© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
The Lion, the Witch
and the Wardrobe
Study Guide
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 1: Lucy Looks Into a Wardrobe
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. The children were sent to stay with the Professor because of the air
2. Peter thought they had fallen on their feet.
3. After the rooms full of books, they found a room that was empty
except for a big wardrobe with a looking-glass in the door.
4. When Lucy found herself standing in the middle of a wood, she felt
both frightened and inquisitive .
5. The first person she met in the wood was wearing a red muffler.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence.
Answers will vary.
1. mothballs
2. parcels
3. row
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 1.
1. Where did the children live before this story began?
In London
2. Why was Edmund bad-tempered the first night at the Professor’s
Because he was tired and pretending not to be.
3. How did the adventures begin?
With the children’s decision to explore the house because it was
raining and they couldn’t go outdoors.
4. What first made Lucy realize that something queer was happening in the
She felt something soft and powdery and cold when she heard
something crunching under her feet.
5. What did she think that convinced her it was safe to go on and explore?
“I can always get back if anything goes wrong.
6. What was the source of the light in the wood?
A lamp-post.
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. What is your first impression of each child’s personality?
2. What do you think about Lucy’s decision to enter the wood alone was
it safe, brave, foolish? Explain why you feel as you do.
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 2: What Lucy Found There
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. Mr. Tumnus invited Lucy to have tea with him, and served her toast
and sardines and cake.
2. One of the books Lucy saw on the shelf was titled The Life and Letters
of Silenus.
3. Mr. Tumnus told wonderful tales of how Nymphs and Dryads used to
come out to dance with the Fauns.
4. He also talked about Red Dwarfs, and Bacchus sometimes visiting
the forest, and weeks of jollification.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence.
Answers will vary.
1. stag
2. merely
3. lulling
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 2.
1. What does Mr. Tumnus’s phrase “Daughter of Eve” mean?
a human girl
2. How did the faun convince Lucy to come to his cave?
By inviting her to tea.
3. How did he entertain her after they had eaten?
By telling her stories and playing his flute.
4. What happened when Lucy said she had to go?
Mr. Tumnus burst into tears.
5. What had Mr. Tumnus promised to do with Lucy?
Turn her over to the White Witch.
6. What did he fear would happen to him if he failed to keep his promise?
His tail and horns would be cut off, his beard plucked out, his hoofs
turned solid, and he might be turned to stone.
7. Why did he decide not to keep the promise anyway?
Because once he got to know Lucy he couldn’t betray her.
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Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Why do you think Lucy felt comfortable in the fauns cave?
2. Why do you think it took Lucy so long to understand the danger she was
3. What do you think about her behavior toward Mr. Tumnus after she
realized what he had planned to do?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 3: Edmund and the Wardrobe
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. Peter rapped his knuckles on the back of the wardrobe to make sure it
was solid.
2. Edmund sneered and jeered at Lucy for the next few days.
3. When Edmund couldn’t find the door of the wardrobe, he began
groping wildly in the dark
4. When Lucy didn’t answer him, he thought she was sulking and refusing
to accept his apology.
5. After a few moments, a sledge drawn by reindeer came into view.
6. The dwarf’s beard covered him in place of a rug.
7. “What, pray, are you?” the Lady asked Edmund.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence.
Answers will vary.
1. hoax
2. spiteful
3. gilded
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 3.
1. Why was Lucy surprised that her siblings hadn’t been wondering where
she was?
Because she thought she had been gone for hours.
2. What did they find when they looked into the wardrobe?
Nothing unusual; just an ordinary wardrobe.
3. Why didn’t Lucy make up with the others by saying she had just made
up the story of her adventure?
Because she knew it had really happened and she wouldn’t lie.
4. Why should the next few days have been delightful, and why did Lucy
not enjoy them?
The weather was fine and the children spent a lot of time outside
playing, but Lucy couldn’t enjoy herself because Edmund was treating
her badly and she knew nobody believed her.
5. Why did she not mean to hide in the wardrobe during hide-and-seek?
Because she knew the others would start talking about her and her
adventure again.
6. Why did Edmund follow her into the wardrobe?
To continue teasing her.
7. What was his first clue that something unusual was happening?
His voice had a curious out-of-doors sound.
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
8. Why did he think Lucy didn’t answer his call?
He thought she was ignoring him because she was angry about how he
had been treating her.
9. What was Edmund’s first impression of the Lady on the sledge?
He didn’t like the way she looked at him.
10. Who did the Lady say she was?
The Queen of Narnia
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Why do you think Lucy had begun to wonder whether Narnia had been a
2. How would you describe the Lady on the sledge, based on what is told
about her in this chapter?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 4: Turkish Delight
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. The queen wanted to know if Edmund was a Son of Adam.
2. Next, she asked how he had entered her dominions.
3. Turkish Delight is Edmund’s favorite thing to eat.
4. A king must have courtiers and nobles.
5. Edmund’s face was flushed when he met Lucy.
6. He said it was poor sport to stand in the snow.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence.
Answers will vary.
1. mantle
2. snappishly
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 4.
1. How did Edmund feel when the queen first invited him to sit with her?
He thought she was going to do something dreadful but didn't dare
2. What did he want as he ate the Turkish Delight?
To eat more and more of it.
3. What was the queen especially interested in learning about his family?
How many children there were.
4. What was unusual about this particular Turkish Delight?
It was enchanted so that one would want to keep eating it.
5. What did the queen say she’d like to do with Edmund?
Make him the prince, and one day the king, of Narnia.
6. What was the condition for her carrying out her idea?
That he bring his siblings to her.
7. What did the queen tell Edmund about fauns?
That they will say anything.
8. How did Lucy feel about Edmund having got into Narnia, too?
happy and excited
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9. How did Edmund feel about it himself?
He knew he would have to admit that Lucy had been right, and have to
keep his secret about meeting the queen, and felt sick.
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Why do you think the queen changed from being angry and threatening
to sympathetic?
2. Why do you think the queen seemed not to mind Edmund’s forgetting
his manners as he answered her questions?
3. Why do you think Edmund’s opinion of the queen changed as he spent
more time with her?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 5: Back on This Side of the Door
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. Edmund was taken aback when Peter scolded him.
2. Susan and Peter were afraid Lucy was going queer in the head.
3. The Professor was at their disposal to hear their concerns.
4. The Professor wondered why the children hadn’t been taught logic at
5. After their talk with the Professor, none of the children were inclined
to mention the wardrobe anymore.
6. Mrs. Macready had told them to stay out of the way when she was
taking a party over the house.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence.
Answers will vary.
1. savagely
2. coolly
3. spectacles
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 5.
1. When did Edmund decide what to do?
When Peter asked him about Lucy’s claim that he had seen the country
in the wardrobe, too.
2. How much older than Lucy was Edmund?
one year
3. How did Peter say Edmund had always behaved?
He had always been mean to anyone smaller than himself.
4. What did Peter and Susan decide to do about their concern over Lucy?
To talk to the Professor.
5. How did the Professor respond to their account of Lucy’s story?
He seemed unconcerned, and even as if he thought it could be true.
6. What was the main reason Susan and Peter didn’t believe Lucy?
They were sure such a thing just wasn’t possible.
7. What did the Professor say were the only three logical possibilities?
That Lucy was mad, lying, or telling the truth.
8. What did he advise them to do?
Mind their own business.
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9. What was unusual about the Professor’s house?
It was very old and strange and historical, and often visited by tourists.
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Why do you think Peter reacted as he did to Edmund?
2. Why do you think the Professor was willing to believe Lucy’s story?
3. What do you think of his statement that nothing is more probable than
that there could be other worlds just round the corner?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 6: Into the Forest
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. The wardrobe smelled of camphor.
2. Edmund said to himself that he would pay out the others, and that
they were stuck-up prigs.
3. The lady Edmund had met called herself the Chatelaine of Cair
Paravel as well as the Queen of Narnia.
4. Tumnus was charged with treason,harbouring spies, and fraternising
with Humans.
5. Lucy felt bad because the Faun had been arrested on her account.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence.
Answers will vary.
1. bearing
2. crockery
3. larder
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 6.
1. What were the first clues that something strange was happening inside
the wardrobe?
Something sticking into Peter’s back, and the cold and wet.
2. How did the fur coats look on the children?
like royal robes
3. How did Edmund give away the fact that he had been in Narnia before?
By mentioning the lamp-post.
4. What did the children find at the Faun’s cave?
That it had been wrecked and Mr. Tumnus had been arrested.
5. Who was the chief of the secret police?
Fenris Ulf OR Maugrim, depending on which edition of the book.
6. Why did the siblings decide not to just go home?
They felt like they should try to help Mr. Tumnus.
7. What was Peter worried about?
Not having any food.
8. What did Edmund suggest about the robin?
That it might be leading them into a trap.
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9. Why did Peter decide to trust the bird?
Because robins were good in all the books he had read.
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Why do you think Edmund had such a bad attitude?
2. Do you agree with the children’s decision to try to rescue Mr. Tumnus?
Why or why not?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 7: A Day with the Beavers
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. Mr. Tumnus had got wind of his upcoming arrest and given Lucy’s
handkerchief to Mr. Beaver as a token.
2. Mr. Beaver said his dam was merely a trifle.
3. The ice looked like festoons of sugar.
4. The children saw gum boots and oilskins and various tools against
the wall of the Beavers’ house.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence.
Answers will vary.
1. dodging
2. mortar
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 7.
1. What was unusual about the animal the children saw?
It used human gestures and talked.
2. What did the Beaver say about the trees?
That they were always listening, and some might betray them.
3. How did they know he was a friend?
He showed them Lucy’s handkerchief that she had left with Mr.
4. How did the name of Aslan affect each of the children?
Edmund felt a mysterious horror; Peter felt brave and adventurous;
Susan felt like a delicious smell or beautiful music had just floated by;
Lucy felt like it was the beginning of the holidays or summer.
5. How long did it take to reach the Beaver’s house?
Over an hour.
6. What was Mrs. Beaver doing when they arrived?
7. What did they have for dinner?
Fresh-caught fish and potatoes and a marmalade roll.
8. Why was Mr. Beaver pleased that it was snowing again?
Because it would hide their tracks from anyone trying to follow.
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Why do you think Edmund was reluctant to trust the Beaver?
2. Why were the others willing to trust Mr. Beaver?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 8: What Happened After Dinner
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. Peter suggested that they come up with some stratagem to get into
the witchs house, perhaps disguising themselves as pedlars.
2. Mr. Beaver said the witch was descended from the Jinn.
3. There had been a saying in Narnia time out of mind that two Sons of
Adam and two Daughters of Eve would end the witchs reign.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence.
Answers will vary.
1. simple
2. mark my words
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 8.
1. What had happened to Mr. Tumnus?
He had been taken away by the Witch’s police.
2. Why did Peter believe they had to try to help the faun?
Because Mr. Tumnus had saved Lucy.
3. Who is Aslan?
The King, the son of the Emperor-Beyond-the-Sea, the great Lion.
4. What did Mrs. Beaver say about anyone who could appear before Aslan
and not be nervous?
That they were braver than most or else just silly.
5. Where were the children supposed to meet Aslan?
At the Stone Table
6. When was Edmund’s absence noticed?
After the discussion of the prophecy about two Sons of Adam and two
Daughters of Eve sitting in the thrones at Cair Paravel.
7. Why did Mr. Beaver say there was no point in looking for him?
Because it was clear that he had gone to the Witch.
8. What did Mrs. Beaver say was the only chance of saving either Edmund
or the other children?
For the others to keep away from the Witch.
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Do you agree with Peter’s feeling that the children should try to help Mr.
Tumnus? Why or why not?
2. What do you think the statement that Aslan isn’t safe, but good means?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 9: In the Witch’s House
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. Edmund thought the others were trying to give him the cold shoulder
during dinner.
2. He kept slipping and barking his shins on rocks as he traveled.
3. The Witch’s courtyard was full of statutes, including satyrs, cat-a-
mountains, and a centaur.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence.
Answers will vary.
1. turret
2. gloating
3. eerie
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 9.
1. Why hadnt Edmund enjoyed dinner?
Because he had been thinking of Turkish Delight.
2. When did he actually slip out of the Beavers’ house?
Just before Mr. Beaver had started telling that the Witch wasn’t
3. What were some of the excuses he made up about the Witch in his own
That her enemies were telling lies about her, that she probably was
the rightful Queen, and that she was better than Aslan.
4. What cheered him up as he was walking?
The ideas of the changes he would make in Narnia when he was king.
5. How was he able to find his way?
By the light of the full moon coming out.
6. What frightened him just inside the courtyard gate?
A stone lion
7. What silly thing did he do when he recovered from his fright?
Drew a moustache and glasses on the lion.
8. How did the Witch greet him?
With anger because he had come alone.
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Why do you think Edmund was determined to go to the Witch even
though he knew deep down that she was evil?
2. Do you think he really believed that the stone lion was Aslan? Why or
why not?
3. What do you think of the way the Witch reacted to his news?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 10: The Spell Begins to Break
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. Mrs. Beaver asked for someone to get several loaves of bread out of
the crock in the corner.
2. Everyone looked very frowsty when they came out of the cave.
3. Father Christmas had fitted Mr. Beaver’s dam with a new sluice gate.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence.
Answers will vary.
1. cordial
2. What a mercy
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 10.
1. What was Mrs. Beaver doing while the others were bundling up?
Packing up supplies for them to carry with them.
2. What hope did she say they had?
That although they couldn’t get to the Stone Table before the Witch,
they could keep under cover and go by ways she wouldn’t expect and
get through.
3. Why did Mr. Beaver say they should stay down in the valley?
Because the Witch wouldn’t be able to bring a sledge down.
4. What awakened everyone from their sleep in the cave?
The sound of bells jingling.
5. Why did Mr. Beaver rush out when he heard the noise?
So he could see which way the Witch was going.
6. What was Father Christmas like, and how did he affect the children?
He was so big, and so glad, and so real, that they all became still and
7. List the gifts he gave to each member of the party.
Mrs. Beaver a new sewing machine
Mr. Beaver repairs and a new sluice gate for the dam
Peter a shield and a sword
Susan a bow and arrows and a horn
Lucy a small dagger and a bottle of healing cordial
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Do you think it was wise of Mrs. Beaver to take the time to pack up
supplies? Why or why not?
2. How do you feel about Aslan’s statement that battles are ugly when
women fight?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 11: Aslan Is Nearer
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. When the party of animals saw the Witch, all the gaiety went out of
their faces.
2. The Witch called the animals vermin.
3. Edmund saw the ground covered with flowers as they came into a
glade of birch trees, and birds alighting on branches soon after that.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence.
Answers will vary.
1. repulsive
2. gluttony
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 11.
1. What did the Dwarf bring Edmund to eat and drink?
Dry bread and water.
2. What did the Witch order the wolf to do?
Go the the Beavers’ house and kill anyone there.
3. How did Edmund feel riding in the Witch’s sledge?
He was cold and wet and miserable, and began to realize that the
Witch was evil.
4. Why did the Witch stop suddenly?
Because she saw a party of animals enjoying a Christmas dinner.
5. What did she do to the party of animals?
Turned them all to stone.
6. Why did the sledge stop running well?
Because the snow was melting and the ground was soft and wet.
7. What did the Witch, the Dwarf, and Edmund do when the sledge
couldn’t go any further?
Started walking, with Edmund’s hands tied behind him.
8. What did the Dwarf say had happened?
That spring had come, and it was Aslan’s doing.
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9. How did the Witch respond to his statement?
She said she would instantly kill anyone who said that name again.
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Why do you think Edmund shouted out for the Witch not to harm the
2. Why do you think his heart gave a great leap when he realized the frost
was over?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 12: Peter’s First Battle
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. The Beavers and the children saw kingfishers and thrushes as they
were walking.
2. After climbing a high hill, the children were able to see the sea, the
Stone Table, and a pavilion pitched on one side of a green open
3. Lucy thought Aslan’s paws would be terrible if he didn’t know how to
velvet them.
4. Peter heard a horn blow, and then saw a large creature like an
Alsatian chasing Susan.
5. Aslan told the other creatures to hold back and let Peter win his
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 12.
1. What did the children understand had happened when the magic spring
That something had gone wrong with the Witch’s schemes.
2. Describe the Stone Table.
It was a great grey grim slab of stone supported on four upright stones,
very old, covered with strange markings.
3. How did the Beavers and the children feel when they saw Aslan?
They didn’t know what to do or say, couldn’t look at him, and
4. How did Lucy think Aslan’s face looked?
Royal and strong and peaceful and sad
5. What did Aslan show Peter?
The castle at Cair Paravel where he would be High King.
6. What did Peter see after he heard the horn?
A large ferocious animal chasing Susan.
7. How did he feel, and what did he do?
He felt like he was going to be sick, not brave at all, but he killed the
8. What did Aslan send the other creatures to do?
Find the Witch and rescue Edmund.
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Why do you think the children and the Beavers hesitated to approach
2. Why do you think Peter didn’t understand at first what the horn blowing
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 13: Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. The Witch sent out messengers to gather the creatures that were on
her side: ghouls, boggles, ogres, minotaurs, hags, and spectres
among others.
2. The leopard told Aslan that a messenger from the enemy craved
3. The Dwarf said that the Witch requested safe conduct to come and
meet with Aslan.
4. Mr. Beaver was offended by the cheek of the Witch calling herself
the Queen of Narnia.
5. The Witch said she had a right to kill anyone who committed
treachery, and that Edmund’s life was forfeit to her.
6. After talking privately with Aslan, the Witch renounced her claim on
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 13.
1. What did the Dwarf suggest the Witch should do with Edmund?
Keep him to bargain with.
2. What did the Witch intend to do with him?
Kill him at once.
3. How did the Witch and the Dwarf avoid being captured when Edmund
was rescued?
The Witch disguised them as a boulder and a stump.
4. What did Aslan say when he brought Edmund to his siblings?
That there was no need to talk about the past.
5. How did the Witch’s appearance affect the group of Aslan’s supporters?
Shudders ran down their backs, the animals growled, and everyone
was suddenly cold.
6. What did Mrs. Beaver notice about the meeting between Aslan and the
That the Witch never looked Aslan in the eye.
7. Why had the Witch come?
To claim that she had a right to kill Edmund because he was a traitor.
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. What do you think of the way the rescuers treated Edmund?
2. Why do you think Aslan said there was no need to talk about what was
3. Why do you think Aslan told Mr. Beaver to keep quiet?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 14: The Triumph of the Witch
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. During the journey, Aslan told Peter about his plan of campaign.
2. The girls groped out from among the sleepers during the night.
3. Four leering hags came forward to bind Aslan.
4. The rabble was enraged by Aslan’s silence.
5. The Witch said that after the Deep Magic was appeased, she would
make Narnia hers forever.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence:
Answers will vary.
1. siege
2. pact
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 14.
1. Why did Aslan say they had to move camp?
Because the place where they were would be wanted for other
2. What did Aslan say about his presence in the battle that was sure to
That he could not promise he would be there.
3. What did the girls see when they got up in the middle of the night?
Aslan walking slowly into the wood.
4. What did Aslan say when they asked to go with him?
That he would be glad of company, but they had to stop when he told
them to.
5. How did the Witch’s followers react to Aslan’s appearance?
They were dismayed and fearful.
6. What was done to Aslan before he was put on the Stone Table?
He was bound, shaved, and muzzled.
7. How did Aslan look just before he was killed?
Not angry or afraid, but sad.
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Why do you think Aslan didn’t tell anyone what was going to happen?
2. Why do you think the Witch and her followers humiliated Aslan before
killing him?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 15: Deeper Magic from Before the Dawn of Time
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. The whole vile rabble ran past Susan and Lucy’s hiding place with
wild cries and skirling pipes and shrill horns.
2. Aslan told the girls that when a willing victim was killed in a traitor’s
stead, Death itself would start working backward.
3. The girls rode Aslan through wild orchards, past roaring waterfalls,
up windy slopes, along giddy ridges, and down into wild valleys.
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 15.
1. Why couldn’t Susan and Lucy untie the ropes on Aslan’s body?
Because they had been tied so unmercifully tightly.
2. What two things did Lucy notice after it seemed that hours had gone
That the sky was growing less dark, and that there was something
moving at her feet.
3. What were the mice doing?
Nibbling away the ropes that bound Aslan.
4. What sound did the girls hear, and then what did they see?
A great cracking noise, the Stone Table broken in two, and then Aslan
5. What had the Witch not known?
That if a willing victim was killed in a traitor’s stead, deeper magic
from before the dawn of time would cause death to start working
6. How did the girls feel after the wild romp with Aslan?
Not at all tired or hungry or thirsty.
7. When did they reach the Witch’s home?
Near mid-day.
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Why do you think Edmund was determined to go to the Witch even
though he knew deep down that she was evil?
2. Do you think he really believed that the stone lion was Aslan? Why or
why not?
3. What do you think of the way the Witch reacted to his news?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 16: What Happened About the Statues
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. As it was coming back to life, the lion gave a prodigious yawn.
2. Lucy’s handkerchief was like the size of a saccharine tablet compared
to the giant.
3. A great hound picked up the Witch’s scent and began to bay.
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 16.
1. What did Lucy think the Witch’s courtyard was like at first?
A museum.
2. What did Aslan do to bring the statues back to life?
Breathe on them.
3. How did they all get out of the Witch’s courtyard?
The giant broke down the gate.
4. What did Mr. Tumnus tell Lucy about the giant Rumblebuffin?
That, likeall giants, he wasn’t very clever, but of a good family.
5. What was the change in the noise that gave Lucy an odd feeling?
The sound of battle.
6. What was happening in the center of the battlefield?
Peter and the Witch were fighting hand to hand.
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. Why do you think the other lion was so pleased that Aslan had said “us
2. What do you think the Witch was thinking when she saw Aslan?
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Answer Key
Chapter 17: The Hunting of the White Stag
Vocabulary enrichment activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above
that make the most sense based on the story.
1. After the children were crowned, there was great revelry in Cair
2. The Kings and Queens formed alliances and paid visits of state to
countries beyond the sea.
3. Edmund said the lamp post “worketh strangely upon me,” and he
desired to find the signification of the thing.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence.
Answers will vary.
1. lurking
2. foreboding
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 17.
1. What had Edmund done that had kept the Witch from overpowering
Aslan’s forces?
Destroyed her wand.
2. What did Aslan do in the midst of the celebration?
Slipped away quietly.
3. What names were given to the children as they grew and changed over
the years?
King Peter the Magnificent, Queen Susan the Gentle, King Edmund the
Just, and Queen Lucy the Valiant.
4. How did they happen to find the lamp post in the wood?
In the course of hunting the White Stag.
5. Why did they decide not to turn back at that point?
Because they had always taken on whatever came up and would be
ashamed to turn back from fear or foreboding.
6. How did the Professor react to their story?
He believed it all, and told them that they would get back to Narnia
some day but it wouldn’t happen when they were looking for it.
© Copyright C.S. Lewis Foundation 2012
Critical Thinking
Answers will vary.
1. What do you think of Aslan’s insistence that Lucy go and help others
before she saw if Edmund was recovered?
2. Do you think Edmund should have been told what Aslan had done for
him? Why or why not?
3. Why do you think the Professor advised the children not to talk too
much about their adventures?