Lynn S. Fuchs, Sarah R. Powell, Robin F. Schumacher, Pamela M. Seethaler, & Doug Fuchs
Vanderbilt University
This research was supported by Award Number R01HD059179 from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human
Development to Vanderbilt University. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the offical views of the
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development of the National Institutes of Health.
Copyright 2015 by Vanderbilt University
Secondary Prevention
Dear Educator,
Thank you for your interest in the Pirate Math Word-Problem Solving Intervention Program
at Second Grade. This Pirate Math small group tutoring program was developed at and is
sole sourced by Vanderbilt University. We are pleased to offer you this excerpt to review.
These pages from the Pirate Math tutoring intervention manual are provided as a courtesy
to allow you to preview a representative sampling of the Pirate Math Tutoring Program at
Grade. This excerpt includes the following:
1. Table of Contents
2. Introduction
3. Lesson 5 Total problems
4. Lesson 17 - Difference problems
5. Lesson 29 Change problems
6. Supplemental Materials
a. Attendance Log
b. PM Worksheets for days 5, 17, and 29
c. Pirate Problems for days 5, 17 and 29
d. Teacher Posters
e. Treasure Maps
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is prohibited.
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Thank you for your interest in Pirate Math.
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legal action for any known acts of copyright infringement.
Pirate Math
Word-Problem Solving
Program at Second Grade
Small-Group Instruction
Lynn S. Fuchs, Sarah R. Powell,
Robin F. Schumacher, Pamela M. Seethaler,
& Doug Fuchs
This research was suported by Award Number RO1HD059179 from the Eunice Kennedy
Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development to Vanderbilt University.
The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent
the ocal views of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human
Development of the National Institutes of Health.
For more information, please contact:
Lynn S. Fuchs, Ph.D.
Sarah R. Powell, Ph.D.
For ordering, please contact:
A special thank you to the second-grade teachers of
Metro-Nashville Public Schools who graciously allowed our
research to take place in their classrooms. Also, we thank the
many Research Assistants at Vanderbilt University who helped
implement studies testing the ecacy of Pirate Math.
Thank you to Sarah Marrin for assisting
with the development of Pirate Math content
and to Sally Fluhler for editing the materials.
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................5
In This Manual ............................................................................................................................................................6
Implementation ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Schedule ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Tutor Materials ............................................................................................................................................................9
Student Materials ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Lesson Guides
Lesson 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Lesson 2 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Lesson 3 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Lesson 4 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Lesson 5 .................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Lesson 6 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Lesson 7 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Lesson 8 ...................................................................................................................................................................119
Lesson 9 ...................................................................................................................................................................141
Lesson 10 ................................................................................................................................................................. 159
Lesson 11 ................................................................................................................................................................167
Lesson 12 ................................................................................................................................................................. 175
Lesson 13 ................................................................................................................................................................. 183
Lesson 14 ................................................................................................................................................................. 191
Lesson 15 ................................................................................................................................................................. 215
Lesson 16 ................................................................................................................................................................. 237
Lesson 17 ................................................................................................................................................................263
Lesson 18 ................................................................................................................................................................. 275
Lesson 19 ................................................................................................................................................................. 297
Lesson 20 ................................................................................................................................................................. 325
Lesson 21 ................................................................................................................................................................. 349
Lesson 22 ................................................................................................................................................................. 359
Lesson 23 ................................................................................................................................................................369
Lesson 24 ................................................................................................................................................................. 379
Lesson 25 ................................................................................................................................................................. 389
Lesson 26 ................................................................................................................................................................. 399
Lesson 27 ................................................................................................................................................................. 409
Lesson 28 ................................................................................................................................................................. 431
Lesson 29 ................................................................................................................................................................455
Lesson 30 ................................................................................................................................................................. 465
Lesson 31 ................................................................................................................................................................. 477
Lesson 32 ................................................................................................................................................................. 495
Lesson 33 ................................................................................................................................................................. 505
Lesson 34 ................................................................................................................................................................. 515
Lesson 35 ................................................................................................................................................................. 525
Lesson 36 ................................................................................................................................................................. 535
Lesson 37 ................................................................................................................................................................. 545
Lesson 38 ................................................................................................................................................................. 553
Lesson 39 ................................................................................................................................................................. 561
Activity Guides
Find X! ....................................................................................................................................................................... 573
Pirate Problems .....................................................................................................................................................581
Find X Flash Cards ................................................................................................................................................583
Total ..........................................................................................................................................................................595
Total Game ..............................................................................................................................................................599
Dierence Game ................................................................................................................................................... 603
Dierence ................................................................................................................................................................ 607
Sorting Game .........................................................................................................................................................615
Change ..................................................................................................................................................................... 619
More Sentence Game .........................................................................................................................................623
Introduction - 5
Welcome to Pirate Math! Pirate Math comprises whole-class (Tier
1 or primary prevention) and small-group (Tier 2 or secondary
prevention) levels of word-problem instruction for use with students
at the second-grade instructional level. The focus of Pirate Math is
single-digit and double-digit word problems of three types: Total
problems (where parts are combined to result in a total), Dierence problems
(where quantities are compared to result in a dierence), and Change problems
(where an event happens to change a starting amount, which results in an ending
This manual and supplemental materials packet contains the tutor lessons and
student materials necessary to implement Pirate Math Small-Group Intervention.
This tutoring program is designed for students at-risk for diculty with the Pirate
Math Whole-Class Instruction program. A separate manual contains the teacher
lessons and student materials for conducting Pirate Math Whole-Class Instruction,
which is designed for not-at-risk as well as at-risk students.
Scientic evaluations of Pirate Math indicate that not-at-risk and at-risk second-
grade students make greater progress on word problems when they receive Pirate
Math compared to students who do not participate in Pirate Math. For examples of
studies, see:
Fuchs, L. S., Powell, S. R., Cirino, P. T., Schumacher, R. F., Marrin, S., Hamlett, C. L., … Changas, P. C.
(2014). Does calculation or word-problem instruction provide a stronger route to pre-
algebraic knowledge? Journal of Educational Psychology, 106, 990-1006.
Powell, S. R., Fuchs, L. S., Cirino, P. T., Fuchs, D., Compton, D. L., & Changas, P. C. (in press). Eects of
a multitier support system on calculation, word problem, and pre algebraic learning
among at-risk learners. Exceptional Children. doi:10.1177/0014402914563702
6 - Introduction
The Pirate Math Small-Group Intervention program is presented in
two sets: (1) Tutor Manual and (2) Supplemental Materials Packet.
This Tutor Manual contains the following:
• Basic information about implementing Pirate Math
• Schedule for implementation
• List of materials and how to copy materials
Lesson Guides 1-39
• Tutor lessons
Activity Guides
• Guides to core lesson components (tutors are referred to Activity Guides in the
The Supplemental Materials Packet contains the following:
Student Worksheets
• Copy 1 sheet (front-to-back) for each student
Pirate Problems
• Copy 1 half-sheet (front-to-back) for each student
• Copy 1 poster for each teacher
• Copy 1 card for each student
Treasure Maps
• Copy 1 for each student
• Replenish throughout tutoring
Mats and Games
• Copy as necessary
Flash Cards
• Copy 1 set for group
In This Manual
Introduction - 7
Pirate Math Small-Group Intervention is conducted three times
each week for 13 school weeks. Each session lasts 30 minutes.
Pirate Math Small-Group Intervention should occur concurrent with
Pirate Math Whole-Class Intervention.
During each session, the tutor teaches a lesson to the students. Tutors could be
mathematics specialists, special education teachers, or anyone capable of delivery
of the intervention.
Daily Activities
Tutor Lesson (20 minutes)
• Tutor teaches a lesson to the small group.
• Lesson may include a game.
• Lesson includes instruction on solving word problems.
Sorting Game (5 minutes)
• Occurs Days 13-39.
• Tutor asks students to sort 10 word problems by problem type.
• Tutor reviews incorrectly sorted cards.
Pirate Problems (5 minutes)
• Each student works individually on a Pirate Problems sheet.
• Students solve for X for 2 minutes and solve a word problem for 2 minutes.
• When students nish, the tutor checks each students work and reviews
incorrectly answered problems.
8 - Introduction
1 Review nding X
2 Finding X
3 Finding X
4 Find X Flash Cards; Review Total problems (T as X); Total Game
5 Find X Flash Cards; Total problems (T as X); Total Game
6 Find X Flash Cards; Total problems (T as X); Total Game
7 Find X Flash Cards; Total problems (T as X); Total Game
8 Find X Flash Cards; Total problems (P1 and P2 as X); Total Game
9 Find X Flash Cards; Total problems; Total Game
10 Find X Flash Cards; Total problems; Total Game
11 Find X Flash Cards; Total problems; Total Game
12 Find X Flash Cards; Total problems; Total Game
13 Find X Flash Cards; Total problems; Total Game
14 Dierence Game; Review Dierence problems (D as X); Sorting Game
15 Dierence Game; Dierence problems (D as X); Sorting Game
16 Dierence Game; Dierence problems (D as X); Sorting Game
17 Dierence Game; Dierence problems (D as X); Sorting Game
18 Dierence Game; Dierence problems (B and s as X); Sorting Game
19 Dierence Game; Dierence problems; Sorting Game
20 Dierence Game; Dierence problems; Sorting Game
21 Dierence Game; Dierence problems; Sorting Game
22 Dierence Game; Dierence problems; Sorting Game
23 Dierence Game; Review problems; Sorting Game
24 Dierence Game; Review problems; Sorting Game
25 Dierence Game; Review problems; Sorting Game
26 Dierence Game; Review problems; Sorting Game
27 Find X Flash Cards; Change problems (E as X); Sorting Game
28 Dierence Game; Change problems (E as X); Sorting Game
29 Find X Flash Cards; Change problems (E as X); Sorting Game
30 More Sentence Game; Review problems; Sorting Game
31 Find X Flash Cards; Change problems (ST as X); Sorting Game
32 More Sentence Game; Change problems (ST as X); Sorting Game
33 Find X Flash Cards; Change problems (C as X); Sorting Game
34 More Sentence Game; Change problems; Sorting Game
35 Find X Flash Cards; Change problems; Sorting Game
36 More Sentence Game; Change problems; Sorting Game
37 Find X Flash Cards; Review problems; Sorting Game
38 More Sentence Game; Review problems; Sorting Game
39 Dierence Game; Review problems; Sorting Game
Introduction - 9
During each lesson, the tutor uses a lesson guide to lead the
lesson. The Lesson Guides are in this Tutor Manual. The guides are
presented in order from Lesson 1 to Lesson 39. These guides should
be reviewed before delivery of the lesson. The guides should not be
read verbatim.
This Lesson Guide is from Lesson 28. The rst page
provides a list of activities and necessary materials.
The tutors dialogue is presented in bold.
Many Lessons refer to an Activity Guide. The Activity
Guides are located in this Tutor Manual, after the
lesson guides. The Activity Guides provide a shortcut
to information about each activity that occurs during a
Activity Guide: Change - 611
Activity Guide:
(Student), what’s Step 1?
Write ST + C = E or ST – C = E.
Good. We need to write ST + C = E or ST – C = E. In this problem, do we write a
plus or minus sign?
Good. Go ahead and write the Change equation now.
Monitor that students write ST +C = E or ST – C = E.
(Student), what does Step 2 say?
What’s ST?
Yes. Step 2 says: “What’s ST?” (Point.) We decide the starting amount.
Sometimes the problem tells us the start amount. Other times, the start
amount is X. Look at the problem. What’s the Start amount?
If ST is a number:
Right. This problem tells us the start amount is __. We check o __ in the
problem and write it under ST. Do that now.
Monitor that student checks o __ in the problem/graph and writes it under ST.
If ST is missing:
Yes. This problem doesn’t tell us the start amount. That’s what’s missing. We
have to  nd ST. Where should we mark X?
Underneath ST.
Good. Do that now.
Monitor that student writes X under ST.
Tutor Materials
10 - Introduction
During some lessons, tutor may show Posters. These
posters are located in the Supplemental Materials.
Any Games, Mats, or Flash Cards are also located in
the Supplemental Materials.
During each lesson, students have the opportunity to
earn points by following directions, being on task,
and answering questions correctly. The tutor tracks
points on the Attendance Log. The logs are located
in the Supplemental Materials.
1. Read the problem.
2. Underline the labels.
3. Name the problem type.
i erence, or
Sorting Mat
Pirate Math Tutoring
Attendance Log
DAY 1 Date_______________________
During introduction
5 minutes
8 minutes
Student worksheet:
- Student wrote "X=5" for Problem A.
Student worksheet:
- Student wrote "X=3" for Problem D.
Student worksheet:
- Student wrote "X=3" for Problem F.
Pirate Problems:
Solved at least 3 correct algebraic equations.
Length of tutoring session, rounded to nearest minute. (Write "A" if
DAY 2 Date ______________________
3 minutes
4 minutes
9 minutes
Student worksheet:
- Student wrote "X = 7" for Problem E.
Student worksheet:
- Student wrote "X = 8" for Problem F.
Student worksheet:
- Student wrote "X = 6" for Problem I.
Pirate Problems:
Solved at least 3 correct algebraic equations.
Length of tutoring session, rounded to nearest minute. (Write
"A" if absent.)
Introduction - 11
Here are sample materials used during each lesson.
Each student has a copy of the Worksheet. The
Worksheet is a full-sheet copied front-to-back.
Students write their work on their paper.
The nal activity each day is Pirate Problems. Pirate
Problems is a half-sheet copied front-to-back. Each
student writes their work on their own paper.
Each student graphs their daily score from the
Attendance Log on a Pirate Math Treasure Map.
When a student lls their map, the student selects a
small prize from a treasure box. (The treasure box is
not included with this manual. Teachers should create
a treasure box with prizes such as pencils, stickers,
candy, etc.)
Pirate Math Worksheet Day 28
A. Last week, Erika played in 1 basketball game. Then, her coach asked her to play in 3 more
basketball games. How many basketball games has Erika played in now?
B. Alan had 3 video games. Then, he got 2 more video games and 1 soccer ball for his
birthday. How many video games does Alan have now?
Name:______________________ Pirate Problems - Day 28
2 + 7 = X
X = ___
X − 4 = 3
X = ___
2 + X = 8
X = ___
X + 4 = 8
X = ___
10 − X = 9
X = ___
10 − 4 = X
X = ___
10 − X = 6
X = ___
8 − 5 = X
X = ___
Name:______________________ Pirate Problems - Day 28
2 + 7 = X
X = ___
X − 4 = 3
X = ___
2 + X = 8
X = ___
X + 4 = 8
X = ___
10 − X = 9
X = ___
10 − 4 = X
X = ___
10 − X = 6
X = ___
X + 3 = 6
X = ___
8 − 5 = X
X = ___
X + 3 = 6
X = ___
Pirate Problems - Day 28
Carrie had $5. Then her aunt gave her another $4 for her birthday. How
much money does she have now?
Pirate Problems - Day 28
Carrie had $5. Then her aunt gave her another $4 for her birthday. How
much money does she have now?
Pirate Math
Treasure Map
Student Materials
12 - Introduction
Students use Cards during Pirate Math. Cards are located in the Supplemental
The Find X! Card helps students solve for an unknown.
The RUN! Card provides prompts
for solving a word problem.
In a Total problem, parts (P1 and P2) are put together into a
total (T).
In a Dierence problem, where two
amounts are compared - a bigger
amount (B) and a smaller amount (s) -
for a dierence (D).
In a Change
problem, there is a
starting amount
(ST) that increases
or decreases - a
change (C) - into
an end amount
Find X!
Is X at the end?
Solve it!
2 + 3 = X
5 – 2 = X
Is it X – ?
X – 2 = 3
X + 2 = 5
3 + X = 5
5 – X = 3
1. Read the problem.
2. Underline the labels.
3. Name the problem type.
i erence, or
1. Write P1 + P2 = T
2. What’s T?
3. What’s P1 and P2?
4. Write the signs.
5. Find X!
P1 + P2 = T
1. Write B – s = D.
2. What’s the compare sentence?
• Does it give D or a number?
3. What’s B and s?
4. Write the signs.
5. Find X!
B s = D
1. Write ST + C = E or ST – C = E
2. What’s ST?
3. What’s C?
4. What’s E?
5. Write the signs.
6. Find X!
ST + C = E
ST C = E
Pirate Math Day 5 - 67
Lesson 5
TUTOR LESSON dy script.
Let’s get started on Pirate Math. Remember, when we work on math problems
together, you can earn checkmarks for being on task and doing math
problems correctly.
(Set timer, without student noticing, using the guide on the Attendance Log to
determine the amount of time. Award checks as appropriate. Repeat.)
Follow Activity Guide: Find X Flash Cards
MATERIALS dy script.
Find X! Poster RUN! Poster
Total Poster
Timers (2) Treasure Chest
Dry Erase Marker Pencils
Dry Erase Board Colored Pencils
Total Mat Find X Flash Cards
Attendance Log Total Game Worksheet
Treasure Maps Pirate Problems 5
PM Worksheet 5
Equation Worksheet
Todays Activities:
1. Find X Flash Cards
2. Lesson
3. Total Game
4. Pirate Problems
68 - Pirate Math Day 5
Today, we’ll work more on Total problems. Let’s review. (Student), tell me what
a Total problem is?
In a Total problem two parts are put together to make a Total. All Total
problems have the same Total equation. (Student), what’s the Total equation?
P1 + P2 = T.
Good. The Total equation is Part 1 plus Part 2 equals Total. We remember this
as P1 plus P2 equals T.
Now, cover your Pirate Math Worksheet with this paper.
Hand out Equation Worksheet.
On these blanks (point), write the Total equation from memory 3 times. Ready?
Monitor student while he/she writes the Total equation 3 times from memory.
Good work. Now let’s get started on our Pirate Math Worksheet.
Hand out PM Worksheet 5.
As tutor models Total problems, have student work the problems on his/her own
Look at Problem A (point). (Problem A: Jamie has 1 cat. He also has 2 dogs. How
many cats and dogs does Jamie have?)
(Student), what’s the rst thing we do when we see a word problem?
Total Equation
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
Total Equation
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
Pirate Math Day 5 - 69
We RUN through the problem.
Good. Let’s RUN through this problem together.
Display RUN! Poster.
(Student), what does the R stand for?
Read the problem.
That’s right. Whenever you see a word problem, the rst step is to read the
problem. Let’s read the problem right now. Jamie has 1 cat. He also has 2
dogs. How many cats and dogs does Jamie have?”
(Student), what do we do next? Look at the RUN poster if you need help (point).
Underline the label.
Yes. U is for underline the label. Be careful. This problem is dierent from the
problems we did yesterday. Look here (point to question). The question says,
“How many cats and dogs does Jamie have?” The question is asking about cats
and dogs. It’s not just asking about cats. It’s not just asking about dogs. It’s
asking about cats and dogs, so we need to underline both labels.
(Student), if we just underline cats, is that correct?
If we just underline dogs, is that correct?
Why not?
Because the story is about cats and dogs.
1. Read the problem.
2. Underline the labels.
3. Name the problem type.
ierence, or
70 - Pirate Math Day 5
That’s right. Two dierent things are important in this problem: cat and dogs.
Both of these things are important, so we need to underline cats and dogs.
Let’s underline cats and dogs now.
Underline cats and dogs. Monitor that student does this as well.
Nice job! Finding the label can be tricky. Sometimes the problem is about is
one kind of thing, like apples. So we underline one word for our label. Other
times, the problem is about two kinds of things, like apples and bananas. So,
we underline two words for our label. You have to look at the problem to gure
out whether the problem is about one kind of thing or two kinds of things.
That tells us whether to underline one or two words for the label. Let’s practice
nding and underlining the label for the rest of the Total problems.
Look at Problem B (point). (Problem B: Trevor has 2 red balls. He also has 3 blue
balls. How many balls does Trevor have in all?)
We rst read the problem together. Then, we nd and underline the label.
Trevor has 2 red balls. He also has 3 blue balls. How many balls does Trevor
have in all?” Let’s think about the label for this problem. The question will help
us gure out what to underline for the label. Look here (point to question). The
question says, “How many balls does Trevor have in all?” (Student), what is this
story talking about?
That’s right. This problem is about the number of balls Trevor has. So, what
should we underline?
Good. Underline the word “balls” in the question now.
Underline balls. Monitor that student does this as well.
How many words did we need to underline for this label?
One word.
Right. The problem is about one kind of thing. So we underlined one word for
the label: balls.
Pirate Math Day 5 - 71
Nice job. Let’s practice nding the label for Problem C (point). (Problem C: Mary
Anne has 2 pencils. She also has 3 markers. How many pencils and markers does
Mary Anne have?) We rst read the problem. Then, we nd and underline the
label. “Mary Anne has 2 pencils. She also has 3 markers. How many pencils and
markers does Mary Anne have?” Lets think about the label for this problem.
Where should we look to gure out what to underline?
The question.
Good. Let’s read the question again. “How many pencils and markers does
Mary Anne have?” (Student), what’s this story talking about?
Pencils and markers.
Good. The question is asking about two kinds of things: pencils and markers.
Its not just asking about pencils. It’s not just asking about markers. It’s asking
about two kinds of things: pencils and markers. So we need to underline two
words for our label.
(Student), if we just underline pencils, is that correct?
If we just underline markers, is that correct?
Why not?
Because the story is about pencils and markers.
That’s right. Two dierent kinds of things are important in this problem:
pencils and markers. Both kinds of things are important, so we need to
underline both words: pencils and markers. Let’s underline pencils and
markers now.
Underline pencils and markers. Monitor that student does this as well.
So, (Student), what’s the label for this problem?
Pencils and markers.
72 - Pirate Math Day 5
Nice job. Look at Problem D (point). (Problem D: Mr. Powell has 5 carrots. He also
has 2 potatoes. How many vegetables does he have in all?)
We rst read the problem. Then, we nd and underline the label. “Mr. Powell
has 5 carrots. He also has 2 potatoes. How many vegetables does he have in
all?” Let’s think about the label for this problem. Where should we look to
gure out what to underline?
The question.
Good. Let’s read the question again. “How many vegetables does he have in
all?” (Student), what is this story talking about?
That’s right. Vegetables is our label. This problem is dierent from the other
problems weve worked on. The story tells about Mr. Powell’s carrots and
potatoes, but the question asks about vegetables. Are carrots and potatoes
both kinds of vegetables?
That’s right. We could write carrots and potatoes” for our label. Or we could
write “vegetables for our label. Carrots and potatoes are both types of
vegetables. What are some other types of vegetables?
Right. The words vegetables can stand for more than one kind of vegetable.
There are many kinds of vegetables. Carrots and potatoes are both kinds of
vegetables. So we can use two words for our label: carrots and potatoes. Or
we can use the one word that stands for all vegetables. The question uses
the word “vegetables, so let’s use that for our label instead of carrots and
potatoes. So, what should we underline?
Good. Underline the word “vegetables” in the question now.
Underline vegetables. Monitor that student does this as well.
Pirate Math Day 5 - 73
So, (Student), what’s the label for this problem?
Good. Let’s practice nding the label for one more problem. Look at E (point).
(Problem E: Ben has $5. Rachel has $2. How much money do they have in all?)
We rst read the problem. Then, we nd and underline the label. “Ben has $5.
Rachel has $2. How much money do they have in all?” Let’s think about the
label for this problem. Where should we look to gure out what to underline?
The question.
Good. Let’s read the question again. “How much money do they have in all?”
(Student), what’s this story talking about?
That’s right. This problem is about money. So, what should we underline?
Good. Underline the word “money in the question sentence now.
Underline money. Monitor that student does this as well.
When the label is money, you have to think some more about what your
label will be. You have to stop and think, “What kind of money is the problem
talking about? Is it about dollars or cents?” Look at this problem. What kind of
money do Rachel and Ben have? Do you see a dollar sign or a cent sign?
A dollar sign.
Good. Theres a dollar sign. We’ll write a dollar sign under the word “money,
like this.
Write $ under the word “money” in the question.
We write the dollar sign under the word “money” to remind us that the dollar
sign will be our label. (Student), write a dollar sign under the word “money”
74 - Pirate Math Day 5
Monitor that student writes a $ under the word “money” in the question.
Let’s solve the rest of this problem so I can show you what I mean. We already
read the problem (point to R in RUN). We also underlined the label (point to U in
RUN). What do we do next?
Name the problem type.
Good work. The N stands for name the problem type. What type of problem is
Why is it a Total problem?
Because its about two amounts being put together to make a Total.
Very good. This is a Total problem because its about 2 amounts put together
to make a total. What are the parts?
Ben and Rachels dollars.
Yes. One part is Bens dollars. The other part is Rachel’s dollars.
Hold up 1 hand for Bens part. Hold up the other hand for Rachel’s part.
What’s the total?
How many dollars they have altogether.
That’s right. The total is how many dollars Ben and Rachel have together.
Bring together both hands and clasp together.
Good. This is a Total problem because it’s about 2 amounts, Bens money and
Rachel’s money. We put T next to the problem to remind us that it’s a Total
problem. Write a T next to the problem.
Write T next to the problem. Monitor that student does this as well.
Pirate Math Day 5 - 75
We decided this is a Total problem, so we use this Total Poster to help us solve
Display Total Poster.
(Student), what’s Step 1?
Write P1 plus P2 equals T.
Yes. Write P1 plus P2 equals T under the word problem.
Write P1 + P2 = T on worksheet. Monitor that student does this as well.
(Student), what does Step 2 say?
What’s T?
Yes. Step 2 says: What’s T?” (Point.) We need to gure out if the problem gives
us a number for T, of if T is the missing information. Let’s look at the word
problem again. The rst sentence (point) says, “Ben has $5. So, the amount of
money Ben has is part 1. The next sentence (point) says “Rachel has $2. So, the
amount of money Rachel has is part 2. The question asks, “How much money
do they have in all?” So, (Student), does the problem tell us the Total, does it
tell us how much money Ben and Rachel have in all? Or, is the Total missing?
The Total is missing.
Very good. Now write X under T.
Write X under T. Monitor that student does this as well.
Now let’s look at Step 3. (Student), what does Step 3 say?
What’s P1 and P2?”
1. Write P1 + P2 = T
2. What’s T?
3. What’s P1 and P2?
4. Write the signs.
5. Find X!
P1 + P2 = T
76 - Pirate Math Day 5
Good. Step 3 says, What’s P1 and P2?” Let’s think about the two parts. In the
question, we underlined money. So, part 1 is the amount of money that Ben
has. The part 2 is the amount of money that Rachel has. We only want to nd
information that tells us about Ben and Rachel’s money. So, (Student), what’s
Yes. That’s right. Part 1 is the amount of money that Ben has. He has $5. 5 is
Part 1. Let’s check o 5 in the problem, and write it in the number sentence
underneath P1. Do that now.
Check o 5 and write 5 under P1. Monitor that student does this as well.
(Student), now what do we need to nd?
Part 2.
Good. We need to nd P2 in the story. (Student), can you nd P2 in the story?
That’s right! Part 2 is the amount of money that Rachel has. She has $2. 2
is P2. Let’s check o 2 in the problem, and write it in the number sentence
underneath P2. Do that now.
Check o 2 and write it under P2. Monitor that student does this as well.
Good work. Now we have P1, P2 and T lled in the number sentence. We
nished Step 3, now let’s move on to Step 4. (Student), what does Step 4 say?
Write the signs.
Step 4 says, Write the signs. (Student), what math signs do we need to
complete our Total number sentence?
Plus and equal sign.
Right. We still need our plus sign and our equal sign. Let’s do that now.
Write the plus sign and equal sign. Monitor that student does this as well.
Pirate Math Day 5 - 77
Now let’s read the number sentence together.
5 plus 2 equals X.
Does this look like a number sentence we know how to solve?
Right. Now you get to be a pirate and Find X. Use the Find X! Poster to help you.
Display Find X! Poster.
(Student), what question do you ask yourself rst?
Is X at the end?
Good. So, is X at the end?
(Student), how do we nd X when X is at the end?
Solve it!
Good. Do we add or subtract to nd X?
Right. The plus sign tells us to add. We add 5 plus 2. (Student), what’s 5 plus 2?
Good. So, what number does X stand for in 5 plus 2 is the same as X?
Find X!
Is X at the end?
Solve it!
2 + 3 = X
5 – 2 = X
Is it X – ?
X – 2 = 3
X + 2 = 5
3 + X = 5
5 – X = 3
78 - Pirate Math Day 5
Right. You said 5 plus 2 equals 7; so X is the same as 7. Let’s put 7 in the
problem where X is to see if this side is the same as that side. Write 5 plus 2
equals 7 underneath 5 plus 2 equals X.
Write 5 + 2 = 7 under 5 + 2 = X. Monitor that student does this as well.
Does 7 make this side (point) the same as that side (point)?
Right. 5 plus 2 is the same as 7. That makes sense. So X equals 7. Write X equals
Write X = 7 under 5 plus 2 is the same as 7. Monitor that student does this as well.
We’re not quite nished with the problem. (Student), what else should we do?
Label it.
Good. We know that 7 is the number answer, but we still need a label. What did
we decide for our label?
The dollar sign.
Good. We wrote a dollar sign under the word “money” (point). This tells us to
use the dollar sign as our label. So, we write a dollar sign before the 7, like this.
Write $ next to 7. Monitor that students do this as well.
Good job! Money problems can be tricky! (Student), when money is the
important word in the question sentence, what do we do?
We ask ourselves, is the problem talking about dollars or cents?
Good. If the problem is about dollars, write the dollar sign under the word
money. If the problem is about cents, write the cent sign under the word
money. You’ll see a lot of money problems in Pirate Math. Remember, always
ask yourself, “Is the problem talking about dollars or cents?” Then, write the
dollar sign or a cent sign under the word money. Then youll know how to label
the answer!
Pirate Math Day 5 - 79
Nice work nding the label today! Finding the label is a very important step
for solving word problems. Remember to always look at the question to gure
out the label. Sometimes the problem is about one kind of thing, like cookies.
Other times, the problems is about two kinds of things, like cookies and
brownies. When the question asks about money, make sure to always ask, “Is
the story about dollars or cents?”
TOTAL GAMEdy script.
Follow Activity Guide: Total Game
Follow Activity Guide: Pirate Problems
Great! Let’s count the number of checks you earned today and color the coins
on your Treasure Maps. See you next time!
Pirate Math Day 17 - 263
Lesson 17
TUTOR LESSONdy script.
Let’s get started on Pirate Math.
(Set timer, without student noticing, using the guide on the Attendance Log to
determine the amount of time. Award checks as appropriate. Repeat.)
Today, we’ll do the Dierence Game.
MATERIALS dy script.
Find X! Poster RUN! Poster
Total Poster Dierence Poster
Timers (2) Treasure Chest
Dry Erase Marker Pencils
Dry Erase Board Colored Pencils
Greater Gator Cards Highlighters
Greater Than/Less Than Cards Sorting Mat
Sorting Cards Sorting Graph
Attendance Log Dierence Game Worksheet
Treasure Maps Pirate Problems 17
PM Worksheet 17
Equation Worksheet
Todays Activities:
1. Dierence Game
2. Lesson
Total and Dierence
3. Sorting Game
4. Pirate Problems
264 - Pirate Math Day 17
Hand out Dierence Game Worksheet.
In Dierence problems, we compare two amounts to nd the Dierence. One
amount is bigger. The other amount is smaller. A Dierence problem uses
words like more, fewer and less to tell us the bigger and smaller amounts.
These compare words are found in the compare sentence. Let’s review.
(Student), when you see the word more, do you write a greater than or less
than sign?
Display Mr. Greater Gator Card and point as you say greater than/less than.
Greater than.
Good. When we see the word more, we use the greater than sign. (Student),
when you see the word less, do you write a greater than or less than sign?
Display Mr. Greater Gator Card and point as you say greater than/less than.
Less than.
Great. When we see the word less, we use the less than sign. (Student), when
you see the word fewer, do you write a greater than or less than sign?
Display Mr. Greater Gator Card and point as you say greater than/less than.
Less than.
Good. If this side has fewer than that side we use the less than sign. When we
see the word fewer, we use the less than sign.
In the Dierence game, we read a compare sentence and gure out who has
the Bigger amount and who has the smaller amount. Here are the steps:
1. Underline the two things were comparing.
2. Write the greater than or less than sign between the two things were
A. Jay has 3 more games
than Tyler.
B. There are 6 fewer lemons
than limes.
Dierence Game
DAY 17
C. Kate has $10 less than Liz.
A. Jay has 3 more games
than Tyler.
B. There are 6 fewer lemons
than limes.
Dierence Game
DAY 17
C. Kate has $10 less than Liz.
Pirate Math Day 17 - 265
3. Write B and s on the things were comparing.
Let’s practice together. Look at the rst sentence (point to sentence A): Jay has
3 more games than Tyler. First, let’s underline the two things being compared.
This sentence is comparing the games Jay and Tyler have. Let’s underline Jay
and Tyler. Your paper should look like this.
Monitor that student underlines Jay and Tyler.
Good. We underlined Jay and Tyler because thats whose games were
Now, lets write the greater than or less than sign. I’ll read the sentence again.
You decide if we need a greater than or less than sign. Jay has 3 more games
than Tyler.
(Student) Do we need a greater than or less than sign?
Greater than.
Good. We need a greater than sign because the word more (point) is in the
compare sentence. In this sentence we draw the greater than sign over more
because that’s between the two things were comparing. Let’s draw that now.
Write > over the word more. Monitor that student does this as well.
Think about “Mr. Greater Gator, the alligator. He wants to eat the Bigger
amount, the amount that’s more. So, the alligators mouth always opens so it’s
closer to the bigger amount. Look at Jay (point) and Tyler (point). Who is the
alligator’s mouth open to?
(Student), What is the Bigger amount?
Good. Jay is the Bigger amount because the alligator’s mouth is open to Jay.
Let’s write B over Jay.
Write B over Jay. Monitor that student writes B over Jay.
266 - Pirate Math Day 17
If Jay is the Bigger amount, (Student) what is the smaller amount?
Good. Let’s write s over Tyler.
Write s over Tyler. Monitor that student writes s over Tyler.
Good job with the Dierence game! You looked at a compare sentence and
labeled who has the Bigger and smaller amounts! Let’s try another one.
This time, I’ll work on my paper and you’ll work on your paper. I’ll give you 30
seconds to work. Then we’ll make sure we did the Dierence Game the same
way! Remember, you have to do these three things:
1. Underline the two things were comparing.
2. Write the greater than or less than sign between the two things were
3. Write B and s on the things were comparing.
Listen as I read the compare sentence. There are 6 fewer lemons than limes.
Play the Dierence Game!
Give student about 30 seconds (or less if he/she nishes beforehand) to do the 3 steps.
Make sure your paper looks like mine! I underlined lemons and limes. The
word fewer told me I needed a less than sign. I wrote the less than sign
between lemons and limes. The Greater Gators mouth is open to limes, so I
know limes is B. That means lemons is s. Nice job!
If student does well on sentence B, have him/her do the sentence C without help. Review
at the end.
If student does not do well working by themselves on sentence B, follow the procedures
from sentence A to help them play the Dierence Game.
Let’s try another one. Remember, you have to do these three things:
1. Underline the two things were comparing.
2. Write the greater than or less than sign between the two things were
Pirate Math Day 17 - 267
3. Write B and s on the things were comparing.
Listen as I read the compare sentence. “Kate has $10 less than Liz. Play the
Dierence Game!
Give student about 30 seconds (or less if he/she nishes beforehand) to do the 3 steps.
Make sure your paper looks like mine! I underlined Kate and Liz. The word less
told me I needed a less than sign. I wrote the less than sign between Kate and
Liz. The Greater Gator’s mouth is open to Liz, so I know Liz is B. That means
Kate is s. Nice job!
Today, we’ll talk about Total problems and Dierence problems. We’ll talk
about how they’re alike. We’ll talk about how they’re not alike. Let’s review.
Who can tell me what a Dierence problem is?
In a Dierence problem, we compare two amounts to nd a Dierence. All
Dierence problems have the same Dierence equation. (Student), what’s the
Dierence equation?
B – s = D.
Good. The Dierence equation is B minus s equals D. The Bigger amount
minus the smaller amount equals the Dierence. Who can tell me what a Total
problem is?
In a Total problem, we put together two amounts to nd a Total. All Total
problems have the same Total equation. (Student), what’s the Total equation?
P1 + P2 = T.
Good. The Total equation is P1 plus P2 equals T. Part one plus Part two equals
the Total.
268 - Pirate Math Day 17
Now, cover your Pirate Math Worksheet with this paper.
Hand out Equation Worksheet.
On these blanks (point), write the Dierence equation from memory 3 times.
Then, on these blanks (point) write the Total equation from memory 1 time.
Ready? Go.
Monitor student while he/she writes the Dierence equation 3 times and Total equation
1 time from memory.
Good work. Now let’s get started on our Pirate Math Worksheet.
Hand out PM Worksheet 17.
Look at Problem A (point). (“Four kids at recess are playing tag. Two kids are
jumping rope. How many more kids are playing tag than jumping rope?”)
Solution to Problem A
Problem Type: Dierence
Relevant Info: B = 4; s = 2; D = X
Number Sentence: 4 2 = X
Answer: X = 2 kids
What’s the rst thing we do when we see a word problem?
We RUN through the problem.
Good. Let’s RUN through this problem together.
Show RUN! Poster.
Follow Activity Guide: RUN!
When you get to “N,” say:
(Student), what does the N stand for in RUN?
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
1. _______________
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
1. _______________
Pirate Math Day 17 - 269
Name the problem type.
Let’s decide. The N stands for name the problem type. Remember, you have to
think hard to name the problem type. Is this a Total problem or a Dierence
problem? We know a problem is a Dierence problem if it has a compare
sentence. Let’s look for a compare sentence. Do you see a compare sentence in
this problem?
What’s the compare sentence?
How many more kids are playing tag than jumping rope?
Yes. The compare sentence is “How many more kids are playing tag than
jumping rope?” (Student), why is this a compare sentence?
Because it uses the word more to compare the amount of kids playing tag and the
amount of kids jumping rope.
Good. This is a compare sentence because it uses the word more (point) to
compare the amount of kids playing tag and the amount of kids jumping rope.
Let’s draw brackets around this compare sentence.
Draw brackets around the compare sentence. Monitor that student does this as well.
(Student), now that we know the story tells us about two amounts being
compared, what kind of problem do you think this is?
Dierence Problem.
Let’s ask ourselves a question, just to make sure this is a Dierence problem.
To decide whether the problem is a Dierence problem, we ask ourselves: Are
two amounts compared for a dierence? So, are two amounts compared for a
Right. So, is this a Dierence problem?
270 - Pirate Math Day 17
(Student), what should I put next to the problem to remind us that this is a
Dierence problem?
Good. We put D next to the problem to remind us that this is a Dierence
problem. Go ahead and do that now.
Monitor that student writes D next to the problem.
Let’s use this Dierence Poster to help us solve this Dierence problem.
Display Dierence Poster.
Solve Dierence Problem
Follow Activity Guide: Dierence
Display Find X! Poster.
Find X: “X at the end”
Follow Activity Guide: Find X!
Look at Problem B (point). (Four kids at recess are playing tag. Two kids are
jumping rope. How many kids are there in all?)
Solution to Problem B
Problem Type: Total
Relevant Info: P1 = 4; P2 = 2; T = X
Number Sentence: 4 + 2 = X
Answer: X = 6 kids
What’s the rst thing we do when we see a word problem?
We RUN through the problem.
Good. Let’s RUN through this problem together.
Show RUN! Poster.
Follow Activity Guide: RUN!
When you get to “N,” say:
(Student), what does the N stand for in RUN?
Pirate Math Day 17 - 271
Name the problem type.
Good. The N stands for name the problem type. Let’s think about this problem.
Have we heard this story before?
Yes. We’ve heard parts of this story before. We just worked a problem where
four kids at recess are playing tag and two are jumping rope (point). (Student),
how are these problems alike?
They are alike because they are both about 4 kids playing tag and 2 kids jumping
Good. Both of the problems are about kids at recess. (Student), but how are
these problems not alike?
They are not alike because the questions are dierent.
That’s right. The questions are dierent. Let’s compare the questions (Show
supplemental worksheet with 2 problems). Look at Problem A (point). (Student),
what’s the question for Problem A?
How many more kids are playing tag than jumping rope?
The question for Problem A (point) is, “How many more kids are playing tag
than jumping rope?” This is the compare sentence. Does this question ask us to
compare the kids at recess or put the amount of kids at recess together?
It asks us to compare the kids.
That’s right. The question for Problem A (point) asks us to compare the number
of kids playing tag and the number of kids jumping rope. When a story asks us
to compare two amounts, what kind of problem is it?
That’s right. When a question asks us to compare two amounts, we know it’s
a Dierence problem. I write D next to Problem A like this (point) to help me
remember this is a Dierence problem.
272 - Pirate Math Day 17
Now let’s look at the question for Problem B (point). (Student), what’s the
question for Problem B?
How many kids are there in all?
Yes. The question for Problem B (point) says, “How many kids are there in all?”
(Student), is this question asking us to compare the number of kids at recess or
put the number of kids at recess together?
It asks us to put the number of kids together.
That’s right. This question (point) asks us to put the number of kids together.
When a question asks us to put two amounts together, what kind of problem is
it, (Student)?
A Total problem.
Good. (Student), how do you know this is a Total problem?
Two parts are put together to make a Total.
Good. This is a Total problem because it’s about 2 amounts put together to
make a Total. What are the parts?
The amount of kids playing tag and the amount of kids jumping rope.
Yes. One part is the amount of kids playing tag. The other part is the amount of
kids jumping rope.
Hold up 1 hand for the tag part. Hold up the other hand for the jumping rope part.
What’s the total?
How many kids are playing tag and jumping rope altogether.
That’s right. The total is how many kids are playing tag and jumping rope
Bring together both hands and clasp together.
The two parts are put together to make a total. So, this is a Total problem.
Pirate Math Day 17 - 273
(Student), what should we put next to the problem to remind us that this is a
Total problem?
Good. We put T next to the problem to remind us that this is a Total problem.
Do that now.
Monitor that student writes T next to the problem.
Let’s use this Total Poster to help us solve it.
Display Total Poster.
Solve Total Problem
Follow Activity Guide: Total
Display Find X! Poster.
Find X: “X at the end”
Follow Activity Guide: Find X!
Good work! Deciding the problem type is tricky. You did a great job!
SORTING GAME dy script.
Follow Activity Guide: Sorting Game
Follow Activity Guide: Pirate Problems
Great! Let’s count the number of checks you earned today and then you can
color in your coins on your Treasure Map. See you next time!
Pirate Math Day 29 - 455
Lesson 29
TUTOR LESSONdy script.
Let’s get started on Pirate Math.
(Set timer, without student noticing, using the guide on the Attendance Log to
determine the amount of time. Award checks as appropriate. Repeat.)
Follow Activity Guide: Find X Flash Cards
MATERIALS dy script.
Find X! Poster RUN! Poster
Change Poster
Timers (2) Treasure Chest
Dry Erase Marker Pencils
Dry Erase Board Colored Pencils
Sorting Cards Find X Flash Cards
Sorting Mat Highlighters
Sorting Graph
Attendance Log Pirate Problems 29
Treasure Maps
PM Worksheet 29
Equation Worksheet
Todays Activities:
1. Find X Flash Cards
2. Lesson
3. Sorting Game
4. Pirate Problems
456 - Pirate Math Day 29
Today, we’ll work more on Change problems. Let’s review. (Student), what’s a
Change problem?
In a Change problem, you start with an amount of something. Then,
something happens to increase or decrease the amount you started with. So,
you end up with a new amount. (Student), what’s the Change equation?
ST +/– C = E
Right. The Dierence equation is ST plus or minus C equals E (point). The
Starting amount plus or minus the Change amount equals the End amount.
Now, lets practice writing your Total, Dierence, and Change equations from
memory like we always do. Ready? Go.
Hand out Equation Worksheet.
Monitor student while he/she writes the Total, Dierence equations 1 time and Change
equation 3 times from memory.
Good work. Let’s get started on our Pirate Math Worksheet.
Hand out PM Worksheet 29.
Look at Problem A (point). (“Brian had 5 songs on his iPod. Then, he added 4 more
songs to his iPod. How many songs does Brian have on his iPod now?”)
1. _________
2. _________
3. _________
1. _________
1. _________
1. _________
2. _________
3. _________
1. _________
1. _________
Pirate Math Day 29 - 457
Solution to Problem A
Problem Type: Change
Relevant Info: ST = 5; + C = 4; E = X
Number Sentence: 5 + 4 = X
Answer: X = 9 songs.
What’s the rst thing we do when we see a word problem?
We RUN through the problem.
Good. Let’s RUN through this problem together.
Show RUN! Poster.
Follow Activity Guide: RUN!
When you get to “N,” say:
(Student), what does the N stand for in RUN?
Name the problem type.
Good. The N stands for name the problem type. If it has a compare sentence,
we know it’s a Dierence problem. Let’s look for a compare sentence. Do either
of you see a compare sentence in this problem?
Good. Theres no compare sentence in this problem. We see a comparing word
more but 2 things are not being compared. So, can it be a compare sentence?
Good. Its not a compare sentence. That means it can’t be a Dierence problem.
Its either a Total problem or a Change problem. Let’s decide. This problem
talks about songs: Brian had 5 songs on his iPod, then he added 4 more songs
to his iPod. The question asks how many songs he has on his iPod now? What
kind of problem do you think this is?
Let’s ask ourselves a question, just to make sure this is a Change problem.
To decide whether the problem is a Change problem, we ask ourselves: Does
458 - Pirate Math Day 29
a starting amount increase or decrease to a new amount? (Student), does a
starting amount increase or decrease to a new amount?
Right. So, is this a Change problem?
That’s right. This problem is a Change problem because the problem tells us a
Starting amount: the amount of songs Brian had on his iPod to start with. Then
something happens to the Change amount. (Student), what happens?
He added 4 more songs to his iPod.
Right. Brian added 4 more songs to his iPod. (Student), if he adds 4 more songs
to his iPod, did the Starting amount increase or decrease?
Right. It’s a Starting amount that’s increasing. (Student), if it’s increasing, do
we add or subtract?
Yes. (Student), do we use a plus sign or a minus sign?
Plus sign.
Good. We use a plus sign. We write plus C to remind us that this problem is a
Change problem that increases. Write plus C.
Monitor that student writes + C next to Problem C.
Let’s use this Change Poster to help us solve this problem.
Display Change Poster.
Solve Change Problem
Follow Activity Guide: Change
Pirate Math Day 29 - 459
Display Find X! Poster.
Find X: “X at the end”
Follow Activity Guide: Find X!
Look at Problem B (point). (“The graph shows how many kids voted for football
as their favorite sport. Then, 4 more kids voted for football. How many votes are for
football now?”)
Solution to Problem B
Problem Type: Change, graph
Relevant Info: ST = 5; + C = 4; E = X
Number Sentence: 5 + 4 = X
Answer: X = 9 votes.
What should we always do to a picture or graph before we read the word
Number it!
Go ahead and number the graph now.
Monitor that student numbers the graph correctly.
Good job numbering the graph. Now, lets RUN through this problem together.
Show RUN! poster.
Follow Activity Guide: RUN!
When you get to “N,” say:
(Student), what does the N stand for in RUN?
Name the problem type.
Good. The N stands for name the problem type. If it has a compare sentence,
we know it’s a Dierence problem. Let’s look for a compare sentence. Do either
of you see a compare sentence in this problem?
Good. Theres no compare sentence in this problem. We see a comparing word
more but 2 things are not being compared. So, can it be a compare sentence?
460 - Pirate Math Day 29
Good. Its not a compare sentence. That means it can’t be a Dierence problem.
Its either a Total problem or a Change problem. Let’s decide. This problem
talks about votes: The graph shows how many kids voted for football to start
with, then 4 more kids voted for football. The question asks how many votes
are for football now? What kind of problem do you think this is?
Let’s ask ourselves a question, just to make sure this is a Change problem.
To decide whether the problem is a Change problem, we ask ourselves: Does
a starting amount increase or decrease to a new amount? (Student), does a
starting amount increase or decrease to a new amount?
Right. So, is this a Change problem?
That’s right. This problem is a Change problem because the problem tells us a
Starting amount: the amount of votes for football. Then something happens to
the Change amount. (Student), what happens?
4 more kids vote for football.
Right. 4 more kids vote for football. (Student), if 4 more kids voted for football,
did the Starting amount increase or decrease?
Right. It’s a Starting amount that’s increasing. (Student), if it’s increasing, do
we add or subtract?
Yes. (Student), do we use a plus sign or a minus sign?
Plus sign.
Pirate Math Day 29 - 461
Good. We use a plus sign. We write plus C to remind us that this problem is a
Change problem that increases. Write plus C. Make your paper look like mine.
Write + C next to Problem C. Monitor that student does this as well.
Let’s use this Change Poster to help us solve this problem.
Display Change Poster.
Solve Change Problem
Follow Activity Guide: Change
Display Find X! Poster.
Find X: “X at the end”
Follow Activity Guide: Find X!
Look at Problem C (point). (“April had 6 slices of pizza and 2 cokes. Then, she gave 4
slices of pizza away. How many slices of pizza does April have now?”)
Solution to Problem C
Problem Type: Change
Relevant Info: ST = 6; C = 4; E = X
Irrelevant Info: and 2 cokes.
Number Sentence: 6 4 = X
Answer: X = 2 slices
What’s the rst thing we do when we see a word problem?
We RUN! through the problem.
Good. We RUN! through the problem. Now, let’s RUN through this problem
Show RUN! Poster.
Follow Activity Guide: RUN!
When you get to “N,” say:
(Student), what does the N stand for in RUN?
Name the problem type.
Good. The N stands for name the problem type. If it has a compare sentence,
462 - Pirate Math Day 29
we know it’s a Dierence problem. Let’s look for a compare sentence. Do either
of you see a compare sentence in this problem?
Good. Its not a compare sentence. That means it can’t be a Dierence problem.
Its either a Total problem or a Change problem. Let’s decide. This problem
talks about slices of pizza: April had 6 slices of pizza, then she gave 4 slices of
pizza away. The question asks how many slices of pizza April has now? What
kind of problem do you think this is?
Let’s ask ourselves a question, just to make sure this is a Change problem.
To decide whether the problem is a Change problem, we ask ourselves: Does
a starting amount increase or decrease to a new amount? (Student), does a
starting amount increase or decrease to a new amount?
Right. So, is this a Change problem?
That’s right. This problem is a Change problem because the problem tells us
a Starting amount: the amount of pizza slices April had started with. Then
something happens to the Change amount. (Student), what happens?
She gives 4 slices away.
Right. She gives 4 slices of pizza away. (Student), if she gives 4 slices away, did
the Starting amount increase or decrease?
Right. Student), if it’s decreasing, do we add or subtract?
Yes. (Student), do we use a plus sign or a minus sign?
Pirate Math Day 29 - 463
Minus sign.
Good. We use a minus sign. We write minus C to remind us that this problem is
a Change problem that decreases. Write minus C.
Monitor that student writes C next to Problem C.
Let’s use this Change Poster to help us solve this problem.
Display Change Poster.
Solve Change Problem
Follow Activity Guide: Change
Display Find X! Poster.
Find X: “X at the end”
Follow Activity Guide: Find X!
We’re not quite nished with the problem. (Student), what do we need to do?
Label it.
Good. We know that 2 is the number answer, but we still need a label. What did
we underline in the question?
Good. So what’s our label?
Good. Write slices next to the number 2.
Monitor that student writes slices next to the number 2.
Good job working a Change problem. So, what does X equal?
2 slices.
That’s right. X equals 2 slices!
464 - Pirate Math Day 29
SORTING GAME dy script.
Follow Activity Guide: Sorting Game
Follow Activity Guide: Pirate Problems
Good work for today! Let’s see how many checks you earned today and color in
your coins on your Treasure Map. See you next time!
Pirate Math
Word-Problem Solving
Program at Second Grade
Lynn S. Fuchs, Sarah R. Powell,
Robin F. Schumacher, Pamela M. Seethaler,
& Doug Fuchs
Supplemental Materials
for Small-Group
Pirate Math Tutoring
Attendance Log
DAY 5 Date ____________________________
5 minutes
6 minutes
10 minutes
Student worksheet:
- Correctly underlined the labels for Problem A.
Student worksheet:
- Correctly underlined the labels for Problem B.
Student worksheet:
- Correctly underlined the labels for Problem D.
Pirate Problems:
Used correct label ($) for word problem.
Length of tutoring session, rounded to the nearest minute. (Write
“A” if absent.)
DAY 6 Date ____________________________
3 minutes
7 minutes
5 minutes
Student worksheet:
- Correctly labeled the graph for Problem B.
Student worksheet:
- Correctly labeled the graph for Problem C.
Student worksheet:
- Correctly underlined the label for Problem D.
Pirate Problems:
Labeled graph.
Length of tutoring session, rounded to the nearest minute. (Write
“A” is absent.)
Pirate Math Tutoring
Attendance Log
DAY 17 Date ____________________________
10 minutes
3 minutes
5 minutes
Student worksheet:
- Wrote “X = 2 kids” for Problem A.
Sorting Game:
- Student met score from the previous day.
Sorting Game:
- Student beat score from the previous day.
Pirate Problems:
Wrote number sentence, “$10 − X = $7”
Length of tutoring session, rounded to the nearest minute. (Write
“A” if absent.)
DAY 18 Date ____________________________
6 minutes
2 minutes
12 minutes
Student worksheet:
- Wrote, “X = 2 crayons” for Problem A.
Sorting Game:
- Student met score from previous day.
Sorting Game:
- Student beat score from previous day.
Pirate Problems:
Solved at least 5 correct algebraic equations.
Length of tutoring session, rounded to the nearest minute. (Write
“A” is absent.)
Pirate Math Tutoring
Attendance Log
DAY 29 Date ____________________________
5 minutes
10 minutes
4 minutes
Student worksheet:
- Used correct label (slices of pizza) for Problem C.
Sorting Game:
- Student met score from the previous day.
Sorting Game:
- Student beat score from the previous day.
Pirate Problems:
Labeled graph correctly.
Length of tutoring session, rounded to the nearest minute. (Write
“A” if absent.)
DAY 30 Date ____________________________
7 minutes
11 minutes
2 minutes
Student worksheet:
- Wrote number sentence, “5 + 4 = X” for Problem A.
Sorting Game:
- Student met score from previous day.
Sorting Game:
- Student beat score from previous day.
Pirate Problems:
Solved at least 6 correct algebraic equations.
Length of tutoring session, rounded to the nearest minute. (Write
“A” is absent.)
Worksheets Day
5, 17, and 29
Pirate Math Worksheet Day 5
A. Jamie has 1 cat. He also has 2 dogs. How many cats and dogs does Jamie have?
B. Trevor has 2 red balls. He also has 3 blue balls. How many balls does Trevor have in all?
Mary Anne has 2 pencils. She also has 3 markers. How many pencils and markers does
Mary Anne have?
D. Mr. Powell has 5 carrots. He also has 2 potatoes. How many vegetables does he have in
E. Ben has $5. Rachel has $2. How much money do they have in all?
Pirate Math Worksheet Day 17
A. 4 kids at recess are playing tag. 2 kids are jumping rope. How many more kids are playing
tag than jumping rope?
B. 4 kids at recess are playing tag. 2 kids are jumping rope. How many kids are there in all?
Pirate Math Worksheet Day 29
A. Brian had 5 songs on his iPod. Then, he added 4 more songs to his iPod. How many songs
does Brian have on his iPod now?
Favorite Sport
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of votes
The graph shows how many kids voted for football as their favorite sport. Then, 4 more kids
voted for football. How many votes are for football now?
C. April had 6 slices of pizza and 2 cokes. Then, she gave 4 slices of pizza away. How many
slices of pizza does April have now?
Problems Days
5, 17, and 29
Name:______________________ Pirate Problems − Day 5
X + 4 = 5
X = ___
2 + 6 = X
X = ___
X + 4 = 7
X = ___
X − 3 = 7
X = ___
2 + 3 = X
X = ___
7 + X = 13
X = ___
5 + X = 13
X = ___
X − 8 = 1
X = ___
Name:______________________ Pirate Problems − Day 5
X + 4 = 5
X = ___
2 + 6 = X
X = ___
X + 4 = 7
X = ___
X − 3 = 7
X = ___
2 + 3 = X
X = ___
7 + X = 13
X = ___
5 + X = 13
X = ___
X + 4 = 9
X = ___
X − 8 = 1
X = ___
X + 4 = 9
X = ___
Pirate Problems − Day 5
Rob saved $5. Mandy saved $4. How much money did Rob and Mandy
save together?
Pirate Problems − Day 5
Rob saved $5. Mandy saved $4. How much money did Rob and Mandy
save together?
Name:______________________ Pirate Problems − Day 17
8 − X = 1
X = ___
X − 9 = 4
X = ___
9 + 2 = X
X = ___
X − 6 = 7
X = ___
4 + X = 10
X = ___
9 − 3 = X
X = ___
2 + 7 = X
X = ___
8 − X = 5
X = ___
Name:______________________ Pirate Problems − Day 17
8 − X = 1
X = ___
X − 9 = 4
X = ___
9 + 2 = X
X = ___
X − 6 = 7
X = ___
4 + X = 10
X = ___
9 − 3 = X
X = ___
2 + 7 = X
X = ___
X + 3 = 7
X = ___
8 − X = 5
X = ___
X + 3 = 7
X = ___
Pirate Problems − Day 17
Alex spent $10. Sue spent $7. How much more money does Alex have
than Sue?
Pirate Problems − Day 17
Alex spent $10. Sue spent $7. How much more money does Alex have
than Sue?
Name:______________________ Pirate Problems − Day 29
8 − X = 3
X = ___
X − 2 = 8
X = ___
2 + 9 = X
X = ___
X − 6 = 3
X = ___
5 + X = 8
X = ___
10 − 6 = X
X = ___
6 + 7 = X
X = ___
7 − X = 5
X = ___
Name:______________________ Pirate Problems − Day 29
8 − X = 3
X = ___
X − 2 = 8
X = ___
2 + 9 = X
X = ___
X − 6 = 3
X = ___
5 + X = 8
X = ___
10 − 6 = X
X = ___
6 + 7 = X
X = ___
X + 4 = 9
X = ___
7 − X = 5
X = ___
X + 4 = 9
X = ___
Pirate Problems − Day 29
Puzzle Pieces
Each stands for 2 puzzle pieces.
The chart shows how many pieces Tammy put in the puzzle at rst.
Then, she put in 9 more pieces. How many pieces has Tammy put in the
puzzle now?
Pirate Problems − Day 29
Puzzle Pieces
Each stands for 2 puzzle pieces.
The chart shows how many pieces Tammy put in the puzzle at rst.
Then, she put in 9 more pieces. How many pieces has Tammy put in the
puzzle now?
Find X!
Is X at the end?
Solve it!
2 + 3 = X
5 – 2 = X
Is it X – ?
X – 2 = 3
X + 2 = 5
3 + X = 5
5 – X = 3
1. Read the problem.
2. Underline the labels.
3. Name the problem type.
Dierence, or
1. Write P1 + P2 = T
2. Whats T?
3. Whats P1 and P2?
4. Write the signs.
5. Find X!
P1 + P2 = T
1. Write B – s = D.
2. What’s the compare sentence?
3. What’s B and s?
4. Write the signs.
5. Find X!
B s = D
1. Write ST + C = E or ST – C = E
2. What’s ST?
3. What’s C?
4. What’s E?
5. Write the signs.
6. Find X!
ST + C = E
ST C = E
Pirate Math
Treasure Map
Pirate Math
Treasure Map