Child Care Stabilization Grant
Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
August 29, 2022
No later than 11:59 p.m. EST
Governor’s Child Care Stabilization Grant Program August 3– August 29, 2022
Maryland State Department of Education | 1
Mohammed Choudhury
State Superintendent of Schools
Secretary-Treasurer, Maryland State Board of
Deann M. Collins, Ed D.
Deputy Superintendent, Teaching and
Steven Hicks
Assistant State Superintendent, Division of
Early Childhood Education
Larry Hogan
Clarence C. Crawford
President, Maryland State Board of
Susan J. Getty (Vice President)
Shawn D. Bartley, Esq.
Gail Bates
Chuen-Chin Bianca Chang
Charles R. Dashiell Jr., Esq.
Jean C. Halle
Vermelle Greene, Ph.D.
Dr. Joan Mele-McCarthy
Rachel L. McCusker
Lori Morrow
Brigadier General Warner I. Sumpter (Ret.)
Holly C. Wilcox, Ph.D.
Merin Thomas (Student Member)
Governor’s Child Care Stabilization Grant Program August 3– August 29, 2022
Maryland State Department of Education | 2
Table of Contents
Program Description .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Name of Grant Program ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Authorization .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Dissemination ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Deadline ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Grant Period .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Funding Amount Available ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Estimated Number of Grants ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Grant Amount ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Submission Instructions ................................................................................................................................................ 5
State Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Program Contact ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Eligibility ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Funding Priorities ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Child Care Gap ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Social Vulnerability Index ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Sample Scenarios ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Use of Funds .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Application ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Application Review ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Payment Process ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Reporting Requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Non-Discrimination Statement ..................................................................................................................................... 13
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Maryland State Department of Education | 3
The General Education Provisions Act (GEPA), Section 427 ................................................................................. 13
Customer Service Support Sessions ............................................................................................................................ 13
Questions .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Grant Application Timeline ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Appendix ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Sample Online Application ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Direct Deposit Form ................................................................................................................................................... 14
W-9 Form ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Governor’s Child Care Stabilization Grant Program August 3– August 29, 2022
Maryland State Department of Education | 4
Program Description
On January 17, 2022, Governor Larry Hogan announced that the State of Maryland would provide an
additional $50 million in grant funding to support child care providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Maryland State Department of Education has administered two rounds of stabilization grants totaling
$285 million of federal funding. With federal funds exhausted, the governor is taking action in his Fiscal
Year 2023 budget to extend the program and provide additional relief to licensed child care providers.
Licensed child care providers can apply for a grant payment to cover expenses associated with providing
or preparing to provide child care during the COVID-19 pandemic. These expenses may be personnel
costs, rent or mortgage payments, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), mental health support for
children and employees, as well as prior expenses.
Governor’s Child Care Stabilization Grant Program
To address the hardships faced by child care providers and to address the instability of the child care
market as a whole.
House Bill 89
, “Child Care Stabilization Grants”
Senate Bill 480, “Child Care Stabilization Grants” fiscal and policy note
This Grant Information Guide (GIG) was released on August 3, 2022.
Applications are due no later than 11:59 p.m. on August 29, 2022.
August 3, 2022 December 31, 2022
$50 million
Grant amounts are determined on a formula-basis and are weighted according to priority area from
Governor’s Child Care Stabilization Grant Program August 3– August 29, 2022
Maryland State Department of Education | 5
Grant applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. August 29, 2022 through the online application
The MSDE is responsible for providing required information, data, documentation, and technical assistance
to facilitate the grantee’s performance of the work and will provide such additional assistance when
Andre Murray
Program Manager
(410) 767-0583
This funding opportunity is designed for all Maryland licensed child care providers. Applicants may be a
family home child care provider, a large family home child care provider, a child care center, or an
education program under a Letter of Compliance. It is not the intention of this program to fund the start-
up of new child care programs that are not yet operating.
To be eligible for a grant payment under this funding, applicants must meet both criteria listed below.
License / Regulation
My program was licensed or registered by the
Maryland State Department of Education on or
before May 1, 2022.
My program is open and available to provide
child care services as of the date of the
Applicants who received funding in previous rounds are still eligible to receive funding again in this round.
Applicants who own or operate more than one child care location must submit a separate application for
each site.
Additional information can be found on the Child Care Stabilization webpage
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Maryland State Department of Education | 6
Funding Priorities
Funding amounts for all eligible providers will be determined based on the following criteria:
Priority Funding Amount Per Licensed Child Care Slot and
Data Criteria
1. Stabilization Award for all Licensed Slots
$75 Every licensed slot, by provider, from a
snapshot count of May 2, 2022
2. Providers that have not received a stabilization
grant in a prior application cycle (HB89/SB480
$150 - W
hether or not a provider, by license
number and provider ID, had not received a
stabilization grant payment from the federal
childcare stabilization rounds one and two (in
Fiscal Year 2022)
3. Providers that participate in the Child Care
Scholarship Program (HB89/SB480 (b)(3))
- Whether or not a provider had received
child care scholarship payments in FY 22 through
at any time before May 2, 2022
4. Providers located in areas designated by the
State Department of Education as lacking child
care slots (HB89/SB480 (b)(4))
$75 -
Whether or not a provider is located in a
county with an above-median gap in supply and
need for licensed childcare slots, as measured by
the bipartisan policy center childcare gap
5. Providers that have a demonstrated financial
hardship that poses significant risk of the
provider’s business closing within the next 12
months (HB89/SB480 (b)(1)) AND providers
that serve primarily lowincome populations in
areas of high poverty (HB89/SB480 (b)(5))
$100 - Whether or not a provider's location has a
Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) value of greater
than 0.6. SVI is a proxy for both measures as the
CDC index represents "potential negative effects
on communities caused by external stresses on
human health" (e.g., disasters and global
pandemics). 13 measures comprise the index,
including community poverty, language spoken in a
home, local educational attainment, etc.)
6. Providers that serve children with special
needs (HB89/SB480 (b)(6))
$50 -
Whether or not a provider was eligible to
enroll children with an IEP or IFSP as of the
snapshot count of May 2, 2022
7. Providers that serve children 2 years old and
under (HB89/SB480 (b)(7))
$30 - Wh
ether or not a provider enrolled children
age two or under, as measured by whether or not
the provider was licensed for infants, as of the
May 2, 2022 data snapshot
For priority areas in #5, the MSDE will be using the Social Vulnerability Index score using the address of
the licensed child care site.
For the purpose of the grant award, MSDE determines eligibility in priority area #3 based on whether or
not a program has invoiced the MSDE for payment between January 1, 2022 and April 24, 2022.
Governor’s Child Care Stabilization Grant Program August 3– August 29, 2022
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See the Child Care Gap section below for more detailed information about the calculation method for the
child care gap priority (priority area #4).
The grant amount will differ for each provider depending on whether the provider meets one or more of
the priorities above.
The balance of any unutilized funds made available from providers not seeking a grant award will be
distributed to all grant-awarded providers evenly, per licensed slot.
The MSDE will use the number of licensed child care slots on record at the Division of Early Childhood
Education as of May 2, 2022 to calculate program funding amounts.
The Child Care Scholarship Program (formerly known as Child Care Subsidy) provides financial assistance
with child care costs to eligible working families in Maryland. For more information, visit the
Child Care
Scholarship program webpage.
For the purposes of the Governor’s Childcare Stabilization Grant, the MSDE designated an area as lacking
child care slots if it is below the median percentage of available slots to potential, eligible-aged students, as
identified in the Bipartisan Policy Institute’s Child Care Gaps Assessment of Maryland data, by county.
According to the Bipartisan Policy Institute, the childcare gap refers to:
The number of children who potentially need care but whose families cannot reasonably
access formal care by driving. Each census block groupthe census’s best available
household location estimatewas assigned a service area of a specific driving radius. It
was assumed that families with children five and under in a given block group could
reasonably access the child care facilities within their service area. Thus, potential child
care need within each block group was proportionally allocated to the child care providers
within each service area until all provider capacity was filled. Urban block groups were
assigned service areas with a 3.5-mile driving radius, while rural block groups were
assigned service areas with a 10-mile radius to reflect the distances parents in those
communities are willing to drive. This methodology enabled BPC to quantify the number
of children without access to child care by location. See the report for a detailed
explanation of the methodological decisions made in this analysis by visiting
the Child
Care Gaps Assessment webpage.
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The table below details the child care gap data, by Maryland county, the median gap for the state, and the
counties the MSDE designates as an area as lacking child care slots.
Jurisdiction Child Care Gap Gap
Median Gap Designated as an Area
Lacking Child Care Slots
1. Allegany
650 0.247 0.1455 Yes
2. Anne Arundel
5910 0.200 0.1455 Yes
3. Baltimore County
7660 0.185 0.1455 Yes
4. Calvert
140 0.033 0.1455 No
5. Caroline
0 0.000 0.1455 No
6. Carroll
1230 0.155 0.1455 Yes
7. Cecil
650 0.147 0.1455 Yes
8. Charles
920 0.121 0.1455 No
9. Dorchester
310 0.182 0.1455 Yes
10. Frederick
1320 0.109 0.1455 No
11. Garrett
330 0.342 0.1455 Yes
12. Harford
1920 0.150 0.1455 Yes
13. Howard
2490 0.155 0.1455 Yes
14. Kent
0 0.000 0.1455 No
15. Montgomery
8200 0.144 0.1455 No
16. Prince George's
7440 0.142 0.1455 No
17. Queen Anne's
1 0.000 0.1455 No
18. St. Mary's
73 0.013 0.1455 No
19. Somerset
110 0.139 0.1455 No
20. Talbot
0 0.000 0.1455 No
21. Washington
0 0.111 0.1455 No
22. Wicomico
950 0.171 0.1455 Yes
23. Worcester
660 0.329 0.1455 Yes
30. Baltimore City
6250 0.193 0.1455 Yes
Data obtained July 2022 through the Bipartisan Policy Center's Child Care Gaps Assessment
Governor’s Child Care Stabilization Grant Program August 3– August 29, 2022
Maryland State Department of Education | 9
For the purposes of the Governor’s Childcare Stabilization Grant, the MSDE designated an area According
to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “social vulnerability refers to the potential negative effects on
communities caused by external stresses on human health.” The Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) tracks
data by census tract and rates vulnerability on 15 key social and demographic indicators. “Census tracks
are subdivisions of counties and are ranked on 15 social factors including poverty, lack of vehicle access,
and crowded housing. Specifically, this measure uses (See Figure I below):
Providers can also visit Social Vulnerability Index webpage for more information and documentation about
the Social Vulnerability Index.
Source (obtained 05/12/2022) through the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry's Social Vulnerability
Governor’s Child Care Stabilization Grant Program August 3– August 29, 2022
Maryland State Department of Education | 10
A child care provider with 50 licensed slots who is in an area that lacks child care slots (Baltimore County),
serves a primarily low-income community AND was more likely to be severely and disproportionately
affected by the Pandemic, including related economic uncertainty and risk of closure (as measured via an
SVI score of .721) would receive:
50 slots X Base Award ($75) = $3,750
50 slots X child care desert ($75) = $3,750
50 slots X financial hardship/low-income community ($100) = $5,000
Total = $12,500
A child care family provider with 8 licensed slots is eligible to enroll students with IEPs or IFSPs, is licensed
for infants, and did not apply for or receive a federal stabilization grant award (stabilization round one
/two) would receive:
8 slots X Base Award ($75) = $600
8 slots X ability to enroll students with IEPs or IFSPs ($50) = $400
8 slots X first time stabilization grantee ($150) = $1,200
Total = $2,200
Use of Funds
Funds may be used for the following:
Personnel Costs Includes wages and benefits for child care program personnel; increases
in compensation for any staff in a child care center or family child care
providers and their employees; health, dental, and vision insurance;
scholarships; paid sick or family leave; retirement contributions; ongoing
professional development or training; premium or hazard pay; staff
bonuses; employee transportation costs to or from work; resources to
support staff in accessing COVID-19 vaccines, including paid time off for
vaccine appointments and to manage side effects, and transportation
costs to vaccine appointments
Rent/Mortgage, utilities,
facilities, maintenance, and
Late fees or charges related to late payment; facility improvements
including, but not limited to, building or upgrading playgrounds,
renovating bathrooms, installing railing, ramps, or automatic doors to
make the facility more accessible, removing non-load bearing walls to
create additional space for social distancing; maintenance and minor
renovations to address COVID19 concerns; improvements that make
child care programs inclusive and accessible to children with disabilities
and family members with disabilities are encouraged; refer to licensing
regulations to ensure compliance
Governor’s Child Care Stabilization Grant Program August 3– August 29, 2022
Maryland State Department of Education | 11
Personal protective
equipment, cleaning, and
other health and safety
Costs specifically in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency
and may include equipment, supplies, services, and training that support
meeting state and local health and safety guidelines, including those
related to the prevention and control of infection diseases, prevention of
sudden infant death syndrome and use of safe sleep practices,
administration of medication (consistent with standards for parental
consent), prevention and response to emergencies due to food and
allergic reactions, building and physical premises safety, prevention of
shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma and child maltreatment,
response planning for emergencies from a natural disaster or a man-
caused event, handling and storage of hazardous materials and the
appropriate disposal of bio contaminants, appropriate precautions in
transporting children, pediatric first-aid and CPR, and recognition and
reporting of child abuse and neglect
Equipment and supplies Purchase of or updates to equipment and supplies to respond to the
COVID-19 public health emergency. So long as the equipment and
supplies are in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, they
may include indoor and outdoor equipment and supplies that facilitate
business practices consistent with safety protocols and developmentally
appropriate practice, as well as business items needed to respond to new
challenges, such as business software and upgrades
Goods and services Includes any material good or service necessary for the operation of a
child care program; examples of goods are food and equipment and
materials to facilitate play, learning, eating, diapering and toileting, or safe
sleep; examples of services are business automation training and support
services, shared services, child care management services, food services,
and transportation; also includes fees associated with licensing and costs
associated with meeting licensing requirements
Mental health services To support the mental health of children and employees; for example,
infant and early childhood mental health consultation (IECMHC), an
evidence-based, prevention-based strategy that teams mental health
professionals with people who work with young children and their
families to improve their social, emotional, and behavioral health and
development in the settings where children learn and grow; the
wellbeing of caregivers is also important to stabilizing the child care
sector because the mental health and wellbeing of staff impacts training,
recruitment, and retention as well as the level of care provided to
children; mental health consultations for staff and other types of mental
health supports to staff are also allowable
Providers who wish to apply for a grant payment must do so through the Child Care Stabilization online
application. A sample application is provided in the appendix.
Application Review
The MSDE will begin processing grant applications on a rolling basis. Once an application is submitted, the
MSDE will review the application to confirm eligibility and match the provider to their respective award
amount (award amounts determined as per the formula described in this resource and in the grant
Governor’s Child Care Stabilization Grant Program August 3– August 29, 2022
Maryland State Department of Education | 12
If the application is complete and a provider is eligible, the MSDE will notify the provider of the award and
the award amount. If the application is incomplete or the MSDE records a provider as ineligible, the MSDE
will notify the provider and give the provider one week (7 calendar days) to resolve any identified issues.
Given the rolling basis of grant application review, the MSDE anticipates that it will complete the
processing of grants as early as the beginning of October 2022. The MSDE will complete all award
processing by October 28, 2022. This means: the MSDE will have submitted all awards to the Comptroller
for payment issuance on or by this date. After the MSDE sends payment information to the Comptroller
for processing, providers can expect to receive funds from the state 3-4 business days for ACH (direct
deposit) payment or within 30 days for checks sent via regular mail. Please note that post office delays can
result in further time between payment processing and check receipt.
Scenario 1
A provider submits their application on August 29, the final day of the application window, but it is
incomplete the provider accidentally attached the incorrect file when attempting to load a digital copy of
their license. The MSDE reviews application and documentation and responds on August 29, requesting
that the corrected information be provided within 7 calendar days. On September 2, the provider sends in
the updated file. The additional information is reviewed by the MSDE by September 7. The MSDE then
begins its internal accounting processes and completes its accounting on September 19. The MSDE sends
the payment information to the Comptroller to be processed on September 26. The provider chose to
receive funds as a direct deposit, which is processed, and funds arrive in the provider’s bank account
around 3-4 business days after September 26.
Scenario 2
A provider submits their application on August 11 the application is complete and all documents are
correct. The MSDE reviews the application and notifies the provider of award on August 20. The MSDE
then begins its internal accounting processes and completes its accounting in early September. The MSDE
sends the payment information to the Comptroller who issues a check to the provider and mails the check
via USPS few weeks later (depending upon USPS delivery times).
Payment Process
Grant funds will be disbursed in one payment on a rolling basis. Providers can indicate how they wish to
receive payments (direct deposit or check via USPS) at the end of the grant application.
Direct Deposit
If you were awarded a grant payment during the first round, you are still at the same address, you are
operating under the same license, and you received your payment through direct deposit, then the MSDE
already has your direct deposit information.
If not, and you would like to receive your grant payment through direct deposit, then you must complete a
Direct Deposit form and send it via mail or fax to the Comptroller’s Office, which triggers a identity-
identification process. Please allow 14 days from the date of verification for the Comptroller’s Office to
process your request.
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Maryland State Department of Education | 13
Check via USPS
If you elect to have payment sent as a check via USPS, the check will be mailed to the physical address
provided in the application. Checks sent via USPS will arrive later than payments sent by direct deposit.
MSDE is unable to provide tracking and delivery information for payments sent through USPS.
Reporting Requirements
Use of the grant funds is subject to audit. If grant funds are not spent on Allowable Expenses, or are
otherwise misused, you may be required to pay those funds back. Be sure to keep accurate and complete
accounting records.
Non-Discrimination Statement
The Maryland State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of age, ancestry/national
origin, color, disability, gender identity/expression, marital status, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation
in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs and activities and provides equal
access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. For inquiries related to Department policy,
please contact:
Equity Assurance and Compliance Office
Office of the Deputy State Superintendent for Operations
Maryland State Department of Education
200 W. Baltimore Street - 2nd Floor Baltimore, Maryland 21201-2595 410-767-0123 - voice
410-767-0431 - fax
410-333-6442 - TTY/TDD
The General Education Provisions Act (GEPA), Section 427
Each application must develop and describe the steps the applicant proposes to take to ensure equitable
access to, and equitable participation in, the project or activity to be conducted with such assistance, by
addressing the special needs of students, teachers, and other program beneficiaries in order to overcome
barriers to equitable participation.
Customer Service Support Sessions
The MSDE will hold several customer service support sessions for interested applicants. During these
sessions, MSDE personnel will review what applicants need to get started and walk through the online
application, as well as answer any questions participants may have. To register for a session, click on a date
Tuesday, August 9 from 1:00 -2:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 11 from 6:00 -7:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 13 10:00 -11:00 a.m.
Monday, August 15 from 1:00 -2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 16 from 6:00 -7:00 p.m.
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Maryland State Department of Education | 14
If you have questions about the application or the program, you can contact MSDE staff via:
FORM: Complete this online inquiry form
PHONE: 1-855-476-5010
A customer service specialist will respond to all inquiries within 24 hours or the next business day and a
list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) and answers will be posted to the
Child Care Stabilization
webpage following customer service support sessions.
Grant Application Timeline
This funding opportunity, including all attachments and updates, are found on the Child Care Stabilization
Program Milestone
August 3, 2022 The Grant Information Guide and the application are released
August 9 from 1-2pm
August 11 from 6-7pm
August 13 from 10-11am
August 15 from 1-2pm
August 16 from 6-7pm
The MSDE will hold virtual customer service support sessions for
interested providers
August 29, 2022 The grant application period closes
8/2/22, 8:21 AM
Qualtrics Survey Software
Welcome to the Governor's Child Care Stabilization Program round 3
The State of Maryland is providing additional funding to support child
care providers during the pandemic. Grant funds can be used to cover
expenses associated with providing, or preparing to provide, child care
during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as personnel costs, rent or
mortgage payments, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), mental
health support for children and employees, as well as prior expenses.
We hope that this streamlined application process will make it easier for
providers to apply for funding. Please note that applicants who operate
more than one child care location must submit separate applications for
each site. All applications are due by Monday, August 29, 2022 at 11:59
Center Info
Please provide the name, license number, address, and phone number
of your child care program.
Note: For programs with multiple locations, a separate online application
must be completed for each location.
Child Care Program
8/2/22, 8:21 AM
Qualtrics Survey Software
Name (as printed on
your license or
Child Care License
Number (Example
Provided Below)
Provider Identification
Number (Example
Provided Below)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2 (for
apartment or suite
number. If this does not
apply, write n/a)
Zip Code
Phone Number
8/2/22, 8:21 AM
Qualtrics Survey Software
8/2/22, 8:21 AM
Qualtrics Survey Software
Please provide the name and contact information for your child care
Block 7
Upload an updated W-9 form from the provided link.
Complete, sign, and upload the documents. Grant recipients must have
a W-9 on file to receive a grant. Applicants will not be able to move
forward with their application without uploading an updated W-9 form.
To be eligible for funding through this round of Child Care Stabilization
Grants, child care programs must meet two criteria. Please affirm that
the two requirements below are true.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
8/2/22, 8:21 AM
Qualtrics Survey Software
My child care program was licensed or registered by the Maryland State
Department of Education on or before May 2, 2022.
My program is available to provide child care services on the date of this
Based upon the information you have provided, you are not eligible for
this round of Child Care Stabilization Grants. We thank you for your
time. If you believe that you are eligible and have reached this screen in
error, you may resubmit your application with corrected information.
Additionally, please review the Child Care Stabilization Grants
information guide for clarifications on eligibility and you may
contact the
MSDE with any questions or concerns.
Does your child care program serve children who come from homes
where English is not the primary spoken language?
Note: This question is for information purposes and will not affect
8/2/22, 8:21 AM
Qualtrics Survey Software
Powered by Qualtrics
eligibility for Child Care Stabilization Grants nor the quantity of funds
received. This information is purely for data collection purposes in order
to enable the MSDE to better serve this population with future programs
and initiatives.
I agree to the terms and conditions associated with opening and
operating safety amidst the COVID-19 pandemic:
Prefer not to answer
I understand that I must have a current child care center license, letter of compliance, family
child care certificate of registration or large family certification of registration.
I agree to notify a licensing specialist and the local health department (LHD) if there are any
children, family members, or staff with symptoms of COVID-19 and/or they receive a positive
test result. I also agree to follow all guidance given by the LHD and the regional licensing office.
I agree to follow all guidance on the MSDE website as it relates to this grant.
I agree to report all suspected cases and/or positive cases of COVID-19 to the local health
department and the licensing specialist and I will follow all closing guidance given.
I understand that not reporting suspected cases and/or positive cases of COVID-19 to the local
health department and the OCC licensing office could result in an action taken against my
program that may include sanctions, emergency suspension, and revocation.