Recommendations for the use of
Student Feedback Form (SFF) data
at Temple University
Assessment of Instruction Committee Recommendations
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 2
STUDENT EVALUATIONS OF TEACHING, AN OVERVIEW ........................................................... 3
WHAT STUDENT RATINGS ARE AND ARE NOT .......................................................................... 4
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 13
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 14
The Committee wishes to thank Dr. Angela Linse, Director of the Shreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence at Penn
State University, and a national expert on student evaluations of teaching, who generously gave permission to use
several of her publications in this document. Several of these are listed in the reference section and provide extensive
reviews of scholarship in this area. A literature review, including Dr. Linse’s research, is included for those who want
to explore this area more deeply.
In academic year 20152016, what was then the Student Feedback Form committee (now called the Assessment of
Instruction Committee, AIC) approved the development of a new SFF form/system. After extensive review of the
course and teaching evaluation practices at other institutions, an exploration of the latest research on student feedback
forms, and a redesign of the SFF technology platform, this evaluation process culminated with changes that were
piloted during the 20192020 academic year and were fully implemented during the fall 2020 semester. The changes
1. A change to the standard form with a reduced number of required evaluative items (now 4, down from 11).
2. The ability to customize the remainder of the form by selecting items from an item bank.
3. A change to administering the form via a newly developed web-based platform that allows flexible,
streamlined administration and reporting.
The major enhancement from the existing online system has been to greatly increase the flexibility of the system by
allowing items (questions) to be added at four levels: course attribute (General Education, Honors, Online, and Writing
Intensive), college, department (subject code), and individual instructor. The AIC was asked to guide this process. As
part of that enhancement, the AIC was also asked to create a document addressing the proper use of student feedback
data. This document is the AIC’s response to that request.
This document provides a set of guidelines and suggestions for the use of Student Feedback Form (SFF) data by
individual faculty, faculty committees, school and college leadership, and university-level administrators at Temple.
The document contains a brief history of the SFFs, a discussion of what these data represent, guidelines for their
appropriate use, and suggestions for ways to get the most benefit from them. The document was created by the AIC
as part of its charge to provide guidance on assessment to the University community. This is especially relevant in the
current context where student ratings of instruction (commonly called Student Evaluations of Teaching or SETs in the
literature) have come under increasing scrutiny and criticism.
Student evaluations of teaching have been used in higher education for approximately 100 years. There are three basic
reasons why SETs are used:
1. To improve teaching quality.
2. To provide input for appraisal exercises (e.g., tenure and promotion decisions, merit, contract renewals).
3. To collect evidence for institutional accountability.
These goals are at least sometimes in conflict with each other, and many criticisms of the use of SETs arise because
of the competing nature of these goals. In education research, formative assessments or evaluation are those used for
development or improvement. By contrast, a summative assessment or evaluation involves making judgments about
efficacy or quality at its conclusion. In the numerous criticisms of SETs, the issue is seldom the use of SETs as a tool
for improving teacher or course quality. That is, the correct use of SETs by individual instructors, in a formative
manner, to assess and then improve their teaching is a valuable method that all instructors should use, and this is
supported by substantial research-based evidence. When SETs are used formatively, there is almost no criticism of
their use. It is when SETs are used for summative purposes (i.e., to make evaluations, comparisons, or judgments),
especially if they are used as the sole or major source of data, that problems arise. In summative contexts, quite a few
issues have been raised about SETs (validity and reliability concerns, for example), but the major focus of the literature
is on bias. On balance, the AIC recommends retaining SETs at Temple. In addition to their function in providing
formative guidance to instructors, SETs also give students the ability to provide feedback to instructors, which is an
important signal that the institution is concerned about the quality of its teaching and that it cares about what its
students think.
This document is intended to help faculty interpret and use the data derived from Temple’s SFF results to inform their
own pedagogy and, more critically, when they are in evaluative roles such as serving on Merit or Promotion and
Tenure Committees. As mentioned above, this document also provides guidance for administrators in their role as
Student evaluations of teaching,
an overview
Before presenting recommendations about the best use of SETs, it is necessary to briefly discuss what these data
represent. It must be stated at the onset that there is no topic in this area where there is complete consensus. Any of
the statements made here can be contested. However, after more than 80 years of research on this topic, and after
thousands of research articles have been published, there are some statements that can be made with more assurance
than others. The following are those that the AIC believes meet this standard.
1. Student ratings are student perception data.
SETs represent the collective views of only that group of people who have experienced the class and who have
chosen to report. This statement may seem obvious, but the word “only” in the previous sentence is important.
These students comprise the only group that has had the opportunity to observe the instructor and how they have
impacted the learning environment of the course. These are perceptions, but they are uniqueother faculty cannot
have the same depth of knowledge on which to make evaluative judgements. At the same time, they represent
only the views of students who choose to report, which may be a problem depending on response rate.
2. Student ratings are sometimes biased.
The evidence for this assertion is clear: student ratings can be biased by characteristics such as race, gender,
language competency, and attractiveness, among other factors. For example, some research shows that minority
instructors receive lower ratings, and African American faculty receive the lowest evaluations of any other group.
Likewise, studies have shown that women faculty often receive higher evaluations than male instructors.
Additionally, instructors with pronounced accents or dialects also tend to score lower on student evaluations than
mainstream US English-speakers.
3. Student ratings do not measure student learning.
After years of research on this topic, there is almost complete consensus that SETs cannot and should not be used
as a proxy for student learning. This may appear counterintuitive because it would seem logical that students who
learn more will provide higher ratings for both the course and the instructor. While that may be correct in certain
cases, the point made above must be kept in mind: SETs are student perceptions, and perceptions can be and are
based on many factors. Although one of these factors may be how much the student has learned, it should not be
assumed that courses or instructors that obtain high SET ratings are necessarily those where the student has
learned more, nor is the opposite necessarily true. This will be discussed further in the section on grading
practices. To reiterate, the consensus view at this time is that the association between SET ratings and objective
measures of learning is essentially zero.
4. Student ratings provide useful information.
While the AIC is aware of the controversy over the use of SETs in evaluating teaching effectiveness, we believe
that their potential benefits support their continued use. When properly used, they provide one source of data that
cannot be obtained in any other way and can be valuable as a tool that helps faculty reflect on and improve their
teaching. Moreover, the existence of the SFF signals to the students that Temple cares about teaching and that it
takes their opinions seriously. It is equally vital for the University administration to let the faculty know that it
What student ratings are
and are not
values teaching and that it considers assessment of teacher quality and continuous improvement to be critical in
all evaluations.
5. Student ratings are not the only way to evaluate faculty teaching.
While SETs are one source of data, it is never appropriate to evaluate an instructor’s teaching on these data alone.
This has long been recognized but is now mandated for those instructors in colleges under the TAUP contract
(please consult the current TU-TAUP contract for details on the use of SFFs). The Center for the Advancement
of Teaching (CAT) has expertise on this topic and will both assist faculty with effectively using SFF data to
improve teaching, and help deans and chairs to identify appropriate additional methods of teaching evaluation if
All instructors have access to their SFF data at the end of each course. Importantly, SFFs are administered because of
how these data are used and what they indicate. The following are some recommendations about how to make the best
use of these data. Each recommendation is presented in the form of a question.
1. Do I need to only rely on the University’s SFF for feedback?
All of the recommendations presented below focus on the use of the SFF report that an instructor receives at the
end of the course. However, some of the most useful feedback can be obtained during the course, especially if
this feedback is obtained no later than the midpoint when there is still time to make adjustments to your course.
Soliciting this feedback can be quite simple and does not need to take much time. Basically, it is valuable to ask
your students to anonymously tell you how they think the course is going. The Center for the Advancement of
Teaching (CAT) recommends that you ask students these simple questions: What should I continue doing in this
course because it helps you to learn? What should I stop doing because it doesn’t help you to learn? What should
I start doing because you believe it will help you to learn? What can you do differently to help yourself to learn?
These responses are for your use only and are not intended to be reviewed by anybody else. If possible, make
clear to your students that you have read and heard their feedback (both positive and negative). You want your
students to know that you valued the time they put into providing this feedback and that you will incorporate
suggestions that you believe are appropriate to your course and will enhance student learning.
2. Why should I add my own questions to the SFF?
The core questions on the SFF are general as they are intended to be used in all courses in the University. While
these questions provide useful feedback, they do not give you specific information about the way you designed
and taught your course. The questions you can add to the SFF allow you to obtain your students’ perceptions
about aspects of your course that are unique to your teaching or to your course. In the current system, the responses
to these questions can be viewed only by you unless you decide to provide them to others. Some examples of
items you may add include:
If you recently changed your course text, consider adding: The instructional materials for this course
(books, handouts, etc.) were valuable in helping me learn.
If you used a new technology resource in your course, consider adding: The use of educational
technology helped my learning.
If you changed the way you provided feedback on writing assignments, consider adding: The feedback I
received in this class helped improve my learning.
3. How do I know if my ratings are “good” or “bad”?
SFF reports include some comparative data. Included with the ratings is a comparison to typical University and
School ratings for the same question on your course. However, instructors should always look at the SFF form in
total, not piecemeal. In general, a large majority of all instructors obtain means of 4.0 or higher on the questions.
If your mean is considerably below this (say 3.0 or lower) and if a majority of students indicate that they “Strongly
Disagree” or “Disagree” with a statement, then, in your studentsperceptions, they do not believe you were doing
Advice for instructors on how to
make the best use of SFF data
as they hoped in that area. As an instructor, you should ask yourself why you think they have this perception.
What are you doing, or not doing, that has caused them to give you this rating?
4. Use ratings carefully from courses where only a few students complete the SFFs.
The current Temple system allows students to rate courses if the enrollment is five or more. However, the number
of students who complete the SFFs might be smaller than this. In small-response courses, even one or two low
scores can shift the mean lower, even though those students’ views are not representative of the majority of
students. In general, if fewer than 10 students complete the SFFs for the course, the mean rating is not very useful.
This is not a hard cutoff the smaller the absolute number, the less weight should be placed on the reported
average. Data obtained from classes where there is a low response rate are also not very informative (see #8,
5. What should I do if my ratings are consistently low?
This is a follow-up to the point made above. Any instructor can obtain low ratings on occasion. If, however, your
ratings are consistently low (3.5 or less on most questions over several semesters and in different courses), then
your students do not perceive you as a good instructor and you should do something about it. It should be
emphasized that high SFF ratings are not the goal of instruction: the goal is student learning. Still, students who
perceive that their instructor is not meeting their expectations may lose interest and engagement in the course. A
suggested course of action would be this: start with a peer that you feel comfortable with and ask that person to
attend your course. That person might give you feedback on why your students are rating you poorly. Another
course of action is to consult with the Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT). One of their specific goals
is to assist instructors in their teaching role. The Center is staffed by professionals with the necessary expertise.
This help will be private and individualized and is a resource you should use.
6. Should I worry that if I give low grades, I will get low SFFs?
This is one of the major controversies about Student Evaluations of Teaching and has been the subject of a
substantial body of research. While it is true that there is a positive correlation between grades and student
evaluations, the correlation is not as high as many instructors believe. The research seems to indicate that what
most students evaluate is the fairness of the grade they received and the clarity on which the evaluation was based.
If your assignments and assessments are clearly linked to the course goals, and if you are clear about the way you
give grades, then your students will be less likely to give you poor ratings if they receive a low grade.
7. How should I address negative comments that I think are unfair?
Almost all instructors receive negative comments from students on occasion. While negative comments should
not be ignored, what you should look for are patterns and not pay too much attention to a single negative comment
no matter how hurtful. However, if several students make the same or similar negative comments, then they are
telling you that in their opinion there is something you are doing that they perceive as not facilitating their
learning. This perspective should be addressed by at least acknowledging its existence and then attempting to
understand on what basis the comment is made and whether there might be remedies for the perceived problem.
8. What should I do if a low percentage of my students complete the SFFs?
At present, the University average percentage of students who complete the SFFs is around 60% during most fall
and spring semesters. If your average is consistently lower than this, there are a few things you can do. Some
instructors provide time, typically at the end of the last class, for the students to complete the SFFs using their
phones or other devices. This can be successful although it doesn’t always work and may not fit the way your
course is taught. The literature is very clear on one thing in this area: instructors who tell their students that the
SFFs are important and that they will take the responses seriously obtain higher percentage return rates. It is
critical that you tell your students that completing the SFFs is important to you and, if possible, give examples of
how you used feedback to enhance your teaching and/or the course.
Faculty in evaluative roles, including deans and chairs, are rarely provided guidance on interpreting other faculty
members’ SFFs. In the absence of research-based guidance, these faculty may end up relying on their own experiences,
biases, and possibly erroneous information. The guidelines presented below are intended to make this evaluative
process fairer and more informed by research.
1. The most important thing is to use the SFF forms holistically as much as possible.
Myriad factors affect SFF scores on a particular form, and there is even more variability and less reliability in a
single question on the form. As much as possible, evaluators should look for patterns that are replicated across
multiple SFFs. Evaluators should also attempt to figure out reasonable explanations, based in research, for why
those patterns might exist. Deviations up and down are to be expected as part of the normal variation across
classes, semesters, and years, particularly if the number of respondents on a given SFF form is low.
2. An instructor’s complete set of student ratings should be considered.
In general, ratings across the various items are similar, but the nuance gained by looking at each item can be
valuable in certain circumstances. It may seem self-evident that the questions ask different things and that students
will rate each question independently of the others. That is, there is no logical reason for a high rating on Q1 to
imply a high rating on Q3. However, perhaps counterintuitively, extensive research and Temple experience finds
that students tend to rate instructors very similarly across questions (no matter what the questions are). Thus,
exercise caution in interpreting any particular question or subset of questions in isolation. The exception is if a
particular question seems to break the pattern of all the other ones by a significant amount (e.g., everything else
is a 5, but one question is a 3, or everything is a 3, but one question averages a 4.5). That type of pattern bears
further investigation. As a general rule, the totality of the questions should be used in evaluation.
3. It is not appropriate to use a subset of questions to assess teaching adequacy.
This is a follow-up to Guidelines 1 & 2. Avoid using scores from two or three SFF questions that are viewed as
“more important” or creating a combined score from only those questions (occasionally in combination with an
established cut-point) for decisions such as merit or contract renewal. This is not an appropriate use of SFF data.
First, small differences in scores are not meaningful. Second, the SFF forms do not measure inherent teaching or
teaching ability; rather, they aggregate student perception data unique to the instructor/class combination for the
semester. Third, taking subsets of questions decreases the reliability of measurement. As mentioned above,
responses should be viewed holistically.
4. It is not appropriate to use the data from a single semester or a single course.
When evaluating an instructor’s teaching, it is always better to use data across multiple semesters and courses.
While this is not always possible, multiple data sources are always better than a single assessment.
5. Small differences in ratings are common and not necessarily meaningful.
At Temple, the average score on most items on the SFF is in the 4.0 to 4.3 (out of 5) range. For a variety of
statistical reasons, small differences between scores are not likely to be meaningful, particularly at the top end of
the distribution. These scores are not normally distributed and are highly skewed. As such, care must be taken in
over-interpreting small differences. The difference between a mean of 4.3 and 4.5, for example, is not meaningful.
Guidelines for the use of SFF
data to evaluate instructors
6. Be cautious in using anomalous ratings.
An anomalous rating for an entire course likely had some identifiable cause behind it but is unlikely to be a good
representation of what students in general would think of that course/professor combination. Small anomalous
ratings within a given SFF form are rarely meaningful, but very large deviations on a single question of a form
should spark an attempt to determine whether the result was a random anomaly or had a reason behind it. One
way or another, it is always better to look for patterns in an instructor’s rating over time or across different course
types. Every instructor receives an occasional low rating. While one unsatisfactory set of ratings should not be
ignored, they should also not be over-interpreted. It is particularly important to keep in mind that an anomalous
negative rating might be due to an instructor having been assigned, or having volunteered, for a particularly
difficult or undesirable teaching assignment, a new teaching assignment, or a late assignment. Over-interpreting
one unsatisfactory set of ratings may also discourage innovation in teaching as faculty might be rightly concerned
about detrimental effects on their evaluations.
7. Use ratings carefully from courses where only a few students complete the SFFs.
The current Temple system allows students to rate courses if the enrollment is five or more. However, the number
of students who complete the SFFs might be smaller than this. In small-response courses, even one or two low
scores can shift the mean lower, even though those students’ views are not representative of the majority of
students. In general, if fewer than 10 students complete the SFFs for the course, the mean rating is not very useful
because one or two studentsresponses can have a significant effect. This is not a hard cutoff the smaller the
absolute number, the less weight should be placed on the reported average. Data obtained from classes where
there is a low response rate are not very informative and will exhibit greater variability.
8. Discuss low response rates with instructors as they might indicate a lack of commitment by the students.
This recommendation follows from the one above. Temple has an interest in having students provide feedback.
One major reason for a low response rate is because the instructor did not provide time in class to complete the
SFF. Of course, another possibility is that students were simply uninterested in providing feedback. Lack of
interest in providing feedback might be an indication that students were not deeply engaged in the course but also
might mean that they were mostly satisfied with the course and the instructor. There are other factors that could
affect response rate; for example, research shows that online courses receive lower response rates than in-person
courses, and students are unlikely to be as engaged in a first-year required course than an upper-level elective.
When discussing SFF data with instructors, a low response rate is something to mention. Encourage instructors
to share with their students that they value their feedback. Giving time in class signals to students that the
instructor values their feedback and is willing to give time for them to complete the SFF. Instructors should also
share how they have used student feedback in the past to make adjustments to the course or their teaching. Other
strategies to increase response rates can be found here.
9. Avoid comparing faculty to each other.
Student rating instruments are not designed to gather comparative data about instructors. The purpose of these
instruments is to gain an overall sense of students’ perceptions of a single instructor teaching a particular course
(or part of a course) to a specific group of students. As mentioned above, SFF forms do not directly measure the
main outcomes upon which instructors are compared (for example, SFF forms measure neither teaching ability
nor student learning). Comparisons should be sparing and limited to what can be validly defended. For example,
in a multi-section course, one might use SFF scores as a general indicator of student satisfaction across sections.
However, extreme care should be taken to ensure that the comparison being made actually applies. For example,
even when teaching sections of the same course, sections may not be comparable (e.g., the MWF 8 am section
may or may not be comparable to the TR 2 pm section) and instructors who do not fit the common stereotype in
a specific field may not be comparable (e.g., female instructors in male dominated fields).
10. Always read the student comments.
This is another recommendation that seems so obvious that it does not need to be stated, but it is important enough
to include. The Temple SFF contains several open-ended questions that students are asked to complete. These
student comments offer valuable information that cannot be provided by numerical ratings alone. There is a
commonly held belief that only students with more extreme views, both positive and negative, respond to these
open-ended comments. While the literature does not strongly support this belief, it is the case that the students
who provide comments are the ones who are committed enough to take the time to do so. These comments often
provide the most useful information for understanding the ratings.
11. Focus on the most common comments rather than emphasizing one or a few atypical ones.
This recommendation follows the one above and offers some cautions about the use of student comments to
evaluate teaching. When evaluating an instructor’s teaching by reading the comments, common themes should
be emphasized. It is sometimes the case in a set of comments to find a few that differ from the majority. Strongly
negative comments should not be ignored, but they also should not be given more weight than the views of most
students. This is particularly crucial when evaluating the ratings of non-majority faculty where this problem is
more common. It is also important to understand whether comments from a pattern across courses and over time
or are just a result of a single course or class dynamic.
12. Contradictory written comments are not unusual.
This is an extension of the previous recommendation, but it is less focused on negative comments. As mentioned
above, the best use of student comments is to search for themes. It is not uncommon, however, to find completely
contradictory perceptions in these comments: some students think the textbook is great, others hate it; some
students want more group work, others want less. The fact that these contradictions exist is not necessarily a sign
of poor teaching. Remember that student feedback data are perceptions, and perceptions may vary.
13. Use an instructor’s grading practices as one context for reviewing SFF data.
This recommendation focuses on one of the most controversial issues in student evaluation of teaching: the
relationship between grades and evaluations. Perhaps the most common criticism of these evaluations is that
faculty can “buy” good evaluations by giving high grades. The literature is very clear that grades and evaluations
are positively correlated, and that ratings are affected by a student’s expected grade in a course. While the
correlation is lower than many believe, it is still one of the strongest effects in the research literature. The presence
of this effect is problematic. With this in mind, one suggestion is to examine an instructor’s grades when
examining the instructor’s SFFs. Keeping in mind that grades in a particular course can be higher or lower than
normal for very good reasons (e.g., a particular group of students is unusually unprepared for the work in the
course), a pattern of very high grades, across semesters and in different courses, is something that is worth
14. Always use multiple measures to assess instruction.
This is good practice and part of holistic assessment. SFF data simply do not provide information about many
elements that are highly relevant to whether someone is a good instructor. In addition, where applicable, the TU-
TAUP contract requires that SFF data cannot be the sole way to assess instruction. As mentioned, the Center for
the Advancement of Teaching will provide assistance to any college or department to help develop additional
assessment processes.
Any form of teaching evaluation is most useful if it is used as a basis for discussion with faculty members. Much time
and energy are put into developing and administering evaluations. Yet, sometimes not enough time is put into
examining, understanding and discussing the evaluations with faculty to aid them in interpreting the results and/or
discussing ways to improve teaching. The guidelines presented above are intended for a wide variety of people in
evaluative roles. In practice, most of the feedback that is provided to instructors comes through their department chairs
or deans. As such, the AIC felt that some suggestions intended for chairs and deans would be valuable. These
suggestions are presented below.
When meeting with the faculty in your department to discuss student feedback, some best practices can facilitate a
productive discussion among colleagues and an opportunity to reflect on how to improve student perceptions of
Planning for Teaching Discussions
1. Set aside uninterrupted time to discuss SFF results with all faculty members.
It is important to talk to all faculty, not just those that you might consider problematic. It is just as important
to spend time discussing what went right as it is to discuss what went awry.
2. Ask each faculty member to read their own SFFs before meeting with you.
Always ask the instructor to come prepared to discuss the larger patterns of positive and negative comments
that they see in the feedback.
3. Read the SFFs carefully.
When evaluating an instructor’s teaching, always look for patterns of feedback and choose at most three areas
of improvement and three areas of strength that you wish to focus on in the meeting.
Suggestions for Conducting the Meeting
4. Ask questions first.
When you meet with a faculty member, start the discussion by asking the faculty member to share what
resonated with them in the feedback. You might ask them what they think of the feedback, why students
might have responded in that way to the teaching practice, and whether they are considering any changes
based on the feedback. A series of questions instead of statements will lead to more reflection on the part of
the faculty member and open the way for a productive discussion.
Advice to chairs and deans
on how to speak to faculty
about their SFFs
If necessary
5. Discuss missed topics after the faculty member offers their viewpoint.
After the faculty member has gone through their self-evaluation, bring up any areas of improvement or
strength that you marked as areas of focus that have not been discussed.
6. Offer your own constructive ideas in the form of questions.
“Do you think it would work if…?” If you are well known as a good teacher, then using your own experience
can be powerful: “I have often found that if I do X, students respond well. Do you think that would work for
you?” If not, phrasing more generically is best (e.g., It has been found that when instructors do X, students
respond well. Do you think that might work for you?”). Make sure to make it clear that this is a process of
exploration and brainstorming ideas for improvement instead of a critique.
7. Develop an action plan.
Ask the faculty member to decide on two or three concrete steps they will take to improve their teaching or
the course.
8. Dealing with recalcitrant faculty.
If the faculty member is resisting the idea of change and improvement, point out that it is important for every
faculty member to contribute to an environment of positive engagement in order for the department (school)
to continue to thrive. Remind them that there are resources (such as the Center for the Advancement of
Teaching and Temple’s Institutional Diversity, Equity, Advocacy and LeadershipIDEAL) that can help
them think through challenges. Note that if SFF feedback is indicative of faculty behavior that demonstrates
a lack of sensitivity to the diversity of students in the class (e.g., race, ethnicity, national origin, gender,
sexual identity, disability, or political viewpoint), make a more concrete plan in writing for the faculty
member’s improvement, refer them to your dean’s office, and set up consultations with the CAT and/or
IDEAL. You must insist that this behavior is not acceptable and must be remediated.
The suggestions presented in this document are intended to provide some guidance to deans, department chairs or
anyone in a position that requires providing feedback to instructors about their teaching. If the student feedback is
generally positive, this conversation is not problematic. If, however, the feedback is largely negative, and if similar
feedback has occurred across several semesters, the task is not easy. How do you tell a long-serving faculty member
who has had poor student ratings for years that those ratings are no longer acceptable? Angela Linse suggests opening
the conversation with a statement like this: “It may have been sufficient in the past to receive these kinds of ratings,
but things have changed and students expect more now. The University has invested resources to help you take the
next steps to improve your teaching. For example, …”. At this point the Center for the Advancement of Teaching can
be mentioned, or, if the college or department has created their own professional development activities, these can be
mentioned. It is important to try and keep the conversation as positive as possible but to emphasize that improvement
is necessary and that it will be monitored.
This document provides an overview of the best practices in the use and interpretation of these ratings by instructors,
promotion and tenure committees, and others who evaluate an instructor’s teaching. It is intended as a resource to
make the evaluative process more consistent across departments and schools/colleges, promote data-informed
conversations about use of teaching evaluations, and offer strategies for having productive conversations about SFF
data with faculty.
The conversation and research on student evaluation of teaching (SETs) is dynamic and changing, with new research
continuing to emerge. This set of recommendations will be reviewed and updated to reflect new research as well as
the experiences of those using these recommendations. We hope that this document is useful. If you have
recommendations for further enhancement of this document, please share your ideas with s[email protected].
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