Campaign Guide
The Ghouls Hunger
Friday, September 18, 1925. Arkham, Massachuses. It is
the end of a long and abnormally hot summer. e rst hints
of autumn beckon, but a heavy heat persists, relentless. A
silent, unspoken anger grips the town. Tempers are short, and
in the last week alone there have been numerous reports of
townspeople coming to heated, violent blows with one another
over simple misunderstandings.
And now, a call om James Hankerson. He claims to have
found a dismembered body in his barn.
Blaming the weather would be too easy. ere is something
wrong with this town, and not a whole lot this old soothsayer
can do to stop the slide. My auguries indicate a small group of
investigators will soon take note of these strange happenings
and set forth to make things right. I’ll be watching their
progress…but I won’t be holding my breath.
Night of the Zealot is a campaign for Arkham Horror: e Card
Game for 1–4 players. It consists of the following scenarios: “e
Gathering,” “e Midnight Masks,” and “e Devourer Below.”
e cards for each of these scenarios can be found in the Arkham
Horror: e Card Game core set.
While playing a campaign, the players advance from one
scenario to the next in sequential order, with the results of their
performance and their decisions in each scenario carrying over to
inuence the next. Additionally, as the players advance through the
story, they earn experience, which they can use to purchase new
cards or upgrade existing cards for their deck.
Campaign Setup
To set up the Night of the Zealot campaign, perform the following
steps in order.
1. Choose investigator(s). Each player chooses a dierent
investigator to play and records his or her choice in the
2. Each player assembles his or her investigator deck.e full
rules for deck customization can be found on page 8 of the
3. Choose diculty level. ere are four levels of diculty
in Arkham Horror: e Card Game: Easy, Standard, Hard,
andExpert. e players decide which diculty best suits
their group, and they keep this diculty for the duration of
4. Assemble the campaign chaos bag. Place the chaos tokens
indicated below into the chaos bag, and return the other chaos
tokens to the game box.
= Easy (I want to experience the story):
+1, +1, 0, 0, 0, –1, –1, –1, –2, –2, 󲅻, 󲅻, 󲅼, 󲆀, 󲅽, 󲅿.
= Standard (I want a challenge):
+1, 0, 0, –1, –1, –1, –2, –2, –3, –4, 󲅻, 󲅻, 󲅼, 󲆀, 󲅽, 󲅿.
= Hard (I want a true nightmare):
0, 0, 0, –1, –1, –2, –2, –3, –3, –4, –5, 󲅻, 󲅻, 󲅼, 󲆀, 󲅽, 󲅿.
= Expert (I want Arkham Horror):
0, –1, –1, –2, –2, –3, –3, –4, –4, –5, –6, –8, 󲅻, 󲅻, 󲅼, 󲆀, 󲅽, 󲅿.
Players are now ready to set up Part I: e Gathering.
until the end of the scenario
If no resolution was reached (each investigator
resigned or was defeated): You barely manage to escape
your house with your lives. e woman om your parlor
follows you out the ont door, slamming it behind her. “You
fools! See what you have done?” She pushes a chair in ont of
the door, lodging it beneath the doorknob. “We must get out
of here. Come with me, and I will tell you what I know. We
are the only ones who can stop the threat that lurks beneath
om being unleashed throughout the city.” You’re in no state
to argue. Nodding, you follow the woman as she runs om
your ont porch out into the rainy street, toward Rivertown.
Æ In your Campaign Log, record that your house is
Æ In your Campaign Log, record that the Ghoul Priest is
still alive.
Æ e lead investigator earns the Lita Chantler card and
may include it in his or her deck. is card does not
count toward that investigators deck size.
Æ Each investigator earns experience equal to the Victory
X value of each card in the victory display (remember
to add eligible locations to the victory display). Each
investigator earns 2 bonus experience as he or she
gains insight into the hidden world of the Mythos.
Resolution 1: You nod and allow the red-haired woman to
set the walls and oor of your house ablaze. e re spreads
quickly, and you run out the ont door to avoid being caught
in the inferno. From the sidewalk, you watch as everything
you own is consumed by the ames. “Come with me,” the
woman says. “You must be told of the threat that lurks below.
Alone, we are surely doomed…but together, we can stop it.”
Æ In your Campaign Log, record that your house has
burned to the ground.
Æ e lead investigator earns the Lita Chantler card and
may include it in his or her deck. is card does not
count toward that investigators deck size.
The Campaign Log
e Campaign Log (on the back cover of this book) is used to
track the progress and development of the campaign. At the
end of each scenario, the players must record their results by
entering all of the relevant information in the Campaign Log.
is includes any experience earned by an investigator, each
investigator’s trauma level, story assets or weaknesses earned by
each investigator, and any killed or insane investigators.
During the resolution of a scenario, the players are oen
instructed to record an important note or story element in the
Campaign Log, under “Campaign Notes.” ese notes will
oen be referenced in later scenarios, allowing decisions om
one scenario to carry over into later scenarios. If the players are
instructed to cross out one of these notes, the crossed-o note is
ignored for the remainder of the campaign.
Part I: The Gathering
You and your partners have been investigating strange events taking
place in your home city of Arkham, Massachuses. Over the past few
weeks, several townspeople have mysteriously gone missing. Recently,
their corpses turned up in the woods, savaged and half-eaten. e police
and newspapers have stated that wild animals are responsible, but you
believe there is something else going on. You are gathered together at the
lead investigators home to discuss these bizarre events.
Æ Gather all cards from the following encounter sets: e
Gathering, Rats, Ghouls, Striking Fear, Ancient Evils, and
ChillingCold. ese sets are indicated by the following icons:
Æ Put the Study location into play. Set each other location aside,
out of play. Each investigator begins play in the Study.
Æ Set the Ghoul Priest and Lita Chantler cards aside, out of play.
Æ Shue the remainder of the encounter cards (from the
previously gathered encounter sets) to form the encounter deck.
Æ e lead investigator suers 1 mental trauma from
watching his or her home become a smoldering ruin.
Æ Each investigator earns experience equal to the Victory
X value of each card in the victory display (remember
to add eligible locations to the victory display). Each
investigator earns 2 bonus experience as he or she
gains insight into the hidden world of the Mythos.
Resolution 2: You refuse to follow the overzealous woman’s
order and kick her out of your home for fear that she will set
it ablaze without your permission. “Fools! You are making
a grave mistake!” she warns. “You do not understand the
threat that lurks belowthe grave danger we are all in!
Still shaken by the nights events, you decide to hear the
woman out. Perhaps she can shed some light on these bizarre
events…but she doesn’t seem to trust you very much.
Æ In your Campaign Log, record that your house is
Æ e lead investigator earns 1 experience, as he or she
refuses to let the nights events destroy his or her life.
Æ Each investigator earns experience equal to the Victory
X value of each card in the victory display (remember
to add eligible locations to the victory display). Each
investigator earns 2 bonus experience as he or she
gains insight into the hidden world of the Mythos.
Resolution 3: You run to the hallway to try to nd a way to
escape the house, but the burning-hot barrier still blocks your
path. Trapped, the horde of feral creatures that have invaded
your home close in, and you have nowhere to run.
Æ In your Campaign Log, record that Lita was forced to
nd others to help her cause.
Æ In your Campaign Log, record that your house is
Æ In your Campaign Log, record that the Ghoul Priest is
still alive.
Æ Each investigator who has not resigned is killed. If
there are not enough investigators to continue the
campaign, the campaign is over and the players lose.
Otherwise, advance to the next scenario. (Each player
whose investigator has been killed must choose a new
investigator from the pool of available investigators.
Refer to page 13 of the Rules Reference for the full
rules on killed investigators.)
Æ If the lead investigator was killed, choose an
investigator to earn the Lita Chantler card. at
investigator may include this card in his or her deck. It
does not count toward that investigators deck size.
Expanded Campaign Rules
Earning and Spending Experience
As an investigator delves deeper into the Mythos, he or she gains
insight into the hidden truths of the world—the Ancient Ones,
monsters that dwell in the shadows, and secrets that humanity
was never meant to know. is insight manifests in the form of
experience. During the resolution of a scenario, investigators may
earn 1 or more experience. Each investigator earns experience
separately, and experience may not be transferred from one
investigator to another. Experience can oen be obtained by
placing encounter cards worth victory points in the victory
display, or through story decisions. Refer to page 5 of the Rules
Reference for the full rules on earning experience points.
Experience may be spent to learn new abilities or spells, or to
acquire new items and weapons, in the form of additional cards.
Adding a new card to a deck costs experience equal to that card’s
level, denoted by 1 or more white pips near the top le corner of
the card. Adding a new card to your deck always costs at least
1 experience, and it requires that you maintain your deck size
(usually by removing a card).
Some cards represent a higher-level version of a card with the same
title. ese cards have the same title as their other versions but may
have additional eects, additional skill icons, or dierent costs. If a
player has a lower-level version of a card and wishes to purchase the
higher-level version, he or she may upgrade that card by spending
experience equal to the dierence in level between the two. e
new version is added to the deck, and the older version is removed.
Refer to page 5 of the Rules Reference for the full rules for
spending experience points.
Part II: The Midnight Masks
Check Campaign Log. If Lita was forced to find others to help her cause:
Read Intro 1.
Otherwise, skip to Intro 2.
Intro 1: The woman came to you in a panic, raving about monsters emerging
from the ground in a home near Rivertown. “I managed to trap them,” she
explains, “but there are others. Other pits. Other domains.” Only last week,
you would have thought she was a lunatic. Recent events, however, have
challenged your preconceptions of normality. You decide to hear her out.
She introduces herself as Lita Chantler and lays out a tale that strains
the limits of your belief. “The creatures I speak of ,” she claims, “are called
ghouls—cruel beings who plague the crypts, caverns, and tunnels beneath the
city of Arkham…
Continue to Intro 3.
Intro 2: In the wake of the disaster at your home, Lita Chantler, the
red-haired woman from your parlor, lays out a tale thateven in light of
what you have just witnessedstrains the limits of your belief. “The creatures
in your home,” she claims, “are called ghoulscruel beings who plague the
crypts, caverns, and tunnels beneath the city of Arkham…
Continue to Intro 3.
Intro 3: “These creatures feed on the corpses of humans, and they are served
by a dark cult within Arkham whose members have inexplicably come to
worship the ancient master of the ghouls. This cult has been killing innocent
people and feeding them to the ghouls, satiating a monstrous hunger. A dark
balance was maintained. Until now. Recently,” Lita continues, “one of their
lairs, where the corpses were stored, was destroyed. Since then, the ghouls have
been more active than usual. I have tracked their movements and tried my
best to stop them from running amok throughout the city. But I think there
is something worse going on. The cult has been planning something darker,
and more ominous, than anything I have yet observed. Indications are that
this plan shall come to fruition tonight, shortly after midnight. Beyond that, I
cannot fathom what to expect.
“Many of the cultists,” Lita continues, “will seem like everyday people, despite
their foul intentions. Whenever the cult meets, its members don masks shaped
like the skulls of various animals to protect their identities from one another.
These masks are our mark. Symbols of death and decay. We must unmask the
cultists to expose and derail their plans. We have but a few hours. The more
cultists we find before midnight, the better.”
Continue to Setup.
Æ Gather all cards from the following encounter sets: e
Midnight Masks, Chilling Cold, Nightgaunts, Dark Cult, and
Locked Doors. ese sets are indicated by the following icons:
Æ Set the Cult of Umrdhoth encounter set aside as
a separate “Cultist deck,” and shue it. is set is
indicated by the following icon:
Æ Choose one of the two Downtown locations and one of the two
Southside locations at random and put them into play. Remove
the other versions of Downtown and Southside from the game.
en, put the Northside, Easown, Rivertown, St. Marys
Hospital, Graveyard, Miskatonic University, and Your House
locations into play. (See next page for suggested placement.)
Æ Based on the number of players in the game:
= If there is exactly 1 player in the game, no changes are made.
= If there are exactly 2 players in the game, search the gathered
encounter sets for 1 copy of Acolyte and spawn it at Southside.
= If there are exactly 3 players in the game, search the gathered
encounter sets for 2 copies of Acolyte. Spawn 1 at Southside
and 1 atDowntown.
Trauma, Death, and Insanity
Trauma represents permanent damage that has been done to an
investigators health and/or psyche. If an investigator is defeated
during a scenario, that investigator still advances to the next
scenario with the rest of the party, unless the scenario resolution
states that the investigator is killed or driven insane. However,
an investigator who is defeated through damage or horror may
suer permanent trauma, which stays with that investigator for
the remainder of the campaign. Refer to page 5 of the Rules
Reference for the full rules on suering trauma.
Note: If you are worried about taking trauma, resigning from a
scenario is almost always beer than defeat.
Players are now ready to begin the next scenario in the campaign.
until the end of the scenario
If no resolution was reached (each investigator resigned
or was defeated): Read Resolution 1.
Resolution 1: You’ve managed to obtain some useful
information about the cult and its plans. You can only hope
Æ In your Campaign Log, under “Cultists We
Interrogated,” record the names of each unique
Cultist enemy in the victory display.
Æ In your Campaign Log, under “Cultists Who Got
Away,” record the name of each unique enemy
still remaining in the Cultist deck or in play. If it is
Agenda1, record “e Masked Hunter” here as well.
Æ If the Ghoul Priest is in the victory display, cross out
the Ghoul Priest is still alive in your Campaign Log.
Æ Each investigator earns experience equal to the
Victory X value of each card in the victory display.
Resolution 2: Twelve bells ring out, signaling midnight. You’re
out of time; the cult’s ritual will begin shortly. You’ve managed
to obtain some useful information about the cult and its plans.
You can only hope it’s enough.
Æ In your Campaign Log, under “Cultists We
Interrogated,” record the names of each unique
Cultist enemy in the victory display.
Æ In your Campaign Log, under “Cultists Who Got
Away,” record the name of each unique enemy still
remaining in the Cultist deck or in play.
Æ In your Campaign Log, record that it is past midnight.
Æ If the Ghoul Priest is in the victory display, cross out
the Ghoul Priest is still alive in your Campaign Log.
Æ Each investigator earns experience equal to the
Victory X value of each card in the victory display.
© 2016 FFG
Mark Molnar
Northside is a commercial district that contains many oces
and factories, as well as the train station.
© 2016 FFG
Jose Vega
e Downtown area of Arkham is lled with government
buildings, including City Hall. e First Bank of Arkham,
Independence Square, and Arkham Asylum can also be
found in this area. It is the busiest district in the city.
© 2016 FFG
Cristi Balanescu
e Easown neighborhood, situated on the northern
banks of the Miskatonic River, contains lower-class housing,
the Arkham Police Station, and popular eateries like
© 2016 FFG
Andreas Rocha
Miskatonic University is one of the most prestigious colleges
in the Northeast. e university library is famous for its
collection of occult books maintained by the esteemed Dr.
Henry Armitage.
Miskatonic University
© 2016 FFG
Ed Mainian
e banks of the Miskatonic River are lined with docks,
warehouses, and small shops in a district aptly named
Arkham. Central.
© 2016 FFG
Michael Komarck
e graveyard lies at the foot of French Hill. Some of the
headstones date back to the seventeenth century, when
the earliest colonists came to Arkham. Considering what
happened in your house, you’re not completely keen on
heading there.
© 2016 FFG
Andreas Rocha
Arkham’s only hospital, St. Mary’s has a twenty-four-hour
receiving room and is busy at all hours of the night. Doctor
Mortimore and Nurse Sharon have been particularly stressed
lately, thanks in part to recent events.
St. Mary’s Hospital
© 2016 FFG
Andreas Rocha
Middle-class houses with gambrel roofs crowd together
between the streets of Southside. e neighborhood is known
for its cultural and social landmarks, such as South Church,
Ma’s Boarding House, and the Historical Society.
© 2016 FFG
Jose Vega
Despite what happened, you just couldn’t bring yourself to
destroy your home.
Your House
= If there are exactly 4 players in the game, search the gathered
encounter sets for 3 copies of Acolyte. Spawn 1 at Southside,
1 at Downtown, and 1 at the Graveyard.
Æ Check Campaign Log. If your house has burned to the ground:
Remove Your House from the game. Each investigator begins
play at Rivertown.
Æ Check Campaign Log. If your house is still standing: Each
investigator begins play at Your House.
Æ Shue the remainder of the encounter cards to form the
encounter deck.
Æ Check Campaign Log. If the Ghoul Priest is still alive: Shue it
into the encounter deck.
Note: Some eects rst encountered in this scenario may cause
doom to be placed on enemies. Remember that doom on enemies
counts toward the amount of doom that will advance the agenda.
Suggested Location Placement
The Midnight Masks
until the end of the scenario
If no resolution was reached (each investigator resigned
or was defeated): Too ightened to face her fate, Lita ees
into the night. She realizes that she has failed and Umôrdhoth’s
vengeance will pursue her wherever she goes. e creature’s
tendrils spread throughout the city of Arkham, searching for
her. It lurks in the darkness of every corner, tugging at the seams
of reality. But Lita is nowhere to be found, so the creature dwells
in the shadows to this day, searchingkilling.
Æ In your Campaign Log, record that Arkham succumbed
to Umrdhoth’s terrible vengeance.
Æ Each surviving investigator is killed.
Æ e investigators lose.
Resolution 1: You have managed to prevent the cult om
summoning its master. Although you’re unsure what would
have happened had the cult succeeded, you’re relieved thatat
least for the time beingArkham is safe. You capture as many
cultists as you can nd, but very few townspeople believe your
tale. Perhaps it was all in your head, aer all.
Æ In your Campaign Log, record that the ritual to
summon Umrdhoth was broken.
Part III: The Devourer Below
Aer a antic nighime search throughout Arkham, you have tracked
down and questioned several members of the cult. Your ndings are
disturbing: they claim to worship a being known as Umrdhoth, a
monstrous entity om another realm.
You are able to conrm much of Lita’s story: the cult is agitated over
the destruction of a ghoul lair. However, a surprising detail also turns
up: the one who invaded the lair and set this night’s events in motion
was none other than Lita Chantler herself! You are not sure why this
important detail was omied om Lita’s storydid she tell you only
as much as was necessary to draw you into her conict? But in another
light, she seems to be ghting to protect the city of Arkham om a
terrible menace.
e nal piece of the puzzle was found wrien in a journal possessed by
one of the cultists. It describes a dark ritual to be performed deep within
the woods south of Arkham, this very night. According to the journal,
the ritual’s completion will open a gate and bring forth the cult’s dark
master into this world. “If the cult is not stopped,” Lita warns, “there is
a possibility that Umrdhoth’s vengeance will consume all in its path.”
Frightened but determined to stop the ritual, you head into the woods…
Æ Gather all cards from the following encounter sets: e
Devourer Below, Ancient Evils, Striking Fear, Ghouls, and Dark
Cult. ese sets are indicated by the followingicons:
Æ Put the Main Path location into play. Shue the 6 copies of
Arkham Woods, choose 4 of them at random, and put them into
play without looking at their revealed sides. Remove the other 2
from the game. Each investigator begins play at the Main Path.
Æ Set the Ritual Site and Umôrdhoth cards aside, out of play.
Æ Randomly choose one of following 4 encounter sets: Agents
of Yog-Sothoth, Agents of Shub-Niggurath, Agents of Cthulhu, or
Agents of Hastur. ese sets are indicated by the following icons:
Without looking at the chosen encounter set, shue it and the
remainder of the encounter cards together to form the encounter
deck. Remove the other 3 encounter sets from the game.
Æ Check the number of names recorded under “Cultists Who Got
Away” in your Campaign Log.
= If there are exactly 0 names, no changes are made.
= If there are exactly 1 or 2 names, place 1 doom on Agenda 1a.
= If there are exactly 3 or 4 names, place 2 doom on Agenda 1a.
= If there are exactly 5 or 6 names, place 3 doom on Agenda 1a.
Æ Add 1 󲅾 chaos token to the chaos bag for the remainder of
Æ Check Campaign Log. If it is past midnight: Each player
discards 2 random cards from his or her starting hand.
Æ Check Campaign Log. If the Ghoul Priest is still alive: Shue it
into the encounter deck.
Æ Each investigator suers 2 mental trauma, as he or she
never fully recovers from his or her ordeal.
Æ Each investigator earns experience equal to the
Victory X value of each card in the victory display.
Each investigator earns 5 bonus experience, as he or
she has saved Arkham from a terrible fate.
Æ e investigators win!
Resolution 2: rough force of arms and strength of will,
you are somehow able to harm Umrdhoth enough to send it
reeling back to the dimension om which it emerged. Warmth
and light return to the woods as the void-like mass is sucked in
upon itself, vanishing in an instant. You aren’t sure if a being
such as this can be killed, but for the time being it seems to have
retreated. As their master vanishes, the ghouls nearby climb
into the open pit below, eeing with terrible cries and shrieks.
You have stopped an evil plot, but the ght has taken its toll on
your body and mind. Worse, you can’t help but feel insignicant
in the face of the world’s mysteries. What other terrors exist in
the deep, dark corners of reality?
Æ In your Campaign Log, record that the investigators
repelled Umrdhoth.
Æ Each investigator suers 2 physical trauma and 2
mental trauma, as the ght against Umôrdhoth has
taken its toll on his or her body and mind.
Æ Each investigator earns experience equal to the
Victory X value of each card in the victory display.
Each investigator earns 10 bonus experience, as he or
she has triumphed in bale against a truly terrible foe.
Æ e investigators win!
Resolution 3: In the face of this horror, you don’t believe there
is anything you can do to stop it. You have but one hope if you
are to survive. You turn on Lita and throw her at the terrible
monstrosity, watching in dread as its swirling void-like mass
consumes her. She cries out in torment as the life is sucked om
her body. “Umrdhoth…Umrdhoth…” the cultists chant.
Lita Chantler vanishes without a trace. For a moment, you
fear that the creature will now turn on you, but you hear one of
the cultists say, “Umrdhoth is a just god who claims only the
guilty and the dead. Go, and you shall be spared.” e swirling
mass vanishes, and warmth and light return to the woods. e
cultists slink away, leaving you alive. Lita’s last moments are
forever etched upon your memory.
Æ In your Campaign Log, record that the investigators
sacriced Lita Chantler to Umrdhoth.
Æ Each investigator suers 2 physical trauma and
2mental trauma, as the mere sight of Umôrdhoth has
taken its toll on his or her body and mind.
Æ e guilt over sacricing Lita forever haunts your
memory. Each investigator must search the collection
for a random Madness weakness and add it to his or
Æ Each investigator earns experience equal to the
Victory X value of each card in the victory display.
Æ e investigators have survived, but their actions
weigh heavily on their consciences.
The Endor Is It?
At the end of a campaign, the experience, trauma, and weaknesses
granted by the nal scenario resolution allow the players to feel
the full consequences of their actions. e investigators’ many
decisions and actions (as recorded in their Campaign Log) form
the outline of their story. Players are encouraged to share the
results of their story and their investigators’ nal decks online at
the forums or on social media.
Now that you have completed the introductory campaign of
Arkham Horror: e Card Game, try playing the campaign again
with new investigators or at a higher diculty level!
Future expansions of Arkham Horror: e Card Game will
introduce new campaigns for the players to embark on. Typically,
a deluxe box expansion forms the foundation for a new campaign,
followed by six Mythos Packs that continue and conclude the
campaign. e standard rules dictate that players start each
campaign with new decks and 0 experience. However, intrepid
players who wish to embrace the chaos may transfer investigators
who have completed one campaign into a dierent campaign by
carrying over each investigator’s deck, trauma, and experience.
he Gathering
Night of the Zealot
ampaign Notes
he Midnight Masks
he Devourer Below
Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. © 2016 FFG.
Campaign Log also available for download at www.fantasy
Campaign Log: