The Corporation of the City of Sault Ste. Marie
P.O. Box 580 ~ 99 Foster Drive ~ Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 5N1
Jerry D. Dolcetti, RPP
Donald B. McConnell, MCIP, RPP
Planning Director
Planning Division
Tel: (705) 759-5368
Fax: (705) 541-7165
The intent of the Rental Housing Community Improvement
Plan (CIP) is to increase Sault Ste. Marie’s inventory of
affordable rental accommodations. This will benefit both
local residents and support current initiatives to attract
significant investment to the community.
Table of Contents
Rental Housing Community Improvement Plan ............................................... 2
Project Objectives ............................................................................................... 2
Who is eligible? .............................................................................................. 2
Rental Housing Tax Increment Equivalent Grant ............................................. 3
Additional Grant .................................................................................................. 3
Incentive 1: Assisted Living Facilities ............................................................. 3
Incentive 2: Additional Barrier Free Units....................................................... 3
Administration ..................................................................................................... 4
Application Form ................................................................................................ 5
Rental Housing Community Improvement Plan
The intent of the Rental Housing Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is to
increase Sault Ste. Marie’s inventory of affordable rental accommodation. This
will benefit both local residents and support the current initiatives to attract
newcomers to the community.
Specifically, the CIP permits the use of property tax assistance, including grants,
as an incentive to encourage new investment in rental housing. A grant may be
provided as a direct payment or as a tax credit.
The Rental Housing Community Improvement Project Area is shown on
Schedule “A.” This area includes all vacant and occupied properties zoned to
permit apartment buildings of four or more units.
Project Objectives
The Rental Housing Community Improvement Plan creates a financial incentive
to encourage new rental housing development in Sault Ste. Marie.
The Objectives are:
To attract significant new investment to Sault Ste. Marie
To further diversify the range and type of rental accommodation available
To increase the municipality’s residential tax base
To encourage the construction of additional “barrier free” accommodation
To encourage the development of facilities that support “assisted living”
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the proposed financial incentive described below, the following
criteria must be met:
The participant’s operation must be located on property located within the
City of Sault Ste. Marie that is zoned to permit apartment buildings and
multiple attached residential buildings in Zoning By-law 2005-150.
A significant total project investment is required, creating a minimum of
four new rental units.
Eligible program participants include registered owners, assessed owners,
tenants and assignees as identified in Section 28(7) of the Planning Act.
Subject to City Council approval, the following financial incentive tool (the
program) may be used to encourage new development and the rehabilitation of
lands and buildings that meet the eligibility criteria within the Project Area:
Rental Housing Tax Increment Equivalent Grant
The Rental Housing Tax Increment Equivalent Grant Program will provide a grant
to property owners who undertake the development or redevelopment of
properties that result in a reassessment. The determined amount of the grant
would be based upon the incremental increase in the municipal taxes.
A Tax Increment Equivalent Grant (TIEG) is generally delivered as a "pay-as-
you-go" grant - meaning the owner is responsible for the upfront remediation and
redevelopment costs. Each eligible year, the owner must pay the property taxes
owed in full. Afterward, the municipality will provide to the registered owner a
grant equal to a portion of the tax increment.
A TIEG is a favorable incentive with little expense to the City. The subject sites
that are underutilized today make tax a contribution which reflects their current
value. Without an incentive to invest, the situation is unlikely to improve. While
the municipality forgoes the tax increases of redeveloped property in the short-
term, the investment generates economic activity, creates much needed rental
housing, and will possibly revitalize building stock needed to produce a higher
level of taxation.
Grants are equal to a percentage of the municipal tax increment on a declining
rate basis for a maximum 3 year period. When an approved project is complete,
a grant will be paid annually by the City to the eligible applicant following the full
payment of property taxes. In year one, the grant to the approved applicant may
equal 75% percent of the incremented taxes for the subject property. Year one is
defined as the first full calendar year in which taxes are paid after the project has
been completed and reassessed.
Additional Grant
The grant amount for this program shall not exceed 75% of the increase in the
municipal portion of the taxes, decreasing to 50% in year two and 25% in year
The grants also support the inclusion of assisted living facilities and encourage
developments that exceed the minimum requirements for barrier free designs.
Projects that include the following will be eligible for one additional year of
incentive of up to 75% tax grant.
Incentive 1: Assisted Living Facilities
Projects which provide facilities that contribute to an improved assisted living
environment such as additional space for nurses, physiotherapists, social service
agencies or personal support workers will be eligible for up to one additional tax
grant year.
Incentive 2: Additional Barrier Free Units
Projects which exceed the minimum number of barrier free units required under
the Ontario Building Code (The OBC require that 10% of all new residential units
in multi-unit buildings shall be designed to be barrier free).
Both incentive programs may be combined.
The maximum payment schedule for all Rental Housing Tax Grants will be as
With Incentive
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
In addition, eligible program participants may apply for cancellation of the
educational portion of property taxes through the Province of Ontario’s
Brownfields Financial Tax Incentives Program (BFTIP). Provision of tax
assistance for the education portion of a property tax increase is subject to
application by the City to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Provision
of the tax assistance for the educational portion of a property tax increase is
limited to those costs associated with remediation.
Project incentives available under this Community Improvement Plan will be
administered by a committee with representation from the City’s Engineering,
Planning and Finance Departments. Final approval of any assistance is subject
to City Council authorization.
An application to the City must be received prior to the application for a
building permit for the project to be considered under the program.
Property taxes must not be in arrears at the time of application.
If the property is under an assessment appeal, the application will be held
in abeyance until the appeal is resolved.
Applicants must agree to not file a property tax appeal while receiving a
grant or rebate under this program.
Outstanding Work Orders and requests to complete from the City’s Fire
Services or Building Services Division and shall be addressed prior to
grant approval.
Improvements made to the buildings or land shall be made pursuant to a
Building Permit, and constructed in accordance with the Ontario Building
Code and applicable Zoning requirements.
Should the project fail to meet the eligibility requirements during the
program, the full amount of property taxes including interest will become
due and payable as if no incentives had been approved.
Approved project incentives are applicable to the registered owner and the
municipal tax assistance portion is assignable to any person to whom such
an owner has assigned the right to receive the incentives such as a tenant
or other assignee.
This program may be used in combination with any other program
provided that the total amount of assistance provided does not exceed the
eligible costs.
This program will remain in effect for five years but may be extended by
City Council subject to appropriate review and notice.
Where the program is approved for use, the following conditions apply:
This program would not exempt property owners from an increase in
municipal taxes due to a general tax rate increase or a change in
assessment for any other reason after the property has been improved.
The property owner would be responsible for the full payment of the taxes,
after which the City would provide the grant. For the timeframe beyond the
approval period, the owner would be required to pay the full amount of the
taxes with no grant provisions.
The tax assistance is based upon increases in property taxes as a result
of development and rehabilitation, and is not based on occupancy or
changes in occupancy.
In mixed-use projects, any tax assistance is limited to the residential
portion of the building.
The maximum assistance will be calculated based on the difference
between the assessed value of the property prior to the date of the
application for building permit and the assessed value at occupancy.
The municipal portion of the tax assistance will be calculated after tax
capping calculations have been applied as required by Part 9 of the
Municipal Act.
If the property is sold, conveyed, assigned or otherwise transferred in
whole or in part before the program lapses no further assistance shall be
given by the City. Nothing in this section prevents the City from entering
into a new agreement with any subsequent owners of the property to
receive the balance of the assistance under this program.
City Council will review this Community Improvement Plan at regular intervals to
ensure that the intent and project objectives are being met. City Council may
discontinue or modify all or part of the program incentives without a formal
amendment to the Community Improvement Plan, provided that the variation
does not exceed the original maximum credit allowed.
If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any section or part of a section of this
by-law to be invalid, such section or part thereof, shall not be construed as
having persuaded or influenced City Council to pass the remainder of the bylaw,
and it is hereby declared that the impugned section shall be severable and
distinct from the remainder of the by-law, and the remainder of the by-law shall
be valid and remain in force.
1. Applicant:
Email (optional):
2. Registered Owner:
Email (optional):
Registered Owner’s Signature
(Indicating concurrence with the application) ______________________________________
I have authority to bind the corporation
3. All mail should be directed
4. Civic Address of Subject Property:
5. Legal Description:
6. Assessment Roll Number:
7. Is the property in tax arrears?
Yes No
8. Business Description: (Please provide a brief history of your business, i.e. year
established, change in ownership, description of clients/markets, etc.)
Sault Ste. Marie
Industrial Community Improvement Plan
Municipal Tax Increment Rebate Program
Application Form
9. Project Description: (Please provide in detail the work to be done as part of this
10. Project Benefits: (Please describe the elements of the project, including whether the
project includes any Assisted Living Facilities and/or Additional Barrier free units).
11. Project Investment:
Capital Costs
Value of land acquisition
Value of site preparation
Value of construction of new
facility/ Upgrading existing building
12. Current Assessed Value of the Property
13. Current Property Taxes
14. Are there any outstanding work orders on this property? If yes, please identify the
Nature of the Work Order(s):
Fire Code
Building Code
Property Standards
Zoning By-law infractions
Other Municipal By-law
Please attach copies of existing work orders or enforcement notices to this application, if
15. Have you/your company previously applied for a Municipal Tax Increment Rebate
under any other Community Improvement Plan initiative? If yes, please provide details.
16. Required Attachments
Applications will not be reviewed unless all required attachments are received. A copy of each of
the following is required:
Site plans, elevation drawings, landscape plans illustrating new construction or buildings
to be upgraded
Interior Floor Plans
Proof of ownership of property
All relevant quotes, by a qualified professional, for site preparation, construction, landscaping,
17. Certification
All information provided is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information Act and the
Corporation of the City of Sault Ste. Marie’s financial reporting duties.
The Municipal Tax Increment Rebate cannot be applied retroactively to work already done.
The applicant consents to the use of its name and address in connection with any program
funding announcements.
I/We hereby apply for a Municipal Tax Increment Rebate under the Sault Ste. Marie Rental
Housing Community Improvement Plan initiative. I/We agree to abide by the terms and
conditions of the rebate program. I/We understand that the rebate can be reduced or cancelled if
the agreed work is not completed or if contractors/suppliers are not paid. I/We herby certify that
the information given herein is true, correct and complete in every respect and may be verified by
the Corporation of the City of Sault Ste. Marie (the Corporation). If any information provided is or
subsequently becomes untrue, incorrect and/or incomplete, the Corporation may immediately
cancel the rebate and full repayment of any money already advanced, with interest, shall become
due and payable. Any failure on behalf of the Corporation to verify the information provided is not
a waiver of the Corporation’s rights. I/We are not involved in any action or proceeding involving
claim for damage with the Corporation.
________________________________ _________________________________
Signature of Owner or Applicant Date
________________________________ _________________________________
Signature of Owner or Applicant Date
Please submit application to:
Stephen Turco
Corporation of the City of Sault Ste. Marie
99 Foster Drive, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada, P6A
Phone: (705) 759-5279
Fax: (705) 541-7165 Email: