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Printed June 2007
Secure ICCP Integration
Considerations and Recommendations
John T. Michalski, Andrew Lanzone, Jason Trent, and Sammy Smith
Prepared by
Sandia National Laboratories
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Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
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Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Unlimited Release
Secure ICCP Integration
Considerations and Recommendations
John Michalski, Jason Trent, and Sammy Smith
Critical Infrastructure Systems
Andrew Lanzone
Cryptography and Information Systems Surety
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-0672
The goal of this report is to identify the operation and implementation issues associated with
the introduction of the secure form of the Inter-control Center Communications Protocol, or
ICCP, formally referred to as IEC 60870-6-TASE.2, into the utility infrastructure. The report
provides considerations and recommendations to assist a utility owner to advance the security
of the utility’s data exchange operations. The report starts with a description of information
assurance, and then discusses end node authentication and Public Key Infrastructures (PKI)
using Certificate Authority (CA) certificates. Network infrastructures and protocols
associated with ICCP are reviewed, assessed, and modeled to identify the impact of these
structures and protocols to the efficient delivery of ICCP data. The report highlights
certificate management and implementation issues and discusses some of the transitional
issues and strategies to overcome security limitations during the introduction phase of Secure
ICCP. Finally the report provides some performance measurement data of the configuration
impacts of using security layers to provide Secure ICCP implementations.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
The author would like to acknowledge that the work that produced the results presented in
this paper was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy/Office of Electricity Delivery and
Energy Reliability (DOE/OE) as part of the National SCADA Test Bed (NSTB) Program.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Executive Summary
The Inter-control Center Communications Protocol (ICCP) was developed to enable data
exchange over Wide Area Networks between utility control centers, Independent System
Operators (ISOs), Regional Transmission Operators (RTOs), and other Generators.
This document describes the intent, operation, and behavior of the ICCP and technological
means by which ICCP transmission can be secured, discussing both the built-in protection of
Secure ICCP (a version of ICCP that has some built-in security elements) and several
independent technologies that can be added to ICCP, such as Internet Protocol Security
(IPSec). Recommendations for using the ICCP are provided throughout, especially regarding
effective use of its secure form.
This document also describes the impact of Wide Area Network (WAN) design on the
transport of ICCP data streams. The importance of using appropriate quality of service (QoS)
on the supporting WAN links is demonstrated by including the results of the modeling and
simulation of WAN link congestion. Overall, using Secure ICCP and other secure protocols
has minimal effect on end-to-end performance, although certain situations with respect to
traffic congestion described within the report can cause exceptional delays and should be
avoided. Also management complexity increases with each layer of protection added to the
ICCP environment.
The primary objectives of the research activity described in this report were to provide
insight into the security enhancements of the new ICCP protocol and to identify the
integration impact of this emerging standard when implemented within the utility industry
infrastructure control system.
These were accomplished by investigating and interpreting documentation of ICCP, Secure
ICCP, and related technology including relevant standards, implementation guidelines, and
descriptive material; and by implementing and performance testing a Secure ICCP testbed.
Section 4 of this report provides the observations and conclusions of the investigation.
Section 5 is a summary of recommendations that appear throughout the report on introducing
Secure ICCP into Utilities networks. These recommendations include:
Network administrators should negotiate Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) that
provide appropriate Quality of Service (QoS) for ICCP data streams.
Utility sites that will not transition rapidly to Secure ICCP should consider using
OpenSSL, IPSec, and data link encryption to provide inter-node data security for
standard ICCP communication.
Use a flat PKI Certificate Heirarchy for single-company domains and a tiered
hierarchy for multiple-company domains.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Table of Contents
1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................9
1.1 Background...................................................................................................................9
1.1.1 Description........................................................................................................9
1.1.2 Historical Information ......................................................................................9
1.1.3 Significance ......................................................................................................9
1.1.4 Literature Review ...........................................................................................10
1.2 Purpose .......................................................................................................................10
1.2.1 Reason for Investigation.................................................................................10
1.2.2 Roadmap Challenges ......................................................................................10
1.2.3 Audience.........................................................................................................11
1.2.4 Desired Response............................................................................................11
1.3 Scope...........................................................................................................................11
1.3.1 Extent and Limits of Investigation .................................................................11
1.3.2 Goals...............................................................................................................11
1.3.3 Objectives .......................................................................................................12
1.3.4 Organization ...................................................................................................12
2 Approach............................................................................................................................13
2.1 Methods ......................................................................................................................13
2.2 Assumptions ...............................................................................................................13
2.3 Procedures...................................................................................................................13
3 Results and Discussion ......................................................................................................15
3.1 Impact of the Wide Area Network on ICCP Operations............................................15
3.1.1 Overview of WAN Impact on ICCP Operations............................................15
3.1.2 Typical Configuration.....................................................................................16
3.1.3 Infrastructure Design and Protection..............................................................17
3.1.4 SCADA Wide Area Networks........................................................................20
3.1.5 IP Congestion and QoS management .............................................................23
3.1.6 Frame Relay Switched Network.....................................................................26
3.1.7 Network Impact Summary and Recommendations........................................31
3.2 Secure ICCP and Information Assurance...................................................................32
3.2.1 Overcoming physical layer availability disruptions .......................................32
3.2.2 Overcoming logical layer availability disruptions..........................................33
3.3 ICCP Use of Public Key Cryptography......................................................................35
3.4 ICCP Use of Public Key Infrastructure Certificates...................................................35
3.4.1 PKI Certificate Hierarchy Recommendations for ICCP Networks................35
3.5 Secure ICCP Certificate Management Issues.............................................................36
3.5.1 Number of Certificates per ICCP Node..........................................................36
3.5.2 ICCP Security Policy and Certificates............................................................36
3.5.3 Permanent ICCP SSL Sessions.......................................................................37
3.5.4 ICCP Internet Certificate Authorities.............................................................39
3.5.5 CA and CRL Domains....................................................................................40
3.5.6 Secure ICCP Stale Certificate Detection........................................................47
3.6 Strategy for the transition from ICCP to Secure ICCP...............................................47
3.6.1 Layer 3 Link Protection..................................................................................48
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
3.6.2 Layer 2 Link Protection..................................................................................55
3.7 Security Configurations and Performance..................................................................59
3.7.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................59
3.7.2 Security Layer overview.................................................................................59
3.7.3 ICCP Network-Based Performance Testing...................................................62
3.7.4 ICCP Software-Based Performance Testing ..................................................66
3.7.5 Overall ICCP Performance Testing Summary ...............................................72
3.7.6 Frame Relay Performance Discussion............................................................75
4 Conclusions........................................................................................................................77
4.1 Conclusions relating to Overall ICCP Network System Design ................................77
4.1.1 Design Components........................................................................................77
4.1.2 Conclusions Relating to Quality of Service and Service Level Agreements .77
4.2 Conclusions Relating to Secure ICCP Certificate Management ................................77
4.2.1 PKI domain design Conclusions.....................................................................77
4.2.2 Inter-Domain Communication Conclusions...................................................78
4.2.3 Secure ICCP application issues......................................................................78
4.3 Conclusions Relating to Transition from ICCP to Secure ICCP................................78
4.4 Performance of Networks Incorporating Secure ICCP ..............................................78
5 Recommendations..............................................................................................................79
Appendix A: References..........................................................................................................81
Appendix B: Security Technology...........................................................................................83
1 Public Key Cryptography ..................................................................................................83
2 Public Key Infrastructure...................................................................................................83
2.1 Registration Authority................................................................................................83
2.2 Registration Authority (RA).......................................................................................84
2.3 Certification Authority (CA) ......................................................................................84
2.4 Certificate Repository.................................................................................................84
2.5 Certificate Revocation Mechanism.............................................................................84
3 Certificates in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).................................................................85
4 Certification Hierarchy Schemes.......................................................................................86
4.1 Flat Hierarchy.............................................................................................................86
4.2 Tiered Hierarchy.........................................................................................................88
5 Certificate Management.....................................................................................................91
5.1 Certificate Issuance.....................................................................................................91
5.2 Certificate Expiration and Renewal............................................................................91
5.3 Certificate Revocation................................................................................................92
5.3.1 Certificate Revocation Lists ...........................................................................92
5.3.2 Online Certificate Status Protocol ..................................................................93
5.3.3 Impetus for Certificate Revocation.................................................................93
Appendix C: Acronyms ...........................................................................................................95
Appendix D: Glossary..............................................................................................................96
Appendix E: For More Information.........................................................................................97
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Table of Figures
Figure 1. Monolithic Master Controller Configuration .......................................................... 15
Figure 2. LAN-based Master Controller Configuration ......................................................... 16
Figure 3. Control Center to Control Center Communications................................................ 17
Figure 4. Simulated IP Routed Network................................................................................. 21
Figure 5. Data Flow Statistics on IP Routed Network............................................................ 22
Figure 6. Data flow on IP Network with QoS Statistics......................................................... 24
Figure 7. Typical Frame Relay Network Interface................................................................. 27
Figure 8. Simulated Frame Relay Network ............................................................................ 29
Figure 9. Data Flow Statistics on Frame Relay Network ....................................................... 29
Figure 10. Data Flow on Frame Relay Network with QoS Statistics..................................... 30
Figure 11. Main Interconnections of the US Electric Grid and Ten NERC Regions............. 41
Figure 12. Peer-to-Peer Cross-Certification ........................................................................... 43
Figure 13. Hierarchical Cross-Certification............................................................................ 44
Figure 14. Central Authority Chain-of-Trust Structure.......................................................... 46
Figure 15. IPSec modes of operation...................................................................................... 49
Figure 16. IPSec Gateway Center to Center Communications............................................... 50
Figure 17. IPSec Port Filter Implementation.......................................................................... 53
Figure 18. Point-to-Point WAN Connection .......................................................................... 56
Figure 19. Frame Relay WAN Connection............................................................................. 57
Figure 20. ICCP Network Layout........................................................................................... 63
Figure 21. End-to-End Measurement Configuration.............................................................. 64
Figure 22. End-to-Midpoint Measurement Configuration...................................................... 64
Figure 23. End-to-End Non-Secure Measurements................................................................ 65
Figure 24. End-to-Midpoint Non-Secure Measurements........................................................ 65
Figure 25. End-to-End Secure Measurements........................................................................ 65
Figure 26. End-to-Midpoint Secure Measurements................................................................ 65
Figure 27. Example Use of Timing Analysis Tool................................................................. 67
Figure 28. Observed Send Preparation Times for Unencrypted Tunnel................................. 69
Figure 29. Observed Send Preparation Times for Shared-key Encrypted Tunnel.................. 69
Figure 30. Observed Send Preparation Times for Public-key Encrypted Tunnel................... 70
Figure 31. Observed Receive Processing Times for Unencrypted Tunnel............................. 71
Figure 32. Observed Receive Processing Times for Shared-key Encrypted Tunnel.............. 71
Figure 33. Observed Receive Processing Times for Public-key Encrypted Tunnel............... 72
Figure 34. Non-Secure versus Secure End-to-End Latency with Cisco 3600 VPN............... 73
Figure 35. Non-Secure versus Secure End-to-Midpoint Latency with Cisco 3600 VPN....... 73
Figure 36. Average Observed Send Preparation Time by Configuration............................... 74
Figure 37. Average Observed Receive Processing Time by Configuration........................... 75
Figure 38. The server (S) sends its certificate to the client (C) .............................................. 85
Figure 39. Flat certification authority hierarchy..................................................................... 86
Figure 40. Certificate exchange in a Flat PKI......................................................................... 87
Figure 41. Tiered certification authority hierarchy................................................................. 88
Figure 42. Incorrect certificate exchange in a tiered PKI....................................................... 89
Figure 43. Correct certificate exchange in a tiered PKI.......................................................... 90
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.1.1 Description
The Inter-control Center Communication Protocol (ICCP) was developed to enable data
exchange over Wide Area Networks between utility control centers, Independent System
Operators (ISOs), Regional Transmission Operators (RTOs), and other Generators. The
security enhancements to ICCP were developed and specified by the Technical Committee
57 (TC57) Working Group 07 (WG07) of the International Electrotechnical Commission
Real-time data exchange has become critical to the operation of interconnected systems
within the electric power utility industry. The ability to exchange power system data with
boundary control areas and beyond provides visibility for disturbance detection and
reconstruction, improved modeling capability, and enhanced operation of future control
1.1.2 Historical Information
The ICCP User Guide [1] states: “ICCP began as an effort by power utilities, several major
data exchange protocol support groups (WEICG, IDEC and ELCOM), EPRI, consultants and
a number of SCADA/EMS vendors to develop a comprehensive, international standard for
real-time data exchange within the electric power utilities industry.”
The vulnerability of unprotected ICCP communication led to inclusion of the application-
layer encryption protocol called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and its similar successor,
Transport Layer Security (TLS) [2]. This resulted in an ICCP whose communication could be
encrypted and authenticated, AKA Secure ICCP.
This work documented in this report is follow-on to the quick-look review conducted by
National SCADA Test Bed (NSTB) on the IEC ICCP-IEC60870-6-TASE.2 draft, which
defined the security enhancements to ICCP.
1.1.3 Significance
Secure ICCP is an extension of the existing standard ICCP. Essentially, Transport Layer
(TLS) is inserted into the appropriate layer of the standard communications profile.
TLS [3] is a certificate-based cryptographic protocol that provides encryption and
authentication. Secure ICCP provides application layer authentication and message
encryption between ICCP servers. This alone is significant because it provides a standard
communication protocol for critical infrastructure control systems that is not only widely
accepted but also has important built-in security elements.
In this report, “Secure ICCP” indicates this exact form of ICCP. The capitalization of “security” differentiates
this protocol from other ICCP installations that may have similar but independently added security features.
TSL is a modernized version of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). There are differences between TLS and SSL, but
the protocols are substantially the same.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
1.1.4 Literature Review
A comprehensive report on the design and operational issues associated with introducing
Secure ICCP into the Utility community networks does not exists. However, starting within
the topic of SCADA architectures, there is work in designing EMS system architectures that
are open to future changes and upgrades [4]. ICCP implemented within a Distributed Control
System is described in [5]. Experimental work is being conducted to integrate the real-time
transport protocol (RTP) with ICCP to determine and validate the effectiveness of this
integration and the efficiency of link communication [6]. There is also work on coupling
ICCP more closely into EMS applications [7]. Regarding SCADA network reliability, there
is a report that discusses the general functional problems of SCADA systems in relation to
ICCP and similar protocols [8]. There is also a survey that provides a current status of
information security technology needs that relate to transmissions and distribution systems
[9]. EPRI addresses the use of security domains and what constitutes a security policy and
ranking of assets in the final report of the Integrated Energy and Communication System
project [10]. Authentication across borders and the difficulties of sharing
information, such as ICCP data, across independent domains are discussed in [11]. A report
describing the results of testing on a representative set of SCADA protocols to determine
whether identified vulnerabilities could be exploited is of particular interest [12].
The Request for Comment (RFC) collection is a series of memoranda encompassing research,
innovations, and methodologies applicable to Internet technologies. The serialized RFCs
comprise a continuous historical record of the evolution of Internet standards and are cited
throughout this report. For more details about RFCs and the RFC process, see RFC 2026, The
Internet Standards Process, Rev. 3 [13]. References to individual RFCs appear explicitly in
Appendix A, this report’s reference section. The RFCs themselves can be accessed at
1.2 Purpose
Secure ICCP does not provide total security for control system data environments. In
addition, certain choices consistent with Secure ICCP but not specified in the ICCP model
can weaken or disable security or reduce performance under some conditions or along some
pathways. This report advises the practitioner making the transition to Secure ICCP.
1.2.1 Reason for Investigation
Industry is using the Internet more and more to communicate among control centers and is
moving towards ICCP and Secure ICCP. The work described in this document is based on
lessons learned and an understanding of security requirements and best practice [14]. The
general intent of the work and the report is to discover and warn against difficulties and
pitfalls. Asset owners and technology providers can use this document to achieve a given
level of operational security sooner than by going down the blind alleys and wrong turns
themselves. This will result in reduced total infrastructure risk over any given period.
1.2.2 Roadmap Challenges
The Roadmap to Secure Control Systems in the Energy Sector [15] says it’s important to
“Identify best practices for … cyber security of substations and control centers.” These
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
practices “should address extending the fleet of existing legacy systems to new functionality,
incorporating advanced components, and migrating to fully advanced systems.” The current
document describes strategy and tactics for using ICCP (Secure ICCP, in particular) to ensure
that communication between substations and control centers is secure.
1.2.3 Audience
The recommendations and best-practice guidance found in this document are intended to
inform asset owners and technology providers who will either provide data surety for
standard ICCP for communication between control centers or transition to Secure ICCP.
1.2.4 Desired Response
Asset owners and technology providers should follow the recommendations in this document
to understand the issues associated with the introduction of Secure ICCP and what is required
to reduce the amount of time needed to achieve secure communication using ICCP-centered
1.3 Scope
This document covers ICCP, Secure ICCP, the degree and type of security that can be
achieved using Secure ICCP, consideration of security elements not provided by Secure
ICCP, consequences of decisions that need to be made in order to use Secure ICCP, and
infrastructure needed to support Secure ICCP.
1.3.1 Extent and Limits of Investigation
The investigation that resulted in the content of this document covered:
Control system requirements, architecture, implementation, and practice;
General requirements and practice for secure communication;
Internet security;
Distributed control system architecture and operation;
Industry experience with ICCP and Secure ICCP;
Construction and operation of an ICCP test environment;
ICCP and Secure ICCP structure, implementation and practice;
Transition from ICCP to Secure ICCP;
Measurement of communication system throughput with and without various security
features in place, in particular Secure ICCP.
1.3.2 Goals
The goals of this project are to shorten the time needed to implement a secure infrastructure
control system based on Secure ICCP by discussing the operational impact of its
introduction, how to avoid certain known near-term implementation and operational
problems using Secure ICCP, and how to address vulnerabilities not covered by ICCP and/or
Secure ICCP.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
1.3.3 Objectives
The primary objective of this report is to investigate and provide insight to the security
enhancements of the new ICCP protocol and to identify the integration impact of this
emerging standard when implemented within the utility industry.
1.3.4 Organization
The report is organized as follows: Section 1 discusses background and motivation. Section 2
describes how the research was structured and performed. Section 3.1 describes the
infrastructure design and its impact on the reliable and secure delivery of ICCP data.
Network infrastructures and protocols associated with ICCP are assessed to identify the
impact of these structures and protocols on the efficient delivery of ICCP data. The report
also describes the important components that are essential in maintaining reliable and secure
communications and provides modeling and simulation results of data traffic congestion on
ICCP data transported over a WAN. Section 3.2 highlights the tenets of information
assurance and how Secure ICCP can satisfy some of these tenets. Section 3.3 and 3.4
describe how ICCP uses Public Key Cryptography (3.3) and Certificates (3.4). Section 3.5
describes several certificate management issues and how they can be addressed. Section 3.6
discusses issues in transition from ICCP to Secure ICCP issues and strategies to overcome
security limitations during the transitional phase. Section 3.7 provides some performance
measurement data of the configuration and operational impacts of using security layers to
provide Secure ICCP implementations. Section 4 contains the overall conclusions and section
5 is a summary of the report’s recommendations. Appendix B describes the infrastructure and
operation of several important information protection technologies, including public key
crypography and authentication certificates
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
2 Approach
2.1 Methods
Two methods were used to obtain the content of this report:
1. Integrate ICCP reference material and security protocol requirements to present a
comprehensive picture of the tasks and technologies involved in using Secure ICCP;
2. Construct, operate, and measure the performance of a Secure ICCP implementation.
The report presents the reader with findings, observations, and recommendations within each
section. This allows the reader to easily associate shortcomings and benefits with the subject
matter it applies to. Each larger section is accompanied by a summary section that provides a
synopsis of the issues and recommendations that appear in its subsections.
2.2 Assumptions
This report assumes that the reader is either already running or is planning to run standard
ICCP, Secure ICCP, or some combination of standard ICCP and Secure ICCP, and wishes to
achieve data surety regardless.
2.3 Procedures
The premise of the research was to determine the impact of moving towards the new Secure
ICCP standard on the Utilities network architecture and operations. The research was
conducted to answer the following questions:
1. Implementation issues associated with architecture: What are some of the network
configuration issues that need to be identified when deploying Secure ICCP?
2. What role does Quality of Service play when deploying ICCP?
3. What are the performance issues surrounding the new secure implementation?
4. What are the transition issues that need to be addressed when moving from a non-
secure to a secure form of ICCP?
5. What vulnerability issues remain “after” the deployment of Secure ICCP?
6. What are some alternatives to Secure ICCP?
7. What information assurance areas need to be addressed to provide a comprehensive
approach to security?
This investigation was accomplished using the following procedures:
A test network was configured and maintained between the three participating labs
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), and Pacific
Northwest National laboratory (PNNL) to provide the test bed needed to characterize
some of the performance issues associated with the configuration and use of both the
secure and non-secure forms of ICCP.
A bench top configuration was created to capture highly granular measurement
characteristics associated with the software implementation of a TLS-like process
Industry partners were included to help identify current and near future issues associated
with the introduction of Secure ICCP into the utility network computing backbone.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
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Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Impact of the Wide Area Network on ICCP Operations
It is important to note that an upper layer protocol such as ICCP is subject to, and dependent
on, many elements out of its control. One of these elements is the network environment that
it will be operating within. This section describes some general network architectures that the
ICCP protocol will be deployed within and some of the operational concerns that must be
3.1.1 Overview of WAN Impact on ICCP Operations
As with many other forms of technology, the SCADA control systems continue to change as
more efficient and capable technologies and protocols are defined [16]. Early SCADA
systems were built around monolithic computing platforms. Each SCADA system was a
standalone structure with no connections to other systems. A master controller communicated
through a serial WAN interface to each subsystem via a direct connection, with each
subsystem consisting of proprietary vendor environments. This serial WAN interface allowed
the transfer of field data and control information to and from the Master Controller and
distant Remote Telemetry Units (RTUs). This WAN interface comprised many different
technologies including dial-up modem, leased line modem, radio, cable, point-to-point
microwave, and satellite. The master controller comprised a single computer, normally a
mainframe, that provided the system’s man-machine interface and processed the information
received from the RTU sites. Figure 1 depicts this architecture.
Figure 1. Monolithic Master Controller Configuration
With the introduction of Local Area Networking (LAN) technology, the SCADA
environment moved from a central monolithic structure to a more distributed design.
SCADA control and processing tasks were distributed across multiple processing systems.
Multiple workstations, each with a specific function, were connected to a LAN and shared
information with each other in real time.
Some of these distributed workstations provide communication, primarily with field devices
such as RTUs. Others serve as operator interfaces, providing the human-machine interface
Master Controller
Master Controller
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
(HMI) for system operators. Still others serve as state or calculation processors and database
servers. The distribution of individual SCADA system functions across the LAN made it
easier and cheaper to add processing power than the previous single processor design.
Many SCADA systems are now using or moving toward open system architecture. Vendor-
controlled proprietary systems and protocols are now being replaced with open standards and
protocols allowing the distribution of SCADA functionality across LAN and the WAN.
Figure 2 displays this configuration.
Figure 2. LAN-based Master Controller Configuration
3.1.2 Typical Configuration
ICCP allows the exchange of real-time and historical power system monitoring and control
data. This includes measured values, scheduling data, energy accounting data, and operator
Although, in some configurations, ICCP has been seen as a protocol interface to a substation
gateway, for the most part it will be used to facilitate Control Center-to-Control Center
communications to provide inter-utility data exchange between connected systems of the
utility industry.
To initiate the sharing of Control Center information, a network must be in place to enable
application protocols, such as ICCP, to intercommunicate. This sharing of information
between Control Centers provides a means of organizing, planning, and portioning of Grid
power. This is important because it allows analysis of exchange power system data between
boundary control areas and enables enhanced operation between independent utility system
operators. It is important that the network be able to sustain near real time communications
even during times of congestion and network node failures. The design of the network is
paramount to achieving and maintaining consistent and reliable communications during all
hours of operations.
Station LAN
Database station EMS App station
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
3.1.3 Infrastructure Design and Protection
Along with performance issues, the sharing of grid information needs to be protected from
manipulation and unauthorized access.
The network architecture that will support the ICCP applications will primarily comprise an
Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN) across a Wide Area Network (WAN). Because ICCP
allows the sharing of control and status information between Control Centers, the actual
database that will be used to exchange near real-time information should be in the form of a
proxy. This will prevent direct access to the Master Controller LAN from outside users. This
configuration will allow network administrators to apply security profiles to the access and
extraction of internal SCADA information from the Master Controller LAN to a Control
Center LAN segment. This segregation provides an additional layer of protection from
external users accessing local ICCP data. Along with an internal proxy an external firewall
should be maintained at the edge of the WAN to provide a filter. Figure 3 depicts this
Figure 3. Control Center to Control Center Communications
Proxy Data
Control Center B
WAN Firewall
Control Center A
Business LAN
ICCP traffic
Master Controller
Station LAN MC
Firewall with
Business WAN
Front End Processor
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
18 Proxy Implementation Description
The purpose of a proxy server is to prevent direct access to information hosted on a critical
asset within a control systems operations network. This standard approach to security has
been implemented on information technology (IT) network systems for some time. There are
novel approaches to providing this sort of obfuscation (see [17], e.g.), but typical company-
hosted services such as Web service or e-mail service, which are advertised to the external
world, use a proxy approach to prevent direct internal access to these services. The segment
that supports the external advertised services is referred to as the demilitarized zone (DMZ).
This terminology stresses a military approach to sharing a parcel of land where neither side
fully trusts the other. In the case of an ICCP connection, the lack of trust may be associated
with the connection to the WAN rather than the participating end-node utilities; the WAN
must be treated as distrusted because it provides an avenue of access for many users. Control Center Firewall Description
Another means of providing security for a network is the insertion of a firewall. A firewall is
a feature setup between demarcation points of a network. It is a line of defense that allows a
WAN or LAN administrator to implement a utilities security policy that associates users or
end nodes with allowable access. The firewall can also be used to provide a termination point
for virtual private networks (VPN) technologies that add protection mechanisms to the
transported data. This access filtering can take the form of address identification, port
identification or filter more deeply into aspects of the application. Control Center IDS Description
Another important aspect of providing security for a network is the insertion of an intrusion
detection system (IDS). An IDS and its associated sensors provide a means of identifying the
types of data and protocols that are transported on the network. An IDS can be implemented
in two primary modes, host based or network based.
A host-based IDS configuration allows for an IDS software utility to be installed on any host
of choice. It is used to monitor all user interactions with the host, including user permission
profiles, file manipulation, and all data received and transmitted from the host. It also
monitors processes within the operating systems, including OS process calls and memory
manipulation. All profile violations can be logged and reviewed.
A network-based IDS is configured and inserted onto the network. It can monitor all
transactions between communicating nodes on the network. It can also monitor protocols,
communication patterns and usage load to provide the network administrator a better
understanding of activity on the network. The IDS can also provide signature-based
identification of known virus and exploitation patterns to determine in many cases if the
network is being scanned or attacked by an adversary.
Another form of network monitoring is associated with an intrusion prevention system (IPS),
which, as the name implies, are designed to prevent attacks before they occur. Their
technique is based upon knowing the standard usage pattern of the network and triggering
defensive mechanisms that “prevent” the onset of an attack. Because an IPS must be
accurately tuned to a baseline usage pattern, it can be more prone to false attack indications.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
19 Access Control & Auditing
Another important aspect of secure communications is the need to provide a means of
enforcing access level or need-to-know (NTK) authority. Access control can be implemented
on individual workstations and servers or as a network level implementation such as a role-
based access control (RBAC) service, which can provide a system level means of translating
a “user’s role” to application permission. If there is a need for remote access to the control
network, then there are some common applications available that can be used to provide a
means of enforcing a remote access policy.
Two popular applications are the Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
(TACACS+) [18], a Cisco base product, and Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service
(RADIUS), described in RFC 2865 [19] and subsequent updates. Both of these applications
supply authentication, authorization, and accounting protocols for protecting access to
services on the hosted network.
TACACS+ is a proprietary implementation of Cisco, Inc. and is a client/server protocol
where the client takes the form of a network access server (NAS) that sends requests to and
receives responses from the server. The server or servers supply the authentication,
authorization and accounting services.
RADIUS is another form of access control that can be enforced for remote access security
and provide authentication and authorization for who is allowed to gain access to the LAN.
Simple authorization methods use a database of usernames and passwords on the terminal
server or access server. More advanced authorization systems use methods such as a
centralized Token card systems and Kerberos. Virtual Network Segregation
Along with role based access control, which is administered at the application level, there is
another form of NTK separation that can be implemented at the network device level.
Network devices, primarily Ethernet switches, can be configured to separate user traffic by
the administration of Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs).
VLANs are defined by a switch in an internal database. After a VLAN has been created
within the database, then end ports are assigned. These end ports map to end user devices or
a server. A VLAN is assigned a unique number or name that is distributed by the VLAN
Trucking Protocol (VTP). VTP provides the means of distributing and updating the VLAN
database. If a VLAN is not known to a switch, the switch (normally an Ethernet device)
cannot transfer data across any of its ports. This provides the network administrator the
ability to segment users or services on a common LAN, such as one that is hosting an ICCP
server, into separate VLANs. This provides a virtual separation of users that need access to
sensitive information from the rest of the general users on the LAN, regardless of their
physical location. This can prevent an inside user who has no need to participate in ICCP
transaction from monitoring the ICCP traffic. Server Process Lock Down
Another important aspect of securing ICCP transactions, which lies outside any direct
association with the application or connection setup processes, is the disabling of
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
unnecessary services or ports on the ICCP server, sometimes referred to as “hardening”.
Hardening makes a server more secure, and should be used along with other good security
practices such as file permissions and password policies.
Every service running on a server increases the size of the attack surface for an adversary.
Reducing the number of unnecessary services decreases the vulnerability of the server. The
first step in hardening the server is to determine all the essential services. Services not
considered essential can often be disabled without any negative effect on the operation of the
server. There may also be services on a system that support media protocols and participate
in remote access services that are not needed in an ICCP environment. Which services you
can disable will depend on what applications and functions the server must support.
Before turning off apparently irrelevant ports and services—which is generally good security
practice—note that primary services may depend on subsidiary services that seem
independent but without which the primary service will not run. Some operating system
companies, in particular Microsoft, have posted guidelines for determining which services
are considered vital for the operating environment and which can be disabled without
impacting operations. This may also help the administrator identify related service
dependencies. When disabling services, disable one service at a time, review the resulting
operation, and record any unexpected events.
3.1.4 SCADA Wide Area Networks
To be able to connect distant Control Centers together, multiple WAN access protocols may
be deployed to facilitate IP to IP connections between the Control Centers. At the data link
layer, this may take the form of a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) over copper or fiber optics or
Frame Relay over copper or fiber-optic-based T1 or sub-T1 interfaces. The major difference
between IP and PPP is that the former is normally deployed to access the Public backbone
(Internet) and serviced by Independent Service Providers (ISPs). Frame Relay is used to
connect to a semi-private switched network portioned manually by the telecommunications
companies. IP Routed Network
As a cost cutting measure, some smaller utilities are starting to use IP—Internet Protocol—
networks for communication between participating end nodes. The IP enables source
information to reach its destination by routing data packets through a network of computers
and data links.
Dynamic routing protocols maintain “reachability” information for all participating end
nodes so that they can be located on the network. These routing protocols are responsible for
finding the most efficient route between any two end points. IP Congestion
One primary weakness of a routing approach is that the most efficient and highly available
routes will, over time, become congested. Without a means of effectively handling this
congestion, communication between participating end nodes—for example, SCADA control
centers—can be severely delayed or lost altogether.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
ICCP uses the ISO Association Control Service Element (ACSE) to establish logical
associations. Multiple associations may be established from a client to multiple, different
control center servers. Although ICCP may be operated over a point-to-point link, it is
envisioned that most ICCP installations will operate over a WAN that’s either Frame-Relay
switched or based on IP routers. ICCP is independent of the underlying transport network, so
the WAN may comprise any combination of sub networks, including the LANs within a site.
Multiple associations may also be established to the same control center for the purpose of
providing associations with different Quality of Service (QOS) attributes. An ICCP client
then uses the association with the appropriate QOS for the operation to be performed. For
example, to ensure real time data messages are not delayed by non-real-time data transfers,
both a High and Low priority association may be established, with a separate message queue
for each. ICCP will service messages on the High priority message queue before servicing
the Low priority message queue. This permits a common data link to be shared for the
transfer of both high-priority SCADA data and lower-priority information message transfers.
This ICCP priority queuing scheme is applied only at the ICCP client and server and the QoS
parameters impact only local queue processing.
The ICCP protocol, in other words, cannot compensate for network congestion. To show how
network congestion might impact ICCP applications, a modeling and simulation scenario has
been created to show the impact of a congested link carrying representative SCADA ICCP
traffic. A communications modeling and simulation software package from Opnet, Inc. is
utilized to model the IP communications stack and the routing protocol found on each router.
Figure 4 shows a simulation scenario that represents some important features of an IP-routed
network used to transport SCADA control center information across the IP WAN.
Figure 4. Simulated IP Routed Network
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
The scenario consists of two primary ICCP client workstations labeled HMI_node2 and
HMI_node3 that extract database information from the SCADA database server labeled
EMS_database_1. Representing other nodes competing with the SCADA data flow traffic
across the WAN are a set of workstations labeled App_node_1, App_node_2, App_node_3,
and App_node_4 created to participate in video teleconferencing sessions. At a
predetermined time, workstation App_node_1 will set up a video teleconference with
workstation App_node_2, while workstation App_node_3 will create a videoconference with
workstation App_node_4.
The SCADA ICCP traffic is initiated with both client workstations extracting database
information from the distant server database. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), a standard
link-state routing protocol is being used in this case. OPSF finds the most efficient route for
the client data query and response to be through a set of core routers labeled Core_router_0
and Core_router_1. This route is chosen because the link between these core routers is a T1
line with a nominal capacity of 1.5 Mbit/sec. The other two core routers, Core_router_2 and
Core_router_3 in the figure, have a DS0 interconnected link with throughput of only 64
kbit/sec. The IP routing protocol selects the most efficient routes, normally those with larger
link capacity and/or minimal node hops between the communicating nodes. The routing
protocol is unaware of any congestion that may be occurring in the network.
Although the interconnected core link rates do not represent the actual link rates of larger
core networks, it accurately represents the route selection of data flows and the impact of
data flow aggregation that can result in network congestion. As seen in the generated
modeling statistics in Figure 5, the HMI workstation queries to the EMS database are not
initially hindered by any network
congestion. Their flows,
approximately 150 kbit/sec, go
through the primary core link
unabated. Then the video
conferencing applications are
brought on at different intervals.
Since the primary link between the
two core routers is a T1 with a
bandwidth of 1.5 Mbit/sec, the
SCADA applications are unaffected
as long as the aggregation of all data
flows doesn’t exceed the total
amount of available link bandwidth.
As soon as the second video-
conferencing application is brought
on-line, about 18 minutes into the
simulation, the SCADA applications
(light blue and yellow) are severely
hampered, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Data Flow Statistics on IP Routed Network
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
The ICCP SCADA applications are represented by yellow and light blue. It can be seen that
the first node, labeled HMI_node2 workstation, comes on-line at approximately 3 minutes
into the simulation. The second node, labeled HMI_node3 workstation, comes online at
approximately 7 minutes into the network simulation. The total aggregate bandwidth at this
time (represented in green) shows the combined throughput of the two HMI workstations to
be approximately 200 kbit/sec. The first videoconference application, in red, comes online at
15 minutes into the simulation. The total aggregate rate at this time is approximately 800
kbit/sec, well within the sustainable link rate of 1.5 Mbit/seconds. As the simulation
progresses, the second teleconferencing application, in dark blue, comes on-line 18 minutes
into the simulation. At this point the total aggregate bandwidth exceeds that of the supporting
T1 rate. Both of the client workstation data flows are now reduced to approximately zero
throughput. This represents a dire situation if any near real-time SCADA information must
be transferred. The reason the client data flows are subjected to such reduction is because of
the difference in the transport protocol that is being used to transport the higher layer
applications. The SCADA applications are using the Transport Control Protocol (TCP) which
has a built in congestion avoidance mechanism that reduces the amount of data that is sent
out when it senses loss of IP packets due to congestion. This mechanism prevents the TCP
flows from competing with the video conferencing applications, which are using the User
Datagram Protocol (UDP). The User Datagram Protocol does not implement any congestion
avoidance mechanism and thus continues to grab all the available link bandwidth.
3.1.5 IP Congestion and QoS management
To be able to guarantee the service level of near real-time ICCP applications, it is important
to implement a means of assuring the quality of service, usually abbreviated QoS. QoS
assurance is important to prevent the denial of service that can be caused by competing
network traffic, as shown above in Figure 5 (in section, IP Congestion).
To keep operating expenditures down, many business-critical applications using Layer 2
services (e.g., Frame Relay and ATM) are migrating to the IP network infrastructure. This
eliminates the need to maintain several physical networks, but presents a challenge, in that
both new and legacy services usually require strict QoS guarantees.
QoS guarantees are usually implemented in the form of Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
An SLA defines, in terms of jitter, latency, bandwidth guarantees, and redundant route
selection, the required service quality for traffic transiting the network. SLA requirements
specify traffic scheduling, queuing, and drop behavior based on the application type and
bandwidth guarantees on a per-application basis. See [20] for a thorough discussion of QoS.
Differentiated services (DiffServ), defined in RFC 2474 [21] and subsequent updates, and
Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), described in RFC 2702 [22], are two separate
standards that can help address the IP quality of service (QoS) problem. Diffserv uses the IP
Type Of Service (TOS) field to carry information about IP packet service requirements. It
operates at Layer 3 only and does not deal with lower layers. Diffserv relies on traffic
conditioners sitting at the edge of the network to indicate each packet’s requirements. MPLS
creates Label Switch Paths (LSPs) that request and then reserve necessary bandwidth. The
network is made capable of supporting this session setup and reservation by deployment of
Label Switched Routers (LSRs).
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
24 Differentiated Services
DiffServ approaches the problem of QoS by assigning traffic flows to a small number of
classes and allocating network resources on a per-class basis. The class is identified by
providing a mark directly on the packet in the 6-bit DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) field. The
DSCP field is part of the original type of service (ToS) field in the IP header
The DSCP determines the QoS behavior of a packet on each node in the network. This is
called the per-hop behavior (PHB) and is expressed in terms of the scheduling and drop
preference for each marked packet. The PHB is defined by a packet queue used for
forwarding. The packet queue defines the drop probability of a packet flow when the queue
exceeds a threshold limit, the resources (buffers and bandwidth) allocated to each queue, and
the frequency at which a queue is accessed.
To show how a QoS scheme such as differentiated services can provide some bandwidth
guarantees for ICCP applications, an IP network was recreated using a Weighted Fair Queue
(WFQ) implementation. Two flow identifications were created, one was used to implement a
Best Effort (BE) queue, which provided no packet guarantees, and the second was using an
Expedited Forwarding (EF) queuing scheme, which had bandwidth assignment guarantees.
The BE queue was assigned to the video conferencing applications and the EF queue was
assigned to the ICCP applications. Figure 6 shows the result of the QoS bandwidth allocation
for the ICCP application flow when the core link became congested.
Figure 6. Data flow on IP Network with QoS Statistics
As can be seen in Figure 6, the ICCP applications start at approximately 3 minutes and 7
minutes into the simulation. They each consume about 100 kbit/sec bandwidth during their
database querying routines. At approximately 15 minutes into the simulation, the first video
conferencing application comes on-line. Because there is still plenty of link bandwidth
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
available, both applications co-exist without hindering each other. Then at approximately 17
minutes into the simulation, the second video conferencing application comes on-line. This
second application flow originally consumed over 1 Mbit/sec of bandwidth, grabbing all the
allocation from each ICCP application, as was shown in the previous simulation results (
Figure 5). Because a QoS scheme has been implemented on the network, this
video conferencing application has been reduced to 750 kbit/sec allowing the ICCP apps to
maintain their required bandwidth.
The differentiated services QoS scheme provides differential forwarding treatment to traffic,
thus enforcing QoS for different traffic flows. It is a scalable solution that does not require
per flow signaling and state maintenance in the core. However, it cannot guarantee QoS if the
path followed by the traffic does not have adequate resources to meet the QoS requirements.
Another QoS scheme that provides a means of requesting and reserving bandwidth can be
implemented. This approach is called Multiple Protocol Label Switching (MPLS). Multiple Protocol Label Switching
MPLS specifies ways that Layer 3 traffic can be mapped to connection-oriented Layer 2
transports like PPP, ATM and Frame Relay. MPLS adds a label to the header of the Layer 2
transport protocols that represents specific routing information used to forward each IP
packet and allows routers to assign explicit paths to various classes of traffic. It also offers
traffic engineering that can improve IP routing efficiency.
MPLS traffic engineering (TE) enables resource reservation, fault-tolerance, and
optimization of transmission resources. MPLS DiffServ-TE combines the advantages of both
DiffServ and TE. The result is the ability to give strict QoS guarantees while optimizing use
of network resources. The QoS delivered by MPLS DiffServ-TE allows network operators to
provide services that require strict real-time and near real-time performance guarantees and
to consolidate IP and ATM/FR networks into a common core.
Traffic engineering is used to achieve optimization of network resources by identifying and
directing flow direction of traffic on particular links within the network. MPLS accomplishes
this by computing a path from source to destination that is constrained by a set of
requirements and forwarding traffic along this path called a label switched path (LSP).
Traditionally IP networks do not use Layer 2 forwarding techniques to forward traffic along
such a path. An IP forwarding decision is made independently at each hop by a route look-up
and is based solely on the packet’s IP destination address. The explicit routing capabilities of
MPLS allow the originator of the LSP to do the path computation, establish MPLS
forwarding state along the path, and map packets into that LSP. Once a packet is mapped
onto an LSP, forwarding is done based on the label, and none of the intermediate hops make
any independent forwarding decisions based on the packet’s IP destination.
MPLS-TE introduces the concept of LSP priorities. The purpose of priorities is to mark some
LSPs as more important than others and to allow them to preempt resources from less
important LSPs. If high-priority LSPs do not exist along a path, resources may be reserved
by less important LSPs. High-priority LSPs are established along the most optimal path
regardless of any existing reservations of lower priority LSPs. And during times of link
failures, when LSPs need to reroute, high-priority LSPs have a better chance of finding an
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
alternate path. MPLS-TE defines eight priority levels that are used for LSP assignments and
path calculations. To perform path calculations, relevant link properties have to be advertised
throughout the network. This is achieved by adding TE-specific extensions to the link-state
protocols IS-IS and OSPF, extensions that allow them to advertise not just the availability
state (up/down) of the links but also the link’s near real time attributes such as available
bandwidth and packet latency. This mechanism allows each node to obtain knowledge of the
current properties of all the links in the network.
A simulation to show the QoS advantages of using MPLS was not conducted because of the
lack of a licensed MPLS module for the OPNET simulator. Information presented about
MPLS provides the SCADA network implementer additional information on QoS
alternatives when pursuing choices for implementing a QoS scheme for inter-utility SCADA
3.1.6 Frame Relay Switched Network
Frame Relay is a popular Wide Area Network (WAN) protocol that is used by some utilities
to enable communications between network end-nodes. Telco carriers build and partition
frame relay networks using frame relay switches that form frame relay switched networks.
The interior network which can be built on high-speed technologies such as T3, Sonet and/or
ATM, is hidden from the customer who normally is required only to furnish the access
interface device called a Frame Relay Access Device (FRAD), which typically has a built-in
Customer Service Unit/Data Service Unit CSU/DSU to interface directly to the carrier
Frame relay network allocation is built upon permanent virtual circuits (PVCs). These
circuits are established by developing a Service Level Agreement (SLA) contract with the
carrier and typically are built on a flat-rate basis with port speed being the most costly
parameter. Each access point onto the frame relay network is assigned a Data Link
Connection Identifier (DLCI), which allows the frame relay switches to forward each frame
to it proper destination.
The following parameters can be assigned for each PVC:
Access Rate The rate at which the customer access nodes join the frame relay
network. These are typically 56 kbit/second or fractional T1 which is
a multiple of 56 kbit/second or 64 kbit/second.
Committed information rate (CIR) The amount of data per unit time that the network will
receive from the access circuit.
Committed Burst Size The maximum amount of data that the network will transfer in a burst
defined over a short interval.
Excess Burst Size The amount of data above the committed burst size that the network
will try to deliver. Frames delivered at this level may be marked as
“discard eligible” (DE) and will be dropped if there is not enough
bandwidth capacity on a link.
Oversubscription An instance where the sum of CIRs exceeds the capacity of the port
or access channel rate.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
27 Frame Relay Network
A Frame Relay interface is used to multiplex traffic onto a carrier’s backbone.
It’s important to note that the Telco’s backbone is shared by many users and possibly
multiple services. To prevent customers from sending more data than the network can hold,
frames sent above a contracted rate can be marked at the ingress of the provider’s network as
Discard Eligible (DE). DE-marked-frames received from the carrier network indicate that
data being sent at the current rate from the user in the future may get dropped. This provides
an indication that there is congestion in the network and frames originated above the
Committed Information Rate (CIR) will be discarded. DE frames being received by user
interface equipment may be an early indicator of poor traffic rate planning in the design of
the frame relay WAN [23].
Access from a local site is provided through a Local Exchange Carrier (LEC). Each LEC has
interface access to a Local Access Transport Area (LATA) which provides access to the
frame relay backbone. Links between LATAs are provided by an inter-exchange carrier. In
some cases the inter-exchange carrier is a different company than the LEC. It is possible that
a point-to-point connection between two different utilities may involve two or three different
vendors. Figure 7 shows a typical point-to-point interface to a Frame Relay network.
Figure 7. Typical Frame Relay Network Interface
Frame Relay networks can consist of a mesh or partial mesh design. This allows for graceful
failover during link failures associated with the carriers interconnected network. But it is
important to note, unless FRADs and carrier backbone switches have a coupled prioritization
scheme interacting fully to share information about traffic priorities, the ability to prioritize
traffic to ensure transmission of time-critical data such as ICCP cannot be maintained.
Most FRADs align with RFC 2427 [24], which supports multiple traffic types over one
integrated network. This allows network managers to take advantage of frame relay’s
convergence technique to lower costs and provide efficient bandwidth usage. But simply
supporting the Frame Relay standard doesn’t guarantee traffic management or quality of
service guarantees. The main purpose of RFC 2427 is multi-vendor compatibility with a
frame relay encapsulation method.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Each Inter-Exchange Carrier has its own service options that cover aspects of network design
and management, such as route diversity, network management, and installation support, to
manage equipment such as FRADs and Channel Service Unit/Data Service Units
(CSU)/DSU and to facilitate disaster recovery.
Reliability is central to the utility company. It is important to minimize the impact of service
disruptions when accessing and using a Frame Relay network. Recovery options and access
protection need to be associated with any key ICCP nodes. Although some carriers support
automatic recovery architectures, they may be reliant on external inter-exchange carriers to
provide some of the back-haul recovery circuits. This is normally the case when a carrier
does not have enough switches in its networks capable of supporting multiple recovery paths,
inherently an unreliable situation. Frame Relay Congestion
Frame Relay equipment notices congestion when it sees frames marked with the Forward
Explicit Congestion Notification (FECN) and Backward Explicit Congestion (BECN) bits.
These merely indicate an overload within the carrier network, and are of value only in
monitoring the carrier’s health. Frame Relay equipment does not notify end stations to stop
sending data to keep additional frames from being discarded or causing additional congestion
on the network. Higher layer congestion-sensitive protocols, such as TCP/IP, are expected to
react implicitly to the packet loss.
The ICCP protocol which relies on TCP for its transport protocol will not be able to maintain
data flow rates during times of congestion on a Frame Relay network. To show how Frame
Relay network congestion might impact ICCP applications a modeling and simulation
scenario has been created to show the impact of a congested link that contains some
represented SCADA ICCP traffic. A communications Modeling and Simulation software
package from Opnet, Inc. is utilized to model the communications and the PVCs on each
Frame Relay access device. Figure 8 shows a simulation scenario that represents some
important features of a Frame Relay network that is used to transport SCADA control center
information across a Frame Relay WAN.
The scenario consists of two HMI workstations, labeled HMI_node2 and HMI_node3, that
extract database information from the SCADA database server labeled EMS_database_1. To
represent other nodes competing with the SCADA data flows, a set of workstations
participating in some video teleconferencing has been created. At a predetermined time,
workstation App_node_1 will set up a video teleconference with workstation App_node_2,
while workstation App_node_3 will create a video conference with workstation
The SCADA ICCP traffic is initiated first with both HMI workstations extracting database
information from the distant EMS database, and then both pair of video conferencing
applications are brought on line. To provide the end-node to end-node connectivity, two
Frame Relay PVCs have been created, the first originates from access point
DSU_CUS_node_1 and terminates at DSU_CSU_node_3. The second originates at access
point DSU_CSU_node_2 and terminates at DSU_CSU_node_4. A common core link is
represented by the three interconnected Frame Relay core switches FR_node_0 and
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
FR_node_3, and FR_node_4. The link between the cores is a T1 which represents a 1.5
Mbit/sec data rate. Although the interconnected core link rates do not represent actual link
rates that may be found in larger core networks, it still accurately represents the route
selection of data flows and the impact of data flow aggregation that may result from network
Figure 8. Simulated Frame Relay Network
As seen in the generated modeling statistics shown in Figure 9, the HMI workstation
queries to the EMS database are not initially hindered by any network congestion. Their
flows at approximately 100 kbit/sec go through the primary core link unabated. Then the first
video conferencing application
is brought on line. Since the
primary link between the two
core routers represents a T1
that has 1.5 Mbit/sec available
bandwidth, the SCADA
applications are unaffected as
long as the aggregation of all
data flows doesn’t exceed the
total amount of available link
bandwidth. As soon as the
second video conferencing
application is brought on line
about 15 minutes into the
simulation, the T1 aggregate
rate is exceeded and the
SCADA ICCP applications
(red and green) are severely
Figure 9. Data Flow Statistics on Frame Relay Network
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
0 Frame Relay Congestion and QoS Management
As mentioned in the previous section 3.1.5, IP Congestion and QoS management, Service
Level Agreements define the quality of service experienced by traffic transiting the network
and are expressed in terms of jitter, latency, bandwidth guarantees, and redundant route
selection. The SLA requirements use traffic scheduling, queuing, drop behavior based on the
application type; and bandwidth guarantees on a per-application basis.
To demonstrate the importance of proper QoS management, the two PVCs created in the
Frame Relay scenario were assigned different operational characteristics based on the
priority of the traffic flows. The video conferencing applications were assigned to the PVC
with the lower priority SLA contract parameters, while the ICCP HMI applications were
assigned to the PVC with a higher priority SLA contract parameters. The primary parameters
included the committed information rate, committed burst size, and excess burst size. The
simulation results are seen in Figure 10.
Figure 10. Data Flow on Frame Relay Network with QoS Statistics
The ICCP applications start at approximately 3 minutes into the simulation for HMI_node2
(red) and 7 minutes for HMI_node3 (blue). Each consumes about 150 kbit/sec bandwidth
during its database-querying routine as shown in the aggregate rate FR_node_0, FR_node_3
(green). At approximately 12 minutes into the simulation, the first video conferencing
application comes on line, App_node_4 (light blue). Because there is still plenty of link
bandwidth available, both applications co-exist without hindering each other. Then at
approximately 18 minutes into the simulation the second video conferencing application
comes on line, App_node_2 (yellow). This second application flow originally consumed over
1 Mbit/sec of bandwidth, grabbing all the allocation from each ICCP application, as was
shown in the previous simulation results ( Figure 5). Because a QoS scheme has been
implemented on the network, this video conferencing application has been reduced to 450
kbit/sec thereby allowing the ICCP applications to maintain their required bandwidth.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
3.1.7 Network Impact Summary and Recommendations
The following bulleted statements are important observations and recommendations based on
information contained in section 3.1, Impact.
Observation summary for Section 3.1.3, Infrastructure Design and Protection
SCADA architectures are migrating from standalone monolithic proprietary
architectures to distributed open system LAN and WAN structures.
Security becomes paramount when isolated, proprietary systems are transformed into
more open architectures using standard communication protocols
Recommendation summary:
A structured line of protection needs to be implemented to allow the sharing of information
without a compromise of a system. To accomplish this goal, each participating ICCP data
exchange node should implement the following structure:
Master control LAN to business LAN segregation
Business LAN to WAN filtering
End node to End node authentication
Configuration Management
Observation summary for Section 3.1.4, SCADA Wide Area Networks, and 3.1.5, IP
Congestion and QoS management:
Although ICCP has configurable priority QoS for identified data streams, it is
administered only locally and only at the application level and is not an end-to-end
system implementation.
IP route selection algorithms can, over time, create bottlenecks within IP networks.
QoS guarantees can be administered across multiple layers of the protocol stack
including Layer 2 (data-link layer) and Layer 3 (network layer).
Recommendation summary:
This recommendation highlights Layer 3 for the IP network. If the WAN connection is
comprised of an IP routed service, verify a system approach to QoS will be implemented.
This will prevent a Denial of Service situation during peak usage times on the WAN.
A systems approach in this case includes multiple IP solutions to QoS management. The two
most popular approaches are differentiated services and Multiple Protocol Label Switching
(MPLS). The primary differences in these approaches are the granularity that can be applied
to data streams and the efficiency of transport. For a coarse granularity when multiple flows
can be grouped together and share the same QoS assignment, a differentiated service is
sufficient. When individual flows need to be isolated for more specific QoS handling, use
MPLS. As for efficiency, MPLS implementations are designed to be switched at Layer two
reducing the need for route information look-up, thus increasing the efficiency of the hop-by-
hop transport mechanism although with modern networking equipment design, where each
router port is assigned a separate processor for processing, the efficiency difference becomes
less a factor.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Review the lower layers in the communication protocol stack to determine which
QoS is most useful and appropriate.
Review the WAN carriers approach to guarantee service and testing.
Identify the ICCP streams that need an end-to-end guaranteed responsive service.
Observation summary for section 3.1.6, Frame Relay Switched Network:
Frame Relay is a popular WAN protocol used by the Utilities to connect LAN
Mesh and partial mesh designs allow for graceful failover but do not guarantee
available bandwidth
QoS guarantees can be administered across multiple layers of the protocol stack.
Layer 2 (data-link layer) or Layer 3 (network layer). The following highlights the
data-link (Frame Relay) layer.
Recommendation summary:
If Frame Relay is the choice for WAN protocol, implement a system approach to QoS. This
will prevent a Denial of Service during peak usage times on the WAN. A system approach in
this case includes fail-over protection that does not rely on back haul lines portioned by
multiple vendors. It also includes a QoS scheme that includes ingress-to-egress PVC
identification to provide end-to-end prioritization information to ensure the ability to
prioritize and maintain time-critical circuits. Development of a Service Level Agreement
with the WAN provider to identify the specifics of the guarantee is paramount.
3.2 Secure ICCP and Information Assurance
The term Information Assurance (IA) refers to the ability of a system to protect the
availability, confidentiality, integrity, reliability, and authenticity of the data. Using Secure
ICCP affords some IA. The following describes the aspects of IA that are realized by Secure
ICCP and what areas are not addressed. For areas not addressed by the ICCP, implementation
guidance and design are presented.
3.2.1 Overcoming physical layer availability disruptions
Data is available if it is accessible to an authorized user. If an authorized user cannot access
data specified to be available, the data is unavailable. Data unavailability can be induced on
the physical or logical plane. Physical plane unavailability can be caused by any of several
physical means that can be used to prevent timely delivery of data, such as the failure of
critical network components, power disruptions, physical plant disruptions, either malicious
or natural. Physical plane unavailability is not associated with ICCP protocol.
Although the ICCP protocol itself affords no means of protecting against physical failures,
the network architecture and the computer systems that support ICCP can provide some
measures to protect against physical failures. For example, the network equipment that makes
up the infrastructure can take advantage of dual power supply setups that allow a secondary
system to overcome the failures of a primary. Also, at critical network nodes, redundant
configurations associated with routing and switching can create primary and secondary
devices that can auto-sense when there has been a power disruption or an operating system
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
malfunction and provide automatic failover. Emergency and contingency planning is critical
to provide operational guidelines for continuity of operations. Collectively, plans of this sort
allow owners and operators to review all phases of contingent operations and identify
dependencies that need to be addressed.
3.2.2 Overcoming logical layer availability disruptions
The ICCP protocol alone cannot protect itself against logical layer disruptions that impact the
availability of ICCP data. The ICCP protocol resides primarily in the upper layers of the
communication stack. The logical layer refers to all of the communication software processes
that reside on computers and intermediate network nodes that are responsible for the end-to-
end delivery of data. The primary logical disruption that can impact the flow of ICCP data is
Denial of Service (DoS). A denial of service can be created either maliciously by an
adversary that launches an active attack against an ICCP server by for example, requesting a
large number of TCP connection requests that exceed the ability of the server to process each
request. Or it may naturally occur on the network due to excessive amounts of competing
network traffic that causes network node buffers to become clogged and ICCP packets to be
Because ICCP implements Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protection for its in-transit data, it
must service each TCP-generated connection request prior to validating the source. This is
because SSL and TLS are both forms of transport layer encryption and are processed by the
transport layer prior to its invocation. Since this is the case, each TCP connection request is
serviced prior to validating its source and thus is vulnerable to TCP connection request DoS.
One means of overcoming this type of attack is to implement a network layer Virtual Private
Network (VPN) between the edge of the network that contains the server and the distant
connecting client or clients. This will prevent unauthorized connections to the ICCP server.
Another approach is to configure a firewall between the ICCP server and the external
network and allow only connections based on attributes of the source connection, such as its
IP address, to be allowed to pass through the firewall. These methods can substantially
reduce the effects of external adversarial DoS attack against the ICCP server.
There is another type of DoS that is not the result of an active adversary but can be just as
effective in preventing timely communications with the ICCP server. This DoS is evident
when the network carrying the ICCP data becomes congested. Network congestion can have
as debilitating an effect on end to end message traffic as any deliberate adversary attack.
Identifying priority ICCP connections along with proper Quality of Service (QoS) portioning
can help alleviate this vulnerability. See sections 3.1.5, IP Congestion and QoS management
, and 3.1.6, Frame Relay Switched Network, for a discussion on this topic.
Integrity of information refers to the ability of a system or mechanism to detect changes or
modifications to a message. Modern techniques implement integrity across a header and/or
data field of an IP packet by creating a hash across the contents of the packet. This hash is
based on a one-way function and enables detection of virtually any modification
to the
The hash function is applied to the message prior to transmission and the resulting hash is sent along with the
message. If the same hash function produces a different hash when applied to the message after transmission,
the received message and the transmitted message cannot be the same. It is possible for different messages to
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
original data. If proper integrity is not implemented a form of attack called man-in-the-
middle can be implemented.
Secure ICCP implements data integrity indirectly by providing a cryptographic checksum.
The checksum can logically determine if any part of the payload has been modified or
tampered. The data integrity of ICCP data is dependent on the proper implementation of the
encryption process.
Data is confidential if only authorized parties can read it. Most implementations of
confidentiality rely on some form of encryption to prevent the disclosure of the information
while the data is “in flight” to its destination.
Secure ICCP provides data confidentiality by encrypting ICCP data exchanges. However,
Secure ICCP encryption occurs at the application layer, so it does not provide confidentiality
for lower layer protocol information such as port assignments or addressing of ICCP data.
For example, an adversary capturing network packets (snooping) relies on a tool called a
network analyzer, which uses the standard protocol fields available in the different layers of
the communication protocol stack to help in arranging, decoding, and cataloging the
information in the captured packets. This protocol information can provide information about
end node participation in ICCP sessions, and Secure ICCP doesn’t protect it. See section 3.6,
Strategy for the transition from ICCP to Secure ICCP.
A communication system is reliable if it provides intended service a large percentage of the
time. The reliability of a network depends on the interconnected network components of the
system and the protocols used to provide end-host-to-end-host communication.
Communication protocols can improve the reliability of the data communications process.
For example, a somewhat noisy network link creating bit errors within a packet will not by
itself prevent communication between two end nodes if the communications protocol is able
to detect the errors and retransmit the affected packets. The packet communication process
can thus remain reliable in spite of bit errors injected by the network link.
Although the ICCP protocol does not itself provide reliable transport of data, it is supported
within the implementation of RFC 1006 [25], ISO Transport Services on top of Transport
Control Protocol (TCP). TCP provides a data transport reliability service for its encapsulated
ICCP payload.
Data is authentic if its apparent source and its actual source are the same. Maintaining the
relationship of a datum and its associated source in modern network communications is done
with the use of public key encryption and a digital signature. A digital signature is a hash
created from the datum. For a digital signature, the process used to create the hash is one way
and cryptographically strong. A hash created this way is thought of as a signature because it’s
to the original contents of the message. These bits are encrypted with the private key
produce the same hash, but the hash function is chosen so that messages other than the original that generate the
same hash will differ from the original to such an extent they will be readily detectable as non-messages.
A hash code (or, colloquially, just hash) is a bit string, customarily much shorter than the datum itself,
generated by applying a mathematical formula to a datum. A hash is also referred to as a message digest.
Technically, two different data can generate the same hash, but with extremely small probability.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
of the author and sent along with the original message. The recipient is then able to verify the
message content by decrypting the message digest with the author’s public key and
comparing this output with the output of the received message’s hash.
The secure version of ICCP has the ability to provide authenticity of data.
3.3 ICCP Use of Public Key Cryptography
One of the tenets of security provided by Secure ICCP is end node authentication. ICCP
interactions can be compromised by participants who have not been authenticated. ICCP end
node authentication relies on public key cryptography and its underlying Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI). See sections 1, Public Key Cryptography, and 2, Public Key
Infrastructure, in Appendix B: Security Technology for a description of the mechanisms
associated with a public key infrastructure.
3.4 ICCP Use of Public Key Infrastructure Certificates
Public key certificates are used heavily in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol and will
be an important part of Secure ICCP integration. See sections 3, Certificates in the Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL), and 5, Certificate Management, in Appendix B: Security Technology
for a discussion of the certificate management infrastructure.
3.4.1 PKI Certificate Hierarchy Recommendations for ICCP Networks
Each certification hierarchy has its advantages and disadvantages, and each network is
different. See section 1,
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Certification Hierarchy Schemes, in Appendix B: Security Technology, for a discussion of
the pros and cons. Sometimes, a network is small or self-contained, and the flat hierarchy
makes the most sense. Likewise, some networks are so broad and diverse that multiple layers
of certification are necessary to amortize the cost of providing PKI services.
The data networks of control systems sharing ICCP data are somewhat isolated and generally
small (hundred of nodes, instead of thousands). As such, they lend themselves to a relatively
flat Certificate Authority (CA). The advantage of using a hierarchical CA approach is that
only one CA hierarchy needs to be established for everyone on the network, reducing the
complexity of the configuration. In a tiered approach, each company would maintain its own
CA, a proposition that is likely cost-prohibitive and more managerially complex. Since the
network is small, one CA could service the entire network while still remaining adequately
quick about revocation. It is important to note that the recommendations of a flat hierarchy
are with respect to identities associated within a single operational domain or network. This
concept will be reanalyzed when there is a need or requirement to communicate between
operations domains. See section, Creating ICCP CA Boundaries, for a discussion of
external domain node authentication.
3.5 Secure ICCP Certificate Management Issues
Section 5, Certificate Management, in Appendix B: Security Technology, describes
certificate management in a typical system using SSL to secure communications. However,
some plans for using SSL to Secure ICCP deviate from the typical scenario and introduce
significant certificate management problems. Secure ICCP applications use PKI to establish
and protect communication channels. Specifically, they use PKI in the SSL tunnels that
protect the ICCP traffic and the MMS layer that authenticates ICCP nodes. In this section we
examine some of the non-typical uses of certificates and SSL and provide appropriate
analysis and recommendations.
3.5.1 Number of Certificates per ICCP Node
One issue that needs to be addressed in a Secure ICCP infrastructure is how many public key
pairs, and consequently how many certificates, each node should have. The most basic
approach is to give each node a single certificate that is used for multiple purposes. For
instance, a single certificate can be used by SSL to secure the network connections and by
MMS to secure the ICCP transactions.
However, it is considered best practice to use a certificate for only a single purpose. The
classic example is to have one certificate for public key encryption and a different certificate
for public key signatures. Having multiple certificates provides more robust security at
minimal cost (The cost of managing several certificates at a node is only marginally greater
than the cost of managing one). Based on this commonly accepted practice, we recommend
using distinct certificates for different purposes, such as one for SSL, one for MMS, etc.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
3.5.2 ICCP Security Policy and Certificates ICCP Certificate Update Notifications
Certificates in SSL are exchanged during the SSL handshake at the beginning of every
session and are used only temporarily before being discarded, so there is no need to keep
track of anyone’s certificates. For normal SSL function, nodes do not need to be alerted or
updated when another node receives a new certificate. Conversely, ICCP templates are
normally configured manually and mapped to specific end nodes participating in an ICCP
connection. Other participating nodes need to be alerted when a participating node receives a
new certificate.
Having a node alert other nodes when it gets a new certificate is not standard practice in PKI
systems because it is costly and usually unnecessary. However, it has been suggested that
there may be some application-level policy decisions that require nodes to keep track of other
nodes’ certificates. For example, it appears that certificates are being mapped to security
policy configurations (ICCP system stack File). If that is the case, decisions about access
control and policy are decided based on a client’s certificate, not the client’s identity. This
approach is fundamentally flawed and should be avoided.
As stated earlier, policy decisions should not be mapped to certificates, but instead should be
mapped to the identity attested to by the certificate. Each entity that has a certificate should
have a globally unique distinguished name, and privileges should be mapped to that
Distinquished Name (DN) (see section 3 of Appendix B: Security Technology for a
discussion of distinguished names and SSL). For example, access privileges should be
defined for the DN “C=US, O=Sandia, OU=Security, CN=John Doe”, not for that node’s
digital certificate. Certificates are short-term, ephemeral objects that bind public keys to
long-term, static identities. As such, it makes much more sense to assign security
configurations to the long-term, static identities as signified by DNs. When security controls
are mapped to identities, any valid certificate that identifies the user as the DN “C=US,
O=Sandia, OU=Security, CN=John Doe
” will work, and there will never be any need to
update the security configuration database. ICCP Initial Configuration with Certificates
In some current ICCP applications, configuration of the security policy database requires that
the node have beforehand the certificates of all the other nodes with which it will
communicate. The certificates are used by the ICCP application to map access control
permissions to each end node. (Note that the policies and permissions should not be mapped
to a node’s certificate, but to the unique identity—the distinguished name—of the end node.
Mapping policies to certificates creates the problems described above.)
Requiring a node to have copies of certificates a priori is contrary to the purpose and general
use of public key certificates. Certificates should be sent or acquired on demand, not pre-
distributed. Further, configuring the ICCP security policy should never require certificates;
policy decisions should be tied to the identity, as specified by a DN, of the certificate owner.
To create a security policy, the node only needs to know the DNs of the nodes with which it
will communicate, but it should not need their certificates.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
3.5.3 Permanent ICCP SSL Sessions
Normally, SSL sessions are relatively short-lived. SSL sessions are usually created on-
demand when data needs to be sent and are closed after the requisite data has been
In its use for securing ICCP, SSL sessions are quite different. An SSL session is established
between two nodes and is kept alive indefinitely regardless of how much traffic passes
between the nodes. The plan for long-lasting sessions introduces several security and
certificate management issues that must be considered. ICCP Certificate Revocation or Expiration Vulnerability
The SSL sessions are expected to last long periods of time, perhaps months, and will likely
span certificate expiration periods. An obvious question is what happens when the node with
which you are communicating has its certificate revoked. Under normal circumstances where
sessions are constantly being created then destroyed, the revoked certificate would be used
during a session handshake, it could be identified as revoked, and the SSL connection would
not be created, thus severing communication with the revoked node.
However, if SSL sessions last indefinitely, there is never any handshake in which the revoked
certificate can be identified. A longstanding SSL session has no knowledge of the certificates
used long ago when it was first created. Therefore, a permanent SSL session will remain
open even after the certificate of one of the session’s end nodes is revoked. Obviously, it is a
security problem if a session is not ended when one of its nodes has its certificate revoked.
Unfortunately, terminating long-lasting sessions is not a typical requirement of SSL, so SSL
has no built-in mechanism for identifying or destroying such a session.
Potential Solutions
One way of correcting this issue is allowing the ICCP implementation to maintain a copy of
the remote certificate used during the creation of an SSL session. If the remote certificate is
revoked or expires, the ICCP implementation may terminate the corresponding SSL session
(the precise functionality has not been finalized). Thus, the Secure ICCP implementation is
able to terminate longstanding SSL sessions if either of its end node certificates becomes
Unfortunately, in order for the Secure ICCP implementation to solve this one problem,
several other problems are introduced. The biggest problem is that nodes must now store
copies of each others’ certificates locally. Caching other nodes’ certificates creates some
certificate management problems when certificates expire or are revoked. If a cached
certificate expires, the Secure ICCP implementation can notice the expiration and be able to
terminate the SSL session. To prevent terminating sessions that should remain open, the
expiring cached certificate needs to be replaced with a renewed certificate. While it may not
sound difficult, in practice this certificate replacement means that each node must inform
every other node each time its certificate is renewed. As discussed above, it is not standard
practice in a PKI to send notifications when new certificates are received, so that
functionality must be added. Furthermore, this notification process must be performed well in
advance of the certificate expiration to ensure that copies of the renewed certificate are
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
distributed before the old certificate expires. While these problems are not insurmountable,
they are clumsy and require additional infrastructure to be remedied.
Instead of caching certificates locally, perhaps a better method of terminating longstanding
SSL sessions is to re-perform periodically the SSL handshake. Redoing the SSL handshake is
a standard process commonly referred to as renegotiation. To make sure that the two nodes in
a given SSL session still have valid certificates, they can perform a renegotiation. The
renegotiation process can be configured in such a way that each node is required to supply
the other with a valid certificate. If either node no longer has a valid certificate, the session
can be terminated. This renegotiation process can be performed as often as is necessary to
ensure timely detection of expired or revoked end nodes. Possibly, the SSL sessions can be
configured to perform a renegotiation each time a new CRL is received to minimize the
window of vulnerability. This solution is desirable because it does not require any
sophisticated supporting infrastructure and does not require nodes to alert each other when
they receive a new certificate. CBC Rollover vulnerability
There is one additional security caveat related to longstanding SSL connections that should
be mentioned. Depending on the cryptographic algorithms used, the CBC counter used to
encrypt messages may roll over in old SSL connections that have transferred a lot of traffic.
CBC rollover is a significant security issue that can allow an attacker to gather information
about the encrypted data. To prevent CBC rollover in longstanding SSL sessions, the end
nodes should periodically perform an SSL renegotiation and create new session keys.
3.5.4 ICCP Internet Certificate Authorities
It has been suggested that some ICCP systems will not stand up their own on-network CA,
but will use common internet-based CAs, such as VeriSign. The other option, which appears
more reasonable, is to have a local CA that sits on the isolated control network and services
all the control nodes on that network. The advantage with using internet CAs is that the
certificate issuance costs are minimal. While the low cost is attractive of internet CAs, we
recommend against using them for a variety of reasons.
Most control networks are not connected to the internet. As such, control center nodes
certified by some internet CA will not be have any means of communicating with their CA to
receive common CA services, such as certificate renewal. The lack of a communication
channel between control center nodes and their CA means that normal operations like
certificate renewal, update, or revocation checking become quite challenging. To receive
those necessary services, some gateway (manual or automated) must connect to both the
internet and the isolated control network and act as an intermediary for the nodes. Creating a
gateway that can provide this intercessory service in an efficient and secure manner is
challenging and not straightforward.
There are also problems with certificate revocation. If CRLs are used, the CRLs will be
maintained and provided by the internet CA. Some intermediary for the control network will
need to download periodically the CRLs from the internet and transfer them to the isolated
network. Since the internet CA services nodes besides those on the control network, the
CRLs will be quite large and comprised almost solely of revoked internet certificates.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Control network nodes do not care about revoked internet nodes (with which they have no
contact), so downloading and applying the large CRLs is an especially inefficient process.
One solution that has been proposed requires the intermediate gateway node to filter the CRL
down to only the certificates that matter. This solution is also challenging since the gateway
must therefore know exactly which certificates its subsidiary nodes are interested in.
Another issue with internet CAs is revocation. If a node on the network is subverted and its
certificate must be revoked, it is much easier to put that certificate on a CRL maintained by a
local CA than a CRL maintained by some distant internet CA. Control system companies
will have much less influence on the CRLs of an internet CA than they would have on a local
CA that serves only the control network. Due to the large scale at which they operate,
internet CAs are necessarily slower and less responsive to CRL changes than a local control
network CA could be. As such, internet CAs would impose delays (in addition to the
aforementioned delay imposed by the gateway) in certificate revocation.
Finally, there is an issue of trust and reliability associated with using internet CAs to certify
control networks. These control networks are high consequence systems and by nature have
higher security demands than typical internet nodes. If nodes use different internet CAs for
certification services, then the other nodes must also trust those internet CAs. The nodes must
trust that the internet CA authenticates and verifies the identity of all its clients in a manner
that is commensurate with the control network’s high security standards. (For example, if the
CA did not adequately verify the identity of its clients, an adversary could assume the
identity of a control network node by tricking the CA into signing a bogus certificate.) The
security procedures of internet CAs are often unknown and outside of the authority of the
control network administrators. Using internet CAs would therefore require entrusting the
bulk of the security of the control network to the (possibly unknown) security practices of
third-party CAs. For high consequence systems, it seems more prudent to invest in
establishing a user domain CA that serves its local control network, has a strictly defined
and managed registration authority process, is verified to be secure, and is related more
directly to the control network companies.
3.5.5 CA and CRL Domains
Section 3.5.4, ICCP Internet Certificate Authorities, discussed the structure of CAs and the
distribution and management of CRLs within a typical PKI Internet CA service. It was
suggested that high consequence networks (such as utility control networks) not participate in
publicly available CA services. A more prudent and secure approach to certificate
management is to align the CAs more closely with participating utility nodes. This implies
that the role of the Central Authority should reside within the business structure of interest
and the actual size of the CA domain must be aligned with the required interactions of
participating utilities.
Within the United States, the electrical power grid is comprised of three primary networks.
Within these networks smaller networks or associations are also created. The primary
networks provide connections between multiple utilities to allow the transfer of electricity
from different parts of the network. The three primary networks in the United States are the
Western Interconnect, the Eastern Interconnect, and the Texas Interconnect. The Eastern
Interconnect provides power to most of the eastern part of the Untied States. The Western
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Interconnect provides power primarily to the Rocky Mountain region, including the Pacific
west and the Southwest. And the Texas Interconnect provides power primarily with the state
of Texas.
These regions have limited connections with each other, although the Western Interconnect
and the Texas Interconnect are both linked with Mexico. And the Western and Eastern
Interconnects are interconnected with Canada. All contiguous United States utilities are
connected to one of these primary electrical power networks
The North American Reliability Corporation (NERC) is the responsible body for reliability
planning and coordination of the interconnected electric power grid. The NERC is comprised
of ten regional councils that are responsible for the reliability and security of the contiguous
United States and parts of Canada and Mexico. The NERC boundaries are created by the
service areas of the electric utility regions. Figure 11 displays this structure.
Figure 11. Main Interconnections of the US Electric Grid and Ten NERC Regions
The Changing Structure of the Electric Power Industry 2000: An Update, Energy Information Administration, October 2000
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
ECAR – East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement
ERCOT – Electric Reliability Council of Texas
FRCC – Florida Reliability Coordinating Council
MAAC – Mid-Atlantic Area Council
MAIN – Mid-America Interconnected Network
MAPP – Mid-Continent Area Power Pool
NPCC – Northeast Power Coordinating Council
SERC – Southeastern Electric Reliability Council
SPP – Southwest Power Pool
WSCC – Western Systems Coordinating Council Creating ICCP CA Boundaries
The first challenge when implementing a certificate base authentication scheme is to identify
all the necessary end nodes that are required to participate. From this information a boundary
can be formed. As seen in Figure 11, boundaries may be associated with NERC regions, but
this is not a requirement. The identified boundary should include the support of the day-to-
day operations associated with the exchange of ICCP related data. Once all participants have
been identified then the role of the central authority must be decided. The CA will be
responsible for validating participants and issuing and managing the authentication
certificates. This includes the creation and access of a CRL database that can be pushed out
to users upon request. In most cases, a single centralized CA architecture works most
efficiently, off-loading the majority of authentication management to a single identity.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
43 CA Cross-Certification Chain of Trust
In some cases, when information exchange is required between different boundaries for
proper electric power coordination, cross-boundary communication is required. These cross-
boundary communication requirements may include the major network interconnects that
consist of extra-high-voltage connections between individual utilities designed to permit the
transfer of electrical energy from one part of the network to another. When these
communication channels have been identified, then a CA chain of trust may be needed to
authenticate nodes outside of local operation domain.
To allow authenticated and secure communication between nodes that use different CAs,
trust must be established between the CAs. Secure ICCP implementations should be able to
accommodate a PKI that provides a means of trusting certificate authorities and their
associated public keys. These CAs become a chain of trust, and certificates that have been
issued and digitally signed by a CA on this chain can be trusted. Section 1,
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Certification Hierarchy Schemes, in Appendix B: Security Technology describes a tiered CA
implementation. This description is based on a single-domain implementation in which an
individual CA is assigned to each utility in a tier architecture that includes a common “root”
CA. This approach is not recommended because it requires each utility company to stand up
and manage its own separate CA, which prevents trustworthy cross-domain communication;
trust between domains cannot be established because each domain has its own CA and there
is no root CA.
There are two primary means to extend trust between CAs. The first is peer-to-peer cross-
certification and the second is hierarchical or tiered cross-certification.
Peer-to-Peer Cross-Certification
In the peer-to-peer approach, each independent domain provides a CA that has self-signed its
own certificate and is considered the trust anchor—the authoritative CA against which all
certificates are validated—for the domain. Each node within a domain practicing peer-to-peer
cross-certification will have the certificate and public key of the trust anchor CA for the
domain. The local domain CA establishes trust with an external domain CA by signing the
certificate of the external domain CA. When a local node establishes communication with a
node from the external domain, its certificate can be validated because the signature of its
(external) domain CA has been signed by the local domain CA. Figure 12 depicts this
Figure 12. Peer-to-Peer Cross-Certification
For example, consider peer-to-peer cross-certification established between CA1 and CA2, as
in Figure 12. If Node-1 (in domain 1) wants to communicate with Node-2 (in domain 2), it
sends a signed message to Node-2. The Node-1 user sends the Node-2 user a copy of his
certificate signed by his Domain 1 CA, a copy of his Domain 1 CA certificate signed by
Domain 2 CA, and a copy of Domain 1 CA public key. This signed message will be
Domain 1 CA
Domain 2 CA
CAs from different domains
establish a peer-to-peer
cross-certificate relationship
My Certificate
My CA’s Certificate
My CA’s Public Key
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
successfully validated by Node-2 because the Node-2 CA has cross-certified with the Node-1
CA by signing Node-1 CA’s public key. Likewise, the Node-1 CA has cross-certified with
the Node-2 CA by signing the Node-2 CA’s public key.
Advantages of using Peer-to-Peer Cross-Certification
The advantage of peer-to-peer cross-certification is that each individual domain CA is
autonomous in creating and revoking cross-certification relationships. Such an autonomous
CA does not need another CA as a trust anchor, and site security policies can be based on
business needs, rather than having to depend on an external root CA (and any necessary
subordinate CAs) for administering certificates. This is more flexible than a hierarchal
structure and more appropriate for business relationships that are dynamic in nature.
Hierarchical or Tiered Cross-Certification
Another approach to cross-certification is the hierarchical or tiered approach. As the name
implies, a hierarchical structure consists of a single trust anchor within a series of CAs. The
trust anchor is the root CA from which all subordinate CAs branch out. This structure can be
as deep as needed, with additional root CAs being designated below the primary root. A root
CA is responsible for signing the CA certificates of all CAs below the root. The primary
difference with this approach vs. the peer-to-peer approach is the location of the trust anchor
CA. The root CA is the trust anchor for all subordinate CAs which must use the root CA
public key for certificate validation. Figure 13 depicts this structure.
Figure 13. Hierarchical Cross-Certification
For example, in Figure 13 when Node-1 registers with his domain 1 CA, the PKI process will
download the root CA public key and domain 1 CA certificate signed by the root CA. The
My Certificate
My CA’s Certificate
My Intermediate CA
Domain 1 CA
Domain 2 CA
Intermediate CA
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
same is true for Node-2 in domain 2. When registering with the PKI, it will download the
root CA public key and domain 2 CA certificate signed by the root CA. When a node
associated with a subordinate CA registers with the PKI, it receives a copy of the root CA
public key and will use this as its CA trust anchor.
When a participating node (such as Node-2) receives a request to establish communications
with another node outside of his local domain, such as Node-1, then he must validate the
external node’s certificate with a higher order CA. The external party node (Node-1) will
have its certificate signed by its direct CA (Domain 1 CA), which is validated by Node-2
using the public key of Domain 1 CA, which is sent with the certificate from Node-1. The
Domain 1 CA will have its certificate signed by its direct CA the “Intermediate CA” which
has its certificate signed and validated by the highest order CA (the root CA) the
Intermediate CAs certificate is also sent from originating Node-1. Upon receiving Node-1’s
certificate, Node-2 validates it with Node-1’s Domain CA public key. Then Node-1 must
validate Domain CA 1’s signature with the public key of its direct higher order CA, the
Intermediate CA. Using the public key of the Intermediate node sent with its certificate from
Node-1, Node-2 validates the signature. And finally, the signature of the Intermediate CA is
validated by the public key of the Root CA resident on Node-2. The chain of trust has now
been validated and Node-2 can trust Node-1. This seems like a long and arduous process, but,
with a properly designed architecture, it can be efficient.
Advantages of using a Hierarchical Cross-Certification Process
Hierarchical cross-certification is appropriate where multiple CAs need to be created and an
organization requires complete control over all CAs in the hierarchy. The Root CA can
control the policy of all subordinate CAs including revoking CA’s that do not comply with
published policy. The hierarchical structure lends itself to a business model that is mostly
static where the organizations participating in cross domain communications are known and
The previous example described inter-domain communications between two nodes that
required the sending of multiple certificates for validating a chain-of-trust. In lieu of sending
multiple certificates from an originating node, another approach that can be implemented for
cross-certification of a higher-order CA is by the use of an extension field within the sending
node’s certificate.
This extension field called the Authority Information Access (AIA) field contains the
specifics of requiring a certificate of a higher order CA. This is normally a URL that provides
the link to a certificate repository. In the previous example shown in Figure 13, the receiving
Node-2 would follow the link in the extension field of Node-1’s certificate and automatically
retrieve a copy of the sending nodes CA certificate. Since this is a lower-order CA and not a
root CA, the participating node must look at the AIA extension of the lower-order Domain 1
CA which points to the higher order Intermediate CA certificate. This has within its
extension field the URL or directory of the highest order certificate which is the same root
certificate or trust anchor that is resident on the participating node and thus can be trusted for
certifying the sending nodes domain CA’s signature. The receiving node can then use the
sending node’s domain CA certificate to validate the sending node’s certificate. This
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
technique is normally referred to as path validation, because the validating end node follows
a path to validate the originating node’s CA’s certificate.
Regardless of which approach is used to provide cross validation for cross domain
certificates, the question arises: What designated party should be responsible for providing a
higher-order or “root” CA? Referring to Figure 11. Main Interconnections of the US Electric
Grid and Ten NERC Regions, it appears that NERC would be a good candidate for providing
the proper PKI root-level CA service. This allows any subset of participating groups within a
local region to select the NERC regional authority as its immediate higher-order CA. An
addition of one layer to the hierarchy can be created by the NERC to allow cross regional
communications to be validated by a multi-regional or national level root CA. Figure 14
depicts this structure.
Figure 14. Central Authority Chain-of-Trust Structure CA Domain and Cross-Certification Summary
The previous sections discuss the concept of CA domain design and implementation. Two
primary architectures are discussed, the peer-to-peer and the hierarchical, typical interactions
are provided and operational examples given. It is difficult to provide a blanket statement
Local Domain
ion B
ion C
Local Domain CA’s
Regional CA
Local Domain Nodes
Multi-Regional CA
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
about which implementation is best for the entire utilities industry however, based on the
need for the most secure approach in implementation, the hierarchal structure is most
appropriate for the following reasons:
Using a Root CA to certify and issue policy to subordinate CAs can enhance the security of
the root CA. By not using the root CA to support end users, the root CA will be less exposed
to end users and can be physically controlled more restrictively.
Policy consistency is enforceable with the hierarchical model but not with the peer-to-peer
model. When nodes in different communication domains administered by a peer-to-peer
autonomous CA model need to communicate, there is no assurance that the external
participating node has developed and implemented a secure approach to communications.
Each time a local node needs to communicate with a different domain, it risks being
compromised due to improper configuration or management of an external domain CA.
Because of this, autonomous peer-to-peer models provide more avenues for compromise
Since the root CA is the “trust anchor” for all users and CAs within the hierarchy, the
maximum physical security policies and practices are required only for the root CA and not
for all the subordinate CA’s. This reduces the overall risk for proper management security for
those domains that need a CA service.
3.5.6 Secure ICCP Stale Certificate Detection
It is apparent that some current ICCP practice is incompatible with the intent of providing a
dynamic approach to end node authentication as envisioned by the Secure ICCP protocol.
Practical changes in current ICCP implementation need to take place. Two potential solutions
have emerged.
The first, which is not recommended, requires participating ICCP nodes to cache certificates
locally. Caching the certificates of other nodes creates certificate management problems
when certificates expire or are revoked. If a cached certificate expires, the Secure ICCP
implementation can notice the expiration and is able to terminate the SSL session. To prevent
terminating sessions that should remain open, the expiring cached certificate needs to be
replaced with a renewed certificate. While it may not sound difficult, in practice this
certificate replacement means that each node must inform every other node each time its
certificate is renewed. This approach is not recommended. It is not standard PKI practice to
send notifications when new certificates are received, so that functionality would need to be
added to the PKI infrastructure if this approach were used. Furthermore, this notification
process must be performed well in advance of the certificate expiration to ensure that copies
of the renewed certificate are distributed before the old certificate expires.
The second solution, which is recommended, is to periodically re-perform the SSL
handshake, which is a standard process commonly referred to as renegotiation. Two nodes in
an SSL session can perform renegotiation to make sure that their certificates are still valid.
The renegotiation process can be configured so that each node is required to supply the other
with a valid certificate. If either node no longer has a valid certificate, the session can be
terminated. This renegotiation process can be performed as often as necessary to ensure
timely detection of expired or revoked end nodes. Possibly, the SSL sessions can be
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
configured to perform renegotiation each time a new CRL is received to minimize the
window of vulnerability. This approach is recommended because it does not require
alteration of the existing PKI infrastructure and does not require nodes to alert each other
when they receive new certificates.
3.6 Strategy for the transition from ICCP to Secure ICCP
For some utility sites the conversion from standard ICCP to Secure ICCP will occur over
time. This section describes some alternatives to simulaneously converting all nodes to
Secure ICCP and is applicable when communication needs to be protected within a group of
nodes where (1) all are using standard (non-secure) ICCP or (2) some are using standard
ICCP and some are using Secure ICCP.
Virtual Private Tunnels (VPN) can occur at multiple levels within the communication stack.
Essentially, the secure form of ICCP provides a transport layer VPN to protect its data
payload. But there are other VPN technologies that can be used to create secure virtual
private tunnels between Utilities without the implementation of Secure ICCP. Additional
communication layers within the OSI communication stack can be utilized to afford
protection for non-Secure ICCP nodes sharing information from local area networks across
wide area networks.
3.6.1 Layer 3 Link Protection
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) is a standard developed by the Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF) for providing secure communications over public Internet Protocol (IP)
networks, i.e., the Internet. At the network level, IPSec supports peer authentication, data
origin authentication, data confidentiality, data integrity, and replay protection. IPSec is
normally used with IKE (Internet Key Exchange) for key management. IPSec supports most
modern encryption algorithms such as advanced encryption standard (AES), data encryption
standard (DES), its more secure 3DES version, and Rivest cipher (RC4). It also provides
integrity support using popular integrity HASH algorithms such as message digest (MD5)
and secure hash algorithm (SHA-1), and authentication using X.509 certificates. IPSec can
be implemented either Host-to-Host or gateway-to-gateway. For a more detailed description
of IPSec and IKE refer to IETF RFCs 4301 [26], 4303 [27], 4835 [28], and 4306 [29] Phases of IKE
IKE negotiations have two phases:
Phase one
The two gateways negotiate and set up a two-way Internet security and key
management protocol (ISAKMP) security association (SA) which they can then use
to handle phase two negotiations. One such SA between a pair of gateways can
handle negotiations for multiple tunnels.
Phase two
Using the ISAKMP SA, the gateways negotiate IPSec (ESP and/or AH) SAs as
required. IPSec SAs are unidirectional (a different key is used in each direction) and
are always negotiated in pairs to handle two-way traffic. There may be more than one
pair defined between two gateways.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Both phases use the UDP protocol and port 500 for their negotiations. After both IKE phases
are complete, you have IPSec SAs to carry your encrypted data. These use the ESP or AH
IPSec can be used in one of two different modes: encapsulated security payload (ESP) or
authentication header (AH), described and discussed in [27] and [28]. These modes are
called, respectively, transport mode and tunnel mode. In tunnel mode, the IP datagram is
fully encapsulated by a new IP datagram using the IPSec protocol. Tunnel mode provides
authentication, data stream integrity, and confidentiality. In transport mode, only the payload
of the IP datagram is handled by the IPSec protocol, which inserts the IPSec header between
the IP header and the upper-layer protocol header. Transport mode provides only data stream
integrity and authentication, not confidentiality. Figure 15 shows these two modes.
Figure 15. IPSec modes of operation
Security gateways are required to support tunnel mode connections. In this mode the
gateways provide tunnels for use by client machines behind the gateways. The client
machines need not do any IPSec processing; all they have to do is route data to gateways.
IPSec transport mode can also be implemented between two chosen hosts (ICCP client &
server). Each end host must support IPSec security and be able to negotiate an authenticated
link between host machines (as opposed to security gateways).
IPSec is implemented at Layer 3 of the OSI network stack to encapsulate IP packets. After a
VPN tunnel has been established per tunnel mode, application data such as ICCP can be
encapsulated and sent through the tunnel. IPSec is popular in site-to-site VPN
implementations because it can be realized in network devices, such as a gateway router,
without modifying any client or server applications. Figure 16 shows an ICCP application
flow through an IPSec VPN tunnel.
New IP header
Original Packet
Tunnel Mode
Original Packet
Authentication mode
Tunnel mode
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Figure 16. IPSec Gateway Center to Center Communications IPSec encryption and protection
As previously mentioned, IPSec supports multiple types of encryption algorithms, these
algorithms can be divided into two categories: stream encryption algorithms, such as RC4;
and block encryption algorithms, such as Triple DES (3DES) and Cipher Block Chaining
(CBC), both of which are commonly used in VPNs.
A stream cipher is a symmetric encryption algorithm that is designed for efficient processing,
making it faster than standard block ciphers. A stream cipher combines a generated key
stream with the clear text data to create a cipher data stream. The popular RC4 stream cipher
from the company RSA has been used in the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol for
802.11 wireless systems. Because the RC4 stream cipher creates a key that combines private
bit selection with a clear text initialization vector it is susceptible to adversarial compromise
Block encryption is less vulnerable to traffic analysis than stream encryption. A block cipher
transforms a fixed-length block, called the block size, of clear text data into a block of cipher
text data. The conversion is based on a user selected secret key. To decrypt the blocks of
data, the reverse conversion on the cipher text block using the same secret key is performed.
Since different clear text blocks are mapped to different cipher text blocks, a permutation of
all possible block messages provides much more security when encrypting the clear text data.
The following is a list of some of the protections IPSec provides against adversary activities:
IPSec prevents man-in-the-middle attacks by protecting the integrity checksum calculated
and inserted into the encrypted portion of the payload.
IPSec prevents message replay attacks by inserting sequence numbers within each
packet. This allows stale correspondence to be discarded.
ICCP Database station
IPSec Gateway
Control Center LAN
ICCP traffic
ICCP Database station
Control Cente
ICCP trafficIPSec Gateway
IPSec Tunnel
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
IPSec is much more immune to denial of service attacks than any TCP-implemented
security service. This is because IPSec uses connectionless services such as IP and UDP
(IKE) which are easier to ignore than TCP SYN floods, which create and fill up session
tables and can exhaust the allowed number of simultaneous sessions.
IPSec can protect end points from address spoofing because packet end points are
authenticated prior to the flow of data. Configuration Guidance and Protection
During the IPSec configuration, cryptographic access lists are created to provide a form of
access control. This allows the end user control over which remote end host can participate in
an IPSec session. Access can be limited to a single server (as in the case of an ICCP server)
or to an entire private subnet. Packet filters can be constructed that only allow a specific data
stream to be inserted or received for an individual session
To implement authentication, IPSec employs Internet Key Exchange (IKE), using digital
certificates or pre-shared secrets for two-way authentication. Potential operational problems
can occur if network address translation (NAT) is implemented within the gateway router.
NAT is used to translate a non-routable IP address frequently used within a private LAN to a
routable IP address for public network (Internet) transport. Since the IPSec header provides
an integrity checksum, the NAT process, which swaps private addresses for public “routable”
addresses, changes the result of the integrity check sum which causes the IPSec process to
discard the packet.
It’s possible to overcome this problem by creating a static NAT that precedes the IPSec
process as long as the same private address is associated with the protected end node. Also,
some IPSec products can implement a NAT traversal extension to overcome this limitation,
but, to prevent possible interoperability problems, both end nodes participating in IPSec
should have the same product implementation.
The following steps provide some configuration guidelines when building an IPSec VPN.
1) Determine network design details to include the encryption policy, identified host and
networks that will be protected, and the IPSec features that will be used. Allow any
preconfigured firewalls to pass IPSec negotiation ports UDP port 50 & 51.
2) Configure the mode for creating security associations, static or dynamic. The process
of securing data between multiple users using IPSec starts with the defining of a
security association (SA). An SA, uniquely identified by a multiple-bit number called
a Security Parameter Index (SPI), is constructed by identifying the following
parameters in a transform set.
Source and destination IP address of the peers participating in the creating and
termination of the IPSec tunnel.
The encryption algorithm and secret key used by the IPSec protocol.
The authentication algorithm used to authenticate IPSec packets
IPSec mode (transport or transport)
Lifetime of the security association.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Static configurations of SAs are prone to error. It is suggested that the dynamic form
of SA establishment be used. This is done by selecting the internet security
association key management protocol (ISAKMP).
3) Configure ISAKMP for IPSec and select key distribution method, a peer-to-peer
method or a certificate authority.
4) Define the transform set parameters that will be used to negotiate a security
association with a peer node (see step 2 list).
5) Create a crypto map. A crypto map is a file that associates all the parameters of the
VPN. One of the important features of the crypto map is associating a pre-defined
data filter that will identify and filter specific data flows into and out of the VPN
6) Apply the crypto map to the selected interface that will represent the ingress and
egress point of the VPN.
7) Test and verify the VPN. Non-Secure ICCP Fallback Configuration
One of the transitional problems associated with the integration of Secure ICCP is the matter
of secure data flow negotiation. The ICCP protocol has the ability to “fall back” into a non-
secure form of transport if both end nodes do not support a secure profile. This means that
ICCP can be configured to allow a fallback to transmit ICCP data in the clear. The following
provides a recommended approach to configuring a network connection to provide a mixed-
mode operational scenario when both secure and non-secure forms of ICCP co-exist on a
The primary purpose of an IPSec gateway is to decide which flows are to be protected
between two distant end points. Profiles are created to provide the ability to isolate
communication between hosts, such as trusted servers, and any pre-determined end devices.
Thus, regardless of the means of communicating, private WAN or public Internet, the remote
egress gateway must use IPSec to negotiate trust and to secure IP traffic end-to-end with the
destination computer located behind the corresponding ingress gateway.
With respect to ICCP, there are two ways to approach this profile configuration. The first is
to use a less granular configuration that provides IPSec encryption for all communications
between identified end hosts. The second is to use fine granularity in the form of a port filter,
which can identify non-secure forms of ICCP and provide IPSec encryption for only those
Single Host Isolation, no port filtering
As previously described in section, Configuration Guidance and Protection, a filter is
constructed within each gateway to identify communicating endpoints that are allowed in and
out of the encrypted tunnel. In the case of an ICCP server and a distant Host or Hosts, each
connection will be identified and authenticated by its IP address. This provides a bulk
approach to data confidentiality by encrypting all communications between end points
regardless of whether a higher layer of encryption is being applied, as is the case of Secure
ICCP implementations. This double encryption can provide an additional layer of protection
by obfuscating the original IP addresses of the end host participating in the communications
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
but may cause additional processing burdens and delays associated with the transmission of
data. See Appendix B: Security Technology for additional discussion on this topic.
Single Host Isolation with port filtering
Another approach that can be pursued to isolate data flows in the scenario of secure and non-
Secure ICCP data streams originating and terminating at the same server is using port
filtering for flow identification. As part of the IPSec configuration profile an access control
list is created that identifies each host allowed into a protected domain to communicate with
a particular host. In the case of ICCP this could be the ICCP server. To identify the type of
communications taking place between the two endpoints, an additional filter can be enabled
that allows the gateway to peer into the transport layer header and identify the port being
addressed by the client/server session. When it is seen that the communication is using the
secure form of ICCP, the stream is not forwarded through the IPSec tunnel (no double
encryption). If the port address is determined to be a non-secure form of ICCP it is then
pushed through the tunnel for data encryption. Figure 17 shows this inspection.
Figure 17. IPSec Port Filter Implementation
The purpose of IPSec domain isolation is to mitigate the risk posed to trusted resources.
Implementation technologies such as gateways for filtering and authentication can help
protect a utility’s data assets. The gateway solution allows only those end nodes that can
meet some specific security profile to interact with trusted resources. End nodes that are
untrusted are denied access. By creating this trusted environment and restricting the
permitted communications inside and outside of this environment, the utility company can
reduce the overall risk to its data assets.
One additional security asset that needs to be mentioned as part of the inspection architecture
shown in Figure 17 is the addition of an intrusion detection system (IDS). Because the
encrypted IPSec data stream is not encrypted until it reaches the demarcation point,
represented by the gateway, an IDS has complete knowledge of all activity on its protected
domain. This is the advantage of using IPSec in tunnel mode as opposed to transport mode.
Inspection Point
Inspection Point
No tunnel
Port ID
Secure or Non
Secure ICCP?
ICCP Server
Packet Flo
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
55 IPSec Administration Issues
The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol which is used to configure automatically and
setup IPSec protected data tunnels uses UDP port 500. The associated IPSec Encapsulated
Security Payload (ESP) and Authentication Header (AH) protocols use UDP ports 50 and 51.
As part of the authorized port access list, it is important to verify these port numbers are
allowed to pass through any of the restricted interfaces configured to prevent unauthorized
IPSec administrators must create security policies for each authorized network connection.
This information becomes part of the “transform set” that is used to negotiate secure
connections between two end nodes. Information needed to create communications policies
includes the IKE authentication method, Diffie-Hellman Group, data encryption algorithms,
hash authentication type, and security association lifetimes. Many IPSec network product
vendors have created user-friendly proprietary management systems that help the user
automate policy distribution. These systems can be helpful as long as the IPSec networks are
kept to as low as possible.
A gateway which represents the ingress/egress point of a protected domain normally has its
IPSec processes within the gateway’s route function and any management configuration will
be provided by the gateway’s administrative port. The port normally takes the form of a
console that can be accessed by multiple protocols, i.e., Telnet, HTTP, SSH, SNMP, etc. To
provide proper protection of the administration port, any remote management of the gateway
device should be allowed only from a management station connected to a trusted network. It
is also recommended that different levels of access be defined to ensure only authorized
administrative personnel are assigned configuration tasks that provide the security profiles
for remote access and data throughput.
The administrator responsible for the configuration and management of the IPSec device, if it
is not directly connected at the console port of the gateway device, must ensure the
Ensure a connection from a management station to the gateway is connected to a
trusted network
Provide multiple user and access level control configurations on the gateway device
Provide a policy that describes the means to authenticate and confiscate packet flows
transmitted over untrusted networks.
Provide the means to protect cryptographic keys
When developing an IPSec policy include the following in your review:
1. Determine the state of your network infrastructure: Review current architecture and
determine its applicability to an IPSec implementation by identifying the trusted domain to
be protected, any firewalls that may hamper IPSec negotiation, and the identification and
location of the IPSec hosting gateway.
2. Design and test the IPSec policy prior to deployment: Test IKE configurations for proper
connectivity and negation prior to installing configuration on active network.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
3. Identify supporting security elements such as intrusion detection systems to ensure LAN
traffic is visible on the LAN prior to gateway injection. This allows all IPSec streams to be
monitored for improper activity.
Additional administrative observations about IPSec
IPSec cannot ensure the security of a system if the system is not secured. End host that have
been subverted, undermine the protection mechanisms administered of IPSec configured on
gateway hosts.
IPSec can provide a good security service when encrypting data between gateways that
transmit data over an untrusted WAN, but it provides only gateway-to-gateway
authentication. An additional authentication process must be included in the security
configuration tasks associated with protecting the communicating end-points. For example,
to control which users access an ICCP database server, you need to implement some
independent user authentication mechanism along with some sort of data access level, e.g.,
bi-lateral table configuration.
As a reminder, the IPSec gateway configuration does not protect the contents of the packets
from being viewed by observers on the protected network. However, if the protected network
is instrumented with an IDS, this situation is quite acceptable.
Although IPSec is used to provide confidentiality (encryption) to its payload it does not
prevent traffic analysis. Traffic analysis is a technique that is used while “sniffing” data
flows. It attempts to identify characteristics of the data flow based on visible header
information, packet size, packet frequency, and event and time correlation. Layer 3 Link Protection Summary
IPSec can provide a means of protecting ICCP data exchanges prior to a full deployment of
Secure ICCP. It provides many of the secure attributes needed to protect data traffic
exchange including mutual authentication. The implementation does not require any changes
to client or server applications and provides protection from some forms of transport layer
attacks. It prevents unexpected hosts from initiating communications with hosted servers.
IPSec systems can be designed with no burden on the end user. No additional username and
passwords are needed for client and servers to connect through an established tunnel. Host
names or IP addresses are used to filter appropriate traffic into a tunnel. Tunnel negotiated
end-points use authentication protocols to verify each other and can complement other
security mechanisms implemented to protect any undefined commuter or device.
IPSec can protect protocols above the IP layer such as UDP or TCP and any combination of
applications. It can complement other security mechanisms used to protect application data,
although additional complexity and processing delays need to be analyzed prior to their
implementation. See section 3.7, Security Configurations and Performance, for more
information about use and integration.
3.6.2 Layer 2 Link Protection
When Secure ICCP is not available or will not be implemented, an alternative approach to
securing ICCP data exchange across the WAN is providing an encryption technique that is
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
implemented at the data link layer of the communication path. This approach can provide
data security for the Frame Relay packets that are transmitted across a Frame Relay wide
area network. Securing Frame Relay Communications
Encryption devices that support Frame Relay layer protection can provide data integrity (data
tampering detection), data confidentiality, and protection from replay attacks for all non-
Secure ICCP data flows. Most data link encryption devices support modern forms of
encryption algorithm implementations, to include Data Encryption Standard (DES), triple
DES, and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Additionally, identifying and filtering the
source and destination addresses at the ingress/egress of the network allows for tighter
control of the WAN connection. Providing intrusion detection monitoring and managing the
cryptographic keys are important parts of securing communications.
Because a Frame Relay connection through the Frame Relay network is associated with the
setting up and partitioning of a Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC), it is recommended that
each PVC have its own encryption key and this key should be changed on a regular basis.
Many of the Frame Relay encryption devices allow for the system to change automatically
the data encryption key without user intervention thus reducing the dependency of a user
remembering and initiating regular changes to the encryption key.
Data link encryption can take two different forms, “bulk” encryption or “data field only”
encryption. In bulk encryption the entire frame is encrypted, including the header where
addressing information is contained. With a bulk encryption approach, only point-to-point
implementations are feasible because of the obfuscation of the header. This is normally
implemented when a lease line is used to connect two distinct endpoints and does not require
address fields to be assessable. Figure 18 shows this implementation.
Figure 18. Point-to-Point WAN Connection
Company A
Company B
Telco Network
Lease Line
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
A data link encryptor that provides data field encryption encrypts only the data field in the
Frame Relay packet, leaving the header information, which contains the address, in the clear.
This allows the Frame Relay packet to be processed and switched through the Frame Relay
switch nodes during transmission. This in turn allows the ICCP data to be encrypted once at
the ingress of the network and then decrypted at the destination. Figure 19 shows this setup.
Figure 19. Frame Relay WAN Connection
As previously mentioned, data field encryption encrypts only the data in each frame, not the
header which contains address information, allowing the routing of the frame through the
network. Since the encryption occurs at Layer 2 of the OSI network stack, the encryption
technique can also protect upper layer communication protocols. Standalone encryption
devices, as depicted in Figure 19, can generally operate with any type of router and network
topology. When selecting an encryption scheme, be aware that encryption integrated into a
router may often require the same router at every communicating point in the network. This
prevents a more open approach to system construction because of the proprietary nature of
the technology, requiring the same units to be used at all connecting end points.
A hardware encryptor-based solution, as depicted in Figure 19, can be more secure than
software-only solutions that rely on the operating system in which they are deployed.
Hardware implementations, being designed on a standalone platform, are not susceptible to
vulnerabilities associated with the underlying operating system. Hardware solutions can also
offer tamper-proof protection along with both physical key and password access control.
One of the advantages of using a Frame Relay network is the circuits are pre-established by
the use of Data Link Connection Identifiers (DLCI). This allows for the monitoring and
filtering of the Frame Relay traffic at the encryption device. Encryption devices can be
assigned access control criteria for each DLCI, essentially adding an additional layer of
security. This can provide more granularity to each DLCI circuit. For example, DLCI circuit
#1 originating from one particular utility company could always be encrypted using a
specific encryption algorithm, while DLCI circuit #2, originating from another utility
company, may transmit its data in the clear.
Frame Rela
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
59 Key Management
The primary purpose of key management is to generate, distribute, and protect the
cryptographic keys required to encrypt data. The security requirements are based on the level
of protection that is needed for the data being protected. The implementation or techniques
chosen must be flexible enough not to hinder operations but sustain the security of the
system. The approach that key management describes should enable the secure processing of
keys in both a manual and automated fashion. The approach should include the management
of the key life cycle of generation, distribution, updating, and deleting.
One reason a utility node may not be able to participate in any secure form of ICCP is
because of the need to upgrade its software suite to a form of ICCP that can provide the
ability to participate in a public key management scheme that includes dynamic key
validation and distribution services. Because these features are not available on current
releases of ICCP, an out-of-band key distribution process must be identified to provide a data
encryption key for participating end nodes. This process is needed to establish a secure
session between two encryption units. Once the encryptor end devices are initiated with a
common “master key,” session keys can be derived in an dynamic fashion between
participating end nodes. Following are some key management observations that can be used
as a design guide when selecting a Layer 2 encryption scheme.
Identify an out-of-band solution for initial master key distribution. Once a session is
established, communicating endpoints should support the ability to change data
session keys automatically.
Separate session keys should be used for each unique connection (DLCI identifier)
between utility end points. Any chosen authentication scheme should use a key that is
different from the data session key.
A session key between any set of utilities should remain secure or isolated from any
other communicating end nodes.
A compromised session key between a pair of participating end nodes should not
result in all other sessions being compromised
Session initiation should be able to be established from any participating end node
Any data link encryptor solution should include the ability to change session keys in
an automatic and deterministic way.
A process needs to be established that provides recovery from key loss or key
disclosure events. Layer 2 Link Protection Summary
As part of an ICCP-to-secure-ICCP transition strategy, incorporating a secure data link
approach to security can provide ICCP end nodes with a secure form of data transport. This
works well when the numbers of end nodes remains small however, because the initial key
distribution is out-of-band and requires additional external coordination, the approach does
not scale. Frame Relay encryption can be a cost effective way of providing a network
transport mechanism between participating end nodes. It is important to note that any Frame
Relay architecture needs to be associated with a service level agreement (SLA) with the
service provider, an SLA that takes into account all necessary quality of service (QoS)
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
elements of transport reliability (see section, Frame Relay Congestion and QoS
Management). It is also important to identify key management aspects of a solution to
determine if it can be applied across all participating end nodes.
It is important to note that when not using a secure form of ICCP a Layer 2 WAN protection
mechanism as described in this section provides protection only from the ingress to the
egress of the WAN. ICCP Packets within the originating LAN will be transmitted in the clear
prior to injection onto the WAN. It is important to institute additional layers of protection to
provide situational awareness of all LAN traffic. See section 3.1.3, Infrastructure Design and
Protection, for a description of additional security practices.
The previous discussion did not include any form of centralized key management and
distribution architecture. The rationale for excluding this information is that building and
maintaining a centralized form of key management within the data link protection approach
can entail as much analysis and integration effort as implementing Secure ICCP. See section
2, Public Key Infrastructure, in Appendix B: Security Technology for a description of key
management and distribution. It is recommended that, when it becomes apparent that a
centralized approach to authentication and key management is needed, the transitional data
link encryption approach be relinquished for a Secure ICCP standard approach that can
support a PKI infrastructure.
3.7 Security Configurations and Performance
3.7.1 Introduction
As discussed in section 3.6, Strategy for the transition from ICCP to Secure ICCP, there are
other security technologies that can be applied to protect ICCP transactions prior to the
ubiquitous implementation of Secure ICCP. What this section provides is a summary of the
previously described technologies and their protection mechanisms to provide the reader a
sense of how much security is enough and what is the performance hindrance created by the
introduction of security layers to protect ICCP data transactions.
It is not the intent of this report to provide a blanket statement about how many layers of
security are sufficient in the protection of ICCP transactions, but to provide information on
security technologies that can be leveraged within the communication process and the
protections that each layer of security provides. Once an understanding is established of the
protections that are afforded by implementing a security technology, then policies can be
created to govern the choice and implementation of the technology. Also, in some instances
the operational and performance impacts that can be encountered when introducing security
techniques to the operational environment are also provided. This information will allow
each asset owner to make informed decisions concerning the development of security based
policies that will govern the data exchange interaction between participating end nodes
3.7.2 Security Layer overview
The purpose of this section is to provide the reader an understanding of what the security
technology described in this report provides for the protection of data communications.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
61 SSL/TLS Public Key Certificates
Prior to transmitting ICCP data from one node to another, the trustworthyness of both
participating end nodes must be verified. In ICCP, each node has a predefined mechanism
that can be validated to prove it is the node that it claims to be. As part of Secure ICCP, it is
hoped that the dynamic mechanism to accomplish the authenticity of communicating end
nodes is through the use of digitally signed certificates. This process relies on the installation
of a public key infrastructure (PKI), described in section 2, Public Key Infrastructure, of
Appendix B: Security Technology. This technique of proving each other’s identity will take
place prior to any data exchange between nodes. When an ICCP application calls the Secure
ICCP layer to protect its data exchange, the Secure ICCP layer will initiate the request for a
certificate exchange. How long it takes prior to the resolution of trust will depend on the
following constraints the speeds of the processors on each node performing the certificate
exchange, the transmission delay caused by all the intermediate communication
infrastructure nodes that are responsible for relaying data associated with the information
exchange, and any additional layers of security that must be engaged to process the
transmitted data.
A properly configured certificate exchange provides the ICCP transaction user with only end-
node authentication and negotiated data confidentiality. It doesn’t provide the following:
Application software validation (Software version security)
Application Identification (Does not hide port numbers)
User Identification (An actual person)
Network tunnel protection (Entire Layer 4 and above protection)
Data link tunnel protection (Entire Layer 3 and above protection) PKI Architecture Design Protection
Along with providing a certificate exchange process for end-node authentication, is the need
to build a secure supporting architecture to provide the means of distributing secure
authentication certificates. As described in the PKI section, there are two primary ways to
build a PKI infrastructure: using a peer-to-peer structure that expands trust autonomously
and, alternatively, the use of a hierarchical structure that expands trust by subordination.
The advantages and disadvantages of these architectures are described in section 2, Public
Key Infrastructure, of Appendix B: Security Technology, and are not restated here. Strictly
speaking, with respect to security, the hierarchical or “tiered” structure is more secure
because of the management policy restrictions it implies. The peer-to-peer mode has more
entities involved in its management, so the likelihood of disparate security policy
administration is increased. This provides a rich avenue for unauthorized entry into the
structure. Conversely, security policy is strictly controlled and administered in a hierarchical
structure. This protected structure enables the distribution of authentication certificates, as
described earlier in section 4.2, Tiered Hierarchy, which provides proper authentication and
data confidentiality.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
62 User Access Control
The next logical step in the protection of information is to verify who—in other words, which
people—have a Need To Know (NTK) the information that is to be shared. To unauthorized
assess to the ICCP service, there must be a process in place to identify each user who logs in.
This process, as specified by policy, should require user authentication as a condition for
access to the workstation and/or to the server where the ICCP application resides. This can
provide the proper restrictions to application access on a per-user basis. User authentication
can be implemented locally for each machine or more globally by the use of user role-based
authentication services, which provides a role-based access control (RBAC) which
essentially means translating a “user’s role” to application permission. Application Authentication
After an end node has been authenticated and any user role validated, the next layer of
protection comes in the form of software validation. The Association Control Service
Element (ACSE) which is layered with the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS)
layer, is responsible for establishing an application association between two application
programs. An application-association is a cooperative relationship between two application
entity interfaces. It provides the necessary frame-of-reference in terms of the application
service services. This relationship is formed by the communication of application protocol
control information between application entities through their use of the presentation. This
service provides the identification of the peer application entity and protection from replay of
previous connection information. It is invoked at the establishment of an application
association and uses a message authentication code to validate information generated form
the source node and verified at the receiving node to detect any modification of application
information during the lifetime of the application association. This service can provide
Software object authentication and data integrity. Network Communication Protection
Another means of protecting ICCP communications in a network environment is the insertion
of data encryption services at the data link (Layer 2) and at the network link (Layer 3) of the
OSI communication stack. As described in section 3.6, Strategy for the transition from ICCP
to Secure ICCP, inserting these encryption services allows for the protection of data streams
from a demarcation point between the LAN and the WAN. Although the Layer 3 protection
mechanism could be deployed at the workstation or server, it was recommended to insert this
protection at the entry point of the WAN. This allows for other security monitoring
technologies, such as intrusion detection systems and intrusion protection systems, to
continually monitor the data transmission and reception streams for abnormal content or
behavior. Layer 2 and Layer 3 encryption services provide data integrity, data confidentiality,
and application port confidentially. In the case of Layer 3, these services can also provide
end node authentication. Network Performance Protection
Another important aspect of network communications is performance metrics. Data
transmission performance is dependent on the network and the end-to-end delay, data
throughput, inter-packet delay, and data loss encountered. One means of providing assurance
in the end-to-end communications process is providing a quality of service (QoS) guarantee
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
for near real-time data flows, such as ICCP. Regardless of how well the data stream is
protected from unauthorized access or disclosure, if it cannot be reliably delivered then in
essence it results in a denial of service situation. A properly QoS-partitioned network will
protect data flows in congested denial of service situations.
3.7.3 ICCP Network-Based Performance Testing
The Inter-control Center Communications Protocol (ICCP) supports modes of secure and
unsecured communication for inter-utility transactions. Two distinct ICCP configurations, a
Regional Transmission Operator (RTO) using an Energy Management System (EMS) that
implements ICCP and a utility using an EMS that implements ICCP will be utilized to
conduct an examination of the end-to-end communication that is most typical with ICCP
transactions. The objective, using both the secure and non-secure forms of ICCP, is to
identify the operational and performance impact of using the secure version of ICCP. Several
operational configurations have been identified with the intent of measuring the
computational loads (workloads) for each configuration. This will provide the operators
deploying Secure ICCP a base-line of measured performance.
This testing directly supports tasks associated with the scope of work to be performed in the
Secure ICCP FY06 Work Package (SNL). Test Configuration
In order to answer some of the questions concerning the introduction and configuration of a
secure version of ICCP, a test template has been constructed. The test template identifies
candidate ICCP configurations. Each of these configurations will be tested to determine its
performance impact. The purpose of these tests is to attempt to get time-rate-performance
ratings from the applications that are doing the authentication and encryption on the ICCP.
The factors and values for this testing are the performance issues related to the execution of
SSL encryption and IPSec tunneling. The performance information can then be used to help
guide the selection and integration of the best candidate ICCP configurations.
The following ICCP configurations were tested for performance on a Local Area Network
(LAN) using the National SCADA Test Bed (NSTB) network at Sandia National
Laboratories. All tests were performed with an SNL client as one end node and and SNL
server as the other.
1. No security (baseline)
2. Client unsecured; Server secured with SSL/TLS
3. Client and Server both secured with SSL/TLS
4. Client unsecured; Server secured with MACE
5. Client and Server both secured with MACE and SSL/TLS
The workload parameters are determined by the systems environment, which is Windows
Server 2003 for both the client and the server in this configuration. These systems are
configured with a common server-client architecture that uses ICCP to transport data back
and forth. The operating system is installed on a 3GHz processor with 1 GB of memory. For
IPSec tunneling there are two Cisco 3600 series routers without specialized encryption
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
64 Network Configuration
The network used for testing was configured as shown in Figure 20. It consists of an ICCP
client and an ICCP server, each running Windows Server 2003, connected through two Cisco
3600 series routers and conjoined by a hub, which is used for timing purposes. This
configuration allows testing to be performed between the client and server while timing
analysis may be done between the client and server, between the client and hub, and between
the server and hub. An additional machine, not shown in this figure, contains two Ethernet
interfaces, so that it may be connected to two points at once. This allows for a single clock to
be used for timing and avoids synchronization issues inherent in using two independent
clocks. The connection of the Ethernet interfaces depends on the timing analysis being
performed and is shown in the appropriate figures.
Figure 20. ICCP Network Layout IPSec Network-Based Testing
The goal of network-based testing is to investigate the performance issues related to
tunneling ICCP through an IPSec tunnel. System boundaries are defined as the network
communication links and the processing performance related to the encryption used in IPSec
by the Cisco 3600 series routers. An additional machine, shown as “Timer” in Figure 21 and
Figure 22, was added to the network configuration for timing.
Figure 21 shows the configuration for measuring the end-to-end transmission time of a
packet across the test network. This configuration connects the Ethernet interfaces of the
timing machine to the client/server side of the Cisco routers. This allows the timing machine
to see a packet as soon as it leaves the source machine and to determine exactly when it
arrives at the destination machine. If an IPSec tunnel is not being used, the end-to-end
transmission time is the standard latency for the packet to be processed by the outgoing
router, repeated by the hub, and processed by the incoming router. If an IPSec tunnel is being
used, the end-to-end transmission path contains everything in the non-tunneled case plus
IPSec encryption on the outgoing router and IPSec decryption on the incoming router. This
difference between the tunneled and the non-tunneled case is considered to be the added
latency of the IPSec tunnel.
Figure 22 illustrates the configuration for measuring the end-to-midpoint transmission time
of a packet across the test network. This configuration connects the Ethernet interfaces of the
timing machine to the client side of the Cisco routers and to the hub. This allows the timing
machine to see a packet as soon as it leaves the source machine and, at the same time,
determine exactly when it departs the Cisco router towards the destination machine. If an
IPSec tunnel is not being used, the end-to-midpoint transmission time is the standard latency
for the packet to be processed by the outgoing router. If an IPSec tunnel is being used, the
end-to-midpoint transmission time contains the element of the non-tunneled measurement
with the addition of the IPSec encryption or decryption depending on the direction the packet
is traveling. If the packet is traveling from client to server, then the measured latency will
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
include the encryption time. If the packet is traveling from server to client, then the measured
latency will include the decryption time.
Figure 21. End-to-End Measurement Configuration
Figure 22. End-to-Midpoint Measurement Configuration Network-Based Results
The average time to travel across the non-secure network (i.e., without the IPSec tunnel) was
0.59 milliseconds. Due to the small observed values and network traffic, actual minimum and
maximum times may vary from those observed if the end points are more distant than those
of the test environment. Distant values are almost certain to vary because of differences in
the number of router and switch hops between endpoints. The intent of measurements
presented in this section is to provide the reader with representative processing delays on
some common network devices without bandwidth saturation. Impacts of bandwidth
saturation associated with ICCP application flows for IP routed networks and Frame Relay
switched networks are described in section 3.1, Impact. When measured to the midpoint the
latency in sending a packet out of the router (i.e., no routing necessary) was 0.14 ms. The
latency for receiving a packet, which includes appropriate routing, was 0.36 ms. As an
additional check these values may be added and compared to the average full trip time. This
comparison yields a difference of 0.09 milliseconds. This value is reasonable due to the
repeat time of the hub and/or nominal variation due to small time scale. Figure 23 and Figure
24 show the actual measured average for each communication path.
Ethernet 2
Ethernet 1
Ethernet 2
Ethernet 1
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Figure 23. End-to-End Non-Secure Measurements
Figure 24. End-to-Midpoint Non-Secure Measurements
The average time to travel across the network with the IPSec tunnel was 6.10 ms. The 5.51
ms difference is a direct reflection of the encryption and decryption delays. When measured
to the midpoint, the latency in sending a packet out of the router (i.e., no routing necessary)
was 3.55 ms, including encryption. The latency for receiving a packet, which includes
appropriate routing, was 2.52 ms, including decryption (with a known key value, decryption
is typically faster than encryption). As a reasonability check, these values may be added to
get 6.07 ms and compared to the average full trip time, yielding a difference of 0.56 ms. This
value is reasonable due to the hub repeat time and/or variation due to small time scale. Figure
25 and Figure 26 show the actual measured average for each communication path measured.
Figure 25. End-to-End Secure Measurements
Figure 26. End-to-Midpoint Secure Measurements
0.52 ms
0.66 ms
0.14 ms
0.36 ms
6.19 ms
6.01 ms
3.55 ms
2.52 ms
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
3.7.4 ICCP Software-Based Performance Testing
Software-based testing is used to provide performance timing in milliseconds for the
encryption/decryption routines used in securing ICCP. Another value of this type of testing is
the design of special tools used to test timing of the central processor unit (CPU) and the
actual loading of our own function into a running process, then retrieving the timing of a SSL
encryption within an executable program.
ICCP utilizes SSL/TLS as one of its security methods. Timing of the application cannot be
performed due to on specific implementations of SSL/TLS associated with vendor
applications concerning NDA licensing restrictions. Timing analysis was performed using
OpenVPN. OpenVPN is an open source tunneling technology built on OpenSSL. OpenSSL is
the implementation of SSL utilized within the version of ICCP that is being tested. Thus, by
timing OpenVPN and OpenSSL, we can determine an estimate of the delays incurred by
Unfortunately, MACE encryption cannot be tested due to licensing restrictions and a suitable
replacement technology could not be found to provide reliable estimates of the timing of this
Software-based timing is performed by inserting into a running application a small amount of
code that has been specifically designed to calculate the runtime of the original code. Custom
tools were written to insert this specialized code into the OpenVPN process, thus allowing
the encryption and decryption routines to be timed with high accuracy. The code that is
inserted into the application replaces a function call, reads the current timestamp from the
processor (in clock ticks), calls the original function, re-reads the new timestamp and reports
the difference in timestamp. The difference in clock ticks is the number of clock ticks spent
inside the original function. This value along with the processor speed allows the total
millisecond value to be calculated. The reading of the timestamp and the associated storage
adds a negligible amount to the overall timing. This methodology provides very accurate
timing of the running function.
Figure 27 shows an example of the custom timing analysis tool. In this example, the process
identification number, or PID, of the OpenVPN process is 2788, the location in virtual
memory of the function to be timed is 0x00409c51 and the code is to be injected at virtual
memory location 0x0044fde4. How these numbers are calculated is beyond the scope of
this paper. The output of the tools is in comma-separated value (CSV) format. The first three
values, shown in hexadecimal format, are the timestamp when the function was called, the
timestamp when the function completed, and the difference in the timestamps. The final
column, shown in decimal milliseconds format, is the time difference calculated using the
timestamp difference and the processor speed.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Figure 27. Example Use of Timing Analysis Tool Software-Based Testing Configuration
Software-based testing was performed for three variations on the configuration as shown in
Table 2. The configurations tested here are considerably different from the network-based
testing because all timing is done inside one CPU, and no outbound or inbound network
resources are affected by OpenVPN tunneling. Configuration number one, “Unencrypted
Tunnel,” measures a baseline of absolutely no protection. Configuration number three,
“Public-key Encryption,” measures the most secure method tested. This method corresponds
most closely to that used by Secure ICCP.
In addition to utilizing different configurations, a custom tool was written to simulate ICCP
traffic. Each configuration adds an incremental amount of data to the overall packet size.
Because ICCP has already included this data in its packets, a custom application was written
to take into account this additional data while maintaining the size of the packets in order to
simulate the average size observed from ICCP. This average value will change relative to the
amount of information being sent between ICCP client and server. We will use our
configuration for a baseline of a typical ICCP system. Over a run of approximately 1300
packets, the average size observed was 165 bytes. Accordingly, our tool will maintain a final
size of 165 bytes, including the data added in each configuration.
Table 1. Software-Based Testing Configurations
Configuration Name OpenVPN Tunnel Encryption Authentication
Tunneled Yes None None
Default Encryption Yes Shared-key Yes
Public-key Encryption Yes Public-key Yes Software-Based Testing Results
Each test consisted of sending 300 packets through the network stack. For each packet, the
timing was calculated for the time taken to prepare the packet. This includes adding tunnel
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
information, signing the packet for authentication and encrypting the packet. The worst-case
time for the unsecured tunnel was 1.39 ms, the best-case time was 0.80 ms, and the average-
case was 0.96 ms. A full graph of the observed packet preparation times is shown in Figure
28. When OpenVPN was configured to sign and encrypt the packets with the default method
(Blowfish in cipher-block-chaining mode), the average time grew slightly. The worst-case
then became 1.17 ms, the best-case 0.89 ms, and the average-case 1.01 ms. For the default,
shared-key encryption, OpenVPN and OpenSSL displayed a difference of 0.05 ms on
average. When pushing ICCP through this same tunnel, no ill effects were observed,
indicating that for a typical system 0.05 ms is an allowable delay. A graph of the observed
preparation times for shared-key encryption and signing is given as shown in Figure 29.
Next, similar analysis was performed for OpenVPN in Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI)
mode. This is very similar to that of ICCP, where authentication is based on certificates and
encryption keys are negotiated at connection time. The per-packet preparation time for this
test is shown in Figure 30. In this case delays again grew slightly. The worst-case timing was
1.13 ms, the best-case was 0.87 ms, and the average timing was 0.99 ms. Again, these values
were within limits necessary for our ICCP configuration to work properly. The results from
all three tests are summarized in Table 3.
Table 2. Software-Based Testing Results for Send Preparation
Configuration Name
Unencrypted Tunnel 1.39 ms 0.80 ms 0.96 ms
Default Encryption 1.17 ms 0.89 ms 1.01 ms
Public-key Encryption 1.13 ms 0.87 ms 0.99 ms
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Figure 28. Observed Send Preparation Times for Unencrypted Tunnel
Send Preparation Time with
Shared-key Encryption
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Packet Number
Time (ms)
Figure 29. Observed Send Preparation Times for Shared-key Encrypted Tunnel
Send Preparation Time
Unecrypted Tunnel
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Packet Number
Time (ms)
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Send Preparation Time with
Public-key Encryption
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Packet Number
Time (ms)
Figure 30. Observed Send Preparation Times for Public-key Encrypted Tunnel
Testing of the latency of send preparation for the packets determined that values were within
limits necessary for normal operations. However, this does not provide adequate results if the
receiving process timing (including possible decryption) was beyond limits. As mentioned
earlier, most decryption algorithms perform as fast or faster than the corresponding
encryption algorithm if the proper key is known. This leads to the expectation that the
receiving process latency should be as small as or smaller than the send preparation time.
Individual results for these tests are shown in Figure 31, Figure 32, and Figure 33. The most
important details revealed during testing are that the worst-case timing is appropriate for
proper functionality during either encryption type and, more importantly, the average timing
is nearly identical in all three cases. The observed values for all three tests are summarized in
Table 4.
Table 3. Software-Based Testing Results for Receive Processing
Configuration Name
Unencrypted Tunnel 1.05 ms 0.81 ms 0.84 ms
Default Encryption 0.85 ms 0.82 ms 0.84 ms
Public-key Encryption 0.85 ms 0.83 ms 0.84 ms
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Receive Processing Time
Unecrypted Tunnel
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Packet Number
Time (ms)
Figure 31. Observed Receive Processing Times for Unencrypted Tunnel
Receive Processing Time with
Shared-key Encryption
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Packet Number
Time (ms)
Figure 32. Observed Receive Processing Times for Shared-key Encrypted Tunnel
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Receive Processing Time with
Public-key Encryption
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Packet Number
Time (ms)
Figure 33. Observed Receive Processing Times for Public-key Encrypted Tunnel
In terms of additional system resources, the needs of OpenVPN were fairly minimal. The
memory usage of OpenVPN never exceeded 4 megabytes and the processor usage averaged 2
percent. However, when using ICCP, most of this overhead is already included in the
software itself. Switching from non-secure to Secure ICCP should have a smaller impact on
these system resources than using OpenVPN with non-Secure ICCP.
3.7.5 Overall ICCP Performance Testing Summary
Testing of Secure ICCP features yielded several interesting results. Table 4 summarizes the
key findings of the network-based testing results. The values shown here measure the latency
of using an IPSec tunnel external to the ICCP endpoints. These values are not significantly
affected by the security settings of ICCP and may be implemented in addition to or instead of
built-in security features of Secure ICCP. The overall observed average difference in latency
of the Cisco 3600-based IPSec tunnel was 5.51 milliseconds. Comparisons of the end-to-end
and end-to-midpoint timings, for both non-secure and secure modes, are shown in Figure 34
and Figure 35.
Table 4. Network-Based Testing Results
ICCP Client to
ICCP Server
ICCP Server to
ICCP Client
End-to-End Non-Secure
0.52 ms
0.66 ms 0.59 ms
End-to-End Secure 6.19 ms
6.01 ms
6.10 ms
End-to-End Difference 5.67 ms 5.35 ms 5.51 ms
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Non-Secure vs. Secure
Toward Client Toward Server
Traffic Direction
Average Time (ms)
Figure 34. Non-Secure versus Secure End-to-End Latency with Cisco 3600 VPN
Non-Secure vs. Secure
Toward Client Toward Server
Traffic Direction
Average Time (ms)
Figure 35. Non-Secure versus Secure End-to-Midpoint Latency with Cisco 3600 VPN
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Table 5 shows the key findings of the software-based testing results. The values shown in
bold are the minimum values for each category in the table. It can be seen that the additional
latency experienced due to the addition of packet tunneling, signing, and encrypting was 0.05
milliseconds at worst from an unsecured tunnel and 1.01 milliseconds from traditional
plaintext transmission. Each value is affected by the processor speed of the machine
performing the OpenVPN processes.
The values shown here are for a modern machine running Windows Server 2003. Secure
ICCP timing will not be identical to the values shown, but it is based on the same software
(OpenSSL) as OpenVPN. This provides a strong estimate of the actual latency experience
with Secure ICCP. Additional graph-based comparisons of the difference in average timing
are shown in Figure 36 and Figure 37. The difference in latency in all cases is on the scale of
microseconds (µs). When summed together, the send preparation and receive processing
latencies provide the overall latency of a particular configuration. For the public-key
configuration, which is most similar to Secure ICCP, this gives an average latency of 1.83
Table 5. Software-Based Testing Results
Configuration Name
Average Send
Preparation Time
Average Receive
Processing Time
Unencrypted Tunnel
0.96 ms 0.84 ms
Default Encryption 1.01 ms
0.84 ms
Public-key Encryption 0.99 ms
0.84 ms
With Shared-key
With Public-key
Send Preparation Time
Average Time (ms)
Figure 36. Average Observed Send Preparation Time by Configuration
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
With Shared-key
With Public-key
Receive Processing Time
Average Time (ms)
Figure 37. Average Observed Receive Processing Time by Configuration
A key observation to take away is that OpenSSL-based OpenVPN on modern computing
resources performs better than Cisco 3600 routers without the appropriate hardware modules.
The difference of 5.51 ms with the Cisco versus 1.83 ms with the OpenVPN in public-key
mode is evidence of this fact. Accordingly, utilizing the security features of Secure ICCP,
which in our testing environment is also OpenSSL-based, will likely yield similar results.
However, it should be noted that using the appropriate hardware encryption module with the
Cisco 3600 would possibly level these values, if not allow it to outperform OpenSSL. Also
note that the hardware encryption modules may be more cost-prohibitive than Secure ICCP
in many cases.
In addition, experimentation has shown that neither of these solutions have noticeable
negative impacts on the operation or performance of the ICCP client or server. If absolute
best performance is a primary concern and costs prohibit hardware-enabled IPSec tunneling,
Secure ICCP is the clear choice.
3.7.6 Frame Relay Performance Discussion
The following provides a discussion of some of the important aspects of identifying a Frame
Relay encryption product that can be used for layer 2 communication protection. Specific
performance data for a Frame Relay encryption schemes were not performed in the NSTB
When implementing a Frame Relay encryption process it is important to make sure the data
throughput is not significantly reduced while being injected into the network. A properly
selected system should add minimal overhead to each frame while performing the encryption
and decryption activities. For most applications, standalone Frame Relay encryptors provide
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
higher performance values than those integrated into Frame Relay access devices (FRADs)
or than software encryption schemes. When surveying Frame Relay encryption products,
take note on how the data processing is implemented. Devices with multiple processors that
can off-load tasking or provide parallel tasking have better response figures than single
processor techniques. Also, designs that incorporate Very Large Scale Integration techniques
for providing signal processing in firmware can provide tremendous efficiency to encryption
algorithm processing. The processing speed and the instructions per seconds, normally
measured in millions (MIPS) can also provide a means of comparing and contrasting
different product designs.
One of the attributes of a high-performance Frame Relay encryptor is the ability to process
the frames at full line rate. What this implies is originating Frame Relay data on the local
area network is encrypted and pushed out on the wide arena network at the transmission rate
available at the WAN interface. But when comparing Frame Relay products associated with
line rate throughput, it is important to understand the aspect of this statement. The important
aspect is the size of the frames that were used to measure this performance - not all frames
are created equal. For example two products may claim that they can process Frame Relay
data at a full line rate of, for example, 2.048 Mbps full duplex (E1 rate). That statement alone
is not sufficient to determine if both products are equal in performance. It is important to note
the size of each frame used during the test or calculation. Some of these figures are based on
minimum Frame Relay byte size of 64 bytes. With larger frame sizes the “line rate
throughput” will not hold up, and buffering will be needed.
Another aspect of Frame Relay performance is associated with a service provider’s service
level agreement (SLA). Within the contents of an SLA are references to an attribute called
bursting. A bursting allocation provides the user with the ability to take advantage of the
Frame Relay WAN during light loading periods for no additional cost. For example, an SLA
can be constructed such that a service provider could offer a service rate of 512
kilobits/second with a burst rate up to a T1 rate of 1.544 megabit/second available on an
intermittent time frame when network bandwidth is available. Note that the burst rate would
not be part of the Committed Information Rate (CIR), and there will always be a probability
that frames may get discarded during times when the burst rate is being utilized.
Depending on the encryption process being deployed, the potential for dropping frames in an
encrypted Frame Relay environment can cause synchronization and recovery degradation for
some Frame Relay encryption schemes. Encryption techniques that are reliant on fixed order
and small inter-frame delays require renegotiation of crypto handshakes to recover from lost
frames. These implementations do not include crypto header information to be inserted for
each frame, relying mostly on frame arrival timing. Crypto header information allows for
more resiliencies during times of dropped or re-ordered frames that occur during
transmission. Encryption without encryption headers should not use any “bursting” features
that may be offered by carrier providers.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
4 Conclusions
4.1 Conclusions relating to Overall ICCP Network System Design
4.1.1 Design Components
This report discusses design considerations and components. Its primary contribution is to
identify and discuss security technologies that can enhance a network administrator’s ability
to protect the network, particularly in the context of ICCP.
4.1.2 Conclusions Relating to Quality of Service and Service Level
The primary issue here is the requirement that ICCP data traffic have a certain end-to-end
quality of service. Achieving this requirement means accommodating the Wide Area
Network (WAN) that will provide the node interconnections. One of the primary weaknesses
of a routing approach is that the most efficient and highly available routes will, over time,
become congested, as discussed in section 3.1.4, SCADA Wide Area Networks. Without some
means of dealing with this congestion, communication between participating end nodes, e.g.
SCADA control centers, can be severely delayed or/and lost. This would constitute denial of
service (DoS) even if no active denial were occurring. Section 3.1.5, IP Congestion and QoS
management, points out the importance of service level agreements (SLAs) with WAN
providers to protect in-transit ICCP traffic and identifies important SLA attributes associated
with providing a level-of-service guarantee for ICCP data streams.
4.2 Conclusions Relating to Secure ICCP Certificate Management
Section 3.4, ICCP Use of Public Key Infrastructure Certificates, and Section 3.5, Secure
ICCP Certificate Management Issues, discuss the ramifications of various approaches to PKI
certificate management in the context of ICCP.
4.2.1 PKI domain design Conclusions
Before the integration of a PKI solution for the distribution of Secure ICCP certificates, an
architecture must be identified. Based on best practice implementations, two primary PKI
domain designs, a flat hierarchy and a tiered hierarchy, are identified and analyzed. For
control systems within an established domain, a flat hierarchy is preferred for the distribution
of authentication certificates. This preference is based on the number of endpoints sharing
ICCP data. For the most part, the control system networks are more isolated and generally
small (at most a few hundred nodes) and as such, lend themselves better to flat hierarchies.
The advantage is that only one CA needs to be established for everyone on the internal
domain network, reducing the complexity of the configuration. In a tiered approach, each
company would maintain its own CA, a proposition that is likely cost-prohibitive and more
complex managerially.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
4.2.2 Inter-Domain Communication Conclusions
Another important issue associated with the introduction of certificates for the authentication
of Secure ICCP end nodes is the requirement for authenticating end-nodes between different
communication domains. This also engenders the need to identify an architecture for its
construction and a management approach for its execution. The preferred architecture for
inter-domain communication is a tiered hierarchy. This is based on a desire to provide the
most secure implementation. Creating a single “root” CA allows more restrictive security
policies to be enforced at the root while alleviating some of stringent security requirements
on subordinate CAs.
4.2.3 Secure ICCP application issues
Current implementations of certificate-based schemes within ICCP applications are primarily
static. This implies that any certificate update or renewal process requires action by an
operator. This mechanism does not fit modern techniques of end node authentication. Web-
based forms of certificate authentication do not require that computers involved in the
process be informed of the certificate update because the new certificate is sent at the
beginning of each SSL handshake. Because an initiating node sends its certificate at the
beginning of each session, no node should need to store local copies of anyone else’s
certificate. Therefore, when a node is issued a new certificate for any reason (expiration, key
update, etc.), the operation is transparent to other nodes in the network and they do not need
to be notified. These techniques should be designed into all applications intended to support
Secure ICCP.
4.3 Conclusions Relating to Transition from ICCP to Secure ICCP
For some utility sites conversion from standard ICCP to Secure ICCP will occur over time,
which implies that ICCP and Secure ICCP will coexist in some networks. Section 3.6,
Strategy for the transition from ICCP to Secure ICCP describes configuring network
connections to provide mixed-mode operation when both secure and non-secure forms of
ICCP co-exist on a network.
For sites that must provide security without using Secure ICCP, either because they are in
transition or because they do not plan to upgrade to the secure form of ICCP, This section
also discusses potential alternatives to assure ICCP data protection. Both IPSec (see section
3.6.1, Layer 3 Link Protection) and data link encryption (see section 3.6.2, Layer 2 Link
Protection) can provide protection for in-flight ICCP data.
4.4 Performance of Networks Incorporating Secure ICCP
Measurements were taken to characterize the impact of using different security layers
associated with securing the ICCP data. The processing and transport delays were
characterized to provide the user with a sense of the operational impact when adding a
technology to the protection of ICCP. Associated implementations such as OpenSSL, for
characterizing Secure ICCP, and IPSec, for characterizing a Layer-3 encryption, are
documented. The overall results show that the integration of secure protocols had minimum
effect on the end-to-end performance of an application, but the overall management
complexity increased with each added layer of protection.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
5 Recommendations
Secure ICCP Certificate Management
PKI domain design
Before the integration of a PKI solution for the distribution of Secure ICCP certificates, an
architecture must be identified. Based on best-practice implementations, two primary PKI
domain designs were identified: a flat hierarchy and a tiered hierarchy. For control systems
within a single established domain, a flat hierarchy is recommended for the distribution of
authentication certificates. This recommendation is based on the number of endpoints sharing
ICCP data. For the most part, such networks tend to be isolated and generally small (at most
a few hundred nodes) and, as such, lend themselves better to a flat hierarchy. The advantage
of a flat hierarchy is that only one CA needs to be established for everyone on the internal
domain network, reducing the complexity of the configuration. In a tiered approach, each
company would maintain its own CA, a proposition that is likely cost-prohibitive and more
managerially complex.
Inter-Domain Communication
Another important issue associated with the introduction of certificates for the authentication
of Secure ICCP end nodes is the requirement for authenticating end nodes between different
communication domains. Introducing certificate-based authentication in a multi-domain
environment requires that an architecture must be identified in order to construct the
authentication mechanism and a management approach must be identified in order to execute
the authentication process. The architecture recommended for inter-domain communication
is a tiered hierarchy. This recommendation is based on the need to provide the most secure
implementation. Creating a single “root” Certificate Authority (CA) allows more restrictive
security policies to be enforced at the root while alleviating some of stringent security
requirements on subordinate CA’s.
Secure ICCP application issues
Current implementations of certificate-based schemes within ICCP applications are primarily
static in nature. This implies that any certificate update or renewal process requires actions
by an operator. This mechanism does not fit modern techniques of end node authentication.
Web-based forms of certificate authentication do not require machines (computers) to be
informed of the certificate update because the new certificate will be sent at the beginning of
each SSL handshake. Because a node’s certificate is sent at the beginning of each session,
nodes should not need to store local copies of anyone else’s certificate. Therefore, when a
node is issued a new certificate for any reason (expiration, key update, etc.), the operation is
transparent to other nodes in the network and they do not need to be notified. It is
recommended that these techniques be designed into all applications intended to support
Secure ICCP.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Network System Design
Design Components
Network design considerations and components are discussed in this report. The primary
observations are associated with identification and integration of security technologies that
can enhance a network administrator’s network protection capability.
Quality of Service (QoS) and Service-Level Agreements (SLAs)
In any Wide Area Network (WAN), the most efficient and highly available routes will
become congested and communication between participating end nodes, e.g. SCADA control
centers, will delayed or lost. We recommend creating Service-Level Agreements (SLAs)
with WAN providers that guarantee a level of service for ICCP data streams.
Transition Strategy
Layer 2 & Layer 3 protection mechanisms
For some utility sites the conversion from the standard ICCP to Secure ICCP will not be
rapidly achieved. For those sites that do not plan to upgrade toSecure ICCP, a section of this
report discusses some potential alternatives to provide the security needed to assure ICCP
data protection. IPSec and data link encryption are suggested as means to provide the
necessary data surety for the protection of in-flight ICCP data. A technique is also described
to configure a network connection to provide a mixed-mode operational scenario when both
secure and non-secure forms of ICCP co-exist on a network.
Measurements were taken to characterize the impact of using different security layers
associated with securing the ICCP data. The processing and transport delays are
characterized to provide the user with a sense of the operational impact when adding
protection technologies to an ICCP network. Associated implementations, such as OpenSSL
for Secure ICCP and IPSec for a Layer-3 encryption, are documented. The overall results
show that the integration of secure protocols should have minimal effect on end-to-end
application performance but the overall management complexity will increase with each
added layer of protection.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Appendix A: References
[1] T. Saxton, D. Ambrose, and F. Kendall, ICCP User Guide, prepared for the Electric
Power Research Institute by KEMA-ECC, October 1996.
[2] E. Rescorla, SSL and TLS: Designing and Building Secure Systems, Addison-Wesley,
[3] T. Dierks and E. Rescorla, The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.1;
IETF RFC 4346, April 2006.
[4] B. Stojkovic and M. Vukasovic; “A new SCADA system design in the power system
of Montenegro – ICCP/TASE.2 and Web-based real-time electricity demand metering
extensions”, Proc. IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, October
[5] R. Lee, H. Cal, A. Beard, and J. Scott, ICCP Implementation for Distributed Control
Systems, Public Service Company of New Mexico, January 2005.
[6] C.-C. Lin and S.-J. Huang; “Enhancement of power system communications via real
time transport protocol”, Proc. IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting;
January 2002.
[7] D. Popovic; “Open electric power control system communication”; Elektroprivreda;
vol.51, no.2, p.27-33; April-June 1998.
[8] G. Maestri and P. Scalera; “Network reliability and continuity of supply”;
Elettrificazione; vol.56, no.1-2, p.70-4; January-February 2006.
[9] J. Weiss; “Information security needs for T & D equipment”; Proc. IEEE Power
Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conf.; January 2002.
[10] J. Hughes (proj. mgr.), The Integrated Energy and Communication System
Architecture, Electric Power Research Institute Inc., 2004.
[11] J. Hamilton; The Use of Authentication across Borders in OECD Countries; Industry
Canada; OECD Document JT00194846; November 2005.
[12] E. Byres, D. Hoffman and N. Kube; “On Shaky Ground – A Study of Security
Vulnerabilities in Control Protocols”, Proc. 5th American Nuclear Society Int. Mtg. on
Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls, and HMI Technology; November 2006.
[13] S. Bradner, The Internet Standards Process, Rev. 3, IETF RFC 2026, October 1996.
[14] Infrastructure Protection Challenges and Efforts to Secure Control System, Report to
Congressional Requesters, GAO-04-354, March 2004.
[15] Roadmap to Secure Control Systems in the Energy Sector, U.S. DOE and U.S. DHS,
prepared by Energetics Incorporated, January, 2006.
[16] The Changing Structure of the Electric Power Industry 2000: An Update, Energy
Information Administration, October 2000.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
[17] J. Michalski, C. Price, E. Stanton, E. Lee, K.S. Chua, Y.-H. Wong, and C.-P. Tan;
Network Security Mechanism Utilizing Network Address Translation LDRD project,
SAND Report, SAND2002-3613, November 2002.
[18] Single-User Network Access Security TACACS+, Cisco Systems Inc. Copyright 1996.
[19] C. Rigney, S. Willens, et al. Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS),
IETF RFC 2865, June 2000.
[20] D. McDysan, QoS & Traffic Management in IP and ATM Networks, McGraw-Hill,
[21] K. Nichols, S. Blake, F. Baker, and D. Black; Definition of the Differentiated Services
Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers, IETF RFC 2474, December 1998.
[22] D. Awduche, J. Malcolm, J. Agogbua, M. O’Dell, and J. McManus; Requirements for
Traffic Engineering Over MPLS, IETF RFC 2702, September 1999.
[23] Configuring and Troubleshooting Frame Relay, Document ID 16563, Cisco Inc.,
updated November 2005.
[24] C. Brown, A. Malis, Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay, IETF RFC 2427,
September 1998.
[25] M. Rose and D. Cass, ISO Transport Service on top of the TCP Version 3, IETF RFC
1006, May 1987.
[26] S. Kent and K. Seo, Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol, IETF RFC 4301,
December 2005.
[27] S. Kent, IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), IETF RFC 4303, S. Kent,
December 2005.
[28] V. Manral, Cryptographic Algorithm Implementation Requirements for Encapsulating
Security Payload (ESP) and Authentication Header (AH), IETF RFC 4835, April 2007.
[29] C. Kaufman (ed), Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) Protocol, IETF RFC 4306,
December 2005.
[30] R. Housley, W. Polk, W. Ford, and D. Solo, Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile, IETF RFC 3280, April 2002.
[31] W. E. Anderson, J. Michalski, and B. Van Leeuwen, Enhancements for Distributed
Certificate Authority Approaches for Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, SAND
Report, SAND2003-4395, December 2003.
[32] M. Meyers, R. Ankey, A. Malpani, S. Galperin, and C. Adams, X.509 Internet Public
Key Infrastructure Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), IETF RFC 2560, June
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Appendix B: Security Technology
1 Public Key Cryptography
In modern information systems, regardless of specific security or cryptographic needs, the
security supplied by cryptography is provided by a secret key. In the traditional model, when
two parties Alice and Bob want to communicate, they share a common secret key. Using that
shared secret key and a corresponding cryptographic algorithm (e.g. an encryption
algorithm), Alice and Bob can secure their communications by processing (e.g. encrypting)
their messages with that key. Since both Alice and Bob use the same secret key to secure
their communications, this approach is called symmetric key cryptography.
The obvious question is: How do Alice and Bob establish or agree upon that shared secret
key? To ensure the security of the key, it must be distributed over a secure, out-of-band
channel. Unfortunately, these requisite secure channels are difficult to establish and sustain.
For instance, it could be required that all communicating parties meet face to face in order to
establish a shared secret key, but this requirement is often onerous and impractical.
Consequently, the symmetric key model is simple and works fine for small situations;
however, it has serious scaling issues. If Alice wants to communicate with other people
besides Bob, she needs to establish a new shared key with every person with whom she
wants to communicate. Bob must do the same. As networks become large, it soon becomes
excessively difficult to negotiate a key with everyone in a secure out-of-band fashion.
Public key cryptography was designed in part to solve this key management problem. The
Internet’s Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), the Internet Key Exchange (IKE), is described in
[29]. Public key cryptographic algorithms are distinguished by the fact that the algorithms
use two different keys, one of which is kept secret, while the other is made public. The keys
are mathematically related to each other, and there is a unique private key associated with
each public key. For encryption schemes, the encryption key is made public while the
decryption key is kept secret and known only to its owner. If Alice wants to send an
encrypted message to Bob, she can use Bob’s public key to encrypt the message. Bob (and
only Bob) knows the corresponding private key, so only he can decrypt the message from
Alice. Since Bob’s public key is publicly available, there is no need for Alice to exchange
keys with Bob. By allowing Bob’s encryption key to be publicly known to anyone (even an
attacker), the key management problem of symmetric keys is avoided.
2 Public Key Infrastructure
2.1 Registration Authority
In a public key system, each entity is bound to its own public key/private key pair (or pairs).
This system is commonly known as a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). A fundamental
requirement of any PKI is a mechanism by which public keys can be distributed and bound to
their owner. This binding is done via digital certificates. While digital certificates come in
different formats, they often contain the following fields: the identity of the owner of the
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
public key; the public key itself; the intended use of the key; the validity period of the
certificate; and the identity of the certificate issuer. There have been some attempts at
standardization of certificates. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) issued
X.509, a standard for PKIs which includes a specified digital certificate format [30]. A digital
certificate is valid only if it is signed by a trusted Certification Authority. The public key
infrastructure governs both the use and management of these digital certificates.
The following are core components of a PKI.
2.2 Registration Authority (RA)
The Registration Authority (RA) registers public key owners by creating their digital
certificates, which are then signed by the Certification Authority. The RA confirms the
identity of the public key owner and may even generate the keying material on behalf of the
owner. The requirements for verifying owner identity vary among different Registration
Authorities. Thus, the trust in the digital certificate is dependent on the trust in the RA’s
identification verification procedures. Furthermore, if the RA generates the keying material
on behalf of the public key owner, this may undermine the non-repudiation aspect of public
key cryptography since both the registration authority and the public key owner will have
access to the secret keying material.
2.3 Certification Authority (CA)
The Certification Authority (CA) certifies the identity of a public key’s owner by signing the
digital certificate generated by the RA. The validity of the CA’s signature is verified using
the CA’s public key, raising the obvious question: “Who certifies the Certification
Authority?” As will be described below, there may be a hierarchy in Certification
Authorities, and the public key of a given CA is verified by another CA.
2.4 Certificate Repository
For public key cryptography and key exchange to work, the public keys and digital
certificates must be available to users. One option is to store these keys and certificates in a
Certificate Repository. Examples of Certificate Repositories include the X.509 server, the
LDAP server, and corporate databases. SSL takes an alternative approach. In SSL,
certificates are exchanged by the clients at the beginning of each session, so no Certificate
Repository is needed.
2.5 Certificate Revocation Mechanism
When a public key pair is compromised, or when there is a change in any digital certificate
field, the certificate needs to be revoked and placed on a Certificate Revocation List (CRL).
Certificate validity should be checked against these lists whenever a certificate is used, but in
practice this is rarely done. Issues associated with using a CRL are discussed in section 5.3.1,
Certificate Revocation Lists, of this appendix, Appendix B: Security Technology.
When two nodes need to communicate in a secure manner over SSL, each must first
authenticate the other to ensure the communication is not with an impostor. Digital
certificates are the cornerstone of this authentication.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
3 Certificates in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
In SSL, the entity who initiates a network connection with a remote machine is called the
client, and the remote machine that accepts the remote connection is referred to as the server.
To be consistent with the SSL documentation, we will adopt the same terminology. When a
client initiates an SSL session with a server, the pair exchanges a series of handshake
messages that establish (1) their identities, (2) the preferred cryptographic algorithms, and (3)
short-term symmetric keys that will be used to protect the newly-formed SSL session. The
short term session key is sent by the client and is encrypted with the public key of the server.
Public key cryptography is used primarily during this handshake phase to establish the
temporary symmetric session keys, and all later communications are protected using those
session keys with much faster symmetric key algorithms.
It should be noted that in the basic SSL handshake, the authentication is only one-way; the
client authenticates (i.e., is assured of the identity of) the server, but the server does not
authenticate the client. Fortunately, it is possible for the server to request client
authentication as well. For the networks relevant to reader, this mutual authentication is
likely to be required and should be used. In this discussion it is assumed that both client and
server authenticate each other.
Regardless of who is authenticating whom, the
procedure is fundamentally the same. Figure 38
depicts the process. In order for the server (S) to
authenticate itself to the client (C), the server
sends its certificate to the client. The client has a Figure 38. The server (S) sends its
cached copy of the CA’s trusted certificate, which certificate to the client (C)
it implicitly trusts. Since the client trusts the CA,
the client will also trust certificates signed by the CA. Therefore, if the server possesses a
valid certificate signed by the CA, the client can trust the certificate and likewise the server.
When the client receives the server’s certificate, it checks whether the server’s certificate was
indeed signed by the CA using its copy of the CA’s public key. If the certificate is invalid
(e.g. the signature is incorrect, the name on the certificate does not match, the certificate has
expired, etc.), the client will not trust the server and can end the SSL session. On the other
hand, if the certificate was correctly signed by the trusted CA, the client can be assured that
the server is the entity named in the certificate. In this case, the server is successfully
authenticated to the client. The client can then discard the certificate and finish the SSL
session handshake. Note that there is no need for the client to cache or store copies of the
server’s certificate.
This discussion of node authentication and the use of certificates in SSL is a simplification,
but it highlights the fundamental issues. It should be noted that the client can identify the
server only by the entity named on the certificate. It is therefore imperative that the names on
the certificates be unique for every network entity. There are standards that define the
specific naming conventions for these distinguished names (DNs). For example, a possible
DN could be composed of the entity’s country, organization, organizational unit, and
common name, such as:
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
C=US, O=Sandia, OU=Security, CN=John Doe
These distinguished names are intended to prevent any naming collisions and to allow
network entities to be uniquely identified. Any policy or access control decisions made at
higher layers in the stack (e.g., the application layer) should usually base their policy on these
distinguished names, not on the actual certificates. Certificates are short-term tokens that
merely bind unique identities (as denoted by DNs) to public keys. Assigning privileges or
access controls to certificates is something for which certificates were not intended. Instead,
the policy should be mapped to the identity (e.g. to the DN) to which the certificate is bound.
4 Certification Hierarchy Schemes
Each node in the network needs to have access to a certification authority to receive the
fundamental PKI services (e.g. signing, caching, and revoking certificates). There are novel
ways to manage certificates in challenging environments [31], but the two basic ways in
which the PKI certification hierarchy can be structured remain the flat hierarchy and the
tiered hierarchy. In the simplest scenario, the entire network is serviced by a single root CA;
each node communicates directly with the root CA to receive the required services. This is
the the flat hierarchy. Alternatively, it may be desirable for each company on the network to
manage its own nodes independently. The companies’ individual PKIs are in turn certified by
a single root CA. This is the tiered hierarchy. In the following subsections, each of these
schemes is examined in detail along with its associated strengths and weaknesses.
4.1 Flat Hierarchy
In the most basic case, there is a single certificate authority that provides PKI services to the
entire network. Each node, regardless to which company it belongs, connects directly to the
lone CA to receive certificates. In this scenario, all nodes are assumed to have a direct
connection to the CA. This flat PKI structure is depicted below in Figure 39.
Figure 39. Flat certification authority hierarchy
Company A
Company B
Company Z
Certificate Authority
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
In this scenario, validating a certificate is quite straightforward. Since all certificates are
signed by the single CA, nodes need to cache only one trusted certificate, that of the CA.
With that single trusted certificate, any other node’s certificate can be verified, as shown
below in Figure 40. Here, when Node-1 needs to authenticate itself to another node, it
transmits its certificate. The authenticating node can then use its local copy of the CA’s
certificate, which contains the CA’s public key, to check the signature on Node-1’s
certificate. If the signature verifies, the certificate is assumed to be valid. The rest of the
handshake can then proceed to verify that Node-1 indeed has the key pair attested to by the
Step 1: Node-1 sends its certificate to Node-2
Step 2: Node-2 uses the root certificate to validate Node-1’s certificate
Figure 40. Certificate exchange in a Flat PKI
This centralized approach has several strengths and weaknesses:
Certificates are managed by one central site, relieves burden from individual
A node needs to send only its own certificate in the handshake
CRLs are simpler and valid across the system
CRLs are managed at one central site
Simplicity; getting PKI services is very straightforward
Does not scale to large networks (500+ nodes)
1 2
Public key:
Expiration: mm/dd/yyyy
Public key:
Stored locally Transmitted during
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Centralized solution provides a single point of failure
“One size fits all” model of security for all nodes across different companies.
Changes to the security policy must be more formal and restrictive since they affect
all nodes.
Companies must trust the single CA to manage everyone fairly
Single node responsible for CRLs can experience heavy load
The process of adding a node to the CRL can be complicated
As networks grow larger, the flat PKI structure becomes difficult for a single entity to
manage and service. Furthermore, either out of convenience or distrust, organizations may
prefer to manage their own PKI nodes themselves. To satisfy these issues, a tiered PKI
hierarchy can be implemented.
4.2 Tiered Hierarchy
An alternative approach is to create a layered, or tiered, hierarchy of certificate authorities. In
this model, each company runs its own CA that is responsible for providing PKI services for
its own nodes only. For example, the PKI network would contains as many CAs as there
were participating utility companies. Certificates held by each node are signed by the node’s
local (i.e company-specific) CA. Figure 41 depicts the tiered PKI structure with two levels of
CAs. The top level is the root CA, and below each company (A-Z) has its own local CA that
issues certificates for its own nodes.
Figure 41. Tiered certification authority hierarchy
Company A
Company B
Company Z
Certificate Authority
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Since each company signs its own certificates, verification of cross-company (also called
cross-domain) certificates is slightly different. If we use the same certificate exchange as
before, when a node from company B receives a certificate signed by company A, it has no
way of determining whether the signature is trustworthy. Company B only trusts itself and
the root CA. As shown below in Figure 42, a node from company B (Node-2) has no way to
verify a certificate from company A (Node-1). In the figure, Node-2 cannot verify the
signature on Node-1’s certificate because he does not trust company A’s CA.
Step 1: Node-1 sends its certificate to Node-2
Step 2: Node-2 tries to validate Node-1’s certificate with the root certificate.
Validation fails because Node-1’s certificate was signed by Company A, not the root CA.
Figure 42. Incorrect certificate exchange in a tiered PKI
1 2
Public key:
Expiration: mm/dd/yyyy
Public key:
Stored locally Transmitted during
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Instead, a chain of certificates must be transmitted to the verifying node. The chain of trust
includes the node’s certificate, signed by company A and its company A’s certificate, which
is signed by the root CA. Since the root CA is trusted, the verifying node at company B can
verify that company A’s certificate was signed by the trusted CA, and that Node-1’s
certificate was signed by the now trusted company A. The chain of certificate verification is
illustrated below in Figure 43. While the chain of trust depicted below is only two certificates
long, in practice the chain can be of any length.
Step 1: Node-1 sends Company A’s certificate and its own certificate to Node-2
Step 2: Node-2 uses the root certificate to validate Company A’s certificate.
Then it uses Company A’s certificate to validate Node-1’s certificate.
Figure 43. Correct certificate exchange in a tiered PKI
In Figure 43, Node-1 from company A sends two certificates to Node-2 at company B: (1)
company A’s CA certificate signed by the root CA, and (2) Node-1’s personal certificate,
signed by company A’s CA. Node-2 can then use its local copy of the root CA’s certificate to
verify the identity of company A’s CA. If verification is successful, Node-2 can now trust the
certificate of company A’s CA. Next, Node-2 uses the newly trusted copy of company A’s
CA certificate to verify the certificate of Node-1. If that second verification is successful,
Node-2 can trust the certificate of Node-1.
This de-centralized approach has several strengths and weaknesses.
Scales very well for larger networks. There can be multiple tiers of CAs between the
root CA and the end node.
Each company can independently manage its own nodes
There is much less stress on the single root CA
The burden of circulating the CRL is no longer on a single node
1 2
Public key:
Public key:
Company A
Public key:
Expiration: mm/dd/yyyy
Stored locally Transmitted during authentication
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
A failure or compromise at a company’s CA will only affect that company’s nodes
Complexity. This scenario is slightly more complex. The company CAs must
occasionally have their certificates updated, which in turn must be distributed to all
the nodes.
There are multiple CAs that must be secured from failure and attack
Each company must maintain its own CRL and distribute certificates.
Multiple certificates must be passed to provide proper authentication
Lower-tiered CAs must have reachback to the primary “root” CA.
5 Certificate Management
In the normal operation of a public key, certificates are constantly used and exchanged
between nodes. The certificates are temporary objects that attest to the identity of a node.
Over time, certificates will expire or be revoked, and a process must be in place to manage
the system’s certificates. This section describes the management of certificates in a typical
5.1 Certificate Issuance
The challenge in issuing certificates is having the CA verify that an entity is in fact who it
claims to be. As such, to authenticate a physical entity, such as a control node computer,
certificates cannot be issued online but rather require some level of physical interaction. For
instance, if a node claiming to be “control Node-1” at Company B asks for a certificate
online, the CA has no way of determining the real node from an impostor; the CA needs
some type of physical interaction with “control Node-1” at Company B, such as hand-
delivering the certificate, to be sure that the certificate was issued to the correct entity. For
the Utilities the Internet model of asking for and receiving an initial node certificate should
be much more stringent than initiating a web browser application.
5.2 Certificate Expiration and Renewal
Every certificate has a specific period of time for which it is valid. After that period of time
elapses, the certificate expires and should no longer be accepted. The validity period of
certificates is defined in the security policy of its surrounding PKI and is ultimately a policy
decision made by the system administrators.
Regardless of how long the validity period is defined, certificates will eventually expire.
When a node’s certificate is due to expire, it is necessary for that node to request and be
granted a new certificate. The node communicates with its issuing CA and asks for a renewed
certificate with a new expiration date. Assuming the node is still a valid node, the CA will
issue the node an updated certificate.
With the new certificate in hand, the node can start using it during the SSL handshake to
authenticate itself to other machines. It is important to note that the other machines do not
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
need to be informed of the certificate update because the new certificate will be sent at the
beginning of each SSL handshake. Because a node’s certificate is sent at the beginning of
each session, nodes should not need to store local copies of anyone else’s certificate.
Therefore, when a node is issued a new certificate for any reason (expiration, key update,
etc.), the operation is transparent to other nodes in the network, and they do not need to be
5.3 Certificate Revocation
As described above, certificates are naturally invalidated when their validity period expires;
however, it may be necessary to invalidate a certificate before its validity period expires. For
example, if a node leaves the system, the node (and its certificate) should no longer be
considered valid. Similarly, if a node is compromised and its private key is stolen, the
corresponding certificate should no longer be accepted as valid since the key is potentially
exposed to an attacker. Unfortunately, in either case, other nodes have no way of determining
that the certificate should be considered invalid; the certificate has not expired and was valid
when it was first issued, so other nodes will trust it. To combat this problem, the PKI
structure needs an additional mechanism in place for invalidating, or revoking, otherwise
valid certificates.
5.3.1 Certificate Revocation Lists
The classic mechanism for marking certificates as revoked is the Certificate Revocation List
(CRL). The CRL is a list published by the CA of certificates that should no longer be
considered valid. Certificates listed on the CRL have been deemed to be untrustworthy and
should be treated as invalid certificates. When a node receives someone else’s certificate, the
node should ensure that the certificate is not on the CRL. If the certificate is listed on the
CRL, it can no longer be trusted and should be considered invalid.
Certificate revocation lists are desirable primarily for their simplicity. The CRL is signed and
published periodically (e.g., weekly) by the CA. Nodes, in turn, periodically download the
latest copy of the CRL and store it locally. The process of publishing and downloading CRLs
is very straightforward, is simple to implement, and does not require any additional
infrastructure. The window of vulnerability of CRLs is the time between CRL publications.
The window of vulnerability can be shrunk by publishing CRLs more often, but the rapid
updates impose a significant bandwidth and computational cost on the CA.
The primary drawback of CRLs is their scalability issues. In larger networks, it becomes
increasingly difficult for the CA to provide timely CRL services for its myriad nodes.
Furthermore, the larger the network is, the larger the CRL becomes. For networks with a
huge number of nodes, the CRL can grow to be megabytes in size, imposing a significant
bandwidth cost on the CA. The bandwidth issue is compounded by “CRL request
implosion.” That is, the nodes on the network may become synchronized around the CRL
publication time and will request the new CRL near the moment of publication in order to
minimize the window of vulnerability. This synchronization will inundate the CA with
numerous simultaneous CRL requests and may cause network congestion and additional
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
5.3.2 Online Certificate Status Protocol
An alternative to CRLs is the Online Certification Status Protocol (OCSP) [32]. OCSP is
designed to provide timely certificate status checking. OCSP introduces trusted third parties
called OCSP Responders. OCSP Responders answer certificate status queries on behalf of
the CA. When a node is presented with a certificate, a request is sent to an OCSP Responder
to determine the validity of the certificate. The OCSP Responder sends back a signed status
response of either “Good,” “Revoked,” or “Unknown.” All certificate validity checking is
performed real-time, so there is no need for nodes to preemptively download or cache
OCSP is an IETF standard and has several commercial implementations because it provides
several desirable properties that are not found in a traditional CRL. The main advantage of
OCSP is the small window of vulnerability. Since certificate revocation status is checked
real-time, the window of vulnerability can essentially be made zero. The other primary
advantage is the scalability. The certificate revocation information is distributed to a sub-
network of trusted OCSP Responders who answer on behalf of the CA. As such, the
certificate status requests by the nodes are distributed across the OCSP Responders, allowing
the system to scale adequately (although not perfectly) in large networks.
The drawbacks of OCSP are the need for the trusted third parties and the necessity for them
to remain online. The OCSP Responders must all be trusted, secure entities similar to the CA.
Furthermore, the OCSP Responders must remain online at all times in order for the scheme
to work properly. If the OCSP Responders go down or are severed from the network, nodes
will not be able to identify revoked certificates.
5.3.3 Impetus for Certificate Revocation
Sometimes it is not clear why a certificate revocation mechanism is necessary. The following
scenarios are intended to illustrate the practical impact certificate revocation mechanisms can
have on real life systems.
Scenario 1: Secure node communications without an implemented CRL
Multiple nodes within three Utility companies Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie communicate
daily and exchange information needed to conduct business. They rely on a PKI-enabled
communication system that employs user certificates but does not implement an
accompanying CRL.
A valid node within company Alpha was stolen by an adversary during a weekend
evening. The theft was discovered by security personnel a few hours later and was
reported to the local authorities. During the subsequent week, the adversary set up the
communication node in a distant location using an IP spoofing scheme in order to trick
nodes in company Bravo and Charlie into believing that it was still communicating from
its primary location. Each time a communication request took place between company
Alpha’s stolen node and the other participating companies, a PKI certificate exchange
took place. Each of these exchanges was accepted because the certificate presented by the
stolen node was valid and the adversary successfully completed the required challenges.
The private key was located on the stolen node, so the adversary was able to confirm its
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
identity by encrypting proposed challenges presented to him by the other company nodes.
These challenges were verified and confirmed by the public key of the stolen node. Even
though the theft of the stolen node was reported, the Alpha node appeared to be secure
and legitimate from Bravo’s and Charlie’s perspectives, and so communication occurred
unabated. Unfortunately, by communicating unknowingly with the adversary, sensitive
information was exposed resulting in severe data compromise.
Scenario 2: Secure node communications with an implemented CRL
Multiple nodes within three Utility companies Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie communicate
daily and exchange information needed to conduct business. They rely on a PKI
communication mechanism that provides user certificates and an accompanying CRL.
As before, a valid node within company Alpha was stolen by an adversary during a
weekend evening. The theft was discovered by security personnel a few hours later and
was reported to the local authorities and to the network security officer who immediately
informed the CRL administrator to add the nodes certificate to the CRL database. During
the subsequent week, the adversary set up the communication node in a distant location
using the aforementioned IP spoofing technique to mask his location. Each time a
communication request took place between company’s Alpha stolen node and the other
participating companies, a PKI certificate exchange took place. Like before, each of these
exchanges was initially accepted because the certificate presented by the stolen node was
valid and the adversary successfully completed the required challenges. However, the
certificate of the stolen node was then compared to the system’s CRL. Since the network
communications officer in company Alpha added the stolen node’s certificate to the CRL
database, the certificate was identified as revoked. The stolen node’s certificate was
thereby deemed invalid, communication with the stolen node was immediately
terminated, and a security alert was logged.
In Scenario 1, without some mechanism for certificate revocation, there was no way for
company Bravo or Charlie to recognize the stolen node as being untrustworthy. Thus, it was
only natural for them to engage in normal communications with the stolen node. Without a
certificate revocation mechanism, the compromised certificate could not possibly have been
recognized to prevent unauthorized release of sensitive information. On the other hand,
Scenario 2 employed a CRL for certificate revocation. Consequently, the compromised
certificate was immediately identified, and all communication with the stolen node was
stopped before it ever began. While this scenario is intentionally simplified, it provides a
fundamental depiction of the risks associated with deploying a PKI in high consequence
systems without a method for certificate revocation.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Appendix C: Acronyms
ACSE Association Control Service Element
BECN Backward Explicit Congestion Notification
BPS Bits Per Second
CIR Commited Information Rate
CSU Customer Service Unit
DE Discard Eligible – data frames above the Commited Information Rate (CIR)
DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier
DSU Data Service Unit
EASE Embedded Application Service Element. Older term used for MMS
FECN Forward Explicit Congestion Notification
FRAD Frame Relay Access Device
ICCP Inter-control Center Communications Protocol
LATA Local Access Transport Area
LEC Local Exchange Carrier
MFLOPS Millions of FLoating-point Operations Per Second
MIPS Millions of Instructions per Second
MMS Manufacturing Message Specification
NAS Network Access Server
NTK Need To Know
PPS Packets Per Second
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service
RBAC Role-Based Access Control
RTU Remote Telemetry Unit
SLA Service Level Agreement
TACACS Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
TASE Telecontrol Application Service Element
TPS Transaction Per Second
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VTP VLAN Trucking Protocol
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Appendix D: Glossary
A metric for comparing two or more systems. For ICCP testing we might
consider the estimated time for configuring the different implementations of
Secure ICCP and TLS.
Efficiency The ratio of usable capacity to theoretical capacity. Also, the ratio of the
performance of an n-processor system to that of a single-processor system.
IPsec IP Security. IPsec is used widely to implement Virtual Private Networks.
Throughput at the “knee” (point of maximum curvature) of the response time
curve. Considered the optimal operating point.
MACE MMS Application Certificate Exchange. MACE provides application
authentication as well as anti-replay for non SSL/TLS connections
Data transfer rate through a component, connection, or system. Usually given in
units (bits, bytes, or packets) per second.
The expected maximum throughput of a link under standard load.
OSI Open Systems Interconnection. A standard for how messages should be
transmitted between two nodes in a telecommunication network.
Time between submission of a request by the client and the beginning of its
execution by the server.
Time between server beginning execution of a request and reception of the
response by the client. (For a batch stream, responsiveness is measured as the
Turnaround time, which see)
Time between submission of a request by the client and reception of the response
from the server. Round trip time = Reaction time + Response time.
SSL Secure Sockets Layer. SSL provides client-server authentication and data
encryption. Note that SSL version 3.0 has officially changed names to TLS.
The ratio of response time at a particular load to response time at the minimum
load. Response time generally increases as the load on the system increases.
Throughput The rate at which requests can be serviced by the system.
TLS Transport Layer Security (SSL version 3.0)
Time between the submission of a request by a client and completion of the
output by the server.
The maximum throughput achievable without exceeding a specified response
time limit.
Utilization The fraction of time a resource is busy servicing requests.
Secure ICCP Integration Considerations and Recommendations
Appendix E: For More Information
Author John Michalski ([email protected])
Critical Infrastructure Systems Department
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185
National SCADA Testbed
(NSTB) Project
Jennifer DePoy, Manager ([email protected])
Critical Infrastructure Systems Department
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185