AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
United States Army Europe
Wiesbaden, Germany
United States Army Installation Management Command
Sembach, Germany
Army in Europe
Regulation 600-702*
U.S. Naval Forces Europe/U.S. Naval Forces Africa/
U.S. Sixth Fleet
Naples, Italy
Instruction 10110.1G*
United States Air Forces in Europe/
United States Air Forces Africa
Ramstein, Germany
Instruction 34-101*
20 November 2018
Ration Policy
*This publication supersedes AE Regulation 600-702/CNE-C6F Staff Instruction 10110.1F/
USAFE Instruction 34-101, 13 August 2018.
For the Director:
Chief of Staff
Chief, Army in Europe
Document Management
Summary. This publication establishes the ration policy and control procedures for USAREUR,
IMCOM-Europe, CNE-CNA-C6F, USAFE/AFAFRICA, and their subordinate commands in the
USEUCOM geographic area of responsibility.
Summary of Change. This revision
● Prescribes AE Form 600-702F (Request for Additional Class VI Rations).
● Changes the level of approval authority for additional class-VI rations in Germany (para 17b).
Makes administrative changes to appendix E.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
Applicability. This publication applies to
● Personnel authorized shopping privileges in U.S. Forces sales facilities.
● Organizations responsible for printing and distributing ration cards and for administering the ration
● U.S. Forces resale activities selling rationed items according to international agreements.
Records Management. Records created as a result of processes prescribed by this publication must
● Identified, maintained, and disposed of by Army in Europe units according to AR 25-400-2. Record
titles and descriptions are on the Army Records Information Management System website at
● Identified, maintained, and disposed of by CNE-CNA-C6F organizations according to Navy records-
management policy.
● Maintained by USAFE/AFAFRICA units in accordance with Air Force Manual 33-363, Management
of Records, and disposed of in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule located in
Air Force Records Information Management System at https://www.my.af.mil/gcs-af61a/afrims/afrims/
Supplementation. Army organizations will not supplement this publication without approval by the
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G1, IMCOM-Europe. Navy organizations may issue Navy
supplements or other implementing directives to this publication as prescribed by the Commander, Navy
Region Europe. USAFE/AFAFRICA organizations will send Air Force supplements to this publication
through channels to HQ USAFE/A1SC, Unit 3050, Box 25, APO AE 09094-0025.
Forms. This publication prescribes AE Form 600-702A, AE Form 600-702C, AE Form 600-702D, AE
Form 600-702E, and AE Form 600-702F. AE and higher level forms are available through the Army in
Europe Library & Publishing System (AEPUBS) at http://www.aepubs.eur.army.mil/.
Suggested Improvements. The proponent of this publication is the Military Personnel Branch, Office
of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G1, HQ IMCOM-Europe (mil 544-1540). Users may suggest
improvements to this publication by sending DA Form 2028 to IMCOM-Europe (IMEU-HRD), Unit
23103, APO AE 09136-3103.
Distribution. This publication is available only electronically and is posted in AEPUBS at
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
1. Purpose
2. References
3. Explanation of Abbreviations and Terms
4. Policy
5. Authorized Personnel
6. Control
7. Issue
8. Reissue
9. Turn-In Procedures
10. Lost Cards
11. Abuse of Ration Privileges
12. Revoking Ration Cards
13. Withdrawing Class VI Privileges
14. Ration-Card Validity Periods
15. Marking Ration Blocks
16. Instructions for Ration-Card Users
17. Class-VI Ration Blocks
18. Advance Sale of Rationed Items
19. Sale of Rationed Items to Prisoners
20. Cigarette Sales to Hospital Patients Without Ration Cards
21. Sale of Rationed Items to Personnel in Isolated Locations
22. Intra-Family Use of Ration Cards
23. Group Purchases of Coffee (Applicable to Germany Only)
24. Intratheater or Interservice Use of Ration Cards
25. Purchases for General Officers
A. References
B. Ration Card Control Procedures and Instructions for Using AE Form 600-702D
C. Rationed Items by Country
D. Ration Policy for the United Kingdom
E. Ration Policy for Italy
1. Quantities of Rationed Items Authorized for Transient Personnel
C-1. Rationed Items by Country
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
1. Sample U.S. Forces Ration Stamp
This publication
a. Implements the ration-control program for the U.S. Forces in the USEUCOM area of
responsibility (AOR) according to international agreements.
b. Prescribes ration policy and control procedures for specific items in the USEUCOM AOR.
c. Prescribes procedures for controlling, issuing, and using AE Form 600-702A, AE Form 600-702C,
AE Form 600-702D, AE Form 600-702E, AE Form 600-702F, and U.S. Forces ration stamps (fig 1).
Appendix A lists references.
The glossary defines abbreviations and terms.
NOTE: Unless stated otherwise, the term “ration card” means AE Form 600-702A throughout this
a. The ration system controls the sale of certain merchandise as is required by international
agreements. The sale of rationed items to individuals by U.S. Forces retail sales facilities is controlled
through the use of ration cards and ration stamps.
b. Personnel on temporary duty (TDY), active duty annual training (AT), active duty for training
(ADT), active duty for special work (ADSW), or temporary tour active duty (TTAD) in the USEUCOM
AOR, and military and DOD civilian personnel stationed in Europe or North Africa on official leave or
pass in Germany may purchase rationed items when authorized ration privileges (para 5).
(1) For personnel on official TDY, AT, ADT, ADSW, or TTAD for less than 30 days, U.S.
Forces billeting and lodging office personnel will stamp the original DD Form 1610 or a copy of their
AT, ADT, ADSW, or TTAD orders with a stamp as shown at figure 1. For personnel on official leave or
pass in Germany, a copy of their leave form or pass document will be stamped as shown in figure 1. If
the orders, leave form, or pass document does not have a space for a stamp, the ration stamp will be
placed on an alternate document (for example, a memorandum) issued by billeting and lodging office
personnel. Billeting and lodging office personnel will also enter the authorized ration amounts as shown
in table 1. The sample in figure 1 shows ration amounts for personnel on orders for 7 days or less.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
SFC John Doe is assigned on TDY to the installations indicated on the other
side of this order for a period less than 30 days and is authorized access to the following U.S. Forces sales
Exchange Class VI Commissary
x x x
Individual is authorized to purchase rationed items for private use in the quantities indicated below:
Tobacco Rations (Carton) 1 1 1 1
Class VI Rations (Bottle) 1 1 1 1
Coffee (lb/oz) 1¼ lb R & G or 5 oz instant
POL Rations: as prescribed in AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1F/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101,
table 1
(Location) Ramstein Inns, Ramstein Air Base, Germany
(Signature of Billeting Official) (Date)
Figure 1. Sample U.S. Forces Ration Stamp
Table 1
Quantities of Rationed Items Authorized for Transient Personnel
Period of TDY
Class VI
(except UK)
(1.75 L or less)
Class VI
(for UK)
(1 L or less)
1 - 7
1¼ lb R & G/
5 oz instant
8 - 15
2½ lb R & G/
10 oz instant
16 - 22
3¾ lb R & G/
15 oz instant
23 - 30
5 lb R & G/
20 oz instant
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
(a) Ration stamps placed on the TDY orders or leave forms of personnel stationed in the
USEUCOM AOR who possess or normally would receive a ration card will indicate the appropriate
authorization for petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL) rations only. The non-POL privileges on the
ration stamp will be crossed out (lined through).
(b) Ration cards will be issued for personnel on TDY, AT, ADT, ADSW, or TTAD only in
extraordinary cases (for example, personnel in remote areas where a stamp is not available).
(2) Spouses accompanying their sponsors are authorized the same quantities of non-POL rations
as their sponsor. When stamping a copy of the sponsor’s orders, leave form, or pass document, as
applicable, billeting and lodging office personnel will enter the appropriate additional authorized
amounts as shown in table 1, including the spouse’s ration authorization (except for POL).
(3) When on TDY or ADT for 30 days or more, the organization sponsoring the individual will
issue a ration card (AE Form 600-702A).
(4) To purchase rationed items, individuals must present identification and their ration card or
stamped orders, leave form, or pass document, as applicable.
a. AE Regulation 600-700 and applicable CNE-CNA-C6F and USAFE/AFAFRICA instructions
prescribe who is eligible for ration privileges in the USEUCOM AOR.
b. Only Family members (glossary) residing within the USEUCOM AOR may be issued ration
cards. If a Family member leaves the USEUCOM AOR with the intention of not returning, the sponsor
must turn in the Family member’s ration card (para 9). In Germany, unaccompanied Family members
are authorized ration privileges and an extension of their ration card for not more than 90 days after their
sponsor leaves Germany on permanent change of station, or if the sponsor dies while on active duty in
a. Commanders of organizations that receive bulk distribution of ration cards will control and issue
them according to this publication.
(1) In USAREUR and IMCOM-Europe, the responsibility for controlling and issuing ration cards
may be delegated in writing to other organization officers, enlisted personnel (E5 and above), and U.S.
civilians (GS-5 or equivalent and above). This responsibility will not be delegated to local national
(2) In CNE-CNA-C6F, the responsibility for controlling and issuing ration cards will be
according to CNE-CNA-C6F staff instructions and this publication.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
(3) In USAFE/AFAFRICA, the responsibility for controlling and issuing ration cards may be
delegated in writing using AF Form 1846 according to Air Force Manual 33-361. These control
procedures do not apply to Air Force publishing distribution offices.
b. Responsibility for ration-card management
(1) Should be delegated to personnel who have demonstrated trustworthiness and leadership.
Commanders who wish to delegate the responsibility to a person in the grade of E4, GS-4 or equivalent,
or below must get written permission from the next higher level in the chain of command. Air Force
orderly rooms with limited rank structure are authorized to delegate control responsibility to individuals
below the grade of E5, GS-5, or equivalent.
(2) Will not be delegated to individuals who are not entitled to ration privileges without approval
from the Director, IMCOM-Europe; the CNE-CNA-C6F; or the USAFE Director of Services, as
c. Issuing authorities will use
(1) AE Form 600-702D to record the issue, turn-in, destruction, and loss of ration cards. A
separate AE Form 600-702D must be used to record AE Form 600-702C actions. Appendix B provides
ration-card control procedures and instructions for using AE Form 600-702D.
(2) AE Form 600-702E for inventory control of ration cards that have not been issued. (The form
provides instruction for completion.)
d. Authorized personnel stationed at locations separate from their support units will be issued cards
by registered mail. DA Form 410 will be prepared in two copies to transfer possession of the ration
cards. Issuing commanders will hold the duplicate DA Form 410 in suspense until the signed original
receipt is received. The original form will be filed with the AE Form 600-702D.
e. Ration cards
(1) Will not be used as a control measure to implement other command policy (for example,
regulation of visitation policy, policy on entry into controlled areas).
(2) Are accountable forms. Organizations and individuals will exercise reasonable care to prevent
theft and loss.
(3) Will be kept in a three-combination safe or other approved container authorized for storing
accountable forms. Whenever possible, access to the safe or container will be limited to persons
responsible for controlling and issuing the cards. AE Form 600-702D, AE Form 600-702E, and other
forms that are used to control ration cards will be safeguarded. Issuing officials will inventory unissued
ration cards every 3 months or more frequently if circumstances warrant (for example, change of issuing
agent) on AE Form 600-702E. Each unit receiving and issuing ration cards will establish a self-
inspection program to ensure compliance with this publication.
NOTE: USAFE/AFAFRICA force-support or services-squadron commanders will develop written
procedures and inspection guidance on controlling ration cards for each issuing organization. Air Force
publishing distribution offices will comply with Air Force Manual 33-361.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
(4) Will be destroyed after turn-in at least once a month by issuing officials. Appropriate entries
will be made on AE Form 600-702D.
a. Signatures. Issuing officials will ensure that individuals receiving ration cards read the warning
statement on the back of AE Form 600-702A before signing to acknowledge receipt of the card.
(1) Issuing officials may use a stamp for the signature block on AE Form 600-702A and
AE Form 600-702C. The stamp will
(a) Be a two-line stamp with the name on the first line and grade and service on the second
(b) Be no larger than ¼-inch high by 1¾-inch wide.
(c) Not include a facsimile signature.
NOTE: If a stamp is not used for the signature block, the information will be typed or block-printed in
(2) Signatures on ration cards must be original. The issuing commander or a designated
representative must sign ration cards. Digital signatures using a common access card (CAC) are
b. Termination Dates. The issuing officials at the first duty station or personnel-processing activity
where incoming personnel remain for 48 hours or longer will issue ration cards for
(1) Soldiers and Family members. Cards will be issued for the length of the tour, but not for more
than 3 years.
(2) Appropriated fund and nonappropriated fund employees and Family members. Cards will be
issued for the length of tour or until the employee’s appointment termination date, but not for more than
3 years.
(3) Contractors and Family members. Cards will be issued for the period ending with the
contract-expiration date (as indicated on the contractor’s CAC), but not for more than 3 years.
c. Turn-In. The issuing commander or higher headquarters will direct that expiring ration cards
must be turned in before a new card will be issued.
d. Signing for Ration Cards. Sponsors
(1) Will sign for their own ration cards on AE Form 600-702D.
(2) May sign for the ration cards of their spouse and other entitled Family members on AE
Form 600-702D.
e. Declining a Ration Card. Sponsors may
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
(1) Decline the issue of their own ration cards.
(2) Not decline the issue of their spouse’s or eligible Family member’s ration card if the entitled
spouse or Family member (18 years and older) requests a ration card.
f. Retired Military Personnel. Unless permissible under host-nation agreement, retired military
personnel are not authorized ration cards unless they are employed as a DOD or nonappropriated fund
civilian or other civilian employee (para 5 above and AE Reg 600-700, para 15-5c).
g. Age-Restricted Ration Card Authorizations. Entitled sponsors and Family members (spouses
and children) 18 years of age or older are authorized ration cards. Sponsors and spouses under 18 years
old are authorized ration cards with the tobacco and class VI portions of the card crossed out at the time
of issue. At their request, these individuals will be issued ration cards with the tobacco and class VI
portions authorized when they turn 18.
NOTE: Non-spouse Family members of sponsors assigned in the United Kingdom are not authorized to
purchase alcohol at U.S. Forces facilities, regardless of their age. These individuals will have the class
VI portion of their ration card crossed out at the time of issue.
h. Supplemental Coffee, Solubles Section of Ration Card.
(1) Only one supplemental coffee, solubles (CS) section, is authorized per household. In a dual-
entitled (military, civilian, or both) household, the couple will decide which member will receive the CS
portion. In households without spouses, the sponsor will decide which Family member will have the CS
(2) Issuing officials will cross out the supplemental CS portion of AE Form 600-702A for
unaccompanied persons.
i. Supplemental Cigarette Rations. Authorized personnel may request AE Form 600-702C for five
additional packs of cigarettes per week if supplemental cigarette rations are authorized in the host
nation. The request must be made in writing to the issuing authority. Only one AE Form 600-702C may
be issued yearly to an individual. Each monthly block
(1) Is equivalent to five packs of cigarettes.
(2) Will be crossed out for each purchase of five or fewer packs of cigarettes.
j. Receiving Issued Ration Cards.
(1) Ration cards for authorized Family members normally will be issued to the sponsor.
(2) Ration cards may be issued to Family members if the sponsor cannot pick up the ration cards
because of sickness or duty.
k. Ration Cards Issued by Sponsor’s Organizations.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
(1) Military Personnel. Ration cards will be issued by the military sponsor’s organization, even
if a Family member of the military sponsor is employed and eligible for a ration card as a civilian
(a) Married military personnel will be issued ration cards independently by their military
(b) Married military personnel sharing a common household will decide which spouse will
receive the CS portion of the AE Form 600-702A. Only one CS portion will be issued to each household
(h(1) above). The issuing agent may request a statement signed by the sponsor that only one CS portion
was received.
(2) Civilian Component Personnel.
(a) Authorized married civilian couples will be issued ration cards by the sponsor’s
organization unless the husband and wife are each employed as a sponsor and this status is indicated on
their ID cards.
(b) If both spouses are employed as sponsors, each will be issued a ration card by the
respective employing agency. Dual-entitled civilian married couples sharing a common household will
decide which spouse will receive the CS portion. Only one CS portion will be issued to each household
(h(1) above). The issuing agent may request a statement signed by the sponsor that only one CS portion
has been received.
l. Intra-Family Use of Ration Cards. Using ration cards within Families is authorized, provided the
Family member using the ration card is age 18 or older (21 years and older in Italy for the purchase of
class-VI items (app E)).
m. Ration Cards for Foreign Personnel. When ration cards are issued to foreign personnel, the
passport number (or other identification document number) may be used in place of the DOD ID
n. Ration Cards for U.S. Reserve Component Personnel in Inactive Duty Training (IDT) or
Drilling Individual Mobilization Augmentation (IMA) Status. U.S. Reserve component personnel in
IDT for training or in drilling IMA status who are assigned or attached to units stationed in the
USEUCOM AOR and are not otherwise entitled to a 3-year ration card may be issued a ration card for a
1-year period. The issuing official will strike out the excess of each month’s allowance as follows:
(1) For tobacco rations, strike out all but one carton block (block bearing the name of the month)
and all single-pack blocks (bearing the letter S) per month.
(2) For class VI (alcohol) rations, strike out all but two 1.0 liter blocks.
(3) For CS, strike out all but the first three blocks of each month’s CS allowance, and strike out
all Supplemental Coffee, Solubles.
o. Transient Personnel. Transient personnel will be issued ration cards as follows:
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
(1) Issuing organizations may issue a new ration card before an authorized individual’s current
ration card expires if it is known ahead of time that the individual will be absent from his or her
regularly assigned duty station when the present card expires and if a bona-fide need exists. The early
issue of ration cards will be kept to a minimum.
(2) Personnel may request an organization other than their assigned organization to issue ration
cards. Persons requesting a ration card under this exception must be on TDY or be a Family member of
an entitled sponsor stationed at another location. Issuing organizations must provide a written notice to
the individual’s permanent organization that the ration card was issued. Personnel on pass do not qualify
for this exception.
(3) Billeting and lodging office personnel and U.S. Forces sales-facility personnel will follow the
policy and procedures in (a) through (f) below when stamping and using TDY or active duty AT, ADT,
ADSW, or TTAD orders. Only the Director, IMCOM-Europe; the CNE-CNA-C6F (Code N1); and the
USAFE/AFAFRICA Director of Services may approve waivers to these prescribed procedures.
(a) Billeting and lodging office personnel will stamp only one copy of an individual’s TDY or
active duty AT, ADT, ADSW, or TTAD orders with the stamp as shown in figure 1. If a Reservist on
active duty orders has Family members who reside in the USEUCOM AOR, a second copy of the active
duty orders may be stamped to be used by the spouse. A ballpoint or felt-tip pen will be used to fill in
the stamp. The stamp is not valid unless it is signed and dated by the billeting or lodging official.
(b) If a person is on TDY to more than one location, only the initial billeting or lodging office
will stamp the TDY orders.
(c) Billeting and lodging office personnel will strike out the use of the commissary for all
categories of individuals except for U.S. military and DOD civilian personnel.
(d) Billeting and lodging office personnel will cross out the quantities of rationed items not
authorized. For example, if the period of TDY in Germany is for 10 days, cross out two ration blocks for
tobacco, class VI, and enter 2½ lbs R & G under coffee.
(e) Sales-facility cashiers will ensure that appropriate tobacco, class VI, and CS ration
quantity blocks are properly marked.
(f) Billeting and lodging office personnel will ensure that the stamp used for TDY or active
duty AT, ADT, ADSW, or TTAD orders is safeguarded to prevent abuse. Billeting and lodging office
personnel are responsible for having the ration stamp made.
(4) Rotationally aligned forces that are based in Germany should contact the Army in Europe
Publications and Records Management Center of Excellence, United States Army Garrison (USAG)
Rheinland-Pfalz, by e-mail at usarmy.rheinland-pfalz.id-europe.mbx.prcoe-stockroom-orders@mail.mil
in order to establish a publications account to order ration cards.
Issuing officials will issue new ration cards to users who want to use their full ration allowance for a
month when some of the blocks for that month have been used in a previous year. The issuing official
will issue the new card
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
a. With the new issue date. The new card will be valid for 3 years or until the end of the month and
year of the sponsor’s date eligible for return from overseas (DEROS) (military personnel), the sponsor’s
overseas tour completion or employment end date (civilian personnel), or the sponsor’s ID card
expiration date (contractor personnel), whichever is soonest.
b. After transferring the marked blocks used for the current ration month and year from the replaced
card to the new card. All categories of rationed items (class VI, tobacco, and CS) must be transferred for
blocks used for the current month and year from the replaced card to the new card.
NOTE: If the host nation uses the special recordings or rations section on the back of the ration card, the
issuing official will transfer the marked blocks for the current period to the new card.
a. Individuals reassigned out of the USEUCOM AOR must return their ration cards to issuing
officials. Personnel being reassigned within the USEUCOM AOR will not turn in their ration cards.
Appendix B provides instructions for recording in-country transfers of ration cards on AE Form 600-
b. Personnel who received ration cards while on TDY are required to turn in expired cards when they
leave the USEUCOM AOR unless otherwise advised by the commander or higher headquarters.
Personnel within the USEUCOM AOR who, for reasons other than reassignment, are no longer
authorized ration cards must return them to the issuing office. The employing or sponsoring unit (for
example, staff office, headquarters, agency) will advise personnel that continued use of the ration card is
illegal and may subject the holder to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ),
adverse administrative action, or prosecution by host-nation authorities.
c. Disciplinary action (para 11) may be initiated against personnel who falsely report lost or
destroyed ration cards when required to turn them in.
For the purposes of this publication, a lost ration card includes one that is no longer under the control of
an individual or organization because of theft, destruction, loss, or other reason.
a. If a ration card is lost by an individual
(1) The sponsor will immediately report the loss in writing to the issuing commander. The report
will explain the circumstances of the loss and efforts taken to locate the card.
(2) The issuing commander will conduct an inquiry to determine the facts and circumstances
surrounding the loss. The commander
(a) May replace the card if the loss was not caused by wrongdoing and was not a second
incident of negligence.
(b) May withhold replacement if the loss was not caused by unlawful or unauthorized actions
by the cardholder or a second incident of negligence.
(c) Will file a copy of the sponsor’s loss report with the AE Form 600-702D.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
b. When unissued ration cards are lost by the issuing organization, the issuing commander will
(1) Determine the facts and circumstances surrounding the loss, find out who is responsible, and
take corrective action.
(2) Write an inquiry report and file it with AE Form 600-702D.
(3) Appoint or request the appointment of an investigating officer to investigate the loss and to
recommend corrective action if the circumstances surrounding the loss cannot be determined.
(a) The immediate supervisor in the chain of command of the issuing commander will review
the report of the investigating officer for adequacy and return the report to the issuing commander for
(b) The investigating officer’s report will be filed with AE Form 600-702D.
c. Any individual who finds a ration card will return it in person or by mail to the issuing commander
or turn it in to the local military law-enforcement office.
Individuals who abuse ration privileges will be subject to penalties according to AE Regulation 600-1
and other Service-specific publications. Penalties may include
a. For individuals subject to the UCMJ
(1) Confinement for up to 2 years.
(2) Forfeiture of all pay and allowances.
(3) Dishonorable discharge (dismissal for officers and reduction to E1 for enlisted personnel).
(4) U.S. military administrative sanctions and civilian criminal penalties and disciplinary actions.
b. For civilian component personnel
(1) Possible disciplinary action or appropriate administrative action according to the directives of
the employing organization.
(2) Criminal prosecution by host-nation authorities that may result in monetary fines and
a. Issuing commanders
(1) Will revoke the ration privileges of or take other appropriate disciplinary or administrative
action against individuals who abuse ration privileges according to AE Regulation 600-1 and other
service-specific publications.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
(2) Must give written notice to the sponsor or Family member stating the reason for the
revocation. The notice will
(a) Advise the sponsor or Family member that he or she may present evidence in rebuttal or
mitigation, either orally or in writing, to the commander within 5 workdays after receiving the notice.
(b) State that any adverse action taken by the commander may be appealed within 10
workdays to the next higher commander. The next higher commander’s decision will be final. Privileges
will be suspended pending action on the appeal.
(3) May revoke the ration privileges of or refuse reissuance of ration cards to individuals who fail
to safeguard their cards (for example, losing the card a second time through negligence).
(4) Will document each revocation and the reasons for the action taken.
(5) Will file any evidence offered by the sponsor or Family member with the revocation
(6) Will file the final report with AE Form 600-702D.
b. USAG commanders may revoke the ration card of non-U.S. military personnel residing within
their area of authority.
NOTE: Revocation actions taken by a deputy garrison manager may be appealed to the appropriate
garrison commander. Revocation actions taken by a garrison commander may be appealed to the
Director, IMCOM-Europe.
c. Non-Army military community and support-group commanders may revoke the ration cards of
non-U.S. military personnel residing within their area of authority.
d. Individuals whose ration privileges have been revoked will turn in their ration cards to the issuing
commander. The issuing official will type or block-print in ink REVOKED on the ration card.
a. Class-VI privileges must not enable or promote alcohol abuse (glossary) or alcohol-related
misconduct (glossary) among military or civilian personnel or their Family members. Issuing authorities
are responsible for withdrawing (by suspending or revoking) class-VI privileges when alcohol abuse or
alcohol-related misconduct has been documented.
b. Issuing commanders may withdraw the class-VI privileges of individuals under their
administrative jurisdiction when alcohol abuse or alcohol-related misconduct has been documented,
regardless of whether or not the alcoholic beverages consumed were obtained through the class-VI
c. Any commander in the individual’s chain of command may withdraw class-VI privileges of
(1) Individuals who have a medical diagnosis of alcohol dependence or abuse or have been
involved in alcohol-related misconduct.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
(2) Authorized patrons who live in the same household as an abuser when clear evidence exists
that the abuser has continued his or her abuse because of access to class-VI merchandise obtained with a
Family member’s ration card.
d. Class-VI privileges may be withdrawn by suspension or revocation. To revoke privileges, the
issuing commander will void the entire class-VI portion of the ration card. To suspend privileges, the
issuing commander will void the class-VI portion of the ration card for the period of the suspension.
(1) Suspension. Suspension is authorized for up to 1 year when an individual has been involved
in alcohol-related misconduct or has been identified as an alcohol abuser.
(2) Revocation. Revocation is authorized for abuse of ration privileges or for a second incident
of alcohol-related misconduct. Revocation will be for at least 1 year and may extend for an indefinite
period. Reinstatement of class-VI privileges will be authorized only when the offender’s conduct during
the revocation period clearly indicates that further violations are unlikely to occur.
e. Once class-VI privileges are revoked, the patron must request that privileges be reinstated, if
desired. Privileges may be reinstated when the revocation period is over and the individual’s conduct
indicates that further violations are unlikely to occur.
Ration cards are valid for 3 years or until the end of the month and year of the sponsor’s DEROS
(military personnel), the sponsor’s overseas tour completion or employment end date (civilian
personnel), or the sponsor’s ID card expiration date (contractor personnel), whichever is soonest.
a. Appendix C lists rationed items and allowances by country. Ration allowances are valid for any
month from the 27th day of the previous month until the 15th day of the following month (for example,
June’s ration allowance may be used from 27 May until 15 July) except for the month the ration card is
issued or expires.
NOTE: In Italy, ration allowances are valid only from the first day of the month through the last day of
the month.
b. Except for personnel on TDY (para 4b), cardholders are authorized the entire month’s ration
allowance for the month the card is issued. For example, even if the card was issued on the 20th day of
the month, the cardholder is authorized the entire month’s ration allowance.
c. When ration cards expire, replacement cards will be issued at the sponsor’s request during the
month the current ration card expires. The replacement card will have an effective date of the following
month (for example, replacement cards issued in June are effective in July). Replacement ration cards
will be valid for 3 years or until the end of the month and year of the sponsor’s DEROS (military
personnel), the sponsor’s overseas tour completion or employment end date (civilian personnel), or the
sponsor’s ID card expiration date (contractor personnel), whichever is soonest.
d. Ration cards for U.S. Reserve component personnel in IDT for training or in drilling IMA status
and their Family members will be valid for 1 year or their ID card expiration date, whichever is sooner.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
a. Sales personnel will use a ballpoint or felt-tip pen to mark the appropriate blocks on ration cards.
Hole-punch devices will not be used.
b. The salesperson marking the ration card will mark the ration block for the appropriate month with
the last digit of the current year (for example, 8 for 2018).
c. Salespersons may not sell more rationed items than there are empty ration blocks on a ration card
for the month of sale, even if the blocks were marked in a previous year. The user must return to the
issuing office and get a new ration card for the authorized remaining ration amounts.
a. Ration-card users will present their ration card and ID card to the salesperson when purchasing
rationed items.
b. If a ration block has been marked as used, it is considered used for the entire 3-year validity period
of the ration card. A marked block may not be reused for a following year’s ration. When a ration-card
user wants to purchase the entire ration amount for a month and some of the blocks for that month are
marked from a previous year, the user must request a new ration card.
(1) Users must first use the available ration blocks for that month before requesting a new ration
(2) After getting a new ration card, the user may purchase the remaining available ration amount
for that month.
(3) The process in (1) and (2) above must be repeated each time the user wants to use a complete
month’s ration in a year when some of the ration blocks for that month were used in a previous year.
NOTE: Issuing offices will transfer the used ration blocks for the current month and year to the new
ration card before issuing the new card to the user.
a. The class-VI portion of the ration card (Class VI Volumetric Ration Card) is divided into 12
monthly sections. Each section includes six quantity blocks totaling 6 liters (L).
(1) Each of the two monthly blocks marked 1.75 may be used for a 1.75 L bottle or, at the
discretion of the patron, for one smaller bottle. These two blocks may be combined with each other and
with other blocks on the card to obtain one 3 L bottle.
(2) The other four monthly blocks may be used individually or in combination to purchase a total
of 6 L per month. For a bottle of less than 1 L (.75 or .70 L), the 1.00 block will be marked.
b. Additional class-VI rations may be authorized for social gatherings in Germany. To request
approval for the additional rations, personnel
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
(1) May request up to an additional .25 liters per guest.
(2) Will use AE Form 600-702F to prepare the request.
(3) Will send the request (AE Form 600-702F) to the first person in the chain of command in the
grade of O3, GS-12 or equivalent, or above. Personnel in the grade of O3, GS-12 or equivalent, and
above may approve their own requests.
Personnel on TDY or leave in countries where an exchange service is not available are authorized to
purchase rationed items before their TDY or leave for the entire period of their TDY or leave with the
following conditions:
a. Personnel will present TDY orders or official leave documents to justify advance sales.
b. Import, export, and customs laws of applicable countries must be followed.
a. U.S. Army stock-fund accountable officers are authorized to purchase bulk quantities of permitted
rationed items from retail stores for issue to prison sales facilities under AR 190-47.
b. Prisoners may purchase rationed items using DD Form 504. One copy of the form will be placed
in the individual’s correctional treatment files.
Hospital sales facilities
a. May sell single packs of cigarettes to Army, Navy, and Air Force hospital patients without ration
cards. The hospital sales facility
(1) Must record each sale on the cigarette control register (b below).
(2) May sell cigarettes at regular prices.
b. Will maintain a cigarette-sales control register in a bound book. Each page of the register will
have the following statement:
“I state by signing below that I am buying the cigarettes recorded here as a hospital
patient or that I am purchasing on behalf of a hospital patient temporarily without a ration
card. I acknowledge that unrationed cigarette sales to hospital patients are limited to one
pack per day during their hospital stay.”
c. Will record each sale. Hospital sales facilities will keep cigarette-sales control registers for 1 year
and then destroy them. Each register entry will have the following information:
(1) Date.
(2) Printed name of customer.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
(3) Customer’s organization.
(4) Customer’s signature.
d. May sell unrationed cigarettes to other patients, military hospital staff members, and volunteer
American Red Cross workers acting as agents for patients who are personally unable to make purchases.
The agent will sign his or her own name in the signature column after entering the patient’s
identification data.
Sales facilities may sell rationed items to customers for personnel in isolated locations who cannot
conveniently use retail-sales facilities. Customers must have a memorandum addressed to the facility
manager and signed by their commander. The memorandum will list the names and ration-card numbers
of personnel requesting the purchases. The commander of personnel at the isolated location will be
responsible for voiding ration blocks when rationed items are delivered to authorized patrons.
Family members (age 18 or older) may purchase rationed items with the ration card of any member of
their Family (para 7l). (App E provides details on the use of ration cards by Family members in Italy).
United States Army garrison commanders and USAFE/AFAFRICA unit commanders may approve
commissary purchases of coffee without the use of ration cards for office groups and private
associations according to AR 210-22 and Air Force Instruction 34-104.
a. Requests will be in writing and designate individuals authorized to make purchases.
b. The maximum allowance of coffee that may be authorized each month is either of the following:
(1) Two pounds of roast and ground (R & G) coffee multiplied by the number of individuals
listed on the request (c below).
(2) Eight ounces of instant coffee multiplied by the number of individuals listed on the request
(c below).
c. Requests will include the names of all participants who have valid ration cards.
a. U.S. military and civilian personnel stationed outside the USEUCOM AOR who are on TDY in
the USEUCOM AOR and qualify for status as members of the Forces or the civilian component are
entitled to appropriate privileges for the period of TDY regardless of their regular duty assignment.
b. U.S. military and civilian personnel on leave in Germany are authorized ration privileges if they
are stationed in Europe (including Iceland), North Africa, or the Middle East.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
c. U.S. military and civilian personnel stationed in the USEUCOM AOR, the Azores, or Iceland may
use their ration card while on TDY to a country within the USEUCOM AOR other than that of their
assignment or while on leave in Germany. For example, personnel stationed in Belgium may use
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe ration cards while on leave or TDY in Germany.
Personnel on leave in countries other than Germany may use ration cards in sales facilities as authorized
by agreements applicable in those countries.
d. U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps personnel assigned to vessels under USEUCOM control who
do not have ration cards issued by their units and who are on rest and recuperation leave may have their
leave orders stamped according to paragraph 4b(1) if it does not violate applicable host-nation
A general officer’s authorized representative (for example, aide-de-camp, enlisted aide) may make
purchases for the general officer. Representatives must have the general officer’s or the general officer’s
spouse’s AE Form 600-702A and their own ID card to make purchases for the general officer.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
Uniform Code of Military Justice
Agreement Between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America on the Status of
Persons on Leave
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe Directive 40-9, Personnel Registration and Related
SHAPE Entitlements
AR 190-47, The Army Corrections System
AR 210-22, Private Organizations on Department of the Army Installations
AR 600-85, The Army Substance Abuse Program
Air Force Instruction 34-104, Services Marketing and Publicity Program
Air Force Manual 33-361, Publishing Processes and Procedures
AE Regulation 550-36/COMUSNAVEUR Instruction 5840.6C/USAFE Instruction 51-707, Regulations
on Personal Property, Local Currency, and Motor Vehicles for U.S. Personnel in Turkey
AE Regulation 600-1, Regulated Activities in Europe
AE Regulation 600-17, Retail Sales of Motor Fuel to Individuals in Germany
AE Regulation 600-700, Identification Cards and Individual Logistic Support
Naval Support Activity (NAVSUPPACT) Naples Instruction 1746.19H, Regulations and Procedures for
the Sale of Liquor at U.S. and National Allied Treaty Organization (NATO) Package Stores
NAVSUPPACT Naples Instruction 4400.3F, Tobacco Products Rationing
DD Form 504, Request and Receipt for Health and Comfort Supplies
DD Form 1173, United States Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
DD Form 1610, Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DOD Personnel
DA Form 410, Receipt for Accountable Form
DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms
AF Form 310, Document Receipt and Destruction Certificate
AF Form 1846, Request for and Record of Organizational Account
AE Form 600-700A, Army in Europe Privilege and Identification Card
AE Form 600-702A, U.S. Forces Ration Card
AE Form 600-702C, U.S. Forces Supplemental Tobacco Ration Card
AE Form 600-702D, Ration Card Register
AE Form 600-702E, Ration Card Quarterly Inventory
AE Form 600-702F, Request for Additional Class VI Rations
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
AE FORM 600-702D
AE Form 600-702D is available in the Army in Europe Library & Publishing System (AEPUBS) at
http://www.aepubs.eur.army.mil/. Instructions for completing blocks 1 through 11 of AE Form 600-
702D are as follows:
1. Ration card series 600-702: Check the applicable block (A or C).
2. Period of issue: Enter the date of the first and the last ration card issued as recorded on the
3. Year: Enter the year of issue. The cut-off issue date is 31 December each year. File and keep AE
Form 600-702D for 3 years after the cutoff date.
4. Card number: Enter the ration-card serial number.
5. Issued to: Enter the name of the recipient shown on the ration card.
6. ID number: Enter the passport number or national ID card number of the sponsor. For Family
members, enter the sponsor’s ID card number.
7. Signature of recipient: Recipients will read the warning on the back of AE Form 600-702A
before signing for ration cards. Sponsors may sign for Family-member ration cards. Married military
personnel will sign for their own ration cards.
NOTE: Blocks 8 through 11 are used only for ration-card destruction.
8. Destruction DSPO date: Enter the date the ration card was destroyed, disposed of, or reported
9. Destruction DSPO item: Enter the abbreviation for the card destroyed or disposed of as follows:
EC Entire card
ST Supplemental tobacco
10. Reason: This is a two-line entry. Leave the top line blank. In the second line, enter the
abbreviation from the following list for the reason the ration card was destroyed or replaced:
AE Administrative error
CN Change of name (for example, marriage)
D Death
DE Reissue because of Foreign Service tour extension
ED European discharge or retirement
L Lost
M Mutilated (glossary)
PCS/PCA Permanent change of station or permanent change of assignment
R Revoked
RE Reissue for full ration allowance
S Stolen
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
11. Signature of verifying official: The issuing authority will sign in this block to indicate that the
ration card has been destroyed or disposed of properly. Leave this block blank when the action being
taken is because of the normal card expiration.
NOTE: The issuing authority will line through and initial errors on AE Form 600-702D. The issuing
authority will not use correction fluid or tape.
Issuing authorities will record transfers within the USEUCOM area of responsibility (AOR) on
AE Form 600-702D.
a. The losing commander will enter PCS or PCA in block 10 and certify the transaction in block 11
for ration cards issued to military personnel and their Family members.
b. Gaining commanders will record the ration-card data of military personnel and their Family
members on a separate AE Form 600-702D. The gaining unit will
(1) Line through and initial the losing organization and APO number listed on the ration card
(AE Form 600-702A).
(2) Type or block-print in ink the name of the gaining unit organization and APO number below
the ration-card serial number in block 4.
AE Form 600-702D will be filed in a separate folder. DA Form 410 and other substantiating documents
will be filed in another separate folder. Completed copies of AE Form 600-702D will be maintained in
an active file for 3 years after the date that the last card was issued. After 3 years, the forms will be kept
in an inactive file for 1 year and then appropriately destroyed.
Issuing authorities will maintain accountability for unissued ration cards and ration cards of personnel
assigned to or supported by them on AE Form 600-702E. AE Form 600-702E is available in AEPUBS.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
Table C-1 lists monthly rationed items by country.
Table C-1
Rationed Items by Country
Tobacco (note 1)
Coffee, Solubles
Class VI
Playing Cards
SHAPE Directive 40-9 prescribes ration limits applicable to Belgium.
Four cartons of
Two cartons of
5 pounds of
ground or 20
ounces of
2 pounds of
ground or 8
ounces of
Five bottles,
not to exceed
6 liters
One bottle (1 liter
or less) per four
guests for each
social occasion
Ten S blocks may be used for one
unbroken carton of cigarettes at any time
during the validity period of the ration
card. S blocks will be used for additional
packs sold with cartons for sales
Only accompanied
sponsors or their spouses
are authorized CS rations.
One CS block is good for
½ pound of ground or 2
ounces of instant coffee.
Four ounces of instant
may be used for 1 pound
of ground coffee.
The maximum monthly
individual quantity of rationed
class-VI items that may be
purchased is 6 liters.
Four or fewer miniature bottles
(.05 liters) of class VI are not
rationed. For each five miniature
bottles purchased, one .25 liter
block must be annotated.
Rationing applies to distilled
spirits and liqueurs with 33
percent or more alcohol by
volume. Beer, wine, and liqueurs
with less than 33 percent alcohol
by volume are not subject to
Six cartons of
cigarettes, 200
cigars, or 400
Five bottles,
not to exceed
6 liters
Two decks every
3 months
Each monthly tobacco block is good for
15 packs of cigarettes or 100 cigarillos.
Two S blocks are good for three packs
of cigarettes.
Sales persons will write the last digit of
the current year in the ration block for one
carton of cigarettes and will draw a
diagonal line through the written number
for the additional five packs (balance of
Individual class-VI rations are
the same as for Germany
(quantity, miniatures, and 33-
percent rule).
Record the
purchase of
playing cards in
the appropriate
month on the
back of the
ration card in the
Recordings or
Rations section.
Four cartons of
Two cartons of
Five bottles, not
to exceed 6
Individual class-VI rations are
the same as for Germany
(quantity, miniatures, and 33-
percent rule).
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
Table C-1
Rationed Items by Country (Continued)
Tobacco (note 1)
Coffee, Solubles
Class VI
Playing Cards
(note 2)
Five cartons of
cigarettes, 5 boxes
of 50 cigars, or 5
pounds of pipe or
cigarette tobacco,
not to exceed 10
units each calendar
Each S block is
good for one pack of
cigarettes, one
package of five
cigars, or one
package of pipe or
cigarette tobacco.
The top row of S
coupons is good
only Jan-Mar; the
second, Apr-Jun; the
third, Jul-Sep; and
fourth, Oct-Dec.
Five bottles,
not to exceed
6 liters
The first monthly block is good for 2
cartons of cigarettes, 2 boxes of 50 cigars,
or 2 16-ounce cans or the equivalent of
pipe or cigarette tobacco. The remaining 3
monthly blocks are good for 1 carton of
cigarettes, 1 box of 50 cigars, or 16
ounces of pipe or cigarette tobacco.
Individual class-VI rations are
the same as for Germany
(quantity, miniatures, and 33-
percent rule).
(note 3)
Four cartons of
Two cartons of
Five bottles,
not to exceed
6 liters
Individual class-VI rations are
the same as for Germany
(quantity, miniatures, and 33-
percent rule).
Four cartons of
cigarettes, 16 pocket
tins or 2 pounds of
pipe tobacco, or 100
Two cartons of
Four bottles (1
liter or less) per
sponsor, two
bottles (1 liter or
less) per
spouse (if
residing in the
One monthly tobacco coupon or 10 S
coupons are good for 4 pocket tins or ½
pound of pipe tobacco, or 25 cigars. A
five-pack of cigars requires two S blocks.
Commanders are authorized to make
provisions for supplemental rations of
cigarettes, cigars, or pipe tobacco for
entitled persons. Commanders are also
authorized to make provisions for a
supplemental cigar ration on a one-time
basis for entitled persons on the occasion
of a promotion or the birth of a Family
1. Except where otherwise specified, each monthly tobacco block on AE Form 600-702A is valid for the purchase of 10 packs of
cigarettes; each S coupon is valid for the purchase of 1 pack of cigarettes.
2. AE Form 600-702C is not used in Spain. Joint United States Military Group - Military Assistance Advisory Group, Spain, policy
directives cover ration allowances for controlling the sale of domestic appliances, electronic equipment, and other sensitive items.
3. Besides rationing in Turkey, strict controls are placed on purchasing Beyanname items and items that are highly marketable in the
local host-nation community. AE Regulation 550-36/COMUSNAVEUR Instruction 5840.6C/USAFE Instruction 51-707 defines
Beyanname items. The Office of Defense Cooperation, Turkey, determines which items are “highly marketable.” These items are
subject to control procedures at each checkout position in the exchange. The Office of Defense Cooperation, Turkey, may provide
more details.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
This appendix lists categories of personnel and Family members who may be issued ration cards and
allowed to purchase rationed items in the United Kingdom (UK).
a. Personnel in the following categories who are stationed or transient in an official, ordered duty
status in the UK and their Family members are authorized ration privileges:
(1) U.S. military personnel on active duty.
(2) Civilians who are citizens of the United States or other NATO countries (except the UK)
employed full time (20 hours or more per week) by
(a) The U.S. Forces, including nonappropriated fund instrumentalities.
(b) Certain designated nonmilitary agencies of the U.S. Government.
(c) Universities under contract to IMCOM-Europe, CNE-CNA-C6F, and
(d) The American Red Cross.
(e) Technical contractors.
b. Family members of U.S.-citizen sponsors are authorized full privileges for up to 90 days after the
sponsor leaves the UK.
NOTE: Restrictions applicable to sponsors also apply to their Family members.
c. U.S. military and civilian personnel on leave status in the UK from the Azores, Iceland, or an area
serviced by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Europe and Southwest Asia, including their
Family members. These individuals must possess a ration card issued by their unit.
d. Military liaison personnel from NATO nations (except the UK) attached to U.S. units.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
The tobacco rationing policy for Italy is in Naval Support Activity Naples Instruction 4400.3F.
a. Definitions. For the purpose of this policy, the following terms are defined:
(1) Sponsor. Any person, military or civilian (including Sixth Fleet personnel and Family
members), employed by the U.S. Government, and NATO personnel in an international status who are
authorized tax-free privileges by regulations and agreements
(2) Family Member of a Sponsor. The spouse, Family-member children who are 18 years old or
older, and dependent parents residing with the sponsor and for whom the sponsor provides at least 51-
percent support.
(3) Tobacco-Ration Unit. An established quantity of tobacco products, not to exceed 1,200
grams or 1.2 kilograms, as a fraction of the tobacco ration. The following tobacco units have been
(six units = 1 month’s ration)
One carton of cigarettes (10
One 8-ounce tin of tobacco
One 16-ounce tin of tobacco
One box of 50 cigars
(4) Tobacco-Ration Subunit. An established fraction of the ration unit that will be identified on
the tobacco ration card with the letter S. The following tobacco ration subunits are established:
(10 subunits = 1 unit)
One package of cigarettes
One package of cigars
One pocket pouch of tobacco
One box of 25 cigars
b. Rations.
(1) The maximum tobacco ration for each sponsor and each qualified Family member is six
tobacco units per month. Tobacco-ration units not used during a month may not be carried forward and
used in later months.
(2) The purchase of rationed items will be controlled by ration cards issued to authorized
personnel and by sales logs or slips kept at the retail-sales outlet. The following minimum information
will be recorded on the sales log or sales slip: date, name of the patron, ration-card number, units or
fractions of units purchased, and the receipt signature of the patron.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
(3) The sale of subunits is permitted providing the appropriate S block of the individual ration
card is marked. Ration subunits are not in addition to the established ration. S blocks are used to record
individual-pack sales that will, when they total 10 packs, be used to record a carton sale in the basic
block. The sales person will void one ration-unit block of the individual ration card as soon as the
number of subunits purchased equals the quantity of tobacco products of one ration unit.
(4) The advance sale of tobacco rations for future months because of planned closures of stores
(including holidays) is not authorized, except as noted under the rules governing personnel on leave,
temporary additional duty (TAD), or temporary duty (TDY).
c. Exceptions.
(1) Personnel going on leave or TAD for more than 2 weeks will be permitted to purchase
tobacco for ration periods that expire during their absence. These personnel must present leave
documentation or orders to the floor manager of the appropriate retail store. Transient personnel from
other European areas who have ration cards issued by DOD agencies will be permitted to purchase
tobacco products on presentation of the appropriate ration card.
(2) Managers of clubs, recreation facilities, and retail-sales activities may authorize transient
personnel not holding a valid ration card to purchase a maximum of two ration subunits per day. The
manager will annotate the tobacco-sales log to include the name, grade, ID number, and parent activity
of each individual permitted to make a purchase under this transient provision.
(3) Managers of clubs, recreation facilities, and retail sales activities may authorize personnel
holding a valid tobacco-ration card (including Mediterranean home-ported tenders (vessels stationed in
the Mediterranean)) a maximum of two ration subunits on the condition that
(a) The appropriate S block on the individual ration is marked.
(b) The purchase of the subunit is recorded on the sales log or sales slip, including the date,
name of the patron, ration-card number, and receipt signature of the patron.
d. Use of Tobacco Products. Tobacco products obtained under intergovernmental agreements with
the Italian Ministry of Finance and the Italian Monopoly and sold through exchanges, commissaries,
NATO stores, and other authorized sales outlets are obtained tax-free and are intended only for the
personal use of individuals entitled to tobacco rations according to the basic publication, paragraph 5.
Selling, bartering, lending, or giving away tax-free tobacco products to unauthorized individuals is
strictly forbidden. Individuals who violate this order are subject to prosecution and punishment under
the laws of Italy and their home country.
e. Responsibility. Sponsors are responsible for violations committed by their Family members.
f. Reporting Requirements. Each quarter, the ration-card issuing activity must send a report with
the number of current valid ration cards in circulation to the Foreign Tax Relief Program Office Navy
Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia (Naval Support Activity Naples, Italy, Code N83, PSC 817, Box
108, FPO AE 09622-0108).
g. Restriction. With the exception of the situations in c(1) above, personnel in Italy are prohibited
from having more tax-free cigarettes or other tobacco products than their monthly ration.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
h. Action. The tobacco-ration card issuing officers of each U.S. and NATO activity in Italy will
ensure that
(1) Personnel leaving the command give their tobacco ration cards to appropriate authorities
before leaving.
(2) The ration card is voided. Voided ration cards will be kept on file for 5 years.
i. Assistance. Problems not covered in this policy should be referred to the Supply Officer or the
Foreign Tax Relief Program Office Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia at Naval Support
Activity Naples (mil 626-5439) for resolution.
Class-VI rationing policy for Italy is in Naval Support Activity Naples (NAVSUPPACT Naples)
Instruction 1746.19J.
a. Definitions. For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions apply:
(1) Hard Liquor. Regardless of the alcohol percentage by volume, the following products are
considered hard liquors:
(a) Brandy.
(b) Cognac.
(c) Gin.
(d) Grain alcohol. (NAVSUPPACT Naples 1746.19J, para 1c, provides more details).
(e) Rum.
(f) Vodka.
(g) Whiskey (blended, bourbon, Canadian, Irish, rye, and Scotch).
(h) Any other spirit containing 33 percent or more alcohol by volume.
(2) Imported Wines and Liqueurs. Products in this category consist of wines, champagnes,
ports, and after-dinner liqueurs containing less than 33 percent alcohol by volume.
(3) Local Wines and Liqueurs. Products in this category consist of wines, spumante, and
liqueurs, including but not limited to amaretto, anisette, Sambuca, Strega, and vermouth produced in
(4) Ration Unit. A bottle of hard liquor with contents ranging between 1/5 of a U.S. gallon and
¼ of an imperial gallon or not more than 1¾ liters in volume is one ration unit. Half-gallon and 1-gallon
bottles (either U.S. or imperial) will be considered two ration units and four ration units, respectively. In
addition, 3-liter bottles will be considered two ration units. Miniature bottles will, if stocked, be sold in
units that constitute at least one ration unit as computed by the contents of the individual containers.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
(5) Eligible Personnel. The following individuals are eligible for class-VI rations:
(a) U.S. military and civilian employees who hold international status and are attached to a
U.S. or NATO military activity in Italy.
(b) NATO military and civilian personnel according to the Italy - Supreme Allied
Commander Europe Agreement, Articles 8 and 13.
(6) Local Commander. The commander of a U.S. or NATO activity in Italy operating one or
more liquor-package stores.
b. Authorization. Packaged liquor purchased at U.S. or NATO outlets is solely for the use of
authorized patrons. To sell, barter, or exchange packaged liquor for money, goods, or services is strictly
forbidden. Purchases must be made in person by the authorized patron.
c. Ration. The maximum quantities of packaged liquor that may be purchased on a ration basis by
authorized patrons and adult Family members on station are listed below. The liquor-ration entitlement
is restricted to the sponsor and one adult Family member who is 21 years old or older and who lives in
the sponsor’s household.
Monthly Hard-Liquor
Ration Units
Imported or Local Wines
and Liqueurs in Bottles
Reasonable quantities as established by the local
(1) The above rations are intended for issue to individuals. Sales of liquor stocks to authorized
clubs and dining facilities sponsored by the command are not subject to rationing, provided that the
liquor stocks are intended for consumption solely within the confines of the club or dining facility.
(2) Unused ration portions may not be carried over to the next month.
(3) On a case-by-case basis, commanders may authorize, in writing, members to purchase
reasonable quantities in excess of the normal ration entitlement for occasional private social functions.
Commanding officers may delegate this function to subordinates.
d. Sales and Control Procedures. Ration issues are controlled through the use of ration cards
carried by the individual. Authorized sales outlets will record at least the following on the sales slip,
sales log, or automated sales system:
(1) Date of purchase.
(2) Patron’s name.
(3) Ration-card number.
(4) A list of rationed items purchased and the quantity.
(5) The receipt signature of the patron.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
e. Action. Local commanders will
(1) Issue appropriate instructions to implement the procedures in this policy.
(2) Institute control procedures as appropriate to prevent abuse of privileges.
f. Assistance. Problems not covered in this policy should be reported to the Supply Officer or the
Foreign Tax Relief Program Office Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia at Naval Support
Activity Naples (mil 626-5439) for resolution.
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
ADSW active duty for special work
ADT active duty for training
AEPUBS Army in Europe Library & Publishing System
AF Air Force
AOR area of responsibility
APO Army post office
AR Army regulation
AT annual training
CNE-CNA-C6F Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe/Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Africa/
Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet
CS coffee, solubles
DA Department of the Army
DEROS date eligible for return from overseas
DOD Department of Defense
DSPO dispose
E1 private (Army); seaman recruit (Navy); airman basic (Air Force)
E4 specialist (Army); petty officer third class (Navy); senior airman (Air Force)
E5 sergeant (Army); petty officer second class (Navy); staff sergeant (Air Force)
E7 sergeant first class (Army); chief petty officer (Navy); master sergeant (Air Force)
ID identification
IDT inactive duty training
IMA individual mobilization augmentation
IMCOM-Europe United States Army Installation Management Command Europe
lb pound
L liter
MI middle initial
MM month
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAVSUPPACT Naval Support Activity
oz ounce
PCA permanent change of assignment
PCS permanent change of station
POL petroleum, oils, and lubricants
R & G roast and ground
TAD temporary additional duty
TDY temporary duty
TTAD temporary tour active duty
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
UK United Kingdom
U.S. United States
USAFE United States Air Forces in Europe
USAG United States Army garrison
USAREUR United States Army Europe
USDRT United States Defense Representative Turkey
AE Reg 600-702/CNE-CNA-C6F Inst 10110.1G/USAFE-AFAFRICA Inst 34-101 20 Nov 18
USEUCOM United States European Command
YR year
YY year
alcohol abuse
A pattern of pathological use of alcohol manifested by impairment in social or occupational functioning
alcohol-related misconduct
Actions taken while under the influence of alcohol that are prohibited by regulation or law, including
driving while intoxicated, assault, drunk and disorderly conduct, and on-duty alcohol impairment
Family member
An individual whose relationship to the sponsor constitutes entitlement to ration-card privileges in
accordance with AE Regulation 600-700
mutilated ration card
A card that has been damaged to such an extent that administrative entries on the face of the card, serial
numbers on individual card sections, or issue-quantity blocks are illegible