FedRAMP Penetration
Test Guidance
Version 3
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
First Release
Minor corrections and edits
Updated FedRAMP Logo
Updated to the new template
Updated to reflect current best
practices in penetration testing
About This Document
The purpose of this document is to provide requirements for organizations planning to conduct a FedRAMP
penetration test, as well as the associated attack vectors and overall reporting requirements.
A penetration test is a proactive and authorized exercise to break through the security of an IT system. The
main objective of a penetration test is to identify exploitable security weaknesses in an information system.
These vulnerabilities may include service and application flaws, insecure configurations, improper
role-based privilege assignments, and risky end-user behavior. A penetration test may also evaluate an
organization’s security policy compliance, its employees’ security awareness, and the organization's ability
to identify and respond to security incidents. Threat actors work diligently to bypass initial system
defenses. Penetration testing ensures that the depth of defense goes beyond initial compromise and/or
takes into account things like proper coding practices being followed.
Zero Trust Protection mechanisms should be defined as part of the system boundary and are better
addressed and included in the SSP front matter discussions.
This document uses the term authorizing official (AO). For systems with a Joint Authorization Board (JAB)
provisional authorization to operate (P-ATO), AO refers primarily to the JAB unless this document explicitly
says agency AO. For systems with a FedRAMP Agency authorization to operate (ATO), AO refers to each
leveraging agency’s AO.
The term authorization refers to either a FedRAMP JAB P-ATO or a FedRAMP Agency ATO.
The term third-party assessment organization (3PAO) refers to a FedRAMP recognized 3PAO. The use of a
FedRAMP recognized 3PAO is required for systems with a FedRAMP JAB P-ATO; however, for systems
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
with a FedRAMP Agency ATO this may refer to any assessment organization designated by the agency
Who Should Use This Document?
The following individuals should review this document:
Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) when preparing to perform a penetration test
on their cloud system
Third Party Assessment Organizations (3PAOs) when planning, executing, and
reporting on FedRAMP penetration testing activities
AOs when developing and evaluating penetration test plans.
How to Contact Us
Questions about FedRAMP or this document should be directed to info@fedramp.gov.
For more information about FedRAMP, visit http://www.fedramp.gov.
How this Document is Organized
This document is divided into the following primary sections and appendices:
Table 1: Document Section Table
Section 1
Scope of Testing
Section 2
Section 3
Attack Vectors
Section 4
Scoping the Penetration Test
Section 5
Rules of Engagement
Section 6
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
Section 7
Test Schedule Requirements
Section 8
Third Party Assessment Organizations (3PAO) Staffing Requirements
Appendix A
FedRAMP Acronyms
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Rules of Engagement (ROE) / Test Plan Template
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
About This Document 1
Who Should Use This Document? 2
How to Contact Us 2
How this Document is Organized 2
Table 1: Document Section Table 2
1.0. Scope of Testing 1
Table 2: Cloud Service Classification 1
2.0. Threats 2
2.1. Threat Models 2
2.2. Attack Models 3
3.0. Attack Vectors 5
3.1 Mandatory Attack Vectors 5
3.1.1 Attack Vector 1: External to Corporate 5
3.1.2. Attack Vector 2: External to CSP Target System 7
3.1.3. Attack Vector 3: Tenant to CSP Management System 8
3.1.4. Attack Vector 4: Tenant-to-Tenant 9
3.1.5. Attack Vector 5: Mobile Application to Target System 10
3.1.6 Attack Vector 6: Client-side Application and/or Agents to Target System 10
4.0. Scoping the Penetration Test 10
5.0 Rules of Engagement 11
6.0. Reporting 12
6.1. Scope of Target System 13
6.2. Attack Vectors Assessed During the
Penetration Test 13
6.3. Timeline for Assessment Activity 13
6.4. Actual Tests Performed and Results 13
6.5. Findings and Evidence 13
6.6. Access Paths 14
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
7.0. Testing Schedule Requirements 14
8.0. Third Party Assessment Organizations (3PAO) Staffing Requirements 14
Appendix A: FedRAMP Acronyms 15
Appendix B: Definitions 15
Appendix C: References 16
Appendix D: Rules of Engagement / Test Plan Template 16
Rules of Engagement / Test Plan 16
System Scope 17
Assumptions and Limitations 17
Testing Schedule 17
Testing Methodology 18
Relevant Personnel 18
Incident Response Procedures 18
Evidence Handling Procedures 18
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
1.0. Scope of Testing
The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) requires that penetration testing be
conducted in compliance with the following guidance:
NIST SP 800-115 (Current Revision)Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and
NIST SP 800-145 (Current Revision) The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing
NIST SP 800-53 (Current Revision) Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and
NIST SP 800-53A (Current Revision) Assessing Security and Privacy Controls in Federal
Information Systems and Organizations: Building Effective Assessment Plans
FedRAMP also requires that a CSP’s products and solutions (cloud services) undergoing a FedRAMP
assessment and penetration test must be classified as a SaaS, PaaS, and/or IaaS (see definitions in Table
2). In some scenarios, it may be appropriate to apply multiple cloud service models to a cloud service.
Table 2: Cloud Service Classification
Cloud Service
NIST Description (Current Revision)
Software as a
Service (SaaS)
The capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider’s applications
running on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various
client devices through either a thin-client interface, such as a web browser (e.g.,
web-based email), or a program interface. The consumer does not manage or
control the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating
systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities, except for limited
user-specific application configuration settings.
Platform as a
Service (PaaS)
The capability provided to the consumer is to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure
consumer-created or acquired applications created using programming languages,
libraries, services, and tools supported by the provider. The consumer does not
manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers,
operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and
possibly configuration settings for the application-hosting environment.
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
as a Service
The capability provided to the consumer is to provision processing, storage,
networks, and other fundamental computing resources where the consumer can
deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include operating systems and
applications. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud
infrastructure but has control over operating systems, storage, and deployed
applications and possibly limited control of select networking components (e.g.,
host firewalls).
In the final Penetration Test Plan, all components, associated services, and access paths (internal/external)
within the defined test boundary of the CSP’s system must be scoped and assessed. A set of attack
vectors will be mandatory, regardless of classification (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, or hybrid) and is outlined in
Section 3.1. CSPs will work, in coordination with their 3PAO, to identify and scope-in other attack vectors
prescribed in this guidance. Any deviations from the mandatory or scoped-in attack vectors must be
approved by an Authorizing Official (AO). The Rules of Engagement (ROE) must identify and define the
appropriate testing method(s) and techniques associated with exploitation of the relevant devices and/or
The Penetration Test Plan must address all attack vectors described in Section 3 or explain why a
particular attack vector was deemed out of scope or not applicable. 3PAOs may include additional attack
vectors they believe are appropriate based on the cloud service offering being assessed. See Appendix D:
Rules of Engagement (ROE)/Test Plan Template for more information regarding test plans.
2.0. Threats
CSPs should consult with their 3PAO to derive the most efficient and effective risk profiling for their cloud
service offering (CSO).
2.1. Threat Models
FedRAMP penetration testing follows multiple threat models developed to align with current adversarial
tactics and techniques. These threat models are built into each attack vector to ensure real-world threats
and risks are analyzed, assessed, mitigated, and accepted by an authorizing authority. 3PAOs should
assess the risk and security of a CSP minimally through the following threat models:
Internet based (Untrusted)
Network threat actor
Attack on CSP managed user
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
Email attack against CSP managed user
Application threat actor
Physical based attack
CSP Corporate (Untrusted and Trusted)
Breach of CSP management systems
Breach of CSP managed support system and/or networks
Breach of CSP managed enclave of authorized systems
Corporate insider threat
Lost CSP managed system
Interconnected networks including international entities, foreign adversaries internally
pivoting to US CSO enclave
Ransomware spread from CSP Corporate
Unauthorized physical access to authorized system
Internal Threat (Untrusted and Trusted)
Weak permissions and access control
Abuse of services of authorized system
Ransomware spread from government system
Multi organization access to authorized system
Unauthorized physical access to authorized system
If a 3PAO determines additional threat models are warranted in order to provide an adequate FedRAMP
assessment, a CSP must be willing to consider what the 3PAO recommends. If a 3PAO and CSP cannot
come to terms, and an AO determines that this additional testing should be performed, this may extend a
CSP’s time to FedRAMP authorization.
2.2. Attack Models
Depending on the authorized service architecture (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, hybrid), all or some attack models
may apply. Additionally, attack models may be tested in different or multiple ways, and testers are required
to demonstrate the ability to exploit vulnerabilities or verify exploits when not feasible. The penetration test
should not be strictly limited to automated scanning techniques, but manual techniques as well.
A 3PAO’s penetration testing methodology and report should provide an AO with a clear picture of attack
models leveraged against the authorized system. The report should outline the specific attack narratives of
verification and validation of vulnerabilities identified during testing. This requirement will ensure that the
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
approach and attack models were properly met. While not a comprehensive list, the goal of penetration
testing should be to attain all of the following, per the MITRE ATT&CK®
knowledge base:
Resource Development
Initial Access
Privilege Escalation
Defense Evasion
Credential Access
Lateral Movement
Command and Control
Initial Access
Privilege Escalation
Defense Evasion
Credential Access
Lateral Movement
Command and Control
Network Effects
Remote Service Effects
FedRAMP realizes that the goal of testing to attain all of the above is not feasible for every CSO. It is up to
CSPs and 3PAOs to determine the tactics and techniques that most assuredly could affect the particular
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
system. FedRAMP relies extensively on a 3PAO’s penetration testing expertise to identify and test the most
applicable tactics that would be adopted by a malicious actor. 3PAOs should explain the rationale for
choosing the specific penetration testing tactics for the system. A CSP should be aware that an AO may
ask for additional testing during the review if common tactics for a CSO are not tested. This can delay the
time for FedRAMP authorization.
3.0. Attack Vectors
Attack vectors are defined as potential avenues of compromise that may lead to a loss or degradation of
system integrity, confidentiality, or availability. FedRAMP has identified and developed several risk
scenarios for 3PAOs to review and address during penetration testing. CSPs and 3PAOs should agree on
the attack vectors. If a specific attack vector cannot be performed, the deviation must be included in the
SAR as a deviation from the Penetration Testing Guidance. CSPs must understand that a 3PAO might see
non-conformance to testing a particular attack vector as a High Risk finding in the SAR Risk Exposure
Table (RET). If a CSP feels strongly that testing the attack vector may result in a significant negative impact
to the production system, then the CSP is encouraged to submit a non-conformance justification for why a
3PAO-recommended attack vector cannot be tested, to an AO. CSPs and 3PAOs must both be aware that
any deviations or non-conformance to established guidance may result in a longer time to FedRAMP
authorization due to the time required for an AO to understand and agree to the deviation or
3.1 Mandatory Attack Vectors
Techniques to test each system may vary depending on the service offering (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and
Hybrid). Due to system commonalities, the following are mandatory attack vectors for all authorized
External to Corporate
External to CSP Target System
Tenant to CSP Management System
Tenant to Tenant
Mobile Application to Target System
Client-side Application and/or Agents to Target System
3.1.1 Attack Vector 1: External to Corporate
The External to Corporate attack vector requires the execution of a social engineering (phishing) attack
against a CSP’s system administrators, and managing personnel who may influence system
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
administrators. If sampling is performed, it must be documented in the ROE and approved by an AO prior
to test execution. An attackers’ originating IPs and email domains will be allowed on all perimeter security
devices such as firewalls, web application firewalls, SPAM filters, and intrusion protection systems.
Email Phish Campaign
A phishing test is a coordinated assessment between a 3PAO and CSP. The intent is to test user
compliance, not email security. Users are the last line of defense and should be tested. Emails should be
allow-listed on all security systems and be presented to the user unflagged, unmodified, and unaltered in
any way.
3PAOs must coordinate with CSP security teams to ensure testing is not manipulated in any way. CSP
users that are in-scope for this attack vector are all users with access to CSP management, authorized
systems, applications, or support systems. Additionally, any system administrators with privileged level
access to CSP management endpoints should be considered in-scope of this assessment.
3PAOs are authorized to coordinate with CSPs to utilize established user phishing programs to facilitate
testing. 3PAOs will provide or approve email templates and landing pages used in testing. 3PAOs must
either perform this attack vector themselves, or independently evaluate the effectiveness of a third party
phishing campaign.
Landing pages for CSP personnel who are victims of the phishing attack should immediately identify that
the email was a phish, and provide supplemental information on how to identify phishing attacks in the
The email campaign will consist of the following:
Email with user name in body
Link to landing page
Ability to capture emails opened (hidden pixel)
Landing page
Ability to tie landing page visits by user
Username and password capture
Ability to track user submission
False positives created by CSP security systems, e.g. sandboxing and link clicking, are to be included in
totals due to requirements of CSPs to bypass these protections. 3PAOs should not keep credentials and
must destroy them after the test due to privacy and security risks. FedRAMP requires that the 3PAO report
back roles and/or metrics but not specific names. CSPs should also require all passwords changed
post-test. Any data submitted to the application, real or not, is to be considered a failure of the test.
Metrics for failures and severity can be based on the most current Common Vulnerability Scoring System
(CVSS) and the 3PAO expertise. For instance, the number of clicks and credential submissions should be
reported along with the 3PAO justification for the scoring.
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
Non-Credentialed-Based Phishing Attack
Determine if a user can run an untrusted PowerShell or Bash script. In this type of attack, the scripts could
gather the local username and hostname of the machine and send the payload back to a 3PAO server.
This shows that remote code execution is possible. 3PAOs are not required to capture credentials but
should track items such as when the script was run, under what circumstances was it run, and the role
allowed to run it. Credential harvesting is not the goal of the phishing attack. If successful or not successful,
a 3PAO can provide evidence of a macro or script execution in lieu of credentials.
3.1.2. Attack Vector 2: External to CSP Target System
The External to CSP Target System attack vector simulates and tests vulnerabilities from external threat
actors and untrusted Internet-based attacks; internal threats such as weak permissions/access controls
and abuse of system services; and poor customer separation measures (e.g., improper network
segmentation and poor implementation of security controls).
Internal Threats
CISA states that “Insider threats present a complex and dynamic risk affecting the public and private
domains of all critical infrastructure sectors.
Insider threats are unintentional or intentional. CISA defines
the unintentional and intentional threats very clearly. These threats are synopsized here for ease of use.
Unintentional Threat (Negligence, Accidental)
Human beings are one of the biggest threat vectors to any computing device. Human beings are
sometimes impatient, careless, tired, make mistakes, and procrastinate.
Negligence is the failure to exercise reasonable care or due diligence. Most insider threats are the result of
actions by people who actually understand the reason for physical and logical security. These people think
security is for the lesser population and deliberately choose to ignore basic security principles. For instance,
these people may choose to ignore a security update because it is inconvenient.
Accidental threats are mostly carried out mistakenly, but can be the result of a negligent event. We look at
accidental threats as caused by those people who mistakenly introduce risk to an organization. Mainly,
this accidental threat happens because a person does not understand security principles and applications.
For instance, this type of person may not understand privacy data and could send a list of employee Social
Security Numbers as an unencrypted attachment to an external email. Or this might be because a person
unknowingly forwards an email thread with sensitive company data to a business competitor. This type of
person may love to forward email attachments or jokes to others and not realize that the attachment
contains malware.
Intentional Threats
Intentional threats are purposefully harmful to another person or an organization. These threats are the
result of malcontents or disgruntled employees. Malcontents cause issues because they seek to disrupt life
in general because of some internal rebellion. Disgruntled employees may cause issues because they feel
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
they were treated unfairly. These types of people may try to sabotage equipment, or inflict other types of
disruptions and violence. Other people may steal proprietary data or intellectual property in the false hope
of advancing their career.
Other Threats
Additional threats include collusion, third-party actors, and direct and indirect threats. 3PAOs and CSPs are
urged to consider each type of insider threat and determine how to best test the CSO to minimize these
Poor Separation Measures and Defense In Depth
Applications and systems currently exposed to the public internet should be tested and risk-assigned
based on the footprint provided as part of the external boundary of the information system. Application,
API, and services testing should be done in sessions or a “less than ideal scenario” where all external
endpoints are known to an attacker. Additionally, all passive or active blocking security devices, such as
web application firewalls and or software-based security controls, will be bypassed to facilitate testing.
Attack Vector 2” may be tested along with “Attack Vector 3” and “Attack Vector 4”, as long as all attack
scenarios are covered and user/management experiences do not differ. 3PAOs are also required to elevate
risk ratings higher for compromise scenarios originating from public access.
IaaS – Testing should originate from public internet attacking exterior IPs or URLs used to host or
manage authorized systems. This should include out-of-band, break glass, VPNs, or site-to-site
connection interfaces (non-authenticated). 3PAOs should take into consideration corporate shared
services and systems and the direct or indirect impact exploitation of these may have on Federal
Government data and metadata. These systems usually reside on CSP “corporate networks” and
the interconnections should be assessed due to their impact on the accredited system.
PaaS – Testing should originate from public internet attacking exterior IPs or URLs used to host
and manage authorized systems and within the application or applicable database.
SaaS – Testing should originate from public internet attacking exterior IPs or URLs used to host
and manage authorized systems and within the application or applicable database.
3.1.3. Attack Vector 3: Tenant to CSP Management System
This Tenant to CSP Management System attack vector simulates and tests vulnerabilities, untrusted
internal threats, and trusted internal threats that emanate from network threat actors, application threat
actors, and abuse of services of the authorized system.
This attack vector is performed by conducting a full application test attempting to access CSP
management systems due to misconfiguration, flaw in system design, abuse of intended function,
low-code or no-code software deployment, and/or command line interface (CLI) that allows access to the
CSP management zone.
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
Privileged and Unprivileged Users
CSPs will provide privileged level accounts to applications within the production environment in order to
facilitate and identify scenarios where the attacker may go from unauthenticated access to authenticated
access to privileged level access. All Tenant to CSP Management System attacks are to be conducted using
the highest level of permissions available to customer users of the information system. The intent is to
identify any opportunity that privileged customer accounts would have to compromise the underlying
system architecture.
While cloud providers may prefer to evaluate a tenant within the development/test environments, these are
rarely identical to the production deployment, and will not be used as a valid representation for the
FedRAMP penetration test vectors. A CSPs production environment should be sufficiently resilient to
sustain a FedRAMP penetration test.
IaaS – Testing should originate from hosted Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) service, server, or platform.
Agents, APIs, and applications that allow for communications between tenant space and
infrastructure or platform layers are in scope to ensure host compromise is limited to VPC or
PaaS – Testing should originate from the platform provided and attempt to gain access to
lower-level PaaS management systems or IaaS level systems. Due to inherent PaaS
customizations and modifications (based on the Service Level Agreement [SLA]), the probability
that the PaaS implementation may affect the security of underlying IaaS is high. Automated code
deployment tools or CLIs to deploy SaaS solutions are considered in-scope and are required to be
SaaS – Testing should originate from an application, API, or CLI if provided as a tool that is
presented as part of an authorized system.
3.1.4. Attack Vector 4: Tenant-to-Tenant
This attack vector simulates and tests vulnerabilities from untrusted internal threats and trusted internal
threats that emanate from issues such as ransomware spread from government and multi organization
access to the authorized system.
This attack vector is performed by conducting a full application test which attempts to use provisional
access of one tenant to compromise another tenant. Environments are required to be set up to test all
aspects of the service provided, to include authentication, data access, user permissions, and sessions.
Access to the cloud service offering should mirror the methods used by system customers. 3PAOs should
be provisioned with two full production customer tenants for performing the Tenant-to-Tenant attack
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
3.1.5. Attack Vector 5: Mobile Application to Target System
The Mobile Application to Target System attack vector consists of emulating a mobile application user
attempting to access a CSP target system or CSP management system. This attack vector is tested on a
representative mobile device and does not directly impact a CSP target system or infrastructure.
Information derived from this activity can be used to inform testing of other attack vectors. If a mobile
application is not part of a CSPs CSO, then this attack vector can be marked as out-of-scope.
3.1.6 Attack Vector 6: Client-side Application and/or Agents to Target System
For this attack vector, if a CSP provides client-side components (i.e., components installed locally within a
customer environment), those components must be included in the CSP's authorization boundary and
tested as part of a CSP's system boundary security assessment if the components are essential for their
customer's use of their CSO. Such client-side applications or components may include (though not
exclusively) software applications, servers, appliances, browser extensions, thick clients, and agents. If a
CSP provides optional-use, client-side components, such components may be included in the CSP's tested
authorization boundary, if agreed upon between the CSP and customer.
CSPs should include in their SSP, and 3PAOs in their testing, any controls out of a customer's ability to
remediate such as encryption and software development. It is recognized that many of these controls will
have a significant customer responsibility. These shared responsibilities should be clearly called out in the
SSP and assessed by a 3PAO.
FedRAMP encourages inclusion of optional-use components within a CSP's tested boundary as it reduces
the burden on customers for component assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring.
When scoping the system boundaries for the assessment, it is important to consider the legal ramifications
of performing penetration testing activities on third-party environments. All testing activities must be
limited to the in-scope test boundary for the system to ensure adherence to all agreements and to limit
legal liability. Penetration testing should not be performed on assets for which permission has not been
explicitly documented. Obtaining permissions for any third-party assets are required to be in-scope and
are a CSP’s responsibility.
4.0. Scoping the Penetration Test
The authorization boundaries of a proposed cloud service will be initially determined based on the SSP and
attachments. Section 9 of the SSP should clearly define authorization boundaries of the cloud system in a
diagram and in words. During penetration test scoping discussions, individual system components will be
reviewed and deemed as “in-scope” or “out-of-scope” for the penetration test. The aggregate of the agreed
upon and authorized in-scope components will comprise the system boundary for the penetration test.
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
When scoping the system boundaries for an assessment, it is important to consider the legal ramifications
of performing penetration testing activities on third-party environments. All testing activities must be
limited to the in-scope test boundary for the system to ensure adherence to all agreements and to limit
legal liability. Penetration testing should not be performed on assets for which permission has not been
explicitly documented. Obtaining permissions for any third-party assets are required to be in-scope and is
a CSP’s responsibility.
Service models intending to use FedRAMP Authorized services lower in the “cloud stack” can leverage the
FedRAMP compliance and security features of those services. As a result, attack vectors already addressed
by other FedRAMP Authorized services lower in the “cloud stack” are not required to be re-evaluated. For
example, if a PaaS and SaaS leverage another layer (i.e., IaaS) that is FedRAMP Authorized, then
penetration testing of the lower layer is not required. However, a CSP must determine the authorization
system boundaries and provide justification for any controls they intend to claim as inherited from the
supporting service. If the PaaS and/or SaaS are including FedRAMP Authorized security features for the
lower layers, then penetration testing of the lower layers is required and a CSP needs to obtain all the
authorizations required for a 3PAO to perform penetration testing for the lower layers.
Penetration testing may require:
Negotiation and agreement with third parties such as internet service providers (ISPs), managed
security service providers (MSSPs), facility leaseholders, hosting services, and/or other
organizations involved in, or affected by, the test. In such scenarios, a CSP is responsible for
coordination and obtaining approvals from third parties prior to the commencement of testing.
When a cloud system has multiple tenants, CSPs must build a temporary tenant environment if
another tenant environment suitable for testing does not exist. Use of production to development
instances to meet multi-tenancy may be used if a 3PAO validates attack vectors and models are
effectively tested.
5.0 Rules of Engagement (ROE)
The penetration test plan must include:
A description of the approach, constraints, and methodologies for each planned attack.
A detailed test schedule that specifies the start and end date/times and content of each test period
and the overall penetration test beginning and end dates.
Technical points of contact (POC) with a backup for each subsystem and/or application that may
be included in the penetration test.
The penetration test ROE describes the target systems, scope, constraints, and proper notifications and
disclosures of the penetration test. 3PAOs develop a ROE based on the parameters provided by a CSP. The
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
ROE must be developed in accordance with NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-115, Appendix B, and be
approved by an AO prior to testing. Additionally, NIST SP 800-115, Section 7, Security Assessment
Execution states, "appropriate personnel such as the CIO, CISO, and ISSO are informed of any critical
high-impact vulnerabilities as soon as they are discovered." FedRAMP requires that the ROE must contain
this clause and include the AO, in addition to the CIO, CISO, and ISSO. See Section 6, Rules of Engagement,
of the FedRAMP Security Assessment Plan Template for more information on the ROE. 3PAOs must include
a copy of the ROE in the FedRAMP Security Assessment Plan submitted to FedRAMP.
The ROE should also include:
Local computer incident response team or capability and their requirements for exercising the
penetration test
Physical penetration constraints
Acceptable social engineering pretext(s) to be fully worked out prior to the ROE being signed. Note:
Social engineering tests are based upon a 3PAO’s expertise in challenging a CSPs users
failures to follow documented CSO policies and procedures
Can be evaluated against the effectiveness of a CSPs security awareness and training
There is no “one size fits all” social engineering testing. 3PAOs should consider the threats,
at the time of testing, and incorporate these methods, as applicable, into their penetration
testing methodology.
A summary and reference to any third-party agreements, including POCs for third parties that may be
affected by the penetration test and must be included in the documentation. The time to authorization will
be extended if the additional testing is required to be done based on an AOs review and prior to FedRAMP
authorizing the package. 3PAOs are required to fully document, in the Penetration Testing Report section
6.0, the rationale behind a CSP not agreeing to a social engineering test. Also, CSPs are encouraged to
report to FedRAMP any proposed 3PAO penetration testing exercises that seem too severe given the
nature of the CSO being offered.
6.0. Reporting
Penetration test assessment activities and results must be organized and compiled into a comprehensive
penetration test report to be included in the SAR. There is no template provided for the penetration test
The penetration test report should include appropriate confidentiality and sensitivity markings in
compliance with a CSP’s organizational policy. 3PAOs should provide the report to a CSP via a secure
means in compliance with the CSP organization’s policies. Any information included in the report that could
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
contain sensitive data (screenshots, tables, figures) must be sanitized, or masked, using techniques that
render the sensitive data permanently unrecoverable by recipients of the report. 3PAOs must not include
passwords (including those in encrypted form) in the final report or must mask them to ensure recipients of
the report cannot recreate or guess the password.
The report is required to address the following sections, but not necessarily in this order:
6.1. Scope of Target System
Outline the target system that was assessed and if any deviations were made from the ROE/TP document.
6.2. Attack Vectors Assessed During the
Penetration Test
Describe the attack vector(s) tested and the threat model(s) followed for executing the penetration test.
6.3. Timeline for Assessment Activity
Document when penetration testing activity was performed.
6.4. Actual Tests Performed and Results
Document the actual tests performed to address the penetration test requirements outlined in this
document and document the results of each test.
6.5. Findings and Evidence
Findings should include a description of the issue, the impact on the target system, a recommendation to
the CSP, a risk rating, and relevant evidence to provide context for each finding.
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
6.6. Access Paths
Access paths are the chain of attack vectors, exploitations, and post-exploitations that lead to a
degradation of system integrity, confidentiality, or availability. 3PAOs must describe the access path and
the penetration test impact if multiple vulnerabilities could be coupled to form a sophisticated attack
against a CSP.
7.0. Testing Schedule Requirements
For each initial security authorization, a penetration test must be completed by a 3PAO as a part of the
assessment process described in the SAP. This initial penetration test must be performed no more than 6
months prior to the submission of the SAR. Once within the continuous monitoring phase of the FedRAMP
process, additional penetration testing activities must be performed at least every 12 months, unless
otherwise approved by an authorizing body with documented rationale.
8.0. Third Party Assessment Organizations
(3PAO) Staffing Requirements
All penetration test activities must be performed by a 3PAO that has demonstrated penetration testing
proficiency and maintains a defined penetration test methodology. The penetration test team lead must
have an industry-recognized credential for penetration testing and equivalent education and experience as
required in the R311 Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP): Specific
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
Appendix A: FedRAMP Acronyms
The master list of FedRAMP acronym and glossary definitions for all FedRAMP templates is a helpful
resource and can be found by utilizing the search function.
Please send questions to info@fedramp.gov.
Appendix B: Definitions
The following is a list of definitions for this document:
Attack Vector – A prescribed attack scenario based on attack models and real-world threats.
Cloud Service Provider (CSP) – The entity responsible for the deployment, maintenance, and
security of the authorized system.
Cloud Service Offering (CSO) – The service, platform or capability that is being offered and
accredited by the government customer.
Corporate – An internal CSP network accessed outside the authorization boundary. This corporate
boundary includes all resources owned, operated, maintained by the CSP to administer services of
the system. This includes networks, laptops, mobile phones, systems that touch any part of the
authorized system.
CSP Management System – The backend applications, systems, services, hardware,
infrastructure, or out of band management that facilitates administrative access to the cloud
service. The management system is the support infrastructure only accessible to CSP personnel
and authorized individuals.
Insider Threat – An individual that is an employee, contractor, government employee or third party
with access to a corporate or authorized system with malicious intent.
Microservices – The capabilities provided or used to provide services.
Penetration Test – A combination of automated and manual testing of technical security controls.
Target – The intended end product being offered to the government customer.
Tenant – A customer instance of a cloud service.
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
Appendix C: References
The publications referenced in this document are available at the following URLs:
FedRAMP Documents and Templates: https://www.fedramp.gov/documents-templates/
NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-115 Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and
Assessment: http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-115/SP800-115.pdf
NIST SP 800-53 Current Revision Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems
and Organizations: http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-53r4.pdf
NIST SP 800-145 The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing:
MITRE ATT&CK® Matrix for Enterprise: https://attack.mitre.org/matrices/enterprise/cloud/
Appendix D: Rules of Engagement / Test
Plan Template
Rules of Engagement / Test Plan
The Penetration Test Rules of Engagement (ROE) and Test Plan (TP) documents describe the target
systems, scope, constraints, and proper notifications and disclosures of the Penetration Test. 3PAOs are
required to develop a ROE and TP based on the parameters and system information provided by a CSP.
The ROE and TP document must be developed in accordance with NIST SP 800-115, Appendix B, and be
approved by an AO prior to testing. 3PAOs must include a copy of the ROE in the FedRAMP Security
Assessment Plan submitted to FedRAMP.
Penetration test planning must include or account for the following considerations:
Network penetration
Wireless network penetration
Physical penetration
Social engineering penetration
Affected IP ranges and domains
Acceptable social engineering pretexts
Targeted organization’s capabilities and technologies
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
Investigative tools
Specific testing periods (start and end date/times)
CSP reporting requirements (format, content, media, encryption)
The Penetration Test Plan must describe:
Target locations
Categories of information such as open source intelligence, human intelligence
Type of information such as physical, relationship, logical, electronic, metadata
Gathering techniques such as active, passive, on- and off-location
Constraints that do not exploit business relationships (customer, supplier, joint venture, or teaming
partners). The CSO control baseline provides the means to thoroughly test these relationships,
especially supply chain controls
3PAOa must justify omitting any attack vectors described in Section 3 above in the ROE/TP and the
Penetration Test Report.
System Scope
Provide a description of the boundaries and scope of the cloud service system, along with any identified
supporting services or systems. System scope should account for all Internet Protocol (IP) addresses,
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URLs), devices, components, software, and hardware.
Assumptions and Limitations
Provide a description of the assumptions, dependencies, and limitations identified that may have an impact
on penetration testing activities or results. Include references to local and federal legal constraints that may
be relevant to testing or results. Assumptions also include any assumed agreement, or access to third party
software, systems, or facilities.
Testing Schedule
Provide a schedule that describes testing phases, initiation/completion dates, and allows for tracking of
penetration test deliverables.
FedRAMP Penetration Test Guidance
Testing Methodology
The methodology section will address relevant penetration testing activities as described in Section 5,
Relevant Personnel
Provide a list of key personnel involved in the management and execution of the penetration test. The list
should include, at a minimum:
System Owner (CSP)
Trusted Agent (CSP)
Penetration Test Team Lead (3PAO)
Penetration Test Team Member(s) (3PAO)
Escalation Points of Contact (CSP and 3PAO)
Incident Response Procedures
Provide a description of the chain of communications and procedures to be followed should an event
requiring incident response intervention be initiated during penetration testing.
Evidence Handling Procedures
Provide a description of procedures for transmission and storage of penetration test evidence collected
during the course of the assessment.