JULY 1, 2020 THRU JUNE 30, 2023
Part-Time Faculty Association Agreement
(Table of Contents-1)
Part-Time Faculty Association Agreement 2016-2020
Linn-Benton Community College
Article 1 Status of Agreement Article 15
Course Content Rights and
Intellectual Property Rights
Article 2 Headings Article 16 Personnel Files
Article 3 Severability Article 17 Performance Review
Article 4 Association Rights Article 18
Terms and Conditions of
Article 5 Board (Management) Rights Article 19 Discipline and Discharge
Article 6
Non-Discrimination and
Workplace Environment
Article 20
Contract and Issues
Clarification Committee
Article 7 Interruption of Work Article 21 Grievance Procedure
Article 8 Workload Article 22 Negotiation of a Successor
Article 9 Association Security Article 23 Term of Agreement
Article 10 Salary Article 24 Executive Signatures
Article 11 Leaves Appendix A Salary Schedule 2020-2021
Article 12 Tuition Waiver Appendix B Salary Schedule 2021-2022
Article 13 Professional Development Appendix C Salary Schedule 2022-2023
Article 14 Academic Freedom Appendix D
Part-Time Faculty Negotiations (Preamble-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
This agreement is made and entered into this
__ day of ____, 2021, by and between the
referred to as “the College”) and the LINN-BENTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE PART-
TIME FACULTY ASSOCIATION (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”). The
intent of the agreement is to set forth and record herein the sole and full agreement
between the parties on those matters pertaining to wages, hours, and conditions of
employment for faculty members included in the bargaining unit.
A. Our joint mission is to support the philosophy and mission of the College as
approved by the Board of Education.
B. Our joint philosophy is to support the efficient conduct of the College’s business
through mutual respect between and among employees, co-workers and supervisors
resulting in a harmonious workplace environment.
C. Accordingly, the Administration and Association agree to maintain a climate of open,
effective communication, mutual trust, professionalism, and respect working together to
achieve the agreement that best fits the needs of the Association members, the
students, the College, and the community.
Part-Time Faculty Negotiations (Article 1-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. The College recognizes the Association as the exclusive collective bargaining
representative on wages, hours and conditions of employment for all part-time
faculty who are employed by the College for greater than zero workload credit
equivalents in any given academic term.
1. The term "association" hereinafter shall refer to the Linn-Benton Community
College Part-Time Faculty Association.
2. The terms “part-time faculty,” "faculty," "faculty members," "member," or
"employee" shall refer to all employees represented by the association in the
bargaining unit as defined above.
3. The terms "college" or "board" shall refer to the Linn-Benton Community College
Board of Education or designee.
4. The term "president" shall refer to the President of Linn-Benton Community
5. The term “supervisor” shall refer to the Dean(s), Associate Dean(s), or Director(s)
who makes the offer(s) of employment each term.
6. The term "academic year" denotes the total time from the start of fall term
classes through the end of spring term classes. The term "academic term" refers
to fall, winter and spring term, excluding summer term.
B. Excluded from the bargaining unit and not subject to the terms of this Agreement
are: part-time faculty who do not meet the definitions for inclusion in the bargaining
unit, full-time faculty, classified employees, confidential employees and exempt
C. The College shall produce two signed copies of the final Agreement for the record.
One copy shall be retained by the College and one copy shall be retained by the
Association. The College will also provide all members of the bargaining unit with
access to the Agreement by posting the signed Agreement on the College website.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 2-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
Any headings preceding the text of the several Articles herein are inserted solely for
convenience of reference and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement, nor shall
they affect its meaning, construction or effect.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 3-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid by the operation of law and/or by
any tribunal of competent jurisdiction, or if compliance with or enforcement of any
provision should be restrained by any such tribunal, the remainder of the Agreement
shall not be affected thereby and upon the request of either the Board or the
Association, the parties shall enter into negotiations for the purpose of attempting to
arrive at a mutually satisfactory replacement for such provision.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 4-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. Upon request, the College will provide the Association with information potentially
relevant to its function as the exclusive bargaining representative in accordance
with Oregon Law.
B. The Association will be permitted to use the premises, equipment, and services of
the College for regular legal Association activities. The Association will schedule
use of facilities through the established College scheduling procedures and agrees
such use of premises shall not take priority over normal uses or interfere with the
operations of the College.
C. In compliance with this Article, the College shall not require reimbursement from the
Association for heat, light, power, maintenance or other normal "overhead" costs for
scheduled usage. The Association will reimburse the College for: 1) supplies
(excluding de minimis occasional printing), 2) materials, or 3) services which require
payment by the College to a third party. Exclusive use and location of locking
storage, a desk, and publicly-accessible bulletin board space will be provided by the
College. In addition, subject to operational and educational needs, the College will
make a good faith effort to provide an exclusive office space to the Association
without cost.
D. If the College specifically requires the attendance of an association member at any
College governance meetings or activities, the College agrees to provide that
individual(s) compensation on an hour-for-hour basis, at the meeting rate, for that
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 5-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. The Board and its designees, on their behalf, and on behalf of the electors of the
LBCC District, hereby retains and reserves unto itself all powers, rights and
authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and invested in it by the laws
and the Constitution of the State of Oregon. Such powers, rights, authority, duties
and responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to:
1. The exclusive management and administrative control of the College educational
and service system and its properties and facilities, except as limited by the
terms of this Agreement.
2. Subject to the provisions of law and this Agreement, the hiring of all members
and determination of qualifications and the conditions of their employment or
their dismissal, sanction, demotion or promotion and transferring and assignment
of all such members.
B. The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities by
the Board and/or its designees: the adoption of policies, rules, regulations and
practices shall be limited only by the specific terms of this Agreement and then only
to the extent such specific terms are in conformance with the Constitution and the
laws of the State of Oregon. This Agreement shall not be construed to limit in any
way the College’s right to contract or subcontract work not currently done exclusively
by unit members or to require the College to continue in existence any of its present
programs in their present form and/or location, or on any other basis. The college
may subcontract work currently done exclusively by unit members only by first
bargaining with the Association upon demand in accordance with ORS 243.698
C. It is recognized by the parties all rights and prerogatives of the Board and its
designees which have not been diminished or modified by the specific terms of this
Agreement are expressly retained by the Board and its designees, and by the
citizens of the District. The rights of employees under this Agreement and of the
Association shall be limited to those which are provided by the terms of this
Agreement and law.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 6-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. The Association and the College affirm their adherence to the principles of free
choice and agree they shall not discriminate against any Association member
covered by the Agreement because of age, race, religion, sex, national origin,
disability, marital status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity,
domicile, or membership or non-membership in the Association, or any activity in
and for the Association.
B. Any employee asserting a violation of the principles of non-discrimination shall utilize
the complaint process set forth in the applicable Board Policy or the contractual
grievance procedure. If processed through the contractual grievance procedure,
such grievance may not be appealed to the level of arbitration. This Article in no way
restricts a member’s rights pursuant to state and federal laws.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 7-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
It is recognized by the parties a continuity of educational services during the term of this
Agreement is essential to the interests of the College, students, and the citizens of the
District and is of the essence of this Agreement. Therefore, the Association will not
initiate, cause, or participate or join in any strike, work stoppage, or slowdown, or any
other restriction of work during the term of this Agreement. In the event of strike, work
stoppage, or slowdown in violation of this provision, the Association agrees to
encourage unit members to return to work immediately. Violation of this provision by
individuals in the bargaining unit shall subject such individuals to disciplinary action, up
to and including dismissal. The Association will not be held liable for any such unit
member activity, provided it did not authorize, sponsor, cause, assist, encourage,
participate, ratify, or condone the activity. There will be no lockout of unit members by
the College during the period of this Agreement
Part-Time Faculty Agreement Article 8
Linn-Benton Community College
A. The Workload Credit Equivalent (WCE) calculation for individual courses is
determined by the College, and is used to determine compensation for
bargaining unit members, and for establishing a basis for bargaining unit
membership as articulated in Article 1 - Status of Agreement. The number of
WCE’s a bargaining unit member is engaged to teach is established on a term-
by-term basis.
B. Workload Credit Composition
The primary responsibility of faculty is the facilitation of student learning, as captured
by WCE (Workload Credit Equivalents). WCE are determined through college
process in advance of the faculty’s work assignment. The elements that comprise
each WCE for part-time faculty include all tasks necessary for the member to carry
out the teaching assignment and may involve:
establishing a positive learning environment
preparation for direct instruction (which may include preparation, revision,
and/or facilitating acquisition, of all necessary teaching and supporting
instructional design related to online or hybrid course components
delivering direct instruction
assignment and test evaluation
assessment and reporting of student learning outcomes
in/outside of class student consultation and office hours
subject matter mastery
completing related administrative requirements
Mandatory safety and compliance training time is compensatory time. It is the
presumption of the parties to this agreement that such training will be completed
during open office hours to the extent this is possible. If office hours are impacted,
the instructor must engage with their Supervisor and agree in advance to extra
compensated hours in which the balance of such training will be completed. Such
training will be paid based on Table III of the salary schedule.
C. The parties to this Agreement recognize that some instructional responsibilities
clearly do not match the other definitions and are therefore unique. Unique
assignments, in any case, shall be automatically reviewed at the end of the first
term of the assignment. Where unique assignments, or non-traditional modes of
teaching, may require a different calculation of WCE, or a different structure of
compensation, the parties agree to addend this agreement as needed.
D. Additional work assignments must be explicitly offered by the faculty member’s
Supervisor or other manager. If there is a question regarding this article either
party shall refer to Article 20. These assignments are paid per Table III of the
salary schedule found in Appendix A. Examples of these assignments include:
New curriculum development
Program-related administrative tasks
Retention/recruitment activities
Part-Time Faculty Agreement Article 8
Linn-Benton Community College
Special event coordination
Formal academic advising
Committee and council assignments
Department and division meetings and responsibilities
Planning and presenting workshops for college professional
Write or contribute to college-initiated grant applications
Serve on job-related boards or committees
Develop partnerships with community groups, organizations, or
individuals outside the College
Professional faculty work, e.g. librarian
E. Proportional Pay
Proportional Pay guidelines will be applied in accordance with Appendix C of the
Faculty Association Agreement.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 9-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. The employer will deduct dues, fees, and any other assessments or authorized
deductions to the union in accordance with the payroll-deduction authorizations
signed by members and provided to the union. The union will provide the employer
with a list identifying the employees who have signed such authorizations and the
authorized deduction amounts. The employer shall rely on the list to make the
authorized deductions and to remit payment to the labor organization.
B. All notice requirements under Article 9A shall be in writing.
C. Dues will be remitted to the Association within ten business days of the deduction
from the employee’s pay. In the event of an exception, immediate notice will be
given to the Association, which includes estimate for remittance date.
D. The college will notify the association of all new bargaining unit hires within ten (10)
days of hire.
E. The College will notify the Association of all known separations of part-time faculty.
Notification will include the type and date of the separation.
F. Each academic term, the college will provide the association a complete accounting
of all part-time faculty who may be governed by this contract.
G. Information provided to the Association for new hires and members of the bargaining
unit shall include at a minimum the following in an editable digital format acceptable
to the parties: all known personal and work phone numbers, personal and work
email addresses, the employee’s mailing address, and employer ID and the last four
digits of the employee’s social security number. In addition, it will include date of
hire, job title, salary, and work location.
H. The Association agrees to cooperate with and assist the College upon request in the
defense of any actions the College takes in the performance of its obligations under
this Article.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 10-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. Salary Placement and Step Advancement
1. The part-time faculty salary schedule is contained in Appendix A-D of this
agreement. Initial step placement and subsequent advancement are time
and service based as follows:
a. All newly hired part-time faculty members will initially be placed
at step 1 of the salary schedule, except as provided below.
b. Effective 7/1/2022, the following faculty shall be hired at Step 2:
1. Newly hired faculty with six (6) or more quarters, or
four (4) or more semesters, of instruction in the field of
instruction or related field at an accredited college or
university within the last four (4) years.
2. Newly hired faculty with advanced degrees in the field
of instruction or related field above what is required to
teach in their discipline.
3. Newly hired faculty for career technical courses with
related industry experience that is 50% or greater than
required industry experience at time of hire.
c. Step advancement occurs for the term following the
accumulation of the combination of 180 instructional contact
hours and college-paid non-instructional hours.
d. Step advancement is retained regardless of the length of a
bargaining unit member’s separation from the college.
B. Adjustments to Salary Schedule
1. To populate Appendix “A,” effective in the summer term, for academic year
2020-21, the salary schedule from the prior academic year will be increased by
2.5% to adjust for anticipated changes to inflation. In addition to the inflation
increase for each academic year, each step will receive a 1% increase for the
2020-2021 academic year.
2. To populate Appendix “B,” effective in the summer term, for academic year
2021-22, the salary schedule from the prior academic year will be increased by
2.5% to adjust for anticipated changes to inflation. In addition to the inflation
increase for each academic year, each step will receive a 2% increase for the
2021-2022 academic year.
3. To populate Appendix “C,” effective in the summer term, for academic year
2022-23, the salary schedule from the prior academic year will be increased by
2.5% to adjust for anticipated changes to inflation. In addition to the inflation
increase for each academic year, each step will receive a 3% increase for the
2022-2023 academic year.
4. Effective July 1, 2021 the college will add one additional step to the top of the
salary schedule.
5. Any future adjustments to compensation, be they related to step advancement
or salary schedule, shall be controlled only by formally ratified successor
agreements or memoranda of understanding.
Proposed Agreement - Faculty Negotiations (10-2)
Linn-Benton Community College
C. PERS/OPSRP Retirement Contributions
Effective beginning the fall term of the academic year 2016-2017, the College
shall assume and pay the six percent (6%) employee contribution/payment
required by the Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) and/or the Oregon
Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP) for members who are eligible to
participate in PERS or OPSRP. Such employee contributions shall be credited to
PERS and/or OPSRP members Individual Account Program (IAP) accounts.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 11-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. Purpose
The purpose of paid sick time is to provide bargaining unit members with
compensatory relief related to absence from teaching and other scheduled duties
due to sickness or injury.
B. Accrual and Carry Over
1. Upon ratification of this agreement, all bargaining unit members will be awarded
forty (40) contact hours of sick time per fiscal year that they may use to cover
contact hours or other scheduled hours that are not worked due to an illness
related absence.
2. Members may begin to use their awarded sick time upon the first scheduled day
of active employment.
3. Members may carry over up to 40 contact hours of unused sick time from one
fiscal year to the next; however, members are limited to using no more than 40
contact hours of sick time in a fiscal year.
4. Bargaining unit members who are not employed at the college for four (4)
consecutive academic terms (including summer term) shall forfeit sick time
accumulated under this article.
5. Sick time hours are not transferrable.
C. Use and Procedures
1. Members may use accrued sick time if they are unable to work during scheduled
hours due to personal illness or injury, or for illness or injury within the member's
immediate family. “Immediate family” shall be defined as husband, wife,
domestic partner, domestic partner’s children, father, mother, son, daughter,
sister, brother, step-child, grand-parent, parent-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-
law, and any other member of the immediate household. Sick time may also be
used for any other reason allowed by state and/or federal law.
2. Bargaining unit members are responsible for the following:
a. In the event of unplanned absences, members must notify their immediate
supervisor (or other designated individual) about their absence as soon as
possible, and not later than before the beginning of their work shift.
b. If required, providing satisfactory proof of medical condition and medical
release to return to work.
c. Whenever possible, members should schedule medical or dental
appointments outside of regular work hours. If this is not possible,
members should check with their supervisor in advance to schedule
appointments at times with the least impact to the
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 11-2)
Linn-Benton Community College
d. In the event of planned absences, it is expected the members provide as
much notice as possible to minimize impact to the
A. Bereavement Leave
Per OFLA, sick time shall also be used to cover absences up to two weeks for
each death of a family member, as defined below, not to exceed 12 weeks in
a fiscal year. If the member does not have enough accrued sick time to cover
the allowed absence, the balance of time may be taken as leave without pay
B. Jury Duty
1. A member shall be granted leave with pay for service upon a jury; however,
such compensation shall be reduced by the amount the member receives for
such jury service.
2. During the period of time a member is on jury duty, he/she will be responsible
for reporting for duty at the college on those days when he/she is not required
to report for, or is excused for the day from, jury duty.
3. A member shall receive time off, with pay, for required appearances in court
or hearings resulting from a subpoena to appear to testify where the member
is not;
a. personally involved in the action as a plaintiff
b. the defendant, unless the member is acting within the scope of
their employment with the College, or
c. called on behalf of the association in any action against the
C. Emergency
With the approval of the member’s supervisor, sick time may be used for other
emergency situations.
D. Leave for Military Activation
Members shall be provided with rights associated to military service in
accordance with state and federal law.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 12-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. The College agrees to waive tuition charges only for the bargaining unit member
for a maximum of one credit course, to a maximum of five (5) credits, per term (at
the current resident tuition rate).
1. In the event that the bargaining unit member is at step 5 or higher of the
salary schedule, this for-credit tuition waiver may apply to the member’s
spouse, domestic partner, or eligible dependent.
2. All tuition waivers are non-transferable, with the exception of those listed
in A.1.
B. For Extended Learning classes, the College agrees to waive the course fee for
the bargaining unit member, or eligible dependents as listed in A.1, for one
Extended Learning class each term. This waiver shall not apply to short-term
training cost recovery programs.
C. For any course work beyond the minimum qualifications for a teaching
assignment which is assigned to the member by the member's supervisor the
College shall waive all related tuition charges. The waiver of any such tuition
charges shall not count toward the bargaining unit member's maximum benefit
eligibility as outlined in sections A and B of this article.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 13-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. The purpose of the part-time faculty professional development fund is to benefit
part-time faculty members and the College by providing the opportunity for
eligible part-time faculty members to secure additional education, training, and/or
experiences that will enhance their competencies to carry out the College goals
while adding to the instructional quality of the College.
B. Bargaining unit members may choose to use professional development funds for
activities that may include workshops, seminars, conferences, travel, additional
educational course work, research or projects, work experience programs, or any
other such form of professional development activity which is related to the
member's instructional area and/or which would be of direct benefit to the
educational program and the quality of instruction for which the member is or will
be responsible.
C. The amount of money to be allocated for part-time faculty will be $20,000 for
fiscal year for fiscal year 2020-2021. The allocation for fiscal year 2021-2022 will
be $20,000. The allocation for fiscal year 2022-2023 will be $20,000. Each year,
100% of any unused portion of the fund shall be carried over to the following
fiscal year. This carry over amount shall be spent first, and any unused balance
in a carryover fund will not be carried over to a second year. This fund may be
increased by the college President at the sole discretion of the College.
D. There will be a dollar limit per member per fiscal year, July 1 - June 30. A
member is given no guarantee of a yearly amount. Application materials, limits,
and instructions for requesting funds are available on the college web site.
Applications are considered on a "first-come, first-served" basis, with the
guideline that half of the allocated professional development fund will be awarded
July through December, and the balance of the fund awarded January through
E. If the anticipated activity overlaps with instructional responsibilities, the applicant
shall consult with his or her division dean (or other appropriate manager) to see if
arrangements can be made to allow for the applicant to participate in the activity.
No activities that overlap with instructional responsibilities will be approved
without consultation with the division dean or other appropriate manager.
F. The College commits to adhere to applicable wage and hour law as it applies to
membersattendance at required or approved internal or external professional
development activities.
G. Guidelines and instructions are available on the LBCC website.
Part-Time Faculty Association (Article 14-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. Within the education process, an open atmosphere will exist to permit freedom of
thought, intellectual exploration, and exchange of ideas. The future of the
community, state and nation depends upon a continuing strong educational system
which is based upon the highest principles of academic freedom. The manifestations
of academic freedom are found in the free search for truth and its free exposition.
Bargaining unit members shall not introduce into their teaching controversial matters
having no relationship to their subject and the approved course outline and student
learning outcomes on file with the Academic Affairs Office.
B. Bargaining unit members shall have the responsibility to present their courses,
including choice of instructional materials, in the manner deemed appropriate for
those courses, subject to the guidance and standard practice of the individual
academic department.
C. Bargaining unit members shall maintain the first right and responsibility to determine
grades and other evaluations of students. This shall not abridge students' rights to
appeal grades through the proper procedures.
D. Bargaining unit members should be accurate (delivering instruction based in fact,
data, or scholarly research) actively engage diverse perspectives, and show respect
for the opinions of others. Outside of the classroom, bargaining unit members shall
make every effort to indicate they are not speaking for the institution when speaking
in public.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 15-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
1. The ownership of any materials, processes, or inventions developed solely by an
employee's individual effort, time and expense shall vest in the employee and be
copyrighted or patented, if at all, in his/her/their name. Any profit from the sale of
vested material shall belong to the faculty member.
a. All course materials that are produced solely by the faculty member to use
in teaching their course, including but not limited to lecture materials,
videos, tests, posters, handouts, and content created within a third-party
system not belonging to the college, shall belong to the employee. The
college agrees not to use these materials without the express permission
of the employee. The decision to make such course material available to
others shall not be made a condition of future assignments.
b. The college retains the non-exclusive right to distribute the course
syllabus, in any format or medium, for non-commercial, research,
educational, or related academic purposes only. The employee also
authorizes the college to allow users of the syllabus repository to distribute
the syllabus worldwide, in any format or medium, for non-commercial,
research, educational, or related academic purposes only. The college will
clearly identify the employee’s name as the author or owner of the
syllabus, and will not make any alteration to the syllabus.
2. The ownership of materials, processes, or inventions produced solely for the
College and at College expense shall vest in the College and be copyrighted or
patented, if at all, in its name. A written record will be entered into in advance
between the College and the faculty member that reflects the work to be
performed, time spent, and any additional compensation to be made.
3. In those instances where materials, processes or inventions are produced by an
employee with College support, through use of significant time, facilities, or other
College resources, the ownership of the materials, processes, or inventions shall
vest (and be copyrighted or patented) as per written agreement between the
college President or designated representative and the employee(s) prior to the
production. Neither party may sell joint property for a commercial profit without
first negotiating an agreement between themselves. In the absence of an
agreement, the materials, processes, or inventions shall be given a Creative
Commons license.
4. The parties agree that the provisions of this article do not change as a result of
medium of delivery/distribution, or storage (e.g. on-line, electronic media).
5. When faculty members procure grants and/or work on other projects that
produce open educational resources (OER) and open-source software, and
where these projects produce materials that would otherwise be joint property
or property of the college, the college and the faculty member agree to the
open licensing of such materials.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 16-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. A bargaining unit member's personnel file shall be maintained under the control of
the Director of Human Resources. Such files will be used only in accordance with
Oregon laws pertaining to public employee personnel records.
B. A bargaining unit member shall have the right, per Oregon law, to review and/or
copy, upon request, the contents of his/her personnel file. A representative of the
Association may, at the bargaining unit member's request, accompany him/her in
this review.
C. A bargaining unit member's supervisor may add information to the personnel files at
any time. The bargaining unit member shall be required to initial all performance
related data prior to its inclusion with the understanding such signature merely
signifies such materials have been read and does not necessarily indicate
agreement with its contents. The bargaining unit members shall be provided a copy
of the information and shall be entitled to place a response to it in the personnel file.
Any materials to be placed in the personnel file shall be available for immediate
review upon receipt in Human Resources.
D. The bargaining unit member may petition the Human Resources Director to expunge
material after it has existed in the employee’s personnel file for five or more years,
except material that is presently involved in hearings or pending litigation. The
decision of the Human Resources Director will be final, and in accordance with
Oregon Law. The bargaining unit member is entitled to Association representation in
this petition process.
E. The employee shall have the right to petition the Human Resources Director to add
material to the personnel file germane to their employment at the College.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 17-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. The purpose for the part-time faculty performance review process at LBCC is for
professional growth and development, to ensure quality in the teaching and learning
environment, and to enhance student learning.
B. Performance reviews cannot be construed as disciplinary.
C. Faculty performance reviews will be completed within the first three terms of
employment and thereafter at least one time every three (3) calendar years,
beginning with initial membership in the bargaining unit as defined in Article 1
Status of Agreement. Part-time faculty who would like more frequent feedback can
request performance review of the appropriate Dean, who will respond as time
allows. More frequent reviews cannot be construed as disciplinary and shall not be
D. Reviews will utilize multiple indices of effectiveness, each of which is directly related
to individual roles and responsibilities, including evidence of teaching effectiveness
and analysis of a bargaining unit member's performance in their support of student
learning and collaboration with colleagues.
The college retains the right to access and utilize all primary review data, which may
include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Classroom visitation
2. Written review by supervisor
3. Discussion between supervisor and bargaining unit member
4. Peer feedback
5. Student/client feedback
6. Contribution to student success
7. Self-evaluation
8. Service to the college
E. No video or audio recordings shall be used for performance-related reviews unless
agreed upon by the employee.
F. Upon request, faculty are entitled to a conference with the person conducting the
review. In addition, they may attach a rebuttal or commentary to the review after it is
completed and placed in the personnel file. A copy of the final review shall be sent to
the faculty member.
G. The administrative implementation, management, evaluation and revision of the
performance review system shall be the responsibility of the Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs and/or her/his designee(s). Association members may
request the standards on which they will be reviewed prior to their performance
review. The Vice President will solicit input from the Association as needed on the
effectiveness of the performance review system.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article18-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. Hiring, Assignment and Cancellation of Courses/Course Sections
1. Bargaining unit members are hired and re-employed on a term-by-term
basis. The College’s decision not to re-employ a bargaining unit member
for a subsequent term(s) cannot be construed as disciplinary and shall not
be grieved. The College retains the right to re-employ bargaining unit
members or to hire new part-time faculty as is deemed by the College to
be in the best interests of the College.
2. Assignment of bargaining unit members to the academic schedule of
classes for the following academic term is at the discretion of the College.
The College reserves the right to reassign a course, or course section,
prior to the start of the academic term. Notice shall be provided to the
employee of the cancellation or reassignment of classes, and the reason
for the cancellation or reassignment. The College’s decisions related to
the assignment shall not be subject to the grievance procedure of this
Agreement. The College maintains the right to cancel a course, or course
section. The College’s decision to cancel a course, or course section, or
reassign it cannot be construed as disciplinary, even if such a cancellation
or reassignment results in a reduction of hours or pay for a bargaining unit
member, and such action shall not be subject to the grievance procedure
of this Agreement.
a. Four (4) hours of compensation shall be paid for preparation of any
class that is cancelled later than one calendar week prior to the
start of a term.
3. Notice of Projected Assignment
At least four weeks before the beginning of each term, the College will
provide notice of the projected assignments that have been established for
that term. Such projection is not a guarantee of re-employment nor
assignment, and is subject to change by the College. The college will
endeavor to send projected assignments electronically that include
specific information about courses, compensation, and the direct
B. Hiring, Assignment and Cancellation of Courses - Additional Provisions for
Members with “Established Part-Time Faculty Status”
1. In addition to the provisions of section A, parts 1 through 3 above,
members who advance 3 steps on the salary schedule will be designated
as having earned “Established Part-Time Faculty Status.”
2. Established status members who have not had a break in classroom
based instructional service of 3 or more consecutive academic terms,
(excluding summer), shall receive an offer of re-employment and
assignment to a similar course(s), unless the College determines that
performance or conduct factors warrant a decision not to rehire. Such
performance or conduct factors may, but need not be, evidenced by
formal disciplinary action(s). Offers of re-employment will be sent via
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 18-2)
Linn-Benton Community College
email. Failure to respond to an offer of rehire within five (5) working days
may result in the offer being withdrawn.
3. When a decision not to re-employ is made on the basis of performance or
conduct factors, an established member will be given a written notice of
the determination not to re-employ, to include the rationale for the
decision. Decisions to not re-employ can be appealed in writing within 10
college working days of the aforementioned notice to the Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs, whose decision on the matter shall be final.
Such decisions and rationale shall not be subject to the grievance
procedure of this Agreement.
4. Course assignments and /or re-employment may also depend on other
administrative factors which impact course assignments, including, but not
limited to changes in student demand, elimination of programs courses or
course sections, changes in the number of course sections offered,
changes to the requirements of degree programs, the requirements of the
full-time faculty CBA, or college initiatives. The College reserves the right
to reassign a course, or course section, prior to the start of the academic
term. Notice shall be provided to the employee of the cancellation or
reassignment of classes, and the reason for the cancellation or
reassignment. Decisions not to rehire made on these bases shall not be
subject to the grievance procedure of this Agreement.
C. Division Level Orientation
Within the first term of any new part-time faculty member’s employment, they
shall attend (be offered) an orientation program designed by their division
leadership to familiarize the member with division and college-wide policies,
administrative rules, administrative processes/procedures, expectations, and
resources. Representatives of the Association may attend each primary division
orientation. Time spent in division level orientation is compensable time per
Table 3 of the salary schedule.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 19-1)
Benton Community College
A. Employees have the right to Association representation in any meeting that is
disciplinary in nature, or could reasonably lead to disciplinary action. Access
to such representation shall not unreasonably delay such a meeting.
B. No employee shall be formally reprimanded, disciplined or terminated without
just cause. This shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights or obligations
of either party contained in Article 18. Any formal discipline made against a
bargaining unit member shall be reduced to writing and provided to the
member in advance.
C. The College reserves the right to impose paid administrative leave without
prior notice to the member for the purpose of conducting an investigation into
an allegation that, if sustained, would warrant discipline or termination. Paid
administrative leave will not go beyond 15 days without notice to the
employee and association.
D. Before a final determination of disciplinary action is made, the employee to be
disciplined will be given the opportunity to respond to the supervisor or other
designee of administration, about the reasons for the action, and the level of
discipline applied.
E. The member shall be provided with the opportunity to sign any formal
disciplinary document, with an understanding that such signature represents
only an acknowledgement of receipt. All formal disciplinary documentation will
be retained within the member’s personnel file, subject to the provisions of
Article 16 - Personnel Files.
F. Faculty shall have the right to submit a written rebuttal to any notice of
G. Bargaining unit members also have the legal (“Weingarten”) right to
Association representation during investigatory interviews or discussions that
the employee reasonably believes might result in disciplinary action.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 20-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
To foster our commonly held value of open and honest engagement between
colleagues, the Contract Clarification Committee (CCC) has two primary purposes:
To foster a mutual understanding of existing contract language and its
proper application to a given situation, and
To effectively communicate contract clarifications to the college
President, Association members and management staff.
A. Contract Clarification Process
1. An Association member may invoke the CCC to seek clarification of existing
contract language and its proper application to a given situation. If the matter
in question could potentially affect a group of Association members, the
Association may also invoke this article on behalf of those members.
2. When an individual Association member is the initiating party, it is expected
that they will first try to reach an acceptable clarification or resolution through
direct discussion with the appropriate manager or administrator.
3. If not satisfactorily resolved, or if the Association member feels that they
cannot address the matter directly, the issue may be referred to an
Association delegate on CCC for review. If the Association deems that a
referral to the CCC is appropriate, the Association may call for a CCC to
convene a hearing on the matter in question.
4. When the Association is the initiating party on behalf of a group of members,
the Association president or his/her designee may call for a CCC to convene
a hearing on the matter in question.
5. The CCC will engage in dialog and seek to resolve the matter by providing
either a clarification of the contract and its application, or by creative problem
solving to find a mutually acceptable resolution.
6. If the parties that comprise CCC agree on a given clarification or resolution,
that clarification or resolution shall be binding upon the parties, documented
for posterity, and made available to the public to foster ongoing common
understanding of the language in question.
7. In the event that the parties comprising CCC are unable to arrive at a
clarification or a resolution, the Association member(s) may avail themselves
of the grievance article of this Agreement.
B. Committee Meetings and Composition
CCC will be convened whenever deemed necessary by either the Association or
the Administration. When convened, the committee will be comprised of six (6)
staff (3 members chosen by the Association and 3 chosen by the Administration).
If possible, at least one member from each group will have participated in the last
contract negotiations. Association members of CCC will be compensated on an
hour for hour basis, for time spent in full committee, in person dialog. CCC will be
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 20-2)
Linn-Benton Community College
supported by a non-participatory recorder chosen by the College. The recorder
shall serve the CCC in a strictly confidential manner and their duties shall be
limited to accurately documenting a summary of the dialog and any clarifications
or resolutions that may result from the dialog.
The parties mutually affirm the value of regular, open and honest, problem
solving dialog. As such, Association leadership shall have regular periodic
access to the college President, the Academic Vice President, and/or appropriate
designees to discuss issues of concern that do not fall within the auspices of this
Agreement, but may be of concern and/or import to Association members. Such
access may be via any regularly scheduled meetings, which will generally occur
on a monthly basis, with the President and the Academic Vice President, and/or
in addition to those regularly scheduled meetings. At the request of the
Association, and/or to facilitate direct communication, the President and/or the
Association may choose to include appropriate persons from the ranks of either
College management, administration, or the Association in these discussions.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 21-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. Definitions
1. A "grievance" shall mean an allegation by the Linn-Benton Community College Part-
Time Faculty Association, and/or a member or members of the bargaining unit that
there has been a violation of any provision of this Agreement or properly executed
Memoranda of Understanding.
2. "The aggrieved” is the person, persons, or the Association making the complaint.
3. "Days," unless otherwise specified, shall mean College instructional days .
B. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide an orderly method for resolving grievances.
A determined effort shall be made to settle any such differences at the lowest possible
level. Meetings or discussions involving grievances or grievance procedures shall be
scheduled at times so as not to interfere with the employee's duties. The aggrieved may
be accompanied by an association representative when presenting the grievance at any
C. Procedures
Grievances shall be processed in the following manner and, unless mutually agreed
upon by the parties, within the stated time limits.
Step 1 - Informal
An employee or the Association shall be responsible for instituting the first step of the
grievance procedure by contacting the immediate supervisor to arrange an informal
meeting to make an earnest attempt to resolve the grievance.
Step 2 - Human Resources
If the issue is not resolved informally within ten (10) days of the informal meeting, the
employee or the Association may submit a written grievance to the Human Resources
Director within ten (10) additional days. The written grievance shall give a clear and
concise statement of the alleged grievance including the facts upon which the grievance
is based, the issues involved, the agreement provision, involved, and the relief sought.
The Human Resources Director or his or her designee shall review the grievance,
arrange a meeting for necessary discussion, and give a written answer to the aggrieved
with a copy to the Association, within ten (10) days after the receipt of the written
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 21-2)
Linn-Benton Community College
Step 3 - President
If the aggrieved is not satisfied with the Human Resources Director's response, or lack
thereof, an appeal may be submitted to the college President or his/her designee within
ten (10) days of receipt of the written Step 2 response. The President or his/her
designee shall review the grievance, arrange a meeting for necessary discussion, and
give a written answer to the employee with a copy to the Association no later than ten
(10) days after his or her receipt of the written grievance.
Step 4 - Arbitration
1. Grievances not resolved at Step 3 of the grievance procedure shall be reviewed
by the Association, which shall have sole discretion as to whether a grievance,
whether individual or Association, should be appealed to arbitration. If the
Association determines that a grievance shall be appealed to arbitration, it shall
file a written notice of a request for arbitration to the President within fifteen (15)
working days following the President's answer concerning the alleged grievance.
2. Within ten (10) working days after a written notice of arbitration, the parties will
attempt to mutually agree on the selection of an arbitrator, or failing that, the
Association shall request a list of seven (7) arbitrators, who reside in Oregon or
Washington, from the State Employment Relations Board, Conciliation Service
Division and, upon receipt of same, alternately strike names until one (1)
remains, and submit the matter to arbitration. The party that will first strike out an
arbitrator shall be determined by a coin toss.
3. The hearing and all other proceedings shall be conducted according to the
voluntary rules of the American Arbitration Association.
4. The arbitrator shall have no power to add to, subtract from, modify or amend any
terms of this Agreement.
5. A decision of the arbitrator shall be binding upon the parties.
D. Costs of Arbitration
The College and the Association will share equally any joint costs of the arbitration
procedure such as the fees and expenses of the arbitrator. The hearing shall be done at
the college campus for no cost to the Association or to the employee.
E. Initiation of Group Grievances
1. Where more than one employee has a common grievance, the Association may
initiate a group grievance on their behalf. In such a case, a written grievance may
be filed originally with the Human Resources Director, who shall designate the
grievance hearing officer who will initially hear the grievance.
2. The same steps and time intervals shall apply as in the individual grievances.
3. The Association shall have the right to initiate a grievance growing out of an
alleged violation of association rights under this contract. Any such grievance
shall be initiated at Step 2. The remainder of the procedure shall be as provided
for the individual grievances.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 21-3)
Linn-Benton Community College
F. End of Term Grievances
In the event a grievance cannot be resolved by the end of the term and the aggrieved is
not scheduled to work in the subsequent term, then, the time limits may be reduced by
mutual agreement.
G. General Provisions
1. No reprisals of any kind will be taken by the College or by any members of the
administration against any party in interest or any other participant in the
grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
2. Unless there is a mutual agreement to extend timelines, failure at any step of this
procedure to communicate the decision in writing within the specified time limit
shall permit the aggrieved to proceed to the next step.
3. Unless there is a mutual agreement to extend timelines, failure at any step of this
procedure to appeal a grievance to the next step within the specified time limit
shall be deemed to be acceptance of the decision rendered at that step.
4. All documents, communications, and records dealing with the processing of a
grievance will be filed separately from the personnel files of the participants.
5. Meetings and hearings under this procedure shall be conducted in private and
shall include only the aggrieved, their designated or selected representatives,
and the designated representative(s) of the College.
6. If requested by the grievant, a representative chosen by the Association may
attend any meeting of the grievance process.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 22-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
The parties agree to enter into collective bargaining over a full successor agreement by
the second Monday in November prior to the expiration of this agreement. Any
agreement so negotiated shall be reduced to writing after ratification by the parties.
If the agreement expires prior to completion of negotiations, the College will maintain
the status quo while negotiations continue in good faith.
Part-Time Faculty Agreement (Article 23-1)
Linn-Benton Community College
A. The parties acknowledge during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement
each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with
respect to any subject or matter not removed by law from the areas of wages, hours
and conditions of employment, and the understanding and agreements arrived at by
the parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this
Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the sole and entire existing agreement
between the parties.
B. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date of ratification, and shall be binding
upon the Board, the Association and its members, and shall remain in full force and
effect through June 30, 2023.
(For credit and related
(3.5% increase from AY 19-20)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
All credit classes
(per 1 workload
credit equivalent)
Non-credit contact
hour classes
Parent Ed Lab Hours
Planning and
Development and
WCE Classes: Use credit equivalency calculations.
Non-credit classes: Use hourly rate.
Credit courses are paid on a WCE basis. For all other courses, refer to FT faculty contract,
Appendix E for the payment formula.
(For credit and related
(4.5% increase from FY 20/21)
Schedule effective 7/1/2021 w additional step 11 added
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
All credit
(per 1
contact hour
Parent Ed Lab
Planning and
WCE Classes: Use credit equivalency calculations.
Non-credit classes: Use hourly rate.
Credit courses are paid on a WCE basis. For all other courses, refer to FT faculty contract,
Appendix E for the payment formula.
(For credit and related
(5.5% increase from FY 21/22)
Schedule effective 7/1/2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
All credit
(per 1
contact hour
Parent Ed Lab
Planning and
WCE Classes: Use credit equivalency calculations.
Non-credit classes: Use hourly rate.
Credit courses are paid on a WCE basis. For all other courses, refer to FT faculty contract,
Appendix E for the payment formula.