Mississippi Community College Board
Postsecondary Career and Technical Education
Program Guidelines
Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides students with the academic and technical skills,
knowledge, and training necessary to succeed in careers and to become lifelong learners. CTE
prepares learners for the world of work by introducing them to workplace competencies and
making academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context. Funding
is provided through both federal and state sources.
According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report, total job openings by 2020 for middle skills jobs will
increase 34.9 percent nationwide (Lockard 4 and Wolf, 2012). Further, it is estimated more than 55
percent of the jobs in Mississippi will be middle-skill jobs. These are jobs requiring some education and
training above a high school diploma, but not necessarily a four-year degree; however, educational
attainment levels are not keeping pace with goals for this training group (associate degrees and
postsecondary non-degree awards), which ultimately creates a labor market shortage for skilled
A. Career and Technical Stackable Options
All CTE curriculum is designed in a stackable credential format with multiple exit points. The
stackable credentials will be designed into a 15 semester hour college credit certificate, 30 semester
hour career certificate, 45 semester hour technical certificate, and 60 semester hour Associates of
Applied Science Degree.
Accelerated Integrated Transitions Career
Pathway (MIBEST) *
15 credits max in a program of study
Business and Industry Flex Certificate**
15 credits in different program of study to meet the
needs of business and industry for short term training
for a specific skillset
College Credit Certificate***
15 credit hours in one program of study for short term
training to enter the workforce
Career Certificate 30 credits minimum
Technical Certificate
Career Certificate Coursework + 15 credits minimum
(total of 45 credits)
General Education Core Courses
Career Certificate Coursework + Technical Certificate
Coursework + 15 academic general education credits
minimum (total of 60 credits)
Total Semester Credit Hours for the
Associate of Applied Science Degree
60 credits minimum hours earned as a compilation of
Career, Technical, and Academic credit hours
*Accelerated Transitions Pathway
Mississippi Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (MIBEST)
MIBEST is adult education and literacy, workforce preparation, AND career, technical or
workforce training each of sufficient intensity and quality, and based on the most rigorous
research available, especially with respect to improving reading, writing, mathematics, and
English proficiency of eligible individuals” that “occur simultaneously,” “use occupationally
relevant instructional materials,” and are organized to function cooperatively” with “a single
set of learning outcomes” (34 CFR §463.37). MIBEST represents a wide spectrum of services to
build foundational, employability, and occupational skills.
**Business and Industry Flex Program
The primary concern of any new or expanding business is the quality of the existing workforce,
especially in today’s technology-driven economy. Workers who can demonstrate mastery of
rigorous skills and competencies are among the most appealing workers who not only emerge
at the front of the employment line but who are also less likely to find themselves unemployed
during economic downturns.
The Mississippi Community College Board will partner with the community colleges to offer the
new business and industry (B & I) flex program. The initiative will allow business and industry
to identify and select courses across different programs to ensure a specific skill set is achieved
by potential employees. This flex approach ensures short term credit hours are aligned beyond
standard program curricula.
***College Credit Certificate
The community colleges seek new and innovative paths to help address the workforce
challenge. The community college board in partnership with the community colleges will help
promote the new accelerated pathway option offering a 15 semester credit hour completion
point culminating in a College Credit Certificate.
The College Credit Certificate is comprised of 15 semester credit hours classes that begin the
sequence of a Career and Technical program.
The new College Credit Certificate will help Mississippians enter the workforce with portable
certifications, increase employment and wage opportunities, positively impact our high school
dropout and unemployment rates, reduce the middle-skills job gap, and enhance industry
recruitment efforts.
Each college establishes its own entry requirements for postsecondary CTE Programs. Admissions
into Career and Technical Programs:
1. The completion of at least one unit less than the minimum acceptable high school units as
prescribed by law, i.e., if the state requires 21 high school units to graduate, a student can be
admitted into a community/junior college with 20 high school units, or
2. A High School Equivalency Diploma, or Mississippi Occupational Diploma, or
3. A state-approved Career Certificate from a MS Community College, or
4. An official transcript from an accredited college or university; or
5. The completion of a federally approved ability-to-benefit test.
A student NOT meeting the requirements stated above, may be admitted as non-degree seeking
under the following conditions:
1. Meets the requirements to enroll in dual enrollment/dual credit Academic, Career, or Technical
classes, or
2. Meets the requirements to enroll in an approved career-pathway that integrates adult
education with skills training (MIBEST - Career, Technical or Workforce).
There are two categories of New CTE Program Applications:
1. Proposal to add Unique CTE Program: A proposal to implement a program that is not currently
being offered under an existing approved or statewide curriculum.
2. Proposal to add an Existing CTE Program (not currently approved for the college). A proposal to
implement a program that is not currently approved for the requesting institution that has an
existing approved or statewide curriculum.
Colleges may request to add a New CTE Program by submitting a letter of request accompanied by
a completed “New Program Application.”
1. Process For Adding A Unique New CTE Program:
a. Complete Employment Needs Data, including state and district employment and wage
projections (average annual salary projections and 10 year employment projections).
b. Complete student interest data form.
c. Obtain recommendations from the advisory committee.
d. Obtain professional association endorsement (if needed).
e. Develop the curriculum following the 30/45/60 (include 15 hours if applicable) course
sequencing format.
f. The curriculum should list each course planned in the 30/45/60 course sequencing format
including the course number, title, and credit hour as an attachment.
g. List the course description of each core course (not including general education course) in
the curriculum.
h. Submit the Curriculum as “Attachment I”.
i. Obtain local approval.
j. Submit the new program application, along with all the requested supporting documentation
to the Director of Career and Technical Education.
k. Applications must be submitted by the monthly deadline published by the Career Technical
Officers Association (CTOA) “Events Schedule” (available on the MCCB website).
l. Upon approval, proposal is presented to MCCB Board of Directors.
m. Once approved:
i. MCCB notifies college of approval.
ii. MCCB notifies Mississippi Department of Education and the Research and Curriculum
iii. College works with the MCCB to develop a statewide curriculum framework and
technical skills assessment, if required.
2. Process For Adding A New Program With An Existing Curriculum Framework
(The program is already approved for another college)
a. Complete Employment Needs Data, including state and district employment and wage
projections (average annual salary projections and 10 year employment projections).
b. Complete student interest data form.
c. Obtain recommendations from the advisory committee.
d. Obtain professional association endorsement (if needed).
e. Submit the Curriculum as “Attachment I”.
f. If a statewide curriculum exists, provide a copy of the 30/45/60 (include 15 hours if
applicable) course sequence from the curriculum.
g. If a curriculum does not exist, list each course planned in the 30/45/60 course sequencing
format including the course number, title, and credit hour as an attachment.
h. List the course description of each core course (not including general education courses) in
the curriculum.
i. Obtain local approval.
j. Submit the new program application, along with all the requested supporting
documentation to the Director of Career and Technical Education.
k. Applications must be submitted by the monthly deadline published by the Career Technical
Officers Association (CTOA) “Events Schedule” (available on the MCCB website).
l. Upon approval, proposal is presented to MCCB Board of Directors.
m. Once approved:
i. MCCB notifies college of approval.
ii. MCCB notifies Mississippi Department of Education and the Research and Curriculum
iii. College works with the MCCB to develop a statewide curriculum framework and
technical skills assessment, if required.
3. Process For Requesting New Program Option/Concentration Or Location
New options or concentrations are defined as any option (degree or certificate) listed within a
statewide curriculum framework of any program currently listed in the Statewide CIP table for
requesting institution.
Colleges may request to add new options, concentrations, or locations under existing programs
by submitting a completed “New Option Application” (available on the MCCB website).
Requests, along with all the requested supporting documentation to the Director of Career and
Technical Education. Applications must be submitted by the monthly deadline published by the
Career Technical Officers Association (CTOA) “Events Schedule” (available on the MCCB
The request must justify the need for the new option, concentration, or location and must
address the items outlined in the “New Option Application” including but not limited to the
a. Program, option, or concentration name and CIP code.
b. Location(s) where the program, new option or concentration will be offered.
c. State and district employment and wage projections (average annual salary projections and
10 year employment projections).
d. Projected enrollment for the new option or concentration or at the new program location.
e. Identified technical skills assessment.
f. Attach copy of current curriculum (cover and course outline is acceptable).
g. If the current curriculum is sequenced in the 30/45/60 SCH stackable credentials format,
provide a copy of the course sequence from the curriculum.
h. If the curriculum has the 30/45/60 Course Sequencing format and show as an attachment).
i. Projected additional costs for facilities, equipment, and faculty.
j. Semester of proposed implementation.
k. Once approved:
i. MCCB notifies college of approval.
ii. MCCB notifies Mississippi Department of Education and the Research and Curriculum
iii. College works with the MCCB to develop a statewide curriculum framework and
technical skills assessment, if required.
4. Process For Terminating Programs, Options, Locations, Or Concentrations
Colleges may terminate programs, options, or concentrations at any location through a letter of
notification to the MCCB, Director of Career and Technical Education. Applications must be
submitted by the monthly deadline published by the Career Technical Officers Association
(CTOA) “Events Schedule” (available on the MCCB website).
Applications should also include the following:
a. Program, option, or concentration name and CIP code
b. Location(s) of the terminated program, option, or concentration
c. Reason for the termination
d. Effective date of termination
e. Confirmation of closed programs will be emailed to the college president, the RCU, and MDE.
Qualified, effective faculty members are essential to carry out the mission of the institution and to
ensure the quality and integrity of its academic programs. The emphasis is on overall qualifications of a
faculty member, rather than simply academic credentials. While academic credentials in most cases
may well be the standard qualification for faculty members, other types of qualifications may prove to
be appropriate. Examples could include appropriately related work experiences in the field, professional
licensure and certifications related to the teaching assignment, honors and awards, continuing
professional development, relevant peer-reviewed publications, and/or continuous documented
excellence in teaching. These types of qualifications are especially important in professional, technical,
and technology-dependent fields. (SACSCC, 3rd Edition, 2018).
It is the institution’s obligation to justify and document the qualifications of its faculty. Determining the
acceptability of faculty qualifications requires judicious use of professional judgment, especially when
persons do not hold degrees in the teaching discipline or are qualified based on criteria other than their
academic credentials. Similarly, persons holding a degree at the same or lower level than the level at
which the course is taught require additional qualifications and the application of professional
judgment. Additional justification is needed for these cases as compared to cases where the academic
credentials are a “perfect match” for the teaching assignments.
Appropriate qualifications may also differ depending on whether a course is generally transferable to
other institutions; qualifications for teaching nontransferable technical courses depend heavily on
professional experience and appropriate certifications or work experience. Judicious use of professional
judgment should also be exercised by those asked to serve as external reviewers of faculty
qualifications. (SACSCC, 3rd Edition, 2018)
The qualifications in this manual are designed to support the guidelines published in The Principles of
Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC),
the regional accrediting body for degree-granting higher education institutions in the Southern states.
The Principles of Accreditation publication may be accessed at: http://www.sacscoc.org. Specific
guidance from SACSCOC regarding instructor credentials is included in this document in Appendix A.
Effective July 1, 2017, CTE instructors must meet the requirements outlined in this manual, as well as
professional development requirements by the institution’s Competency Plan for each CTE instructor.
The Competency Plan should be designed to meet ensure professional growth and quality instructional
According to the Perkins guidance as listed in the Federal regulations in the Mississippi State Plan for
Vocational and Technical Education, teachers are required to attend professional development
dedicated to understanding how to effectively and efficiently teach the CTE curriculum which
incorporates national standards, yields industry recognized certifications, and increases academic
Qualifications for postsecondary CTE faculty and administrators set forth in these guidelines are
minimum requirements. Postsecondary institutions may require additional qualifications in order to
meet state and national accreditation standards related to specific programs, as well as to meet local
needs. These minimum qualifications are designed to ensure that individuals employed to teach and
support postsecondary CTE in Mississippi meet relevant general education competencies, occupational
competencies, and instructional competencies. The qualifications apply to all postsecondary Career
and Technical personnel, with the exception of the CTE Support Services Coordinators.
Student Services Coordinator personnel are funded by the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE)
through monies received as part of the federal Perkins Act, individuals employed in this position shall
continue to meet the licensure requirements (initial and renewal) as set by the Mississippi Department
of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education.
In cases where a CTE instructor fails to meet the minimum requirements listed in the Qualifications
Manual is employed by the college, the college must submit a letter of notification to the Mississippi
Community College Board. The letter should include appropriate justification which demonstrates the
individual as “qualified”.
All CTE instructors must attend the Institute for Teaching and Learning or its equivalent in content and
time as determined by the MCCB Office of Curriculum and Instruction.
1. Career and Technical Non-Degree Certificate Programs
Each full-time and part-time Career and Technical non-degree certificate instructor must
a. Associate degree, or
b. Valid work experience in the area of instruction.
c. A minimum of two (2) years’ work experience within the last five years related to the
program of study; five years or more experience is preferred.
d. For programs of study where a national certification is identified by MCCB, the instructor
must possess this certification or a plan be provided that outlines compliance within 2
calendar years from the date of hire.
e. Current instructors must obtain the national certification identified by MCCB for their
program of study no later than June 30, 2021.
2. Career and Technical Education Associate Degree Programs
Each full-time and part-time career and technical instructor teaching associate degree courses
must possess:
a. Associate degree, or
b. Valid work experience in the area of instruction.
c. A minimum of two (2) years’ work experience within the last five years related to the
program of study; five years or more experience is preferred.
d. For programs of study where a national certification is identified by MCCB, the instructor
must possess this certification or a plan be provided that outlines compliance within 2
calendar years from the date of hire.
e. Current instructors must obtain the national certification identified by MCCB for their
program of study no later than June 30, 2021.
3. Associate Degree Plus Transfer
Each full-time and part-time instructor teaching courses in professional, occupational, and
technical areas (i.e. BOT cluster, Agriculture/Horticulture, and Early Childhood Education) that
are components of an associate degree program designed for college transfer or from which
substantial numbers of students transfer to senior institutions must have completed:
a. Master’s degree or higher in the teaching discipline.*
b. Master’s degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (a minimum of 18
graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).*
c. Have a minimum of two years’ work experience in the subject area; five years or more
experience is preferred.
d. For programs of study where a national certification is identified by MCCB, the instructor
must possess this certification or a plan be provided that outlines compliance within 2
calendar years from the date of hire.
e. Current instructors must obtain the national certification identified by MCCB for their
program of study no later than June 30, 2021.
* See Appendix A at the end of this document. However, please refer to the SACSCOC website
for the most current guidelines regarding instructor’s credentials. http://www.sacscoc.org.
4. Qualifications for Programs requiring National Credentials
In order to teach curriculum and/or administer student skills tests as required by the
credentialing agent (i.e. NCCER, NATEF, etc.), instructors must possess the training and
credentials of that specific program. Also included are other such certifications as AutoCAD for
drafting and design, CompTIA Network+ for computer networking technology, OPAC
certifications for accounting technology.
To support the transition, MCCB will pay for the following in connection with obtaining
credentials, as long as MCCB funds are available:
a. Initial certification and retake or second attempt exam costs for all instructors who meet
the requirements set forth in this manual. A voucher will be provided for the national
credential for the instructor based on the program of study or course(s) being taught
pending certification for the pathway.
b. Any necessary training associated with obtaining necessary preparation for the initial
certification exam.
c. Vendor registration fees as required.
MCCB will NOT pay for the following:
a. Any cost associated with getting labs and/or shops up to necessary standards for offering
a program such as NATEF of ASE. Colleges will be responsible for any equipment and
facility cost needed to teach curriculum and prepare students for the certification(s)
identified for a particular program.
b. Renewal certifications will not be paid by MCCB.
c. Licensure fees for instructors (i.e. Practical Nurse, Respiratory Technology, Cosmetology,
Barbering, etc.) are not paid by MCCB as they are required to work in the field and a
condition of hire at colleges.
5. Qualifications Personnel employed at Secondary Career and Technical Centers operated by a
Postsecondary Institutions
a. Career and Technical Education Administrator
Each full-time and part-time CTE Administrator must possess:
i. A Master’s degree; and
ii. A minimum of two (2) years teaching or counseling experience in CTE; five years or
more experience is preferred.
b. Career and Technical Education Counselor
Each full-time and part-time CTE Counselor must possess:
i. A Master’s degree; and
ii. A minimum of two years of teaching and or related work experience in areas such
as employment counseling, academic counseling or human relations; five years or
more experience is preferred.
c. Student Service Coordinator Personnel
Student Service Coordinator Personnel will continue to meet the requirements (initial
and renewal) as set by the Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Career and
Technical Education.
d. Career and Technical Education Programs
Each full-time and part-time career and technical instructor teaching associate degree
courses must possess:
a) Associate degree or higher.
b) A minimum of two (2) years’ work experience within the last five years related to the
program of study; five years or more experience is preferred.
For instructors teaching secondary students for secondary credit, please refer to MS
Department of Education guidelines for additional licensure requirements.
For current instructors, colleges have until June 30, 2021 to ensure that instructors are
properly credentialed for the program(s) they teach.
6. Recommendations for Career and Technical Education Administrators
a. Career and Technical Education Administrator
Each full-time and part-time CTE Administrator must possess:
i. A Master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education, and
ii. A minimum of two (2) years teaching or counseling experience in CTE.
(Five years or more experience is preferred)
b. Health Program Supervisor
Each full-time and part-time Health Program Supervisor must adhere to the accreditation
standards of designated accrediting organization.
c. Career and Technical Education Counselor
Each full-time and part-time CTE Counselor must possess:
i. A Master’s degree, and
ii. A minimum of two (2) years of teaching and/or related work experience in areas
such as employment counseling, academic counseling or human relations.
(Five years or more experience is preferred)
d. Work-Based Learning Coordinator
Each full-time and part-time work-based learning coordinator must possess:
i. A Master’s degree, preferably in a field of business or CTE, and
ii. A minimum of two (2) years related work experience in business and industry or
(Five years or more experience is preferred)
Instructional Competency must be demonstrated through a degree in higher education or through
completion of the best practices education program. The best practices program for Mississippi
Postsecondary instructors is the Institute for Teaching and Learning. This program consists of forty (40)
contact hours of intensive course work, and is designed for individuals who do not have a bachelor’s
degree or higher in education. The content areas include the teaching and learning process,
communication skills, planning and developing instructional materials, managing learning activities,
student assessments, and statewide initiatives in CTE.
Career and Technical faculty who have a Bachelor’s Degree (or higher) in education are exempt from
the Institute for Teaching and Learning program. Postsecondary CTE Deans or Directors in certain
circumstances may request a Waiver of Best Practices by submitting a letter to the MCCB Assistant
Director of Professional Development explaining the special qualifications of the instructor. MCCB will
process the request for waiver and notify the dean/director in writing whether or not the request is
approved or denied.
Each institution must develop a Competency Plan for staff development for each career and technical
instructors. The Competency Plan should be designed to meet the needs of the instructor to ensure
professional growth and quality instructional programs. According to the Perkins guidance as listed in
the Federal regulations in the Mississippi State Plan for Vocational and Technical Education, teachers
are required to attend professional development dedicated to understanding how to effectively and
efficiently teach the CTE curriculum that is based on national standards, industry recognized
certifications, and increased academic foundations. Please refer to the Perkins State Plan
(http://www.mccb.edu/pdfs/ct/PerkinsStatePlan.pdf) for more guidance regarding professional
The following activities are strongly encouraged for new personnel who have limited teaching
experience and for those who do not possess a bachelor’s degree in education or higher.
A. Mentoring
A new instructor may be paired with an instructor who has strong organizational skills and has
effective teaching techniques. It is recommended they meet twice a week for one two hours
planning sessions during the first semester of employment. This should be structured activity with
expected outcomes.
B. Institute for Teaching and Learning (Required)*
The Institute for Teaching and Learning offers training to new CTE instructors. The Institute offers
this training using a blended delivery approach featuring face-to-face and online methods. Content
areas include instructional planning, classroom management, pedagogy, learning outcomes,
rubrics, student assessment, communication skills, conflict resolution, time management, and
professionalism. The Institute also offers one-on-one observation and feedback of new instructors.
* All career and technical instructors must attend the Institute for Teaching and Learning or its
equivalent in content and time as determined by the MCCB, Office of Curriculum and Instruction.
C. Technology Training
Technology training can be local, state or national on topics of relevance to instructors. Many
business/industries offer specific training to technicians i.e., General Motors, Ford, IBM, etc. It is
critical that career and technical instructors remain current with technology. Technology training
related to specific programs present an on-going challenge.
D. Industry Visits
Industry visits can provide an avenue for instructors to keep updated on industry requirements and
standards, provided visits are made to progressive industries related to the teaching field.
E. Professional Seminars, Conferences, and Workshops
Seminars, conferences, and workshops can be a good source of information for experienced
instructors. Most are not as intense or hands on as may be needed for beginning instructors.
F. Academic Coursework
Academic coursework should be designed specifically to meet the individual needs of instructors.
Courses may include training in such areas as testing and evaluation, instructional delivery, and
program development.
A. Eligibility
1. To be eligible for articulated credit, a student must:
a. Complete the articulated Secondary Career and Technical Program, and
b. Score 70 percent or higher on the Mississippi Career Planning and Assessment System
(MS-CPAS) in their secondary program of study.
2. To be awarded articulated credit, a student must:
a. Enroll in the community or junior college within 18 months of graduation, and
Articulated courses are transcribed immediately upon enrollment at a community or junior
B. How MS-CPAS Will Be Documented
1. The Research and Curriculum Unit of Mississippi State University will provide MS-CPAS scores,
CIP Codes, district codes and college numbers (identified by each student as colleges of interest)
to Mississippi Department of Education to place on student transcripts.
2. The Research and Curriculum Unit of Mississippi State University will provide MS-CPAS scores,
CIP Codes, district codes and college number to the MCCB.
3. The MCCB will forward the list of students eligible for articulated credit to colleges.
C. Transcripting of Articulated Credit
1. Articulated credit will be transcripted immediately upon college enrollment.
2. No grade will be given on the transcript for articulated courses, only hours granted will be
transcripted (thus resulting in no change in quality points).
D. Time Limit
MS-CPAS scores will be accepted to demonstrate competencies for up to 18 months after high
school graduation.
E. Cost
No costs will be assessed on hours earned through articulated credit.
F. Impact On Local Articulations
Statewide articulations are supplemental to any articulation agreements established between a
college and a local school or district. Statewide articulations provide additional avenues for students
to obtain articulated credit. They do not nullify any existing local agreements.
A Career Technical Formula Study Committee was appointed by Dr. Wayne Stonecypher, Executive
Director of the SBCJC, in January of 2005 to satisfy conditions set forth in the Memorandum of
Agreement between the Mississippi Board of Education (MBE), the Mississippi Department of Education
(MDE) and the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges (SBCJC). More importantly, the charge
to the Committee was to provide recommendations for funding CTE at the community and junior
college level in a way that is most equitable to the fifteen colleges and which encourages colleges to
provide programs and services to constituents at the greatest level of quality and efficiency. Finally,
although it was not a part of the original charge, the Committee accepted the challenge to develop a
formula which would raise the standards and expectations of Career Technical programs to a higher
level of respect in the eyes of the public.
The Career Technical Formula Study Committee was composed of a cross section of individuals
representing Presidents, Chief Academic Officers, Career Technical Deans, Business Managers and
SBCJC Staff members. The Committee was challenged by Dr. Stonecypher and the Chairman to make
decisions on the basis of what was in the best interest of the community college system. It was very
evident that committee members met this challenge throughout the process. The Committee met six
times and spent many hours examining the impact of various formulas upon the system. In addition,
many emails were exchanged whereby various information and opinions were shared. They took their
task seriously and made decisions with the welfare of the community college system in mind.
The Committee presented their recommendations to the MACJC and the SBCJC as a representation of
its work. Realizing that the final formula may be changed by either of those two groups, the report
represented a sound product that is equitable for all fifteen institutions and which encourages colleges
to provide programs and services at the highest level of quality and efficiency.
The Committee developed a survey to gather information from members of the five constituent groups.
This survey asked respondents to rant factors in priority in accordance with the weight that should be
given in determining funding for Career Technical Education. It also provided an opportunity for
respondents to list elements which should be included in any funding formula.
There were fifty-three surveys completed and returned. Respondents rated “equity” as a very high
priority, buy many of the respondents indicated they felt equity was a “given” and did not rank it. The
results indicated that the highest single priority by respondents was the formula should be based on
FTE, the second highest priority was “high cost” programs, with ninety-six percent (96%) indicating that
a special weight should be assigned for high cost programs. “High Demand” programs were ranked as
important as well, and “Performance Based” factors were also listed as important to the respondents.
A sub-committee was selected by the Chair and the Director of the Career Technical Division at the
SBCJC to advise the Committee on what programs should be listed as High Cost” and at which level.
Members of that sub-committee developed a survey to gather information from Career Technical
Deans, which would substantiate a listing of program costs. The Committee has asked for the top eight
“high costprograms, but the subcommittee expanded that list to nineteen, with a rank order, and
recommended that all nineteen programs be considered high cost.
As indicated on survey returns, it was agreed that high cost programs should be funded at a higher level
than those programs which were not high cost. Several formulas were analyzed to determine a means
to increase funding in an equitable manner for those programs which cost more to operate.
Formulas were developed, using the following weights:
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Formula #1 (add weight) .2 .3 .4
Formula #2 (add weight) 1.2 1.3 1.4
Formula #3 (add weight) .5 1.0 1.5
Formula #4 (add weight) .25 .50 .75
Formula #5 (add weight) .25 .75 1.25
In analyzing the impact of these weights for high cost programs, it was determined that formula #1
added much too little to make a difference in funding and that Formula #2 added much too much to
each level. It was also determined that the weight added to the three levels in Formula #1 and #2 was
much too small to make a difference between the three levels.
Formula #3 and #5 were much better than the first two formulas, but still provided too much additional
funding, particularly at level 3. Level #4 seemed to provide the needed additional funds, but did not
over compensate for the program costs.
Based upon the results of the surveys, the programs were listed in rank order by the sub-committee,
with the program that had the highest cost ranked number one and the program with the lowest as
number nineteen. The sub-committee then divided the programs into three levels for funding.
A. Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) Based Funding
Full Time Equivalents (FTE) is the first and most prominent component for funding CTE programs.
Once FTE is awarded for each 24 semester credit hour (SCH) earned over a 12 month period of time
(summer, fall, and spring). No academic or AND credit hours are to be included in this formula.
B. Base/Site
A base (site) amount of the Career Technical appropriation is to be set aside to be divided equally
among the 15 college districts. It was recommended that 7.5% of the prior year Career Technical
appropriation be used as the base (site) amount each year.
C. Phase-In
FTE based funding was phased in over a period of 3 years, beginning with FY 2007 as the FIRST YEAR
and continuing through FY08 and FY09, when the new funding mechanism was fully implemented.
NOTE: the “Hold Harmless” provision was the only component of this formula that was phased in
over the three year period. The intent of hold harmless was that no institution would suffer
extraordinary loss of funding because of the formula changes.
D. High Cost Programs
High cost programs receive a higher level of funding to help cover the additional cost to those
institutions offering such programs. There are three levels of additional funding for semester credit
hours taken by those students enrolled in High Cost programs: for Level One programs the
institution should receive an additional weight of .25 per FTE; for Level Two programs the institution
should receive an additional weight of .50 per FTE and for Level Three programs the institution
should receive an additional weight of .75 per FTE.
A. Upgrade (State) Equipment Funds Uses/Restrictions
1. Eighty (80) percent of the total allocation must be expended on capitalized equipment.
Equipment costing one thousand ($1000.00) dollars or above, or items listed on the auditors
exception list.
2. Twenty (20) percent of the total allocation may be spent on non-capitalized items that cost from
one hundred ($100.00) dollars to nine hundred and ninety nine ($999.00) dollars.
3. Twenty (20) percent of the total allocation may be spent on equipment for administration.
Any employee initiating the purchase of services, commodities and equipment without proper
authorization and approval through the purchase requisition and purchase order process may be
help personally liable, and/or terminated.
B. Perkins V (Federal) Equipment Funds Uses/Restrictions
1. All equipment purchased with Perkins V, 85% funds must be capitalized.
2. For Perkins purposes only, the definition of capitalized equipment will be equipment costing five
hundred ($500.00) dollars or above, or items listed on the auditors exception list.
3. Perkins V, 85% funds cannot be used to purchase equipment, software, or other cost items for
administrative purposes.
4. Equipment should be targeted (a) to areas/programs with highest concentration of special
populations, (b) to programs that are not equipped for the delivery system, and (c) for
technology enhancement.
5. Equipment should be state-of-the-art and incorporate current and emerging technology to
improve instruction that is technologically enhanced and appropriate in terms of emerging high
tech workplace environment.
6. Equipment is not to be purchased to maintain status quo.
C. Approval Processes For Equipment Purchases
1. Approval Process For Expending State Upgrade Funds
Each LEA will receive an allocation from the MCCB (provided funds are available) to purchase
equipment for Career and Technical programs. The LEA does not need prior approval from the
MCCB, nor the Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education
before purchasing equipment. Each LEA has the authority to determine equipment needs;
however, note the uses/restrictions for upgrade funds.
Reimbursement from the MCCB will be limited to the allocated amount.
2. Approval Process For Expending Perkins V, 85% Funds
Each community college will receive a separate allocation of Perkins funds which may be used
in the four approved areas. Each community college will establish a budget via Lotus Notes with
the Mississippi Department of Education indicating the amount that the LEA will allocate to the
four approved areas:
a. Salaries for Student Service Coordinators,
b. Adult Education,
c. Software, and
d. Equipment.
The LEA does not need prior approval from the MCCB, nor the Mississippi Department of
Education, Office of Career and Technical Education to purchase equipment or software.
However, please note the uses/restrictions for Perkins V 85% funds.
D. Reimbursement Processes For Equipment Purchases
Each community/junior college will request reimbursement from the MCCB via the WESS subgrant
on-line system. Non-capitalized items will be paid from commodities. Reimbursement will be
limited to the allocated amount.
E. Reimbursement Process For Perkins V - 85% Equipment
Each community/junior college will use Lotus Notes to notify MDE of equipment purchased
providing program name, type of equipment, cost, brand name, serial number, etc. This
documentation is required for reimbursement from MDE.
The process is identical to previous years with the exception of requiring approval from the
Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education, prior to the
purchase of equipment. Reimbursement will be limited to the allocated amount.
F. Equipment Transfer And Disposal Processes
Equipment purchased for a program but no longer needed, may be transferred by progressing
through the following order to a:
1. Career-Technical program within the community/junior college.
2. Mississippi Public community/junior college.
3. Secondary Public Career and Technical Center within the community/junior college district.
4. Public Secondary Career and Technical Center in the state.
5. State Surplus property.
Each LEA must develop an inventory tracking system and a method to show items transferred to
other agencies (such as a hand receipt).
G. Disposal of Career/Technical Equipment
1. Each institution should have an approved policy to properly dispose of out dated Career-
Technical equipment.
2. Monies collected for sale of out dated equipment should be returned to Career and Technical
3. Each LEA should develop a policy for lost/stolen inventory.
4. Trade-ins are left to the discretion of each LEA.
The Mississippi Community College Board, Office of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) is funded through
a partnership with the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE), who serves as Mississippi’s fiscal
agent for state and federal Career and Technical Education (CTE) funds. The office is tasked with
developing statewide CTE curriculum, programming, and professional development designed to meet
the local and statewide economic demand.
Our mission is to develop an innovative curriculum and professional training system that facilitates
seamless educational delivery by well-trained professionals who are focused on preparing skilled
workers in the 21st century economy. To support development and delivery of curriculum, the Office
of Curriculum and Instruction established the following goals:
1. Produce research-based, high-quality curricula for MS Community Colleges where all programs
are aligned to industry needs and national certifications.
2. Provide outcomes-based, professional development teaching, learning, and leadership
strategies to accelerate instructor, staff, and administrator effectiveness.
3. Support the implementation of groundbreaking career pathways; innovative instructional
design and delivery (i.e. online instruction, stackable credentials, block scheduling, hybrid
courses); and infusion of technology in the classroom.
4. Be responsive to college needs and industry demands.
The Office of Curriculum and Instruction will review all national/state certifications and
accreditation standards. This will occur as curricula are revised and/or community colleges request
This data will be used when developing the annual plan of work for new curriculum development
and revisions.
Curriculum will be developed to meet the needs of Mississippi’s current and emerging economy.
The purpose for beginning the curriculum development process with a research-based design is to
document the need for the CTE or Workforce programs as well as define and design technical,
academic, and workplace skill/student outcomes consistent with national trends.
1. Industry Need And Expectation
a. National Analysis of Related Programs
Curriculum Specialists will conduct an analysis of programs to include:
i. National trends of curriculum design and implementation practices in related
ii. National standards and/or accrediting agency student learning outcomes.
iii. Related industry certifications and potential module design.
iv. Determination of potential entry and exit points.
v. Determine online and blended learning opportunities.
b. Alignment to Industry Need and Expectation
Program content will be aligned to local and state economic data. A summary of the
following will be provided in the framework using the Mississippi State
University's National Strategic Planning and Analysis Research Center (NSPARC).
i. Current job demand and projection data by state-level and community college
ii. Employer wage data by state-level and community college district.
c. Input from MS Industry
Curriculum will not be written until business and industry representatives are identified
and agree to participate in the curriculum development process. In an effort to ensure
local demands are met through programmatic curricula, the MCCB will work with college
Workforce Education Directors, Career and Technical Education Administrators, and
faculty advisory committees or councils to solicit business and industry representatives
to participate in curriculum development process. Specifically, the MCCB will solicit one-
on-one or small group input and request that colleges bring one industry partner with
them to the writing team meeting.
d. Business and Industry Pre-Revision/Development Survey
The purpose of this survey is to document curriculum changes and the quality of current
curriculum. This survey can be shared with advisory committee members and other
workforce contacts. When curricula are being revised, specific revision questions
regarding national certifications, student and trainee exit points, and other related topics
would be included. The survey will also include an employer satisfaction component.
2. Student And Trainee Success
Labor Market and Perkins data (ex. skills attainment, placement, job attainment, job
sustainability, and wage data) will be analyzed.
3. College Faculty, Staff, And Administrator Perspectives
In coordination with the Workforce, Career, and Technical Education Annual Conference, the
Office of Curriculum and Instruction will administer a statewide survey that will collect data from
faculty, staff, and administrators for each curricula framework.
4. Faculty Input
On an annual basis, CTE and Workforce faculty will be asked to:
a. Evaluate the curricula quality,
b. Share information regarding updated national standards, and
c. Identify future training needs related to curricula content.
5. Administrator Input
On an annual basis, CTE and Workforce faculty will be asked to:
a. Discuss student completion, placement challenges, and best practices,
b. Identify changes needed for curricula that are about to be revised, and
c. Identify professional development needs for faculty, staff, and administrators.
6. Subject Matter Experts
When possible, the Office of Curriculum and Instruction will reach out to subject matter experts
from state and national organizations. If a program is accredited, the accrediting agency will be
asked to participate in the curriculum revision or development process.
1. Curriculum Development Logistics
Meeting Facilitation
a. Participants
i. Faculty: Each college that offers the program is invited and encouraged to
participate. Any college considering offering the program in the future can
participate at the colleges’ expense.
ii. Administrators: It is preferred that at least one administrator participate on each
curriculum revision team. Administrators with related experience to the curriculum
content will be solicited to participate.
iii. Industry Representatives: Curriculum development meetings will not occur until
industry representatives have confirmed attendance or industry input has been
collected. It is to the advantage of the colleges participating in this curriculum
development or rewrite to include the industry representatives that hire their
graduates. If no industry representation can be secured, curriculum development
and/or rewrite will be postponed until such time as industry involvement can be
assured and MCCB staff is able to reschedule all necessary meetings.
b. Pre-Writing Team Meeting (Virtual Meeting)
In preparation for the writing team meeting, a preliminary meeting will be held using
video conferencing program or a conference call. Instructors, administrators, and
industry members are invited and encouraged to participate. During this meeting, the
team members will:
i. Review and finalize the research-based component.
ii. Discuss industry-recognized credentials, certifications, and national standards.
iii. Discuss and draft the courses within the program of study for the career ready
certificate, accelerated career pathway certificate, career certificate, technical
certificate, and AAS degree options.
c. Writing Team Meeting (Face-to-face Meeting)
Writing team meetings will be held in the Jackson area. The following will occur during
this meeting:
i. Agree upon courses within the program of study for the career ready certificate,
accelerated career pathway certificate, career certificate, technical certificate, and
AAS degree options.
ii. Define and organize student-learning outcomes.
iii. Finalize all other components of the curriculum document.
d. Post-Writing Team Meeting (Virtual Meeting)
After the curriculum is in a final draft format, an online, post-writing team meeting will
be held. During this meeting:
i. Writing team members and curriculum specialists will present an overview of major
changes and updates to the program’s curriculum.
ii. Faculty, college administrators, and industry participants will have the opportunity
to ask clarifying questions regarding the updates.
iii. After the online meeting, faculty, administrators, and industry personnel will be
asked to complete a validation survey.
2. Curriculum Components
The following curriculum components will be explained in detail during the “Forward” section
of the Curriculum Document.
a. Curriculum Identification Information
i. Curriculum Title: The title will be retrieved from the Statewide CIP Table.
ii. Program CIP: The CIP code will be the same CIP code from the state-wide CIP Table.
If the program is a new program, the CIP code will be retrieved from the college’s
new program approval letter.
iii. Curriculum Board Approval Date: The month and year of MCCB Board Approval will
Be Identified (Example: February 2014).
b. Curriculum Contact Information
The following Information will be included:
Direct Inquiries to:
Director Name
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Phone: 601-432-6155
Curriculum Specialist’s Name
Curriculum Specialists
Phone Number: insert phone number Email: insert email address
Published by:
Mississippi Community College Board
Division of Workforce, Career, Technical Education and Adult Education
3825 Ridgewood Road
Jackson, MS 39211
c. Acknowledgements
Curriculum is driven by instructors at each local community college and based on input
from local and state-wide business and industry members. The following list of
acknowledgements will be listed in the curriculum:
i. Faculty Writing Team Members: Name, College, and Campus Location.
ii. Administrative Writing Team Members: Name, College, and Campus Location.
iii. Business and Industry Writing Team Members: Name, Company, and Location.
d. Research Abstract
i. Program Summary: List the purpose and mission of the program.
ii. Major Dates of Program Development: The purpose of listing dates is to show the
evolution of curriculum revisions. The reader should be able to see major
stakeholder involvement and input into the curriculum framework. This should
include, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Industry site visits and summary of recommendations.
2. Advisory committee meetings and summary of recommendations.
3. Survey deployment dates and summary of recommendations.
4. Writing team meetings and summary of major actions.
5. Administrative Procedures Act (APA) and summary of substantive
6. Final MCCB Board approval.
i. Summary of Major Trends in Industry: This data comes from the review of national
and state trends/issues. Major trends and issues will be summarized and used as a
guide in future professional training.
e. National Standards and Industry Certification
Student learning outcomes will be adopted from national standards and/or national
certification expectations. The following will be included:
i. Identification: Develop a summary and list contact information of national standard
and/or industry certification.
ii. Industry Certification Matrix: Design a matrix showing where industry certification
outcomes are included in the program curricula.
iii. Accreditation: Include contact information and an accreditation agency description
when necessary.
f. Industry Job Projection Data
The following will be included to show alignment to industry demand:
i. High Skill, High Wage, and High Demand Table: State and local economic data.
g. Modularization
The curriculum will be designed in a stackable credential format and credit courses will
be divided and aligned into non-credit modules (when appropriate).
i. Stackable Credentials: Each curriculum will be designed into a career certificate (30
semester hours), technical certificate (45 semester hours), and an Associate of
Applied Science Degree (60 semester hours) as applicable.
ii. Multiple Exit Points: When possible, each exit point will be aligned to potential wage
h. Credit by Examination
Credit by Examination procedures document will be followed when developing
i. Articulation
The curriculum will include the following articulation elements:
i. Statewide Articulation with High Schools: When possible, with the assistance of
secondary instructors and/or administrators, each curriculum will list possible
articulated credit with secondary CTE programs.
ii. Dual Credit: Using a community college’s dual credit policy and procedures,
community colleges with the assistance of secondary instructors and/or
administrators, will identify courses that may be taught for dual credit. Those
courses will not only have a course code for postsecondary offerings, but will also
include a secondary MSIS course code for easy secondary program delivery and
transferability to postsecondary institutions.
iii. Statewide Articulation with Institutions of Higher Learning: When possible,
curriculum will list courses that can be articulated to Mississippi 4-year institutions
of higher learning.
j. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) General Education Core Courses
To receive the Associate of Applied Science Degree, a student must complete all of the
required coursework found in the Career Certificate option, Technical Certificate option
and a minimum of 15 semester hours of General Education Core.
The courses in the General Education Core may be spaced out over the entire length of
the program so that students complete some academic and Career Technical courses
each semester or provided primarily within the last semester.
Each community college will specify the actual courses that are required to meet the
General Education Core Requirements for the Associate of Applied Science Degree at
their college. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Commission on
Colleges Standard 2.7.3 from the Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality
Enhancement 1 describes the general education core.
Section 2.7.3 in each undergraduate degree program, the institution requires the
successful completion of a general education component at the collegiate level that:
i. is substantial component of each undergraduate degree,
ii. ensures breadth of knowledge, and
iii. is based on a coherent rationale.
For degree completion in associate programs, the component constitutes a minimum of
15 semester hours or the equivalent. These credit hours are to be drawn from and
include at least one course from the following areas: humanities/fine arts,
social/behavioral sciences, and natural science/mathematics. The courses do not
narrowly focus on those skills, techniques, and procedures specific to a particular
occupation or profession.
Each AAS curriculum framework includes the pathway options listed below:
Accelerated Integrated
Transitions Career Pathway
15 credits max in a program of study
Business and Industry Flex
15 credits in different program of study to
meet the needs of business and industry for
short term training for a specific skillset
College Credit Certificate***
15 credit hours in one program of study for
short term training to enter the workforce
Career Certificate 30 credits minimum
Technical Certificate
Career Certificate Coursework + 15 credits
minimum (total of 45 credits)
General Education Core
Career Certificate Coursework + Technical
Certificate Coursework + 15 academic general
education credits minimum (total of 60 credits)
Total Semester Credit Hours
for the Associate of Applied
Science Degree
60 credits minimum hours earned as a
compilation of Career, Technical, and Academic
credit hours
Note: Professional accreditation may require additional hours for the AAS pathway
option. Programs of study will align and prepare students all professional accreditation
standards, even if hours for AAS degree exceed the standard 60 credit hours.
k. Online/Blended Learning
Online and blended learning opportunities may be identified at the course level. During
the curriculum revision process, curriculum specialists will assist in researching course
template (i.e. course cartridge) availability through various textbook publishers. If
available, this resource will be listed in the reference section of the curriculum resource
In the event of significant revisions to a framework, curriculum update training may be
offered to all instructors who will be teaching the revised curriculum. At this training,
instructors will have the opportunity to learn how to integrate the common course
template into their instruction.
MCCB staff will provide an opportunity for the instructors to work together to develop
statewide online/blended learning modules or courses that support the revised
curriculum. The office of eLearning at the MCCB will assist in this training and
module/course access for instructors.
l. Assessments
College administrators and instructors will be asked to come to a consensus on a
common national credential or certification be used as the technical skills attainment for
performance reporting. If colleges are unable to come to a consensus, a MS-CPAS2
assessment will be developed. The MS-CPAS2 blueprint and assessment information will
be identified and posted to the curriculum download website. College will continue to
have the ability to implement national assessments listed as an approved alternative
assessment document located on the MCCB website.
MS-CPAS2 Item Alignment and Development is extremely important to the curriculum
revision process. MCCB staff, college administrators, and college faculty will participate
with RCU staff in Item Alignment and Development meetings to be held in conjunction
with the curriculum writing team meetings. As a prerequisite to MS-CPAS2 Item
Alignment and Development meetings, college faculty must complete the assessment
writing training module provided electronically through the RCU.
m. Old-to-New Transition Table
In an effort to allow colleges to adopt curriculum as quickly as possible, a table will be
developed showing how students who entered a program of study in a current
curriculum can complete graduation requirements under the revised curriculum. The
table will only serve as a guide and resource for the colleges.
n. Course Information
The following information will be included in each course:
i. Course Name
ii. Course Number
iii. Course Description
iv. Lab, Lecture, Clinical, and Contact Hours defined
v. Pre-requisites and/or Co-requisites
vi. Dual Credit Course Number Identification
vii. Suggested Articulation Courses Identified
viii. Student Learning Outcomes adopted from industry standards
ix. Suggested Instructional Materials (Textbooks, websites/web resources)
x. Suggested Equipment List
3. Uniform Course Numbering
The system of identifying courses in all CTE curricula was adopted in 2005 to become
implemented in the fifteen public community college districts during the 2006-2007 school
years. The leadership and efforts provided by the Mississippi Community and Junior College
Chief Career Technical Officers and Deans made this course numbering system possible.
A general revision of the numbering system is prepared each year. New courses are constantly
reviewed by a screening committee of the Career Technical Officers Association (CTOA) referred
to as the Uniform Course numbering (UCN) Committee.
When a new course is added or an existing course revised, the name of the course, a complete
course description, the course number, and the SCH breakdown is provided and the Uniform
Course Numbering (UCN) database updated.
a. Course Identifiers And Numbers
Each course in the numbering system has a three-letter prefix that identifies the subject field
to which the course belongs. Examples: BOT identifies a Business Office Technology course;
DDT identifies a Drafting and Design Technology course, etc.
i. First number designates year.
ii. Example: 1000 level courses indicate first year's work 2000 level courses indicate
second year's work
iii. Second number designates grouping.
iv. Grouping are consistent for each year but not from year one to year two
v. Third number designates sequence in a group.
vi. Fourth number designates course credit hours.
Colleges have the flexibility to adjust the semester credit hours of a course up 1 hour or
down 1 hour (after informing the Mississippi Community College Board [MCCB] of the
change). Thus, credit may vary from course credit shown by varying this number up or
down 1 credit hour.
Example: DDT 1213 and DDT 1214 with the same letter prefix indicate the same basic
course, but with different credit due to more lecture or laboratory time.
b. Developing New Courses
Course developed as part of the statewide curriculum development/revision process will
automatically be included in the Electronic Audit Reporting System (eARS) database.
All other career and technical education courses must be approved for inclusion and
course reimbursement purposes. When a college wants to add a new course outside of
the curriculum revision meetings, the following process should occur:
i. The requesting college obtains necessary institutional approval(s).
ii. The requesting college completes a new course request form, available from the
MCCB website.
iii. The requesting college submits the completed course request form to the Director
of Curriculum and Instruction at the MCCB.
iv. The director will forward the form to the chair of the Career Technical Officers
Association (CTOA) uniform course numbering committee for committee
v. The committee chair shall notify the Director Curriculum and Instruction of the
committee’s action on the request.
vi. Once approved, the director will update the eARS database and the UCC document
for reimbursement purposes the course will be added to the curriculum framework
when the document is revised.
vii. The Director of Curriculum and Instruction will send a notification that the new
course has been approved via CCTO listserv.
c. Curriculum Percentages
The content of the courses in this section reflects approximately 75% of the time
allocated to each course. The remaining 25% of each course should be developed at the
local district level and may reflect:
i. Additional competencies and objectives within the course related to topics not
found in the State curriculum framework, including activities related to specific
needs of industries in the community college district.
ii. Activities that develop a higher level of mastery on the existing competencies and
suggested objectives.
iii. Activities and instruction related to new technologies and concepts that were not
prevalent at the time the current framework was developed/revised.
iv. Activities which implement components of the including integration of academic
and CTE skills and coursework, school-to-work transition activities, and articulation
of secondary and postsecondary CTE programs.
v. Individualized learning activities, including worksite learning activities, to better
prepare individuals in the courses for their chosen occupational area.
d. Semester Credit Hour Definition
MS Community College Board policy indicates:
A semester credit hour is defined as a minimum student-teacher contact of 750 minutes
for lecture and 1500 minutes for laboratory. (This does not include time for passing
between classes, registration, nor final examinations.)
Semester credit hour(s) will align with United States Department of Education regulatory
policy with regard to financial aid. This information can be found in the Federal Student
Aid Handbook, chapter on School Eligibility and Operations, at www.ifap.ed.gov.
Courses can be developed using lecture, laboratory, clinical, or contact hours.
When developing curriculum content, use the following conversion table:
Credit Hour
Contact Hours
Lecture Hour 1 1 15
Laboratory Hours 1 2 30
Clinical Hours 1 3 45
When determining contact hours, use the following formula:
Step 1: Breakdown of lab/lecture/clinical hours x 15
Step 2: Add hours from lab/lecture/clinical together for total contact hours
Example: Step 1 3 semester credit hours (2 lecture, 2 lab)
2 (lecture) x 15 = 30
2 (lab) x 15 = 30
Step 2 30 + 30 = 60 total contact hours
e. Curriculum Implementation Flexibility and Customization
Approved Career–Technical elective courses have been included to allow community
colleges and students to customize programs to meet the needs of industries and
employers in their area. In order to provide flexibility within the colleges, individual
courses within a framework may be customized by doing the following:
i. adding new student learning outcomes and suggested objectives to complement
the existing student learning outcomes and suggested objectives in the program
ii. revising or extending the suggested objectives for individual student learning
iii. adjusting the semester credit hours of a course to be up 1 hour or down 1 hour
(after informing the MCCB of the change) Community colleges can submit the
“Request to change semester credit hours form” found on the MCCB website.
Once approved, this form will be returned to the community college. Community
colleges may need to file these forms for future SACS accrediting visits, accrediting visits
by state or national boards or other accrediting meetings.
In addition, the curriculum framework as a whole may be customized by doing the
i. sequencing courses within the suggested course sequence to reflect the new
assessment format.
ii. developing and adding a new course that meets specific needs of industries and
other clients in the community or junior college district (with MCCB approval).
iii. adding courses listed in the “Approved Career and Technical Electives List” as
local certificate and degree completion requirements to meet specific needs of
industries and other clients in the community (“Approved Career and Technical
Electives” are currently approved in the eARS database; therefore, MCCB
approval is not required).
f. Curriculum Development for New Programs and New Program Options
Colleges will follow the procedure for requesting a new program or new program option
through the Director of Career and Technical Education’s office by completing the proper
application form.
Once the MCCB Board Members approve the new program or program option, college will
implement program locally. During the first 2 years of implementation, the MCCB Office of
Curriculum and Instruction will work with the college to develop a statewide curriculum
framework and technical skills assessment. The following timeline will be followed for new
programs and new program options:
Year 1, Fall Semester
i. Identify steering committee of business/industry, education, and government
personnel. This may be the same committee that colleges identified on the new
program application.
ii. Conduct research to learn about other programs, certifications, standards, etc.
iii. Identify the writing team (faculty from college applying for the program and
those with related programs, if applicable).
iv. Conduct a writing team meeting with writing team, administrators, and
business/industry steering committee to draft curriculum for the Career and
Technical Certificate and the A.A.S. degree option.
Year 2, Spring Semester
i. Hold a writing team meeting to review and finalize the Career and Technical
Certificate and the A.A.S. degree option.
ii. Begin MCCB Board Member Approval process that includes validation,
presentation to members, APA, and final vote of approval.
iii. Upload curriculum framework to the MCCB Curriculum Download Website and
include program into the regular curriculum revision cycle.
iv. Work with colleges to identify a national certification or coordinate efforts with
RCU to develop the MS-CPAS2.
Year 3, Spring Semester
Administer appropriate end of year program exam (Licensure Exam, National Certification,
MS-CPAS 2, or MCCB Approved Alternative Assessment) that will be used for Perkins
Technical Skills Attainment reporting.
4. Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes will be adopted from national certification or credentialing
standards. If a program does not have a related national certification or credentialing standard,
the Student Learning Outcomes will be adopted from a related national standard or
aligned/approved from industry representatives/community college staff/administrators
supporting these pathways.
5. Curriculum Resources
Curriculum resources will be prepared as a companion piece for each curriculum framework.
Faculty members will be asked to provide resources such as textbooks, software, websites, and
equipment they currently use or believe will be useful with revised curriculum.
a. Formative Assessments or diagnostic testing is a range of formal and informal
assessment procedures employed by teachers during the learning process in order to
modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment (example: unit or
end of course assessments).
b. MCCB will provide materials useful to instructors when developing formative
assessments through the curriculum resources and various online resources. The
Teaching and Learning Institute will offer a module on assessment development.
c. Instructional Practices - The Teaching and Learning Institute will offer a module on
effective instructional practices and learning styles.
Each newly developed or revised curriculum framework will be validated by college faculty/trainers,
college administration, and business and industry prior to presenting the curriculum to the MS
Community College Board for approval.
1. College & Industry Validation Meeting and Survey
Deans, Directors, Faculty, Trainers, and Industry Members will be asked to review the curriculum
and complete a validation survey. The following will take place:
a. The writing team members and curriculum specialists will lead an online meeting to
describe the input from industry and changes in the revised curriculum. This is the same
online meeting identified in section 3.1.
b. At the end of the meeting, information will be solicited from participants using an online
c. Meeting participants will give recommendations for curriculum specific professional
development opportunities.
d. Based on feedback, appropriate MCCB personnel will move the curriculum through the
MCCB Board approval process.
Curricula will be presented to the MCCB Board on a bi-annual basis or when approval is deemed
necessary. The following will be included in the board packet:
1. Curricula CIP and name
2. Summary of major changes
3. Validation survey results
Upon approval, the curricula will be made public for comments via the Secretary of State Office for
30 days. After the public comment period, the curricula will be presented to the board for final
approval or, if comments warrant, go back into the revision process.
Upon final approval, the eARS database and the UNC document will be updated where needed.
Once curricula has final board approval, the community colleges offering programs specified under
a curricula framework have until the fall term of the following fiscal year to implement. For
example, any curricula approved during the calendar year 2014 (January 1 December 31, 2014)
should be implemented in the fall term of 2015. Any deviation from this implementation schedule
could affect student performance on MS-CPAS2, corresponding Perkins indicators, and/or national
state credentials.
1. Planning
Data from the online validation meeting will be used to recommend professional development
opportunities for curriculum changes. If necessary, a committee of instructors and
administrators may be assembled to assist in the planning. A planning packet will be submitted
to the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for approval prior to advertising the training event.
The planning packet will include:
a. Measurable objectives for training content will be included.
b. All full-time and adjunct instructors who teach the program will be eligible to participate
in the training. Administrators are welcomed to attend the training.
c. Delivery methods may include distance learning opportunities using the state-wide video
network system, online learning using the CANVAS course management system, and
face-to-face learning opportunities.
d. Training will occur when most instructors are on contract. Additionally, events such as
the Postsecondary Summer Conference may be utilized whenever possible for new
curriculum training.
e. Facilities information will be included.
f. Training budget will be developed and submitted to the Director of Curriculum and
g. Agenda will be developed based on the training objectives and will include logistical
information (title of training, times, locations, date, etc.) and training objectives.
h. Presenters will be selected based on subject area expertise.
i. Evaluation Criteria and Surveys.
2. Curriculum Content Professional Development Catalog
An electronic training and professional development opportunities will be published on the
Office of Curriculum and Instruction website. Professional Development opportunities will be
sent to the CCTO listserv address from the Director of Curriculum and Instruction/ Assist Director
of Professional Learning and will be posted to the MCCB Website.
3. Evaluation
The New Curriculum Training Meetings will be evaluated and results discussed to impact future
H. Implementation & Evaluation Of Curriculum Effectiveness
In an effort to reach goals, improve our results, become more competitive by aligning our plans,
processes, decisions, people, actions, and results, the Office of Curriculum and Instruction will
continuously examine our processes, products, and results.
1. Student Learning and Progress
The following student learning and progress indicators will be examined:
a. Student enrollment.
b. Perkins Data.
c. Student employment retention and wage earnings in employment.
2. Internal and External Customer Feedback
An annual survey will be administered to the CCTODA members and Workforce Directors to
evaluate the quality of work products and project management (ex. Communication, process,
I. Proposed Curriculum Revision/Development Plan
January Presentation of Fall Curricula to Board for Approval
Spring Curriculum Preliminary Work
Research-Based Design
Review of Student/Participant Data
Spring Meeting Planning
February Collect Industry Data
Advisory Council Meetings
Business and Industry Pre-Revision Development Survey
Curriculum Writing Team Meetings
Pre-writing Team Meeting (virtual)
Writing Team Meeting (face-to-face)
Post-writing Validation Team Meeting (virtual)
College and Industry Validation Survey
Annual State-wide Articulation Agreement Meeting
March Collect Industry Data Continued
Curriculum Writing Team Meetings Continued Creating Futures Conference
April Finalize Spring Documents
Internal Evaluation
Board Material
Planning for Curricula-based Professional Development
Regional Collaboration Meetings
May National Certification and Accreditation Standards Review
Curricula-based Professional Development
Presentation of Spring Curricula to Board for Public Comments
June Spring Curricula APA
Fall Curricula Preliminary Work Continued
Research-Based Design
Review of Student/Participant Data
Spring Meeting Planning
Summer Curriculum-Based Professional Development Offerings
July Presentation of Spring Curricula to Board for Approval
Fall Curricula Preliminary Work Continued
Summer Curriculum-Based Professional Development Offerings
August Summer Conference
Faculty, Staff, and Administrator Input Survey
Curriculum-Based Professional Development Offerings
Collect Industry Data
Advisory Council Meetings
Business and Industry Pre-Revision Development Survey Curriculum Writing
Team Meetings
Pre-writing Team Meeting (virtual)
Writing Team Meeting (face-to-face)
Post-writing Validation Team Meeting (virtual)
College and Industry Validation Survey
September Collect Industry Data Continued
Curriculum Writing Team Meetings Continued
October Finalize Fall Documents
Internal Evaluation
Board Material
Planning for Curricula-based Professional Development to be offered in Spring
Regional Collaboration Meetings
November Workforce Summit
Presentation to Board
Curriculum Out for APA
National Certification and Accreditation Standards Review
Presentation of Fall Curricula to Board for Public Comments
December Perkins Data Review
Final Board Approval
Set Next Curricula to be Revised
Appendix A