Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and
Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Biomedical Research Internships
The following catalog features approximately 280 biomedical research internships offered nationwide for high school,
undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, graduate, and first-year medical students. This catalog is organized by academic
level and discipline and the programs are alphabetized according to the name of the sponsoring institution or
organization. For more information about a specific internship, please refer to the program’s website or contact the
respective administrator.
*Note: This document is updated annually in the Fall, and was last updated 11/7/23. If you
would like your program to be featured in this compilation, please contact Marilyn Drennan.
Internships in Scientific Research for High School Students ...................................................... 9
City of Hope (California) ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Indiana University, Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center (Indiana) ................................................................................. 9
Lillehei Heart Institute (Minnesota) ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Maine Medical Center Research Institute (Maine) ............................................................................................................... 9
NASA STEM Programs (Multiple locations) ....................................................................................................................... 10
National Institutes of Health (Maryland) ............................................................................................................................ 10
National Institutes of Health (Maryland) ............................................................................................................................ 10
National Institutes of Health (Maryland) ............................................................................................................................ 11
Pathways to Science (Multiple locations) ........................................................................................................................... 11
Rosetta Institute of Biomedical Research (California) ....................................................................................................... 11
Roswell Park Cancer Institute (New York) ........................................................................................................................ 12
Shoreline Community College (Washington) ..................................................................................................................... 12
Stanford School of Medicine (California) .......................................................................................................................... 12
Stanford School of Medicine (California) .......................................................................................................................... 13
STEP-UP (Multiple locations) ............................................................................................................................................ 13
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (Texas) ............................................................................................... 13
University of Washington (Washington) ............................................................................................................................. 14
USA Jobs (Multiple locations) ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students .......................... 15
Albert Einstein College of Medicine (New York) ............................................................................................................... 15
Amgen Scholars (California) .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Amgen Scholars (California) .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Amgen Scholars (California) .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Amgen Scholars (California) .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Amgen Scholars (California) .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Amgen Scholars (Connecticut) .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Amgen Scholars (New York) ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Amgen Scholars (Maryland) ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Amgen Scholars (Massachusetts) ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Amgen Scholars (Missouri) ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Arizona State University (Arizona) .................................................................................................................................... 18
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and
Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Association of American Medical Colleges (Multiple locations) ........................................................................................ 19
Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN) (Multiple locations) .................................................................. 19
Augusta University (Georgia) ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Baylor College of Medicine (Texas) .................................................................................................................................. 20
Boston University (Massachusetts) .................................................................................................................................... 20
Boston University School of Medicine (Massachusetts) .................................................................................................... 20
Brandeis University (Massachusetts) ................................................................................................................................. 21
Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Massachusetts) ............................................................................................................. 21
Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Massachusetts) ............................................................................................................. 21
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (Massachusetts) ........................................................................................................ 22
California Institute of Technology (California) ................................................................................................................... 22
California Institute of Technology (California) ................................................................................................................... 22
Cancer Research Center of Hawai’i (Hawai’i) .................................................................................................................... 23
Charles Drew University (California) .................................................................................................................................. 23
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute (Pennsylvania) ............................................................................ 24
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (Ohio) ........................................................................................................ 24
City of Hope (California) ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (New York) ...................................................................................................................... 25
Colorado State University (Colorado) ............................................................................................................................... 25
Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health (New York) .................................................................................. 25
Columbia University Medical Center (New York) .............................................................................................................. 26
Committee on Institutional Cooperation (Michigan) .......................................................................................................... 26
Committee on Institutional Cooperation (Michigan) .......................................................................................................... 27
Committee on Institutional Cooperation (Pennsylvania) .................................................................................................... 27
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (Washington D.C) ............................................................................................. 28
Dartmouth College Geisel School of Medicine (New Hampshire) .................................................................................... 28
Drexel University College of Medicine (Pennsylvania) ...................................................................................................... 29
Duke University (North Carolina) ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (Washington) ................................................................................................................. 29
Georgetown School of Medicine (Washington, D.C.) ....................................................................................................... 30
Gerstner Sloan-Kettering (New York) ............................................................................................................................... 30
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute (Florida) ............................................................................................ 30
Harborview Medical Center (Washington) ........................................................................................................................ 31
Hartford Hospital (Connecticut) .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Harvard Affiliated Trauma Centers (Massachusetts) ......................................................................................................... 31
Harvard Medical School (Massachusetts) ......................................................................................................................... 32
Harvard School of Public Health (Massachusetts)............................................................................................................. 32
Harvard School of Public Health (Massachusetts)............................................................................................................. 32
Harvard School of Public Health (Massachusetts)............................................................................................................. 33
Harvard Stem Cell Institute (Massachusetts) ..................................................................................................................... 33
Harvard University (Massachusetts) .................................................................................................................................. 33
Harvard University (Massachusetts) .................................................................................................................................. 34
Health Career Connection (Multiple locations) ................................................................................................................. 34
Herman B. Wells Center for Pediatric Research (Indiana) ............................................................................................... 34
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (Multiple Locations) ............................................................................ 34
Hormel Institute (Minnesota) .............................................................................................................................................. 35
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and
Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Indiana University, Melvin and Bren Simons Cancer Center (Indiana).............................................................................. 35
Iowa State University (Iowa) .............................................................................................................................................. 35
Iowa State University (Iowa) .............................................................................................................................................. 36
Janelia Research Campus (Virginia) ................................................................................................................................ 36
Johns Hopkins University Medical Institutions (Maryland) ................................................................................................ 36
Kansas State University (Kansas)...................................................................................................................................... 37
In an effort to encourage research among the country's brightest undergraduate students, Kansas State University
hosts summer programs that offer research experiences. These programs provide an opportunity for students from
diverse disciplines to work with a mentor on a research project or to join an existing research team. In addition to being
an opportunity to work with students from different colleges and universities, participants learn about the graduate
school experience through seminars and other activities. ................................................................................................. 37
The Leadership Alliance (Multiple Locations) ................................................................................................................... 37
Lillehei Heart Institute (Minnesota) .................................................................................................................................... 37
Maine Medical Center Research Institute (Maine) ............................................................................................................. 38
Massachusetts General Hospital (Massachusetts) ............................................................................................................ 38
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Massachusetts) .................................................................................................. 38
Mayo Clinic (Minnesota) ..................................................................................................................................................... 39
Mayo Graduate School College of Medicine (Minnesota) ................................................................................................. 39
Medical College of Wisconsin (Wisconsin) ....................................................................................................................... 39
Medical University of South Carolina (South Carolina) ..................................................................................................... 40
Meharry Medical College (Tennessee) .............................................................................................................................. 40
Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation (Minnesota) ......................................................................................................... 41
Mount Sinai School of Medicine (New York) ..................................................................................................................... 41
National Cancer Institute (Multiple Locations) .................................................................................................................. 42
National Cancer Institute (Multiple Locations) .................................................................................................................. 42
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (Colorado) ......................................................................................................... 42
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (Iowa) ................................................................................................................ 43
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (Massachusetts) ................................................................................................ 43
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (North Carolina) ................................................................................................ 43
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Florida) ............................................................................................................ 44
National Institutes of Health (Maryland) ............................................................................................................................ 44
National Institutes of Health (Maryland) ............................................................................................................................ 44
National Institutes of Health (Maryland) ............................................................................................................................ 45
National Institutes of Health (Multiple locations) ............................................................................................................... 45
National Institutes of Health (Multiple locations) ............................................................................................................... 45
National Science Foundation: Science and Technology Center (Multiple Locations) ....................................................... 46
National Science Foundation: Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) (Multiple locations) .............................. 46
National Science Foundation: Immigration and Broder Community Research Experience for Undergraduates (El Paso,
Texas and Las Cruces, New Mexico) ................................................................................................................................ 46
NASA STEM Programs (Multiple locations) ....................................................................................................................... 46
New York Medical College (New York) ............................................................................................................................. 47
New York Stem Cell Foundation (New York) .................................................................................................................... 47
New York University (New York) ........................................................................................................................................ 47
Northeastern University (Massachusetts) .......................................................................................................................... 48
Northwestern University (Illinois)........................................................................................................................................ 48
Oregon Health & Science University (Oregon) .................................................................................................................. 48
Pathways to Science (Multiple locations) ........................................................................................................................... 49
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and
Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Penn State College of Medicine (Pennsylvania) ................................................................................................................ 49
Purdue University (Indiana) ................................................................................................................................................ 49
Quinnipiac University (Connecticut) ................................................................................................................................... 49
Rockefeller University (New York) ..................................................................................................................................... 50
Roswell Park Cancer Institute (New York) ........................................................................................................................ 50
Rutgers University (New Jersey)........................................................................................................................................ 50
Sage Bionetworks (Washington) ........................................................................................................................................ 51
San Francisco Department of Public Health (California) ................................................................................................... 51
Scripps Research Institute (Multiple Locations) ................................................................................................................ 52
Seattle Children's Hospital (Washington)........................................................................................................................... 52
Siteman Cancer Center (Missouri) ..................................................................................................................................... 53
Stanford University (California) .......................................................................................................................................... 53
Stowers Institute (Missouri) ................................................................................................................................................ 53
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (Tennessee) ......................................................................................................... 54
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
(Multiple Locations) ............................................................................................................................................................ 54
Summer Health Professions Education Program (Multiple Locations) ............................................................................. 55
Summer Systematics Institute (California) ........................................................................................................................ 55
SUNY Upstate Medical University (New York) ................................................................................................................. 55
Tufts University (Massachusetts) ....................................................................................................................................... 56
University of Alabama at Birmingham (Alabama) .............................................................................................................. 56
University of Alabama at Birmingham (Alabama) .............................................................................................................. 56
University of Arizona (Arizona) ........................................................................................................................................... 57
University of Arizona (Arizona) ........................................................................................................................................... 57
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (Arkansas) .................................................................................................. 57
University of California, Berkeley (California) ................................................................................................................... 58
University of California, Davis (California) ........................................................................................................................ 58
University of California, Irvine (California) ......................................................................................................................... 58
University of California, Los Angeles (California) ............................................................................................................... 59
University of California, Los Angeles (California) ............................................................................................................... 59
University of California, Los Angeles (California) ............................................................................................................... 60
University of California, San Diego (California) ................................................................................................................. 60
University of California, San Francisco (California) ........................................................................................................... 60
University of Chicago (Illinois) ............................................................................................................................................ 61
University of Chicago (Illinois) ............................................................................................................................................ 61
University of Cincinnati (Ohio)............................................................................................................................................ 62
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine (Ohio) ........................................................................................................... 62
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine (Ohio) ........................................................................................................... 62
University of Colorado at Boulder (Colorado) ................................................................................................................... 63
University of Colorado, Denver (Colorado) ....................................................................................................................... 63
University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus (Colorado) ........................................................................................ 63
University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus (Colorado) ........................................................................................ 64
University of Connecticut (Connecticut) ............................................................................................................................. 64
University of Illinois (Illinois) ............................................................................................................................................... 64
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Illinois) .......................................................................................................... 65
University of Iowa (Iowa) .................................................................................................................................................... 65
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and
Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
University of Iowa (Iowa) .................................................................................................................................................... 65
University of Iowa (Iowa) .................................................................................................................................................... 66
University of Maryland (Maryland) ..................................................................................................................................... 66
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Maryland)........................................................................................................ 66
University of Massachusetts (Massachusetts) ................................................................................................................... 67
University of Medicine and Dentistry School of New Jersey/ Rutgers University (New Jersey) ....................................... 67
University of Michigan (Michigan) ...................................................................................................................................... 67
University of Minnesota (Minnesota) .................................................................................................................................. 68
University of Mississippi (Mississippi) ................................................................................................................................ 68
University of Nebraska (Nebraska) .................................................................................................................................... 68
University of New Mexico (New Mexico) ........................................................................................................................... 69
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (North Carolina) ............................................................................................... 69
University of North Carolina School of Medicine Chapel Hill (North Carolina) ................................................................ 69
University of Notre Dame (Indiana) ................................................................................................................................... 70
University of Oregon (Oregon) ........................................................................................................................................... 70
University of Oregon (Oregon) ........................................................................................................................................... 70
University of Oregon (Oregon) ........................................................................................................................................... 71
University of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania) ........................................................................................................................ 71
University of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania) ........................................................................................................................ 71
University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) ............................................................................................................................. 72
University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) ............................................................................................................................. 72
University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) ............................................................................................................................. 72
University of Rochester (New York) ................................................................................................................................... 73
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (Texas) ............................................................................................... 73
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (Texas) ............................................................................................... 73
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (Texas) ............................................................................................... 74
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center/National Cancer Institute (Texas) ...................................................... 74
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center / University of Puerto Rico (Texas) .................................................... 74
University of Texas Medical School at Houston (Texas) ................................................................................................. 75
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (Texas) ............................................................................................... 75
University of Texas Southwestern (Texas) ....................................................................................................................... 75
University of Texas Southwestern (Texas) ....................................................................................................................... 76
University of Texas Southwestern (Texas) ....................................................................................................................... 76
University of Utah (Utah) .................................................................................................................................................... 76
University of Utah (Utah) .................................................................................................................................................... 77
University of Utah (Utah) .................................................................................................................................................... 77
University of Washington (Washington) ............................................................................................................................. 77
University of Wisconsin- Madison (Wisconsin) .................................................................................................................. 78
University of Virginia (Virginia) ........................................................................................................................................... 78
USA Jobs (Multiple locations) ........................................................................................................................................... 78
Vanderbilt University (Tennessee) ..................................................................................................................................... 78
Vanderbilt University (Tennessee) ..................................................................................................................................... 79
Vanderbilt University Medical Center (Tennessee)............................................................................................................ 79
Virginia Commonwealth University (Virginia) .................................................................................................................... 80
Wake Forest University School of Medicine (North Carolina) ............................................................................................ 80
Wake Forest University School of Medicine (North Carolina) ............................................................................................ 80
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and
Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Washington State University (Washington) ...................................................................................................................... 81
Washington University in St. Louis (Missouri) ................................................................................................................... 81
Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences (New York) ...................................................................................... 81
Weill Cornell Medical College (New York) ........................................................................................................................ 82
Weill Cornell Medical College (New York) ........................................................................................................................ 82
Yale University (Connecticut) ............................................................................................................................................ 82
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students ........................................ 83
American Association of Medical Colleges (Multiple locations) ......................................................................................... 83
Buck Institute for Research on Aging ................................................................................................................................. 83
(California) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Broad Institute (Massachusetts)......................................................................................................................................... 83
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Multiple locations) ........................................................................................ 84
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (Washington) .................................................................................................................. 84
Janelia Research Campus (Virginia) ................................................................................................................................ 85
Massachusetts General Hospital (Massachusetts) ............................................................................................................ 85
Mayo Clinic (Minnesota) .................................................................................................................................................... 85
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York) ....................................................................................................... 86
Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation (Minnesota) ......................................................................................................... 86
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (Iowa) ................................................................................................................ 87
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (Massachusetts) ............................................................................................... 87
National Institutes of Health (District of Columbia) ........................................................................................................... 87
National Institutes of Health (Maryland) ............................................................................................................................ 88
National Institutes of Health (Maryland) ............................................................................................................................ 88
NASA STEM Programs (Multiple locations) ....................................................................................................................... 88
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Alabama) ............................................................................. 89
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (California) ............................................................................ 89
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Connecticut) ........................................................................ 89
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Georgia) .............................................................................. 90
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Illinois) ................................................................................. 90
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Indiana) ............................................................................... 91
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Kansas) ............................................................................... 91
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Maryland) ............................................................................ 91
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Massachusetts) ................................................................... 92
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Massachusetts) ................................................................... 92
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Massachusetts) ................................................................... 92
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Michigan)............................................................................. 93
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Minnesota) .......................................................................... 93
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Missouri).............................................................................. 94
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (New Mexico) ...................................................................... 94
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (New York) ........................................................................... 95
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (New York) .......................................................................... 95
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (New York) .......................................................................... 95
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (North Carolina) ................................................................... 96
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Ohio) .................................................................................. 96
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Ohio) .................................................................................. 97
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and
Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Oregon) ............................................................................... 97
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Pennsylvania) ..................................................................... 98
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (South Carolina) .................................................................. 98
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (South Carolina) .................................................................. 98
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Texas) ................................................................................. 99
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Virginia) ............................................................................... 99
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Virginia) ............................................................................... 99
Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (Washington) ...................................................................... 100
Sens Research Foundation (SRF) Post-Baccalaureate Fellowship Program (California)............................................... 100
STEM Summer Scholars Institute (STEM SSI) ................................................................................................................ 100
(Multiple Locations) .......................................................................................................................................................... 100
The Jackson Laboratory (Maine) .................................................................................................................................... 101
USA Jobs (Multiple locations) ......................................................................................................................................... 101
Virginia Commonwealth University (Virginia)USA Jobs (Multiple locations) ................................................................. 101
Washington University in St. Louis (Missouri)Virginia Commonwealth University (Virginia) .......................................... 102
Washington University in St. Louis (Missouri) .................................................................................................................. 102
Washington University in St. Louis (Missouri) ................................................................................................................. 103
Internships in Scientific Research for Graduate Students ....................................................... 104
American Society for Microbiology (District of Columbia) ............................................................................................... 104
Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN) (Multiple locations) ................................................................ 104
Harborview Medical Center (Washington) ...................................................................................................................... 105
Hispanic Serving Health Professions Schools (Multiple Locations)................................................................................. 105
Massachusetts General Hospital (Massachusetts) .......................................................................................................... 106
Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research (MICHR) (Michigan) ....................................................................... 106
National Cancer Institute (Maryland) ............................................................................................................................... 106
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (Iowa) .............................................................................................................. 107
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (North Carolina) .............................................................................................. 107
National Institutes of Health (District of Columbia) ......................................................................................................... 107
National Institutes of Health (Maryland) .......................................................................................................................... 108
National Institutes of Health (Maryland) ........................................................................................................................... 108
NASA STEM Programs (Multiple locations) ..................................................................................................................... 108
Pathways to Science (Multiple locations) ......................................................................................................................... 108
Roswell Park Cancer Institute (New York) ...................................................................................................................... 109
San Francisco Department of Public Health .................................................................................................................... 109
San Francisco Department of Public Health .................................................................................................................... 109
Siteman Cancer Center (Missouri) ................................................................................................................................... 110
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (Tennessee) ....................................................................................................... 110
University of Arizona (Arizona) ......................................................................................................................................... 111
University of Hawai’i Cancer Center (Hawai’i) ................................................................................................................ 111
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center/National Cancer Institute (Texas) .................................................... 112
USA Jobs (Multiple locations) ......................................................................................................................................... 112
Internships in Medicine for First-Year Medical Students ......................................................... 113
Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Massachusetts) ........................................................................................................... 113
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (California) .................................................................................................................. 113
Harborview Medical Center (Washington) ....................................................................................................................... 113
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and
Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions (Maryland) ............................................................................................................... 114
Indiana University (Multiple Locations) ............................................................................................................................ 114
Massachusetts General Hospital (Massachusetts) .......................................................................................................... 114
Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation (Minnesota) ....................................................................................................... 115
Roswell Park Cancer Institute (New York) ...................................................................................................................... 115
Siteman Cancer Center (Missouri) ................................................................................................................................... 116
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (Tennessee) ....................................................................................................... 116
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (Texas) .............................................................................................. 117
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center/National Cancer Institute (Texas) .................................................... 117
University of Texas Medical School at Houston (Texas) ................................................................................................ 117
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for High School Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / Contact Information
City of Hope
At least 16 years of age before their
internship begins.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Must be high school or undergraduate
Students will receive a $4,000 stipend.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Indiana University,
Melvin and Bren Simon
Cancer Center
High school applicants must have
completed their senior year by the
program’s start date.
Display an aptitude for science and
High school academic minimum: 3.0
Students will receive a stipend as part of
their participation in the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Lillehei Heart Institute
Junior or senior standing at time of
Be 16 years of age or older.
Must be a U.S. citizen.
High School Scholars will receive a
$4,000 stipend.
SRSP does not provide meals or housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Maine Medical Center
Research Institute
Recent high school graduate OR
currently enrolled, full-time
undergraduate student.
Must be 18 years of age by June.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA
Eligible for employment in the U.S.
Students will receive a stipend.
Students are responsible for their own
transportation and housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for High School Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / Contact Information
NASA STEM Programs
(Multiple locations)
U.S. citizen.
Be a full-time student (high school
through graduate-level) or a part-time
college-level student enrolled in a
minimum of 6 semester hours
Be a minimum of 16 years of age at
the time of application.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Additional eligibility requirements may
apply depending on the specific
*Note: Projects vary at every center each
session (fall, spring, summer). Once you
complete an application, you will be able
to view the available projects for the
specified session. You can use filters to
locate specific projects that meet your
desired geographic location and skill sets.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
National Institutes of
High school OR undergraduate OR
graduate student (including medical and
dental students).
Must be 17 years of age or older by
June 15.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Participants will receive a stipend based
on academic level. Students are
responsible for housing, meals, and
transportation. *Note: Nearby housing is
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the Summer Internship
Coordinator, Ms. Diane Wigfield.
National Institutes of
High school student junior or senior (at
least 16 years of age) during application
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA
U.S. citizen, non-citizen national or legal
permanent resident.
Member of an underrepresented group
in biomedical sciences (as shown by
the National Science Foundation) OR
have been diagnosed with a disability
OR from an economically
disadvantaged background (as defined
by annual family income) OR be the first
generation in family to graduate from a
four-year college or university.
Students will receive a stipend. In
addition, accommodations and travel
expenses to the annual research
symposium in Bethesda, Maryland are
provided. Students are responsible for
travel to and from the research location,
housing, ground transportation, parking,
and meals. For students opting to perform
their research with a mentor at one of the
coordinating institutions, a limited amount
of on-campus housing may be available;
students should inquire within that
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the STEP-UP team.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for High School Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / Contact Information
National Institutes of
Must be at least 17 years of age by
start of program.
If you are under 18 years old by
program start, live within 40 miles of the
NIH campus on which you will intern
when you submit your application.
High school junior or senior at the time
of application.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
The stipend for trainees is adjusted
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Pathways to Science
(Multiple locations)
Please refer to the program’s website
or contact the respective administrator
to review the eligibility criteria per
The stipend is adjusted annually.
For more information, visit the website.
Rosetta Institute of
Biomedical Research
Must be 11-18 years of age and have
taken high school biology. Exceptions
are made for students constrained by
certain circumstances or for students
with exceptional backgrounds.
*Residential fees for all workshops are
$3,580. There are a limited number of
non-residential commuter spots
available for $2,280 (includes lunch and
all activities).
*The residential price includes:
Room and board;
Roundtrip transportation to/from the
airport; and
Field trips/recreational activities.
For more information and/or to apply,
visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for High School Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / Contact Information
Roswell Park Cancer
(New York)
Enrolled in junior year of high school
within the following counties in western
New York: Erie, Niagara, Cattaraugus
and Chautauqua.
15 years of age or older at the start of
the program.
Resident (permanent address) of the
following counties in western New York:
Erie, Niagara, Cattaraugus, and
All participants will be required to show
proof that they are fully vaccinated with
a COVID-19 vaccine authorized by the
US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) or the World Health Organization
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Limited funding is available to support
subsistence allowances for a select
number of applicants to the summer
program. These subsistence allowances
are awarded based on the qualifications
of applicants and eligibility criteria
required by our outside funding sources.
You must pay the program fee regardless
of funding status.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
contact the program.
Shoreline Community
through 11
grade students.
Each week-long summer camp costs
$450 per student per camp. Registration
includes daily snacks and Friday lunch.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
contact Dr. Dina Kovarik or Dr. Reitha
Stanford School of
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
High school student of at least junior or
senior standing as of the spring.
Must be at least 16 years old by the
start of the program.
Students from groups traditionally
underrepresented in the sciences or
economically disadvantaged
households are particularly encouraged
to apply.
Students are responsible for housing,
meals, and transportation.
All students are given a $500 minimum
stipend. Stipends of $1500 and above are
given on a needs-based system from
special grants.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for High School Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / Contact Information
Stanford School of
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Resident of specific Northern or Central
Californian counties (see website).
Current junior high school student.
Students from a low-income family OR
a family with little or no history of
attending college.
High school participants receive up to a
$1,250 stipend.
For more information, visit the website
or contact the program via email.
(Multiple locations)
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
High school student of junior or senior
standing. Must be at least 16 years old.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Come from a group traditionally
underrepresented in the sciences OR
from a disadvantaged background as
defined by annual family income and/or
on track to be a first-generation college
student in their family OR diagnosed
with a disability.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Dr. Rob Rivers.
University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer
Enrolled in a Texas public, private or
charter high school as a senior-level
student during the Spring semester
prior to program start.
Will graduate from high school prior to
the start of the SHP Summer Program.
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or F1,
J1 Visa Holders.
Accepted into a college or university as
a college student during the Fall
semester immediately following
program conclusion.
Invitees receive a $6,000 stipend for their
participation in the 10-week program. This
compensation is meant to subsidize cost
of living expenses for students and is
considered income and subject to all
applicable taxes and fees. All participants
must secure their own housing and
transportation for the duration of the
program. In the case remote opportunities
are only allowed, invitees will receive
$15/hr for part-time work.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for High School Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / Contact Information
University of
High school junior and senior
Living in the Seattle area.
The cost of tuition is $2,200 for the four-
week program. Limited scholarship seats
are available.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the INSIGHT program
for further information.
USA Jobs
(Multiple locations)
Please refer to the program’s website
or contact the respective administrator
to review the eligibility criteria per
For more information, visit the website.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Albert Einstein College
of Medicine
(New York)
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of junior standing.
Strong background in the sciences
(e.g., biology, biochemistry, chemistry,
physics, bioengineering chemical
engineering, etc.).
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Students will receive a $3,000 stipend
and free housing on campus.
Transportation assistance (up to $500) is
provided for students who live outside of
New York City.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Amgen Scholars
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore (with at least 4
quarters or 3 semesters of college
course work), junior, or non-graduating
senior standing attending a 4-year
college or university.
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or
have DACA status.
Interest in pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD.
Students will receive a $7,100 stipend,
campus housing, and travel to and from
For more information, visit the website.
Amgen Scholars
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore, junior standing,
or non-graduating seniors.
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or
students under DACA.
Students who, by reason of their
culture, class, race, ethnicity, disability,
background, work and life experiences,
and/or skills and interests would bring
diversity (broadly defined) to graduate
study in the biomedical and biological
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Interest in pursuing a PhD.
Participants will receive a $4,800 stipend,
in addition to housing, food, and round-
trip transportation. Field trips, seminars,
and other social activities are also
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Amgen Scholars
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore, junior, or non-
graduating senior standing attending a
4-year college or university.
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Interest in research and pursuit of a
PhD or MD/PhD.
Previous Amgen Scholars are ineligible
to participate.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend
plus $1,500 for meals, round-trip travel,
and on-campus housing with access to
campus facilities. Participants also have
the opportunity to receive college course
credits (transferable UCB research units).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
email the program.
Amgen Scholars
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore (with at least 4
quarters or 3 semesters of college
course work), junior, or non-graduating
senior standing attending a 4-year
college or university in the U.S., Puerto
Rico, or other U.S. territory.
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Interest in pursuing graduate school,
including a PhD or MD/PhD.
Students will receive a $4,000 stipend, as
well as on-campus room and board.
Some meals will be provided. A travel
allowance (up to $500) is offered to non-
UCLA, out-of-state students. A travel
allowance (up to $250) is offered to non-
UCLA students who reside in California.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Amgen Scholars
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Interest in pursuing graduate school,
including a PhD.
Students who are traditionally
underrepresented in the sciences,
socio-economically disadvantaged,
first-generation college students, and/or
with limited access to research
laboratories are particularly encouraged
to apply.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend,
housing near the UCSF Parnassus
campus, $500 travel support to and from
San Francisco, health insurance coverage
and public transportation passes within
the city.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Zachary Smith, diversity
and outreach program manager.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Amgen Scholars
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Rising juniors or seniors.
Minimum GPA of 3.2.
Have completed at least one semester
of college-level biology, chemistry, or
physics at the time of application.
An interest in pursuing a PhD or MD-
Accepted students will be provided with a
$4,275 stipend, a $725 food allowance
and housing on the medical school
campus. The cost of travel to and from
New Haven will be reimbursed up to
$750. Travel and hotel expenses will be
covered for one parent to travel to New
Haven for the closing symposium and
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Amgen Scholars
(New York)
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore (with at least 4
quarters or 3 semesters of college
course work), junior, or non-graduating
senior standing attending a 4-year
college or university in the U.S., Puerto
Rico, or other U.S. territory.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend,
$500 in on-campus food allowance, and
housing on the Morningside campus of
Columbia University.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Chanda Springer.
Amgen Scholars
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
17 years of age or older by start of
Enrolled at least half-time in an
accredited community college, college,
or university as an undergraduate,
student at the time of application.
Students with experience in health
disparities and an interest in learning
more about the biological,
environmental, social, and genetic
causes of health disparities are highly
encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a stipend, in addition
to housing, round-trip travel support,
transportation during internship,
housing/meal/travel costs to attend the
Amgen Scholars Symposium. Interns are
responsible for their own meals.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Amgen Scholars
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore (with at least 4
quarters or 3 semesters of college
course work), junior, or non-graduating
senior standing attending a 4-year
college or university
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Interest in pursuing graduate school,
including a PhD or MD/PhD.
Students will receive a $4,800 stipend
(food allowance is included in the
stipend). On-campus housing, including
access to campus facilities, travel support
(for non-Harvard students), and
housing/meal/travel costs to attend the
Amgen Scholars Symposium.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Amgen Scholars
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore (with at least 4
quarters or 3 semesters of college
course work), junior, or non-graduating
senior standing attending a 4-year
college or university in the U.S., Puerto
Rico, or other U.S. territory.
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Interest in pursuing graduate school,
including a PhD or MD/PhD (MSTP).
Students will receive a $4,200 stipend, as
well as housing, meals, travel to and from
St. Louis, and travel to the Amgen
Scholars Symposium.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Arizona State
U.S. Citizen or permanent resident.
Undergraduates who have completed
at least their sophomore year.
Majoring in math, biology, or related
fields with at least one year of calculus.
African Americans, Latinos, and Native
Americans are strongly encouraged to
Students will receive a $4,800 stipend,
room & board, and airfare &
transportation to ASU's Tempe campus
(up to $500).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Sherry Woodley.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Association of
American Medical
(Multiple locations)
Please refer to the program’s website
or contact the respective administrator
to review the eligibility criteria per
For more information, visit the website.
Association of State
Public Health
Nutritionists (ASPHN)
(Multiple locations)
Undergraduate students enrolled in
federally designated MSI (historical
black colleges and universities,
Hispanic serving institutions, and tribal
colleges and universities).
Underrepresented students enrolled in
non-MSIs pursuing degrees in public
health or related disciplines.
Enrolled in a public health program or a
related field.
Interns are paid $15/hour. Funding for
housing, transportation and/or relocation
is not provided. Interns may be able to
receive academic credit for participating in
the internship.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Augusta University
18 years or older by start of the
Currently enrolled in an undergraduate
degree program and completion of at
least freshman year.
Minimum overall GPA of 3.0.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Participants will be paid a salary of $4,500
(before taxes) for the 9-week period.
Participants will be responsible for travel,
meals, housing, and other personal
expenses. On-campus housing is
available. STARS who choose to live on-
campus, will receive a $1,000 subsidy
towards on-campus housing expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Baylor College of
Attending a university and returning to
the college/university to complete their
undergraduate degree.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA
Students will receive a ~$5,000 stipend
for 9 weeks. The stipend will most likely
cover a mixture of salary, housing, and
transportation depending on the funding
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Boston University
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Undergraduate student of sophomore,
junior, or senior standing.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Member of a group traditionally
underrepresented in the sciences is
highly encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $6,000 stipend,
$500-600 supply allowance, up to $500 in
travel expenses, housing, and
travel/lodging to the BU Undergraduate
Research Symposium to present their
research findings.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Boston University
School of Medicine
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Rising junior or rising senior at the start
of program at an accredited institution.
Minimum GPA of at least 3.0.
Interest in biological research and
some prior research experience
*To support a diverse scientific
workforce the BU STaRs program is
particularly interested in the following
groups: Racial/Ethnic Minorities (as
defined by the NIH), which have a
longstanding history of
underrepresentation and continuing
efforts, students with disabilities, and
students from financially disadvantaged
Students will receive a stipend for
program participation, round trip travel to
Boston for out-of-state students, and
University housing (apartment style
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Brandeis University
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
For additional eligibility requirements,
please check the program/s website.
Students will receive a stipend, housing,
and meal allowance.
For more information, visit the
program’s website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Brigham and Women’s
Member of a group traditionally
underrepresented in the sciences.
U.S. citizen or non-citizen national with
a permanent resident visa.
Undergraduate student of junior or
senior standing OR first-year medical
Health insurance coverage.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend for
food and other necessities, travel
compensation to and from Boston, and
housing for the duration of the 8-week
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Brigham and Women’s
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled in a four-year degree
program at U.S. accredited college or
Rising senior with an interest in public
health, epidemiology, medicine,
pharmacy, biostatistics, and/or health
services research and policy.
Students self-identifying as Blacks or
African Americans, Hispanics or
Latinos, American Indians or Alaska
Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other
Pacific Islanders are eligible to apply
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Broad Institute of MIT
and Harvard
Enrolled in a four-year college for the
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Member of a group traditionally
underrepresented in the sciences is
highly encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $5,400 stipend
with paid housing and travel expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
California Institute of
Be current sophomores, juniors, or non-
graduating seniors.
Prior research experience.
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Interest in pursuing a PhD.
US citizen, permanent resident, or have
DACA status.
Students will receive a $7,100 stipend for
10-weeks with a $2,300 housing and
travel supplement provided.
For more information, visit the website.
California Institute of
Minimum GPA of at least 2.5.
Not be under any academic or
disciplinary sanction.
Completion of the second semester or
third quarter at your college or
Fellows will receive a $7,100 award for
the ten-week period.
For more information, visit the website.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Cancer Research
Center of Hawai’i
Currently enrolled sophomore or junior
at an accredited college or university.
Must be Hawai’I or Guam resident.
Academic minimum: 3.5 GPA.
Stated interest in cancer research.
Priority will be given to eligible
applicants who are of an ethnic
background this is considered under-
represented in biomedical sciences.
Students receive an hourly wage in
accordance with the University of Hawaii
Student Research Fellow pay scale. For
students from the University of Hawai’i at
Hilo and the University of Guam, housing,
transportation, and travel expenses may
be available.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Charles Drew
Must be low income or an
underrepresented minority.
Undergraduate freshman, sophomore,
or junior.
Academic minimum 3.0 GPA.
Have successfully completed college-
level general biology and/or
introductory chemistry.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Jacob De La Torre
(Program Manager).
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia Research
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Minimum GPA of 3.0.
One year completed college by
program start date.
Anticipated graduation after program
end date.
* Encouraged to apply are American
Indian/Alaskan Native, Black, and Latinx
students, women, people with
disabilities, veterans, and students from
colleges and universities where STEM
research opportunities are limited,
including two-year colleges.
Each student will be paid a stipend of
$6,000 and will receive free housing for
the 10-week program. All students will be
able to request up to $500 in
reimbursement for travel to and from
Philadelphia for the program or to a
conference to present their research.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email the program.
Cincinnati Children’s
Hospital Medical Center
Undergraduate student of freshmen,
sophomore, junior or senior standing in
the Fall are eligible.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Must have an interest in pursuing a
career in biomedical research or
Students will be paid approximately
$5,200 (before taxes) for the summer.
SURF students will need to arrange their
own living accommodations.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Kerissa Preston
(Program Coordinator).
City of Hope
Possess a strong interest in learning
more about biomedical research.
At least 16 years of age and registered
at an accredited high school, college, or
Completion of high school courses in
chemistry and biology.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Students will receive a $4,000 stipend.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Cold Spring Harbor
(New York)
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore or junior standing
with a strong academic background in a
* Exceptions are made for first-year
undergraduate students with prior
independent research experience.
Students will receive a $6,000 stipend, in
addition to room and board at the Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory campus.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Colorado State
Completion of at least some biology
and general chemistry courses.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Cannot be graduating in the spring.
Underrepresented ethnic and racial
minorities, those with physical
challenges, and students from smaller
undergraduate institutions with limited
research opportunities are especially
encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $6,000 stipend,
housing in an on campus dormitory, and
up to $600 for travel expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program coordinator,
Julie Mintle or call: (970) 491-5409.
Columbia University
Mailman School of
Public Health
(New York)
Be enrolled and have completed at
least one year of undergraduate work
at an accredited school or university
OR be enrolled at a community or
junior college, completing at least 3
courses per academic term.
U.S. citizen OR permanent resident.
Applicants must represent one of the
following groups: Racial/ethnic
minorities (African-Americans,
Hispanic/Latino-Americans, Native
Americans or Alaskan Natives); have a
disability or physical impairment;
economically disadvantaged.
Participants will receive a $2,800 stipend
as well as some funds to offset costs of
food and travel to and from New York
City. Students living outside of the NYC
area have the option for free housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Paul McCullough
(Director of Academic Programs).
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Columbia University
Medical Center
(New York)
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Preference is given to students who are
rising juniors or seniors.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Underrepresented minority student
and/or students from economically or
educationally disadvantaged
Interested in pursuing graduate
education in a biomedical field (MD,
MD/PhD, or PhD).
Students will receive a $4,000 stipend.
Housing accommodations at Columbia's
Morningside Heights campus can be
arranged for a fee paid by the program
participant. Financial support for housing
accommodations is subject to funding
availability. No meal plan is provided.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Columbia University
Medical Center
(New York)
U.S. Citizen, permanent resident, or
U.S. national.
Rising juniors and seniors, OR Recent
college graduates.
Minimum GPA of 2.7.
* African American, Hispanic/Latino,
Asian American, American
Indian/Alaskan Native, Native
Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, people with
disabilities, economically
disadvantaged, and LGBTQ individuals
are encouraged to apply.
A stipend for participation is provided to
all program scholars. Each scholar is
provided financial support for round-trip
travel. Housing is provided to all students
on the Columbia University Morningside
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Committee on
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of non-graduating standing with
at least one semester or undergraduate
education remaining after completing
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Demonstrated interest in pursuing a
graduate degree in one of MSU
graduate programs.
Students will receive a generous stipend,
travel to and from MSU, room and board
on the MSU campus, and opportunities to
present their research findings.
For more information, visit the MSU
website OR the CIC website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the project coordinator,
Danielle LeFaivre.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Committee on
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Undergraduate student of junior or
senior standing.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
A low-income individual who is a first-
generation college student OR a
member of a group that is
underrepresented in graduate
education OR have experienced
financial hardship as a result of family
economic circumstances.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend
and travel reimbursement, on-campus
housing, and partial meal reimbursement.
For more information, visit the UM
website OR the CIC website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the project coordinator,
Danielle LeFaivre.
Committee on
A low-income individual who is a first-
generation college student OR a
member of a group that is
underrepresented in graduate
education OR have experienced
financial hardship as a result of family
economic circumstances.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Undergraduate student of junior or
senior standing with strong interest in
pursuing a PhD following completion of
bachelor’s degree.
For more information, visit the Penn
State website OR the CIC website.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Congressional Hispanic
Caucus Institute
(Washington D.C)
High academic achievement
(preference of 3.0 GPA or higher).
Evidence of leadership skills and
potential for leadership growth.
Demonstrated commitment to public
service-oriented activities.
Students must currently be enrolled full
time and working towards their
undergraduate degree in the academic
period prior to participation and have
not had their degree conferred before
completion of the program.
U.S. citizen, lawful permanent
residents, asylees, or individuals who
are lawfully authorized to work full-time
without restriction for any U.S.
CHCI interns will receive $3,750 (Fall, 12
weeks), $3,125 (Summer, 10 weeks) for
participating. Round-trip transportation to
Washington, DC is provided and all
housing expenses are covered by the
For more information, visit the website.
Dartmouth College
Geisel School of
(New Hampshire)
Minimum science GPA of 3.3.
Applicant must be a sophomore or
junior at time of application.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Students affiliated with funded summer
undergraduate research organizations
for underrepresented ethnic minority
students (i.e. MARC, U-Star, McNair,
LSAMP) are especially encouraged to
Fellows will receive a stipend of $1,000,
dormitory housing on the Dartmouth
campus, a complimentary meal plan with
access to all of the Dartmouth cafeterias,
and reimbursement for reasonable travel-
related expenses, up to $500.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Drexel University
College of Medicine
Interest in pursuing biomedical
research as a career and in good
academic standing.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore or junior standing
are given priority, although freshmen
may apply. Seniors expected to
graduate in 2023 are not eligible.
SURF students will receive a $3,000
stipend. A limited number of accepted
students will be provided housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
contact Tsz Kwok at: (215) 571-4526.
Duke University
(North Carolina)
Undergraduate student considering
PhD in biological sciences or
biomedical sciences.
Students will receive a competitive
stipend, on-campus housing, and travel
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Center
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Entering the summer BEFORE the
final year (or quarter or semester) of
undergraduate studies.
Strong background in the sciences.
Students will receive a $5,085 (minus
taxes) stipend and travel costs (up to
$450). Interns are responsible for their
own housing and meals. *Note: The Fred
Hutch negotiates a housing option for out-
of-town students at the University of
Washington, which is available for
approximately $3,000.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Georgetown School of
(Washington, D.C.)
U.S. citizen, a permanent resident,
DACA recipient or international student
holding an F1 or J1 visa.
The program is open to rising juniors
and rising seniors enrolled in a four-
year college or university.
Academic minimum: 2.5 GPA.
First-generation college students,
students from backgrounds
underrepresented in medicine, and
students committed to advancing
opportunities for communities and
populations who lack equitable access
to health care are encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $4,000 stipend
and housing accommodations. Up to
$250 per student on a case-by-case basis
by the Georgetown Office of Diversity &
Inclusion for travel expenses. Students
are responsible for their own meals/food
cost (except for program event meals
provided by ARCHES).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Program Director, Isela
Gerstner Sloan-
(New York)
Currently enrolled undergraduate
students of freshmen, sophomore or
junior standing.
Completion of college-level general
biology and/or introductory chemistry
courses, and some advanced science
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Must have prior research experience.
Students will receive a $6,000 stipend
and housing accommodations.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer
Center & Research
U.S. citizen.
Undergraduate students seeking a
career in biomedical science.
Students will receive a taxable stipend of
$3,000. Participants must make their own
living arrangements and provide a local
address at the time of admission.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Harborview Medical
U.S citizen or permanent resident and
are eligible to work in the U.S or hold a
valid student visa or have DACA status.
Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is
Preference is given to students who will
graduate in Spring 2024, or who will be
juniors and seniors in Fall 2023.
Interns will receive a $3,200 stipend.
Students are independently responsible
for arranging their housing, meals and
transportation. The UW offers some
discounted summer housing within the
dorms on campus. Travel reimbursement
awards are available for individuals who
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Hartford Hospital
Applicants home residency must be
from the Northeast region only (NY, CT,
RI, MA, NH, VT, and Maine).
Pre-medical college student completing
their junior year by May 2023.
Minimum GPA of 3.4.
Students will receive a $4,000 stipend for
the 10 weeks. Dormitory housing may be
available and may be partially or wholly
subsidized for out of state or long
distance commuting participants in the
program. Travel and meals in the hospital
cafeteria are met by the participant.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the Program
Coordinator, Sandra Soares.
Harvard Affiliated
Trauma Centers
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Full-time sophomore, junior, or senior
at an accredited institution.
Are interested in clinical research
and/or considering careers in medicine
or healthcare.
Students will not receive a stipend or
housing. Food and snacks will be
provided by the program while at the
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Devon Brameier.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Harvard Medical School
U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or
permanent resident.
Minimum 1 year of undergraduate
studies in a 4-year undergraduate
degree program prior to start of
program (June).
Demonstrated interest in careers in
medicine, public health, or biomedical
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend,
free housing, and round-trip travel
covered by the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Harvard School of
Public Health
U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or
permanent resident.
Member of an underrepresented group
in graduate research OR a first-
generation college student OR from an
economically disadvantaged
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Demonstrated interest in public health,
specifically laboratory research.
Applicants must be undergraduate
students in their sophomore or junior
years when applying.
Students will receive a $3,600 stipend, a
travel allowance (up to $500), and free
dormitory housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Harvard School of
Public Health
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Member of a group that is traditionally
underrepresented in graduate education
OR a first-generation college OR a low-
income student OR a disabled student
Interest in pursuing graduate studies in
biostatistics or epidemiology.
Carry health insurance during the 6
weeks of the Summer Program. No
Travel to Boston and living stipend
(including lodging and some meals) are
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Harvard School of
Public Health
U.S. citizen, U.S. national or permanent
Member of an underrepresented group
in biomedical research OR has a
disability OR from an economically
disadvantaged background.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Demonstrate an interest in public health
and must be from a quantitative
science background or have taken
several quantitative classes beyond
intro-level courses.
Students will receive a stipend, travel
support, and housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Harvard Stem Cell
Undergraduate rising sophomores,
juniors, and seniors who express a
strong interest in stem cell biology.
Must not have graduated before the
start of the program.
Some background in biological science.
Previous research lab experience is
highly desirable.
Students will receive a $4,500 stipend for
participation in the 10-week program. On-
campus housing may be available, at
cost, to participants.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Harvard University
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student who is 18 years or older by
start of program.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Students will receive a stipend, housing,
and access to the Harvard athletic
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Harvard University
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduates who
will not have completed their degree by
June 2023.
Minimum GPA of 3.0.
Have already had at least one summer
(or equivalent term-time) of experience
in a research laboratory.
While the majority of participants receive
a supplement from SHURP,
circumstances can vary. The program will
provide housing, travel to and from the
program, and a stipend (in most cases).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the SHURP faculty
director, Sheila Thomas, PhD.
Health Career
(Multiple locations)
All students are eligible. Students of
color and those from disadvantaged
backgrounds are strongly encouraged
to apply.
A stipend ranging from $4,000 - $6,000 is
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Herman B. Wells
Center for Pediatric
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
*Currently enrolled undergraduate OR
graduate student in a science major.
Must be able to commit to participating
in the entire 10-week program.
*Note: Must be 18 years of age to apply.
Interns are given a $3,500 stipend for the
8-week program. Interns are responsible
for their own housing and transportation
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Hispanic Association of
Colleges and
(Multiple Locations)
Minimum 3.0 GPA.
Enrollment in a degree-seeking
program at an accredited institution.
Authorization or eligibility to work in the
United States by law.
Interns are paid $16.20/hour. Round-trip
airfare to/from internship location is
provided for non-local students.
Assistance to locate and secure housing
during the internship for non-local
students is provided, however the intern is
responsible for paying for their housing
For more information, visit the website
or send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Hormel Institute
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of junior or senior standing.
*Freshmen and sophomores are also
welcome to apply.
Interested in pursuing careers in
biology or medically-related fields.
International undergraduate students
who are attending a U.S. college or
university as full-time students are
eligible to apply.
Participants will be paid hourly for the 10
week program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Kelly Vincelette.
Indiana University,
Melvin and Bren
Simons Cancer Center
Undergraduates who have have
completed 2 years or less, and not over
80 credit hours.
Major in biomedical or behavioral
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Students will receive a stipend for
participation in the SRP. The program will
provide housing for students from the
Jackson State University collaboration.
For all other applicants, assistance in
identifying campus housing options is
provided, but housing and transportation
will be the responsibility of each student.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
email Tracy Winkle.
Iowa State University
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
* Note graduating seniors are eligible to
Students are provided room and board on
campus, round-trip airfare, a meal plan,
and a $4,000 stipend.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Dr. Theressa Cooper.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Iowa State University
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Students will receive a stipend of
$500/week. Up to $800 in travel expenses
will be covered by the program as well as
up to $2,500 allowance for food and
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Janelia Research
Current undergraduate students OR
masters students who have not yet
committed to a PhD program.
Must have at least one independent
research experience.
Students should have programming
experience in at least one of the
following languages: Python, MATLAB,
and/or C++. Other languages may also
be suitable.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend.
On-site housing, food, and travel
expenses are covered by the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program director,
Erik Snapp.
Johns Hopkins
University Medical
There are 11 distinct research
opportunities available under the SIP
umbrella. Each division of the Summer
Internship Program is administered
separately. See each division’s
eligibility requirements on the website
for more information.
Students will receive a $3,000 stipend
and on-campus housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Kansas State University
The eligibility criteria vary per program.
Please visit each program’s website for
additional information.
For more information, visit each
program’s website.
The Leadership
(Multiple Locations)
U.S. citizen or non-citizen national, or
permanent resident.
Minimum GPA of 3.0.
Demonstrate a committed interest to
pursue graduate study toward a PhD or
Completed at least two semesters and
have at least one semester remaining
of their undergraduate education by the
start of the summer program.
Be currently enrolled full-time in an
accredited public or private college or
university in the United States or its
territories, as recognized by the U.S.
Department of Education.
For a list of participating institutions and
their benefits, visit the website.
Lillehei Heart Institute
Enrolled in an accredited degree
program in a healthcare-related field.
Students will receive a $4,000 stipend.
Scholars are responsible for housing and
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Maine Medical Center
Research Institute
High school (completion of grade 12)
OR currently enrolled, full-time
undergraduate student.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA
Can be employed in the U.S.
Students will receive $12.50 per hour.
Students are responsible for their own
transportation and housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Massachusetts General
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Undergraduate junior or senior OR
post-baccalaureate student OR
graduate student OR rising 1
medical student OR first-year medical
Member of an underrepresented
minority group.
Student will receive a $5,000 stipend,
along with housing (lodging arrangements
provided near the hospital).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
Enrolled full-time undergraduate at a
university or four-year college in the
Be a sophomore, junior, or non-
graduating senior.
Academic minimum: 3.5 GPA.
Have a demonstrated interest in basic
research and in a career in the
Prior research experience.
Students will receive campus housing, a
weekly stipend, and a travel allowance to
and from MIT.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Mayo Clinic
Students must be enrolled in an
undergraduate program. Graduating
seniors are eligible.
Must have authorization to work and
remain in the United States, without
necessity for Mayo Clinic sponsorship.
All students must pass a background
check and post-offer placement
assessment prior to their start date.
Students will be paid $13/hour.
For more information, visit the Mayo
Clinic website’s posting for the internship
found here.
Hear what previous students have to say
about the opportunity here.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Mayo Graduate School
College of Medicine
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore or junior standing
attending a U.S. college.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Seriously considering a medical
research career as a PhD or MD/PhD.
International students attending a U.S.
college or university are eligible to
Students will receive a $6,000 stipend
(minus taxes). Students are responsible
for housing, meals, and transportation.
*Note: Most students live on-campus,
which is available for approximately
$1,200 per month.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Glenda Mueller.
Medical College of
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of entering freshman or
sophomore standing. Must be 18 years
or older by program start date.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident (F-1
visa status is acceptable).
Students will receive a $4,500 stipend
and housing accommodations.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Medical University of
South Carolina
(South Carolina)
Enrolled full time and in good standing
in a baccalaureate program at the time
of application.
Must be able to complete the entire 10
weeks of the program.
Academic minimum 3.2 GPA.
Priority is given to rising juniors and
seniors with a strong interest in
pursuing graduate studies.
Students will receive a living allowance of
$400 per week for a total maximum of
$4,000. The program does not pay for
travel/housing/meals, but a $200 subsidy
is available and intended to defray the
cost of travel. For students who need
housing, a housing allowance of at least
$1,600 will be provided.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Meharry Medical
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Rising sophomore, junior or senior
student in a degree granting program at
a college/university in the US.
Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
Interested in pursuing a career in
biomedical research (PhD, MD, or
Students will receive a stipend of $4,000
for the 10-week summer period, housing
for out-of-town students near Meharry’s
campus, and paid travel to/from Nashville,
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Minneapolis Heart
Institute Foundation
Enrolled in a U.S.-based accredited
degree program in a health care or
related discipline.
Preference will be given to those who
have completed their junior year by the
start of the research internship. Strong
applicants who have completed their
sophomore year, just graduated from
college or are enrolled in a post-
baccalaureate pre-med program will
also be considered.
Academic minimum: 3.6 GPA.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
The program welcomes BIPOC (Black,
Indigenous, and Person of Color)
students, who are historically
underrepresented in health-related
science and medical fields, and
students who face greater obstacles to
educational achievements.
A $550 per week stipend is given to assist
with expenses. Housing support and
meals are not paid for by the program.
However, scholarship opportunities may
be available for accepted students who
need housing/transportation support.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Mount Sinai School of
(New York)
Self-identify as a member of a group
underrepresented in graduate
programs in biomedical sciences.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
students of sophomore or junior
Have a strong background in science, a
passion for research, and a desire to
pursue it professionally in a biomedical
PhD or MD/PhD program.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend
and free housing but are responsible for
meals and transportation. *Note: Housing
is available in one of Mount Sinai's
residential buildings.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
National Cancer
(Multiple Locations)
In good standing, with a GPA of 3.0 or
U.S. citizens or permanent residents
Current full-time students with cancer-
related research interests
Students will receive stipend support,
some service and supply funds, and travel
support for all candidates who match with
an NCI investigator.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program .
National Cancer
(Multiple Locations)
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of rising junior or senior
Must be U.S. citizen or permanent
Participants will receive $4,000 stipend,
support for roundtrip travel to/from
research site, and free housing.
Additionally, participants will be given
roundtrip travel & accommodations for a
two-day research conference at the NIH.
For more information, please visit the
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
National Heart, Lung
and Blood Institute
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student or early graduate student at an
accredited school/university.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Have some background knowledge of
programming and introductory courses
in probability, calculus, and linear
algebra (requirements are flexible).
Participants will receive roundtrip travel
and housing accommodations. A $2,000
food stipend is also provided.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
National Heart, Lung
and Blood Institute
Rising sophomore, junior and senior
undergraduates and beginning
graduate students who are U.S.
citizens or permanent residents are
eligible to apply.
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Members of traditionally
underrepresented minority groups and
students from small liberal arts colleges
that do not offer substantial coursework
in statistics or biostatistics are
encouraged to apply.
The 2023 participants who successfully
complete the program will be eligible to
receive a stipend after the program
concludes. Students will receive roundtrip
transportation, housing, meal allowance,
and full access to university computing
systems, libraries, and other academic
and recreational facilities. Transferable
college credit may also be possible.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Terry Kirk.
National Heart, Lung
and Blood Institute
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student OR recent graduate.
Majoring in mathematics, science, or
other quantitatively oriented areas of
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Costs for tuition, supplies, and computer
program licenses are covered by the
program. Participants will receive a
$1,000 stipend. Additionally, costs for
some meals during the program will be
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
National Heart, Lung
and Blood Institute
(North Carolina)
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student, including seniors graduating in
Spring before start of program.
Majoring in mathematics, science, or
other quantitatively oriented areas of
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Housing, meals, travel expenses to and
from the program, and some
extracurricular activities are covered.
Participants will also have access to
university computing systems, libraries,
and other facilities.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
National High Magnetic
Field Laboratory
U.S. citizen or permanent resident
(green card).
Must be in first, second, third or senior
year (not graduating in the Fall).
Each student receives a $6,500 stipend
and, if necessary, a travel stipend of up to
$800. Housing is covered by the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Dr. Kawana Johnson.
National Institutes of
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Enrolled at least half-time in a U.S.
accredited Community College.
Students without previous research
experience are encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a monthly stipend
based on education level and experience.
Participants are responsible for housing.
Funds for local transportation to and from
the NIH are provided.
For more information, visit the website.
If you additional questions, please send
an email to Dr. Erika Barr.
National Institutes of
High school OR undergraduate OR
graduate student (including medical
and dental students).
Must be 17 years of age or older by
June 15.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Participants will receive a stipend based
on academic level. Students are
responsible for housing, meals, and
transportation. *Note: Nearby housing is
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program coordinator,
Ms. Dominiqua Griffin.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
National Institutes of
Currently enrolled (at least half-time)
high school OR undergraduate OR
graduate student.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Must be 17 years of age or older.
The stipend for trainees is adjusted
annually; the level depends on education
completed prior to starting at the NIH. The
Institute/Center (IC) in which you work, or
your research group, pays your stipend.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
National Institutes of
(Multiple locations)
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student who has completed at least 1
year at an accredited institution.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Must have insurance throughout the
duration of the program.
Reside outside of the Washington-
Metropolitan area
Trainees receive a $5,600 Student
Participation Allowance for the 10 weeks
and up to $700 for travel expenses to
research location (either Maryland or
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Ms. Winnie Martinez.
National Institutes of
(Multiple locations)
Currently enrolled undergraduate
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
U.S. citizen, non-citizen national or
legal permanent resident.
Member of an underrepresented group
in biomedical sciences OR have been
diagnosed with a disability that
substantially limits one or more major
life activities OR from an economically
disadvantaged background OR be the
first generation in family to graduate
from a four-year college or university.
Students will receive a $5,500 stipend.
Students are responsible for travel to and
from the research location, housing,
ground transportation, parking, and
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
National Science
Foundation: Science
and Technology Center
(Multiple Locations)
U.S. citizens or U.S. Nationals.
All applicants should be interested in
pursuing a career in research.
Women and minorities
underrepresented in STEM fields are
strongly encouraged to apply.
Interns will receive a $5,000 stipend and
the program will cover housing and travel
expenses for those in need.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
National Science
Foundation: Research
Experience for
Undergraduates (REU)
(Multiple locations)
U.S. citizen, non-citizen national or
legal permanent resident.
Check eligibility criteria per REU site.
All REU sites provide a stipend, housing,
and meals.
For more information, visit the website.
National Science
Immigration and Broder
Community Research
Experience for
(El Paso, Texas and
Las Cruces, New
U.S. citizen, U.S. nationals or
Permanent Residents.
At least sophomore standing in a social
science discipline or related field.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA
Spanish language skills are preferred
but not required.
Must have valid passport.
Students will receive a stipend of $5,000
and meal expenses.
Students traveling from outside the region
will receive accommodation and $500
towards their travel expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions please
send an email to Neil Harvey (NMSU) or
Jeremy Slack (UTEP).
NASA STEM Programs
(Multiple locations)
U.S. citizen.
Currently accepted/enrolled full-time in
an accredited U.S. college or university.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Additional eligibility requirements may
apply depending on the specific
*Note: students may identify opportunities
of interest; however, they cannot request
to be considered for a specific internship
For more information, visit the website.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
New York Medical
(New York)
Currently enrolled undergraduate
students at an accredited U.S. college
or university.
Minority groups underrepresented in
the sciences are encouraged to apply.
Prior research experience is not
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
New York Stem Cell
(New York)
U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Additional applicant requirements vary by
internship position:
Laboratory Research interns
Software Engineering interns
Data Science / Bioinformatics interns
Programs Administration interns
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
New York University
(New York)
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
students who have completed their
sophomore or junior year.
Completion of at least 1 full semester of
bench laboratory research.
Interest in biomedical research career.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend,
housing, and roundtrip travel
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Amanda Tufekcier.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Northeastern University
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of rising sophomore through
rising senior status, as of the start of
the summer program.
Strong interest in a career that involves
scientific research.
Women, first-generation college
students, and students from groups
underrepresented in the sciences are
encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $5,750 stipend
and free on-campus housing plus meal
card with 50 free meals. Students are
responsible for travel expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Yunrong (win) Chai or
Veronica Godoy-Carter,.
Northwestern University
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore or junior
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Have an interest in pursuing a doctoral
degree (PhD) at Northwestern
University. Those interested in pursuing
an MBA, JD, or MD are not eligible.
Students will receive a $4,500 stipend,
round trip travel, and on-campus housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Oregon Health &
Science University
Undergraduate students (first
bachelor’s degree) from diverse,
underserved, underrepresented,
economically or socially disadvantaged
Students who completed at least one
full year of college coursework.
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or an
eligible DACA student.
Students will receive a stipend of $4,000.
Housing is paid for by the program and
limited support may be available for travel
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional question, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Pathways to Science
(Multiple locations)
Please refer to the program’s website
or contact the respective administrator
to review the eligibility criteria per
The stipend is adjusted annually.
For more information, visit the website.
Penn State College of
Typical participants will be between
their sophomore and junior year, or
between their junior and senior year of
undergraduate studies.
SURIP is most appropriate for students
considering application to PhD
programs in the biomedical sciences
and is not intended for students who
plan to apply to medical school.
Interns will receive a $5,000 stipend. If
living on-campus, SURIP will pay for one
month's rent, July ONLY. Intern will be
responsible for June and August rent.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Purdue University
Must be a full-time student currently
enrolled at a U.S. institution of higher
education in a bachelor’s degree
Must have completed one academic
semesters by the start of the SURF
program and continue to be enrolled as
an undergraduate the following
academic year.
Minimum GPA of 2.8.
Students receive a stipend of $6,000
based on successful completion of the
program. Purdue students are responsible
for securing their own housing for the
summer. External students will receive
free housing at Purdue University for the
duration of the program.
For more information, visit the website.
Quinnipiac University
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Must be a college junior, senior, or
postgraduate who has completed all
prerequisite science courses with a
cumulative grade point average of 3.0
or better.
All associated program fees and housing
are covered with financial support, along
with some travel reimbursement.
For more information, visit the website.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Rockefeller University
(New York)
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore or junior
Strong background in the sciences.
*Note: SURF students are strongly
encouraged to return during their
college recesses to complete and/or
extend their summer research projects.
SURF participants will receive a $6,000
stipend and on-campus housing for
students who cannot commute.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Roswell Park Cancer
(New York)
Be enrolled in you junior year of college
at the time of application (graduating
class of 2023) OR enrolled in your
sophomore year AND participating in a
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
All participants will be required to show
proof that they are fully vaccinated with
a COVID-19 vaccine authorized by the
US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) or the World Health
Organization (WHO).
Interns will receive a $6,000 stipend.
Students are responsible for meals,
housing, and transportation. Out-of-town
students have the option to find their own
lodging. A list will be provided at the time
of acceptance.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
email the program.
Rutgers University
(New Jersey)
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or
eligible to work in the U.S.
Completion of at least the sophomore
Interest in considering a future PhD
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Students will receive a $5,000 - $6,000
stipend, free on-campus housing (for
students unable to commute), and travel
reimbursement up to $500.
For more information, visit the RISE and
SURF websites.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Sage Bionetworks
Enrolled in an accredited degree
program working towards a degree in
computer science or a related discipline
with at least one term to finish after the
completion of the internship.
Have the ability to commit to a 6 month,
full time position.
Have experience with a variety of
operating systems (see their website
for more information).
This is an intern level position on the
company’s engineering career ladder,
with a compensation rate of $38/hour.
Actual compensation is dependent upon
For more information, visit the Open
Positions page on the website.
San Francisco
Department of Public
Candidates must be legally eligible to
work in the U.S.
Must be currently enrolled in an
undergraduate or certificate program or
be a recent graduate (less than 2 years
since graduation).
Individuals from communities typically
underrepresented in the field of
research are strongly encouraged to
apply. This includes African Americans,
Latinx, persons of indigenous descent
(including Native Americans, and
natives of Alaska, Hawaii, and the US
Pacific Islands), persons with
disabilities, persons from
disadvantaged backgrounds, and
individuals who identify as transgender,
lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGBT).
Students will receive a stipend of
approximately $20/hour and support for
local transportation within San Francisco
is available. There are limited housing
and travel scholarships available for
scholars traveling long distances. SHARP
staff may be able to assist in finding
housing that students can lease for the
summer. Students should also look at our
blog post with tips on finding housing in
San Francisco. In addition, for interested
students, SHARP will assist with obtaining
course credit at participants’ colleges and
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Scripps Research
(Multiple Locations)
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or
international students enrolled at a U.S.
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Students who are historically
underrepresented in the sciences (i.e.
African-American, Hispanic, Native
Pacific Islander, or Native American
students or first to college students) are
especially encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $6,250 stipend
and housing accommodations on-
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Seattle Children's
Must be 18 years of age.
Currently enrolled, or will be enrolled, in
an undergraduate program at an
accredited university or college. Recent
undergraduates who have obtained their
baccalaureate within the last 6 months
may also be eligible to apply.
Must be in good academic standing.
Ideal candidates are interested in
pursuing medical or graduate studies in
a biomedical or public health field.
Students must be from a university or
college local to Seattle, or be able to
reside in or around Seattle during the
summer internship.
Interns will receive $20 an hour at 40
hours per week for up to 10 weeks.
Interns will also receive an ORCA card
and a lunch stipend ($750). Some interns
may be eligible for travel and lodging
assistance, if needed.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Siteman Cancer Center
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, in
possession of a F-1 visa through
Washington University, or completing
the optional practical training (OPT) on a
F-1 visa through another university.
Currently enrolled in undergraduate
program at an accredited institution.
* Diversity in academic study and
research is key to scientific discovery,
students with diverse backgrounds and
experiences are strongly encouraged to
Students will receive a $7,000 stipend.
Participants are responsible for their
travel and housing. Housing is available
on campus for out-of-town participants at
summer term rates as space allows.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Stanford University
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
From underrepresented and historically
excluded populations (First generation;
low-income or underserved rural
community backgrounds; Black or
African American; Hispanic or Latinx;
Indigenous, Native American, or Alaska
Native; Pacific Islander; Filipino, Hmong,
or Vietnamese; LGBTQIA+; Individuals
with disabilities; Veterans; experienced
homelessness; formerly incarcerated;
and additional groups).
Students will receive $8,000 stipend. This
program was virtual for 2022 and 2023
program status has yet to be posted.
Check the website for more information in
late fall 2022.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Stowers Institute
U.S citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student who has completed one year of
studies by the start of the program.
Majoring in biology, biochemistry,
molecular biology, genetics, chemistry,
physics, computing, engineering,
mathematics, or a related field.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend,
roundtrip travel, and on-campus housing
during the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Academic minimum 3.4 GPA
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of at least sophomore standing
OR graduate student preparing for a
career in medicine or biomedical
Prior research experience. Students
with an interest in cancer research are
particularly encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $600/week
stipend, in addition to no-cost housing
near campus. Participants are responsible
for their travel expenses. Application
deadline is February 1
2024. Early
application and submission are highly
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Dr. Suzanne
Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services
(SAMHSA) Center for
Substance Abuse
(Multiple Locations)
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Be enrolled and have completed their
freshman year in a degree-seeking
program (BA/BS, Masters, JD, MD, or
Ph.D.) at an accredited higher
education institution.
Academic minimum 3.0 GPA.
Be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Students participating in our Funded
Federal Diversity programs are
considered employees of The
Washington Center and are required to
be fully vaccinated to participate. Learn
more about the COVID-19 policy here.
The program covers the cost of housing
(if needed) and roundtrip travel to and
from the internship site city. Interns will be
responsible for living expenses and local
transportation. However, a stipend of
$5,000-$7,590, depending on the length
of the semester, will be provided to help
alleviate these expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Summer Health
Professions Education
(Multiple Locations)
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or an
individual granted deferred action for
childhood arrivals (DACA) status by the
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Currently enrolled as a freshman or
sophomore in college.
Academic minimum 2.5 GPA.
Identifies with a group that is
racially/ethnically underrepresented in
the health professions; OR comes from
an economically or educationally
disadvantaged background; AND/OR
has demonstrated an interest in issues
affecting underserved populations.
Students will receive a stipend, weekly
meal allowance, on campus housing, and
travel assistance.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Summer Systematics
U.S. citizen or green card holder.
An undergraduate student who will not
have graduated before the start of the
Students will receive a $5,400 stipend.
Travel to and from San Francisco will be
provided. Housing will be provided in
dormitories in San Francisco, ,with details
to be provided upon selection of interns.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
SUNY Upstate Medical
(New York)
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student between the summer of their
junior and senior year.
Majoring in chemistry, biology, or a
related field.
Strong interest in pursuing a PhD in
biomedical investigative research.
Students will receive a $3,500 stipend, as
well as housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Tufts University
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Must have successfully completed at
least one year of college and will not be
graduating before the summer program
* The NIH and the Graduate School of
Biomedical Sciences encourage
applicants from members of groups that
are under-represented in the biomedical
Trainees receive a $4,000 stipend, travel
expenses within the US, and are provided
with on-campus housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Alabama
at Birmingham
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Sophomore or junior level college
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Students that have no local campus
access to research experiences of
physician-scientist role models and
students from groups underrepresented
in the sciences are encouraged to
Students will receive a $3,200 stipend
and campus housing. Students are
responsible for travel expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Randy L Seay.
University of Alabama
at Birmingham
U.S. citizen or legal permanent
Sophomore or junior level college
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Students will receive a $3,200 stipend as
well as on campus housing. Students will
be responsible for travel expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the Randy L Seay.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Arizona
Currently enrolled undergraduate of
junior or senior standing, with a
graduation date of Dec. 2023 or later.
U.S. citizen, legal permanent resident,
or refugee status.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Students from first-generation, low-
income, or underrepresented
background are encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend
and six units of upper-division
undergraduate course credit (tuition and
fees paid by the University and the
Graduate College).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Donna Treloar.
University of Arizona
Currently enrolled junior or senior
undergraduate student.
Academic minimum: 2.75 GPA.
U.S. Citizen or permanent resident
(International students are not eligible
for this program due to federal funding
Students from underrepresented,
disadvantaged, non-traditional or first-
generation college backgrounds or who
attend schools with limited research
opportunities are encouraged to apply.
Students will be paid $12.15/hour.
Transportation and housing assistance is
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program coordinator,
Karen Dickeson.
University of Arkansas
for Medical Sciences
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Minimum GPA of 2.5.
Applicants must have completed at
least one year of undergraduate
education to be eligible.
* Applicants who are a member of an
underrepresented group, disabled, or
from a disadvantaged background are
encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $4,320 stipend for
the 9-week period. Students who live
outside of Little Rock and surrounding
cities may be eligible for a per diem of
$2,400 for housing and travel
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Dr. Latrina Prince.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of California,
Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent
Enrolled full-time at a four-year college
or university. Rising juniors will be
given preference.
Must have completed at least one
course in biology and chemistry before
Able to show proof of health insurance
for duration of the program.
Students will receive a $6,500 stipend,
on-campus housing, some meals, and
travel support (up to $720).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of California,
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of freshmen, sophomore, or
junior standing.
Applicant must demonstrate a strong
interest and motivation in research or a
career in the health sciences such as
clinical laboratory scientist,
cytotechnologist, biomedical scientist,
physician, or physician-scientist.
Participants will receive a stipend, as well
as assistance finding housing if needed.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of California,
Currently enrolled full-time
undergraduate student of junior or senior
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Member from educationally
disadvantaged or underserved
backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
SURF participants will receive a $4,000
stipend, as well as campus housing and
roundtrip travel compensation up to $500.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Mariela Menedez. .
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of California,
Los Angeles
Interest in exploring a career in the field
of public health.
By the start of the program, students
must be enrolled in a four-year institution
and have completed at least two years of
undergraduate education OR Recent
college graduates (Fall/Winter 2021 or
Spring 2022) who have not been
accepted into a graduate program.
Willingness to attend social and
volunteer events on evenings and
occasional weekends.
Willingness to stay engaged with
program for alumni tracking,
professional development
opportunities, maintaining contact with
cohort, and participating in recruitment
for the 2022 cohort.
Scholars receive a $3,000 stipend, $800
to cover some meals, and $200 for
optional transportation. Scholars that do
not live in California will receive funds for
travel to and from the program in Los
Angeles. Scholars attend a paid trip to the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia with Public
Health Scholars from other programs
across the nation
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of California,
Los Angeles
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or F-
1 visa holder.
Preference will be given to students
planning to apply to graduate school in
Fall 2023 or Fall 2024.
GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Some familiarity with at least one
programming language (e.g. python,
pearl, R, Java, MAT-LAB, etc.).
Participants will receive a $4,800 stipend
Additional funds are also available for
housing, travel, and conference
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of California,
Los Angeles
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Completed at least two years of
undergraduate study by start.
Minimum GPA of 3.0.
Intention to pursue a Ph.D. or
M.D./Ph.D. in a bioscience field and not
admitted or enrolled in a graduate
program (M.S. or Ph.D.) at the time the
program begins.
Participants will receive a $4,000 stipend
for 8 weeks and $5,000 for 10 weeks, on
campus room and board, and up to $500
in travel allowance for out of state
students ($250 for California residents).
Additionally, a fee waiver for UCLA
Graduate Application is offered to
program participants.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
email the program.
University of California,
San Diego
U.S. citizen or permanent resident,
currently enrolled at an accredited
school or university of at least
sophomore standing OR currently
enrolled at a community or junior
college in at least three courses per
academic term and having completed
six courses OR
Member of a traditionally
underrepresented racial or ethnic group
in the health-related sciences OR an
individual with a disability OR an
individual from disadvantaged
Students will receive a $4,160 stipend,
on-campus housing, and roundtrip travel
allowance (up to $500). Students are
responsible for meals.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of California,
San Francisco
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Applicants with DACA or AB540 status
may also be eligible.
Currently-enrolled undergraduate
student that has completed at least four
semesters or six quarters of
undergraduate study prior to the
beginning of the program.
Have a desire to pursue a PhD in one
of the disciplines offered by the UCSF
Graduate Division in life/health
sciences (listed on the website).
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend, up
to a $500 allowance for travel to and from
San Francisco, housing in San Francisco
(double-occupancy), health insurance
coverage, and public transportation pass.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
contact Zachary Smith.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Chicago
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of rising junior or senior
standing or rising post-baccalaureate
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Must submit proof of health insurance.
* The program seeks students who
come from disadvantaged backgrounds
and/or who represent groups that are
known to be underrepresented in health
related sciences and medicine.
Students will receive a $3,200 stipend, as
well as on-campus housing and a meal
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Nikeela Davis.
University of Chicago
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student who has completed at least two
semesters of college and have at least
one semester of undergraduate
education remaining by the start of the
summer program.
Minimum GPA of 3.0.
Demonstrate a committed interest to
pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD.
Students will receive a $5,040 stipend
and are eligible for reimbursement of
approved expenses associated with
round-trip travel to the University of
Chicago from the student’s home city.
Participants will be offered room and
board in a student dormitory residence
located in the center of campus.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Dr. Victoria Flores.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Cincinnati
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student at UC who is a rising
sophomore through rising senior
identify with groups who are under-
represented in STEM fields.
“Underrepresented” in this context
could mean many different things and
might vary depending on your field of
research. In your application, you will
explain why you feel this program
would help you achieve your academic
and career goals.
Students will receive a $4,500 stipend for
the 12-week program. Housing and other
living expenses are not covered by the
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Tiffany Grant.
University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student (part-time or full-time) of
sophomore or junior standing majoring
in the sciences (e.g.: Biology,
Chemistry, Biochemistry,
Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering,
Physics, etc.).
Students will receive a $4,000
stipend. Interns are responsible for
housing, meals, and transportation.
*Note: UC Housing has extended special
pricing for all SURF students who wish to
live in UC Housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore or junior
standing. (Seniors may be considered if
their expected graduation date is at
least six months after the fellowship
term ends.)
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
U.S. citizen or lawful permanent
Students will receive a $4,000 stipend.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Colorado
at Boulder
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Have completed at least two semesters
and have at least one semester
remaining of their undergraduate
education by the start of the summer
Demonstrate interest and potential to
pursue graduate study toward a PhD or
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Students will receive a $5,500 stipend, as
well as roundtrip travel, room and board,
and tuition for upper-division
undergraduate credits at UC Boulder.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Colorado,
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of at least sophomore standing
with aptitude in one or more laboratory
science courses.
Must be from one of the following
underrepresented student populations:
Ethnic identity as Black/African
American, Hispanic/Latino, American
Indian, Alaska Native, Pacific Islander,
low income/financial need, or first
generation college attendee.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Students will receive a $4,000 stipend
and roundtrip travel. Out-of-state
participants will be housed in shared
student dorms; however they will need to
pay for meals, local transportation, and a
portion of room and board expenses with
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Colorado,
Anschutz Medical
Currently enrolled in an undergraduate
program in a science-related major.
Interns will receive a $6,500 stipend. The
program does not provide housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Colorado,
Anschutz Medical
US citizens or permanent residents.
Currently enrolled undergraduates or
recent college graduates.
Students with an interest in pursuing
graduate studies in the biomedical
Disabled, minority, or disadvantaged
students are especially encouraged to
Participants will receive a $6,000 stipend,
$1,000 towards housing and a travel
allowance (if from outside of Colorado).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the Program Manager,
Jill Penafiel.
University of
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student at least of sophomore standing.
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or an
international student with a F-1 student
Interest in pursuing a PhD in the
biological and biomedical sciences.
Participants will receive a $3,500 stipend.
Students are responsible for travel,
housing, and meals.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Illinois
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore or junior
Academic minimum: 3.5 GPA.
Interest in pursuing a PhD in
biomedical sciences or a related field.
Students will receive a $4,500 stipend to
cover room, board, travel, and other
expenses incurred during the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Illinois at
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or
those with DACA status.
Undergraduate student of junior
academic standing (or those who will
not graduate before December 2023).
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Students will receive a $4,000 stipend, as
well as room and board and travel
expenses to and from the campus (for
non-UI students).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Iowa
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Students who have completed their
sophomore or junior year, majoring in
any area of the biological sciences at an
accredited four-year college or
university, are eligible.
Women and members of
underrepresented minority groups are
encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $5,250 stipend,
on-campus housing and up to $500 for
travel to and from Iowa City.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Iowa
Will return for at least one semester of
undergraduate study before graduation,
majoring in a Biological Science, and
intend to pursue graduate school and a
career in biological research.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Limited access to research
opportunities at their institution.
Students will receive a $6,250 stipend
plus $1,000 supplement for food and
other living expenses. Housing and travel
costs are paid by the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Iowa
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Be a rising sophomore, junior or senior
(your earliest anticipated graduation
should not be before December 2023).
Major in a STEM field or premed.
Prior research experience required.
Participants will receive a $4,150 stipend,
on-campus housing, and a round-trip
travel allowance.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Maryland
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student interested in cancer research.
Strong academic background in the
arts and sciences.
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Underrepresented minorities are
encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $5,500 stipend,
housing is available, and a travel
allowance (up to $500).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Maryland,
Baltimore County
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Interest in pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD
in the biomedical or behavioral
Completion of freshmen or junior year
in graduate studies.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Students will receive on-campus housing
and a stipend.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Justine Johnson.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
GPA must be in good academic
standing (2.70).
Participants must have proof of health
insurance coverage prior to acceptance
to the program.
Fellows will receive a stipend of $4,000.
Travel and housing is paid for and
arranged by the program. Transportation
is provided week days to and from the
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Medicine
and Dentistry School of
New Jersey/ Rutgers
(New Jersey)
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of at least sophomore standing.
Should clearly articulate an interest in
neuroscience and in pursuing a career
in neuroscience related research.
Students will receive a $4,000 stipend,
on-campus housing, and travel expenses
will be covered by the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Joan Mordes.
University of Michigan
The eligibility criteria vary per program.
Please visit each program’s website.
For more information, visit each
program’s website.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Minnesota
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently attending a 2- or 4-year
institution on a full-time basis and will
not be graduating by the program start
Interested in pursuing a Ph.D. or
M.D./Ph.D. in the life sciences.
Students whose backgrounds
encompass diversity are strongly
encouraged to apply.
Student will receive a $4,000 stipend as
well as travel (airfare only) compensation,
on campus housing, and meal provisions.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email the Program Coordinator,
Kendra Joyce.
University of Mississippi
All undergraduates, up to rising seniors,
are eligible to apply. Current high
school seniors who are graduating prior
to the start of the SURE program and
have been accepted into an
undergraduate program are also
eligible to apply.
The SURE Program cannot sponsor
visa requests for potential applicants
who reside outside of the US.
Students will receive a $4,000 stipend for
the 10-week internship.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the Program Director,
Jessie Bowman.
University of Nebraska
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Freshman, sophomore, junior standing
or December graduate.
Academic minimum: 3.4 GPA.
Completion of science courses beyond
general biology or chemistry (e.g.
organic chemistry, microbiology,
genetics, etc.).
Students will receive a $3,000 stipend.
Interns are responsible for housing,
meals, and transportation.
*Note: Nearby housing is available.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of New
(New Mexico)
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Enrolled undergraduate at the time of
the program and a graduation date no
earlier than the December following the
Currently attend a college or university
in the United States.
US Citizen or Permanent Resident.
The UPN Program awards each scholar a
summer experience package to cover a
stipend, activity fees and some meals.
The total package is worth approximately
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of North
Carolina Chapel Hill
(North Carolina)
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student at any college or university.
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or
foreign student with valid visa.
Must have active health insurance.
Participants will receive a $4,000 stipend,
free on campus housing, and a food
allowance ($500).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program director,
April Villanueva.
University of North
Carolina School of
Medicine Chapel Hill
(North Carolina)
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Rising senior undergraduate or post-
GPA of 2.75 or higher is recommended.
Students who belong to groups
traditionally underrepresented in the
sciences or with limited access to
research opportunities are strongly
encouraged to apply.
Participants will receive a $3,000 stipend
and on campus housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Claudis Polk or Lisa
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Notre
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of freshmen, sophomore,
junior, or non-graduating senior
standing majoring in biological
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Primary interest in a career in biological
Students will receive a $6,000 stipend for
10 weeks of full-time research, which is
inclusive of lab supplies, on-campus
housing, meals, and travel (up to $500).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Dr. Michelle Whaley.
University of Oregon
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student, having completed at least one
year of undergraduate coursework by
Students who belong to groups
traditionally underrepresented in the
sciences or with limited access to
research opportunities are strongly
encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a summer stipend,
round trip travel from home, room and
board during the program, and a summer
pass to the UO Student Recreation
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Oregon
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student, having completed at least one
year of undergraduate coursework by
Students who belong to groups
traditionally underrepresented in the
sciences or with limited access to
research opportunities are strongly
encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a summer stipend,
round trip travel from home, room and
board during the program, and a summer
pass to the UO Student Recreation
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Oregon
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Completed at least one year of
undergraduate coursework by summer.
Post-baccalaureate students are also
eligible to participate.
Considering a career in research
Must have health insurance.
Students will receive a summer stipend,
round trip travel from home, room and
board during the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student in a four-year college.
Preference is given to rising juniors and
seniors. Must be enrolled for fall
semester after program ends.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Members of underrepresented minority
groups, disadvantaged backgrounds,
with disabilities or who attend small
colleges are encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $5,500 stipend,
on-campus housing, and roundtrip travel.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of
Currently enrolled undergraduate
Interest in biomedical research, with the
eventual goal of obtaining an MD, PhD,
or MD/PhD.
Students who are female or belong to
groups traditionally underrepresented in
the sciences are strongly encouraged
to apply.
Students will receive a competitive
stipend. While not included, on-campus
housing is available.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Pittsburgh
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore or junior
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Must submit proof of health insurance
and provide updated health record
Students receive a $1,500 stipend,
housing, travel assistance, and meal
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Pittsburgh
Applicants must have completed their
sophomore or junior year of
undergraduate training before the start
of the program.
Minimum GPA of 3.0.
Students who belong to groups
traditionally underrepresented in the
sciences are strongly encouraged to
Students receive a $3,500 stipend, on-
campus housing, and roundtrip travel
support (up to $500).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Pittsburgh
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of sophomore or junior
Majoring in life, physical, computer
sciences or engineering.
U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Students who belong to groups
traditionally underrepresented in the
sciences or from small colleges and
universities are strongly encouraged to
Students receive a $6,250 stipend,
housing, roundtrip travel support (up to
$500), and access to network and
computing facilities.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the Program
Coordinator, Emily Hayhurst.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Rochester
(New York)
Currently enrolled undergraduate of
sophomore or junior standing.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident (F1
visas also acceptable).
*Note: Women and students from
underrepresented ethnic/racial groups
are encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $600 weekly
stipend in addition to on-campus housing.
Travel reimbursement may be available to
students who qualify.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Ben Lovell.
University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of freshman, sophomore, or
junior standing.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Interest in pursuing PhD or MD/PhD
Participants will receive a stipend up to
$6,000. This stipend is intended to cover
housing, living, and travel expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Dr. Kara Lewis.
University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or
international student on F1 or J1 visa.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student who have completed their first
two years of scientific training.
Demonstrate an interest in scientific
Students receive a stipend of $6,000.
Students are responsible for housing and
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of freshman, sophomore, or
junior standing.
Strong background in biological and/or
chemical sciences.
Interest in pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD.
Participants will receive a $6,000 stipend
and a $1,000 housing allowance. Staff
can assist with housing arrangements
upon request. Students are responsible
for their daily transportation to and from
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer
Center/National Cancer
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of rising junior or senior status
OR Graduate student OR health
professional student (MD, dental,
nursing, PharmD, etc.).
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Demonstrate interest in cancer
Participants will receive $15/hour.
Additional benefits include up to $1,000
for research support funds,
complementary round-trip or one-way
airfare to Houston, Texas to participate in
the program, and housing assistance for
qualified applicants. For more
information, please visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program manager,
Kava Lewis.
University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer
Center / University of
Puerto Rico
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student from the University of Puerto
Rico of rising junior or senior status.
Must have a minimum of 8 science
courses completed.
Prior research experience is highly
Students will receive a stipend, housing,
and roundtrip travel from the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Texas
Medical School at
Currently enrolled sophomores, juniors,
and non-graduating seniors.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Must have 12 hours of completed
coursework in a science discipline.
Must be at least 18 years of age by
start of program.
Students will receive a $3,000 stipend.
Minimal on-campus housing is available
at a discounted rate.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Linh Trinh.
University of Texas
Medical Branch at
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Enrolled in undergraduate program at
an accredited institution.
*Applications from women and
members of underrepresented minority
groups are particularly encouraged and
Students will receive a $4,000 stipend
and the program will help arrange and
supplement your housing costs.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to program coordinator,
Debra Moncrief.
University of Texas
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student who has completed their
sophomore year.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
*Note: Selection criteria includes:
grades, relevant experience, letters of
recommendation, and career goals in
pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend. If
a fellow requires housing, that cost will be
covered by the program. Fellows are
responsible for their own travel expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Texas
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student who has completed their
sophomore year in a science degree
U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or F1
visa holder.
*Note: Selection criteria includes:
grades, relevant experience, letters of
recommendation, and career goals in
pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend. If
a fellow requires housing, that cost will be
covered by the program. Fellows are
responsible for their own travel expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Texas
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of at least sophomore standing
in a science degree program.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
*Note: Selection criteria includes:
grades, relevant experience, letters of
recommendation, and career goals in
pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend,
which is inclusive of housing.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
University of Utah
Currently enrolled degree-seeking
undergraduate in the fall semester (and
not graduating before December)
following the summer program.
Eligible to work in the United States.
At least 18 years old by May.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend.
Students may be eligible to receive a
travel reimbursement up to $500 total for
travel related expenses to/from Salt Lake
City. All participants have the option of
using on-campus housing (participants
pay $250; the rest of the on-campus
housing expense is covered by the
For more information, visit the
program’s website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Megan Shannahan.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Utah
Native American undergraduate junior
and senior students who are interested
in Health Science research.
The program provides compensation for
participation in the summer program, as
well as housing at the University of Utah.
Compensation amount depends on
funding source, contact the program for
more information.
For more information, visit the
program’s website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program coordinator,
Wallita Ranger.
University of Utah
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student who have completed their
sophomore year before joining the
GSRM program.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Member of an historically excluded or
minoritized group (as defined by the
National Institutes of Health).
The program provides up to $5,500 for
the summer. Housing on the University of
Utah campus is provided and non-local
participants will receive travel support.
Participants are also given financial
support tot attend a national conference
and clinical shadowing opportunities are
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program director, Dr.
Gloria Slattum.
University of
The eligibility criteria varies per
program. Please visit each program’s
For more information, visit each
program’s website. For a complete list of
summer research programs at UW, visit
the Undergraduate Research Program
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to UW staff.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of
Wisconsin- Madison
Currently enrolled undergraduate
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Strong interest in a career in biological
Students will receive a $6,000 stipend for
participation in the 10-week program and
housing at a nearby apartment is included
in addition to a $600 food allowance.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Dr. Amber Smith.
University of Virginia
Currently enrolled undergraduate
college student.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Students will receive a stipend, travel
compensation, as well as on campus
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
USA Jobs
(Multiple locations)
Please refer to the program’s website
or contact the respective administrator
to review the eligibility criteria per
For more information, visit the website.
Vanderbilt University
The eligibility criteria varies per
program. Please visit each program’s
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Vanderbilt Summer
Science Academy staff.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Vanderbilt University
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
A minimum undergraduate science
GPA of 3.0 is required.
Students entering their junior or senior
years are given priority.
Undergraduates majoring in the
physical or natural sciences (primarily
chemistry and biology) will be given
Participants will receive a $6,000 stipend
for the 10-week internship, on campus
housing, and up to $500 in travel
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to David Cliffel.
Vanderbilt University
Medical Center
Rising sophomores, juniors, and
seniors (should have at least one
semester remaining of their
undergraduate education at the start of
the summer program).
Minimum GPA of 3.0.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Internship recruitment is targeted to
underrepresented racial and ethnic
groups, American Indians/Alaska
Natives and/or those from
geographically- and/or economically-
disadvantaged backgrounds and/or
those from families with limited levels of
education as defined by the Federal
Interns will receive a stipend of $650 per
week for the ten-week period. Housing is
available in Vanderbilt University campus
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Virginia Commonwealth
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of junior or senior standing OR
post-baccalaureate student.
Completed organic chemistry I and II.
*Note: Organic chemistry is not
required for physical therapy track.
Academic minimum: 2.75 GPA.
Strong interest in attending health
professions school at VCU.
Participants are required to provide their
own transportation to and from the
program; those coming from a distance
greater than 200 miles may apply for a
partial travel reimbursement. Housing is
free and a modest stipend is also
provided to participants.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Wake Forest University
School of Medicine
(North Carolina)
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Must be from one or more of the
following groups underrepresented in
medicine: minorities (i.e., African
American, Alaskan Native, Native
American, Asian-Pacific Islander or
Hispanic), students with disabilities or
students from disadvantaged
backgrounds (urban/rural areas, first-
generation college students, etc.)
Students will receive a stipend of
$15/hour, housing in one of the WFU
residence halls, and round-trip
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Wake Forest University
School of Medicine
(North Carolina)
Minimum GPA of 2.85.
Must have completed at least two
semesters of undergraduate education.
Must be at least 18 years of age by the
first day of the program.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident
(international students who currently
have a J-1 or F-1 visa and who are
already attending school in the United
States are eligible to apply).
Students will receive a $6,000 stipend
and housing allowance provided based on
funding source. Travel expenses are not
paid by the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Washington State
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Will be returning to an undergraduate
program in the fall following the
summer internship.
* Women, first-generation, and
individuals from non-PhD granting
institutions and/or who identify with
underrepresented populations are
especially encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $6,000 stipend
and free on-campus housing. Travel
awards are available for students who
demonstrate financial aid.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program director, Dr.
Erika Offerdahl.
Washington University
in St. Louis
Must be a sophomore, junior, or senior
at a four-year institution at the time of
program entry and identify as a
member of an underrepresented group
as defined by the NIH.
GPA: Competitive highly competitive.
Residency: Must be a US citizen or
permanent resident.
Major/Degree: Science, technology,
engineering or mathematics (with
some exceptions).
Students receive a competitive stipend of
at least $4,500. In addition, on-campus
housing and travel are paid for by the
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Weill Cornell Graduate
School of Medical
(New York)
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student who has one semester
remaining of undergraduate education
by start of the summer program.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Students from groups traditionally
underrepresented in research careers in
the sciences, social sciences, and
humanities, individuals with disabilities,
disadvantaged backgrounds are
particularly encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $6,000 stipend for
participating in the 10-week program and
up to $500 in travel expenses. On-
campus housing is provided to those who
are not from the New York City area.
*Applicants must have individual medical
insurance for the duration of the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research or Medicine for Undergraduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Weill Cornell Medical
(New York)
Currently enrolled undergraduate
student of freshman or sophomore
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Students from groups historically
underrepresented in medicine and
science (individuals from racial and
ethnic minorities, individuals from
socioeconimically disadvantaged
backgrounds, and/or individuals with
Students receive a stipend of $6,000,
housing in Weill Cornell Medicine student
housing (at no cost to them), and
reimbursement for their travel expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Weill Cornell Medical
(New York)
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
premedical declared student of at least
junior standing.
Academic minimum: At least ‘B
average’ GPA.
Students from groups historically
underrepresented in medicine
(individuals from racial and ethnic
minorities, individuals from
socioeconomically disadvantaged
backgrounds, and/or individuals with
Students will receive a $140/week cost-of-
living allowance and rent-free housing.
Travel expenses are paid for students that
live outside New York. Fellows must pay
for meals and other living expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to Dr. Joy D. Howell.
Yale University
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
All rising sophomore, junior, or senior
undergraduates as well as post-
baccalaureate students across the US.
18 years or older.
Students from diverse backgrounds,
including those who are first in their
families to attend college, members of
groups underrepresented in the
sciences, from inner-city or rural
communities, or have grown up with
financial or other disadvantages, are
especially encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a stipend for
For more information about how to
apply, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
send an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
American Association of
Medical Colleges
(Multiple locations)
The Post-baccalaureate Premedical
Programs Database features ~300 national
programs and allows users to apply a variety of
filters, including: career-changer, academic
record enhancer, State, Public or Private
institution, certificate, special program focus,
etc., to search for post-bac pre-med programs.
Please refer to the program’s
website or contact the respective
administrator to review the
eligibility criteria per program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Buck Institute for
Research on Aging
The Buck Postbaccalaureate Research
Program offers undergraduate students the
opportunity to investigate insights into the
critical molecular and biological drivers of aging
as well as translation of that research into new
therapies which will improve health span.
Postbaccalaureate Researchers will conduct
biomedical research to combat diseases of
aging. Under the guidance of a scientific
mentor, each Postbaccalaureate Researcher
will be responsible for his or her own research
Earned degree within the past two
years prior to the start date of the
Participants in the program must be
able to legally work in the U.S. via
citizenship, permanent residency, or
optional practical training (OPT).
Applicants should have some
biologically or computationally related
prior research experience.
GPA 2.0 or higher.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Gregory Chin (Senior Program
Manager of Postsecondary Education).
Broad Institute
The Broad Biomedical Post-baccalaureate
Scholars (BBPS) program is a two-year
program run by the Broad Diversity, Education
and Outreach office. BBPS offers participants a
comprehensive, structured, and immersive
experience that includes groundbreaking
research and academic and career guidance.
The program is designed to diversify the
biomedical research field and support the
participants' development of knowledge,
expertise, and skills both inside and outside the
lab. BBPS participants perform research as
paid, full-time Associate Computational
Biologists or Research Associates, working
alongside leading scientists.
US citizen or permanent resident.
Completed a four-year university
or college degree not more than
one year before the start of the
Attained a minimum GPA of 3.3.
Participation in significant prior
research experience
Interest in pursuing a graduate
degree (MA/MS, PhD or MD-PhD
only) upon completion of the
Participants will receive a salary of $43,600-
$64,000 (depending on experience and skills)
and access to health benefits.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Center for Disease
Control and Prevention
(Multiple locations)
The Public Health Associate Program (PHAP)
is a two-year training program for early-career
public health professionals who have a recent
bachelor’s or master’s degree and an interest in
public service and public health. Associates gain
hands-on experience working alongside
professionals across a variety of public health
settings such as: chronic disease prevention and
health promotion, environmental health, global
migration and quarantine, immunization, injury
and violence prevention, maternal/child health,
and public health preparedness.
Must have completed at minimum
a bachelor’s degree from an
accredited college or university
within the previous two years OR
possess a master’s degree from
an accredited academic institution.
U.S. citizen, permanent resident or
US nationals with a keen interest
in public health.
During the first year of the program, associates
earn a salary and benefits equivalent to a GS-
5, Step 1 federal employee (including cost of
living adjustments). In the second year,
associates are eligible to earn a salary
equivalent to a GS-7, Step 1 federal employee
(including cost of living adjustments).The
federal wage table can be found here.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Center (Washington)
The Fred Hutch Postbaccalaureate Scholar
Program is for individuals who would benefit from
research experience and training to ensure that
they are competitive when applying to graduate
school while providing them the tools to ensure
their success in the lab. Scholars enrolled in this
flexible two-year program have two
interconnected roles: they will work as a
Research Technician-PB in a designated
laboratory on a scientific project throughout the
program, and as a student scholar with a
curriculum designed to develop a foundation for
further graduate studies and a research career.
Fred Hutch postbaccalaureate
scholars should be recent college
graduates (ideally <2 years post-
graduation or individuals who are
switching careers and are interested
in pursuing doctoral-level training)
who would benefit from strengthening
their content knowledge and skill
preparedness to be competitive for
graduate training.
Scholars from diverse backgrounds
are encouraged to apply.
Citizenship: US citizens are
eligible. International applicants will
be considered on a case-by-case
Individuals from populations
underrepresented in the scientific
workforce, including historically
excluded or minoritized groups, are
encouraged to apply.
In their role as a Research Technician-PB,
postbaccalaureate scholars will be paid a
starting salary of $50K/year. They will work full-
time in a laboratory that they mutually choose
with a participating faculty member.
In their role as a Student Scholar, post
baccalaureates will receive an annual
scholarship of $5K and participate in a
curriculum designed to develop a foundation
for further graduate studies and careers in
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
and email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Janelia Research
The Janelia Undergraduate Scholars program
gives undergraduates and masters students who
have not committed to a PhD program an
opportunity to spend 10 weeks during the
summer doing research as an intern in the lab of
a mentor at the Janelia Research Campus. The
scholars are encouraged to attend weekly
seminars and other events at Janelia. At the end
of the session, each scholar will present his or
her work at a symposium.
Current undergraduate students
OR post-baccalaureate students
who have not yet committed to a
PhD program.
Must have at least one
independent research experience
that is not part of a course.
Programming experience in at least
one of the following languages:
Python, MATLAB, and/or C++.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend, on-site
housing, food, and travel.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Erik Snapp
Massachusetts General
The goal of the Summer Research Trainee
Program (SRTP) is to build a pipeline of under-
represented in medicine, college and medical
school students who are interested in academic
biomedical research careers. The SRTP will pair
students with a preceptor in this 8-week
program. Preceptors will provide guidance and
instruction in techniques necessary to address
current problems in science and medicine.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Undergraduate junior or senior OR
post-baccalaureate student OR
graduate student OR rising 1
medical student OR first-year
medical student.
Member of a group that is
underrepresented in medicine
(Latino/Hispanic, African-
American/Black, American Indian,
Native Hawaiian and Alaskan
Natives, among others).
A living stipend of $5,000 for food and other
necessities is provided along with housing
costs (lodging arrangements provided near the
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Mayo Clinic
The Graduate Research Employment
Program (GREP) is designed for individuals
who have completed a bachelor’s degree and
plan to attend a graduate school, law school, or
medical school. During the GREP students will
conduct bioethics research and additionally will
have the opportunity to take graduate-level
courses through the Mayo Clinic Graduate
School and shadow clinicians in nearly every
area of the clinic. This opportunity is ideal for
students interested in taking a “gap year”
between undergraduate and graduate degree
Students must have completed
their bachelor’s degree before the
position start date with a strong
background in STEM and an
interest in biomedical research as
a career.
Strong background in science,
technology, engineering, or math.
Minimum GPA of 3.0.
Authorization to work and remain in
the U.S.
Students will be paid a minimum of
$14.50/hour working full time (40 hrs/week).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
and Research Training (OPART).
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center
(New York)
The MSK Bridge program aims to provide
post-baccalaureate trainees from traditionally
underrepresented (URM) groups with a strong
foundation in science and research, as well as
guided mentoring that will help them
successfully transition into biomedical PhD
programs. Successful applicants to the program
will conduct a research project in one of MSK’s
scientific laboratories for up to 24 months. The
overarching goal of MSK Bridge is to increase
the participation of URM scientists in biomedical
The MSK Bridge program is open to
current college seniors and those
who have graduated with a
bachelor’s degree within the last 36
months who are:
From racial, ethnic, and other
groups underrepresented in
biomedical fields, including those
individuals with disabilities or those
from disadvantaged backgrounds
as defined by the NIH notice of
Strongly committed to apply to
biomedical PhD or MD-PhD
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Bridge Scholars will receive a stipend of
$41,000 per year. Health benefits are included.
Housing will be available through MSK.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Minneapolis Heart
Institute Foundation
The MHIF Summer Research Internship
Program Clinical Cardiology is one of the
most outstanding and unique internship
opportunities available to undergraduate
premed students and those studying in other
health care disciplines. Working with a physician
and a research staff mentor, interns contribute
to clinical research studies and publications that
impact patient care. During their 12-week
internships, interns spend nearly 11 days on
shadowing, observations and other field trips.
Preference will be given to
undergraduate rising juniors or
seniors; however, post-
baccalaureate students are eligible
to apply.
Enrolled in a U.S.-based
accredited degree program in a
health care or related discipline.
Have GPA of 3.6 or above.
U.S. citizen or permanent
Students will be paid $550/week (40 hrs/week)
for their participation in the internship. The
program is not able to offer housing support.
However, scholarship opportunities may be
available for accepted applicants who need
housing/transportation support.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
National Heart, Lung
and Blood Institute
The Iowa Summer Institute in Biostatistics
(ISIB) Program at the University of Iowa College
of Public Health is a 7-week program. The
structure of the program is through case based
instruction of real biomedical research,
computer laboratory training, research projects,
and clinical and translational research
enrichment activities. Coursework will focus on
clinical trials, big data, translational research,
and statistical models used in the analysis of
biomedical studies. The course will further serve
as a fundamental building block for students to
understand the importance of biostatistics and
its synergistic place in the biomedical sciences.
College graduates who have not
started a graduate program.
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Priority admission will be given to
disadvantaged students and to
students from small liberal arts
colleges which do not offer
substantial coursework in statistics
or biostatistics.
Those majoring in mathematical or
biological sciences are best suited
for program.
Students will receive roundtrip transportation,
housing, meal allowance, and full access to
university computing systems, libraries, and
other academic and recreational facilities.
Transferable college credit may also be
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Terry Kirk.
National Heart, Lung
and Blood Institute
The Boston University Summer Institute for
Research Education in Biostatistics (SIBS) is
a 6-week program in which students can learn
about the growing biostatistics field by taking
courses in two widely used statistical computing
software and interacting with practicing
biostatisticians, epidemiologists, and statistical
geneticists. Participants will also have the
opportunity working hands-on with actual
collected data by the National Heart, Lung and
Blood Institute.
Majoring in mathematics, science,
or other quantitatively oriented
areas of study.
Currently enrolled undergraduate
students of junior or senior
standing. Graduating seniors and
beginning graduate students (M.S.)
with intent to pursue biostatistics
are welcome to apply.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Costs for tuition, supplies, and computer
program licenses are covered by the program.
Participants will receive a $1,000 stipend.
Additionally, costs for some meals during the
program will be provided.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
National Institutes of
(District of Columbia)
The Introduction to Cancer Research
Careers (ICRC) Program offers recent
graduates an opportunity to obtain a
postbaccalaureate fellowship in vital cancer
research at the National Cancer Institute
(NCI). Interns will attend seminars on topics
related to basic, clinical, biomedical and
behavioral research, human health, healthy
lifestyles, and health disparities. Interns will also
participate in professional development
A college graduate who received a
bachelor's degree less than two
years prior to the program start
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Fellows receive a monthly stipend that is
determined by their education level, GPA, and
relevant experience. Interns are responsible for
securing housing. Travel to and from Bethesda
is provided for out-of-state participants.
Students are responsible for their own meals.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
National Institutes of
Intramural NIAID Research Opportunities
(INRO) provides enthusiastic candidates with
the opportunity to visit the NIH Main Campus in
Bethesda, Maryland to engage with leading
experts in biomedical research training
opportunities in allergic, immunologic, or
infectious diseases, and to learn more about the
exciting research being conduction in the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID).
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Graduating senior (undergrad or
master’s program) or have recently
completed an undergrad or
master’s degree.
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Available for a full, one-year postbac
fellowship in NIAID that begins on
June 15 of visit year.
For the two day visit trainees will receive
roundtrip airfare to/from Bethesda, MD, hotel
accommodations, and a daily stipend.
After the visit, postbac position offers are made
by individual principal investigators.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the INRO Coordinator.
National Institutes of
The Post-Baccalaureate Intramural Research
Training Award (IRTA) program provides
opportunities for recent college graduates to
spend time engaged in biomedical research at
the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Trainees
work with some of the leading scientists in the
world in an environment devoted exclusively to
biomedical research. Fellowships are available in
the more than 1,250 intramural laboratories of the
National Institutes of Health (NIH). The duration
of the program is typically one year; it can be
extended for one additional year depending on
satisfactory trainee performance and continued
availability of funds.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Graduated from an accredited U.S.
college or university with a
bachelor’s degree less than
THREE years prior to the date they
begin the program, OR individuals
who are more than 3 years past
the receipt of their bachelor's
degree but received a master's
degree less than SIX MONTHS
before they begin the program.
Candidates must intend to apply to
graduate or professional school
during their tenure at the NIH.
The stipend for post-baccalaureate trainees is
adjusted annually, the level depends on prior
experience acquired AFTER completion of the
bachelor's degree. For details, see the Trainee
Stipends page.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
NASA STEM Programs
(Multiple locations)
NASA’s One Stop Shopping Initiative (OSSI)
is an innovative solution to support the STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics) workforce. NASA’s internship
programs are being phased into OSSI:SOLAR,
including national programs, and programs that
are unique to a specific NASA Center.
U.S. citizen.
Additional eligibility requirements
map apply depending on the
specific program.
*Note: students may identify opportunities of
interest; however they cannot request to be
considered for a specific internship program(s).
For more information, visit the website.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
(UAB) hosts a unique one to two-year training
opportunity for students seeking graduate
degrees in biomedical or behavioral science.
Students will be paired with a faculty mentor
and receive instruction in academic writing,
math, and test-taking in order to gain the
necessary experience for acceptance into
science programs in leading graduate schools.
Received a baccalaureate (4-year)
degree in the past three years.
Not currently enrolled in graduate
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Students will receive a $32,200 stipend, plus
health insurance and tuition for up to 11 credit
hours of academic instruction.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The University of California, Santa Cruz,
provides a 1-year training program for recent
graduates to conduct research in a UCSC
faculty member’s laboratory, take a GRE or
MCAT preparation course, participate in
research seminars and journal clubs, and travel
to a conference to present their own research.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Graduated OR in the process of
graduating with a baccalaureate
degree in a biomedically-relevant
science or engineering discipline
from an accredited U.S. college or
university, no more than 36 months
prior to applying to PREP.
Must belong to groups considered
underrepresented in the
biomedical sciences
Students will receive a $26,000 salary and
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Dr. William Sullivan.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
Yale University offers two PREP programs for
recent bachelor’s degree recipients from
traditionally underrepresented backgrounds who
are highly motivated to pursue a research
career. The BBS PREP (Biological and
Biomedical Sciences) and ESI PREP
(Humanities, Social Sciences, Physical
Sciences and Engineering) are both programs
that help trainees gain the research skills and
academic credentials needed to become
competitive applicants to, and successful
students in, highly selective doctoral programs.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Received an undergraduate
degree in a biomedically-relevant
science, no more than 3 years
prior to applying to the program.
Must apply to PhD programs in the
biomedical sciences after
completing the program.
Scholars will receive a $32,000 salary and
additional financial support that covers tuition
for one course per semester, health insurance,
GRE preparation course, purchase of a laptop,
and travel support to attend one national
conference. Students must reside in Yale
campus housing, in which their salary is
expected to cover housing, meal plan, and
other living expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Dr. Michelle Nearon.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The University of Georgia PREP program is a
one-year training opportunity for scholars to
conduct research specific to infectious diseases.
recent post-baccalaureate students to provide
them with the skills necessary to excel in
graduate training programs in the life sciences.
The program goal is to equip those with the
desire and motivation to become the next
generation of life science researchers with the
credentials required to achieve this. In addition
to their research experience, scholars will
receive assistance in preparing a competitive
application for graduate programs, including
GRE preparation and an opportunity to present
work at a national or international scientific
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Graduated with a baccalaureate
degree in a life science from an
accredited U.S. college or
university, no more than 36 months
prior to applying to PREP. Not
currently enrolled in a graduate
degree program.
Belong to a group considered
underrepresented in biomedical
science careers (as defined by the
Intend to apply to a leading PhD or
MD/PhD program during the PREP
training period.
PREP scholars will receive a competitive
salary with access to health insurance and
funding to attend and present research at (at
least one) national or international scientific
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
Underrepresented students who hold a recent
bachelor's degree in the biomedical sciences
are invited to work as lab technicians for one
year at the University of Chicago. Scholars will
participate in academic, cultural, and social
activities, including lab rotations, travel to a
national conference, weekly Journal Club
meetings, a writing and ethics course, and
workshops on GRE preparation and applying for
graduate programs.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Intend to pursue a research
doctorate upon completion of the
All PREP Scholars receive an NIH stipend for
their work as lab technicians, as well as
employee benefits from the University of
Chicago. The benefits include health insurance
and other staff benefits such as free computer
courses and personal and professional
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The Indiana University Purdue University
Indianapolis PREP program is a one-year
training program for scholars intending to
pursue graduate programs in biomedical
engineering, clinical psychology, kinesiology,
and neuroscience fields. Scholars will conduct
intensive research with a lab mentor, create a
personalized development plan to apply to
competitive biomedical or behavioral science
programs, and have the opportunity to present
research at a national conference.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Graduated with a science
baccalaureate degree from an
accredited US college or university
less than 36 months prior to the
date of application submission.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Member of an underrepresented
minority group OR individual with a
disability OR individual from a
disadvantaged background.
Committed to carrying out research
to reduce health disparities.
Scholars will receive a salary of $35,568,
health insurance, and benefits.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The University of Kansas PREP program
provides up to two years of research experience
in a scientific laboratory. The program is
designed to prepare students for graduate
study; therefore, scholars will also receive
personalized academic counseling, assistance
with graduate school selection, travel to national
meetings, an annual research symposium, and
opportunities to enhance research and
academic skills.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Received a bachelor's degree
within the last three years.
Intend to apply to a leading PhD or
MD/PhD program during the PREP
training period.
Participants will receive one year of financial
support as a GRA/KU employee (stipend:
$27,690) as well as an allowance for travel to
national meetings.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the Program Coordinator, Kathy
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The PREP program at Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine offers a training
opportunity for scholars to conduct research,
attend workshops to improve spoken
communication and scientific writing, and
prepare for the GRE or MCAT exam to
strengthen their application to apply to graduate
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
College seniors OR recent
graduates with a bachelor’s degree
in biomedical science.
Academic minimum: 3.3 GPA in
science and math.
Scholars will receive an annual salary of
$34,000 plus health, retirement, tuition and
other benefits
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The University of Massachusetts, Amherst
PREP program encourages students of
underrepresented groups who hold recent
baccalaureate degrees to pursue PhDs in
biomedical sciences. Participants work in
laboratories and participate in professional
development activities. PREP is a one-year
internship with the goal of strengthening the
research skills and academic competitiveness
of participants for pursuit of a graduate
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Recent college graduate (received
baccalaureate degree within the
past 3 years).
Intend to pursue a research
doctorate upon completion of the
PREP experience.
Belong to a group considered
underrepresented in biomedical
science careers (as defined by the
Interns will receive a competitive stipend,
tuition, and 95% of healthcare coverage.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The Boston University School of Medicine
PREP program is a year-long preparatory
program for recent bachelor’s degree recipients
seeking entry into competitive PhD training
programs. BU PREP is designed to foster
mentoring relationships that will enhance
personal and scientific development for members
of historically underrepresented groups in the
biomedical sciences. Scholars will be paired with
BUSM’s outstanding faculty, have access to
state-of-the-art research facilities, and work
closely with an advising team to create an
individualized career plan directed toward
doctoral graduate school entry and success.
US citizen or permanent resident.
Received an undergraduate
degree in a biomedically-relevant
science, no more than 3 years
prior to applying to the program.
Must apply to PhD programs in the
biomedical sciences after
completing the program.
Scholars will receive an annual stipend.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The PREP program at Tufts University offers
one- to two-year research apprenticeships for
recent graduates who are interested in pursuing
research careers in the biomedical sciences.
Trainees work on a hypothesis-driven problem
in a field of their choosing. During this research
apprenticeship they are mentored by members
of the GSBS Graduate Faculty. Trainees also
participate in classes, workshops and seminars.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident
belonging to an underrepresented
group (including, but not limited to:
African-Americans, Hispanics,
Native Americans, people with
disabilities, and members of
groups that are economically or
socially disadvantaged).
Trainees receive a salary of $33,500 and
health insurance.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Hannah Hanemann.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The University of Michigan PREP program
provides a one-year research experience and
extensive academic guidance to individuals
from underrepresented groups in order to
strengthen participant’s candidacy for admission
to the nation's strongest PhD programs and
gain PhD degrees in biomedically-relevant
sciences. In addition to research, PREP
students participate in a variety of activities,
including a Graduate Record Exam (GRE) prep
course, seminars and journal clubs, one or two
University of Michigan graduate or
undergraduate courses, and group meetings to
present research projects and discuss graduate
school/career options.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Graduated or in the process of
graduating with a baccalaureate
degree in a biomedically-relevant
science from an accredited U.S.
college or university, no more than
36 months prior to applying to
Belong to a group considered
underrepresented in the
biomedical sciences (as defined by
the NIH)
Plan to apply to a PhD program in
a biomedically-relevant science
after successful completion of
Students will receive a full tuition scholarship,
salary ($31,200), and benefits (health and
dental insurance). PREP scholars may use up
to $1,500 for travel to a domestic scientific
meeting or conference where they are
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The PREP program at the Mayo Clinic offers
an intense mentored research experience in
basic science or translational research in the
top laboratories at Mayo Clinic. Scholars will
attend special seminars and graduate-level
courses to expand each student's knowledge
base so they can begin to apply basic science
knowledge to biomedical research. Additionally,
trainees receive guidance to assist with
successful continuation into a PhD or MD/PhD
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Underrepresented student who has
obtained a bachelors degree
within the past three years, or high
school senior about to graduate in
a biomedical science discipline
who is planning to pursue a PhD
degree in biomedical science.
Students who are willing to make a
full-time, personal commitment to
the program similar to that of a
first-year graduate student.
Scholars will receive a salary, as well as low-
cost, comprehensive medical coverage through
the Mayo Clinic. A second year of support may
be available.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please email
the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The University of Missouri-Columbia (MU)
PREP program prepares students for PhD
study leading to research careers in the
biomedical sciences, including areas that
address health disparities in minority
populations. Scholars will conduct faculty-
mentored research leading to publication of
research results and presentation at national
conferences. In addition, scholars will receive
rigorous academic preparation, including
participation in graduate courses, GRE test
preparation, graduate school planning, and
research seminars, as well as personal
U.S. citizen, national, or permanent
Member of a racial or ethnic group
underrepresented in biomedical
research, OR from a
disadvantaged background, OR
have a disability.
Received a baccalaureate degree
in a science major within the past
36 months.
Intend to apply to a PhD granting
program in a biomedical-related
field after successful completion of
MU PREP scholars will receive a salary at
$30,000, including all educational fees, health
insurance, and $4,500 in support for travel to
two scientific conferences per year.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Dr. John David.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
(New Mexico)
The University of New Mexico (UNM) PREP
program is designed to enhance the ability of
individuals in the biomedical sciences to gain
entry to, and succeed in, nationally-recognized
PhD programs. PREP is aimed at individuals
from underrepresented groups in the sciences
who have recently received a Bachelors
degree. These individuals will either have
relatively little laboratory experience or will be
changing research fields between their BS and
PhD courses. To enhance scholars’
competitiveness for graduate school, PREP also
offers GRE classes and short training programs
aimed at acquainting scholars with the
expectations and challenges of graduate school.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Must be a member of an
underrepresented identity group,
as defined by NIH and/or
individuals with disabilities.
Recipient of a Bachelor’s degree
within 36 months prior to
acceptance into the PREP
Committed to pursuing a PhD in a
biomedical research field and to
performing research that will help
reduce health disparities.
Have a tangible need to complete
an additional year of training
before applying to graduate school.
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
UNM PREP scholars will receive an annual
salary, plus health and dental benefits. PREP
will also cover the cost of tuition for courses
that are required by the scholar to become
familiar with their research.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Research Education
Program (PREP)
(New York)
The PREP program at the University of
Rochester provides an opportunity to gain
research experience in microbiology, virology or
immunology as a full-time laboratory technician
under the mentorship of a program faculty
member for one year, with the possibility of an
additional year of support. Scholars will also
participate in an individually-tailored and tightly
focused academic program; each trainee will
have an opportunity to take a limited number of
classes and participate in ancillary training and
enrichment activities.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Member of a group traditionally
underrepresented in the sciences,
as defined by NIH.
Received a baccalaureate degree
in a science major within the past
36 months.
Intend to apply, within two years,
for graduate education that will
eventually lead to the research
Scholars will receive an annual salary of
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Dr. Elaine Smolock.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
(New York)
Albert Einstein College is offering a year-long
training experience for scholars that are from
underrepresented minority groups who are
recent college graduates. In addition to
conducting laboratory research, students will
participate in career development seminars,
receive advising with applications for PhD and
MD/PhD programs, and receive mentorship
from a faculty member.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Completed undergraduate degree
in a biomedical or behavioral
Interest in pursuing a PhD or
MD/PhD degree.
Scholars will receive a competitive salary and
benefits. Subsidized housing is available
across the street from campus. Travel awards
are also available for national conferences.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
(New York)
The Mount Sinai PREP program offers one- to
two-years of training to help scholars enhance
their interest in and readiness for doctoral
programs in biomedicine and research.
Students will dedicate 75 percent of their time to
laboratory research and 25 percent to a
combination of courses, special work-in-
progress seminars, skill development, and
community-outreach activities.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Graduated with a baccalaureate
degree in a biomedically relevant
science from an accredited U.S.
college or university no more than
36 months prior to applying to a
Students from racial and ethnic
groups who are underrepresented
in health-related sciences, and
individuals with disabilities or
disadvantaged backgrounds are
encouraged to apply.
Scholars will receive an annual stipend. Health
insurance is also provided. Travel awards are
available for national meetings.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Research Education
Program (PREP)
(North Carolina)
The University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill
offers a yearlong training opportunity for
students interested in pursuing a PhD in the
biological and biomedical sciences. Scholars
will conduct research with a faculty mentor
onsite, in addition to participating in summer
courses on the critical analysis of scientific
literature and hands-on laboratory skills training.
All PREP scholars take a graduate level course
at UNC. Monthly socials, luncheons, and other
events provide regular opportunities for PREP
scholars to network with one another and the
greater UNC research community.
Recent baccalaureate degree from
an accredited U.S. university
(within the last 3 years) in the
biomedical or behavioral sciences.
Member of a racial or ethnic group
underrepresented in biomedical
research, OR from a
disadvantaged background, OR
have a disability.
U.S. citizen or permanent
Scholars will receive a $30,000 stipend, full
tuition, health insurance and travel support to
attend a scientific conference.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The Ohio State University Discovery PREP
program is a yearlong research opportunity for
recent undergraduate graduates from
underrepresented groups to gain additional
research experience and to become
competitive applicants for graduate programs in
the biomedical sciences. In addition to
conducting research, students will attend
professional development workshops to
successfully apply to PhD programs.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Recent baccalaureate graduates
with a degree in a biomedically
related science no more than 36
months prior to their selection for
participation in the program.
Must belong to groups considered
underrepresented in the
biomedical sciences, including
individuals from underrepresented
racial and ethnic groups,
individuals with disabilities, and
individuals from disadvantaged
backgrounds (socially, culturally,
Students will receive a $31,200 per year (pre-
taxes) stipend, plus health and retirement
benefits. Prepaid airfare is provided for travel
to a conference or national meeting.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The PREP program at Case Western Reserve
University offers a one- or two-year
coordinated program of study to increase the
likelihood of success in a research-based
graduate program.
PREP Scholars enjoy mentored research
experience, a tailor-made program of study,
GRE test prep workshops, and a variety of
venues to interact with and learn from some of
the best researchers in the world.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
An underrepresented minority,
disabled, or disadvantaged student
as defined by the NIH.
Graduated with a baccalaureate
degree in a biomedically- relevant
science from an accredited US
college or university less than 36
months prior to the date of
application submission.
Commitment to pursuing a PhD in
the biomedical sciences.
Scholars will receive a salary of $33,000 per
year, including fringe benefits and health
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program coordinator, Malana
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The Oregon Health & Science University
Postbaccalaureate Research Education
Program (PREP) recruit and train Persons
Excluded because of their Ethnicity or Race
(PEER) postbacs for an intensive, mentored
research experience with the goal to prepare
them for pursuing a graduate degree in
biomedical research. In addition to a year-long
sustained research experience, OHSU PREP
scholars will receive individualized competency-
based professional and career skill development
and opportunities that allow for cultural
immersion through interactions with near-peer
mentors and OHSU faculty from
underrepresented backgrounds.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Baccalaureate degree in a
biomedically relevant science field
from an accredited college or
university awarded no more than
36 months prior to applying to a
Individuals from racially
marginalized groups in STEM,
individuals with disabilities, and
individuals from disadvantaged
backgrounds are strongly
encouraged to apply.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The University of Pennsylvania PREP
program provides a one- to two-year research
experience for students who have completed
college and are interested in pursuing a doctoral
degree in the biomedical sciences. The goal of
the program is to increase understanding in the
principles and practices of biomedical research.
This program provides significant research
experience, along with prep for applying to and
succeeding in graduate school. Participants can
take one academic course per semester, attend
workshops and free standardized test prep
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Member of a group traditionally
underrepresented in the sciences,
as defined by NIH.
Degree in a biomedically-relevant
science from an accredited U.S.
college or university and have
graduated no more than 36 months
prior to the start of the program.
Intend to apply to a graduate
program within two years of
beginning the PREP program.
PREP scholars receive a $39,000 stipend,
including health insurance, and tuition
coverage for up to two courses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
(South Carolina)
The University of South Carolina PREP
program allows students to spend up to two
years working as an employee in a federally-
funded biomedical research laboratory to learn
the nature of research in general and specific
biomedical techniques in particular. In addition,
scholars will have an opportunity to take
graduate-level biomedical courses and/or
correct deficiencies in their undergraduate
education through tutorials or appropriate
coursework, learn about the ethics and
responsibilities of biomedical research, and
present their research at local and national
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Member of a group traditionally
underrepresented in the sciences,
as defined by NIH.
Have a degree in a biomedically-
relevant science from an
accredited U.S. college or
university and have graduated no
more than 36 months prior to the
start of the program.
Intend to apply to a graduate
program within two years of
beginning the PREP program.
USC PREP scholars will receive a stipend of
$32,000 per year. From this amount, scholars
are expected to pay for mandatory health
insurance unless the scholar has alternative
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the Richard Hunt.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
(South Carolina)
The Medical University of South Carolina
PREP is a yearlong intensive research
opportunity to provide scholars additional
research experience, in addition to assisting
with constructing competitive applications for
graduate programs in the biomedical sciences.
Students will conduct research, attend
professional development workshops, and
explore careers within the biomedical sciences
U.S. Citizens or permanent
residents with a keen interest in
entering a PhD or MD/PhD
program from populations
underrepresented in the
Biomedical Sciences, individuals
with disabilities, or individuals from
disadvantaged backgrounds.
Must apply to a PhD granting
program in a biomedical-related
field after completing PREP
Scholars will receive an annual salary of
$32,000, tuition, travel allowance, and
reimbursement for health insurance up to
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The Baylor College SMART PREP program is
designed to help underrepresented college
graduates prepare for graduate school. The
program allows students to gain research
experience and includes participation in a
molecular and cellular biology course, weekly
scientific development workshops, GRE test
prep workshops, graduate school application
workshops, and individual counseling on
applying to PhD programs.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Completed baccalaureate degree
within the last three years.
Must be a member of an
underrepresented group in
Demonstrated interest in pursuing
a PhD degree in the biomedical
PREP apprentices will receive a salary of
$32,000 per year, plus benefits.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The Virginia Tech (VT) PREP program is for
students interested in pursuing a research
career in behavioral/biomedical sciences and
engineering. VT-PREP supports students
through individualized mentoring, foundation
coursework, innovative research, and
professional development essential to success
in graduate school and competitive doctoral
programs. Scholars spend 75 percent of their
time in a mentored research program.
Undergraduate and/or graduate course work
occupies the remaining 25 percent of the
scholar’s time. Also provided are academic
seminars, technical workshops, graduate school
preparation, and a GRE preparation program.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Have graduated within the last
three years with a baccalaureate
degree (BA or BS) with a minimum
GPA of 2.8.
Must be individuals from ethnic
groups considered to be
underrepresented by the Federal
Must be interested in pursuing a
Ph.D. in Behavioral or Biomedical
Sciences and Engineering within
two years of admission into PREP.
PREP scholars will receive a $27,200 annual
stipend, benefits, travel support to attend a
workshop or present at a scientific meeting,
and tuition scholarship.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The PREP Program at the Virginia
Commonwealth University is a one-year
biomedical research training program for recent
college graduates from underrepresented
groups who are considering graduate-level
training in the biomedical sciences. The
program provides scholars with a mentored
research experience and the opportunity to
develop technical and critical-thinking skills.
Graduated from an accredited
college or university in the last 3
years prior to applying to program.
U.S. citizen, permanent resident or
non-citizen national.
Interested in obtaining a PhD or
MD/PhD degree.
Participants will receive a stipend of $29,120.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
contact the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Research Education
Program (PREP)
The University of Washington (UW) and Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center PREP
seeks students who already hold baccalaureate
degrees and wish to optimize their preparation
for and successful completion of graduate
studies leading to a PhD in biomedical sciences.
The program is aimed at undergraduates who
have great potential and enthusiasm for
science, yet lack some tangibles (for example
research experience) and are therefore less
competitive for the most competitive biomedical
graduate programs. The program will provide
graduate school application assistance as well
as mentored laboratory experience.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Have graduated with a
baccalaureate degree in
biomedically-relevant science from
an accredited U.S. college or
Academic minimum: 3.0 GPA.
Members of groups
underrepresented in biomedical
sciences, including economically
disadvantaged students and those
with disabilities.
PREP scholars will receive a salary of
$30,000/year, plus benefits, an educational
allowance, and per diem/travel support to
attend one national conference.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Dr. Gabriel Varani.
Sens Research
Foundation (SRF) Post-
Fellowship Program
The SRF Postbaccalaureate Fellowship
Program offers recent graduates a gap year
option where they can strengthen their research
and communication skills in preparation for such
opportunities as graduate programs, medical
programs, and biotech positions. This program
includes assignments and training that hone
writing and presentation skills. These training
exercises are completed within the framework of
a research project that the Fellow will be tasked
with completing under the guidance of a
scientific mentor.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Recent college graduate, who
earned their bachelor’s degree
within the past two years prior to
the date they begin the program.
Fellows will receive a stipend to cover room
and board costs. Stipend rates will be based
upon levels used by government agencies,
such as the NIH and NSF. Fellows will be
eligible for benefits after the first 3 months of
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Dr. Lilli Fishman.
STEM Summer Scholars
Institute (STEM SSI)
(Multiple Locations)
The Indiana University STEM Summer
Scholars Institute (STEM SSI) is an 8-week
undergraduate research program designed to
give motivated undergraduate students hands-
on experience in graduate-level research. The
program welcomes applicants from IU, IUPUI,
and Minority Serving Institution (MSI) partner
institutions around the United States who are
seriously considering joining a Ph.D. graduate
program after completing their undergraduate
degree. Students from underrepresented groups
are strongly encouraged to apply.
Current undergraduate students
OR post-baccalaureate students.
Interest in pursuing a PhD
Summer Scholars receive a $4,000 stipend,
plus room and board.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Dr. Howard Simms.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
The Jackson Laboratory
The JAX Diversity Action Plan (DAP) Post-
Baccalaureate Program in Genomics (gDAP)
will focus on research training opportunities and
career development programs tailored for
trainees identifying with underrepresented
groups who aspire to go on to graduate studies
and careers in genomics, genome technologies,
and data science.
Completed a bachelor’s degree
(e.g., BA, BS, BSc) within the past
12 months, or will complete a
bachelor’s degree by June.
US citizens and/or eligible for NIH
Identify with one of more of the
following: (a) a member of a group
underrepresented in biomedical
research (URM) as detailed by the
National Institutes of Health (b)
have a disability that inhibits one or
more major life activities; or (c)
come from a disadvantaged
background as detailed by the NIH.
Have compelling reasons as to
why additional research
experience and professional
development is needed prior to
pursuing graduate school.
Program participants earn an annual stipend of
over $41,000 and health benefits to defray
cost-of-living expenses and training costs. The
program will also offer a travel stipend to
attend a scientific conference, as well as
financial support for MCAT preparation and
test registration.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
USA Jobs
(Multiple locations)
USAJOBS is the U.S. Government’s official
system/program for Federal jobs and
employment information. This site serves as a
search engine for jobs with the U.S.
Please refer to the program’s
website or contact the respective
administrator to review the
eligibility criteria per program.
For more information, visit the website.
Virginia Commonwealth
(Virginia)USA Jobs
(Multiple locations)
The Summer Academic Enrichment Program
is a 6-week program designed to enhance the
academic preparation of students pursuing
enrollment in a health professions school.
Students will choose from four tracks: dentistry,
medicine, pharmacy, or physical therapy. Each
track includes foundational courses, learning
workshops, health disparities seminars, mock
interviews, and networking events. USAJOBS is
the U.S. Government’s official system/program
for Federal jobs and employment information.
This site serves as a search engine for jobs with
the U.S. Government.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Post-baccalaureate students who
are preparing to apply to a
dentistry, medicine, pharmacy or
physical therapy health
professional school or program.
Academic minimum: 2.75 GPA.
Strong interest in attending health
professions school at VCU.
Please refer to the program’s
website or contact the respective
administrator to review the
eligibility criteria per program.
A modest stipend is provided to participants.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program. For more
information, visit the website.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Washington University in
St. Louis
The Opportunities in Genomics Research
Extensive Study Program is a 10-month
program designed for recent college graduates
and offers students the opportunity for a full-
time mentored research experience, rigorous
training in programming using Python, regular
workshops on oral and written scientific
communication, and individualized career
preparation within a supportive community
ideal preparation for graduate school in
genomics or a related field.The Summer
Academic Enrichment Program is a 6-week
program designed to enhance the academic
preparation of students pursuing enrollment in a
health professions school. Students will choose
from four tracks: dentistry, medicine, pharmacy,
or physical therapy. Each track includes
foundational courses, learning workshops,
health disparities seminars, mock interviews,
and networking events.
Students must have completed a
BS within two years of the
application and identify as a
member of an underrepresented
group as defined by the NIH.
Must be a US citizen or permanent
Major/Degree: Science, technology,
engineering or mathematics (with
some exceptions). U.S. citizen or
permanent resident.
Post-baccalaureate students who
are preparing to apply to a
dentistry, medicine, pharmacy or
physical therapy health
professional school or program.
Academic minimum: 2.75 GPA.
Strong interest in attending health
professions school at VCU.
Students receive a salary of $3,100 a month,
with benefits. In addition, travel to/from St.
Louis is paid for by the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please email
the program. A modest stipend is provided to
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Washington University in
St. Louis
The Opportunities in Genomics Research
Extensive Study Program is a 10-month
program designed for recent college graduates
and offers students the opportunity for a full-
time mentored research experience, rigorous
training in programming using Python, regular
workshops on oral and written scientific
communication, and individualized career
preparation within a supportive community
ideal preparation for graduate school in
genomics or a related field.
Students must have completed a
BS within two years of the
application and identify as a
member of an underrepresented
group as defined by the NIH.
Must be a US citizen or permanent
Major/Degree: Science, technology,
engineering or mathematics (with
some exceptions).
Students receive a salary of $3,100 a month,
with benefits. In addition, travel to/from St.
Louis is paid for by the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please email
the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Post-baccalaureate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Washington University in
St. Louis
The Postbaccalaureate Program in
Developmental Biology, Cell Biology, &
Regenerative Medicine is a fully funded (salary
+ benefits), 2-year immersive laboratory
experience designed to provide college
graduates with additional research experience
to make them competitive for advanced careers
in biomedical science. This program is focused
on providing research experience in modern
developmental biology and diverse regenerative
medicine labs.
Received (or will receive by the
start of the program) a B.S. or B.A.
degree from an accredited
university or college.
Must be a US citizen or permanent
Previous research experience is
not required but may be preferred
by some mentors.
Participants are provided with a salary and
benefits for the duration of the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please email
the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Graduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
American Society for
(District of Columbia)
The ASM Future Leaders Mentorship
Fellowship is designed to support master's and
doctoral graduate students from
underrepresented groups who demonstrate an
interest in the microbial sciences and seek
mentorship in navigating their career trajectory.
Microbiology sectors include, but are not limited
to, academia, industry, government, nonprofit
and entrepreneurship. In the first year, mentees
will be matched with a team of mentors and
participate in skillset training, structured
mentoring, community building and networking
activities at ASM Microbe. In the second year,
mentees will become peer mentors to the
Annual Biomedical Research Conference for
Minority Students (ABRCMS) undergraduate
students in the microbiology discipline and
serve as ABRCMS session moderators. In an
optional third year, selected mentees will be
invited to serve as an ASM mentoring
ambassador to incoming cohorts and an
ABRCMS judge.
Be an ASM member.
U.S. citizen, permanent resident or
DACA eligible.
Be from an underrepresented
population (racial and ethnic
backgrounds, individuals with
disabilities and disadvantaged
Be from an underrepresented
population (racial and ethnic
backgrounds, individuals with
disabilities and disadvantaged
Commit to a 2-year collaboration
within mentoring relationships and
incoming cohorts.
Students will receive year round mentoring, a
waiver for your first year of ASM membership,
complimentary registration to participate in
ASM Microbe the year award is given, and
complimentary lodging to participate in ASM
Microbe the year the award is given.
Students will also receive up to $1,000 stipend
to cover travel costs and other out of pocket
expenses for ASM Microbe the year the award
is given.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Association of State
Public Health
Nutritionists (ASPHN)
(Multiple locations)
ASPHN’s Health Equity Internship Program is
a 12-week paid internship created to support the
diversification of the public health and health-
related workforce. The program offers students
a unique opportunity to apply academic and
problem-solving skills to real-life work
experiences. Equally important, the public
health programs in which they intern gain fresh
perspectives and vitality from future leaders.
Graduate students enrolled in
federally designated MSI (historical
black colleges and universities,
Hispanic serving institutions, and
tribal colleges and universities).
Underrepresented students
enrolled in non-MSIs pursuing
degrees in public health or related
Enrolled in a public health program
or a related field.
Interns are paid $18/hour. Funding for housing,
transportation and/or relocation is not provided.
Interns may be able to receive academic credit
for participating in the internship.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Graduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Harborview Medical
Harborview Injury Prevention & Research
Center’s (HIPRC) Pediatric Injury Prevention
Student Internship Training (INSIGHT)
program is an intensive, eight-week summer
internship that provides paid research
experience and mentorship for students who are
interested in injury research. Participants are
matched to research projects and partnered
with health sciences faculty from across the
University of Washington and work alongside
peers and health professionals from an array of
disciplines. Past research areas include
elucidating the risk factors and causes of
injuries, injury prevention strategies, acute and
chronic care of injured patients, outcomes from
trauma, and interventions to return the injured
individual to their full potential.
U.S citizen or permanent resident
and are eligible to work in the U.S
or hold a valid student visa or have
DACA status.
Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is
Current graduate students or
students entering a graduate
program in Fall 2022 are given
Interns will receive a $3,200 stipend. Students
are independently responsible for arranging
their housing, meals and transportation. The
UW offers some discounted summer housing
within the dorms on campus. Students
accepted into the program will be sent details
of on campus housing. Travel reimbursement
awards are available for individuals who
qualify. Recipients of these awards will be
notified upon acceptance into the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please email
the program.
Hispanic Serving Health
Professions Schools
(Multiple Locations)
The HSHPS Graduate Fellowship Training
Program (GFTP) provides paid and unpaid
training opportunities for graduate and doctoral
students, and recent graduates, interested in
working on Hispanic health research. Fellows
are placed throughout the United States and
Latin America within government agencies and
academic institutions. All HSHPS fellows work
alongside a mentor, an experienced researcher
or senior staff member; assist with a research
project as it relates to minority health issues;
and participate in a series of professional
development seminars. This program strives to
assist individuals to develop skills to work with
Hispanic and other minority groups in
government and academia, pursue higher
degrees, publish research, and stay connected
with the HSHPS network.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Ethnic minority (American Indian,
Native Alaskan, Asian and Pacific
Islander, Black, or Hispanic) are
*highly encouraged* to apply.
Students may receive a stipend to cover travel,
housing, and additional costs, but the amount
will vary according to the program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please email
the program manager.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Graduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Massachusetts General
The goal of the Summer Research Trainee
Program (SRTP) is to build a pipeline of under-
represented in medicine, college and medical
school students who are interested in academic
biomedical research careers. The SRTP will pair
students with a preceptor in this 8-week
program. Preceptors will provide guidance and
instruction in techniques necessary to address
current problems in science and medicine.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Graduate student OR rising first-
year medical student OR first-year
medical student.
Member of an underrepresented
group in medicine.
A living stipend of $5,000 for food and other
necessities is provided along with housing
costs (lodging arrangements provided near the
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Michigan Institute for
Clinical and Health
Research (MICHR)
MICHR offers a summer research program for
pre-doctoral students in health-related
professional degree programs at U-M as well as
at other U.S. institutions studying in these fields.
The 10-week program is designed to introduce
students to research early in their courses of
study, and provides hands-on research
experiences in health disparities or clinical
research. Students will learn the fundamentals
of research methods through individualized and
team-based learning experiences. The program
may serve as an internship for students who
need to fulfill such requirements.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Currently enrolled in health-related
professional degree or master’s
degree programs at U-M and other
U.S. Institutions.
Students may not receive
additional federal funding during
this program
Students will receive a stipend to support full-
time commitment.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
National Cancer Institute
The Graduate Student Recruiting Program
(GSRP) provides senior level graduate students
an introduction to the National Cancer Institute
(NCI). As a part of the program, accepted
applicants will learn about the groundbreaking
research occurring at the NCI and the resources
available to fellows including core facilities and
collaborations; discover the training and
professional development opportunities that NCI
offers to help postdoctoral fellows succeed in
their future career paths; network with
investigators and laboratory personnel to get a
glimpse of available projects, mentorship style,
and atmosphere of a research group with open
postdoc positions; and determine if the
intramural research program at the NCI is an
ideal fit for your professional goals.
Must be enrolled in a Ph.D.
program in the U.S. at the time of
application and on schedule to
complete your degree
requirements by December the
following year.
If you are attending graduate
school on an F1 visa, you are still
eligible to participate in the
program. However, you must
become a permanent resident or
convert to a J1 visa at the time of
For more information and to apply, visit the
GSRP website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program coordinator.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Graduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
National Heart, Lung
and Blood Institute
The Iowa Summer Institute in Biostatistics
(ISIB) Program at the University of Iowa College
of Public Health provides a 7-week opportunity
for students to take a 3-semester hour
introductory biostatistics course and to conduct
research with a project team and faculty mentor.
Students will also be exposed to informational
workshops including scholarships, training grant
programs, and assistantships in Biostatistics
and Public Health fields.
Graduating seniors and beginning
graduate students with intent to
pursue biostatistics are welcome to
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Members of traditionally
underrepresented minority groups
and students from small liberal arts
colleges that do not offer
substantial coursework in statistics
or biostatistics are encouraged to
Students will receive roundtrip transportation,
housing, meal allowance, and full access to
university computing systems, libraries, and
other academic and recreational facilities.
Transferable college credit may also be
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Terry Kirk.
National Heart, Lung
and Blood Institute
(North Carolina)
The Summer Institute in Biostatistics (SIBS)
Program at North Carolina State University
offers a 6-week program for students to learn
about principles of applied biostatistics, gain
hands-on learning by analyzing actual data, and
interact with practicing biostatisticians and
physicians. Students may also earn college
credit as part of their participation in the
First-year graduate students are
eligible, but priority will be given to
Majoring in mathematics, science,
or other quantitatively oriented
areas of study.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Housing, meals, travel expenses to and from
the program, and some extracurricular
activities are covered. Participants will also
have access to university computing systems
and libraries.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
National Institutes of
(District of Columbia)
The Introduction to Cancer Research
Careers (ICRC) program gives highly qualified
graduate and recent graduate students the
opportunity to participate in vital cancer
research at the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
Selected candidates will have the opportunity to
interview with top NCI Principal Investigators
and potentially experience a summer or post-
baccalaureate fellowship in an NCI research
laboratory or office. The ICRC Program highly
encourages individuals from underrepresented
populations and disadvantaged backgrounds to
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Cancer-related research interest
from an underrepresented ethnic
Academic minimum: 3.2 GPA.
Demonstrate current or past
research experience.
*Former NCI fellows are not
eligible to apply.
The CRI program provides a stipend that is
based on participants’ academic
level. Housing is provided to students who are
financially eligible. Travel to and from Bethesda
is provided for out-of-state participants.
Students are responsible for their own meals.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Graduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
National Institutes of
The Division of Cancer Epidemiology and
Genetics hosts an 8 to 10-week research
experience designed for students interested in
exploring careers in cancer epidemiology and
genetics. Students may also attend lectures
offered under the NIH Summer Seminar Series,
participate in DCEG meetings and seminars,
attend formal NIH lectures, and participate in
the DCEG Poster Day.
Graduate students (that is,
individuals working towards a
Ph.D. or master's degree) and
Professional school (medical,
dental, pharmacy, etc.) students.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Participants will receive a stipend based on
academic level. Students are responsible for
housing, meals, and transportation. *Note:
Nearby housing is available.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
National Institutes of
Participants in the Summer Internship
Program (SIP) work one-on-one with some of
the leading scientists in the world. Trainees on
the main campus in Bethesda, MD will attend a
lecture series featuring distinguished NIH
investigators, informal lunchtime talks on
training for research careers, and participate in
a trainee poster session.
Enrolled at least half-time in and
accredited college or university as
a graduate or professional student
at the time of application.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
The stipend for trainees is adjusted annually
and based on academic level.
For more information about the specific
programs offered, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
NASA STEM Programs
(Multiple locations)
NASA’s One Stop Shopping Initiative (OSSI)
is an innovative solution to support the STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics) workforce.
NASA’s internship programs are being phased
into OSSI:SOLAR, including national programs,
and programs that are unique to a specific
NASA Center.
U.S. citizen.
Additional eligibility requirements
may apply depending on the
specific program.
*Note: students may identify opportunities of
interest; however they cannot request to be
considered for a specific internship program(s).
For more information, visit the website.
Pathways to Science
(Multiple locations)
Pathways to Science supports pathways to
science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics [STEM] fields. The program places
a particular emphasis on connecting groups
traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields
with programs, funding, mentoring, and
resources. Pathways to Science hosts a
website that enables users to search for high
school and undergraduate summer research
opportunities, graduate fellowships, and
postdoctoral positions.
Please refer to the program’s
website or contact the respective
administrator to review the
eligibility criteria per program.
The stipend is adjusted annually.
For more information, visit the website.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Graduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Roswell Park Cancer
(New York)
The Summer Research Experience Program
in Oncology is an 8-week immersive summer
research experience program at an NCI-
designated comprehensive cancer center.
During the experience, first-year medical and
physician assistant students will: experience
scientific and clinical research by conducting a
mentored research project of their choosing;
explore clinical operations and role of clinical
trials and translational research in advancement
of cancer medicine; present summer research
results in a capstone poster presentation; and
develop an understanding of the multi-
disciplinary and translational approach to
developing cancer treatments and interventions.
Be enrolled in your first year of
medical, PA or nursing BSN
program at the time of application.
Be in good standing with your
academic program
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
All participants in Roswell Park's
experiential research programs will
be required to show proof that they
are fully vaccinated with a COVID-
19 vaccine authorized by the US
Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) or the World Health
Organization (WHO).
Students receive a $4,800 subsistence
allowance to manage across living expenses
and paying for lodging*
*Out-of-town students have the option to find
their own lodging (a list will be provided at the
time of acceptance).
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
contact the program.
San Francisco
Department of Public
The San Francisco Health Network
Behavioral Health Services Internship
Program places trainees within the Adult/Older
Adult and Children's Civil Service Clinics around
the city of San Francisco. In these placements
trainees will provide a range of health services.
Along with required supervision hours, trainees
have weekly didactic seminars, clinical case
consultations and in-service trainings.
Must be enrolled in a graduate
program at an approved school to
be eligible to participate.
Please refer to the program’s
website or contact the respective
administrator to review the
eligibility criteria per program.
Stipend is available to students training in
behavioral health and substance use disorder
treatment programs, refer to the program’s
website for more information.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
contact Ryan Fuimaono.
San Francisco
Department of Public
The Office of Policy and Planning at the San
Francisco Department of Public Health
(SFDPH) offers non-clinical, unpaid internships
for individuals seeking work experience in
research and policy. This internship provides
practical learning experience for graduate
students interested in public health, public
policy, and related fields. Internships are
designed to expose interns to careers in public
service at the county level with support for
professional development with supervising
Office of Policy and Planning staff.
Must me currently enrolled in a
graduate degree program in an
accredited college or university.
Maintain a “C” average or above.
Interns must be proficient in the
Microsoft Office suite of programs
(e.g., Microsoft Word, Excel, and
This internship is unpaid.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
contact Patrick Chang.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Graduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Siteman Cancer Center
Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish
Hospital and Washington University School of
Medicine invites graduate students to participate
in the Leah Menshouse Springer Summer
Opportunities Program. The program is
designed to provide students with hands-on
cancer research experience for 10 weeks over
the summer. Opportunities range from basic
science research to clinical research to
prevention/control and population research. In
addition to completing a research project with a
faculty mentor, participants also engage in a
variety of other activities as part of the program,
including tours of state-of-the-art cancer
treatment and research facilities and weekly
seminars on current areas of research and
career building tools.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled in graduate
program at an accredited institution
currently or intending to pursue MD
and/or PhD training.
* Diversity in academic study and
research is key to scientific
discovery, students with diverse
backgrounds and experiences are
strongly encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $7,000 stipend.
Participants are responsible for their travel and
housing. Housing is available on campus for
out-of-town participants at summer term rates
as space allows.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional question, please send an
email to the program.
St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital
The Pediatric Oncology Education program
(POE) offers a unique opportunity for students
preparing for careers in the biomedical
sciences, medicine, nursing, pharmacy,
psychology, or public health to gain biomedical
and oncology research experience. The POE
program provides a short-term training
experience in either laboratory or clinical
research. A primary goal of the program is to
encourage students to pursue a career in
cancer research, either as a laboratory-based
scientist or a physician scientist.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Academic minimum 3.4 GPA in
math and science, cumulative
minimum: 3.4 GPA.
Currently enrolled graduate student
preparing for a career in medicine
or biomedical sciences.
Students with an interest in cancer
research are particularly
encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $600/week subsistence
allowance, in addition to housing near campus.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Dr. Suzanne Gronemeyer.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Graduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Arizona
The Student Transformative Experiences to
Progress Under-represented Professionals
(STEP-UP) in Cancer Prevention program is a
multidisciplinary initiative led by the Cancer
Prevention and Control and Health Disparities
Programs’ faculty at the University of Arizona
Comprehensive Cancer Center. This 12-week
program is uniquely designed to provide
students with an intensive, transformative,
experiential research program that aims to train
a diverse cancer workforce that will be ready to
meet the challenge of reducing the cancer
Currently enrolled Master’s
Academic minimum: 2.75 GPA.
U.S. Citizen or permanent resident
(International students are not
eligible for this program due to
federal funding restrictions)
Students from underrepresented,
disadvantaged, non-traditional or
first-generation college
backgrounds or who attend
schools with limited research
opportunities are encouraged to
Students will be paid $12.15/hour.
Transportation and housing assistance is
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program coordinator, Karen
University of Hawai’i
Cancer Center
The Cancer Research Education,
Advancement, Training and Empowerment
(CREATE) program offers first-year graduate
students at University of Hawai’i, Hawai’i Pacific
University, Chaminade University, or the
University of Guam the opportunity to gain a 1-
semester research experience in population
sciences a multiethnic environment or unique
cancer biology labs with the goal to enhance
their skills to address cancer disparities, causes,
diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cancer
and to improve competitiveness in their future
careers in cancer-related research.
First year or incoming first-year
graduate student at the University
of Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi Pacific
University, Chaminade University,
and the University of Guam.
At least a 3.5 GPA.
Stated interest in cancer research.
U.S. citizen or holder of permanent
resident visa.
Priority will be given to eligible
applicants who are of an ethnic
background that is considered
under-represented in biomedical
Participants receive hourly pay according to
University of Hawai’i schedules for their full-
time participation in the internship program.
For more information, please visit the
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Scientific Research for Graduate Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer
Center/National Cancer
The CPRTP Summer Research Experience is
an intensive, ten-week paid providing a
research experience and mentoring for
undergraduate, graduate and health
professional students interested in cancer
prevention research. Under the guidance of the
matched faculty mentor, summer trainees will
collaborate full-time on an independent research
project and receive additional mentoring by a
research staff of graduate students,
postdoctoral fellows, research assistants and
laboratory technicians. Students will also attend
educational and career development activities.
Currently enrolled graduate student
OR health professional student
(MD, dental, nursing, PharmD,
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Demonstrate interest in cancer
Participants will receive up to $15/hour.
Students will not receive health benefits, paid
vacation or holiday pay. Travel and housing
assistance are available for qualified
For more information, please visit the
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Kava Lewis.
USA Jobs
(Multiple locations)
USAJOBS is the U.S. Government’s official
system/program for Federal jobs and
employment information. This site serves as a
search engine for jobs with the U.S.
Please refer to the program’s
website or contact the respective
administrator to review the
eligibility criteria per program.
For more information, visit the website.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Medicine for First-Year Medical Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Brigham and Women’s
The Summer Training in Academic Research
and Scholarship (STARS) program provides
underrepresented first year medical students an
opportunity to engage in basic clinical and
translational research projects at Brigham and
Women’s Hospital and in conjunction with
Harvard Medical School. Students participate in
intensive hands-on training in research methods
and practice directly in the labs of Brigham and
Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical
School’s leading researchers.
Member of a group traditionally
underrepresented in the sciences.
U.S. citizen or non-citizen national
with a permanent resident visa.
Can provide proof of health
insurance coverage.
Students will receive a $5,000 stipend for food
and other necessities, travel compensation to
and from Boston, and housing for the duration
of the 8-week program.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Children’s Hospital
Los Angeles
The NIH-supported Summer Oncology
Research Fellowship (SORF) Program is
designed for medical students in the summer
between their first and second year who are
considering a biomedical career that involves
cancer research. SORF immerses medical
students in cutting-edge research within a team
science framework in oncology and related
fields. Students are matched with mentoring
teams according to interests and research
Medical students in the summer
between their first and second
year who are considering a
biomedical career that involves
cancer research.
Students will receive a stipend of $600/week
for 10-12 weeks. Travel and housing
assistance are available for qualifying students.
Some students may also qualify for support for
additional research done after completing the
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Harborview Medical
Harborview Injury Prevention & Research
Center’s (HIPRC) Pediatric Injury Prevention
Student Internship Training (INSIGHT)
program is an intensive, eight-week summer
internship that provides paid research
experience and mentorship for students who are
interested in injury research. Participants are
matched to research projects and partnered
with health sciences faculty from across the
University of Washington and work alongside
peers and health professionals from an array of
disciplines. Past research areas include
elucidating the risk factors and causes of
injuries, injury prevention strategies, acute and
chronic care of injured patients, outcomes from
trauma, and interventions to return the injured
individual to their full potential.
U.S citizen or permanent resident
and are eligible to work in the U.S
or hold a valid student visa or have
DACA status.
Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is
Current 1st year Medical students,
or students entering medical
school in Fall 2022 are given
Interns will receive a $3,200 stipend. Students
are independently responsible for arranging
their housing, meals and transportation. The
UW offers some discounted summer housing
within the dorms on campus. Students
accepted into the program will be sent details
of on campus housing. Travel reimbursement
awards are available for individuals who
qualify. Recipients of these awards will be
notified upon acceptance into the program.
For more information, visit the website.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Medicine for First-Year Medical Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Johns Hopkins Medical
The Cancer in the Under-Privileged, Indigent,
or Disadvantaged (CUPID) summer fellowship
program is a 10-week opportunity for medical
students interested in the care of underserved
populations, specifically in the field of cancer.
Students will attend lectures by senior clinical
and research faculty, partake in half-day clinical
rotations, conduct research in oncology
laboratories of the Sidney Kimmel
Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns
Hopkins and be able to present their research at
an end of program research symposium.
Lecture topics include, but are not limited to
cancer genetics, radiobiology, cancer health
disparities, and cancer immunology.
All students who will have
completed his/her first year of an
accredited US medical school or in
a US territory are eligible to apply,
provided they are academically in
good standing.
Interest in caring for underserved
populations and exploring careers
in oncology.
Accepted students will receive a *stipend and
*free housing over the course of the program
* See specific program location.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Gail Voelker.
Indiana University
(Multiple Locations)
Indiana University maintains a compilation of
summer opportunities for first-year medical
school students.
Please refer to the program’s
website or contact the respective
administrator to review the
eligibility criteria per program.
For more information, visit the website.
Massachusetts General
The goal of the Summer Research Trainee
Program (SRTP) is to build a pipeline of under-
represented in medicine, college and medical
school students who are interested in academic
biomedical research careers. The SRTP will pair
students with a preceptor in this 8-week
program. Preceptors will provide guidance and
instruction in techniques necessary to address
current problems in science and medicine.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Rising 1
year medical student OR
year medical student.
Member of a group that is
underrepresented in medicine.
A living stipend of $5,000 for food and other
necessities is provided along with housing
costs (lodging arrangements provided near the
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Medicine for First-Year Medical Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Minneapolis Heart
Institute Foundation
The MHIF Summer Research Internship
Program Clinical Cardiology is one of the
most outstanding and unique internship
opportunities available to undergraduate
premed students and those studying in other
health care disciplines. Working with a physician
mentor and a research staff mentor, interns
contribute to clinical research studies and
publications that impact patient care. During
their 12 week internships, interns spend nearly
11 days on shadowing, observations and other
field trips.
First-year medical students.
Enrolled in a U.S.-based
accredited degree program in a
health care or related discipline.
Have GPA of 3.6 or above.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Students will be paid $550/week (40 hrs/week)
for their participation in the internship.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program.
Roswell Park Cancer
(New York)
The Summer Research Experience Program
in Oncology is an 8 week immersive summer
research experience program at an NCI-
designated comprehensive cancer center.
During the experience, first-year medical and
physician assistant students will: Experience
scientific and clinical research by conducting a
mentored research project of their choosing;
Explore clinical operations and role of clinical
trials and translational research in advancement
of cancer medicine; Present summer research
results in a capstone poster presentation; and
Develop an understanding of the multi-
disciplinary and translational approach to
developing cancer treatments and interventions.
The goal of the program is to encourage entry
into medical careers in technology and include a
component of research.
Be enrolled in the first year of
medical, PA or dental school at the
time of application.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Students receive a $4,800 subsistence
allowance to manage across living expenses
and paying for lodging*
*Out-of-town students pay for lodging and stay
at Canisius College dormitories, 10 minutes
from the Roswell Park Cancer Institute
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please
contact the program.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Medicine for First-Year Medical Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
Siteman Cancer Center
Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish
Hospital and Washington University School of
Medicine invites medical students to participate
in the Leah Menshouse Springer Summer
Opportunities Program. The program is
designed to provide students with hands-on
cancer research experience for 10 weeks over
the summer. Opportunities range from basic
science research to clinical research to
prevention/control and population research. In
addition to completing a research project with a
faculty mentor, participants also engage in a
variety of other activities as part of the program,
including tours of state-of-the-art cancer
treatment and research facilities and weekly
seminars on current areas of research and
career building tools.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Currently enrolled in medical school
at an accredited institution.
* Diversity in academic study and
research is key to scientific
discovery, students with diverse
backgrounds and experiences are
strongly encouraged to apply.
Students will receive a $7,000 stipend.
Participants are responsible for their travel and
housing. Housing is available on campus for
out-of-town participants at summer term rates
as space allows.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional question, please send an
email to the program.
St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital
The Pediatric Oncology Education program
at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital offers
a unique opportunity for students preparing for
careers in the biomedical sciences, medicine,
nursing, pharmacy, psychology, or public health
to gain biomedical and oncology research
experience. The POE program provides a short-
term training experience in either laboratory or
clinical research. A primary goal of the program
is to encourage students to pursue a career in
cancer research, either as a laboratory-based
scientist or a physician scientist.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Academic minimum 3.4 GPA
Currently enrolled graduate
student preparing for a career in
medicine or biomedical sciences.
Students with an interest in cancer
research are particularly
encouraged to apply.
All participants will receive a $600/week
subsistence allowance. Group housing close to
campus will be available at no cost for POE
students coming from outside the Memphis
metropolitan area to participate in the program.
We do not provide paid family housing. Travel
expenses are the participant’s responsibility.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Dr. Suzanne Gronemeyer.
Biomedical Research Internships
Prepared by: Jennifer Anderson, Jordan Cañas Ramsey, Marilyn Drennan, Noah Espinoza, Stephanie Louie, Megan Shippen, and Tanushri Kumar.
This catalog is supported in parts by NCI grants: 5 P30 CA015704-48, U54 CA 132381 (Fred Hutch) and U54 CA 132383 (NMSU).
Internships in Medicine for First-Year Medical Students
Program Sponsor
Compensation / For More Information
University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center
The 1st Year Medical Student Program at MD
Anderson Cancer Center offers a 10-week
research program specifically designed for
medical students who are interested in hands-
on biomedical, translational or clinical research.
The program includes: hands-on investigative
scientific research under the direction of MD
Anderson faculty; opportunities for clinical
observation in various radiologic, medical and
surgical disciplines; expert lecture series
specifically tailored for medical students
designed to expand student’s knowledge of
various scientific fields and medical disciplines;
interview skills workshop; and end-of-program
presentation of research projects.
Must have completed first year of
medical school at an LCME- or
COCA-accredited US medical
Demonstrate an interest and
aptitude for scientific investigation.
Must be able to commit to the full
10-week program.
International students are
Participants receive a $6,000 stipend to
subsidize housing, meals, and travel expenses.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to the program coordinator, Nancy
University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer
Center/National Cancer
The CPRTP Summer Research Experience is
an intensive, ten-week paid providing a
research experience and mentoring for graduate
and health professional students interested in
cancer prevention research. Under the guidance
of a faculty mentor, summer trainees will
collaborate full-time on an independent research
project and receive additional mentoring by a
research staff of graduate students,
postdoctoral fellows, research assistants and
laboratory technicians. Students will also attend
educational and career development activities.
Currently enrolled graduate
student OR health professional
student (MD, dental, nursing,
PharmD, etc.).
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Demonstrated interest in cancer
Participants will receive up to $15.00/hour.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Kava Lewis.
University of Texas
Medical School at
The UT Houston Summer Research Program
provides first-year medical students enrolled at
UT Houston Medical School with hands-on
research experience supervised by faculty
members from the medical school. The program
includes workshops that supplement the
research experience, including weekly
seminars, certification courses in animal
science, laboratory safety and radiation, an
enrichment series, and tours of selected
facilities and labs.
Currently enrolled first-year
UTHMS medical student.
U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Must have completed 12 hours of
coursework in a science discipline.
Students will receive a $3,000 stipend. A
limited number of NIH grants offer a stipend of
$5,200. Minimal on-campus housing is
available at a discounted rate.
For more information, visit the website.
If you have additional questions, please send
an email to Linh Trinh.