Oracle® Fusion Cloud EPM
Creating and Managing Report Packages for
Narrative Reporting
Oracle Fusion Cloud EPM Creating and Managing Report Packages for Narrative Reporting,
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Creating and Running an EPM Center of Excellence
Overview of Report Packages
Learning About Report Packages 2-1
Why Use a Report Package? 2-1
What is a Report Package? 2-2
Report Package Components 2-3
Author Phase 2-5
Review Phase 2-7
Sign Off Phase 2-8
Report Package Design Considerations
Working with the Style Sample 3-1
Determining Development Phases 3-6
Identifying Doclets 3-7
Understanding Style Sample
Style Sample Overview 4-1
Uploading the Style Sample Document 4-3
Style Sample FAQs 4-6
Creating Report Packages
Creating the Report Package Structure 5-1
Specifying the Header, Footer, and Margins for PDF-based Report Packages 5-7
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content 5-11
Adding Doclets 5-12
Adding Supplemental Doclets 5-20
Adding Excel Content to a Reference Doclet 5-22
Adding a Management Report to a Reference Doclet 5-24
Adding an Automatic Table of Contents 5-27
Using Microsoft Word Styles for Heading Numbering across Doclets 5-28
Adding Sections 5-31
Managing Report Packages
Navigating the Report Center 6-1
Editing Properties 6-7
Managing the Author Phase 6-10
Managing the Review Phase 6-15
Managing the Sign Off Phase 6-20
Marking a Report Package Final 6-22
Publishing the Report Package and Deleting Working Papers 6-23
Distributing Report Package Content
Distribution Overview 7-1
Creating and Managing Distributions 7-2
Assigning Access to Distributions 7-4
Viewing Distributions 7-7
Working with the Sample Report Package
Sample Report Package Content 8-1
Sample Word Report Package 8-1
Sample PowerPoint Report Package 8-6
Sample PDF Report Package 8-10
Opening the Report Package 8-13
Working with the Report Center 8-14
Editing Report Packages 8-15
Working with the Style Sample Document 8-20
Working with Development Phases 8-25
Installing Samples
Creating and Learning About Reports
Overview of Smart View
Learning About Smart View 11-1
Overview of the Library
Learning About the Library 12-1
How to use the Library 12-2
Learning About the Navigation and Content Panes 12-4
Using Locator Links 12-6
Using the Action Menus 12-6
Making a copy of an existing Report Package 12-6
Moving a Report Package 12-7
Using the Create Menus 12-8
Working with Connections and Remote Libraries 12-8
Accessing other Users Libraries 12-14
Setting Default Views for Content Pane Folders and Artifacts 12-15
Using Audits 12-16
Searching the Library 12-16
Creating Artifacts in the Library 12-17
Organizing and Maintaining the Library 12-18
Taking Actions for Report Packages, Reports, and Applications 12-19
Migrating Folders and Artifacts 12-21
Inspecting Folders and Artifacts 12-22
Copying a URL to Clipboard 12-23
Migrating Artifacts
Migrating Artifacts from One Environment to Another Environment 13-1
Exporting and Downloading Artifacts Using the Library 13-2
Importing Artifacts into the New Environment Using the Library 13-2
Migrating Artifacts within the Same Environment 13-3
Performing an Audit
Creating a System Audit 14-2
Creating an Artifact or Folder Audit 14-6
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Creating and Running an EPM Center of
A best practice for EPM is to create a CoE (Center of Excellence).
An EPM CoE is a unified effort to ensure adoption and best practices. It drives transformation
in business processes related to performance management and the use of technology-
enabled solutions.
Cloud adoption can empower your organization to improve business agility and promote
innovative solutions. An EPM CoE oversees your cloud initiative, and it can help protect and
maintain your investment and promote effective use.
The EPM CoE team:
Ensures cloud adoption, helping your organization get the most out of your Cloud EPM
Serves as a steering committee for best practices
Leads EPM-related change management initiatives and drives transformation
All customers can benefit from an EPM CoE, including customers who have already
implemented EPM.
How Do I Get Started?
Click to get best practices, guidance, and strategies for your own EPM CoE: Introduction to
EPM Center of Excellence.
Learn More
Watch the Cloud Customer Connect webinar: Creating and Running a Center of
Excellence (CoE) for Cloud EPM
Watch the videos: Overview: EPM Center of Excellence and Creating a Center of
See the business benefits and value proposition of an EPM CoE in Creating and Running
an EPM Center of Excellence.
Chapter 1
Overview of Report Packages
Related Topics
Learning About Report Packages
Report packages provide a secure, collaborative, and process driven approach for
defining, authoring, reviewing and publishing financial, management and regulatory
Why Use a Report Package?
Report packages enables you manage the lifecycle of your deliverable, such as:
Gathering information, reviewing it for accuracy, and Presenting it are key to business.
What is a Report Package?
With report packages, you can structure the content of your report, assign responsibilities
to content creators and reviewers, and manage their collaboration and workflow to
produce a unified document.
Report Package Components
A report package is made up of several components:
Learning About Report Packages
Report packages provide a secure, collaborative, and process driven approach for defining,
authoring, reviewing and publishing financial, management and regulatory reports.
But what is a report package? Why would you use one? And how do they work? The
following topics provide answers to these questions:
Why Use a Report Package?
What is a Report Package?
Report Package Components
Author Phase
Review Phase
Sign Off Phase
See these videos -
Overview: Report Package Part 1 in Narrative Reporting
Overview: Report Package Part 2 in Narrative Reporting.
Why Use a Report Package?
Report packages enables you manage the lifecycle of your deliverable, such as: Gathering
information, reviewing it for accuracy, and Presenting it are key to business.
Financial reporting is a critical function in most companies. Reports can be internal, for board
packages, management updates, or quarterly updates. Or they can be external, such as
statutory, regulatory, filing, or annual reports. For any report, gathering information,
reviewing it for accuracy, and presenting it are key to businesses.
Creating reports is easy with one author and no review, but having multiple authors
working on a report can be more complicated. Do all of the authors have the current
version? How do you merge changes from multiple authors into a single document?
As you add content creators, keeping everyone organized becomes more challenging.
The situation becomes even more difficult with several authors, multiple reviewers—
each of whom might be responsible for different sections, and multiple signers who
provides final sign off on the whole report. How do you keep all of your authors,
approvers, reviewers, and signers organized? How do you handle versioning and
manage workflow? Coordinating stakeholders by email can be daunting.
A better way to organize and produce a collaborative report is by using a report
Other use cases for a Report Package include producing disclosure management-
focused deliverables (such as a 10K or 10Q) that can then be subsequently handed off
to your preferred XBRL tagging vendor or publisher for finalization.
What is a Report Package?
With report packages, you can structure the content of your report, assign
responsibilities to content creators and reviewers, and manage their collaboration and
workflow to produce a unified document.
Use report packages to create, for example, internal Reports that may require some
level of collaboration to develop, but may not undergo a highly intensive review. Or,
you can create external reports that require a high level of scrutiny, multiple reviews,
and significant process management.
Report packages help you manage the lifecycle of your deliverables. With them, you
Chapter 2
What is a Report Package?
Assign content to multiple authors, who each contribute individual pieces of the report
Gather comments from multiple reviewers
Provide an electronic sign off on the completed report
Manage the report lifecycle by providing notifications to users, managing the workflow,
and coordinating the processes
Combine data points with textual narrative
Secure and control access to the report content, enabling users to see only the content
that they are permitted to see at the time that they are permitted to see it
Next, let’s look at some key components of a report package.
- Complete this Learning Path for a hands-on Narrative Reporting Basics: Report
Packages and Doclets.
Report Package Components
A report package is made up of several components:
Doclets are individual pieces of a report that can be assigned out to authors to provide
the content.
Optional: Supplemental doclets are managed exactly the same way as a doclet, with
respect to workflow and content management, except that the content of the files is not
merged into the report package.
Reference Doclets are managed exactly the same way as a doclet, with respect to
workflow and content management, except that the content of the files is not merged into
the report package.
Sections help group and organize doclets in a report package.
Development phases enable you to select which of three phases you require for your
development: an author, review, and sign off phase.
A core feature of report packages is the ability to break down a report into subcomponents
called doclets. What makes up a doclet varies, depending on the type of report that you are
creating. For example, a sales report might have separate doclets for each geographical
region, and a financial disclosure might have doclets for each of the various financial
statements, tax statements, and notes.
Alternatively, if one person is responsible for all of the income statement information in a
report, for example, those income statement documents can be all classified as a single
doclet. How you define a doclet is completely up to you. See "Identifying Doclets" in Report
Package Design Considerations.
Chapter 2
Report Package Components
After you identify the doclets in a report, you assign them to authors, who provide
content. For example, in a report that breaks down revenue by categories, you can
have doclets for services, hardware, and software licenses. Then, you could assign
each doclet to the management team in charge of that category.
Supplemental Doclets
Supplemental documents such as procedures, instructions, reference material, and so
on, can be uploaded into a report package as a supplemental doclet. Supplemental
documents can be any type of document file (for example, PDF, Excel, Word, and so
on). As the content for supplemental doclets is not included within the merged report,
these doclets are excluded from the review and sign off processes. The supplemental
doclet contents cannot be viewed online, but users can download and use native
programs to open the supplemental doclet in the same way that you can work with
third party artifacts in the library.
See this video also
Managing Supplemental Doclets in Narrative Reporting.
Reference Doclets
A Reference doclet can be used as a container to store contents such as named
ranges from an Excel file or charts and graphs created from Reports, see Adding a
Report to a Reference Doclet and consumed by one or more regular doclets (non-
The file content for Reference doclets is not directly included in any report package
outputs, such as preview, publish, review instances or signoff instances. However,
embedded content within a consuming doclet is displayed as part of the report
package outputs - even though the actual reference doclet is not directly merged in the
outputs. Reference doclets can participate in the author phase, but not in the review or
signoff phases.
Sections enable you to group doclets for organization, or to keep doclets together that
have a common format or are intended for a common viewership. For example, you
can group all financial statements in a financial disclosure report into one section.
Chapter 2
Report Package Components
Doing so provides a filtered view of only those doclets to the reviewers assigned to that
Development Phases
Report package development occurs in three phases:
Author phase—Compile the various report content and supporting details together into a
cohesive report package.
Review phase—Gather commentary on multiple draft versions and revise the report
content accordingly.
Sign Off phase—Gather electronic signatures from key constituents and secure report
contents to prevent modifications.
You decide which development phases your report requires. If the report content is going to
be provided primarily by one or two people, then you may not need an author phase. If your
report is being developed for a small group of internal stakeholders and not a public
audience, then you may not need a review phase. You can tailor the development phases to
the type of report that you need. See "Determining Development Phases" in Report Package
Design Considerations.
Lets’s look at these development phases in a little more detail.
Author Phase
Chapter 2
Report Package Components
In the author phase, authors and approvers work with doclets to add content to a
report package. Authors provide content, and approvers review and edit the content.
Benefits of the author phase include:
Content Management
Content management allows users to check doclets in and out of a central repository,
ensuring that only one user at a time is updating a doclet. It also provides for version
control. When a user checks in an updated version of a doclet, the previous version is
automatically stored. Previous versions can be easily accessed for comparison. Users
can store versions that they're still working on and can check versions in when they're
ready for others to access them.
Doclet versioning has been optimized to minimize the impact of multiple
automated check-ins. When multiple automated check-ins are performed on
the doclet due to variable or embedded content changes, the system will
update the doclet contents but will not generate a new version.
Flexible Workflow
Workflow enables doclet content to be developed collaboratively. An author can
update the doclet, and an approver can review and edit the content. You can set up
multiple levels of approvals, and the number of approval levels can vary per doclet.
For example, a doclet containing an introductory statement may not require an
approval, and a doclet containing revenue information may require multiple approval
Using workflow, users scheduled for later in the review process can take control of a
doclet sooner. For example, if a doclet is assigned to an author, an approver or the
owner of the report package can take action on the doclet without waiting for the doclet
author. This flexibility eliminates bottlenecks and speeds up content development.
Chapter 2
Report Package Components
Process Reporting
Process reporting enables you to view the author phase status on two levels:
Summary level—Provides statuses for the entire author phase, such as the overall
completion percentage of the author phase, a summary of the status of all the doclets,
and the due date and time remaining for the author phase.
Doclet level—Provides the status for each individual doclet, the current responsibility,
and whether the doclet is checked in or out. You can also tell at a glance the workflow
level of the doclets, including the user assignments and the due dates by user.
Review Phase
In the review phase, reviewers provide feedback, ask questions, and recommend changes.
Benefits of the review phase include:
Multiple Review Cycles
In the review phase, multiple reviewers can review different versions of the report. For
example, managers could review the first draft of the report, executives can review the
second draft, and top management can review the third.
You can vary the review assignments by area. A user can be assigned to review the entire
report, a section of the report, or a doclet.
Threaded Commentary
Reviewers provide feedback by commenting on different areas of the report. These
comments are threaded so other reviewers can participate in the discussion. Reviewers can
provide attachments or links to their comments to provide supporting details. Reviewers can
close comments after the outstanding issue is addressed.
Chapter 2
Report Package Components
Comments persist across review cycles in context, so that reviewers can see
how comments are addressed in subsequent drafts.
Multiple Platforms
You can comment on reports in these ways:
Desktop or mobile web browser
Microsoft Office, through Oracle Smart View for Office
Process Reporting
Process reporting enables the report package owner to view the review phase status
on two levels:
Summary level—Provides statuses for the entire review phase, such as the
overall completion percentage of the review phase, the number and percentage of
reviews completed, the number of open comments, and the due date and time
remaining for the review phase.
Doclet level—Provides review status for each doclet, such as the reviews
completed per doclet and the number of open and closed comments raised for
each doclet.
Sign Off Phase
The Sign Off phase enables you to finalize your report content and get sign off from
your key stakeholders.
Benefits of the sign off phase include:
Chapter 2
Report Package Components
Locked Content
In the sign off phase, you lock your report to prevent changes. The report signers review the
final report and either sign off or reject the report content. If the report is rejected, the report
package owner can unlock and correct the report content. If the report is signed off, the
process is complete, and the report is ready for publication.
Multiple Platforms
You can provide sign off in these ways:
Desktop or mobile web browser
Microsoft Office, through Oracle Smart View for Office
Process Reporting
Report package owners can view a summary of the sign off phase. The summary can include
completion percentage, number of sign offs and rejections, due date, and days remaining, as
well as who signed off and any sign off notes.
Chapter 2
Report Package Components
Report Package Design Considerations
As a report package owner, you must make several decisions when you design and create a
report package:
What will the report package look like? Does the Narrative Reporting report need to look
and feel like an existing report? See Working with the Style Sample.
Which development phases do you need? See Determining Development Phases.
What’s the most efficient way to divide your report into doclets? See Identifying Doclets.
Answering these questions will help you create a report package tailored to your needs.
Working with the Style Sample
The report package style sample determines the look and feel of a report. For Word-based
report packages, you begin creating a report by creating the style sample document in
Microsoft Word that contains all of the page settings and styles for your report. For
PowerPoint-based report packages, you create a PowerPoint file that contains the slide
masters and slide layouts that you want your report to have. If you are creating a report
package to produce an existing report or presentation, your goal should be to replicate the
look and layout of that report or presentation. See Understand Style Samples.
For PDF-based report packages, you do not upload a style sample document.
Instead, you specify the header, footer, and margin information when you create the
report package. See Specifying the Header, Footer, and Margins for PDF-based
Report Packages.
Let’s look at an existing report to see how to create a style sample document from it.
Sample pages:
Chapter 3
Working with the Style Sample
Chapter 3
Working with the Style Sample
Notice that the pages share common elements:
The header contains the company name, and there is a decorative footer with a
page number on each page
Text outside of tables is formatted in a single column with common margins
The pages are letter size (8.5 inches by 11 inches or 215.9 by 279.4 mm) and are
all in portrait orientation
The style sample document ensures that all of the pages in the report will share these
common characteristics. However, if you were to simply upload the entire existing
report as the style sample document, it might impact the system performance. You
should upload a document that contains only enough style information to set the style
sample, without additional text. One way to do that is to delete all but a representative
page from the original report to use as the style sample document. This document
should contain the elements that you want your final report to include. The following
image shows a single page from the full report that can be used as a style sample.
Chapter 3
Working with the Style Sample
This page contains all of the style elements that we want to include in the final report:
Page header and footer, including page number
Two levels of section heading (Heading 1 and Heading 2) formatted with numbers (see
Important note, below)
Paragraph text
For Word-based report packages, if your report contains any styles that have been
modified from their default values in Microsoft Word, you must include an example
of the styles in the style sample document so that they can be integrated into the
report package style sample and made available for all doclets in the report
package. In the example above, Heading 1 and Heading 2 have been modified from
their default values in Word to include numbers. You must create examples of
Heading 1 and Heading 2 in the document, as above, so that the changes are
retained in the style sample document. See Understand Style Samples.
Chapter 3
Working with the Style Sample
After you create the style sample document, and upload it to the report package (see
Create Report Packages), add some doclets and then use the Preview tab to
see how the merged doclets look with the style sample applied to them. You may have
to adjust the style sample document to get the doclets to display correctly.
From the Preview tab, you can also download a preview version of the entire report,
doclet, or section by selecting , and then Download Preview. You
can download the preview in Word or PowerPoint, in PDF format.
You can also preview an individual doclet or a section. A doclet approver could view
and review the doclet contents from the web and then approve or reject the doclet
without having to download the document. The same applies for a section. The
preview would include all section contents merged into a single document.
To preview and approve or reject a doclet or section without having to download:
1. From the , select the doclet or section to preview.
2. Select , Doclet Actions next to the doclet to preview or Section Actions next
to the section to preview then Preview. You are automatically taken to the .
Determining Development Phases
After you have created and uploaded a style sample document, you determine what
development phases your report requires. Narrative Reporting provides three phases
of development for report packages:
Enables you to collaborate to develop the report content and supporting details
Allows you to gather commentary on multiple draft versions and to revise the report
content as needed
Sign Off
Provides the ability to secure report content to prevent further modifications and to
gather sign offs from key constituents
When you create the report package, you enable the development phases that your
report requires. You also set the timelines for each phase. Let’s look at some common
business needs for each phase.
Do I need an author phase?
The development process for report content can range from centralized, meaning a
single or small group of authors contribute content, to distributed, meaning the content
is divided across multiple users who each contribute individual pieces of the report.
The more distributed your development process, the more your report package would
benefit from workflow and version control, and thus an author phase.
Chapter 3
Determining Development Phases
Do I need a review phase?
Some reports don’t require an extensive review process, while others benefit from an added
layer of scrutiny. Ask yourself the following questions to help determine if your report needs a
review phase.
Is my report intended for an external audience? These types of reports generally require
an extensive review phase to ensure that all of the information that is presented to the
public is accurate.
Was my report content created by multiple authors? Reports content that was added by
several people can benefit from a review to make sure that the information is being
presented consistently.
Does my report contain a lot of financial data or other numeric content? It is a good idea
to have someone double-check report data to make sure that the numbers are accurate.
In general, review cycles help to ensure both accuracy and consistency. The more your report
depends on these attributes, the more it will benefit from a review phase.
Do I need a sign off phase?
Reports that require a finalized and approved version for publishing that prevents any further
changes to the content will benefit from a sign off phase. For example, most reports that are
intended for external consumption require a sign off from key stakeholders.
Identifying Doclets
After you have completed the report package creation wizard, the next step is to identify the
portions of your report that will become doclets. Doclets are individual pieces of a report that
are assigned out to authors to provide the content. There are different strategies for dividing a
report into doclets. Let’s look at the components of the report that we want to create a report
package for and then examine how to use the different strategies to break it into doclets. We
will use the Word-based sample report package that comes with Narrative Reporting. See
Work with the Sample Report Package.
Our sample report has the following components:
Chapter 3
Identifying Doclets
Cover Page
Chapter 3
Identifying Doclets
Table of Contents
Chapter 3
Identifying Doclets
Income Statement
Chapter 3
Identifying Doclets
Balance Sheet
Chapter 3
Identifying Doclets
Chapter 3
Identifying Doclets
Chapter 3
Identifying Doclets
Backlog and Delivery
Let’s examine some different strategies for breaking this report into doclets.
Dividing by Table of Contents
The simplest way to divide the report is by creating a doclet for each element in the
Table of Contents:
Chapter 3
Identifying Doclets
This method is simple and easy to track, and it enables your authors to work on each discrete
element and submit them separately. But it may not be the most efficient method of dividing
the report.
Dividing by Roles
You can also divide your report by roles. If an area of your report will be authored or approved
by one person, you can create a single doclet for that area. In the figure above, notice that
three authors are responsible for the seven doclets.
Adam is responsible for the cover page and the table of contents
Annie is responsible for all of the financial statements
Peter is responsible for the statements of metrics
This means that although Annie is responsible for all of the financial statements, because
they are each separate doclets she has to work on and submit each financial statement
separately. For example, she completes and submits the revenue report, then the balance
sheet, and then the notes. If there is a common approver for these statements (a head of
Finance, for example), the approver must also open and approve three separate doclets. In
this case, a more efficient way to divide the report is by common authorship. In the figure
below, Adam works on one doclet for the cover page and table of contents, Annie works on a
doclet that contains all of the financial statements, and Peter works on a doclet for the
Chapter 3
Identifying Doclets
You can also divide doclets by reviewer. For example, if Annie authors all of the
financial statements, but the income statement will be reviewed by one group and the
balance sheet by another, you can create one doclet for the income statement and a
second doclet for balance sheet so that the reviewer groups can each be assigned
access to the appropriate area.
Dividing by Timeline
You can also divide a report into doclets based on when the doclets are available to be
worked on. A report may pull together information from different departments, and
those departments may provide that information on different schedules. This can mean
that each area of your report can be worked on at different times. For example:
The cover page can be worked on at any time
The income statement and balance sheet will be ready on March 6
The notes and metrics will be complete on March 10
The backlog statement will be ready on March 13
The table of contents cannot be prepared until all of the other sections are
If you create a single doclet for Annie, who is responsible for the financial statements
and notes, she would be unable to submit any of her work until she completes the
notes section on March 10, even if she has finished her work on the income statement
and balance sheet on March 6. In this case, a better way to divide the report is by
Chapter 3
Identifying Doclets
This method enables authors to work on doclet content when the content becomes available,
instead of waiting until all of the content that they are responsible for is ready.
Chapter 3
Identifying Doclets
Understanding Style Sample
The style sample ensures that your report has a uniform and consistent look. This topic will
help you understand what the style sample document is and how to use it. You may also refer
to these videos for an understanding of style samples:
Working with Microsoft Word Style Samples.
Working with Microsoft PowerPoint Style Samples
This topic covers:
Style Sample Overview
Uploading the Style Sample Document
Style Sample FAQs
Style Sample Overview
When a report package owner creates a Microsoft Word or PowerPoint-based report
package, the owner uploads a style sample document that contains the page attributes that
the final report should have, such as margins, numbering, alignment, headers and footers,
and orientation and size. For Word-based report packages, the report package owner
uploads a Word document with the desired page settings. For PowerPoint-based report
packages, the report package owner uploads a PowerPoint document with the slide masters
and slide layouts that contain the desired settings.
PDF-based report packages do not use a style sample document. Instead, the
report package owner specifies header and footer information and margin sizes
when they create the report package.
As individual doclets are uploaded to the report package, the system applies the page
settings or the slide master to each of them so that the final report is uniform and consistent.
For supplemental doclets, content is not merged into the report package. Therefore,
the report package style sample document is not applied to the contents of the
supplemental doclet. In addition, there is no comparison with the style sample
document during the upload process and no attributes are shown within the edit
doclet page. See Supplemental Doclets for more information.
In this example, the original doclets look very different from one another:
One doclet has a "Confidential — Internal" header.
One doclet is in landscape format.
None of the doclets has company headers or footers.
None of the doclets has numbered pages.
When the doclets are uploaded to the report package, the style sample is applied,
giving all of them the same features:
The style sample document controls doclet look and feel, ensuring uniformity among
Chapter 4
Style Sample Overview
Report package owners and doclet authors can override the report package style
sample attributes with the attributes from their doclets when they upload the doclets
to the report package. This allows a doclet or a section to have a distinct look that
differentiates it from the rest of the report. For example, the report package owner
can add a group of doclets, such as a series of tables, that have custom headers
and footers. When the doclets are added to the report package, the report package
owner overrides the header and footer page settings so that the custom headers
and footers in the doclets are preserved. Or, if the report package style sample
page orientation is in Portrait mode but a doclet contains a chart that displays better
in Landscape mode, the doclet author can override the report package page setting
to preserve the doclet page orientation. For Word-based doclets, doclet authors
select doclet attributes to override. For PowerPoint-based doclets, doclet authors
select the slide masters to use. See "Selecting Doclet Attributes" or "Working with
Slide Masters" in the "Authoring Doclets on the Web" section of Author and Approve
Doclets on the Web.
It's recommended not to use the styles with Names or Alias Names that include
Uploading the Style Sample Document
Before creating a Microsoft Word or PowerPoint-based report package, the report package
owner should create a simple document to use as the style sample document. The document
must be a Microsoft Word DOCX file (for Word-based report packages) or a Microsoft
PowerPoint PPTX file (for PowerPoint-based report packages), and it should contain all style
attributes that the final report package report contains, including margins, page orientation
and size, page numbering format, and company headers and footers. For PDF-based report
packages, you do not upload a style sample document. Instead, you specify header and
footer information and margin sizes when you create the report package.
After creating the document, the report package owner must upload it from a local drive to the
Uploading a large file as your style sample document can affect the system
performance when adding doclets. Use a small style sample document whenever
possible. Oracle does not recommend uploading a previous version of a report or
presentation as a style sample document.
To upload a style sample document
1. In the creation wizard, in Enter Properties, in Style Sample, click Browse.
Chapter 4
Uploading the Style Sample Document
2. Select either Local or Library.
You can select the style sample that can be either sourced from Local or Library
file options.
3. Browse to your Word or PowerPoint style sample document, select it, and then
click Open to upload it.
Chapter 4
Uploading the Style Sample Document
4. Optional: To change the style sample document, click Update, and then upload a new
style sample document.
5. Optional: For PowerPoint style samples, click Slide Masters to view the slide masters
that were uploaded.
Chapter 4
Uploading the Style Sample Document
Style Sample FAQs
Microsoft Word-based Style Sample FAQs
My style sample document has a custom style. Will that style be preserved in the
report package?
Yes. If your report package style sample document has a custom style, the style is
preserved and can be used in any doclets in your report package, as long as you
include an example of the custom style in the document. For example, if your report
package style sample document has a custom style called "Headline", enter text in the
Headline style in your sample document before you upload the style sample to ensure
that any doclets that authors download can also use the Headline style.
My doclet has a custom style. Will that style be preserved in the report package?
If an individual doclet has a custom style that is not included in the report package
style sample document, the style is preserved only for that doclet. Any other doclets in
the report package will not have that style available to them. For example, if your
doclet has a custom style called "Section Header", but the report package style sample
does not, that doclet can use the "Section Header" style but no other doclet can. To
make the custom style available to all doclets in the report package, add the custom
style to the report package style sample document and upload the style sample again.
My style sample document contains a style that I have modified from Microsoft
Word’s default style. Will the style be preserved in the report package?
If you have modified one of Microsoft Word’s default styles, you must create an
example of that style within your document in order for the modified style to be
preserved. For example, you have changed Heading 1 and Heading 2 to include
numbers in your style sample document. If you were to upload the style sample
document without using those headers somewhere within the document, the system
would override the changes with Word’s default Heading 1 and Heading 2. You must
create an example of Heading 1 and Heading 2 in the document in order for the
changes to be preserved.
When I uploaded a doclet, the beginning text from my doclet was merged into
the ending text from the preceding doclet. How do I ensure that my doclet
begins on a new page?
By default, a doclet gets merged with the preceding doclet without a page break
between them. This occurs because doclets can be defined at the paragraph level,
and multiple doclets can appear as one page in the final report. If you want to force a
Chapter 4
Style Sample FAQs
doclet to begin on a new page, you must insert a page break at the beginning of the doclet in
Microsoft Word before you upload it to the report package.
Similarly, to ensure that the text from another doclet is not appended to the end of your doclet
text, insert a page break at the end of your doclet before you upload it to the report package.
You can also insert a page break to ensure that a doclet in Landscape orientation
does not get merged into a doclet in Portrait orientation. By default, the style sample
will ensure that all pages have the same orientation, but a doclet author can
override the style sample setting. Use page breaks to ensure that pages with
different orientations do not get merged together.
My doclet has multiple section breaks. Does the style sample get applied to each
If your doclet has multiple section breaks in Microsoft Word, when you upload it, the style
sample gets applied to the first and last sections only. This enables you to customize your
doclet without having the page settings for each section overridden by the style sample. For
example, your doclet could consist of:
1. Some introductory text
2. A chart in landscape mode
3. A paragraph explaining the chart that is centered on the page
4. Some closing text
If there are section breaks in Word between each element, the style sample will be applied to
the first and last section only, leaving the formatting for the other two sections (the chart in
landscape mode and the center-justified explanatory text) intact.
How do I ensure that the line numbers in my doclet continue numbering from the
previous doclet?
If your doclet uses the Line Numbering feature in Microsoft Word, as some legal documents
do, then when you upload the doclet to the report package you can use the Line Numbering
doclet attribute in these ways:
If the report package style sample does not use line numbering, and your doclet does,
select the Line Numbering check box to preserve line numbering for your doclet.
If the report package style sample uses single line numbering, but your doclet numbers
every other line, select the Line Numbering check box to continue numbering every
other line in your doclet, or clear the check box to override the doclet attribute and
number every line.
How do I ensure that a numbered list in my doclet restarts the numbering and does not
continue from a previous doclet?
When doclets with numbered lists are merged together within the report package, the first list
entries within a doclet will default to "continue from the previous list" and the numbering will
continue from the prior doclet entries. If you would like the numbering to start a new list within
your doclet, perform the following workaround.
Add a new entry to your list as the first entry.
Chapter 4
Style Sample FAQs
Select the second list entry and update the "Set Numbering Value" to "Start a
New List" and set the "Set value to: 1" appropriately.
The second entry should now show the list restarting.
Delete the first entry in the list.
This will save the set numbering override within the doclet file.
Upload and Check-in your doclet.
I uploaded the previous version of my report as the style sample for the current
version, and now it takes several seconds to add doclets to my report package.
Uploading a large file as your style sample can affect system performance when you
add doclets. Use a file that is only large enough to contain the page settings that you
want your report to have. To use a previous version of a report, consider deleting all
but the relevant pages that contain the styles that you want to use.
Microsoft PowerPoint-based Style Sample FAQs
When I try to add a doclet, I get the following error, "The uploaded PowerPoint
document contains a Slide Master whose size is different from the Sample Style.
Ensure that the size setting of the Slide Master matches that of the Sample
The doclet slides must be sized the same as the report package style sample slides in
order to upload a doclet. For example, if your doclet slides are sized for On-Screen
Show (4:3) and the report package style sample slides are sized for On-Screen Show
(16:9), you must resize your doclet slides before you can upload the doclet.
I modified a slide in my doclet from the default slide layout. When I uploaded the
doclet, my changes for that slide were not preserved.
When you upload a doclet to the report package, the system resets all slides to their
default layouts. If you have modified any slides from the default slide master layout,
those modifications are reset back to the default. For example, if you have changed
the size of a text box on a slide to make room for an image, the text box is reset to its
original size when you upload the doclet. However, you can add additional layouts to
the doclet slide master, and those new layouts are persisted within the doclet.
Therefore, if you want to preserve the modified text box size, you must add that layout
to the doclet slide master.
As an example, you are working with a doclet with a slide layout called Title and
Content that contains a text box that spans the entire slide. You want to resize the text
box to cover half of the slide so that you can add an accompanying image. If you were
to resize the text box, add the image, and upload the doclet, the system would reset
the slide back to the Title and Content default layout, and the text would overlap the
image. Instead, add a new slide layout (called, for example, Title, Text, and Image)
with the resized text box. When you upload the doclet, the new slide master is copied
over and persisted for that doclet.
Chapter 4
Style Sample FAQs
Creating Report Packages
Report packages enable you to collaborate with others to develop reports quickly and easily.
Though report packages are versatile and powerful, creating one is easy.
As a report package owner, you perform two general tasks to create a report package:
Create the basic structure, including defining the development phases and assigning
users, by using a wizard.
Add and organize content in the report package by adding doclets and, if you want, you
can group doclets into sections.
Creating the Report Package Structure
Reports does not use the Create Diagnostic Log option from the
A Report Package owner uses this only. Therefore, the Create Diagnostic Log
option is only available for Report Packages.
Before you begin creating a report package, considering the design of your report can be
What do you want the report to look like?
How does your report break down into doclets?
Which development phases does your report package require?
For help with these questions, see Report Package Design Considerations.
You create the report package structure by entering basic details about the report package,
such as the name and description, defining the development phases for the report package,
and assigning user responsibilities. A design wizard guides you through this process. See
also this video
Creating the Report Package Structure and Working with PDF-Based
Report Packages.
To create the report package structure:
1. Choose a method to launch the wizard:
From the Welcome Panel on the Home page, click , and then select
Report Package.
From the Library environment, click , and then select Report Package.
You cannot create a report package from the Recent folder in the library.
2. In Enter Properties, enter a name and description for the report package.
The name and description cannot contain the following characters: / \
[ ] : ; | ^ ' < > = + & *. The name field cannot exceed 80 characters, and
the description cannot exceed 260 characters.
3. In Report Type, select Word, PowerPoint, or PDF.
If you select PDF, the Style Sample field is replaced with a Headers
and Footers link.
4. Perform an action:.
For Word and PowerPoint-based report packages, in the Style Sample field,
select a Microsoft Word DOCX file (for Word-based report packages) or a
Microsoft PowerPoint PPTX file (for PowerPoint-based report packages) to
upload from your local drive that contains the style settings or slide layouts for
your report package. See Understand Style Samples.
Optional: For PDF-based report packages, click Headers and Footers to set
the header and footer information and margin sizes. See Specifying the
Header, Footer, and Margins for PDF-based Report Packages.
5. Select a library location in which to save the report package, and then click Next.
You must select an existing public folder in the library. You cannot save
the report package to a personal folder. To create a folder, in Select
Library Folder, click , and then Folder.
Chapter 5
Creating the Report Package Structure
6. In Define Process, click the check mark in the corner of each phase that you want to
enable: , set the timelines for the phases
by entering the dates for the phase milestones, such as the start and end dates, and then
click Next. You can enter the dates manually, or use the date selector to pick the date
from a calendar. None of the phases is mandatory.
You can enable these phases:
Author phase— Assign doclets to doclet authors for content development. If your
report package requires doclet approval, click
to add
an approval level and set the due date for it. You can add multiple approval levels on
this screen, which defines the maximum number of approval levels that a doclet in
the report package can have. You can vary the number of approval levels per doclet
from zero up to the maximum. That is, if you set three doclet approval levels on this
screen, each doclet that you add can have up to three levels of approval enabled.
Allow Authors to recall doclets – If enabled, this option allows authors and
approvers to restart the Doclet workflow. By default, Allow Authors to recall doclets
option is disabled. See Recall Doclets in Authoring and Approving Doclets for
Narrative Reporting.
Review phase— The report package is reviewed by a reviewer or group. Reviewers
comment on selected report content and participate in threaded discussions about
possible modifications to that content. To add additional review cycles, click
Sign Off phase— The report package is signed off on, typically by a corporate-level
executive, before publication. After the report package enters the sign off phase, no
additional modifications can be made.
Chapter 5
Creating the Report Package Structure
7. In Assign Users, assign the following responsibilities to report package users:
Owners can modify the report package structure and properties, execute the
phase processes, and assign users.
Reviewers can review the report package and provide feedback on the
Signers provide the final sign off for the report package so that it can be
The report package allows a maximum of 50 users to be assigned a
Signers within the sign off phase. If the signers user assignment
exceeds the limit, the report package cannot be saved.
Viewers can view the report package but cannot make modifications.
a. Select the tab for Owners, Reviewers, Signers, or Viewers, and then click
to launch the user selector and assign users to that responsibility. As
the report package creator, you are automatically assigned the Owner
responsibility. If you defined a Sign Off phase on the previous screen, you
must assign at least one user to the Signers responsibility. An asterisk
indicates the required responsibility.
Chapter 5
Creating the Report Package Structure
b. From the user selector, select a user or group, and then click OK. You can also
search for users or groups.
c. To remove a user, select the user portrait, and then click .
8. In Define Options, select the report package settings for the format locale, thousands
and decimals separators, the unit of measurement, set the shared folder link, and then
select the doclet versions.
Chapter 5
Creating the Report Package Structure
The following considerations apply to these settings:
These settings apply to the entire report package. They are not set at the
doclet level.
The system applies these settings to all outputs of the report package and its
doclets, including:
Preview (both report package and doclet)
Review and Sign Off instances
Downloading or opening individual doclets
Downloading of the report package
All publication outputs of the report package
These settings are applied to all embedded content from both Excel-based
and Reports reference doclets, as well as reference variables that are sourced
from Excel. However, they do not apply to any manually-entered content or
static variables. For example, if you manually enter a number in a doclet with a
period as the thousands separator and the report package has a comma as
the thousands separator, the system will not convert the separator to a comma
when the doclet is merged into the report package.
These settings override any other number formatting settings, including the
user preference settings in either Narrative Reporting or Microsoft Excel.
For example, if you set the decimal separator to a period on this screen, and
then you add a Microsoft Excel reference doclet with a comma as the decimal
separator, the resulting decimal separator format for the entire report package
(including the reference doclet) is a period.
Chapter 5
Creating the Report Package Structure
In the Shared Folder Options setting, you can simply change the folder location,
rather than manually updating the links in the Doclets to the relevant Reports.
In the Doclet Versions Options setting, you can set the number of prior doclet
versions. The number of prior doclet version limit determines the maximum number
of doclet versions maintained within the service. The System creates a new doclet
version whenever the doclet is checked in. When the service reaches the prior
versions limit, any additional check-ins of the doclet will continue to create a new
version, but the oldest version will automatically be deleted.
9. Click to close the wizard and display the report package in the Report Center.
To launch the wizard again, select , and then Edit Report Package Properties.
From the Report Center, you can view the report package status, add and organize content
by adding doclets and sections, and manage the report package phases. See Manage
Report Packages.
Specifying the Header, Footer, and Margins for PDF-based
Report Packages
For PDF-based report packages, instead of uploading a Style Sample document that
contains the style attributes that you want your report to have, you can use the Headers and
Footers dialog box to optionally set up common headers and footers to be applied to the
merged document. When you specify a PDF report package type, the button to upload a style
sample document is replaced by a Headers and Footer link. Click the link to open the
Headers and Footers dialog box, where you can specify header, and footer information.
IMPORTANT: The header and footer information that you specify does not replace any
header or footer information that already exists on your source PDF doclets. Rather, the
header and footer information is "stamped" on the pages of your report that you specify. As
an example, Figure 1 shows a PDF doclet that has a header on it, and the same doclet with
the report package header stamped on top of it.
Figure 5-1 Before and After Stamping Header Information
This stamping may result in an overlay of text or page numbers. If the page sizes vary
between the contents within the report package, the location of the header and footer content
is laid out using offsets to the sides of the page, and the location is dynamically determined
based on the content within the PDF, with some minimum offset to the edge.
Specifying General Header and Footer Properties
Chapter 5
Specifying the Header, Footer, and Margins for PDF-based Report Packages
To specify general properties for headers, footers, and margins:
1. Click Headers and Footers to open the Headers and Footers dialog box.
2. By default, headers and footers are applied to all pages. Select the Different odd
and even pages check box to apply separate headers and footers to even and
odd-numbered pages.
When you select this check box, the All Pages tab is replaced by Even
Pages and Odd Pages tabs.
3. If you are adding page numbers to your header or footer, in Starting Page
Number, enter the number that you want to start numbering your pages on.
4. In Start Stamping at Doclet, click Select a Doclet to select the doclet that you
want to begin adding headers and footers to. For example, you can start stamping
headers and footers after your table of contents.
When you first create a report package, there are no doclets to select.
After you add doclets, edit the report package properties to return to this
dialog box and select the doclet that you want to start stamping on.
5. In Exclude from Stamping, click Select a Doclet to select all of the doclets that
you do not want to add headers and footers to. For example, you can exclude your
cover page from the headers and footers stamp.
Chapter 5
Specifying the Header, Footer, and Margins for PDF-based Report Packages
When you first create a report package, there are no doclets to select. After you
add doclets, edit the report package properties to return to this dialog box and
select the doclets that you want to exclude from stamping.
Specifying Margin Sizes
To specify page margin sizes:
1. Click Margins.
2. Specify the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margin sizes. By default, margin sizes are
entered in inches. You can change this to centimeters in Define Options. See Creating
the Report Package Structure.
The Margin fields determine the margin sizes of the header and footer only.
They do not change the margin sizes of the source PDF doclets themselves.
Entering Header and Footer Information
Use the All Pages tab or the Even Pages and Odd Pages tabs to enter the text and images
that you want to display in your header and footer. You can enter text or images on the left,
center, or right of your header and footer.
Chapter 5
Specifying the Header, Footer, and Margins for PDF-based Report Packages
To enter text and images in your header and footer:
1. Click next to the header or footer box that you want to add text to.
2. Perform an action:
To add text, click Add Text and enter the text to display in the Edit Content
dialog box. The rich text editor enables you to bold, underline, italicize, and
change the font and color of your text. You can also click
to insert a text
function that returns the current page number.
To add text, click Add Text and enter the text to display in the Edit Content
dialog box. You can also click to insert a text function
&[Page] of &[Pages]
that returns current page number and the total number of pages.
To add an image, click Add Image and click Browse to select an image to
upload. You must upload an image from your local computer. You cannot
browse to a library location.
3. To add an additional line of text or an image below the first line or image, click Add
Text or Add Image from the Edit Content dialog box and enter your additional line
of text or an image.
4. When you are finished entering text and images, click OK to save your changes.
5. To delete text or an image after you have clicked OK to save, click next to the
line that you want to delete.
After you save a line of text, you are unable to edit it. Click to delete it
and enter a new line of text.
Chapter 5
Specifying the Header, Footer, and Margins for PDF-based Report Packages
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
You add content to a report package by adding doclets. Doclets are individual areas of a
report package that are assigned to authors, who provide the report content. For example, a
financial disclosure report can be broken down into separate areas for Forward-Looking
Statements, Consolidated Balance Sheets, Statement of Operations, Statement of Income,
and Statement of Cash Flow.
You create doclets for each of these areas and then assign them to the appropriate authors,
who update the content of each doclet.
Sections enable you to group doclets for organization, or to keep doclets together that have a
common format or are intended for a common viewership. For example, you can group all
financial statements into one section.
You can also upload supplemental documents to a report package using supplemental
doclets. Supplemental documents such as procedures, instructions, reference material, and
so on, can be uploaded into a report package as a supplemental doclet. Supplemental
documents can be any type of document file (for example, PDF, Excel, Word, and so on).
Supplemental doclets are the same as a doclet except the content for supplemental doclets is
not included within the merged report. These doclets are excluded from the review and sign
off processes. The supplemental doclet contents cannot be viewed online, but users can
download and use native programs to open the supplemental doclet in the same way that you
can work with third party artifacts in the library. See Adding and Organizing Report Package
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
Watch this tutorial video, you’ll learn how to manage content in report packages in
Narrative Reporting.
-- Managing Content in Report Packages.
Adding Doclets
To add doclets:
1. Click down arrow next to and select Doclet.
2. Enter a name and, optionally, a description for the doclet.
If you leave the name field blank, it automatically populates with the
doclet file name when you upload a doclet.
3. Select either Local or Library.
You can select the doclet that can be either sourced from Local or Library file
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
If you select Library, click Browse and select a supported file, and then you'll be
prompted to link the library document to the Doclet within the Report Package.
When selecting a Library document, you'll be prompted:
If you click Yes, the service will create a persistent link to the document file.
If you click No, the service will upload a copy of the library file to the doclet.
No persistent link will be established.
For more information, see Working with Linked Regular Doclets in Authoring and
Approving Doclets for Narrative Reporting
4. Perform an action:
For Word or PowerPoint-based report packages, in Doclet, click Browse to select
either a Microsoft Word or PowerPoint document (depending on your report package
type) from your file system, and then click Open to upload it. You can upload the
doclet again by clicking Update.
For PDF-based report packages, in Type, select one of these:
PDF – you can browse your local computer to upload a PDF file.
Report – you can browse to the Library, and select a Management Reporting
report, specify if you want to link the report to the selected report in the Library,
and then set the report POV. When linking the report to the Library report:
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
* For linking the migrated Reports, you can select Shared Folder
option. You can browse to the Library, and select the Shared Folder
link, and then click OK.
Report Package Owners can quickly update all of the Report
doclets’ links simply by changing the Shared Folder
location, rather than manually updating the links in the
Doclets to the relevant Reports.
For example: A Report Package Owner may want to update all of the
Report Doclet links to a new location:
* From:
* To:
The system will update all Report doclet links from Qtr1 to
Qtr 2. Any Management Report doclets linked to other
library locations will not be modified.
* If the Library report design changes, when refreshing data for the
report doclet in the report package, it will reflect the design of the
Library report instance.
* The report package report can be refreshed, replaced or previewed,
but unlike a report doclet that is not linked, you cannot edit the report
design within the report package, the Library instance of the report will
need to be edited directly.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
If the library report is moved, renamed, or deleted, the report link
will be broken. In this case, the doclet will be unlinked and use the
report definition from the last refresh. The user can choose to link
the doclet to another library report.
Word – you can browse your local computer to upload a Microsoft Word file.
Excel – you can browse your local computer to upload a Microsoft Excel file. By
default, all worksheets within the Excel file will be included in the report package.
You can select all worksheets to include by clicking on the All Worksheets
Included. In Select Worksheet dialog, clear the All Worksheets Included
option, make a selection from the worksheet listings table, and then click OK.
You can revise worksheet selection by clicking on the Selected
You can upload a PDF doclet by clicking Update.
After you select a type, you cannot change it. If you want to upload a
different type, click Cancel and then click Add Doclet again.
5. Optional: For Word and PDF-based report packages, select Table of Contents Doclet
to upload a Microsoft Word file that contains an automated table of contents. If you
upload a Word document that doesn't have contain an automated table of contents, the
system displays an error. See Adding an Automatic Table of Contents.
For PDF-based report packages, the system will automatically update the table of
contents table and convert the Word document to PDF.
6. Perform an action:
For Word doclets, review the doclet style attributes, and then select the check box
next to the attributes that you want to override the report package style sample
document attributes. For example, if your report package is in Portrait orientation and
the document is in Landscape orientation, select the check box next to Orientation
to preserve the Landscape orientation for this doclet only.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
The icon indicates doclet style attributes that are different from the
attributes in the style sample document. See Understand Style
For PowerPoint doclets, the system scans the doclet and highlights the slide
masters in use. If the doclet contains a different slide master than the style
sample document, you can preserve the doclet slide master or replace the
doclet style sample slide master with the slide master from the report package
style sample document.
Optional: For Excel PDF-based report packages, in Type, select Excel, and
then select All Worksheet Included.
In Select Worksheets, you can select the required worksheets that needs be
displayed in PDF, and then click OK. Worksheets can contains either charts,
or tables. To upload an Excel PDF doclet, click Update.
To replace the doclet slide master with the report package slide master, click the
name of the doclet slide master, and then select the report package slide master
that you want to replace it with.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
The system maps the doclet slide layouts to the report package slide master to maintain
a uniform look for the presentation.
If you do not click the doclet slide master and select a replacement slide master, the
doclet slide master is preserved.
If you preserve the doclet slide master, the system adds it to the merged presentation to
ensure that the slides will render correctly. However, that slide master is available for use
by that doclet only. The doclet slide master is not available to other doclets. If you want
the doclet slide master to be used by other doclets, you must add the slide master to the
report package style sample document slide master.
The doclet slides must be sized the same as the report package style sample
slides in order to upload the doclet. For example, if your doclet slides are sized
for On-Screen Show (4:3) and the report package style sample slides are
sized for On-Screen Show (16:9), you must resize your doclet slides before
you can upload the doclet.
7. Optional: Select Suppress Doclets.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
If you select the Suppress Doclet then the doclet content will not be
included within the Report Package’s output.
This allows you to keep the Doclet definition and structure for future
executions of the Report Package when its contents may be required.
8. On each tab, select and assign users for the Author, Approver, Reviewer, and
Viewer responsibilities for the doclet, and then click Save to add the doclet to the
report package. You also define the number of approval levels on the Approvers
tab for the doclet from zero up to the maximum that you defined at the report
package level.
The responsibilities vary based on the phases that you defined for the
report package. If you defined an Author phase, then you must assign at
least one Author for the doclet unless you selected Exclude from
Author phase. All other responsibilities are optional.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
9. Optional: Select Exclude from Author phase.
If you enable the author phase, then by default all doclets must be assigned to at least
one author. However, certain types of boilerplate doclets (for example, copyright
statements) may not need to be updated or authored on a regular basis. Use Exclude
from Author phase to exclude these doclets from the author phase. Some
considerations when excluding doclets from the author phase:
Excluded doclets are the responsibility of the report package owner and retain all
content management functionality, such as Check In/Check Out and Versioning.
The report package author phase status and summary statistics do not include any
doclets that have been excluded from the author phase. For example, if there are ten
doclets in the report package and one is excluded, the calculation of the phase status
will be based on the nine doclets participating in the author phase.
If you assign author and approver levels to the doclet and then exclude the doclet
from the author phase, the system will no longer display the user assignments. If you
subsequently include the doclet back into the author phase, the system will display
the previous assignments.
If you exclude a doclet that was already started in the author phase, the workflow
progress on the doclet is lost, and author and approver access to the doclet is
revoked. Additionally, if an author or approver had the doclet checked out at the time
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
of the exclusion, the doclet remains checked out. You must manually undo the
check out.
If a doclet that was excluded from the author phase is edited to include the
doclet back into an active author phase, you can start the author phase on that
doclet immediately.
10. Click to save the doclet and return to the report center, or click
to save the doclet and remain on the Doclet Properties
screen to add another doclet.
Adding Supplemental Doclets
Supplemental doclets are the same as a doclet except the content for supplemental
doclets is not included within the merged report package. Supplemental doclets can be
used for procedures, instructions, reference material, and so on and can be any type
of document file (for example, PDF, Excel, Word, and so on). They are excluded from
the review and sign off processes, but users can download and use native programs to
open the supplemental doclet in the same way that you can work with third party
artifacts in the library. Supplemental doclets are defined by the report package owner
and assigned to authors and approvers. These doclets are fully supported within the
author phase. Since the content from the supplemental doclet is not merged into the
report, the report’s sample document is not applied to the contents of the supplemental
Microsoft Office files that are encrypted (password protected) are not
supported in supplemental doclets.
Watch this tutorial video, you’ll learn how to add and organize supplemental doclets for
report packages in Narrative Reporting.
-- Managing Supplemental Doclets.
To add supplemental doclets:
1. Click down arrow next to and select Supplemental
2. Enter a name and, optionally, a description for the doclet.
If you leave the name field blank, it automatically populates with the
supplemental doclet file name when you upload a supplemental doclet.
3. Select either Local or Library.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
You can select the doclet that can be either sourced from Local or Library file options.
4. In Doclet, click Browse to select a document file from your file system, and then click
Open to upload it. You can upload the doclet again by clicking Update.
5. On each tab of the Supplemental Doclet Propereties, select and assign users for the
Author, Approver, and Viewer responsibilities for the supplemental doclet, and then click
Save. You also define the number of approval levels on the Approvers tab for the
supplemental doclet from zero up to the maximum that you defined at the report package
Supplemental doclets are not included within the review or sign off phase.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
6. Click to save the supplemental doclet and return to the report center, or
click to save the supplemental doclet and remain on the
Supplemental Doclet Properties screen to add another supplemental doclet.
Adding Excel Content to a Reference Doclet
Reference doclets can be used as a container for common Excel report content, for
example a P&L report, ad hoc grids, and text. Doclet authors can embed that content
in their assigned doclet areas of the report package through Oracle Smart View for
Office or the web. The embedded content is automatically updated whenever the
Reference doclet is checked in through an automated server refresh thus ensuring the
data is always the latest.
The following format settings in the reference doclet are overridden by the
global settings at the report package level when the reference doclet is
merged into the report package:
Thousands separator
Decimal separator
Unit of measurement
See Creating the Report Package Structure.
Report packages can have multiple reference doclets with Microsoft Excel files. An
individual reference doclet can contain multiple instances of common report content
that is created from named ranges in Excel. Excel content can also consist of dynamic
Smart View content, such as ad hoc grids and reports.
A reference doclet is similar to a regular doclet as far as workflow is concerned.
Through the report center, the reference doclet has content control (checkin and
checkout) and it is fully versioned. For example, if one Report Package Owner has the
reference doclet checked out, no one else can make changes to it. When the
reference doclet is modified, there is a history and an associated version that contains
the changes. For more information on embedding content in a Reference doclet, refer
to understanding embedded content, for doclet authors.
It’s recommended to limit the number of available contents defined within
one reference doclet or reference file to 30 or less. You must ensure that the
size of the reference doclet or reference file should be less than 5 MB.
If a doclet contains more than 30 available contents, or size more than 5 MB
then you may encounter extended processing time while checking in doclet,
and the doclet may fail to check-in.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
To add reference doclets for Microsoft Office documents such as Excel files (for adding
management report content, see Adding a Management Report to a Reference Doclet:
1. Click the down arrow next to
and select Reference Doclet.
2. Enter a name and, optionally, a description for the doclet.
If you leave the name field blank, it automatically populates with the reference
doclet file name when you upload a reference doclet.
3. Select either Local or Library.
You can select the doclet that can be either sourced from Local or Library file options.
4. From the required Type field, select Excel.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
5. Select
and browse to a required Excel workbook file that you previously created. Then
click Open to upload it. You can upload the doclet again by clicking Update.
6. On each tab of the Reference Doclet Propereties, select and assign users for the
Author, Approver, and Viewer responsibilities for the reference doclet, and then
click Save. You also define the number of approval levels on the Approvers tab for
the reference doclet from zero up to the maximum that you defined at the report
package level.
Reference doclets are not included within the review or sign off phase.
In order to embed the report content, a user must be a viewer of the
reference doclet.
7. Click
to save the reference doclet and return to the report center, or click
to save the reference doclet and remain on the Reference Doclet Properties
screen to add another reference doclet.
Similarly, you can add a Reference doclet for Reports. See Adding a
Management Report to a Reference Doclet.
Adding a Management Report to a Reference Doclet
For Microsoft Word and PowerPoint-based report packages, in order to consume
available content from a management report created from Narrative Reporting, you
have to first add the management report to a Reference Doclet in a report in the report
center and then make the management report content available for consumption by
doclet authors in their doclets. If, after inserting charts and graphs from a management
report in a doclet, the management report content changes (for example, a chart or
graph's report POV changes), or if the data is refreshed or the management report
definition changes, the updates are automatically pushed to the doclets where the
available content from the management report is consumed. This is known as a
server-side refresh of data.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
For PDF-based report packages, you insert Reports reports directly as doclets. You
do not need to use reference doclets to access portions of the Reports report. See
Adding Doclets.
You can insert a management report with prompts into a report package as a reference
doclet. You respond to the prompts when you insert the report and when you refresh the
snapshot. When you check the reference doclet in, all doclets that consume that reference
doclet are updated to reflect the prompt selection. See "Using Prompts in Management
Reporting Reference Doclets" in the Designing with Reports for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud guide.
The following format settings in the management report are overridden by the global
settings at the report package level when the reference doclet is merged into the
report package:
Thousands separator
Decimal separator
Unit of measurement
See Creating the Report Package Structure.
The following is an example of a chart and graph that was created with Reports that was then
inserted in a doclet. For more information on Reports, see Designing with Reports for Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud and Working with Reports for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
To add a management report to a Reference doclet:
1. Select from the report center.
2. Add a Reference doclet to a Report Package from the report center. The
Reference Doclet Properties is displayed.
3. Enter a Name and Description. Name is required.
4. From the required Type field, select Report.
5. Select Browse and browse to a management report in the Library to include in the
Reference doclet.
You can easily navigate to the shared folder location by clicking on
Shared Folder within the Browse dialog.
6. Specify if you want to link the report to the selected report in the Library. When
linking the report to the Library report:
If the Library report design changes, when refreshing data for the report
reference doclet in the report package, it will reflect the design of the Library
report instance.
The report reference doclet instance can be refreshed, replaced or previewed,
but unlike a report reference doclet that is not linked, you cannot edit the
report design within the report package, the Library instance of the report will
need to be edited directly.
7. Define a POV using the Report POV dialog, or respond to the management report
prompts (if applicable).
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
Once a report is selected and a POV defined, a snapshot of the report
(including data) is taken and stored with the report package. It is no longer
linked to the original report in the Library.
8. Select a member for each POV dimension for the report from the Report POV dialog.
Only available Global POV dimensions from the management report are
displayed. If a POV dimension is in the Local POV or is not enabled for editing,
it is not displayed here.
9. Optional: Select a Variable instead of a member.
If a Variable is selected, you can set the report to automatically refresh when a
POV Variable changes. Select the Auto Update Variables check box in the
Report POV dialog.
When a report POV is updated in the report package:
The report is refreshed and doclets containing content from the report are
automatically checked out, updated and checked in.
Upon check-in, a new version of a doclet is created.
There is no need to open files locally and refresh manually after the report
POV change is made.
10. Select OK from the POV dialog.
11. Select Act on Content , Preview Report Snapshot to preview the report snapshot with
the report data.
Adding an Automatic Table of Contents
You can insert a Microsoft Word doclet with a table of contents in Word and PDF-based
report packages. For Word-based report packages, you can choose either a manual,
automatic, or custom type. For manual types, you create page number links by using links
and cross-references (see Inserting Links and Cross-References to Pages in Doclets. For
automatic or custom types, the table of contents is updated whenever the doclet is merged
into the report package. For example, do one of the following actions to merge the doclet and
view the dynamically updated table of contents:
Preview the report package or section
Create a review instance
Create a sign off instance
Publish the report package
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
For PDF-based report packages, you must upload a Word doclet with an automatic
table of contents. The system will automatically update the table of contents table and
convert the Word document to PDF. See Adding Doclets.
The PDF-based table of contents is based on the report package hierarchy,
not the headings in the Word document.
When previewing only the doclet that contains the automated table of
contents, the system will populate the table as follows: For Word-based
report packages, the table is populated based on only the content within the
doclet. This could result in an empty table. For PDF-based report packages,
the table is populated based on the user’s access to doclets and sections
within the report package. You must perform an action that merges the doclet
into the report package or section to see the updated table of contents.
Using Microsoft Word Styles for Heading Numbering across Doclets
To apply a numbering scheme to the headings in your report package, where the
numbering is retained across doclets, use multi-level list templates and built-in heading
styles (Heading 1, Heading 2, and so on) in Microsoft Word. For example, you can
number headings so that top-level headings (Heading 1) are numbered 1, 2, 3, and
second-level headings (Heading 2) are numbered 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. Refer to the
Microsoft Word help for numbering headings using multi-level lists for more details.
Figure 1 shows an example of using Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 styles for
numbered headings.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
Figure 5-2 Numbered Heading Example
In Narrative Reporting, you add the multi-level list numbering heading styles in your style
sample document. Then, all of the Word doclets that use the heading styles will retain the
proper numbering scheme. For example, Figure 2 shows a style sample document with multi-
level list numbering on Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3. When doclet authors use these
heading styles in their Word doclets and then merge the doclets into the report package, the
numbering scheme will be retained across doclets.
Figure 5-3 Style Sample Document with Multi-level Heading Numbering
In addition, heading numbering will be included in a report package automatic table of
contents. See Working with an Automatic Table of Contents.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
Report Package and Doclet Heading Numbering Display Considerations
The report package heading numbering is dynamically calculated whenever the report
package is merged, such as previewing, downloading or publishing the report
package. If a doclet or section is previewed or downloaded as a standalone doclet or
section, the heading numbering will be calculated based on the content within the
doclet or section and will typically be reset starting at "1". When the doclet's contents
are merged into the report package, the heading numbering will be correctly reflected.
In Figure 3, the image on the left shows a doclet that is previewed as a standalone
doclet, and the image on the right shows the doclet's contents when the entire report
package is previewed. Notice that the heading numbering is updated to reflect the
report package numbering scheme in the image on the right.
Figure 5-4 Before and After Merging a Doclet into a Report Package
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
Troubleshooting Heading Numbering Display Issues
Perform these actions if the heading numbering display in your report package is not
numbered sequentially or correctly:
Ensure that all headings in all doclets are utilizing the built-in heading styles in Word (for
example, Heading 1, Heading 2) and that these styles have numbering defined for them
in the report package style sample.
Update the style sample document with a minor change to reset the styles of an existing
report package:
1. Open the report package in report center.
2. With the report package node highlighted, click
, and then select Download Style
Sample File.
3. Open the style sample file in Microsoft Word and make a minor change to styles (for
example, add or modify one style parameter to any style or add a new temporary
4. In report center, click
, and then select Edit Report Package Properties.
5. In the Style Sample field, click Browse.
6. Navigate to your modified style sample file and upload it.
7. Click Finish.
8. Preview, download, or publish the report package, and verify that the heading
numbering is correct.
In rare cases, the heading numbering may become hard-coded behind-the-scenes in
Word. Even if it is correctly displayed in the doclet, the numbering may not be correctly
displayed in the report package preview or download. To resolve this:
1. Check out and download the affected doclet.
2. Select the affected text and change it to use a different Word style (for example,
Normal), and then change it back to the Heading style that contains the required
numbering (for example, Heading 3).
3. Upload and check in the doclet.
4. Preview, download, or publish the report package, and verify that the heading
numbering is correct.
Adding Sections
To add a section:
1. Choose a method to add a section:
Click from the Report Center.
Click , then Manage Content, and then Add Section.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
2. Enter a name and, optionally, a description.
3. Optional: Assign reviewers and viewers. If you assign viewer or reviewer
responsibility for a section to a user, that user can view or review all of the doclets
in that section. For example, you can assign reviewer responsibility for a section
that contains all of the doclets for a specific geographical region to the supervisor
for that region.
4. Click to save the section and return to the report center, or
to save the section and remain on the Section
Properties screen to add another section.
After you add doclets and sections, you can organize your report package into a
hierarchy by either dragging the doclets and sections or by using the menu. For
example, you can organize all of the doclets for a geographical region or all of the
doclets that will be reviewed by a specific department into a section.
To organize the report package:
1. Select a doclet or section.
2. Choose a method to move the doclet or section into a hierarchy:
Drag the doclet or section into another section.
Select the
icon, then Manage Doclet, and then either Move Up, Move
Down, or Move to Section. You can also select multiple doclets or sections
and then use the menu to move them all at the same time.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
When you move a section to another section, you must add it as either a sibling
or a child of that section. If you add it as a child, the section becomes a
subsection under the original section. Moving a section also moves all of the
doclets in that section.
After you have created the report package and added content, you start the author phase to
begin report package development. See Manage Report Packages.
Chapter 5
Adding and Organizing Report Package Content
Managing Report Packages
As a report package owner, you manage the report package development process through all
phases of development. This guide outlines your responsibilities throughout the report
package development process, from kicking off the development by starting the author
phase, to publishing the final report. See this video also Managing the Report Package in
Narrative Reporting. You can also make a copy of a report package and use the copied report
package as your starting point for the new report package, see Making a copy of an existing
Report Package.
This topic covers:
Navigating the Report Center
Editing Properties
Managing the Author Phase
Managing the Review Phase
Managing the Sign Off Phase
Publishing the Report Package and Deleting Working Papers
Navigating the Report Center
The report center enables you to manage the report package through all the phases of
development. It provides status information in each phase that tells you the overall phase
completion status, and who is working on what. You also add doclets and sections to the
report package from the report center.
The report center provides the following tools to help you manage the report package
development process:
Phase Tiles
You use the phase tiles to switch your view among the Author, Review, and Sign Off phases.
Click the phase icon next to the phase that you want to view. The information that is
displayed for each phase is described in the "Using the Report Center" section for each
Using the Report Center in the Author Phase
Using the Report Center in the Review Phase
Using the Report Center in the Sign Off Phase
You can resize the columns in the report center by positioning your cursor
between the column headers and dragging the column to the desired width.
You can expand or collapse all sections within the hierarchy of the report center. A
user can set the entire report center and all subsequent entries into the report center
as Expand All or Collapse All as the default or only for the current report package to
Expand All or Collapse All without setting a default. This is useful for when you have a
very long report package with many sections.
The default setting for the report center is Expand All.
To change your report center view to Collapse All:
1. From the report center, select
2. Select Collapse All.
3. Optional: Select Set as Default if you want the Collapse All setting to be your
default for future sessions as well. If not, do not select Set as Default and only the
current report package view is changed to Collapse All.
Chapter 6
Navigating the Report Center
Actions Menus
The Actions menus enable you to act on one or more doclets and sections or the entire report
at the top of the page to act on the entire report package or on a selected group of
doclets or sections. For example, you can select several doclets in the outline and then
use this Actions menu to start the author phase for the doclets that you selected.
From the report center, when a user is navigating between the Author, Review, or Sign
Off phases, refreshing a view after a doclet action, or navigating between the report
center or preview tabs while your cursor focus is anywhere within the report package
hierarchy, the user's focus or cursor position within the report package hierarchy is kept
the same. For example, if a user selects a doclet within the report package with the name
Metrics and they select Refresh View the report center refreshes the contents of the
doclet and returns focus or cursor position to the doclet named Metrics after the refresh.
next to the doclet or section name to act on a single doclet or section. For example, you
can use this Actions menu to edit the properties of a doclet. You can also use this menu
to move a doclet or section in the report outline.
Inspect Dialog Box
Chapter 6
Navigating the Report Center
The inspect dialog box allows you to view the following information about a doclet,
section, or the report package. The tabs displayed on the inspect dialog box can vary,
depending on the type of artifact that you are inspecting. For example, the Versions
tab is displayed for doclets only.
Properties to view basic information about a doclet, section, or report package,
such as the file name and type, Suppress Doclet status, and the user who created
Versions to access previous versions of a doclet. As new versions of the doclet
are checked in, the previous versions are stored so that you can view them to see
what changed.
History to view audit information about a doclet, section, or report package, such
as the user who last updated it.
Chapter 6
Navigating the Report Center
Previewing Reports or Doclets
You can preview the report package by clicking the
Preview tab. The Preview tab as well as the Review tab (when in the Review phase, see
Review phase compiles the entire report so that you can preview the uploaded version of the
source file (Microsoft Word or PowerPoint), as a PDF and verify that the contents of the
doclet are correctly combined.
Doclets do not have to be checked in to be previewed.
Hyperlinks, within the PDF, from Preview mode or the Review phase (see Review phase, for
both internal (Table of Contents included) and external links, are highlighted when you hover
over the links. When selecting an internal link, you are taken to that location in the document
within the same tab of the browser. When selecting an external link, a new tab is open in your
browser and the external link is displayed.
You can download the preview version of the report package by selecting
at the top of the page, and then selecting Download Preview. You can download the preview
in Word or PowerPoint format, or in PDF format.
If the preview on the web looks different from the downloaded or printed version of
the report, you may be using a font that is not in the cloud service. Contact your
service administrator to upload your TrueType fonts to enhance the rendering of the
report on the web. If you are using Firefox, navigate to Tools, then Options, then
General, and then Advanced, and ensure that the check box for Allow pages to
choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above is selected.
From the Preview tab, click the
Report Center tab to return to the report center. Clicking
will close the report package, doclet, or section and return you to your home screen.
Chapter 6
Navigating the Report Center
You can also preview a doclet or section from the web without having to download by
selecting the doclet and clicking the
Preview tab. The Preview tab compiles the doclet or section so that you can preview
the uploaded version and verify that the contents of the doclet or section are correct
within the browser, and then approve or reject it without having to download the
document and open it. Doclets do not have to be checked in to be previewed.
Preview is not available on supplemental doclets.
You can also preview the doclet by selecting
next to the doclet or section. After the user selects to preview a doclet or section, they
are automatically taken to the preview tab.
If the preview on the web looks different from the downloaded or printed
version of the doclet, you may be using a font that is not in the cloud service.
Contact your service administrator to upload your TrueType fonts to enhance
the rendering of the report on the web. If you are using Firefox, navigate to
Tools, then Options, then General, and then Advanced, and ensure that
the check box for Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my
selections above is selected.
From the Preview tab, click the
Report Center tab to return to the report center. Clicking
will close the doclet or section and return you to your home screen.
Downloading the Style Sample File
The style sample file contains the page style settings, such as the page orientation
and the header that your report will have. You upload the style sample file when you
create the report package. You can download the file to view or modify it by selecting
Chapter 6
Navigating the Report Center
next to the name of the report package in the report outline and then selecting Download
Style Sample File.
Editing Properties
At any time in the report package development process, you can edit the properties of the
report package, a doclet, or a section. For example, you can edit the report package to add a
review cycle or to modify the style sample document, or you can edit a doclet to add a doclet
approver. You can also edit the report package properties to adjust the phase timelines.
Editing Report Package Properties
To edit the report package properties, select
at the top of the page, and then select Edit
Report Package Properties. This will launch the Edit Report Package wizard and enable
you to make changes. When you are finished making changes, click Finish to close the
wizard and return to the report center.
Common reasons to edit the report package:
Modifying the style sample document after the report package is created. For example, if
you preview your report and you need to decrease the page margins in order for the
doclet content to display correctly, you can adjust the margins in the style sample
document and then edit the report package properties to upload the new style sample.
Adding or removing a development phase. For example, you can add another review
cycle, or you may no longer require a sign off phase.
Adjusting the dates of a development phase. For example, you can extend your author
phase by another week.
Managing your users. For example, you may have added a review cycle without
assigning reviewers to it. You can’t start a review cycle if there are no reviewers assigned
to that cycle. Edit the report package properties to assign reviewers to the review cycle.
Changing the Shared Folder location. Report Package Owners can quickly update all of
the Management Report doclets’ links simply by changing the Shared Folder location,
rather than manually updating the links in the Doclets to the relevant Reports. For
example: A Report Package Owner may want to update all of the Management Report
Doclet links to a new location:
The system will update all Management Report doclet links from Qtr1 to Qtr 2.
Any Management Report doclets linked to other library locations will not be
Setting the Doclet Options helps you to create a new doclet version until the number
reaches the upper limit.
Chapter 6
Editing Properties
If the limit of the Doclet Options exceeds, then the system will delete
the oldest doclet file.
To add or remove or change the shared folder location settings, perform these steps:
1. From the edit Report Package dialog, select Define Options, and then set the
Shared Folder Options.
2. Click Browse and select a new folder to set as the shared folder.
3. Click OK.
You can click Reset to remove the Shared Folder Options.
You must perform a refresh on the Linked MR doclet or Linked MR
reference doclet in order for the link to be updated. All the Reports will
be referencing to new shared locations.
Chapter 6
Editing Properties
Editing Doclet Properties
To edit the properties of a doclet, select next to the doclet and select Edit Doclet
Properties. Doing so displays the Doclet Properties screen, enabling you can modify doclet
properties and workflow assignments.
If you select the Suppress Doclet, then the doclet content will not be included
within the Report Package’s output.
Editing a doclet does not enable you to change the file associated with the doclet. If
you want to change the associated file, you must check out the doclet and then
upload the new file.
Editing Section Properties
To edit the properties of a section, select
next to the section and select Edit Section
Properties. Doing so displays the Section Properties screen, enabling you to modify the
section name and description and to add reviewers and viewers to the section.
Adding Additional Doclets and Sections
From the report center, you can add doclets and sections by selecting the
next to and selecting Doclet or . See "Adding and
Organizing Report Package Content" in Create Report Packages. For information on
supplemental doclets, see supplemental doclets.
If you add a doclet after the report package author phase has started, the system will ask you
if you want to start the author phase for that doclet:
Select "Yes" to start the author phase and allow the doclet authors to update the doclet
Select "No" to add the doclet to the report package without starting the doclet author
phase. The doclet authors cannot update the doclet content until the doclet is started.
You can start the doclet from the report center by selecting
next to the doclet and
selecting Start Doclet Author Phase.
If you add a doclet after the author phase is marked complete, the system does not prompt
you to start the author phase for that doclet; however, the doclet authors cannot update the
doclet content until the doclet is started. You can start the doclet from the report center by
selecting next to the doclet and selecting Start Doclet Author Phase
Chapter 6
Editing Properties
If you add a doclet during an active review phase, the doclet contents are not
automatically added to the existing review instance. You must create a new
review instance to capture the contents of the added doclet. See Managing
the Review Phase.
Managing the Author Phase
The author phase allows doclet authors to add content to doclets, and doclet
approvers to review and approve that content. As the report package owner, you can
act as a doclet author or approver by adding or approving doclet content if necessary.
The author phase follows this process:
1. You start the author phase.
2. Notifications are sent to doclet authors to begin their work.
3. Doclet authors check out and provide content for each doclet and then check them
back in.
4. After authors have finished their work, they submit the doclets for approval if
5. Notifications are sent to doclet approvers to begin their work.
6. Doclet approvers review the doclets, make revisions if necessary, and approve or
reject them.
7. Optional: You update, submit, approve, or reject doclets.
8. Optional: You restart one or more doclets.
9. Optional: You can add supplemental doclets.
The closing of the author phase is automated based on the status of the
doclets. Once all of the doclets have been marked complete, the author
phase is marked complete.
Starting the Author Phase
You must start the author phase before doclet authors and approvers can provide the
report content. You can start the author phase on the entire report package, a section
of the report package, or on individual doclets. For example, if the content for a report
is not ready to be added, you can start the doclets containing the cover page and table
of contents so that those can be worked on.
To start the author phase of the report package, select at the top of the page,
and then select Start Author Phase.
To start the author phase on a doclet or section, select next to the doclet or
section, and then select Start Doclet Author Phase or Start Section Author
Chapter 6
Managing the Author Phase
Before you can start the author phase on a doclet or section, at least one
author must be assigned to it.
When you start the author phase, the status of the doclets changes from Not Started to In
Progress and doclet authors are notified that they can update their doclets.
Doclet authors are granted access to the report package when at least one of their
doclets is started.
Using the Report Center in the Author Phase
After you start the author phase, you can monitor the author phase status in the Report
Author Phase Tile
The phase status in the author phase tile is updated in these ways:
A progress bar is displayed to show the percentage complete. As doclet authors and
approvers mark their doclets complete, the progress bar gets updated to show the
overall phase completion status. The percentage complete is calculated on all doclets
that have not been excluded from the author phase.
The due date and time remaining for the phase is displayed.
A blue bar is displayed under the phase tile to indicate which phase is currently being
If there is an issue with one or more of the doclets, such as a doclet past due or a doclet
without an author assigned, a warning icon is displayed.
If a doclet is rejected, restarted, or a new doclet is added, the author phase
status is automatically updated to display the percent complete.
Doclet Status Menu
Select the doclet status button in the author phase tile to display a summary of the
doclet statuses. Doclets that have been excluded from the author phase are not displayed in
the doclet status menu.
Chapter 6
Managing the Author Phase
Report Hierarchy
After you start the author phase, the following changes occur in the report hierarchy
The Responsibility column is populated with the doclet author’s name. As the
doclet moves through its workflow, the Responsibility column is continuously
updated to reflect the user who is currently responsible for the doclet. For
example, after the doclet author submits the doclet for approval, the
Responsibility column is updated with the approver. This enables you to see who
is currently responsible for doclet.
Doclet status icons are displayed on each doclet.
Acting as an Author or Approver
At any time during the author phase, you can take control of a doclet and perform the
same actions as a doclet author or approver. For example, if a doclet author is out of
the office, you can check out the doclet, update the content, check it back in, and
submit it for approval. This prevents the workflow from being delayed while waiting for
a doclet author or approver to act on a doclet. See Author and Approve Doclets on the
When you check out a doclet, the Responsibility column is updated to show
that you are currently responsible for the doclet.
You can also undo the checkout of a doclet that a doclet author has checked out. If
you undo the checkout, any changes to the doclet that were made after the checkout
are discarded, and the doclet reverts back to the version before the checkout.
Chapter 6
Managing the Author Phase
To undo the checkout of a doclet:
1. Click next to the doclet name.
2. Select Act on Content.
3. Select Undo Check Out.
Refreshing Report Content
Performing a Refresh Data Source or Refresh All at the Report Package level executes a
background process that systematically goes through and refreshes all doclet's associated
with the data source selected.
The refresh process checks out each doclet and fully processes all of its report content
(same as if the doclet was checked out & refreshed directly).
The processing time for the Refresh is directly related to the number of doclets impacted
by the refresh action.
Performing a Refresh All on a Report Package which contains a large number of
refreshable content will result in extended processing time.
The background process of each Refresh activity includes the following:
For Refreshing Reference Doclets, such as Reports and Excel with Smart View Refresh
The system will check out the doclet and then opens Report or Excel File
Refreshes the Report or selected Excel Worksheets and then recalculates all
selected worksheet (Excel only)
Updates all available content and then refreshes all doclets which embed available
content (check out, replace available content, check-in) one by one
If an Excel file contains source reference variable values, the system updates the
variable values and then refreshes all doclets which embed the reference variables
(check out, update variable value, check-in) one by one
Check-in the Reference doclet
For Refreshing Reference Doclets, such as Reports and Excel doclet with Smart View
The system will check out the doclet and then opens Report or Excel File
Refreshes the Report or selected Excel Worksheets and then recalculates all
selected worksheet (Excel only)
If an Excel file contains source reference variable values, the system updates the
variable values and then refreshes all doclets which embed the reference variables
(check out, update variable value, check-in) one by one
Check-in the doclet
To Refresh All report content in a report package:
1. Open the Report Packages.
2. From the top right
Chapter 6
Managing the Author Phase
menu, select Refresh, and then select All or select a data source from the
drop-down list.
As the refresh process may take an extended period to process all the
impacted doclets, it is recommended to perform this refresh when there
is a limited activity within the Report Package.
While the background process is executing, the Report Package is
locked for editing. This will prevent any modifications to the Report
Package structure & prevent any doclets from being checked in. Once
the background process completes, the Report Package will be
Restarting Doclets
You can reset the workflow on a doclet, a section, or the report package at any time
during the author phase by restarting the doclets. When you restart a doclet, the
workflow is reset and the doclet status set back to Started. The doclet authors and
approvers must resubmit and reapprove the doclets.
Restarting the doclets resets the doclet workflow only. It does not affect the
doclet contents. Any changes to the doclet contents that the doclet authors
and approvers made are retained. Restarting doclets does not remove the
checkout status. If an author has a doclet checked out and you restart the
doclet, the doclet remains checked out by that author.
Author Phase Completion
The Author phase is marked complete when all of the doclets have a completed
status. The report package status is updated to "Complete" if it does not have a review
or sign off phase enabled, or "In Progress" if it has a review or sign off phase enabled.
Alternatively, the report package owner can manually close the author phase by
at the top of the page and clicking Mark Author Phase Complete. Any
doclets in an uncompleted status are marked complete. For any checked out doclet
the lock indicator status is removed and the doclet is marked complete. Any work in
progress files are deleted.
The author phase will revert to an "In Progress" status whenever a doclet is re-opened
or added.
Chapter 6
Managing the Author Phase
If you defined start and end dates for the author phase when you created the report
package, the author phase is not marked complete automatically when the end date
is reached. The start and end dates are for planning purposes only.
Managing the Review Phase
The review phase allows users to review report content and add comments to the document.
A review phase can have multiple review cycles, which enables a report to have multiple
levels of review. For example, the first draft of a report could be reviewed by your managers,
the second draft could be reviewed by your executives, and a final draft could be reviewed by
your top management.
The report package owner can choose to initiate a review instance at any time.
Narrative Reporting does not require the author phase to be in a completed status.
Once the first review cycle is initiated, the report package status changes to "Under
The review phase follows this process:
1. You create a review instance.
2. You start a review cycle.
3. Notifications are sent to reviewers to begin their work.
4. Reviewers analyze the areas of the report package that are assigned to them and add
5. When reviewers have finished adding comments, they mark their reviews complete.
6. You review and address the comments.
7. Optional: You send doclets containing review comments back to the doclet authors to
edit the doclets based on the review comments.
8. You mark the review cycle complete.
9. If another review cycle is defined, you create another review instance and start another
review cycle.
10. Notifications are sent to reviewers to review their sections of the report package, add
comments, and then mark their reviews complete.
11. When all review cycles are complete, the review phase is marked complete.
Review Phases, Review Instances, and Review Cycles
The distinction among review phases, review instances, and review cycles is important.
Chapter 6
Managing the Review Phase
Review Phase
All reviews and review actions occur in this development phase. A review phase can
have multiple review cycles. For example, a review phase can have one cycle for
management review and a second cycle for executive review.
Review Cycles
Review cycles enable reviewers to analyze the report content and add comments.
You define the start and end dates of review cycles when you create the report
package. After you have created a review instance, you start the review cycle so that
reviewers can begin their work. During the report package creation process, you can
add multiple review cycles, which allow for multiple levels of review.
Review Instances
Review instances are snapshots of the report package, used within review cycles.
When you create a review instance, the system renders all of the checked-in versions
of the doclets into a draft version of the report.
You can create multiple review instances. For example, if you create a review
instance and discover that a key doclet was not checked in, you can have the doclet
author check the doclet in and then create another review instance before starting the
review cycle.
Starting a Review Cycle
You start a review cycle by creating a review instance and then starting the cycle.
To start a review cycle:
1. Create a review instance by selecting
at the top of the page and clicking
Create Review Instance
2. Start the review cycle by selecting at the top of the page and clicking Start
Review Cycle n, where n is the number of the next review cycle (for example,
Start Review Cycle 1).
At least one reviewer must be assigned to a review cycle at the report
package, section, or doclet level before the cycle can be started. To assign
reviewers to a review cycle, select next to the report package name, and
then select Edit Report Package Properties. See Create Report Packages.
When you start a review cycle, notifications are sent to reviewers to begin their
reviews. If groups are used for user assignments, the reviewer list is generated and
condensed so that each user gets only one review notification. Users will not get
duplicate notifications if they are in multiple groups.
Using the Report Center in the Review Phase
After you start a review cycle, you can monitor the review phase status in the Report
Chapter 6
Managing the Review Phase
Review Phase Tile
The phase status in the review phase tile is updated in these ways:
A progress bar is displayed to show the percentage complete. The progress bar is
subdivided by the number of review cycles that you have defined. As reviewers mark
their reviews complete, the subdivision for that review cycle is updated to show the
number of completed reviews within each cycle.
The due date and time remaining for the phase is displayed.
A blue bar is displayed under the phase tile to indicate which phase is currently being
Review Phase Status Menu
Select the review phase status button in the review phase tile to display the total and
the number of open comments, as well as the total and the number of completed reviews for
the current cycle.
Report Hierarchy
After you start a review cycle, the following changes occur in the report hierarchy panel:
The Comments column displays the total number of comments and the number of open
comments on each doclet. As reviewers add comments, doclet authors, other reviewers,
and report package owners can mark the comments complete when the comment has
been addressed. The Comments column shows how many comments have been
entered on each doclet, and how many have been addressed already.
The Reviewers column is updated with the users that are currently assigned as
The Review Cycle Selector enables you to switch among review cycles.
Chapter 6
Managing the Review Phase
The Review Status Filter enables you to filter the reviewer list to display All,
Completed, or Not Completed reviewers.
Review Tab
Click the review tab to open the review center. The review center enables you
to see the review instance and access comments. See Managing the Review Phase.
Addressing Review Comments
While doclet authors and approvers can view the comments that reviewers have
entered on their doclets, as a report package owner it is your responsibility to address
those comments by taking the required action. Examples:
You can answer a question and then close the comment. For example, if a
reviewer asked if a figure in a doclet represented an up-to-date number, you can
reply to the comment and mark it closed.
You can edit the doclet content and then close the comment. For example, if a
reviewer suggests an edit, you can check out and edit the doclet and then reply to
the comment that the edit was made and close the comment.
You can send the doclet back to the doclet author for additional revisions. For
example, if a reviewer suggests that a doclet is using old data and needs to be
updated with the latest figures, you can send the doclet back to the author. To
send doclets back to the doclet authors, highlight the doclets, and then select
at the top of the page and click Restart Doclets.
When you restart a doclet, a notification is sent to the doclet author indicating that
the doclet has been reopened, and the doclet status is changed to "Started." You
can also change the doclet due dates for authors and approvers. The doclet
follows the same workflow as in the author phase; it is edited and approved by the
authors and approvers that were assigned in the author phase.
For more information about working in the review center, see Perform Reviews on the
Adding a Reviewer
There are several scenarios for adding reviewers to a review cycle while a report
package is in the review phase:
1. You can add a reviewer to an upcoming review cycle. A task will be created and a
notification is sent when you start the review cycle.
2. You can add a reviewer to a current review cycle. A task is created and a
notification is sent immediately.
3. You can add a reviewer to a review group in a current review cycle. You must
update your group assignments before the user can begin reviewing. To update
your group assignments while a cycle is in progress, select
at the top of the
Chapter 6
Managing the Review Phase
page and click Refresh Assigned Groups. The system will perform the following
Notifications are sent to the newly added users.
Review tasks are created for the newly added users.
If a user is removed from a reviewer group, the review tasks are removed from the
reviewer’s task list.
Adding a Review Cycle
You define the number of review cycles for your report package when you create the report
package. To add additional review cycles after the report package is created, you must edit
the report package properties. For example, if you define two review cycles during the report
package creation process, but you decide that you need a third review cycle, you must edit
the report package to add the third review cycle.
To add a review cycle:
1. In the report center, select
at the top of the page and select Edit Report Package
2. Select the Define Process tab.
3. Select the review tile
to switch your view to the review phase.
4. Select
to add a review cycle.
5. Optional: Enter start and end dates for the review cycle.
6. Optional: Select the Assign Users tab and assign reviewers to the review cycle.
Assigning users is not required, but you cannot start the review cycle without assigning at
least one reviewer to the report package, a section, or a doclet.
7. Click
to save your changes and return to the report center.
Marking the Review Cycle Complete
When all reviewers have marked their reviews complete, you mark the review cycle complete
by selecting
at the top of the page, and then selecting Mark Review Cycle n Complete.
After you mark a review cycle complete, reviewers can’t add or edit comments in that cycle.
Reviewers also can’t mark their reviews complete if they have not already done so. When
you start the next review cycle, reviewers can see the comments from the previous review in
the current review. They can reopen the comments and respond as necessary.
You can mark a review cycle complete even if some reviewers have not marked
their reviews complete. You need not close all of the comments in the review. If
comments are open in a review, you must confirm that you want to mark the review
cycle complete.
Chapter 6
Managing the Review Phase
If no additional review cycles exist, the review phase is marked "Complete". If there is
no sign off phase defined, the report package status is also marked "Complete".
Starting a New Review Cycle
If additional review cycles are defined, you repeat the process of creating a review
instance and starting the next review cycle to begin the next round of review. Reviews
are sequential and must be performed in order. If three review cycles are defined and
review cycle 1 is complete, you can create a review instance only for review cycle 2.
You cannot create a review instance for review cycle 3 until review cycle 2 is complete.
When you start the next review cycle, the system carries forward any comments from
previous review cycles, as long as the doclet with the comment is part of the next
review instance. If a comment becomes unanchored from a doclet (for example, if a
comment is entered on a paragraph within the doclet and then the paragraph is
deleted), the comment is displayed at the beginning of the doclet. Reviewers can add
or delete existing comments and reopen closed comments.
Reviewers can add, update, delete, and view comments only from review cycles that
they are assigned to. If a reviewer group is assigned to review cycle 1 but not review
cycle 2, after review cycle 1 is closed, the members of the group cannot add, edit, or
delete their comments, and they can’t see review cycle 2 or any comments that were
added in it. However, if a comment from review cycle 1 was added to in review cycle 2,
reviewers from review cycle 1 can see that update.
Doclet authors and approvers can view comments on their doclets in the Inspect
dialog box. They can also view and reply to comments on their doclets in the review
Managing the Sign Off Phase
The sign off phase locks down the report package content and submits it to the signers
for final approval. Once a sign off instance is created, no changes to the report
package are allowed. The signers can either sign off on the report package, in which
case it is final, or they can reject the report package, in which case the report package
owner reopens the report package, makes the necessary changes, and resubmits for
sign off. After sign off is received, the report package is marked "Final" and is ready to
be published.
The sign off phase follows this process:
1. You create the sign off instance.
2. Optional: You cancel the sign off and reopen the report package for more editing.
3. You request sign off for the report package.
4. Notifications are sent to the signers to provide sign off. The report package status
is changed to "Sign Off Pending".
5. Optional: Signers reject the sign off. You address the issues raised with the sign
off and resubmit it for sign off.
6. Signers provide sign off.
7. When all signers have provided their sign off, the report package is marked "Final".
Creating a Sign Off Instance
Before you create the sign off instance, the following must be true:
Chapter 6
Managing the Sign Off Phase
All doclets must be checked in and marked "Complete".
All previous development phases must be complete.
All comments do not have to be closed to create a sign off instance.
If a development phase or a doclet is not complete, the system will inform you, and the sign
off instance will not be created.
To create a sign off instance, select
at the top of the page, and then select Create Sign
Off Instance.
Requesting Sign Off
When you create the sign off instance, the system creates a new version of the report
package based on the current state of the doclets. Select the sign off tab to review the
sign off instance. If you are satisfied that the report package is ready to send to the signers,
select at the top of the page, and then select Request Sign Off.
Unlocking the Report Package
After a sign off instance is created, no edits can be made to the report package content. If
edits are required before you send the report package to the signers, you must cancel the
sign off and unlock the report package. To unlock the report package, select
at the top of
the page, and then select Unlock Report Package.
When you unlock the report package, the status reverts to its previous state (Under Review,
for example).
Unlocking the report package cancels the sign off instance and removes any sign
offs that were received. When you resubmit the report package for sign off, all
signers must provide sign off again.
Using the Report Center in the Sign Off Phase
After you request sign off, you can monitor the status of the sign off phase in Report Center.
Sign Off Phase Tile
The phase status in the sign off phase tile is updated in these ways:
Chapter 6
Managing the Sign Off Phase
The phase status is changed from Not Started to display a percentage completed
progress bar. As signers provide sign off, the progress bar gets updated to show
the overall phase completion status.
The due date and time remaining for the phase is displayed.
A blue bar is displayed under the phase tile to indicate which phase is currently
being displayed.
Sign Off Phase Status Menu
Select the sign off phase status button in the sign off phase tile to display the
number of sign offs or rejected sign offs.
Status and Notes Columns
The status of each signer is displayed in the status column. The signer status is either
Sign Off or Rejected. If the signers have provided notes with their sign off or reject,
the notes are displayed.
Sign Off Instance Tab
Select the sign off instance tab to view the sign off instance.
Addressing Rejected Sign Offs
If a signer has rejected the sign off, you can view comments that the signer included in
the reject. If necessary, you can unlock the report package to make changes (see
Managing the Sign Off Phase). When you have finished making changes, you create a
new sign off instance and request sign off again.
If you determine that no changes are necessary as a result of the rejection, you can
resend the sign off request without unlocking the report package. This clears the
rejected sign offs and sends notifications to all signers who have not signed off.
Signers who have already signed off are not required to sign off again when you
resend the sign off request.
When all signers have provided their sign off, the report package is marked "Final",
and the development process is complete. The report package no longer appears in
your list of active report packages on the home page. You can open the report
package by navigating to the library.
Marking a Report Package Final
If there is no Sign Off phase enabled on the Report Package, the Report Package
Owner (RPO) can mark the Report Package Final indicating no additional report
updates are required. Once the Report Package is marked final, no updates to the
report content can be made. If the report content needs to be modified, the Report
Package Owner can reopen the report package which will remove the Final status.
Chapter 6
Marking a Report Package Final
Before marking the Report Package as Final, you need to verify these steps:
All doclets must be checked in.
Both Author and Review phases must be complete.
To mark a Report Package Final:
1. Open the Report Package.
2. From the top right Actions menu, select Mark Final.
3. Note the status of the Report Package now shows as Final
To Reopen a Report Package:
1. Open the Report Package.
2. From the top right Actions menu, select Reopen Report Package.
3. Note the status of the Report Package no longer shows as Final.
Publishing the Report Package and Deleting Working Papers
At any time during the report package development process, including after the report
package has been finalized and marked complete, you can publish the report or delete
working papers.
Chapter 6
Publishing the Report Package and Deleting Working Papers
Publishing the Report
When you publish the report, the system creates a single document with all of the
report content. Only the latest checked-in doclet content is produced in the report. No
review comments or attachments are published. You can publish the report in Word or
PowerPoint format, or in PDF format, depending on the report package type.
To publish the report:
1. Select
at the top of the page, and then select Publish Report .
2. In Publish Report dialog, select these options:
In File Type option, you can select either Native or PDF output.
In Save To option, you can select either Local or Library, and select Browse
to save the report location, and then click OK.
Click OK to publish the report.
Chapter 6
Publishing the Report Package and Deleting Working Papers
If the older version of the report is saved in the Library location, and if you want
to overwrite the current saved report, then select Overwrite Existing Objects,
and then click OK.
To publish a Section or Doclet
1. Select next to the Section or Doclet that you want to publish, and then select Publish.
2. In Publish Doclet dialog, select these options:
In File Type option, you can select either Native or PDF output.
In Save To option, you can select either Local or Library, and select Browse to
save the doclet location, and then click OK.
Click OK to publish the doclet.
Chapter 6
Publishing the Report Package and Deleting Working Papers
If the older version of the doclet is saved in the Library location, and if
you want to overwrite the current saved doclet, then select Overwrite
Existing Objects, and then click OK.
Deleting Working Papers
By default, all working papers that support the report package development process,
such as review comments and previous doclet versions, are stored with the report
package. You can delete these working papers if you no longer need to refer to them.
You can delete these types of working papers:
Previous versions of doclets
Review instances
Review comments
To delete working papers:
1. Select at the top of the page, and then select Delete Working Papers .
2. Select the types of working papers to delete, and click OK.
3. Click OK to confirm.
Chapter 6
Publishing the Report Package and Deleting Working Papers
Distributing Report Package Content
Related Topics
Distribution Overview
Creating and Managing Distributions
Assigning Access to Distributions
Viewing Distributions
Distribution Overview
Distributions enable you to send report content to stakeholders at any point in the report
development. You can send the entire report, or a limited subset of the report content that you
define per user or group. The recipients of the distribution are able to view the report content
that you assigned to them, but they do not participate in the report development process.
Unlike report package viewers, distribution recipients view the report content only. They do
not view report package development artifacts, such as review comments.
You can distribute report content at any time during the development process, and you can
create multiple distribution cycles. When you execute a distribution, notifications are sent to
all recipients. They access the report content in the Distribution Center, where depending on
the access you grant them, they can view the content online or download the content in the
native format or PDF.
When you execute a distribution, notifications are sent via email and the Messages
tab on the web. You can specify the subject and message text for the email, and it
also contains links to all of the available options for a recipient (view, download,
download as PDF). However, the notification in the messages tab contains only one
link. The order of priority for this link is view, then download by PDF, then download
in native format.
You can vary the distribution of report content by users and groups. For example, you can
grant access to the full content to one group of users, and a limited set of content to a second
group. However, you cannot vary a user or group's access between distributions. For
example, for a given report package, if you grant full access to the Finance Users group for a
Weekly distribution, you can't grant partial access to the Finance Users group in a Final
distribution. See also this video Distributing Report Packages
Refer to these topics for more information:
Creating and Managing Distributions
Assigning Access to Distributions
Viewing Distributions
Creating and Managing Distributions
You create, edit, and execute distributions from the Manager tab of the Distribution
Center. When you create a distribution, you specify which users will receive the
distribution and what action they can take (view, download, or download as PDF);
however, you do not specify what access those users will have. You use the Access
tab to assign access to users and groups. In other words, use the Manager tab to
define who gets the distribution, and the Access tab to define what those users can
Creating Distributions
1. From a report package, click
to open the Distribution Center.
2. Click .
3. In Properties, enter a name and, optionally, a description for the distribution.
4. In Rollover Count, specify the number of executions that the system will store for
the distribution. When a user views the distribution, they can select any of the
saved executions to view. Each execution is named with the Distribution Name
and an incremented number (for example, Weekly Distribution 1, Weekly
Distribution 2, and so on). The system deletes prior executions that exceed the
rollover count.
5. In Notification Details, enter the subject and message of the notification email,
and then specify the actions that the recipients can take:
View in a browser
Download in native format
Download as PDF
You must specify at least one action.
6. In Recipients, click to assign users to the distribution.
Use the Access tab to determine the access for the users that you
assign to the distribution. See Assigning Access to Distributions. All
report package owners and viewers are automatically assigned full
access to the distribution.
Chapter 7
Creating and Managing Distributions
7. Click Save to save the distribution.
Executing Distributions
To execute a distribution, in the Actions column for the distribution, click
and select
When you execute a distribution, a distribution execution instance is created and notifications
are sent to the users that you assigned to the distribution. Click
next to the distribution
name to see the result of the execution.
The Recipients column displays the number of recipients who received the
distribution. Click the number to display the individual users and groups in the
To delete a distribution execution instance, in the Actions column of the execution, click
and select Delete. Note that this will delete the execution instance, but not the distribution
definition. To delete the distribution definition itself, see Editing and Deleting Distributions.
Chapter 7
Creating and Managing Distributions
Editing and Deleting Distributions
To edit a distribution, in the Actions column for the distribution, click and select
Edit to display the Edit Definition dialog box. When you are finished editing, click
Save to return to the distribution center.
To delete a distribution, in the Actions column for the distribution, click
and select
Assigning Access to Distributions
Use the Access tab to assign access to distributions to users and groups. You can
assign full access to the entire report, and you can also create filters that will allow you
to assign access to a subset of the report content for specific users and groups. When
you add that user or group to a distribution on the Manager tab, the access that you
have granted that user or group is enforced for all distributions for a report package.
You cannot assign different levels of access to the same user or group for multiple
distributions. By default, all users assigned to the distribution are granted full access to
the report contents. To restrict access to the report content, you must create filters for
specific users and groups.
Granting Full Access to the Report
To grant access to the full report content, in Report Access, perform an action:
Select Full.
All distribution users are granted access to the full report contents.
Select Limited, and then in Assign Users, click
to select the users to
grant full access to. You can create filters below to limit other users' access, but
the users that you assign under Full Access will retain access to the entire report
content when you add them to a distribution.
Granting Access to a Subset of the Report
To grant access to a subset of the report:
1. In Report Access, select Limited.
2. Under Limited Access, in Access Filters, click
3. In Filter Properties, enter a name for the filter.
Chapter 7
Assigning Access to Distributions
4. In Assign Users, click to select the users to assign to the filter. These users will
be granted access only to what the filter specifies when you add them to a distribution.
5. In Filters, select Allow to grant access to the portions of the report package structure
that you specify. You can also select Restrict to restrict access to content within the
same filter. For example, you can grant access to doclets in the Finance section except
for doclets with South America in the title.
You must create at least one Allow filter before you can create a Restrict filter.
6. In Filters, select .
The Add Filter Item dialog box is displayed.
7. In Filter By, perform an action:
Select Report Package Structure to filter on report package doclets and sections,
using the structure of the report:
a. In the left column, select the doclets and sections to add to the filter, and then
click to add it to the filter.
b. To remove a doclet or section from the filter, select the doclet or section from the
right column and then click .
Select Attributes to filter on search terms in the report package doclet or section
names or descriptions:
a. In Filter On, select to search on doclets, sections, or both.
b. In Attribute, select to search names or descriptions.
c. In Operator, select from the following:
Starts With
Ends With
d. In Search Text, enter the text for the filter to search on and then click Add. You
can add multiple search terms. For example, you can search for "Section Name
Starts with South America, " or "Doclet Description Contains Financials".
Chapter 7
Assigning Access to Distributions
The system applies the filter to doclet or section names and
descriptions exactly as you enter them in the Search Text field;
it is case-sensitive, and it will not trim leading or trailing spaces.
Ensure that the search text that you enter matches the doclets
and sections that you wish to allow or restrict exactly. For
example, if you create a filter to restrict access to doclets with
"confidential" in the doclet name, the filter will not prevent users
from accessing the doclet "Confidential--Salary Information".
e. Optional: Select a search term and click Delete to remove it from the
8. Optional: select Match All Filters to specify that only the report package content
that meets the criteria of all of the filters is selected or restricted. By default, if the
criteria of any of the filters is met, the report package content is selected or
restricted. For example, if you have a condition that allows access to children of
Section 1, and a second condition that allows access to doclets with a name that
contains "financial", by default the system allows access to all children of Section 1
OR any doclet whose name contains "financial". If you select "Match All filter
conditions", the system allows access only to doclets that are children of section 1
AND whose name contains "financial".
9. Click Save.
The filter is added to the Access Filters list on the left. Click
to delete it.
Some considerations when assigning access:
If you assign a user both Full and Limited access, the Full access supersedes the
Limited access.
Chapter 7
Assigning Access to Distributions
If you assign a user to two Limited filters, the most inclusive filter determines the user's
access. For example, if you assign a user to one filter that grants access to all doclets in
North America and a second filter that grants all access to New England but excludes
Connecticut, the user will still have access to Connecticut because it is part of North
Viewing Distributions
Distributions enable a report package owner to send report content to stakeholders at any
point in the report package development. As a recipient, depending on the options that the
report package owner selects, you can view, download in native format, or download as PDF
all of the report content that the report package owner assigns to you.
When a report package owner executes a distribution, notifications are sent to the recipients'
email and the Messages tab on the web. The notifications contain links to access the
distributed content. When you click the links from your email, the system will prompt you to
enter your user name and password. After you provide your credentials, the report will be
displayed in the Distribution Center in a browser window, or your browser will prompt you to
download the source files or PDF, depending on the options the report package owner
Viewing a Distribution
From the Distribution Center, you can view the current distribution, or you can view previous
executions of the distribution (if available) by selecting them from the drop down menu under
the Report Title. If the report package owner has selected the options to download the report
in native or PDF format, use the Actions menu to download the report.
Use , , and the zoom drop down menu to zoom the report. Use to search the
distribution for a text string.
Chapter 7
Viewing Distributions
Chapter 7
Viewing Distributions
Working with the Sample Report Package
Use report packages to create reports quickly and easily. Narrative Reporting includes three
sample report packages (a Word-based sample report package, a PowerPoint-based sample
report package and a PDF-based sample report package) to help you learn to use the
product. Use the sample report packages to get familiar with report package functionality by
performing these tasks:
Navigate to the report center to learn about doclets and sections.
Edit the report package to enable development phases, set timelines, and assign users.
Assign authors to doclets.
Edit the style sample file to see how it affects the look and feel of the report.
Work the report package through the three phases of development, from starting the
author phase to signing off on the report package.
An administrator must extract the sample report package and assign access to you
before you can view it. See Installing Samples.
This topic covers:
Opening the Report Package
Working with the Report Center
Editing Report Packages
Working with the Style Sample Document
Working with Development Phases
Sample Report Package Content
Describes contents of sample report packages.
This describes the doclets, variables, embedded content and reports in all three sample
report packages. All Oracle Smart View for Office ad-hoc queries and Reports reports utilize
the Narrative Reporting Sample Application and Model as a data source.
Sample Word Report Package
This sample Word Report Package contains eight doclets, one supplemental doclet, and five
reference doclets.
Table 8-1 List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and Embedded
Doclets / Reference Doclets /
Embedded Content
1. Cover Page Contains date label, which is driven by the
PeriodEnded variable.
2.TOC Contains Word-based table of contents, which is
generated by Narrative Reporting when the report
package output is generated (for example, Preview,
Review Sign-off, Publish, Download, and Distribution).
3. Executive Summary
This stylized Word doclet contains the Exec Sum
Donut and the Exec Sum Rev Bar Embedded Contents
from the Vision Executive Summary Report
reference doclet.
There are 5 variables inserted into the doclet:
Cost of Sales
Reporting Entity
Total Operating Expenses
The Embedded Content and Variables are inserted in
the Text boxes to allow proper placement on the
Finance Section Header
4. Finance - Revenue Report Contains embedded content ("Summary Income
Statement" Reports grid from Vision Statement
reference doclet and the "Income Statement Waterfall"
and "Revenue – Bubble Chart" from the Vision
Income and Revenue Analysis Report reference
There are 8 variables inserted into the doclet:
5. Finance - Consol Balancesheet Contains an Excel reference le attached (Inventory
Trend.xlsx); contains embedded content
("Consol_BalSht" from Vision Statement reference
doclet and "Inventory" from Inventory Trend.xlsx
reference le).
6. Finance - Notes
Contains narrative text only, no embedded content or
Prot by Segment template Supplemental doclet that contains Smart View ad-hoc
query against the Narrative Reporting Sample
Application Model.
Metrics Section Header
Chapter 8
Sample Report Package Content
Table 8-1 (Cont.) List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and
Embedded Content
Doclets / Reference Doclets /
Embedded Content
7. Metrics - Units Contains embedded content the Metrics Excel grid
from the Vision Statement reference doclet and the
"Revenue by Segment - Sunburst" chart from the
Vision Income and Revenue Analysis Report
reference doclet. There are no variables within the
8. Metrics - Backlog and
Contains narrative text only, no embedded content or
References Section Header
Chapter 8
Sample Report Package Content
Table 8-1 (Cont.) List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and
Embedded Content
Doclets / Reference Doclets /
Embedded Content
Vision Statements Excel This Excel reference doclet contains Smart View ad-
hoc queries against the Narrative Reporting Sample
Application and Model.
The rst four worksheets:
Summary Income Statement - Smart View ad-
hoc query, which drives some of the reference
variable sources in the Rules sheet.
Rev & Gross Prot Analysis - Smart View ad-hoc
query, chart is inserted as embedded content in
the 4. Finance - Revenue Report doclet.
Balance Sheet - Smart View ad-hoc query, grid is
inserted as embedded content in the 5. Finance -
Consol Balancesheet doclet.
Metrics - Smart View ad-hoc query, grid is
inserted as embedded content in the 7. Metrics –
Units doclet.
Rules - contains the inserted variable
CurrentMonth which is referenced, via cell
formulas, by all four query sheets to drive the
Fiscal Calendar (time period dimension) selection
(default of Dec). It also contains cell formula
references to the "Summary Income Statement"
sheet values and Excel formulas to calculate
variance results and directional words – all of
which source the nine reference variables.
If the static variable value
for CurrentMonth is
changed, for example to
Dec, the Vision Statement
doclets needs to be
downloaded, checked out
and queries refreshed, and
then checked back in, for
the reference variable
values to be updated in the
Chapter 8
Sample Report Package Content
Table 8-1 (Cont.) List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and
Embedded Content
Doclets / Reference Doclets /
Embedded Content
Vision Management Report This Reports reference doclet contains a local report
against the against the Narrative Reporting Sample
Application and Model.
Contains one grid and one chart. The report POV for
the Fiscal Calendar dimension is driven by the
CurrentMonth variable. Changes in the variable
refreshes the report, and doclets where its embedded
content is inserted, automatically.
Summary Income Statement - grid is inserted as
embedded content in the 4. Finance - Revenue
Report doclet.
Revenues by Segment Chart – chart is inserted as
an embedded content, but is not used in the
Report Package.
Vision Executive Summary
This Reports reference doclet contains a link to the
Sample Report 0. The report contains two hidden
grids that drive a bar and a donut chart, as well as a
text box’s text functions which return summarized
data points for a few accounts. Static narrative is
displayed in a text box as an example, Notes can also
be used for this purpose.
The report POV for Entities is set to Total Entities.
Exec Sum Donut chart is inserted as an
embedded content in the 3. Executive Summary
Exec Sum Rev Bar chart is inserted as an
embedded content in the 3. Executive Summary
Vision Income & Revenue
Analysis Report
This Reports reference doclet contains a link to the
Sample Report 2b (Advanced Charts), which
contains waterfall, bubble, treemap and sunburst
charts that are driven by hidden grids.
Income Statement - Waterfall chart is inserted
as an embedded content in the 4. Finance -
Revenue Report doclet.
Revenue Actual vs PlanBubble chart is
inserted as an embedded content in the 4.
Finance - Revenue Report doclet.
Revenue by Segment - Treemap chart is inserted
as an embedded content in the 7. Metrics – Units
Revenue by Segment - Sunburst chart is inserted
as an embedded content in the 7. Metrics – Units
Chapter 8
Sample Report Package Content
Table 8-1 (Cont.) List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and
Embedded Content
Doclets / Reference Doclets /
Embedded Content
Vision Qtrly Balance Sheet
This Reports reference doclet contains a link to the
Sample Report 10 (Buttery Report), which contains
a grid with Accounts in the rows and Fiscal Calendar
in the columns. The Row Headings Before grid
property is set to column C, where the Accounts row
labels appear between columns B and C, resulting in a
Buttery Report. The Accounts member labels are
also center justied for display purposes.
Sample PowerPoint Report Package
This sample PowerPoint Report Package Contains seven doclets, one supplemental
doclet and four reference doclets.
Table 8-2 List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and Embedded
Doclets / Reference Doclets /
Embedded Content
1. Cover and TOC Contains date label, which is driven by the
PeriodEnded variable. Has an agenda-type list of
2. Executive Summary Contains the Exec Sum Donut and the Exec Sum Rev
Bar Embedded Contents from the Vision Executive
Summary Report reference doclet.
There are 5 variables inserted into the doclet:
Cost of Sales
Reporting Entity
Total Operating Expenses
Financial Statements
Section Header
3. Income Analysis Contains embedded content ("Summary Income
Statement" Reports grid from Vision Statement
reference doclet and the "Income Statement Waterfall"
and "Revenue – Bubble Chart" from the Vision Income
and Revenue Analysis Report reference doclet.
There are 8 variables inserted into the doclet:
Chapter 8
Sample Report Package Content
Table 8-2 (Cont.) List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and
Embedded Content
Doclets / Reference Doclets /
Embedded Content
4. Balance Sheet Contains embedded content "Consol_BalSht" from the
Vision Statement reference doclet.
Prot by Segment template Supplemental doclet that contains a Smart View ad-hoc
query against the Narrative Reporting Sample
5. Notes Contains narrative text only, no embedded content or
6. Metrics Contains embedded content the Revenues by Segment
chart the Vision Management Report reference doclet
and the Revenue by Segment – Treemap chart and
the Revenue by Segment - Sunburst chart from the
Vision Income and Revenue Analysis Report
reference doclet. There are no variables within the
7. Backlog
Contains narrative text only, no embedded content or
References Section Header
Chapter 8
Sample Report Package Content
Table 8-2 (Cont.) List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and
Embedded Content
Doclets / Reference Doclets /
Embedded Content
Vision Statements Excel This reference doclet contains Smart View ad-hoc
queries against the Narrative Reporting Sample
Application and Model.
The rst four worksheets:
Summary Income Statement - Smart View ad-hoc
query, which drives some of the reference variable
sources in the Rules sheet.
Rev & Gross Prot Analysis - Smart View ad-hoc
query, chart is inserted as embedded content in the
3. Income Analysis doclet.
Balance Sheet - Smart View ad-hoc query, grid is
inserted as embedded content in the 4. Balance
Sheet doclet.
Metrics - Smart View ad-hoc query, not used in any
Rules - contains the inserted variable
CurrentMonth which is referenced, through cell
formulas, by all four query sheets to drive the
Fiscal Calendar (time period dimension) selection
(default of Dec). It also contains cell formula
references to the "Summary Income Statement"
sheet values and Excel formulas to calculate
variance results and directional words – all of
which source the nine reference variables.
If the static variable value
for CurrentMonth is
changed, for example to
Dec, the Vision Statement
doclets needs to be
downloaded, checked out
and queries refreshed, then
checked back in, for the
reference variable values to
be updated in the system.
Chapter 8
Sample Report Package Content
Table 8-2 (Cont.) List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and
Embedded Content
Doclets / Reference Doclets /
Embedded Content
Vision Management Report This Reports reference doclet contains a local report
against the against the Narrative Reporting Sample
Application and Model.
Contains one grid and one chart. The report POV for
the Fiscal Calendar dimension is driven by the
CurrentMonth variable. Changes in the variable
refreshes the report, and doclets where its embedded
content is inserted, automatically.
Summary Income Statement - grid is inserted as
an embedded content in the 3. Income-Analysis
Revenues by Segment Chart – chart is dened as
an Available Content but is not used in the Report
Package. Revenues by Segment Chart – chart is
inserted as an embedded content in the 6. Metrics
– Units doclet.
Vision Executive Summary
This Reports reference doclet contains a link to the
Sample Report 0, which contains two hidden grids
that drive a bar and a donut chart, as well as a text
box’s text functions which return summarized data
points for a few accounts. Static narrative is displayed
in a text box as an example, Notes can also be used for
this purpose.
The report POV for Entities is set to Total Entities.
Exec Sum Donut chart is inserted as an embedded
content in the 3. Executive Summary doclet.
Exec Sum Rev Bar chart is inserted as an
embedded content in the 3. Executive Summary
Vision Income & Revenue
Analysis Report
This Reports reference doclet contains a link to the
Sample Report 2b (Advanced Charts), which contains
waterfall, bubble, treemap and sunburst charts that
are driven by hidden grids.
The report POV for Entities is set to Total Entities.
Income Statement - Waterfall chart is inserted as
an embedded content in the 4. Finance - Revenue
Report doclet.
Revenue Actual vs PlanBubble chart is inserted
as an embedded content in the 4. Finance -
Revenue Report doclet.
Revenue by Segment - Treemap chart is inserted
as an embedded content in the 7. Metrics – Units
Revenue by Segment - Sunburst chart is inserted
as an embedded content in the 7. Metrics – Units
Chapter 8
Sample Report Package Content
Sample PDF Report Package
This sample PDF Report Package Contains ten doclets, including four Reports report
doclets and one Excel doclet, along with three reference doclets.
Table 8-3 List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and Embedded
Doclets / Reference Doclets /
Embedded Content
Cover Page Contains date label, which is driven by the
PeriodEnded variable.
TOC Contains Word-based table of contents, which is
generated by Narrative Reporting when the report
package output is generated (for example, Preview,
Review Sign-off, Publish, Download, and Distribution).
Executive Summary
Contains a Reports doclet with a link to the Sample
Report 0, which contains two hidden grids that drive a
bar and a donut chart, as well as a text box’s text
functions which return summarized data points for a
few accounts. Static narrative is displayed in a text box
as an example, Notes can also be used for this purpose.
The report POV for Entities is set to Total Entities.
Section Header
Finance - Revenue Report (MS
Contains a Word doclet with the following embedded
contents "Summary Income Statement" grid from the
Vision Management Report (MR Reference)
reference doclet and the Income Statement Waterfall
and Revenue – Bubble Chart from the Vision Income
and Revenue Analysis Report reference doclet.
There are 8 variables inserted into the doclet:
Finance - Consol Balancesheet
(MS Word)
Contains a Word doclet with the "Consolidated Balance
Sheet" grid from the Vision Statement (Excel
Reference) reference doclet.
Finance - Notes Contains narrative text only, no embedded content or
Management Reports Section Header
Chapter 8
Sample Report Package Content
Table 8-3 (Cont.) List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and
Embedded Content
Doclets / Reference Doclets /
Embedded Content
Income Statement Contains a Reports doclet with a local Sample Report 1
with printable pages set in the POV for the Segments
dimension, to print four pages of the report, one for
each selected Segment member. The report contains a
grid with Income Statement accounts in the rows and
Scenarios in the columns, with two formula columns
to display the "% of Net Sales" for each account in the
The report POV for the Fiscal Calendar dimension is
driven by the CurrentMonth variable. Changes in the
variable refreshes the report, and doclets where its
embedded content is inserted, automatically.
Income Statement Trend
Contains a Reports doclet with a local Sample Report
4, which contains a grid with income statement
accounts in the rows, Scenarios and Fiscal Calendar
dimensions in the columns. The grid displays a rolling
report for the months in Actual and Plan, depending on
the POV set for the Fiscal Calendar dimension.
The report POV for the Fiscal Calendar dimension is
driven by the CurrentMonth variable. Changes in the
variable refreshes the report, and doclets where its
embedded content is inserted, automatically.
Sales Summary
Contains a Reports doclet with a local Sample Report
2, which contains three charts (pie, bar, and line
charts) that are each driven by grids that are part of
each chart denition. This report is not driven by the
CurrentMonth variable.
Sales by Territory
Contains a Reports doclet with a local Sample Report
3, which contains a grid and a chart, where the grid
has Entities in the rows and Scenarios in the columns.
The chart is driven by the displayed grid.
The report POV for the Fiscal Calendar dimension is
driven by the CurrentMonth variable. Changes in the
variable refreshes the report, and doclets where its
embedded content is inserted, automatically.
Financial Appendix
Section Header
Regional Balance Sheets - Excel Contains an Excel doclet with four worksheets with
Smart View ad-hoc queries to the Narrative Reporting
Sample Application and Model. Each worksheet is a
Balance Sheet report for different Entity dimension
members. The rst worksheet, Rules, has the static
variable CurrentMonth being inserted. The four
worksheets with Smart View ad-hoc queries contain a
formula link to pull the CurrentMonth variable into
the POV on each worksheet. Updating the variable
value will update all POV’s within the workbook.
Financial References
Section Header
Chapter 8
Sample Report Package Content
Table 8-3 (Cont.) List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and
Embedded Content
Doclets / Reference Doclets /
Embedded Content
Vision Statements (Excel
This reference doclet contains Smart View ad-hoc
queries against the Narrative Reporting Sample
Application and Model.
The rst four worksheets:
Summary Income Statement - Smart View ad-hoc
query, which drives some of the reference variable
sources in the Rules sheet.
Rev & Gross Prot Analysis - Smart View ad-hoc
query, but not used in any doclets.
Balance Sheet - Smart View ad-hoc query, grid is
inserted as an embedded content in the Finance -
Consol Balancesheet (MS Word) doclet.
Metrics - Smart View ad-hoc query, but not used in
any doclets.
Rules - contains the inserted variable
CurrentMonth which is referenced, through cell
formulas, by all four query sheets to drive the
Fiscal Calendar (time period dimension) selection
(default of Dec). It also contains cell formula
references to the Income Statement sheet values
and Excel formulas to calculate variance results
and directional words – all of which source the
seven reference variables.
If the static variable value
for CurrentMonth is
changed, for example to
Dec, the Vision Statement
doclets needs to be
downloaded, checked out
and queries refreshed, then
checked back in, for the
reference variable values to
be updated in the system.
Chapter 8
Sample Report Package Content
Table 8-3 (Cont.) List of all the Sample Doclets, Reference Doclets, and
Embedded Content
Doclets / Reference Doclets /
Embedded Content
Vision Management Report
(MR Reference)
This Reports reference doclet contains a local report
against the Narrative Reporting Sample Application
and Model.
Contains one grid and one chart. The report POV for
the Fiscal Calendar dimension is driven by the
CurrentMonth variable. Changes in the variable
refreshes the report, and doclets where its embedded
content is inserted, automatically.
Summary Income Statement - grid is inserted as
embedded content in the 3. Income Analysis
Revenues by Segment Chart – chart is dened as
an Available Content but is not used in the Report
Vision Income & Revenue
Analysis Report
This Reports reference doclet contains a link to the
Sample Report 2b (Advanced Charts), which contains
waterfall, bubble, treemap and sunburst charts that
are driven by hidden grids.
Income Statement - Waterfall chart is inserted as
embedded content in the Finance - Revenue
Report doclet.
Revenue Actual vs PlanBubble chart is inserted
as embedded content in the Finance - Revenue
Report doclet.
Revenue by Segment - Treemap chart is dened
as an Available Content but is not used in the
Report Package.
Revenue by Segment - Sunburst chart is dened
as an Available Content but is not used in the
Report Package.
Opening the Report Package
To open the sample report package:
1. From the Home page, perform an action:
and navigate to the folder in which the administrator extracted the
report package.
to view the report packages that you have access to.
2. Click the name of one of the sample report packages. By default, they are Sample
Report Package — MS Word ,Sample Report Package PPT and Sample Report
Package — PDF.
Chapter 8
Opening the Report Package
For more information, see Welcome to Oracle Narrative Reporting.
Working with the Report Center
When you click the name of the report package, the report opens in the report center.
The report center enables report package owners to manage the report package
through all the phases of development.
Let’s look at some of the areas in the report center:
Report packages are divided into subcomponents called doclets. The sample Word
report package contains seven doclets, one supplemental doclet, and two reference
doclets for you to work with:
Cover page
Table of contents
Finance — Revenue report
Finance — Consol Balancesheet
Finance — Notes
Profit by Segment Template (supplemental doclet)
Metrics — Units
Metrics — Backlog and delivery
Vision Statements (Excel reference doclet)
Vision Management Reports (Reports reference doclet)
Chapter 8
Working with the Report Center
Sections group and organize doclets. The sample Word report package contains two
sections for you to work with:
The toolbar provides these functions:
Click to access the help center
Click to act on the entire report package or a selected group of doclets or
Click to close the report center and return to the home screen.
Add Doclets and Sections
and to add additional doclets and sections. See "Adding and Organizing
Report Package Content" in Create Report Packages
See "Navigating the Report Center" in Manage Report Packages.
Editing Report Packages
When you first access the sample report package, no development phases are enabled and
no users are assigned. Edit the report package by clicking , and then selecting
Edit Report Package Properties to open the edit wizard. The edit wizard contains panels
that enable you to edit the report package properties, enable development phases, and
assign access. Let’s look at each panel:
Editing Report Package Properties
Chapter 8
Editing Report Packages
In Enter Properties, you can edit the name of the sample report package and change
its location in the library. You can also upload a new style sample document. See
Working with the Style Sample Document.
When you have finished editing the properties, click to continue.
Enabling Development Phases
Narrative Reporting provides three phases for developing report packages:
Collaborate to develop the report content and supporting details.
Gather comments on multiple draft versions and to revise the report content.
Sign Off
Lock report content and gather sign offs from key constituents.
To enable a phase, click the check mark in the corner of the phase:
. When you enable a phase, the
phase tile changes color and the screen updates with the phase timeline.
Chapter 8
Editing Report Packages
Click to select the start and end dates for the phases. You can also include doclet
approvals in the author phase and additional review cycles in the review phase. See
"Creating the Report Package Structure" in Create Report Packages.
After you enable each phase and set the timelines, click
to continue.
You do not need to assign authors to all doclets (for example, the report package
owner can author doclet content). If you enable the Author phase on the report
package level, you can specify individual doclets that do not participate in the
author phase by selecting
next to the doclet, then Edit Doclet Properties, and
then selecting Exclude from Author Phase.
Assigning Users
Chapter 8
Editing Report Packages
Use the Assign Users screen to grant permissions to report package owners,
reviewers, signers, and viewers.
To grant permission to a user:
1. Select the responsibility that you want to grant to a user:
Owners can modify the report package structure and properties, execute the
phase processes, and assign users.
Reviewers can review all or part of the report package and provide feedback
on potential modifications to the content.
Signers can provide the final sign off for the report package so that it can be
Viewers can view all or part of the report package but cannot make
If you enabled the sign off phase, you must select at least one signer
before you can close the edit wizard.
2. Click to open the Select User dialog box.
3. Perform these actions:
a. In the Search Text field, enter all or part of the name of the user or group that
you want to assign access to, and then click .
b. Select the name in the search result, and then click to close the Select
User dialog box.
After you finish assigning users, click to save your changes, close the
wizard, and return to the report center.
When you return to the report center, an error message says that there are
doclets that do not have authors assigned to them. See Editing Report
Assigning Authors and Approvers to Doclets
You use the Edit Report Package wizard to assign users (owners, reviewers, signers,
and viewers) at the report package level. However, doclet authors and approvers are
optionally assigned at the doclet level. Therefore, you assign authors and approvers
directly from the report center.
Chapter 8
Editing Report Packages
To assign authors and approvers to doclets:
1. Select
next to the doclet that you want to assign an author to, and then select Edit
Doclet Properties.
2. In Doclet Properties, edit the name and description if desired, and then select the
permission that you want to grant.
If the Approvers permission is not displayed, you didn’t enable doclet approval
for the report package. Close the Doclet Properties screen and edit the report
package properties to enable doclet approval. See "Adding Doclets" in Create
Report Packages.
3. Click to open Select User.
4. Perform these actions:
a. In the Search text by, enter all or part of the name of the user or group that you want
to assign access to, and then click .
b. Select the name in the search result, and then click to close Select User.
5. When you have finished assigning authors and approvers to the doclet, click to
save the doclet edits and return to the report center.
6. Repeat steps 1–5 to continue assigning authors to any additional desired doclets.
After you finish assigning authors to your doclets, the error messages are no longer
Chapter 8
Editing Report Packages
Working with the Style Sample Document
The report package style sample document contains the page attributes (for Word-
based report packages) or slide masters and layouts (for PowerPoint-based report
packages) for the report. When individual doclets are uploaded to the report package,
the style sample is applied to each of them so that the final report is uniform and
consistent. We will work with the Word-based style sample document in this topic.
To get an idea of the style sample functionality, click the
Preview tab on the left
side of the report center to preview the entire report. You can also preview an
individual doclet and section. Scroll through the report to look at a few sample pages
or click :Show Thumbnail to display thumbnails for the report or doclet.
Chapter 8
Working with the Style Sample Document
Chapter 8
Working with the Style Sample Document
Click to return to the report center.
Do not click from the preview pane or the report package, doclet,
or section will close and you will be returned to the home screen.
Next, download the style sample file.
To download the style sample file:
1. Click next to the name of the report package.
2. Select Download Style Sample File.
Chapter 8
Working with the Style Sample Document
3. Perform an action:
Select Save File, download the style sample file to your local drive, and then open
the file in Microsoft Word.
Select Open With, and leave the default selection of Microsoft Word.
The style sample file 0.Style Sheet.docx is displayed in Word.
Next, let’s add a DRAFT watermark.
To add a watermark:
1. From Microsoft Word, select the Page Layout tab.
2. Select Watermark.
3. Select DRAFT 1.
4. Click Save.
Next, upload the new style sample document.
To upload the style sample document:
1. In report center, click
, and then select Edit Report Package Properties to
open the edit wizard.
2. In Style Sample, click Browse.
3. Navigate to where you saved the modified style sample sheet, and then click Open.
Chapter 8
Working with the Style Sample Document
The system displays a warning message that the new style sample will
be applied to all of the doclets, and asks if you want to continue. Click
4. Click to save your changes, close the wizard, and return to the report
5. Click Preview again to preview the changes.
Notice that the DRAFT watermark is now displayed on all of the doclets. You can edit
the style sample document to make further changes to the report package. You can
also override the style sample document at the doclet level if you do not want the style
sample applied to that doclet.
Chapter 8
Working with the Style Sample Document
Working with Development Phases
With your users, phases, style, doclets, and sections in place, it is time to start the report
package development process to see how it all works! As a report package owner, you can
perform the same tasks as a doclet author and approver. However, if you also want to act as
a reviewer or signer, you must assign yourself those permissions by editing the report
package properties. See Editing Report Packages.
Author Phase
The author phase allows doclet authors to add content to doclets and doclet approvers to
review and approve that content. You must start the author phase before authors and
approvers can add content to doclets. To start the author phase, select
, and
then select Start Author Phase.
Next, perform these actions to learn about the author phase:
Check out, download, edit, upload, and check in a doclet.
Submit a doclet for approval.
Approve a doclet
Undo the checkout of a doclet to discard changes
Restart the workflow on a doclet
Mark the author phase complete
See Managing the Author Phase.
Review Phase
In the review phase, users review content and add comments to the document. You start a
review cycle by creating a review instance and then starting the cycle.
To start a review cycle:
1. Select
, and then select Create Review Instance.
2. Select to start the review cycle. Click Start Review Cycle x. X represents
the number of the next review cycle; for example, Start Review Cycle 1.
After you have started the review cycle, perform these actions to learn about the review
Post a comment to a doclet.
Mark a comment closed.
Reopen a comment.
Mark a review cycle complete.
Create another review instance and start another review cycle. Notice that review
comments are carried forward in context from previous review cycles.
See "Managing the Review Phase" in Manage Report Packages.
Chapter 8
Working with Development Phases
Example 8-1 Sign Off Phase
The sign off phase locks down the report package content and submits it to the signers
for final approval. After a sign off instance is created, no changes to the report
package are allowed. To create a sign off instance, select , and then
select Create Sign Off Instance.
After you have created the sign off instance, perform these actions to learn about the
sign off phase:
Request sign off on the report package.
Cancel the sign off and unlock the report package for additional edits.
Reject the sign off (you must have the Signer permission).
Sign off on the report package (you must have the Signer permission).
See "Managing the Sign Off Phase" in Manage Report Packages.
After you guide the report package through each development phase, you are ready to
create your own report package. Remember that you can always return to the sample
report package to experiment and become familiar with different report package
functionality. For more detailed information about the tasks and responsibilities of a
report package owner, see these topics:
Learn About Report Packages
Report Package Design Considerations
Create Report Packages
Understand Style Samples
Manage Report Packages
Chapter 8
Working with Development Phases
Installing Samples
Narrative Reporting provides samples to help you learn how to use report packages,
applications, and management reports. You can use:
Sample Report Packages, with MS Word, PowerPoint and PDF report package types,
can help you become familiar with the report package functionality and content such as
the report center, doclets, phases, embedded content and variables, where applicable.
For all three sample report packages types, phases and user assignments have not been
enabled and defined, however after importing the sample files, a report administrator can
enable phases, define dates and assign users. To learn more how to use the sample
report package, see Working with the Sample Report Package.
Sample Reports can help you become familiar with the functionality of Reports.
Sample Books can help you become familiar with the book functionality.
Sample Bursting Definitions can help you become familiar with the bursting
Upon installation, all sample content will be automatically deployed and imported when you
perform a Get Sample Content action from the Downloads menu. The Samples folder will
be organized with subfolders for each artifact type (Report Packages, Reports, Snapshot
Reports, Books, and Bursting definitions).
Installing samples
To work with sample files, a service administrator must install the samples from the
User Menu.
To install samples:
1. On the Narrative Reporting Home page, access Settings and Actions by clicking
your user name at the top right corner of the screen.
2. Select Downloads.
3. In the Downloads page, click Get Sample Content.
The sample application will be loaded and deployed and all sample
library artifacts will automatically imported behind-the-scenes.
Chapter 9
For Standard and Enterprise licenses, a sample application is generated and is populated
with one model, seven dimensions, and corresponding data, upon installing samples. The
sample application is a source for reports and report package reference doclets. It can also
be queried in Oracle Smart View for Office. The sample application is automatically deployed
while performing a Get Sample Content action.
For old Enterprise Performance Reporting SKUs (pre-June 2019), if you have deployed a
custom application, the sample application will not be deployed. In this case, the reports and
report package reference doclets will not be refreshable, since the sample application will not
exist. If a custom application does not exist, the sample application will be deployed.
For more information, refer to the following topics:
Reviewing the Sample Report Packages
Reviewing the Sample Reports
Reviewing the Sample Books
Reviewing the Sample Bursting Definition Files
Chapter 9
Creating and Learning About Reports
Reports is a cloud-based reporting solution for creating EPM cloud financial and managerial
reports. It enables users to insert charts and grids from multiple EPM cloud sources, such as
Planning Modules and Financial Consolidation and Close, into a single report. This report can
then be embedded into Narrative Reporting report package doclets and integrated with the
collaborative narrative reporting process.
See also Creating Management Reports in Oracle Narrative Reporting.
Key benefits include:
Combine cross-cloud content into a single report
Embed grids and charts in report package doclets, with centralized point-of-view controls
and automatic doclet updates
Report package variables provide ease of maintenance for changing the point of view for
reports embedded in a report package.
Utilize grid row or column formulas to reference data in other grids
To create a management report from Narrative Reporting:
Choose a method to launch Reports:
From the Welcome Panel on the Home page, click
, and then select Report.
From the Library system generated Report folder, click , and then select Report.
You cannot create Reports from the Recent folder in the library.
For more information on Reports, see Overview of Management Reporting and About
Management Reporting also to learn about making report content available from a
management report file in a Reference doclet, see Adding a Management Report to a
Reference Doclet.
Overview of Smart View
Related Topics
Learning About Smart View
You can learn how to work with Oracle Smart View for Office and then try to interact with
Narrative Reporting data and report packages.
Learning About Smart View
You can learn how to work with Oracle Smart View for Office and then try to interact with
Narrative Reporting data and report packages.
What is Smart View?
Smart View uses a Microsoft Office interface designed for Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System, Oracle Business Intelligence, and Oracle Fusion Financials products.
When working with report packages in Smart View, you can:
Author doclets using familiar Microsoft Office tools to access and work with data without
having to download and work on them locally.
Complete review and sign off tasks for report packages.
Perform complex analyses on your data.
Working with Smart View in Excel
In Excel, Smart View allows you to perform ad hoc queries on Narrative Reporting data and
other EPM and BI data sources. You can easily embed data points from ad hoc queries into
your report narratives in Narrative Reporting. The data points in your narratives are
refreshable, meaning the data will always be the latest.
Working with Smart View Word or PowerPoint
When you work with doclets in Word or PowerPoint, you can use Smart View to
include data from Narrative Reporting data sources and other EPM System data
sources, including on-premises and cloud data sources. For example, you can
incorporate data from a profit and loss statement in Oracle Essbase Studio and an
income statement from a Planning source. The data points for the areas that you copy
remain in Word or PowerPoint, and you can refresh the doclet to see the latest data
For more information about working with Smart View in Narrative Reporting, see these
Setting Up Narrative Reporting in Smart View
Authoring Doclets in Smart View
Using Narrative Reporting Home
Approving Doclets in Smart View
Performing Reviews in Smart View
Performing Sign Offs in Smart View
Working with Distributions
Example: Working with Narrative Reporting Data in Smart View
Create New Report Package Structures in Smart View
Assign Authors When Adding Doclets to Report Package Structures
Validate Fonts in Excel Reference Doclets
Chapter 11
Learning About Smart View
Overview of the Library
Related Topics
Learning About the Library
The library is the Narrative Reporting artifact repository.
Learning About the Library
The library is the Narrative Reporting artifact repository.
Use it to organize and manage content in a familiar, intuitive interface, which borrows from
well-known applications. Its interface and functionality borrows from existing desktop and
web-based file and document management systems. For example, use library folders to
organize and store artifacts such as report packages, applications, audit log files, graphic
files, Microsoft documents, and so on. You can also create shortcuts to artifacts, and use
system-generated personal folders such as Recent, Favorites, and My Library to organize
content. You can also create your own folders. After creating the folders, you can grant other
users access to them. Learn more about the library from this video
Learning About the
Narrative Reporting Library.
Users with the library administrator role can:
Create folders and see all child folders and folder contents however, they cannot open
and view the contents of folders unless they have the appropriate permissions.
Create shortcuts in any folder where they have write permissions.
Figure 12-1 Example of the Library
A user with the service administrator role has the complete ability to perform any of the
actions or tasks to any artifact or folder in the library. The service administrator can see
each users My Library folder and has unrestricted access to the service. However,
they cannot see other users Favorites or Recent folders since these only contain
The library provides these benefits:
You can migrate folders, Report Packages, Reports, Books, Bursting Definitions, Data
sources, Notes, Fonts, Third-party files, and Applications (where applicable) between
environments and within them. You can migrate artifacts using the export, download,
and import functionality in the library or by using the EPM Automate Commands. For
migrating Notes artifacts, you use the Notes Manager. See Migrating Notes Artifacts
from One Environment to Another, Notes ManagerMigrate Artifacts, and EPM
Automate Commands.
An administrator of an artifact can run audit reports for their artifact. The service
administrator can run additional audit reports for the entire system. Additional
information on audits:
Actions in the system are captured in a running system audit.
You can extract audit entries for folders or artifacts to which you have administrator
An extract file is created from the running system audit that falls within the time
frame that you entered in Create Audit File and is saved in the Audit Logs folder in
the library.
For more information on audits, see Using Audits.
Built-In Intelligence
The library is role-based, and a user is either shown content that they have been given
explicit access to, or content that has been made available to them from the report
package workflow. For example, a doclet author cannot see a report package in the
library until the author phase has started. See Creating Artifacts in the Library.
Customizing and Inspecting
A user can customize their view of the library by Setting Default Views for Content
Pane Folders and Artifacts. For example, set a default view preference for a folder or
all folders and sort the contents of a folder. You can inspect or review a folder’s
properties. For example, as a service administrator, from the properties tab of the
Inspect dialog you can edit the artifact name, view the artifact type, the location of the
artifact in the library or path, the description, and so on. You can assign access for an
artifact so only a limited audience can see or open it. You can also review the history
and actions taken on an artifact. See Inspecting Folders and Artifacts.
How to use the Library
There are different ways to open the library.
Select one of the following to open the library:
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
From the Welcome Panel on the Home page, select Open:
On the Home page, select .
The library opens to the Recent folder by default. Example of the library UI:
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
Figure 12-2 Sample Library
Learning About the Navigation and Content Panes
The library's navigation pane contains a list of default, system-generated, and personal
The content pane contains the contents of the folders in the navigation pane. Click and
drag the vertical separator to adjust the windows.
The navigation pane’s user-created folders and system-generated personal folders
help you stay organized.
User-created folders; for example John Smith Report Packages.
System-generated personal folders; Recent, Favorites, and My Library:
The menus and actions available for the following are role based.
Contains shortcuts to recently accessed content. The number of recent shortcuts
retained is set in preferences, see the Library tab in Managing User Preferences. You
can inspect shortcuts, which are read only, to view artifact properties. Refresh to
update the contents. See Inspect. See the Using the Action Menus for more
information on how to access the action menus to select these options. Additional
rules for this folder are:
Only the given user can see the shortcuts in this folder.
The user cannot copy, move, or rename the shortcuts in this folder.
The user can delete shortcuts in this folder.
If the name of the artifact to which the Recent shortcut points to is changed, the
name of the shortcut is also changed.
If the source artifact is deleted, the recent shortcut is deleted.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
The ability of the given user to access the artifact that the Recent shortcut points to is
governed by the user’s permissions on the base artifact, not the shortcut.
The artifact properties shown in the Inspect dialog for a recent artifact are from the
source artifact.
Contains shortcuts to artifacts marked as favorites. Includes the same options available as
the Recent folder. Additional rules for this folder are:
Only the given user can see the shortcuts in this folder.
The user can rename and delete shortcuts in this folder, and add or change a
The user can move a sub-folder or shortcut contained in this folder only within the
Favorites folder or its children.
The user cannot copy or move artifacts to or from outside the Favorites folder, this
includes the copy and move of shortcuts.
The name of the favorite shortcut does not need to match the source artifact, and if the
source artifacts name changes, the name of the shortcut contained in the Favorites does
not change.
If the source artifact is deleted, the favorite artifact is deleted.
The artifact properties shown in the Inspect dialog for a Favorites artifact (shortcut or
folder) are from the favorites artifact.
My Library
Personal artifacts such as Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, shortcuts, and folders.
Includes the same options as the Recent and Favorites folders, plus adds auditing. You
cannot give another user access to the content in My Library. The audit type artifact file is
created in the Audit Logs folder and audit is added to the artifact name, for example Audit
— reportpackageRP1. Additional rules for this folder are:
Only the service administrator or given user can see the artifacts in this folder.
You can't create report packages in the My Library folder, or move or copy report
packages to it. However, you can use shortcuts to report packages in the My Library
Other artifacts can be copied or moved into or out-of this folder.
System-generated folders; Audit Logs, Report Packages, Reports, Books, Bursting
Definitions, Application, Fonts and Data Sources:
Audit Logs—Contain system and artifact type audit files created from the system level or
Report Package—Contain report packages that reside elsewhere in the folders of the
library, where they are created.
Application—Contain application that has been created.
Fonts—Contain fonts that can be used for artifacts.
Data Sources—Contain the data source connections created for Reports.
Reports—Contain reports that reside elsewhere in the folders of the library, where they
are created.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
— Contain Books that reside elsewhere in the folders of the library, where they are
Bursting Definitions — Contain Bursting Definitions that reside elsewhere in the
folders of the library, where they are created.
Using Locator Links
Use the locator link at the top of the content area to keep track of folder and artifact
locations in the library.
Locator links especially helps when you are deep in a directory. Use the link to click
back to previous directory levels. Use the link to click back to a previous level in the
library structure.
Figure 12-3 Locator Links in Content Pane
Using the Action Menus
Use the Actions menu to act on library artifacts:
Use the Actions menu at the top of the navigation pane
to take action on the folders in the navigation pane. The actions that you can take
vary according to folder to your access permissions. Viewers, for example, cannot
run Audits. For example, you can Inspect, Audit, and Refresh system-generated
folders. You can take any action on folders that you have created.
Use the Actions menu at the top of the content area to
act on one or more artifacts in the content area. For example, you can use the
Actions menu to edit the properties of a report package or select several folders to
move or copy to another location.
Making a copy of an existing Report Package
You can make a copy of an existing report package and use that as the basis for the
next reporting cycle. The copy function makes a complete copy of the report package
definition. This includes all of the report package properties, all of the doclets, all of the
user assignments, and all of the variables. The doclets contain the last checked in
version of the doclet file(s). The copy does not include any of the details related to the
development of the source report package. The copy will not include any of the history,
prior versions, review instances, or sign off instances from the source report package.
All that is required is to update the dates and check the assignments.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
To make a copy of the report package:
1. From the folder in the Library where the original report package is located, select the
report package you want to copy but do not open it.
2. Select next to the report package to be copied and then Copy.
3. Select an existing folder or create a new one using the
for where you would like to
place the copied report package.
If copying to an existing folder, you must have write-access to the folder where
you are placing the copied report package.
4. Select OK from dialog displayed.
This topic also applies to other artifacts in the library you have access to, for
example reports.
Moving a Report Package
You can relocate a report package to another location.
To move a report package:
1. From the folder in the Library where the original report package is located, select the
report package you want to move but do not open it.
2. Select
next to the report package to be moved and then Move.
3. Select an existing folder or create a new one using the for where you would like to
move the report package.
When moving to an existing folder, you must have write-access to the folder
where the report package is being moved to.
4. Select OK from dialog displayed.
This topic also applies to other artifacts in the library you have access to, for
example reports.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
Using the Create Menus
The Create menus allow users with the appropriate roles to create the following:
Use the Create icon at the top of the navigation pane
to create a folder to store artifacts.
Use the Create icon at the top of the content pane to
create artifacts. For example, create folders and report packages and upload files
and system audit files.
When selecting the option to create report packages, the Create Report
Package wizard is displayed. See Create Report Packages.
Working with Connections and Remote Libraries
Connections in Narrative Reporting enables you to define access to Reports data
sources and Remote Libraries.
Connections streamline the creation and maintenance of Reports data sources
and provide a single area of credentials maintenance for multiple cubes in an
Data source artifacts in the Library can still optionally be used to
maintain connections to cubes; however this can also be done in
Connections also allow you to access reporting artifacts in Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud platform instances on the same domain via
Remote Libraries. In the Narrative Reporting Library, users can browse remote
libraries for reporting artifacts to open, or to copy Reports from the EPM Cloud
Platform to Narrative Reporting.
Supported artifacts include Reports and Report Snapshots, Books, Bursting,
Microsoft Office files, and PDFs.
Only the Service Administrator role can create and maintain Connections.
Connections support all Reports data sources: EPM Cloud platform (Enterprise
Profitability and Cost Management, FreeForm, Planning and Planning Modules,
Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting), Essbase Cloud, Fusion ERP,
Profitability and Cost Management (PCM).
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
EPM Cloud Platform Connections: You can access cubes for reporting and Remote
Essbase, Fusion ERP, Profitability and Cost Management (PCM) Connections: You can
access cubes for reporting only.
When creating a Connection, you select the connection type (based on the data source type)
and enter the Server Name and Admin Credentials, as well as other fields, depending on
the data source. You can also optionally select cubes to be added as data sources. The data
source artifacts in the Library use the Connections as parent artifact "containers", where
you can select a Connection to use and select a cube from that connection.
For EPM Cloud Platform connections, you can optionally enable a Remote Library for users
to access reporting content from these connections in Narrative Reporting.
The Connection dialog, where you can create and edit Connections. For the EPM Cloud
Platform connection, you can Enable Library to expose a Remote Library to the end-users.
Under Manage Data Sources, you can create and manage data sources for Reports.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
The Data Source dialog, where you can alternately create Connections to specific
cubes. Cube connections can also be defined in the Connections dialog.
A Remote Library to an EPM Cloud Platform instance allows accessing reporting
Narrative Reporting users accessing a Remote Library need to be a user and must
have access permissions to artifacts on the Connections.
Remote Libraries cannot be enabled to access other Narrative Reporting
instances, only EPM Cloud Platform instances (Enterprise Profitability and Cost
Management, FreeForm, Planning and Planning Modules, Financial Consolidation
and Close, Tax Reporting).
You cannot edit any of the artifacts in a Remote Library. You can only open any of
the artifacts or copy Reports. Artifacts can only be edited directly in the EPM Cloud
instance and not from the Remote Libraries in Narrative Reporting.
-- Working with Connections and Remote Libraries.
Creating and Editing Connections
To create a Connection:
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
1. On the Narrative Reporting Home page, under the Tools icon, you can select
2. In the Manage Connections, click
to add new connections.
3. In Name, enter a descriptive identifier for the connection, such as a combination of the
data source and server.
4. In Type, select the type of data source:
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud, used for:
Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management
Planning and Planning Modules
Financial Consolidation and Close
Tax Reporting
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
Oracle Essbase Cloud
Oracle Profitability and Cost Management Cloud Essbase Provider
Oracle Fusion Applications Essbase Provider
Oracle Essbase Analytic Provider Services (APS)
5. In Server Name, enter the data source server name with no protocol or URL. For
example, for EPM Cloud, if data source URL is:
, the server name is:
6. (Oracle Fusion Applications Essbase Provider and Oracle Essbase Analytic
Provider Services (APS) only): In Essbase Server Name, enter the name of the
Essbase server. By default for Fusion Applications, the server name is
"Essbase_FA_Cluster" and for Essbase APS, the server name is
7. In Identity Domain, enter the identity domain of the data source pod.
Not required for Oracle Essbase Cloud, Oracle Fusion Applications
Essbase Provider or Oracle Essbase Analytic Provider Services
Not required for EPM Cloud deployments on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure (OCI).
8. Enter the administrator User ID and Password. The administrator User ID needs to
be a Service/System Administrator role at the data source level, BI Administrator
role for Fusion Applications.
You must log in to Narrative Reporting with the administrator credentials
for the data source that you want to create a connection to. For example,
if your Planning Modules administrator is PlanAdmin, you must log in to
Narrative Reporting with the PlanAdmin credentials to create a data
source connection to the Planning Modules data source. Enter User ID
and Password credentials used for native authentication at the source.
Single Sign-on with Identity Assertion technologies is not supported.
9. Click Test Connection.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
(Oracle Essbase Cloud only): Click Yes on the dialog box to trust the connection. This
setting is stored so that you do not have to answer the question again.
10. For EPM Cloud connections, optionally select Enable Library to expose a Remote
11. To select cubes to be added as data sources:
Under Manage Data Sources, click Add Data Sources to add one or more
cubes to connect Reports to.
For each cube, enter a Data Source Name, select the Application and Cube
After selecting a cube, you can click on to preview the dimension list.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
In the Manage Data Sources toolbar, you can: Edit an existing data source,
create a New data source, Delete a data source and Refresh the view.
Click OK to add the Connection. The connection will appear in the list under
the Manage Connections.
To Edit a Connection:
In Manage Connections, select the Connection, and then select Edit from the
Actions menu. When you edit a connection, you can change the Connection Name
and Server, as well as the Application and Cube names.
Changing the Connection Name does not affect any report objects that
use the connection.
Changing the Server, Application, or Cube names causes any report
objects that use the connection to point to the new destination.
For security purposes, you must re-enter the administrator credentials
when editing the connection.
Accessing other Users Libraries
System and library administrators can search for and retrieve the contents of another
user’s system-generated personal folders or user-generated folder, for example a My
Library folder. These permissions enable service administrators to view and retrieve a
file from another user who isn’t available. For example, if someone is on vacation, the
report package production workflow can continue.
The service administrators can search a user’s library by selecting the select user icon
from the User Libraries area of the navigation pane and entering John Smith’s name in
the search field for John Smith’s library and to retrieve the missing file required to
complete the report package in John Smith’s personal My Library folder.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
For information on granting access to library artifacts, see this video Granting Access
to Library Artifacts.
Setting Default Views for Content Pane Folders and Artifacts
To set a default view for a folder or all folders and artifacts listed in the content area of the
library select and clear available column names by selecting the Actions menu and then
the View menu. See Setting Default Views for Content Pane Folders and Artifacts. For
example, in the figure below Favorite, Type, and Modified On are checked from the View
menu, and the respective columns are displayed in the Content area of the library.
The list of column names that are displayed for the View menu are determined by
artifact, folder type, and a user’s privilege.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
Figure 12-4 View Menu
Sorting the Contents of a Folder
You can sort the contents of a folder from the header titles in tables by hovering your
cursor in the header title areas and selecting sort ascending or descending
Using Audits
Audits are stored in the system-generated Audit Logs folder. It contains system-
generated audits for the entire system and audit reports that were run on specific
artifacts. Audit-type extracts that can be run on library artifacts and folders by a service
administrator. An audit extract allows you to view who made changes to an artifact or
folder, when it was changed, and what was changed.
Considerations and actions for audits:
Actions in the system are captured in a running system audit.
Users can extract audit entries for folders or artifacts to which they have
administrator permissions.
Only audit log type artifacts are allowed in this folder.
All users can view this folder, but are only allowed to view audit log artifacts that
they created.
Users with the Service Administrator role can view any audit log artifact.
Users can’t copy or move any artifacts into or out of this folder.
Users can download an audit log artifact and delete an audit log artifact.
For more information, see Perform an Audit.
Searching the Library
To search for a folder or artifact in the library enter search text in the Search Text box
at the top of the content pane and select the search
icon, see Searching the
Library. Search results are displayed in the content area. By default, the search is
performed in the current folder. Select Search Library to expand your search to
include the entire library.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
Figure 12-5 Search Result Options
Creating Artifacts in the Library
The library is adaptive and dynamically enforces specific folder rules and actions available on
types of artifacts. The actions that are available in the library are location-specific. That is, the
actions available to you depend on where in the library you are.
For example, you can create a personal folder to organize artifacts in the library. Click
the navigation pane or content pane. If you create a folder in the navigation area, the folder is
added after the system generated folders but not within. In the content area, you can create a
personal folder within any of the following folders that have been selected in the navigation
pane to help with organization:
My Library
Any personal folder that you created or can access
Depending on the folder type selected in the navigation pane, you might have more options.
For example, if the My Library folder is selected, you can inspect and audit.
For localized versions of Narrative Reporting, you should not create custom folders
spelled the same as a translated system folder. This is due to certain implications
when opening the same localized version of Narrative Reporting in English.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
Organizing and Maintaining the Library
From the navigation pane, here are some of the actions available to organize and
maintain the library using the Action icon to organize or
maintain the library.
Some of the following actions might not apply to system-generated personal
folders or system personal folders.
Inspect—Review and change properties, access, view history. See Inspecting
Folders and Artifacts for more information.
Move—Relocate a folder and the contents to a new location.
Audit—Extract results that can be used to investigate a folder.
Refresh—Update a folder to view the latest changes to the contents.
Export—Makes a zip file of a folder and it’s contents and adds it to a location of
your choosing.
From the content pane, depending on the folder type or artifact selected and security
applied to the location (folder) or artifact, here are some of the actions available to
organize and maintain the library using one of the Action or
Download—Move or copy a folder or artifact to a different location.
Inspect—Review or change; properties and access, and view history for a artifact
or folder. See Inspecting Folders and Artifacts .
Delete Favorites Shortcut—Removes shortcut from Favorites folder.
Audit—Extract results that can be used to investigate a folder.
Add to Favorites—Allows an artifact to be displayed in the system-generated
Favorites folder.
Export—Makes a ZIP file of a folder and its contents and saves it where you
Import—Imports a file from library or locally.
Copy URL to Clipboard—Provides a direct URL to open a Library Artifact such as
a Report Package, Report, Snapshot Report, Book, or a third-party file.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
When an artifact is selected from the content pane of the library, it automatically
opens the artifact in its native environment. For example, when you select a report
package it opens in the report center. You are prompted to open or save third-party
documents, such as XLSX files.
Taking Actions for Report Packages, Reports, and Applications
Actions that you can take on Library Artifacts vary.
Report Package
When you select a report package from the Report Packages folder of the library, it opens in
the report center. The actions that you can take depends on your role and the status of the
report package. See Create Report Packages. Available actions for report packages from the
content pane:
Open—Open a Report Package.
Edit—Edit report package in the report center.
Inspect—View and change; properties and view access, and view the history.
Copy—Make a copy of a Report Package.
Copy URL to Clipboard—Provides a direct URL to open a Library Artifact such as a
Report Package, Report, Snapshot Report, Book, or a third-party file.
Move—Move a Report Package to a different folder you have access to.
Audit—Extract audit entries for a report package. See Perform an Audit.
Export—Makes a ZIP file of a folder and its contents and saves it where you choose.
See Migrate Artifacts.
View in Library Folder —See the report package in its library location.
Available only when Report Packages folder is selected.
Reports and Books
When you select a Report or Book from the Reports or Books folder of the library, it opens the
report or Book. The actions that you can take depends on your role and the status of the
report. Some of the available actions from the content pane:
Open—Open report in Reports.
Open As:
Open Report in one of these formats: Excel, HTML or PDF.
Open Books via Excel or PDF format.
Edit—Edit report in Reports.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
Inspect—View and change; properties and view access, and view the history.
Copy—Make a copy of a report.
Copy URL to Clipboard—Provides a direct URL to open a Library Artifact such
as a Report Package, Report, Snapshot Report, Book, or a third-party file.
Move—Move a report to a different folder you have access to.
Audit—Extract audit entries for a report . See Perform an Audit.
Export—Makes a ZIP file of a folder and its contents and saves it where you
choose. See Migrate Artifacts.
View in Library Folder —See the report in its library folder location.
Available only when Reports folder is selected.
Change Data Source (Reports only)—Select a different source of data for a
Bursting Definitions
When you select a bursting definition from the Bursting Definition folder in the library, it
opens the bursting definition for editing. Some of the available actions from the content
Edit—Edit Bursting Definition from the library.
Inspect—View and change; properties and view access, and view the history.
Copy—Make a copy of a bursting definition.
Move—Move a bursting definition to a different folder you have access to.
Audit—Extract audit entries for a bursting definition. See Perform an Audit.
Export—Makes a ZIP file of a folder and its contents and saves it where you
choose. See Migrate Artifacts.
View in Library Folder —See the Bursting Definition in its library location.
Data Sources
When you select a data source from the Data Sources folder of the library, it opens the
data source for editing. Some of the available actions from the content pane:
Edit—Edit a data source.
Inspect—View and change; properties and view access, and view the history.
Export—Makes a ZIP file of a folder and its contents and saves it where you
choose. See Migrate Artifacts.
When you select the application from the Application folder of the library, it opens in
the application center. The actions that you can take on the application depend on
your role and permissions. Some actions that you can take from the content pane:
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
Inspect—View and change; properties and view access, and view history from the
Inspect dialog.
Audit—Extract audit entries for a Library Artifact such as a Report Package, Report,
Snapshot Report, Book, or a third-party file. See Perform an Audit.
Export—Makes a ZIP file of a folder and its contents and saves it where you choose, see
Migrate Artifacts.
Rules for this folder are as follows:
Only the application artifact resides in this folder. Other child folders and artifacts are also
All system users can see the folder and have read access. Additional access to its
content is through access security.
Service administrators, application administrator, and library administrator (specifically for
creating child folders) have write access to this folder.
For more information on applications and tasks, see Learn About an Narrative Reporting
Migrating Folders and Artifacts
From the navigation or content pane, depending on the folder type or artifact selected and
security applied to the location (folder) or artifact, you can do the following using one of the
Action or icons:
Export—Creates a ZIP file of a folder and its contents and you are prompted to select
where to export the ZIP file, see Migrating Folders and Artifacts after the export is
Select a folder to export, a Select Folder for Export File is displayed.
Select a folder for export. You will receive a notification when the export is complete.
A ZIP file is created in the folder you selected for export and the filename is prefixed
with Export —.
To perform a successful folder export, the user must have administer access to
all artifacts in the folder.
Import—used as part of the migration process to import a file either from the library or
locally, see Migrating Folders and Artifacts for more information on how to complete this
task from the library.
You can also migrate Note Templates, Notes, and Note Formats via the Notes
Manager. For more information, see Migrating Notes Artifacts from One
Environment to Another.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
Inspecting Folders and Artifacts
The inspect dialog box has Properties, Access, and History tabs:
Properties— Maintain properties as well as view other details for folders and
Access—Administer security, enable permissions from a parent folder, search for
users and groups to assign to this folder or artifact and provide administrative,
write, and view access. You can also remove user access to folders and artifacts.
History—Review the history of artifacts and folders.
Figure 12-6 Sample Inspect Dialog Box
You can access Inspect from the navigation and content panes for folders and
artifacts. From the navigation pane, you can review and inspect the properties tab for
the following:
System-generated personal folders:
My Library
System-generated folders:
Audit Logs
Report Packages
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
For the Application folder, you can also review the Access and History tabs.
In Properties ,you can edit names and descriptions of personal folders and folders that
you created. You can also view properties related to a folder or artifact.
To assign or view access permissions for a folder or artifact and manage security for a folder
or artifact, use the Access tab . The Access tab is available only for folders and artifacts
that you have been given permission. For more information on the Access tab, see Granting
In History
, you can view the history for a folder or an artifact. If you selected inspect for
a folder from either the navigation or content panes, the history tab displays the results for the
folder. Only administrators see history for all of the artifacts in a folder.
Copying a URL to Clipboard
The Copy URL to Clipboard feature provides the ability to copy the URL of a Library artifact
such as a Report Package, Report, Snapshot Report, Book, or a third-party file. The URL will
launch the artifact directly into a thin viewer or download the third-party file. Once copied, the
URL can be distributed so users can easily access the artifact or file via a direct link. It can
also be set up as a browser favorite.
The thin viewer that is launched with a native Library artifact allows basic functionality from
the Actions menu, without the ability to Save the artifact. This feature is available in all
Library systems and user-created folders (including cards on the Home page), and all users
with at least View permissions to an artifact can copy a URL.
This feature is not available for multiple selections, only a single selected
This feature does not apply to folders.
The user launching the copied URL will need at least View access to the
Copying a URL for Library Artifacts
To copy a URL, perform these steps:
1. Log into Narrative Reporting Cloud. On the Home page, select Library.
2. Navigate to a Library artifact such as Report Packages, Reports, Report Snapshots,
or Books. For example, if you select Reports, highlight a Report, and then click the
Actions icon to select Copy URL to Clipboard.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
3. Paste the URL where needed. Upon clicking on the URL, the Library artifact will be
launched in a browser window.
Copying a URL to download the Third-party File
To copy a URL and download third-party files such as an MS Office or PDF file,
perform these steps:
1. Log into Narrative Reporting Cloud. On the Home page, select Library.
2. Navigate to, and highlight, a third-party file and then click the Actions icon to
select Copy URL to Clipboard.
3. Paste the URL where needed. Upon clicking on the URL, a browser window will be
launched. Select Download to view the file.
Chapter 12
Learning About the Library
Migrating Artifacts
In Narrative Reporting, you can migrate Folders, Report Packages, Reports, Books, Bursting
Definitions, Data sources, Notes, Fonts, Third-party files, and Applications (where applicable)
between environments and within them. You can migrate artifacts using the export, download,
and import functionality in the library or by using the EPM Automate Commands. For
migrating Notes artifacts, you use the Notes Manager.
Migrating Artifacts within the Same Environment
Migrating Artifacts from One Environment to Another Environment
Importing Artifacts into the New Environment Using the Library
Exporting and Downloading Artifacts Using the Library
Migrating Notes, see Migrating Notes Artifacts from One Environment to Another.
Watch this tutorial video, you’ll learn how administrators migrate Oracle Narrative Reporting
Cloud applications from one environment to another.
-- Migrating Applications.
Migrating Artifacts from One Environment to Another
Moving artifacts from one environment to another involves exporting the artifact, downloading
the export file to your local file , and then importing into the new environment. Migrating from
one environment to another consists of these high level steps:
Importing an application in the library replaces the exiting application in the library.
Export the artifact from the current environment and download the export file to your local
Log into the new environment where you already have activated your service
Import the downloaded export file from your local file into the new environment
Optionally, move data from your application by extracting from the current environment
and loading into the new environment or just reload data from the source.
Comments and statuses in a report package are not migrated with the report
Exporting and Downloading Artifacts Using the Library
To export an artifact (report package, folder, or an application) from your current
environment and download to your local file system using the Library:
Oracle recommends that you use the EPM Automate Commands for export if
the size of your artifacts (including folders) is larger than 256 MB.
To export and download artifacts using the library:
1. From the Home page, select Library.
2. Do one of the following, depending on the artifact:
a. For a root level folder, in the navigation pane, select the folder, then click ,
then click Export
b. For other artifacts (folder, report package, or application), in the right pane,
select the artifact to export, then click then select Export.
3. Choose a folder to put the export file in, then click OK. The export process runs in
the background. Check Messages to view the notification once the export is
4. Validate that the export was successful by checking the folder you exported the
artifact to and that the name of the export zip file is prefixed with Export. For
example, Export -
5. Download the export file to your local file system by clicking Download next to the
export file name and save the export zip file to your local file system.
6. Optionally: If you want to move data in an application from your current
environment, use the Extract Data procedure. See Load, Extract, and Clear Data.
7. Log out of the current environment.
Importing Artifacts into the New Environment Using the
To import artifacts in a new environment using the Library:
1. In your new environment, make sure Narrative Reporting is activated and log in to
the service.
Chapter 13
Exporting and Downloading Artifacts Using the Library
2. Select Library from the Home Page.
3. To import the artifact to a different location than the export file, navigate to that folder
location. Otherwise, skip this step.
4. Select the menu in the upper right corner of the Library and then Import.
5. Select Local and browse to the export zip file you want to import.
6. Select Overwrite Existing Objects to replace any existing artifact with the new imported
7. Select Include Access Permissions to include the already defined access permissions
on the imported artifact to the existing one.
8. Select OK. The import process runs in the background.
9. Check Messages to view the notification once the import is complete.
10. Check in the library folder you specified to verify that the file has been imported.
11. Optionally: If you extracted data from an application in your current environment, you
can now load the data into your new environment.
Migrating Artifacts within the Same Environment
Migrating artifacts within the same environment involves exporting the artifact, and then
importing the export zip file. Migrating from one environment to another consists of these high
level steps:
Export the artifact from the current environment.
Import the downloaded export file from your local file system into the new environment.
Exporting and Importing Artifacts Using the Library
Export an artifact (Folders, Report Packages, Reports, Books, Bursting Definitions, Data
sources, Notes, Fonts, Third-party files, and Applications, where applicable) within your
current environment using the Library.
To export and import artifacts using the library:
1. Select Library from the Home Page.
2. Do one of the following, depending on the artifact:
a. For a root level folder, in the navigation pane, select the folder, then click
, then
click Export.
b. For other artifacts (folder, report package, or application), in the right pane, select the
artifact to export, then click then select Export.
3. Choose a folder to put the export file in, then click OK. The export process runs in the
4. Validate that the export was successful by checking the folder you exported the artifact to
and that the name of the export zip file is prefixed with "Export". For example,
Export -
5. Check Messages to view the notification once the export is complete.
Chapter 13
Migrating Artifacts within the Same Environment
6. To import the artifact to a different location than the export file, navigate to that
folder location. Otherwise, skip this step.
7. Select the menu in the upper right corner of the Library and then select
8. Select Library and browse to the export zip file you want to import.
9. Select Overwrite Existing Objects to replace any existing artifact with the new
imported artifact.
10. Select Include Access Permissions to include the already defined access
permissions on the imported artifact to the existing one. Then select OK.
11. The import process runs in the background.
12. Check Messages to view the notification once the import is complete.
13. Check in the library folder you specified to verify that the file has been imported.
Chapter 13
Migrating Artifacts within the Same Environment
Performing an Audit
Maintenance actions performed on artifacts and folders are tracked in a running system audit
that details who modified an artifact or folder and which action was taken.
Report package maintenance and modifications, such as doclet check-in/out and Review
phase initiation, are tracked in an artifact log for the report package, which details the actions
taken, user id, time/date stamp, etc.
Report execution is also tracked in an artifact log. The log includes the report name, user id,
time/date stamp, POV selections, and elapsed time.
The following artifacts and actions are not supported by the audit framework:
Book preview and editing
Bursting definition editing and execution
Report design changes and saving
Two types of files can be generated for audits based on your role or permission:
System Audit File—Only the Service Administrator can generate a System Audit File to
capture all entries between the default first timestamp (date and time) for the system log
and a selected end timestamp. The starting timestamp of the records cannot be edited.
Artifact or Folder Audit File—Can be generated for selected artifacts or folders by the
user who has Administer permission for the artifact or folder, or the Service Administrator.
This audit file provides an extract of the transactions, based on a selected date range. An
audit file can be created for the following system generated and system personal folders
and user created folders:
My Library
Report Packages
You cannot create an audit log for the system generated Recent or Favorites
The audit logs are stored in the system-generated Audit Logs folder in the library. All users
can view the Audit Logs folder, but they can view only the audit files that they created. Users
cannot copy or move artifacts into or out of this folder. You cannot grant access to audit logs
to another user. Only the Service Administrator and the creator of an audit log can view them.
After you create the audit files, you can download them to your local file system for review.
Creating a System Audit
The system audit file includes all records in the audit log between the timestamps
defined by the Service Administrator. By default, From displays the earliest timestamp
in the audit log and cannot be changed. The Service Administrator can select the To
timestamp to control the range for the system audit.
When creating the system audit file, you can choose an option to remove all
entries for the selected system audit file from the audit logs after they have
been extracted. Because the entries have been removed, the new From
timestamp for all entries changes to the first timestamp after the removed
entries. For example, if you remove all entries up to Mar 16th, the new From
timestamp becomes March 17.
To create a System Audit log:
1. On the Home Page, use one of these options:
Chapter 14
Creating a System Audit
On the Welcome Panel, select Create , and then select System Audit File.
From the Library, select Audit Logs in the left pane, and click Create in the right
pane, and then select System Audit.
Chapter 14
Creating a System Audit
From the Create System Audit File dialog box, use the calendar icon to
select the To timestamp for the end of the range for the audit file.
By default, From displays the earliest timestamp in the audit log and
cannot be changed.
3. Enter the name for the audit file that will be automatically stored in the Audit Logs
folder in the Library.
4. Optional: Select Remove extracted entries from the active system audit log to
clear the entries in the audit log after the audit file has been created.
Chapter 14
Creating a System Audit
If you remove extracted entries, the From entry in the System Audit file changes
to reflect the next timestamp. For example, if the range for the audit extract that
was removed covered the period from March 15th to March 31st, then the new
From timestamp will be April 1st.
5. Click OK to create the audit file.
6. Click OK to dismiss the confirmation message. The audit file is created in the
background, and a notification is sent when the audit log is complete.
7. Optional: On the Home page, select Messages to verify that the audit is complete.
8. From the Library, select Audit Logs.
9. Select the audit log that you want to view, then click Actions, and then Download to
save the audit file to your local File System.
You may need to scroll over to the far right on the screen to see the Actions menu. Make
a note of the location to which you are saving the audit file.
10. Navigate to the audit file on your local File System to review the results.
The System Audit Log contains details for each transaction, including the following:
User and IP Address
In most instances, the IP address displayed may not be the user’s actual IP
Event Category, Type, and Status
Artifact ID, Name, and Location
Actions and Changed Values
Chapter 14
Creating a System Audit
11. Optional: Click Actions to perform these additional tasks:
Select Inspect to review the audit log Properties and the History for the file.
Select Delete to remove the system audit file. A confirmation dialog box
confirms the deletion.
Click Rename to enter a new name for the audit log file.
Creating an Artifact or Folder Audit
Any user who has Administer permission on an artifact or folder can create an audit
file for it. That audit file can be viewed only by the user who created it and by the
Service Administrator.
The audit file includes all records in the Audit Log between the timestamps defined by
the user. By default, From displays the earliest timestamp in the audit log, and To
reflects the latest timestamp.
An audit file can be created for the following system-generated and personal folders
and user-created folders:
My Library
Report Packages
Third-party content, such as PDFs
You cannot create an audit log for the system-generated Recent or Favorites
To create an Audit file:
Chapter 14
Creating an Artifact or Folder Audit
1. On the Home Page, select Library, and then, in the left pane, select the artifact for which
you want to create an audit log.
2. For the chosen artifact, select Actions, and then select Audit.
3. From the Create Audit File dialog box, use the calendar icon to select the From and
To timestamp range for the audit file.
4. Enter the name for the audit file that will be automatically stored in the Audit Logs folder
in the Library, and then click OK.
5. Click OK.
6. Click OK to dismiss the confirmation message. The audit file is created in the
background, and a notification is posted when the audit log is complete.
7. Optional: On the Home page, select Messages to verify that the audit is complete.
8. From the Library, select Audit Logs.
9. Select the audit log that you want to view, then click Actions, and then Download to
save the audit file to your local File System.
You may need to scroll over to the far right on the screen to see the Actions menu. Make
a note of the location to which you are saving the audit file.
Chapter 14
Creating an Artifact or Folder Audit
10. Navigate to the audit file on your local File System to review the results.
The System Audit Log contains details for each transaction, including the
User and IP Address
In most instances, the IP address displayed may not be the user’s
actual IP address.
Event Category, Type, and Status
Artifact ID, Name, and Location
Actions and Changed Values
11. Optional: Click Actions to perform these additional tasks:
Select Inspect to review the audit log Properties and the History for the file.
Select Delete to remove the system audit file. A confirmation dialog is
displayed to confirm the deletion.
Click Rename to enter a new name for the audit log file.
Chapter 14
Creating an Artifact or Folder Audit