HeatWave on AWS Service Guide
HeatWave on AWS Service Guide ,
Copyright © 2022, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
1.1 HeatWave 1-1
1.2 MySQL Server 1-1
1.3 Integration with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 1-2
1.4 Region Availability 1-2
1.5 Identity and Access Management 1-3
1.6 Security 1-3
Getting Started
2.1 Accessing HeatWave on AWS 2-1
2.2 Signing Up 2-1
2.2.1 Sign-up Overview 2-1
2.2.2 Sign-up Procedure 2-2
2.3 Signing In 2-4
2.4 Using the Console 2-5
2.4.1 Console Overview 2-5
DB Systems
3.1 About DB Systems 3-1
3.1.1 Supported Shapes 3-2
3.1.2 MySQL Server 3-2 Server Versioning 3-2 Server Upgrades 3-3 Server Error Logging 3-3 Unsupported MySQL Server Features 3-5 MySQL Storage Engines 3-5 Plugins and Components 3-6 MySQL Enterprise Audit 3-7 HeatWave on AWS Service Restrictions 3-9 Default MySQL Privileges 3-9 Reserved User Names 3-11
3.2 Launching a Starter DB System 3-12
3.3 Creating a DB System 3-12
3.4 Managing a DB System 3-17
3.4.1 Stopping, Starting, or Restarting a DB System 3-17
3.4.2 Editing a DB System 3-18
3.4.3 Update Networking 3-19
3.4.4 Update MySQL Configuration 3-19
3.4.5 Update MySQL Shape 3-20
3.4.6 Upgrade MySQL Version 3-22
3.4.7 Increasing DB System Storage 3-23
3.4.8 Deleting a DB System 3-24
3.5 Viewing DB System Details 3-24
3.5.1 MySQL DB System Details 3-24
HeatWave Clusters
4.1 Creating a HeatWave Cluster 4-1
4.1.1 Estimating Cluster Size with HeatWave Autopilot 4-2
4.2 Managing a HeatWave Cluster 4-4
4.2.1 Starting, Stopping, or Restarting a HeatWave Cluster 4-4
4.2.2 Editing a HeatWave Cluster 4-4
4.2.3 Deleting a HeatWave Cluster 4-5
4.3 Viewing HeatWave Cluster Details 4-6
4.3.1 HeatWave Cluster Details 4-6
4.4 HeatWave Cluster Failure and Recovery 4-10
Connecting to a DB System
5.1 Connecting from the Console 5-1
5.2 Connecting from a Client 5-1
5.2.1 Connecting with MySQL Shell 5-2
5.2.2 Connecting with MySQL Command-Line Client 5-3
5.2.3 Connecting with MySQL Workbench 5-4
5.3 Connecting Using a PrivateLink 5-5
5.4 MySQL Connectors 5-5
5.5 Enabling Host Name Identity Verification 5-5
6.1 Creating a PrivateLink 6-1
6.2 Configuring IAM Policies for Endpoints for a Query PrivateLink 6-3
6.3 Creating an Endpoint for a Query PrivateLink 6-4
6.4 Connecting to a DB System With a PrivateLink 6-5
6.5 Managing a PrivateLink 6-6
6.5.1 Editing a PrivateLink 6-6
6.5.2 Deleting a PrivateLink 6-6
6.5.3 Updating Authorized Principals for a Query PrivateLink 6-7
6.5.4 Updating Egress Endpoints for a Egress PrivateLink 6-7
6.5.5 Viewing PrivateLink Details 6-8 PrivateLink Details 6-9
6.6 PrivateLink Limitations 6-11
Importing Data
7.1 Exporting Data 7-1
7.1.1 About MySQL Shell 7-2
7.1.2 MySQL Server Compatibility 7-2
7.1.3 Exporting Data Using MySQL Shell 7-4
7.2 Importing Data 7-5
7.2.1 Data Import Feature 7-5 Importing Sample Database 7-5 Importing Data Using the Data Import Feature 7-6 Viewing Data Import Details 7-8
7.2.2 Bulk Ingest Feature 7-10 Granting Privileges to Bulk Ingest Data From Amazon S3 7-11 Importing Data Using the Bulk Ingest Feature 7-11 Bulk Ingest Limitations 7-12
7.2.3 Dump Loading Utility 7-13 Importing Data Using the Dump Loading Utility 7-13
Inbound Replication
8.1 About Inbound Replication 8-1
8.2 Configuring Inbound Replication 8-2
8.2.1 Configuring Inbound Replication over the Public Internet 8-2
8.2.2 Configuring Inbound Replication over an Egress PrivateLink 8-2
8.3 Source Configuration 8-2
8.3.1 Source Configuration When Using an Egress PrivateLink 8-3
8.4 Creating a Replication User On a Source Server 8-6
8.5 Creating a Channel 8-7
8.5.1 Channel Filter Rules for Inbound Replication 8-11
8.6 Managing Replication Channels 8-12
8.6.1 Disabling or Enabling a Channel 8-12
8.6.2 Editing a Channel 8-13
8.6.3 Resuming a Channel 8-13
8.6.4 Resetting a Channel 8-14
8.6.5 Deleting a Channel 8-14
8.7 Viewing Channel Details 8-15
8.7.1 Channel Details 8-15
8.8 Limitations 8-19
Manage Data in HeatWave with Workspaces
9.1 Loading or Unloading Data into HeatWave Cluster 9-1
9.2 Creating Lakehouse Mapping 9-3
9.3 Maximum Number of Tables Loadable into a HeatWave Cluster 9-5
Running Queries
10.1 Running HeatWave Queries 10-1
Autopilot Index Advisor
11.1 Running Autopilot Index Advisor 11-1
HeatWave AutoML
12.1 HeatWave AutoML Requirements 12-1
12.2 Create a HeatWave AutoML model 12-1
12.3 Evaluate a HeatWave AutoML model 12-2
HeatWave GenAI
13.1 HeatWave GenAI Requirements 13-1
13.2 HeatWave GenAI In-Database LLMs 13-2
13.3 HeatWave GenAI External LLMs 13-2
13.4 HeatWave GenAI In-database Vector Store 13-2
13.5 HeatWave GenAI Routines 13-3
System Variables
14.1 System Variables 14-1
Performance Monitoring
16.1 HeatWave Cluster Performance 16-1
16.1.1 HeatWave Cluster Performance Data 16-1
16.2 Workload Performance 16-2
16.2.1 HeatWave Workload Performance Data 16-2
16.3 Autopilot Shape Advisor 16-2
16.3.1 Autopilot Shape Advisor with HeatWave Console 16-4 Auto Shape Prediction Data 16-4
16.3.2 Autopilot Shape Advisor with a MySQL Client 16-5
17.1 Creating a Backup 17-1
17.2 Editing a Backup 17-2
17.3 Viewing Backup Details 17-2
17.3.1 Backup Details 17-2
17.4 Restoring a Backup to a New DB System 17-4
17.5 Deleting a Backup 17-6
17.6 Billing and Free Quota for Backup Storage 17-7
18.1 Creating a MySQL Configuration 18-1
18.2 Copying a MySQL Configuration 18-3
18.3 MySQL Configuration Details 18-5
18.4 System Initialization Variables 18-8
18.5 User-Configurable System Variables 18-8
18.6 User-Configurable Shape-Dependent System Variables 18-10
18.7 Service-Specific System Variables 18-12
18.8 Shape-Dependent System Variables 18-13
18.9 Session Variables 18-15
User and Group Management
19.1 Groups and Permissions 19-1
19.2 Groups and Policies 19-3
19.3 User Management 19-4
Account Management
20.1 Manage Regions 20-1
20.2 Service Limits 20-1
20.3 Billing 20-2
20.4 Viewing OCID of the Tenancy 20-3
20.5 Manage AWS Access 20-3
20.5.1 Creating an IAM Policy to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket 20-3
20.5.2 Creating an IAM Role to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket 20-5
20.5.3 Creating an IAM Policy to Access Amazon Bedrock LLMs 20-7
20.5.4 Creating an IAM Role to Access Amazon Bedrock LLMs 20-8
Release Notes
Preface and Legal Notices
This is the HeatWave on AWS Service Guide.
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HeatWave on AWS is a fully managed service, developed and supported by Oracle. Oracle
automates tasks such as database and operating system patching. You are responsible for
managing your data, schema designs, and access.
MySQL Server
Integration with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
Region Availability
Identity and Access Management
1.1 HeatWave
HeatWave is a massively parallel, high performance, in-memory query accelerator that
accelerates MySQL performance by orders of magnitude for analytics and mixed workloads.
With HeatWave, you can provision DB Systems and HeatWave Clusters.
HeatWave consists of a DB System and one or more HeatWave nodes that form a HeatWave
Clusters. The DB System is responsible for cluster management, query scheduling, and
returning query results. HeatWave nodes store data in memory and process analytics queries.
When a HeatWave Cluster is enabled, queries that meet certain prerequisites are automatically
offloaded from the DB System to the HeatWave Cluster for accelerated processing. Queries
are issued from Query Editor in the HeatWave Console or from a MySQL client or application
that interacts with the HeatWave Cluster by connecting to the DB System.
This HeatWave on AWS Service Guide covers what you need to know to set up and
use DB Systems and HeatWave Clusters on AWS, mainly using the HeatWave
Console. For more detailed information about using HeatWave and related utilities,
refer to the HeatWave User Guide . Some of that information does not apply to
HeatWave on AWS, so be sure to check the HeatWave on AWS Service Guide first
for the most relevant information.
1.2 MySQL Server
The MySQL Server on HeatWave on AWS is built on the MySQL Enterprise Edition Server,
which allows developers to quickly create and deploy secure cloud native applications using
the world's most popular open source database. It is the only MySQL Server that supports
HeatWave. For MySQL Server documentation, refer to the MySQL Reference Manual .
You can choose from the latest MySQL releases when creating a DB System. See Creating a
DB System.
1.3 Integration with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
HeatWave on AWS is integrated with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) for identity and access
management, and for billing and cost management.
When you sign up for HeatWave on AWS, you are directed to OCI where you must sign up for
an Oracle Cloud Account if you do not have one. After signing up, you are directed to the OCI
Console to complete the sign-up process. When signing in to the HeatWave Console, you are
seamlessly directed to OCI for authentication and then back to the HeatWave Console.
Identity and access management and billing for HeatWave on AWS is managed in OCI. For
more information, see Billing.
The following diagram illustrates HeatWave on AWS integration with Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure (OCI).
Figure 1-1 HeatWave on AWS and OCI Integration
1.4 Region Availability
HeatWave on AWS is currently available in five regions. Each AWS Region maps to an OCI
region, and requires a subscription to that OCI region.
Table 1-1 OCI and AWS Regions
OCI Region name OCI Region identifier AWS Region name AWS Region code
Germany Central
eu-frankfurt-1 Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1
India West (Mumbai) ap-mumbai-1 Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1
Japan East (Tokyo) ap-tokyo-1 Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1
UK South (London) uk-london-1 Europe (London) eu-west-2
US East (Ashburn) us-ashburn-1 US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1
See Subscribed Region Limits.
Chapter 1
Integration with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
1.5 Identity and Access Management
HeatWave on AWS integrates with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) for identity and access
HeatWave on AWS uses predefined OCI Identity and Access Management (IAM) groups to
control access to the HeatWave Console. For example, predefined group membership
determines who can create DB Systems and HeatWave Clusters and who can use them. An
Administrator in your organization is responsible for adding users to the appropriate groups.
For more information, see User and Group Management.
HeatWave on AWS also supports federation with third-party Identity Providers (IdPs). See
Federating with Identity Providers.
If you are a regular user (not an Administrator) who needs access to HeatWave on AWS,
contact your Administrator to set up an account. An OCI IAM user account is required to
access the HeatWave Console, and that user must be added to one of the predefined OCI IAM
groups. For more information, see User and Group Management.
A separate MySQL user account is required to access HeatWave on AWS from a MySQL client
or application. This can be the MySQL Administrator user specified when creating the DB
System (see Creating a DB System) or a MySQL user account created on the DB System
. If you are not the MySQL Administrator and you do not have a MySQL
user account, have your MySQL Administrator create one for you.
1.6 Security
Oracle considers cloud security its highest priority. The following security features help keep
your data safe and secure.
Database access control and account management
MySQL provides security features to control access and manage your account. See
Access Control and Account Management.
Connection Control
HeatWave on AWS supports a plugin library that enables Administrators to introduce an
increasing delay in server response to connection attempts after a configurable number of
consecutive failed attempts. This capability provides a deterrent that slows down brute
force attacks against MySQL user accounts. The default connection control settings, which
cannot be modified, are as follows:
See The Connection-Control Plugins.
Encryption at rest
Your data is always encrypted at rest. HeatWave on AWS uses Amazon EBS encryption.
Boot volumes are encrypted on MySQL DB System and HeatWave nodes, and the
database volume is encrypted on the MySQL DB System. For information about EBS
encryption, see Amazon EBS Encryption, in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux
Encryption in transit
Chapter 1
Identity and Access Management
Your data is always encrypted while in transit. HeatWave on AWS supports TLSv1.2 and
requires that all MySQL client and application connections are encrypted. For added
security, download a signed certificate bundle to enable host name identity verification for
connecting clients and applications. For more information, see Enabling Host Name
Identity Verification.
MySQL Enterprise Data Masking and De-Identification
Use data masking and de-identification to protect your sensitive data. HeatWave on AWS
supports various MySQL data masking functions that mask data to remove identifying
characteristics and generate random data with specific characteristics. The following data
masking functions are supported:
For more information, see MySQL Enterprise Data Masking and De-Identification.
Password Validation
HeatWave on AWS enforces strong passwords with the
serves to improve security by requiring account passwords and enabling strength testing of
potential passwords. The default value of the variables of the validate_password
component are as follows, and you cannot change the default values:
Make sure your applications comply with the password requirements. For more
information, see The Password Validation Component.
MySQL Enterprise Firewall
MySQL Enterprise Firewall enables database Administrators to permit or deny SQL
statement execution based on matching against lists of accepted statement patterns. This
helps harden MySQL against attacks such as SQL injection or attempts to exploit
applications by using them outside of their legitimate query workload characteristics. For
more information, see MySQL Enterprise Firewall.
Chapter 1
Getting Started
This chapter describes how to access HeatWave on AWS, how to sign up for the HeatWave on
AWS service, how to sign in, and provides an introduction to the HeatWave Console.
Accessing HeatWave on AWS
Signing Up
Signing In
Using the Console
2.1 Accessing HeatWave on AWS
Access HeatWave on AWS with the HeatWave Console. It is a browser-based interface
available at https://cloud.mysql.com/.
The access requires that you have signed up for HeatWave on AWS. See Signing Up for
Once you have signed up, sign in to HeatWave Console. See Signing In for details. See Using
the Console on how to use HeatWave Console.
After signing in and creating a DB System, you can also access HeatWave on AWS from a
MySQL client or application. A MySQL user account is required; see Connecting from a Client.
2.2 Signing Up
This chapter describes how to sign up for the HeatWave on AWS Service.
Sign-up Overview
Sign-up Procedure
2.2.1 Sign-up Overview
The sign-up process for HeatWave on AWS consists of the following major steps
Create an Oracle Cloud Free Tier Account, if you do not already have one.
Enable the HeatWave on AWS service in your home region.
See Sign-up Procedure for detailed instructions.
Free Trial
Once signed up, you will receive free cloud credits you can use for up to 30 days to try out
HeatWave on AWS. Once the free trial ends, you will no longer be able to update your
resources or create new ones, but the resources you already created may still be viewed or
deleted within a grace period, after which they will all be deleted. Upgrade to a paid account
before the end of the grace period to maintain the data in your free-trial resources and to
continue using HeatWave on AWS.
During free trial, you can enable the HeatWave on AWS service only in your home
region. If you have chosen a home region where the HeatWave on AWS service is
not available, you cannot use the HeatWave on AWS service during the free trial
period. Check Region Availability. Upgrade to a paid account to enable the
HeatWave on AWS service in any supported region.
See the Service Limits that apply during a free trial.
2.2.2 Sign-up Procedure
To sign up for HeatWave on AWS:
1. Create an Oracle Cloud Account (or proceed to Step 2 below if you already have one):
a. Navigate to https://cloud.mysql.com and click Sign Up.
b. Enter an email address and click Continue.
c. Enter the Account Information and click Verify my email.
d. In the verification email, click Verify email to verify the email address and continue the
account setup process.
e. Complete the Account Information, including Password, Customer type, Cloud
Account Name, and Home Region. Click Continue after you are done.
An Oracle Cloud Account has a single region limit by default. For the Home
Region, choose the OCI region that maps to your preferred AWS region (for
which HeatWave on AWS is supported) to avoid the need for a region
increase. See: Region Availability and Subscribed Region Limits for details.
f. Complete the Address Information and click Continue.
g. Click Add payment verification method and complete Payment Verification.
h. Select Agreement, and click Start my free trial. Your Oracle Cloud account is being
set up, which might take a while. You will then be directed to the Oracle Cloud Sign In
2. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Console:
Chapter 2
Signing Up
To sign up for HeatWave on AWS, the registered user must either be a member
of the
group in the OCI
identity domain (which is the
case if you have gone through Step 1 above) or have the following permissions:
manage heatwave-registration
manage policies
manage domains
manage groups
read limits
update tenancies
See Manage Identity Domain and Getting Started with Policies for more details
on identity domains and policies on OCI.
a. On the Oracle Cloud Sign In page, enter your Oracle Cloud account name and click
Next. Continue your sign in on the next page by providing your account credentials.
After a successful sign in, you are directed to the Oracle Cloud Console.
b. Go to the HeatWave on AWS Administration page by doing one of the following:
If you have gone through Steps 1 to sign up for an account, you should see on the
Get Started tab the Get started with HeatWave on AWS banner. Click the Go to
service button on it.
If you already had an Oracle Cloud account and did not go through Step 1 before
signing in to the Oracle Cloud Console, open the navigation menu on the top left
and select Databases. Under , click Administration to go to the HeatWave on
AWS Administration page.
3. Enable HeatWave on AWS service:
On the HeatWave on AWS Region Management pane, if the OCI region that maps to
your preferred AWS region shows Subscribed, do the following to enable the HeatWave
on AWS service:
a. Click Enable next to the preferred AWS region.
b. In the Enable HeatWave on AWS on <AWS Region> dialog box, click Enable.
The HeatWave on AWS Administration page shows the current status of the sign-up
process. Wait for the process to finish.
If the OCI region that maps to your preferred AWS region does NOT show Subscribed,
follow these steps to subscribe to the desired OCI region (skip to step b if yours is already
a paid account, and skip to step c if you already have sufficient region limits to subscribe to
a new OCI region):
a. Request an account upgrade
i. On the HeatWave on AWS Administration page, click the Request Upgrade
ii. On the Upgrade page, complete the payment information by clicking the Add
Payment Method button and following the steps.
Chapter 2
Signing Up
iii. Unless you want to Request a Sales Call (click the corresponding button in that
case), under Pay as You Go, select the account type (Corporate or Individual),
agree to the terms and conditions, and click the Upgrade your account button.
iv. From the Upgrade Confirmation dialog box, click Continue.
The account upgrade might take some time.
b. Request a region limit increase:
i. From the OCI Console, Open the Help menu ( ), and under Targeted help, click
Request service limit increase. The Support Options page opens.
ii. Follow the steps in Requesting a Limit Increase to the Subscribed Region Count.
c. Subscribe to the preferred region and enable the HeatWave on AWS service:
i. From the OCI Console, open the navigation menu, and select Databases. Under
HeatWave on AWS, click Administration.
ii. On the HeatWave on AWS Region Management pane, click Subscribe next to
the OCI region that maps to the preferred AWS region.
iii. In the Subscribe to <OCI Region> dialog box, read the privacy notice, and then
click Subscribe.
iv. Click Enable next to the preferred AWS region.
v. In the Enable HeatWave on AWS on <AWS Region> dialog box, click Enable.
Do not change the Oracle Cloud Account name after enabling the HeatWave on
AWS service, as it can cause a loss of access to the HeatWave on AWS service.
4. Start using HeatWave on AWS:
On the HeatWave on AWS Administration page, click Open HeatWave on AWS
Console on the Welcome to HeatWave on AWS banner. This will direct you to the
HeatWave Console— for more information on it see Using the Console.
2.3 Signing In
This procedure assumes that you are an Oracle Cloud Account customer registered to use
HeatWave on AWS. If you are not registered, see Signing Up.
Signing in to HeatWave on AWS requires:
An Oracle Cloud Account name. This is the Oracle Cloud Account you registered with,
chosen during account signup, or that was provided to you by an Account Administrator. In
either case, you can find your Oracle Cloud Account name in your Oracle Cloud Account
welcome email.
Your user name and password.
If you forgot your Oracle Cloud Account name, click Get help in the sign-in dialog and enter
the email address associated with the Cloud Account. Oracle will send you an email with a
summary of your account information.
To sign in to your account:
1. Navigate your browser to https://cloud.mysql.com.
Chapter 2
Signing In
You are directed to the HeatWave on AWS welcome page.
2. Enter your Oracle Cloud Account name.
3. Click Continue.
You are directed to the Oracle Cloud Account Sign In dialog.
4. Enter your user name and password and click Sign In.
Once your user name and password are authenticated, you are directed to the HeatWave
2.4 Using the Console
The HeatWave Console supports browser platforms supported by Oracle Jet. See Platforms
supported by Oracle JET, in the JavaScript Extension Toolkit documentation.
Firewalls, proxy servers, or other devices that control access to the internet can affect the
ability to connect to the HeatWave Console and OCI Console.
To allow network access to both the HeatWave Console and OCI Console, add the following
URLs to the allowlist for firewalls and proxy servers:
The last URL is for OCI Console cookie preferences.
Console Overview
2.4.1 Console Overview
When you sign in to the HeatWave Console, you are directed to the Home page.
The profile menu at the top right corner of the HeatWave Console shows the account you are
logged in to.
The navigation tabs allow you to navigate the pages of the HeatWave Console. The HeatWave
Console pages include:
This is the landing page where users are directed after signing in. It consists of the
following regions:
The Getting Started region of the page provides a Launch Starter DB System button
for Launching a Starter DB System.
The Resource Summary region shows the resource consumption. Resources listed
include Regions Subscribed, DB Systems, HeatWave Clusters, Backups, Storage,
and PrivateLinks.
The Recent Activity region lists the type, severity, and time for recent events.
The What's New region lists latest changes to HeatWave on AWS.
Chapter 2
Using the Console
Displays the Resources page, where you can manage different resources like DB
Systems, HeatWave Clusters, Backups, DB System Configurations, replication
Channels, and PrivateLinks on different tabs.
Displays the Workspace page, where you can connect to a DB System, manage
HeatWave Cluster data, and run DB System and HeatWave queries using the Query
HeatWave AutoML
Displays the HeatWave AutoML page, where you can create or evaluate HeatWave
AutoML models.
Displays the Performance page, where you can monitor HeatWave and MySQL
performance metrics.
Signing Out
To sign out of the HeatWave Console, open the profile menu and click Sign Out.
Chapter 2
Using the Console
DB Systems
This chapter covers how to create and manage MySQL DB Systems.
About DB Systems
Launching a Starter DB System
Creating a DB System
Managing a DB System
Viewing DB System Details
3.1 About DB Systems
A DB System is a logical container for the MySQL instance. It provides an interface enabling
management of tasks such as provisioning, backup, monitoring, and so on. It also provides a
read/write endpoint enabling you to connect to the MySQL instance using the standard MySQL
DB System Components
A DB System consists of the following components:
An Amazon EC2 instance type (with resources defined by the associated shape; see
Supported Shapes for more information).
Oracle Linux Operating System
It is not possible to access the operating system. Only the MySQL instance is
exposed through the DB System endpoint.
MySQL Server Enterprise Edition. For more information, see MySQL Server.
Virtual Network Interface Card (VNIC) which attaches the DB System to a subnet of the
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). For connections to the DB System, a public endpoint is
exposed as a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN). Specific IP addresses in CIDR format
can be specified to limit access to the public endpoint.
Network-attached block storage. HeatWave on AWS uses Amazon EBS block storage. For
more information, see Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) in the Amazon EC2
User Guide for Linux Instances.
DB System Storage
Storage size should be determined based on your data size and performance requirements.
For information about increasing the storage available to the DB System, see Increasing DB
System Storage.
Supported Shapes
MySQL Server
3.1.1 Supported Shapes
HeatWave on AWS supports the following MySQL and HeatWave node shapes.
Table 3-1 MySQL Shapes
Shape Name ECPUs vCPUs Memory (GiB)
MySQL.2.16GB 1 2 16
MySQL.4.32GB 2 4 32
MySQL.8.64GB 4 8 64
MySQL.32.256GB 16 32 256
Table 3-2 HeatWave Node Shapes
Shape Name Memory (GiB)
HeatWave.16GB 16
HeatWave.256GB 256
If you intend to use HeatWave AutoML functionality, the
node shape is
recommended when creating a HeatWave Cluster. The
node shape may
not have enough memory for training on large data sets. If you see error messages about
this (such as
), use the larger shape instead.
3.1.2 MySQL Server
This section describes various aspects of MySQL Server including versioning, upgrades, error
logging, unsupported features, and limitations.
Server Versioning
Server Upgrades
Server Error Logging
Unsupported MySQL Server Features
MySQL Storage Engines
Plugins and Components
MySQL Enterprise Audit
HeatWave on AWS Service Restrictions
Default MySQL Privileges
Reserved User Names Server Versioning
The MySQL Server included in the HeatWave on AWS uses a versioning system consisting of
three numbers, an update version, and the
suffix. For example:
Chapter 3
About DB Systems
First number: The major release number.
Second number: The minor release number. Taken together, the major and minor numbers
constitute the release series number.
Third number: The version number within the release series. This is incremented for each
new release.
uN : The MySQL Server-specific update number. Fixes and feature development for the
cloud version of MySQL Server are delivered according to a different schedule than the on-
premise version.
cloud: suffix indicating this version of MySQL Server was built for the cloud, only.
To retrieve the MySQL Server version number, connect to your DB System using a MySQL
client, and run
SELECT @@version;
. The following example shows the command and typical
mysql> SELECT @@version;
| @@version |
| 8.4.0-u2-cloud |
+-----------------+ Server Upgrades
HeatWave on AWS supports the most recent release version of MySQL.
Minor versions, such as 9.x.nn, must be applied manually. See Upgrade MySQL Version
for information.
Upgrade versions, such as 9.x.nn-un, are applied automatically and according to the
maintenance window defined on the DB System.
For more information about MySQL Server versioning, see Server Versioning.
It is not possible to roll back (downgrade) an upgrade. It is recommended to perform a full
backup before upgrading your DB System. Server Error Logging
HeatWave on AWS logs MySQL Server diagnostic information such as errors, warnings, and
status updates to the Performance Schema
table. You can use a command-line
client such as MySQL Client or MySQL Shell to view this data. For information about
connecting to the DB System from a client, see Connecting from a Client. If connecting from
MySQL Shell, you must switch to SQL mode by typing
at the MySQL Shell prompt.
To view logs in the
table, run the following statement:
mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.error_log;
Chapter 3
About DB Systems
You get a response similar to the following, which displays the event timestamp, the thread ID,
the event priority, the event error code (if present), subsystem in which the event occurred, and
text describing the event:
*************************** 1. row ***************************
LOGGED: 2022-04-07 19:17:03.981201
PRIO: Warning
DATA: The syntax 'skip_slave_start' is deprecated and will be removed
in a future release. Please use skip_replica_start instead.
*************************** 2. row ***************************
LOGGED: 2022-04-07 19:17:03.98388
PRIO: Note
DATA: Ignoring --secure-file-priv value as server is running with
*************************** 3. row ***************************
LOGGED: 2022-04-07 19:17:03.983921
PRIO: Note
DATA: Basedir set to /usr/.
To filter the logs to show only errors, run this statement:
mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.error_log
WHERE PRIO='error';
To filter the logs to only show errors from the
, HeatWave, subsystem, run this statement:
mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.error_log
You can select from the following subsystems:
To filter on the
(HeatWave) subsystem over a 2 hour time interval, run the following
mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.error_log
Chapter 3
About DB Systems
To retrieve a count of how many instances of a specific error occurred in a single day, run the
following command:
mysql> SELECT HOUR(LOGGED), count(*)
FROM performance_schema.error_log
To retrieve a count of how many instances of a specific error occurred in a week, run the
following command:
mysql> SELECT DAY(LOGGED), count(*)
FROM performance_schema.error_log
GROUP BY DAY(LOGGED); Unsupported MySQL Server Features
The following features of MySQL Server are currently unsupported in HeatWave on AWS:
Authentication plugins other than Native Pluggable Authentication
), SHA-256 Pluggable Authentication (
), and
Caching SHA-2 Pluggable Authentication (
Modification of system tables
Binary log access
Error Logging to MySQL Server error log. Error logging is available through the
Performance Schema. See Server Error Logging.
Group Replication plugin
InnoDB Tablespace Encryption
Setting global variables
Persisted system variables
Replication filters
Semisynchronous replication
Transportable tablespaces MySQL Storage Engines
HeatWave on AWS supports only the InnoDB storage engine.
If you intend to migrate to HeatWave on AWS, and are not currently using the InnoDB storage
engine, your data must be converted to use the
storage engine before the data is
Chapter 3
About DB Systems
You can manually convert tables to InnoDB using the following
mysql> ALTER TABLE table_name ENGINE=InnoDB;
The recommended method for migrating data is to use the MySQL Shell client. MySQL Shell
dump utilities provide a
option that checks for various incompatibilities, including tables
defined with unsupported storage engines. Should incompatibilities exist, the MySQL Shell
option can be used to alter MySQL Shell dump files to fix the incompatibilities,
including changing the storage engine to InnoDB. For more information, see Importing Data. Plugins and Components
The following MySQL Server plugins and components are loaded by default. You do not need
to install any of these plugins.
MySQL Enterprise Thread Pool
Implements a thread pool that increases server performance by efficiently managing
statement execution threads for large numbers of client connections. For more information,
refer to MySQL Enterprise Thread Pool, in the MySQL Reference Manual.
Connection Control Plugins
Introduces an increasing delay in server response to connection attempts after a number
of consecutive failed attempts. This capability provides a deterrent that slows down brute
force attacks against MySQL user accounts. For more information, refer to The
Connection-Control Plugins, in the MySQL Reference Manual.
Password Validation Component
Improves security by requiring account passwords and enabling strength testing of
potential passwords. For more information, refer to The Password Validation Component,
in the MySQL Reference Manual.
MySQL Enterprise Data Masking and De-Identification
Helps protect sensitive data from unauthorized uses by hiding and replacing real values
with substitutes. For more information, refer to MySQL Enterprise Data Masking and De-
Identification, in the MySQL Reference Manual.
MySQL Enterprise Firewall
Protects your data by monitoring, alerting, and blocking unauthorized database activity. For
more information, refer to MySQL Enterprise Firewall, in the MySQL Reference Manual.
MySQL Enterprise Encryption
Provides built-in, server-side asymmetric encryption, key generation, digital signatures,
and other cryptographic features to help protect confidential data using public and private
keys. Only the MySQL Enterprise Encryption component functions are supported. The
MySQL Enterprise Encryption plugin functions are deprecated and not supported by
HeatWave on AWS. For more information, refer to MySQL Enterprise Encryption, in the
MySQL Reference Manual.
MySQL Enterprise Audit
Enables the MySQL Server to produce a log file containing an audit record of server
activities. The log contents can include information such as when clients connected and
disconnected, what actions they performed while connected, and which databases and
tables they accessed. See MySQL Enterprise Audit for details.
Chapter 3
About DB Systems
3-6 MySQL Enterprise Audit
HeatWave on AWS supports the MySQL Enterprise Audit plugin for MySQL Server 8.1.0 and
later. The audit plugin enables the MySQL Server to produce a log file containing an audit
record of server activities. The log contents can include information such as when clients
connected and disconnected, what actions they performed while connected, and which
databases and tables they accessed.
You can add statistics for the time and size of the queries to detect outliers. By default, the
audit plugin is disabled. You have to enable the plugin and define audit plugin filters to log
auditable events for all or specific users.
To use the database audit plugin, you need to:
Connect to the DB System
Use the Query Editor on the Workspace page or your command-line client to perform the
following operations.
Enable Audit Plugin
The audit plugin is disabled in the default MySQL configurations on HeatWave on AWS.
Enable it by setting the MySQL server system variable
in a custom
configuration for your MySQL server and then use it to create your new DB system or update
an existing one (see Creating a MySQL Configuration for details on setting preferred values for
User-Configurable System Variables).
Granting Audit Administration Privileges
By default, the administrator user you defined while creating the DB system has the audit
administration privileges. You can grant the privileges to more users (for example, to the user
) by running the following command:
Defining Audit Plugin Filters
Define your audit plugin filters to log auditable events for all or specific users. See Writing Audit
Log Filter Definitions for details. Here are some sample filters and the commands to define
To audit all events, run the following command:
SELECT audit_log_filter_set_filter('log_all', '{ "filter": { "log":
true } }');
To audit connection events only, run the following command:
SELECT audit_log_filter_set_filter('log_conn_events', '{"filter":
{"class": { "name": "connection" }}}');
To view audit filters, run the following command:
SELECT * FROM mysql_audit.audit_log_filter;
Assign the filters you created above to all or specific users for them to access the audit data.
For example:
Chapter 3
About DB Systems
To assign the default audit filter to log all events from any account, use the wildcard
SELECT audit_log_filter_set_user('%', 'log_all');
To assign the default audit filter to log all connect events from any account, use the
wildcard character
SELECT audit_log_filter_set_user('%', 'log_conn_events');
To assign the default audit filter to log all events from a specific user such as
, run
the following command:
SELECT audit_log_filter_set_user('user_dba@%', 'log_all');
To view the assigned rules, run the following command:
SELECT * FROM mysql_audit.audit_log_user;
To unassign the rules from the user
, run the following command:
SELECT audit_log_filter_remove_user('user_dba@%');
Accessing and Analyzing Audit Data
Use the audit data to monitor the DB system. Use these statements to access the audit data
through the functions
To view any new logs since you last checked, run the following command (this ensures you
are always updated with the latest audit log entries):
SELECT audit_log_read(audit_log_read_bookmark());
To extract audit log contents starting from a particular timestamp, provide additional
parameters within the
SELECT audit_log_read('{ "start": { "timestamp": "2024-01-24 12:30:00" },
"max_array_length": 500 }');
To view the audit data in an easier to read format, use the
functions; for example:
SELECT JSON_PRETTY(CONVERT(audit_log_read( '{ "start": { "timestamp":
"2024-01-24 12:30:00" }, "max_array_length": 500 }') USING UTF8MB4));
To transform data into a tabular format, use the MySQL JSON functions. For example, you
can transform a subset of the JSON name-value pairs into a structured table format,
making it easier to interact with and analyze data:
SELECT @@server_uuid as server_uuid, ts, class, event,
Chapter 3
About DB Systems
AUDIT_LOG_READ( '{ "start": {\"timestamp\": \"2024-01-16 15:33:37\"},
\"max_array_length\": 10 }' ),
ts TIMESTAMP PATH '$.timestamp',
class VARCHAR(20) PATH '$.class',
event VARCHAR(80) PATH '$.event',
login_ip VARCHAR(200) PATH '$.login.ip',
login_user VARCHAR(200) PATH '$.login.user',
connection_id VARCHAR(80) PATH '$.connection_id',
status INT PATH '$.connection_data.status',
connection_type VARCHAR(40) PATH '$.connection_data.connection_type',
_client_name VARCHAR(80) PATH
_client_version VARCHAR(80) PATH
command VARCHAR(40) PATH '$.general_data.command',
sql_command VARCHAR(40) PATH '$.general_data.sql_command',
command_status VARCHAR(40) PATH '$.general_data.status'
)) as audit_log;
To further refine the data extraction, use
clauses (for example,
connection_type <> 'SSL'
) in the SQL statements.
Related Topics
MySQL Enterprise Audit HeatWave on AWS Service Restrictions
The following items are currently not permitted in HeatWave on AWS:
Custom TLS certificates.
Changing the shape associated with a DB System. To change a shape, you must restore a
backup of the DB System to a new DB System, and change the shape as part of that
process. See Restoring a Backup to a New DB System for more information. Default MySQL Privileges
This section lists the MySQL privileges granted to the MySQL Administrator user on the DB
System and those explicitly revoked on the
schemas. Revoked privileges
cannot be granted to any MySQL user. For more information, see MySQL Privileges.
Global Privileges Granted
Chapter 3
About DB Systems
Global Dynamic Privileges Granted
Privileges Revoked from mysql Schema
Chapter 3
About DB Systems
Privileges Revoked from sys Schema
TRIGGER Reserved User Names
The following user names are reserved and cannot be used for the MySQL Administrator user
Chapter 3
About DB Systems
3.2 Launching a Starter DB System
A Starter DB System is a preconfigured HeatWave MySQL DB System with preloaded sample
data that you can easily launch for testing out HeatWave on AWS. The following are included
with your Starter DB System launch:
A DB System running the latest MySQL version with 2 vCPUs, 16GiB memory, and 50 GiB
sample databases.
An attached one-node HeatWave Cluster with 256 GiB memory.
Follow these steps to launch the Starter DB System:
In the HeatWave Console, select the Home tab.
Click the Launch Starter DB System button in the Getting Started region. The Launch
Starter DB System dialog appears.
Specify the Administrator credentials.
Username: Name of the user that will be granted a specific set of MySQL Server
administrator privileges. See Default MySQL Privileges. The administrator username
can have up to 32 characters. Certain names are reserved. See Reserved User
Password: The administrator password, which must be between 8 and 32 characters,
and include at least one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one
character from
Confirm Password: Reenter the administrator password.
Click the Launch button. A DB system named Starter DB System (you can change the
name later) is being launched.
You are redirected to the Resources tab, on which the DB Systems tab allows you to monitor
the state of the launch operation, which may take some time to complete. The state will change
from Creating to Active when the operation has completed successfully.
Click the row of the starter DB system to open the MySQL DB System Details pane below the
list of DB Systems or click on the Starter DB System to open the MySQL DB System Details
page, to review the DB System Information.
3.3 Creating a DB System
Check that the correct AWS region is shown at the top of the HeatWave Console. If it is not,
see: Manage Regions
Creating a DB System requires administrator credentials, a hardware configuration, an AWS
Availability Zone, a MySQL configuration and version, a maintenance window, network
settings, backup policy, and a HeatWave Cluster configuration.
Administrator credentials.
HeatWave on AWS grants a specific set of MySQL Server privileges to an administrator.
See Default MySQL Privileges. The administrator user name can have up to 32 characters.
Certain names are reserved. See Reserved User Names.
Chapter 3
Launching a Starter DB System
The administrator password must be between 8 and 32 characters, and include at least
one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one character from ,.-+*;:_!
Hardware configuration.
The shape determines the resources that HeatWave on AWS allocates to the DB System.
See Supported Shapes.
HeatWave on AWS does not support changes to the MySQL shape. To use a
different shape requires a new DB System with the new shape. Restore the data
from a backup of the old DB System to the new DB System.
MySQL uses the data storage for all data, logs, and temporary files. Binaries are not stored
in this block storage. The maximum storage allocation is 65536 GiB.
Ensure that the data storage capacity is sufficient for any data import.
AWS Availability Zone.
An Availability Zone ID, AZ ID, identifies the physical Availability Zone. See Availability
Zone IDs for your AWS resources, in the AWS RAM User Guide.
To maximize performance, place the DB System in the same Availability Zone as
the applications that will use the DB System.
MySQL configuration.
Use a MySQL configuration to determine the values of global system variables. See
Not all MySQL configurations support HeatWave Clusters. Make sure to select a
MySQL configuration that does support HeatWave Clusters to attach a
HeatWave Cluster to the DB System. The default configuration will support
HeatWave Clusters.
Maintenance Window.
The maintenance window is a two-hour period specified in Coordinated Universal Time,
UTC. When an update is available, HeatWave on AWS initiates it during this window. The
time required to apply patches and updates may extend beyond the maintenance window
and require a DB System restart. For more information, see Maintenance.
Modify the Maintenance Window later by editing the DB System. See Editing a DB System.
Network settings: allowed client addresses.
Chapter 3
Creating a DB System
Specify the public-facing client IPv4 addresses that are permitted to connect to the DB
System endpoint. These must all be public IP addresses that are capable of accessing the
Internet, and not private IP addresses. For example:
The public IP address for the system you are using to set up HeatWave on AWS.
The public IP address for a system that an administrator will use to manage HeatWave
on AWS.
The public IP addresses of application servers where client applications that will use
HeatWave on AWS are running.
A public IP address range assigned to your organization.
The IP addresses are specified in Classless Inter-Domain Routing, CIDR, format; for
. Multiple addresses in CIDR format can be specified in a semicolon-
separated list; for example:;
CIDR notation permits specifying a range of IP addresses in a single address. A CIDR
address looks like a regular IP address but is suffixed with a forward slash followed by a
number. The number is a compact representation of the subnet mask; for example,
equivalent to
, where 24 is the number of bits in the binary representation of
is equivalent to
, which permits this IP address range:
The following table shows common subnet masks, the equivalent CIDR notation, and the
number of IP addresses in the range.
Table 3-3 CIDR Notation Examples
Subnet Mask CIDR Notation Number of IP Addresses /8 16777216 /16 65536 /24 256 /25 128 /26 64 /27 32 /28 16 /29 8 /30 4 /31 2 /32 1
Specify a combination of CIDR addresses to permit a specific range of IP address. For
example, to permit five IP addresses in the range of
, specify these
CIDR addresses:;
. To permit a single IP address such as
, specify
. More information about CIDR notation including IP
range to CIDR calculators can be found by searching online.
Backup policy.
Automatic backups are optional. The retention period is from 1 to 35 days for automatic
backups, with a default of 7 days. An automatic backup will start during the hour following
the Backup start time, if this is set. The default time to start an automatic backup is a time
between 11:00 and 07:00 UTC, and will be the same time every day.
HeatWave Cluster configuration.
The HeatWave Cluster shape determines the resources allocated to each HeatWave node.
See Supported Shapes.
Chapter 3
Creating a DB System
The cluster size is the number of HeatWave nodes, and can be between 1 and 128.
Because the new DB System does not yet contain any data, HeatWave Autopilot cannot
estimate the required cluster size, see: Estimating Cluster Size with HeatWave Autopilot.
To make an estimate after loading the data to the DB System, delete the
HeatWave Cluster and create a new one following the instructions in Creating a
HeatWave Cluster.
HeatWave on AWS does not support changes to the HeatWave Cluster shape. To use a
different shape requires removing the existing HeatWave Cluster and creating a new one.
For HeatWave AutoML functionality, the
node shape is
recommended when creating a HeatWave Cluster. The
shape may not have enough memory for training on large data sets. If error
messages appear, such as
, use the larger shape.
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the DB Systems page, click Create MySQL DB System to open the Create MySQL
DB System and HeatWave Cluster dialog.
3. Basic information: Provide a name and description for the DB System:
Display Name: Specify a display name for the DB System or use the generated
default name.
Description: Specify a user friendly description for the DB System.
4. Administrator credentials: Specify the administrator credentials.
Username: Specify a user name for the administrator.
Password: Specify a password for the administrator.
Confirm Password: Re-enter the administrator password.
5. Hardware configuration: Select a suitable hardware configuration.
Shape: Select a shape for the DB System.
Data Storage Size (GiB): Specify the amount of block storage, in GiB, to allocate to
the DB System.
6. Availability zone: This determines the physical location of the DB System:
Automatic: AWS selects the physical AWS Availability Zone.
Manual: Select a physical AWS Availability Zone.
7. MySQL Configuration: Select a MySQL configuration.
Click Change to change the default configuration.
Select a configuration from the list.
Click Apply MySQL Configuration.
Chapter 3
Creating a DB System
8. Database Version: Select the MySQL Server version to deploy. The latest MySQL Server
version is selected by default.
9. Maintenance Window: Select the start time for the maintenance window.
Select Automatic for HeatWave on AWS to choose the Start day and Start time.
Select Manual to specify the maintenance window Start day and Start time.
10. Networking: Configure network settings:
Allowed Client Addresses: Specify the public-facing client IPv4 addresses that are
permitted to connect to the DB System endpoint.
Port: The port on which the MySQL server listens. The default is port 3306. Specify a
port number between 1024 and 65535.
X Protocol Port: The X Protocol port on which the MySQL server listens, supported by
clients such as MySQL Shell. The default port is 33060. Specify a port number
between 1024 and 65535.
11. Backup policy: Select the backup retention period, and the start time for automatic
Select Enable Automatic Backups for HeatWave on AWS to take backups.
Set a retention period between 1 and 35 days.
Select Select Backup Window to set a preferred time to start a backup.
Set the Backup start time.
12. IAM roles:
Data Import role ARN: If you want to import data with Console, specify the role ARN.
See Creating an IAM Role to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket.
HeatWave AutoML role ARN: If you want to use the external AWS Bedrock LLMs for
HeatWave GenAI, specify the role ARN. See Creating an IAM Role to Access Amazon
Bedrock LLMs.
Lakehouse role ARN: If you want to use Lakehouse, specify the role ARN. See
Creating an IAM Role to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket.
13. Click Next.
14. Provision HeatWave Cluster: Select whether to provision a HeatWave Cluster.
This is only available if the chosen MySQL configuration supports HeatWave.
Basic information: Provide a name and description for the HeatWave Cluster:
Display Name: Specify a display name for the HeatWave Cluster or use the
generated default name.
Description: Specify a user-friendly description of the HeatWave Cluster.
HeatWave Cluster configuration: Specify the shape and cluster size.
Shape: Select the shape to use for the HeatWave Cluster.
Cluster Size: Specify the size of the cluster between 1 and 128 HeatWave nodes.
15. Click Create.
HeatWave Console returns to the DB Systems page to monitor the state of the operation,
which may take some time to complete. The state will change from Creating to Active
when the operation has completed successfully.
Click the name of the DB System to open the DB System Details pane and review the DB
System Information.
Chapter 3
Creating a DB System
3.4 Managing a DB System
This section describes how to manage MySQL DB Systems using the Console.
Stopping, Starting, or Restarting a DB System
Editing a DB System
Update Networking
Update MySQL Configuration
Update MySQL Shape
Upgrade MySQL Version
Increasing DB System Storage
Deleting a DB System
3.4.1 Stopping, Starting, or Restarting a DB System
A DB System starts automatically after it is created, and the Start button is disabled. A running
DB System shows the Active state. For information on DB System states, see MySQL DB
System Details.
Restarting a DB System with the Restart button shuts down the DB System, and then restarts
it immediately.
Stopping a DB System with the Stop button stops billing for it. However, billing continues for
storage. Billing for the DB System resumes when the DB System starts again.
Start, stop, or restart operations on a DB System also affect an associated HeatWave Cluster.
When a DB System restarts, the HeatWave Cluster also restarts, and it reloads data from the
DB System. See: Data Load Progress and Status Monitoring.
To start, stop, or restart a DB System:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the DB Systems tab, in the list of DB Systems, find the DB System you want to start,
stop, or restart, and do one of the following:
Click on the row of the DB System to highlight it, and then click the Start, Stop, or
Restart button.
Click the name of the DB System to open the DB System Details page, and then click
the Start, Stop, or Restart button.
3. When you select Stop or Restart, the Stop/Restart MySQL DB System dialog is
displayed for you to choose the shutdown type:
Slow flushes dirty pages and purges undo log pages for older transactions. The
shutdown itself can take longer, but the subsequent startup is faster.
Fast flushes dirty pages before shutting down the DB System. Some flush operations
must be performed during next startup, potentially increasing the duration of the
startup process.
Immediate does not flush dirty pages and does not purge any undo log pages. Stops
MySQL immediately. Page flushes and log purging will take place during the next
startup, increasing the duration of the startup process.
Chapter 3
Managing a DB System
Select a shutdown type and click the Stop or Restart button, depending on the action you
are taking.
3.4.2 Editing a DB System
Use the Console to edit a DB System, and update the details about the DB System, the
maintenance window, the backup policy, or the IAM roles.
This task requires the following:
(For data import feature only) Permissions to assume the data import role.
(For HeatWave AutoML features only) Permissions to assume the HeatWave AutoML role.
(For Lakehouse features only) Permissions to assume the Lakehouse role.
Do the following to edit a DB System:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the DB Systems tab, in the list of DB Systems, find the DB System to edit, and do one
of the following:
Click on the row of the DB System to highlight it, and choose Edit DB System from the
Actions menu.
Click the name of the DB System to open the DB System Details page. Click the Edit
DB System button.
3. Basic information: Edit the name and description of the DB System:
Display Name: Edit the display name for the DB System.
Description: Edit the user friendly description for the DB System.
4. Maintenance Window: Edit the start time for the maintenance window. The maintenance
window is a two-hour period specified in Coordinated Universal Time, UTC. When an
update is available, HeatWave on AWS initiates it during this window. The time required to
apply patches and updates may extend beyond the maintenance window and require a DB
System restart. See Maintenance.
Select Automatic for HeatWave on AWS to choose the Start day and Start time.
Select Manual to specify the maintenance window Start day and Start time.
5. Backup policy: Edit the backup retention period, and the start time for automatic backups.
Select Enable Automatic Backups for HeatWave on AWS to take backups.
Automatic backups are optional. The retention period is from 1 to 35 days for
automatic backups, with a default of 7 days. An automatic backup will start during the
hour following the Backup start time, if this is set. The default time to start an
automatic backup is a time between 11:00 and 07:00 UTC, and will be the same time
every day.
Set a retention period between 1 and 35 days.
Select Select Backup Window to set a preferred time to start a backup.
Set the Backup start time.
6. IAM roles:
Data Import role ARN: If you want to import data with Console, specify the data
import role ARN. See Creating an IAM Role to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket.
Chapter 3
Managing a DB System
HeatWave AutoML role ARN: If you want to use the external AWS Bedrock LLMs for
HeatWave GenAI, specify the role ARN. See Creating an IAM Role to Access Amazon
Bedrock LLMs.
Lakehouse role ARN: If you want to use Lakehouse, specify the Lakehouse role
ARN. See Creating an IAM Role to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket.
7. Click Save.
3.4.3 Update Networking
For the allowed client addresses, specify public-facing client IPv4 addresses that are permitted
to connect to the DB System endpoint. Use CIDR format, for example:
. Specify
multiple addresses in CIDR format with a semicolon-separated list, for example:;
. For information about the CIDR format, see Creating a DB System.
To update the network for a DB System:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the DB Systems tab, in the list of DB Systems, find the DB System to edit, and do one
of the following:
Click on the row of the DB System to highlight it, and choose Update Networking from
the Actions menu.
Click the name of the DB System to open the DB System Details page. Click the
Update Networking button.
3. Edit the Allowed Client Addresses.
4. Click Save to save the changes.
3.4.4 Update MySQL Configuration
Update the MySQL configuration for a DB System. This will change the user configurable
system variables for the DB System to the values in the new configuration. See User-
Configurable System Variables.
You cannot change the System Initialization Variables by updating the DB System's
configuration. If you try to update your DB System with a MySQL configuration
containing different system initialization variable values from those your DB System's,
the update will fail.
During the update, the DB System will be in the UPDATING state until the update is finished. If
the new configuration changes any system variables that are not dynamic, the MySQL Server
, will restart. If the DB System has an attached HeatWave Cluster, it will restart
and reload data from the DB System.
If an update fails, the DB System will be rolled back to its original configuration. But if the
rollback fails, the DB System will end up in the UPDATING_ERROR state.
To update the MySQL configuration for a DB System, make sure it is running, and follow these
Chapter 3
Managing a DB System
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the DB Systems tab, in the list of DB Systems, find the DB System to update, and do
one of the following:
Click on the row of the DB System to highlight it, and choose Update MySQL
Configuration from the Actions menu.
Click the name of the DB System to open the DB System Details page, and from the
Actions menu choose Update MySQL Configuration.
3. Click Change. The Select MySQL Configuration for shape … dialog box appears.
4. Select the desired MySQL configuration from a list. Select a filter for the list:
Any: Show any configuration that can be applied to your DB System
Default: Show the default configuration for the MySQL shape of your DB System.
Custom: Show all custom configurations you have created by Creating a MySQL
Configuration or Copying a MySQL Configuration that are applicable to your DB
Refine the list by typing into the search bar part of the names of the configurations you are
interested in.
Only configurations that support the DB System's shape are shown. Also, if a DB
System has a HeatWave Cluster attached, only configurations that support
HeatWave are shown; to change the configuration to one that does not support
HeatWave, remove the DB System's HeatWave Cluster.
Click Apply MySQL Configuration to confirm your choice.
5. Click Update to actually apply the configuration to your DB System.
If any problems occur updating the configuration, the DB System will roll back to its
previous configuration.
Related Topics
System Initialization Variables
User-Configurable System Variables
User-Configurable Shape-Dependent System Variables
Creating a MySQL Configuration
Copying a MySQL Configuration
View MySQL Configuration Details
3.4.5 Update MySQL Shape
Users can reduce the shape of a DB System to save cost or expand the shape to enhance the
function or performance. Decisions on shape changes are aided by the Autopilot Shape
Advisor, which uses the system workload to access the suitability of a shape and make
recommendations on shape changes.
Changing the shape will bring the DB System offline temporarily.
Chapter 3
Managing a DB System
To update the MySQL shape or configuration for a DB System, make sure the DB System is in
either the ACTIVE or INACTIVE state, and follow these steps:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the DB Systems tab, in the list of DB Systems, find the DB System to update, and do
one of the following:
Click on the row of the DB System to highlight it, and from the Actions menu choose
Update MySQL Shape .
Click the name of the DB System to open the DB System Details page, and from the
Actions menu choose Update MySQL Shape.
3. On the Update MySQL Shape panel, provide the following information:
Hardware configuration
Shape: Select the shape you want to update your DB System to. See Supported
If you do not choose a shape other than you current shape, you will not
be able to proceed to the following steps.
MySQL Configuration: If you were previously using a default configuration, the
corresponding default configuration for the new shape is displayed as the Selected
MySQL Configuration. If you were previously using a custom configuration, you will
need to select a new custom configuration or default configuration compatible with the
new shape. To select or to change a configuration:
Click the Change button. The Select MySQL Configuration panel for shape …
panel appears.
Select the desired MySQL configuration from a list. Select a filter:
* Any: Show any configuration that can be applied to your DB System for the
selected shape
* Default: Show the default configuration for the selected shape of your DB
* Custom: Show all custom configurations you have created by Creating a
MySQL Configuration or Copying a MySQL Configuration that are applicable
to your DB System for the selected shape.
Refine the list by typing into the search bar part of the names of the configurations
you are interested in.
Only configurations that support the selected shape are shown. Also, if
your DB System has a HeatWave Cluster attached, only configurations
that support HeatWave are shown; to change the configuration to one
that does not support HeatWave, remove the DB System's HeatWave
Click Use MySQL Configuration to confirm your choice.
Chapter 3
Managing a DB System
4. Click Update to actually apply the selected shape and configuration to your DB System.
If any problems occur updating the configuration, the DB System will roll back to its
previous shape and configuration.
Related Topics
System Initialization Variables
User-Configurable System Variables
User-Configurable Shape-Dependent System Variables
Creating a MySQL Configuration
Copying a MySQL Configuration
View MySQL Configuration Details
3.4.6 Upgrade MySQL Version
It is not possible to roll back a DB System upgrade. It is recommended to perform a
full backup of the DB System before upgrading. See Creating a Backup.
See Server Versioning. The available options will depend upon the current version. These
Do not change
This option is always available, and shows the current version.
This option is only available if the current version is still supported. Updates happen
automatically during the Maintenance Window (see Editing a DB System). This option
provides a manual update.
A more recent MySQL version
This option is only available if a more recent version is available. It shows the version
More than one version might be available.
To upgrade the MySQL version:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the DB Systems tab, in the list of DB Systems, find the DB System to edit, and do one
of the following:
Click on the row of the DB System to highlight it, and choose Upgrade MySQL
Version from the Actions menu.
Click the name of the DB System to open the DB System Details page. Click the
Upgrade MySQL Version button.
3. Choose one of the following options (see detailed descriptions of the options above):
Do not change: Choose this option to ignore any update or upgrade option.
Update: Choose this option to update the current version.
Chapter 3
Managing a DB System
A more recent MySQL version : Choose this option to upgrade to a more recent
3.4.7 Increasing DB System Storage
You can increase the DB System storage by updating the data storage size of a DB System, by
backup and restore, or by export and import.
Increasing Storage by Updating the Data Storage Size of a DB System
Use the Console to increase the data storage size of a DB System that is in the
, or
state. If the DB System is operating normally, resizing
the storage will not restart the DB System, and you can continue to query it while the storage is
being increased. Otherwise, resizing the storage may restart the DB System in order to return
it to a normal operating state.
It is recommended that you create a backup of the DB System before updating the data
storage size. See Creating a Backup.
You can only increase the data storage size once every 6 hours. It is recommended
that you increase your storage by an amount large enough to support your storage
requirement in the next 6 hours.
Follow these steps to update the data sotrage size of a DB system:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the DB Systems tab, in the list of DB Systems, find the DB System for which you want
to update the data storage size, and do either of the following:
Click on the row of the DB System to highlight it, click Actions, and then click Update
Data Storage Size.
Click the name of the DB system to open the DB System Details page. Click Actions,
and then click Update Data Storage Size.
3. In the Update Data Storage Size dialog, enter the required storage size in GiB. You can
only increase the storage size, and the maximum storage size is 65536.
4. Click Update.
Increasing Storage by Backup and Restore
1. Create a backup of the DB System. See Creating a Backup.
2. Create a new DB System from the backup, and define a larger storage in the new DB
System. See Restoring a Backup to a New DB System.
Increasing Storage by Export and Import
1. Export the data from your current DB System using MySQL Shell. See Exporting Data
Using MySQL Shell.
2. Use the HeatWave Console to create a new DB System with a larger storage size. See
Creating a DB System.
3. Import the data into the new DB System using MySQL Shell. See Importing Data.
Chapter 3
Managing a DB System
3.4.8 Deleting a DB System
Deleting a DB System permanently deletes it, along with all of the data in the database. Ensure
all the data is appropriately backed up before deleting a DB System (see Backups).
To delete a DB System:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the DB Systems tab, in the list of DB Systems, find the DB System you want to delete,
and do one of the following:
Click on the row of the DB System to highlight it, and choose the Delete action from
the Actions menu.
Click the name of the DB System to open the DB System Details page. Click the
Delete button.
The Delete MySQL DB System dialog is displayed.
3. Click Delete MySQL DB System to go ahead with the deletion.
3.5 Viewing DB System Details
Do the following to view DB System details:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the DB Systems tab, in the list of DB System, find the DB System you want to view
details for, and do one of the following:
Click the row of the DB System to highlight it. The DB System details appear below the
list of DB Systems.
Click the name of the DB System to open the MySQL DB System Details page for the
selected DB System.
For descriptions of DB System details, see MySQL DB System Details.
MySQL DB System Details
3.5.1 MySQL DB System Details
The MySQL DB System Details page is divided into the following sections:
Table 3-4 MySQL DB System Details Page
Name Description
DB System summary details. See Table 3-5.
DB System Information
DB System general information, configuration,
endpoint, and HeatWave Cluster details. See
Table 3-6.
DB System backup details. See Table 3-7.
DB System event details. See Table 3-8.
Chapter 3
Viewing DB System Details
Table 3-5 MySQL DB System Summary Details
Field Description
The state of the DB System.
CREATING: Resources are being reserved for
the DB System, the system is booting, and the
initial database is being created. Creating can
take several minutes. The system is not ready
to use yet.
ACTIVE: The DB System was successfully
created and is ready to be used.
STARTING: The DB System is being started.
STOPPING: The DB System is being stopped.
RESTARTING: The DB System is being
INACTIVE: The DB System is powered off.
UPDATING: The DB System is in the process
of being updated.
UPGRADING: The DB System is in the
process of being upgraded.
DELETING: The DB System is being deleted.
DELETED: The DB System has been deleted
and is no longer available.
FAILED: An error condition prevented the
creation or continued operation of the DB
STARTING_ERROR: An attempt to start the
DB System failed.
STOPPING_ERROR: An attempt to stop the
DB System failed.
RESTARTING_ERROR: An attempt to restart
the DB System failed.
UPDATING_ERROR: An attempt to update the
DB System failed.
UPGRADING_ERROR: An attempt to upgrade
the DB System failed.
DELETING_ERROR: An attempt to delete the
DB System failed.
Host Name
The host name of the DB System. The host name
is a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
Network accessibility
Whether the DB System can be accessed from
public IP addresses.
PrivateLink Hostname
Use this hostname to connect to the DB System
over PrivateLink.
Resource ID
The unique resource identifier assigned to the DB
System when it is created.
The resource template for the MySQL instance. For
information about shapes, see Supported Shapes.
Chapter 3
Viewing DB System Details
Table 3-6 DB System Information Details
Field Description
General Information
Description: The user-defined description of
the DB System.
Created: The date and time the DB System
was created.
Last Updated: The date and time the DB
System was last updated.
DB System Configuration
Storage Size: The amount of storage available
to the DB System.
vCPU count: The number of vCPUs of the DB
Memory: The number of vCPUs of the DB
MySQL Version: The MySQL Server version
used by the DB System.
MySQL Configuration: The MySQL
Configuration of the DB System.
Maintenance Window: When updates are
available, they are initiated during the
maintenance window, which is a two-hour
period starting at this time. The time required
to apply patches and updates may extend
beyond the maintenance window and require
DB System restarts. For more information, see
Accessibility: Whether the DB System can be
accessed from public IP addresses.
MySQL Port: The port on which the MySQL
Server listens.
MySQL Port X: The port on which the MySQL
Server listens for clients using MySQL's X
Allowed public IP address ranges: The
public-facing client IPv4 addresses that are
permitted to connect to the DB System
endpoint, specified in CIDR format. For
information about how IP addresses are
specified in CIDR format, see Creating a DB
Availability Zone: The physical Availability Zone
where the DB System resides.
IAM roles
Data Import role ARN. See Creating an IAM
Role to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket.
HeatWave AutoML role ARN. See Creating
an IAM Role to Access Amazon Bedrock
Lakehouse role ARN. See Creating an IAM
Role to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket.
Chapter 3
Viewing DB System Details
Table 3-6 (Cont.) DB System Information Details
Field Description
HeatWave Cluster
Name: The name of the HeatWave Cluster.
State: The state of the HeatWave Cluster.
CREATING: Resources are being
reserved for the HeatWave Cluster, and
the cluster is being created. Creating can
take several minutes. The system is not
ready to use yet.
ACTIVE: The HeatWave Cluster was
successfully created and is ready to be
STARTING: The HeatWave Cluster is
being started.
STOPPING: The HeatWave Cluster is
being stopped.
RESTARTING: The HeatWave Cluster is
being restarted.
INACTIVE: The HeatWave Cluster is
powered off.
UPDATING: The HeatWave Cluster is in
the process of being updated.
UPGRADING: The HeatWave Cluster is in
the process of being upgraded.
DELETING: The HeatWave Cluster is
being deleted.
DELETED: The HeatWave Cluster has
been deleted and is no longer available.
FAILED: An error condition prevented the
creation or continued operation of the
HeatWave Cluster.
STARTING_ERROR: An attempt to start
the HeatWave Cluster failed.
STOPPING_ERROR: An attempt to stop
the HeatWave Cluster failed.
restart the HeatWave Cluster failed.
UPDATING_ERROR: An attempt to
update the HeatWave Cluster failed.
UPGRADING_ERROR: An attempt to
upgrade the HeatWave Cluster failed.
DELETING_ERROR: An attempt to delete
the HeatWave Cluster failed.
Node count: The number of HeatWave
Cluster nodes.
Backup policy
Automatic backups: Is automatic backups
Enabled or Disabled.
Retention in days: Backup retention period in
Window start hour: The time to start a
Chapter 3
Viewing DB System Details
Table 3-6 (Cont.) DB System Information Details
Field Description
Channel name: Name of the inbound
replication channel.
State: State of the inbound replication
channel. See Table 8-4 for the list of possible
Enabled: Whether the inbound replication
channel is enabled.
Table 3-7 MySQL DB System Backup Details
Field Description
The name of the backup
The state of the backup
CREATING: Resources are being reserved for
the DB System backup and the backup is
being created. Creating can take several
minutes. The backup is not ready to use yet.
ACTIVE: The backup was successfully
UPDATING: The backup is in the process of
being updated.
INACTIVE: The backup is not available.
DELETING: The backup is being deleted.
DELETED: The backup has been deleted and
is no longer available.
FAILED: An error condition prevented the
creation or continued availability of the backup.
MySQL DB System
The name of the MySQL DB System used to create
the backup.
Size (GiB)
The size of the backup - note that a backup is the
size of the whole storage allocation for the DB
System from which it was created, even if the
volume does not contain that much data.
The date and time the backup was created.
See Backups for details on MySQL DB System backups.
Table 3-8 MySQL DB System Event Details
Field Description
The event and its status.
Chapter 3
Viewing DB System Details
Table 3-8 (Cont.) MySQL DB System Event Details
Field Description
The severity level of the event, which can be one of
: General information is provided. No
special concerns
: Warning on an event that might
impact the DB System's operation if no actions
are taken.
: A critical event. An urgent action is
required to avoid adverse impact on your DB
The message body of the event report.
The date and time the event report was created.
See Events for details on event reports.
Chapter 3
Viewing DB System Details
HeatWave Clusters
This chapter describes how to create and manage HeatWave Clusters.
A HeatWave Cluster consists of one or more HeatWave nodes. The MySQL DB System
includes a HeatWave plugin that is responsible for cluster management, query scheduling, and
returning query results to the MySQL DB System. HeatWave nodes store data in memory and
process queries.
When a HeatWave Cluster is enabled and data is loaded, queries that meet certain
prerequisites are automatically offloaded from the MySQL DB System to the HeatWave Cluster
for accelerated processing.
Creating a HeatWave Cluster
Managing a HeatWave Cluster
Viewing HeatWave Cluster Details
HeatWave Cluster Failure and Recovery
4.1 Creating a HeatWave Cluster
A HeatWave Cluster must be associated with an active DB System, and a DB System can
have only one HeatWave Cluster. Before you create a HeatWave Cluster, ensure that you
have created a DB System and that the DB System does not already have a HeatWave
Cluster. With HeatWave on AWS, you create a DB System and HeatWave nodes at the same
time, but you can delete the HeatWave Cluster afterwards if you want to re-create it. See
Creating a DB System for instructions.
When you create a HeatWave Cluster, you are presented with an option to estimate the
required HeatWave Cluster size based on data that is loaded on your DB System (see
Estimating Cluster Size with HeatWave Autopilot). If you have not loaded data into your DB
System, and you want to estimate the optimal HeatWave Cluster size, load data into the DB
System before you create a HeatWave Cluster. See Importing Data.
Changing the number of nodes in an existing HeatWave Cluster is not supported. If
you require a larger or smaller cluster, you must delete the existing cluster and create
a new one with the desired number of nodes.
To create a HeatWave Cluster, do the following:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then the HeatWave Clusters
2. Click Create HeatWave Cluster. The Create HeatWave Cluster dialog is displayed.
3. On the Create HeatWave Cluster dialog, provide the following information:
Basic Information
Display Name: Specify a user-friendly display name for the HeatWave Cluster.
Description: Specify a user-friendly description of the HeatWave Cluster.
DB System Name: Select a DB System from the drop down menu.
HeatWave Cluster Configuration
Shape: Select a HeatWave node shape. For information about supported shapes,
see Supported Shapes.
If you intend to use HeatWave AutoML functionality, the
node shape is recommended when creating a HeatWave Cluster. The
node shape may not have enough memory for training on
large data sets. If you see error messages about this (such as
use the larger shape instead.
Cluster Size: The number of HeatWave nodes to create. Enter a number between
1 and 128. Optionally, click Estimate Cluster Size to estimate the required cluster
size using HeatWave Autopilot. For instructions, see Estimating Cluster Size with
HeatWave Autopilot.
4. Click Create to create the HeatWave Cluster.
You are returned to the HeatWave Clusters page where you can monitor the state of the
operation, which may take some time to complete. The state changes from Creating to Active
when the operation has completed successfully.
Estimating Cluster Size with HeatWave Autopilot
4.1.1 Estimating Cluster Size with HeatWave Autopilot
This topic describes how to estimate the optimal HeatWave Cluster size for your data.
A cluster size estimate is generated using HeatWave Autopilot machine learning techniques.
HeatWave Autopilot analyzes the data on your MySQL DB System and recommends a cluster
size. If you have not loaded data into your DB System, and you want to estimate the optimal
HeatWave Cluster size, load data into the DB System before you create a HeatWave Cluster.
See Importing Data.
The data you intend to load into the HeatWave Cluster must be available on the DB
Optionally, log into your DB System and run
on tables you intend to load
into the HeatWave Cluster. Estimates should generally be valid without running
, but running
ensures that estimates are as accurate as possible.
To estimate a cluster size:
1. Click Estimate Cluster Size.
The Estimate Cluster Size with Autopilot dialog is displayed.
2. Select the schemas and tables you want to include in the estimate. Schemas are displayed
in the Schemas pane. Tables belonging to the selected schema appear in the Tables from
selected schemas pane.
Chapter 4
Creating a HeatWave Cluster
When schemas and tables are selected, the Summary details are adjusted automatically.
The Schemas pane provides the following information:
Name: The schema name.
HeatWave Cluster Memory Usage (GiB): The estimated amount of HeatWave
Cluster memory used by the schema.
Tables Selected: The number of tables selected expressed as a fraction of the total
number of tables.
Warnings: The number of table warnings.
The Tables from selected schemas pane provides the following information:
Name: The table name.
Warnings: The number of table warnings. For a description of table warnings, see
Cluster Size Estimate Table Warnings.
Memory Size Estimate (GiB): The estimated amount of HeatWave Cluster memory
required for the table.
Rows Estimate: The estimated number of table rows.
3. Review the Summary details, which include memory required by the schemas and tables
selected, memory provided per node, HeatWave Cluster nodes required, and memory
provided by the cluster.
4. To apply the cluster size estimate, click Apply Cluster Size Estimate.
You are returned to the Create HeatWave Cluster dialog where the estimate is applied to
the Cluster Size field.
Cluster Size Estimate Table Warnings
This topic describes table warnings that may appear in the Tables from selected schemas
pane, in the Estimate Cluster Size with MySQL Autopilot dialog.
Table 4-1 Cluster Size Table Warnings
Table Status Issue Description
The table has too many columns. The column
limit is 1017.
There are no columns to load. All table columns
are dened as
. Columns
dened as
are excluded from
the estimate. For more information, see
Excluding Table Columns, in the HeatWave User
A VARLEN column exceeds the 65532 byte limit.
For more information on
, see Variable-
length Encoding in the HeatWave User Guide
The estimate could not be calculated. For
example, a table estimate may not be available
if statistics for
columns are unavailable.
A table must be dened with a primary key
before it can be loaded into HeatWave.
Chapter 4
Creating a HeatWave Cluster
4.2 Managing a HeatWave Cluster
Starting, Stopping, or Restarting a HeatWave Cluster
Editing a HeatWave Cluster
Use the Console to edit the display name and description of a HeatWave cluster. You can
also change the shape of the HeatWave Cluster nodes and resize the number of nodes in
the HeatWave Cluster.
Deleting a HeatWave Cluster
4.2.1 Starting, Stopping, or Restarting a HeatWave Cluster
A HeatWave Cluster starts automatically after it is created, and the Start button is disabled. A
running HeatWave Cluster shows the Active state. For information on HeatWave Cluster
states, see HeatWave Cluster Details.
Restarting a HeatWave Cluster with the Restart button shuts down the HeatWave Cluster and
then restarts it immediately. Stopping a HeatWave Cluster with the Stop button stops it without
When a HeatWave Cluster is stopped through a stop or restart action, the data loaded in
HeatWave Cluster memory is unloaded. When a HeatWave Cluster restarts, data is reloaded
from AWS S3, and includes any changes that occur on the DB System while the HeatWave
Cluster is offline.
Start, stop, or restart actions on a HeatWave Cluster have no effect on the DB System with
which the HeatWave Cluster is associated.
To start, stop, or restart a HeatWave Cluster:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then the HeatWave Clusters
2. In the list of HeatWave Clusters, find the HeatWave Cluster you want to start, stop, or
restart, and do one of the following:
Click on the row of the HeatWave Cluster to highlight it, and then click the Start, Stop,
or Restart button.
Click the name of the HeatWave Cluster to open the HeatWave Cluster Details page,
and then click the Start, Stop, or Restart button.
4.2.2 Editing a HeatWave Cluster
Use the Console to edit the display name and description of a HeatWave cluster. You can also
change the shape of the HeatWave Cluster nodes and resize the number of nodes in the
HeatWave Cluster.
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then the HeatWave Clusters
2. In the list of HeatWave Clusters, find the HeatWave Cluster you want to edit, and do one of
the following:
Click the row of the HeatWave Cluster to highlight it, and click Edit HeatWave Cluster
from the Actions menu.
Chapter 4
Managing a HeatWave Cluster
Click the name of the HeatWave Cluster to open the Details page and click Edit
HeatWave Cluster from the Actions menu.
3. On the Edit HeatWave Cluster panel, provide the following information:
Basic information
Display Name: Specify a name of the HeatWave Cluster.
Description: Specify a description of the HeatWave Cluster.
HeatWave Cluster configuration
The HeatWave Cluster will be offline while the configuration is being
You must reload the data into the HeatWave Cluster after changing the
Shape: Select a HeatWave node shape. For information about supported shapes,
see Supported Shapes.
If you intend to use HeatWave AutoML functionality, the
node shape is recommended when creating a HeatWave Cluster. The
node shape may not have enough memory for training on
large data sets. If you see error messages about this (such as
use the larger shape instead.
Cluster Size: The number of HeatWave nodes for the cluster. Enter a number
between 1 and 128. Optionally, click Estimate Cluster Size to estimate the
required cluster size using HeatWave Autopilot. For instructions, see Estimating
Cluster Size with HeatWave Autopilot.
4. Click Save.
The details and configurations of the selected HeatWave Cluster is updated.
4.2.3 Deleting a HeatWave Cluster
Deleting a HeatWave Cluster removes the HeatWave Cluster nodes permanently. The DB
System with which the HeatWave Cluster is associated is unaffected.
To delete a HeatWave Cluster:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then the HeatWave Clusters
2. In the list of HeatWave Clusters, find the HeatWave Cluster you want to delete, and do one
of the following:
Chapter 4
Managing a HeatWave Cluster
Click on the row of the HeatWave Cluster to highlight it, and choose the Delete action
from the Actions menu.
Click the name of the HeatWave Cluster to open the HeatWave Cluster Details page.
Click the Delete button.
The Delete HeatWave Cluster dialog is displayed.
3. Click Delete HeatWave Cluster to go ahead with the deletion.
4.3 Viewing HeatWave Cluster Details
To view HeatWave Cluster Details:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then the HeatWave Clusters
2. In the list of HeatWave Clusters, find the HeatWave Cluster you want to view details for,
and do one of the following:
Click on the row of the HeatWave Cluster to highlight it. The HeatWave Cluster details
appear below the list of HeatWave Clusters. Click on the arrow icon to display or hide
the details.
Click the name of the HeatWave Cluster to open the HeatWave Cluster Details page
for the selected HeatWave Cluster.
For descriptions of HeatWave Cluster details, see HeatWave Cluster Details.
HeatWave Cluster Details
4.3.1 HeatWave Cluster Details
The HeatWave Cluster Details page is divided into the following sections:
Table 4-2 HeatWave Cluster Details Page
Name Description
HeatWave Cluster summary details. See Table 4-3.
General Information
General HeatWave Cluster details. See Table 4-4.
MySQL DB System
MySQL DB System details. See Table 4-5.
HeatWave Nodes
HeatWave node details. See Table 4-6.
HeatWave Cluster Events
HeatWave Cluster event details. See Table 4-7.
Chapter 4
Viewing HeatWave Cluster Details
Table 4-3 HeatWave Cluster Summary Details
Field Description
The state of the HeatWave Cluster.
CREATING: Resources are being reserved for
the HeatWave Cluster, and the cluster is being
created. Creating can take several minutes.
The system is not ready to use yet.
ACTIVE: The HeatWave Cluster was
successfully created and is ready to be used.
STARTING: The HeatWave Cluster is being
STOPPING: The HeatWave Cluster is being
RESTARTING: The HeatWave Cluster is being
INACTIVE: The HeatWave Cluster is powered
UPDATING: The HeatWave Cluster is in the
process of being updated.
UPGRADING: The HeatWave Cluster is in the
process of being upgraded.
DELETING: The HeatWave Cluster is being
DELETED: The HeatWave Cluster has been
deleted and is no longer available.
FAILED: An error condition prevented the
creation or continued operation of the
HeatWave Cluster.
STARTING_ERROR: An attempt to start the
HeatWave Cluster failed.
STOPPING_ERROR: An attempt to stop the
HeatWave Cluster failed.
RESTARTING_ERROR: An attempt to restart
the HeatWave Cluster failed.
UPDATING_ERROR: An attempt to update the
HeatWave Cluster failed.
UPGRADING_ERROR: An attempt to upgrade
the HeatWave Cluster failed.
DELETING_ERROR: An attempt to delete the
HeatWave Cluster failed.
Cluster Size
The number of HeatWave Cluster nodes.
Resource ID
The unique resource identifier assigned to the
HeatWave Cluster when it is created.
The shape used for HeatWave Cluster nodes. See
Supported Shapes.
Table 4-4 General Information
Field Description
A user-specified description of the HeatWave
The date and time the HeatWave Cluster was
Chapter 4
Viewing HeatWave Cluster Details
Table 4-4 (Cont.) General Information
Field Description
Last Updated
The date and time the HeatWave Cluster was last
Table 4-5 MySQL DB System Details
Field Description
The name of the DB System that the HeatWave
Cluster is associated with
The state of the DB System that the HeatWave
Cluster is associated with.
CREATING: Resources are being reserved for
the DB System, the system is booting, and the
initial database is being created. Creating can
take several minutes. The system is not ready
to use yet.
ACTIVE: The DB System was successfully
created and is ready to be used.
STARTING: The DB System is being started.
STOPPING: The DB System is being stopped.
RESTARTING: The DB System is being
INACTIVE: The DB System is powered off.
UPDATING: The DB System is in the process
of being updated.
UPGRADING: The DB System is in the
process of being upgraded.
DELETING: The DB System is being deleted.
DELETED: The DB System has been deleted
and is no longer available.
FAILED: An error condition prevented the
creation or continued operation of the DB
STARTING_ERROR: An attempt to start the
DB System failed.
STOPPING_ERROR: An attempt to stop the
DB System failed.
RESTARTING_ERROR: An attempt to restart
the DB System failed.
UPDATING_ERROR: An attempt to update the
DB System failed.
UPGRADING_ERROR: An attempt to upgrade
the DB System failed.
DELETING_ERROR: An attempt to delete the
DB System failed.
The user-defined description of the DB System
Chapter 4
Viewing HeatWave Cluster Details
Table 4-6 HeatWave node Details
Field Description
Node ID
The HeatWave node ID
The state of the HeatWave node.
CREATING: Resources are being reserved for
the HeatWave node, and the cluster is being
created. Creating can take several minutes.
The system is not ready to use yet.
ACTIVE: The HeatWave node was
successfully created and is ready to be used.
STARTING: The HeatWave node is being
STOPPING: The HeatWave node is being
RESTARTING: The HeatWave node is being
INACTIVE: The HeatWave node is powered
UPDATING: The HeatWave node is in the
process of being updated.
UPGRADING: The HeatWave node is in the
process of being upgraded.
DELETING: The HeatWave node is being
DELETED: The HeatWave node has been
deleted and is no longer available.
FAILED: An error condition prevented the
creation or continued operation of the
HeatWave node.
STARTING_ERROR: An attempt to start the
HeatWave node failed.
STOPPING_ERROR: An attempt to stop the
HeatWave node failed.
RESTARTING_ERROR: An attempt to restart
the HeatWave node failed.
UPDATING_ERROR: An attempt to update the
HeatWave node failed.
UPGRADING_ERROR: An attempt to upgrade
the HeatWave node failed.
DELETING_ERROR: An attempt to delete the
HeatWave node failed.
Table 4-7 HeatWave Cluster Event Details
Field Description
The event and its status.
Chapter 4
Viewing HeatWave Cluster Details
Table 4-7 (Cont.) HeatWave Cluster Event Details
Field Description
The severity level of the event, which can be one of
: General information is provided. No
special concerns
: Warning on an event that might
impact the DB System's operation if no actions
are taken.
: A critical event. An urgent action is
required to avoid adverse impact on your DB
The message body of the event report.
The date and time the event report was created.
See Events for details on event reports.
4.4 HeatWave Cluster Failure and Recovery
HeatWave triggers the recovery process whenever the HeatWave cluster is in an unhealthy
The HeatWave cluster status is being monitored regularly and if the cluster does not get a
response from the cluster node, the cluster becomes unhealthy due to a node failure and error
recovery is triggered.
During the recovery process, HeatWave automatically attempts to bring the node online, and
reload data that was previously loaded. HeatWave reloads data from the HeatWave Storage
layer, which is created when you enable the HeatWave cluster for the first time. To facilitate
recovery, data is persisted to AWS S3 when data is loaded into HeatWave and when data
changes is propagated from the DB system to HeatWave. Loading data from AWS S3 is faster
because the data does not need to be converted to the HeatWave storage format, as is
required when loading data from the DB system.
When you unload a table, the data is removed from HeatWave, and in a background operation,
it is removed from AWS S3 too.
Chapter 4
HeatWave Cluster Failure and Recovery
Connecting to a DB System
Clients and applications interact with a HeatWave Cluster by connecting to the DB System.
This chapter describes how to connect to the DB System from the HeatWave Console and
from MySQL clients including MySQL Shell, MySQL Command-Line-Client, and MySQL
Workbench. For connecting from applications, refer to the MySQL Connectors documentation.
See MySQL Connectors.
Connecting from the Console
Connecting from a Client
Connecting Using a PrivateLink
MySQL Connectors
Enabling Host Name Identity Verification
5.1 Connecting from the Console
Connecting to a DB System from the HeatWave Console requires a Oracle Cloud Account user
name and password for signing into the HeatWave Console, and a MySQL user account for
connecting to the DB System.
Use the MySQL Administrator user specified when creating the DB System, see Creating a DB
System, or use a MySQL user account created on the DB System using
Otherwise, ask the MySQL Administrator to create an account.
Use the Workspace page to connect to a DB System, and then manage HeatWave Cluster
data and use the Query Editor to run DB System and HeatWave queries. For more
information, see Manage Data in HeatWave with Workspaces, and Running Queries.
To connect to a DB System from the HeatWave Console:
1. Sign-in to the HeatWave Console. For instructions, see Signing In.
2. Select the Workspace tab in the HeatWave Console, and then click Connect to MySQL
DB System.
3. Select a DB System from the drop-down menu.
4. Enter a MySQL user name and password for the DB System.
5. Click Connect.
To disconnect, click Disconnect.
5.2 Connecting from a Client
Connecting to a DB System from a MySQL client requires a MySQL user account on the
MySQL DB System. You can use the MySQL Administrator user that you specified when
creating the DB System (see Creating a DB System) or a MySQL user account created on the
DB System using
. If you are not the MySQL Administrator and you do not have a
MySQL user account, have your MySQL Administrator create one for you.
You cannot connect from a MySQL client to a DB System using the Oracle Cloud Account user
name and password used to access the HeatWave Console.
For MySQL client connections to the DB System, a public endpoint is exposed as a fully
qualified domain name (the host name of the DB System). The host name is found on the
MySQL DB System Details page. See Viewing DB System Details.
The HeatWave on AWS Administrator may have restricted access to your DB System to
certain public-facing IPv4 client IP addresses or address ranges. Allowed client addresses are
specified in CIDR format and are found on the MySQL DB System Details page. See Viewing
DB System Details. To edit allowed client addresses, see Editing a DB System. Specifying IP
addresses in CIDR format is discussed in Creating a DB System.
If you are connecting from a MySQL client that resides in a private subnet, you have the option
of connecting to a DB System through a public Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway,
which permits clients and applications in a private subnet to access services outside of the
private subnet while preventing external services from initiating inbound connections. When
establishing a NAT gateway, ensure that the elastic IP address of the NAT gateway is added as
an Allowed Client Address, as described above. For example, if your NAT gateway elastic IP
address is, edit your DB System to add
(the address in CIDR notation) to
your DB System's Allowed Client Addresses. See Editing a DB System. For more
information about NAT gateways, refer to NAT Gateways, in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
HeatWave on AWS supports TLSv1.2 and requires that all connections are encrypted. For
added security, you can download a signed certificate bundle and enable host name identity
verification. For more information, see Enabling Host Name Identity Verification.
To reduce network costs and avoid potential latency issues and bandwidth fluctuations, it is
recommended that connecting clients reside in the same Region as the HeatWave on AWS
instance. Latency and bandwidth fluctuations experienced by connections from outside the
HeatWave on AWS Region are outside of the control HeatWave on AWS service managers.
Connecting from the same Availability Zone is also recommended to avoid potential latency
Connecting with MySQL Shell
Connecting with MySQL Command-Line Client
Connecting with MySQL Workbench
5.2.1 Connecting with MySQL Shell
This topic describes how to connect to a MySQL DB System using MySQL Shell.
A machine or compute instance with internet connectivity for connecting to the MySQL DB
A MySQL Shell command-line utility installed on the machine or compute instance. For
installation instructions, refer to Installing MySQL Shell.
A MySQL user account on the MySQL DB System to connect with. You can use the
MySQL Administrator user that you specified when creating the DB System or a MySQL
user account created on the DB System using
A public-facing IP address for your machine or compute instance that is permitted to
connect to the DB System. Allowed Client Addresses information is available on the
MySQL DB System Details page. See Viewing DB System Details.
Chapter 5
Connecting from a Client
The host name of the MySQL DB System as defined on the MySQL DB System Details
page. See Viewing DB System Details.
To connect to a DB System:
1. Start MySQL Shell and connect to the MySQL DB System using the following command:
$> mysqlsh Username@HostNameOfMySQLDBSystem
Please provide the password for 'Username@HostNameOfMySQLDBSystem':
This command starts a global session. MySQL Shell attempts to connect to port 33060 by
default and, if that port is not available, falls back to port 3306.
The connection is made and message similar to the following is displayed:
MySQL Shell 8.0.30
Copyright (c) 2016, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Type '\help' or '\?' for help; '\quit' to exit.
Creating a session to 'Username@HostNameOfMySQLDBSystem'
Fetching schema names for autocompletion... Press ^C to stop.
Your MySQL connection id is 38 (X protocol)
Server version: 8.0.30-u1-cloud MySQL Enterprise - Cloud
No default schema selected; type \use <schema> to set one.
MySQL HostNameOfMySQLDBSystem.dbsystem JS >
5.2.2 Connecting with MySQL Command-Line Client
This topic describes how to connect to a MySQL DB System using a MySQL Command-Line
A machine or compute instance with internet connectivity for connecting to the MySQL DB
A MySQL Command-Line Client installed on the machine or compute instance.
A MySQL user account on the MySQL DB System to connect with. You can use the
MySQL Administrator user that you specified when creating the DB System or a MySQL
user account created on the DB System using
A public-facing IP address for your machine or compute instance that is permitted to
connect to the DB System. Allowed Client Addresses information is available on the
MySQL DB System Details page. See Viewing DB System Details.
The host name of the MySQL DB System as defined on the MySQL DB System Details
page. See Viewing DB System Details.
To connect to a DB System:
Chapter 5
Connecting from a Client
1. Start MySQL client and connect to the MySQL DB System using the following command:
$> mysql --host HostNameOfMySQLDBSystem -u Username -p
The connection is made and a message similar to the following is displayed:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 40
Server version: 8.0.30-u1-cloud MySQL Enterprise - Cloud
Copyright (c) 2000, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input
5.2.3 Connecting with MySQL Workbench
This topic describes how to connect to a MySQL DB System with MySQL Workbench.
A machine or compute instance with internet connectivity for connecting to the MySQL DB
A MySQL Workbench client installed on your machine or compute instance. For
instructions, refer to the MySQL Workbench Reference Manual.
A MySQL user account on the MySQL DB System to connect with. You can use the
MySQL Administrator user that you specified when creating the DB System or a MySQL
user account created on the DB System using
A public-facing IP address for your machine or compute instance that is permitted to
connect to the DB System. Allowed Client Addresses information is available on the
MySQL DB System Details page. See Viewing DB System Details.
The host name of the MySQL DB System as defined on the MySQL DB System Details
page. See Viewing DB System Details.
To connect to a DB System from MySQL Workbench:
1. In MySQL Workbench, select Database > Connect to Database to open the Connect to
Database dialog.
2. Enter the connection details.
Connection Method: The connection method. Select Standard (TCP/IP).
Hostname: The host name of the MySQL DB System
Port: The port address that the MySQL DB System is listening on. Use the default
Username: The user name of the MySQL user that will connect to the DB System
Chapter 5
Connecting from a Client
Password: The password of the MySQL user
Default Schema: Optionally, specify a default schema. Leave blank to select it later.
3. Click OK to establish the connection.
5.3 Connecting Using a PrivateLink
You can connect directly to a DB System using an AWS PrivateLink. See PrivateLink for
5.4 MySQL Connectors
You can use MySQL Connectors to connect your application to a DB System. The following list
provides links to the MySQL Connectors documentation:
The requirements outlined for connecting from a MySQL client also apply when connecting
from an application. See Connecting from a Client.
5.5 Enabling Host Name Identity Verification
HeatWave on AWS supports TLSv1.2 and requires that all MySQL client and application
connections are encrypted. For added security, you can download a signed certificate bundle
and enable host name identity verification for your connecting clients and applications.
When a DB System is provisioned, a TLS certificate is installed on the MySQL Server. The
certificate, which defines the DB System host name as the
Common Name
, is signed by a
regional Certificate Authority (CA). When a client connects to the DB System with host name
identity verification enabled and a CA certificate matching the one used by the server, the
server and client place their trust in the same CA certificate and the client verifies that the host
to which it connected is the one intended.
To obtain a CA certificate file, you must download a HeatWave on AWS certificate bundle.
Store the certificate bundle in a secure location that is accessible to the client or application.
The bundle is a regional CA certificate file in PEM format. You can download the regional
certificate bundle for the supported regions:
AWS US East (N. Virginia) Region (
): https://cloud.mysql.com/us-east-1/aws-us-
Germany Central (Frankfurt) Region (
): https://cloud.mysql.com/eu-central-1/
India West (Mumbai) Region (
): https://cloud.mysql.com/ap-south-1/aws-ap-
Japan East (Tokyo) Region (
): https://cloud.mysql.com/ap-northeast-1/
Chapter 5
Connecting Using a PrivateLink
UK South (London) Region (
): https://cloud.mysql.com/eu-west-2/aws-eu-
HeatWave on AWS is currently supported in the regions mentioned in Region
Availability. Certificate bundles for other regions will be made available as support for
HeatWave on AWS is extended to other regions.
Alternatively, you can download the regional certificate bundle from the Console using cURL as
shown below:
$> curl -o aws-us-east-1-cabundle.pem \
$> curl -o aws-ap-south-1-cabundle.pem \
$> curl -o aws-eu-central-1-cabundle.pem \
$> curl -o aws-ap-northeast-1-cabundle.pem \
$> curl -o aws-eu-west-2-cabundle.pem \
It is recommend that you update your HeatWave on AWS certificate bundle quarterly
to ensure that you always have the latest version. Issues connecting with
may indicate that your certificate bundle is outdated.
To establish an encrypted connection, launch the MySQL client with the
options; for example:
MySQL Shell:
$> mysqlsh --host=HostNameOfMySQLDBSystem \
--user=user1 \
--password \
--port=3306 \
--ssl-mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY \
Chapter 5
Enabling Host Name Identity Verification
MySQL Command-Line Client:
$> mysql --host=HostNameOfMySQLDBSystem \
--user=user1 \
--password \
--protocol=TCP \
--port=3306 \
--ssl-mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY \
specifies the host name of the DB System. The host name is found on the MySQL
DB System Details page. See Viewing DB System Details.
specifies the user name of the MySQL account to use for connecting to the server.
specifies the password of the MySQL account used for connecting to the server. The
password value is optional. If not given as in the examples above, mysql prompts for one.
specifies transport protocol to use for connecting to the server. This option is
not applicable to MySQL Shell.
is the security state of the connection to server. The
ensures that an encrypted connection is established, that the TLS certificate is verified
against the configured CA certificate, and that the host name identity is verified by
checking the host name the client uses for connecting to the server against the identity in
the certificate that the server sends to the client.
specifies the fully qualified path to the CA certificate file.
For more information about
connection options, see Command Options for Connecting
to the Server.
Chapter 5
Enabling Host Name Identity Verification
A PrivateLink enables you to connect directly to a DB System. A PrivateLink exists between
the HeatWave on AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and your VPC. You can use the PrivateLink
to query, manage, or configure inbound replication for your DB System. There are two types of
Query PrivateLinks: Provide connectivity from a customer application to a HeatWave on
AWS DB System using private IP addresses.
Egress PrivateLinks: Provide connectivity to an external system running in your AWS
account to support Inbound Replication.
Do the following to use a PrivateLink:
For connecting to your DB System using a client:
1. Create a Query PrivateLink in HeatWave on AWS and associate it with a DB System.
See Creating a PrivateLink.
2. Create an endpoint in your AWS account. See Creating an Endpoint for a Query
3. You can now access the DB System over a PrivateLink. See Connecting to a DB
System With a PrivateLink.
For configuring Inbound Replication: See Configuring Inbound Replication over an Egress
Creating a PrivateLink
Configuring IAM Policies for Endpoints for a Query PrivateLink
Creating an Endpoint for a Query PrivateLink
Connecting to a DB System With a PrivateLink
Managing a PrivateLink
PrivateLink Limitations
6.1 Creating a PrivateLink
Use the HeatWave Console to create a PrivateLink.
This task requires the following:
A DB System in the
For a Query PrivateLink only: ARNs of authorized principals.
For an Egress PrivateLink only:
A VPC Endpoint Service name in your AWS account that provides connectivity to your
source database. See how to set up an endpoint service for your source in Source
Configuration When Using an Egress PrivateLink.
If you want TLS certificate identity verification for the replication channel: The
endpoint hostname for accessing the source database. Obtain it using the AWS
console and browse to RDS > Databases > (your source database instance) >
Connectivity and security.
Do the following to create a PrivateLink:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the PrivateLink tab, click Create PrivateLink.
3. Enter the following:
Basic information:
Display name: Specify a display name for the PrivateLink or use the generated
default name.
Description: (Optional) Specify a description for the PrivateLink.
Select PrivateLink type: Choose the desired PrivateLink type and then provide the
type-specific configuration.
Query: Provide connectivity from a customer application to a HeatWave on AWS
DB System using private IP addresses. Select and click Next to finish configuring
the PrivateLink on the next page:
* Target DB System: Select the DB System with which you want to associate
the PrivateLink.
* ARNs of Authorized Principals: Authorize principal ARNs to create
connections to the PrivateLink. You can specify more than one ARN delimited
by semicolons. You can specify either of the following:
* (Recommended) Entire AWS accounts in the following format:
* Specific principals in the following format:
See Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).
For enhanced security, authorize a specific set of principals. In this case,
the authorization to create a PrivateLink is checked twice: first inside the
AWS account requesting the new endpoint, and then in HeatWave on
AWS to ensure that the entity requesting the endpoint is in the set of
authorized principals. Once you have updated the authorized principals
list, configure IAM policies in your AWS account to grant principals the
permissions to create and delete VPC endpoints. See Configuring IAM
Policies for Endpoints for a Query PrivateLink.
Egress: Provides private connectivity to an external system running in your AWS
account. Use Egress PrivateLinks to replicate data into your DB Systems inside
HeatWave on AWS. Select and click Next to finish configuring the PrivateLink on
the next page:
* Configure external endpoint service name: Set this to the VPC endpoint
service name in your AWS account to which this PrivateLink will connect. See
how to set up an endpoint service for your source in Source Configuration
When Using an Egress PrivateLink.
Chapter 6
Creating a PrivateLink
* Configure egress endpoints: Configure the list of endpoints for which this
Egress PrivateLink is to provide connectivity. Provide the following information
for each endpoint:
* Source Hostname: (Optional) The endpoint of the source database on
AWS. Only required if you want to support TLS certificate identity
verification; leave blank otherwise.
* Source Port: The port on which this egress endpoint provides
* Target DB System: Select the target DB System that is allowed to
connect with this Egress PrivateLink.
4. Click Create.
You can see the details of the PrivateLink including a new Hostname and, for Query
PrivateLink, a new Service name —note the Service name, as you will need it to create an
After an Egress PrivateLink is created, you need to return to the Endpoint Service
page to explicitly accept the connection. See Source Configuration When Using an
Egress PrivateLink for details. Only accept connections from VPC Endpoint IDs that
are displayed in your account in the HeatWave on AWS console.
Related Topics
Creating an Endpoint for a Query PrivateLink
6.2 Configuring IAM Policies for Endpoints for a Query
After you have updated the authorized principals in HeatWave on AWS, configure IAM policies
in your AWS account to grant principals the permissions to create and delete VPC endpoints.
See Principal.
If you are already using AWS-managed IAM policies for permission management, check that
your current AWS-managed IAM policies grant principals the permission to create and delete
VPC endpoints. If not, add the appropriate managed policies to the principals you wish to
authorize for VPC endpoint management. The following policies enable you to create and
delete endpoints:
These AWS managed policies grant broader permissions than those strictly required for
PrivateLink. For enhanced security, administer your AWS account to grant least privileges to
your IAM principals. For AWS guidance on how to grant least privilege, see Grant least
privilege .
If you are using least-privilege permissions in your AWS account, add policies enabling specific
principals to create and delete VPC endpoints for a given PrivateLink. See Control the service
names that can be specified for VPC endpoint services.
Chapter 6
Configuring IAM Policies for Endpoints for a Query PrivateLink
To limit access to PrivateLink in policies for least privilege, you can either specify the service
name of the PrivateLink or the account ID as shown below. See Viewing PrivateLink Details.
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"ec2:VpceServiceName": "<privatelink-service-name>"
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"ec2:VpceServiceOwner": "612981981079"
6.3 Creating an Endpoint for a Query PrivateLink
Use the AWS Management Console to create an endpoint in the same region and availability
zone as the DB System.
This task requires the following:
Access to AWS Management Console.
The service name of the PrivateLink. See Viewing PrivateLink Details.
Properly configured policies to create an endpoint. See Configuring IAM Policies for
Endpoints for a Query PrivateLink.
A running virtual private cloud with subnets in the same availability zone as the DB
System. See Creating a VPC, and Viewing DB System Details.
Do the following to create an endpoint:
1. Open the AWS Management Console and sign in with your credentials.
2. Switch to the same region as the DB System.
3. In the AWS Management Console home page, click Services, click Networking &
Content Delivery, and then click VPC.
4. In the navigation pane of the Console, under Virtual private cloud, click Endpoints, and
then click Create endpoint.
5. Enter the following:
a. Endpoint settings:
i. Name tag: (Optional) Specify a name for the endpoint.
ii. Service category: Select Other endpoint services.
b. Service settings:
i. Service name: Specify the service name of the PrivateLink. See Viewing
PrivateLink Details. Ensure that you create the endpoint in the same region as the
ii. Click Verify service.
If the permissions are configured correctly in the PrivateLink, the service name is
verified correctly. If service verification is unsuccessful, ensure that the authorized
principals field in the PrivateLink is correct, and that your IAM permissions are
Chapter 6
Creating an Endpoint for a Query PrivateLink
configured accordingly. See Updating Authorized Principals for a Query
c. VPC:
i. VPC: Select the VPC in which to create the endpoint.
ii. Click Additional settings.
iii. Enable DNS name: It is recommended to check this box. Checking this box
configures the VPC to resolve the hostname of the PrivateLink to the private IP
address of the endpoint. If you leave this box unchecked, you cannot connect to
the PrivateLink using its hostname automatically, and you need to configure the
DNS of the VPC manually.
d. Subnet: Select the subnet in which you wish to create the endpoint.
e. Security groups: Select the appropriate security groups to associate with the
endpoint. The security groups must allow inbound traffic from your applications.
6. Click Create endpoint.
6.4 Connecting to a DB System With a PrivateLink
Connect to a DB System in HeatWave on AWS with a PrivateLink using standard MySQL
clients and connectors.
This task requires the following:
A DB System in HeatWave on AWS.
A correctly configured PrivateLink. See Creating a PrivateLink.
An EC2 compute instance in the same VPC as the private endpoint.
HeatWave Certificate Authority certificate. See Enabling Host Name Identity Verification.
Do the following to connect to a DB System with a PrivateLink:
1. Login to the EC2 instance. See Connect to your Linux instance.
2. Use a MySQL client to access the DB System.
mysql -h <hostname> -u <username> -p <password> --ssl-mode VERIFY_IDENTITY
: Specify the hostname of the PrivateLink.
: Specify the username of the administrator.
: Specify the password of the administrator.
: Specify the name of the HeatWave Certificate Authority certificate.
You are now connected to a DB System in HeatWave on AWS over a PrivateLink.
Related Topics
Creating an Endpoint for a Query PrivateLink
Chapter 6
Connecting to a DB System With a PrivateLink
6.5 Managing a PrivateLink
Use the HeatWave Console to edit the name or description of a PrivateLink, update its
authorized principals, delete the PrivateLink, or view its details.
Editing a PrivateLink
Deleting a PrivateLink
Updating Authorized Principals for a Query PrivateLink
Updating Egress Endpoints for a Egress PrivateLink
Viewing PrivateLink Details
6.5.1 Editing a PrivateLink
Use the HeatWave Console to edit the name or description of a PrivateLink.
This task requires the following:
A PrivateLink in the
Do the following to edit a PrivateLink:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the PrivateLink tab, in the list of PrivateLinks, find the PrivateLink to edit, and do one
of the following:
Click the row of the PrivateLink to highlight it, and click Edit PrivateLink.
Click the name of the PrivateLink to open the PrivateLink Details page, and click Edit
3. Enter the following:
Basic information:
Display name: Edit the display name of the PrivateLink.
Description: (Optional) Edit the description for the PrivateLink.
4. Click Save.
6.5.2 Deleting a PrivateLink
Use the HeatWave Console to delete a PrivateLink . If you delete a DB System with a
PrivateLink, the PrivateLink is deleted automatically.
This task requires the following:
A PrivateLink in the
Do the following to delete a PrivateLink.
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the PrivateLink tab, in the list of PrivateLinks, find the PrivateLink to edit, and do one
of the following:
Click the row of the PrivateLink to highlight it, and click Delete.
Chapter 6
Managing a PrivateLink
Click the name of the PrivateLink to open the PrivateLink Details page, and click
3. In the Delete PrivateLink dialog, click Delete PrivateLink.
Also, you can delete any resources you created in the AWS account, such as the VPC
6.5.3 Updating Authorized Principals for a Query PrivateLink
Use the HeatWave Console to update the authorized principals of a Query PrivateLink.
This task requires the following:
A PrivateLink in the
Do the following to update the authorized principals of a PrivateLink:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the PrivateLink tab, in the list of PrivateLinks, find the PrivateLink for which you want
to update the authorized principals, and do one of the following:
Click the row of the PrivateLink to highlight it, and click Update Authorized
Click the name of the PrivateLink to open the PrivateLink Details page, and click
Update Authorized Principals.
3. In the Configure PrivateLink section, enter the following:
ARNs of Authorized Principals: Authorize principal ARNs to create connections to
the PrivateLink. You can specify more than one ARN delimited by semicolons. You can
specify either of the following:
(Recommended) Entire AWS accounts in the following format:
Specific principals in the following format:
For enhanced security, authorize a specific set of principals. In this case, the
authorization to create a PrivateLink is checked twice: first inside the AWS account
requesting the new endpoint, and then in HeatWave on AWS to ensure that the
entity requesting the endpoint is in the set of authorized principals.
4. Click Save.
After you have updated the authorized principals in HeatWave on AWS, configure IAM policies
in your AWS account to grant specific principals the permissions to create and delete VPC
endpoints. See Configuring IAM Policies for Endpoints for a Query PrivateLink.
6.5.4 Updating Egress Endpoints for a Egress PrivateLink
You need to update the Egress Endpoints if, for example, the port on which your Endpoint
Service is listening for traffic has changed, the DNS hostname or port of the service in your
Chapter 6
Managing a PrivateLink
account has been updated, or you wish to connect a different DB System to this Egress
PrivateLink. Use the HeatWave Console to update the Egress Endpoints of a Egress
PrivateLink. You can also add or remove an endpoint.
This task requires the following:
A PrivateLink in the
Knowledge of the new hostname or port in your AWS account, or the new DB System ID
for which you want to allow connectivity.
Do the following to update, remove, or add Egress Endpoints of a PrivateLink:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the PrivateLink tab, in the list of PrivateLinks, find the Egress PrivateLink for which
you want to update the Egress endpoints, and do one of the following:
Click the row of the Egress PrivateLink to highlight it, and under Actions, click Update
Egress Endpoints.
Click the name of the Egress PrivateLink to open the PrivateLink Details page, and
click Update Egress Endpoints.
3. In the Configure PrivateLink section, do one of the following:
To update the DNS hostname or port of the Endpoint Service in your AWS account, or
the HeatWave on AWS DB System:
Under Source, update the following fields:
* Hostname: Update the DNS hostname for which traffic will be routed over the
Egress PrivateLink. For inbound replication, this is only required if you want to
support TLS certificate identity verification; leave blank otherwise.
* Port: Update the port on which your Endpoint Service will be listening for
traffic (for inbound replication, it is the port of the source database).
Under Target DB System: Update the DB System connected to this Egress
To remove an endpoint: Click the X beside it.
To add an endpoint: Click Add Egress Endpoint, then fill in the information.
4. Click Save.
6.5.5 Viewing PrivateLink Details
Use the HeatWave Console to view the details of a PrivateLink.
This task requires the following:
A PrivateLink in the
Do the following to view the details of a PrivateLink:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. On the PrivateLink tab, in the list of PrivateLinks, find the PrivateLink whose details you
want to view, and do one of the following:
Click the row of the PrivateLink to highlight it. The details of the PrivateLink appear
below the list of PrivateLinks.
Click the name of the PrivateLink to open the PrivateLink Details page.
Chapter 6
Managing a PrivateLink
For descriptions of PrivateLink details, see PrivateLink Details.
PrivateLink Details PrivateLink Details
The PrivateLink Details page is divided into the following sections:
Table 6-1 PrivateLink Details Page Sections
Name Description
Summary on the PrivateLink. See Table 6-2.
General Information
General information on the PrivateLink. See
Table 6-3.
Endpoints (for Egress PrivateLinks only)
Details of the connectivity provided by this Egress
PrivateLink. See Table 6-4.
DB System (for Query PrivateLinks only)
Details of the DB System for which the Query
PrivateLink provides connectivity . See Table 6-6.
Table 6-2 Summary
Field Description
The state of the PrivateLink:
CREATING: The PrivateLink is being created
and is not ready yet to be used
ACTIVE: The PrivateLink is successfully
created and is ready to be used.
UPDATING: The PrivateLink is in the process
of being updated. For example, adding a new
principal, or changing metadata.
encountered an error during
. It
continues to function with the parameters
before the update was initiated.
DELETING: The PrivateLink is being deleted.
encountered an error during
. It may
continue to function with its current set of
DELETED: The PrivateLink has been deleted
and is no longer available.
FAILED: An error condition prevented creating
or updating the PrivateLink.
NEEDS_ATTENTION: The PrivateLink needs
a user action to restore connectivity.
Resource ID
The unique resource identifier assigned to the
Link type
The type of PrivateLink. It is either one of:
Chapter 6
Managing a PrivateLink
Table 6-3 General Information
Field Description
The user-defined description of the PrivateLink.
Last Updated
The date and time the PrivateLink was last
The date and time the PrivateLink was created.
Table 6-4 Endpoints (for Egress PrivateLinks Only)
Field Description
Name of the DB System for which this egress
endpoint provides connectivity.
DB System State
State of the DB System for which this egress
endpoint provides connectivity.
The name of the host for which this egress
endpoint provides connectivity. Only needed if TLS
certificate identity verification is required; blank
The port on which this egress endpoint provides
Table 6-5 Connection Information
Field Description
Service name For Query PrivateLink: The service name that you
need while creating an endpoint. See Creating an
Endpoint for a Query PrivateLink.
For Egress PrivateLink: The external endpoint
service name in your AWS account to which this
PrivateLink connects.
Default Hostname (for Egress PrivateLinks only)
The default DNS hostname of the Egress
PrivateLink. Your DB System can use this
hostname to connect to services running in your
AWS account (e.g., for Inbound Replication).
Hostname (for Query PrivateLinks only)
The hostname of the target DB System in
HeatWave AWS. The hostname is a fully qualified
domain name (FQDN).
Endpoint ID (for Egress PrivateLinks only)
The ID of the Endpoint created for this Egress
PrivateLink. Used to determine if an incoming
connection request to your Endpoint Services
should be accepted or not. See Creating a
ARNs of authorized principals (for Query
PrivateLinks only)
The principal ARNs that are authorized to create
VPC endpoints for this PrivateLink.
Port (for Query PrivateLinks only)
The port on which the PrivateLink listens for traffic
using the MySQL protocol. The default value is
Port X (for Query PrivateLinks only)
The port on which the PrivateLink listens for clients
using the MySQL X Protocol, such as MySQL
Shell. The default value is 33060.
Chapter 6
Managing a PrivateLink
Table 6-6 DB System (for Query PrivateLinks only)
Field Description
The name of the associated DB System.
The state of the DB System. See MySQL DB
System Details.
The user-defined description of the DB System.
6.6 PrivateLink Limitations
You can create one PrivateLink per DB System.
You cannot change the value of the configuration variable,
. Changing
this configuration variable results in a loss of connectivity on the PrivateLink.
When you connect to a DB System over PrivateLink, you cannot specify public or private
IP addresses in the
field of the MySQL account names. You must use wildcard
(%) in the
field. See Specifying Account Names.
Chapter 6
PrivateLink Limitations
Importing Data
You can import data to a DB System in HeatWave on AWS. If your data is present in a MySQL
instance running on-premises, in other cloud vendors as managed or unmanaged services, or
another HeatWave on AWS instance, you have to export the data first. See Exporting Data.
You can import data using either of the following:
Data import feature: Use the data import feature in the Console to import MySQL Shell
dump and text files from an Amazon S3 bucket. See Data Import Feature.
Bulk ingest feature: Connect to the DB System and use the bulk ingest feature to import
text files such as CSV and TSV from an Amazon S3 bucket. This method is the fastest and
most efficient in terms of computing and memory consumption. This method is ideal for
importing large tables. See Bulk Ingest Feature.
Dump loading utility: Use the dump loading utility of MySQL Shell to import a MySQL
Shell dump manually. See Importing Data Using the Dump Loading Utility.
After importing data to a DB System in HeatWave on AWS, load data into HeatWave. See
Loading or Unloading Data into HeatWave Cluster.
Exporting Data
Importing Data
7.1 Exporting Data
Use the dump utility of MySQL Shell to export a logical dump of the data from a MySQL
instance. Connect to the MySQL instance containing the data you want to dump using MySQL
Shell. You can dump all schemas in the instance, a selected schema, or selected tables and
Use either of the following dump utility:
util.dumpInstance(outputUrl[, options])
: MySQL instance export utility that exports
all compatible schemas to an Amazon S3 bucket, Object Storage bucket, or to local files.
By default, this utility exports users, events, routines, and triggers. See Dump Utilities.
util.dumpSchemas(schemas, outputUrl[, options])
: MySQL schema export utility that
exports selected schemas to an Amazon S3 bucket, Object Storage bucket, or to local
util.dumpTables(schema, tables, outputUrl[, options])
: MySQL table export utility
that exports selected tables of a schema to an Amazon S3 bucket, Object Storage bucket,
or to local files.
The source and destination MySQL instances can be in different MySQL versions.
The MySQL Shell dump utility performs compatibility checks and transformations to ensure the
data can be later successfully imported and the potential data import issues can be identified
and fixed as early as possible. See MySQL Server Compatibility.
About MySQL Shell
MySQL Server Compatibility
HeatWave on AWS has several security-related restrictions that are not present in an on-
premise instance of MySQL. To make it easier to load existing databases into the Service,
the dump commands in MySQL Shell can detect potential issues and, in some cases,
automatically adjust your schema definition to be compliant.
Exporting Data Using MySQL Shell
7.1.1 About MySQL Shell
MySQL Shell dump and load utilities are built for use with MySQL DB Systems. To get the best
functionality, always use the most recent version of MySQL Shell that is available to you.
The MySQL Server version used by HeatWave on AWS is fully supported by MySQL Shell.
The minimum supported source MySQL Server versions supported by MySQL Shell are:
MySQL 8.0.11
MySQL 5.7.9
MySQL Shell provides the following utilities:
: MySQL instance export utility that dumps all compatible schemas to an
Amazon S3 bucket, OCI Object Storage, or local files. By default, this utility dumps users,
events, routines, and triggers. See MySQL Shell Instance and Schema Dump Utilities.
: A schema export utility that dumps selected schemas to an Amazon S3
bucket, OCI Object Storage, or local files. See MySQL Shell Instance and Schema Dump
: A table export utility that dumps selected tables of a schema to an Amazon
S3 bucket, OCI Object Storage, or local files.
: An import utility that imports schemas to a DB System. See MySQL Shell
Dump Loading Utility. To import a schema to a DB System, MySQL Shell must be installed
on a machine with access to the DB System. See Connecting with MySQL Shell .
MySQL Shell dump files are exported as DDL files specifying the schema structure and tab-
separated value (.tsv) files containing the data. The .tsv files are compressed using zstd,
by default, but gzip is also available as an option. You can also choose no compression.
To improve performance, large tables are chunked by default. The default chunk size is 32MB.
Chunking can be disabled, but this is not recommended for large databases. During import, the
chunks can be imported by parallel threads, which can greatly improve import performance.
For more information about MySQL Shell, refer to the MySQL Shell User Guide.
7.1.2 MySQL Server Compatibility
HeatWave on AWS has several security-related restrictions that are not present in an on-
premise instance of MySQL. To make it easier to load existing databases into the Service, the
dump commands in MySQL Shell can detect potential issues and, in some cases,
automatically adjust your schema definition to be compliant.
option, when set to true, performs compatibility checks on the schemas for these
issues and aborts the dump if any are found, while producing a detailed list of those issues and
suggests additional steps to correct those issues.
command only allows import of
dumps created with the
option enabled.
Chapter 7
Exporting Data
Some issues found by the
option may require you to manually edit your schema before
it can be loaded into the HeatWave on AWS. The MySQL Shell
option can be
used to automatically modify the dumped schemas, resolving some of these compatibility
issues. You can pass one or more modifiers to the MySQL Shell
option in a
comma-separated list.
The MySQL Shell
option applies the specified requirements for compatibility
with HeatWave on AWS for all tables in the dump output, altering the dump files as necessary.
From MySQL Shell 8.0.23, this option is available for all MySQL Shell utilities, and before that
release, it is only available for the instance dump utility and schema dump utility.
MySQL Shell
option modifiers include:
HeatWave on AWS supports the InnoDB storage engine, only. This option modifies the
clause of
statements to specify
for tables that do not already
use the
storage engine.
Skips user accounts created with external authentication plugins that are not supported in
HeatWave on AWS. From MySQL Shell 8.0.26, this option also removes user accounts that
do not have passwords set, except where an account with no password is identified as a role,
in which case it is dumped using the
Removes the
clause from views, routines, events, and triggers. HeatWave
on AWS requires special privileges to create these objects with a definer other than the user
loading the schema. By removing the
clause, these objects will be created with that
default definer. Views and routines have their
clause changed from
. This ensures that the access permissions of the account querying or calling these
objects are applied, instead of the user that created them. If your database security model
requires views and routines have more privileges than their invoker, you must manually modify
the schema before loading it. For more information, see The DEFINER Attribute and The SQL
SECURITY Characteristic.
Certain privileges are restricted in HeatWave on AWS, such as
, and
. It is not possible to create users granting these privileges.
This option removes those privileges from dumped
HeatWave on AWS has some restrictions on tablespaces. This modifier removes the
clause from
statements, so all tables are created in their default
, and
options in
statements are always commented out in DDL scripts if the MySQL Shell
option is
If you intend to export data from an older version of MySQL, you should run the
MySQL Shell Upgrade Checker Utility to generate a report of all potential issues with
your migration. For more information, see MySQL Shell User Guide - Upgrade
Checker Utility .
Chapter 7
Exporting Data
7.1.3 Exporting Data Using MySQL Shell
Use MySQL Shell to export data from a source MySQL Server to an Amazon S3 buket.
This task requires the following:
The MySQL Shell command-line utility. The commands in this task use the JS (JavaScript)
execution mode of MySQL Shell. For installation instructions, refer to Installing MySQL
Exports created by MySQL Shell 8.0.27, or higher, cannot be imported by earlier
versions of MySQL Shell. Using the latest version of MySQL Shell is always
You have run the
command with the
parameters set to
util.dumpSchemas("<Schema>", {s3bucketName: "<BucketName>", dryRun: true,
ocimds: true})
This performs a test run of the export checking for compatibility issues. The compatibility
issues and remediation steps are listed in the output. See MySQL Shell Instance and
Schema Dump Utilities.
To export a schema from a source MySQL Server:
1. Start a MySQL Shell session and connect to the source MySQL Server:
mysqlsh <user>@<HostNameOfSourceMySQLServer>
For information about different MySQL Shell session and connection options, refer to the
MySQL Shell User Guide.
2. Export schema to an Amazon S3 bucket:
util.dumpInstance("<Schema>",{s3bucketName: "<BucketName>", threads:
compatibility: ["strip_restricted_grants", "strip_definers",
: The name of the schema being exported. For example,
: The Amazon S3 bucket to which the dump is to be written.
: The number of processing threads to use for this task. The default is 4.
For best performance, it is recommended to set this parameter to twice the number of
CPUs used by the target DB System.
: Specify compatibility modifiers that modify the exported data for
compatibility with HeatWave on AWS. See MySQL Server Compatibility.
See Options for S3-compatible Services.
Chapter 7
Exporting Data
7.2 Importing Data
Use either of the following features to import data from an Amazon S3 bucket:
Data import: Use the data import feature in the Console to import MySQL Shell dump and
text files from Amazon S3 bucket. See Data Import Feature.
Bulk ingest: Connect to the DB System and use the bulk ingest feature to import text files
such as CSV and TSV from Amazon S3 bucket. This method is the fastest and most
efficient in terms of computing and memory consumption. This method is suitable for
importing large tables. See Bulk Ingest Feature, and Connecting to a DB System.
Dump loading utility: Use the dump loading utility of MySQL Shell to import a MySQL
Shell dump manually. See Importing Data Using the Dump Loading Utility.
Data Import Feature
Bulk Ingest Feature
Dump Loading Utility
7.2.1 Data Import Feature
Use the data import feature in HeatWave Console to import data in a variety of formats such as
MySQL dump files and text files from an Amazon S3 bucket to a DB System in HeatWave on
AWS in the same region.
Importing Sample Database
Importing Data Using the Data Import Feature
Viewing Data Import Details Importing Sample Database
Oracle provides on AWS sample databases for you to test out HeatWave on AWS. Use the
Import sample data feature in HeatWave Console to import the sample database into a DB
System in any region by just a few clicks.
Currently, the following sample databases are available from Oracle.
airportdb. See Running AirportDB Queries and Additional AirportDB Queries.
TPCH. You have to select a size for your TPCH sample database—you are suggested to
choose a value that matches the expected workload on your DB system. Please also pay
attention to the Disclaimer. See Running tpch Queries and Sample TPCH queries.
This task requires the following:
Access to HeatWave Console.
An established connection from the HeatWave Console to the DB System into which you
want to import data.
Follow these steps to import the sample database:
1. In the HeatWave Console, click the Workspace tab, and then click the Data Imports tab.
2. Click Import Data.
Chapter 7
Importing Data
3. In the Import data into DB System pane, under Source, select Import sample data. A
list of sample databases appear, together with information for each of them like the name
of the destination schema and the size.
4. Select a sample database. You might have to make additional selections, depending on
the sample database you choose.
5. Click the Import button. The data import operation begins.
The Data Imports tab is shown, on which you can view details on your import operation. Importing Data Using the Data Import Feature
Use the data import feature in the HeatWave Console to import data from an Amazon S3
bucket to a DB System in the same region.
This task requires the following:
Data in an Amazon S3 bucket that you want to import. If your data is present in a MySQL
instance running on-premises, in other cloud vendors as managed or unmanaged services,
or another HeatWave on AWS instance, you have to export the data into an Amazon S3
bucket first.
An IAM policy to access the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the data you want to import.
See Creating an IAM Policy to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket.
An IAM role ARN that grants the DB System access to the Amazon S3 bucket that
contains the data you want to import. See Creating an IAM Role to Access an Amazon S3
An established connection from the HeatWave Console to the DB System into which you
want to import data.
Follow these steps to import the data:
1. In the HeatWave Console, configure the DB System into which you want to import data
with the IAM role ARN. See Editing a DB System.
2. Click the Workspace tab, and then click the Data Imports tab.
3. Click the Import Data button.
4. In the Import data into DB System pane, enter the following details:
Basic information:
Display name: Specify a name for the data import operation. By default, a name is
generated for you in the format of
Description: (Optional) Specify a description for the data import operation.
Select Bring your own data (unless you want to Import sample data instead).
S3 URI: Specify the Amazon S3 URI. The Amazon S3 bucket and DB System
must be in the same region.
Chapter 7
Importing Data
You are responsible for managing the Amazon S3 bucket. Once you
finish the data import, it is recommended that you review the Amazon S3
bucket's access permissions and remove access by the DB System if
Authentication method: Select either one of the following authentication methods
by clicking its radio button:
* IAM role: Use the displayed data import role ARN, which was specified while
creating or editing the DB System. See Creating a DB System and Editing a
DB System.
* User access key: Enter the Access key ID and Secret access key. See
Managing Access Keys.
File type: Select either of the following file types:
* MySQL dump files: Specify the File parsing settings:
* Character set: Enter the character set of the import data. The default
character set is
. See Character Sets and Collations in MySQL.
* Update GTID set: For data that contain GTIDs, to enable GTID-based
replication, apply the
GTID set from the source MySQL
instance, as recorded in the dump metadata, to the
GTID set
on the target MySQL instance using one of the following options:
* OFF: (Default) Do not update the GTID set. This is also the option for
data that do not contain GTIDs.
* APPEND: Append the
GTID set from the source
MySQL instance to the
GTID set on the target MySQL
* REPLACE: Replace the
GTID set on the target MySQL
instance with the
GTID set from the source MySQL
See the description for
for more information.
* Text files:
* Names of data files in S3 bucket: Specify the names of data files in the
Amazon S3 bucket. Apart from text files, you can specify text files in
compressed formats such as gzip (
) and zstd (
). You can specify
ranges of files using wildcard pattern matching. To match any single
character, use
, and to match any sequence of characters, use
. For
, and
* File parsing settings:
* Character set: Enter the character set to import data to the target
MySQL instance. It must correspond to the character set given in the
dump metadata that was used when the MySQL dump was created by
MySQL Shell instance dump utility, schema dump utility, or table dump
utility. The character set must be permitted by the
system variable and supported by the MySQL
instance. The default character set is
. See Character Sets
and Collations in MySQL.
Chapter 7
Importing Data
* Dialect: Select the dialect of the imported data file. You can select
CSV (Unix), CSV, or TSV. The default dialect is CSV (Unix). The
dialect selects the default values of the following parsing settings:
Fields terminated by, Fields enclosed by, Fields escaped by and
Fields optionally enclosed. To view the default settings per dialect,
see Dialect settings.
* Skip rows: Specify the number of rows that is skipped from the
beginning of the imported data file or, in the case of multiple import
files, at the beginning of every file included in the file list. By default,
no rows are skipped.
* Lines terminated by: Specify one or more characters (or an empty
string) with which each of the lines are terminated in the imported data
file. For example,
. The default is as per the specified dialect.
* Fields terminated by: Specify one or more characters (or an empty
string) with which each of the fields are terminated in the imported
data file. For example,
. The default is as per the specified dialect.
* Fields enclosed by: Specify a single character (or an empty string)
with which the utility encloses each of the fields in the imported data
file. For example,
. The default is as per the specified dialect.
* Fields escaped by: Specify the character that is to begin escape
sequences in the imported data file. For example,
. The default is as
per the specified dialect.
* Fields optionally enclosed: Select the option to enclose a field only if
it has a string data type such as
, or
, and
deselect the option to enclose all of the fields in the imported data file.
* Destination: Select the Schema and the Table in the DB System to which
you want to import data.
Click Import. The data import operation begins.
The Data Imports tab is shown, on which you can view details on your import operation.. Viewing Data Import Details
To view data import details:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Workspace tab.
2. Select the Data Imports tab. In the list of data imports, select the import for which you
want to view the details. The Data Import Details pane shows its information.
3. If your selected import is still in progress and you want to cancel it, click the Cancel button
on top of the import list.
Data Import Details Data Import Details
Use the Console to view the Data Import Details. For more information on the details being
displayed, see Importing Data Using the Data Import Feature.
Chapter 7
Importing Data
Table 7-1 Data Import Details Pane
Name Description
Data import summary. See Table 7-2.
Data import source. See Table 7-3.
Data import destination. See Table 7-4.
Data import messages. See Table 7-5.
Table 7-2 Data Import Summary
Field Description
The state of the data import operation:
In Progress: The data import is in progress
Succeeded: The data import has succeeded
Failed: The data import has failed
Progress (%)
The progress of the data import in percentage.
Resource ID
The unique resource identifier assigned to the data
The optional user-defined description for the data
Last updated The date and time when the Data Import Details
were last updated.
The date and time when the data import operation
Table 7-3 Data Import Source
Field Description
The Amazon S3 URI of the S3 bucket containing
the data being imported.
Character set
The character set for the import data.
Update GTID set (for MySQL dump file imports
For data that contain GTIDs, how the
GTID set from the source MySQL
instance is applied to the
GTID set
on the target MySQL instance.
OFF: (Default) Do not update the GTID set.
This is also the option for data that do not
contain GTIDs.
APPEND: Append the
set from the source MySQL instance to the
GTID set on the target MySQL
REPLACE: Replace the
set on the target MySQL instance with the
GTID set from the source
MySQL instance.
Files (for text file imports only)
The names of imported data files.
Skip rows (for text file imports only)
The number of rows that is skipped from the
beginning of the imported data file or, in the case of
multiple import files, at the beginning of every file
included in the file list.
Chapter 7
Importing Data
Table 7-3 (Cont.) Data Import Source
Field Description
Lines terminated by (for text file imports only)
The character(s) with which each of the lines are
terminated in the imported data file.
Fields terminated by (for text file imports only)
The character(s) with which each of the fields are
terminated in the imported data file.
Fields enclosed by (for text file imports only)
The character with which the utility encloses each
of the fields in the imported data file.
Fields escaped by (for text file imports only)
The character that is to begin escape sequences in
the imported data file.
Fields optionally enclosed (for text file imports
Whether a field is enclosed only if it has a string
data type.
Table 7-4 Data Import Destination Details
Field Description
The tables being imported, listed under the
schemas they are under.
The progress on the table import.
The size of the table.
Table 7-5 Data Import Messages
Field Description
Codes for any errors in the data import operation.
Warnings on the import operation that require user
Information on the data import.
7.2.2 Bulk Ingest Feature
Use the bulk ingest feature to import text files in bulk from an Amazon S3 bucket to a DB
System in HeatWave on AWS in the same region. Bulk import is ideal for importing large
This task requires the following:
Access to AWS Management Console.
Access to HeatWave Console.
A client that is connected to the DB system. See Connecting to a DB System.
Do the following to bulk ingest data to a DB System:
1. Create an IAM policy to access the Amazon S3 bucket. See Creating an IAM Policy to
Access an Amazon S3 Bucket.
2. Create an IAM role that grants the DB System access to read data from the desired
Amazon S3 bucket. See Creating an IAM Role to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket.
Chapter 7
Importing Data
3. (Optional) If a MySQL user (and not a DB System administrator) is importing data using
the bulk ingest feature, grant the
privilege. See Granting Privileges to Bulk
Ingest Data From Amazon S3.
4. Create a new DB System or edit an existing DB System, and enter the data import role
ARN details. See Creating a DB System and Editing a DB System.
5. Bulk ingest data from an Amazon S3 bucket. See Importing Data Using the Bulk Ingest
Granting Privileges to Bulk Ingest Data From Amazon S3
By default, a DB System administrator has the
privilege. However, if a user
is importing data using the bulk ingest feature, the
privilege is required.
Importing Data Using the Bulk Ingest Feature
Bulk Ingest Limitations Granting Privileges to Bulk Ingest Data From Amazon S3
By default, a DB System administrator has the
privilege. However, if a user is
importing data using the bulk ingest feature, the
privilege is required.
This task requires the following:
A running DB System. See Creating a DB System.
Do the following to grant the
privilege to a user:
1. Connect to the DB System. See Connecting to a DB System.
2. Grant the
privilege to the user:
GRANT LOAD_FROM_S3 ON <Schema.Table> TO <User> Importing Data Using the Bulk Ingest Feature
Connect to a DB System and bulk ingest data from an Amazon S3 bucket to a DB System in
the same region.
This task requires the following:
A client that is connected to the DB System. See Creating a DB System.
Properly configured data import role ARN in the DB System. See Creating an IAM Role to
Access an Amazon S3 Bucket, Creating a DB System, and Editing a DB System.
Data, which you want to bulk ingest, in an Amazon S3 bucket. See Exporting Data.
Do the following to bulk ingest data from an Amazon S3 bucket:
1. Connect to a DB System. See Connecting to a DB System.
2. Create a new database or use an existing database to bulk ingest data. For example, the
following query creates a new database,
, and selects the database for further
USE airportdb;
Chapter 7
Importing Data
3. Use an existing empty table or create a new table. For example, the following query
creates a new table,
(`booking_id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`flight_id` int NOT NULL,
`seat` char(4) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
`passenger_id` int NOT NULL,
`price` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`booking_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=55099799
COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT='Verifying bulk ingest';
4. Bulk ingest data from an Amazon S3 bucket into the table you created using the
query with the
LOAD DATA FROM S3 '<Amazon-S3-URL>' INTO TABLE <Table-name>
: Specify the Amazon S3 bucket URL present in the same region as
the DB System in the following format:
: The AWS region that contains the Amazon S3 bucket to load.
: The name of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the data to load.
: The filename or prefix of one or more text files to load.
: Specify an already existing empty table or create a new table.
Specify the column and line terminators used by the in the data files you are loading.
The statement above assumes the column terminator is
and the line terminator is
It is recommended to split the data into multiple files to improve the performance of bulk
ingest. For example, the following query loads data from an Amazon S3 bucket that is split
across 25 files. The files are named,
, ...,
LOAD DATA FROM S3 's3-us-east-1://mysql-heatwave-data-us-east-1/airportdb/
See Bulk Ingest Data to MySQL Server. Bulk Ingest Limitations
The following are some limitations to the Bulk Ingest Feature of HeatWave on AWS when using
statement with
The target table must be empty. The state of the table should be as though it has been
freshly created. If the table has instantly added or dropped column, run the
statement before running
Chapter 7
Importing Data
The target table must not be partitioned.
The target table must not contain secondary indexes.
The target table must be in a file-per-table tablespace—it must not be in a shared
The target table must have the default row format
. If needed, use
to change the table's row format after running
The target table must contain a primary key.
Prefix indexing for the primary key is not supported.
The target table must not contain virtual or stored generated columns.
The target table must not contain foreign keys.
The target table must not contain
The target table must not contain triggers.
The target table must not be replicated to other nodes.
The target table must not use a secondary engine. If needed, set the secondary
engine after running
clauses are not supported for
locks the target table exclusively and does
not allow other operations on the table when the query is running.
Automatic rounding or truncation of the input data is not supported.
will fail if the input data requires rounding or truncation in
order to be loaded.
The target table cannot be a temporary table.
is atomic but not transactional. It commits
any transaction that is already running. On failure, the
statement is
completely rolled back.
cannot be executed when the target table is
explicitly locked by a
7.2.3 Dump Loading Utility
The dump loading utlity is an import utility that imports schemas to a DB System. See MySQL
Shell Dump Loading Utility. To import a schema to a DB System, MySQL Shell must be
installed on a machine with access to the DB System.
Importing Data Using the Dump Loading Utility Importing Data Using the Dump Loading Utility
Use the dump loading utility of MySQL Shell to load a dump from an Amazon S3 bucket to a
DB System in HeatWave on AWS.
This task requires the following:
MySQL Shell 8.0.27, or higher. Exports created by MySQL Shell 8.0.27, or higher, cannot
be imported by earlier versions of MySQL Shell.
Chapter 7
Importing Data
Data exported from a source MySQL Server following the instructions described in
Exporting Data Using MySQL Shell.
Enough storage space on your DB System for the data you intend to import. To check DB
System storage space, see Viewing DB System Details.
You have run the
command in
mode to check that there are no issues
when the dump files are loaded from an Amazon S3 bucket into the connected DB System:
util.loadDump("<Schema>", {s3bucketName: "<BucketName>", dryRun: true,
ocimds: true})
This performs a test run of the import checking for compatibility issues. The compatibility
issues and remediation steps are listed in the output. See MySQL Shell Instance and
Schema Dump Utilities.
Do the following to import data using the dump loading utility:
1. Start a MySQL Shell session and connect to the DB System:
mysqlsh <Username>@<HostNameOfMySQLDBSystem>
See Connecting with MySQL Shell .
2. Import data using the dump loading utility:
util.loadDump("<Prefix>",{s3BucketName: "<BucketName>", threads:
: (Optional) Adds a prefix to the files uploaded to the bucket. If you specify
this option, the files are uploaded to the defined bucket with the prefix in the following
, similarly to a file path. For example, if
is set to
, every file uploaded to the defined bucket,
, is done so as
. If you download the file, the prefix is
treated as a folder in the download. For local exports, this parameter is the path to the
local directory you want to export to.
: The an Amazon S3 bucket from which the dump is to be loaded.
: The number of processing threads to use for this task. The default is 4.
For best performance, it is recommended to set this parameter to twice the number of
CPUs used by the target DB System.
Chapter 7
Importing Data
Inbound Replication
This chapter covers how to create and manage Channels for implementing inbound
About Inbound Replication
Configuring Inbound Replication
Source Configuration
Creating a Replication User On a Source Server
Creating a Channel
Managing Replication Channels
Viewing Channel Details
8.1 About Inbound Replication
Inbound replication enables asynchronous replication from a MySQL-based source (an on-
premises or other cloud MySQL Instance, or other HeatWave on AWS DB System) to a
HeatWave on AWS DB System. It uses a replication channel configured in HeatWave on AWS
to copy transactions from the source to a HeatWave on AWS DB System (replica). The
channel connects the source to the replica, and copies data from the source to the replica.
Asynchronous replication means that the replica does not need to be running and connected to
the source all the time. It can pick up new updates whenever it is online and reconnects.
A replica DB System can connect to only one MySQL source. The source server does not
control the DB System replica and does not need to have permission to write to it. The replica
uses the configured replication channel to connect to the source, providing a set of replication
user credentials. Over the connection formed by the channel, the replica retrieves committed
transactions from the source. Then the replica writes those transactions to its own copy of the
Inbound replication is not a managed functionality. You are responsible for
configuring and maintaining the channel, and for ensuring that the traffic between
source and replica is properly configured.
Impact of the DB System Operations on the Replication Channel
The DB System operations affect the replication channel:
If you stop the DB System, it stops any enabled Channels and changes its state to
If you delete the DB System, it deletes any Channels attached to the DB System.
If you restart, upgrade, or update a DB System, it temporarily suspends the Channel while
the operation is ongoing. When the operation is complete, replication is resumed. The
Channel state changes to
while the channel is being resumed.
8.2 Configuring Inbound Replication
The following sections explain how to configure inbound replication over different kinds of
Configuring Inbound Replication over the Public Internet
Configuring Inbound Replication over an Egress PrivateLink
8.2.1 Configuring Inbound Replication over the Public Internet
Follow these steps to configure inbound replication over the public internet:
1. Configure your replication source. See Source Configuration.
2. Add a replication user on the source. See Creating a Replication User On a Source Server.
3. Create a replication channel over the public internet. See Creating a Channel.
4. Enable your replication channel. See Disabling or Enabling a Channel.
8.2.2 Configuring Inbound Replication over an Egress PrivateLink
Follow these steps to configure inbound replication over an Egress PrivateLink:
1. Configure your replication source. See Source Configuration.
2. Create a replication user on the source. See Creating a Replication User On a Source
3. Configure the surrounding network infrastructure on AWS. See Source Configuration
When Using an Egress PrivateLink.
4. Create an Egress PrivateLink in HeatWave on AWS and associate it with the VPC
Endpoint Service and Egress Endpoints for your source database. See Creating a
5. Create a replication channel with your Egress PrivateLink. See Creating a Channel.
6. Enable your replication channel (if it is not enabled yet). See Disabling or Enabling a
8.3 Source Configuration
To use inbound replication in HeatWave on AWS, the source and its network connection to the
replica DB System must have the following configurations.
The network must be configured to permit replication traffic between the DB System replica
and the source server.
The minimum supported version of MySQL for a replication source is 5.7.9.
The source cannot be running a higher version of MySQL than the DB System. The replica
must be running the same version as, or a higher version of MySQL than, the source.
If you intend to encrypt the communication between source and replica, the source must
be configured to use SSL. See Server-side Configuration for Encrypted Connections.
Chapter 8
Configuring Inbound Replication
The source and the DB System must run with the same
variable value. See System Initialization Variables
The source must have binary logging enabled, with the system variable
The source's binary log has an extended retention period, so that the target database
inside HeatWave on AWS can apply all the transactions before the log is flushed. For
example, run the following command on a MySQL client as an administrator to set
retention period to be 24 hours:
call mysql.rds_set_configuration('binlog retention hours', 24);
The source has automated backups enabled.
The source must use row-based binary logging, with the system variable
For GTID-based replication only: The source must use GTIDs, with the system variables
The replication user must be present on the source server with the required privileges. See
Creating a Replication User On a Source Server.
If you are replicating from a database running in your AWS account using an Egress
PrivateLink, your source rquires additional configuration.
Source Configuration When Using an Egress PrivateLink
8.3.1 Source Configuration When Using an Egress PrivateLink
If you are replicating from a database running in your AWS account using an Egress
PrivateLink, configure your replication source and its surrounding network infrastructure with
the following steps.
These are the prerequisites for this task:
Access to your AWS account through the AWS Console.
A MySQL source database (for example, a MySQL Community database inside your
Amazon AWS tenancy), with ALL the configurations specified in Source Configuration.
Knowledge of the following information regarding your source database:
The VPC it is in
Its AWS Availability Zone IDs
Hostname and port of the source's primary endpoint
IP address of the source's primary endpoint. To find it, run this command on any
system that can resolve your source’s private IP address (note that Amazon RDS and
Aurora sources can be resolved from any Internet-connected machine):
nslookup <source instance hostname>
Do the following to configure your source and its surrounding network infrastructure:
1. Create and configure a Target Group:
Go to AWS Console > EC2 > Target Groups (also reachable from the console's
navigation pane under Load Balancing), and select Create target group
Under Basic configuration
Chapter 8
Source Configuration
Select IP addresses
Add a Target group name
For Protocol: Port, select TCP for protocol, and enter the port number of your
Under VPC, select the VPC in which the source is located to be included into the
Target Group
Under Health checks
Select TCP for Health check protocol
Under Advanced health check settings, select Override, and enter any port
number other than the port for your source (e.g., 40000). This is to prevent a loss
of connection on the PrivateLink.
Click Next, to go to the Register targets page
Go to Step 2 on the Register targets page and enter the IP addresses for your
source (see the prerequisites above).
Under Ports, make sure the port number for the source is correct.
Click Include as pending below, then click Create target group.
2. Create and configure a Network Load Balancer:
Navigate to the AWS Console > EC2 > Load Balancers, and click Create load
balancer. The Compare and select load balancer type page opens.
Under Load balancer types, select Network Load Balancer by clicking the Create
button under its description. The Create Network Load Balancer page opens
Enter a Load balancer name.
For Scheme, select Internal.
Under Network mapping:
Make sure the source's VPC is selected.
For Mappings, select the Availability Zone IDs for your source.
Instead of the Availability Zone names, use the Availability Zone IDs
when you make your selections.
Your target DB System in HeatWave on AWS must be in one of the
Availability Zones you select here. See the discussion on Availability
Zone selection in Creating a DB System.
For each of the Availability Zone IDs you selected, pick a private Subnet
Under Security Groups, click create a new security group. In the Create security
group page that opens, configure the following before you click Create security
Security group name: Give a group name.
Chapter 8
Source Configuration
Description: Give a description.
For VPC, select the source's VPC.
For Inbound rules and Outbound rules, keep the default configurations.
Go back to the Create Network Load Balancers page and under Security Groups,
select the security group you just created and deselect any other security groups.
Under Listeners and routing, configure the Listener with the Port the source is on,
and Default action to Forward to and select the target group you created above in
Step 1.
Click Create load balancer. The load balancer is created.
Select in AWS Console > EC2 > Load Balancers the load balancer you just created.
A configuration page for the load balancer is opened.
Scroll down and select the Security tab. Make sure Enforce inbound rules on
PrivateLink traffic is Off. If it is not, click Edit and then deselect it.
3. Allow your source instance to receive traffic from your Network Load Balancer (the
following steps use a MySQL instance on AWS RDS as an example):
Go to the AWS > RDS > Databases > your instance. Under Connectivity and
security > Security, click on the security group associated with the database
instance. The Security Groups page opens.
Check the security group, and then select Edit inbound rules under Actions. The
Edit inbound rules page opens.
Click Add rule and add a new rule with the following specifications:
Choose Custom TCP for Type.
Choose Custom and then search for and select the security group created in Step
2 above for the Network Load Balancer.
Enter the source instance's port number for Port Range.
Provide an optional Description.
Click Save rules
4. Create and configure an endpoint service:
Navigate to AWS> VPC > Endpoint services, and click Create endpoint service.
The Create endpoint service page opens.
Configure your endpoint service with the following information:
Load balancer type: Select Network
Under Available load balancers, select the load balancer you created in Step 2
Under Additional settings:
* Select Acceptance required
* Select IPv4 for Supported IP address types
* Ensure Enable private DNS names is NOT selected.
Click Create. Note the Service name under Details of the VPC endpoint service you
created. You will need it to configure your Egress PrivateLink.
Navigate to AWS > VPC > Endpoint services and choose the endpoint service you
just created, and then under Actions choose Allow principals. The Allow principals
page opens.
Chapter 8
Source Configuration
Under Principals to add, add the ARN of the HeatWave on AWS account:
Click Allow principals
You are now ready to create an Egress PrivateLink. See Creating a PrivateLink for instructions.
After an Egress PrivateLink is created, you need to return to the Endpoint Service page to
explicitly accept the connection.
Navigate to AWS Console > VPC > Endpoint services and choose the endpoint service
you created in Step 4 above.
On the Endpoint connections tab, choose the Endpoint ID that matches the Endpoint ID
of your Egress PrivateLink (see PrivateLink Details page for the information). Do not
accept connections from any unknown Endpoint IDs.
Under Actions choose Accept endpoint connection request.
In the Accept endpoint connection request dialog box that opens, type "accept" in the
accept field, and click Accept.
The State of the Endpoint ID becomes Available after some time, and the endpoint connection
is now established.
Related Topics
AWS documentation on PrivateLink
8.4 Creating a Replication User On a Source Server
The replication user for inbound replication must be present on the source server with the
required privileges. The replica uses this user account when it connects to the source server.
This task requires:
MySQL Shell or MySQL client.
Do the following to add a replication user to the source server:
1. Open MySQL Shell and connect to the MySQL source server.
2. Run the following SQL command to create a replication user, and to permit only encrypted
connections for all accounts named by the statement. In this example, the username for
the replication user is
Inbound replication in HeatWave on AWS requires MySQL source password to
contain 8 to 32 characters including at least one number, one uppercase letter,
one lowercase letter, and one character from
3. Run the following command to grant the
privilege to the new
replication user,
in this example:
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE on *.* to rpluser001;
Chapter 8
Creating a Replication User On a Source Server
The replication user is created and granted the required privileges. Note the user name and
password so that you can specify them when you create the replication channel..
8.5 Creating a Channel
In MySQL replication, a replica is a MySQL server that receives changes from
another MySQL server (source) and applies the changes. In HeatWave on AWS, a
Channel references the replica as the target DB System.
Use the HeatWave Console to create a channel. A channel connects the source (an on-
premises or other cloud MySQL Instance, or other HeatWave on AWS DB System) to a target
HeatWave on AWS DB System (replica), and copies data changes from the source to the
target. There are two types of replication channels:
Channels over public internet
Channels over Egress PrivateLinks
This task requires the following:
A MySQL source server that meets the requirements in Source Configuration.
A replication user on the MySQL source server. See Creating a Replication User On a
Source Server.
An active DB System as the target of the Channel. If the source server contains data,
import existing data into the DB System:
Export the data from the MySQL source server (see Exporting Data Using MySQL
Shell for instructions) and:
* If using GTID-based replication: Capture the value of the source server's system
, from which replication should begin. The value is also
available as metadata in the
field in the @.json dump file created
by MySQL Shell's dump utilities.
* If not using GTID-based replication: Capture the source server's binary log
coordinates (the log file name and the log position), from which replication should
begin. See Obtaining the Replication Source Binary Log Coordinates on how to do
Import the data into the target DB System (see Importing Data Using the Data Import
Feature for instructions), and then:
* If using GTID-based replication: apply the source's
GTID set to the
GTID set (see Update GTID set on how to do that).
* If not using GTID-based replication: supply the binary log coordinates to the
Replication Positioning settings when you create or edit a replication channel on
the HeatWave Console.
If you want to use a PrivateLink for the replication, a properly configured Egress
PrivateLink. See Creating a PrivateLink.
Do the following to create a replication channel:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then click Channels to open the
Channels page.
Chapter 8
Creating a Channel
2. On the Channels page, click Create Channel to open the Create Channel dialog.
3. In the Create Channel dialog, enter the following information:
Basic information:
Display name: Specify a display name for the channel. If you do not specify a
name, one is generated for you in the format,
Description: (Optional) Specify a description of the channel and its purpose.
Enabled automatically upon creation: Specify whether the channel should start
automatically after it is successfully created. By default, it is enabled. If you disable
this option, the Channel will be in Inactive state and will not start replication. You
have to enable the channel manually after the channel is created to start
Target DB system:
Select DB system: Click on the button to select the DB System to use as the
replication target.
Source connection: Configure the MySQL source from where you want to replicate
the data
Choose the type of connection:
* Channel over public internet: Choose if your source is to be accessed
through the public internet, and then configure the following parameters:
* Hostname: Specify the hostname of the MySQL source. You can either
specify an IP address or a fully qualified domain name. For example,, or
* Port: (Optional) Specify the port number (between 1024 and 65535) the
MySQL source listens on. The default value is 3306.
* Allowed Outbound addresses: Specify the IP addresses (in the CIDR
format) of the MySQL source from which the DB System replicates the
data. If you want to specify more than one IP address ranges, use a
semicolon. For example,;
* Channel over PrivateLink: Choose if you are creating a channel over an
existing Egress PrivateLink, and then configure the following parameters:
* Egress PrivateLink: Choose from the drop-down menu the Egress
PrivateLink you have defined.
* Hostname: Specify the Default hostname of your Egress PrivateLink, or
the Hostname of one of the Endpoints of your Egress PrivateLink. See
Viewing PrivateLink Details on how to find the information.
If you use the Default hostname, the Verify identity SSL mode
is not supported.
* Port: (Optional) Specify the port number (between 1024 and 65535) the
MySQL source listens on. The default value is 3306.
Username: Specify the replication username for the account that you created on
the MySQL source server. The channel uses these credentials to connect to the
source. See Creating a Replication User On a Source Server.
Chapter 8
Creating a Channel
Password: Specify the password for the replication user account.
Inbound replication in HeatWave on AWS requires MySQL source
password to contain 8 to 32 characters including at least one number,
one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one character from
You have to change the password on the MySQL source if it does not
meet these requirements.
SSL mode: Select the required SSL mode. The selected mode is used to populate
the SSL-specific values of the connection to the MySQL Source. Select either of
the following SSL modes:
* Disabled: Establishes an unencrypted connection between the source and
* Required: (Default) If the server supports encrypted connection, establishes
an encrypted connection. The connection attempt fails if an encrypted
connection cannot be established.
* Verify certificate authority: Like the Required mode, establishes an
encrypted connection if the server supports encrypted connections and
additionally verifies the Certificate Authority certificate configured on the
source against the Certificate Authority's X509 certificate (PEM). You have to
upload your Certificate Authority's X509 certificate.
* Verify identity: Like the Verify certificate authority mode, establishes an
encrypted connection, verifies the Certificate Authority's certificate, and
additionally verifies the source hostname, which you define in the source SSL
certificate, against the hostname that you define in the Hostname field. You
have to upload your Certificate Authority's X509 certificate.
* Certificate authority's X509 certificate (PEM): Enables you to upload the
source Certificate Authority's X509 certificate in PEM format. It is displayed
only when you select the Verify certificate authority or Verify identity mode.
The certificate is used to verify the Certificate Authority's certificate on the
Replication positioning: Configure the Source GTID settings:
Use GTID auto-positioning (recommended): Select this option when the system
, is set to
on the source. It means the source server can
provide the replica with GTID information for auto-positioning. For more
information, see GTIDs.
Do not use GTID auto-positioning: Select this option when the system variable,
, is set to
, or
on the source. It
means the source server cannot provide the replica with GTID information for
auto-positioning. Select one of the following options to convert a transaction that is
anonymous to one that has GTIDs:
* Manually specify a UUID: There are two options:
* Define your own UUID by typing it into the UUID field.
* Accept the generated UUID shown in the UUID field, or generate a new
one by clicking the regenerate button.
Chapter 8
Creating a Channel
See GTID Format and Storage for more information on UUIDs.
* Same UUID as target DB system: Select this option to use the same UUID
as the target DB System.
Also specify the binary log coordinates (see Obtaining the Replication Source
Binary Log Coordinates on how to obtain them) when not using GTID auto-
* Binary log file name: Specify the name of the binary log file, which contains
events that describe database changes on the source. See The Binary Log.
* Binary log offset: Specify the binary log offset within the binary log file from
which the replica should start reading the source's binary log.
Replication details: Configure details for the replication.
Channel name: (Optional) Specify the channel name. The target DB System uses
this replication channel to communicate with the MySQL source. If you do not
specify a name,
is used.
Applier username: (Optional) Specify the username of the replication applier on
the target DB System. If you do not specify a username, the credentials of the DB
System administrator is used.
Replication delay: Set the amount of time, in seconds, that the channel waits
before applying a transaction received from the source. The default value is 0.
Advanced options:
Tables without primary key: Specify how a replication channel handles the
creation and alteration of tables with no primary keys on the source.
* Raise an error : Raise an error when replicating a
transaction with no primary keys.
* Allow: (Default) Allow replicating a
with no primary keys.
* Generate primary key: Allow replicating a
transaction with no primary keys, and automatically generate a new invisible
primary key column while creating a table without primary keys on the target.
Channel filter: (Optional) Click Channel filter options to configure the type and
value of replication filters for the channel. See Channel Filter Rules for Inbound
Replication for details.
* Select a filter templates: You can select a pre-defined filter template that
populate the Type and Value from the available list of filters that matches the
source, or click Add new filter to create a custom filter.
* Select a filter type: You can select a variety of filter types such as ignore a
database or table and rewrite a database.
* Enter a filter value: Enter a value required for your selected filter type.
* Click Add new filter to add another filter.
Click Create.
The state of the channel changes to Creating, and when the create is complete, the status
changes to one of the following:
Inactive if Enabled automatically upon creation is disabled.
Active if the channel is enabled successfully.
Chapter 8
Creating a Channel
Needs Attention if the channel encounters any error while enabling it. The replication
cannot be started.
See the next section on the channel filter rules for configuring replication filters.
Channel Filter Rules for Inbound Replication
8.5.1 Channel Filter Rules for Inbound Replication
Each filter rule can contain only one filter type and value. However, you can add multiple filter
rules and the result is the logical addition of all the rules. For example, if you create a filter rule
with type,
, and filter value,
, and another filter rule, with type,
, and filter value,
, then both
databases are
Table 8-1 Channel Filter Rules
Filter Type Filter Value Details
Replicates the specified
Restricts the replication of the
specified database.
REPLICATE_DO_TABLE database.table
Replicates the specified table in
the database.
Restricts the replication of the
specified table in the database.
Replicates the table that matches
the specified wildcard pattern.
Restricts the replication of any
table that matches the specified
wildcard pattern.
REPLICATE_REWRITE_DB from_database->to_database
the source to
Wildcard Patterns:
wildcards. Wildcard patterns can contain the % and _ wildcard characters. % represents 0 or
more characters and _ represents any single character. For example:
A filter value of
in filter type
replicates only those
tables where the database name starts with
and the table name starts with
A filter value of
in filter type
replicates all tables where
the database name starts with
A filter value of
in filter type
ignores those
tables where the database name contains three characters and starts with
and the table
name contains six character and starts with
If you want to use the two wildcard characters literally in the database or table names in your
rule, escape them with backslashes (\). For example,
Mandatory Filter Rules for replicating from MySQL databases running on Amazon RDS:
Chapter 8
Creating a Channel
Your inbound replication will fail with errors unless these filter rules are in place.
These rules can be selected using the per-configured filter templates. See Creating a
Channel for details.
Table 8-2 Mandatory Filter Rules for replicating from MySQL databases running on
Amazon RDS
Filter Type Filter Value
REPLICATE_IGNORE_TABLE mysql.rds_heartbeat2
REPLICATE_IGNORE_TABLE mysql.rds_sysinfo
8.6 Managing Replication Channels
This section describes how to manage Channels using the HeatWave Console.
Disabling or Enabling a Channel
Editing a Channel
Resuming a Channel
Resetting a Channel
Deleting a Channel
8.6.1 Disabling or Enabling a Channel
Disabling a channel pauses the replication and enabling a channel resumes the replication.
If the source server contains existing data, it is necessary to copy over this data to
the target server before enabling the channel and starting replication for the first time.
For more information, see Choosing a Method for Data Snapshots and Importing
To disable or enable a Channel:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then click Channels to open the
Channels page.
2. In the list of channels, find the channel you want to disable or enable.
3. To disable an active channel, do one of the following:
Select the row of the channel to highlight it, and click the Disable button.
Chapter 8
Managing Replication Channels
Click the name of the channel to open the Channel Details page. Click the Disable
The Disable MySQL Channel dialog is displayed. Click Disable to confirm.
The state of the channel changes to Updating and then to Inactive.
4. To enable an inactive channel, do one of the following:
Select the row of the channel to highlight it, and click the Enable button.
Click the name of the channel to open the Channel Details page. Click the Enable
The Enable MySQL Channel dialog is displayed. Click Enable to confirm.
The state of the channel changes to Updating and then to Active. The final state becomes
Needs Attention if it encounters any error and replication cannot start.
Related Topics
Importing Data
8.6.2 Editing a Channel
Editing a channel allows you to change the configuration of the channel.
You cannot change the target DB System of a channel. To change the target DB
System, you must delete the Channel and create a new Channel. See Deleting a
Channel and Creating a Channel.
To edit a Channel:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then click Channels to open the
Channels page.
2. On the Channels page, in the list of channels, find the channel you want to edit, and do
one of the following:
Select the row of the channel to highlight it, and choose the Edit Channel action from
the Actions menu.
Click the name of the channel to open the Channel Details page. Click the Edit
Channel button from the Actions menu.
The Edit Channel dialog is displayed.
3. In the Edit Channel dialog, update the required changes. You cannot change the target
DB System.
4. Click Save to update the changes.
8.6.3 Resuming a Channel
The channel state becomes Needs Attention when an error occurs in the replication channel.
After fixing the error, you can resume the channel to restart the replication.
To resume a Channel:
Chapter 8
Managing Replication Channels
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then click Channels to open the
Channels page.
2. On the Channels page, in the list of channels, find the channel you want to resume, and
do one of the following:
Select on the row of the channel to highlight it, and choose the Resume action from
the Actions menu.
Click the name of the channel to open the Channel Details page. Click the Resume
button from the Actions menu.
The Resume MySQL Channel dialog is displayed.
3. Click Resume to restart the replication.
The state of the channel becomes Resuming. When the channel restarts successfully, the
state changes to Active. If the error persists or other error occurs, and the replication cannot
start, the state changes to Needs Attention.
8.6.4 Resetting a Channel
Resetting a channel removes all replication data on the channel, except the channel
configuration. It is equivalent to
. When there is an
unrecoverable issue, the reset operation clears the records associated with replication so that
the channel can have a clean start.
The target DB System drops its position in the source binary log, clears the replication
metadata repositories, deletes the relay log files, and starts a new relay log file.
You can only reset an Inactive channel. To reset a Channel:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then click Channels to open the
Channels page.
2. On the Channels page, in the list of channels, find the channel you want to reset, and do
one of the following:
Click on the row of the channel to highlight it, and choose the Reset action from the
Actions menu.
Click the name of the channel to open the Channel Details page. Click the Reset
button from the Actions menu.
The Reset MySQL Channel dialog is displayed.
3. Click Reset to reset the channel.
The state of the channel becomes Resetting, and when the reset is complete, the state
changes to Inactive. Then, you can enable the channel to restart the replication.
8.6.5 Deleting a Channel
Deleting a Channel stops the replication and removes the channel configuration.
To delete a Channel:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then click Channels to open the
Channels page.
2. On the Channels page, in the list of channels, find the channel you want to delete, and do
one of the following:
Click on the row of the channel to highlight it, and choose the Delete action from the
Actions menu.
Chapter 8
Managing Replication Channels
Click the name of the channel to open the Channel Details page. Click the Delete
button from the Actions menu.
The Delete MySQL Channel dialog is displayed.
3. Click Delete MySQL Channel to go ahead with the deletion.
The state of the channel becomes Deleting, and when the delete is complete, the state
changes to Deleted. You can click the name of the Channel to view the details. However, you
cannot perform any other operation on the deleted channel.
8.7 Viewing Channel Details
Do the following to view Channel details:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then click Channels to open the
Channels page.
2. On the Channels tab, in the list of channels, find the channel you want to view details for,
and do one of the following:
Click the row of the Channel to highlight it. The Channel details appear below the list of
Click the name of the Channel to open the Channel Details page for the selected
For descriptions of DB System details, see Channel Details.
Channel Details
8.7.1 Channel Details
The Channel Details page is divided into the following sections:
Table 8-3 Channel Details Page
Name Description
Channel summary details. See Table 8-4.
Channel Source and Target Information
Channel source and target details. See Table 8-5.
Channel Event Details
Channel event details. See Table 8-6.
Chapter 8
Viewing Channel Details
Table 8-4 Channel Summary Details
Field Description
The state of the Channel.
Creating: The Channel is being created.
Provisioning can take several minutes. The
channel is not yet replicating data from the
source to the target.
Active: The Channel is running and replicating
Inactive: The Channel is not replicating
because the user has disabled it.
Needs Attention: This status is displayed for
the following reasons:
The Channel is not replicating due to an
The target DB System is
, that
is, the Channel is created or updated
while the DB System is in
state. Pending actions are applied when
the DB System is started.
Updating: The Channel is in the process of
being updated.
Resuming: The Channel is in the process of
being resumed.
Resetting: The Channel is in the process of
being reset.
Deleting: The Channel is being deleted.
Deleted: The Channel has been deleted and is
no longer available.
Resuming Error: An attempt to resume the
Channel failed.
Resetting Error: An attempt to reset the
Channel failed.
Updating Error: An attempt to update the
Channel failed.
Resource ID
The unique resource identifier assigned to the
Channel when it is created.
The user-defined description of the Channel.
Enabled The status of the channel. Yes for enabled, No for
Last updated
The date and time the Channel was last updated.
The date and time the Channel was created.
Chapter 8
Viewing Channel Details
Table 8-5 Channel Source and Target Details
Field Description
Network connection type:
Public: Channel over public internet
Private: Channel over Egress PrivateLink
Hostname: The IP address or hostname of the
source MySQL server.
Port: The port number the source MySQL
server listens for incoming connections.
Username: The username of the replication
Allowed outbound addresses (channel over
public internet only): The IP addresses (in the
CIDR format) of the MySQL source to enable
connections from the target DB System.
SSL mode: The security state of the
connection to the source. Possible values are:
Disabled: No encryption required
between source and target.
Required: (default) Establishes an
encrypted connection if the server
supports encrypted connections. The
connection attempt fails if an encrypted
connection cannot be established.
Verify certificate authority: Like
Required, but additionally verify the CA
certificate configured on the source
against the Certificate Authority (CA)
certificate (X509 PEM file).
Verify identity: Like Verify Certificate
Authority, but additionally verify the
source's hostname, defined in the
source's SSL certificate, against the
hostname defined in the Hostname field.
SSL CA certificate: The contents of the
uploaded CA X509 certificate if the SSL mode
is Verify certificate authority or Verify
Use GTID auto-positioning: Whether the
source server can provide the replica with
GTID information for auto-positioning. Possible
values are:
Source of the UUID: The source of the UUID
for converting transactions that are anonymous
to ones that have GTIDs when Use GTID
auto-positioning is No. Possible values are:
Manual input: The UUID was user-
defined or was generated by the Console.
A UUID field shows the UUID value.
Same as target DB system: Use target
DB System's UUID.
Chapter 8
Viewing Channel Details
Table 8-5 (Cont.) Channel Source and Target Details
Field Description
DB System name: The display name of the
target DB System and a link to it.
DB System state: The state of the target DB
Channel name: The replication channel name.
This is the replication channel used by the
target MySQL DB System for the
communication with the MySQL source.
Applier username: The username of the
replication applier.
Replication delay: The amount of time, in
seconds, that the channel waits before
applying a transaction received from the
Table without primary key: How the creation
and alteration of tables with no primary keys
on the source are handled. Possible values
Raise an error
Generate primary key: Allows replicating
transaction with no primary keys, and
automatically generates a new invisible
primary key column while creating a table
without primary keys on the target.
(for channels over Egress PrivateLinks
Name: Name of the PrivateLink. Click on the
name to see the PrivateLink Details.
State: State of the PrivateLink. See Summary
table of the PrivateLink Details page.
Channel filters
Type: The filter type.
Value: The value for the filter type.
See Channel Filter Rules for Inbound Replication
for details on the filter types and their values .
Table 8-6 Channel Event Details
Field Description
The event and its status.
The severity level of the event, which can be one of
: General information is provided. No
special concerns
: Warning on an event that might
impact the DB System's operation if no actions
are taken.
: A critical event. An urgent action is
required to avoid adverse impact on your DB
The message body of the event report.
The date and time the event report was created.
Chapter 8
Viewing Channel Details
See Events for details on event reports.
8.8 Limitations
Inbound replication in HeatWave on AWS does not support some of the configurations that are
possible for MySQL replication.
Only row-based replication is supported. This binary log format is the default. Statement-
based replication and mixed replication are not supported.
Only asynchronous replication is supported. Semi-synchronous replication is not
Only replication from a single source is supported. Multi-source replication is not
Changes to the
schema are not replicated and cause replication to stop.
Using a
user in the DEFINER clause of CREATE
PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION statements is not supported. Instead, create a
dedicated user with the privileges required to run the statements, and then edit the
statements with the dedicated user in the DEFINER clause.
Chapter 8
Manage Data in HeatWave with Workspaces
The Workspaces page in the MySQL HeatWave Console enables you to perform the
Loading data into or unloading data from a HeatWave Cluster: Load operations are
performed using Auto Parallel Load, which optimizes operation time and memory usage by
predicting and using an optimal degree of parallelism. Data is loaded into HeatWave from
the associated DB System. If you have not loaded data into the DB System, see Importing
Data. Unload operations are performed using Auto Unload.
Creating Lakehouse Data Mapping: HeatWave Lakehouse enables query processing on
the data residing in an Amazon S3 bucket. The source data is read from an Amazon S3
bucket, transformed into a memory-optimized format, stored in the HeatWave persistence
storage layer, and then loaded to the HeatWave cluster memory. HeatWave Lakehouse
supports structured and relational data in CSV and Parquet formats.
HeatWave Lakehouse is supported on the
shape only. Lakehouse
supports a maximum of 512 HeatWave nodes.
Loading or Unloading Data into HeatWave Cluster
Creating Lakehouse Mapping
Maximum Number of Tables Loadable into a HeatWave Cluster
9.1 Loading or Unloading Data into HeatWave Cluster
Use HeatWave Console to load data into or unload data from a HeatWave Cluster.
This task requires the following MySQL privileges:
privilege on the
privilege on the Performance Schema.
The time required to load data from the DB System into the HeatWave Cluster depends on the
data size.
HeatWave Cluster data can also be managed using SQL or the Auto Parallel Load
interface from a MySQL client. See Loading Data, in the HeatWave User Guide.
To load data, do the following:
1. Connect to a DB System that has a HeatWave Cluster. See Connecting from the Console.
2. Click the Manage Data in HeatWave tab. You can view the following information about
schemas and tables:
Name: The name of the schema or table.
Source: The source of the schema or table. For example, InnoDB.
Memory Size Estimate (GiB): An estimate of the memory required on the HeatWave
Cluster for the schema or table.
Loaded: The number of tables loaded into HeatWave. You can click the Refresh icon
to refresh the load status.
Rows Estimate: The estimated number of rows in the table.
String Column Encoding: The number of columns to be encoded as
(variable-length) columns, expressed as a fraction of the total number of table
columns. For information about HeatWave string column encoding, see Encoding
String Columns, in the HeatWave User Guide.
Predicted Load Time (s): The predicted load time in seconds.
3. Select the schemas and tables that you want to load by clicking the check box present in
front of the schema or table name. If you select a schema, all the tables in the schema are
selected. Expanding a schema using the drop-down control displays the table in the
schema. The Load Status column provides the load status as a percentage value.
4. After you have selected the tables you want to load or unload, click Load or Unload.
If loading data, the MySQL Auto Parallel Load tables into HeatWave dialog appears,
providing a summary of the load operation to be executed. The following information is
DB System: The DB System name
Estimated load size: The estimated size of the data to be loaded
Estimated load time: The estimated time required to load the data
Selected schemas and tables: The selected schemas and tables to be loaded
Name: Name of the schema or table
Memory Size Estimate (GiB): The memory size estimate for the schema or table
on the HeatWave Cluster
Estimated total memory footprint: A pie chart showing the estimated percentage of
HeatWave Cluster memory required for each table
Estimated load times (seconds): A pie chart showing estimated load times for each
If unloading data, the MySQL Auto Parallel Unload tables from HeatWave dialog
appears, providing a summary of the unload operation to be executed. The following
information is shown:
DB System: The name of the DB System
Estimated unload size: The estimated size of the data to be unloaded
Selected schemas and tables: The selected schema and tables to be unloaded
Name: Name of the schema or table
Memory Size Estimate (GiB): The memory size estimate for the schema or table
on the HeatWave Cluster
Estimated memory foot print (GiB): The estimated HeatWave Cluster memory
footprint showing occupied memory, current free memory, and additional available free
memory after the unload operation
5. Click Confirm Load or Confirm Unload to start the load or unload operation.
The Cluster Memory Snapshot shows the amount of HeatWave Cluster memory used.
Chapter 9
Loading or Unloading Data into HeatWave Cluster
9.2 Creating Lakehouse Mapping
For HeatWave Lakehouse to process data in Amazon S3, it needs to first map the data in files
on S3 to a HeatWave Lakehouse table. Once the S3 data is provided, the schema for the
Lakehouse table is inferred automatically by HeatWave Autopilot. After the data mapping is
created, it allows the S3 data to be loaded into the Lakehouse table for querying by
To map and load data into Lakehouse, the Amazon S3 bucket in which the data is
located and the DB System must be in the same region.
This task requires the following:
A running DB system with an active HeatWave Cluster. See Creating a HeatWave Cluster.
Properly configured Lakehouse IAM role ARN. See Creating an IAM Role to Access an
Amazon S3 Bucket.
S3 URIs for one or more files of similar data.
Do the following to create a Lakehouse data mapping:
1. Connect to a DB System that has a HeatWave Cluster with Lakehouse enabled. See
Connecting from the Console.
2. Click the Manage Data in HeatWave tab, and then click Create Lakehouse Mapping.
3. Source:
You can map more than one Amazon S3 bucket file to the destination schema
and table, but all the files should be of the same format (i.e., they are all either
CSV, Parquet, or Avro files). Use the Add new file button to create multiple
entries for data sources,
File path type: Select either of the following:
Prefix: Enables you to map all files present under an Amazon S3 bucket prefix to
the destination schema and table.
Name: Enables you to map a specific file present in an Amazon S3 bucket to the
destination schema and table.
Pattern: Enables you to map a set of files present in an Amazon S3 bucket
defined by a regular expression to the destination schema and table.
File path: Depending on the File path type you select, specify one of the following
The Amazon S3 bucket prefix path,
The Amazon S3 bucket path with the file name,
Chapter 9
Creating Lakehouse Mapping
The Amazon S3 bucket path containing a regular expression,
(the pattern of the regular expression follows the modified
ECMAScript regular expression grammar)
Strict mode: Select Default, Enabled, or Disabled, which controls how Lakehouse
handles invalid or missing values for data-changing statements such as INSERT or
UPDATE when loading data into HeatWave. This parameter overrides the Strict mode
setting that you specify in the File parsing settings for CSV files. See Strict SQL
Mode. The following shows what happens if parsing errors, formatting errors, or empty
columns are found in a file during data loading, for each possible value of Strict mode:
Default: The situation is handled according to the MySQL server's SQL mode
Enabled: An error is displayed, interrupting the operation.
Disabled: A warning is displayed, without interrupting the operation. Empty
columns are automatically filled with default column values or NULL.
4. File parsing settings:
Format: Select the format of the file you want to map. You can select CSV, Parquet,
or Avro. The default format is CSV. All the files that you want to map should have the
same format.
See HeatWave Lakehouse Limitations for the limitations for mapping and
loading files of each of the supported formats.
If you select the CSV format, you can set the following:
Skip rows: Specify the number of rows that is skipped from the beginning of the
data file (applicable to every file included in the file list). By default, no rows are
skipped, and the maximum rows to skip is 20.
Field delimiter: Specify one or more characters to enclose fields. The maximum
field delimiter length is 64 characters. The default delimiter is
Record delimiter: Specify one or more characters to delimit records. The
maximum record delimiter length is 64 characters. The default delimiter is
Escape character: Specify one or more characters to escape special characters.
The escape character is
Quotation marks: Specify one or more characters to enclose fields. The default
character to enclose fields is
Encoding: Specify the character set to map data. The default character set is
. See Character Sets and Collations in MySQL.
Date format: See Date_format. The default date format is
Time format: See String and Numeric Literals in Date and Time Context. The
default time format is
Strict mode: Specify whether the mapping takes place during data mapping in
strict mode (Enabled) or non-strict mode (Disabled). See Strict SQL Mode
* Default: The situation is handled according to the MySQL server's SQL mode
Chapter 9
Creating Lakehouse Mapping
* Enabled: If parsing errors, formatting errors, or empty columns are found in
the file, an error is displayed, interrupting the operation.
* Disabled: If parsing errors, formatting errors, or empty columns are found in
the file, a warning is displayed, without interrupting the operation. Empty
columns are automatically filled with default column values or NULL.
Has header: Specify whether the file has a header.
* Default: Default value is Disabled
* Enabled: Treat the first row of the file as the header
* Disabled: Treat the file as if it does not have a header.
Trim spaces: Select whether to remove leading and trailing spaces.
* Enabled: Remove leading and trailing spaces.
* Disabled: Do not remove leading and trailing spaces.
5. Destination: Specify the destination of the Lakehouse table into which the data is to be
Schema: Name of the destination schema.
Table: Name of the destination table.
6. Click Next.
7. Under Autopilot schema inference, review the Definitions, Errors, and Warnings. Do
one of the following:
Click Create to create the destination Lakehouse table (which remains empty after its
creation, until data is loaded).
Click the Back button to go back and change your mapping settings.
Click the Cancel button to cancel the mapping.
Click the Copy button to copy the DDL statement for data mapping into your clipboard.
Click the Refresh button to refresh the step with the latest HeatWave schema and
table information, to make sure the mapping remains valid after it was first generated.
Mapping data onto an existing Lakehouse table is not supported. Mapping will fail if
the specified Destination points to a Lakehouse table that already exists. If
Destination points to an existing InnoDB table on the target MySQL server, the
mapping operation will change the destination table on the server into a Lakehouse
table if the table is empty, or the operation will fail if the table is not empty.
Once the Lakehouse table is successfully created, you can load the mapped data into it. See
instructions in Loading or Unloading Data into HeatWave Cluster.
9.3 Maximum Number of Tables Loadable into a HeatWave
The maximum number of tables that can be loaded into a HeatWave Cluster depends on the
shape of the DB system and the total number of columns of the tables to be loaded. If the
Chapter 9
Maximum Number of Tables Loadable into a HeatWave Cluster
tables have more columns, fewer tables can be loaded. See Table 9-1 for the approximate
maximum number of columns and tables for each shape. As an illustration, the table shows the
maximum number of tables with an average of 100 columns per table.
You can use the HeatWave Autopilot to verify that there is sufficient memory to load
the tables into your HeatWave Cluster.
Table 9-1 Limits on the Number of Columns and Tables Loadable into a HeatWave
DB System Shape Maximum number of columns
Maximum number of tables
with an average of 100
columns per table (approx.)
MySQL.2.16GB 81,900 819
MySQL.4.32GB 81,900 819
MySQL.8.64GB 81,900 819
MySQL.16.128GB 81,900 819
MySQL.32.256GB 3,538,900 35,389
The estimates assume numerical data for the tables. The maximum number of
columns and tables that can be loaded is reduced with string columns, because the
data dictionary encoding for them incurs more memory.
Chapter 9
Maximum Number of Tables Loadable into a HeatWave Cluster
Running Queries
The Workspace tab in the HeatWave Console provides a Query Editor for running MySQL and
HeatWave queries.
Queries can also be run from a MySQL client. See Connecting from a Client.
To run a query using the Query Editor:
1. Connect to a DB System. For instructions, see Connecting from the Console.
2. Enter a query into the Query Editor.
3. Click Run Query.
The query results are displayed in tabular format by default. You can select the JSON tab
to view results in
For multi-statement queries, only the results of the last query are displayed.
The Job Information tab provides the Job ID, the number of rows returned, and the query
statement that was processed.
Query Editor Limitations
The Query Editor has the following limitations:
It is not intended for loading data into a DB System. More efficient methods of loading data
into a DB System are available. For more information, see Importing Data.
Only results for the last executed query are displayed.
Multi-set results from calling stored procedures are not displayed. Only the last result is
Results from queries with SQL code comments might not be displayed accurately.
Long query results might be truncated.
Running HeatWave Queries
10.1 Running HeatWave Queries
When a HeatWave Cluster is enabled and the data you want to query is loaded in HeatWave,
queries that qualify are automatically offloaded from the MySQL DB System to the HeatWave
Cluster for accelerated processing. No special action is required. Simply run the query from the
Query Editor, as described above, or from a MySQL client that is connected to the DB System.
Before running a query, you can use
to determine if the query will be offloaded to
HeatWave; for example:
WHERE O_ORDERDATE >= DATE '1994-03-01'
If the query can be offloaded to HeatWave, the
column of
output shows
secondary engine RAPID"
. If that information does not appear, the query cannot be offloaded.
For more information about running HeatWave queries, see Running Queries, in the HeatWave
User Guide. You can also refer to the Quickstarts in the HeatWave User Guide, which show
how to import data into a DB System, load data into HeatWave, and run queries:
tpch Analytics Quickstart
AirportDB Analytics Quickstart
Chapter 10
Running HeatWave Queries
Autopilot Index Advisor
Autopilot Index Advisor provides secondary index suggestions to improve the performance of
OLTP workloads on DB Systems running MySQL 9.0.0 or later.
Indexes can improve query performance of SELECT statements, but managing the indexes
increases the overhead of INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. The goal of Autopilot
Index Advisor is to generate secondary index recommendations that optimize the overall
workload performance.
Autopilot Index Advisor generates recommendations to add and drop indexes. Each
recommendation also includes:
An estimate of the overall workload performance benefit
An estimate of the overall storage footprint impact
A DDL statement, an explanation, and an estimated storage impact for each index
An estimate of the index creation time and the estimated performance gain of the top five
queries of each create index recommendation
The workload on the DB System is obtained from the statement digest history stored in the
Performance Schema. The workload needs to have a minimum set of five queries that were
executed against the tables in a user schema. Autopilot Index Advisor evaluates the
statements and identifies potential indexes that can help improve the performance of the
workload, as well as any existing indexes that are decreasing the performance.
Running Autopilot Index Advisor
Related Topics
Autopilot Indexing in the HeatWave User Guide
11.1 Running Autopilot Index Advisor
To run Autopilot Index Advisor, the user must connect to the DB system and have the following
MySQL privileges:
The EXECUTE privilege on the
The SELECT privilege on the Performance Schema.
Perform the following steps to run Autopilot Index Advisor on the HeatWave Console:
1. Connect to the DB System. See Connecting from the Console.
2. In the HeatWave Console, click the Workspace tab, and then click the Autopilot Index
Advisor tab. The Advisor runs on all the user schemas on the DB System.
3. View the index suggestions in the output.
The suggestions provide the following information per index:
Index No.
Recommendation: It is either DROP or CREATE
Schema Name
Table Name
Indexed Columns
Reason: Reason for making the recommendation. Reasons for DROP include Unused
Index and Duplicate Index, and reason for CREATE is Missing Index.
Performance Impact: This is not given for a DROP recommendation, and is HIGH or
LOW for a CREATE recommendation.
Select one or more of the suggestions by clicking on it. The bottom pane shows more
information on the selected changes (click on the icon for each of the items for more
Estimated total speedup: A speedup estimate is provided only for CREATE
recommendations, and only achievable if all selected CREATE recommendations are
Total DB System data storage
Estimated storage impact
Selected recommendations
Performance/storage tradeoff plot: The storage impact for each recommendation
and for all the recommendations together are plotted, with the performance impact
indicated in the plot legend.
Click the Show Affected Queries button to open the Queries most affected by the
selected recommendations pane, which provides the following information for each of
the queries (the information is listed in table format in the upper pane, and in more details
in the lower pane when a query in the table is selected):
Query Text
Index ID
Reason for recommendation
Current execution time
Estimated speedup
4. Click the Refresh button to refresh the recommendations if you want, to get the latest
recommendations according to the recent queries you ran on the DB System
5. Click the Apply Recommendations button to apply the recommendations you have
selected. An Apply Selected Index Recommendations dialog box appears, in which you
are asked to Confirm (or Cancel) the action.
The recommendations for creating or dropping indexes are executed automatically.
For DROP recommendations, you can make the indexes invisible first—if you
encounter any errors later, you can make the indexes visible again; if there are
no errors after some time, you can drop the indexes permanently.
Chapter 11
Running Autopilot Index Advisor
If you drop any indexes that were used in the index hints
, or
for some queries, those queries will fail to execute.
Once the recommendations are applied, queries will start taking advantage of the changes for
better performance. Repeat running the Autopilot Index Advisor to get new recommendation
when, for example, your workload changes.
Related Topics
Autopilot Indexing in the HeatWave User Guide
Chapter 11
Running Autopilot Index Advisor
HeatWave AutoML
Use the HeatWave Console to create and evaluate HeatWave AutoML models. For more
information about HeatWave AutoML, see HeatWave AutoML.
HeatWave AutoML Requirements
Create a HeatWave AutoML model
Evaluate a HeatWave AutoML model
12.1 HeatWave AutoML Requirements
HeatWave AutoML has the following requirements:
An operational DB System with sufficient resources and a HeatWave Cluster. See the
Supported Shapes.
Creating a DB System
Creating a HeatWave Cluster
The MySQL account for the user who will train a model does not have a period character
(".") in the username. For example, the username
can train a model,
but the username
cannot. For more information about this
requirement, see Limitations.
The MySQL account that will use HeatWave AutoML has been granted the following
privileges on the schema that contains the machine learning
datasets; for example:
mysql> GRANT SELECT, ALTER ON schema_name.* TO 'user_name'@'%';
on the MySQL
schema where HeatWave AutoML routines
reside; for example:
mysql> GRANT SELECT, EXECUTE ON sys.* TO 'user_name'@'%';
12.2 Create a HeatWave AutoML model
Use the HeatWave Console to create a new HeatWave AutoML model.
Create a HeatWave AutoML model includes an advanced option to choose one or more
algorithms. HeatWave AutoML uses the selected algorithms as a pool of algorithms, and will
choose the most applicable algorithm from this pool to evaluate the model. By default, all
algorithms are selected. To use a single, specific algorithm to evaluate the model, deselect all
the other algorithms.
1. Select the HeatWave AutoML tab in the HeatWave Console, and then click Connect to
MySQL DB System.
2. Select a DB System from the drop-down menu.
3. Enter a MySQL user name and password for the DB System.
4. Click Connect.
5. Click Create Model
6. Name: Specify a name for the model or use the generated default name.
7. Description: Specify a user friendly description for the model.
8. Training table: Select a training dataset.
9. Columns to include in the model: Select the Target column, and then choose which
columns to Include in model.
10. Machine learning task: Choose a task.
11. Advanced:
Optimization metric: Choose an optimization metric.
Algorithms to evaluate: Choose which algorithms HeatWave AutoML should consider
to evaluate the model.
12. Click Create.
The HeatWave Console returns to the HeatWave AutoML page, and shows the new
model at the top of the page.
12.3 Evaluate a HeatWave AutoML model
Evaluate a HeatWave AutoML model includes scores for the model, predictions and
explanations. What if analysis compares the baseline results to alternative values.
During testing, the model can include a column of known values. After evaluation, if a
prediction does not match the known value, HeatWave Console marks the prediction in red.
1. Select the HeatWave AutoML tab in the HeatWave Console, and then click Connect to
MySQL DB System.
2. Select a DB System from the drop-down menu.
3. Enter a MySQL user name and password for the DB System.
4. Click Connect.
5. Select a model from the list. The lower pane shows details for the model: Training table,
Target column, Description, Selected algorithm, Machine learning task, and Training
6. Click Evaluate.
7. Select table: The prompt has a reminder of the name of the training table. Select a test
table compatible with the training table, and click Next.
The Evaluate Model: model name dialog opens.
8. Model score:
Select one of the Scoring metrics, and click Calculate score. The Results shows the
9. Explain model:
Chapter 12
Evaluate a HeatWave AutoML model
Feature Importance: Shows the names of each feature and their relative importance
to the model.
10. Predictions:
Click Generate Predictions to create a table of predictions for each row in the test
Select a prediction row from the table, and click Explain Prediction.
The dialog shows the Selected row, and Feature Importance. Notes explains which
feature had the largest impact on the prediction, and might also include the feature that
had the largest impact against the prediction.
Click Back to return to the predictions table.
Select a prediction row from the table, and click What If.
Values for comparison from included features: Click the i to show information for
that feature column.
This includes Minimum, Mean and Maximum, and a bar chart of values.
Click Back to return to the predictions table.
Select a prediction row from the table, and click What If.
Values for comparison from included features: Adjust the values, and click Create.
The dialog shows the Comparison data, and Feature Importance. Notes has
explanations for the Baseline and the Comparison. Both explain which feature had the
largest impact on that prediction, and might also include the feature that had the
largest impact against that prediction.
Click Back to return to the predictions table.
Chapter 12
Evaluate a HeatWave AutoML model
HeatWave GenAI
HeatWave GenAI provides integrated and automated generative AI with in-database as well as
external large language models (LLMs). It provides an automated, in-database vector store,
and the ability to have contextual conversations in natural language, allowing you to take
advantage of generative AI without AI expertise or data movement.
HeatWave GenAI in the HeatWave User Guide explains HeatWave GenAI in general details,
and should be consulted when using HeatWave GenAI. The sections in this chapter explains
how the GenAI features are supported on HeatWave on AWS.
HeatWave GenAI Requirements
HeatWave GenAI In-Database LLMs
HeatWave GenAI External LLMs
HeatWave GenAI In-database Vector Store
HeatWave GenAI Routines
13.1 HeatWave GenAI Requirements
Here are some requirements for using HeatWave GenAI on HeatWave on AWS
A DB System that meets the following requirements:
The MySQL version is
or higher.
A HeatWave Cluster has been added to the DB System, and the shape of the cluster
must be HeatWave.256GB (which supports HeatWave Lakehouse).
HeatWave Lakehouse must be enabled on the DB System.
For Retrieval Augmented Generation:
An Amazon S3 bucket in which the relevant documents are stored and loadable into
HeatWave Lakehouse. See Creating Lakehouse Mapping.
A properly configured Lakehouse IAM role ARN for accessing the relevant documents
in the Amazon S3 bucket. See Creating an IAM Role to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket.
For using external LLMs from Amazon Bedrock:
Access to the external LLMs you want to use:
* To manage model access, follow the instructions given on Add or remove access
to Amazon Bedrock foundation models, starting with Step 2.
* See the list of Amazon Bedrock LLMs supported by HeatWave on AWS in
HeatWave GenAI External LLMs.
An IAM policy for accessing the Amazon Bedrock LLMs .
An IAM role for accessing the Amazon Bedrock LLMs.
See Managing a DB System and Managing a HeatWave Cluster on how to make adjustments
to your DB System or HeatWave Cluster for using HeatWave GenAI.
13.2 HeatWave GenAI In-Database LLMs
HeatWave GenAI supports LLMs hosted and executed within the database. When in-database
LLMs are used, data does not leave your HeatWave Cluster, which enhances the security for
your data.
The following are the in-database LLMs currently supported by HeatWave on AWS:
Use these models with the HeatWave GenAI routines.
13.3 HeatWave GenAI External LLMs
HeatWave GenAI supports external LLMs provided by Amazon Bedrock. When external LLMs
are used, data leaves your HeatWave Cluster to be processed by Amazon Bedrock.
The following are the external LLMs provided by Amazon Bedrock that are currently supported
by HeatWave on AWS:
To use these models with the HeatWave GenAI routines, you need:
An IAM policy to access the Amazon Bedrock service
An IAM Role to access the Amazon Bedrock service
13.4 HeatWave GenAI In-database Vector Store
The automated, in-database vector store enables customers to use HeatWave GenAI with their
business documents without moving data to a separate vector database. All the steps to create
a vector store and vector embeddings are automated and executed inside the database,
including discovering the documents in object storage, parsing them, generating embeddings
in a highly parallel and optimized way, and inserting them into the vector store, making the
HeatWave vector store efficient and easy to use. When in-database LLMs are used, data does
not leave your HeatWave Cluster, thus enhancing the security for your data. The in-database
vector store enables the use of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), allowing the LLMs to
search proprietary data with appropriate context to provide more accurate and relevant
To generate embedding for a file stored in your Amazon S3 bucket, connect to your DB
System, create a database, and use the
heatwave_load() stored procedure
routine to load the file.
For example:
drop database if exists vector_store;
create database vector_store;
use vector_store;
Chapter 13
HeatWave GenAI In-Database LLMs
SET @dl_tables = '[{
"db_name": "vector_store",
"tables": [{
"table_name": "vector_test",
"dialect": {
"file": [{"prefix": "s3://<bucket-name>/<prefix>/<filename>"}]
SET @options = JSON_OBJECT('policy', 'disable_unsupported_columns',
CAST(@dl_tables AS JSON));
CALL sys.heatwave_load(@dl_tables, @options);
select count(*) from vector_test;
of the loaded file is one of
, or
, HeatWave
Lakehouse automatically creates a vector store out of the database you created, parses the
loaded file, and generates an embedding for the file in the table you created. The vector store
can now be used with the
routines; see HeatWave GenAI Routines.
You can learn more about the HeatWave GenAI in-database vector store by looking at
Performing a Vector Search, but note that the
routine, which operates
asynchronously, is not supported by HeatWave on AWS; use heatwave_load() stored
procedure instead for loading a file.
13.5 HeatWave GenAI Routines
The HeatWave GenAI Routines are stored procedures in MySQL that provides GenAI
functionalities. The HeatWave GenAI Routines supported by HeatWave on AWS are listed
below. See the full descriptions of these routines and how to use them in the HeatWave User
Guide by following the links below:
. When using Amazon Bedrock LLMs, only the task type
is not supported.
. When using Amazon Bedrock LLMs, only the task type
is supported;
is not supported.
. You need to have a HeatWave GenAI In-database Vector Store to use the
. You need to have a HeatWave GenAI In-database Vector Store to use the
Chapter 13
HeatWave GenAI Routines
System Variables
System Variables
14.1 System Variables
The following global system variables are specific to HeatWave on AWS and are not available
in the on-premise version of MySQL Server.
Property Description
Introduced 8.0.32
System Variable
Scope Global
Dynamic Yes
SET_VAR Hint Applies No
Type Boolean
Default Value
Whether to disable the telemetry log.
Statuses of actions and operations on HeatWave on AWS resource are reported as Events on
various pages of the HeatWave Console. To check for any failed actions or operations, go to
the Events tabs, where the failures are reported and explained by the error messages.
Operations and Resources Monitored
Table 15-1 shows the operations and resources on HeatWave on AWS for the events, the
types of events that are reported, and the locations on HeatWave Console where the Events
tab (which shows the event reports) can be found.
Table 15-1 Events Reported on the HeatWave Console
Resources and Operations Types of Actions or Operations
that Generate Event Reports
Location of Events Tab
DB System Create, delete, resize, start, stop,
restart, update, upgrade,
configuration update
MySQL DB System Details
HeatWave Cluster Create, delete, start, stop, restart HeatWave Cluster Details
Inbound Replication Channel Create, delete, update, resume,
reset channel
Channel Details
Backups Create, update, delete Backup Details
MySQL Configurations Create, update, delete MySQL Configuration Details
Information in an Event Report
The following information is available in each event:
Type: The event and its status (In Progress, Succeeded, Failed). For example, Backup
Delete Succeeded, Channel Create In Progress.
Severity: The severity level of the event, which can be one of
: General information is provided. No special concerns
: Warning on an event that might impact the DB System's operation if no
actions are taken.
: A critical event. An urgent action is required to avoid adverse impact on your
DB System.
Message: The message body of the event report. It usually contains the information in
Type plus the ID of the resource involved. For example, DB System
e7fe1776-0066-4508-a904-ccb87b62ed46 stop in progress.
Created: The date and time the event report was created.
The following additional information is available for each event in the Event Details window,
which opens when you click on the event in the Events tab:
Event ID: A unique ID of an event.
The type of resource involved and its resource ID. For example, MySQL Configuration
followed by Default MySQL Configuration for MySQL.32.256GB (Supports
HeatWave) .
Chapter 15
Performance Monitoring
The Performance tab in the HeatWave Console provides HeatWave Cluster and Workload
performance data. An active HeatWave Cluster is required for cluster and workload
performance monitoring.
HeatWave Cluster Performance
Workload Performance
Autopilot Shape Advisor
16.1 HeatWave Cluster Performance
To view HeatWave Cluster performance data:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Performance tab.
2. Select a DB System and HeatWave Cluster from the drop-down.
The Cluster tab shows cluster performance data for HeatWave and for the DB System.
Click the Refresh icon to refresh the performance data.
3. To see performance data for another DB System and HeatWave Cluster, select them from
the drop-down, and click the Refresh icon.
For descriptions of HeatWave Cluster performance data, see HeatWave Cluster Performance
HeatWave Cluster Performance Data
16.1.1 HeatWave Cluster Performance Data
Cluster Memory Utilization
The percentage of total HeatWave Cluster memory that is currently utilized.
Node Memory Utilization
The percentage of memory utilized on each cluster node. Select from the drop-down
menu to view data in order of node ID or Memory Utilization.
Data Dictionary
The total data dictionary size. Dictionaries for dictionary-encoded string columns are
stored on the MySQL DB System node. For more information, see String Column
Encoding Reference, in the HeatWave User Guide.
The size of the dataset loaded on the HeatWave Cluster.
CPU Utilization
The percentage of CPU utilization on the MySQL DB System.
Memory Utilization
The percentage of memory utilization on the MySQL DB System,
Buffer Pool
The buffer pool size on the MySQL DB System.
Disk Operations
The number of disk operations on the MySQL DB System (write, read, and
The number of idle and active client connections on the MySQL DB System.
16.2 Workload Performance
To view HeatWave workload performance data:
1. On the HeatWave Console, select the Performance tab.
2. Select a DB System and HeatWave Cluster from the drop-down.
The Workload tab shows workload performance data for HeatWave and for the MySQL
Click the Refresh icon to refresh the performance data.
3. To see workload performance data for another DB System and HeatWave Cluster, select
them from the drop-down, and click the Refresh icon.
For HeatWave workload performance data descriptions, see HeatWave Workload Performance
HeatWave Workload Performance Data
16.2.1 HeatWave Workload Performance Data
Information is shown for the last 1000 query executions.
The number of query executions on a time scale.
Recent Queries
Displays recently executed queries with the Query Text, the query Start Time, and the
Duration (ms) of the query.
You are provided with options to Search by Query Text for specific queries and to
Aggregate Executions to view aggregated Start Time and Duration (ms) data for the
same query.
16.3 Autopilot Shape Advisor
Use the Auto Shape Prediction feature in HeatWave Autopilot for HeatWave on AWS to
analyze the workload and assess the suitability of the current MySQL shape.
Chapter 16
Workload Performance
The Auto Shape Prediction feature is available prior to MySQL 8.0.32, but is enabled
by default only for MySQL 8.0.32 and later.
The Auto Shape Prediction feature begins to collect MySQL statistics that reflect the current
workload. It collects statistics at varying intervals, and Auto Shape Prediction creates a
prediction every five minutes while it is active. If there is insufficient or no activities in a five-
minute interval, or if buffer pool usage is growing, Auto Shape Prediction cannot make a
prediction for that interval.
The Auto Shape Prediction looks at buffer pool usage, workload activity, access patterns, and
CPU statistics to estimate the required buffer pool (for MySQL version 8.0.32 and later) and
CPU sizes (for MySQL 8.2.0-u2 and later). The system administrator should then make sure
the DB system shape can accommodate the recommended buffer pool size and number of
CPU cores. If the current buffer pool or CPU size is smaller than the predicted requirements,
although MySQL can usually manage the workload while keeping the system stable, the
performance of the DB System might suffer due to elevated disk I/O or insufficient CPU cores
for processing the workload.
For DB systems using MySQL versions earlier than 8.2.0-u2: If Auto Shape
Prediction suggests a possible downsize, consider the DB System CPU usage and
memory usage before downsizing. For heavy CPU utilization, downsizing to a shape
with fewer CPUs is not recommended.
When Auto Shape Prediction is running, it keeps a rotating history of the collected feature data
for seven days. While there is a monitoring overhead from periodic statistics collection and
prediction events, for most workloads and shape combinations the overhead is negligible. If
necessary, it is possible to disable Auto Shape Prediction.
When Auto Shape Prediction is disabled it clears the internal statistics tables, but keeps the
past predictions.
An upgrade of the DB System drops and re-installs the
schema, which
removes the past predictions.
For MySQL 8.0.32 and later, there are two ways to access the Autopilot Shape Advisor: with
the HeatWave Console or with a MySQL client. Prior to MySQL 8.0.32, use a MySQL client.
The SQL output by a MySQL client can only provide some hints. The HeatWave
Console can provide detailed and graphical information, and can recommend an
improved shape by its specific shape name. See: Autopilot Shape Advisor with
HeatWave Console .
Autopilot Shape Advisor with HeatWave Console
Autopilot Shape Advisor with a MySQL Client
Chapter 16
Autopilot Shape Advisor
16.3.1 Autopilot Shape Advisor with HeatWave Console
To view the Autopilot Shape Advisor:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Performance tab.
2. Select a DB System and HeatWave Cluster from the drop-down list.
The Autopilot Shape Advisor tab shows the Auto Shape Prediction data for the DB
Click the Refresh icon beside the selected DB system to refresh the performance data.
3. To see performance data for another DB System and HeatWave Cluster, select them from
the drop-down list.
For descriptions of Auto Shape Prediction data, see:
Auto Shape Prediction Data Auto Shape Prediction Data
The Autopilot Shape Advisor tab shows data for the last seven days and contains the
following information:
This summarizes the basic information of your DB system and HeatWave cluster including
their names, their states, and the shape and size of the cluster.
This section contains the MySQL Shape Prediction and the recommended Action. You
need to select a time period in the drop-down list on the right, upon which the prediction
will be based. The choices in the drop-down list include:
Past 12 hours
Past day
Past 3 days
Past week
The time period can also be chosen by using the horizontal slider controls at the bottom of
the page.
MySQL Shape Prediction
The current shape size, with Shape Name, Memory Size, CPU Count, and Buffer
Pool Size.
The recommended shape size, with Shape Name, Memory Size, CPU Count, and
Buffer Pool Size.
The prediction is based on the selected time period, and there are five possible cases:
Upsize: Move the DB System to a larger MySQL shape.
Downsize: Move the DB System to a smaller MySQL shape.
Chapter 16
Autopilot Shape Advisor
No Change: No need to change the MySQL shape.
Not Enough Data: There is not enough workload activity, or Auto Shape Prediction
cannot make a prediction.
Prediction Data Not Available: Auto Shape Prediction is disabled, or it is enabled but
has not produced the first prediction, or the HeatWave Console data has not been
refreshed within the last 5 minutes.
After the recommendation, Steps to take provides the instructions to follow for adopting
the recommended shape.
Shape Prediction Insights
This sections contains the following information:
Average Statistics
* Buffer Pool
A graph that shows the Average Buffer Pool Usage and Current Buffer Pool
* Buffer Pool Hit Rate
A percentage value calculated for the selected time period.
* CPU Utilization
Average CPU utilization calculated for the selected time period.
Recent Statistics
Use the left and right slider controls to adjust the time period for these time graphs:
* Buffer Pool
A detailed graph that shows the Buffer Pool Size and Recommended Buffer
Pool Size for the selected time period.
* CPU Count
A detailed graph that shows the CPU count predictions for downsize cases for the
selected time period.
* Buffer Pool Hit Rate
A detailed graph that shows the Buffer Pool Hit Rate for the selected time period.
* CPU Utilization
A detailed graph that shows the history of CPU Utilization for the selected time
Workload markers on the time series graphs indicate recent activities:
* Green markers: The workload is running and stable. This allows good predictions.
* Orange markers: The workload is running, but is not stable. This makes
predictions difficult.
* No markers: No recent activities, and no predictions.
16.3.2 Autopilot Shape Advisor with a MySQL Client
Auto Shape Prediction records predictions in the
table in the
schema on the MySQL server. This is a system schema that is always
Chapter 16
Autopilot Shape Advisor
present even if Auto Shape Prediction is not active. The schema also contains tables for the
statistics used to calculate the predictions.
The SQL output can only provide some hints. The HeatWave Console provides much
more information and can recommend an improved shape. See: Autopilot Shape
Advisor with HeatWave Console .
This example shows output from the
table with predictions made over the
course of 45 minutes:
mysql> SELECT * FROM mysql_autopilot.shape_predictions LIMIT 10;
| prediction_time | bp_size_gb | bp_hit_rate | cpu_core_count |
cpu_utilization | predicted_bp_size_gb | predicted_cpu_core_count |
prediction_outcome |
| 2023-12-11 14:34:43.566972 | 43 | NULL | 8
| 0.0188317 | NULL | NULL | EMPTY
| 2023-12-11 14:39:43.630568 | 43 | NULL | 8
| 0.809462 | NULL | NULL | NOT
| 2023-12-11 14:44:43.682870 | 43 | 1 | 8
| 0.917938 | NULL | NULL | FEATURE
| 2023-12-11 14:49:43.691465 | 43 | 1 | 8
| 0.517613 | NULL | NULL | FEATURE
| 2023-12-11 14:54:43.707952 | 43 | 0.875 | 8
| 0.0378884 | NULL | NULL | FEATURE
| 2023-12-11 14:59:43.724345 | 43 | NULL | 8
| 0.00403875 | NULL | NULL | LOW
| 2023-12-11 15:04:43.734345 | 43 | 1 | 8
| 0.120723 | 12.3 | 4 |
| 2023-12-11 15:09:43.744345 | 43 | 1 | 8
| 0.110723 | 12.5 | 4 |
| 2023-12-11 15:14:43.754345 | 43 | 1 | 8
| 0.120723 | 12.4 | 4 |
| 2023-12-11 15:19:43.764345 | 43 | 1 | 8
| 0.130723 | 12.2 | 4 |
Chapter 16
Autopilot Shape Advisor
table has these columns:
: The timestamp for the prediction. A prediction is attempted every five
: The current buffer pool size in GB.
: The current buffer pool hit rate.
: The number of current available CPU cores.
: The CPU utilization (on the scale of 0 to 1, with 1 meaning full
: The predicted buffer pool size for optimal performance with this
workload in GB.
: The predicted CPU core count.
: A recommendation to upsize, downsize, or stay with your current
shape, or information on why a prediction cannot be made for that interval.
To use Auto Shape Prediction with a MySQL client, follow these steps:
1. Connect to the DB System for the HeatWave Cluster using the MySQL client (
) or
MySQL Shell in SQL mode. For instructions to connect to HeatWave on AWS using a
client, see Connecting from a Client.
2. While a typical workload is running, enable Auto Shape Prediction by issuing the following
statement using the client (the feature is enabled by default for MySQL 8.0.32 and later):
mysql> CALL mysql_autopilot.shape_prediction(JSON_OBJECT("enable", TRUE));
3. Wait at least five minutes for the first prediction to be attempted, then start to check the
results with a statement like the following on the SQL client:
mysql> SELECT * FROM mysql_autopilot.shape_predictions
ORDER BY prediction_time DESC LIMIT 20;
Auto Shape Prediction attempts a new prediction every five minutes. Re-issue the
statement every so often while a typical workload is running, until the predictions have
4. When the predictions have stabilized, make a note of the maximum values of
, and the associated actions
suggested in
5. Leave Auto Shape Prediction running to monitor other workloads, or disable Auto Shape
Prediction with this statement:
mysql> CALL mysql_autopilot.shape_prediction(JSON_OBJECT("enable", FALSE));
6. To move to a different DB System shape, follow the steps in Creating a Backup and
Restoring a Backup to a New DB System.
Chapter 16
Autopilot Shape Advisor
This section describes how to create, restore, and manage MySQL DB System backups.
DB System backups are Amazon EBS snapshots which are automatically saved to Amazon
Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). HeatWave on AWS limits the maximum number of
backups that you can retain across all DB System instances. If you reach the limit, remove the
oldest backups before creating new ones.
It is recommended to create backups on a regular schedule. Backups are incremental, but if
the period between backups is too long, a backup operation may take a long time to complete
due to the volume of changes.
Creating a Backup
Editing a Backup
Viewing Backup Details
Restoring a Backup to a New DB System
Deleting a Backup
Billing and Free Quota for Backup Storage
17.1 Creating a Backup
Backups can be created automatically or manually.
For how to enable automatic backups for a DB system, see Creating a DB System and Editing
a DB System.
Use the Console to create a manual backup:
1. In the HeatWave Console, click the Resources tab.
2. On the DB Systems tab, in the list of DB Systems, find the DB System you want to create
a backup for, and do one of the following:
Click the row of the DB System to highlight it, and click Create Backup from the
Actions menu.
Click the name of the DB System to open the Details page and click Create Backup
from the Actions menu.
3. In the Create MySQL Backup panel, edit the following fields:
Display name: Specify a name of the backup. If you do not define a name, one is
generated for you in the format
NameOfTheBackup - Backup - Day, Date Time
Description: Specify a description of the backup. If you do not provide a description,
one is generated for you in the format
NameOfTheBackup - Manual Backup - Day,
Date Time
Backup Retention Policy: Specify how may days you want to retain the user initiated
backup. By default, the backups are retained for 365 days.
4. Click Create to create the backup.
Under MySQL, click the Backups tab to view the backup you created. When the backup is
created successfully, the backup state changes from Creating to Active.
17.2 Editing a Backup
Use the Console to edit the display name, description, and backup retention policy of a DB
system backup.
1. In the HeatWave Console, click the Resources tab.
2. On the Backups tab, in the list of DB Systems, find the backup you want to edit, and do
one of the following:
Click the row of the backup to highlight it, and click Edit Backup.
Click the name of the backup to open the Details page and click Edit Backup.
3. In the Edit MySQL Backup panel, edit the following:
Display Name: Specify a name of the backup. If you do not define a name, one is
generated for you in the format,
NameOfTheBackup - Backup - Day, Date Time
Description: Specify a description of the backup. If you do not provide a description,
one is generated for you in the format,
NameOfTheBackup - Manual Backup - Day,
Date Time
Backup Retention Policy: (Only for user initiated backups) Specify how may days
you want to retain the user initiated backup. By default, the backups are retained for
365 days.
4. Click Save.
The details of the selected backup is updated.
17.3 Viewing Backup Details
To view backup details:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. Select the Backups tab. In the list of backups, find the backup you want to view details for
and click the name of the backup to open the MySQL Backup Details page.
For descriptions of MySQL backup details, see Backup Details.
Backup Details
Use the Console to view the Backup Details page.
17.3.1 Backup Details
Use the Console to view the Backup Details page.
Table 17-1 Backup Details Page
Name Description
Backup summary. See Table 17-2.
General information
General backup. See Table 17-3.
MySQL DB System snapshot
MySQL DB System snapshot. See Table 17-4.
Backup Event Details
Backup event details. See Table 17-5.
Chapter 17
Editing a Backup
Table 17-2 Backup Summary
Field Description
The state of the backup.
CREATING: Resources are being reserved for
the backup, and the backup is being created.
Creating a backup can take several minutes.
The backup is not ready to use yet.
ACTIVE: The backup was successfully created
UPDATING: The backup is in the process
INACTIVE: The backup is unavailable
DELETING: The backup is being deleted by a
delete action in the Console
DELETED: The backup has been deleted and
is no longer available
FAILED: An error condition prevented the
creation or continued availability of the backup
Resource ID
The unique resource identifier assigned to the
Storage size
The size of the backup
Table 17-3 General information
Field Description
A description of the backup
The date and time the backup was created
Last Updated
The date and time the backup was last updated
Retention in days
The number of days the user initiated backup is
Expiry time
The date and time when the backup expires
Backup type
The type of the backup: User initiated or scheduled
Table 17-4 MySQL DB System snapshot
Field Description
The name of the DB System used to create the
The user-specified description of the DB System
used to create the backup
MySQL version
The MySQL version used to create the backup
The resource template applied to the DB System
used to create the backup
MySQL Configuration
The configuration of the DB System
Availability Zone
The physical Availability Zone of the DB System
used to create the backup
Maintenance window
The time when the two-hour maintenance window
begins for the DB System used to create the
Automatic backups
The status of the automatic backups: Enabled or
Chapter 17
Viewing Backup Details
Table 17-5 Backup Event Details
Field Description
The event and its status.
The severity level of the event, which can be one of
: General information is provided. No
special concerns
: Warning on an event that might
impact the DB System's operation if no actions
are taken.
: A critical event. An urgent action is
required to avoid adverse impact on your DB
The message body of the event report.
The date and time the event report was created.
See Events for details on event reports.
17.4 Restoring a Backup to a New DB System
When you restore a backup, you create a new DB System and restore the backup to it. You
can change the shape and the amount of data storage for the new DB System.
A restored DB System uses the same MySQL Administrator user name and password that was
in effect when the backup was created.
DB System backups are Amazon EBS snapshots which are automatically saved to Amazon
Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
Amazon EBS snapshots are loaded asynchronously. You can use the new DB
System as soon as it is active, while data continues to load in the background. If you
access data that has not been loaded yet, the DB System downloads the requested
data (which can therefore take longer than usual to access), then resumes
asynchronous loading. If you want to download your frequently accessed data
immediately, run a full-table scan such as
on the relevant tables.
To restore a backup to a new DB System:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. Select the Backups tab. In the list of backups, find the backup you want to restore to a
new DB System, and do one of the following:
Click on the row of the backup to highlight it, and click Restore Backup.
Click the name of the backup to open the MySQL Backup Details page. Click
Restore Backup.
The Restore Backup to new MySQL DB System dialog is displayed.
3. Provide basic information for the new DB System:
Chapter 17
Restoring a Backup to a New DB System
Display Name: Specify a display name for the new DB System or use the generated
default name.
Description: Specify a description for the new DB System or use the generated
A restored DB System uses the same MySQL Administrator user name and
password that was in effect when the backup was created.
4. Select the Hardware shape. If you are using this process to get a different shape or more
storage for the DB System, choose the shape that you want the new DB System to have.
Shape: Select the shape to use for your DB System. The shape determines the
resources allocated to the system. For information about shapes, see Supported
Shapes. Selecting a shape for a DB System also selects the configuration associated
with that shape. See Configuration.
Data Storage Size (GiB): Specify the amount of block storage, in GiB, to allocate to
the DB System. This block storage stores all data, logs, and temporary files. Binaries
are not stored in this block storage. Enter a number between 50 and 16384.
Ensure that the specified Data Storage Size is greater than or equal to the
size of the backup you are restoring.
Database Version: Select the MySQL Server version you want to deploy. The latest
MySQL Server version is selected by default.
5. Configure the Availability zone, which determines the physical location of the DB System:
Select Automatically to have the physical AWS Availability Zone selected for you.
Set Manually to select the physical AWS Availability Zone where the MySQL DB
System will be created.
A physical Availability Zone is identified by an Availability Zone ID (AZ ID). For
information about AZ IDs and how to view them, see Availability Zone IDs for
your AWS resources, in the AWS RAM User Guide.
6. Configure Networking settings:
Allowed Client Addresses: Specify public-facing client IPv4 addresses that are
permitted to connect to the DB System endpoint. Addresses are specified in CIDR
format; for example:
. Multiple addresses in CIDR format can be specified
in a semicolon-separated list; for example:;
. For information
about specifying IP addresses in CIDR format, see Creating a DB System.
Port: The port on which the MySQL server listens. The default is port 3306. You can
specify a port number between 1024 and 65535.
Chapter 17
Restoring a Backup to a New DB System
X Protocol Port: The X Protocol port on which the MySQL server listens, supported by
clients such as MySQL Shell. The default port is 33060. You can specify a port number
between 1024 and 65535.
7. Click Next to proceed to creating a HeatWave Cluster.
8. Provide basic information for the new HeatWave Cluster:
Display Name: Specify a display name for the new HeatWave Cluster or use the
generated default name.
Description: Specify a description for the new HeatWave Cluster.
9. Under HeatWave Cluster Configuration, select a node shape and number of nodes.
Shape: Select a HeatWave node shape. For information about supported shapes, see
Supported Shapes.
If you intend to use HeatWave AutoML functionality, the
node shape is recommended when creating a HeatWave Cluster. The
node shape may not have enough memory for training on
large data sets. If you see error messages about this (such as
use the larger shape instead.
Cluster Size: The number of HeatWave nodes to create. Enter a number between 1
and 128.
Because the new DB System does not yet contain any data, you cannot use
HeatWave Autopilot to estimate the required cluster size (as described in
Estimating Cluster Size with HeatWave Autopilot). If you want to make an
estimate, after loading the data to the DB System, you can delete the
HeatWave Cluster and create a new one following the instructions in
Creating a HeatWave Cluster.
10. Click Restore to restore the backup to the new DB System.
You are returned to the DB Systems page where you can monitor the state of the
operation, which may take some time to complete. The state will change from Creating to
Active when the operation has completed successfully.
17.5 Deleting a Backup
Deleting a backup permanently deletes it.
To delete a backup:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
2. Select the Backups tab. In the list of backups, find the backup you want to restore to a
new DB System, and do one of the following:
Click on the row of the backup to highlight it, and click Delete.
Click the name of the backup to open the MySQL Backup Details page. Click Delete.
Chapter 17
Deleting a Backup
The Delete MySQL DB System Backup dialog is displayed for you to confirm the
3. Click Delete MySQL Backup to go ahead with the deletion.
17.6 Billing and Free Quota for Backup Storage
The backup storage billing depends on the DB system state and the data storage size that you
defined while creating a DB system or updating the storage size. You can see a DB System's
state and data storage size by Viewing DB System Details.
The way you are billed for backup storage depends on the DB System State:
Active/Inactive: You are billed only when the backups' total size exceeds the free quota
described below.
Failed/Deleted: There is no free storage available and you are billed for all backup
Free Quota for DB Systems
You get free storage when the DB system is in the Active or Inactive state. The size of the
free storage equals to the data storage size of the DB system. For example: For a DB system
with 500 GiB of storage size, the free quota for backup storage is 500 GiB.
Let us assume you have two active DB systems with data storage size of 50 GiB and 100 GiB
in the tenancy in region 1. You are entitled to a maximum of 150 GiB free backup storage,
which is the sum of the data storage size of the two DB systems in region 1.
Now you created 4 manual backups:
Backup 1 - 30 GiB
Backup 2 - 50 GiB
Backup 3 - 80 GiB
Backup 4 - 85 GiB
The total manual backup size is 30 + 50 + 80 + 85 GiB = 245 GiB. Let us assume the
automatic backups have a total size of 50 GiB.
You are billed for region 1 as follows:
Billed backup = Total backup size including manual and automatic - free storage, which is
(245+50) - 150 = 145 GiB.
If you have tenancies in two regions, each region is billed separately following the
billing method as described above.
Chapter 17
Billing and Free Quota for Backup Storage
The MySQL configuration comprises global system variables and session variables, which
define its operation.
Creating a MySQL Configuration
Copying a MySQL Configuration
MySQL Configuration Details
System Initialization Variables
User-Configurable System Variables
User-Configurable Shape-Dependent System Variables
Service-Specific System Variables
Shape-Dependent System Variables
Session Variables
18.1 Creating a MySQL Configuration
Use the HeatWave Console to create a new MySQL configuration.
It is not possible to change the values of any variables once a configuration has been
created. However, you can create a custom configuration by copying and modifying
an existing configuration. You can then update your DB system's configuration using
your custom configuration.
Follow these steps to create your MySQL configuration:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then click Configurations to
open the Configurations page.
2. On the Configurations page, click Create MySQL Configuration to open the Create
MySQL Configuration dialog.
3. On the General Information page of the Create MySQL Configuration dialog, provide
the following information:
Basic information:
Display Name: Specify a display name for the configuration or use the generated
default name.
Description: Specify a simple description for the configuration.
Select MySQL shape: Select a MySQL shape to create a configuration for.
4. Click Next. On the Configuration Variables page of the dialog, provide the following
Support HeatWave: Select this option to ensure that this MySQL Configuration
supports HeatWave.
Initialization variables: Set preferred values for (and only for) initialization variables
whose values you want to be different from the default setting.
Click Select a variable name, and select the variable from the drop-down list.
Click Select a value, and select the value from the drop-down list, or enter the
preferred value. If no value is selected or entered, the value in the base
configuration you are copying (shown in the value box) is used.
Click X to remove a variable you have selected by the steps above, if you change
your mind and no longer want to set a value for it.
Click the information icon to show the default value of the variable you have
selected. A Learn More link for more information on the selected variable also
Click the setting icon to reset a selected variable to its default value, if it has been
set to something else.
User variables: Set preferred values for (and only for) user variables whose values
you want to be different from the default settings.
Click Select a variable name, and select the variable from the drop-down list.
Click Select a value, and select the value from the drop-down list, or enter the
preferred value. If no value is selected or entered, the value in the base
configuration you are copying (shown in the value box) is used. For any variables
of the string data type, an empty value field means an empty string, except for
nullable variables such as
, for which an
empty value field is taken as
(i.e., a null value).
Click Add new variable to set more variables with the steps above, until you
specified all the variables you want to.
Click X to remove a variable you have selected or added by the steps above, if you
change your mind and no longer want to set a value for it.
Click the information icon to show the default value of the variable you have
selected. A Learn More link for more information on the selected variable also
Click the setting icon to reset a selected variable to its default value, if it has been
set to something else.
5. Click Next. On the Review Configuration page of the dialog, review all the variable
values you have selected in Step 4 above.
Select a filter to show the variables and their values associated with the configuration:
All: Show all configuration variables (default)
Dynamic: Show all configuration variables that are dynamic and can be set at runtime.
Shape or feature specific: Show all configuration variables that have MySQL shape
or feature-specific values.
Default: Show all configuration variables that have not been set by users.
User-defined: Show all configuration variables that have been set by users. User-
defined variables are those that have ever been set in the dialog when the
configuration was created. The actual value of the variable does not matter: for
example, you could have selected a variable in the configuration dialog and then left its
Chapter 18
Creating a MySQL Configuration
displayed value (which was the value from your base configuration) unchanged, but
the variable would still be taken as "user-defined" and displayed by this filter.
You can also refine the list by typing into the search bar part of the names of the variables
you are interested in.
Click Back to go back and edit any variable values if needed.
Click X to remove a variable that you have added in the Step 4.
6. Click Create after you are happy with your configuration.
HeatWave MySQL checks the values for each variable. If any values fail validation, the
message Could not create MySQL Configuration appears together with the
names of the failed variables. Correct any invalid values, and click Create again.
The HeatWave Console returns to the Configurations page and shows the new
configuration at the top of the configuration list.
To review the default values for the MySQL global system variables and choose you preferred
values, see the related links below. Notice that certain MySQL global system variables define
whether a configuration can support HeatWave.
Related Topics
System Initialization Variables
User-Configurable System Variables
User-Configurable Shape-Dependent System Variables
View MySQL Configuration Details
Update MySQL Configuration
18.2 Copying a MySQL Configuration
While it is not possible to change the values of any variables once a configuration has been
created, you can create a custom configuration by copying and modifying an existing
configuration. You can then update your DB system's configuration using your custom
Follow these steps to copy a MySQL configuration and create a custom configuration out of it:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then click Configurations to
open the Configurations page.
2. On the Configurations page, select a base configuration you want to copy and then click
Copy MySQL Configuration to open the Copy MySQL Configuration dialog.
3. On the General Information page of the Copy MySQL Configuration dialog, provide the
following information:
Basic information:
Display Name: Specify a display name for the configuration or use the generated
default name.
Description: Specify a simple description for the configuration.
Source MySQL Configuration shape: The MySQL shape of the configuration you are
copying is displayed (it cannot be changed).
4. Click Next. On the Configuration Variables page of the dialog, provide the following
Chapter 18
Copying a MySQL Configuration
Support HeatWave: Select this option to ensure that this MySQL Configuration
supports HeatWave.
Initialization variables: Set preferred values for (and only for) any initialization
variables whose values you want to be different from the base configuration you are
Click Select a variable name, and select the variable from the drop-down list.
Click Select a value, and select the value from the drop-down list, or enter the
preferred value. If no value is selected or entered, the value in the base
configuration you are copying (shown in the value box) is used.
User variables: Set preferred values for (and only for) any user variables whose
values you want to be different from the base configuration you are copying.
Click Select a variable name, and select the variable from the drop-down list.
Click Select a value, and select the value from the drop-down list, or enter the
preferred value. If no value is selected or entered, the value in the base
configuration you are copying (shown in the value box) is used. For any variables
of the string data type, an empty value field means an empty string, except for
nullable variables such as
, for which an
empty value field is taken as
(i.e., a null value).
Click Add new variable to set more variables with the steps above, until you
specified all the variables you want to.
Click X to remove a variable you have selected or added by the steps above, if you
change your mind and no longer want to set a value for it.
User variables in the base configuration you are copying are pre-selected
here and pre-populated with their values in the base configuration. They are
not removable by the X button, and will remain as user variables in the new
custom configuration you are creating.
5. Click Next. On the Review Configuration page of the dialog, review all the variable
values you have selected in Step 4 above.
Select a filter to show the variables and their values associated with the configuration:
All: Show all configuration variables (default)
Dynamic: Show all configuration variables that are dynamic and can be set at runtime.
Shape or feature specific: Show all configuration variables that have MySQL-shape-
specific or feature-specific values.
Default: Show all configuration variables that have not been set by users.
User-defined: Show all configuration variables that have been set by users. User-
defined variables are those that have ever been set in a configuration dialog when the
configuration or its base configuration was created. The actual value of the variable
does not matter: for example, you could have selected a variable in the configuration
dialog and then left its displayed value (which was the value from your base
configuration) unchanged, but the variable would still be taken as "user-defined" and
displayed by this filter.
You can also refine the list by typing into the search bar part of the names of the variables
you are interested in.
Chapter 18
Copying a MySQL Configuration
Click Back to go back and edit any variable values if needed.
Click X to remove a variable that you have added in the Step 4.
6. Click Copy after you are happy with your configuration.
HeatWave MySQL checks the values for each variable. If any values fail validation, the
message Could not create MySQL Configuration appears together with the
names of the failed variables. Correct any invalid values, and click Copy again.
The HeatWave Console returns to the Configurations page and shows the new
configuration at the top of the configuration list.
To review the default values for the MySQL global system variables and choose you preferred
values, see the related links below. Notice that certain MySQL global system variables define
whether a configuration can support HeatWave.
Related Topics
System Initialization Variables
User-Configurable System Variables
User-Configurable Shape-Dependent System Variables
View MySQL Configuration Details
18.3 MySQL Configuration Details
Follow these steps to view details of your MySQL configurations:
1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Configurations tab.
2. In the list of configurations, find the configuration for which you want to view its details, and
do one of the following:
Click the row of the configuration to highlight it. The configuration details appear below
the list of configurations. See MySQL Configuration Details Page for an explanation of
the details given.
Click the name of the configuration to open the MySQL Configuration Details Page for
the selected DB System.
The following actions can be taken for the configuration on either the HeatWave Console
Configurations tab or on the MySQL Configuration Details page:
Click Edit Configuration to open the Edit MySQL Configuration dialog box, in which you
can edit the Basic information for the configuration including the Display name and
Description. Note that no other properties of the configuration can be altered.
Click Copy Configuration to create a new configuration based on the current
configuration. After the Copy MySQL Configuration dialog opens, follow the instructions
given in Copying a MySQL Configuration.
Click Delete to delete the configuration if it is no longer needed by any DB Systems.
The following tables describe the information provided on the MySQL Configuration Details
Table 18-1 MySQL Configuration Details Page
Name Description
Configuration summary details. See Table 18-2.
Chapter 18
MySQL Configuration Details
Table 18-1 (Cont.) MySQL Configuration Details Page
Name Description
Variable information. See Table 18-3.
DB Systems
Information on DB Systems that use the configuration. See Table 18-4 .
Event details. See Table 18-5.
Table 18-2 MySQL Configuration Summary Details
Field Description
The state of the configuration:
ACTIVE: The configuration was successfully created and is ready to be
DELETED: The configuration has been deleted and is no longer
Resource ID
The resource ID assigned by HeatWave MySQL to the configuration.
The type of configuration:
Default: It is a default configuration for a MySQL shape.
Custom It is a custom configuration created based on a Default
configuration or another custom configuration.
Source MySQL
The source configuration based on which the current configuration was
created, if this is a custom configuration.
Supports HeatWave
Whether the configuration supports HeatWave.
The MySQL shape for which the configuration was created. For information
about shapes, see Supported Shapes.
The description that was provided when the configuration was created.
Last updated
The date and time the configuration was last updated. If the configuration has
never been updated, it shows the date of time of its creation.
The date and time the configuration was created.
Table 18-3 MySQL Configuration Variables Details
Field Description
Initialization variables
All the System Initialization Variables in the configuration.
Chapter 18
MySQL Configuration Details
Table 18-3 (Cont.) MySQL Configuration Variables Details
Field Description
User variables
Select a filter to show the variables and their values associated with the
All: Show all configuration variables (default)
Dynamic: Show all configuration variables that are dynamic and can be
set at runtime.
Shape or feature specific: Show all configuration variables that have
MySQL shape or feature-specific values.
Default: Show all configuration variables that have not been set by users.
User-defined: Show all configuration variables that have been set by
users. User-defined variables are those that have ever been set in either
the Create MySQL Configuration or the Copy MySQL Configuration
dialog when the configuration was created. The actual value of the
variable does not matter: for example, you could have selected a variable
in the configuration dialog and then left its displayed value (which was the
value from your base configuration) unchanged, but the variable would
still be taken as "user-defined" and displayed by this filter.
You can also refine the list by typing into the search bar part of the names of
the variables you are interested in.
Table 18-4 MySQL Configuration DB Systems Details
Field Description
Name of a DB System that uses the configuration. Click the name to see the
MySQL DB System Details.
The state of the DB System that uses the configuration. See Table 3-5 for
descriptions of the DB System states.
HeatWave Cluster
The HeatWave Cluster for the DB System that uses the configuration. Click
the name to view the HeatWave Cluster Details.
HeatWave State
The state of the HeatWave Cluster of the DB System that uses the
configuration. See Table 4-3 for descriptions of the HeatWave Cluster states.
The date and time the DB System that uses the configuration was created.
Table 18-5 MySQL Configuration Event Details
Field Description
The event and its status.
The severity level of the event, which can be one of
: General information is provided. No
special concerns
: Warning on an event that might
impact the DB System's operation if no actions
are taken.
: A critical event. An urgent action is
required to avoid adverse impact on your DB
The message body of the event report.
The date and time the event report was created.
See Events for details on event reports.
Chapter 18
MySQL Configuration Details
18.4 System Initialization Variables
System initialization variables are global system variables that must be set during DB system
initialization. They apply for the life span of the DB system and, once applied, you cannot
change them.
Configure the following variables with the HeatWave Console. See Creating a MySQL
Configuration and Copying a MySQL Configuration.
Any change to the configuration of a DB system cannot change the system
initialization variables.
Table 18-6 Initialization Variables
Name Value
: (Default) Table and schema name
comparisons are case-sensitive and are stored as you
specify them. Selecting
sets the
system variable,
to 0.
: Table and schema
name comparisons are not case-sensitive and stored in
lowercase. Selecting
sets the system variable,
18.5 User-Configurable System Variables
Configure the following global system variables with the HeatWave Console. See Creating a
MySQL Configuration and Copying a MySQL Configuration.
Table 18-7 User-Configurable System Variables
Name Default Value
audit_log_disable ON
autocommit ON
big_tables OFF
binlog_expire_logs_seconds 3600
binlog-row-metadata MINIMAL
binlog_row_value_options PARTIAL_JSON
binlog_transaction_compression OFF
completion_type NO_CHAIN
connect_timeout 10
connection_memory_chunk_size 8912
connection_memory_limit 9223372036854775807
cte_max_recursion_depth 1000
Chapter 18
System Initialization Variables
Table 18-7 (Cont.) User-Configurable System Variables
Name Default Value
default_authentication_plugin CACHING_SHA2_PASSWORD
foreign_key_checks ON
global_connection_memory_limit 9223372036854775807
global_connection_memory_tracking OFF
group_replication_consistency EVENTUAL
information_schema_stats_expiry 86400
innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct 25
Shape dependent, see User-Configurable Shape-
Dependent System Variables
Shape dependent, see User-Configurable Shape-
Dependent System Variables
innodb_ddl_buffer_size 1048576
innodb_ddl_threads 4
innodb_ft_enable_stopword ON
innodb_ft_max_token_size 84
innodb_ft_min_token_size 3
innodb_ft_num_word_optimize 2000
innodb_ft_result_cache_limit 2000000000
innodb_ft_server_stopword_table NULL
innodb_lock_wait_timeout 50
innodb_log_writer_threads ON
innodb_max_purge_lag_delay 300000
innodb_max_purge_lag 0
innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages 20
innodb_stats_transient_sample_pages 8
interactive_timeout 28800
--local-infile OFF
mandatory_roles Empty string
max_allowed_packet 67108864
max_binlog_cache_size 4294967296
max_connect_errors 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
Shape dependent, see User-Configurable Shape-
Dependent System Variables
max_execution_time 0
max_heap_table_size 16777216
Shape dependent, see User-Configurable Shape-
Dependent System Variables
mysql_firewall_mode ON
mysqlx_connect_timeout 30
mysqlx_interactive_timeout 28800
Chapter 18
User-Configurable System Variables
Table 18-7 (Cont.) User-Configurable System Variables
Name Default Value
mysqlx_lz4_default_compression_level 2
mysqlx_lz4_max_client_compression_level 8
mysqlx_max_allowed_packet 67108864
mysqlx_read_timeout 28800
mysqlx_wait_timeout 28800
mysqlx_write_timeout 60
mysqlx_zstd_default_compression_level 3
net_read_timeout 30
net_write_timeout 60
parser_max_mem_size 18446744073709551615
regexp_time_limit 32
sort_buffer_size 262144
sql_require_primary_key OFF
sql_warnings OFF
telemetry_log_disable OFF
thread_pool_dedicated_listeners OFF
Shape dependent, see User-Configurable Shape-
Dependent System Variables
Shape dependent, see User-Configurable Shape-
Dependent System Variables
time_zone UTC
tmp_table_size 16777216
transaction_isolation REPEATABLE-READ
wait_timeout 28800
18.6 User-Configurable Shape-Dependent System Variables
Shape-dependent global system variables are linked to, and tuned for, a specific MySQL
shape. See Supported Shapes. Configure the following variables with the HeatWave Console.
See Creating a MySQL Configuration and Copying a MySQL Configuration.
Chapter 18
User-Configurable Shape-Dependent System Variables
have different default, minimum and maximum values
for each shape and for HeatWave support.
have different default values for each
Table 18-8 innodb_buffer_pool_instances
Shape Supports
Default Minimum Maximum
MySQL.2.16GB No
4 1 64
MySQL.2.16GB Yes
4 1 64
MySQL.4.32GB No
4 1 64
MySQL.4.32GB Yes
4 1 64
MySQL.8.64GB No
4 1 64
MySQL.8.64GB Yes
4 1 64
MySQL.32.256GB No
8 1 64
MySQL.32.256GB Yes
4 1 64
Table 18-9 innodb_buffer_pool_size
Shape Supports
Default Minimum Maximum
MySQL.2.16GB No
10737418240 5242880 10737418240
MySQL.2.16GB Yes
5368709120 5242880 5368709120
MySQL.4.32GB No
21474836480 5242880 21474836480
MySQL.4.32GB Yes
16106127360 5242880 16106127360
MySQL.8.64GB No
51539607552 5242880 51539607552
MySQL.8.64GB Yes
46170898432 5242880 46170898432
MySQL.32.256GB No
206158430208 5242880 206158430208
MySQL.32.256GB Yes
21474836480 5242880 21474836480
Table 18-10 max_connections
Shape Supports
Default Minimum Maximum
MySQL.2.16GB No
1000 1 1000
MySQL.2.16GB Yes
1000 1 1000
MySQL.4.32GB No
2000 1 2000
MySQL.4.32GB Yes
2000 1 2000
MySQL.8.64GB No
4000 1 4000
MySQL.8.64GB Yes
4000 1 4000
Chapter 18
User-Configurable Shape-Dependent System Variables
Table 18-10 (Cont.) max_connections
Shape Supports
Default Minimum Maximum
MySQL.32.256GB No
8000 1 16000
MySQL.32.256GB Yes
2000 1 16000
Table 18-11 max_prepared_stmt_count
Shape Supports
Default Minimum Maximum
MySQL.2.16GB No
16382 16382 20000
MySQL.2.16GB Yes
16382 16382 20000
MySQL.4.32GB No
16382 16382 40000
MySQL.4.32GB Yes
16382 16382 40000
MySQL.8.64GB No
16382 16382 80000
MySQL.8.64GB Yes
16382 16382 80000
MySQL.32.256GB No
16382 16382 160000
MySQL.32.256GB Yes
16382 16382 40000
Table 18-12 thread_pool_max_transactions_limit
Shape Default Minimum Maximum
32 0 100000
64 0 100000
128 0 100000
512 0 100000
Table 18-13 thread_pool_query_threads_per_group
Shape Default Minimum Maximum
2 1 4096
2 1 4096
2 1 4096
2 1 4096
18.7 Service-Specific System Variables
HeatWave on AWS defines the following global system variables. It is not possible to edit them.
, and
are also session variables. See Session Variables.
Chapter 18
Service-Specific System Variables
Table 18-14 Service-Specific Global System Variables
Name Default Value
generated_random_password_length 20
mysqlx_document_id_unique_prefix 0
mysqlx_enable_hello_notice ON
mysqlx_idle_worker_thread_timeout 60
mysqlx_min_worker_threads 2
query_alloc_block_size 8192
query_prealloc_size 8192
statement with the
modifier displays global system variable
To obtain the value for a specific variable, use a
clause as shown:
mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'max_join_size';
To get a list of variables whose name match a pattern, use the
wildcard character in a
18.8 Shape-Dependent System Variables
Shape-dependent global system variables are linked to, and tuned for, a specific MySQL
shape. See Supported Shapes. It is not possible to edit them.
is also a session variable. See: Session Variables.
Table 18-15 MySQL.2.16GB Global System Variables
Name Default Value
back_log 1000
innodb_page_cleaners 4
innodb_parallel_read_threads 1
innodb_read_io_threads 1
innodb_redo_log_capacity 2
Chapter 18
Shape-Dependent System Variables
Table 18-15 (Cont.) MySQL.2.16GB Global System Variables
Name Default Value
replica_parallel_workers > 0 4
temptable_max_ram 1073741824
thread_pool_size 8
Table 18-16 MySQL.4.32GB Global System Variables
Name Default Value
back_log 2000
innodb_page_cleaners 4
innodb_parallel_read_threads 2
innodb_read_io_threads 2
innodb_redo_log_capacity 4
replica_parallel_workers > 0 8
temptable_max_ram 1073741824
thread_pool_size 16
Table 18-17 MySQL.8.64GB Global System Variables
Name Default Value
back_log 4000
innodb_page_cleaners 4
innodb_parallel_read_threads 4
innodb_read_io_threads 4
innodb_redo_log_capacity 8
replica_parallel_workers > 0 16
temptable_max_ram 2147483648
thread_pool_size 32
Table 18-18 MySQL.32.256GB Global System Variables
Name Default Value
back_log 2000
innodb_page_cleaners 8
innodb_parallel_read_threads 32
innodb_read_io_threads 2
innodb_redo_log_capacity 8
replica_parallel_workers > 0 16
temptable_max_ram 1073741824
thread_pool_size 32
Chapter 18
Shape-Dependent System Variables
18.9 Session Variables
Session variables remain in effect during the session until the variable changes or the session
ends. The change has no effect on other sessions. For new connections, a session variable
value is initialized with the corresponding global system variable value. Many of the following
session variables are also available as user configurable variables. See: User-Configurable
System Variables.
To assign a value to a session variable, precede the variable name with the
keyword, or with the
, or
qualifier, or with no keyword or modifier. For
mysql> SET SESSION sql_mode = 'TRADITIONAL';
mysql> SET LOCAL sql_mode = 'TRADITIONAL';
mysql> SET @@SESSION.sql_mode = 'TRADITIONAL';
mysql> SET @@LOCAL.sql_mode = 'TRADITIONAL';
mysql> SET @@sql_mode = 'TRADITIONAL';
mysql> SET sql_mode = 'TRADITIONAL';
Table 18-19 User Settable Session Variables
Name Default Value
autocommit ON
big_tables OFF
block_encryption_mode aes-128-ecb
character_set_client utf8mb4
character_set_connection utf8mb4
character_set_results utf8mb4
character_set_server utf8mb4
collation_connection utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
collation_database utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
collation_server utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
completion_type NO_CHAIN
cte_max_recursion_depth 1000
default-storage-engine InnoDB
--default_tmp_storage_engine InnoDB
default_week_format 0
div_precision_increment 4
end_markers_in_json OFF
eq_range_index_dive_limit 200
foreign_key_checks ON
generated_random_password_length 20
group_concat_max_len 1024
group_replication_consistency BEFORE_ON_PRIMARY_FAILOVER
information_schema_stats_expiry 86400
innodb_ddl_buffer_size 1048576
Chapter 18
Session Variables
Table 18-19 (Cont.) User Settable Session Variables
Name Default Value
innodb_ddl_threads 4
innodb_ft_enable_stopword ON
innodb_ft_user_stopword_table NULL
innodb_lock_wait_timeout 50
Shape dependent. See Shape-Dependent System
internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine TempTable
join_buffer_size 262144
lc_messages en_US
lc_time_names en_US
lock_wait_timeout 86400
long_query_time 10
max_allowed_packet 67108864
max_execution_time 0
max_heap_table_size 16777216
max_join_size 18446744073709551615
max_length_for_sort_data 4096
max_points_in_geometry 65536
max_seeks_for_key 18446744073709551615
max_sort_length 1024
mysqlx_max_allowed_packet 67108864
mysqlx_read_timeout 30
mysqlx_wait_timeout 28800
mysqlx_write_timeout 60
net_buffer_length 16384
net_read_timeout 30
net_retry_count 10
net_write_timeout 60
new OFF
old_alter_table OFF
optimizer_prune_level 1
optimizer_search_depth 62
Chapter 18
Session Variables
Table 18-19 (Cont.) User Settable Session Variables
Name Default Value
optimizer_switch index_merge_sort_union=on,
index_condition_pushdown=on, mrr=on,
materialization=on, semijoin=on,
loosescan=on, firstmatch=on,
skip_scan=on, hash_join=on,
optimizer_trace enabled=off,one_line=off
optimizer_trace_features greedy_search=on, range_optimizer=on,
dynamic_range=on, repeated_subselect=on
optimizer_trace_limit 1
optimizer_trace_max_mem_size 1048576
optimizer_trace_offset -1
parser_max_mem_size 18446744073709551615
print_identified_with_as_hex OFF
pseudo_replica_mode OFF
pseudo_slave_mode OFF
query_alloc_block_size 8192
query_prealloc_size 8192
range_alloc_block_size 4096
range_optimizer_max_mem_size 8388608
rbr_exec_mode STRICT
read_buffer_size 131072
read_rnd_buffer_size 262144
resultset_metadata FULL
secondary_engine_cost_threshold 100000.000000
session_track_gtids OFF
session_track_schema ON
session_track_state_change OFF
session_track_system_variables 262144
session_track_transaction_info OFF
show_create_table_skip_secondary_engine OFF
show_create_table_verbosity OFF
Chapter 18
Session Variables
Table 18-19 (Cont.) User Settable Session Variables
Name Default Value
sort_buffer_size 262144
sql_auto_is_null OFF
sql_big_selects ON
sql_buffer_result OFF
sql_notes ON
sql_quote_show_create ON
sql_safe_updates OFF
sql_select_limit 18446744073709551615
sql_warnings OFF
thread_pool_high_priority_connection 0
time_zone UTC
tmp_table_size 16777216
transaction_alloc_block_size 8192
transaction_isolation REPEATABLE-READ
transaction_prealloc_size 4096
transaction_read_only OFF
unique_checks ON
updatable_views_with_limit YES
use_secondary_engine ON
wait_timeout 28800
windowing_use_high_precision ON
Chapter 18
Session Variables
User and Group Management
HeatWave on AWS uses predefined OCI IAM groups and policies to manage access to the
HeatWave Console. Predefined groups and policies are created when the service is
provisioned. Defining your own groups and policies for HeatWave on AWS is currently not
An Administrator grants access to the HeatWave Console by adding users to the predefined
OCI IAM groups. User management is performed in the OCI Console. The policies associated
with each group determine which resources that users can access and the permissions
associated with those resources. HeatWave on AWS resources include
DB Systems
System Backups
, and
HeatWave Clusters
HeatWave on AWS supports federation with third-party Identity Providers (IdPs). For
more information, see Federating with Identity Providers, in the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure documentation.
Groups and Permissions
Groups and Policies
User Management
19.1 Groups and Permissions
HeatWave on AWS has three predefined groups. The groups are created in the OCI Default
identity domain. The predefined groups and associated permissions are described in the
following tables.
OracleMySQLHeatwaveDBUsers Group
OracleMySQLHeatwaveDBAdmin Group
OracleMySQLHeatwaveServiceAccountAdmin Group
Table 19-1 OracleMySQLHeatwaveDBUsers Group
Group Description Resources and Permissions
OracleMySQLHeatwaveDBUsers: Members of this
group can use DB Systems, DB System Backup,
and HeatWave Clusters resources.
DB Systems
View supported shapes
View supported MySQL versions
View DB Systems
View DB System Details
Update DB Systems
Run queries
View query statuses
Stop queries
Import data
View data imports
View data import details
Cancel data imports
DB System Backups
View DB System backups
View DB System backup details
Update DB System backups
HeatWave Clusters
View HeatWave Clusters
View HeatWave Cluster details
Estimate HeatWave Cluster size
View supported shapes
MySQL Configurations
View configurations
View configuration details
Update configurations
View configuration variable metadata
Inbound Replication Channels
View channels
View channel details
Resume channels
Service Events
View events
View event details
Chapter 19
Groups and Permissions
Table 19-2 OracleMySQLHeatwaveDBAdmin Group
Group Description Resources and Permissions
OracleMySQLHeatwaveDBAdmin: Members of this
group can manage all aspects of DB Systems, DB
System Backups, and HeatWave Clusters
In addition to OracleMySQLHeatwaveDBUsers
group permissions, this group has these
DB Systems
Create DB Systems
Delete DB Systems
Start DB Systems
Stop DB Systems
Restart DB Systems
DB System Backups
Create DB System backups
Delete DB System backups
HeatWave Clusters
Create HeatWave Clusters
Delete HeatWave Clusters
Start HeatWave Clusters
Stop HeatWave Clusters
Restart HeatWave Clusters
MySQL Configurations
Create configurations
Delete configurations
Inbound Replication Channels
Create channels
Delete channels
Update channels
Reset channels
Table 19-3 OracleMySQLHeatwaveServiceAccountAdmin Group
Group Description Resources and Permissions
Members of this group can manage all aspects of
DB Systems, DB System Backups, and HeatWave
Clusters resources.
This group has the same permissions as the
OracleMySQLHeatwaveDBAdmin group.
The OCI user account that registered for the HeatWave on AWS service is added to
group when the service is
19.2 Groups and Policies
The predefined groups used to manage HeatWave Console access, described in Groups and
Permissions, are created in the OCI Default identity domain. For information, see https://
docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/Identity/domains/overview.htm#the_default_domain, in the
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.
Chapter 19
Groups and Policies
The predefined groups all start with
. Policies are defined for each
predefined group which enable the HeatWave on AWS resource permissions outlined in
Groups and Permissions.
The predefined
groups and policies are static. You must not
modify them, add to them, or remove them. If you do delete one of these groups,
HeatWave on AWS will stop working. In this case, submit a My Oracle Support ticket
to get the group re-added to your account, specifying " HeatWave on AWS " as the
Because the predefined groups are created in OCI, you can define further OCI policies using
these groups to provide access to other OCI resources. For example, you can create an OCI
policy that allows members of the
group to access resources in
an OCI tenancy. For information about OCI policies, see How Policies Work.
19.3 User Management
User management is performed in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Console.
HeatWave on AWS uses predefined OCI IAM groups created in the OCI Default identity
domain to manage access to the HeatWave Console, as described in Groups and
Permissions. A HeatWave on AWS Administrator manages the users that belong to those
To access the Oracle Identity Cloud Service from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
Console, open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security.
Alternatively, to access the Oracle Identity Cloud Service from the HeatWave Console:
1. Sign into the HeatWave Console as an Administrator. For sign-in instructions, see Signing
2. From the profile menu, select Administration.
3. Select Identity Service.
Refer to Managing Users, in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation, for the following
user management procedures.
Creating a user
Editing a user
Resetting a user's password
Deleting a user
Refer to Managing Groups, in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation, for the following
group-related user management procedures.
Chapter 19
User Management
The predefined groups used by HeatWave on AWS are created in the OCI Default
identity domain. For more information, see The Default Identity Domain, in the Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.
Adding users to groups
Removing users from groups
To add another user with Oracle Cloud Administrator permissions, see Add a User with Oracle
Cloud Administrator Permissions, in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.
Chapter 19
User Management
Account Management
This chapter discusses region management, service limits, and billing for HeatWave on AWS.
Manage Regions
Service Limits
Viewing OCID of the Tenancy
Use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Console to view and copy the OCID of the
Manage AWS Access
20.1 Manage Regions
The AWS region is shown at the top of the HeatWave Console. To change regions, click on
AWS region name , and select the preferred region.
To add a new region:
1. Click on AWS region name , and select Manage Regions.
2. Subscribe to an OCI region.
a. Click Subscribe next to the OCI region that maps to the preferred AWS region.
If a region limit increase is required, do the following to request an increase:
i. From the Limit increase needed dialog box, click Open Service Options.
ii. Follow these steps: Requesting a Limit Increase to the Subscribed Region Count.
iii. When the region limit increase is complete, click Subscribe next to the OCI region
that maps to the preferred AWS region.
b. From the Subscribe to New Region dialog box, read the privacy notice, and then click
3. Enable the HeatWave on AWS service.
a. Click Enable next to the preferred AWS region.
b. From the Enable Service dialog box, click Enable.
20.2 Service Limits
A service limit is the quota or allowance set on a resource. The HeatWave on AWS default
service limits are shown below. Service limits are per region unless explicitly specified.
To request a service limit increase, submit a My Oracle Support ticket, specifying "HeatWave
on AWS" as the product.
Table 20-1 Service Limits
Resource Default Limit Free Trial Limit
DB Systems 1000* 2
HeatWave Clusters 1000* 2
DB System Block Storage 10 TiB 300 GiB
MySQL Instance Manual
40 (for all DB System instances) 2
Sum of DB System Backup
Retention Days**
70 4
MySQL.32.256GB instances 2 1
MySQL.8.64GB instances 1 1
MySQL.4.32GB instances 1 1
MySQL.2.16GB instances 4 1
HeatWave.16GB nodes 8 4
HeatWave.256GB nodes 8 1
DB Systems Outbound Data
None 30 GiB per day***
* The maximum number of DB Systems and HeatWave Clusters you can create are also
constrained by the MySQL instances and HeatWave Cluster nodes limits.
** This refers to the sum of the retention periods for all the automatic backups of all the DB
Systems in your tenancy. For example, if there are two DB Systems in your tenancy and both
have automatic backup set up, with one having a retention period of 5 days and another having
a retention period of 7 days, the Sum of DB System Backup Retention Days will be 12.
*** During a free trial, when the total outbound data transfer from the DB Systems exceeds the
daily limit, connections to DB Systems will be blocked for the rest of the day. At midnight in
UTC, the daily outbound data transfer is reset and connections are unblocked.
Even when connections to DB Systems are blocked, you can continue to use the
HeatWave Console.
20.3 Billing
For information about managing service costs, see Billing, Cost Management, and Payments
Billing for HeatWave on AWS is managed in the OCI Console.
To access billing information in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Console, open the
navigation menu and select Billing & Cost Management.
Alternatively, to access billing information from the HeatWave Console,:
1. Sign into the HeatWave Console as an Account Administrator.
2. From the profile menu, select Administration.
3. Select Billing.
Chapter 20
20.4 Viewing OCID of the Tenancy
Use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Console to view and copy the OCID of the tenancy.
This task requires the following:
Access to OCI Console.
Do the following to view and copy the OCID of the tenancy:
1. Open the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Console.
2. Sign in with your Cloud Account Name (sometimes referred to as your tenancy name),
user name, and password.
3. In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console home page, click the Navigation menu, and
then click Governance & Administration. Under Account Management, click Tenancy
4. In the Tenancy details page, in the Tenancy information tab, click Show or Copy
present besides the OCID field to view or copy the OCID of the tenancy respectively.
20.5 Manage AWS Access
Use the AWS Management Console to manage AWS access.
Creating an IAM Policy to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket
Creating an IAM Role to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket
Creating an IAM Policy to Access Amazon Bedrock LLMs
Creating an IAM Role to Access Amazon Bedrock LLMs
20.5.1 Creating an IAM Policy to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket
Use the AWS Management Console to create an IAM policy to access an Amazon S3 bucket.
This task requires the following:
Access to AWS Management Console.
The name of the Amazon S3 bucket you want to grant access to.
Do the following to create an IAM policy:
1. Open the AWS Management Console and sign in with your credentials.
2. In the AWS Management Console home page, click Services, and click Security, Identity,
& Compliance, and then click IAM.
3. In the navigation pane of the Console, under Access management, click Policies, and
then click Create policy.
It opens the Specify permissions page.
4. In the Specify permissions page, in the Policy editor section, click JSON, and enter the
following Amazon S3 permissions as per the feature you use. For more information on
policies, see Generate policies.
Chapter 20
Viewing OCID of the Tenancy
For bulk ingest:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
For data import:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
If the objects in the Amazon S3 bucket are encrypted with a customer-managed KMS
key, add the following permission for the keys used for encrypting the objects:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Chapter 20
Manage AWS Access
See Using IAM policies with AWS KMS.
For Lakehouse:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
5. Resolve any warnings or errors generated during permissions validation, and then click
6. In the Review and create page, in the Policy details section, enter the following:
Policy name: Specify a name to identify this policy.
Description: (Optional) Specify a description of the policy.
7. Click Create policy.
20.5.2 Creating an IAM Role to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket
Use the AWS Management Console to create an IAM role for accessing an Amazon S3 bucket
(see Using an external ID for third-party access for more information on the topic).
This task requires the following:
Access to AWS Management Console.
IAM policy that specifies the Amazon S3 and/or KMS permissions required for the feature
you want to use. See Creating an IAM Policy to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket.
The tenancy Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID). To view the OCID of the tenancy, see Viewing
OCID of the Tenancy.
Chapter 20
Manage AWS Access
If you want to grant access to a specific DB System, the resource ID of the DB System.
The name of the Amazon S3 bucket you want to grant access to.
Do the following to create an IAM role:
1. Open the AWS Management Console and sign in with your credentials.
2. In the AWS Management Console home page, click Services, and click Security, Identity,
& Compliance, and then click IAM.
3. In the navigation pane of the Console, under Access management, click Roles, and then
click Create role.
4. In the Select trusted entity panel, do the following:
a. Select Custom trust policy.
b. Specify the following trust policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "612981981079"
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"sts:ExternalId": "<IDDetails>"
When you are editing a DB System, specify either of the following in
To grant access to a specific DB System in the tenancy: <TenancyOCID>/
<DBSystemResourceId> (see Viewing DB System Details on how to view the
resource ID of the DB System). For example:
To grant access to all DB Systems in the tenancy: <TenancyOCID>/*. For
When you are creating a DB System, specify the following in <
To grant access to all DB Systems in the tenancy:<TenancyOCID>/*
Once the DB System is created, update the trust policy to limit access to a
specific DB System.
5. Resolve any warnings or errors generated during policy validation, and then click Next.
Chapter 20
Manage AWS Access
6. In the Add permissions page, search for the policy you created, and select the check box
to attach the policy to your new role. See Creating an IAM Policy to Access an Amazon S3
7. Click Next.
8. In the Name, review, and create page, in the Role details section, enter the following:
Role name: Enter a name to the identify the role.
Description: (Optional) Specify a description of the policy.
9. Click Create role.
10. Click the role you just created.
11. In the Summary section, copy the ARN.
After you create the role, enter the role ARN in an exisiting DB System, or create a new DB
System and enter the ARN details. See Editing a DB System and Creating a DB System.
20.5.3 Creating an IAM Policy to Access Amazon Bedrock LLMs
Use the AWS Management Console to create an IAM policy for HeatWave GenAI to access
Amazon Bedrock LLMs .
This task requires the following:
Access to AWS Management Console.
Do the following to create an IAM policy:
1. Open the AWS Management Console and sign in with your credentials.
2. In the AWS Management Console home page, click Services, and click Security, Identity,
& Compliance, and then click IAM.
3. In the navigation pane of the Console, under Access management, click Policies, and
then click Create policy.
It opens the Specify permissions page.
4. In the Specify permissions page, in the Policy editor section, click JSON, and enter the
following permissions to access the Amazon Bedrock LLMs supported by HeatWave
GenAI. For more information on policies, see Generate policies.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AuthenticatedBedrockPolicy",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
Chapter 20
Manage AWS Access
5. Resolve any warnings or errors generated during permissions validation, and then click
6. In the Review and create page, in the Policy details section, enter the following:
Policy name: Specify a name to identify this policy.
Description: (Optional) Specify a description of the policy.
7. Click Create policy.
20.5.4 Creating an IAM Role to Access Amazon Bedrock LLMs
Use the AWS Management Console to create an IAM role for HeatWave GenAI to access
Amazon Bedrock LLMs.
This task requires the following:
Access to AWS Management Console.
IAM policy that specifies the permissions required. See Creating an IAM Policy to Access
Amazon Bedrock LLMs.
The tenancy Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID).
If you want to grant access to a specific DB System, the resource ID of the DB System.
Do the following to create an IAM role:
1. Open the AWS Management Console and sign in with your credentials.
2. In the AWS Management Console home page, click Services, and click Security, Identity,
& Compliance, and then click IAM.
3. In the navigation pane of the Console, under Access management, click Roles, and then
click Create role.
4. In the Select trusted entity panel, do the following:
a. Select Custom trust policy.
b. Specify the following trust policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "612981981079"
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"sts:ExternalId": "<IDDetails>"
Chapter 20
Manage AWS Access
When you are editing a DB System, specify either of the following in <
To grant access to a specific DB System in the tenancy: <TenancyOCID>/
<DBSystemResourceId>. For example:
To grant access to all DB Systems in the tenancy: <TenancyOCID>/*. For
When you are creating a DB System, specify the following in <
Grant access to all DB Systems in the tenancy with <TenancyOCID>/*
Once the DB System is created, update the trust policy to limit access to the
specific DB System.
See Viewing OCID of the Tenancy to view the OCID of the tenancy, and see Viewing
DB System Details to view the resource ID of the DB System.
See Using an external ID for third-party access.
5. Resolve any warnings or errors generated during policy validation, and then click Next.
6. In the Add permissions page, search for the policy you created (see Creating an IAM
Policy to Access Amazon Bedrock LLMs), and select the check box to attach the policy to
your new role.
7. Click Next.
8. In the Name, review, and create page, in the Role details section, enter the following:
Role name: Enter a name to identify the role.
Description: (Optional) Specify a description of the policy.
9. Click Create role.
10. Click the role you just created.
11. In the Summary section, copy the ARN.
After you created the role, supply the role ARN to an existing DB System, or create a new DB
System and enter the ARN details. See Editing a DB System and Creating a DB System.
Chapter 20
Manage AWS Access
This section describes the maintenance of DB Systems and HeatWave.
Essential patching and maintenance is an automatic process that may include patching the
underlying operating system, updating the MySQL Server version, and updating underlying
hardware. Maintenance is initiated during the maintenance window defined when creating a
DB System. The maintenance window start day and time can be viewed on the DB System
Details page in the HeatWave on AWS Console. The maintenance window is a two hour
period during which maintenance is initiated. The time required to apply patches and updates
may extend beyond the maintenance window and require DB System restarts. See Viewing DB
System Details.
To change a DB System's Maintenance Window start day or start time, see Editing a DB
When maintenance is performed, your DB System's status changes to
and the DB
System may be unavailable for a short time while the maintenance completes.
DB Systems maintenance is performed when the DB System is in an
state or
state, and the DB System is returned to the same state after the
maintenance completes.
Release Notes
Release notes for HeatWave on AWS
2024-09-04, General Availability
HeatWave on AWS now supports HeatWave GenAI, which provides integrated and
automated generative AI with in-database large language models (LLMs), an automated,
in-database vector store, and the ability to have contextual conversations in natural
language. HeatWave GenAI enables enterprises to use generative AI without AI expertise,
data movement, or additional cost. See HeatWave GenAI for details.
2024-08-22, General Availability
To enhance users' experience, the HeatWave Console has been improved in the following
The Home page has been revamped with key information presented in a dashboard-
like layout. There is now a What's New pane, listing latest changes to the HeatWave
The HeatWave MySQL and HeatWave Clusters tabs are now consolidated into a new
Resources tab. There is now a HeatWave Clusters tab on the new Resources page,
for information and actions on the HeatWave Clusters.
The Workspaces tab is renamed to Workspace.
HeatWave on AWS now supports inbound replication on a PrivateLink, which enables
secure data replication from an external system running in your AWS account to HeatWave
on AWS. See Configuring Inbound Replication over an Egress PrivateLink for details.
2024-08-08, General Availability
You can now reduce the shape of a DB System to save cost or expand the shape to
enhance the DB System's function or performance. Decisions on shape changes are aided
by the Autopilot Shape Advisor, which uses the system workload to access the suitability of
a shape and make recommendations on shape changes. See Update MySQL Shape for
2024-07-10, General Availability
HeatWave on AWS now supports MySQL 9.0.0, which is the latest Innovation Release of
the MySQL Server. Innovation Release 9.0.0 includes new features and bug fixes. If you
want to access the latest features and improvements and stay updated with the latest
technologies, the MySQL Innovation Releases might be the best choice for you. You can
choose release 9.0.0 when creating a new DB System, and for existing DB Systems, you
can manually upgrade to MySQL 9.0.0. Refer to MySQL 9.0.0 Release Notes and Upgrade
MySQL Version.
You can now enhance the performance of OLTP workloads on DB Systems running
MySQL Server 9.0.0 or later by utilizing the Autopilot Index Advisor, which provides
recommendations for secondary indexes. See Autopilot Index Advisor for details.
2024-06-25, General Availability
You can now utilize AWS PrivateLink to establish a secure connection to HeatWave on
AWS from your VPC. This ensures that sensitive data such as customer details remain
protected from the internet, enabling secure and private transfer of critical data in a
scalable manner. For more information, please refer to PrivateLink.
HeatWave on AWS now includes HeatWave Lakehouse, enabling organizations to process
and query hundreds of terabytes of data stored in object storage and optionally combine it
with transactional data in MySQL databases without copying the data from the object
storage into the MySQL database. Customers can also use this data loaded from the
object storage to train machine learning models, run inferences, and explain results,
without moving the data to a separate ML service. With Lakehouse, HeatWave on AWS
offers a single service for analytics across data warehouses and data lakes, machine
learning, and transaction processing, eliminating the need for ETL across cloud services.
For more information, please refer to Creating Lakehouse Mapping.
2024-06-05, General Availability
You can now try out MySQL HeatWave on AWS for free without having to upgrade to a
paid Oracle Cloud account. See Try MySQL HeatWave for free and Sign-up Overview for
2024-05-22, General Availability
MySQL HeatWave on AWS now supports MySQL 8.4.0. See MySQL 8.4.0 Release Notes
for more information on the server release.
MySQL 8.4.0 marks the start of a new series of LTS (Long Term Support) releases. The
8.4 LTS releases will focus on security and bug fixes and are recommended for customers
who prefer established behavior, while the next innovation series will include new features.
We recommend customers who are using any lower versions of MySQL Server to upgrade
to MySQL 8.4.0. See Upgrade MySQL Version for instructions.
2024-05-02, General Availability
You can now explore the capabilities of MySQL HeatWave on AWS by launching a pre-
configured DB System with sample data. See Launching a Starter DB System for details.
2024-04-08, General Availability
You can now explore MySQL HeatWave on AWS features using sample databases. See
Importing Sample Database for details.
2024-03-04, General Availability
Events allow you to monitor the state changes of resources such as DB Systems,
HeatWave Clusters, and Backups. An event reports a create, update, or delete operation
for a resource, or its lifecycle state change. Events are listed under the Events tab of the
corresponding resource. For more details, see Events.
2024-02-20, General Availability
You can now create a custom configuration by copying an existing MySQL configuration
and modifying its user variables. You can then apply the custom configuration to a DB
System. For more information, see Copying a MySQL Configuration and Update MySQL
Chapter 22
2024-02-15, General Availability
MySQL HeatWave on AWS now supports the MySQL Enterprise Audit plugin. The audit
plugin enables the MySQL Server to produce a log file containing an audit record of server
activities such as when clients connected and disconnected, what actions they performed
while being connected, and which databases and tables they accessed. You can also add
statistics for the time and size of the queries performed. See MySQL Enterprise Audit for
You can now create a custom configuration by copying an existing MySQL configuration
and modifying its user variables. You can then apply the custom configuration to a DB
System. For more information, see Copying a MySQL Configuration and Update MySQL
2024-01-24, General Availability
MySQL HeatWave on AWS now supports MySQL version 8.3.0.
2024-01-17, General Availability
MySQL HeatWave on AWS supports inbound replication that does not use GTID auto-
positioning, and also for tables that do not have primary keys. See Creating a Channel for
2023-12-21, General Availability
The Auto Shape Prediction feature in MySQL Autopilot has been enhanced. In addition to
the overall buffer pool usage, workload activity, and access patterns, Auto Shape
Prediction now utilizes the CPU statistics to estimate the required buffer pool size and CPU
cores. See Autopilot Shape Advisor for details.
2023-11-28, General Availability
MySQL HeatWave on AWS supports adding filters in inbound replication. Filters allows
you to selectively replicate databases and tables from the MySQL source. For more
information on inbound replication filters, please see Channel Filter Rules for Inbound
MySQL HeatWave on AWS introduces delayed inbound replication. You can choose to
specify the time (in seconds) to wait before the target DB System in MySQL HeatWave on
AWS replicates the source transactions. For more information on delayed replication,
please see Replication delay.
2023-11-16, General Availability
MySQL HeatWave on AWS supports inbound replication from a MySQL source to a
MySQL DB System.
For more information on the inbound replication feature, see Inbound Replication.
You can now update a HeatWave Cluster's size and shape. For more information, see
Editing a HeatWave Cluster.
2023-10-26, General Availability
MySQL HeatWave on AWS supports MySQL version 8.2.0.
Chapter 22
2023-09-13, General Availability
MySQL HeatWave on AWS introduces a faster and easier feature to import data from an
Amazon S3 bucket into a MySQL DB System. The data import feature enables you to
import data in a variety of formats such as MySQL dump and text files (such as CSV and
For more information on the data import feature, see Data Import Feature.
MySQL HeatWave on AWS supports the bulk ingest feature to import text files (such as
CSV and TSV) directly from an Amazon S3 bucket into a MySQL DB System. This method
is faster and more efficient in terms of computing and storage consumption. To use the
bulk ingest feature, first connect to the DB system, and then import data in an existing or
new table using the BULK algorithm.
For more information on the bulk ingest feature, see Bulk Ingest Feature.
2023-08-08, General Availability
You can now increase the data storage size of an active DB System online. When the DB
System is active and healthy, updating the data storage size of the DB System does not
restart the DB System, and you can continue to query it while the storage is being
increased. You get elasticity without compromising uptime or performance.
For more information, see Increasing DB System Storage.
2023-07-31, General Availability
MySQL HeatWave on AWS now supports auto error recovery. Whenever a HeatWave
node fails because of a hardware or a software issue, the cluster becomes unhealthy and
error recovery is triggered. During the recovery process, HeatWave automatically attempts
to bring the node online and reload data that was previously loaded. This reduces manual
intervention and improves service uptime.
For more information, see HeatWave Cluster Failure and Recovery.
2023-07-13, General Availability
MySQL HeatWave on AWS is now available in the AWS Europe (Frankfurt) and Europe
(London) region. See Region Availability.
Fast data reload is now available when you pause and resume HeatWave on AWS.
Besides storing the HeatWave formatted data in-memory, HeatWave also stores the
formatted data in HeatWave storage layer on AWS S3. This enables reload of data in
constant time regardless of data size. This capability is now available when you pause and
resume the HeatWave cluster. You can now pause the HeatWave cluster when you don't
need it to save cost, and resume the cluster very fast when you want to use HeatWave for
query acceleration.
2023-06-08, General Availability
MySQL HeatWave on AWS is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Mumbai) region. See
Region Availability.
2023-05-04, General Availability
MySQL HeatWave on AWS is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Tokyo) region. See
Region Availability.
2023-04-27, General Availability
HeatWave Scale-out Data Management on AWS S3
Chapter 22
MySQL HeatWave on AWS now provides an optimized storage layer built on AWS S3 to
store the HeatWave in-memory hybrid columnar representation of the data. This allows
data to be reloaded to each HeatWave node independently and in parallel. This
significantly improves the service uptime and performance of operations such as error
recovery, maintenance, and system restart. See HeatWave Architectural Features.
MySQL Autopilot: Auto Error Recovery from MySQL failure
With Auto Error Recovery, now when MySQL fails and restarts, the HeatWave Cluster
automatically restarts, identifies the tables which were loaded prior to the failure, and
reloads those tables automatically from MySQL. This reduces the intervention by the user
and also improves service uptime.
Auto reload of data in HeatWave Cluster after MySQL upgrade
HeatWave now automatically reloads data from MySQL InnoDB after a MySQL node
restarts due to maintenance upgrades or planned restarts. With auto-reload capability,
there are no more manual steps after maintenance or a restart operation. This reduces the
operational overhead and improves service availability.
MySQL Autopilot for OLTP - Auto Shape Prediction
Auto shape prediction collects the most recent query execution metrics and uses advanced
machine learning models to predict the MySQL database instance shape for optimal
transactional processing performance. Auto shape prediction continuously monitors OLTP
workload to provide a suggestion that will adapt to evolving workload patterns, allowing the
MySQL DB System to maintain the best OLTP price performance over time. See Autopilot
Shape Advisor.
Monitor MySQL statistics such as buffer pool usage, workload activity and access patterns,
and recommendations for the optimal MySQL shape for the workload with MySQL
HeatWave Console.
MySQL Configuration
Use MySQL HeatWave Console to view and configure user, system, initialization, and
service-specific variables for the MySQL DB System shape with or without HeatWave
support. Select a default configuration or create a custom configuration for the DB system.
See and Configuration.
Automatic Backup
MySQL HeatWave on AWS now support automatic backups. Choose a time for automatic
backups during the creation of a MySQL DB System. The retention period can be between
1 and 35 days. The default retention period is 7 days. Scheduled backups are deleted
when the DB System is deleted. See Creating a DB System.
Chapter 22