A complete video of the meeting can be found at www.orem.org/meetings
May 18, 2022
The following items are discussed in these minutes:
PLAN Approving the site plan of Quench-It located at 692 East 800 South - Approved
HEARING Amending Section 22-5-3(A) and the zoning map of the City of Orem by changing
the zone of approximately 9.2 acres from the R12 zone to the PRD zone at approximately 1600 South 400
West and amending Appendix KK of the Orem City Code by adding the concept plan and elevations
negative recommendation to City Council
Place: City Council Conference Room
At 3:30 p.m. Chair Sakar called the Study Session to order.
Those present: Jim Condie, Gerald Crismon, Madeline Komen, Murray Low, Amber Pope and Haysam Sakar,
Planning Commission members; Ryan L. Clark, Development Services Director; Jason W. Bench,
Planning Division Manager; Cheryl Vargas, Associate Planner; Grant Allen and Matt Taylor, Senior
Planners; Sam Kelly, City Engineer; Steve Earl, Legal Counsel and Terry Peterson, City Council
Those excused: Tina Okolowitz, Planning Commission member; Rachel Stevens, Associate Planner
The Commission and staff briefly reviewed agenda items and minutes from May 4, 2022 meeting and adjourned at
4:25 p.m. to the City Council Chambers for the regular meeting.
Place: Orem City Council Chambers
At 4:30 p.m. Chair Sakar called the Planning Commission meeting to order and asked Mr. Condie, Planning
Commission member, to offer the invocation.
Those present: Jim Condie, Gerald Crismon, Madeline Komen, Murray Low, Amber Pope and Haysam Sakar,
Planning Commission members; Ryan L. Clark, Development Services Director; Jason W. Bench,
Planning Division Manager; Cheryl Vargas, Associate Planner; Grant Allen and Matt Taylor, Senior
Planners; Sam Kelly, City Engineer; Steve Earl, Legal Counsel and Terry Peterson, City Council
Those excused: Tina Okolowitz, Planning Commission member; Rachel Stevens, Associate Planner
Chair Sakar asked Ms. Vargas to introduce Agenda Item 3.1: (click here for recording)
Agenda Item 3.1 is a request by Rand Eardley for the Planning Commission to approve the site plan of Quench-It
located at 692 East 800 South in the PD34 zone.
Staff Presentation: The applicant is proposing to construct a fast food type soda shop
with a drive-thru off of 800 South within the University Place on an existing pad
location. This is located on the northeast area of the University Place property. Access
to this project will be from 700 East off of 800 South. There will be no direct access to
800 South from this location.
Planning Commission minutes for May 18, 2022
A complete video of the meeting can be found at www.orem.org/meetings
Architecture: The exterior of the building will be metal wall panels that are white for the walls with black accents.
The roof will be black standing seam metal. This meets the building materials requirements outlined in Section 22-
Drive-thru: Vehicles will enter the drive-thru from the south end of the property. They will then go north all
the way around the building and then order and stop at the drive-thru window heading south again. Stacking
will be all around the building and, if necessary, into the parking lot. There will be no stacking on 800 South.
Parking: For office and other nonretail commercial spaces, two and four tenths (2.4) parking stalls are required for
every one thousand (1,000) square feet of nonretail commercial space. This building is one thousand two hundred
thirty-three (1,233) square feet and requires three (3) parking spaces (3 spaces is rounded up from the actual 2.96
spaces required). They are providing nine (9) parking spaces (22-11-47(N)(1)(b))
Traffic: This study analyzes the land use addition of the proposed Quench-It which consists of 4,700 square feet of
soda shop and two drive-through lanes. Hourly ticket sales from the highest-grossing existing Quench-It location in
Q1 of 2021 were gathered to determine trip generation, equating one ticket sale to one trip. The highest grossing
store averages 555 daily ticket sales and the AM, PM, and midday peak hour average sales were 25, 39, and 52,
Fehr & Peers analyzed the background and plus project traffic conditions for June 2021. The results indicate that
under both existing background and plus project conditions, no additional intersections operate below acceptable
levels of service from the original University Place TIS submitted in February 2022, thus no further mitigations
beyond the original University Place TIS are recommended. It should be noted that the northbound left-turn queue
at the intersection of 700 East & 800 South exceeds capacity in existing Saturday peak hour conditions. Extending
this turn bay to 220’ will accommodate existing and plus project queue lengths.
No further mitigations are recommended.
Recommendation: The Development Review Committee determined this request complies with the Orem City
Code. Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the site plan of Quench-It located at 692 East 800 South
in the PD34 zone.
Chair Sakar asked if the Planning Commission had any questions for Ms. Vargas.
Chair Sakar invited the applicant to come forward. Kathy Olson, Woodbury Corp and Steve Johnson, Quench-It
introduced themselves.
Chair Sakar called for a motion on this item.
Planning Commission Action: Chair Sakar moved to approve the site plan of Quench-It located at 692 East 800
South in the PD34 zone. Mr. Condie seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Jim Condie, Gerald Crismon,
Madeline Komen, Murray Low, Amber Pope and Haysam Sakar. The motion passed unanimously.
Chair Sakar asked Ms. Vargas to introduce Agenda Item 3.2: (click here for recording)
Agenda Item 3.2 is a request by Bach Land & Development, LLC, Shaun Athey, for the Planning Commission to
amend Section 22-5-3(A) and the zoning map of the City of Orem by changing the zone of approximately 9.2 acres
from the R12 zone to the PRD zone at approximately 1600 South 400 West and amend Appendix KK of the Orem
City Code by adding the concept plan and elevations.
Planning Commission minutes for May 18, 2022
A complete video of the meeting can be found at www.orem.org/meetings
Staff Presentation: The applicant is proposing this rezone and map
amendment from the R12 zone to the PRD zone to develop a forty-three
(43) single family lot subdivision with approximately 4.7 lots per acre.
Per the Planned Residential Development (PRD) code of the City Code,
seven (7) units per acre are allowed in a PRD (22-7-12(A). A new street
connection to 400 West will continue from 1600 South and connect to
1430 South on the north end of the subdivision. There will also be a
stubbed street for future access to the property to the west for future
development and connect to the public street.
The developer has provided eight (8) elevations for the homes that will be built there. There are four (4) 3-car garage
elevations and four (4) 2-car garage elevations. The larger lots to the south will blend well with the R8 zone homes
on 1600 South. Moving north, the lot sizes decrease which blends with the condominiums on the north end of the
subdivision (22-7-6(B)(19)).
The smaller lots will be between three thousand eight hundred (3,800) and five thousand six hundred thirty-two (5,632)
square feet in size They will have a minimum of thirty-eight (38) feet of street frontage. The larger lots will be between
seven thousand six hundred (7,600) and ten thousand two hundred twenty-four (10,224) square feet with seventy-six
(76) feet of street frontage. The frontage numbers change if they are on a corner or a curve.
The concept plan and elevations, will be made a part of Appendix KK of the Orem City Code (22-7-5(A)).
Parking required on the site is a minimum of two (2) parking spaces for each dwelling, one (1) of which must be
covered. There is a minimum of one half (1/2) parking space for each dwelling for guest parking within the
development. With forty-three (43) units, twenty-two (22) guest parking spaces would be required. They are providing
twenty-five (25) guest parking spaces which is more than required (22-7-12(J)).
A traffic study was completed as part of this project. Generally, the proposed concept meets transportation and
traffic requirements. The proposed plan shows a public street of an adequate cross-section that connects 1430 South
to 400 West. This is a requirement that is identified in the Street Connection Master Plan. The plan also seems to
show 1430 South built to match its current width, with 400 West extending through the proposed concept plan at its
existing width. There are some issues with the traffic impact study (TIS) that will be addressed during the
preliminary plat approval process.
The City understands that there may be more items to address, but after discussions with the developer, the
Engineering staff feel confident the City and developer can work through these items through the preliminary and
final plat approval processes.
Due to going through the process of approval with the City staff and the neighborhood meetings, the total number of
units has been reduced to forty-three (43) units. They will also move the stubbed road south that will connect the
property to the west and move Lot 4 north, to provide a better possibility for development on that west property.
Recommendation: The Development Review Committee determined this request complies with the Orem City Code.
Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward a recommendation to the City Council to amend Section 22-5-
3(A) and the zoning map of the City of Orem by changing the zone of approximately 9.2 acres from the R12 zone to
the PRD zone at approximately 1600 South 400 West and amend Appendix KK of the Orem City Code by adding the
concept plan and elevations.
Chair Sakar asked if the Planning Commission had any questions for Ms. Vargas.
Chair Sakar invited the applicant to come forward. Shaun Athey introduced himself.
Chair Sakar opened the public hearing and invited those from the audience who had come to speak to this item to
come forward to the microphone. The following came forward to make a comment: (click here for recording)
Reid Cope 1628 S Wildwood Hollow Drive
Planning Commission minutes for May 18, 2022
A complete video of the meeting can be found at www.orem.org/meetings
Virginia Winegar 669 W 1430 South
Steven Strong 1664 S 500 West
Janelle Brown 1661 S 400 West
Chuck McCartney 326 W 1450 South
Doug Viertel 450 W 1600 South
Brandon Aames, Bach Homes
Jay Liechty 345 W 1600 South
Chair Sakar closed the public hearing and asked if the Planning Commission had any more questions for the applicant
or staff. When none did, he called for a motion on this item.
Planning Commission Action: Mr. Low moved to forward a negative recommendation to the City Council to
amend Section 22-5-3(A) and the zoning map of the City of Orem by changing the zone of approximately 9.2 acres
from the R12 zone to the PRD zone at approximately 1600 South 400 West and amend Appendix KK of the Orem
City Code by adding the concept plan and elevations with the condition that Lot 4 and the stubbed street going west
will be switched. Mr. Condie seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Jim Condie, Gerald Crismon, Madeline
Komen, Murray Low, Amber Pope and Haysam Sakar. The motion passed unanimously.
Minutes: The Planning Commission reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting. Chair Sakar then called for a
motion to approve the minutes of May 4, 2022. Ms. Pope moved to approve the meeting minutes for May 4, 2022.
Chair Sakar seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Jim Condie, Gerald Crismon, Madeline Komen, Murray Low,
Amber Pope and Haysam Sakar. The motion passed unanimously.
Adjourn: Chair Sakar called and moved to adjourn. Mr. Condie seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Jim
Condie, Gerald Crismon, Madeline Komen, Murray Low, Amber Pope and Haysam Sakar. The motion passed
Adjourn: 5:26 p.m.
Ryan L. Clark
Planning Commission Secretary
Approved: June 15, 2022