Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
Pierre Pluye , Roland M Grad, Alissa Levine, & Belinda Nicolau. Understanding divergence of
quantitative and qualitative data (or results) in mixed methods studies. International Journal of
Multiple Research Approaches, 2009, 3(1):58-72. DOI: 10.5172/mra.455.3.1.58
In mixed methods studies, novice researchers need to know that qualitative and quantitative data
or results sometimes diverge. However, few studies focus on this aspect of mixed methods
research. The present paper aims to review the literature on divergence of qualitative and
quantitative evidence, and describe examples. The prior literature reveals four strategies for
taking divergence into account: reconciliation, initiation, bracketing and exclusion. Nine
examples derived from empirical studies were found, and they are described. Then, a detailed
example is given of how divergence was identified and explored in a pilot study of the
implementation of one electronic knowledge resource on handheld computer in an academic
family medicine clinic. Finally, this worked example is described in the context of a teaching
exercise for novice researchers.
Key words: bracketing, divergence, initiation, mixed methods, quality appraisal, reconciliation,
Few evaluation studies focus on the examination of divergent qualitative and quantitative
evidence, and the literature lacks exemplars on how to take such divergence into account. In this
paper, we explore this divergence, which may emerge from combining qualitative and
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
quantitative components or studies, increasingly referred to as mixed methods. A literature
review on the divergence of qualitative and quantitative data or results, a worked example on
how such divergence may improve evaluation research, and a teaching exercise are provided for
the reader. The objective is to propose strategies for taking divergence into account, and to
illustrate these strategies using a didactic exemplar for novice mixed methods researchers.
Mixing qualitative and quantitative evidence may commonly reveal or refer to some form of
divergence. However, few mixed methods studies examine details of divergence of qualitative
and quantitative data or results (Greene, Caracelli & Graham 1989; Greene 2007). The lack of
studies and the frequency of divergence suggest a need for exemplars promoting the integration
of qualitative and quantitative data or results with respect to their divergence. In the past,
attention was largely devoted to differences among quantitative results that led researchers to
search for errors, or to order studies along a hierarchy of evidence (Brewer & Hunter 2006),
while qualitative data contributed to reconciling differences among quantitative results (Jick
1979). Conflicting evidence between qualitative findings and quantitative results often led
researchers to dismiss or ignore qualitative findings (Patton 2002). Here, as proposed by Greene
(2007: 152), we acknowledge and respect the value of divergence and dissonance as generative
of unanticipated insights and understandings’ in mixed methods research.
What we call divergence refers to an umbrella concept. The following terms were retrieved in
literature reviews and textbooks on mixed methods research regarding differences between
qualitative and quantitative data or results: conflict, contradiction, discordance, discrepancy,
dissonance and inconsistency. Divergence may be revealed at the stages of data
collection/analysis or interpretation of results, or may occur by design (Caracelli & Greene 1993;
Greene et al. 1989; Greene 2007). While Greene and collaborators associate the concepts of
convergence and divergence with two different mixed methods purposes, respectively
triangulation and initiation (discussed in detail below), we believe that qualitative and
quantitative data or results may range from convergence to divergence whatever the mixed
methods approach or design. In addition, we believe that divergence may occur in any type of
mixed methods design, like those proposed by Creswell and Plano-Clark (2007), i.e.
triangulation, embedded, explanatory and exploratory designs. Taking divergence into account
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
constitutes a key issue for triangulation designs and their variants (convergence, data
transformation, validating quantitative data and multilevel).
Literature about divergence
Literature reviews and textbooks on mixed methods research suggest four strategies are used to
take into account the divergence of qualitative and quantitative data or results: reconciliation,
initiation, bracketing and exclusion. These four strategies require (1) an appraisal of the quality
of components of mixed methods studies (or of qualitative and quantitative studies of a mixed
methods research program), (2) the comparison of qualitative and quantitative data or results,
and (3) the collection-analysis of additional data when needed (Moffatt et al. 2006).
Reconciliation may occur when the divergence between qualitative and quantitative data or
results can be interpreted in a sense-making plausible manner, which may lead researchers to re-
analyze existing data (Trend 1978). Reconciliation may also suggest a new perspective or a new
framework; however, it does not lead researchers to ask a new research question, or collect and
analyze additional data to further examine the new perspective or framework (in contrast to
initiation, below). For example, among African-American women, the Harlem Mammogram
Study examined factors associated with delays in following-up abnormal mammograms (Padget
2004; see details in Table 1). While qualitative findings exposed women’s fear of abnormal tests
and frustration with waiting, quantitative results indicated that women with repeated abnormal
mammograms were more likely to delay follow up. To reconcile this divergence, researchers re-
conceived fear and frustration as factors associated with delays in follow-up, in a counterintuitive
Initiation begins with new frameworks or perspectives that emerge from conflicting evidence
between qualitative findings and quantitative results, and refers to two additional steps: (1)
asking new research questions, and (2) collecting and analyzing new data to further examine the
fresh perspective or framework (Caracelli & Greene 1993; Greene et al. 1989; Gaber & Gaber
1997). By way of illustration, Moffatt et al. (2006) evaluated impacts of welfare rights advice on
health and social outcomes among an aged population (see Table 1). While qualitative findings
suggested many different impacts, quantitative results indicated no impact. Thus, qualitative and
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
quantitative evidence were critically appraised and re-analyzed, and additional data collection
and analysis were conducted.
Bracketing is appropriate when qualitative and quantitative data or results are irreconcilable
(Reichardt & Gollob 1987; Mark & Shotland 1987), and suggest extreme results such as best-
case and worst-case scenarios. For instance, Gaber (2000) reports an evaluation of multiple
needs assessments conducted for community-based organizations (see Table 1). Qualitative
findings (from multiple sources of qualitative data) and quantitative results (derived from a
census) were divergent, and a plausibility bracket was developed.
Exclusion refers to three situations (Erzberger & Kelle 2003; Morse 1991): (1) qualitative
evidence contradicts or is contradicted by quantitative evidence (e.g. cross-validation), (2) the
results of the mixed methods study are incomplete or inadequate, and (3) one type of data or
result lacks validity. Even though exclusion is more broadly defined than the three other
strategies, no examples of it were found in the literature. As discussed below, this might be
associated with publication bias.
Empirical studies exploring divergence
We reviewed nine empirical studies focusing on the divergence of qualitative and quantitative
data or results. This review confirms what is found in textbooks and review papers: namely, a
paucity of studies focusing on such divergence. To review these empirical studies, we used a
snowball technique for two reasons: (1) no specific key words exist with respect to this topic;
and (2) divergence is a common term that precludes building a search strategy for retrieving a
workable number of potentially relevant papers within bibliographic databases.
The review followed three steps. First, we reviewed books on mixed methods research (Brewer
& Hunter 2006; Creswell & Plano-Clark 2007; Greene 2007; Tashakkori & Teddlie 2003), and
review papers (Gaber & Gaber 1997; Johnson, Onwuegbuzie & Turner 2007; Morse 1991;
O'Cathain, Murphy & Nicholl 2007; Reichardt & Gollob 1987; Shotland & Mark 1987). This led
us to identify four papers on divergence of qualitative and quantitative data or results. Second,
we searched relevant ‘citees and citers’ articles, i.e. articles that are either cited in these papers or
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
that cited these papers. We searched for citers using ISI Web of Science (all databases, no
limits). We selected potentially relevant articles by reading (1) titles and abstracts (exclusion of
articles on ‘quantitative methods only’, or on ‘qualitative methods only’, or on ‘conflicting
paradigms’, or on ‘social conflicts’), and (2) full text of retained articles when they were
available via McGill libraries (inclusion of articles focusing on divergence of qualitative and
quantitative data or results). This second step led us to retain three additional empirical studies.
Third, we searched ISI Web of Science (all databases, no limits) for publications containing at
least one divergence-related word in their title (list derived from our reading of retained papers).
We combined this search with a common strategy to identify mixed methods studies (Creswell &
Plano-Clark 2007). Thus, our search strategy may be presented as follows: [Mixed method* OR
multiple method* OR (qualitative AND quantitative)] AND [bracket* OR conflict* OR contrad*
OR discord* OR diverg* OR disson* OR discrep* OR inconsist* OR initiation OR reconcil*].
This third step led us to retain two additional empirical studies.
In sum, nine empirical studies were retained from this snowball review and are presented in
Table 1. As stated by McConney, Rudd and Ayres (2002), divergence generates tension: ‘We
experienced a certain sense of disquiet because each year data divergence was apparent’ (p. 132).
With respect to the proposed divergence-related strategies, five articles illustrate a reconciliation
between qualitative findings and quantitative results (Cox 2003; Erzberger & Kelle 2003;
McConney et al. 2002; Padget 2004; Trend 1978). Three articles illustrate the initiation of new
frameworks or perspectives using additional data collection and analysis (Moffatt et al. 2006;
Rossman & Wilson 1985; Waysman & Savaya 1997), while one article illustrates the bracketing
strategy (Gaber 2000). The fact that we found only one paper on bracketing suggests the transfer
of such a procedure to mixed methods research may be problematic since bracketing has been
developed in quantitative research to estimate plausible extreme results from differences (a
notion related to the confidence interval concept ). We found no empirical studies on exclusion.
Indeed, this strategy involves a rather radical and difficult decision-making to omit certain data
and results that researchers may find hard to justify or to translate into a paper. In addition, such
a paper would report negative results, which may only rarely pass through the process of peer
review (publication bias).
Frequency of divergence
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
While few empirical studies specifically address the issue of divergence between qualitative and
quantitative evidence, such divergence is not rare in the field of mixed methods research. By way
of illustration, O'Cathain et al. (2007) reviewed mixed methods studies in the field of health
services research in England. In 6 out of 48 retained studies (12.5%), ‘the opportunity to explore
seemingly discrepant findings was not taken’ (p. 157).
Furthermore, examining what we call Mixed Studies Reviews (MSR), i.e. concomitant reviews
of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies, we found four (7%) of 59 retained
reviews mentioned some form of divergence (Pluye, Gagnon, Griffiths & Johnson-Lafleur
2007b). To do so, we reviewed the literature on health-related MSR: We retrieved 2,322
references in MEDLINE, selected 149 potentially relevant references, examined corresponding
full-text papers, and identified 59 MSR that were scrutinized using qualitative content thematic
We sought further examples to illustrate the frequency of divergence between qualitative and
quantitative evidence in the Journal of Mixed Methods Research, a specialized new journal. We
searched all issues of this journal (from January 2007 to January 2008) for papers containing at
least one divergence-related word in the abstract and body of the text (see above-mentioned list).
Of 23 research articles, two empirical studies (8.5%) mention some divergence of qualitative and
quantitative data or results, and four review papers (17%) mention or present such divergence.
The study
In 2001, the first two authors conducted a pilot study on the implementation of one electronic
knowledge resource on handheld computer. With a convenience sample of eight Family
Physicians working in an academic clinic (hereinafter FPs), we combined a questionnaire and a
qualitative case study to explore perceived usefulness and use of this resource. At the time of this
study, electronic knowledge resources on handheld computer were a ‘new’ technology.
Subsequently, we found 25 additional observational studies suggesting nearly one-third of
searches for clinical information in such resources may have a positive impact on physicians
(Pluye, Grad, Dunikowski & Stephenson 2005).
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
Two participants left on maternity leave: one at the halfway point of the study and a second just
after the 24-week follow-up period. Participants on maternity leave were not available for
interview; however, one completed the post questionnaire. Consequently, post questionnaire data
at 24 weeks was obtained from seven of eight FPs. Participants were provided with a handheld
computer, two drug databases and InfoRetriever®, a search engine over seven databases (e.g. a
database of synopses of research-based articles selected for validity and relevance to primary
care). At the time of recruitment, no participant used either InfoRetriever® or a handheld
computer in clinical practice. Participants were offered training during four consecutive weekly
lunchtime meetings, and invited to a one-hour booster training session halfway through the 24-
week assessment period.
The design
In line with Creswell and Plano-Clark (2007), this pilot study followed a triangulation design.
Qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed separately (Pluye & Grad, 2005).
Qualitative findings and quantitative results were integrated at the interpretation stage. They
were mixed by the first two authors, and in the context of a graduate studies course (see
‘Teaching exercise’ below). While the first author did not have personal knowledge of
participants at the time of the interview, the second author trained and observed participants in
their clinical work as a clinical colleague (observer participant).
Quantitative component
The self-perceived importance of information resources was measured pre (week 1 or 2) and post
implementation (week 24) by this question: ‘Presently, what are your most important sources of
information for solving clinical problems?’ Responses to Likert-type items were rated on a six-
point scale ranging from ‘least important’ to ‘most important’ (questionnaire available on
request). The relative importance of InfoRetriever® as a source of information for solving
clinical problems was measured by comparing the difference in scores from pre to post against
five other sources (textbooks, journals, specialist colleagues, FP colleagues and other).
Qualitative component
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted about seven months after the introduction of
InfoRetriever®. Questions scrutinized the use of InfoRetriever®, usefulness, technical
performance, impact on practice and critical incidents. Interviews took place in participants’
clinical office, and varied in duration from 15 to 60 minutes (interview guide available on
request). Results on technical performance, impact and critical incidents are published elsewhere
(Pluye & Grad 2004; Pluye & Grad 2006).
To explore use and perceived usefulness, among other questions, participants were asked: ‘How
frequently did you use InfoRetriever®?’, and ‘How useful was it for you to have access to
InfoRetriever®?’. Interviews were audio taped and then transcribed. The first two authors
conducted a three stage thematic qualitative data analysis (Paillé 1996). First, extracts of
transcripts were categorized according to themes from interview questions. Then, sub-themes
were developed from the data. Finally, sub-themes were organized in ‘process-outcome’ tables
with the use of InfoRetriever® ordered as an outcome (Huberman & Miles 1991). Consensus on
the interpretation of data was obtained after nine sharing sessions. Transcripts were imported into
computer assisted qualitative data analysis software for coding and editing reports at each stage
of analysis (NVivo 1.3). For validation purposes, results were presented to two participants, who
agreed with the sub-themes.
Integration of qualitative and quantitative components
The first two authors integrated qualitative findings and quantitative results using a matrix
(research report available on request). Their interpretation is presented below, by the degree of
change, with respect to the perceived importance of electronic knowledge resources, and the
reported use and usefulness of InfoRetriever®.
Quantitative data are presented in Figure 1. They revealed an increase in the importance of
electronic knowledge resources for three participants (FP 5, 6 and 7), in that these resources
became most important’ for solving clinical problems. Questionnaire responses suggested no or
only minor change in the importance of electronic knowledge resources for four other FPs:
Participants 4 and 8 considered these resources as the second most important sources of
information, while Participants 2 and 3 did not consider them to be important. Pre-study,
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
Participant 1 did not consider electronic knowledge resources as importantfor practice, and did
not complete the post questionnaire.
Qualitative data are presented in Table 2 with regard to use and perceived usefulness of
InfoRetriever® on handheld computer. Interviews revealed that Participant 3 did not use
InfoRetriever® after the first week of the study. For Participant 4, there was little use, in that he
used InfoRetriever® weekly during the first two months of the study, but then his usage
decreased. Participants 5, 6 and 7 used InfoRetriever® almost weekly during the study period.
Participant 8 used InfoRetriever® almost daily during the study period. Participants 1 and 2 were
not interviewed.
Four sub-themes related to the usefulness of InfoRetriever® were identified (Table 2):
(1) Five participants perceived InfoRetriever® as useful for clinical practice (participants 3, 5, 6,
7 and 8). For example, one participant stated ‘the most important issue is that you can very
quickly access current information which helps to guide your decision-making.’
(2) Of these five participants, four perceived InfoRetriever® as useful for clinical teaching
(participants 5, 6, 7 and 8). As another participant said, ‘it is good to use with residents; I always
try to sort of challenge a question.’
(3) These four participants nevertheless expressed frustration with the lack of background
information provided by InfoRetriever® (participants 5, 6, 7 and 8). One participant said, ‘Not
everything is there; it is limited.
(4) For their part, two participants perceived InfoRetriever® to be less useful as compared to
other electronic knowledge resources (participants 4 and 7). According to one of them, ‘I think
other resources are more useful.
Integration of qualitative findings and quantitative results
The first two authors interpreted qualitative findings and quantitative results as follows. They
were convergent for three participants (5, 6 and 7 – see also Table 3, column 2, Researchers’
interpretation). Among these three participants, qualitative findings showed that InfoRetriever®
was used almost weekly and felt to be useful. Quantitative results indicated that electronic
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
knowledge resources were the ‘most important’ sources of information six months after
receiving InfoRetriever® on handheld computer.
Despite some inconsistencies, qualitative findings and quantitative results were not divergent for
three other participants (1, 2 and 3 – see also Table 3, column 2, Researchers’ interpretation).
Qualitative findings showed that Participant 3 did not use InfoRetriever® during the study
period. Quantitative results indicated that Participant 3 perceived electronic knowledge resources
as ‘the least important’ sources of information six months after receiving InfoRetriever®.
Participant 3 nevertheless reported during the interview that InfoRetriever® may be considered
as useful to practice (in general). This inconsistency between qualitative evidence (high
usefulness in general) and mixed evidence (no use and low importance) was not interpreted as a
divergence, since it may take time to apply a cognitive behavior (perceived usefulness) in
practice (use). Indeed, Participant 3 bought a handheld computer after the study, and is currently
using electronic knowledge resources. Participants 1 and 2 were not interviewed, and perceived
electronic knowledge resources as unimportant sources of information.
Regarding two participants (4 and 8– see also Table 3, column 2, Researchers’ interpretation),
qualitative findings and quantitative results were divergent. Qualitative findings showed
Participant 8 used InfoRetriever® almost daily, and perceived it as useful both for clinical
practice and clinical teaching. In contrast, qualitative findings showed Participant 4 used
InfoRetriever® sparingly, and did not perceive it as useful for clinical practice or teaching.
Despite these differences, quantitative results indicated no change in terms of relative importance
of electronic knowledge resources as compared to other sources of information with respect to
pre and post questionnaires completed by participants 8 and 4. Quantitative results also indicated
that participants 8 and 4 considered electronic resources as ‘the second most important’ sources
of information. Since both Participant 8 and Participant 4 were users of electronic knowledge
resources before the study, these two participants showed how multiple sources of information
compete for usage in practice. When InfoRetriever® was introduced at the start of the study,
Participant 8 found a way to integrate this new electronic knowledge resource in practice, while
Participant 4 already had a full toolbox. This example of reconciliation of a divergence between
qualitative findings and quantitative results suggests how qualitative findings may nuance and
add complexity to quantitative results.
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
However, the qualitative findings and quantitative results presented here must be handled with
caution. Three methodological issues must be recognized with respect to the pre-post survey: (1)
the inability to establish a causal relationship between the intervention and self-reported change;
(2) the possibility of social desirability bias, that is, the influence of researchers’ expectations on
FPs’ responses to questions; (3) the selection bias arising from a small convenience sample, and
the lack of follow-up with two participants. In addition, data on actual use of InfoRetriever®
could not be tracked in 2001; therefore, there is the possibility of recall bias in the answers to
interview questions on software use. This limitation has been addressed in more recent research
in which usage tracking is combined with Computerized Ecological Momentary Assessment, to
systematically capture quantitative data on cognitive impact around the moment of use, with the
Critical Incident Technique (Grad et al. 2005, 2008; Pluye et al. 2007a).
Given these limitations, our pilot study work is presented here to illustrate how divergence
between qualitative findings and quantitative results may be reconciled, and then used to
improve evaluation research. This pilot study might also contribute to a better understanding of
how electronic knowledge resources on handheld computer may fit into the spectrum of
information resources for clinical practice and medical education. While electronic knowledge
resources on handheld computer offer rapid access to much clinical information, further research
is needed to evaluate their effect on knowledge use, clinical decision-making and patient health
Using the above worked example, we conducted a teaching exercise in an ‘Applied Mixed
Methods in Health Research’ course with four teams of two students. The co-instructors could be
described as specializing in mixed methods (first author), qualitative methods (third author) and
quantitative methods (fourth author). Those enrolled in the course are graduate students in public
health and novice mixed methods researchers with backgrounds in dentistry, education and
In line with the matrix of ‘result possibilities’ proposed by McConney et al. (2002), co-
instructors and students completed the matrix presented in Table 3. In this matrix, qualitative
findings and quantitative results were summarized with participants classified in four categories
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
(high, moderate, low and unknown) by two criteria (1) their perceived importance of electronic
knowledge resources, which fits with the degree of change with respect to this importance, and
(2) reported use and usefulness of InfoRetriever® on handheld computer.
Co-instructors and students attended an oral presentation on the pilot study, which did not
describe the integration of qualitative findings and quantitative results. They then examined
qualitative findings and quantitative results, and also read the corresponding extracts of
interviews (exercise booklet available on request). They were asked (1) to critically scrutinize the
proposed matrix of ‘result possibilities’, (2) to complete the third column of the matrix by
integrating qualitative findings and quantitative results, and (3) to write comments on their
response sheet that would justify their interpretation of the integration of qualitative and
quantitative evidence, and highlight the limitations of the exercise and the pilot study.
Co-instructors (hereinafter teachers I and II) and students (hereinafter teams A, B, C and D)
agreed that qualitative findings and quantitative results focused on different and complementary
aspects of the implementation of electronic knowledge resources on handheld computer.
Regarding the divergence between qualitative and quantitative evidence, results of the exercise
are summarized as follows: all agreed on the convergence between qualitative and quantitative
evidence concerning participants 3, 5, 6 and 7; all but Teacher I excluded participants 1 and 2
from their analysis since qualitative data were missing; disagreements regarding participants 4
and 8 illustrated two strategies for addressing the divergence between qualitative and quantitative
evidence (exclusion and reconciliation). The exercise did not lead teachers or students to propose
‘bracketing’ or ‘initiation’ strategies.
With respect to Participant 4, Team B, Team C and Teacher II recognized the divergence
between qualitative and quantitative evidence, and agreed with researchers’ interpretations. For
example, Team B wrote the following comment: The participant ‘rated ‘moderate’ importance
[quantitative data], but rarely used the tool [qualitative data].’ In contrast, Team A challenged the
validity of qualitative data, and proposed to exclude it from the mixed methods analysis. Team A
commented: there are contradictions in the interview.For their part, Team D and Teacher I
tried to reconcile the divergence between qualitative and quantitative evidence by challenging
researchers’ interpretation of qualitative data (moderate vs. low use of InfoRetriever®). Team D
commented: We noticed that the qualitative data reported usage that can be considered as
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
‘moderate’, and we would then have concordant [mixed methods] results.’ Teacher I
commented: ‘although the results regarding Participant 4 seem to be contradictory, I would argue
that this participant should be classified as moderate [qualitative evidence]. In the excerpts
(qualitative data) he/she says that the decrease in use of secondary databases was due to being
away from work.’
With respect to Participant 8, Team B and teachers I and II recognized the divergence between
qualitative and quantitative evidence, and agreed with researchers’ interpretations. For example,
Team B wrote the following comment: [the participant] rated ‘moderate’ importance
[quantitative data], but actually used the tool almost daily [qualitative data].’ In contrast, teams
A, C and D tried to reconcile the divergence between qualitative and quantitative evidence by
challenging researchers’ interpretation of qualitative data (moderate vs. high use of
InfoRetriever®). As stated by Team A in their comment, ‘[Based on qualitative data, we are] not
aware of the daily use.’
This paper outlines one of the important features and tensions in the developing field of mixed
methods, specifically in the area of evaluation research. We critically reviewed the literature
focusing on the divergence between qualitative and quantitative evidence. This review led us to
propose four strategies to take divergence into account: reconciliation, initiation, bracketing and
exclusion. While the literature suggests divergence is not a rare phenomenon in mixed methods
studies, we found only nine empirical studies to illustrate these strategies. Then, for novice
mixed methods researchers, we present a worked example on divergence, and a teaching
exercise. As suggested by the exercise, the divergence between qualitative and quantitative
evidence is a complex issue for at least two reasons: it might lead to forced reconciliation or
inappropriate exclusion, and it may not be easily recognized or acknowledged. In line with
Devereux (1967), divergence-related tensions experienced by researchers may generate ‘blind
spots’ that can lead to ignoring divergence.
In line with Hacking (1999), mixed methods may be conceived as a ‘mixed kind’ of methods that
emerge by ‘looping effects’ between logical empiricism and constructivism, which are usually
presented as competing paradigms or ‘worldviews’ in the literature (Creswell & Plano-Clark
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
2007; Greene 2007; Johnson et al. 2007; Pluye et al. in press; Tashakkori & Teddlie 2003).
Constructivism is associated with idealism, relativism and (inter)subjectivity, while logical
empiricism is associated with materialism, realism and objectivity. Constructivism is most
frequently associated with inductive qualitative studies, and logical empiricism is most
frequently associated with deductive quantitative studies. Indeed, what is conceptualized as
‘mixed evidence’ derived from ‘looping effects’ between qualitative and quantitative evidence,
has been described in terms of iterative ‘spiraling’ among qualitative and quantitative data,
which adds ‘depth of understanding’ (Caracelli & Greene 1993 p. 202). Recently, Mendlinger
and Cwikel (2008) mobilized a biomedical metaphor (double helix) to represent the ‘spiraling
technique’, i.e. an ‘iterative process of going back and forth between qualitative and quantitative
methods’, between induction and deduction (p. 290). With respect to Participant 3, mixed
evidence refers to the absence of use of InfoRetriever® (qualitative evidence) and the low
importance of electronic knowledge resources (quantitative evidence) for example.
The present paper may help novice mixed methods researchers to better understand the
combination of qualitative and quantitative evidence using a didactic exercise on divergence in
the form of a concrete and simple worked example designed for teaching. In our experience, this
didactic exercise contributed to better understanding the potential richness of mixing qualitative
and quantitative evidence. The course session with this exercise was highly rated (on average 4.6
out of 5 on the weekly course evaluation), with students unanimously reporting that the exercise
was what they appreciated the most. Conceptually, this exercise is relevant to more seasoned
mixed methods researchers, as few evaluation studies report on how to deal with divergence
between qualitative and quantitative evidence.
The Frederick and Helen Weinstein Kahn Memorial Endowment supported this study. Pierre
Pluye and Belinda Nicolau hold a New Investigator Award from the Canadian Institutes of
Health Research (CIHR). Pierre Pluye and Roland Grad are supported by CIHR, the 'Fonds de
recherche en santé du Québec', the Department of Family Medicine (McGill University), and the
Herzl Family Practice Center. A substantive contribution to the training of participants made by
Dr. Howard Goldstein is gratefully acknowledged. We would also like to acknowledge the help
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
of Tara Bambrick, research professional, and of students in the 'Applied Mixed Methods for
Health Research' course at McGill University, for their participation in the data mixing exercise.
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Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
Table 1. Nine empirical studies on divergence of qualitative and quantitative evidence
Divergence of qualitative
and quantitative data or
Strategy to take divergence into
Cox (2003)
experiences of phase I and II
anti-cancer drug trial
participation(p. 921). Fifty-
five patients consented to be
interviewed (and filled in two
quality of life questionnaires)
about their trial experience(p.
This paper demonstrates
how different methods of
collecting data (…) can lead
to alternative conclusions
(…). Data obtained from
the quality of life
questionnaires interestingly
revealed no statistically
significant differences in
any of the scores over time
while in-depth interviews
uncovered something of the
psychological, emotional
and social impact of taking
part in a clinical trial from
the perspective of the
patient(p. 921). The
patients seemed to be
minimizing their problems
on the quality of life
assessment forms(p. 931).
Reconciliation (plausible
interpretation): One reason for the
mismatch of quality of life scores
with the interview data could be
that the questionnaires asked
patients to rate how they have been
feeling over the last week, whereas
the interviews allowed for a much
broader coverage of time and also
for a deeper description of the
issue being discussed. Another
reason could be that ratings were
made before the interview and
were based on what came to mind
in that short rating interval.
Ratings are often more accurate
when made after a reflected or
communicated exploration of the
issue(p. 931).
& Kelle
Center 186 focuses on the
relationship among social
structures, social change, life
course patterns, and individual
biographies during the
modernization process in
Germany(p. 467). A study on
the transition between education
and job in the former East-
Germany combined a
quantitative survey (N=551) of
academics with qualitative
interview of a sub-sample
According to the
quantitative data, the
system of state control over
individual career paths and
trajectories worked very
well (…). The qualitative
data provided a totally
different picture of the
transition process (…), and
revealed that individual
actors were indeed able to
influence their individual
careers to a remarkable
extent if they were creative
enough (…). The
qualitative data revealed
that the simple and
straightforward picture
produced by the
quantitative data was
incorrect and misleading
Reconciliation (new conceptual
framework): As compared to
quantitative results, the qualitative
findings were seen as a significant
‘counterevidence’. This
divergence was reconciled by a
theoretical redefinition of the
sociological functionof
bureaucracies and individual
behaviors (p. 478). The
employment bureau was no
longer seen as a distribution
agency; instead it was seen as an
institution for the legitimization of
individual action(p. 478). There
was no additional data collection
and analysis.
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
(p. 477).
et al.
research was to determine the
effectiveness of the SOS Model
School program as implemented
in a pilot program in three
elementary schools(p. 129).
This evaluation combined a
quasi-experimental design with
four qualitative methods: school
site visit, case study, focus
group interviews, and open-
ended teacher survey. In terms
of quantitative assessment,
student performance was
collected from state
assessments, and data collection
instruments were developed to
collect school-based data on
Data (findings) were
consistently positive or
negative regarding program
effectiveness depending on
the type or source of data
examined. The large-scale
standardized state
assessment data, and the
school-wide quantitative
data both provided
consistently neutral or
negative findings on
program effectiveness. On
the other hand, the site
interview, focus group, and
case study (primarily
qualitative) data provided
consistently neutral-to-
positive messages about
program effectiveness(p.
Reconciliation (data re-analysis):
This dilemma led us to seek out
and subsequently develop a
method of defensibly synthesizing
findings from mixed-method
evaluations’ (p. 133). For each
school, each type of data (findings)
is rated in terms of effectiveness
using a score between -150 to
+150, and scores are synthesized
into an ‘overall program
effectiveness’ rating.
Study (…) was funded (…) to
examine factors that influence
delay in response to abnormal
mammogram among African-
American women living in New
York City (p. 275). It combined
quantitative structured
questionnaire (N=212), and
qualitative interviews with a
sub-sample of women (N=45).
Qualitative [data] analysis
revealed the fear and
frustrations of enduring
painful tests and waiting for
the results in the women’s
own words(p. 276).
Intrigued, we returned to
the quantitative data and
found that women who had
a history of repeated
abnormal mammograms
(29% of the sample) were
2.5 times more likely to
delay follow up(p. 277).
Reconciliation (new perspective):
If we had not heard a possible
explanation for this [follow up
delayed] in the qualitative
interviews [fears and frustrations],
this odds ratio would have seemed
counterintuitive. After all, such
women are assumed to be at higher
risk and thus more compliant with
recommendations(p. 277). There
was no additional data collection
and analysis.
concept of using direct cash
allowance payments to help
low-income families obtain
decent housing on the open
market(p. 345). Experimental
methods and participant
observation were combined.
Qualitative data depicted
staff overwork and the
heavy-handed interference
of a contracting agency,
while quantitative data
indicated that managers of
this agency achieved
results, and cannot be
dismissed as incompetent or
inappropriate (p. 349
Reconciliation (data re-analysis):
The final interpretation The
solution was to overturn the
existing explanations by offering a
third. This required no brilliance,
some ingenuity, and a good
amount of tenacity(p. 352).
Moffatt et
al. (2006)
welfare rights advice has an
impact on health and social
Separate analysis of the
quantitative and qualitative
data revealed discrepant
findings. The quantitative
Initiation (additional data
collection and analysis): Six ways
of further exploring these data
were considered: (i) treating the
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
and quantitative data were
collected contemporaneously.
Quantitative data were collected
from 126 men and women (…)
within a randomized controlled
trial. (…) Qualitative data were
collected from a sub-sample of
25 participants purposively
selected to examine the
perceived impact of welfare
rights advice(p. 1).
data showed little evidence
of significant differences of
a size that would be of
practical or clinical interest,
suggesting that the
intervention had no impact
on these outcome measures.
The qualitative data
suggested wide-ranging
impacts, indicating that the
intervention had a positive
effect(p. 1).
methods as fundamentally
different; (ii) exploring the
methodological rigour of each
component; (iii) exploring dataset
comparability; (iv) collecting
further data and making further
comparisons; (v) exploring the
process of the intervention; and
(vi) exploring whether the
outcomes of the two components
match. Conclusion: The study
demonstrates how using mixed
methods can lead to different and
sometimes conflicting accounts
and, using this six step approach,
how such discrepancies can be
harnessed to interrogate each
dataset more fully(p. 1).
& Wilson
learn about the perceived
usefulness of [Regional
Educational Service Agencies
(RESAs)] by local school
people(p. 634). A first survey
of school administrators was
combined with extreme case
(defined from the survey)
qualitative studies based on
interviews with teachers, school
and district administrators, and
RESAs’ staff, and with a second
survey involving RESAs’ staff.
Quantitative results
identified extreme cases
(survey #1), and qualitative
findings revealed
surprising variations in the
ability of school
administrators to select
outside agencies for new
information(p. 638). Then,
additional quantitative
results (survey #2) showed
that school administrators
received considerably more
services from their RESA
than did teachers(p. 637).
Initiation (additional data
collection and analysis): The
second survey data elaborated the
interview data, providing a
richness of detail about differences
between teachers and
administrators that the qualitative
data alone could not provide(p.
& Savaya
to look back and plan ahead
SHATIL’s activities, based on
feedback from client
organizations(p. 2). SHATIL
is a nonprofit Israeli agency that
provides direct assistance to
other nonprofit community-
based organizations(p. 2). The
first qualitative phase consisted
of focus groups and personal
interviews with SHATIL staff
and clients (general issues).
Then, a survey questionnaire
was conducted on specific issues
derived from the qualitative
data. A second qualitative phase
Some of the focus group
participants expressed
feelings of being patronized
by SHATIL staff, who at
times had conveyed to them
the message We know
what's good for you better
than you do.Findings from
the quantitative measure,
however, revealed that only
a small minority of clients
(15%) shared this
sentiment. If we had
included only the
qualitative component in
the study design, we might
have overestimated the
prevalence of this finding
(p. 4).
Initiation (additional data
collection and analysis): This
inconsistency forced us to
reconcile these apparent
contradictions by raising a new
research question: can we
characterize the organizations for
whom this issue is of concern?(p.
5). The additional qualitative data
collection-analysis revealed that
the problem had been raised
primarily by minority
In response to this finding,
SHATIL initiated a search for
ways to increase the cultural
sensitivity of service delivery(p.
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
clients on one particular issue
(sources of satisfaction and
dissatisfaction)(p. 2).
(evaluation of multiple needs
assessments) was conducted to
help community-based
organizations in their
development of state-wide needs
assessments(p. 142). It
combined census data, focus
groups and documents: 74
documents were received,
cataloged and analyzed(p.
143). In these documents data
were qualitative and
Divergence between the
census data and the needs
assessment analysis did not
assume that the identified
need was less significant
than those needs when the
two data slices converged.
Instead, the divergence of
data highlighted that more
research was needed to
flesh-out what was going on
for a particular need(p.
Bracketing: When the census data
diverged from the needs
assessment analysis, either a new
explanation was determined
(initiation) or a plausibility bracket
was developed(p. 144).
Initiation is only mentioned as
potentially needed (no additional
data collection and analysis): For
example, if the needs assessments
identified a growing need, but the
census data showed that the
population in need was decreasing,
a tentative hypothesis could be that
the particular population in need
may be experiencing further social
or geographic isolation which
warrants more research(p. 144).
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
Table 2. Qualitative findings: Use and usefulness of InfoRetriever® on handheld computer
t 3
t 4
t 5
t 6
t 7
t 8
Almost no
Little use
usefulness of
® for clinical
Not useful
usefulness of
® for clinical
Not useful
Need for
not found in
Yes Yes Yes Yes
® less useful
than other
Note: Participants 1 and 2 were on maternity leave and not available for interview.
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
Table 3. Teaching exercise: Matrix of ‘result possibilities’ proposed to students
of electronic
resources on
interpretation of
quantitative data
(baseline & post)
Importance of
interpretation of
qualitative data
Reported use
Perceived usefulness
Mixing qualitative
and quantitative
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Participant 5
Participant 6
Participant 7
Participant 5
Participant 6
Participant 7
Participant 8
Participant 4
Participant 8
Participant 1
Participant 2
Participant 3
Participant 3
Participant 4
Participant 1
Participant 2
Step 1. Read and discuss the qualitative and quantitative data and results (appendices*)
Step 2: Complete the last column
Step 3: Outline your interpretation, potential limitations and conclusion
*Note: Appendices were (1) abstract and methods; (2) quantitative results; and (3) qualitative
findings with corresponding extracts of interviews.
Pluye et al. 2009 IJMRA Divergence in Mixed Methods
Figure 1: Quantitative results: The relative importance of electronic knowledge resources
(including InfoRetriever®)
Vertical axis: Relative importance of electronic knowledge resources compared to other
sources of information
Horizontal axis: MD - Family physician (participant number)