PUBLIC LAW 117–61—NOV. 18, 2021
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135 STAT. 1474 PUBLIC LAW 117–61—NOV. 18, 2021
Public Law 117–61
117th Congress
An Act
To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 with respect
to payments to certain public safety officers who have become permanently and
totally disabled as a result of personal injuries sustained in the line of duty,
and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of
the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Protecting America’s First
Responders Act of 2021’’.
Section 1201 of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and
Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10281) is amended—
(1) in subsection (a), in the matter preceding paragraph
(A) by striking ‘‘the Bureau shall pay’’; and
(B) by inserting ‘‘, and calculated in accordance with
subsection (i), shall be payable by the Bureau’’ after ‘‘sub-
section (h)’’.
(2) in subsection (b)—
(A) by striking ‘‘the Bureau shall pay the same benefit’’
and inserting ‘‘a benefit shall be payable’’;
(B) by striking ‘‘that is payable under subsection (a)
with respect to the date on which the catastrophic injury
occurred,’’ and inserting ‘‘in the same amount that would
be payable, as of the date such injury was sustained
(C) by inserting ‘‘, and calculated in accordance with
subsection (i)), if such determination were a determination
under subsection (a)’’ before ‘‘: Provided, That’’; and
(D) by striking ‘‘necessary:’’ and all that follows and
inserting ‘‘necessary.’’;
(3) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘$3,000’’ and inserting
‘‘$6,000, adjusted in accordance with subsection (h),’’;
(4) in subsection (h), by striking ‘‘subsection (a)’’ and
inserting ‘‘subsections (a) and (b) and the level of the interim
benefit payable immediately before such October 1 under sub-
section (c)’’;
(5) by striking subsection (i) and inserting the following:
‘‘(i) The amount payable under subsections (a) and (b), with
respect to the death or permanent and total disability of a public
safety officer, shall be the greater of—
America’s First
Responders Act
of 2021.
34 USC 10101
Nov. 18, 2021
[S. 1511]
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135 STAT. 1475 PUBLIC LAW 117–61—NOV. 18, 2021
‘‘(1) the amount payable under the relevant subsection
as of the date of death or of the catastrophic injury of the
public safety officer; or
‘‘(2) in any case in which the claim filed thereunder has
been pending for more than 365 days at the time of final
determination by the Bureau, the amount that would be payable
under the relevant subsection if the death or the catastrophic
injury of the public safety officer had occurred on the date
on which the Bureau makes such final determination.’’; and
(6) in subsection (m), by inserting ‘‘, (b),’’ after ‘‘subsection
Section 1204 of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and
Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10284) is amended—
(1) by redesignating paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6),
(7), (8), and (9) as paragraphs (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10),
(13), and (14), respectively;
(2) by striking paragraph (4), as so redesignated, and
‘‘(4) ‘catastrophic injury’ means an injury, the direct and
proximate result of which is to permanently render an indi-
vidual functionally incapable (including through a directly and
proximately resulting neurocognitive disorder), based on the
state of medicine on the date on which the claim is determined
by the Bureau, of performing work, including sedentary work:
Provided, That, if it appears that a claimant may be functionally
capable of performing work—
‘‘(A) the Bureau shall disregard work where any com-
pensation provided is de minimis, nominal, honorary, or
mere reimbursement of incidental expenses, such as—
‘‘(i) work that involves ordinary or simple tasks,
that because of the claimed disability, the claimant
cannot perform without significantly more supervision,
accommodation, or assistance than is typically provided
to an individual without the claimed disability doing
similar work;
‘‘(ii) work that involves minimal duties that make
few or no demands on the claimant and are of little
or no economic value to the employer; or
‘‘(iii) work that is performed primarily for thera-
peutic purposes and aids the claimant in the physical
or mental recovery from the claimed disability; and
‘‘(B) the claimant shall be presumed, absent clear and
convincing medical evidence to the contrary as determined
by the Bureau, to be functionally incapable of performing
such work if the direct and proximate result of the injury
renders the claimant—
‘‘(i) blind;
‘‘(ii) parapalegic; or
‘‘(iii) quadriplegic;’’;
(3) in paragraph (6), as so redesignated, by striking ‘‘at
the time of the public safety officer’s fatal or catastrophic injury’’
and inserting ‘‘at the time of the public safety officer’s death
or fatal injury (in connection with any claim predicated upon
such death or injury) or the date of the public safety officer’s
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135 STAT. 1476 PUBLIC LAW 117–61—NOV. 18, 2021
catastrophic injury or of the final determination by the Bureau
of any claim predicated upon such catastrophic injury’’;
(4) in paragraph (7), as so redesignated, by inserting ‘‘,
including an individual who, as such a member, engages in
scene security or traffic management as the primary or only
duty of the individual during emergency response’’ before the
(5) in paragraph (9), as so redesignated by striking ‘‘delin-
quency).,’’ and inserting ‘‘delinquency),’’;
(6) in paragraph (13), as so redesignated, by inserting
‘‘, and includes (as may be prescribed by regulation hereunder)
a legally organized volunteer fire department that is a nonprofit
entity and provides services without regard to any particular
relationship (such as a subscription) a member of the public
may have with such a department’’ before the semicolon;
(7) in paragraph (14), as so redesignated,—
(A) by striking subparagraph (A) and inserting:
‘‘(A) an individual serving a public agency in an official
capacity, with or without compensation, as a law enforce-
ment officer, as a firefighter, or as a chaplain: Provided,
That (notwithstanding section 1205(b)(2) or (3)) the Bureau
shall, absent clear and convincing evidence to the contrary
as determined by the Bureau, deem the actions outside
of jurisdiction taken by any such law enforcement officer
or firefighter, to have been taken while serving such public
agency in such capacity, in any case in which the principal
legal officer of such public agency, and the head of such
agency, together, certify that such actions—
‘‘(i) were not unreasonable;
‘‘(ii) would have been within the authority and
line of duty of such law enforcement officer or such
firefighter to take, had they been taken in a jurisdiction
where such law enforcement officer or firefighter was
authorized to act, in the ordinary course, in an official
capacity; and
‘‘(iii) would have resulted in the payment of full
line-of-duty death or disability benefits (as applicable),
if any such benefits typically were payable by (or with
respect to or on behalf of) such public agency, as of
the date the actions were taken;’’;
(B) by redesignating subparagraphs (B), (C), (D), and
(E) as subparagraphs (C), (D), (E), and (F), respectively;
(C) by inserting after subparagraph (A), the following
new subparagraph:
‘‘(B) a candidate officer who is engaging in an activity
or exercise that itself is a formal or required part of the
program in which the candidate officer is enrolled or
admitted, as provided in this section;’’; and
(D) by striking subparagraph (E), as so redesignated,
and inserting the following:
‘‘(E) a member of a rescue squad or ambulance crew
who, as authorized or licensed by law and by the applicable
agency or entity, is engaging in rescue activity or in the
provision of emergency medical services: Provided, That
(notwithstanding section 1205(b)(2) or (3)) the Bureau shall,
absent clear and convincing evidence to the contrary as
determined by the Bureau, deem the actions outside of
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135 STAT. 1477 PUBLIC LAW 117–61—NOV. 18, 2021
jurisdiction taken by any such member to have been thus
authorized or licensed, in any case in which the principal
legal officer of such agency or entity, and the head of
such agency or entity, together, certify that such actions—
‘‘(i) were not unreasonable;
‘‘(ii) would have been within the authority and
line of duty of such member to take, had they been
taken in a jurisdiction where such member was author-
ized or licensed by law and by a pertinent agency
or entity to act, in the ordinary course; and
‘‘(iii) would have resulted in the payment of full
line-of-duty death or disability benefits (as applicable),
if any such benefits typically were payable by (or with
respect to or on behalf of) such applicable agency or
entity, as of the date the action was taken;’’;
(8) by inserting before paragraph (4), as so redesignated,
the following new paragraphs:
‘‘(1) ‘action outside of jurisdiction’ means an action, not
in the course of any compensated employment involving either
the performance of public safety activity or the provision of
security services, by a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or
member of a rescue squad or ambulance crew that—
‘‘(A) was taken in a jurisdiction where—
‘‘(i) the law enforcement officer or firefighter then
was not authorized to act, in the ordinary course, in
an official capacity; or
‘‘(ii) the member of a rescue squad or ambulance
crew then was not authorized or licensed to act, in
the ordinary course, by law or by the applicable agency
or entity;
‘‘(B) then would have been within the authority and
line of duty of—
‘‘(i) a law enforcement officer or a firefighter to
take, who was authorized to act, in the ordinary course,
in an official capacity, in the jurisdiction where the
action was taken; or
‘‘(ii) a member of a rescue squad or ambulance
crew to take, who was authorized or licensed by law
and by a pertinent agency or entity to act, in the
ordinary course, in the jurisdiction where the action
was taken; and
‘‘(C) was, in an emergency situation that presented
an imminent and significant danger or threat to human
life or of serious bodily harm to any individual, taken—
‘‘(i) by a law enforcement officer—
‘‘(I) to prevent, halt, or respond to the imme-
diate consequences of a crime (including an
incident of juvenile delinquency); or
‘‘(II) while engaging in a rescue activity or
in the provision of emergency medical services;
‘‘(ii) by a firefighter—
‘‘(I) while engaging in fire suppression; or
‘‘(II) while engaging in a rescue activity or
in the provision of emergency medical services;
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135 STAT. 1478 PUBLIC LAW 117–61—NOV. 18, 2021
‘‘(iii) by a member of a rescue squad or ambulance
crew, while engaging in a rescue activity or in the
provision of emergency medical services;
‘‘(2) ‘candidate officer’ means an individual who is enrolled
or admitted, as a cadet or trainee, in a formal and officially
established program of instruction or of training (such as a
police or fire academy) that is specifically intended to result
upon completion, in the—
‘‘(A) commissioning of such individual as a law enforce-
ment officer;
‘‘(B) conferral upon such individual of official authority
to engage in fire suppression (as an officer or employee
of a public fire department or as an officially recognized
or designated member of a legally organized volunteer fire
department); or
‘‘(C) granting to such individual official authorization
or license to engage in a rescue activity, or in the provision
of emergency medical services, as a member of a rescue
squad, or as a member of an ambulance crew that is
(or is a part of) the agency or entity that is sponsoring
the individual’s enrollment or admission;
‘‘(3) ‘blind’ means an individual who has central visual
acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with the use of
a correcting lens or whose eye is accompanied by a limitation
in the fields of vision such that the widest diameter of the
visual field subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees;’’;
(9) in the matter following paragraph (10), as so redesig-
nated, by inserting the following new paragraphs:
‘‘(11) ‘neurocognitive disorder’ means a disorder that is
characterized by a clinically significant decline in cognitive
functioning and may include symptoms and signs such as
disturbances in memory, executive functioning (that is, higher-
level cognitive processes, such as, regulating attention, plan-
ning, inhibiting responses, decision-making), visual-spatial
functioning, language, speech, perception, insight, judgment,
or an insensitivity to social standards; and
‘‘(12) ‘sedentary work’ means work that—
‘‘(A) involves lifting articles weighing no more than
10 pounds at a time or occasionally lifting or carrying
articles such as docket files, ledgers, or small tools; and
‘‘(B) despite involving sitting on a regular basis, may
require walking or standing on an occasional basis.’’.
Section 1206(b) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and
Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10288(b)) is amended by striking
‘‘the Bureau may not’’ and all that follows and inserting the fol-
lowing: ‘‘the Bureau—
‘‘(1) may use available investigative tools, including sub-
poenas, to—
‘‘(A) adjudicate or to expedite the processing of the
benefit claim, if the Bureau deems such use to be necessary
to adjudicate or conducive to expediting the adjudication
of such claim; and
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135 STAT. 1479 PUBLIC LAW 117–61—NOV. 18, 2021
‘‘(B) obtain information or documentation from third
parties, including public agencies, if the Bureau deems
such use to be necessary to adjudicate or conducive to
expediting the adjudication of a claim; and
‘‘(2) may not abandon the benefit claim unless the Bureau
has used investigative tools, including subpoenas, to obtain
the information or documentation deemed necessary to adju-
dicate such claim by the Bureau under subparagraph (1)(B).’’.
Section 1216(b) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and
Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10306(b)) is amended, in the
first sentence, by striking ‘‘may’’ and inserting ‘‘shall (unless
prospective assistance has been provided)’’.
Section 1205(e)(3)(B) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe
Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10285(e)(3)(B)) is amended by striking
‘‘subparagraph (B)(ix)’’ and inserting ‘‘subparagraph (I)’’.
Section 806 of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe
Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10225) is amended—
(1) by inserting ‘‘Attorney General, the’’ before the ‘‘Bureau
of Justice Assistance’’;
(2) by striking ‘‘may appoint’’ and inserting ‘‘may appoint
(to be assigned or employed on an interim or as-needed basis)
such hearing examiners (who shall, if so designated by the
Attorney General, be understood to be comprised within the
meaning of ‘‘special government employee’’ under section 202
of title 18, United States Code)’’;
(3) by striking ‘‘under this chapter. The’’ and inserting
‘‘or other law. The Attorney General, the’’; and
(4) by inserting ‘‘conduct examinations’’ after ‘‘examine wit-
(a) I
.—Except as otherwise provided in this section,
the amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the date
of enactment of this Act.
(b) A
(1) C
.—The amendments made to para-
graphs (2) and (7) of section 1204 of title I of the Omnibus
Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10284)
shall apply with respect to injuries occurring on or after
January 1, 2008.
(2) M
.—Except as provided in paragraph
(1), the amendments made by this Act shall apply to any
matter pending, before the Bureau or otherwise, on the date
of enactment of this Act, or filed (consistent with pre-existing
effective dates) or accruing after that date.
(c) E
(1) C
.—Not later than two years after
the effective date of this Act, a WTC responder may file a
claim, under section 1201(b) of title I of the Omnibus Crime
Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10281(b)),
that is predicated on a personal injury sustained in the line
34 USC 10281
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135 STAT. 1480 PUBLIC LAW 117–61—NOV. 18, 2021
of duty by such responder as a result of the September 11,
2001, attacks, where—
(A) no claim under such section 1201(b) so predicated
has previously been filed; or
(B) a claim under such section 1201(b) so predicated
had previously been denied, in a final agency determina-
tion, on the basis (in whole or in part) that the claimant
was not totally disabled.
(2) C
.—Not later
than two years after the effective date of this Act, a claim
may be filed, constructively under section 1201(a) of title I
of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968
(34 U.S.C. 10281(a)), where a WTC responder who otherwise
could have filed a claim pursuant to paragraph (1) has died
before such effective date (or dies not later than 365 days
after such effective date), or where a WTC responder has filed
such a claim but dies while it is pending before the Bureau:
Provided, That—
(A) no claim under such section 1201(a) otherwise shall
have been filed, or determined, in a final agency determina-
tion; and
(B) if it is determined, in a final agency determination,
that a claim under such paragraph (1) would have been
payable had the WTC responder not died, then the WTC
responder shall irrebutably be presumed (solely for pur-
poses of determining to whom benefits otherwise pursuant
to such paragraph (1) may be payable under the claim
filed constructively under such section 1201(a)) to have
died as the direct and proximate result of the injury on
which the claim under such paragraph (1) would have
been predicated.
(3) D
.—In the event that a claim
under section 1201(b) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control
and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10281(b)) and predi-
cated on an injury sustained in the line of duty by a WTC
responder as a result of the September 11, 2001, attacks was
approved, in a final agency determination, before the effective
date of this Act, the Bureau shall, upon application filed (not
later than three years after such effective date of this Act)
by the payee (or payees) indicated in subparagraphs (A) or
(B), pay a bonus in the amount of the difference (if any) between
the amount that was paid pursuant to such determination
and the amount that would have been payable had the amend-
ments made by this Act, other than those indicated in sub-
section (b)(1), been in effect on the date of such determination—
(A) to the WTC responder, if living on the date the
application is determined, in a final agency determination;
(B) if the WTC responder is not living on the date
indicated in subparagraph (A), to the individual (or individ-
uals), if living on such date, to whom benefits would have
been payable on such date under section 1201(a) of such
title I (34 U.S.C. 10281(a)) had the application been,
instead, a claim under such section 1201(a).
(4) S
.—A claim filed
pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) shall be determined as though
the date of catastrophic injury of the public safety officer were
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135 STAT. 1481 PUBLIC LAW 117–61—NOV. 18, 2021
June 10, considered and passed Senate.
Oct. 27, considered and passed House, amended.
Nov. 4, Senate concurred in House amendment.
Nov. 18, Presidential remarks.
the date of enactment of this Act, for purposes of determining
the amount that may be payable.
Section 3 of Safeguarding America’s First Responders Act of
2020 (Public Law 116-157) is amended—
(1) in subsection (a)(1), by striking ‘‘between January 1,
2020, and December 31, 2021’’ and inserting ‘‘during the period
beginning on January 1, 2020, and ending on the termination
date’’ and
(2) in subsection (b)(1), by striking ‘‘between January 1,
2020, and December 31, 2021’’ and inserting ‘‘during the period
beginning on January 1, 2020, and ending on the termination
date’’; and
(3) by adding at the end the following:
‘‘(c) T
.—For purposes of this section, the term
‘termination date’ means the earlier of—
‘‘(1) the date on which the public health emergency declared
by the Secretary of Health and Human Services under section
319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d) on
January 31, 2020, with respect to the Coronavirus Disease
(COVID–19), expires; and
‘‘(2) December 31, 2023.’’.
Approved November 18, 2021.
34 USC 10281
Time period.
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