Application Instructions & FAQs
SCTR KL2 (K12) Multidisciplinary Scholars Program in Clinical & Translational Science
Please read these instructions carefully before beginning your application. The entire application package must be
successfully submitted by application deadline to be considered for funding. Incomplete and/or late
applications will not be accepted for any reason.
RFA Release Date: March 1, 2024
LOI Submission Deadline: April 15, 2024 (optional, but encouraged)
Application Deadline: May 3, 2024 @ 5:00 pm
Reviews: May 2024
Interviews & Notification: June 2024
Appointment Term: July 1, 2024 June 30, 2026
Number of Slots: 2
How are KL2 scholars selected?
KL2 scholars will be selected based on a competitive application process in which the following primary
components will be assessed:
The track record and potential of the candidate
Scientific merit of the proposed research.
The transdisciplinary/translational science of the research project
The experience of the mentorship team
The quality of the training plan
Individuals from underrepresented ethnic minority groups are encouraged to apply, and special consideration will
be given to individuals in departments and disciplines that have traditionally been underrepresented in
clinical/translational research.
How are the applications scored?
Each application will be reviewed by (at minimum) two senior researchers from MUSC who are familiar with the
area of study and the KL2/K12 Program Directors. Each reviewer will provide a priority score using the NIH 9-point
scale and a written critique based on the NIH K23 review criteria and form
( All applicants will receive
reviewer comments on their applications.
The applications with the highest priority score will present their proposals to the KL2/K12 Executive Committee
addressing any issues raised in the written critiques. Following these presentations, the KL2/K12 Executive
Committee will select the successful scholars.
How do I apply for the KL2 program?
The application process has three steps:
1) Optional, but encouraged Submit an LOI (via email to [email protected]) describing your proposed
Updated: 2/26/24
project and interest in applying to the program,
2) Obtain a Study ID for the proposed research in SPARCRequest (,
3) Submit the application and all required materials in InfoReady. No application materials should be
uploaded in the SPARCRequest system.
Before submitting the application, the candidate must get a Study ID from SPARC:
If your study is already in SPARC, you will need to add the KL2 funding opportunity to your existing
If your study is NOT already in SPARC, you will need to create a study to get a Study ID for your
proposed research.
For additional assistance with the SPARCRequest system, please contact the SCTR SUCCESS Center at
[email protected]. Step-by-step instructions for this process are available here:
Application webpage:
Format: All documents must be submitted as PDF files
Font: Arial; 11-point or larger. Smaller text in figures, graphs, diagrams and charts is acceptable, as long as
it is legible when the page is viewed at 100%. Ensure that the final PDF documents comply with font size
Margins: one-half inch (0.5”) on all sides
Letter of Intent Deadline April 15, 2024
Page Limit
1) Letter of Intent
Please send via email to the KL2 Program Manager, Diana Lee-Chavarria [email protected].
This should include:
Project Title
Mentor(s) and Consultant(s)
Description of proposed research project
Your interest in applying to the program
1 page
Documents Deadline May 3, 2024
Page Limit
2) NIH-formatted biosketch
Please list all prior funding/awards
Please use the most updated format:
5 pages
3) Mentors’ NIH-formatted biosketches
5 pages/ea.
Updated: 2/26/24
Primary Mentor
Members of mentor team
Include updated Other Support (not included in 5 pages)
4) Consultant(s) biosketch(es) (if applicable)
5 pages/ea.
5) Applicant CV
This should include:
Previous institution(s)
Degree(s) and year(s) earned
Doctoral thesis title
Residency training institution, if applicable
Title of specific training
Previous/current funding
No limit
6) Candidate’s Statement
This section should address:
1. Track Record Creativity of the candidate and potential to lead excellent research
judging by track record in some or all of the following: areas of expertise and prior
training; publications; previous research experience and funded grants.
o Describe any previous training in clinical and translational research (e.g., MSCR
degree, MSTP program, previous mentor program, etc.).
o Give examples of opportunities you’ve had to engage in research (basic or
clinical); describe your role in these projects.
o Highlight examples of your productivity (e.g., pursuing an original research
question, analyzing data, pursuing extramural funding, and presenting or
publishing your findings).
2. Research Plan Overview Scientific value, potential clinical importance, and feasibility
of the written research plan
o State your long-term clinical and translational research career goal(s), including
the type of research you plan to conduct, the clinical problem(s) your research
will address, and the potential impact your research will have on human health.
o Explain how conducting the research project proposed in this application will
prepare you to compete successfully for an NIH grant, such as an R03, R21, or
R01 and provide some scenarios for what that project would be.
o Note: A SCTR Biostatistics Consultation is required for all applicants. Schedule
your consultation via SPARC as soon as possible. This will provide you valuable
statistical and study design information that you will likely want to incorporate
into your research plan.
3. Mentor Training Plan Quality, appropriateness, and multidisciplinary
complementarity of the proposed mentors, and plan for additional didactic and other
training at MUSC or elsewhere
o Explain what additional training you need to achieve your research career
development goals. Using the KL2 Needs Assessment form as reference
(available on the application webpage under “Competition Files”), identify
3 pages
Updated: 2/26/24
specific areas where you have deficiencies and describe how you will obtain
additional training in each area.
o Describe the roles each of your mentors will play. Be specific; cite examples
from your proposed training or research plan whenever possible.
4. Resources Tangible commitment and resources provided by the home
department/division, and suitability of the available clinical and laboratory
infrastructure and multidisciplinary team
o Comment on the resources (space, staff, clinical materials, funds, etc.)
provided by your department and mentors, and their adequacy to your career
development. Be specific as to amounts that will be available to you for doing
5. Career Potential Global assessment of the likelihood that you will develop a career as
an outstanding investigator who will lead multidisciplinary teams and have an important
impact on health
o Explain how you will benefit from the KL2 program and how it will contribute to
your career in multidisciplinary clinical and translational research.
o Comment on the leadership role you expect to play in your department in 5-10
1 page:
- Specific
7) Research Plan
The research plan should be described along the lines of instructions contained in PHS 398. It
should be completed within two years so that an extramural grant application that includes
these results can be submitted by the end of year two. Please include a detailed timeline for
6 pages
project initiation and conduct, completion of program requirements, and submission of an
external grant application by the end of the second appointment year.
- Background
Combine all files into a single PDF to upload. Templates and/or examples of certain documents
- Preliminary
- Research
are available on the application webpage under “Competition Files”.
7-page limit
Designs &
Specific Aims (1 page)
o One aim should be specifically related to Translational Science; this can be an
exploratory/secondary aim.
No page limit
Background & Significance
on other
Preliminary Studies
Research Designs and Methods should include a summary of your future research
Not included in page limit
PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information
Literature Cited
Detailed Budget for initial 12-month period (available in “Competition Files”)
Budget Justification
Individual Development Plan (available in “Competition Files”)
Scholar Needs Assessment (available in “Competition Files”)
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8) Letters of Support
LOS should be submitted electronically in InfoReady. Please combine into a single PDF to
1. Primary Mentor include one paragraph on the mentor’s research focus
2. Department/Division Chair affirming 75% protected research time. This letter should
indicate how applicant’s RVU and clinical commitment will be adjusted beginning
7/1/24 if the KL2 is rewarded.
3. Optional: other members of your mentoring team
Letters should be addressed to: Aimee McRae-Clark, PharmD
Susan Dorman, MD
Medical University of South Carolina
125 Doughty Street, Suite 140
Charleston, SC 29403
Considerations for the Primary Mentor and Department/Division Chair letters:
Describe the goals and how you will foster an environment conducive to a successful
clinical and translational career path
Describe additional resources/experiences you might bring to bear during the
candidate’s appointment to enhance their training and research agenda
1 page/each
9) Mentor(s) Training & Research Timetable(s)
A template and example are available on the application webpage under “Competition Files”.
Include all current and pending mentors
Use the format found on the first page of the InfoReady application portal
Upload training table(s) for consultant(s), if applicable
No limit
10) KL2 Signature Page
Found on page 6 of this document. This form should be signed by the applicant, Primary Mentor,
and Department Chair. The signatures signify an understanding and commitment to the KL2
program if the candidate is awarded.
1 page
What if I need more information?
Contact: Diana Lee-Chavarria, Program Manager
Updated: 2/26/24
In addition to the candidate’s letters of support, three additional signatures are required (the Primary Mentor,
Department Chair, and Candidate) signifying an understanding and commitment to the SCTR KL2 program if the
candidate is awarded.
Primary Mentor
As the Primary Mentor, I have read the potential scholar’s KL2 application package and provided constructive
feedback, both for the career/training components and the research plan. I have read and agree to abide by
the KL2 Mentor Expectations outlined on page 4 of the Program FAQs document. To the maximum extent
possible I will meet regularly with the scholar. I understand that myself or another member of the mentorship
team will be required to attend SCTR sponsored events, including the Annual Mentorship Training Symposium
and the Joint K Orientation, as well as others stated in the Mentor Expectations.
Signature of Primary Mentor
Department Chair
This individual is qualified for this program and will receive immediate priority for clinical coverage (if
applicable), all requirements for protected time, and all financial needs according to the RFA. Their RVU and
clinical commitment will be adjusted beginning 7/1/24 and continue throughout their appointment if the KL2 is
As Chair of (department name), I agree to grant this individual the
required 75% protected time. I understand that this is a two-year award.
Signature of Department Chair
I certify that the statements herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and that I will comply
with all applicable SCTR KL2 terms and conditions governing my potential appointment. I am aware that any
false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative
Signature of Applicant/Candidate
Updated: 2/26/24