPA filters can be
used to increase the equivalent room air exchanges. Constant volume airflow is required for consistent ventilation for the protected environment. If the
facility determines that airborne infection isolation is necessary for protective environment patients, an anteroom should be provided. Rooms with
reversible airflow provisions for the purpose of switching between protective environment and airborne infection isolation functions are not acceptable.
18. The infectious disease isolation room described in these guidelines is to be used for isolating the airborne spread of infectious diseases, such as measles,
varicella, or tuberculosis. The design of airborne infection isolation (AII) rooms should include the provision for normal patient care during periods not
requiring isolation precautions. Supplemental recirculating devices may be used in the patient room to increase the equivalent room air exchanges;
however, such recirculating devices do not provide the outside air requirements. Air may be recirculated within individual isolation rooms if HEPA
filters are used. Rooms with reversible airflow provisions for the purpose of switching between protective environment and AII functions are not
19. When required, appropriate hoods and exhaust devices for the removal of noxious gases or chemical vapors shall be provided (see Section 7.31.D14
and 7.31.D15 in the AIA guideline [reference 120] and NFPA 99).
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20. Food preparation centers shall have ventilation systems whose air supply mechanisms are interfaced appropriately with exhaust hood controls or relief
vents so that exfiltration or infiltration to or from exit corridors does not compromise the exit corridor restrictions of NFPA 90A, the pressure
requirements of NFPA 96, or the maximum defined in the table. The number of air changes may be reduced or varied to any extent required for odor
control when the space is not in use. See Section 7.31.D1.p in the AIA guideline (reference 120).
Appendix I:
A7. Recirculating devices with HEPA filters may have potential uses in existing facilities as interim, supplemental environmental controls to meet
requirements for the control of airborne infectious agents. Limitations in design must be recognized. The design of either portable or fixed systems should
prevent stagnation and short circuiting of airflow. The supply and exhaust locations should direct clean air to areas where health-care workers are likely to
work, across the infectious source, and then to the exhaust, so that the healthcare worker is not in position between the infectious source and the exhaust
location. The design of such systems should also allow for easy access for scheduled preventative maintenance and cleaning.
A11. The verification of airflow direction can include a simple visual method such as smoke trail, ball-in-tube, or flutterstrip. These devices will require a
minimum differential air pressure to indicate airflow direction.
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Note: This table is Table 8.1 in the AIA guidelines, 2001 edition. Superscripts used in this table refer to notes following the table.
Table B.3. Pressure relationships and ventilation of certain areas of nursing facilities
Area designation
Air movement
relationship to
adjacent area
Minimum air
changes of outdoor
air per hour
Minimum total
air change per
All air exhausted
directly to
Recirculated by
means of room
(degrees F [C])
Resident room
7075 (2124)
Resident unit corridor
Resident gathering areas
Toilet room
Dining rooms
75 (24)
Activity rooms, if provided
Physical therapy
75 (24)
Occupational therapy
75 (24)
Soiled workroom or soiled holding
Clean workroom or clean holding
(Max. 70)
75 (24)
Sterilizer exhaust room
Linen and trash chute room, if provided
Laundry, general, if provided
Soiled linen sorting and storage
Clean linen storage
Food preparation facilities
Dietary warewashing
Dietary storage areas
Housekeeping rooms
Bathing rooms
75 (24)
1. The ventilation rates in this table cover ventilation for comfort, as well as for asepsis and odor control in areas of nursing facilities that directly affect
resident care and are determined based on nursing facilities being predominantly “No Smoking” facilities. Where smoking may be allowed, ventilation
rates will need adjustment. Areas where specific ventilation rates are not given in the table shall be ventilated in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 62,
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, and ASHRAE Handbook - HVAC Applications. OSHA standards and/or NIOSH criteria require special
ventilation requirements for employee health and safety within nursing facilities.
2. Design of the ventilation system shall, insofar as possible, provide that air movement is from clean to less clean areas. However, continuous compliance
may be impractical with full utilization of some forms of variable air volume and load shedding systems that may be used for energy conservation.
Areas that do require positive and continuous control are noted with “Out” or “In” to indicate the required direction of air movement in relation to the
space named. Rate of air movement may, of course, be varied as needed within the limits required for positive control. Where indication of air
movement direction is enclosed in parentheses, continuous directional control is required only when the specialized equipment or device is in use or
where room use may otherwise compromise the intent of movement from clean to less clean. Air movement for rooms with dashes and nonpatient areas
may vary as necessary to satisfy the requirements of those spaces. Additional adjustments may be needed when space is unused or unoccupied and air
systems are deenergized or reduced.
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3. To satisfy exhaust needs, replacement air from outside is necessary. Table B.3 does not attempt to describe specific amounts of outside air to be supplied
to individual spaces except for certain areas such as those listed. Distribution of the outside air, added to the system to balance required exhaust, shall be
as required by good engineering practice.
4. Number of air changes may be reduced when the room is unoccupied if provisions are made to ensure that the number of air changes indicated is
reestablished any time the space is being utilized. Adjustments shall include provisions so that the direction of air movement shall remain the same
when the number of air changes is reduced. Areas not indicated as having continuous directional control may have ventilation systems shut down when
space is unoccupied and ventilation is not otherwise needed.
5. Air from areas with contamination and/or odor problems shall be exhausted to the outside and not recirculated to other areas. Note that individual
circumstances may require special consideration for air exhaust to outside.
6. Because of cleaning difficulty and potential for buildup of contamination, recirculating room units shall not be used in areas marked “No.” Isolation
rooms may be ventilated by reheat induction units in which only the primary air supplied from a central system passes through the reheat unit. Gravity-
type heating or cooling units such as radiators or convectors shall not be used in special care areas.
7. The ranges listed are the minimum and maximum limits where control is specifically needed. See A8.31.D in the AIA guideline (reference 120) for
additional information.
8. Where temperature ranges are indicated, the systems shall be capable of maintaining the rooms at any point within the range. A single figure indicates a
heating or cooling capacity of at least the indicated temperature. This is usually applicable where residents may be undressed and require a warmer
environment. Nothing in these guidelines shall be construed as precluding the use of temperatures lower than those noted when the residents’ comfort
and medical conditions make lower temperatures desirable. Unoccupied areas such as storage rooms shall have temperatures appropriate for the function
9. See A8.31.D1 in the AIA guideline (reference 120).
10. Food preparation facilities shall have ventilation systems whose air supply mechanisms are interfaced appropriately with exhaust hood controls or relief
vents so that exfiltration or infiltration to or from exit corridors does not compromise the exit corridor restrictions of NFPA 90A, the pressure
requirements of NFPA 96, or the maximum defined in the table. The number of air changes may be reduced or varied to any extent required for odor
control when the space is not in use.
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Table B.4. Filter efficiencies for central ventilation and air conditioning systems in general
Area designation
Number of filter
Filter bed no.1
Filter bed no. 2
All areas for inpatient care, treatment, and diagnosis, and
those areas providing direct service or clean supplies,
such as sterile and clean processing, etc.
Protective environment room
Administrative, bulk storage, soiled holding areas, food
preparation areas, and laundries
Note: This table is Table 7.3 in the AIA guidelines, 2001 edition.
* Additional roughing or prefilters should be considered to reduce maintenance required for filters with efficiency
higher than 75%. The filtration efficiency ratings are based on average dust sopt efficiency per ASHRAE 52.1
Table B.5. Filter efficiencies for central ventilation and air conditioning systems in outpatient
Area designation
Number of filter
Filter bed no.1
Filter bed No. 2
All areas for patient care, treatment, and/or
diagnosis, and those areas providing direct service
or clean supplies such as sterile and clean
processing, etc.
Administrative, bulk storage, soiled holding areas,
food preparation areas, and laundries
Note: This table is Table 9.1 in the AIA guidelines, 2001 edition.
* Additional roughing or prefilters should be considered to reduce maintenance required for main filters. The
filtration efficiency ratings are based on dust spot efficiency per ASHRAE 52.11992.
+ These requirements do not apply to small primary (e.g., neighborhood) outpatient facilities or outpatient facilities
that do not perform invasive applications or procedures.
Table B.6. Filter efficiencies for central ventilation and air conditioning systems in nursing facilities
Area designation
Minimum number
of filter beds
Filter bed no.1
Filter bed No. 2
All areas for inpatient care, treatment, and/or
diagnosis, and those areas providing direct service
or clean supplies
Administrative, bulk storage, soiled holding,
laundries, and food preparation areas
Note: This table is Table 8.2 in the AIA guidelines, 2001 edition.
* The filtration efficiency ratings are based on average dust spot efficiency as per ASHRAE 52.11992.
Table B.7. Filter efficiencies for central ventilation and air conditioning systems in psychiatric
Area designation
Minimum number
of filter beds
Filter bed no.1
Filter bed No. 2
All areas for inpatient care, treatment, and
diagnosis, and those areas providing direct
Administrative, bulk storage, soiled holding,
laundries, and food preparation areas
Note: This table is Table 11.1 in the AIA guidelines, 2001 edition.
* The filtration efficiency ratings are based on average dust spot efficiency as per ASHRAE 52.11992.
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Appendix C. Water
1. Biofilms
Microorganisms have a tendency to associate with and stick to surfaces. These adherent organisms can
initiate and develop biofilms, which are comprised of cells embedded in a matrix of extracellularly
produced polymers and associated abiotic particles.
It is inevitable that biofilms will form in most water
systems. In the health-care facility environment, biofilms may be found in the potable water supply piping,
hot water tanks, air conditioning cooling towers, or in sinks, sink traps, aerators, or shower heads. Biofilms,
especially in water systems, are not present as a continuous slime or film, but are more often scanty and
heterogeneous in nature.
Biofilms may form under stagnant as well as flowing conditions, so storage
tanks, in addition to water system piping, may be vulnerable to the development of biofilm, especially if
water temperatures are low enough to allow the growth of thermophilic bacteria (e.g., Legionella spp.).
Favorable conditions for biofilm formation are present if these structures and equipment are not cleaned for
extended periods of time.
Algae, protozoa, and fungi may be present in biofilms, but the predominant microorganisms of water
system biofilms are gram-negative bacteria. Although most of these organisms will not normally pose a
problem for healthy individuals, certain biofilm bacteria (e.g., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella spp.,
Pantoea agglomerans, and Enterobacter cloacae) all may be agents for opportunistic infections for
immunocompromised individuals.
1441, 1442
These biofilm organisms may easily contaminate indwelling
medical devices or intravenous (IV) fluids, and they could be transferred on the hands of health-care
Biofilms may potentially provide an environment for the survival of pathogenic organisms, such as
Legionella pneumophila and E. coli O157:H7. Although the association of biofilms and medical devices
provides a plausible explanation for a variety of health-care associated infections, it is not clear how the
presence of biofilms in the water system may influence the rates of health-careassociated waterborne
Organisms within biofilms behave quite differently than their planktonic (i.e., free floating) counterparts.
Research has shown that biofilm-associated organisms are more resistant to antibiotics and disinfectants
than are planktonic organisms, either because the cells are protected by the polymer matrix, or because they
are physiologically different.
Nevertheless, municipal water utilities attempt to maintain a chlorine
residual in the distribution system to discourage microbiological growth. Though chlorine in its various
forms is a proven disinfectant, it has been shown to be less effective against biofilm bacteria.
levels of chlorine for longer contact times are necessary to eliminate biofilms.
Routine sampling of health-care facility water systems for biofilms is not warranted. If an epidemiologic
investigation points to the water supply system as a possible source of infection, then water sampling for
biofilm organisms should be considered so that prevention and control strategies can be developed. An
established biofilm is is difficult to remove totally in existing piping. Strategies to remediate biofilms in a
water system would include flushing the system piping, hot water tank, dead legs, and those areas of the
facility’s water system subject to low or intermittent flow. The benefits of this treatment would include
a. elimination of corrosion deposits and sludge from the bottom of hot water tanks,
b. removal of biofilms from shower heads and sink aerators, and
c. circulation of fresh water containing elevated chlorine residuals into the health-care facility water
The general strategy for evaluating water system biofilm depends on a comparision of the bacteriological
quality of the incoming municipal water and that of water sampled from within facility’s distribution
system. Heterotrophic plate counts and coliform counts, both of which are routinely run by the municipal
water utility, will at least provide in indication of the potential for biofilm formation. Heterotrophic plate
count levels in potable water should be <500 CFU/mL. These levels may increase on occasion, but counts
consistently >500 CFU/mL would indicate a general decrease in water quality. A direct correlation between
heterotrophic plate count and biofilm levels has been demonstrated.
Therefore, an increase in
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heterotrophic plate count would suggest a greater rate and extent of biofilm formation in a health-care
facility water system. The water supplied to the facility should also contain <1 coliform bacteria/100 mL.
Coliform bacteria are organisms whose presence in the distribution system could indicate fecal
contamination. It has been shown that coliform bacteria can colonize biofilms within drinking water
systems. Intermittant contamination of a water system with these organisms could lead to colonization of
the system.
Water samples can be collected from throughout the health-care facility system, including both hot and cold
water sources; samples should be cultured by standard methods.
If heterotrophic plate counts in samples
from the facility water system are higher than those from samples collected at the point of water entry to the
building, it can be concluded that the facility water quality has diminished. If biofilms are detected in the
facility water system and determined by an epidemiologic and environmental investigation to be a reservoir
for health-care associated pathogens, the municipal water supplier could be contacted with a request to
provide higher chlorine residuals in the distribution system, or the health-care facility could consider
installing a supplemental chlorination system.
Sample collection sites for biofilm in health-care facilities include
a. hot water tanks
b. shower heads; and
c. faucet aerators, especially in immunocompromised patient-care areas.
Swabs should be placed into tubes containing phosphate buffered water, pH 7.2 or phosphate buffered
saline, shipped to the laboratory under refrigeration and processed within 24 hrs. of collection. Samples are
suspended by vortexing with sterile glass beads and plated onto a nonselective medium (e.g., Plate Count
Agar or R2A medium) and selective media (e.g., media for Legionella spp. isolation) after serial dilution. If
the plate counts are elevated above levels in the water (i.e. comparing the plate count per square centimeter
of swabbed surface to the plate count per milliliter of water), then biofilm formation can be suspected. In
the case of an outbreak, it would be advisable to isolate organisms from these plates to determine whether
the suspect organisms are present in the biofilm or water samples and compare them to the organisms
isolated from patient specimens.
2. Water and Dialysate Sampling Strategies in Dialysis
In order to detect the low, total viable heterotrophic plate counts outlined by the current AAMI standards
for water and dialysate in dialysis settings, it is necessary to use standard quantitative culture techniques
with appropriate sensitivity levels.
792, 832, 833
The membrane filter technique is particularly suited for this
application because it permits large volumes of water to be assayed.
792, 834
Since the membrane filter
technique may not be readily available in clinical laboratories, the spread plate assay can be used as an
If the spread plate assay is used, however, the standard prohibits the use of a calibrated loop
when applying sample to the plate.
The prohibition is based on the low sensitivity of the calibrated loop.
A standard calibrated loop transfers 0.001 mL of sample to the culture medium, so that the minimum
sensitivity of the assay is 1,000 CFU/mL. This level of sensitivity is unacceptable when the maximum
allowable limit for microorganisms is 200 CFU/mL. Therefore, when the spread plate method is used, a
pipette must be used to place 0.1–0.5 mL of water on the culture medium.
The current AAMI standard specifically prohibits the use of nutrient-rich media (e.g., blood agar, and
chocolate agar) in dialysis water and dialysate assays because these culture media are too rich for growth of
the naturally occurring organisms found in water.
Debate continues within AAMI, however, as to the most
appropriate culture medium and incubation conditions to be used. The original clinical observations on which
the microbiological requirements of this standard were based used Standard Methods Agar (SMA), a medium
containing relatively few nutrients.
The use of tryptic soy agar (TSA), a general purpose medium for
isolating and cultivating microorganisms was recommended in later versions of the standard because it was
thought to be more appropriate for culturing bicarbonate-containing dialysate.
788, 789, 835
Moreover, culturing
systems based on TSA are readily available from commercial sources. Several studies, however, have shown
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that the use of nutrient-poor media, such as R2A, results in an increased recovery of bacteria from water.
The original standard also specified incubation for 48 hours at 95°F98.6°F (35°C37°C) before
enumeration of bacterial colonies. Extending the culturing time up to 168 hours, or 7 days and using
incubation temperatures of 73.4°F82.4°F (23°C28°C) have also been shown to increase the recovery of
1451, 1452
Other investigators, however, have not found such clear cut differences between culturing
835, 1453
After considerable discussion, the AAMI Committee has not reached a consensus regarding
changes in the assay technique, and the use of TSA or its equivalent for 48 hours at 95°F98.6°F (35°C37°C)
remains the recommended method. It should be recognized, however, that these culturing conditions may
underestimate the bacterial burden in the water and fail to identify the presence of some organisms.
Specifically, the recommended method may not detect the presence of various NTM that have been associated
with several outbreaks of infection in dialysis units.
31, 32
In these instances, however, the high numbers of
mycobacteria in the water were related to the total heterotrophic plate counts, each of which was significantly
greater than that allowable by the AAMI standard. Additionally, the recommended method will not detect
fungi and yeast, which have been shown to contaminate water used for hemodialysis applications.
on the surface of the pipes may hide viable bacterial colonies, even though no viable colonies are detected in
the water using sensitive culturing techniques.
Many disinfection processes remove biofilm poorly, and a
rapid increase in the level of bacteria in the water following disinfection may indicate significant biofilm
formation. Therefore, although the results of microbiological surveillance obtained using the test methods
outlined above may be useful in guiding disinfection schedules and in demonstrating compliance with AAMI
standards, they should not be taken as an indication of the absolute microbiological purity of the water.
Endotoxin can be tested by one of two types of assays
a. a kinetic test method [e.g., colorimetric or turbidimetric] or
b. a gel-clot assay.
Endotoxin units are assayed by the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) method. Because endotoxins differ in
their activity on a mass basis, their activity is referred to a standard Escherichia coli endotoxin. The current
standard (EC-6) is prepared from E. coli O113:H10. The relationship between mass of endotoxin and its
activity varies with both the lot of LAL and the lot of control standard endotoxin used. Since standards for
endotoxin were harmonized in 1983 with the introduction of EC-5, the relationship between mass and
activity of endotoxin has been approximately 5–10 EU/ng. Studies to harmonize standards have led to the
measurement of endotoxin units (EU) where 5 EU is equivalent to 1 ng E. coli O55:B5 endotoxin.
In summary, water used to prepare dialysate and to reprocess hemodialyzers should not contain a total
microbial count >200 CFU/mL as determined by assay on TSA agar for 48 hrs. at 96.8°F (36°C), and 2
endotoxin units (EU) per mL. The dialysate at the end of a dialysis treatment should not contain >2,000
31, 32, 668, 789, 792
3. Water Sampling Strategies and Culture Techniques for Detecting Legionellae
Legionella spp. are ubiquitous and can be isolated from 20%–40% of freshwater environments, including
man-made water systems.
1457, 1458
In health-care facilities, where legionellae in potable water rarely result in
disease among immunocompromised patients, courses of remedial action are unclear.
Scheduled microbiologic monitoring for legionellae remains controversial because the presence of
legionellae is not necessarily evidence of a potential for causing disease.
CDC recommends aggressive
disinfection measures for cleaning and maintaining devices known to transmit legionellae, but does not
recommend regularly scheduled microbiologic assays for the bacteria.
However, scheduled monitoring of
potable water within a hospital might be considered in certain settings where persons are highly susceptible
to illness and mortality from Legionella infection (e.g., hematopoietic stem cell transplantation units and
solid organ transplant units).
Also, after an outbreak of legionellosis, health officials agree monitoring is
necessary to identify the source and to evaluate the efficacy of biocides or other prevention measures.
Examination of water samples is the most efficient microbiologic method for identifying sources of
legionellae and is an integral part of an epidemiologic investigation into health-care associated Legionnaires
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disease. Because of the diversity of plumbing and HVAC systems in health-care facilities, the number and
types of sites to be tested must be determined before collection of water samples. One environmental
sampling protocol that addresses sampling site selection in hospitals might serve as a prototype for
sampling in other institutions.
Any water source that might be aerosolized should be considered a
potential source for transmission of legionellae. The bacteria are rarely found in municipal water supplies
and tend to colonize plumbing systems and point-of-use devices. To colonize, legionellae usually require a
temperature range of 77°F–108°F (25°C–42.2°C) and are most commonly located in hot water systems.
Legionellae do not survive drying. Therefore, air-conditioning equipment condensate, which frequently
evaporates, is not a likely source.
Water samples and swabs from point-of-use devices or system surfaces should be collected when sampling
for legionellae (Box C.1).
Swabs of system surfaces allow sampling of biofilms, which frequently
contain legionellae. When culturing faucet aerators and shower heads, swabs of surface areas should be
collected first; water samples are collected after aerators or shower heads are removed from their pipes.
Collection and culture techniques are outlined (Box C.2). Swabs can be streaked directly onto buffered
charcoal yeast extract agar (BCYE) plates if the pates are available at the collection site. If the swabs and
water samples must be transported back to a laboratory for processing, immersing individual swabs in
sample water minimizes drying during transit. Place swabs and water samples in insulated coolers to protect
specimens from temperature extremes.
Box C.1. Potential sampling sites for Legionella spp. in health-care facilities*
Potable water systems
incoming water main, water softener unit, holding tanks, cisterns, water heater tanks (at the inflows and
Potable water outlets, especially those in or near patient rooms
faucets or taps, showers
Cooling towers and evaporative condensers
makeup water (e.g., added to replace water lost because of evaporation, drift, or leakage), basin (i.e., area
under the tower for collection of cooled water), sump (i.e., section of basin from which cooled water returns
to heat source), heat sources (e.g., chillers)
Humidfiers (e.g., nebullizers)
bubblers for oxygen, water used for respiratory therapy equipment
Other sources
decorative fountains, irrigation equipment, fire sprinkler system (if recently used), whirlpools, spas
* Material in this box is adapted from reference 1209.
Box C.2. Procedures for collecting and processing environmental specimens for Legionella spp.*
1. Collect water (1-liter samples, if possible) in sterile, screw-top bottles.
2. Collect culture swabs of internal surfaces of faucets, aerators, and shower heads in a sterile, screw-top
container (e.g., 50 mL plastic centrifuge tube). Submerge each swab in 510 mL of sample water taken from
the same device from which the sample was obtained.
3. Transport samples and process in a laboratory proficient at culturing water specimens for Legionella spp. as
soon as possible after collection. (Samples may be transported at room temperature but must be protected
from temperature extremes. Samples not processed within 24 hours of collection should be refrigerated.)
4. Test samples for the presence of Legionella spp. by using semiselective culture media using procedures
specific to the cultivation and detection of Legionella spp.
o Detection of Legionella spp. antigen by the direct fluorescent antibody technique is not suitable for
environmental samples.
o Use of polymerase chain reaction for identification of Legionella spp. is not recommended until more
data regading the sensitivity and specificity of this procedure are available.
* Material in this table is compiled from references1209, 1437, 14621465.
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4. Procedure for Cleaning Cooling Towers and Related Equipment
I. Perform these steps prior to chemical disinfection and mechanical cleaning.
A. Provide protective equipment to workers who perform the disinfection, to prevent their exposure
to chemicals used for disinfection and aerosolized water containing Legionella spp. Protective
equipment may include full-length protective clothing, boots, gloves, goggles, and a full- or half-
face mask that combines a HEPA filter and chemical cartridges to protect against airborne
chlorine levels of up to 10 mg/L.
B. Shut off cooling tower.
1. Shut off the heat source, if possible.
2. Shut off fans, if present, on the cooling tower/evaporative condenser (CT/EC).
3. Shut off the system blowdown (i.e., purge) valve.
4. Shut off the automated blowdown controller, if present, and set the system controller to
5. Keep make-up water valves open.
6. Close building air-intake vents within at least 30 meters of the CT/EC until after the cleaning
procedure is complete.
7. Continue operating pumps for water circulation through the CT/EC.
II. Perform these chemical disinfection procedures.
A. Add fast-release, chlorine-containing disinfectant in pellet, granular, or liquid form, and follow
safety instructions on the product label. Use EPA-registered products, if available. Examples of
disinfectants include sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) or calcium hypochlorite (Ca[OCl]2),
calculated to achieve initial free residual chlorine (FRC) of 50 mg/L: either
a. 3.0 lbs [1.4 kg] industrial grade NaOCl [12%–15% available Cl] per 1,000 gallons of CT/EC
b. 10.5 lbs
c. [4.8 kg] domestic grade NaOCl [3%–5% available Cl] per 1,000 gallons of CT/EC water; or
d. 0.6 lb [0.3 kg] Ca[OCl]2 per 1,000 gallons of CT/EC water. If significant biodeposits are
present, additional chlorine may be required. If the volume of water in the CT/EC is
unknown, it can be estimated (in gallons) by multiplying either the recirculation rate in
gallons per minute by 10 or the refrigeration capacity in tons by 30. Other appropriate
compounds may be suggested by a water-treatment specialist.
B. Record the type and quality of all chemicals used for disinfection, the exact time the chemicals
were added to the system, and the time and results of FRC and pH measurements.
C. Add dispersant simultaneously with or within 15 minutes of adding disinfectant. The dispersant is
best added by first dissolving it in water and adding the solution to a turbulent zone in the water
system. Automatic-dishwasher compounds are examples of low- or nonfoaming, silicate-based
dispersants. Dispersants are added at 1025 lbs (4.5–11.25 kg) per 1,000 gallons of CT/EC water.
D. After adding disinfectant and dispersant, continue circulating the water through the system.
Monitor the FRC by using an FRC-measuring device with the DPD method (e.g., a swimming-
pool test kit), and measure the pH with a pH meter every 15 minutes for 2 hours. Add chlorine as
needed to maintain the FRC at 10 mg/L. Because the biocidal effect of chlorine is reduced at a
higher pH, adjust the pH to 7.5–8.0. The pH may be lowered by using any acid (e.g., nuriatic acid
or sulfuric acid used for maintenance of swimming pools) that is compatible with the treatment
E. Two hours after adding disinfectant and dispersant or after the FRC level is stable at 10 mg/L,
monitor at 2-hour intervals and maintain the FRC at 10 mg/L for 24 hours.
F. After the FRC level has been maintained at 10 mg/L for 24 hours, drain the system. CT/EC
water may be drained safely into the sanitary sewer. Municipal water and sewerage authorities
should be contacted regarding local regulations. If a sanitary sewer is not available, consult local
or state authorities (e.g., a department of natural resources or environmental protection) regarding
disposal of water. If necessary, the drain-off may be dechlorinated by dissipation or chemical
neutralization with sodium bisulfite.
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G. Refill the system with water and repeat the procedure outline in steps 27 in I-B above.
III. Perform mechanical cleaning.
A. After water from the second chemical disinfection has been drained, shut down the CT/EC.
B. Inspect all water-contact areas for sediment, sludge, and scale. Using brushes and/or a low-
pressure water hose, thoroughly clean all CT/EC water-contact areas, including the basin, sump,
fill, spray nozzles, and fittings. Replace components as needed.
C. If possible, clean CT/EC water-contact areas within the chillers.
IV. Perform these procedures after mechanical cleaning.
A. Fill the system with water and add chlorine to achieve an FRC level of 10 mg/L.
B. Circulate the water for 1 hour, then open the blowdown valve and flush the entire system until the
water is free of turbidity.
C. Drain the system.
D. Open any air-intake vents that were closed before cleaning.
E. Fill the system with water. The CT/EC may be put back into service using an effective water-
treatment program.
5. Maintenance Procedures Used to Decrease Survival and Multiplications of
Legionella spp. in Potable-Water Distribution Systems
Wherever allowable by state code, provide water at 124°F (51°C) at all points in the heated water
system, including the taps. This requires that water in calorifiers (e.g., water heaters) be maintained at
140°F (60°C). In the United Kingdom, where maintenance of water temperatures at 122°F (50°C) in
hospitals has been mandated, installation of blending or mixing valves at or near taps to reduce the water
temperature to 109.4°F (63°C) has been recommended in certain settings to reduce the risk for scald
injury to patients, visitors, and health care workers.
However, Legionella spp. can multiply even in
short segments of pipe containing water at this temperature. Increasing the flow rate from the hot-water-
circulation system may help lessen the likelihood of water stagnation and cooling.
711, 1465
Insulation of
plumbing to ensure delivery of cold (<68°F [<20°C]) water to water heaters (and to cold-water outlets)
may diminish the opportunity for bacterial multiplication.
Both dead legs and capped spurs within the
plumbing system provide areas of stagnation and cooling to <122°F (<50°C) regardless of the circulating
water temperature; these segments may need to be removed to prevent colonization.
Rubber fittings
within plumbing systems have been associated with persistent colonization, and replacement of these
fittings may be required for Legionella spp. eradication.
Continuous chlorination to maintain concentrations of free residual chlorine at 12 mg/L (1–2 ppm) at the
tap is an alternative option for treatment. This requires the placement of flow-adjusted, continuous
injectors of chlorine throughout the water distribution system. Adverse effects of continuous chlorination
can include accelerated corrosion of plumbing (resulting in system leaks) and production of potentially
carcinogenic trihalomethanes. However, when levels of free residual chlorine are below 3 mg/L (3 ppm),
trihalomethane levels are kept below the maximum safety level recommended by the EPA.
727, 1468, 1469 228
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Appendix D. Insects and Microorganisms
Format Change [February 2016]: The format of this section was changed to improve readability and
accessibility. The content is unchanged.
Table D.1. Microorganisms isolated from arthropods in health-care settings
Microorganism category
Gram-negative bacteria
Acinetobacter spp.; Citrobacter freundii; Enterobacter spp., E.
cloacae; Escherichia coli; Flavobacterium spp.; Klebsiella spp.;
Proteus spp.; Pseudomonas spp., P. aeruginosa, P. fluorescens, P.
putida; Salmonella spp.; Serratia spp., S. marcescens; Shigella boydii
1048, 1051,
1056, 1058,
1059, 1062
Gram-positive bacteria
Bacillus spp.; Enterococcus faecalis; Micrococcus spp.;
Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis; Streptococcus spp., S. viridans
1056, 1058,
Acid-fast bacteria
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Aspergillus niger; Mucor spp.; Rhizopus spp.
1052, 1059
Endolimax nana; Entamoeba coli
Microorganism category
Gram-negative bacteria
Acinetobacter spp.; Campulobacter fetus subsp. Jejuni; Chlamydia
spp.; Citrobacter fruendii; Enterobacter spp.; Escherichia coli;
Helicobacter pylori; Klebsiella spp.; Proteus spp.; Pseudomonas
aeruginosa; Serratia marcescens; Shigella spp.
1047, 1048,
1050, 1053
1055, 1060
Gram-positive bacteria
Bacillus spp.; Enterococcus faecalis; Micrococcus spp.;
Staphylococcus spp. (coagulase-negative), S. aureus; Streptococcus
spp., S. viridans
1048, 1060
Fungi / yeasts
Candida spp.; Geotrichum spp.
Endolimax nana; Entamoeba coli
Microorganism category
Gram-negative bacteria
Acinetobacter spp.; Escherichia coli; Klebsiella spp.; Neisseria sicca;
Proteus spp.; Providencia spp.; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P.
Gram-positive bacteria
Bacillus spp., B. cereus, B. pumilis; Clostridium cochlearium, C.
welchii; Enterococcus faecalis; Staphylococcus spp. (coagulase-
negative), S. aureus; Streptococcus pyrogenes
Microorganism category
Gram-negative bacteria
Acinetobacter spp.; Citrobacter freundii; Enterobacteraerogenes;
Morganella morganii
Gram-positive bacteria
Staphylococcus spp. (coagulase-negative)
Mites, midges
Microorganism category
Gram-negative bacteria
Acinetobacter spp.; Burkholderia cepacia; Enterbacter agglomerans,
E. aerogenes; Hafnia alvei; Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Gram-positive bacteria
Staphylococcus spp. (coagulase-negative)
Microorganism category
Gram-negative bacteria
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus; Enteobacter cloacae
Gram-positive bacteria
Enterococcus spp.; Staphylococcus spp. (coagulase-negative)
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Appendix E. Information Resources
The following sources of information may be helpful to the reader. Some of these are available at no
charge, while others are available for purchase from the publisher.
Air and Water
Jensen PA, Schafer MP. Sampling and characterization of bioaerosols. NIOSH Manual of Analytical
Methods; revised 6/99. [This link is no longer active: www.cdc.gov/niosh/nmam/pdfs/chapter-j.pdf.
Similar information may be found at Sampling and Characterization of Bioaerosols
(https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2003-154/pdfs/chapter-j.pdf [PDF - 103 KB]), accessed August
American Institutes of Architects. Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospital and Health
Care Facilities. Washington DC; American Institute of Architects Press; 2001. AIA, 1735 New York
Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20006. 1-800-AIA-3837 or (202) 626-7541
ASHRAE. Standard 62, and Standard 12-2000. These documents may be purchased from: American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. 1791 Tullie Circle, NE,
Atlanta GA 30329 1-800-527-4723 or (404) 636-8400.
University of Minnesota websites: www.dehs.umn.edu Indoor air quality site: [This link is no longer
active: www.dehs.umn.edu/resources.htm#indoor. Similar information may be found at
Indoor Air
Quality (http://www.dehs.umn.edu/iaq.htm), accessed August 2016).] Water infiltration and use of
the wet test (moisture) meter: [This link is no longer active: www.dehs.umn.edu/remangi.html.
Similar information may be found at
Managing Water Infiltration into Buildings
(http://www.dehs.umn.edu/iaq_fi.htm), accessed August 2016.]
The CDC website for bioterrorism information contains the interim intervention plan for smallpox.
The plan discusses infection control issues both for home-based care and hospital-based patient
management. CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response – Smallpox
(https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/index.html) [Current version of this document may differ from
Environmental Sampling
ISO. Sterilization of medical devices – microbiological methods, Part 1. ISO standard 11737-1.
Paramus NJ; International Organization for Standardization; 1995.
Animals in Health-Care Facilities
Service animal information with respect to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Contact the U.S.
Department of Justice ADA Information Line at (800) 514-0301 (voice) or (800) 514-0383 (TDD), or
visit the ADA website at: [This link is no longer active: www.usdoj.gov/crt/ada/adahom1.htm.
Similar information may be found at U.S. Department of Justice Service Animals
(https://www.ada.gov/service_animals_2010.htm) accessed August 2016).]
Regulated Medical Waste
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This is the Internet address on their Internet web site that will
link to any state for information about medical waste rules and regulations at the state level: [This link
is no longer active: www.epa.gov/epaoswer/other/medical/stregs.htm. Similar information may be
found at EPA Medical Waste
(https://www.epa.gov/rcra/medical-waste), accessed August 2016.]
General Resources
APIC Text of Infection Control and Epidemiology. Association for Professionals in Infection Control
and Epidemiology, Inc. Washington DC; 2000. (Two binder volumes, or CD-ROM)
Abrutyn E, Goldmann DA, Scheckler WE. Saunders Infection Control Reference Service, 2
Philadelphia PA; WB Saunders; 2000.
ECRI publications are available on a variety of healthcare topics. Contact ECRI at (610) 8256000.
CRI, 5200 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462-1298.
Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities (2003)
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Appendix F. Areas of Future Research
Standardize the methodology and interpretation of microbiologic air sampling (e.g., determine action
levels or minimum infectious dose for aspergillosis, and evaluate the significance of airborne bacteria
and fungi in the surgical field and the impact on postoperative SSI).
Develop new molecular typing methods to better define the epidemiology of health-care associated
outbreaks of aspergillosis and to associate isolates recovered from both clinical and environmental
Develop new methods for the diagnosis of aspergillosis that can lead reliably to early recognition of
Assess the value of laminar flow technology for surgeries other than for joint replacement surgery.
Determine if particulate sampling can be routinely performed in lieu of microbiologic sampling for
purposes such as determining air quality of clean environments (e.g., operating rooms, HSCT units).
Evaluate new methods of water treatment, both in the facility and at the water utility (e.g., ozone,
chlorine dioxide, copper/silver/monochloramine) and perform cost-benefit analyses of treatment in
preventing health-care associated legionellosis.
Evaluate the role of biofilms in overall water quality and determine the impact of water treatments for
the control of biofilm in distribution systems.
Determine if the use of ultrapure fluids in dialysis is feasible and warranted, and determine the action
level for the final bath.
Develop quality assurance protocols and validated methods for sampling filtered rinse water used
with AERs and determine acceptable microbiologic quality of AER rinse water.
Environmental Services
Evaluate the innate resistance of microorganisms to the action of chemical germicides, and determine
what, if any, linkage there may be between antibiotic resistance and resistance to disinfectants.
Laundry and Bedding
Evaluate the microbial inactivation capabilities of new laundry detergents, bleach substitutes, other
laundry additives, and new laundry technologies.
Animals in Health-Care Facilities
Conduct surveillance to monitor incidence of infections among patients in facilities that use animal
programs, and conduct investigations to determine new infection control strategies to prevent these
Evaluate the epidemiologic impact of performing procedures on animals (e.g., surgery or imaging) in
human health-care facilities.
Regulated Medical Waste
Determine the efficiency of current medical waste treatment technologies to inactivate emerging
pathogens that may be present in medical waste (e.g., SARS-coV).
Explore options to enable health-care facilities to reinstate the capacity to inactivate microbiological
cultures and stocks on-site.