It is important to demonstrate
sustained commitment over time.
Students should have service
experiences in healthcare and non-
healthcare settings. Check out the
Schlegel Center for Service and
Justice for opportunities:
Students must demonstrate
leadership and interpersonal skills.
Consider initiating group projects,
serving as an officer in a student
organization, or working as a
teaching assistant. Students must
also demonstrate the ability to work
Students must gain knowledge of
the profession by shadowing
professionals in their field. It is
recommended that students
shadow both genral dentistry and
dental specialties. Creighton
students have opportunities to
shadow dental students at the
Creighton School of Dentistry
Community Clinic.
Dentists do precision work on a small scale, and need excellent hand-eye
coordination. Students can fine-tune these motor skills through activities like
drawing, painting, sculpting, ceramics, jewelry-making, sewing, nail art, learning
musical instruments, and wood carving.
Research experience is not a
requirement for admission to dental
programs, but may add an extra
layer to an application, especially if
research is of particular interest to
students. See the Center for
Undergraduate Research and
Scholarship for opportunities:
Competitive applicants to dental school must
complete a minimum of 90 credit hours
(three years) of college coursework. Most pre-
dental students complete a bachelor's degree
prior to entering dental school. Competitive
applicants for admission to dental school
have solid academic records, well-rounded
profiles of co-curricular experiences,
supportive letters of recommendation, strong
scores on the Dental Admission Test (DAT),
and can clearly articulate their reasons for
choosing dentistry.
Pre-dental students should complete certain coursework to be prepared for the
Dental Admission Test (DAT). In addition, students should research schools to be
aware of all prerequisite coursework and admissions policies. Students should
meet with a Pre-Health Advisor to develop their timeline for application to dental
Students are encouraged to choose a major
where they can demonstrate strong overall
academic performance, while also focusing
on developing a solid foundation in the
sciences. Ideally, a major should be based on
student interests and should support an
alternate career. Dental schools look for
students who demonstrate the academic
ability to handle rigorous course loads.
C is an honorable grade. However, grades
below B, especially within the two academic
years leading up to dental school application,
could interfere with admission. Faced with a
likely grade below C, some students should
withdraw (W) and later try for a higher grade.
Students should consult with advisors as they
decide. More than two W's could indicate a
lack of judgment or an inability to handle
challenges in dental school.
GPAs calculated on dental school
applications include coursework done at all
colleges attended and all attempts at a
Aim for GPAs of 3.4 or above.
Pre-Health Advisors in the Center for Advising
Resources & Support are available to meet
with students individually about their pre-
health goals and path.
The Pre-Professional Communities assist
students in exploring the dental profession,
gaining experience in healthcare, and
preparing for the application process.
Students should participate in PHLC 200 in
their sophomore year and in PDDS 300 in
their junior or senior year (depending on the
student's application timeline).
General Biology I & II w/ Labs - 8 hours - BIO 201/205 & BIO 202/206
Complete before the DAT
General Chemistry I & II w/ Labs - 8 hours - CHM 203/204 & CHM 205/206
Complete before the DAT
Organic Chemistry I & II w/ Labs - 8 hours - CHM 321/322 & CHM 323/324
Complete before the DAT
General Physics I & II w/ Labs - 8 hours - PHY 201/205 & PHY 202/206
Physics is not included on the DAT exam. Some students choose to take
physics in the senior year. Research schools to ensure this is acceptable.
The following courses are commonly required by dental schools:
Some dental schools require additional courses, such as English composition,
anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and biochemistry. Research programs of
interest to verify requirements.
Some pre-dental students report that a course in cell biology or physiology
can be helpful for the DAT.
A course that utilizes visual and spatial perception (drawing, sculpture,
ceramics, 3-D art, etc.) can be helpful preparation for the Perceptual Ability
section of the DAT.
Some dental schools encourage students to take courses in the arts and social
sciences. Creighton students take theses courses as part of the Magis core.
Some schools, including Creighton School of Dentistry, may not regard credit
earned through examinations (AP/CLEP/IB) as being equivalent to completing
required courses, but they may accept higher-level college courses as
substitutes. Research individual schools for their policies regarding
AP/CLEP/IB credits for prerequisite courses.
Freshmen and sophomores usually take only two natural science or math subjects each semester.
Chemistry: General Chemistry I (CHM 203/204) and General Chemistry II (CHM 205/206) are typical choices for freshman fall and spring.
To be eligible to take General Chemistry in the freshman year, students must achieve a sufficient score on the Quantitative Assessment
for New Students (QANS). Students who do not achieve a sufficient QANS score will need to complete an introductory chemistry
course, CHM 105, with a grade of "C" or better to progress to CHM 203.
Biology: General Biology I (BIO 201/205) and General Biology II (BIO 202/206) are typical choices for freshman fall and spring.
Completion of either General Chemistry I (CHM 203) with a grade of "C" or better or Introductory Chemistry (CHM 105) with a grade of
"B" or better is required in order to take General Biology II.
Physics: Students who have sufficient math and physics (a year of high school physics or a semester of college introductory physics,
math through pre-calculus) are eligible to take General Physics I (PHY 201/205) and General Physics II (PHY 202/206). Prospective math,
physics, and chemistry majors may take alternate sections of General Physics and additional math.
Math: Pre-dental students need pre-calculus algebra and trigonometry knowledge. Students who did not complete those courses in
high school should take MTH 139- Precalculus. NOTE: MTH 139 does NOT meet the Magis Core math requirement. The Magis Core math
requirement will be met by MTH 231 or MTH 245. Math, physics, and chemistry majors will need more than one semester of calculus,
and should take MTH 245.
Summer: Science courses may be taken in the summer, but only when there are good reasons for doing so (not just a vague desire to
"catch up") and not at community colleges. Speak with a Pre-Health Advisor about timelines.
General Biology I w/ Lab (4 hours)
General Chemistry I w/ Lab (4 hours)
Magis Core Class (3 or 4 hours) - ENG or Critical Issues & COM 101
Magis Core Class (3 hours) - PHL or THL
Maybe another Magis Core Class (3 hours) - PSY, SOC or Foreign Language
RSP Class (.5 hours)
Sample First Semester Schedule
*Course sequencing may vary depending on a student's readiness*
All applicants must take the Dental Admission Test (DAT), a
national, standardized, computer-based test. The DAT is
typically taken 12-15 months before starting dental school.
Some students take the DAT exam after they complete organic
chemistry. To do well on this exam, students need to complete
general biology, general chemistry and organic chemistry and
allow time for significant study and preparation.
Students apply to dental school using centralized application
systems including AADSAS (most dental schools) and TMDSAS
(some Texas programs). These application systems open
annually in May for the upcoming application cycle.
Students can submit up to four letters of recommendation with
their application. Many dental schools require at least two
letters from professors, and ask that at least one of the letters
be from a professor who taught the student in a science course.
Some schools require a letter from a practicing dentist.
Students must research individual schools for letter
Many dental schools interview promising applicants. The John
P. Fahey Career Center offers interview preparation assistance,
including mock interviews.
CU School of Dentistry |
American Dental Education Association |
All pre-dental students should participate in the Pre-Dental
Society. This student organization provides leadership
opportunities to further explore and gain experience in the
dental profession.
Learn more on CU Involved:
Creighton undergraduate students have the opportunity to
shadow current Creighton dental students at the Creighton
School of Dentistry Community Clinic. Information will be
communicated via PHLC 200 and PDDS 300.
Make an appointment with dental school admissions office
personnel in the spring of junior year to personalize the
application process.
Center for Advising Resources & Support
Hixson-Lied Science Building G06