IPAC Core Competencies Roune Pracces
Chain of Transmission and Risk Assessment
Scored Test - ANSWERS
Queson 1
Using the model of the Chain of Transmission, match the transmission of inuenza
or “the u” to the links in this Chain of Transmission. Write the leer (e.g. A, B, C…
etc.) that corresponds to your choice in the box.
Queson 2
A housekeeper, wearing gloves, cleans and disinfects the oor where small blood
drops have fallen. Which link(s) in the Chain of Transmission is/are broken? Select all
that apply. Put a “” in the appropriate cell.
Infecous Agent
Portal of Exit
Mode of Transmission
Portal of Entry
Suscepble Host
A. Respiratory tract through coughing and sneezing
B. Eyes, nose, mouth
C. Hands and contaminated surfaces
D. Inuenza virus
E. People who have not received their annual inuenza vaccine
F. Clients/paents/residents lungs and air passages
A. Infecous Agent (potenally)
B. Reservoir
C. Portal of Exit
D. Mode of Transmission
E. Portal of Entry
F. Suscepble Host
IPAC Core Competencies Roune Pracces
Chain of Transmission and Risk Assessment
Scored Test - ANSWERS
Queson 3
What should you do rst before you either perform
wound care on a client/paent/resident or clean his/her
environment? Put a “” in the appropriate box.
A. Perform a risk assessment
B. Check the medicaon cart
C. Gather equipment and supplies
D. Document admission history
Queson 4
Which queson(s) is/are appropriate when performing a
personal risk assessment? Put a “” in the appropriate
box. Check all that apply.
A. How skilled am I at this task?
B. How cooperave is my client/paent/resident?
C. How is my supervisor going to evaluate my work?
D. Does my client/paent/resident have
uncontrolled drainage?
Queson 5
Which of the following acvity/acvies may reduce
the transmission of infecous agents? Put a “” in the
appropriate box. Check all that apply.
A. A health care worker cleans shared care equipment.
B. A health care worker removes a soiled dressing
and puts it directly into the garbage.
C. A health care worker sorts cleaning supplies in
the housekeeping cupboard.
D. A health care worker removes gloves and gives
the resident medicaon.
IPAC Core Competencies Roune Pracces
Chain of Transmission and Risk Assessment
Scored Test - ANSWERS
Queson 1
Inuenza transmission occurs when the inuenza virus (Infecous Agent), lives and grows in the clients/paents/residents
lungs and air passages (Reservoir), exits the respiratory tract through coughing and sneezing (Portal of Exit), travels via
hands, surfaces and droplets (Mode of Transmission), and gains entry through the eyes, nose and mouth (Portal of Entry), to
a Suscepble Host.
Queson 2
The Chain is broken by:
Wearing gloves to prevent the potenally Infecous Agent from entering the housekeepers skin through cuts or
crapes (Portal of Entry)
Cleaning and disinfecng the oor removes the potenally Infecous Agent (blood) which blocks the Mode of
Transmission (contact)
The person whose blood is on the oor was the Reservoir and the Portal of Exit. They are not in this scenario. Anyone is a
Suscepble Host if they are exposed to another person’s blood. The housekeeper used gloves and did not touch the blood.
Queson 3
Performing a Risk Assessment is the rst step before you carry out any acvity in a health care environment. Gathering
equipment and supplies is necessary but this is not the rst step. Cleaning the cart and informing your supervisor are not
your rst steps.
Queson 4
When performing a personal risk assessment, you need to focus on three main areas: the task you are going to do, what
you know about your client/paent/resident and what you know about the controls in place. It is appropriate to ask how
skilled you are at the task. If this is the rst me you have performed a procedure then you may need addional help to
ensure that it is done safely. Assessing your client/paent/residents physical and cognive (mental) status assists your
personal decision making about your need for addional help or personal protecon to complete the task. How your
supervisor evaluates your work is denitely NOT the right queson to ask in your personal Risk Assessment.
Queson 5
Cleaning shared equipment and disposing a soiled dressing into the garbage reduces the risk of transmission of infecon.
Sorng supplies does not reduce the risk of transmission of infecon. Removing gloves and not performing hand hygiene
may increase the risk of transmission of infecon.
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