CIVIL CASES: The fee for filing a complaint, petition, or other pleading initiating a civil
action shall be as set forth in the applicable schedule under this subsection in accordance
with case categories established by the Supreme Court in Schedules:
Adoption: AD
New Case Filing Fee $89
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $0
Change of Venue $0
Petition to Intervene $89
Third Party Complaint/Counter Claim/Cross-Complaint $89
Chancery: CH
New Case Filing Fees
Construction of Inter Vivos Trust $306
Construction of Testamentary Trust $306
Contract Actions $306
Detinue $306
Equitable Lien $306
Exhume a Body $306
Foreclosure of Security Interest in Personal Property $306
Injunction $306
Interpleader $306
Mechanic’s Lien Foreclosure $306
Partition $306
Partnership Dissolution $306
Quiet Title $306
Recission of Contract $306
Restraining Order $306
Specific Performance $306
Structured Settlement $306
Trust Administration $306
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $181
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $306
Petition to Intervene $306
Dissolution: DC/DN
New Case Filing Fees
Dissolution of Marriage with Children $306
Dissolution of Civil Union with Children $306
Invalidity of Marriage with Children $306
Legal Separation with Children $306
Dissolution of Marriage No Children $306
Dissolution of Civil Union No Children $306
Invalidity No Children $306
Legal Separation No Children $306
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $181
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $306
Petition to Intervene $306
Eminent Domain: ED
New Case Filing Fee $306
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $181
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $306
Petition to Intervene $306
Eviction: EV
New Case Filing Fees
Ejectment $306
Commercial Eviction $306
Residential Eviction $15,000 and over $306
Residential Eviction under $15,000 $248
Residential Eviction Possession Only $89
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee for Ejectment/
Commercial Eviction and Residential Eviction $15,000 and over $181
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee for Residential Eviction
Under $15,000 $109
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $306
Petition to Intervene $306
Family: FA
New Case Filing Fee
Delayed Record of Birth $306
Notice to Putative Father/Adoption Act
Notice to Putative Father/Juvenile Court Act
Parentage $306
Voluntary Petitions for Parentage
Petition for Confidential Intermediary $0
Petition for Custody $306
Petition for Order to Issue Marriage License/Civil Union $306
Petition for Parental Responsibility (Child Support
and/or Custody) $306
Petition for Visitation of Frail/Elderly Adult $306
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $181
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $306
Petition to Intervene $306
Foreclosure: FC
New Case Filing Fee
Residential (Includes Mediation Fee) $456
Commercial $356
Residential/Termination $356
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $181
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $356
Petition to Intervene $356
Governmental Corporation: GC
New Case Filing
Drainage Assessment (Except Tax Collection) $306
Foreclosure of Lien for Special Assessment $306
Other Routine Matters of Governmental Corporations $306
Petition for Creation of Drainage District $306
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $181
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $306
Petition to Intervene $306
Guardianship: GR
New Case Filing $306
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $181
Change of Venue $ 40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $306
Petition to Intervene $306
Juvenile: JA
There are no fees for any filing in a JA case
Juvenile: JD
There are no fees for any filing in a JD case
Law Cases: LA (Cases $50,000 and over)
New Case Filing
Arbitration (not yet authorized by Supreme Court)
Civil Remedies for Nonconsensual Dissemination
of Private Sexual Images $306
Confession of Judgment $306
Contract/Money Damages $306
Distress for Rent $306
Recover Support/Contribution $306
Replevin $306
Statutory Action (state/political subdivision) $306
Tort $306
Trover $306
Wrongful Death $306
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $181
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $306
Petition to Intervene $306
Law Magistrate: LM (Cases $15,000 - $49,000.00)
New Case Filing
Arbitration (not yet authorized by Supreme Court)
Civil Remedies for Nonconsensual Dissemination
of Private Sexual Images $306
Confession of Judgment $306
Contract/Money Damages $306
Distress for Rent $306
Recover Support/Contribution $306
Replevin $306
Statutory Action (state/political subdivision) $306
Tort $306
Trover $306
Wrongful Death $306
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $181
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $306
Petition to Intervene $306
Law Magistrate: LM (Cases $10,000-$14,999.99)
New Case Filing
Arbitration (not yet authorized by Supreme Court)
Civil Remedies for Nonconsensual Dissemination
of Private Sexual Images $306
Confession of Judgment $306
Contract/Money Damages $306
Distress for Rent $306
Recover Support/Contribution $306
Replevin $306
Statutory Action (state/political subdivision) $306
Tort $306
Trover $306
Wrongful Death $306
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $181
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $306
Petition to Intervene $306
Mental Health: MH
There are no fees for any filing in an MH case
Miscellaneous Remedy: MR
New Case Filing
Abatement of Nuisance $306
Administrative Review of Unemployment $0
Appointment of Receiver $306
Building Code Violation $306
Burnt Records $306
Certiorari $306
Change of Name $306
Confirmation of Election Judges $306
Consumer Fraud/Deceptive Business Practices $306
Contagious Disease $306
Corporation Dissolution $306
Declaratory Judgment $306
Demolition $306
Election Contest $306
Escheat $306
Fictitious Vital Record $306
Lost Goods or Money (Estray) $306
Mandamus $306
Ne Exeat (Original Action) $306
Petition for Discovery or to Depose $306
Petition to Destroy Evidence $306
Prohibition $306
Quo Warranto $306
Review of Administrative Proceedings (other than Tax Commission)
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $181
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $306
Petition to Intervene $306
Probate: PR
New Case Filing
Administration of Decedent’s Estate $248
Missing Person $248
Wrongful Death/Collection of Judgment $248
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $109
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $248
Estate Yearly Accounting (Except Final Report) $25
Estate Final Report $0
Estate Claim $0-$149 $0
Estate Claim $150-$499 $25
Estate Claim $500-$9,999 $40
Estate Claim $10,000 or more $60
Exemplification (each not counting copying cost) $2
Filing a claim based upon claim for equitable relief $
Jury Demand $137.50
Letters of Office (each) $2
Letters issued with Administration of Estate (each) $2
Petition to Intervene $248
Probate Petition for Citation $0
Small Claims: SC (Cases $2,500 - $9,999.00)
New Case Filing
Contract $248
Tort $248
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $181
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $248
Petition to Intervene $248
Small Claims: SC (Cases Under $2,500)
New Case Filing
Contract $89
Tort $89
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $109
Change of Venue $40
Counterclaim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $89
Petition to Intervene $89
New Case Filing
Annual Tax Sale $0
Drainage Assessment $306
Petition for Tax Deed $306
Sale in Error $306
Scavenger Tax Sale $306
Tax Commission (Review of Decision) $306
Tax Foreclosure $306
Tax Injunction $306
Tax Refund/Objection (Taxes Have Been Paid) $306
Tax Objections (Taxes Have been Sold) $306
Change of Venue $40
Counter-Claim/Cross-Complaint/Third Party Complaint $306
Entry of Appearance/Answer Fee $181
Petition to Intervene $306
Alias Summons or Citation $5
Annual Child Support and Maintenance Fee $36
Appeal Preparation
If record is 199 pages or less $150
If record is 200 pages or more $150 plus additional fee of 25
Certifications, not including the cost of the copies $5
Certifications to the Secretary of State pursuant
to the Family Financial Responsibility Law $5
Change of Venue (DC, DN & FA cases only) $40
Clerk’s Certified Mailing Fees $20
Clerk’s Regular Mailing Fees $10
Clerk’s Restricted Delivery Fee as set by USPS $10.80
Exemplifications, not including the
cost of the copies and certification $5
Garnishment, Wage Deduction, Citation Proceedings
Amount in controversy $1000 or less $20
Amount in controversy between $1000-$5000 $40
Amount in controversy greater than $5000 $60
Jury Fees
Jury Demand for Civil/LM Cases
12 person jury $212.50
6 person jury $106.25
Jury Demand for Small Claims
12 person jury $25.00
6 person jury $12.50
Jury Demand for Probate
12 person jury $137.50
6 person jury $68.75
Petition to Expunge or Petition to Seal $120.00
The $120 is calculated as follows:
Clerk’s Filing Fee $60.00
ISP Fee $60.00
Petition to Revive Judgment $75.00
Petition to Vacate or Modify
If filed within 30 days of entry of order $50.00
If filed more than 30 days after entry of order $75.00
Notice sent to Secretary of State $40.00
Probate Fees
Annual Account except for Final Account $25.00
Filing a Claim
Amount claimed greater than $150
and not more than $500 $25.00
Amount claimed greater than $500
and not more than $10,000 $40.00
Amount claimed is greater than $10,000 $60.00
Filing a petition or supplemental proceeding
based on action for equitable relief, including
will contest, enforcement of contract for will,
and proceedings involving testamentary trusts
or the appointment of testamentary trustees $60.00
For each certified copy of Letters of Office,
Court Orders, or certifications after the first
copy requested, not including the cost of the copy $5.00
For each exemplification, not including the
cost of the copies and certification $5.00
Record Searches $10 per year for each request
plus cost of copies