Measurement System Identification: Not
Measurement Sensitive
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Approved: 2022-09-08
Superseding NASA-STD-
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Approval Date
Initial Release
Administrative changes to the Preface;
Paragraphs 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1.1, 2.2.2, 3,,; 5.6.2,, 6.7.1.a, 7.3.2, 7.3.3, 7.5,
7.5.1; Table 1; Appendix A; Appendix C to
reflect NASA Transformation changes, reflect the
release of NASA Procedural Requirements
(NPR) 7150.2, NASA Software Engineering
Requirements to make minor editorial changes.
Note: Some paragraphs have changed pages as a
result of these changes. Change indications
identify only pages where content has changed.
The revised document addresses the following
significant issues: combined the NASA Software
Assurance Standard (NASA-STD-8739.8) with
the NASA Software Safety Standard (NASA-
STD-8719.13), reduction of requirements,
bringing into alignment with updates to NPR
7150.2, added a section on IV&V requirements to
perform IV&V, and moved guidance text to an
Electronic Handbook. This change combines the
updates to NASA-STD-8739.8 and the content of
NASA-STD-8719.13. The update includes the
NASA software safety requirements and cancels
the NASA-STD-8719.13 standard.
Brings into alignment with the update to NPR
7150.2D. Update the Appendix A table
containing the additional areas to consider when
identifying software causes in Hazard Analysis.
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This NASA Technical Standard is published by the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) to provide uniform engineering and technical requirements for
processes, procedures, practices, and methods that have been endorsed as standard for NASA
facilities, programs, and projects, including requirements for selection, application, and design
criteria of an item.
This standard was developed by the NASA Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (OSMA).
Requests for information, corrections, or additions to this standard should be submitted to the OSMA
by email to or via the “Email Feedback” link at
Russ Deloach
Approval Date
NASA Chief, Safety and Mission Assurance
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DOCUMENT HISTORY LOG ................................................................................................... 2
FOREWORD................................................................................................................................. 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................. 4
LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................................................. 4
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................ 4
1. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Document Purpose ........................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Applicability .................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Documentation and Deliverables ..................................................................................... 6
1.4 Request for Relief ............................................................................................................ 6
2. APPLICABLE AND REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ................................................. 7
2.1 Applicable Documents ..................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Reference Documents ...................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Order of Precedence ......................................................................................................... 9
3. ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS ........................................................................... 11
3.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................................................................ 11
3.2 Definitions...................................................................................................................... 12
4.1 Software Assurance Description .................................................................................... 19
4.2 Safety-Critical Software Determination ........................................................................ 20
4.3 Software Assurance and Software Safety Requirements ............................................... 20
4.4 Independent Verification &Validation .......................................................................... 52
4.5 Principles Related to Tailoring the Standard Requirements .......................................... 60
Guidelines for the Hazard Development involving software .............................. 62
Table 1. Software Assurance and Software Safety Requirements Mapping Matrix .................... 21
Table 2. Additional considerations to consider when identifying software causes in hazard
analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 62
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1.1 Document Purpose
The purpose of the Software Assurance and Software Safety Standard is to define the
requirements to implement a systematic approach to software assurance, software safety, and
Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) for software created, acquired, provided, used,
or maintained by or for NASA. Various personnel in the program, project, engineering, facility,
or Safety and Mission Assurance (SMA) organizations can perform the activities required to
satisfy these requirements. The Software Assurance and Software Safety Standard provides a
basis for personnel to perform software assurance, software safety, and IV&V activities
consistently throughout the life of the software.
The Software Assurance and Software Safety Standard, in accordance with NPR
7150.2, NASA Software Engineering Requirements, supports the implementation of the software
assurance, software safety, and IV&V sub-disciplines. The application and approach to meeting
the Software Assurance and Software Safety Standard vary based on the system and software
products and processes to which they are applied. The Software Assurance and Software Safety
Standard stresses coordination between the software assurance sub-disciplines and system safety,
system reliability, hardware quality, system security, and software engineering to maintain the
system perspective and minimize duplication of effort.
The objectives of the Software Assurance and Software Safety Standard include the
a. Ensuring that the processes, procedures, and products used to produce and sustain the
software conform to all specified requirements and standards that govern those processes,
procedures, and products.
(1) A set of activities that assess adherence to, and the adequacy of the software processes
used to develop and modify software products.
(2) A set of activities that define and assess the adequacy of software processes to provide
evidence that establishes confidence that the software processes are appropriate for and
produce software products of suitable quality for their intended purposes.
b. Determining the degree of software quality obtained by the software products.
c. Ensuring that the software systems are safe and that the software safety-critical requirements
are followed.
d. Ensuring that the software systems are secure.
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e. Employing rigorous analysis and testing methodologies to identify objective evidence and
conclusions to provide an independent assessment of critical products and processes
throughout the life cycle.
The Software Assurance and Software Safety Standard is compatible with all software
life cycle models. The Software Assurance and Software Safety Standard does not impose a
particular life cycle model on a software project.
In this standard, all mandatory actions (i.e., requirements) are denoted by statements
containing the term “shall.” The terms “may” denote a discretionary privilege or permission;
“can” denotes statements of possibility or capability; “should” denotes a good practice and is
recommended; but not required, “will” denotes expected outcome; and “are/is” denotes
descriptive material.
1.2 Applicability
This standard is approved for use by NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers,
including Component Facilities and Technical and Service Support Centers. This NASA
Technical Standard applies to the assurance of software created by or for NASA projects,
programs, facilities, and activities and defines the requirements for those activities. This directive
is applicable to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a Federally Funded Research and Development
Center, only to the extent specified in the NASA/Caltech Prime Contract. This standard may also
apply to other contractors, grant recipients, or parties to agreements to the extent specified or
referenced in their contracts, grants, or agreements.
1.3 Documentation and Deliverables
The Software Assurance and Software Safety Standard is not intended to designate the
format of program/project/facility documentation and deliverables. The software assurance and
software safety data, information, and plans may be considered to be quality records with a
retention period as specified in NRRS 1441.1. The format of the documentation is a
program/project/facility decision. The software assurance and software safety organizations
should keep records, reports, metrics, analyses, and trending results and should keep copies of
their project plans for future reference and improvements. The software assurance and software
safety plans (e.g., the Software Assurance Plan) can be standalone documents or incorporated
within other documents (e.g., part of a Software Management Plan, a Software Development
Plan or part of a Program or Project Safety and Mission Assurance (SMA) plan).
1.4 Request for Relief
Tailoring of this standard for application to a specific program or project is documented
as part of program or project requirements and approved by the responsible Center Technical
Authority (TA) in accordance with NPR 8715.3, NASA General Safety Program Requirements.
Section 4.5 of this standard contains the principles related to tailoring this standard’s
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2.1 Applicable Documents
The applicable documents are accessible via the NASA Technical Standards System at, or the NASA Online Directives Information System or may be obtained directly from the Standards
Developing Organizations.
NPR 1400.1 NASA Directives and Charters Procedural Requirements
NPR 7120.5 NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management
NPR 7120.10 Technical Standards for NASA Programs and Projects
NPR 7150.2 NASA Software Engineering Requirements
NPR 8000.4 Agency Risk Management Procedural Requirements
NPR 8715.3 NASA General Safety Program Requirements
NASA-HDBK-2203 NASA Software Engineering Handbook
NASA-HDBK-4008 Programmable Logic Devices Handbook
NRRS 1441.1 NASA Records Retention Schedules
2.2 Reference Documents
The reference documents listed in this section are not incorporated by reference within this
standard but may provide further clarification and guidance.
Government Documents
NPD 2810.1 NASA Information Security Policy
NPD 8720.1 NASA Reliability and Maintainability Program Policy
NPR 1441.1 NASA Records Management Program Requirements
NPR 2210.1 Release of NASA Software
NPR 2810.1 Security of Information and Information Systems
NPR 2830.1 NASA Enterprise Architecture Procedures
NPR 2841.1 Identity, Credential, and Access Management
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NPR 7120.7 NASA Information Technology Program and Project
Management Requirements
NPR 7120.8 NASA Research and Technology Program and Project
Management Requirements
NPR 7120.10 Technical Standards for NASA Programs and Projects
NPR 7120.11 Health and Medical Technical Authority Implementation
NPR 7123.1 NASA Systems Engineering Processes and Requirements.
NPR 8000.4 Agency Risk Management Procedural Requirements
NPR 7123.1 NASA Systems Engineering Processes and Requirements
NASA-STD-1006 Space System Protection Standard
NASA-STD-2601 Minimum Cybersecurity Requirements for Computing
NASA-STD-7009 Standard for Models and Simulations
NASA-STD-8729.1 NASA Reliability And Maintainability Standard For
Spaceflight And Support Systems
NASA-HDBK-7009 NASA Handbook for Models and Simulations: An
Implementation Guide for NASA-STD-7009
NASA-HDBK-8709.22 Safety and Mission Assurance Acronyms, Abbreviations,
and Definitions
NASA-HDBK-8739.23 NASA Complex Electronics Handbook for Assurance
NIST SP 800-37 Risk Management Framework
NIST SP 800-40 Guide to Enterprise Patch Management Planning:
Preventive Maintenance for Technology
NIST SP 800-53 Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and
NIST SP 800-70 National Checklist Program for Information Technology
products: Guidelines for Checklist Users and Developers
NIST SP 800-115 Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and
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NFS 1813.301-79 Supporting Federal Policies, Regulations, and NASA
Procedural Requirements
NFS 1852.237-72 Access to Sensitive Information
NFS 1852.237-73 Release of Sensitive Information
Non-Government Documents
for Development, Version 2.0
IEEE 730 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Standard for Software Quality Assurance Processes
IEEE 828 IEEE Standard for Configuration Management in Systems
and Software Engineering.
IEEE 982.1 IEEE Standard Measures of the Software Aspects of
IEEE 1012 IEEE Standard for System, Software, and Hardware
Verification and Validation
IEEE 1028 IEEE Standard for Software Reviews and Audits
IEEE 1633 IEEE Recommended Practice on Software Reliability
IEEE 15026-1 Systems and software engineering--Systems and software
assurance--Part 1: Concepts and vocabulary
IEEE 29119-4 Software and systems engineering -- Software testing --
Part 4: Test techniques
ISO 26514 Systems and software engineeringrequirements for
designers and developers of user documentation
ISO 24765 System and Software Engineering Vocabulary
2.3 Order of Precedence
This standard establishes requirements to implement a systematic approach to Software
Assurance, Software Safety, and IV&V for software created, acquired, provided, or maintained
by or for NASA but does not supersede nor waive established Agency requirements found in
other documentation.
Conflicts between the Software Assurance and Software Safety Standard and other
requirements documents are resolved by the responsible SMA and engineering TA(s), per NPR
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1400.1, NASA Directives and Charters Procedural Requirements, and NPR 7120.10, Technical
Standards for NASA Programs and Projects.
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3.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations
CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf
GOTS Government-Off-The-Shelf
HDBK Handbook
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IPEP IV&V Project Execution Plan
IV&V Independent Verification and Validation
MC/DC Modified Condition/Decision Coverage
MOTS Modified-Off-The-Shelf
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NPD NASA Policy Directive
NPR NASA Procedural Requirements
NRRS NASA Records Retention Schedule
OSMA NASA Headquarters Office, Safety and Mission Assurance
OSS Open Source Software
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory
RTOS Real-Time Operating System
SMA Safety and Mission Assurance
SP Special Publication
SWE Software Engineering
TA Technical Authority
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3.2 Definitions
Accredit. The official acceptance of a software development tool, model, or simulation,
including associated data, to use for a specific purpose.
Acquirer. The entity or individual who specifies the requirements and accepts the resulting
software products. The Acquirer is usually NASA or an organization within the Agency but can
also refer to the prime contractor-subcontractor relationship.
Analyze. Review results in-depth, look at relationships of activities, examine methodologies in
detail, and follow methodologies such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, Fault Tree
Analysis, trending, and metrics analysis. Examine processes, plans, products, and task lists for
completeness, consistency, accuracy, reasonableness, and compliance with requirements. The
analysis may include identifying missing, incomplete, or inaccurate products, relationships,
deliverables, activities, required actions, etc.
Approve. When the responsible originating official, or designated decision authority, of a
document, report, condition, etc., has agreed, via their signature, to the content and indicates the
document is ready for release, baselining, distribution, etc. Usually, one “approver” and several
stakeholders need to “concur” for official acceptance of a document, report, etc. For example, the
project manager would approve the Software Development Plan, but SMA would concur on it.
Assess. Judge results against plans or work product requirements. Assess includes judging for
practicality, timeliness, correctness, completeness, compliance, evaluation of rationale, etc.,
reviewing activities performed, and independently tracking corrective actions to closure.
Assure. When software assurance personnel make certain that others have performed the
specified software assurance, management, and engineering activities.
Audit. Formal review to assess compliance with hardware or software requirements,
specifications, baselines, safety standards, procedures, instructions, codes, and contractual and
licensing requirements. (Source NPR 8715.3)
Bi-directional Traceability. Association among two or more logical entities that are discernible
in either direction (to and from an entity). (Source IEEE Definition)
Concur. A documented agreement that a proposed course of action is acceptable.
Condition. (1) measurable qualitative or quantitative attribute that is stipulated for a
requirement and that indicates a circumstance or event under which a requirement applies (2)
description of a contingency to be considered in the representation of a problem, or a reference to
other procedures to be considered as part of the condition (3) true or false logical predicate (4)
logical predicate involving one or more behavior model elements (5) Boolean expression
containing no Boolean operators.
Configuration Item. (1)item or aggregation of hardware, software, or both that is designated
for configuration management and treated as a single entity in the configuration management
process (2)component of an infrastructure or an item which is or will be under control of
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configuration management (3) aggregation of work products that is designated for configuration
management and treated as a single entity in the configuration management process (4) any
system element or aggregation of system elements that satisfies an end use function and is
designated by the acquirer for separate configuration control (5) item or aggregation of software
that is designed to be managed as a single entity and its underlying components, such as
documentation, data structures, scripts. (Source IEEE Definition)
Note: Configuration items can vary widely in complexity, size, and type, ranging from an entire
system including all hardware, software, and documentation, to a single module or a minor
hardware component. CIs have four common characteristics: defined functionality; replaceable
as an entity; unique specification; formal control of form, fit, and function. See Also: hardware
configuration item, computer software configuration item, configuration identification, and
critical item.
Confirm. Check to see that activities specified in the software engineering requirements are
adequately done and evidence of the activities exists as proof. Confirm includes ensuring
activities are done completely and correctly and have expected content according to approved
Critical. A condition that may cause severe injury or occupational illness, or major property
damage to facilities, systems, or flight hardware.
Deliverable. Product or item that has to be completed and delivered under the terms of an
agreement or contract. Products may also be deliverables, e.g., software requirements
specifications, and detailed design documents.
Develop. To produce or create a product or document and mature or advance the product or
document content.
Ensure. When software assurance or software safety personnel perform the specified software
assurance and software safety activities themselves.
Event. (1) occurrence of a particular set of circumstances (2) external or internal stimulus used
for synchronization purposes (3) change detectable by the subject software (4) fact that an action
has taken place (5) singular moment in time at which some perceptible phenomenological
change (energy, matter, or information) occurs at the port of a unit.
Failure. Inability of a system, subsystem, component, or part to perform its required function
within specified limits. (Source NPR 8715.3)
Hazard. A state or a set of conditions, internal or external to a system that has the potential to
cause harm. (Source NPR 8715.3)
Hazard Analysis. Identifying and evaluating existing and potential hazards and the
recommended mitigation for the hazard sources found.
Hazard Control. Means of reducing the risk of exposure to a hazard. (Source NPR 8715.3)
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Hazardous Operation/Work Activity. Any operation or other work activity that, without the
implementation of proper mitigations, has a high potential to result in loss of life, serious injury
to personnel or public, or damage to property due to the material or equipment involved or the
nature of the operation/activity itself.
Independent Verification and Validation. Verification and validation performed by an
organization that is technically, managerially, and financially independent of the development
organization. (Source IEEE Definition)
Inhibit. Design feature that prevents the operation of a function.
Insight. An element of Government surveillance that monitors contractor compliance using
Government-identified metrics and contracted milestones. Insight is a continuum that can range
from low intensity such as reviewing quarterly reports to high intensity such as performing
surveys and reviews. (Source NPR 7123.1)
Maintain. To continue to have; to keep in existence, to stay up-to-date and correct.
Mission Critical. [1] Item or function that must retain its operational capability to assure no
mission failure (i.e., for mission success). [2] An item or function, the failure of which may
result in the inability to retain operational capability for mission continuation if corrective action
is not successfully performed. (Source NASA-STD-8729.1)
Mission Success. Meeting all mission objectives and requirements for performance and safety.
(Source NPR 8715.3)
Monitor. (1) software tool or hardware device that operates concurrently with a system or
component and supervises, records, analyzes, or verifies the operation of the system or
component; (2) collect project performance data with respect to a plan, process, produce
performance measures, and report and disseminate performance information.
Participate. To be a part of the activity, audit, review, meeting, or assessment.
Perform. Software assurance does the action specified. Perform may include making
comparisons of independent results with similar activities performed by engineering; performing
audits; and reporting results to engineering.
Product. A result of a physical, analytical, or another process. The item delivered to the
customer (e.g., hardware, software, test reports, data) and the processes (e.g., system
engineering, design, test, logistics) that make the product possible. (Source NASA-HDBK-
Program. A strategic investment by a Mission Directorate or Mission Support Office that has a
defined architecture and technical approach, requirements, funding level, and management
structure that initiates and directs one or more projects. A program implements a strategic
direction that the Agency has identified as needed to accomplish Agency goals and objectives.
(Source NPR 7120.5)
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Program Manager. A generic term for the person who is formally assigned to be in charge of
the program. A program manager could be designated as a program lead, program director, or
some other term, as defined in the program's governing document. A program manager is
responsible for the formulation and implementation of the program, per the governing document
with the sponsoring MDAA.
Project. A specific investment having defined goals, objectives, requirements, life cycle cost, a
beginning, and an end. A project yields new or revised products or services that directly address
NASA’s strategic needs. They may be performed wholly in-house; by Government, industry,
academia partnerships; or through contracts with private industry. (Source NPR 7150.2)
Project Manager. The entity or individual who accepts the resulting software products. Project
managers are responsible and accountable for the safe conduct and successful outcome of their
program or project in conformance with governing programmatic requirements. The project
manager is usually NASA but can also refer to the prime contractor-subcontractor relationship as
Provider. A Provider is a NASA or contractor organization that is tasked by an accountable
organization (i.e., the Acquirer) to produce a product or service. (Source NASA-HDBK-8709.22)
Regression testing. (1) selective retesting of a system or component to verify that modifications
have not caused unintended effects and that the system or component still complies with its
specified requirements (2) testing following modifications to a test item or its operational
environment, to identify whether regression failures occur. (Source IEEE Definition)
Risk. The combination of (1) the probability (qualitative or quantitative) of experiencing an
undesired event, (2) the consequences, impact, or severity that would occur if the undesired
event were to occur, and (3) the uncertainties associated with the probability and consequences.
(Source NPR 8715.3)
Note: A risk is an uncertain future event, or combination of events, that could threaten the
achievement of performance objectives or requirements. A "problem," on the other hand,
describes an issue that is certain or near certain to exist now, or an event that has been
determined with certainty or near certainty to have occurred and is threatening the achievement
of an objective or requirement. It is generally at the discretion of the decision authority to define
at what level of certainty (i.e., likelihood) an event may be classified and addressed as a
“problem” rather than as a “risk.” A risk may be conditional upon a problem, i.e., an existing
issue may or may not develop into performance-objective consequences or the extent to which it
may be at present uncertain.
Risk Posture. A characterization of risk based on conditions (e.g., criticality, complexity,
environments, performance, cost, schedule) and a set of identified risks, taken as a whole which
allows an understanding of the overall risk or provides a target risk range or level, which can
then be used to support decisions being made.
Safe State. A system state in which hazards are inhibited, and all hazardous actuators are in a
non-hazardous state. The system can have more than one Safe State.
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Safety. Freedom from those conditions that can cause death, injury, occupational illness,
damage to or loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment. In a risk-informed
context, safety is an overall mission and program condition that provides sufficient assurance
that accidents will not result from the mission execution or program implementation, or, if they
occur, their consequences will be mitigated. This assurance is established by means of the
satisfaction of a combination of deterministic criteria and risk criteria. (Source NPR 8715.3)
Safety Analysis. Generic term for a family of analyses, which includes but is not limited to,
preliminary hazard analysis, system (subsystem) hazard analysis, operating hazard analysis,
software hazard analysis, sneak circuit, and others. Software safety analysis consists of a number
of tools and techniques to identify safety risks and formulate effective controls. These techniques
are used to help identify the hazards during the Hazard Analysis process, which in turn identifies
the safety-critical software. The Safety Analysis techniques often used to support the Hazard
Analysis are the Software Fault Tree Analysis and the Software Failure Modes and Effects
Analysis. The Software Fault Tree Analysis and the Software Failure Modes and Effects
Analysis are used to help identify hazards, hazard causes, and potential failure modes.
Safety-Critical. A term describing any condition, event, operation, process, equipment, or
system that could cause or lead to severe injury, major damage, or mission failure if performed
or built improperly or allowed to remain uncorrected. (Source NPR 8715.3)
Safety-Critical Software. Software is classified as safety-critical if the software is determined
by and traceable to a hazard analysis. Software is classified as safety-critical if it meets at least
one of the following criteria:
a. Causes or contributes to a system hazardous condition/event,
b. Controls functions identified in a system hazard,
c. Provides mitigation for a system hazardous condition/event,
d. Mitigates damage if a hazardous condition/event occurs,
e. Detects, reports, and takes corrective action if the system reaches a potentially hazardous state.
Software. defined as (1) computer programs, procedures, and associated documentation and
data pertaining to the operation of a computer system (2) all or a part of the programs,
procedures, rules, and associated documentation of an information processing (3) program or set
of programs used to run a computer (4) all or part of the programs which process or support the
processing of digital information (5) part of a product that is the computer program or the set of
computer programs. This definition applies to software developed by NASA, software developed
for NASA, software maintained by or for NASA, Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS),
Government-Off-The-Shelf (GOTS), Modified-Off-The-Shelf (MOTS), Open Source Software
(OSS), reused software components, auto-generated code, embedded software, the software
executed on processors embedded in programmable logic devices (see NASA-HDBK-4008),
legacy, heritage, applications, freeware, shareware, trial or demonstration software, and OSS
components. (Source NPR 7150.2)
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Software Assurance. (1) a set of activities that assess adherence to, and the adequacy of the
software processes used to develop and modify software products. Software assurance also
determines the degree to which the desired results from software quality control are being
obtained. (2) set of activities that define and assess the adequacy of software processes to provide
evidence that establishes confidence that the software processes are appropriate for and produce
software products of suitable quality for their intended purposes. (Source IEEE Definition)
Note: A key attribute of software assurance is the objectivity of the software assurance function
with respect to the project.
Software Developer. A person, organization, or system that develops software based on
program/project requirements.
Software Life Cycle. The period that begins when a software product is conceived and ends
when the software is no longer available for use. The software life cycle typically includes a
concept phase, requirements phase, design phase, implementation phase, test phase, installation
and checkout phase, operation and maintenance phase, and sometimes, retirement phase.
Software Peer Review. An examination of a software product to detect and identify software
anomalies, including errors and deviations from standards and specifications. (Source IEEE
Software Safety. The aspects of software engineering, system safety, and software assurance,
that provide a systematic approach to identifying, analyzing, tracking, mitigating, and controlling
hazards and hazardous functions of a system where software may contribute either to the
hazard(s) or to its detection, mitigation or control, to ensure safe operation of the system.
Software Validation. (1)confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that the
requirements for a specific intended use or application have been fulfilled (2) process of
providing evidence that the system, software, or hardware and its associated products satisfy
requirements allocated to it at the end of each life cycle activity, solve the right problem (e.g.,
correctly model physical laws, implement business rules, and use the proper system
assumptions), and satisfy intended use and user needs (3) the assurance that a product, service, or
system meets the needs of the customer and other identified stakeholders (4) process of
evaluating a system or component during or at the end of the development process to determine
whether it satisfies specified requirements (5) confirmation in a timely manner, through
automated techniques where possible, through the provision of objective evidence, that the
requirements for a specific intended use or application have been fulfilled. (Source IEEE
Note: Validation in a system life cycle context is the set of activities ensuring and gaining
confidence that a system is able to accomplish its intended use, goals, and objectives (meet
stakeholder requirements) in the intended operational environment. The right system has been
built or is operating to meet business objectives. Validation demonstrates that the system can be
used by the users for their specific tasks. "Validated" is used to designate the corresponding
status. Multiple Validation can be carried out if there are different intended uses.
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Software Verification. Confirmation that products properly reflect the requirements specified
for them. In other words, verification ensures that “you built it right.” (Source IEEE Definition)
Supplier. Any organization which provides a product or service to a customer. By this
definition, suppliers may include vendors, subcontractors, contractors, flight programs/projects,
and the NASA organization supplying science data to a principal investigator. The classical
definition of a supplier is a subcontractor, at any tier, performing contract services or producing
the contract articles for a contractor. (Source NASA-HDBK-8709.22)
System Safety. Application of engineering and management principles, criteria, and techniques
to optimize safety and reduce risks within the constraints of operational effectiveness, time, and
Tailoring. The process used to adjust a prescribed requirement to accommodate the needs of a
specific task or activity (e.g., program or project). Tailoring may result in changes, subtractions,
or additions to a typical implementation of the requirement. (Source NPR 7150.2)
Track. To follow and note the course or progress of the product.
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4.1 Software Assurance Description
The Software Assurance activities provide a level of confidence that software is free
from vulnerabilities, either intentionally designed into the software or accidentally inserted at
any time during its life cycle, that the software functions in an intended manner, and that the
software does not function in an unintended manner. The objectives of the Software Assurance
and Software Safety Standard include the following:
a. Ensuring that the processes, procedures, and products used to produce and sustain the
software conform to all specified requirements and standards that govern those processes,
procedures, and products.
(a) A set of activities that assess adherence to, and the adequacy of the software
processes used to develop and modify software products.
(b) A set of activities that define and assess the adequacy of software processes to
provide evidence that establishes confidence that the software processes are appropriate
for and produce software products of suitable quality for their intended purposes.
b. Determining the degree of software quality obtained by the software products.
c. Ensuring that the software systems are safe and that the software safety-critical requirements
are followed.
d. Ensuring that the software systems are secure.
e. Employing rigorous analysis and testing methodologies to identify objective evidence and
conclusions to provide an independent assessment of critical products and processes throughout
the life cycle.
Project and SMA Management support of the software assurance function is essential
for software assurance, software safety, and IV&V processes to be effective. The software
assurance, software safety, and IV&V support include the following:
a. The Project and SMA Management are familiar with and understand the software assurance,
software safety, and IV&V function’s purposes, concepts, practices, and needs.
b. The Project and SMA Management provide the software assurance, software safety, and
IV&V activities with skilled resources (people, equipment, knowledge, methods, facilities,
and tools) to accomplish their project responsibilities.
c. The Project and SMA Management act upon information provided by the software assurance,
software safety, and IV&V function throughout a project.
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The Software Assurance and Software Safety Standard’s requirements apply to
organizations in their roles as both Acquirers and Providers.
4.2 Safety-Critical Software Determination
Software is classified as safety-critical if the software is determined by and traceable to
a hazard analysis. Software is classified as safety-critical if it meets at least one of the following
a. Causes or contributes to a system hazardous condition/event,
b. Controls functions identified in a system hazard,
c. Provides mitigation for a system hazardous condition/event,
d. Mitigates damage if a hazardous condition/event occurs,
e. Detects, reports, and takes corrective action if the system reaches a potentially hazardous state.
Note: See Appendix A for guidelines associated with addressing software in hazard definitions.
See Table 1, 3.7.1, SWE-205 for more details. Consideration for other independent means of
protection (software, hardware, barriers, or administrative) should be a part of the system
hazard definition process.
4.3 Software Assurance and Software Safety Requirements
The responsible project manager shall ensure the performance of the software
assurance, software safety, and IV&V activities, the applicable requirements are defined in Table
1. In this document, the phrase “Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks” means that the
roles and responsibilities for completing these requirements may be delegated within the project
consistent with the scope and scale of the project. The Center SMA Director designates SMA
TA(s) for programs, facilities, and projects, providing direction, functional oversight, and
assessment for all Agency software assurance, software safety, and IV&V activities.
21 of 70
Table 1. Software Assurance and Software Safety Requirements Mapping Matrix
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
Software Management Requirements
Software Life Cycle Planning
The project manager shall assess options for
software acquisition versus development.
a. Acquire an off-the-shelf software product that
satisfies the requirement.
b. Develop a software product or obtain the
software service internally.
c. Develop the software product or obtain the
software service through contract.
d. Enhance an existing software product or
e. Reuse an existing software product or service.
f. Source code available external to NASA.
1. Confirm that the options for software acquisition
versus development have been evaluated.
2. Confirm the flow down of applicable software
engineering, software assurance, and software safety
requirements on all acquisition activities. (NPR
7150.2 and NASA-STD-8739.8).
3. Assess any risks with acquisition versus
development decision(s).
The project manager shall develop, maintain, and
execute software plans, including security plans,
that cover the entire software life cycle and, as a
minimum, address the requirements of this
directive with approved tailoring.
1. Confirm that all plans, including security plans, are
in place and have expected content for the life cycle
events, with proper tailoring for the classification of
the software.
2. Develop and maintain a Software Assurance Plan
following the content defined in NASA-HDBK-2203
for a software assurance plan, including software
The project manager shall track the actual results
and performance of software activities against the
software plans.
a. Corrective actions are taken, recorded, and
managed to closure.
b. Changes to commitments (e.g., software plans)
1. Assess plans for compliance with NPR 7150.2
requirements, NASA-STD-8739.8, including changes
to commitments.
2. Confirm that closure of corrective actions
associated with the performance of software activities
22 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
that have been agreed to by the affected groups
and individuals are taken, recorded, and
against the software plans, including closure
3. Confirm changes to commitments are recorded and
The project manager shall define and document
the acceptance criteria for the software.
1. Confirm software acceptance criteria are defined
and assess the criteria based on guidance in the
NASA Software Engineering Handbook, NASA-
The project manager shall establish and maintain
the software processes, software documentation
plans, list of developed electronic products,
deliverables, and list of tasks for the software
development that are required for the project’s
software developers, as well as the action
required (e.g., approval, review) of the
Government upon receipt of each of the
1. Confirm the following are approved, implemented,
and updated per requirements:
a. Software processes, including software assurance,
software safety, and IV&V processes,
b. Software documentation plans,
c. List of developed electronic products, deliverables,
d. List of tasks required or needed for the project’s
software development.
2. Confirm that any required government actions are
established and performed upon receipt of
deliverables (e.g., approvals, reviews).
The project manager shall define and document
the milestones at which the software developer(s)
progress will be reviewed and audited.
1. Confirm that milestones for reviewing and auditing
software developer progress are defined and
2. Participate in project milestones reviews.
The project manager shall require the software
developer(s) to periodically report status and
provide insight into software development and
test activities; at a minimum, the software
developer(s) will be required to allow the project
manager and software assurance personnel to:
1. Confirm that software developer(s) periodically
report status and provide insight to the project
2. Monitor product integration.
3. Analyze the verification activities to ensure
23 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
a. Monitor product integration.
b. Review the verification activities to ensure
c. Review trade studies and source data.
d. Audit the software development processes and
e. Participate in software reviews and technical
interchange meetings.
4. Assess trade studies, source data, software reviews,
and technical interchange meetings.
5. Perform audits on software development processes
and practices at least once every two years.
6. Develop and provide status reports.
7. Develop and maintain a list of all software
assurance review discrepancies, risks, issues,
findings, and concerns.
8. Confirm that the project manager provides
responses to software assurance and software safety
submitted issues, findings, and risks and that the
project manager tracks software assurance and
software safety issues, findings, and risks to closure.
The project manager shall require the software
developer(s) to provide NASA with software
products, traceability, software change tracking
information and nonconformances, in electronic
format, including software development and
management metrics.
1. Confirm that software artifacts are available in
electronic format to NASA.
The project manager shall require the software
developer(s) to provide NASA with electronic
access to the source code developed for the
project in a modifiable format.
1. Confirm that software developers provide NASA
with electronic access to the source code generated
for the project in a modifiable form.
The project manager shall comply with the
requirements in this NPR that are marked with an
”X” in Appendix C consistent with their software
1. Assess that the project's software requirements,
products, procedures, and processes are compliant
with the NPR 7150.2 requirements per the software
classification and safety criticality for software.
24 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
Where approved, the project manager shall
document and reflect the tailored requirement in
the plans or procedures controlling the
development, acquisition, and deployment of the
affected software.
1. Confirm that any requirement tailoring in the
Requirements Mapping Matrix has the required
2. Develop a tailoring matrix of software assurance
and software safety requirements.
Each project manager with software components
shall maintain a requirements mapping matrix or
multiple requirements mapping matrices against
requirements in this NPR, including those
delegated to other parties or accomplished by
contract vehicles or Space Act Agreements.
1. Confirm that the project maintains a requirements
mapping matrix (matrices) for all requirements in
NPR 7150.2.
2. Maintain the requirements mapping matrix
(matrices) for requirements in NASA-STD-8739.8.
The project manager shall satisfy the following
conditions when a COTS, GOTS, MOTS, OSS, or
reused software component is acquired or used:
a. The requirements to be met by the software
component are identified.
b. The software component includes
documentation to fulfill its intended purpose
(e.g., usage instructions).
c. Proprietary rights, usage rights, ownership,
warranty, licensing rights, transfer rights, and
conditions of use (e.g., required copyright,
author, and applicable license notices within the
software code, or a requirement to redistribute the
licensed software only under the same license
(e.g., GNU GPL, ver. 3, license)) have been
addressed and coordinated with Center
Intellectual Property Counsel.
d. Future support for the software product is
planned and adequate for project needs.
1. Confirm that the conditions listed in "a" through
"f" are complete for any COTS, GOTS, MOTS, OSS,
or reused software that is acquired or used.
25 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
e. The software component is verified and
validated to the same level required to accept a
similar developed software component for its
intended use.
f. The project has a plan to perform periodic
assessments of vendor reported defects to ensure
the defects do not impact the selected software
Software Cost Estimation
To better estimate the cost of development, the
project manager shall establish, document, and
a. Two cost estimate models and associated cost
parameters for all Class A and B software
projects that have an estimated project cost of $2
million or more.
b. One software cost estimate model and
associated cost parameter(s) for all Class A and
Class B software projects that have an estimated
project cost of less than $2 million.
c. One software cost estimate model and
associated cost parameter(s) for all Class C and
Class D software projects.
d. One software cost estimate model and
associated cost parameter(s) for all Class F
software projects.
1. Confirm that the required number of software cost
estimates are complete and include software
assurance cost estimate(s) for the project, including a
cost estimate associated with handling safety-critical
software and safety-critical data.
26 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager’s software cost estimate(s)
shall satisfy the following conditions:
a. Covers the entire software life cycle.
b. Is based on selected project attributes (e.g.,
programmatic assumptions/constraints,
assessment of the size, functionality, complexity,
criticality, reuse code, modified code, and risk of
the software processes and products).
c. Is based on the cost implications of the
technology to be used and the required
maturation of that technology.
d. Incorporates risk and uncertainty, including
end state risk and threat assessments for
e. Includes the cost of the required software
assurance support.
f. Includes other direct costs.
1. Assess the project's software cost estimate(s) to
determine if the stated criteria listed in "a" through
"f" are satisfied.
The project manager shall submit software
planning parameters, including size and effort
estimates, milestones, and characteristics, to the
Center measurement repository at the conclusion
of major milestones.
1. Confirm that all the software planning parameters,
including size and effort estimates, milestones, and
characteristics, are submitted to a Center repository.
2. Confirm that all software assurance and software
safety software estimates and planning parameters
are submitted to an organizational repository.
Software Schedules
27 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall document and
maintain a software schedule that satisfies the
following conditions:
a. Coordinates with the overall project schedule.
b. Documents the interactions of milestones and
deliverables between software, hardware,
operations, and the rest of the system.
c. Reflects the critical dependencies for software
development activities.
d. Identifies and accounts for dependencies with
other projects and cross-program dependencies.
1. Assess that the software schedule satisfies the
conditions in the requirement.
2. Develop a software assurance schedule, including
software assurance products, audits, reporting, and
The project manager shall regularly hold reviews
of software schedule activities, status,
performance metrics, and assessment/analysis
results with the project stakeholders and track
issues to resolution.
1. Confirm the generation and distribution of periodic
reports on software schedule activities, metrics, and
status, including reports of software assurance and
software safety schedule activities, metrics, and
2. Confirm closure of any project software schedule
The project manager shall require the software
developer(s) to provide a software schedule for
the project's review, and schedule updates as
1. Confirm the project's schedules, including the
software assurance’s/software safety’s schedules, are
Software Training
The project manager shall plan, track, and ensure
project specific software training for project
1. Confirm that any project-specific software training
has been planned, tracked, and completed for project
personnel, including software assurance and software
safety personnel.
2. Confirm that software assurance and software
safety personnel have completed the appropriate
28 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
software assurance and/or software safety training to
satisfactorily conduct assurance and safety activities.
Software Classification Assessments
The project manager shall classify each system
and subsystem containing software in accordance
with the highest applicable software classification
definitions for Classes A, B, C, D, E, and F
software in Appendix D.
1. Perform a software classification or concur with
the engineering software classification of software
per the descriptions in NPR 7150.2.
The project manager shall maintain records of
each software classification determination, each
software Requirements Mapping Matrix, and the
results of each software independent
classification assessments for the life of the
1. Confirm that records of the software Requirements
Mapping Matrix and each software classification are
maintained and updated for the life of the project.
Software Assurance and Software Independent
Verification & Validation
The project manager shall plan and implement
software assurance, software safety and IV&V (if
required) per NASA-STD-8739.8, Software
Assurance and Software Safety Standard.
1. Perform software assurance, software safety, and
IV&V (if required) according to the software
assurance and software safety standard requirements
in NASA-STD-8739.8, Software Assurance and
Software Safety Standard, and the Project’s software
assurance plan.
For projects reaching Key Decision Point A, the
program manager shall ensure that software
IV&V is performed on the following categories
of projects:
a. Category 1 projects as defined in NPR 7120.5.
b. Category 2 projects as defined in NPR 7120.5
that have Class A or Class B payload risk
1. Confirm that IV&V requirements (section 4.4) are
complete on projects required to have IV&V.
29 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
classification per NPR 8705.4, Risk
Classification for NASA Payloads.
c. Projects selected explicitly by the Mission
Directorate Associate Administrator to have
software IV&V.
If software IV&V is required for a project, the
project manager, in consultation with NASA
IV&V, shall ensure an IPEP is developed,
approved, maintained, and executed in
accordance with IV&V requirements in NASA-
1. Confirm that the IV&V Project Execution Plan
(IPEP) exists.
If software IV&V is performed on a project, the
project manager shall ensure that IV&V is
provided access to development artifacts,
products, source code, and data required to
perform the IV&V analysis efficiently and
1. Confirm that IV&V has access to the software
development artifacts, products, source code, and
data required to perform the IV&V analysis
efficiently and effectively.
If software IV&V is performed on a project, the
project manager shall provide responses to IV&V
submitted issues and risks, and track these issues
and risks to closure.
1. Confirm that the project manager responds to
IV&V submitted issues, findings, and risks and that
the project manager tracks IV&V issues, findings,
and risks to closure.
Safety-Critical and Mission-Critical Software
The project manager, in conjunction with the
SMA organization, shall determine if each
software component is considered to be safety-
critical per the criteria defined in NASA-STD-
1. Confirm that the hazard reports or safety data
packages contain all known software contributions or
events where software, either by its action, inaction,
or incorrect action, leads to a hazard.
2. Assess that the hazard reports identify the software
components associated with the system hazards per
the criteria defined in NASA-STD-8739.8, Appendix
30 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
3. Assess that hazard analyses (including hazard
reports) identify the software components associated
with the system hazards per the criteria defined in
NASA-STD-8739.8, Appendix A.
4. Confirm that the traceability between software
requirements and hazards with software contributions
5. Develop and maintain a software safety analysis
throughout the software development life cycle.
If a project has safety-critical software, the
project manager shall implement the safety-
critical software requirements contained in
1. Confirm that the identified safety-critical software
components and data have implemented the safety-
critical software assurance requirements listed in this
If a project has safety-critical software or
mission-critical software, the project manager
shall implement the following items in the
a. The software is initialized, at first start and
restarts, to a known safe state.
b. The software safely transitions between all
predefined known states.
c. Termination performed by software functions
is performed to a known safe state.
d. Operator overrides of software functions
require at least two independent actions by an
e. Software rejects commands received out of
sequence when execution of those commands out
of sequence can cause a hazard.
f. The software detects inadvertent memory
1. Analyze the software requirements and the
software design and work with the project to
implement NPR 7150.2 requirement items "a"
through "l."
2. Assess that the source code satisfies the conditions
in the NPR 7150.2 requirement "a" through "l" for
safety-critical and mission-critical software at each
code inspection, test review, safety review, and
project review milestone.
3. Confirm that the values of the safety-critical
loaded data, uplinked data, rules, and scripts that
affect hazardous system behavior have been tested.
4. Analyze the software design to ensure the
a. Use of partitioning or isolation methods in the
design and code,
31 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
modification and recovers to a known safe state.
g. The software performs integrity checks on
inputs and outputs to/from the software system.
h. The software performs prerequisite checks
prior to the execution of safety-critical software
i. No single software event or action is allowed to
initiate an identified hazard.
j. The software responds to an off-nominal
condition within the time needed to prevent a
hazardous event.
k. The software provides error handling.
l. The software can place the system into a safe
b. That the design logically isolates the safety-critical
design elements and data from those that are non-
5. Participate in software reviews affecting safety-
critical software products.
6. Ensure the SWE-134 implementation supports and
is consistent with the system hazard analysis.
If a project has safety-critical software, the
project manager shall ensure that there is 100
percent code test coverage using the Modified
Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC) criterion
for all identified safety-critical software
1. Confirm that 100% code test coverage is addressed
for all identified safety-critical software components
or that software developers provide a technically
acceptable rationale or a risk assessment explaining
why the test coverage is not possible or why the risk
does not justify the cost of increasing coverage for
the safety-critical code component.
If a project has safety-critical software, the
project manager shall ensure all identified safety-
critical software components have a cyclomatic
complexity value of 15 or lower. Any exceedance
shall be reviewed and waived with rationale by
the project manager or technical approval
1. Perform or analyze Cyclomatic Complexity
metrics on all identified safety-critical software
2. Confirm that all identified safety-critical software
components have a cyclomatic complexity value of
15 or lower. If not, assure that software developers
provide a technically acceptable risk assessment,
accepted by the proper technical authority, explaining
why the cyclomatic complexity value needs to be
32 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
higher than 15 and why the software component
cannot be structured to be lower than 15 or why the
cost and risk of reducing the complexity to below 15
are not justified by the risk inherent in modifying the
software component.
Automatic Generation of Software Source Code
The project manager shall define the approach to
the automatic generation of software source code,
a. Validation and verification of auto-generation
b. Configuration management of the auto-
generation tools and associated data.
c. Description of the limits and the allowable
scope for the use of the auto-generated software.
d. Verification and validation of auto-generated
source code using the same software standards
and processes as hand-generated code.
e. Monitoring the actual use of auto-generated
source code compared to the planned use.
f. Policies and procedures for making manual
changes to auto-generated source code.
g. Configuration management of the input to the
auto-generation tool, the output of the auto-
generation tool, and modifications made to the
output of the auto-generation tools.
1. Assess that the approach for the auto-generation
software source code is defined, and the approach
satisfies at least the conditions a through g.”
33 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall require the software
developers and custom software suppliers to
provide NASA with electronic access to the
models, simulations, and associated data used as
inputs for auto-generation of software.
1. Confirm that NASA, engineering, project, software
assurance, and IV&V have electronic access to the
models, simulations, and associated data used as
inputs for auto-generation of software.
Software Development Processes and Practices
The project manager shall acquire, develop, and
maintain software from an organization with a
non-expired CMMI®-DEV rating as measured by
a CMMI® Institute Certified Lead Appraiser as
a. For Class A software: CMMI®-DEV Maturity,
Level 3 Rating, or higher for software.
b. For Class B software (except Class B software
on NASA Class D payloads, as defined in NPR
8705.4): CMMI®-DEV Maturity Level 2 Rating
or higher for software.
1. Confirm that Class A and B software acquired,
developed, and maintained by NASA is performed by
an organization with a non-expired CMMI-DEV
rating, as per the NPR 7150.2 requirement.
2. Assess potential process-related issues, findings, or
risks identified from the CMMI assessment findings.
3. Perform audits on the software development and
software assurance processes.
Software Reuse
The project manager shall specify reusability
requirements that apply to its software
development activities to enable future reuse of
the software, including the models, simulations,
and associated data used as inputs for auto-
generation of software, for U.S. Government
1. Confirm that the project has considered reusability
for its software development activities.
34 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall evaluate software for
potential reuse by other projects across NASA
and contribute reuse candidates to the appropriate
NASA internal sharing and reuse software
system. However, if the project manager is not a
civil servant, then a civil servant will pre-approve
all such software contributions; all software
contributions should include, at a minimum, the
following information:
a. Software Title.
b. Software Description.
c. The Civil Servant Software Technical POC for
the software product.
d. The language or languages used to develop the
e. Any third-party code contained therein, and the
record of the requisite license or permission
received from the third party permitting the
Government’s use and any required markings
(e.g., required copyright, author, applicable
license notices within the software code, and the
source of each third-party software component
(e.g., software URL & license URL)), if
f. Release notes.
1. Confirm that any project software contributed as a
reuse candidate has the identified information in
items a through f.”
Software Cybersecurity
35 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall perform a software
cybersecurity assessment on the software
components per the Agency security policies and
the project requirements, including risks posed by
the use of COTS, GOTS, MOTS, OSS, or reused
software components.
1. Confirm the project has performed a software
cybersecurity assessment on the software components
per the Agency security policies and the project
requirements, including risks posed by the use of
COTS, GOTS, MOTS, OSS, or reused software
The project manager shall identify cybersecurity
risks, along with their mitigations, in flight and
ground software systems, and plan the
mitigations for these systems.
1. Confirm that cybersecurity risks, along with their
mitigations, are identified and managed.
The project manager shall implement protections
for software systems with communications
capabilities against unauthorized access per the
requirements contained in the NASA-STD-1006,
Space System Protection Standard.
1. For software products with communications
capabilities, confirm that the software requirements,
software design documentation, and software
implementation address unauthorized access per the
requirements contained in the Space System
Protection Standard, NASA-STD-1006.
The project manager shall test the software and
record test results for the required software
cybersecurity mitigation implementations
identified from the security vulnerabilities and
security weaknesses analysis.
1. Confirm that testing is complete for the
cybersecurity mitigation.
2. Assess the quality of the cybersecurity mitigation
implementation testing and the test results.
The project manager shall identify, record, and
implement secure coding practices.
1. Assess that the software coding guidelines (e.g.,
coding standards) includes secure coding practices.
The project manager shall verify that the software
code meets the project’s secure coding standard
by using the results from static analysis tool(s).
1. Analyze the engineering data or perform
independent static code analysis to verify that the
code meets the project’s secure coding standard
36 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall identify software
requirements for the collection, reporting, and
storage of data relating to the detection of
adversarial actions.
1. Confirm that the software requirements exist for
collecting, reporting, and storing data relating to the
detection of adversarial actions.
Software Bi-Directional Traceability
The project manager shall perform, record, and
maintain bi-directional traceability between the
following software elements:
Bi-directional Traceability
A, B,
and C
Higher-level requirements
to the software requirements
Software requirements to
the system hazards
Software requirements to
the software design
Software design
components to the software
Software requirements to
the software verification(s)
Software requirements to
the software non-
1. Confirm that bi-directional traceability has been
completed, recorded, and maintained.
2. Confirm that the software traceability includes
traceability to any hazard that includes software.
Software Engineering (Life Cycle) Requirements
Software Requirements
37 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall establish, capture,
record, approve, and maintain software
requirements, including requirements for COTS,
GOTS, MOTS, OSS, or reused software
components, as part of the technical specification.
1. Confirm that all software requirements are
established, captured, and documented as part of the
technical specification, including requirements for
COTS, GOTS, MOTS, OSS, or reused software
The project manager shall perform software
requirements analysis based on flowed-down and
derived requirements from the top-level systems
engineering requirements, safety and reliability
analyses, and the hardware specifications and
1. Perform a software assurance analysis on the
detailed software requirements to analyze the
software requirement sources and identify any
incorrect, missing, or incomplete requirements.
The project manager shall include software
related safety constraints, controls, mitigations,
and assumptions between the hardware, operator,
and software in the software requirements
1. Analyze and confirm that the software
requirements documentation contains the software
related safety constraints, controls, mitigations, and
assumptions between the hardware, operator, and the
The project manager shall track and manage
changes to the software requirements.
1. Confirm the software requirements changes are
documented, tracked, approved, and maintained
throughout the project life cycle.
The project manager shall identify, initiate
corrective actions, and track until closure
inconsistencies among requirements, project
plans, and software products.
1. Monitor identified differences among
requirements, project plans, and software products
and confirm differences are addressed and corrective
actions are tracked until closure.
The project manager shall perform requirements
validation to ensure that the software will
perform as intended in the customer environment.
1. Confirm that the project software testing has
shown that software will function as expected in the
customer environment.
Software Architecture
38 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall transform the
requirements for the software into a recorded
software architecture.
1. Assess that the software architecture addresses or
contains the software structure, qualities, interfaces,
and external/internal components.
2. Analyze the software architecture to assess
whether software safety and mission assurance
requirements are met.
The project manager shall perform a software
architecture review on the following categories of
a. Category 1 Projects as defined in NPR 7120.5.
b. Category 2 Projects as defined in NPR 7120.5
that have Class A or Class B payload risk
classification per NPR 8705.4.
1. Assess the results of or participate in software
architecture review activities held by the project.
Software Design
The project manager shall develop, record, and
maintain a software design based on the software
architectural design that describes the lower-level
units so that they can be coded, compiled, and
1. Assess the software design against the hardware
and software requirements and identify any gaps.
2. Assess the software design to verify that the design
is consistent with the software architectural design
concepts and that the software design describes the
lower-level units to be coded, compiled, and tested.
3. Assess that the design does not introduce
undesirable behaviors or unnecessary capabilities.
4. Confirm that the software design implements all of
the required safety-critical functions and
5. Perform a software assurance design analysis.
Software Implementation
39 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall implement the
software design into software code.
1. Confirm that the software code implements the
software designs.
2. Confirm that the code does not contain
functionality not defined in the design or
The project manager shall select, define, and
adhere to software coding methods, standards,
and criteria.
1. Assure the project manager selected and/or defined
software coding methods, standards, and criteria.
2. Analyze that the software code conforms to all
required software coding methods, rules, and
The project manager shall use static analysis
tools to analyze the code during the development
and testing phases to, at a minimum, detect
defects, software security, code coverage, and
software complexity.
1. Analyze the engineering data or perform
independent static code analysis to check for code
detects defects, software quality objectives, code
coverage objectives, software complexity values, and
software security objectives.
2. Confirm the static analysis tool(s) are used with
checkers to identify security and coding errors and
3. Assess that the project addresses the results from
the static analysis tools used by software assurance,
software safety, engineering, or the project.
4. Confirm that the software code has been scanned
for security defects and confirm the result.
5. Per SWE-219 for safety-critical software, verify
code coverage and approved waivers.
6. Per SWE-220 for safety-critical software, verify
cyclomatic complexity and approved waivers.
7. Confirm that Software Quality Objectives or
software quality threshold levels are defined and set
40 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
for static code analysis defects, checks, or software
security objectives.
The project manager shall unit test the software
1. Confirm that the project successfully executes the
required unit tests, particularly those testing safety-
critical functions.
2. Confirm that the project addresses or otherwise
tracks to closure errors, defects, or problem reports
found during unit testing.
The project manager shall assure that the unit test
results are repeatable.
1. Confirm that the project maintains the procedures,
scripts, results, and data needed to repeat the unit
testing (e.g., as-run scripts, test procedures, results).
The project manager shall provide a software
version description for each software release.
1. Confirm that the project creates a correct software
version description for each software release.
2. For each software release, confirm that the
software has been scanned for security defects and
coding standard compliance and confirm the results.
The project manager shall validate and accredit
the software tool(s) required to develop or
maintain software.
1. Confirm that the software tool(s) needed to create
and maintain software is validated and accredited.
Software Testing
The project manager shall establish and maintain:
a. Software test plan(s).
1. Confirm that software test plans have been
established, contain correct content, and are
2. Confirm that the software test plan addresses the
verification of safety-critical software, specifically
the off-nominal scenarios.
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NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall establish and maintain:
b. Software test procedure(s).
1. Confirm that the test procedures have been
established and are updated when changes to tests or
requirements occur.
2. Analyze the software test procedures for the
a. Coverage of the software requirements.
b. Acceptance or pass/fail criteria,
c. The inclusion of operational and off-nominal
conditions, including boundary conditions,
d. Requirements coverage and hazards per SWE-066
and SWE-192, respectively.
e. Requirements coverage for cybersecurity per
SWE-157 and SWE-210.
The project manager shall establish and maintain:
c. Software test(s), including any code
specifically written to perform test procedures.
1. Confirm that the project creates and maintains any
code specifically written to perform test procedures
in a software configuration management system.
2. Confirm that the project records all issues and
discrepancies in the code specifically written to
perform test procedures.
3. Confirm that the project tracks to closure errors
and defects found in the code specifically written to
perform test procedures.
The project manager shall establish and maintain:
d. Software test report(s).
1. Confirm that the project creates and maintains the
test reports throughout software integration and test.
2. Confirm that the project records the test report data
and that the data contains the as-run test data, the test
results, and required approvals.
3. Confirm that the project records all issues and
discrepancies found during each test.
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NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
4. Confirm that the project tracks to closure errors
and defects found during testing.
The project manager shall test the software
against its requirements.
1. Confirm test coverage of the requirements through
the execution of the test procedures.
2. Perform test witnessing for safety-critical software.
3. Confirm that any newly identified software
contributions to hazards, events, or conditions found
during testing are in the system safety data package.
The project manager shall place software items
under configuration management prior to testing.
1. Confirm that software items to be tested are under
configuration management before the start of testing.
2. Confirm the project maintains the software items
under configuration management through the
completion of testing.
The project manager shall evaluate test results
and record the evaluation.
1. Confirm that test results are assessed and recorded.
2. Confirm that the project documents software non-
conformances in a tracking system.
3. Confirm that test results are sufficient verification
artifacts for the hazard reports.
The project manager shall use validated and
accredited software models, simulations, and
analysis tools required to perform qualification of
flight software or flight equipment.
1. Confirm that the software models, simulations, and
analysis tools used to achieve the qualification of
flight software or flight equipment have been
validated and accredited.
The project manager shall update the software
test and verification plan(s) and procedure(s) to
be consistent with software requirements.
1. Analyze that software test plans and software test
procedures cover the software requirements and
provide adequate verification of hazard controls,
specifically the off-nominal scenarios.
The project manager shall validate the software
system on the targeted platform or high-fidelity
1. Confirm that the project validates the software
components on the targeted platform or a high-
fidelity simulation.
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NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall ensure that the code
coverage measurements for the software are
selected, implemented, tracked, recorded, and
1. Confirm that code coverage measurements have
been selected, performed, tracked, recorded, and
communicated with each release.
The project manager shall verify code coverage is
measured by analysis of the results of the
execution of tests.
1. Confirm that the project performs code coverage
analysis using the results of the tests or a code
coverage tool.
2. Analyze the code coverage measurements to
identify uncovered software code.
3. Assess any uncovered software code for potential
risk, issues, or findings.
The project manager shall plan and conduct
software regression testing to demonstrate that
defects have not been introduced into previously
integrated or tested software and have not
produced a security vulnerability.
1. Confirm that the project plans regression testing
and that the regression testing is adequate and
includes retesting of all safety-critical code
2. Confirm that the project performs the planned
regression testing.
3. Identify any risks and issues associated with the
regression test set selection and execution.
4. Confirm that the regression test procedures are
updated to incorporate tests that validate the
correction of critical anomalies.
The project manager shall verify through test the
software requirements that trace to a hazardous
event, cause, or mitigation technique.
1. Through testing, confirm that the project verifies
the software requirements which trace to a hazardous
event, cause, or mitigation techniques.
The project manager shall develop acceptance
tests for loaded or uplinked data, rules, and code
that affects software and software system
1. Confirm that the project develops acceptance tests
for loaded or uplinked data, rules, and code that
affect software and software system behavior.
2. Confirm that the loaded or uplinked data, rules,
scripts, or code that affect software and software
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NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
system behavior are baselined in the software
configuration system.
3. Confirm that loaded or uplinked data, rules, and
scripts are verified as correct prior to operations,
particularly for safety-critical operations.
The project manager shall test embedded COTS,
GOTS, MOTS, OSS, or reused software
components to the same level required to accept a
custom developed software component for its
intended use.
1. Confirm that the project is testing COTS, GOTS,
MOTS, OSS, or reused software components to the
same level as developed software for its intended use.
Software Operations, Maintenance, and
The project manager shall plan and implement
software operations, maintenance, and retirement
1. Assess the maintenance, operations, and retirement
plans for completeness of the required software
engineering and software assurance activities.
2. Confirm that the project implements software
operations, software maintenance, and software
retirement plans.
The project manager shall complete and deliver
the software product to the customer with
appropriate records, including as-built records, to
support the operations and maintenance phase of
the software’s life cycle.
1. Confirm that the correct version of the products is
delivered, including as-built documentation and
project records.
2. Perform audits for all deliveries per the
configuration management processes to verify that all
products are being delivered and are the correct
45 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall complete, prior to
delivery, verification that all software
requirements identified for this delivery have
been met or dispositioned, that all approved
changes have been implemented and that all
defects designated for resolution prior to delivery
have been resolved.
1. Confirm that the project has identified the software
requirements to be met, the approved changes to be
implemented, and defects to be resolved for each
2. Confirm that the project has met all software
requirements identified for delivery.
3. Confirm requirements once planned for delivery
but no longer appearing in delivery documentation
have been dispositioned.
4. Confirm that approved changes have been
implemented and tested.
5. Confirm that the approved changes to be
implemented and the defects to be resolved have
been resolved.
6. Approve or sign off on the projects delivered
The project manager shall maintain the software
using standards and processes, per the applicable
software classification throughout the
maintenance phase.
1. Perform audits on the standards and processes used
throughout maintenance based on the software
The project manager shall identify the records
and software tools to be archived, the location of
the archive, and procedures for access to the
products for software retirement or disposal.
1. Confirm that the project has identified the records
and software tools for archival.
2. Confirm that the project archives all software and
records selected for archival, as planned.
Supporting Software Life Cycle Requirements
Software Configuration Management
46 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall develop a software
configuration management plan that describes the
functions, responsibilities, and authority for the
implementation of software configuration
management for the project.
1. Assess that a software configuration management
plan has been developed and complies with the
requirements in NPR 7150.2 and Center/project
The project manager shall track and evaluate
changes to software products.
1. Analyze proposed software and hardware changes
to software products for impacts, particularly safety
and security.
2. Confirm the following:
a. The project tracks the changes.
b. The changes are approved and documented before
c. The implementation of changes is complete.
d. The project tests the changes.
3. Confirm software changes follow the software
change control process.
The project manager shall identify the software
configuration items (e.g., software records, code,
data, tools, models, scripts) and their versions to
be controlled for the project.
1. Confirm that the project has identified the
configuration items and their versions to be
2. Assess that the software safety-critical items are
configuration-managed, including hazard reports and
safety analysis.
The project manager shall establish and
implement procedures to:
a. Designate the levels of control through which
each identified software configuration item is
required to pass.
b. Identify the persons or groups with authority to
authorize changes.
1. Confirm that software assurance has participation
in software control activities.
2. Perform an audit against the configuration
management procedures to confirm that the project
follows the established procedures.
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NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
c. Identify the persons or groups to make changes
at each level.
The project manager shall prepare and maintain
records of the configuration status of software
configuration items.
1. Confirm that the project maintains records of the
configuration status of the configuration items.
The project manager shall perform software
configuration audits to determine the correct
version of the software configuration items and
verify that they conform to the records that define
1. Confirm that the project manager performed
software configuration audits to determine the correct
version of the software configuration items and verify
that the results of the audit conform to the records
that define them.
The project manager shall establish and
implement procedures for the storage, handling,
delivery, release, and maintenance of deliverable
software products.
1. Confirm that the project establishes procedures for
storage, processing, distribution, release, and support
of deliverable software products.
2. Perform audits on the project to ensure that the
project follows defined procedures for deliverable
software products.
The project manager shall participate in any joint
NASA/developer audits.
1. Participate in or assess the results from any joint
NASA/developer audits. Track any findings to
Software Risk Management
The project manager shall record, analyze, plan,
track, control, and communicate all of the
software risks and mitigation plans.
1. Confirm and assess that a risk management process
includes recording, analyzing, planning, tracking,
controlling, and communicating all software risks and
mitigation plans.
2. Perform audits on the risk management process for
the software activities.
Software Peer Reviews/Inspections
48 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall perform and report the
results of software peer reviews or software
inspections for:
a. Software requirements.
b. Software plans, including cybersecurity.
c. Any design items that the project identified for
software peer review or software inspections
according to the software development plans.
d. Software code as defined in the software and
or project plans.
e. Software test procedures.
1. Confirm that software peer reviews are performed
and reported on for project activities.
2. Confirm that the project addresses the accepted
software peer review findings.
3. Perform peer reviews on software assurance and
software safety plans.
4. Confirm that the source code satisfies the
conditions in the NPR 7150.2 requirement SWE-134,
"a" through "l," based upon the software functionality
for the applicable safety-critical requirements at each
code inspection/review.
The project manager shall, for each planned
software peer review or software inspection:
a. Use a checklist or formal reading technique
(e.g., perspective-based reading) to evaluate the
work products.
b. Use established readiness and completion
c. Track actions identified in the reviews until
they are resolved.
d. Identify the required participants.
1. Confirm that the project meets the NPR 7150.2
criteria in "a" through "d" for each software peer
2. Confirm that the project resolves the actions
identified from the software peer reviews.
3. Perform audits on the peer-review process.
The project manager shall, for each planned
software peer review or software inspection,
record necessary measurements.
1. Confirm that the project records the software peer
reviews and results of software inspection
Software Measurements
The project manager shall establish, record,
maintain, report, and utilize software
management and technical measurements.
1. Confirm that a measurement program establishes,
records, maintains, reports, and uses software
assurance, management, and technical measures.
2. Perform trending analyses on metrics (quality
metrics, defect metrics) and report.
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NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
3. Collect any identified organizational metrics and
submit them to the organizational repository.
The project manager shall analyze software
measurement data collected using documented
project-specified and Center/organizational
analysis procedures.
1. Confirm software measurement data analysis
conforms to documented analysis procedures.
2. Analyze software assurance measurement data.
The project manager shall provide access to the
software measurement data, measurement
analyses, and software development status as
requested to the sponsoring Mission Directorate,
the NASA Chief Engineer, the Center Technical
Authorities, HQ SMA, and other organizations as
1. Confirm access to software measurement data,
analysis, and status as requested to the following
entities, at a minimum:
- Sponsoring Mission Directorate
- NASA Chief Engineer
- Center Technical Authorities
- Headquarters SMA
The project manager shall monitor measures to
ensure the software will meet or
exceed performance and functionality
requirements, including satisfying constraints.
1. Confirm that the project monitors and updates
planned measurements to ensure the software meets
or exceeds performance and functionality
requirements, including satisfying constraints.
2. Monitor and track any performance or
functionality requirements that are not being met or
are at risk of not being met.
The project manager shall collect, track, and
report software requirements volatility metrics.
1. Confirm that the project collects, tracks, and
reports on the software volatility metrics.
2. Analyze software volatility metrics to evaluate
requirements stability as an early indicator of project
Software Non-conformance or Defect
50 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
The project manager shall track and maintain
software non-conformances (including defects in
tools and appropriate ground software).
1. Confirm that all software non-conformances are
recorded and tracked to resolution.
2. Confirm that accepted non-conformances include
the rationale for the non-conformance.
The project manager shall define and implement
clear software severity levels for all software
non-conformances (including tools, COTS,
GOTS, MOTS, OSS, reused software
components, and applicable ground systems).
1. Confirm that all software non-conformances
severity levels are defined.
2. Assess the application and accuracy of the defined
severity levels to software non-conformances.
3. Confirm that the project assigns severity levels to
non-conformances associated with tools, COTS,
GOTS, MOTS, OSS, and reused software
4. Maintain or access the number of software non-
conformances at each severity level for each software
configuration item.
The project manager shall implement mandatory
assessments of reported non-conformances for all
COTS, GOTS, MOTS, OSS, and/or reused
software components.
1. Confirm the evaluations of reported non-
conformances for all COTS, GOTS, MOTS, OSS, or
reused software components are occurring throughout
the project life cycle.
2. Assess the impact of non-conformances on the
project software's safety, quality, and reliability.
The project manager shall implement process
assessments for all high severity software non-
conformances (closed loop process).
1. Perform or confirm that a root cause analysis has
been completed on all identified high severity
software nonconformances, and that the results are
recorded and have been assessed for adequacy.
2. Confirm that the project analyzed the processes
identified in the root cause analysis associated with
the high severity software non-conformances.
3. Assess opportunities for improvement on the
processes identified in the root cause analysis
51 of 70
NPR 7150.2 Requirement
Software Assurance and Software Safety Tasks
associated with the high severity software non-
4. Perform or confirm tracking of corrective actions
to closure on high severity software non-
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4.4 Independent Verification &Validation
IV&V Overview IV&V is a technical discipline of software assurance that employs rigorous analysis
and testing methodologies to identify objective evidence and conclusions to provide an
independent assessment of critical products and processes throughout the software
development life cycle. The evaluation of products and processes throughout the life cycle
demonstrates whether the software is fit for nominal operations (required functionality, safety,
dependability, etc.) and off-nominal conditions (response to faults, responses to hazardous
conditions, etc.). The goal of the IV&V effort is to contribute assurance conclusions provided
to the project and stakeholders based on evidence found in software development artifacts and
risks associated with the intended behaviors of the software. Three parameters define the independence of IV&V: technical independence,
managerial independence, and financial independence.
a. Technical independence requires that the personnel performing the IV&V analysis are
not involved in the development of the system or its elements. The IV&V team establishes
an understanding of the problem and how the system addresses the problem. Through
technical independence, the IV&V team’s different perspective allows it to detect subtle
errors overlooked by personnel focused on developing the system.
b. Managerial independence requires that the personnel performing the IV&V analysis are
not in the same organization as the development and program management team.
Managerial independence also means that the IV&V team makes its own decisions about
which segments of the system and its software to analyze and test, chooses the IV&V
analysis methods to apply, and defines the IV&V schedule of activities. While independent
from the development and program management organization, the IV&V team provides its
findings in a timely manner to both of those organizations. The submission of findings to
the program management organization should not include any restrictions (e.g., requiring
the approval of the development organization) or any other adverse pressures from the
development group.
c. Financial independence requires that the control of the IV&V budget be vested in a
group independent of the software development organization. Financial independence does
not necessarily mean that the IV&V team controls the budget but that the finances should
be structured so that funding is available for the IV&V team to complete its analysis or test
work. No adverse financial pressure or influence is applied. The IV&V process starts early in the software development life cycle, providing
feedback to the IV&V provider organization, allowing the IV&V team to modify products at
optimal timeframes and in a timely fashion, thereby reducing overall project risk. The feedback
also answers project stakeholders’ questions about system properties (correctness, robustness,
safety, security, etc.) to make informed decisions with respect to the development and
acceptance of the system and its software.
53 of 70 The IV&V provider performs two primary activities, often concurrently:
verification and validation. Each of the activities provides a different perspective on the
a. Verification is the process of evaluating a system and its software to provide objective
evidence as to whether or not a product conforms to the build-to requirements and design
specifications. Verification holds from the requirements through the design and code and
into testing. Verification demonstrates that the products of a given development phase
satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of or during that phase.
b. Validation develops objective evidence that shows that the content of the engineering
artifact is the right content for the developed system/software.
The content is accurate and correct if the objective evidence demonstrates that it satisfies the
system requirements (e.g., user needs, stakeholder needs, etc.), fully describes the required
capability/functionality needed, and solves the right problem. The main goal of the IV&V effort is to identify and generate objective evidence that
supports the correct operation of the system or refutes the correct operation of the system. The
IV&V provider typically works with the development team to understand this objective
evidence, which provides artifacts such as concept studies, operations concepts, and
requirements that define the overall project. The IV&V provider uses these materials to
develop an independent understanding of the project’s commitment to NASA, which forms the
basis for validating lower-level technical artifacts. Two principles help guide the development and use of objective evidence.
a. Performing IV&V throughout the entire development lifetime is the first principle;
potential problems should be detected as early as possible in the development life cycle.
Performing IV&V throughout the entire development lifetime provides the IV&V team
with sufficient information to establish a basis for the analysis results and provides early
objective evidence to the development and program management groups to help keep the
development effort on track early in the life cycle.
b. The second principle is “appropriate assurance.” Given that it is not possible to provide
IV&V on all aspects of a project’s software, the IV&V provider and project should balance
risks against available resources to define an IV&V program for each project that provides
IV&V so that the software will operate correctly, safely, reliably, and securely throughout
its operational lifetime. The IPEP documents this tailored approach and summarizes the
cost/benefit trade-offs made in the scoping process. The IV&V requirements are analyzed and partitioned according to the type of
artifact. The requirements do not imply or require the use of any specific life cycle model. It is
also important to understand that IV&V applies to any life cycle development process. The
IV&V requirements document the potential scope of analysis performed by the IV&V provider
and the key responsibility of the software project to provide the information needed to perform
that analysis. Additionally, the risk assessment is used to scope the IV&V analysis to help
determine the prioritization of activities and the level of rigor associated with performing those
54 of 70
activities. The scoping exercise results are captured in the IV&V Project Execution Plan, as
documented below.
IV&V Requirements
The responsible project manager shall ensure the performance of the IV&V requirements, as
defined in section 4.4.2 of this standard. The IV&V requirements in this section of the standard
apply to any project required to have IV&V per the criteria defined in the NASA Software
Engineering Requirements, NPR 7150.2. The IV&V requirements apply to all IV&V efforts
performed on a software development project, as tailored by the IV&V Project Execution Plan.
The IV&V requirements also serve as the definition of what NASA considers IV&V. IV&V is a
risk mitigation activity, and as such, the application of IV&V analysis and the rigor of that analysis
is driven by the IV&V provider’s assessment of software risk. The IV&V provider shall conduct planning and risk assessments to determine the
specific system/software behaviors (including the software components responsible for
implementing the behaviors) to be analyzed.
Note: IV&V is a focused activity that prioritizes IV&V analysis to address the highest
developmental and operational software risks. IV&V priority is based on the combination of
the potential for software impacts on safety and mission success and the probability factors for
latent defects. IV&V analysis activities provide coverage with a degree of rigor that reflects
the priority level. The initial planning and scoping effort based on the risk assessment define
the starting point for the IV&V analysis. During the life cycle of each IV&V project,
continuous and iterative feedback, through the execution of analysis, identification of issues
and risks, and the collection of deeper mission understanding, allows IV&V projects to
“Follow The Risk” and adjust plans. The planning and scoping effort also aid in establishing
the initial relationships between the IV&V provider, the Acquirer, and the Provider. The IV&V provider shall develop and negotiate an IV&V IPEP with the project.
Note: The IPEP documents the activities, methods, level of rigor, environments, tailoring (if
any) of the IV&V requirements, and criteria to be used in performing verification and
validation of in-scope system/software behaviors (including responsible software components)
determined by the planning and scoping effort. A Provider should use a documented analysis
approach to track and manage the IV&V effort aligned with ongoing development project
efforts. The IPEP documents which software products are subject to which analyses and which
analysis requirements are wholly, partially, or not applied following the risk assessment and
resource constraints. The IPEP also serves as a communication tool between the project and
IV&V to set expectations for the IV&V products produced throughout the life cycle. The IPEP
may require updating throughout the life cycle. The Project SMA Technical Authority (TA) shall review and concur with the IPEP. The IV&V provider shall provide analysis results, risks, and assurance statements
and data to the responsible organizations’ project management, engineering, and software
assurance personnel.
55 of 70
Note: While independent, the IV&V provider is still a part of a project's overall safety and risk
mitigation software assurance strategy. The results of IV&V analysis need to be incorporated
into the overall software assurance assessment of the project and provided to the project
management. The IV&V provider should support project milestone reviews and provide the
project with an evaluation of the life cycle review artifacts to assist development management
decisions on whether the review criteria have been met and how to proceed going forward. The IV&V provider shall participate in project reviews of software activities.
Participation includes providing status and results of software IV&V activities including, but
not limited to, upcoming analysis activities, artifacts needed from the project, the results of the
current or completed analysis, defects, and risks to stakeholders, customers, and development
project personnel.
Note: The most significant positive impact of IV&V analysis is when the analysis results are in
phase with the development effort. Communicating defects after development artifacts are
baselined increases the cost to make the changes. Additionally, the inclusion of the IV&V
provider in ongoing technical meetings keeps the IV&V provider informed of possible changes
that may affect future IV&V tasking. Supporting the ongoing technical meetings allows the
IV&V Provider an opportunity to provide real-time feedback on these changes. The IV&V provider shall provide the responsible organizations’ project
management, engineering, and software assurance personnel insight into the software IV&V
and IV&V test activities. As a minimum, the IV&V provider will be required to allow the
responsible organizations’ project management, engineering, and software assurance personnel
to perform the following activities:
a. Monitor the IV&V activities and plans.
b. Review the verification activities to ensure adequacy.
c. Review IV&V studies and source data.
d. Audit the software IV&V processes and practices.
e. Participate in IV&V software reviews and technical interchange meetings The IV&V provider shall participate in planned software peer reviews or software
inspections guided by the planning and scoping risk analysis documented in the IPEP and
Note: The IV&V provider should be involved in the review/inspection process for all
system/software items within the scope of their analysis. The IV&V provider shall establish, record, maintain, report, and utilize IV&V
management and technical measurements.
Note: The IV&V provider gathers and analyzes metrics on a periodic basis to perform
continuous improvement of IV&V processes and identify indicators of IV&V and project risks.
56 of 70 The IV&V provider shall assess and track software activities' actual results and
performance against the software plans and identify and report any risks or findings to the
responsible organizations’ project management, engineering, and software assurance
personnel. The IV&V provider shall track and evaluate changes to software products to
evaluate for possible changes in the IV&V provider’s risk analysis and potential adverse
impacts to the software system and the development effort. The IV&V provider shall assess the software development life cycle for suitability
for the problem to be solved and identify and communicate any risks associated with the
chosen life cycle to the responsible organizations’ project management, engineering, and
software assurance personnel. The IV&V provider shall identify, analyze, track, and record risks to the software
and development project in accordance with NPR 8000.4, Agency Risk Management
Procedural Requirements, and communicate the risks to the responsible organizations’ project
management, engineering, and software assurance personnel. The IV&V provider shall verify the project implements the requirements for
software listed in NPR 7150.2 and communicate any risks to the responsible organizations’
project management, engineering, and software assurance personnel. The IV&V provider shall track, record, and communicate defects/issues and other
results found during the execution of IV&V analysis and independent IV&V testing to the
responsible organizations’ project management, engineering, and software assurance
personnel. The IV&V provider shall ensure that the identified defects and issues are addressed
by the project. The IV&V provider shall ensure that software planned for reuse meets the fit, form,
and function as a component within the new application. The IV&V provider shall ensure that the system architecture contains the
computing-related items (subsystems, components, etc.) to carry out the system's mission and
satisfy user needs and operational scenarios or use cases. The IV&V provider shall ensure that the basis for the computing-related functions
reflects the planned operations and mission objectives. The IV&V provider shall ensure that feasibility and trade studies provide the results
to support the critical decisions that drove the need for the study. The IV&V provider shall ensure that known software-based hazard causes,
contributors, and controls are identified, documented, and traced to the project requirements.
57 of 70 The IV&V provider shall ensure that known security threats and risks are identified,
appropriately documented, and updated throughout the software development life cycle and
communicated to the responsible organizations’ project management, engineering, and
software assurance personnel. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the software requirements and
system requirements are, as a minimum, correct, consistent, complete, accurate, readable,
traceable, and testable.
Note: Software usually provides the interface between the user and the system hardware and
the interface between system hardware components and other systems. These interfaces are
critical to the successful operation and use of the system. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the mitigations for identified
security risks are in the software requirements.
Note: Security is an essential aspect of any system development effort. In most systems,
software provides the primary user interface. The user interface is an element of the system
that can provide undesired access. A system concept design should address known security
risks through various features in the system. The IV&V provider shall ensure that software requirements meet the dependability
and fault tolerance required by the system. The IV&V provider shall ensure that software requirements provide the capability
of controlling identified hazards and do not create hazardous conditions. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the relationship between the in-
scope system/software requirements and the associated architectural elements is traceable,
correct, consistent, and complete.
Note: Architectural elements are responsible for implementing specific behaviors within the
software and the overall system. The interactions between these architectural elements result
in the realization of the desired behaviors as well as possible undesired behaviors. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the software architecture meets
the user’s safety and mission-critical needs as defined in the requirements.
Note: The architecture provides the foundation for the development of the software. It also
significantly impacts how the software deals with faults and failures and how the software
interfaces with the user and system components. Analysis of the architecture provides early
insight into how the software is structured and how that structure can implement the
requirements. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the detailed design products are
traceable, consistent, complete, accurate, and testable.
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Note: Detailed design is the implementation of the algorithms that control and monitor the
different parts of the system and allow for interaction between the system and the user and
other systems. The detailed design defines how the architectural components behave to support
the interactions defined in the architecture. Analysis of the detailed design includes looking at
the low-level software components in the software system. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the interfaces between the detailed
design components and the hardware, users, operators, other software, and external systems are
correct, consistent, complete, accurate, and testable.
Note: While the architecture defines the interactions between the architectural elements, each
element is generally composed of lower-level components defined by the detailed design. The
interfaces between these components are important in ensuring that the architectural element
meets its assigned responsibilities. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the relationship between the
software requirements and the associated detailed design components is correct, consistent, and
Note: The detailed design components capture the approach to implementing the software
requirements, including the requirements associated with fault management, security, and
safety. Analysis of the relationship between the detailed design and the software requirements
provides evidence that all requirements are in the detailed design. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the software code and data
products are consistent with architecture, complete with respect to requirements, and testable. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the software code meets the
industry best practices and software coding standards. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the security risks in the software
code are identified and mitigated.
Note: This includes software developed by NASA, software developed for NASA, software
maintained by or for NASA, COTS, GOTS, MOTS, OSS, reused software components, auto-
generated code, embedded software, the software executed on processors embedded in
programmable logic devices, legacy, heritage, applications, freeware, shareware, trial or
demonstration software. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate the appropriate use of off-the-shelf
software, including ensuring that the project has identified all OSS used and that the security
risks are identified and mitigated by the use of the off-the-shelf software. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the project assesses the software
systems for possible security vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
59 of 70 The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the project implements the
required software security risk mitigations to ensure that security objectives for software are
satisfied. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate the source code through the use of
analysis tools (including but not limited to static, dynamic, composition, and formal analysis
Note: The use of analysis tools may include the verification and validation of the analysis tools
used by the development project in the process of developing the software. The results may be
from static code analysis, software composition analysis, dynamic code analysis, cyclomatic
complexity, or other code quality analysis tools. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the relationship between the
software design elements and the associated software units is correct, consistent, and complete. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that the relationship between software
code components and corresponding requirements is correct, complete, and consistent.
Note: For all of the implementation requirements, it is with code that the development of
software reaches its lowest level of abstraction and that the software capabilities are
implemented. Evaluating the relationship between the source code and the design components
and requirements provides evidence that only the specified requirements and components are
in the system. Evaluating the relationship between the source code and the design components
and requirements helps minimize one aspect of the emergence of unexpected behaviors: the
inclusion of behaviors not specified in the requirements. The overall analysis of the code is
essential in assuring that the code does implement the required software behaviors. From a
safety perspective, it is important to evaluate the code and assure that known software safety
and security issues such as buffer overflows and type mismatches, among many others, are not
used in safety-critical aspects of the software. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate that test plans, test procedures, test
cases, test environment (including simulations), and test design at all levels of testing (unit,
integration, system, acceptance, etc.) are correct, complete, and consistent for verification and
validation of the source code and system functions allocated to the software. The IV&V provider shall verify and validate the relationships between the test
plans, test procedures, test cases, test design, source code. and system functions allocated to the
software are correct, complete, and consistent. The IV&V provider shall verify that the test plans, test cases, test design, and test
procedures contain objective acceptance criteria that support the verification of the associated
requirements for both nominal and off-nominal conditions. The IV&V provider shall verify that the software test results meet the associated
acceptance criteria to ensure that the software correctly implements the associated
60 of 70
Note: The IV&V provider assesses the testing artifacts with respect to the desired capabilities
and expected operational system environment. The assessment includes an examination of
testing at system boundary conditions to include unexpected conditions. The testing analysis
assures that the project tests all requirements and that the system does what the requirements
state it should do. The testing analysis also includes an analysis of the traceability information
between the tests and the requirements. The IV&V provider shall verify that the project tests the required software security
risk mitigations to ensure that the security objectives for the software are satisfied. The IV&V provider shall verify that code coverage is measured by analysis of the
results of the execution of tests. The IV&V provider shall verify through independent testing each of the software
requirements that trace to a hazardous event, cause, or mitigation technique. The IV&V provider shall verify the project’s acceptance tests for loaded or
uplinked data, rules, and code that affects software and software system behavior. The IV&V provider shall participate in all NASA quality audits, assessments, and
reviews associated with the project. The IV&V provider shall assess the software maintenance and operational risks
concerning software elements to support the planning of IV&V activities during the
maintenance phase.
Note 1: The approach to software development on some projects results in different parts of
the software going into operation at different times in the overall project life cycle. For
example, a lander mission to Mars may complete the software needed for the cruise phase to
Mars while continuing to work on the entry, descent, landing, and surface operations software.
Note 2: In some cases, software anomalies cause changes to the software. IV&V is important
because software changes can often have ripple effects throughout the system and cause
emergent behaviors. The IV&V analysis provides insight into these possible effects and
provides an overall assessment of the impact of the change.
4.5 Principles Related to Tailoring the Standard Requirements
The SMA TA for the project shall review and approve any tailored Software Assurance
and Software Safety Standard requirements.
Software requirements tailoring is the process used to seek relief from standard
requirements consistent with program or project objectives, acceptable risk, and constraints. To
accommodate the wide variety of software systems and subsystems, applying these requirements
to specific software assurance, software safety, and IV&V efforts may be tailored where justified
and approved. NASA established the TA governance model to approve and mitigate any changes
to the Software Assurance and Software Safety Standard requirements. Tailoring from
requirements in the Software Assurance and Software Safety Standard is governed by the
61 of 70
following steps. Tailoring at the Center level is decided by the SMA TA and the NPR 7150.2
Requirements Mapping Matrix applicability. Tailor the software assurance, software safety, and
IV&V requirements using the following levels:
a. The first level of tailoring is the Software Classification Decision, see NPR 7150.2.
b. The second level of tailoring is the project’s Software Requirements Mapping Matrix, see
NPR 7150.2.
c. The third level of tailoring is the tailoring by the Software Assurance TA of the Software
Assurance and Software Safety Standard requirements that correspond to the project’s
Software Requirements Mapping Matrix requirements.
The Software Assurance and Software Safety Standard establishes a baseline set of
requirements for software assurance, software safety, and IV&V to reduce risks on NASA projects
and programs. Each project has unique circumstances, and tailoring can modify the requirements
set for software assurance, software safety, and IV&V effort. Determining the tailoring of
requirements is a joint software engineering effort and SMA effort, including acceptable technical
and programmatic risk posture, Agency priorities, size, and complexity. Requirements can be
tailored more broadly across a group of similar projects, programs, organizations, or other
collections of similar software development efforts.
Per SWE-121, the software assurance organization maintains a Requirements Mapping
Matrix or multiple Requirements Mapping Matrices against requirements in the Software
Assurance and Software Safety Standard, including those delegated to other parties or
accomplished by contract vehicles. Per SWE-013 and SWE-039, the software assurance
organization conducts risk assessment efforts to determine the software assurance, software safety,
and IV&V tasks to be performed and the rigor of each task.
The request for relief from a requirement includes the rationale, a risk evaluation, and
reference to all material that justifies supporting acceptance. The organization submitting the
tailoring request informs the next higher level of involved management of the tailoring request in a
timely manner. The dispositioning organization reviews the request with the other organizations
that could be impacted or have a potential risk (i.e., to safety, quality, cybersecurity, health) with
the proposed changes and obtains the concurrence of those organizations.
If a system or subsystem development evolves to meet a higher or lower software
classification defined in NPR 7150.2, the software assurance, software safety, and IV&V
organizations shall update their plan(s) to fulfill the applicable requirements per the Requirements
Mapping Matrix and any approved changes and initiate adjustments to applicable contracts to meet
the modified requirements.
The responsibilities for approving changes to the software engineering requirements are
in NPR 7150.2. When the requirement and software class are applicable, the projects record the
risk and rationale for any requirement not completely implemented by the project. The projects can
document their related mitigations and risk acceptance in the approved Requirements Mapping
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A.1 Software Contributions to Hazards
A.1.1 Hazard Analysis should consider software’s ability, by design, to cause or control a given
hazard. It is a best practice to include the software within the system hazard analysis. The general
hazard analysis should consider software common-mode failures that can occur in instances of
redundant flight computers running the same software.
A.1.2 Software safety analysis supplements the system hazard analysis by assessing the
software performing critical functions serving as a hazard cause or control. A typical software
safety analysis process identifies the must work and must not work functions in the hazard reports.
The system hazard analysis and software safety analysis process should assess each function for
compliance with the levied functional software requirements. The system hazard analysis and
software safety analysis also assure the redundancy management performed by the software
supports fault tolerance requirements.
A.1.3 The second part of the safety review should complete the design analysis portion of
software safety analysis. The software safety analysis supports a requirements gap analysis to
identify gaps (SWE-184) and ensure the risk and control strategy documented in hazard reports is
correct, as stated. The system hazards analysis and software safety analysis support test plans'
analysis to assure adequate off-nominal scenarios (SWE-62, SWE-65). Finally, the system hazards
analysis should verify the final implementation and uphold the analysis by ensuring test results
permit the closure of hazard verifications (SWE-68).
A.1.4 Considerations when identifying software causes in a general software-centric hazard
analysis are found in Table 2 below.
Table 2. Additional considerations to consider when identifying software causes in hazard analysis
Software Cause
Areas to Consider
Potential Software Causes
Data errors
1. Asynchronous communications
2. Single or double event upset/bit flip or hardware induced error
3. Communication to/from an unexpected system on the network
4. An out-of-range input value, a value above or below the range
5. Start-up or hardware initiation data errors
6. Data from an antenna gets corrupted
7. Failure of software interface to memory
8. Failure of flight software to suppress outputs from a failed component
9. Failure of software to monitor bus controller rates to ensure
communication with all remote terminals on the bus schedule's
avionics buses
10. Ground or onboard database error
11. Interface error
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Software Cause
Areas to Consider
Potential Software Causes
12. Latent data
13. Communication bus overload
14. Missing or failed integrity checks on inputs, failure to check the
validity of input/output data
15. Excessive network traffic/babbling node - keeps the network so busy
it inhibits communication from other nodes
16. Sensors or actuators stuck at some value
17. Wrong software state for the input
Commanding errors
1. Command buffer error or overflow
2. Corrupted software load
3. Error in real-time command build or sequence build
4. Failure to command during hazardous operations
5. Failure to perform prerequisite checks before the execution of safety-
critical software commands
6. Ground or onboard database error for the command structure
7. Error in command data introduced by command server error
8. Incorrect operator input commands
9. Wrong command or a miscalculated command sent
10. Sequencing error, failure to issue commands in the correct sequence
11. Command sent in wrong software state or software in an incorrect or
unanticipated state
12. An incorrect timestamp on the command
13. Missing software error handling on incorrect commands
14. Status messages on command execution not provided
15. Memory corruption, critical data variables overwritten in memory
16. Inconsistent syntax
17. Inconsistent command options
18. Similarly named commands
19. Inconsistent error handling rules
20. Incorrect automated command sequence built into script containing
single commands that can remove multiple inhibits to a hazard
Flight computer
1. Board support package software error
2. Boot load software error
3. Boot Programmable Read-Only Memory (PROM) corruption
preventing reset
4. Buffer overrun
5. CPU overload
6. Cycle jitter
7. Cycle over-run
8. Deadlock
9. Livelock
10. Reset during program upload (PROM corruption)
11. Reset with no restart
12. Single or double event upset/bit flip or hardware induced error
64 of 70
Software Cause
Areas to Consider
Potential Software Causes
13. Time to reset greater than time to failure
14. Unintended persistent data/configuration on reset
15. Watchdog active during reboot causing infinite boot loop
16. Watchdog failure
17. Failure to detect and transition to redundant or backup computer
18. Incorrect or stale data in redundant or backup computer
Operating systems
1. Application software incompatibility with upgrades/patches to an
operating system
2. Defects in Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) Board Support
3. Missing or incorrect software error handling
4. Partitioning errors
5. Shared resource errors
6. Single or double event upset/bit flip
7. Unexpected operating system software response to user input
8. Excessive functionality
9. Missing function
10. Wrong function
11. Inadequate protection against operating system bugs
12. Unexpected and aberrant software behavior
Programmable logic
device errors
1. High cyclomatic complexity levels (above 15)
2. Errors in programming and simulation tools used for Programmable
Logic Controller (PLC) development
3. Errors in the programmable logic device interfaces
4. Errors in the logic design
5. Missing software error handling in the logic design
6. PLC logic/sequence error
7. Single or double event upset/bit flip or hardware induced error
8. Timing errors
9. Unexpected operating system software response to user input
10. Excessive functionality
11. Missing function
12. Wrong function
13. Unexpected and aberrant software behavior
Flight system time
management errors
1. Incorrect data latency/sampling rates
2. Failure to terminate/complete process in a given time
3. Incorrect time sync
4. Latent data (Data delayed or not provided in required time)
5. Mission elapsed time timing issues and distribution
6. Incorrect function execution, performing a function at the wrong
time, out of sequence, or when the program is in the wrong state
7. Race conditions
8. The software cannot respond to an off-nominal condition within the
time needed to prevent a hazardous event
65 of 70
Software Cause
Areas to Consider
Potential Software Causes
9. Time function runs fast/slow
10. Time skips (e.g., Global Positioning System time correction)
11. Loss or incorrect time sync across flight system components
12. Loss or incorrect time Synchronization between ground and
spacecraft Interfaces
13. Unclear software timing requirements
14. Asynchronous systems or components
15. Deadlock conditions
16. Livelocks conditions
Coding, logic, and
algorithm failures,
specification errors
1. Auto-coding errors as a cause
2. Bad configuration data/no checks on external input files and data
3. Division by zero
4. Wrong sign
5. Syntax errors
6. Error coding software algorithm
7. Error in positioning algorithm
8. Case/type/conversion error/unit mismatch
9. Buffer overflows
10. High cyclomatic complexity levels (above 15)
11. Dead code or unused code
12. Endless do loops
13. Erroneous outputs
14. Failure of flight computer software to transition to or operate in a
correct mode or state
15. Failure to check safety-critical outputs for reasonableness and
hazardous values and correct timing
16. Failure to generate a process error upon detection of arithmetic error
(such as divide-by-zero)
17. Failure to create a software error log report when an unexpected
event occurs
18. Inadvertent memory modification
19. Incorrect "if-then" and incorrect "else"
20. Missing default case in a switch statement
21. Incorrect implementation of a software change, software defect, or
software non-conformance
22. Incorrect number of functions or mathematical iteration
23. Incorrect software operation if no commands are received or if a loss
of commanding capability exists (inability to issue commands)
24. Insufficient or poor coding reviews, inadequate software peer
25. Insufficient use of coding standards
26. Interface errors
27. Missing or inadequate static analysis checks on code
28. Missing or incorrect parameter range and boundary checking
66 of 70
Software Cause
Areas to Consider
Potential Software Causes
29. Non-functional loops
30. Overflow or underflow in the calculation
31. Precision mismatch
32. Resource contention (e.g., thrashing: two or more processes
accessing a shared resource)
33. Rounding or truncation fault
34. Sequencing error (e.g., failure to issue commands in the correct
35. Software is initialized to an unknown state; failure to properly
initialize all system and local variables are upon startup, including
36. Too many or too few parameters for the called function
37. Undefined or non-initialized data
38. Untested COTS, MOTS, or reused code
39. Incomplete end-to-end testing
40. Incomplete or missing software stress test
41. Errors in the data dictionary or data dictionary processes
42. Confusing feature names
43. More than one name for the same feature
44. Repeated code modules
45. Failure to initialize a loop-control
46. Failure to initialize (or reinitialize) pointers
47. Failure to initialize (or reinitialize) registers
48. Failure to clear a flag
49. Scalability errors
50. Unexpected new behavior or defects introduced in newer or updated
COTS modules
51. Not addressing pointer closure
Fault tolerance and
fault management
1. Missing software error handling
2. Missing or incorrect fault detection logic
3. Missing or incorrect fault recovery logic
4. Problems with the execution of emergency safing operations
5. Failure to halt all hazard functions after an interlock failure
6. The software cannot respond to an off-nominal condition within the
time needed to prevent a hazardous event
7. Common mode software faults
8. A hazard causal factor occurrence isn't detected
9. False positives in fault detection algorithms
10. Failure to perform prerequisite checks before the execution of safety-
critical software commands
11. Failure to terminate/complete process in a given time
12. Memory corruption, critical data variables overwritten in memory
13. Single or double event upset/bit flip or hardware induced error
14. Incorrect interfaces, errors in interfaces
67 of 70
Software Cause
Areas to Consider
Potential Software Causes
15. Missing self-test capabilities
16. Failing to consider stress on the hardware
17. Incomplete end-to-end testing
18. Incomplete or missing software stress test
19. Errors in the data dictionary or data dictionary processes
20. Failure to provide or ensure secure access for input data,
commanding, and software modifications
Software process
1. Failure to implement software development processes or
implementing inadequate processes
2. Inadequate software assurance support and reviews
3. Missing or inadequate software assurance audits
4. Failure to follow the documented software development processes
5. Missing, tailored, or incomplete implementation of the safety-critical
software requirements in NPR 7150.2
6. Missing, tailored, or incomplete implementation of the safety-critical
software requirements in Space Station Program 50038, Computer-
Based Control System Safety Requirements
7. Incorrect or incomplete testing
8. Inadequate testing of reused or heritage software
9. Failure to open a software problem report when an unexpected event
10. Failure to include hardware personnel in reviews of software
changes, software implementation, peer reviews, and software
11. Failure to perform a safety review on all software changes and
software defects
12. Defects in COTS, MOTS, or OSS Software,
13. Failure to perform assessments of available bug fixes and updates
available in COTS software
14. Insufficient use of coding standards
15. Missing or inadequate static analysis checks on code
16. Incorrect version loaded
17. Incorrect configuration values or data
18. No checks on external input files and data
19. Errors in configuration data changes being uploaded to spacecraft
20. Software/avionics simulator/emulator errors and defects
21. Unverified software
22. High cyclomatic complexity levels (over 15)
23. Incomplete or inadequate software requirements analysis
24. Compound software requirements
25. Incomplete or inadequate software hazard analysis
26. Incomplete or inadequate software safety analysis
27. Incomplete or inadequate software test data analysis
68 of 70
Software Cause
Areas to Consider
Potential Software Causes
28. Unrecorded software defects found during informal and formal
software testing
29. Auto-coding tool faults and defects
30. Errors in design models
31. Software errors in hardware simulators due to a lack of
understanding of hardware requirements
32. Incomplete or inadequate software test data analysis
33. Inadequate built-in-test coverage
34. Inadequate regression testing and unit test coverage of flight
software application-level source code
35. Failure to test all nominal and planned contingency scenarios
(breakout and re-rendezvous, launch abort) and complete mission
duration (launch to docking to splashdown) in the hardware in the
loop environment
36. Incomplete testing of unexpected conditions, boundary conditions,
and software/interface inputs
37. Use of persistence of test data, files, or config files in an operational
38. Failure to provide multiple paths or triggers from safe states to
hazardous states
39. Interface control documents and interface requirements documents
40. System requirements errors
41. Misunderstanding of hardware configuration and operation
42. Hardware requirements and interface errors, Incorrect description of
the software/hardware functions and how they are to perform
43. Missing or incorrect software requirements or specifications
44. Missing software error handling
45. Requirements/design errors not fully defined, detected, and
46. Failure to identify the safety-critical software items
47. Failure to perform a function, performing the wrong function,
performing the function incompletely
48. An inadvertent/unauthorized event, an unexpected, unwanted event,
an out-of-sequence event, the failure of a planned event to occur
49. The magnitude or direction of an event is wrong
50. Out-of-sequence event protection
51. Multiple events/actions trigger simultaneously (when not expected)
52. Error or exception handling missing or incomplete
53. Inadvertent or incorrect mode transition for required vehicle
functional operation; undefined or incorrect mode transition criteria;
unauthorized mode transition
54. Failure of flight software to correctly initiate proper transition mode
69 of 70
Software Cause
Areas to Consider
Potential Software Causes
55. Software state transition error
56. Software termination is an unknown state
57. Errors in the software data dictionary values
interface errors
1. Incorrect data (unit conversion, incorrect variable type)
2. Stale data
3. Poor design of human machine interface
4. Too much, too little, incorrect data displayed
5. Ambiguous or incorrect messages
6. User display locks up/fails
7. Missing software error handling
8. Unsolicited command (command issued inadvertently, cybersecurity
issue, or without cause)
9. Wrong command or a miscalculated command sent
10. Failure to display information or messages to a user
11. Display refresh rate leads to an incorrect operator response
12. Lack of ordering scheme for hazardous event queues (such as alerts)
in the human-computer interface (i.e., priority versus time of arrival,
for example, when an abort must go to the top of the queue)
13. Incorrect labeling of operator controls in the human interface
14. Failure to check for constraints in algorithms/specifications and valid
15. Failure of human interface software to check operator inputs
16. Failure to pass along information or messages
17. No onscreen instructions
18. Undocumented features
19. States that appear impossible to exit
20. No cursor
21. Failure to acknowledge an input
22. Failure to advise when a change takes effect
23. Wrong, misleading, or confusing information
24. Poor aesthetics in the screen layout
25. Menu layout errors
26. Dialog box layout errors
27. Obscured instructions
28. Misuse of color
29. Failure to allow tabbing navigation to edit fields (mouse only input)
Security and virus
1. Denial or interruption of service
2. Spoofed or jammed inputs
3. Missing capabilities to detect insider threat activities
4. Inadvertent or intentional memory modification
5. Inadvertent or unplanned mode transition
6. Missing software error handling or detect handling
7. Unsolicited command
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Software Cause
Areas to Consider
Potential Software Causes
8. Stack-based buffer overflows
9. Heap-based attacks
10. Cybersecurity vulnerability or computer virus
11. Inadvertent access to ground system software
12. Destruct commands incorrectly allowed in a hands-off zone
13. Communication to/from an unexpected system on the network
Unknown Unknowns
1. Undetected software defects
2. Unknown limitations for COTS (operational, environmental, stress)
3. COTS extra capabilities
4. Incomplete or inadequate software safety analysis for COTS
5. Compiler behavior errors or undefined compiler behavior
6. Software defects and investigations that are unresolved before the