Warm greetings to all Iota Sigma Chapter members and friends!
It is with great delight that I assume my new role as the president
of the Iota Sigma chapter.
Our Strategic Planning Meeting
Our strategic planning meeting took place on June 11th at the
residence of Grace Moorefield. The ambiance and accommodation
of the Moorefield residence was perfect not only for our lengthy
discussions and exchange of ideas but more importantly for
opportunities for the board members to get to know each other
at a different and deeper level. Thank you very much for your
gracious hospitality Ms. Moorefield.
I am thrilled about the journey we are about to take with our board
members. Our board is made up of a wholesome combination
of new board members and returning ones. New to our board
are Dr. Annie Odell (president-elect), Mindy McKinley-Throop
(succession chair), and Patricia Perry (vice-president). They
bring open minds, fresh ideas, commitment, inquisitiveness, and
enthusiasm to the board. Dr. Rose Liegler, one of our founding
members has returned to the board as the faculty counselor
and chair of the governance committee. She brings a wealth of
knowledge and history to the board. It was touching to see our
out-going board members, Cathy McPhee and Viann Duncan,
prepare the successors for their new roles. Although Cathy and
Vianns presence will be truly missed it is reassuring to know
that they are just an e-mail away from us.
President: Lourdes Salandanan
Past President Marilyn Klakovich
President Elect: Annie Odell
Vice President: Patricia Perry
Secretary: Alison Riggs
Treasurer: Pam Cone
Faculty Counselor &
Governance Chair: Rose Liegler
Succession Chair: Melinda McKinley-Troop
Archivist: Phyllis Esslinger
Student Intern: Michaele Holman
Newsletter: Vicky Bowden &
Cathy McPhee
Cathy McPhee
1 President’s Message
By: Lourdes Salandanan,
3 Meet the 2009-2010
Iota Sigma (IS) Board
Marilyn Klakovich
5 5th Annual Reasearch Day
Co-Sponsored by Iota Sigma Chapter
and School of Nursing
Marilyn Klakovich
7 Odyssey 2009 Conference
9 2009 Annual Spring Induction
and Silent Auction
By: Catherine W. McPhee,
12 Research Award Winner
Presents in Norway
By: Laurel (Sunny) Bishop, BSN
APU 2009
14 Member Perspective
By: Kathy Falco RN, BSN
16 Meet a Member: Lidia Pusnik RN, BSN
By: Alison Riggs
17 Members in the News
22 2009-2010 Calendar of Events
Before the meeting, the board members were assigned one of the five strategic goals of our current strategic
plan. They were asked to compare it to STTI’s 20/20 Vision and Chapter Key Award criteria. At the meeting
they were assigned to specific groups that reviewed the strengths and weaknesses of our chapter and the
community opportunities and threats. The groups later presented their findings to the board. The board
discussion was both enlightening and encouraging. Our discussions lead to a comprehensive strategic plan
for our chapter. One that is fiscally responsible, will continue to identify and utilize the talents of our
chapter members to address community needs, employ various means of communicating and maintaining
connection with our existing members, increase membership application and renewal, continued commitment
to the establishment of the new STTI chapter in the Philippines, and provide service to communities with
identified needs. We are in the process of fine-tuning the plan and hope to have it finalized by early Fall.
Iota Sigma is now on Facebook!
The board approved the establishment of the Iota Sigma Chapter Group on Facebook. With its establishment,
the board aims to continue to improve communication with existing members, entice inactive members to
renew their membership, and attract new members to our chapter. Please join our Facebook Group to learn
more about our chapter activities and how you can be a more active member.
40th STTI Biennial Convention
The STTI Biennial Convention will take place in Indianapolis October 31st to November 4th. The theme
for this year’s convention is “I am a Nurse ... and I am a Member of a Global Nursing Community.
Delegates from all the chapters and an international audience will be present at the convention. Dr. Odell
and I are the delegates to the convention where the business of the society will be conducted at the House
of Delegates. Undergraduate student intern, Michaele Holman, will also attend. Evidence-based clinical
project presentations, leadership and education initiative presentations, and best practices in leadership and
education presentations are scheduled along with international induction. Presentations of more than 30
awards to honor and recognize nursing excellence and chapter practices will also take place. Our chapter is
eligible for the Communication and Chapter Key Awards. We hope to return to Azusa with good news about
the convention and awards in November.
As the summer season approaches, I hope and pray that we take the time to contemplate all the achievements
that the articles of this newsletter present: spring induction, silent auction, member perspectives, research
award, and board member introduction. The newsletter is a true testament of the superb work our talented
members, especially our board members are doing.
And finally, I would like to thank our out-going president, Dr. Marilyn Klakovich for all her hard work,
dedication, and commitment that she has demonstrated to all of us in the last 3 years of her presidency. I
was blessed to have the opportunity to have a world-class coach for my new role. No one can ever replace
Dr. Klakovich but certainly we can all learn from her extraordinary example.
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Iota Sigma’s 2009-2010 board members were installed at the April 17 induction ceremony. Lourdes
Salandanan was installed as President, after serving as President-Elect for the past year.
Annie Odell, President-elect, has been a member of IS since 2004. She was the recipient of
the 2005 IS Excellence in Education Award and the 2007 Research Award. Annie is FNP
Program Director at APU and recently completed her PhD at University of San Diego.
Patricia Perry, Vice-President, has been a member of STTI since 1998 and became a member
of the IS chapter in 2007. She has extensive experience in professional association leadership
positions and believes in “promoting excellence through service.” She is a full-time nursing
faculty member at APU and a staff RN in Employee Health Services at City of Hope.
Rose Liegler, Faculty Counselor/Governance Chair, is a charter member of IS and former
Dean of the school of nursing at APU and Vice Provost for Graduate Programs and Research
and is now Professor of Nursing Emeritus. She is “pleased to contribute to the chapter’s
ongoing endeavors to promote excellence in nursing scholarship and leadership.
Melinda Mckinley-Throop, Leadership Succession Chair, was inducted to IS as she was
finishing up her MSN and FNP at APU. Mindy is a staff RN in the mother-baby unit at Queen
of the Valley (CVHP). Mindy believes to “provide optimal patient care a commitment to the
values that Sigma Theta Tau has outlined is imperative and we should hold each other
accountable to continually learning and implementing the highest standard.
Michaele Holman, BSN student intern. Michaele is a senior this coming year.
We are recruiting for a graduate student intern.
Continuing on the board for their second year are Pam Cone, Treasurer (2008-2010) and Alison Riggs,
Secretary (2008-2010). Kathy Van Allen will continue as our fundraising chair, and June Rondinelli is
participating on the board to mentor for an officer position. Outgoing board member Cathy McPhee
(Vice President, 2007-2009) will stay active with IS as our webmaster and mentor to our new VP and
leadership succession chair. Viann Duncan will mentor our new Faculty Counselor/Governance Chair.
As immediate Past President, I will continue to participate with the board in an advisory capacity. I
will also continue to serve as Research Chair and one of the representatives to the Odyssey Planning
Committee, and will chair the Past President’s Council. If you are a past president of Iota Sigma and
would like to be involved in this email advisory group, please contact me at mklako[email protected]
2009-2010 Iota Sigma Board
From left to right: Lourdes Salandanan, President; Alison Riggs, Secretary;Kathy Van Allen, Fundraising
Chair; Pam Cone, Treasurer; Mindy Throop, Leadership Succession Chair; Patricia Perry, Vice President;
Annie Odell, President Elect; Rose Liegler, Faculty Counselor/Governance Chair.
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On April 2, 2009, the Azusa Pacific University School of Nursing and Iota Sigma hosted the 5th Annual
Research Day. The theme was “Translating Research into Practice Locally and Globally” and featured
speakers included Dana Rutledge RN, PhD, Professor, California State University, Fullerton; James
Miser, MD, Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist; Lorna Kendrick, PhD, APRN, BC, Associate Professor,
Loma Linda University; and Iota Sigma member Pamela Cone, PhD, RN, CNS, Assistant Professor
of Nursing, APU. The event was attended by over 550 nursing professionals including students from
all APU School of Nursing programs, faculty, Iota Sigma members, alumni, and nurses from our
In addition to their presentations, the four featured speakers participated on an interactive panel with
thought-provoking questions and comments from the audience that discussed challenges and rewards
for engaging in research and evidence-based practice. Attendees networked during breaks and at lunch,
Renee Pozza and Annie Odell received special recognition for completing their PhD programs. Each
provided a brief report on her research.
Twenty-three posters were displayed during the poster sessions. Posters were submitted by students
of all levels, faculty, and nurses from the community. Monetary awards were presented to the winners
in each category of student posters, and recognition certificates were awarded for the two top-scoring
posters submitted by community nurses. See below for the recipients.
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BSN Laurel Bishop: Spiritual Care in South Africa: HIV/AIDS Home-based
Heidi Geary, BSN, RN, CCRN: Effectiveness of Bundle Implementation
and Staff Education in Reducing Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in
the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU
Suzette Talbott, RN, MSN, PhD(c): Characteristics of Students Requiring
Specialized Physical Health Care Services
Southern California Kaiser Permanente:
Anna Omery, RN, DNSc, NEA-BC, Director of Nursing Research
Margaret Ecker, RN, MS, PNP, Quality Director, Los Angeles
Medical Center
June Rondinelli, RN, MSN, Project Manager III, Nursing Research
Cecelia Crawford RN, MSN, Project Manager III, Nursing
Research Program
Implementation of Hourly Nurse Rounding:
A Study to Identify Common Structures, Processes, and Outcomes
City of Hope:
Cindy Smith Idell, RN, BA, MSN, AOCN Professional Practice Leader,
Medical Oncology, STTI member, Iota Chapter
Barbara Bearman, RN, Staff Nurse, Medical Oncology
Beverly Yost, RN, OCN Staff Nurse Medical Oncology
Mary Gallardo, RN, OCN Staff Nurse, Medical Oncology
Strategies to Increase Compliance with Use of
Closed-System Drug Transfer Device (CSTD)
NOVEMBER 12 & 13, 2009
Research and Innovative Sessions: Speakers identified after abstracts reviewed
Gamma Alpha
Iota Eta
Upsilon Beta
Zeta Mu
Phi Alpha
CSUSM Honor Society
Gamma Gamma
Iota Sigma
Omicron Delta
Rho Beta
Gamma Tau
Xi Theta
7:30-8:30 Registration & Continental Breakfast
Exhibits & Posters
8:30-8:45 Welcome
8:45-9:45 KEYNOTE
Karen Morin: President-STTI
9:45-10:15 Break
(Exhibits, Posters & Refreshments)
10:15-11:45 Breakout Session I
A. Research Session
B. Innovation Session
12:00-1:00 Lunch (Exhibitors & Posters)
1:00-2:30 Breakout Session II
A. Educational Session
B. Innovation Session
2:30-3:00 Exhibits, Posters & refreshments
3:15-4:00 PANEL – Lourdes Salandanan and
Lourdes Marie Tejero
4:00-4:30 Debrief the Day, Raffle
7:30-8:30 Registration & Continental Breakfast
Exhibits & Posters
8:30-8:45 Welcome
8:45-9:45 KEYNOTE
Maryann Shinnick: CSULA
9:45-10:15 Break
(Exhibits, Posters & refreshments)
10:15-11:45 Breakout Session I
A. Research Session
B. Innovation Session
12:00-1:00 Lunch (Exhibitors & Posters)
1:00-2:30 Breakout Session II
A. Educational Session
B. Innovation Session
2:30-3:00 Exhibits, Posters & refreshments
3:15-4:00 PANEL
4:00-4:30 Summation, Raffle, Poster Awards
NOVEMBER 12 & 13, 2009
Conference Objectives:
1. Promote the goals of the society, to increase nurse leaders and scholars.
2. Provide an avenue for dissemination of research, clinical, and educational topics.
3. Utilize role models to encourage excellence in students and colleagues of nursing.
4. Increase networking opportunities and promote collegiality among local chapters.
5. Encourage nurses to spread their influence globally to effect positive health care change.
Ontario Airport Marriott
2200 Holt Boulevard
Ontario, CA 91716
For reservations, call 1-800-266-9432 to book, modify, or cancel a reservation or call 909-975-5000
and ask for reservations. You must book your room by October 21 to get the discounted rate. For
information on the Marriott Hotels, go to www.marriott.com. Convention rate $109.00 plus tax. Group
Convention Cue is Sigma Theta Tau. If room block is sold out contact [email protected] to
investigate increasing the size of the room block.
Note: Dress is Business casual. Due to the lack of control for the ambient temperature, we
recommend you bring a light sweater or jacket for your comfort.
REGISTRATION: Tear off and return this section with registration fee. Everyone who registers
with a postmark by October 15, 2009 will get their name entered into a contest drawing. The winner
will get their registration fees reimbursed. Make checks payable to: So. Ca. STT Research Fund. Mail
to Marlene Ruiz, 1574 Penasco Rd., El Cajon, CA 92019.
For more information about the conference check web page http://gammagamma.sdsu.edu/ or http://
www.omicrondelta.net/ or e-mail: [email protected]
Cancellation Policy: No refunds for cancellations after October 31, 2009.
Phone: Home
( )
( )
STTI Member Yes No Chapter
If student, identify school:
Check one: Thursday Friday Both days
RN $135 $135 $250
Student $65 $65 $110
Retired RN $80 $80 $150
Includes program proceedings, continental breakfast, lunch, breaks and contact hours.
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #00788 for
7.5 contact hours/day
Vegetarian Meal Please First time attendee? Yes No
How did you hear about Odyssey 2009? E-mail Chapter Website STTI Website Flyer
Almost 250 students, faculty, community members, family and friends participated as 103 Azusa Pacific
University School of Nursing students, nurse leaders, and Mount St. Mary’s students were inducted
into Iota Sigma on April 17, 2009. Funds were again raised by a silent auction to support our efforts to
provide funding for nursing scholarship and research.
Fourteen Undergraduate, 5 RN to BSN, 18 Second Career in Nursing (SCAN), 31 Early Entry into
Nursing and Advanced Practice (EENAP), 12 Graduate, and 1 PhD student at Azusa Pacific University,
as well as 11 Nurse Leaders, were inducted into The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau
International (STTI). In addition, for the first time, we inducted 11 senior undergraduate students from
Mount St. Mary’s College.
APU undergraduate inductees included junior students Briana Beeman, Adah Fisher, Alisha Gilbert,
Allison Greene, Michaele Holman, and Melody Winslow. Senior students inducted were Phillip Caputo,
Kimberly Legind, Kimberly Lindsey, Katherine Owens, Michelle Reenders, Corey Taylor, Tamara
Ureno, and Steven Vietti.
Registered nurses from the RN to BSN program inducted were Kiriaki Dieguez, RN, Shelli Nakahama,
RN, Cresilanda Serwit, RN, Kim Soule, RN, and Carla Tsang, RN.
Mount St. Mary’s College inductees were Natalie Degmen, John Dorr-Bremme, Jennifer Lee Ewing,
Maureen Fitzgerald, Sarah Gruss, Catherine Halzle, Ashley Hooper, Arthur Salvador Llanes, Parinaz
Montajab, Amy Susan Thiel, and Angela Ya-Chi Yang.
Students inducted from the Second Careers and Nursing program (SCAN) included Karen Joy Aficial,
Samia Al-Halwani. Kathryn M. Blank, Jennnifer Christine Cena, Wan-Yu Shirley Chiang, Lois Cho,
Anais D. Cunha, Jamie Lynelle Duly, Amaline O. King, Miriam A. Martinez, Julie Mbithe Phillips,
Helen X. Qian, Obianuju Rivera, Jochen Strack, A. Isabel Velesco, Donna Antoinette Wegman, Jennifer
M. Witte, and Grace H. Yun.
Inductees from the Early Entry into Nursing Advanced Practice Program (EENAP) in San Diego were
Elizabeth Allen, Stephanie Faith Austin, Rosalinda Brown, Nadia Koh Bukar, Cheryl Carandang,
Christa Marie Cartier, Ricky Daily, Jenessy Lee Elshire, Shane Michael Garst, So Young Hwang,
Elizabeth Joseph, Lindsey Harvey, Savannah Louis, Jayme Misa, Corrine Ramos, Melissa Ellise Rich,
Jennifer Sutton, Ariel Pineda Valencia, Kannika Vorabutra, and Jennifer Yang. EENAP students from
San Bernardino who were inducted: Shannon Melania Fernando, Melissa Kay Gaeta, Sarah Rene’
Hoisington, Julie Leavitt, Eva Maria, Jennifer Migrino Sumcad, Theodora Ebeie Okonkwo, Lynette
Eileen Ong, Juliet Sung Ah Park, and Suzanne Roxanne Whitehouse.
Graduate students inducted were Registered Nurses Sariya Chayutium, Candy Corral, Andrea De
Santo, Robin Faris, Pheba Joseph, Cheryl Knight, Marcellus Ryan Luwia, Maisha Pollard, Stephanie
Ragsdale, Sheila Sobretodo, April Stratton, and D. Anne Trudel. PhD student, Muder Alkrisat, RN, was
also inducted.
Inducted nurse leaders, both local and international, were Bibi Florina Abdullah (President, Sabah
Nurse Association), Cora de los Angeles-Anonuevo (Professor, College of Nursing, University of the
Philippines), Kelly Yvonne Beck, BSN, Deborah Carter, PhD, Anjanette Gaane, BSN, Ann Kunz,
CNS, Juliani Latip (Principle, Nursing College of Brunie), Renee Payne, BSN, Lidia Pusnik BSN,
Jonathan P. Pulido, BSN, Nahid Rahimi-Meshkin, BSN, and Lucy Van, BSN.
Financial scholarships of $1000 were awarded to undergraduate students Tamara Ureno and Adah Fisher,
SCAN students Jochen Strack and Obianuju Rivera, and graduate student Kelly Beck, RN. A research
grant of $750 was given to Laurel (Sunny) Bishop for her study related to spiritual care delivered by
home health nurses caring for patients with HIV/AIDS in South Africa. This grant was in support of her
presentation of this work at an International Spiritual Care Conference in Norway this spring.
The first Phyllis Esslinger Endowed Scholarship for $1000, in support of the history of nursing in
California, was awarded to Brianna Beeman.
A financial award of $1000 for community service was given to APU undergraduate alumni Juli
McGowan, NP to support her work against HIV/AIDS in Africa with Empowering Lives International.
The 2009 Excellence Awards were presented to Marilyn Klakovich, DNSc. (Iota Sigma President &
APU Faculty) for Excellence in Nursing Leadership and Ann Kunz, CNS, CDE (Diabetes Educator at
Foothill Presbyterian Hospital) for Excellence in Education.
The keynote speaker, senior undergraduate student Steven Vietti, shared with the audience his passion
for healthcare. He translated how his observations and experiences while in South Africa for his
Community Health course, identified similarities about factors contributing to disparities of health care
in South Africa and the United States. His message, while a very personal passion, was appreciated
by all in attendance. The content was certainly relevant to us all and applicable in our world of today.
Steven now serves as an officer in the United States Air Force and soon will be stationed in Germany.
Thanks to the generosity of those in attendance $1800.00 was raised for scholarship activities. For
more information on the silent auction fundraising event, please see Kathy Van Allen’s article that
immediately follows this one. All these activities, awards and financial scholarships provided by Iota
Sigma serve to promote Sigma Theta Tau International’s goals, which include fostering, developing
and connecting nurse scholars and leaders worldwide to improve health care and promoting nursing
excellence through research and leadership. We appreciate all who support us in these efforts.
The 2009 Spring Induction of Iota Sigma was a tremendous success and an enriching experience for
all who attended. Next year’s Induction promises to be just as rewarding. Save the evening of April 22,
2010. Watch for your invitation.
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2009 Spring Induction Silent Auction
By Kathy Van Allen, Fundraising Chairperson
Angels Diamond Club tickets… a beautiful quilt… handmade jewelry… assorted gift baskets and
many other items were generously donated to our silent auction. Guests in attendance at the induction
ceremony had many choices and frequently outbid others to help raise money for our scholarship fund.
A $100 Best Buy gift card that was donated by Citrus Valley Medical Center Nursing Administration
was our raffle prize. Thanks to the individuals and
organizations that supported our fundraising efforts
through donations, silent auction bids and raffle ticket
purchases, $1,650 was raised for our nursing
scholarship fund.
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Kathy Van Allen, Fundraising Chair, Gets
ready for the silent auction
Scholarship and Research Award Recipients
From Left to Right: Ashley Morris and Joy David, 2008-2009 Student
Leadership Interns, Ann Kunz, Excellence in Education, Marilyn
Klakovich, Excellence in Leadership, Lourdes Salandanan, Newly
Installed Iota Sigma President
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would spend five days in Norway just two weeks before
graduation! Even a few months ago I had not imagined presenting at an international nursing
conference. If it was not for the inspiration and support of the APU School of Nursing faculty and
Iota Sigma, this incredible opportunity would not have been possible. While I was in South Africa
during the Fall 2008 semester, Dr. Pam Cone invited me to submit an abstract to the International
Student Conference on Spiritual Care in Norway. To my excitement, the abstract was accepted
and I was invited to present my presentation entitled “Spiritual Care in South Africa: HIV/AIDS
Home-based Care.
The conference was hosted by Haraldsplass Deaconess University College in collaboration
with Nurses Christian Fellowship International. The conference focused on acknowledging and
responding to patients’ perspectives on illness and death and developing knowledge and skills
relating to spiritual care. Dr. Pam Cone presented her research on how Norwegian nurses and
nursing students give spiritual care. Fellow senior APU nursing student, Leah Butts, also presented
at the conference on the topic of “Spiritual and emotional support for the laboring woman in Brazil:
Lessons from traditional midwives for nursing students.” Nursing students, nurse researchers, and
practicing nurses from across Europe participated in the conference.
My presentation was based on the qualitative observational research I conducted while participating
in the APU nursing study abroad program in South Africa. The presentation described spiritual care
giving by nurses and community health workers in an HIV/AIDS home-based care program. The
findings of my research support the effectiveness of a home-based HIV/AIDS care program with a
spiritual emphasis in providing holistic, culturally-relevant care to a vulnerable population. I shared
how principles and practices of spiritual care learned from a transcultural nursing experience can
be transferred to other care settings. One of the objectives of the presentation was for attendees to
gain an understanding of the AIDS crisis in Africa and the role of nurses in global health. I enjoyed
sharing my research and discussing a topic I am passionate about with other nursing students and
nurse researchers.
One of my favorite parts of the conference was discussing what nursing practice and spiritual
care looks like in other countries. I had the opportunity to talk with nurses and students from the
Netherlands, Sweden, Romania, Denmark, the UK, and Malta. I was surprised to learn from them
that in some secular European countries, a nurse can be fired for offering to pray for a patient! I
learned the importance of advocating that providing spiritual care is part of the role of a nurse.
I gained a greater appreciation for APU’s emphasis on spiritual care and faith integration. I was
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reminded how blessed I have been to attend a university which encourages students to be the
hands and feet of Jesus and to see each patient as someone who is made in the image of God. The
experience of preparing for and presenting at an international nursing conference was incredibly
valuable and rewarding. Thank you so much to Iota Sigma and the Undergraduate Research
Laurel Bishop gives her presentation on Spiritual Care in
South Africa: HIV/AIDS Home-based Care
Laurel and her research mentor Dr. Pam Cone
Irony found its way into my academic plans while I was earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing
(BSN) at Azusa Pacific University (APU). My degree was earned through the Center for Adult
and Professional Studies (CAPS). I entered the program as a resuming student and a Registered
Nurse (RN) with 15 years of experience. My passion to drive change in health care made me
seriously think about taking my career into a non-nursing area. Admittedly, it felt strange to be
able to further my formal nursing education while concurrently considering an advanced degree
in another field. However, my years of experience had produced a student whose thoughts of
nursing had narrowed, but whose thoughts on playing a vigorous role to better patient care services
had bloomed. Additionally, my years of health care experience had created an active search for
organizations or programs that shared my focus on helping communities of people nationally, as
well as globally. I felt confident that another course of study, and not nursing, would meet the
criteria I was looking to find. It was my Professor, Dr. Marilyn Klakovich, who reintroduced me to
Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Honor Society of Nursing and helped place me where I am
today. I am very grateful to her; if not for her advice, I may have explored other academic fields
and missed the opportunity to flourish in nursing. I would like to share some of my thoughts about
my education at APU and how STTI influenced my current enrollment in a Master of Science in
Nursing (MSN) program. At the start of APU’s program, I was convinced that I wanted something
other than nursing only to discover the discipline of nursing as the best avenue to improve health
Before I acknowledge STTI and its impact on me, I want to talk about the nurse leaders at APU
responsible for changing my perception of nursing. From the start of my program, I was immediately
impressed with the strong leadership present in the academic staff. These nurse leaders were
tremendous individuals with a willingness to serve as phenomenal role models, mentors, and
preceptors. Their stories about missions and accomplishments were not shared to make anyone feel
small by comparison, but told to help understand and maximize the full potential of a professional
nurse. Furthermore, the many nurse leaders inspired me simply because they, as nurses, were
changing the world. I could not have imagined the stimulating classroom environment that would
begin to renew my vision of nursing. For the first time in my career, I began to recognize myself as
a powerful and professional nurse. These new insights on nursing and on myself were forcing me
to once again rethink my academic and professional future. Could I now be considering nursing
the answer to what I was looking for?
The dynamic challenge presented by my BSN program complemented the professional staff as well.
I immersed myself in the learning process and turned in my best work possible. Near graduation
I was inducted into STTI, Iota Sigma Chapter of APU. Knowing little about this organization,
I thought the induction ceremony was a nice gesture recognizing my academic achievement.
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However, I soon learned of the organization’s size and prestige; needless to say, I was awed by
the spectacular induction dinner, and I was very proud of my pin and purple cord. Although very
honored, I was still not easily convinced that nursing was the right path for me.
Shortly after graduation and still without definite plans, I met with Dr. Klakovich. We spent a
great deal of time engaged in conversation regarding my choices in a Master’s program. At that
time, Dr. Klakovich suggested that I take a look at the Honor Society website. I had forgotten
about the Honor Society and the membership I had earned. Initially, I did not fully understand the
value of the website, but soon found it an outstanding resource. I saw many possibilities to refresh
my nursing career through intensive programs run by members with impressive backgrounds. I
scoured the web pages looking at job descriptions, qualifications, volunteer opportunities, and
more. Ultimately, STTI’s website would serve as an essential career tool for me, and would play
a significant role in my final decision to pursue an MSN!
Today, as a professional nurse and as a graduate nursing student, I am delighted to be part of
a professional organization that seeks to improve nursing and health globally. I can challenge
myself intellectually and expand my ability as a nurse in ways that influence others as I have been
influenced. Recently, I participated in two STTI webinars and found the information incredibly
useful and the program so easy to access. Fortunately, both programs were also very pertinent to
my current needs. The first was presented by Dr. Kathleen Pagana, which offered detailed steps to
the job interviewing process. With my newly earned BSN, these skills gave me the confidence to
know the current trends, and rediscover what is still applicable and appropriate in the job market.
Provided in the second webinar was a strong and thorough program on writing for publication.
Presented by Dr. Kathleen Heinrich, the information will serve as a guide to enhance my writing,
and hopefully, keep me from my perpetual writing hurdles. Certainly, the webinar was a rich tool
for writing this article, but it has also benefited me in the area of my academic writing. For future
endeavors, Dr. Klakovich and I are interested in the mentored leadership program through STTI
and look forward to pursuing that opportunity when it becomes available. STTI online can be
found at http://www.nursingsociety.org/
What began as an ironic start to my academic plans would eventually lead me to a remarkable place
in my life. My decisions along the way as well have been comprised of remarkable discoveries. Of
course, I cannot help but talk about STTI to everyone because I am a proud member. Therefore, I
was surprised to learn that more than half Iota Sigma’s members are inactive. Please consider this
an invitation and a reminder to participate. You will be amazed at the nurse leadership present, as
well their local and global efforts to meet STTI’s goals. Please consider devoting some time to our
Chapter – you might be remarkably surprised at what you find.
Every nurse who joins Sigma Theta Tau and Iota Sigma has not only accomplished professional
goals but also has been inspired to do so for various reasons. At the December induction of new
members in Iota Sigma there were community members joining as well as nursing students and
graduates. One of these community members was Lidia Pusnik, BSN, RN.
Lidia graduated from Mount San Antonio College with an ADN degree in 1998 and was hired on
the Ortho/Surgical unit at Intercommunity Campus of Citrus Valley Medical Center. I was fortunate
to be her director and was aware from the beginning that she was a fine nurse and loyal employee.
In 2003 she went back to school at CSUF and received her BSN. Just prior to graduation, she
became the unit based Nursing Educator for the Med/Surg units. She states this has been “both
rewarding and challenging as she works with new nurses as they transition into the profession and
seeks opportunities for more experienced nurses to maintain their practice, help them strengthen
any weakness and teach new ideas”.
Her skills were apparent to her colleagues and in 2008 she was nominated for the Mentoring
category for a Nurse Week Excellence Award. Despite the fact she did not win she feels it was an
honor to be named and to attend the ceremony.
Speaking of STTI, Lidia was first acquainted with the organization when as part of the leadership
course at CSUF she was required to attend Odyssey in 2006 in Ontario. She says “I’ll never forget
the theme that year was Collaboration and I felt awed and inspired by the events and people and
never more proud of the nursing profession”. Later when visiting Lourdes Salandanan’s office she
noticed the STTI plaque on the wall. That is what started her toward membership and she says- “it
is an honor to be a member and not just an observer”. She “looks forward to having the connection
with other nursing professionals who are passionate about education, learning, seeking challenges
and being the best they can be in the world of healthcare”.
An honor award was granted to Ms. Virginia Hart-Kepler, Adjunct Professor, School of
Nursing, for assistance with her dissertation.
Iota Sigma member and 2008 Research Award winner, Virginia Hart-Kepler, successfully
defended her dissertation proposal on June 4, 2009. Her study is titled: How do Mexican-born
immigrants make decisions about self-management of type 2 diabetes? Virginia presented
an update of her research at our April 17 induction ceremony. Now that Virginia has successfully
defended her proposal, she advances to candidate status for her PhD. Virginia also received the
Irene Sabelberg Palmer Nursing Research Award in early June. The honor award, which was
created by the Dean Emeritus of the University of San Diego, School of Nursing, and named after
her, will assist Ms. Hart-Kepler in working on her dissertation entitled, How do Mexican-Born
Immigrants Make Decisions about Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management?
Awards given to nursing students Lois Cho and Obianuju Rivera
Spring , 2009 inductees, Lois Cho and Obianuju Rivera were award winners of the Foundation of
National Student Nurses’ Association (FNSNA) Promise of Nursing Regional Scholarships. These
scholarships were presented to 25 nursing students from 10 Southern California nursing programs
for the 2009-10 academic year
An award for funding scholarships was granted to Dr. Linda Hansen-Kyle, School of
Dr. Linda Hansen-Kyle received $260,000 from the Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) Foundation,
New Careers in Nursing Scholarship Program for 2009-10. The New Careers in Nursing Program
funds scholarships for students seeking accelerated baccalaureate or master’s degrees. This is the
second award Dr. Linda Hansen-Kyle has received from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She
and Dr. Felicitas dela Cruz successfully completed an application to RWJ scholarships for the
EENAP program in 2008.
A grant proposal written by Dr. Felicitas A. dela Cruz and Dr. Myrna Dial, School of Nursing,
has been awarded.
The Second Careers and Nursing (SCAN) Program, an accelerated master’s-entry program in The
School of Nursing at the Main Campus and the Early Entry into Nursing and Advanced Practice
(EENAP) Program at San Bernardino, an accelerated pre-licensure (baccalaureate) nursing program,
have received $168,000.00 funding from the CA Health Workforce Policy Commission (CHWPC)
Song-Brown Registered Nursing (RN) Education Funds for 2 years---from July 1, 2009 to June
30, 2011. Dr. Felicitas A.dela Cruz (SCAN Program) and Dr. Myrna Dial (EENAP program) wrote
and submitted the grant proposal.
A book edited by Dr. Barbara Artinian, Professor Emeritus, School of Nursing, Dr Tove
Giske, Haraldsplass Deaconess University College, Bergen, Norway, and Dr. Pamela Cone,
School of Nursing, has been announced as available in July 2009.
Artinian, B., Giske, T., & Cone, P. (Eds.) (2009). Glaserian grounded theory in nursing: Trusting
emergence. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Co.
A journal article written by Dr. Vicky Bowden, School of Nursing and Director of the APU
Honors Program, and Dr. Cindy Greenberg, California State University–Fullerton, was
Greenburg, C., & Bowden, V. (2009). Administration of hypotonic solutions vs. isotonic solutions
in hospitalized children. Pediatric Nursing, 35, 62-63.
The article was published in conjunction with the launching of a new column in Pediatric Nursing
which will appear in every issue (bi-monthly). The purpose of the column is: “To develop a spirit
of inquiry and support implementation of evidence-based practice, this new column provides an
overview of available evidence on selected clinical practice issues. Readers are invited to submit
clinical questions for review. The column editors will use the population, intervention, comparison,
and outcome (PICO) method to phrase the clinical question, provide an overview of the available
evidence, and offer implications for clinical practice based on the evidence.
A textbook, co-authored by Dr. Vicky Bowden, School of Nursing, and Dr. Cindy Greenberg,
California State University - Fullerton, was translated into Portuguese and published.
Bowden, V., & Greenberg, C. (2009). Enfermagem na saude de crianca e do adolescente. Portugal:
Guanabara Koogan.
This is the Portuguese edition of their 2008 text, Pediatric Nursing Procedures, published by
Lippincott Williams Wilkens.
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A chapter written by Ms. Catherine W. McPhee, School of Nursing, was published in a
McPhee, C. W. (2010). Chapter 3: Blending the new essentials of baccalaureate education
and distance learning models. In C. J. Huston, Professional issues in nursing: Challenges &
opportunities, 2nd. Ed. (pp. 33-50). New York, NY: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins.
An article by Alison Riggs RN, MSN, ONC in nursing magazine.
Riggs, A. (2009, May). Sister Rebecca Doan: A nurse who changed the profession. Working
A continuing education article by Kathie Taylor, past president Iota Sigma Chapter.
Hoffman, E., Taylor K.L. (2009). Autism today: What we know How we can Help. American
Nurse Today, 4(6),20-24.
Two invited presentations were given by Dr. Connie Brehm, School of Nursing, at regional
Brehm, C. (2009, February). Forgotten children: Homeless children in America. Invited podium
presentation for the 10th Annual Pediatric Update, Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Orange,
Brehm, C. (2009, March). Forgotten children: Homeless Children in America. Invited podium
presentation sponsored by the School Readiness Program for school nurses from throughout
Orange County, presented at the Orange Unified School District, Orange, CA.
An invited paper written by Jan Chandler, School of Nursing, was presented at a regional
Chandler, J. (2009, February). Musculoskeletal injuries in the school age child. Invited paper
presented to the Society of Pediatric Nurses, Orange County Chapter, Orange, CA.
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A podium presentation was given by Dr. Felicitas A. dela Cruz, School of Nursing, at a
regional conference.
dela Cruz, F. A. (2009. April). Managing hypertension: Challenges and facilitators in Filipino
Americans. Podium presentation at the Western Institute of Nursing (WIN) Research Conference,
Salt Lake City, UT.
A paper by Dr. Felicitas A. dela Cruz, Dr. Marilyn D. Klakovich, Professor Emeritus Phyllis
Esslinger, and Shirley M. Farr, School of Nursing, was presented at a national conference.
dela Cruz, F. A., Klakovich, M. D, Esslinger, P., & Farr, S. M. (2009, February). Using focus
groups to improve an accelerated master’s entry program. Paper presented at the American
Association of Colleges of Nursing Master’s Education Conference, Orlando, FL.
A podium presentation was given by Dr. Felicitas A. dela Cruz, Dr. Marilyn Klakovich,
Prof. Emeritus Phyllis Esslinger, and Prof. Shirley Farr, School of Nursing, at a regional
dela Cruz, F., Klakovich, M., Esslinger, P., & Farr, S. (2009, April). Second-career master’s
entry students’ socialization outcomes. Research report given at the Western Institute of Nursing
(WIN) Research Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
A paper by Virgina Hart-Kepler, Adjunct Professor, School of Nursing, was presented at a
national conference.
Hart-Kepler, V. (2009, February). How do Mexican-born recent-immigrants make decisions about
Diabetes 2 self-care? Podium presentation at the 10th Annual National/International Evidence-
Based Conference, Arizona State University, Glendale, AZ.
A poster prepared by Ms. Virginia Hart-Kepler, Adjunct, School of Nursing, was presented
at a regional conference.
Hart-Kepler, V. (2009, April). Antecedent factors to emigration influence on self-care of emigrés
with DM2. Poster presented at the Research and Information Exchange, Western Institute of
Nursing Research, Salt Lake City, UT.
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Nursing faculty selected to lead WASC Accreditation at APU.
Dr. Vicky Bowden has been named as the new WASC ALO(Accreditation Liaison Officer)for
APU. Dr. Bowden will serve as the liaison between WASC and APU and will be responsible for
the upcoming WASC visits in 2011 and 2013.
Dr. Bowden is faculty in the School of Nursing and serves as a CCNE onsite reviewer.
An ambassador role in a national organization has been granted to Dr. Patricia Hanes.
Dr. Patricia Hanes has been selected to be a National League of Nursing Ambassador for the
League and the School of Nursing at Azusa Pacific University.
The Ambassador Program is an important initiative of the National League for Nursing.
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11 Transition Meeting
JUNE ‘09
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JULY ‘09
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4 Fourth of July
13-17 Research Congress,
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7 Labor Day
14 Board Meeting
12 Board Meeting
31 Biennial Convention,
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1-4 Biennial Convention,
9 Board Meeting
11 Veterans Day
18 Tentative Career Fair
26-27 Thanksgiving Break
14 Board Meeting
18 Induction/Pinning
21-31 Winter Break
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1 New Year’s Day
11 Freshman Welcome/
Board Meeting
18 M.L. King Jr. Day
8 Information Meeting
Board Meeting
15 Presidents Day
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8 Board Meeting
14 Daylight Savings Time
12 Faculty / Staff
Appreciation Luncheon
29-31 Spring Break
1-5 Spring Break
12 Board Meeting
23 Induction/Auction
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MAY ‘10
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7 Pinning
10 Board Meeting
31 Memorial Day
Transition Meeting TBD
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5 Independence Day