Chapter 8
8. Conclusions and Recommendations for Further Work
Summary and Main Conclusions............................................................................ 233
Developments and Findings Relating to Research Objective 1..............................234
Developments and Findings Relating to Research Objective 2..............................235
Recommendations for Further Work..................................................................... 237
8.1. Summary and Main Conclusions
Following the review of literature (Chapter 2), two main research objectives for this thesis were
1) ‘The development of robust approaches for estimating characteristics of the
variability of areal rainfall where only a few stations are available, and are suitable
for application to climate model evaluation.’
2) ‘To investigate further the suggestion that future rainfall might be more convective
in nature, whether this might cause a significant change in the spatial correlation of
daily rainfall and hence whether this will affect the validity of point/areal scaling
relationships for rainfall variability and extremes in the future.’
We now refer back to these objectives, summarising the methods used to approach them and the
main points of conclusion that can be drawn from the research.
8.1.1. Developments and Findings Relating to Research Objective 1
New techniques for estimating the dry-day probability and parameters of the gamma
distribution for areal mean rainfall have been proposed, tested and demonstrated. These
techniques have been applied to the evaluation of climate model simulations of daily rainfall
from three GCMs and have demonstrated clear advantages over using simple station
averages, particularly where the network of station observations is sparse.
The new techniques are based on the approaches employed by Osborn and Hulme (1997),
using measures of spatial dependence between the available stations to estimate the
characteristics of a ‘true’ areal mean.
When tested for precipitation from the UK, Zimbabwe and China, the estimates
performed well for all regions, indicating that they are likely to be robust when applied to
a range of climatic regimes. The estimates of the gamma distribution parameters were
found to be unreliable only when applied to very dry regions, where mean daily rainfall is
less than 0.3mm, and therefore is very little rainfall to model.
The uncertainty margins on those estimates were estimated empirically, as 95%
confidence limits (magnitudes given in Table 8-1). The reliability of the estimates
depends partly on the number of available stations on which they are based. An
indication of the magnitude of this additional uncertainty (based on investigation of one
grid box) is also given in Table 8-1. Whilst the uncertainty associated with the estimates
is largest where fewest stations are available, these regions are also those for which the
techniques yield the greatest benefit.
Evaluations of the daily precipitation simulated by HadCM3, CGCM3 and PCM for the
UK and South Africa were made. The new techniques allowed quantitative estimates of
the models ability to simulate rainfall with realistic dry-day probability, mean wet-day
amount, parameters of the gamma distribution and values of the 95
percentile of wet-
day amounts, as well as mean daily rainfall, at their spatial scale.
Chapter 8: Conclusions and Recommendations for Further Work
Gamma Scale
95% confidence intervals
+0.1, -0.03 +0.74, -0.64 +0.18,-0.09
Additional uncertainty when
based on <10 stations
+/-0.06 +/0.6 +/-0.12
Additional uncertainty when
based on 10-30 stations
+/-0.03 +/-0.3 +/-0.06
Table 8-1: Estimated uncertainty margins for estimates of dry-day probability and the gamma
distribution parameters for wet-day amounts for ‘true’ areal mean rainfall.
8.1.2. Developments and Findings Relating to Research Objective 2
The investigation of precipitation simulated by a Regional Climate Model for the future
suggests that whilst there is evidence to support a shift towards a greater proportion of
convective rainfall under a warmer climate, there is no evidence from the same model
simulations to suggest that a decrease in spatial correlation might accompany that shift.
HadRM3H simulations under SRES scenario A2 suggest a shift towards a greater
proportion of convective rainfall, due to different relative changes that affect convective
and synoptic rainfall amounts.
The convective rainfall field simulated by HadRM3H actually show greater spatial
coherency than the synoptic rainfall fields. This opposes what might be expected given
that convective rainfall, by nature tends to be more localised than synoptic rainfall. This
means that, according to the model, the shift towards a greater fraction of convective
rainfall in the simulations results in an overall increase in spatial correlation in the future.
It is unclear, however, whether the spatial characteristics in synoptic and convective
rainfall are realistic, or are unrealistic and arise due to the limited resolution of the model.
This would be problematic to test against observed rainfall due to the difficulty in
separating convective and synoptic rainfall fields in observed rainfall. This part of the
study is therefore considered inconclusive.
The use of an analogue approach to estimate a future reduction in spatial correlation that
might be associated with a shift towards a higher proportion of convective rainfall
demonstrates how important the changes in spatial correlation are in the estimation of point
rainfall variability in the future. Failure to take into account decreases in spatial
correlation may lead to the underestimation of the expected variability and extremes that
might be experienced at points within a grid-box.
The selected analogue region, The Netherlands, experiences a similar proportion of
convective rainfall in its recent climate as is projected for the UK south-east grid box in
2070-2100 under SRES scenario A2. Station observations from the region demonstrate a
lower level of spatial correlation in its rainfall.
The relationships that link point and areal rainfall via measures of spatial dependency that
were developed in this thesis were applied to the simulations of future rainfall for the UK
to estimate the daily variability of rainfall at points within the south-east grid box. The
values of spatial correlation that are observed for rainfall in the UK south-east in summer,
and the possible future levels of spatial correlation determined using this spatial analogue,
are both applied.
Even when spatial correlation is unchanged, the percentage changes in dry-day
probability, mean-wet day amount (mean daily intensity), the parameters of the gamma
distribution and the 95
percentile values of wet-day amounts change by different factors
depending on whether the areal or estimated point values are considered. For the mean
intensity, even the direction of change differs.
Relatively small changes to the level of spatial variability within a grid box are
demonstrated to have a further effect on the level of temporal variability at points within
that grid box. It is important, therefore, to take into account a possible change in spatial
variability when comparing or converting between point and areal variability parameters.
Chapter 8: Conclusions and Recommendations for Further Work
8.2. Recommendations for Further Work
The research that has been undertaken for this thesis has highlighted a number of topics on which
further research would be beneficial.
Several areas where information is lacking were highlighted in the literature review. Whilst some
of these were addressed by the research in this thesis, others remain. In particular, there is a lack
of observational studies of any changes in the spatial characteristics of rainfall, or convective
activity, that might have occurred in recent decades due to the warming that has already been
experienced. Future studies might, for example, look for trends in the spatial correlation of
rainfall over recent decades.
There are a number of additional areas for further research that have been highlighted by the
studies undertaken for this thesis. These include the further investigation of the spatial
characteristics of model-simulated rainfall. How realistic are those spatial characteristics, and do
the mechanisms which generate rainfall in climate models determine the spatial characteristics of
that rainfall? Does increased spatial resolution of climate models improve the representation of
the spatial characteristics of rainfall? This would help to confirm, and possibly to quantify the
magnitude of, any changes in spatial correlation which might result from increases in the
proportion of convective rainfall. The degree to which the proportion of convective rainfall
determines the spatial coherency of rainfall might also be investigated, and might give an
indication of how realistic the spatial characteristics estimated using the analogue technique used
here may be.
There are also several areas for further development, and applications for, the work undertaken in
this thesis. The techniques developed for estimating the dry-day probability and gamma
distribution parameters for wet-day amounts of areal precipitation have been applied to model
evaluation for only two small regions in this study, but could be usefully applied in a global
assessment of model performance in an inter-model comparison, similar to those by Sun et al.
(2006) and Dai et al. (2006). This would give a better impression of overall model performance,
and allow comparison between the results of these inter-model comparison when the different
techniques are used.
The levels of uncertainty associated with the estimation methods might be further investigated
using additional data from other regions of the world. In particular, the additional uncertainty that
arises when estimates are based on a small number of stations would benefit additional
investigation in order to determine how much these uncertainty bounds might vary for different
regions, seasons and climatic regimes.
This study has investigated the implications of a change in spatial correlation for the temporal
variability experienced at points within a grid-box in projected future climate. This has
demonstrated the importance of considering changes in spatial correlation in studies where the
point variability of rainfall is important. Similar approaches might be taken when multi-site
downscaling models are used, particularly where the resulting projections are used for
hydrological impact studies such as flood estimation. The effects of projected, estimated or
hypothetical changes in spatial variability, as well as temporal variability, on the hydrological
impacts of climate change (e.g. flood frequency) may be significant.
The analogue approach used here to estimate the spatial characteristics of projected future rainfall
might be usefully applied to other regions and seasons for use in other studies. Some indication
of how reliable or realistic the estimates of spatial correlation in future rainfall using this
approach might be could be gained by choosing more than one suitable analogue, and comparing
the difference in spatial correlation between them.