Administrative Regulation 5161
Responsible Office: Office of School Leadership
This administrative regulation establishes protocols and informs staff regarding
transgender and gender non-conforming students in the Washoe County School District
(“District” or “WCSD”).
1. The District is committed to addressing the health and safety needs of all
students, including those needs related to a student’s actual or perceived gender
identity. A safe and respectful environment is necessary for students to have
equal access to all school programs and activities and is integral to student
success. The District acknowledges its role in providing student with an
understanding, appreciation of, and respect for the differences of others.
2. This administrative regulation does not anticipate every situation that might
occur and, therefore, the needs of each student must be assessed on a case-by-
case basis. In all cases, the goal is to foster the safe and healthy development
of the transgender or gender non-conforming student while maximizing the
student’s social integration into the school setting and minimizing stigmatization
of the student.
3. The District will not require proof of medical treatments as a prerequisite for
respecting a student’s gender identity or expression.
4. If a student has demonstrated a consistent, insistent, and persistent gender
presentation over a period of time, school staff and volunteers shall not question
whether that student’s asserted gender identity is genuinely held.
5. Rights and Protections
a. Right to Privacy
i. Transgender and gender non-conforming students have a right to
privacy, including keeping private their sexual orientation, gender
identity, transgender status, or gender non-conforming
presentation at school. Transgender and gender non-conforming
students have the right to discuss and express their gender identity
and expression openly and to decide when, with whom, and how
much to share their private information.
ii. Staff shall not disclose information that may reveal a student’s
transgender or gender non-conforming status to others, including
parents/guardians or other staff members, unless there is a specific
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“need to know,” they are legally required to do so, or the student
has authorized such disclosure.
iii. Staff must be mindful of the confidentiality and privacy rights of
students when contacting parents/guardians so as to not reveal,
imply or refer to a student’s actual or perceived sexual orientation,
gender identity, or gender expression.
b. Names/Pronouns – Students have the right to be addressed by the names
and pronouns that correspond to their gender identity. Using the
student’s declared name and pronoun promotes the safety and wellbeing
of the student. When possible, the requested name shall be included in
the District’s electronic database in addition to the student’s legal name, in
order to inform faculty and staff, to include substitute teachers and
classroom volunteers, of the name and pronoun to use when addressing
the student.
i. A student is not required to change his/her official school record or
obtain a court-ordered name or gender change in order to be
addressed at school by the name and pronoun which corresponds
to their gender identity. Such a request may be made by the
student or by the student’s parent/guardian.
ii. If a student obtains a court order changing his/her name or
recognized gender, the student or student’s parent/guardian should
notify the school of the court order and the official school records
will be modified as appropriate in accordance with the court order.
c. Restroom AccessStudents shall have access to the restroom that
corresponds to their gender identity as expressed by the student and
asserted at school. Transgender and gender non-conforming students
shall not be forced to use the restroom corresponding to their
physiological or biological sex at birth, nor an alternative restroom such as
in the health clinic.
i. If a transgender or gender non-conforming student or the student’s
parent/guardian provides notice to the school principal of a reason
or desire for increased privacy and/or safety with regard to
restroom use, regardless of the underlying reasons, the school shall
take reasonable steps to provide a reasonable accommodation for
the student, including but not limited to, providing the student
access to gender neutral unisex restroom facilities or a single stall
restroom. However, no student shall be compelled to use such
d. Locker Rooms or Other FacilitiesStudents shall have access to use
facilities that correspond to their gender identity as expressed by the
student and asserted at school, irrespective of the gender listed on the
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student’s records, including but not limited to locker rooms. Transgender
and gender non-conforming students shall not be forced to use the locker
room corresponding to their physiological or biological sex at birth.
i. If a transgender or gender non-conforming student or the student’s
parent or /guardian provides notice to school officials a reason or
desire for increased privacy and/or safety with regard to locker
room use, regardless of the underlying reason, the student shall be
provided access to a reasonable alternative locker room. The use
of such accommodations shall be a matter of choice for a student
and no student shall be compelled to use such accommodations.
Such accommodations may include but not limited to:
1. Use of a private area in the public area (e.g., a nearby
restroom stall with a door, an area separated by a curtain, a
P.E. instructor’s office in the locker room, or a nearby
gender neutral restroom);
2. A separate changing schedule (either utilizing the locker
room before or after the other students); or
3. Use of a nearby private area (e.g., a nearby restroom, a
nurse’s office).
e. Physical Education Class and Athletics – Transgender and gender non-
conforming students shall be permitted to participate in physical education
classes and intramural sports in a manner that is consistent with their
gender identity.
f. Interscholastic Competitive Sports Teams – Participation in interscholastic
athletics by transgender and gender non-conforming students in a manner
consistent with their gender identity will be addressed on a case-by-case
basis, consistent with the rules and bylaws governing interscholastic
sports competition, the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association
(NIAA), Title IX, and any other applicable laws, rules or bylaws.
g. Dress Code The District shall not implement a dress code that is gender-
based. Transgender and/or gender non-conforming students have the
right to dress in accordance with the gender identity or gender expression
that they consistently assert at school and within the requirements of the
school’s dress code or site-based school uniform policy.
h. Yearbook PhotosSchools shall offer one of two alternatives in order to
accommodate the needs of transgender and gender non-conforming
students: (1) Allow students the option to select their preferred picture
attire oruniform, regardless of their biological sex and which is
consistent with the student’s asserted gender identity; or (2) Adopt a
standardized, gender neutral picture uniformsuch as a cap and gown.
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i. Academic Programmingthe District discourages, within academic
programming, the separation of students based upon gender unless it
serves a compelling instructional or academic interest.
j. Gender Segregation in Other Activities – In other circumstances where
students are separated by gender in school activities (e.g. class
discussions, field trips, etc.), transgender and gender non-conforming
students shall be permitted to participate in accordance with their gender
identity that is asserted at school. Activities that may involve the need for
accommodation to address student privacy concerns will be addressed on
a case-by-case basis. In such circumstances, staff shall make a reasonable
effort to provide an available and reasonable accommodation for the
student that can address any such concerns.
k. Official Records the District is required to maintain a mandatory
permanent record which includes the legal name of the student, as well as
the student’s gender. The District shall only change a student’s official
records to reflect a change in legal name or gender upon receipt of
documentation that such legal name and/or gender have been changed in
accordance with Nevada legal requirements.
6. Terminology
a. The following are examples of ways in which transgender and gender
nonconforming youth describe their lives and gendered experiences:
trans, transsexual, transgender, male-to-female (MTF), female-to-male
(FTM), bi-gender, two-spirit, trans man, and trans woman.
b. Faculty and staff may inquire which terms students may prefer and avoid
terms that make these students uncomfortable; a good general guideline
is to employ those terms which the students use to describe themselves.
7. Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Complaints
a. Concerns and/or complaints should be brought to the attention of the
school principal immediately. The District provides several reporting
mechanisms to include:
i. Online at:
ii. By phone via Secret Witness at: 775-329-6666
iii. Written or verbal to the school principal or other staff member
b. A formal complaint of discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying
based upon a student’s transgender or gender non-conforming status, or
a student’s sex, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity may be
brought under Board Policy 9200, Harassment and Discrimination
Prohibited, Board Policy 5700, Safe and Respectful Learning Environment,
the associated administrative regulations and the procedures set forth
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therein. Incidents and/or allegations shall be given immediate attention
which include, but are not limited to, the following:
i. Intervening immediately to stop the discrimination, harassment,
bullying and/or violent behavior;
ii. Investigating the incident;
iii. Determining and enforcing corrective actions, as appropriate;
iv. Monitoring to ensure the behavior does not persist.
c. The intentional or persistent refusal to respect a student’s gender identity,
such as by referring to the student by a name or pronoun that does not
correspond to the student’s gender identity, may be considered a violation
of Board Policy 9200, Harassment and Discrimination Prohibited, as well
as this administrative regulation.
1. These definitions are provided not for the purpose of labeling students but to
assist in understanding this document and the legal obligations of faculty and
a. Gender Expression - The manner in which a person represents or
expresses gender to others, often through behavior, clothing, hairstyles,
activities, voice or mannerisms.
b. Gender Identity: An individual’s understanding, outlook, feelings and
sense of being masculine, feminine, both or neither, regardless of one’s
biological sex.
c. Gender Nonconforming - A term for people whose gender expression
differs from stereotypical expectations, such as “feminine” boys,
“masculine” girls, and those who are perceived as androgynous. This
includes people who identify outside traditional gender categories or
identify as both genders. Other terms that can have similar meanings
include gender diverse or gender expansive.
d. Gender Non-conforming / Variant: an individual who is, or is perceived to
have, characteristics or behaviors that do not conform to societal
expectations of gender expression. Gender non-conforming or variant
individuals may or may not identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
or questioning.
e. Sexual Orientation means having or being perceived as having an
orientation, such as heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality.
Individuals may identify their sexual orientation as heterosexual, lesbian,
gay, bisexual, questioning, or in other terms. Not all transgender youth
identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or questioning, and not all gay, lesbian,
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bisexual and questioning youth display gender non-conforming
f. Transgender – A term used to describe a person whose gender identity or
expression is different from that traditionally associated with an assigned
sex at birth. Other terms that can have similar meanings are transsexual
and trans.
g. Transition - The process in which a person goes from living and identifying
as one gender to living and identifying as another.
1. The District, through this administrative regulation, seeks to foster an
educational environment that is safe and free from discrimination for all
students, faculty and staff, parents/guardians, volunteers and visitors, regardless
of gender identity or gender expression.
2. This administrative regulation:
a. Seeks to facilitate compliance with local, state, and federal laws
concerning bullying, harassment and discrimination and to ensure that
school and district policies do not discriminate against transgender and
gender non-conforming students.
d. Documents the District’s intent to reduce the stigmatization of and
improve the educational integration of transgender and gender non-
conforming students, maintain the privacy of all students, and foster
cultural competence and professional development for faculty and staff.
e. Will support healthy communication between the District and
parents/guardians to further the successful educational development and
well-being of every student.
1. This administrative regulation reflects the goals of the District’s Strategic Plan
and aligns/complies with the governing documents of the District, to include:
a. Board Policy 9200, Harassment and Discrimination Prohibited
b. Board Policy 5700, Safe and Respectful Learning Environment
2. This administrative regulation complies with Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) and
Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), to include:
a. Chapter 386, Local Administrative Organization
i. NRS 386.420 386.470, Nevada Interscholastic Activities
b. Chapter 388, System of Public Instruction
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i. NRS 388.121 388.145, Provision of Safe and Respectful Learning
c. Chapter 392, Pupils
3. This administrative regulation complies with federal laws and regulations to
a. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
b. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
1. This document shall be reviewed as part of the bi-annual review and reporting
process, following each regular session of the Nevada Legislature. The Board of
Trustees shall receive notification of any required changes to the associated
2. Administrative regulations, and/or other associated documents, will be developed
as necessary to implement this document. The Board of Trustees and
Superintendent shall receive notification of the adoption and/or revision of any
associated administrative regulations.
Revised to add language referring to insistent,
persistent, and consistentdemonstration of