Pets at the Workplace Policy
This workplace pet policy applies to employees only. The Town does not allow visitors to bring
pets to the workplace. This policy applies to Town of Bennett office locations and participating
pets are allowed any time their owner is at work.
The focus of this policy is for dogs and cats. Other pets are not included at this time. Please
contact HR if you would like to explore adding other pet types to the workplace pet policy
This policy does not apply to service/assistance animals, which the Town already allows and
can move freely with their owners. The Town of Bennett complies fully with all regulations
pertaining to service animals and emotional support animals, pursuant to the Americans with
Disabilities Act. Reasonable accommodations to the insurance and waiver requirements set
forth in the policy below may be considered for employees with disabilities.
Pet Requirements
To participate, pets must be:
At least 8 weeks old
Up to date on vaccinations required by state law
Free of any communicable infections or any parasites such as fleas
Clean and well groomed
Obedient, well-socialized with no history of biting, excessive barking, chasing or
aggressive behavior
Pet Owner Responsibilities
To comply with the workplace pet policy, pet owners must agree to:
All participating employees must sign a Waiver of Liability before being allowed to bring
their pet to work
Be solely responsible for their pet’s behavior, well-being and hygiene the entire time the
pet is visiting
Be respectful of other employees, and their pets, to ensure everyone can be successful
and productive at work
Manage their workspace to ensure it is “pet-proofed” and safe for their visiting pet
Keep their pet with them and controlled throughout the day, or make arrangements with
a colleague to do so if they need to step away. Time spent with another colleague
should not exceed 2 hours per day
Ensure that their pet’s behavior does not interfere with other employees’ comfort,
including allergies, other medical conditions or ability to do their work
Keep their pet contained at all times and supply their own containment methods such as
secured leashes, crates or gates to keep the pet securely in the employee’s work area
Provide their own pet wellness items, such as waste bags, toys, food and water bowls
Provide adequate bathroom breaks, access to water and food, and exercise throughout
the day. These breaks should be accomplished during the owner’s regular lunch periods
and breaks, and should not use up excessive work time
Clean up after their pet immediately if any accidents occur
Maintain homeowners/renters insurance that covers dog bites
Be legally and financially responsible for any damage caused by their pet
Provide annual proof of vaccination and health for their pets. The pet owner is
responsible for submitting vaccination records annually to the HR department
Keep pets out of designated pet-free areas, such as the breakroom, kitchen, and all
public areas. If the owner desires to bring the pet into a communal workspace such as a
conference room, the owner must first get permission from their coworkers
Use alternative pet care away from work on days when the employee would be unable to
fully manage the pet at work or the pet is ill
Take their pet home at any time if the pet’s behavior or health makes it a distraction,
nuisance or danger to anyone else, or if asked to do so by their supervisor
Not leave their pet unattended in a town vehicle at any time under any circumstance.
Not hold the Town liable for any animal running away, getting lost or hurt
Per Town ordinance, have the pet on a leash when outside
Complaint Procedure
Concerns related to the workplace pet policy should be handled in the following order:
1. Talk with the pet owner and work to resolve issues mutually.
2. Escalate the issue to the pet owner’s supervisor.
3. Escalate the issue to Human Resources.
Continued misbehavior of a pet will be documented in the pet owner’s personnel file. As a
general rule, if the pet misbehaves three times or if the pet on any occasion becomes overly
aggressive, its owner, at the Town Administrator’s discretion, may be prohibited from bringing
the pet to the office.
Waiver of Liability
I, ____________________, understand that participating in a pet-friendly workplace program
comes with certain risks, including my own physical or psychological injury, pain or suffering,
and that of the people who work around me. I assume all risks of my participation, whether
known or unknown to me, and take all legal and financial responsibility for all consequences.
I unconditionally indemnify and agree to hold harmless TOWN OF BENNETT, its management,
directors, Board members, partners or agents from any and all loss, damage, liability and
expense, including court costs and attorney fees, that may result from bringing my pet to work
with me at TOWN OF BENNETT.
This includes injuries, death, property damage or any other issues, whether caused by me, my
pet or by anyone else including coworkers, guests or others, whether due to the negligence of
TOWN OF BENNETT or otherwise.
I also acknowledge that TOWN OF BENNETT may revoke its permission to bring my pet onto
its premises at its sole discretion for any reason and at any time without notice, including but not
limited to, the health, safety, and comfort of my fellow employees/co-workers, especially where
required by law. I also acknowledge that the organization may do so without revoking such
permission to others.
By signing this form, I agree that I have read this document completely and understand the legal
consequences of signing it, including assuming all risk of participating in the pet-friendly
workplace program.
Signature of Employee
Printed Name
Signature of Supervisor
Printed Name