Greetings from Jackson Center Schools!
204 S. Linden Street
PO Box 849
Jackson Center, OH 45334
Jackson Center Local Schools Presents
V O L U M E 2 1 / 2 2 OCTOBER I S S U E I I
Inspiration does exist,
but it has to find us
already working!
Mr. William Reichert
Mr. Jeff Reese
4 - 12 Principal
Mrs. Ginger Heuker
PreK ā€“ 3 Principal
Mr. Tony Meyer
Board of Education
Mr. Brad Wren
Mr. Dana Ware
Vice President
Mrs. Kristen Davis
Mr. Matt Kohler
Mrs. Kristine Mullenhour
It is crazy to think that we are nearing the end of the 1
quarter, but that is the reality. With
that comes the transition from summer to fall and we have been blessed with one of the
most beautiful and enjoyable autumns in years. I hope all of you have had a chance to get
outside and enjoy it.
In normal years the state report cards are issued in the summer or the beginning of the
school year. This year, because of all the changes due to Covid, they were just recently
released. They definitely look a little different because there were no official grades issued
in each of the categories. However, each district could see if they improved, stayed the
same or actually dropped in their student achievement. As I have stated many times, state
test scores are NOT EVERYTHING, but they are important in helping to determine if there
is academic growth in our students and if they are prepared for their next step in school or
in life. I am happy to report that Jackson Center students and staff showed definite growth
from the last time the students took a state test in 2019. Sadly, we were one of the few
school districts across the state and even in our region to show growth. We all learned or
we were reinforced with the idea that KIDS NEED TO BE IN SCHOOL. Many of the dis-
tricts across the state saw dramatic drops in their achievement scores and it is not difficult
to figure out that the ones that dropped the most were the districts that spent more of their
time trying to teach in a remote fashion. Unfortunately, there are long term ramifications
to a student missing a week or a month, much less an entire year. As you all know, it is
incredibly difficult to re-create positive habits after so much time off so the next few years
will be tough on many districts across the country.
With that being stated, on behalf of the school board and our staff, THANK YOU for
trusting us and sending your student to school as much as possible both last year and this
year. Below is a piece of a chart that I recently shared with staff showing our growth over
the past two years. We only grew a half a point in achievement, but that is significant
when districts were falling by 5, 10, 15 or 20 points. As a result, you will see that we
jumped from being ranked 132
(out of 608 school districts) in achievement to 38
THANK YOU again for making the choice for your kids to learn and thrive in a normal
environment. If you are interested in looking at our report card more in depth, here is the
If you want to discuss the comparisons to other districts, there is an area on Ohio Depart-
ment of Education website that will help you develop a spreadsheet or simply give me a
Have a great Fall Season!
2019 PI
2019 PI
in PI 2019-
2021 PI
State Rank
Shelby B 132 97.277 97.746 0.47 38
Students are selected each month by their teachers.
These students all enjoyvsubs from Subway for lunch
with Principal Reese.
4th - Olivia Hagen
5th - Breelyn Gariety
6th - Breezlynn Pence
7th - Joshua Younker
8th - Gracie Cotterman
of the
Mrs. Emerson
Bristol Tuttle
Ms. Yinger
Cash Fry
Mrs. Barhorst
Lennox True
Mrs. Wiswell
Lucas Fisher
Mrs. Heitkamp
Mia Fisher
Mrs. Barhorst
Raegan Gross
Mrs. Ryder
Nicole Halberstadt
Mrs. Byrd
Lilli Reffitt
Mrs. Reese
Dakota Ross
Music/ Miss Long
Spencer Copeland
K-3 PE/Mrs. Reichert
Max Stockstill
Keyboard/ Mrs. Metzger
Brylee Finn
Art/ Miss Karg
Natalie Pence
FCCLA recognizes students in grades 9-12 for the P.A.W.S award each month
Teachers nominate students who display the criteria of the P.A.W.S.
All monthly award recipients names are entered for a chance to win one of 4 - gift cards.
Season Passes are now available!
HS Boys Basketball 11 home games $61.60
HS Girls Basketball 11 home games $61.60
JH Boys Basketball 9 home games $28.80
JH Girls Basketball 9 home games $28.80
High School gate prices for adults are now $7 per game and $5* per game for students. Junior High all $4.
*Students that purchase a 2021-2022 ā€œThe Shirtā€ will only pay $2 admittance at home games
For further information on season passes, contact Kim Metz at 937-596-6053 Ext. 106.
Passes may be picked up in the main office during school hours
Monday, November 1st
Check School Website and/or Facebook Page for the
Jackson Center Wearables Fall Order Form
School Spirit Great Gifts
September Winners!
9th grade: Kathryn Prenger
10th grade: Ben Oā€™Reilly
11th grade: Somer Sherman
12th grade: Madison Halker
October Winners!
9th grade: Cortney Copeland
10th grade: Jadelyn Umbaugh
11th grade: Candon Calhoun
12th grade: MacKenzie Klopfenstein
Jackson Center National Honor Society Community Blood Drive
The members of the Therl Johnson Chapter of National Honor Society will be sponsoring a blood
drive on Friday, December 10, 2021. The blood drive will be held from 9:00am-1:00pm, at the
school, in the athletic complex. The goal is to have forty donors. If you would like to donate, please
sign up at Thank you in advance for helping to save a life. If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact Susie Harris at 937-596-6149 (ext. 115).
Message from the High School Principal
The leaves are falling and the air is cooling. It is hard to believe that the first quarter is almost over. The staff and
students have worked extremely hard with another year of transitions due to COVID. Both have been very flexible
and accepting, overcoming and persevering through it all. Our extracurricular activities are happy to have fans back
in the stands to cheer them on and hopefully the masks are now a thing of the past.
With the isolation of COVID, I believe it is even more important for the students to get involved in their school.
activities, clubs, sports, etc. to allow students to find others with similar interests, build connections, and make their
academic career more enjoyable. Fortunately Jackson Center has a variety of opportunities for students to get in-
volved regardless of their interests, I am confident there is something for everyone. It may take stepping out of their
comfort zone, but the benefits of becoming involved will far outweigh the drawbacks.
Feel free to stop in to discuss further if you would like or email me at j[email protected]rg
Veterans Day Celebration
Jackson Center Schools will hold a celebration for Veteranā€™s Day on Thursday, November 11. Please help us in invit-
ing all local veterans and active military personnel to join us. The day will begin with breakfast served to all Veterans
and their spouses starting at 8:30 followed by a celebration. Options for in person activities as well as drive thru and
virtual are available. Directions for joining the live celebration will be given out with each breakfast as well as posted
on the school website. Please RSVP to or by calling the school at 937-596-6053 ext. 121.
Please include name, branch of military and if a spouse or guest will be joining so we can assure we have plenty of
food. Students may also return the this portion of the page to Mrs. Vicki Kipker.
Name _____________________________________________
Branch ____________________________________________
Total number attending ______
Drive-Thru/ Virtually___
In Person____
The Therl Johnson Chapter of the National Honor Society held their induction ceremony on Friday, October 1, 2021.
The eleven current members tapped and welcomed thirteen new members into the chapter. Junior inductees who
were tapped included Jacob Borchers, Christopher Klopfenstein, Madalynn Lundy, Jace Mullenhour, Kellen
Reichert, Carleigh Ross, Somer Sherman, Haylee Shields, and Sarah Swiger. Senior inductees who were tapped
included Shia Akers, Timmion Lichtenberg, Carson Regula, and Jacob Yinger.
The ceremony took place in the ath-
letic complex where parents and
grandparents were welcomed. Jack-
son Center Alumnus Seth Bodenmil-
ler was the guest speaker for this
yearā€™s event.
A breakfast, to honor the new mem-
bers and their families, followed the
Congratulations to all of the new
inductees on achieving this honor.
Santa Shop:
Santa Shop will be open for students to shop this year during school hours on Wednesday,
December 8th, Thursday, December 9th and Friday, December10th.
Thank you to all for your generous donations during COVID. There are plenty and a wide
variety of items for our students to enjoy shopping for their family and friends.
We wish you a happy and healthy holiday season.
The Santa Shop Ladies
Grade Power Up for Fitness
graders participated in a Power Up for Fitness Program through Mary Rutan
Hospital to learn all about the lungs, heart, nutrition, and physical activity!
Students learned how smoking, vaping, and tobacco products can affect your
lungs and mouth and why keeping your lungs healthy is important! They were
also taught how to play ā€œKick the Canā€ to give an example of staying active
and keeping a healthy heart!
The 4
graders had a lot of fun learning about
how staying away from harmful substances, eat-
ing the right foods, and staying active can lead to
a healthy lifestyle!
JC Marching Band - Wapakoneta Halloween Parade - October 21, 2021
JC Marching Band
Allen East Band Show
October 16, 2021
Non-discrimination Policy
The Jackson Center School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, color, religion, national origin, handi-
cap , or age in its education, activities, admissions, or employment polices as required by Title IX of Education
Amendments of 1972, Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitations
Act of 1973 and Executive Order 11244 and all its amendments. Any violation of this policy should be referred to
the Affirmative Action Officer for Jackson Center Local School District, superintendent, 937-596-6053.
Policy Revision
As of July 2012, Jackson Center revised its Section 504 policies for the identification, evaluation, and placement of
students with disabilities, or suspected of having disabilities, and its Section 504 grievance procedure. Copies of the
new Section 504 policies and Section 504 grievance procedure can be found under the ā€œSchool Forms & Policiesā€
tab on the Jackson Center Website Home Page.
Staff Spotlight
Megan Gray - Middle School Intervention
How many years have you been a teacher?
This is my first year.
Any family information you would like to share?
I have been married to my husband Kyle for 6 years and we have two children. Derby is 9 years
old and is in the third grade at Anna Elementary and Luen is 4 years old and is in preschool.
Where did you go to high school, college?
I went to Anna High School and Edison Community College while in high school and earned my
Associate degree in Fine Arts. I graduated from Western Governors University with my dual
bachelorā€™s degree in Early Childhood Education and Special Education.
What community do you live in?
I live in the Sidney/ Anna Community.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
My biggest accomplishment is that I became a teacher even when all the odds and obstacles were
against me.
What hobbies do you enjoy?
I enjoy sports, hanging out with my family, riding bikes and swimming.
What is your favorite book?
My favorite book is Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis.
If you could vacation anywhere, where would it be?
I would like to go to Australia.
What advice would you give to others?
Always be kind.
Getting to know our New Teachers
Staff Spotlight - continued
Calli Keplinger - 4th/5th Grade Science
How many years have you been a teacher?
This is my sixth year.
Any family information you would like to share?
I have a daughter named Clara and a son named Clinton.
Where did you go to high school, college?
I went to Greenon High School, Wright State.
What community do you live in?
I live in Jackson Center.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I am proud of accomplishing a masterā€™s degree and landing a job in a great community.
What hobbies do you enjoy?
I enjoy boating, hiking, and spending time with my family.
If you could vacation anywhere, where would it be?
I would like to go to Disney World with my kids.
What advice would you give to others?
Do what makes you happy!
Anastasia Long - Vocal Music
How many years have you been a teacher?
This is my first year.
Any family information you would like to share?
I have a lot of plants!
Where did you go to high school, college?
I went to Marysville High school then Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania.
What community do you live in?
I live in Columbus.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I am most proud of when my universities band took first place at the 2019 Saint Patrickā€™s Day
Parade in Dublin, Ireland. I was on the snare line.
What hobbies do you enjoy?
I enjoy music, digital and 3D art, video games, plants and nature walks.
What is your favorite book?
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.
If you could vacation anywhere, where would it be?
On a nice tropical beach somewhere.
What advice would you give to others?
Be unapologetically yourself!
September 12, 2021 FFA Orientation
On Sunday, September 12, 2021, FFA Orientation for
incoming 8th grade students was held in the FFA room
from 5-6 p.m. Students were sent flyers inviting them to
come to the event, and if possible, to bring a parent as
well. There were 13 students in attendance, and 7 par-
ents in attendance. The function was supervised by all 9
FFA officers. A slideshow about FFA was created to
introduce members to the officer team and to highlight
all of the opportunities FFA can provide. Topics dis-
cussed included CDEā€™s, SAEā€™s, how to get involved in
FFA, what FFA can do for you, and descriptions of each
of the officer positions. While this was taking place,
Mrs. Whetstone spoke with parents about FFA and the
opportunities that students have to be involved both in-
side and outside of the classroom. After the presentation
was over and the parent meeting was over, the students
were invited to participate in mock CDE stations that
were set up. The parents were also invited back to the
classroom to watch. The purpose of these stations was to
familiarize students with various competitions they
could participate in in the future. The mock competitions
were led by the officers. The five competitions were soil judging, poultry judging, agricultural mechanics, aroma iden-
tification, and outdoor power. Each station lasted approximately 5 minutes. After the stations were completed, cookies
were served, and a group picture was taken.
September 12, 2021 Jackson Center-UVCC FFA September Meeting
The September FFA meeting was held on September 12, 2021. At the meeting, the secretaryā€™s report was given, as well
as the treasurer's report. There were no reports for the Program of Activities or for the Standing/Special Committees
section. Present members moved to attend Sub District and District Soils events on September 12 and September 23,
2021. The motion passed. Members also moved to participate in the Ohio FFA Virtual 5k on Sunday, October 3, 2021.
The motion passed. The meeting was adjourned and afterwards, pizza was served.
September 13, 2021 Sub District Soils @ Fairlawn
Members of the Jackson Center UVCC-FFA in grades 8-12 participated in the Sub District Soils Practice Competition
at Dell Delight Farms outside of Fairlawn, OH. Several other county schools such as Houston, Anna, and Fairlawn
were also in attendance. Preble County Soil and Water Conservation Scientist BJ Price was present at the practice. He
assisted in identifying soil features and provided the answers for the pits. There were three practice soil pits in the field,
and students were split into groups to judge the soil quality. Factors considered in the judging process included slope,
texture of the topsoil, subsoil, and substratum layers, depth to bedrock, ribboning, and depth to restrictive soil features.
Students walked around and gathered their results, and at the end, the answers were given.
September 23, 2021 District 5 Soils @ Shelby County
(Hickory Hills)
FFA members Courtney Copeland, Grace Prenger, Riley Barhorst,
Owen Willoby, Tyler Yarkosky, Jacob Borchers, Morgan Huber,
Elena Platfoot, and Grace Woolley all participated in the Ohio FFA
District 5 Soils Contest on September 23, 2021. The Jackson Center
UVCC-FFA sent one rural soil judging team and one urban soil
judging team to the competition. The contest was hosted at Hickory
Hills in Fort Loramie, OH. Students judged three separate soil pits,
as well as a practice pit before the contest. The contest also included
a soil survey and a soil test, which each of the nine students com-
pleted. Afterwards, the team ate lunch at Pizza Hut.
October 3, 2021 Virtual 5K and FFA Meeting
On Sunday, October 3, 2021 at 5:00 PM, the Jackson Center UVCC-FFA hosted
the Ohio Virtual 5k out by the track and field track. Thirty-one FFA members
were in attendance. Members walked, jogged, or ran the 5k. In reward for par-
ticipating, the Ohio FFA granted the UVCC-FFA $100. Participants also re-
ceived a free t-shirt in return for completing the race.
October 12, 2021 Ohio FFA State Officer Visit
The Jackson Center-UVCC FFA welcomed Ohio FFA Treas-
urer Mackenzie Ott to school on Tuesday October 12, 2021.
Mackenzie held workshops for each of our classes that in-
cluded lessons on leadership, communication, positivity.
Members also had the opportunity to meet Mackenzie and
learn more about her responsibilities as an Ohio FFA Officer.
October 13, 2021 4-H & FFA Scholarship Pork Loin Dinners
The Jackson Center 4-H Clubs and Jackson Center-UVCC
FFA Chapter hosted their annual scholarship event on
Wednesday October 13. This yearsā€™ event was a pork loin
dinner. Members pre-sold tickets for meals that consisted of
pork loin, au gratin potatoes, green beans with ham, ap-
plesauce, roll, butter, and a cookie. Working with Batdorf
Redbarn Catering out of Covington, Ohio, members helped to
prepare and package 450 meals. On behalf of all of the
groups involved, we would like to say thank you to all of you
who purchase tickets for this event. All of the proceeds will
be added to our scholarship fund to help serve seniors who
are graduating from Jackson Center later this school year.
October 14, 2021 Elementary Ag. Fest
The members of the Ag. Fest committee within the Jackson
Center-UVCC FFA Chapter hosted the annual Elementary
Ag. Fest on Thursday October 14, 2021. Members of the
FFA Chapter planned and prepared agricultural lessons for
Jackson Center elementary students in grades K-3. Each
grade level was able to participate in four different agricul-
turally related stations. Some of the station topics included
apples, pumpkins, farm animals, world hunger, and agricul-
tural careers.
Merit Roll - 1st quarter 2021-2022
12th Grade 11th Grade 10th Grade-cont'd 9th Grade-cont'd 7th Grade-cont'd 5th Grade
Faith Boggs-UVCC
Shelby Boss Maleah Kipker Sean Wren Zane Cutcher Brooklyn Bensman
Alison Butler-UVCC Mason Burch-UVCC
Jonas Martin Tyler Yarkosky Lillian Davis Julia Burch
AJ Butler-UVCC Eli Butcher-UVCC
Grace Prenger Xander Gayer Dawson Clem
Jessica Ducat-UVCC Grant Elchert-UVCC
Jadelyn Umbaugh
8th Grade
Kaiden Geuy Breelyn Gariety
Xavier Esser-UVCC Nolan Fark-UVCC
Ava Butcher Alexa Hartle Brynleigh Osysko
Brianna Fitzgerald Mason Gross-UVCC
9th Grade
Audrey Byrd Krista Lyle Whitney York
Kyle Francis-UVCC
Madalynn Lundy-UVCC Cortney Copeland Carter Klopfenstein Elizabeth Oen
Morgan Huber Lakoda Massengale-UVCC Carson Davis Landon Lemly Joshua Younker 4th Grade
Morgan Kipker Jace Mullenhour-UVCC Katelyn Gayer Ashley Nuss Harper Barhorst
Raymond Lowry-UVCC Nathaniel Osborne-UVCC Xander Gross Lawson Snapp
6th Grade
Marian Gregory
Landon Martin Camdyn Reese-UVCC Avery Jackson Ian Stengel Bailey Evans Alex Prenger
Delaney Mullen Kellen Reichert De Lichtenberg Grayce Swaney Brody Gross Braxton Roberts
Elena Platfoot Gabriella Shamblin Maryn Ludwig Alyssa Tuttle Maycee Kipker Laya Roberts
Ethan Pohlschneider-UVCC Haylee Shields-UVCC Kathryn Prenger Tristan Woolley Samantha Metzger Bryson Scott
Carson Regula-UVCC
Sarah Swiger-UVCC Zoe Razzano Corinne York Eli Prenger Avery Temme
Shayne Roller-UVCC
Kendall Reese TJ Reese James Whipp
Ryan Sailor-UVCC
10th Grade
Presley Reese
7th Grade
Tatum Reichert Carly Wireman
MacKenzie Shroyer Riley Barhorst McKinley Reichert Elizabeth Back Kiersten Roberts Lake Woolley
Gabrielle Woolley Lucas Davidson Sole Shamblin Kale Barhorst Brendan Serr
Grace Woolley Paige Geuy Allee Wentz Kyle Burch Isabella Warner
Spencer Yinger-UVCC
Lucas Hartle Owen Willoby Brooke Ann Byrd
Honor Roll - 1st quarter 2021-2022
12th Grade 11th Grade-cont'd 9th Grade 8th Grade-cont'd 6th Grade-cont'd 5th Grade-cont'd
Drew Allison-UVCC Camron McClung-UVCC
Cole Butler Wyatt Wentz Shane Egbert Aiden Hollon
Sarah Clark-UVCC
Kalib Minnich Faith Campbell Zacory Wiswell Braylon Elmore Hadley Jackson
Dakota Evans Michael Murphy Ethan Clem Collin Young Rilynn Enochs Mayleigh Lane
Samantha Faulder
Noah Rains-UVCC
Jackson Davis Rogan Fetters Kitona McCarty
Madison Halker Landon Reese Gavin Evans
7th Grade
AJ Howard JoJo McClintock
Serenity Hamilton Emma Regula Sienna Hamilton Haidyn Bensman Leighanna Irwin Abby Platfoot
Joshua Keen-UVCC Bryson Roberts-UVCC
Cooper Hartle Tyee Burden Jacob Jeffers Emma Scolley
MacKenzie Klopfenstein Carleigh Ross Lucas Heitkamp Aaron Byer RJ Kidder Emily Thobe
Timmion Lichtenberg Somer Sherman Elizabeth Hunkler Robert Copeland Aidyn Kies Kenna Zeigler
Douglas Oen-UVCC
Allison Shroyer-UVCC
Jacob Jones Anderson Fark Jamison Lambert
Gage Sherman
Alexis Torivio-UVCC
Jaylyn Kiser Keith Fisher Madelynn Martin
4th Grade
Kiele Suttles
Claire Willoby-UVCC
Skylyn Kiser Anna Hagen Izzie Mauk Mackenzie Ashworth
Kobie Willoby-UVCC
Evan York Taylor Maxson Carson Halker Brayden Nation Larkyn Brannock
Ava Winner-UVCC
Blake Noble Kendall Hilbun Breezy Pence Adam Butler
Bryce Younker-UVCC
10th Grade
Reed Platfoot Joseph Jeffers Dane Reese Elliot Byer
Marissa Zwiebel-UVCC
Anthony Allenbaugh Zoey Pohlschneider Carly Mann Myka Riggs Cameron Davis
Addie Biederman Brynn Shelton Mackenzie Metz Dawson Thomas Sophie Evans
11th Grade
Caleb Byer Serenity Venrick Natalie Metzger Landen True Olivia Hagen
Logan Basil-UVCC
Vanessa Fitzgerald Zendrique Wagner Landon Sanders Ethan Tuttle Triton Holthaus
Kylee Blair-UVCC
Noah Francis Laynee Shields Payton Tuttle Kaeden Koch
Jacob Borchers Korey Grigsby
8th Grade
Hayden Stone Bentley Larger
Zayne Brewer Trever Huber Gracie Cotterman MaKaila Suttles
5th Grade
Claire Morris
Wyatt Burch-UVCC
Macy Klopfenstein Aidan Egbert Peyton True Cadence Aufderhaar Peyton Nation
Zachary Burton-UVCC
Brenna Lowe Tyler Enochs Wesley Withrow Damon Clem Lily Nelson
Candon Calhoun Xavier Lowe Isabelle Faulder Archer Copeland Morgyn Parsons
Landen Coburn-UVCC
Carson Lundy Stephanie Hunkler
6th Grade
John Dudgeon Nick Prater
Alexander Enochs-UVCC Olivia Massengale Ethan Lyme Allie Aufderhaar Cooper Elliott Abigail Regula
Dakota Keen-UVCC
Devan Oen Avery McDougall Arianna Boggs Kashton Elsass Evan Umbaugh
Alexis Kellerman-UVCC
Ben O'Reilly Makayla Miner Jerzie Butts Benson Fetters Jeremiah Walker
Christopher Klopfenstein Jacob Scoggin Julia Nelson Chandler Cooper Breahna Finn Ayden Wiswell
Nevaeh Ledcke-UVCC
Carlee Swaney Laurel Roberts Braylee Davis Madisyn Fisher Kaydree Withrow
Josey Liesner-UVCC
Preston Serr Kaydence Hensley