This CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made effective as of the [] day of [], 201[]
by and between Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP (“CGSH”), a limited liability partnership with
registered offices at 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20006 (the “Premises”), and [] (the
“Supplier”) with registered office at [] (each a “Party,” and, together, the “Parties”). For the purposes of this
Agreement, CGSH includes its wholly owned subsidiaries, as well as its affiliates, branches, and offices both
in and outside the United States, and the Premises includes all offices of the foregoing.
In consideration of CGSH hiring the Supplier to perform [] services (the “Services”), including as may be
set forth in an agreement between the Parties (the “Services Agreement”), and since the Supplier may be
provided with or come into contact with confidential and proprietary information belonging to CGSH or its
clients (each a “Disclosing Party” and together the “Disclosing Parties”) in connection with its provision of
Services, the Supplier hereby agrees as follows:
A. “Confidential Information” means all confidential, proprietary, or non-public information of the
Disclosing Parties (however recorded or preserved) that is disclosed or made available, directly
or indirectly, by CGSH or its respective employees, officers, representatives or advisors to the
Supplier or its affiliates, representatives, employees or agents, relating to the business of such
Disclosing Party or that otherwise by its nature would be reasonably understood as confidential,
whether provided in written or oral form and in any manner whatsoever. Without limiting the
foregoing, Confidential Information may include confidential or proprietary information owned by a
third party and used under license by a Disclosing Party.
B. The Supplier agrees that it may only access and interact with any Confidential Information made
available to it to the extent necessary for it to perform the Services. The Supplier further agrees
that, as a recipient of Confidential Information: (i) except as expressly permitted by an applicable
Services Agreement, it shall not, for any purpose, use, disclose, reproduce, transfer or reduce to
writing or otherwise record the Confidential Information; (ii) it shall maintain in confidence the
Confidential Information and shall, with respect to such Confidential Information, use the same
degree of care and exercise reasonable efforts to protect such Confidential Information as it uses
and exercises with respect to protecting its own similar confidential and/or proprietary information,
but in all events no less than reasonable efforts and care; (iii) it shall only disclose Confidential
Information to those of its or its affiliates’ employees (a) to whom it is necessary to disclose such
Confidential Information for performance of the Services, (b) to whom it has advised of the terms
of this Agreement, and (c) who have agreed in writing to be bound by the terms of this
Agreement; (iv) it shall cause the employees to whom the Confidential Information is disclosed
pursuant to Section 1.B(iii) to comply with the terms of this Agreement, and it shall be responsible
for such compliance and fully liable for any failure to comply; and (v) except as set forth in Section
1.B(iii), it shall not disclose or in any way disseminate or make available any Confidential
Information disclosed or otherwise made available to it or in its possession to any other party.
C. The Supplier shall be responsible for any breach of the terms of this Agreement by it and its
affiliates, and their respective representatives, employees and agents, and shall take all
reasonable measures to prevent such parties from using, disclosing, reproducing, transferring,
reducing to writing or otherwise recording the Confidential Information as prohibited by this
Agreement. If it becomes known to the Supplier that (i) it or its affiliates, representatives,
employees or agents have breached any of the terms of this Agreement, or (ii) facts and/or
circumstances exist that could be reasonably expected to result in disclosure of any Confidential
Information, the Supplier shall in each case immediately notify CGSH of such breach, facts and/or
circumstances, and, in the case of (ii), shall use its best efforts to remedy the facts and/or
circumstances that would lead to such disclosure (to the extent such facts and/or circumstances
may be within the Supplier’s control upon such exercise of best efforts).
D. The Supplier agrees that the restrictions on use and disclosure of Confidential Information under
this Agreement shall not apply to the Supplier for information that: (i) is now or hereafter
becomes, through no act or failure to act on the part of the Supplier, generally known or available
to the public other than through a breach of an obligation of confidentiality to CGSH; (ii) was
known to the Supplier prior to encountering such information from the performance of its
Services; (iii) was lawfully obtained by the Supplier from third parties, provided that such third
parties were not restricted or obligated to keep such information confidential; or (iv) is required to
be disclosed by law, any order of court or any competent regulatory authority, subject to the
further provisions of this clause. In the event that the Supplier is required to disclose Confidential
Information pursuant to the requirements of applicable law, rules, regulations, court or other
governmental authority, the Supplier shall provide prompt advance notice (in writing, if practical)
to CGSH in order to enable CGSH to contest such requirement of disclosure or seek an
appropriate protective order, and shall disclose such Confidential Information only to the extent
the Supplier reasonably determines it is legally compelled to disclose such Confidential
Information and with respect to which it agrees to exercise its best efforts to obtain reliable
assurance that confidential treatment will be accorded therefor.
E. Confidential Information disclosed or made available under this Agreement and any intellectual
property or proprietary rights therein are and shall remain the property of CGSH. Nothing in this
Agreement shall be construed to imply the grant of any license to make, use or sell or otherwise
commercialize any Confidential Information. Further, the Supplier acknowledges that any
Confidential Information disclosed or made available to it is provided “AS IS” and that EACH
F. Upon the termination of the Services for any reason or at the written request of a Disclosing Party
at any time, the Supplier shall destroy (and promptly deliver a certification of such destruction) or
promptly deliver to each Disclosing Party, or to the requesting Disclosing Party as the case may
be, all tangible embodiments of such Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information in the Supplier’s
or its employees’ possession, including but not limited to copies, notes, packages, pictures,
diagrams, computer memory media and all other tangible embodiments of, or materials
containing, any portion of the Confidential Information.
Each Party shall (and shall procure that each of its relevant affiliates shall), and shall use
reasonable endeavors to procure that any third party subcontractors shall, comply with their
respective obligations under all applicable law regarding data protection in relation to all Personal
Data and Confidential Information (together, “Protected Data”) that is processed by it in the course
of performing its obligations under this Agreement, and take such steps as are reasonably required
by the other Party to ensure that the other Party is able to comply with such law. This includes
maintaining a valid and up to date registration or notification under applicable law relating to data
protection. “Personal Data” and “processing” and “processed” (when used in the context of
Personal Data) have the meanings given to those terms in the EU Data Protection Directive
95/46/EC and the applicable implementing legislation in any country including the Data Protection
Act 1998 (the “Data Protection Laws”).
CGSH acknowledges that, to the extent the Supplier is a data processor within the meaning of the
Data Protection Laws, the Supplier shall (and shall use all reasonable endeavors to ensure that its
sub-contractors shall) (i) only process Confidential Information, including any client data, in
accordance with CGSH’s instructions and (ii) bring into effect and maintain all reasonable technical
and organizational measures to maintain security, prevent unauthorized or unlawful access to or
processing of Personal Data, and accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, Personal Data,
having regard to the state of technological development and the cost of implementing the
measures, so as to ensure a level of security appropriate to: (A) the harm that may result from
breach of those measures; and (B) the nature of the Personal Data to be protected.
Further, the Data Protection Laws make it mandatory that CGSH obtain contractual guarantees
from all third parties who will be given access to or who become aware of Protected Data during
the course of their visits to the Premises in order that they may undertake the role of a service
provider. The Data Protection Laws also require CGSH to ensure they have measures in place to
prevent the unauthorized or unlawful use of Protected Data and to prevent accidental loss,
destruction or damage to any personal information. The Supplier must therefore ensure, by way of
written contract between it and its employees, subcontractors and individuals visiting the Premises
on the Supplier’s behalf (each a “Contractor” and, together, the “Contractors”), that if at any time a
Contractor becomes aware of Protected Data the Supplier or its Contractors will not (i) share this
information with anyone outside of CGSH, (ii) take any information away from the Premises, and/or
(iii) duplicate or copy any Protected Data.
A. This Agreement and the obligations herein shall survive indefinitely, regardless of whether or not
the Supplier is still providing Services at the Premises.
B. The Supplier acknowledges that the unauthorized use or disclosure of a Disclosing Party’s
Confidential Information or any breach of this Agreement by the Supplier may cause such
Disclosing Party to suffer irreparable injury not compensable by monetary damages and for which
such Disclosing Party may not have an adequate remedy at law. Accordingly, the Supplier
agrees that CGSH will have the right to seek, without the posting of any bond or security or the
giving of any undertaking as to damages or otherwise, specific performance or other injunctive or
equitable relief from a court of competent jurisdiction as may be necessary or desirable to
prevent, curtail or remedy any such unauthorized use or disclosure, whether threatened or actual.
The rights of CGSH set forth in this paragraph shall be in addition to, and without prejudice to,
any other rights that CGSH may have hereunder, whether at law or in equity.
A. To the extent any applicable Services Agreement contains terms with respect to confidentiality
that conflict with, or are less restrictive with respect to the Supplier’s obligations than, those set
forth in Sections 1-3 herein, the terms of this Agreement govern.
B. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
New York, without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. The Parties hereby agree and consent
to the personal jurisdiction of any federal or state court of competent jurisdiction sitting in the
County and State of New York with respect to claims arising under or in connection with this
C. All notices, requests, consents, demands and other communications provided for by this
Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given and received when sent by first class
mail at any general or branch post office enclosed in a registered or certified postpaid envelope,
addressed to the Parties at the addresses set forth at the beginning of this Agreement, with a
copy to the attention of the respective Parties as follows:
CGSH: Purchasing & Supply Group
Supplier: [e.g. General Counsel,]
or to such changed address as such Parties may have fixed by notice; provided, however, that any
notice of change of address shall be effective only upon receipt. If any provision of this Agreement
is invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced by any rule, law or public policy, all other conditions
and provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect. Upon such
determination that any provision is invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced, such provision
shall be construed by the appropriate judicial body by limiting and reducing such provision so as to
be enforceable to the maximum extent under applicable law and consistent with the original intent
of the Parties. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between the
Parties as to the subject matter hereof and merges and supersedes all prior discussions,
agreements and understandings of any kind and every nature between the Parties. Any and all
prior arrangements, representations, promises, understandings and conditions in connection with
such matter, and any representations, promises or conditions not expressly incorporated herein or
expressly made a part hereof shall not be binding upon any Party. This Agreement shall not
establish any relationship of partnership, joint venture, employment, franchise or agency between
the Parties and shall not be construed to create any obligation on the part of either Party to retain
the services of or to compensate the other Party in any manner. This Agreement may be executed
in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which taken
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly
authorized representatives as of the day and year first above written.
[Signature page follows]
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP []
(Signature) (Signature)
Name: Name:
(type or print) (type or print)
Title: Title:
(type or print) (type or print)