Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ 2
Section 1: Accreditation, Mission, and History ........................ 6
Accreditation........................................................................................................................... 7
Mission Statements Vision and Philosophy ............................................................................ 8
Covenant Health Mission, Vision, Values and Direction ...................................................... 8
Covenant School of Nursing Mission Statement.................................................................. 9
Philosophy .............................................................................................................................. 9
History of the Hospital and Covenant School of Nursing ........................................................10
Professional Nursing Pledge .................................................................................................11
Section 2: Admission and Matriculation ................................. 12
Admission and Matriculation ..................................................................................................13
Prerequisite Course Descriptions
Credit by Examination ........................................................................................................17
Application Process ..............................................................................................................23
Admission Requirements .......................................................................................................25
LVN-to-RN Advanced Credit Program
Registered Nurse Course Transfers ......................................................................................28
Section 3: Student Activities and Services ............................ 30
Student Activities and Services..............................................................................................31
Health Care Guidelines for Current Students .........................................................................33
Additional Student Services ...................................................................................................34
Covenant Student Body Organizations ..................................................................................36
TNSA State Convention ........................................................................................................40
NSNA Midyear Conference ...................................................................................................41
Section 4: Curriculum ............................................................... 42
Degree Plan ..........................................................................................................................43
Covenant School of Nursing Course Descriptions .................................................................45
Section 5: Definitions & Behavioral Congruence Policy ....... 47
Definitions .............................................................................................................................48
Behavioral Congruence .........................................................................................................52
Section 6: Academic and Attendance Policies ...................... 55
Academic Requirements .......................................................................................................56
Accommodations for the Administration of Examinations ......................................................59
Enrollment Status Change .....................................................................................................61
Learning Resource Center Rules and Regulations ................................................................64
Student Test Review Guidelines ............................................................................................66
Terms of Service Agreement for LMS ....................................................................................67
Attendance Policy ..................................................................................................................72
Academic Misconduct ............................................................................................................76
Student Academic Records ...................................................................................................78
Section 7: Non-Academic Policies .......................................... 79
Cellular Telephone Use .........................................................................................................80
Confidentiality ........................................................................................................................82
Copyright Violation ................................................................................................................84
Critical Incidents ....................................................................................................................85
Discrimination / Harassment ..................................................................................................86
Dress Code ...........................................................................................................................89
Drug-Free School Zone .........................................................................................................92
Internet Usage .......................................................................................................................95
Social Media Policy ...............................................................................................................98
Violence .............................................................................................................................. 101
Weapon Possession ............................................................................................................ 103
Section 8: Grievance Process ................................................ 105
Academic Misconduct Algorithm .......................................................................................... 107
Non-Academic Misconduct Algorithm .................................................................................. 108
Disciplinary Action Algorithm ............................................................................................... 109
Contested Issues ................................................................................................................. 110
Grievance Process .............................................................................................................. 111
Section 9: Tuition/Financial Aid ............................................. 113
Financial Aid Policy ............................................................................................................. 114
Financial Aid Application ..................................................................................................... 114
Priority Deadline .................................................................................................................. 114
Entrance Counseling ........................................................................................................... 114
Loan Application .................................................................................................................. 115
Satisfactory Academic Progress .......................................................................................... 115
Financial Aid / Scholarships ................................................................................................. 116
Financial Aid Disbursement ................................................................................................. 116
Return of Student Financial Aid (SFA) Program Funds ........................................................ 117
Requirements for VA Educational Benefits .......................................................................... 118
Payment Options ................................................................................................................. 119
Tuition/Nonrefundable fees .................................................................................................. 120
Student Refund Policy: ........................................................................................................ 120
CSON Refund Schedule .................................................................................................. 121
Financial Aid Student Rights and Responsibilities ............................................................... 121
Section 10: Safety Policies ..................................................... 124
Emergency Preparedness ................................................................................................... 125
Emergency Codes ............................................................................................................... 126
Code Black (Bomb Threat) .................................................................................................. 127
Code Blue (Basic Life Support)............................................................................................ 129
Code Brown (Weather) ........................................................................................................ 130
Code Gray (Hostage) .......................................................................................................... 132
Code Orange (Violent Situation) .......................................................................................... 134
Code Red (Fire Plan) ........................................................................................................... 135
Fire Escape Route ............................................................................................................... 136
Code Silver (Active Shooter) ............................................................................................... 137
Influenza .............................................................................................................................. 141
Inclement Weather .............................................................................................................. 143
Parking ................................................................................................................................ 144
Parking Map ........................................................................................................................ 146
Risk of Occupational Exposure to HIV-HBV ........................................................................ 147
Safety Management ............................................................................................................ 148
Section 11: FERPAStudent Rights .................................... 150
General FERPA Information ................................................................................................ 151
Definition and Terms ........................................................................................................... 152
Access and Amendment to Education Records ................................................................... 153
Disclosure of Education Records ......................................................................................... 154
Law Enforcement Units and Law Enforcement Unit Records ............................................... 156
Annual Notification of Rights under FERPA ......................................................................... 157
Complaints of Alleged Failures to Comply with FERPA ....................................................... 160
Section 12: Forms Exhibit ..................................................... 161
Reference Form ............................................................................................................... 162
Enrollment Agreement ..................................................................................................... 164
Letter of Acknowledgement .............................................................................................. 165
Student Data Form ........................................................................................................... 167
Release of Information Form ............................................................................................ 168
Student Confidentiality Agreement ................................................................................... 169
HONOR CODE POLICY .................................................................................................. 170
Medical Library Agreement .............................................................................................. 173
Grade Counseling Form ................................................................................................... 174
Corrective Action Notice ................................................................................................... 176
Informed Consent and Release of Liability ....................................................................... 178
Letter of Agreement ......................................................................................................... 179
Alumni/Student Transcript Request Form......................................................................... 180
Section 13: Faculty ................................................................. 181
Dean ................................................................................................................................... 182
Faculty ................................................................................................................................. 182
Clinical Assistants ............................................................................................................... 184
Administrative Staff.............................................................................................................. 185
Section 14: Revisions and Updates ..................................... 186
Covenant School of Nursing complies with all requirements of state and federal law. The information contained in this
Student Policy Catalog is correct at the time of publication. Recognizing that conditions change, the School of Nursing
reserves the right to appeal, change or amend the policies, rules and/or regulations contained here within at its discretion.
Section 1: Accreditation, Mission, and History
Covenant Health Mission, Vision, Values and Direction
Mission Statement of the School of Nursing
History of the Hospital and Covenant School of Nursing
Nursing Pledge
Governing Body:
Covenant Health (CH)
Lubbock, Texas
Accredited by:
Texas Board of Nursing (Texas BON)
333 Guadalupe St., Suite #3-460 • Austin, Tx 78701
(512) 305-7400
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404).975.5000 F(404).975.5020
Institutional Member:
National League for Nursing (NLN)
61 Broadway, 33rd Floor
New York, NY 10006
Texas Association of College Registrar and Admissions Office (TACRAO)
Mission Statements Vision and Philosophy
Covenant Health Mission, Vision, Values and Direction
To extend Christian ministry by caring for the whole personbody, mind, and spiritand by
working with others to improve health and quality of life in our communities.
We bring people together to provide compassionate care, promote health improvement and
create healthy communities
Dignity: We respect each person as an inherently valuable member of the human community
and a s a unique expression of life
Excellence: We foster personal and professional development, accountability, innovation,
teamwork and commitment to quality of life
Service: We bring together people who recognize that every interaction is a unique opportunity
to serve one another, the community and society
Justice: We advocated for systems and structures that are attuned to the needs of the
vulnerable and disadvantaged and that promote a sense of community among all persons
Christian Service:
We will create sacred encounters through compassion, caring, dignity and connection.
Clinical Excellence:
Covenant will be recognized as a leader in clinical quality and culture of safety.
Healthy Communities:
We will improve the health of people through wellness and disease management.
Our covenant is to be one of the premier Texas healthcare systems by 2015, known for our
Christian Service, clinical excellence and commitment to healthy communities.
Covenant School of Nursing Mission Statement
In keeping with the Mission of Covenant Health, the Mission of the School of Nursing is to
provide a quality nursing education founded on a correlation of evidenced-based best nursing
practices, knowledge integration skills, and concepts of caring for the whole person, thereby
providing the community with competent beginning nurse generalists. (Revised & adopted Feb 2005)
The Faculty of the School of Nursing believe:
Nursing is a discipline dedicated to the promotion of optimum health for the individual, the family
and the community. Nursing requires the integration of knowledge and skills from biological,
psychological and sociological sciences with evidenced-based nursing practice and concepts of
caring for the individual as a whole person (body mind and spirit). The client's needs and care
requirements are best met by an analysis of client needs through the use of the nursing process
of assessment, analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation. The nurse collaborates with
the client, the family and other members of the health care and nursing teams to formulate a
plan of care, which is correlated with the medical care plan and incorporates the use of
preventive, supportive, restorative and rehabilitative health measures to meet needs across the
lifespan and health-illness continuum of the client, family, and community in a constantly
changing society.
Education is a dynamic continuous process utilizing organized instruction and selected learning
experiences, which enable the student to attain basic knowledge and skills. Nursing education
provides a correlation between scientific concepts and evidenced-based nursing practice
coordinated with a variety of learning experiences. This knowledge facilitates the student's
development of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective abilities needed to function as a nurse
generalist who is capable of critical thinking, independent judgment, and self-direction. Learning
is enhanced when there are clearly defined, mutually acceptable outcomes and planned
educational experiences that proceed from simple to complex.
The School of Nursing promotes learning through a curriculum based on Lenburg's Competency
Outcomes and Program Assessment Model to facilitate development of competency-based
nursing and relationship, leadership, management and knowledge integration needed to
function as a beginning nurse generalist. The School of Nursing provides the community with
resource persons and role models to facilitate promotion of health and dissemination of
information and with graduates eligible to apply to take the licensure examination and
competent to function as beginning nurse generalist.
CSON program outcomes are based on Lenburg’s Competency Outcomes and are listed below:
Assessment and intervention: Provide competent nursing interventions based on assessment
of client needs and application of the nursing process to meet the needs of the whole person.
Communication: Communicate effectively with individuals across the lifespan, families, and
members of the health care team.
Critical thinking: Function as a nurse generalist who is accountable and capable of critical
thinking, independent judgment, and self-direction.
Human caring and relationship: Incorporate concepts of caring and moral, ethical, legal, and
professional standards into nursing practice.
Leadership and management: Coordinate resources to assure optimal levels of health for
clients, families, and the community.
Teaching: Teach concepts of health promotion, maintenance, and restoration to clients, families,
members of the health care team and the community.
Knowledge integration: Integrate concepts from biological, sociological, and psychological
sciences to provide competent evidenced-based nursing care for clients across the lifespan and
health-illness continuum.
History of the Hospital and Covenant School of Nursing
Covenant School of Nursing, a member of Covenant Health, was founded on January 25, 1918,
under the name of Lubbock Sanatorium Training School. As the hospital expanded and became
recognized for its specialists in the various fields of medicine, the name was changed to
Lubbock General Hospital School of Nursing.
In 1945, a memorial foundation took over the management of the Hospital and School of
Nursing, changing the name to Lubbock Memorial Hospital and School of Nursing. The name
Methodist Hospital School of Nursing was adopted in 1954 when the Northwest Texas
conference of the Methodist Church assumed ownership and operation of both the Hospital and
School of Nursing. In 1960, a new student nurses’ residence was completed.
For the following eleven years, the residence was known as Jackson Hall. In 1971, the first two
floors were remodeled to provide classroom, laboratory and office space to house the
expanding School of Nursing. Dormitory facilities were closed in June, 1974. On June 9, 1998
with the merger of Methodist Hospital and St. Mary of the Plains Hospital, the School of Nursing
became a member of Covenant Health.
The School of Nursing is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission
and approved by Texas Board of Nursing. The School of Nursing curriculum maintains high
standards for nursing education throughout the program and provides challenges and maximum
learning experience for the nursing student.
Professional Nursing Pledge
In the full knowledge of the responsibilities I am undertaking, I promise to care for my clients
with all the knowledge, skills and understanding I possess, without regard to race, color, creed,
politics, social status, sparing no effort to conserve meaningful life, to alleviate suffering, and to
promote health.
I will respect, at all times, the dignity and religious beliefs of the patients under my care and hold
in professional confidence all personal information entrusted to me. I will refrain from any action
which might endanger the quality of life or health.
I will endeavor to keep my professional knowledge and skill at the highest level and to give my
support and cooperation to all members of the health team.
With full awareness of my qualifications and limitations, I will do my utmost to maximize the
potential of the nursing profession and to uphold and advance its standards.
Section 2: Admission and Matriculation
Pre-nursing Status
Prerequisite Course Descriptions
Application Process
Admission Requirements
LVN-to-RN Advanced Credit Program
Registered Nursing Course Transfer
Admission and Matriculation
Pre-nursing status
The process toward completion of the diploma program begins prior to actually entering the
School of Nursing. After completion of high school or a General Education Development (GED)
certificate, the pre-nursing student is required to complete twelve specific college level
courses at a regionally accredited college or university of choice. If the school is accredited
outside of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), then a course description
review must be completed by the career counselor and/or Admissions and Progressions
Committee. Courses will be transferred upon review of course descriptions and an hour
analysis. These academic pre-requisite courses include the following:
English I/English II/Speech/or Spanish
6 hours
Chemistry (lab highly recommended)
3-4 hours
*Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 (with lab)
4 hours
*Human Anatomy & Physiology 2 (with lab)
4 hours
Microbiology (with lab)
4 hours
Human Nutrition
3-4 hours
Introduction to Psychology
3 hours
Human Growth & Development
3 hours
US History up to 1876
3 hours
American Government
3 hours
3 hours
*must be completed within ten years prior to start at CSON
Time Frame
If the pre-nursing student attends classes’ full time, the expected completion time for these
courses is three semesters. The order in which the pre-requisite courses are taken is significant
since colleges require completion of certain courses before enrollment in others. All pre-
requisite college courses must be completed prior to enrollment in the nursing curriculum at the
School of Nursing.
Grade Requirements
A minimum grade of "C" in each of the pre-requisite courses is required, and a grade point
average of 2.5 or higher in these courses is expected. The School of Nursing also evaluates the
number of times a particular course is taken and considers each grade earned in that course.
Other Requirements
Prerequisite courses must be taken at a regionally accredited program and must correspond to
the course descriptions listed below. A degree plan can be completed by the Nursing Career
Counselor during the pre-nursing phase to ensure proper course completion.
Prerequisite Course Descriptions
English I
A study of the writing process that requires students to write extensively in a variety of modes
and styles, including personal, academic, and research essays. Includes an application of
research techniques and critical thinking
English II
A critical examination of a variety of literary forms and a careful examination of the writing
process, culminating in a research paper.
Speech (either of the following)
Interpersonal: A study of the human communication process in one to one encounters.
Public Speaking: An introduction to the basic theories of public speaking. An emphasis is
placed on delivery skills and communication apprehension. Students learn to prepare
and deliver informative and persuasive speeches in an appropriate manner.
An introductory course emphasizing conversation, grammar, and Hispanic culture.
Chemistry (either of the following)
General Chemistry: An introduction to chemistry. Includes gas laws, bonding theory,
atomic structure, solutions, acid-base and redox reactions.
Inorganic Chemistry: The study of chemistry especially relating to the properties and
behavior of inorganic compounds. The course should cover all chemical compounds
except the myriad organic compounds.
Anatomy and Physiology I (or pure Anatomy)
Structure and function of cells, tissues, and the general body plan; the integument, skeletal, and
muscular systems. This course must be taken within 10 years of the first semester at CSON.
Anatomy and Physiology II (or pure Physiology)
A continuation Anatomy and Physiology I. Structure and function of the endocrine, circulatory,
respiratory, digestive, excretory, and nervous systems, as well as a study of fluid, electrolyte
and Ph balance of the body. This course must be taken within 10 years of the first semester at
If an applicant takes Anatomy and Physiology courses from two different institutions then a
course description analysis is performed and must the courses taken must include all of the
information listed in the above course descriptions to ensure proper transfer.
Characteristics of microorganisms, their culture, uses, control and immunological aspects in
industrial, domestic, and medical areas. Concurrent registration in the complementary
laboratory course is required.
Human Growth and Development (Lifespan)
The physical and psychological development of the individual from birth through the death/dying
An introductory course concerning the major theories and recent research in the broad field of
Nutrition (Science of, or Personal)
Study of nutrients, their functions and food sources, recommended daily allowances, deficiency
and toxicity symptoms, and sound principles for nutrition throughout the life cycle.
Political Science (choose only one from the following)
American Government, Organization: Fundamental principles of government including
the American system of government and the development of the constitution for the
United States.
American Government, Functions: Study of the functions of the American system of
government, at the national level.
Texas State and Local Government: Introduction to the Texas state and local political
system and comparison to state and local government throughout the United States.
History (choose only one from the following)
World History: World history from the beginning of civilization to 1600 with a related
emphasis on world geography
History of the United States I: The history of the United States from the discovery of
America to 1877.
History of the United States II: The history of the United States from 1877 to the present.
The course must be a 3 hour non major class. This course cannot be one of the prerequisites
listed and is in addition to the other prerequisites. The course must be considered an academic
course (not vocational or technical) and cannot be a remedial course. This course also must be
from an approved accredited program (any program accredited by a regional accrediting
Revised: December 2011
Revised: June 2013
Credit by Examination
We accept credit by examination for the following exams with passing scores as listed in the
chart below.
English I
English II
Human Growth and Development
US History up to 1876
American Government
The Nursing Career Counselor is available by appointment to applicants for academic guidance
and consultation during the pre-nursing phase of completing these required courses.
Application Process
Covenant School of Nursing does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin,
sex, age, marital status, or disability. The School of Nursing is an Equal Access/Equal
Opportunity School.
Pre-entrance examination
Covenant School of Nursing utilizes the TEAS V pre-entrance examination as part of the
admission process. The exam is offered on several dates during each application period and
can be retaken once a semester at this testing site. The scores are valid for one year and all
scores submitted with the application packet must be valid on the last day of the application
period. The TEAS registration and payment must be submitted via the online registration. There
is a $25.00 fee for No shows to take the exam on another date. TEAS study guides are
available (while supplies last) for a $25.00 rental fee. Information about the pre-entrance
exam is available on the website. Each applicant must pass the pre-entrance examination
by the deadline date.
Application Submission
The applicant must submit the application materials together with in the application period
(January 15 March 15 for the August class and July 15 September 15 for the January class).
Items turned in separately will not be accepted. The application materials include:
Online application for admission
Resume including work and education history as well as any healthcare volunteer
Application fee
$50 application fee (money order) if all application documents are submitted at least 30
days prior to the application deadline.
$100 application fee (money order) is required if application documents are submitted
within the last 30 days of the application period
official unopened high school transcript or GED verification
official unopened college/university transcripts
passing entrance exam scores
3 sealed reference forms
Letter of standing from any school of nursing or allied health program you attended but
did not successfully complete (must be mailed directly to Covenant School of Nursing).
Non-USA citizens must provide proof of Permanent Resident alien status.
Documents involving an applicant's criminal record may be required. These records may
affect the student’s eligibility to perform certain phases of clinical work at the hospital
(and other clinical sites) and/or prohibit the student from licensure as a Registered
Nurse. If licensure is prohibited Covenant School of Nursing will not accept the applicant.
Contact the Nursing Career Counselor for additional information, if applicable.
Reference Forms
Evidence of the applicant's character, personality, and other qualities that are important in
predicting probable success in nursing will be substantiated by letters of recommendation
completed by individuals selected by the applicant. The required forms and instructions are
available online.
Official transcripts from high school and all colleges and universities attended to date must be
submitted with the Application for Admission to the School of Nursing. Official transcripts must
have an original signature and school seal on them. They must be submitted with all
application documentation by the deadline specified in the admission packet.
If a student applies before all prerequisites are completed, all final official transcripts that
reflect any outstanding course work are due prior to the first day of classes by the date
stated in the admission packet.
Admission Requirements
Admission Status
After the application deadline, the Admissions and Progression Committee of the School of
Nursing will consider all qualified applicants whose application files are up to date.
Selected applicants are then emailed a letter of accepted, alternate, or declined admission.
Upon receipt, further instructions are provided. Accepted and alternates will be required to
sign an Enrollment Agreement, Acknowledgment Letter, and a Consent for Background
Check form as well as pay a $100 deposit. This deposit will later apply toward the total
cost of the final semester tuition. The deposit is non refundable and is valid for one year if
the applicant chooses to reapply for the next semester.
Health requirements
All accepted or alternate students will schedule an appointment with Employee Health
Services at Covenant to perform the following :
Document a medical history
Update required immunizations
Lab Titer to ensure immunization for the Varicella Zoster
Complete a Color Blind Test,
Undergo a Respirator FIT Test
TB baseline and secondary test
Physical Demands Analysis
Other items needed to complete the student health file
Perform a drug screen test
If the pre-enrollment drug screen is positive for an illegal substance the candidate will be
denied admission to Covenant School of Nursing and will not be eligible to reapply for 2
All of these items must be completed by the date specified in the admission packet
CPR BLS Certificate
Completion of an approved CPR course is required prior to admission to the school. CPR must
be taken through American Heart Association only. There are specific dates listed in the
admission packet the course must be taken during. You must submit a copy of your CPR card
for your admission file as specified in the admission packet.
Financial Aid
The financial aid application must be received by June 15th for the August admission or October
for January admission for priority consideration. Your application will not be
considered complete until ALL required forms are on file in the Financial Aid Office and
have been verified for completeness and accuracy. Contact Financial Aid Officer for further
The Orientation Coordinator(s) will notify the scrub vendor of all the accepted students allowed
to purchase patches. Notification is only done after the deposit is obtained and a criminal
background check is performed. All uniforms will be ordered by the accepted candidate as
instructed by the Nursing Career Counselor. Uniforms will be in accordance with the Dress
Code Policy in place at the time of purchase. Uniforms will be purchased by the students by the
deadline stated in the application packet.
An orientation day is held prior to the beginning of the semester. Only accepted applicants
attend this mandatory orientation.
Final Admission Status
A final letter of admission is mailed to the student after all medical requirements are met, all final
official sealed transcripts have been received, and the admission file is complete. Until receipt of
this final notification, the student's admission remains tentative.
Tuition Payment
The initial tuition payment will be in accordance with the Promissory Note signed at the time of
It is the student’s responsibility to notify Covenant School of Nursing of any functional disabilities
which might interfere with his/her learning and performance as a nursing student and
necessitate special accommodations while in school. Furthermore, the student understands that
if he/she requires special accommodations because of disability, he/she must request in writing
such consideration and submit a current letter from an appropriate licensed professional
describing the nature of the functional limitation and specific accommodations needed while a
student at Covenant School of Nursing. Only after written documentation is presented can
reasonable accommodations be provided.
LVN-to-RN Advanced Credit Program
Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN) may request admission to the Advanced Credit Program for
completion of their registered nursing education. This accelerated program reduces the time
from the usual 76-week curriculum to a shorter 38 to 57 weeks depending on scores of ATI
testing and other factors. For consideration into the Advanced Credit Program, the applicant
must meet all regular admission requirements, which include completion of the 12 specific
college pre-requisite courses and pre-entrance testing. Refer to the Application Process section
for more information.
Application Process
Complete the entire application process as described in Section 2. In addition to the application
process LVN’s must complete the following by the application deadline:
Hold a current license in the state of Texas as an LVN
If an applicant graduated from LVN school more than 2 years ago, they must have
completed one year of experience as a LVN within the last 5-years routinely performing
basic nursing skills.
Applicants beginning the Advanced Credit Program within two years of graduation from
LVN school will not be required to have LVN work experience.
The credit for CSON semester work is dependent upon the Texas Licensure and not the
course work of the LVN program.
Admission Process
Complete the entire Admission Process as described in Section III. Additionally all qualified
accepted applicants will be offered the Advanced Placement Exam.
Advanced Placement:
An advance placement exam will be offered to those applicants who have successfully
completed the following:
received acceptance or alternate admission status
maintain a GPA of > 3.0 (in only the 12 specific prerequisite courses)
perform adequate hospital work experience at the discretion of the Admission and
Progression Committee.
purchase the advance placement exam in the business office
pass the advance placement exam (ATI Adult Medical-Surgical exam) with a level 2
Advanced Placement Granted
When a student completes all of the above they could be admitted to the 3rd semester if space
permits. If the applicant does not meet the advance placement scores, has a final GPA < 3.0, or
space is not available, the accepted applicant must begin with the second semester at CSON.
Registered Nurse Course Transfers
Individuals who are currently or have been recently enrolled in other accredited schools of
registered nursing and who desire to seek admission as a transfer student at CSON must meet
all admission criteria as explained in the Application Process section.
All transfer students must successfully complete the first semester of the CSON curriculum
before enrolling in any remaining nursing courses needed for graduation. A minimum of 38
weeks of nursing courses including N101 and at least N301 or N401 (depending on courses that
have been successfully completed with a ―C‖ or higher) must be successfully completed at
Covenant School of Nursing.
Transfer students with one failure in required nursing courses from previous schools of nursing
will not be granted readmission to CSON following a subsequent failure in this program.
Transfer students with more than one failure in required nursing courses from previous schools
of nursing will not be awarded transfer credit. These students will be required to meet all regular
admission requirements and complete the entire 76-week curriculum. Transfer students must
complete a minimum of 38 weeks of the nursing curriculum at CSON. Eligibility for transfer
credit depends on the length of time elapsed since satisfactory completion of required nursing
courses and enrollment at CSON.
Consideration of admission as a transfer student is not guaranteed or assured. Acceptance and
placement in the program are based on space availability, academic/clinical performance at the
prior schools of nursing, and the discretion of the Admissions and Progression Committee.
Transfer credit awarded at CSON is subject to the curriculum in place when credit is given.
Application Process:
Individuals who are currently or have been recently enrolled in other accredited schools of
registered nursing that desire to seek admission as a transfer student at CSON, must meet all
application criteria as explained in the Application Process Section II. The Admissions and
Progression Committee reviews the file, then assigns the admission status.
Course Description Evaluation
The transfer applicant must provide detailed course outlines and other appropriate
information which documents course content for the nursing courses successfully
completed at the prior school of nursing
Letter of Recommendation from 2 prior nursing instructors be mailed to directly to
Covenant School of Nursing
Letter of Standing from previous Nursing program
The Nursing Career Counselor will evaluate the documents and a tentative course
schedule necessary for graduation from CSON will be documented.
After successful completion of the first semester, the Admissions and Progression
Committee will determine a final course work completion plan.
This includes the students requirement to score a level 2 on all the ATI exams for the
semester the student is exempt from.
Minimum Requirements
Transfer students must complete a minimum of 38 weeks (2 full semesters) of the nursing
curriculum at CSON.
CSON Course Requirements
All transfer students must successfully complete the first semester of the curriculum
before enrolling in any remaining nursing courses needed for graduation in the CSON
The transfer student must achieve a level 2 ATI exam score on all tests required of each
course the student is exempt from.
Eligibility for transfer credit
Eligibility depends on the length of time between satisfactory completion of required
nursing courses and enrollment at CSON.
Transfer students applying for semester credit:
If it is less than one year between the last successful completion of courses from the
prior nursing program and the first day of classes at CSON, then transfer credit could be
granted for comparable course work after successful completion of the first semester.
If it is more than one year between the successful completion of courses from the prior
nursing program and the first day of classes at CSON there is no eligible transfer credit.
Prior School of Nursing Course Failure Limitations:
Transfer students who are admitted with one failure in a required nursing course from a
previous school of nursing will not be granted readmission to CSON following a
subsequent failure in this program.
Transfer students with more than one failure in required nursing courses from previous
schools of nursing will not be awarded transfer credit. These students will be required to
meet all regular admission requirements and complete the entire 76-week curriculum.
Section 3: Student Activities and Services
Student Activities and Services
Camps Wide Activities
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Guidance and Counseling Program
Covenant Assistance Program (Counseling)
Health Care Guidelines
Additional Student Services
Identification Badges
Child Care Center
Physical Fitness Program
Eating Areas
Smoking Areas
Study Areas
Student Housing
Covenant Student Body Organization
Student Government Organization
Student Council Organization
Class Organization
Student Welfare Committee
Student Representatives to the Faculty Organization
Pre-professional Student Associations
Student Activities and Services
Activity Calendar
During the academic year there are many activities in which students and faculty members are
encouraged to participate. Many of these are planned by students with their faculty sponsors or
advisors. Notices of all activities are posted on the Activity Calendar at least one week in
advance of the event.
Campus Wide Activities
Welcome Party
Each new class is welcomed to the School of Nursing with a social gathering given by the
Student Government to introduce them to the students and faculty of the school.
Student Conventions
Students are given educational leave to attend the Council of Schools, Texas Nursing Student’s
Association convention and the National Student Nurses’ Association convention. The students
attending cannot have a scholastic warning of any kind, must have a GPA at 75 average or
better, be in good standing, and has turned in all required work before leaving.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
The National Student Nurses’ Association formulated the following Student Bill of Rights in 1975
and amended it in 1988. This document was adopted by the Covenant School of Nursing
Student Association with approval of the faculty.
Students have a right to a sound education:
a right to and a responsibility for having a creative educational opportunity;
a right to and a responsibility for having the highest quality practitioner-teacher;
a right to and a responsibility for achieving input into curriculum planning;
a right to and a responsibility for achieving self-directed learning;
a right to and a responsibility for achieving equal participation in all areas of clinical
a right to and a responsibility for participating in interdisciplinary activities;
Students have a right to due process;
a right to and a responsibility for insuring peer review and self-evaluation.
Students have all the rights and privileges of internal governance.
Students have a right to and a responsibility to organize and participate in an organization
directed toward achieving professional goals;
a right to and a responsibility for facilitating change in health care delivery through
various channels;
a right to and a responsibility for assembling and exploring fundamental and current
professional issues and concerns;
a right to and a responsibility for organizing in a flexible structure to encompass and
represent the diversities within nursing and be representative of the fundamental and
current professional issues and concerns;
a right to and a responsibility for fostering a better correlation between nursing education
and practice.
Students may exercise the right to inquire about and recommend improvement in policies,
regulations and procedures affecting the welfare of students, through appropriate channels such
as Student Government or the Student Welfare Committee of the faculty organization. The
Student Welfare Committee is composed of Class Representatives and faculty members. It
serves as a mediation board for resolving minor problems and complaints and communicates
student recommendations to the faculty.
Guidance and Counseling Program
The Guidance and Counseling program is based on the recognition that each student has a
unique personality and that all experiences in the school should contribute to personal growth
and development as well as professional growth. A full-time Activities Coordinator is employed
by the School of Nursing to assist the student in achieving these goals. Both planned and
spontaneous conferences are available to the student. Academic guidance is also provided by
all faculty to students and each semester students are assigned a faculty advisor. Individual and
group conferences are held periodically as needed. Evaluation conferences are conducted at
the close of the semester. Exit interviews and surveys are held before graduation to learn the
future plans of each student and to obtain suggestions regarding the school.
A graduate survey is conducted to evaluate the progress and success of the graduate.
Covenant Assistance Program (Counseling)
In addition to the guidance provided by School faculty, students who have special needs may
contact CAP (Covenant Assistance Program). This program is provided to students and their
families as a free service. CAP provides free evaluation and referral services regarding personal
problems on a self-referral basis and is staffed by highly qualified and experienced counselors
who are not employees of Covenant Health. When additional counseling or treatment is needed,
CAP will refer students or their family members to the most appropriate community-based
resource for assistance. CAP services may be recommended or required along with disciplinary
action. To make an appointment with CAP, students may call 806-785-5151
Health Care Guidelines for Current Students
Second (final) year students must have an Annual Health Update, including TB Skin Testing,
prior to beginning their 2nd/final school year.
Covenant Health (CH) will not pay for any on-school related injury/illness, or any illness that
existed before the student was accepted in to Covenant School of Nursing (CSON). Note:
CSON students are strongly recommended to procure their own personal health coverage
Students must report any injury/occupational exposure, no matter how slight, to their instructor
and Employee Health Services (EHS) immediately. Note: An EHS nurse is on-call 24 hours a
day for all injuries/occupational exposures and may be paged at 740-6977 after 5:00pm and on
week-ends and holidays.
Any prescription written for a school/clinical-related illness/occupational injury must be validated
by EHS before the prescription may be filled by a CH pharmacy.
EHS will provide First Aid treatment and/or over-the-counter medications for temporary relief of
minor illnesses.
EHS has the primary responsibility for coordinating medical treatment and follow-up for any
clinical/school related injury or occupational exposure.
Student Health Records are protected by the Family Educational Rights Privacy Act, and will be
maintained in Employee Health Services. Upon graduation, students are responsible for
obtaining immunization records from EHS, otherwise these records will be destroyed after six
(6) months. If however, following graduation, students become CH employees, EHS will
continue to maintain the records as part of their employee health record. Records pertaining to
the years the employee is enrolled at CSON will remain Student Health Records and those
obtained during employment will be Employment Records.
Additional Student Services
Identification Badges
All students are required to wear identification badges at all times. Students must wear their
identification badges at chest level with the name and photo visible at all times. The badge
enables ready identification by patients, visitors, physicians and other personnel. The badge
must not be defaced or adorned. The badge, with the photo facing outward, is worn in the upper
left chest area. Lost badges must be replaced within 5 days. A replacement fee of $10 by cash
or check is payable in Human Resources. In the event of withdrawal from school, the badge
must be turned in to the Business Office Coordinator of CSON.
A student wearing own identification badge will receive clearance to enter classrooms for
learning, taking a course examination or national standardized test. A student not wearing own
identification badge is asked to either leave the campus and retrieve the badge or obtain a new
Child Care Center
Additional Services The Covenant Child Care Center offers an exemplary facility for its
employees. Nursing students are given an equal opportunity to use this Center for their children,
as space permits. The Center is open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Applications and payment schedules are available at the Center.
Nursing students may seek employment with Covenant Health or elsewhere if desired. It is the
responsibility of the student to schedule employment so that it does not conflict with school
responsibilities. The faculty reserves the right to counsel a student when employment interferes
with academic performance and achievement. Nursing students are given priority in securing
positions for which they may qualify at Covenant Health. Application is made in the Recruiting
and Retention Office in Human Resources at Covenant Medical Center. If a student has called
in absent, it is expected he/she would refrain from employment activities on that day.
The Covenant Medical Library is located in the Covenant Medical Center across from Human
Resources. It is an invaluable resource for nursing students. There is a student orientation to
the Library the week before clinicals begin. The Library offers a full menu of online databases
with full text articles which can be accessed from home or in the Library. There are also 350
print journals available from which articles can be copied. The hours are M-F 8:30-5:00.
Physical Fitness Program
The LifeStyle Centre features a jogging track, Nautilus workout equipment, aerobic dance,
treadmills, bikes, rowing machines and a swimming pool. Membership is available to students at
a cost of $20 per month. Application is made at the LifeStyle Centre.
The school building is open Monday through Thursday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00
p.m., and Friday, 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The School of Nursing is closed on holidays.
Eating Areas
Many students bring lunches and use refrigerators and microwave ovens which are located in
the student lounge. Soft drinks and snacks may be purchased in vending machines. Items
placed in refrigerators must be marked with name and date. Items dated longer than 3 days will
be thrown out. ALL items will be thrown out on Fridays.
Smoking Areas
It is the policy of Covenant Health to provide a healthful, safe working environment. The use of
tobacco products is prohibited inside all CH-owned and leased facilities. Smoking is permitted
only in designated areas and 20 feet from an entrance.
Study Areas
Study areas are provided on campus. Empty classrooms may also be used as study areas.
Student Housing
There is no authorized campus housing.
Covenant Student Body Organizations
Students are given opportunities to participate in governance activities at the school. They can
do so through Student Welfare, and/or serving as a Class Representative or the Student
Government Organization.
Student Government Organization
The Student Government Organization (SGO) serves as a vehicle by which students may learn
to operate as a group to accomplish their desired goals and to plan and execute community
service activities and social activities. All students are members of this organization and are
encouraged to attend the general meetings. The business of the organization is conducted by
the Student Council, and meets the second Thursday of the month in the student lounge. The
Activities Coordinator serves as Advisor to SGO.
The Student Council is the SGO governing body (the Board) that is made up of students
elected by the entire student body. The President must be a junior or senior, and the Vice
President must be a freshmen or sophomore. The Secretary / Treasurer may be any level
student. Students must have a grade average of 75 or above to hold office. All social activities
and school projects are planned and executed through the Student Council and Covenant
Student Nurses Association (CSNA). Student Council officers are elected in August each year
with a term of office of one year or, in the case of seniors, until graduation.
Student Council Organization
President (Junior/Senior) Vice President (Freshman/Sophomore), and
Secretary /Treasurer (any level))
1. Presides at all meetings of the Student Government Organization.
2. Appoints special committees with the approval of the Student Council.
3. Represents the student body in matters related to the Organization and performs all other
duties pertaining to office.
4. Serves as student representative at faculty meetings.
5. Votes only in case of a tie.
Vice- President
1. Assumes the duties of the president in the absence or disability of the president.
2. Performs other duties as assigned by the president.
3. Serves as ex-officio member of all committees.
Secretary - Treasurer
1. Prepares the minutes of all business meeting of the Organization and the Student Council.
2. Keep attendance records of all meetings.
3. Acts as advisor of Organizational funds.
Class Organization
Each class organization is an important part of traditional student activities and provides
opportunities to develop and promote professional endeavors within its semester. The
organizations consist of student representatives who are elected at the beginning of the
Freshman and Junior semesters. Each class elects three representatives to serve a one year's
Class Representatives Duties
Serves on Student Welfare committee
Makes weekly class announcements
Communicates class recommendations to the Student Welfare Committee
Communicates Faculty decisions and recommendations to the class
May call a class meeting (scheduled with Student Activities Coordinator one week
prior to posting the date and time of the meeting.)
Representatives must commit to attending 80% of Student Welfare meetings
Serve as a member of Grievance Hearing Panel when necessary.
Student Welfare Committee
This committee serves as liaison between the students and the School to oversee the student
program. This committee is actually a very powerful group, and is a proactive group that listens
to student concerns, issues or suggestions. In order for the students to feel they have a voice in
their nursing education and school, integrity and confidentiality are very important in each
meeting. If need be, some of these members serve on the Grievance Panel.
Members include the Student Activities Coordinator (the permanent chairperson) a Faculty
member from each level, and the elected student class representatives. The committee is
scheduled to meet the first Thursday of the month from 12:00-1pm in the Executive Conference
Functions of the Committee
1. Collaborates and supports CSON Student Association and the student activities program.
2. Provides curriculum suggestions.
3. Review and revise student policies as necessary.
4. Serve as student panel member if called to grievance hearing.
5. Continue to evaluate post-graduate and employer surveys.
6. Evaluate all the above areas as necessary for accreditation.
Student Representatives to the Faculty Organization
Officers who may attend the faculty organization meetings are the President of the Student
Association, President of Student Government Organization and/or a Class Representative from
the Student Welfare Committee. In the event one of the officers is unable to attend, they may
delegate another officer to attend in their place. The Officers have a voice and voting privileges,
except in matters which would involve breach of confidentiality.
Pre-Professional Student Associations
All students of Covenant School of Nursing may become members of the Student Association,
the Texas Nursing Student Association and the National Student Nurses Association. Annual
dues are $45 for new members or renewals.
Purposes and Functions
The purposes of the Covenant Student Nurses Association (CSNA):
To assume responsibility for contributing to nursing education in order to provide for the
highest quality health care
To provide programs representative of functional and current professional interest and
To aid in the development of the whole person and his /her responsibility for the health
care of people in all walks of life.
The functions of the CSNA shall include the following:
To have direct input into standards of nursing education and influence the education
To influence health care, nursing education and practice through legislative activities as
To promote and encourage participation in community affairs and activities toward
improved health care and the resolution of related social issues
To represent nursing students to the consumer, to institutions, and other organizations
To promote and encourage student participation in interdisciplinary activities
To promote and encourage recruitment efforts: participation in student activities and
educational opportunities; regardless of person’s race, religion, sex, national origin, age,
and marital status or disability
To promote and encourage collaborative relationships with the National Student Nurses
Association, American Nurses Association, the National League of Nursing, the
International Council of Nurses, Texas Nurses Association, Texas League for Nursing,
as well as other nursing and related health organizations.
CSNA Officers and Duties
Student CSNA officers will be elected each April and serve for the period of one year. Students
seeking an office or travel to conventions must have a grade average of 75 or above, and be in
good standing to hold office.
I. President
1. Preside at all meetings of the organization.
2. Appoint special committees with the approval of the members.
3. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.
4. Represent the organization in matters relating to the organization and perform all other
duties pertaining to the office.
5. Vote only in case of a tie.
II. Vice President
1. Assume the duties of the president in the absence or disability of the president.
2. Officially keep the points current of all CSNA members upon completion of activities.
3. Perform other duties as assigned by the president.
III. Secretary-Treasurer
1. Assume the duties of the president in the absence or disability of the president or Vice-
2. Prepare the minutes of all business meetings of CSNA.
3. Perform other duties as assigned by the president.
4. Present for approval of expenditures allocated by organization for purchases or trips.
A. (No funds will be disbursed without prior approval.)
IV. Projects Chairperson (and co-chair)
1. Initiate and formulate events and activities for purposes of providing community service
events for members.
2. Review and assess outcomes of community service events with members.
V. Historian (and co-chair)
1. Take photographs and keep current events documented for the school year.
2. Compile Scrapbook for state and the school.
3. Keep bulletin board up-to-date.
4. Prepare a school newsletter for the CSNA chapter
VI. Fundraising (and co-chair)
1. Initiate and formulate events and activities for purposes of raising money for the
2. Review and access outcome of fund-raiser with members.
VII. Website Administrator
1. Coordinate with board members regarding CSNA events to be posted.
2. Publicize all events.
VIII. Website Technician
1. Edit all stories and information posted on website.
2. Monitor postings to website.
Student CSNA officers will be elected each April and serve for the period of one year.
Each new semester, students may be assigned as co-chairs of projects, fundraising and
historian if desired until an election. Students must have a grade average of 75 or above
and be in good standing to hold office.
Student Representatives to the Faculty Organization
Officers who may attend the faculty organization meetings are the President of the Student
Association, President of Student Government Organization and/or a Class Representative
from the Student Welfare Committee. In the event one of the officers is unable to attend, they
may delegate another officer to attend in their place. The Officers have a voice and voting
privileges, except in matters which would involve breach of confidentiality.
Each new semester, students may be assigned as co-chairs of projects, fundraising and
historian if desired.
Local Chapter of the Texas Nursing Students Association
The Texas Nursing Students Association (TNSA) is governed by a Board of Directors elected by
the membership at the Annual Meeting. Other meetings of the Association are scheduled as the
Board designates. It is necessary to attend these meetings in order to be an active member.
It is each student's privilege and responsibility to take an active part in the pre-professional
nursing organization. By being an active member of the Association, the student has
opportunities to participate in community activities toward improved health care, as well as
participating in fund raising activities to send delegates to the TNSA and NSNA conventions.
Students who wish to be delegates to either of these conventions may do so by participating in
community service projects and fund raising activities to qualify. TNSA meets annually in
February in a city designated by the TNSA Board of Directors. Students who serve as delegates
to the NSNA convention are exposed to the national liaison of nursing schools from every state
and get to vote on issues of concern to the nursing profession.
Being a member of National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA) students are provided
national levels of connections and mentoring in shaping your future profession.
The number of delegates who may attend TNSA and NSNA conventions from each
school is determined by the number of members at a school.
These are the annual events attended by Covenant School of Nursing Representatives:
TNSA Council of Schools
TNSA State Convention
NSNA Midyear Conference
NSNA National Convention
Section 4: Curriculum
Degree Plan
CSON Course Descriptions
Degree Plan
Academic Prerequisites
Course Title
Semester Hours
English 1
English 2, Speech, or Spanish
3-4 Lab preferred
Anatomy & Physiology 1
4* Must have a lab
Anatomy & Physiology 2
4* Must have a lab
4* Must have a lab
Introduction to Psychology
Human Growth & Development
Human Nutrition
3 or 4
US History up to 1876
American Government
Total Prerequisite Hours
CSON Coursework
Course Title and Number
Class Hours
Laboratory/Clinical Hours
Semester I
Nursing 100 Learning Strategies
Nursing 101 Medical/Surgical 1
Nursing 102 Pharmacology 1
Nursing 103 Pathophysiology 1
Semester II
Nursing 201 Medical/Surgical
Nursing 202 Pharmacology II
Nursing 203 Pathophysiology II
Semester III
Nursing 301: Family Centered
Care of Specialty Populations
(Maternity/Pedi/Mental Health)
Semester IV
Nursing 401 Advanced Nursing
and Leadership (Management/
Critical Care)
Program Totals
Advance Credit Program for Licensed
Vocation Nurses who upon successful
completion of the course receive credit for
Semesters I and II.
Courses in the School of Nursing are identified by a multiple digit number. The following
diagram illustrates the meaning of each digit.
Covenant School of Nursing Course Descriptions
NURSING 101: Medical/Surgical Nursing I
Nursing Science 101 introduces the student to the fundamentals of nursing. The individual is
presented as a whole person (body, mind, spirit) whose life style has been disrupted by illness.
The application of the nursing process guides the student through the concepts of basic needs
in health and illness. The development of interpersonal communication, cognitive and technical
skills along with an understanding of ethical and legal issues provides a sound foundation for
student learning and progression of their nursing education. The clinical instruction is
coordinated with the formal classroom and simulated laboratory experiences. The student is
encouraged to participate as a member of the multidisciplinary health care team to provide total
care. Clinical experiences become more self-directed as the semester progresses.
Nursing 102: Pharmacology I
The focus of Nursing 102 is to help nursing students acquire and apply the scientific body of
knowledge known as pharmacotherapy to the use of medications in the management of illness
and the maintenance of wellness in the adult client. The nursing student is introduced to and will
explore principles of pharmacotherapy in the context of classifications, application to wellness,
and use of pharmacotherapeutic agents in the treatment of specific disease processes within
the framework of the nursing process - assessment, analysis, planning, intervention and
Nursing 103: Pathophysiology I
The focus of Nursing Science 103 is to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of
pathophysiology. The alterations brought about by a pathophysiological state that results in
illness or disease are explored in order to achieve a better understanding of the care for the
individual. The concept that the individual as a bio-psycho-social-spiritual being whose life style
has been disrupted by disease and/or illness is considered. This course begins the study of
selected organ systems. These studies provide a foundation for student observations and a
framework for actions taken in the planning and implementation of care of the client in Nursing
Nursing 201: Medical/Surgical Nursing II
The concept of the client as a whole person (body, mind, and spirit) whose life style has been
disrupted by illness is continued. Clinical instruction is coordinated with formal classroom
instruction. Clinical conferences are planned to supplement both clinical and formal instruction.
Nursing process principles are utilized to develop plans of care based on client needs and
concepts of the health-illness continuum. The student continues to participate as a member of
the multidisciplinary health care team to provide total patient care. Emphasis shifts to evaluation
and modification of care, teaching and discharge planning. Clinical experience continues to
become more self-directed as the semester progresses.
Nursing 202: Pharmacology II
Nursing 202 is a continuation of Nursing 102 designed to help nursing students acquire and
apply the scientific body of knowledge known as pharmacotherapy to the use of medications in
the management of illness and the maintenance of wellness in the adult client. The nursing
student is introduced to and will explore basic principles of pharmacotherapy in the context of
classifications, application to wellness, and use in the treatment of specific disease processes
within the framework of the nursing process.
Nursing 203: Pathophysiology II
The focus of Nursing Science 203 is to provide a meaningful insight into the mechanisms that
maintain the human body with its boundaries and explain the dynamic aspects of the disease
process. The alterations brought about by the pathophysiological state results in disease or
illnesses are explored. The concept that the individual as a bio -psych o-social - spiritual being
whose life style has been disrupted by disease and/or illness is broadened through the study of
pathophysiology. It is essential to know that disease is dynamic and the manifestations may
vary from person to person and change from day to day. The knowledge can then be
incorporated into the nursing process directing the care of the client.
Nursing 301: Family Centered Care of Specialty Populations
This course is an introduction to Maternal/Newborn, Pediatrics, and Psychiatric/Mental Health
Nursing. Special emphasis is placed on the biologic, psychologic and sociologic factors affecting
these special populations in each unique individual, their family and their community. The
clinical component of Nursing 301 seeks to apply scientific concepts and evidenced-based
nursing practice in a variety of planned learning experiences. These experiences include but are
not limited to acute care, long term care, community care and community resources. This
course provides the student the opportunity to develop in the role of maternal/ newborn,
pediatric, and psychiatric/mental health care team member. At the completion of this course the
student should be competent to function in these areas in a beginning nursing position.
Nursing 401: Advanced Nursing Leadership
Advanced Nursing and Leadership is a study of the problems encountered by persons in altered
health states in a variety of clinical settings. The course is structured to build on general nursing
courses while preparing the student to provide nursing care to meet the specific complex needs
of the client and family. The course facilitates transition from student to registered nurse role.
Concepts, theories, and application of leadership and management modalities are incorporated.
Current trends in health care delivery, legislation, ethics, and employment are discussed.
Emphasis is placed on utilization of evidenced-based nursing practice in situations in which
critical thinking, decision making, thorough assessment and timely nursing interventions are
expected outcomes. This knowledge facilitates the student's development of cognitive,
psychomotor, and effective abilities needed to function as an accountable nurse generalist
capable of critical thinking, independent judgment, and self-direction. Career selection, career
mobility, and the nurse's responsibility for continued professional growth are discussed.
Section 5: Definitions & Behavioral Congruence
Behavioral Congruence
Academic Conduct
Actions of students associated with the teaching-learning environment (classroom, lab,
clinical environment and or community).
Refers to the state of being answerable and liable for the quality and quantity of one’s
own actions.
Any person employed by Covenant Health to perform managerial duties.
Aiding and Abetting
Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another student commit an action
of academic or nonacademic misconduct.
Behavioral Congruence
Behavior that is congruent with the mission, vision, values, standards of conduct, and
Honor Code of Covenant School of Nursing.
Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, study aids or computer-
related information to give one an unfair academic benefit.
Any public forum including but not limited to clients/patients, their families and health
providers in clinical settings or students, faculty, staff and guests of CSON and academic
community as well as on-line and media communications that connects the public to
Contested Issue
An academic or personal issue may occur that requires immediate attention for
Controlled substance
Any drug or substance that is not legally obtainable; or is legally obtainable but has not
been legally obtained; or those that are legally obtained but abused or used
inconsistently with a prescription or has been legally obtained but is being sold or
distributed unlawfully.
Copyright violation
Violation of existing copyright laws.
Critical Incident
Any time a student demonstrates unsafe practices.
Declaratory Order
The Declaratory Order is a form completed by the student that enables the Texas Board
of Nursing to make decisions regarding an applicant's eligibility for licensure prior to
entering or completing a nursing program.
Disciplinary Action Panel
Composed of the dean, coordinator and instructor/s which address infractions that may
result in suspension, dismissal or expulsion from the program.
Disciplinary probation
Student may remain at the School of Nursing but may be required to satisfy specified
conditions or requirements
Discrimination / Harassment
To act on the basis of prejudice.
To discharge from school with privilege to reapply after determined period of time.
Drug/Alcohol Abuse
The use/abuse of alcohol or being under the influence of alcohol or any controlled and/or
illegal substances during school activities.
Fully and clearly defined or formulated
Permanent dismissal from classes and school activities and the student is not eligible to
To devise or invent, to fake or forge.
Falsification and forgery
To alter fraudulently especially for purposes of deception.
Firearm violation
Violation of current federal and state firearm laws.
Behavior and speech associated with electronic conversations fitting the definitions
governing the contractual agreement between Covenant School of Nursing and
Scholar360 LMS (Learning Management System)
Any act perceived as prejudicial or discriminatory against a student.
Implied though not directly expressed
Systematic examination into a situation. The examination includes supporting
documentation, witnesses, and sequence of events.
Non-academic Conduct
Actions of students related to standards of behavior established for the purpose of
maintaining an acceptable level of propriety within the School of Nursing and its
An act of using the literary composition of another’s writing or the ideas of language of
the same and presenting them as the product of one’s own mind.
Steps for disciplinary action related to infractions against school and/or health system
policies and procedures.
Sexual Misconduct
Any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or any other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature.
Temporary exclusion from all academic work or specified classes and/or other school
related activities for a specified period of time
Terms of Service Violation
Violation of terms of service agreements
Behavior and speech associated with electronic conversations fitting the definitions
governing the contractual agreement between Covenant School of Nursing and the LMS
(Learning Management System)
Verbal Warning
Verbal admonition against further violations, alerting student that continuation of
misconduct may be cause for more severe disciplinary action.
Behaviors that intrude into the school environment resulting in physical or emotional
harm, significant loss of productivity or damage to persons or school property.
Written reprimand
Written warning placed in student’s file, alerting student that continuation of misconduct
may be cause for more severe disciplinary action.
Implemented: January 2010
Behavioral Congruence
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
To continue building upon the Covenant School of Nursing legacy of fostering a learning
environment that attracts, retains, and develops values-based students who translate the values
into action, strive for excellence while serving people with dignity, and work for justice within our
Behavior that is congruent with the Mission, Philosophy, Values, Standards of Conduct and
Honor Code of Covenant School of Nursing.
In keeping with the Mission of Covenant Health, the Mission of the School of Nursing is to
provide a quality nursing education founded on a correlation of scientific principles, nursing
principles, knowledge and concepts of caring for the whole person-body, mind and spirit with a
broad spectrum of learning experiences thereby providing the community with graduate nurses
prepared to function as beginning practitioners of nursing.
The Faculty of the School of Nursing believes Nursing is a discipline dedicated to the promotion
of optimum health for the individual, the family and the community. Nursing requires the
integration of knowledge and skills from biological, psychological and sociological sciences with
evidenced-based nursing practice and concepts of caring for the individual as a whole person
(body mind and spirit). The client's needs and care requirements are best met by an analysis of
client needs through the use of the nursing process of assessment, analysis, planning,
implementation and evaluation. The nurse collaborates with the client , the family and other
members of the health care and nursing teams to formulate a plan of care, which is correlated
with the medical care plan and incorporates the use of preventive, supportive, restorative and
rehabilitative health measures to meet needs across the lifespan and health-illness continuum
of the client, family, and community in a constantly changing society.
Education is a dynamic continuous process utilizing organized instruction and selected learning
experiences, which enable the student to attain basic knowledge and skills. Nursing education
provides a correlation between scientific concepts and evidenced-based nursing practice
coordinated with a variety of learning experiences. This knowledge facilitates the student's
development of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective abilities needed to function as a nurse
generalist who is capable of critical thinking, independent judgment, and self-direction. Learning
is enhanced when there are clearly defined, mutually acceptable outcomes and planned
educational experiences that proceed from simple to complex. The School of Nursing promotes
learning through a curriculum based on Lenburg's Competency Outcomes and Program
Assessment Model to facilitate development of competency-based nursing and relationship,
leadership, management and knowledge integration needed to function as a beginning nurse
The School of Nursing provides the community with resource persons and role models to
facilitate promotion of health and dissemination of information and with graduates eligible to
apply to take the licensure examination and competent to function as beginning nurse
The Standards of Behavior and Conduct are a set of guidelines all students must commit to.
The standards set the tone for the learning environment students work in and live by every day.
The standards include all aspects of students’ educational experience including:
Accountability: I am accountable for my actions.
Adaptability: I am adaptable and supportive in efforts to make CSON a better place.
Communication: I communicate in a clear, honest and respectful manner.
Community: I am committed to improving the health of the community
Continuous Improvement: I strive for continuous improvement in my performance.
Continuous Learning: I continuously learn new skills and gain knowledge.
Interpersonal Effectiveness: I create and sustain positive and interpersonal relationships
Stewardship: I will be a good steward of our resources.
Teamwork: I will be a team player and seek out opportunities to collaborate with others.
Honor Code
Covenant School of Nursing students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with
the high ethical standards expected of registered nurses and in a manner consistent with the
ANA Code of Ethics. Honesty and integrity are expected from all students from admission
through graduation. Dishonesty undermines the goals of nursing education and professional
development. Because nursing students may, after graduation, be licensed to practice
professional nursing and are required to assume responsibility for the life and welfare of other
human beings, every nursing student is expected to demonstrate competence and patterns of
behavior which are consistent with professional standards, and which are deserving of the
public's trust. Students and faculty accept responsibility for acting in an ethical manner.
Together they create an atmosphere conducive to professional integrity.
Students and faculty are expected to report to the Dean (or the designee) the conduct that
violates the standards of professional honesty and integrity. It is the intent of this policy to
support an atmosphere of integrity within the Covenant School of Nursing.
It is the responsibility of each student to support this atmosphere both individually and
collectively. We expect nursing students to enter the program knowing what is right and what is
wrong. Nursing students are expected to do what is right when it comes to matters of integrity,
honesty, and ethical conduct. Further we expect nursing students to move beyond thinking only
of their own situations to thinking of what is right for their peers, their patients, and ultimately the
nursing profession.
A violation of the Honor Code may lead to disciplinary action up to and including
dismissal or expulsion.
Reference(s) :( HR#143 Behavioral Congruence 01/27/09) and HR#144 Behavioral Conduct, ANA Code of Ethics
Implemented: January 6, 2010
Reviewed: July 2011
Section 6: Academic and Attendance Policies
Academic Requirements
Grading System
Assessment Technology Institute (ATI) Requirements
Student Retention
Scholastic Warning
Graduate Honor Awards
Dean’s List
Evaluation Participation
Accommodations for Administration of Examinations
Enrollment Status Change
Academic Failure / Readmission
Learning Resource Center Rules and Regulations
Student Testing Rules
Student Test Review Guidelines
Attendance Requirements
Attendance Policy
Miscellaneous Attendance Requirements
Maternity Leave
Leave of Absence
Academic Misconduct
Aiding and Abetting
Change of Address/Telephone/Email
Evaluation Participation
Student Accounts
Academic Requirements
Scholastic ratings are determined by a combination of theory and theory application in the
clinical laboratory, examination grades, and other required assignments. Clinical and Laboratory
experiences are on a Pass/Fail system. The student must pass both portions of all clinical
nursing courses. In theory, the average of all major exams, including the final exam, must be 75
to pass the course. After determining the average on all major examinations, other required
assignment grades will then be averaged and valued at 10% toward the final grade.
Grading System
A - 90-100
B - 80-89
C - 75-79
F - Below 75
Nationally Standardized Assessments Policy and Procedure
Covenant School of Nursing has chosen Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC (ATI) as the
provider for nationally standardized assessments. The recommended scores are published in
the RN Content Mastery Series Faculty Resource Guide. The Resource guide is updated with
each Content Mastery Series (CMS) update. Updated versions of the CMS and Faculty
Resource Guide may cause changes in statistical analysis data. Any changes to Covenant
School of Nursing standardized testing policy guidelines will be provided to students in writing.
This Policy & Procedure provides students and faculty of Covenant School of Nursing with
guidelines for utilization of the ATI Program.
1. For students in Nursing 101 and Transition students, there will be a presentation of the ATI
Program by designated faculty describing the program and how it will be utilized.
2. Entering students will pay the ATI fee at orientation. In following semesters, the ATI fee will
be included in the first tuition payment of the semester. If the student has not made payment (or
proof of arrangements with Financial Aid advisor) by the 3
week, the student will not be
allowed to attend class/clinicals.
3. The Content Mastery Series assessment proctored examinations include Fundamentals for
Nursing Practice, Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing, Nursing Leadership, Maternal-Newborn
Nursing, Nursing Care of Children, Mental Health Nursing, and Nursing Pharmacology.
Required exams will be published in the Course Outlines. Students are encouraged to
complete the non-proctored practice exams appropriate to his/her semester of study as a
learning tool and in preparation for the proctored ATI exams.
4. Pharmacology requirement: Students will complete one non-proctored Pharmacology exam
in the first semester and one non-proctored pharmacology exam in the second semester.
The due date for completion of the non-proctored exams will be published in the Pharmacology
Course Outlines. Failure to show proof of completion of the required non-proctored exam will
result in a course ―Incomplete‖ and the student may not progress to the next semester.
5. The proctored assessment exams will be scheduled near the conclusion of the semester.
Proctored assessment exams are online exams and will be taken in the Learning Resource
Center. Only one examination period will be scheduled for each exam. Students unable to
attend at the scheduled time will reschedule with the LRC Coordinator as soon as possible.
Students will have a different version of the exam if not testing with the group.
6. After the student has obtained a 75% average on unit exams and the final, the outcome of
the required proctored exam will determine 5% of the student’s overall course grade.
The student will be awarded points as follows:
Below ATI Proficiency Level 1: 0
ATI Proficiency Level 1: 75
ATI Proficiency Level 2 or above: 100
In courses where there is more than one CMS administered, the student’s percent
correct on each CMS proctored exam will be averaged to determine the point award. If the
student’s average of the exams falls below the average of the Level 1 cut scores, the student
will receive 0 (zero) points, therefore, 5 percent of the student’s grade will be 0 (zero).
The first attempt of the CMS exam is the only score that will be used to calculate point
7. Comprehensive Exams
The current Content Mastery Adult Medical/Surgical Nursing, Nursing Pharmacology and the
RN Comprehensive Predictor will be administered during the 4
semester. The Adult
Medical/Surgical proctored exam will be given early in the semester as a diagnostic exam to
help the student focus on content areas that need improvement.
RN Comprehensive Predictor
The minimum individual composite score determined by ATI to reflect a 91%-100% chance of
passing the NCLEX is required. This score will be posted during the semester and prior to the
examination date. The student may repeat the RN Comprehensive Predictor one time.
Nursing Pharmacology
Students are expected to achieve Proficiency Level 2. If the student fails to meet the
expectation he/she may repeat the exam once.
8. Required retakes will be scheduled with the LRC Coordinator. If unable to make the
scheduled test date and time, the student will notify the LRC Coordinator. Failure to notify the
LRC Coordinator will be dealt with by the Dean.
9. Recommended scores for the Content Mastery Series and the RN Comprehensive Predictor
will be posted in public areas for students to review as needed.
A minimum grade of 75 (C) in classroom performance and a pass in clinical application is
required for promotion to the next semester. Students must complete each course with a
minimum grade of 75 (C).
Student Retention
Students considered "at risk" will be encouraged to meet with their level committee liaison
member in order to address individual learning styles, assist with test taking strategies, and
develop critical thinking skills. The committee's goal is to implement teaching and learning
strategies to assist students achieve academic persistence and success. Any students with
special accommodations will follow the instructions described within the ―Accommodation‖
paragraph in the admission section.
Scholastic Warning
Any student in danger of failing in either classroom or clinical performance will receive
counseling and a letter of concern requiring faculty and student signatures. Each student is
responsible for knowing whether he/she has passed the minimum requirements and whether
he/she is eligible to continue in the School of Nursing.
Graduate Honor Awards
The graduating senior with the highest scholastic average, which includes college prerequisite
courses and nursing school grades, is recognized as the school Valedictorian and is presented
a monetary award by the Covenant School of Nursing Alumnae.
The graduating senior with the second highest scholastic average, which includes college
prerequisite courses and nursing school grades, is recognized as the School Salutatorian and is
presented a monetary award by the Covenant School of Nursing Alumnae.
The graduating seniors with an overall 3.5 or above grade point will be presented with Honor
Cords to wear at graduation.
Graduates are also considered for various Hospital and Campus Awards such as Healing Touch
Award, the Best All Around Student Nurse Award, The Student Excellence Award and the
Clinical Excellence Award.
Dean’s List
Students who earn a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher at the end of each
semester are eligible for inclusion in the Dean’s List for that term.
Evaluation Participation
Acceptance into the program carries with it the obligation to participate as students and former
students in the academic evaluations of the school. These evaluations are obtained
anonymously and held with strict confidentiality.
Accommodations for the Administration of Examinations
Relevant Target: School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose: Covenant School of Nursing (CSON) is committed to offering students
the best chance at success. For students requiring accommodations for the administration of
examinations, CSON will provide reasonable accommodation(s). Accommodation does not refer
to any changes in the construct of the content covered by the examination, but rather in the
methods used to administer the examination. In order to expedite the process for those students
who will require accommodations when taking the Texas Board of Nursing National Council
Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN
), CSON will use the same forms as
those required by the Texas Board of Nurses.
GUIDELINES: The student holds accountability for requesting accommodations. The decisions
regarding specific accommodations for the administration of examinations will be determined on
an individual basis once the required paperwork (see below) has been submitted and the
appropriate diagnostic testing/evaluation completed.
Accommodations most typically fall into one or more of the following categories:
1. Flexibility in scheduling and timing. (Example: extended time for taking the exam).
2. Flexibility in the setting in which the exam is administered. (Example: low distraction area).
3. Changes in the method of presentation. (Example: exam may be administered orally or using
a text to voice device or administered on paper rather than on computer).
4. Changes in the method of response. (Example: answers may be recorded by a scribe).
1. The student will request from the Student Retention Advisor or the Course Coordinator or
Lead Instructor the Professional Documentation of Disability form from the Texas Board of
Nursing to be completed by the diagnostician at the time of the diagnostic testing. See
Attachment A.
2. The student will be tested/evaluated by the appropriate professional/diagnostician. Refer to
―Qualifications for Diagnostician‖. The student will be responsible for the payment of this
3. When completed, the student will present to the Course Coordinator or Lead Instructor the
Professional Documentation of Disability form.
4. The Course Coordinator or Lead Instructor will meet with the student and review the results of
the diagnostic testing/evaluation and the recommended accommodations.
5. The Course Coordinator or Lead Instructor, with the input as necessary from the Dean and
the Student Retention Advisor, will formulate a plan to address the recommended
6. The Course Coordinator or Lead Instructor will notify the appropriate faculty of the plan.
7. The Course Coordinator or Lead Instructor will notify the student of the plan and the schedule
for administration of examinations.
1. Accommodations will not reflect retroactively in regards to the administration and scoring of
2. Examinations administered with accommodations related to extended time allowances will be
scheduled during the normal business hours of Covenant School of Nursing.
3. Examinations administered with accommodations related to extended time allowances will be
scheduled to allow the student to attend class and clinicals as scheduled; typically the student is
allowed 1 and ½ time the original time scheduled for all other students.
QUALIFICATIONS FOR DIAGNOSTICIAN: (The qualifications for the diagnostician match
those required by the Texas Board of Nursing for the administration of the (NCLEX-RN
For students with learning disabilities:
Students who have a previously identified or suspected learning disability will have diagnostic
testing performed by a diagnostician who is either a qualified and licensed psychologist or
psychiatrist who has experience working with adults with learning disabilities, or a qualified
professional with a master’s or doctorate degree in psychology, educational psychology,
education, special education, or rehabilitation counseling and has training and experience in all
the following areas:
A. Assessment of intellectual ability level and interpretation of tests of such ability
B. Screening for cultural, emotional, and motivational factors
C. Assessment of achievement level
D. Administration of tests to measure attention and concentration, memory, receptive and
expressive language skills, cognition, reading, spelling, writing, and mathematics
The scope of diagnostic testing will be determined by the diagnostician based on the individual
needs of the student.
For students with physical or mental disabilities other than learning disabilities: A
licensed physician or psychologist with expertise in the specific area of the disability.
Reference(s): Retrieved 5/9/13.
Implemented: June 2013
Enrollment Status Change
Drop Date
A student who withdraws within the first 8 weeks, regardless of academic status, is eligible to
reapply without the limitation of a prior failure. The courtesy of no prior failure is only extended
once within an academic year.
A student is free to withdraw from the School of Nursing at any time. To leave the school, the
student should first report to the Course Coordinator. The student then requests an Exit
Interview Form and Application for Readmission from the school secretary. (See Readmission
Section below.) The Exit Interview Form lists several individuals the student must personally
meet with and obtain a signature from in order to discuss the reasons for withdrawing from
school and to get their signatures on the form. These faculty members include the following:
Faculty, Advisor, Course Coordinator, Dean, Financial Aid Officer, Nursing Careers Counselor,
and Chairperson of Admissions and Progression Committee. It is the student’s responsibility to
meet with each of these individuals. The student must return the following items to the school
secretary within 20 days of the last date attended in order to officially withdraw from CSON:
Completed Exit Interview Form
School of Nursing Identification Badge
The student may be dismissed for any acts of academic or clinical misconduct, including but not
limited to:
Unprofessional conduct (as outlined in Honor Code and Code of Ethics Policy)
Failure to support the School of Nursing philosophy
Falsification of information on any form or record
Absences greater than 20% of any course (see Attendance Policy)
Termination of employment from Covenant Health
Failure to meet minimum academic requirements
If dismissal occurs at CSON or CH, the Dean and HR Director will communicate to ensure that
policies are upheld in a consistent manner.
The student must return the following items to the school secretary within 20 days of the last
date attended in order to officially be dismissed:
Completed Exit Interview form
School of Nursing Identification Badge
Any other CSON property
Academic Failure / Readmission
Number of Readmissions
A student will be granted only one readmission following an academic failure. Should the
student fail a course following readmission, the student will be ineligible for a subsequent
readmission to the school. However, a student with one or more failures at CSON after
ten years from the official withdrawal date may be readmitted without penalty from
previous failures and will not be granted any credit for previous courses completed at
Financial Responsibility
The student is required to pay any money owed to the school before readmission
approval will be granted. The student must have clearance through the Financial Aid
office before a final readmission decision will be made by the Admissions and
Progression Committee.
Application for Readmission
A student requesting readmission, after withdrawing for any reason must complete this form.
Procedures for use of the Application for Readmission
Secure the form from the School Secretary or the Nursing Careers Counselor
Complete and return the form to the School Secretary and secure her signature,
verifying that the student does not owe any money to the school
Submit for approval by the Admission and Progression Committee
Receive from the Chairman of the Admissions and Progression Committee a Letter of
Tentative Admission.
Receive by mail information regarding CPR certification and the update of the student
health file in Employee Health Services
Failure Exclusions
A student failing at the time of withdrawal from CSON, but who withdraws from school by
the end of the 8th week of the 19 week semester, will not have that withdrawal count as
a failure.
If a student had two (2) failures in the generic program, and desires admission to the
LVN-RN Advanced Credit, admission can be granted if three years have passed since
the last failure in the generic program.
A student, who fails the Transition Course, can re-enter the generic curriculum without
penalty. If the student fails the Transition Course a second time, they will not be eligible
for readmission.
Time Limitations
Readmission requirements vary based on the length of time lapsed from the date last
attended to the returning date at CSON. Students who repeat a course the next time it is
offered will be exempt from the following requirements.
1. Less than one year - readmission granted after meeting the following two
2 More than one year - No prior credit earned at CSON will be applied
Admission Requirements
1. The returning student must meet all current regular admission requirements at
the time of readmission.
2. The returning student is subject to the nursing curriculum in place at the time of
readmission to the school.
Course Retakes
All repeating students are required to retake all courses as well as meet all
course work requirements for the semester that is being repeated.
Special Requirements
The returning student must complete any special requirements noted by the
school prior to readmission.
Space Availability
Readmission is not automatic or assured and is based on space availability.
Learning Resource Center Rules and Regulations
1. Students will arrive to CSON 10 minutes before their assigned testing period.
2. Students are not allowed to congregate in the hall outside of the testing areas.
3. The students will be assigned to a testing group at the beginning of the semester. The
groups will alternate between the computer lab and the classroom (scantron) during the
semester. There will be no switching of groups allowed.
4. Students will draw a randomized numbered card from the proctor, then the student will sit at
the computer cubicle or classroom desk with that number.
5. Upon entry in the testing areas there is no talking.
a. A student can be asked to leave if any talking takes place once the official start and
end time has been announced by the proctor.
1. The only items allowed into the testing areas are car keys and earplugs.
a. No personal items are allowed in the testing areas. Examples to include but not
limited to: backpacks, purses, books, notes, cell phones, PDA’s, calculators, hats.
b. Neither the school nor faculty are responsible for stolen or lost items.
2. No food or drinks allowed in the testing areas.
3. Pencils, paper, calculators and tissues will be provided.
Time Management
1. The student will be allowed only the allotted time to complete the test*. The test will end at
the stated end time.
a. Students may not start the test until told to do so by the proctor.
b. *Students with special testing needs must make arrangements with the Course
Coordinator prior to the exam.
2. If the student arrives late to take a test ; the student will be allowed to start the exam but
must complete the test by the end of the allotted exam time period. The student will be
marked tardy on the attendance roster.
3. The official starting and ending times will be written on the board at the start of each testing
a. The clock in the lower right corner of the computer screen (the one set by the server)
will be the official time in the Computer Lab. The proctor will designate which
classroom clock is the official timepiece for the exam.
b. A verbal warning will be given by the proctor with approximately fifteen minutes left in
the test period.
4. If the student is absent for an exam, they are to contact the Course Coordinator to schedule
a make-up exam time. Refer to attendance policy for information on point deductions for late
End of the Test
When the student has completed a test or the testing period is over the student will:
a. clean up their testing area.
b. turn in all exam items.
c. leave the testing areas quietly. Students will not be allowed to return to the room
once their exam is completed.
d. Students are not to congregate outside the testing areas after the exam to prevent
disturbing students who are still testing or in other classes.
Adopted July 2010
Revision February 2011
Student Test Review Guidelines
Purpose of test review:
Allow students the opportunity to reflect on their thinking and to examine the process by
which they chose their answers. Increase understanding of concepts presented on the
Supplement learning. This is not a forum for item nullification.
Review date & time:
Test review dates and times will be scheduled by the Course Coordinators/Lead
Instructors and Educational Instructional Technologist (EIT).
Any changes in the test review time will be determined by the Course Coordinator/ Lead
Instructor and EIT and is subject to the Learning Resource Center (LRC) calendar.
See course calendar for scheduled test review times.
Test reviews are strongly encouraged for all students
All students must take the exam prior to the test review
Test reviews may be rescheduled if necessary.
Test review procedures:
Before beginning a test review faculty will verbally outline behavioral expectations with
the students.
All test reviews will be conducted in the LRC unless the exam or quiz was administered
on paper.
The test review time is limited to 1 hour, as scheduled.
Students may talk quietly among themselves
Students will not contest/debate questions with faculty or other students during the test
review but may respectfully review test items with instructor(s)
Students are not permitted to bring any materials into the LRC.
Students are not permitted to take any materials away from the review session.
Students are not to congregate outside the LRC after the test review to prevent
disturbing students still in the review or in other classes.
Faculty may dismiss a student exhibiting disrespectful behavior or terminate an entire
review as the result of disrespectful behavior from the group.
Question Clarification:
Students will be encouraged to speak respectfully to the instructor(s) one at a time.
Item clarification will be provided for the benefit of everyone.
Adopted August 2010
Revised 6/2013
Terms of Service Agreement for LMS
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
Covenant School of Nursing will provide an ethical and lawful online environment in which its
students can complete assigned online coursework and/or establish online student communities
for social networking and/or organizing student body events. The online environment is
hereafter referred to as the LMS (Learning Management System).
Covenant School of Nursing students will abide by the conditions cited below and defined as
―Terms of Service for use of the LMS of Covenant Health Schools.‖
Students will acknowledge agreement to abide by these terms by signing a copy of the terms
and retaining a copy for future reference.
The terms are as follows:
Welcome to the LMS serving Covenant Health Schools, specifically, Covenant Schools of
Nursing, Radiology, and Surgical Technology. Please review these Terms of Service.
In order to be a member of the Covenant Health Schools’ LMS, you must read and accept all of
the terms of this agreement and the privacy policy. You may not use Covenant Health Schools
LMS if you do not agree to be bound by these terms of service.
You understand that Covenant Health Schools can change the terms of service or the privacy
policy by posting changes to this website. Your ongoing use the Covenant Health Schools’ LMS
indicates you accept any changes to the Terms of Service Agreement. We reserve the right to
change or terminate the Covenant Health Schools LMS for any reason, and without notice,
without liability to you, any other Member, or any third party.
Service and Registration:
This Service and affiliate services are provided by Covenant Health Schools. You understand
and agree to the following:
1. You must use a valid e-mail address and create a username during the registration process.
2. You are responsible for all uses of your account. You must keep your password confidential.
We may refuse, at our sole discretion, to allow you to register a username that is
trademarked, inappropriate, or impersonates another individual.
3. You agree to let Covenant Health Schools LMS administrator know immediately of any
unauthorized use of your account.
4. You are 18 years or older. By registering for the Covenant Health Schools’ LMS, you are
indicating you have the capacity to understand these Terms of Service. Covenant Health
Schools will not be held liable for any loss or damage for noncompliance.
5. You understand and agree that Covenant Health Schools, do not control, verify or endorse
links, communities, forums, chat, events, or messages, unless explicitly stated. Any links
that take users out of the Covenant Health Schools’ LMS are not under the control of
Covenant Health Schools, so Covenant Health Schools are not responsible for any of the
content, functions, services, or links of third party sites.
6. When registering with the Covenant Health Schools’ LMS, you must provide, and maintain,
accurate, current, and complete information about yourself.
7. Covenant Health Systems Schools reserve the right to refuse the Service to any user.
User Behavior:
You are fully responsible for your behavior on Covenant Health Schools’ LMS, which includes
the way you utilize any aspect of the Covenant Health Schools’ LMS service.
1. You are completely and solely responsible for the content you post on Covenant Health
Schools’ LMS, which includes, but is not limited to, photos, messages, chat, personal
profiles, community posts, broadcasts, blogs, events, audio and video clips. Unauthorized or
illegal content includes, but is not limited to:
(a) the display of sexually explicit material.
(b) the display of abusive, harmful, racially or religiously offensive or bigoted, obscene, or
libelous material.
(c) the use of flaming or trolling.
(d) the display of material that encourages criminal behavior that violates any local, state,
national, or international law or regulation.
(e) the use of the Service for unauthorized advertising, which includes MLM/pyramid
schemes, spam, chain letters, sweepstakes or contests.
(f) the use of the LMS to solicit or distribute literature or to conduct personal business or
business on behalf of other non-ministry organizations.
(g) the transmission of viruses, worms, or Trojan horses to destroy or limit any functionality
of the software or hardware of Covenant Health Schools’ LMS and its users.
(h) the display of information about another person without their express consent, or the
posting of any copyrighted material that you do not have legal authorization to use.
Covenant Health Schools have the right, in their sole discretion, to determine whether
content is unauthorized, offensive, harmful, illegal, or in violation of the rights of others.
(i) the misuse, misappropriation, or disclosure of confidential health information covered
under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), directly or
indirectly, to any person, or use such information in any way, either during the course of
your clinical experiences.
(j) the misuse, misappropriation, or disclosure of confidential, sensitive, or proprietary
information relating to the business of Covenant Health System, its affiliated hospital and
facilities, and identifiable information regarding patients.
(k) the posting or display of buttons, lanyards, avatars, or other insignia that are offensive or
derogatory in style or message to others using the LMS.
2. You agree and understand that Covenant Health Schools can delete any content that is
offensive, illegal, harmful, or in violation of the rights of other.
3. You understand and agree that you can only use the Covenant Health Schools LMS for
academic use. You cannot use Covenant Health Schools’ LMS for any commercial or
business purposes.
4. Any member who demonstrably harasses or abuses another member will be removed from
the Covenant Health Schools’ LMS.
5. Other unauthorized or illegal behaviors include, but are not limited to:
(a) the display of false information about yourself or anyone else
(b) changing, in any manner at all, or reverse engineering any aspect of the Covenant
Health Schools LMS. You may not attempt to derive source code from the Covenant
Health Schools LMS service.
(c) the use of any search/retrieval application (e.g., robot, spider) to index any aspect of the
Covenant Health Schools’ LMS.
(d) the posting of information that implicitly or explicitly implies that it is endorsed by
Covenant Health Schools’ LMS.
6. The solicitation and distribution restrictions do not apply to fundraising, health education,
and other activities which are sponsored by the ministry and relate to its mission; occasional
charitable activities sponsored by the ministry and meeting specifically established criteria;
or blood drives; or student events, functions or activities sponsored by the ministry as a
benefit for its employees, patients, students, visitors or volunteers.
7. Students may post personal or non-ministry related materials only in communities or the
student’s individual home page within the LMS.
Copyright Infringement:
Covenant Health Schools respect copyright and other laws. Covenant Health Schools require all
users to comply with copyright and other laws. Covenant Health Schools’ LMS does NOT
provide you with file-sharing ability to enable you to violate the copyright of third parties.
As a member of one of the Covenant Health Schools, Nursing, Radiology, or Surgical
Technology, you agree that you must not use the Covenant Health Schools’ LMS to infringe the
intellectual property of others in any way. The unauthorized reproduction, distribution,
modification, or posting of copyrighted work is a violation of copyright law.
You are responsible for your behavior on the Covenant Health Schools’ LMS and for making
sure your behavior does not violate any copyright laws. If you violate copyright laws, then you
may be exposed to civil and criminal liability, including possible fines and jail time.
Privacy Policy:
Please see our privacy policy incorporated herein by reference.
Disclaimer of Warranties:
Covenant Health Schools and their affiliates, partners, and consultants, disclaim any and all
responsibility or liability for the content, completeness, accuracy, legality, reliability, or
availability of information or materials displayed on Covenant Health Schools’ LMS. You agree
the use of the Service and anything thing you download from Covenant Health Schools’ site is
at your sole risk, discretion, and responsibility. You will be wholly responsible for any damage to
your computer system that results from your use of the Service or the downloading of
information. Covenant Health Schools disclaim any and all responsibility and liability for the
conduct of any member. Covenant Health Schools will not be held liable for any interactions you
have with other individuals or organizations through the LMS. You agree that Covenant Health
Schools are not responsible for any damage or loss that occurs as a result of such interactions
and Covenant Health Schools have no obligation to become involved in any such disputes;
further, you release Covenant Health Schools from damages of any kind that arise from such
disputes. Covenant Health Schools offer all of the LMS services on an ―as is‖ basis, with no
warranties whatsoever. Covenant Health Schools expressly disclaim to the fullest extent
permitted by law all express, implied, and statutory warranties, including, without limitation, the
warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of
proprietary rights.
You agree, at your expense, to indemnify, defend and hold Covenant Health Schools harmless
from and against any loss, cost, damages, liability and/or expense arising out of or relating to (a)
third party claims, actions or allegations of infringement based on information, data or content
you submitted in connection with the service, (b) any fraud or manipulation, or other breach of
this agreement by you, or (c) third party claims, actions or allegations brought against Covenant
Health Schools arising out of your use of the service or software.
Limitation of Liability:
In no event, situation, or circumstance will Covenant Health Schools be liable to you or any third
party for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages arising or
resulting from your use of Covenant Health Schools’ LMS, whether or not Covenant Health
Schools have been advised of the possibility of such damages. This includes, but is not limited
to damages from uploaded or downloaded third-party content and damages from the
interruption or termination of Covenant Health Schools’ LMS services. Some jurisdictions do not
allow the limitation of exclusion of limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the
above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you. In no event, situation, or circumstance
will Covenant Health Schools be liable to you for an amount exceeding five hundred dollars
Covenant Health Schools’ LMS can refuse membership to anyone at its sole discretion. In
addition, Covenant Health Schools’ LMS can terminate the membership and delete any related
information of any member at any time for any reason. If Covenant Health Schools’ LMS
terminates your membership, then you can no longer use the Covenant Health Schools’ LMS
service or the services of any of its affiliates.
Other Terms:
This Terms of Service Agreement is governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Texas,
USA, and any disputes arising hereunder shall be submitted to state and federal courts in
Lubbock, TX and you agree to and consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts. If any
aspect of this agreement is deemed invalid, then the remaining provisions shall still be enforced.
You may not transfer this Agreement and any attempt to the contrary is void. Covenant Health
Schools’ LMS is not responsible for any delay or failure in performance resulting directly or
indirectly from causes beyond Covenant Health Schools’ reasonable control. Any
correspondence about this Agreement will be sent to you via the email that you provided during
International Use:
If you are not a resident of the United States of America, then you agree to follow all applicable
laws and local rules regarding the transmission of data from the United States or the country in
which you live.
We hope that you enjoy your use of Covenant Health Schools’ LMS. These Terms of Service
are necessary and allow us to offer this Service to you our valued user. Official
correspondence must be sent through postal mail to:
Covenant School of Nursing
C/O Learning Resource Center Coordinator
2002 W. Loop 289 Suite 120
Lubbock, TX 79410
This Terms of Service represents the complete, entire, and exclusive understanding and
agreement between you and Covenant Health schools of Nursing, Radiology, and Surgical
Technology. It supersedes all prior, written or oral, understandings or agreements.
Reference(s): Scholar 360 Service Agreement Sample Terms of Service Spring 2009, modified
to fit Covenant Health Schools and approved by corporate attorneys.
Implemented: October 2008
Reviewed: January 2010
Revised April 2012
Attendance Policy
Department: School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: CSON Faculty
Statement of Purpose:
Regular attendance and punctual arrival to clinical/theory settings is required for the student to
gain the skills and knowledge necessary to practice as a beginning nurse generalist. Students
who receive federal financial assistance for educational expenses should be aware of the
impact absences/tardies can have on such assistance. Students should read and become
familiar with the information regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress located in the Student
Policy Catalog. Students are strongly encouraged to guard against excessive
absences/tardiness to avoid potential loss or delay of part or all financial assistance payments.
General Guidelines
Three (3) absences are allowed without academic penalty in each Nursing course per
semester (includes theory and clinical).
One (1) absence is allowed without academic penalty in each non-nursing course
(Pathophysiology and Pharmacology) per semester. Absence of over one-half ( ) of the
scheduled theory time per calendar day equals one absence.
Three (3) tardies in any nursing or non-nursing course equals one (1) absence. Tardies will
be tallied in groups of three (3), so four (4) tardies will equal one (1) absence, seven (7)
tardies will equal two (2) absences, etc.
Each nursing and non-nursing course tracks attendance separately and no make-up is
provided for absences.
Excused absences are allowed for influenza (see Influenza Policy in the Student Policy
Catalog), funeral leave (see Definitions), and CSON convention attendance.
All courses will apply a three (3) point deduction from the final course grade for each
absence that exceeds the three (3) days.
Students are responsible for notifying the designated person per instructions in the course
syllabus if the student is absent.
Clinical Attendance
Clinical absences greater than 4 clinical experiences in a semester will result in failure of the
course and immediate dismissal from the program. Clinical absences would include absence
from assigned clinical experiences such as, but not limited to: skills lab, deliberate practice,
clinical competency exams, simulation, clinical preps, acute and community experiences,
pre and post clinical conferences.
Students will be counted tardy if they arrive within thirty minutes after the beginning of the
clinical experience.
Failure to arrive within thirty minutes after the experience begins results in an absence for
that clinical experience.
If the student arrives on time, but leaves the clinical experience over one (1) hour early it will
be counted as one-half (½) absence.
Any absence more than one half of the time scheduled for the experience, is considered a
full day absence.
If the student arrives on time, but leaves the clinical experience less than one (1) hour early
it will be counted as tardy.
Personal (including work) schedules are expected to be planned around the school
calendar, with the school calendar taking priority.
Theory Attendance
Absence from theory less than one (1) hour equals a tardy. Absence over one (1) hour, but
less than the full scheduled theory day equals one-half ( ) absence of that scheduled
Absence of over one-half ( ) of the scheduled theory time per calendar day equals one
Exam Attendance
Students must notify the Course Coordinator or Course Facilitator if they are going to be
absent for an exam.
Missed exams must be taken within three (3) days of return to school. Day of return to
school is marked by attendance to any scheduled school event during that calendar day.
Exams missed during excused absences will not be penalized.
Points will be deducted from all examinations (including standardized exams) that are not
taken as scheduled, whether early or late.
Penalty for early exam administration is five (5) points off the exam grade.
Penalty for late exam administration is as follows:
Exams taken on the first day of return will result in a five point deduction (5) from the
exam grade.
Exams taken on the second day of return will result in a ten point deduction (10) from the
exam grade.
Exams taken on the third day of return will result in a twenty point deduction (20) from
the exam grade.
After the third day of return to school, the student will not be allowed to take the exam
and will receive a zero.
If the student arrives after the start of an exam, the student will be admitted to the exam, will
receive a tardy and will not be allowed additional time for the exam.
Students may only reschedule two (2) examinations for all courses combined during each
semester. After that, any missed exam in any course during that semester will be given a
Make-up exams will be administered no later than 1500, Monday through Friday.
Funeral Leave: Funeral leave is granted for a maximum of three (3) days for death of
spouse, father, stepbrother, child, stepfather, sister, stepchild, grandparent, stepsister,
mother, grandchild, mother-in-law, stepmother, brother, father-in-law, daughter-in-law,
and son-in-law. Written documentation must be provided.
Leave of Absence: A leave of absence (LOA) is a temporary interruption in a student’s
nursing education and must be approved by the Admissions Committee. Examples
include maternity leave, unexpected health issues, family emergencies, etc.
Reference(s): Covenant Health Attendance Policy HR #151
Revised: 10/15/08, Revised: 06/2012, Revised: 06/2013
Reviewed: January 2010
Revised: July 2011
Revised: June 2013
Miscellaneous Attendance Requirements
Attendance and punctuality to class and clinical are required. The Attendance Policy is
distributed to students each semester. This statement, signed by each student indicating
understanding of the policy, specifies maximum absences, tardies and penalties allowed.
Failure to meet course requirements due to absences or tardiness will subject the student to
dismissal. Credit is not given for a course in which the student has excessive absences.
If a student has called in absent, it is expected that he/she would refrain from employment
activities, from working in the computer lab or from participating in other school-related activities
on that day. If they have done so, it is considered unprofessional conduct and will be a failure
for that class/clinical day regarding participation.
A pregnant student will be allowed to attend class and clinical practice at the discretion of the
faculty and attending physician. The Course Coordinator should be notified of a pregnancy as
soon as the pregnancy is confirmed.
Maternity Leave
The maternity leave request must be submitted in writing to the Dean and approved by the
Admission and Progression Committee. An interruption in a student's course of study that
conflicts with the school curriculum will fall under the Attendance Policy and may delay the
student's date of graduation.
Leave of Absence
A leave of absence may be granted for an emergency or attendance at a professional meeting.
An interruption in a student's course of study that conflicts with the school curriculum may delay
the student's date of graduation. The Leave of Absence request must be submitted in writing to
the Dean and approved by the Admission and Progression Committee.
Academic Misconduct
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
Covenant School of Nursing expects every member of its academic community to share the
historic and traditional commitment to honesty, integrity, and the pursuit of truth.
Academic Conduct related to the actions of students that are associated with the teaching-
learning environment. Academic misconduct may include, but not necessarily be limited to acts
such as cheating, plagiarism, copyright infringement, aiding and abetting, falsification and
forgery and Terms of Service violation.
Cheating: using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, study aids or
computer-related information to give one an unfair academic benefit. Examples include, but are
not limited to,
copying from another student's test paper;
using, buying, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or part the contents of an
exam, exam key, homework solution, or computer program;
any student who obtains information in any form from a student who has completed the
divulging the contents of an examination;
allowing another person to complete an exam or course related assignment;
falsifying research data, laboratory reports, and/or other academic work offered for
any actions taken to tamper with or change academic grades.
Plagiarism: using the literary composition of another’s writing, or the ideas of language of the
same, and presenting them as the product of one’s own mind. Examples include, but are not
limited to:
paraphrase or direct quotation without citing the author as a reference;
turning in another person’s work and using it as your own;
Falsification and forgery: to alter fraudulently especially for purposes of deception. Examples
include, but are not limited to,
Altering or assisting in changing data or any official record of CSON, CH or the
Submitting false information
Omitting requested information that is required for or related to any academic record of
the school. Academic records include, but are not limited to, applications for admission,
the awarding of a degree, grade reports, test papers, registration materials, grade
change forms, and reporting forms used by the Office of the Registrar.
Citation of nonexistent sources or creation of false information in an assignment
Signing another person’s name to a document(s)
Aiding and abetting: intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another student
commit an action of academic or nonacademic misconduct.
Any acts or suspicions of academic misconduct should be reported to an Instructor, Coordinator
and/ or Dean.
Any blatant academic misconduct observed by an instructor, coordinator and /or staff member is
subject to immediate disciplinary action.
An investigation may take place for suspicions or acts of academic misconduct to determine
disciplinary actions.
Should the investigation determine that an individual(s) did participate in the academic
misconduct, and depending on the severity of the misconduct, history of similar behavior, impact
on CSON and its students, disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal or expulsion, will be
taken against the offending student(s).
If a careful investigation determines a complaint is falsified, disciplinary action will be taken
against the individual who filed the complaint or gave false information.
CSON expressly forbids any form of retaliatory action against any individual for filing a
complaint in good faith, or assisting in a complaint investigation.
Implemented: January 2010
Student Academic Records
Access to students’ files is limited to the School of Nursing administration, staff, and faculty.
Additional requests for access to these records will be considered in accordance with the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
Change of Address/Telephone/Email
Students must have a telephone in order to be reached by the School of Nursing when
necessary. Each student is responsible for maintaining a correct, current address and telephone
number and e-mail within the student information system. Students have access to update this
information online anytime within their online account through the student information system.
Student Accounts
All accounts with the School of Nursing must be paid before graduation. Any materials due must
be returned to the Covenant Medical Library or paid before graduation.
Section 7: Non-Academic Policies
Cell Phone Usage
Copyright Violation
Critical Incidents
Discrimination / Harassment
Dress Code
Drug-Free School Zone
Internet Usage
Social Media
Weapon Possession
Cellular Telephone Use
School of Nursing Student Body
APPROVED BY: Faculty Organization
To provide guidelines for the use of personal cellular telephones for communication purposes
while in the classroom or clinical settings including the Simulation Center.
Cell phones that are internet-capable may be used in the classroom or clinical settings including
the Simulation Center for the purpose of retrieving course or patient-care related information.
Classroom Setting:
Cell phones will be kept on vibrate/silence at all times during class.
Because cell phone vibration on a desktop is disruptive, cell phones must be kept in
pockets and not on desks.
Bright screens are disruptive to others. Screens should be placed on dim lighting during
class time.
Texting/socializing is not allowed during class time. If texting/socializing occurs and is
disruptive to faculty or students, privileges of cellular phone usage of any kind will be
Answering cell phones during class is prohibited. If the student must leave class to
answer a phone call and is disruptive to the classroom setting, disciplinary action will be
Community Settings (Including the Simulation Center):
Cell phones can be kept in pockets only if set on vibrate/silence.
Cell phones can be used to access educational resources related to patient care in all
community settings.
Students are prohibited from taking photos, video or audio recordings in any real or
simulated patient care experiences.
Cell phones can only be used for texting/socializing in a break room or private area
during designated times.
While in the hospital, students and faculty must clean their hands (alcohol-based hand
cleaner or soap and water) after using their cell phone.
Cellular Telephone Use continued:
Cell phones cannot be used for texting/socializing in the following situations:
In real or simulated patient rooms
At the nurse’s station
Cell phones are not to be used for nonverbal transmission of patient information (no
In hallways
In any area of the community setting that does not allow for private conversations to
Abuse of cellular phone usage will result in disciplinary action up to and including
Reference(s): HR policy manual CH Cellular and Internet Use Policy
Implemented: July 2010
Revised: October 2012
Revised: December 2012
Effective: January 2013
Revised: June 2013
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
Covenant School of Nursing (CSON) is committed to assuring that confidential information is
handled in an appropriate manner, and according to established policies. Confidential
information includes but is not limited to school/student sensitive data, patient health
information, and computer passwords.
It is the responsibility of each student to hold strictly confidential all sensitive information
to which they have access. Each student is to read and sign the Confidentiality
Agreement upon admission and each semester.
Computers must be logged off when unattended.
Documents must be appropriately secured, covered and away from the view of others at
all times
Confidential information should only be discussed in private areas away from those who
do not have the need to know.
Students must not read or disclose to anyone, either directly or indirectly, information
obtained through student status regarding Covenant Health (CH) patients, physicians,
personnel, payroll, or related information except as required to perform a specific
Students are not allowed to make copies of permanent records containing confidential
information for use outside of the hospital.
Any infraction of this policy is cause for serious disciplinary action up to and including
dismissal or expulsion.
This confidentiality agreement is effective during student enrollment in Covenant School
of Nursing. The current students of Covenant School of Nursing and Covenant Health
―Hospital‖ shall be referred to herein as ―Student‖. In the course of clinical experiences,
student may have access to confidential, sensitive, or proprietary information relating to
the business of Covenant Health, its affiliated hospital and facilities, and patient
identifiable health information regarding patients. Student acknowledges that
unauthorized use or disclosure of such information is illegal and could cause Hospital to
sustain significant and irreparable damage.
Accordingly, the student understands and agrees:
1. That he/she shall not misuse, misappropriate, or disclose any such information,
directly or indirectly, to any person, or use such information in any way, either
during the course of his/her clinical experiences, except as required in the course
of his/her clinical experiences or by law at any time thereafter.
2. That he/she shall not permit access to any such information to any person except
as required in the course of his/her clinical experiences or as required by law.
3. To abide by all state and federal law relevant to the confidentiality of patient
identifiable health information including but not limited to the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
In the event of a breach by a student of any covenant contained in this agreement, the
student will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate dismissal or
expulsion. In addition, the hospital shall have the right to obtain an injunction against the
student’s improper use of the confidential information at the discretion of the hospital.
The covenants contained herein shall survive the termination of the relationship between
the hospital and student.
Reviewed October 2009
Revised: January 2010
Copyright Violation
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
Covenant School of Nursing abides by the laws of the United States and international laws
recognized by the government of the United States. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the
student body adheres to the laws governing copyright issues.
Students enrolled in the School of Nursing will comply with copyright and other laws pertaining
to protection of written and intellectual properties of third parties.
As a student of Covenant Health School of Nursing, students must not infringe the intellectual
property of others in any way. The unauthorized reproduction, distribution, modification, or
posting of copyrighted work is a violation of copyright law.
Students who violate copyright laws are subject to civil and criminal liability, including possible
fines and jail time, and are subject to disciplinary action measures from Covenant School of
(Guidelines currently under revision)
Reference(s): None
Implemented: January 2010
Critical Incidents
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
Covenant School of Nursing believes all students should be concerned with the safety of
patients and family members. Each student has the responsibility to assure safety within the
school and its communities. The purpose of this policy is to ensure students provide safe care to
patients and their families.
Critical Incident: any time a student demonstrates unsafe practices. Unsafe practices include
but are not limited to:
Failing to carry out requirements, including the nursing plan of care and established protocols
and procedures
Engaging in any activity that causes potential or actual emotional, physical and/or
psychological harm to a patient and/or visitors.
A major violation of aseptic technique, including standard precautions
Engaging in any activity judged to be unsafe for the student's level and clinical
Giving medications without a licensed nurse
At the time of a critical incident, the instructor will notify the student a critical incident has
occurred and the incident will be reviewed for disciplinary action. The student is not
allowed to be in school while an investigation is occurring.
The instructor will document the critical incident on a corrective action form.
An investigation will occur by a disciplinary action panel.
Upon investigation, the student will be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including
dismissal or expulsion.
The student will be notified of the findings of the review and the decision reached in a
timely manner.
Revised: January 2010
Discrimination / Harassment
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
To establish a policy for non-discrimination in the student environment; to define Covenant
School of Nursing’s (CSON) position on and to eliminate sexual harassment and other forms of
harassment in the school environment; It is the policy of Covenant School of Nursing (CSON), in
accordance with local, state and federal law, to provide equal student opportunity without regard
to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation, or
veteran status. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of enrollment, including but not
limited to, admission, progression, leave of absence, and graduation.
Sexual Harassment/misconduct: As defined in the EEOC guidelines, is any unwelcome sexual
advance; request for sexual favors; or any other verbal, written, or physical conduct of a sexual
or otherwise offensive nature where:
Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of
Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for
enrollment decisions affecting the individual; or,
Such conduct has the purpose and/or effect of unreasonably creating an intimidating,
hostile, or offensive learning environment.
Examples of harassing behavior, both sexual and other, constituting prohibited conduct
includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions;
Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, sexually related comments and joking, graphic or
degrading comments about a person’s physical appearance or body;
Uninvited and unwelcome physical contact or touching, such as patting, pinching,
brushing against another’s body, impeding, blocking, or other physical interference with
a person’s normal work or movement;
Verbal harassment regarding a person’s sex, age, race, color, national origin, religion,
sexual orientation, or disability, such as but not limited to epithets, slurs, derogatory
comments, negative stereotyping, gestures, jokes, or forms of address;
Threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to a person’s sex, age, race, color,
national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability;
Visual forms of harassment including written or graphic material that denigrates or
shows hostility or aversion toward a person or group because of sex, age, race, color,
national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability, such as derogatory posters,
sexually oriented cartoons, pictures, drawings, or the display of sexually suggestive
objects or pictures on the premises;
Undesirable student assignments due to a person’s sex, age, race, color, national origin,
religion, sexual orientation, or disability.
Any student who believes he or she has been treated in an unlawful discriminatory
manner in the learning environment has a duty to promptly report the matter to the
Instructor, Coordinator, and/or Dean. The Dean will communicate with the Human
Resource Director and request assistance as needed.
On receiving a complaint, the Instructor, Coordinator, and/or Dean will undertake an
investigation, which should be confidential to the extent reasonable and practical under
the circumstances. At certain points, a Human Resource Representative may assist with
an investigation.
Disciplinary Action
Should the investigation determine an individual(s) did participate in harassing or
inappropriate behavior, depending on the severity of the conduct, history of similar
behavior, impact on CSON and its students, disciplinary action up to and including
dismissal or expulsion, will be taken against the offending student(s).
Disciplinary action will be taken against administration, faculty and staff who know of, but
fail to address incidents of harassing or inappropriate behavior.
If a careful investigation determines a complaint is falsified, disciplinary action will be
taken against the individual who filed the complaint or gave false information.
Non-Retaliatory Action
CSON expressly forbids any form of retaliatory action against any individual for filing a
complaint in good faith, or assisting in a complaint investigation.
CSON further prohibits any form of retaliation against any employee or student for (i)
refusing to participate in an activity that would result in a violation of state or federal
law/regulation, or a violation or non-compliance with a state or federal law/regulation, or
(ii) having previously exercised his/her rights, as described herein, in their former
employment and or enrollment. If a student believes that he/she is being retaliated
against, he/she should report such conduct immediately to his/her Instructor,
Coordinator and/or Dean.
In addition, if he/she believes that he/she has been retaliated against for (i) refusing to
participate in an activity that would result in a violation of state or federal law/regulation,
or a violation or non-compliance with a state or federal law/regulation, or (ii) having
previously exercised his/her rights, as described herein, in their former enrollment,
he/she may contact the Texas Attorney General’s Office. In accordance with this policy,
CSON will take appropriate disciplinary action for any such retaliation, up to and
including dismissal or expulsion.
Reference(s): Covenant Health Human Resource policy #147 Discrimination & Harassment
(including sexual harassment)
Revised: January 2010
Revised: July 2011
Dress Code
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
Students are expected to be neat, clean and well groomed at all times. Students who fail to
comply with the dress code will be sent home from the campus or clinical setting and are
subject to disciplinary action.
Personal Appearance: Campus Attire
Class Attire and Grooming:
Head covering (cap, hat, hoodie, etc.) is allowed unless the view of others is obstructed
in the classroom
Hats are NOT allowed during examinations
Shirt / blouse MUST be two (2) finger width or greater on shoulder
Dress, skirt, shorts MUST not be shorter than 3‖ above the knee
Pants (capri, slacks, jeans) / sweats
Body and hair (including facial), and ALL clothing, MUST be neat, clean,
and well-groomed
Body art (tattoos) must be covered at the hospital, but not necessarily on campus
No aerobic attire
No spandex
No frayed seams (or cutoffs)
No night wear (pajamas, casual wear worn to bed, etc.)
Appropriate fit; no tight, distracting clothing
No visible under garments
No visible cleavage (front or back)
No visible skin of lower back or abdomen (midriffs, short shirts, low rise pants, etc.
allowing visibility)
No logos on clothing across buttocks
No slanderous, offensive, and/or unprofessional logos on clothing or body
Personal Appearance: Hospital Attire
Personal grooming and professional appearance are of prime importance in the hospital. Our
patients have the right to be cared for by persons who are the example of cleanliness, neatness,
and professional image and behavior. The student must maintain a professional appearance at
all times with a clean, neatly pressed uniform in good repair.
Male Guidelines:
Professional dress should include collared shirts, slacks, tailored khaki pants, and socks.
Denim, collarless T-shirts, leather pants, sweatpants, sweatshirts, cargo pants, tank tops, and
recreational clothing are not allowed.
Female Guidelines
Professional dress should include dresses, suits, skirts, blouses, and slacks. Dresses and skirts
must be at a conservative and acceptable length for business. Lengths of skirts or dresses
should not be shorter than three (3) inches above the knee. Slacks should be tailored and ankle
Capri pants are not allowed. Denim, sheer or clingy fabrics, spandex, leather pants, shorts,
tank tops, backless dresses, leggings, sweatpants, sweatshirts, collarless T-shirts, revealing
clothing, bare midriffs, and recreational attire are not allowed. Heavy beaded or sequined
clothing is not allowed.
Personal Appearance: Clinical
The student uniform is worn only when the student is in an assigned clinical area. Uniforms
must be clean and neatly pressed at all times and good state of repair. Students must not wear
the student uniform or scrub jacket with the school emblem when working for hire. The school
emblem must be sewn on the upper left sleeve of all uniform tops. Black, white navy or gray
short sleeve or long sleeve T-shirts may be worn under uniforms, as long as the T-shirt does not
show below the hem of the scrub top. The length of the pants worn in the clinical area may not
be longer than the bottom of the shoe heel.
Clinical shoes
In order to ensure the safety of students, shoes are to be worn at all times. Tennis shoes are
recommended. Shoes should be clean and well kept. Socks or hose must be worn with shoes.
Inpatient care areas, closed-toed shoes will be worn, and tennis shoes are recommended.
Crocs can be worn if they are white or match the color scrubs (navy) you are wearing. They
should not have holes across the top as this is dangerous should you have a needle drop or
body fluid spill.
Fingernails should be kept no longer than ¼‖ off the fingertip. Nails should be kept well groomed
and if polish is used, a subtle color should be chosen with no chips or nail art. Artificial nails,
fingernail overlays, gel nails or nail extenders are not permitted.
Body piercing ornaments should not be visible (i.e. nose rings, nose studs, tongue studs, tongue
or lip rings). For employee safety, it is recommended that nipple or navel rings not be worn while
on duty. Body art (tattoos) is to be covered at all times in clinical areas.
Women’s hair
Hair must be maintained in current, acceptable, neat styles. Hairstyles that have shock affect
are not acceptable. Styles will be business like in style and color. Hair, which is a length that
falls forward when bending over patients, should be pulled back and secured or worn up.
Scrunchies in white, black, or navy blue may be worn to pull hair back. No bright-colored or
ornate ornaments will be worn.
Men must be freshly shaven when reporting to class or clinicals. Beards and/or mustaches will
be allowed only if kept neatly trimmed at all times. Beards or goatees must be shaved in a
manner that will not interfere with the fit of the respirator (mask).
Scrub Jackets / Fleecewear
Students may wear navy scrub jackets or navy fleecewear jackets (no hoods) over their
uniforms in the hospital. They must be all navy and washable, must be washed after each
wearing, and display the CSON patch on the upper left sleeve. Jackets must be longer than the
uniform top over which they are worn.
I.D. Badges
Students are to wear their school identification badge at all times. The badge must be worn with
the photo facing outward and visible and must be worn on the upper part of the chest. Students
are not allowed to deface or attach anything to their badges that is not hospital related or
Due to the nature of some clinical areas (Psychiatric clinical areas), these guidelines may be
altered to promote student/ instructor safety. Alterations may also be necessary to meet
requests to host agencies/offices when students are doing community work in the Junior
301/Senior - 401courses.
No gum chewing, eating, or drinking is allowed outside the break rooms in clinical areas.
Reviewed: January 2010
Revised: Dec 2010
Revised: July 2011
Revised: March 2013 Implemented June 2013
Drug-Free School Zone
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
Covenant School of Nursing (CSON) is committed to provide a safe and healthy environment
and prohibits the use of or being under the influence of alcohol or any illegal substance at any of
CSON’s clinical sites, classroom setting, and/or community. CSON discourages the use of
drugs and the abuse of alcohol in the students' personal lives. CSON shall provide written
notice of its substance abuse and testing policy to all students. Any violation of this policy will
result in corrective action up to and including dismissal or expulsion.
No student may report to CSON's clinical sites, classroom settings and/or its
communities after consumption of alcoholic beverages or use of illegal drugs.
The possession, manufacture, use, sale, purchase or distribution of alcohol or illegal
drugs is prohibited in CSON's clinical sites, classroom settings and/or its communities.
Covenant School of Nursing students are subject to Pre-Enrollment, Pre-Employment, Random,
Post-Accident or Reasonable Cause Drug/Alcohol testing. Refusal to provide the sample, sign
the consent forms or accept treatment is grounds for denial of admission to CSON, dismissal or
Before an alcohol or illegal drug testing may be administered, current students will be provided
with a Briefing Sheet on Drug/Alcohol Testing and asked to sign a Drug/Alcohol Screen Consent
Form authorizing the test and permitting release of test results to CH personnel having a need
to know. The consent shall include an acknowledgment that the individual in question was
aware of the organization’s alcohol, illegal drug testing policy (forms provided by Employee
Health Office).
Students must report any conviction under a criminal drug statute for violations occurring on or
off CSON's premises. A report must be made within five (5) days after the conviction. The Board
of Nursing must be notified by the student by completing a declaratory order.
Pre-enrollment Testing
All candidates are required to pre-enrollment alcohol/drug testing. The sample will be collected
only with the consent of the candidate. When a candidate’s initial test results are positive and
have been confirmed by the GC/MS methodology, the candidate, Dean and Career’s Counselor
at CSON will be notified. The candidate will be denied admission to CSON for at least 2 years.
Covenant Health Pre-employment Testing
Any student who chooses to apply for a job at Covenant Health while enrolled as a student at
CSON is required to complete pre-employment alcohol/drug testing. The sample will be
collected only with the consent of the student. When a student’s initial test results are positive
and have been confirmed by the GS/MS methodology, the Student, Dean and Coordinator at
CSON will be notified. All positive results will be dealt with in the same manner as a positive
random drug screen in order for the student to continue enrollment at Covenant School of
Nursing. The student will not be employable by Covenant Health for 2 years after a positive pre-
employment drug screen.
Random Testing
All students are subject to random alcohol/drug testing. Any student may be selected for
random alcohol/drug testing one or more times within any given time frame. The sample will be
collected only with the consent of the student. When a student’s initial test results are positive
and have been confirmed by the GC/MS methodology, in order to avoid dismissal or expulsion
the student has the option to undergo treatment through Covenant Health’s Covenant
Assistance Program (CAP). Those who choose treatment will be suspended for three [3] days
pending determination of an appropriate treatment program. The student will be scheduled for
regular unannounced random testing. A second positive test (with any substance) will result in
immediate dismissal or expulsion. If a student chooses not to undergo treatment and follow
protocol, the student will immediately be dismissed or expelled from CSON.
Post-Accident Testing
Any student involved in a student-related accident that results in injury to that individual or
others, material damage to CH property greater than $100, or unwitnessed injury may be
required to undergo alcohol/drug testing (i.e., breath alcohol test, urine testing). If the accident
results in serious injury to the student and the usual testing process cannot be conducted, a
forensic blood test will be performed. In either event, a confirmed positive test for alcohol and/or
illegal drugs will result in immediate dismissal or expulsion.
Reasonable Cause Testing
Reasonable cause testing will be performed when it is suspected that a student is impaired by
alcohol or drugs at CSON's clinical sites, classroom settings and/or its communities Reasonable
cause testing will include both blood and/or urine tests. In the event of a positive result from
reasonable cause testing, the student will be subject to immediate dismissal or expulsion.
Circumstances which constitute a basis for determining ―reasonable cause/suspicion‖ may
include, but are not limited to:
a pattern of abnormal or erratic behavior;
information provided by reliable and credible sources;
a clinical-related accident;
direct observation of alcohol or drug abuse;
the presence of physical symptoms of alcohol or drug abuse
(e.g., alcohol breath, slurred speech, poor coordination and/or reflexes, glassy or blood-
shot eyes);
students who, due to the nature of their work, have access to controlled substances may
be tested following incidents of controlled substance medication charting errors,
tampered vials, or missing narcotics.
All information regarding a student’s alcohol/drug testing is confidential, and will only be made
available to those with a need to know. Test results may also be released to any
judicial or administrative proceeding. Positive test results will not be released to Human
Resources until they have been reviewed and confirmed by the Medical Review Officer.
Covenant Assistance Program
The Covenant Assistance Program (CAP) is available to provide information about and
assistance with obtaining treatment for any type of substance abuse which might adversely
affect the student’s health, safety, and/or academic progress.
Supervisory staff and/or instructors have the option to refer students, as appropriate, for
services as part of disciplinary action and/or dismissal or expulsion. In such cases it will be the
responsibility of the student to comply with the referral for diagnosis of their problem(s) and to
cooperate and follow the recommendations of the diagnostician and/or counseling agent.
Students will be held personally liable for all expenses incurred that are not covered by their
insurance policy. When a timely request for assistance is received, the individual may be eligible
for a leave of absence in accordance with existing CSON policies. In addition, the student must
agree to submit to random alcohol/drug testing for the remainder of enrollment. Non-compliance
with any of the treatment modalities or follow-up random testing will result in dismissal or
Self-identified substance abusers who voluntarily seek help through the CAP may do so without
reprisal or corrective action. However, this must be done prior to any selection, request or
requirement to submit to alcohol/drug testing. When a violation of this policy has already
occurred, a student’s request for assistance will not waive dismissal or expulsion.
Reference(s): Covenant Health Drug/Alcohol Testing Policy #146.
Revised April 1999
Revised October 2006
Revised June 2009
Revised Dec 2009
Revised: January 2010
Revised: Dec 2010
Internet Usage
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
Internet access is provided to students on the school campus and within its communities to
facilitate learning. This policy is designed to govern the use of the Internet by students during
current enrollment.
1. Network systems and services shall be used in ways consistent with overall hospital
policy and within the framework of Covenant School of Nursing values.
2. Network systems and services will be used for mission-related purposes, including the
carrying out of day to day educational demands of the student while in the school or at
any of its communities
3. Network systems and services shall not be used in a way that is disruptive to the
operation of the school or any of its communities or in a manner that is offensive to
4. The use of network systems for transmission of information disparaging to others based
on race, origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, or political causes, or
outside organizations, or personal gain (as in the use of ―chain letters‖) is prohibited. Use
of network systems in this manner shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including
immediate dismissal or expulsion.
5. Students shall adhere to confidentiality rules as established in the signed Confidentiality
6. Confidentiality of electronic communications services cannot be guaranteed. All
communications are assumed to be unsecured. Use the postcard rule: ―Don’t send
anything you wouldn’t put on a postcard.‖
7. Confidential information shall not be transmitted or forwarded to outside companies or
individuals not authorized to receive such information, nor to users anywhere who have
no reason to possess such information.
8. Healthcare information which identifies the patient, physician, student, or employee shall
not be transmitted via the Internet.
9. Students shall make no attempt to gain access to any e-mail messages not addressed to
them. Disciplinary processes related to privacy and confidentiality shall apply, up to and
including dismissal or expulsion.
10. Use of network systems is a privilege which may be revoked at any time for
inappropriate use or misconduct.
11. Monitoring will occur when there is evidence a user is involved in activities that are
prohibited by law, that violate hospital policies, that may jeopardize the integrity or
viability of the hospital's network systems, or that violate this policy.
12. The following guidelines apply to general Internet access:
a. Users may use the Internet for professional healthcare activities, school
activities, and career development. Users may use the Internet to connect to
resources that provide information relating to career and education activities, and
participate in reading electronic mail discussion groups on professional or
educational topics.
b. Users shall conform to the standards of conduct and specific rules of etiquette
when accessing the Internet. Users shall use their access to the Internet in a
responsible and informed way, conforming to network etiquette and courtesies.
Use of the Internet encompasses many different interconnected networks and
computer systems. Many of the systems are provided free of charge by
universities, public service organizations, and companies, and each system has
its own rules and limitations. Specific inappropriate conduct includes but is not
limited to:
1) Use of the Internet for unlawful activities;
2) Use of the Internet for commercial activities not
related to the organization;
3) Activities that interfere with the ability of other users
to effectively use the network;
4) Violations of computer system security;
5) Any communication which violates any applicable
laws and regulations;
6) Violation of copyright law.
c. Users may download files from the Internet if not otherwise prohibited. These
files must be scanned for a virus using an antivirus program provided by IS.
d. Covenant Health utilizes Surf Control software to facilitate the regulation of
Internet Usage. Surf Control is used to block websites that are designated
inappropriate based on the criteria set forth in this policy. Surf Control activity
reports are generated on a periodic basis and reported to the ISPC.
13. The following guidelines apply to using email:
a. No spamming or sending of bulk email.
b. File attachments sent via the Internet should be smaller than 5MB to comply with
size limitations on other systems (Exception for the School of Nursing includes
files sent to Scholar 360 recipients. Scholar 360 has a file size limitation of 3
c. The use of broadcast mail (sending the same note to groups of employees or
students) will be selectively used for compelling mission-related or business
reasons only.
14. The following guidelines apply to use of the Internet:
a. Internet sites providing sexually explicit content shall not be visited.
b. Be judicious when it is necessary to fill out an on-line form, i.e., to register to use
a specific web site.
c. Use of the World Wide Web should be limited to mission-related, educational or
business reasons and should not disrupt the learning environment.
d. Illegal copies of software shall not be obtained.
e. Licensed software shall not be distributed to others.
15. Suspected violations of this policy will be investigated and subject to disciplinary action
up to and including dismissal or expulsion.
Reference(s): Human Resources Policies & Procedures, Information Services Policies and
JC Standard: IM.02.01.01, IM.02.02.01, IM.02.02.03, IM.04.01.01
Comments: In collaboration with Management of Information Functional Subcommittee,
Information Systems, Executive Management Team, Chief Information Officer, Medical
Legal, Compliance
Implemented: January 2010
Social Media Policy
Relevant Target: Faculty and students of Covenant School of Nursing
Approved by:
Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
Covenant School of Nursing (CSON) believes in the importance of utilizing new technologies
that open communication and build community and brand awareness within the communities we
serve. CSON respects the right of students to use social media tools during their personal time.
Social media tools include, but are not limited to: personal web sites, podcasts, web logs
(―blogs‖), multi-media and social networking websites such as MySpace, Facebook, Yahoo,
YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, chat rooms, discussion boards and Wikis such as Wikipedia and
any other sites or medium where text, photographs, links and other information or
documentation can be posted or exchanged.
The guidelines are threefold: (1) to explain CSON general guidelines regarding social media
usage; (2) to define the appropriate usage of CSON-authorized internal social media tools that
are intended to be used as school related resources and hosted by CSON or accessed through
the Internet; (3) and to define the appropriate external usage of social media tools for students
1.1 In General
Only those officially designated by CSON are authorized to speak on behalf of the
school. If a member of the media contacts you regarding any postings or matters related to
CSON, you must immediately refer the media to the Dean and refrain from making any ―official‖
statement on behalf of CSON unless you are expressly authorized to do so.
When you are providing your personal opinion or insight about CSON or Covenant
Health (CH) on a blog, discussion board or other online collaboration, always write in the first
person. You must make clear that you are speaking for yourself not on behalf of CSON or CH.
If any blog or posting you make references to CSON or CH, you must make a specific
disclaimer that clearly states the views expressed are personal and do not reflect the views of
Personal use of social media tools must not interfere with school responsibilities such as
those in the skills lab, classroom, off campus at clinical sites or any CSON student organization
Postings, such as Facebook updates, regarding your personal life, or similar blog
postings during clinical times are prohibited.
CSON reserves the right to monitor all online activity, prohibit, restrict, filter, block,
suspend, terminate, delete or discontinue your access to any social media site from school
computers, at any time, without notice, for any reason.
You are prohibited from impersonating any person or entity affiliated with CSON in any
social media or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with any CSON entity.
1.2 Privacy, Confidentiality, and Privileged Information
Students are prohibited from taking photos, video or audio recordings all clinical settings
including the Simulation Center.
Any type of information which identifies a client in an actual or simulated setting, in any
manner that could be linked to a client, his or her identity and/or client care is strictly prohibited
from being posted or distributed through any social medium at any time.
Any audio or video recording of course content must be approved in advance of the
class by the instructor.
Where applicable, the student is required to honor all CSON contractual requirements
requiring confidentiality and non-disclosure.
1.3 Copyrights, Trademarks, and Fair Use
Student postings shall respect copyright, trademark and fair use laws.
1.4 Applicability of Covenant School of Nursing Learning Management System
Communication Guidelines
All postings or contributions of any kind must be professional and respectful in nature
and consistent with CSON Standards of Conduct. Defamation is strictly prohibited.
Students are expected to comply with CSON’s discrimination, harassment, and
retaliation policies and refrain from making any postings that include derogatory comments or
slurs, personal insults, obscenities, or comments that are or could be reasonably perceived as
discriminatory, harassing, retaliatory, or otherwise in violation of any CSON policies.
All postings concerning CSON and clinical sites must comply with the Confidentiality
All postings concerning CSON or any of its’ clinical sites must comply with any policies
relating to the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules, internet usage and electronic communication.
CSON reserves the right to remove or request the removal of any content that does not meet
the Standards of Conduct or other CSON policies.
Posting of an instructor’s lecture materials in any format is prohibited. Distribution of any
lecture recordings via social media for the purposes of public listening or viewing is prohibited.
1.5 Personal Liability
Blogs, discussion boards, and other forms of social media are individual interactions and
students are personally responsible and legally liable for the information they post.
Students can be sued by any individual or entity that view your postings (whether they
consist of images or commentary) as defamatory, obscene, proprietary, or harassing, or as
constituting an invasion of privacy, hostile school environment, or violation of any applicable
laws, regulations or ordinances.
Any violation of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action, up to and including
dismissal or expulsion from CSON.
These social media guidelines shall not be interpreted to interfere or restrict in any way
the student’s free speech or any whistleblower protections under applicable laws.
Students will be required to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless CSON and its
affiliated entities, and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, successors,
and assigns from and against any losses, claims, damages, settlements, costs, and liabilities of
any nature, whatsoever (including, without limitation, attorney’s fees, costs, and penalties)
arising out of, related to, as a result of or in any way connected with your posting of any content
to any social media site.
Miller, L. (2011). Social Media: Friend and Foe. The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 25(4). 307-
Prinz, A. (2011). Professional Social Networking for Nurses. American Nurse Today, 6(7), 30-32.
Skiba, D. J. (2011). Nursing Education 2.0: The Need for Social Media Policies for Schools of Nursing.
Nursing Education Perspectives, 32(2), 126-127. doi:10.5480/1536-5026-32.2126
Implemented: March 2012
Revised: October 2012
Effective: January 2013
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
To create, promote, and maintain a safe, healthy and productive Learning environment where
people are valued as individuals and treated with respect and dignity in accordance with the
values, philosophy and mission of Covenant Health (CH).
Violence is defined as behaviors that intrude into the learning environment and could result in
physical or emotional harm, damage to personal or Covenant Health (CH) property, or
significant loss of productivity. These behaviors include but are not limited to:
Threatening behaviors
verbal threats;
physical intimidation;
unwelcome, persistent pursuit; and/or
stalking, with or without a personal relationship.
Physical assault
striking; and/or
other physically aggressive behavior.
Extreme or persistent verbal abuse
personally demeaning statements; and/or
verbal intimidation.
Property damage
product tampering;
sabotage; and/or
computer hacking.
Personal or domestic disputes
physical assault or persistent threats of bodily harm;
damage to personal or CH property
repeated or threatening phone calls, texts or emails.
If a student witnesses and/or experiences any behavior(s) as defined above, or has a
related complaint, that student should act quickly to have the behavior stopped.
If a student is afraid of confronting the person(s), or if efforts to stop inappropriate
behaviors were unsuccessful, the student should promptly report the matter to an
Instructor, Coordinator, and /or Dean.
If the incidence occurs on any CH property other than the school, a Security Officer,
House Supervisor, or Human Resources (HR) representative should be notified.
Students should NOT attempt to intervene in a potentially dangerous situation, but notify
the nearest authority figure or call 911.
If faculty / staff are not readily available and the student believes an immediate threat is
present, the student should notify 911.
If the complaint involves harassment directed at a student because of the student’s sex,
age, race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability, the complaint
must be reported promptly and directly to a faculty / staff member.
On receiving a complaint, Instructor, Coordinator, and/or Dean and will undertake an
investigation, which should be confidential to the extent reasonable and practical under
the circumstances. At certain points, a Human Resource Representative may assist
with an investigation.
Disciplinary Action
Should the investigation determine that an individual(s) did participate in the learning
environment violence, and depending on the severity of the conduct, history of similar
behavior, impact on CSON and its students, disciplinary action, up to and including
dismissal or expulsion, will be taken against the offending student(s).
Similar disciplinary action will be taken against administration, faculty and staff who
know of, but fail to address incidents of learning environment violence as defined.
If a careful investigation determines a complaint is falsified, disciplinary action will be
taken against the individual who filed the complaint or gave false information.
Non-Retaliatory Action
CSON expressly forbids any form of retaliatory action against any individual for filing a
complaint in good faith, or assisting in a complaint investigation.
Reference(s): (HR#148 Violence-Free 01/27/09)
Revised: January 2010
Revised: July 2011
Weapon Possession
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
To assure the welfare and safety of Covenant Health patients, employees, students and visitors,
it is the policy that no firearms or dangerous weapons be allowed on the school campus or its
Weapon is defined as any firearm, knife or device that could cause bodily harm or injury. The
following are examples of weapons as stated by law:
Any concealed weapon. (Firearm)
Metal Knuckles.
Dirk or Dagger, concealed under clothing. (Fixed blade knives.)
Tear Gas Weapons. (Unless Law Enforcement and/or Peace Officer.) Civilians must be
licensed by state authority and have their license in their possession.
Knives that are spring-loaded, gravity opened.
Knives that have a blade in exces
individual’s clothing.
Any shot loaded (lead filled) billy or club.
Explosive devices including, but not limited to, ammunition, firecrackers, dynamite or
other explosive material, are expressly prohibited on CH property.
Any instrument which, when used as a weapon, may cause death or serious bodily
1. Weapons are never permitted on Covenant School of Nursing property by non-authorized
personnel. Any person seen in possession of or is suspected of carrying a weapon should
be reported immediately to the administrative staff or the nearest instructor.
2. Administration shall immediately call the Police Department, hospital security and the
Director of Nursing or hospital administrator-on-call if someone is seen in possession of or
is suspected of carrying a weapon.
3. Students, visitors, or employees in possession of a weapon who are not Law Enforcement
Officers, Peace Officers, or Military Police will be asked by the Police Department to
surrender the weapon. Covenant School of Nursing will not ask the subject to
surrender the weapon.
4. Only on duty authorized Law Enforcement Officers, Peace Officers, and Military Police may
carry weapons within Covenant School of Nursing campus and they must carry their
identification badge with them while carrying the weapon. Upon entering the building,
persons authorized to carry weapons must report to the administrative office, identify
themselves and weapons being carried.
5. Students who are authorized Law Enforcement Officers, Peace Officers, and Military Police
may not carry weapons while on Covenant School of Nursing campus or its communities in
the student role.
6. The Police Department will accept any such weapon and will proceed to make proper
disposition and reports as prescribed by law. Appropriate security administrative form(s) will
be filed by Covenant School of Nursing administrative staff.
7. Any student may be dismissed or expelled without notice if found to be in
possession of a firearm, explosive or any other weapon on Covenant School of
Nursing property or its communities.
Reference(s): HR policy manual
Revised: January 2010
Revised: July 2011
Section 8: Grievance Process
Academic Misconduct Algorithm
Non-Academic Misconduct Algorithm
Disciplinary Action Algorithm
Contested Issues
Grievance Process
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Contested Issues
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
Occasionally, an academic or personal issue may occur that requires immediate attention for
A student(s) may confidentially contest by the following procedure:
The dissatisfied party will meet and discuss the situation with the faculty involved within
three school days of the occurrence.
If the dissatisfied party involves more than two persons, two representatives will be
selected by the dissatisfied group to represent them at this meeting.
If no satisfactory resolution is attained from that meeting, the student will have three
school days to take it to the appropriate Course Coordinator with written documentation.
From this meeting, a course of action will be agreed upon in writing by all persons
The Coordinator will be responsible for the written documentation of the action.
If no satisfactory resolution is attained at the Coordinator level, the student(s) may
schedule a meeting with the Dean of Covenant School of Nursing within three (3) school
days to request a review of the contested issue.
Revised: January 2010
Grievance Process
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
Covenant School of Nursing expects every member of its academic community to share the
historic and traditional commitment to honesty, integrity, and the pursuit of truth. Students have
a right to a fair hearing to formally resolve a contested issue.
Grievance: any act perceived as prejudicial or discriminatory against a student.
Investigation: systematically examine a situation with supporting documentation,
witnesses, and sequence of events.
The Grievance Panel shall be composed of the following voting persons:
Volunteers who agree to serve in the Grievance Panel pool
A total of four faculty members will be drawn randomly from the volunteer pool
One alternate faculty member (no voting privileges)
Student(s) will be allowed to replace one faculty member through a random draw.
The Dean (only votes in the event of a tie)
Two of the elected Student Representatives from the Freshman/Sophomore class and
two of the elected Student Representatives from the Junior/Senior class, all chosen at
random (Pool of 12-16 students).
One alternate student (no voting privileges)
Student(s) will be allowed to replace one student through a random draw.
All persons in attendance during the grievance process will sign a confidentiality agreement.
Neither faculty nor student involved in the grievance issue will be allowed to participate in
deliberations or serve on the grievance panel.
Any faculty member or student who feels they cannot participate objectively is expected to
dismiss themselves from the panel at any given time.
In the event a panel member decides to dismiss themselves after the process has started, the
alternate will take the place of the dismissed person and take on voting privileges.
The panel will be chaired by the Coordinator of Student Activities or such other faculty member
as may be designated by the Dean.
The chairperson will draw the name of a faculty member, from the pool of faculty volunteers, to
be in charge of recording minutes with no voting privileges.
Prior to the hearing, the student must provide the Dean a copy of the original documentation of
the issue and documentation of subsequent meetings and actions which have been taken in an
effort to resolve the issue. These documents will be distributed to the Grievance panel at the
time of the hearing and all but the original will be destroyed afterwards.
The student(s) and faculty member(s) shall be given opportunity to present evidence and
witnesses that are relevant to the issue at hand. However, neither students nor faculty may
have legal representation or other parties present at the hearing who were not actual witnesses
to the matter in question.
Minutes will be approved by the panel once the process is completed.
Official records, including complete minutes, and individual cases, a taped verbatim record,
shall be kept on file. These sealed minutes, will be signed by one faculty member and one
student member of the panel.
The recommendations of the panel for resolving the issue shall be presented to the Dean at the
close of the hearing. The grievant will be informed of the decision of the panel at the close of the
The Dean will apprise the student(s) in writing of the final decision in the matter within three
school days.
The decision of the Panel is final and will end the grievance hearing process.
Revised: January 2010
Revised: July 2011
Section 9: Tuition/Financial Aid
Financial Aid Policy
Financial Aid Application
Priority Deadline
Entrance Counseling
Loan Application
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Financial Aid Disbursement
Return of Title IV Funds
Requirements for VA Educational Benefits
Payment Options
Nonrefundable fees
CSON Refund Policy/Schedule
Financial Aid Student Rights and Responsibilities
Financial Aid Policy
The objective of the student financial aid program at Covenant School of Nursing & Allied
Health (CSON) is to provide assistance to students who, without such assistance, would not be
able to pursue higher education. Financial assistance at CSON includes Federal Pell Grant,
Federal Supplemental Educational Grant (FSEOG), William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan
(subsidized and unsubsidized), William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan for Parents (PLUS) for
dependent students, and limited scholarships. Assistance is awarded on the basis of
documented financial need to eligible students who are making satisfactory academic progress
toward a diploma. Need is defined as the difference between the anticipated Cost of Attendance
(COA) at CSON and the Estimated Family Contribution decided by the Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). No student or prospective student shall be excluded from
participation in or denied the benefits of any financial aid program at CSON on the grounds of
race, color, national origin, religion, or sex. Awards from financial aid programs funded by the
federal government are administered according to the laws and guidelines governing those
Financial Aid Application
Students seeking financial aid must apply for financial assistance each academic year by
submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) appropriate for that academic
school year to the Financial Aid Office (FAO). The first year of enrollment, students must submit
the Student Data Form and completion certificate of the Entrance Counseling if applying for
William D. Ford Federal Direct Student Loan Program Master Promissory Note (MPN) The
FAO automatically packages student loans; however, students who wish to receive a Federal
Direct Student Loan must complete entrance loan counseling and the MPN process that is
available at their first semester at CSON. They will then need to
accept or reduce their awarded loan amounts on their CSON Award Letter. Students who wish
to receive a Federal PLUS loan, must submit a PLUS request online at
Priority Deadline
The priority deadline is important. In order for the CSON Financial Aid Office to complete the
processing of your financial aid request by the first class day, all required application forms and
other requested student and/or parent documentation must be accurately completed and
received by the Financial Aid Office on, or before the priority deadline date posted on our
website: Applications received after the priority deadline may
result in students having to be prepared to meet initial costs (i.e., tuition, living expenses)
from their own resources until their financial aid application has been processed.
Entrance Counseling
Borrowers must complete entrance loan counseling prior to the first disbursement of their
loan. Entrance counseling is completed at the beginning of the student’s career at CSON
and is good through the completion of the program. Rights and responsibilities are
addressed. Students will be directed to complete this federal requirement at
Loan Application
To receive a Direct Student Loan, a student must complete an annual basis called Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the Student Data Form, complete Entrance
Counseling and the Master Promissory Note (at the beginning of their career at CSON)
available at, and any additional paperwork requested by the FAO.
Students must accept and/or reduce their loans via the on-line access feature that is
available thru CSON Empower Webpage ( Loans will not be
awarded until the student has completed all necessary paperwork in the FAO.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Federal regulations require that students maintain reasonable academic progress and good
standing in order to be eligible for financial aid. Initially all eligible students enrolling at
COVENANT SCHOOL OF NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH for the first time will be awarded
financial aid for the first payment period. All recipients must meet the conditions stated below
in order to be eligible to continue receiving financial assistance.
Financial aid recipients are required to be in good standing and passing all components of
the program with at least a 75 GPA (R.N.), 82 GPA (Radiology), and 75 GPA (Surgical Tech)
at the time financial aid is disbursed. Each student's status will be monitored at the time of
disbursement as well as at the end of each semester to ensure compliance with the SAP
Students who do not achieve a grade point average of 75 (R.N.), 82 (Radiology), and 75
(Surgical Tech) as stated above are on financial aid probation until the end of a 30-day period,
or upon successful completion of the course or rotation in which the probation occurred.
Financial Aid awards for students who are on financial aid probation are retroactive for the
probationary period if a passing grade {75 GPA R.N., 80 GPA Radiology, 75 GPA Surgical
Tech) is achieved by the end of the course in all coursework which has not been previously
attempted. All students who are repeating coursework will be placed on financial aid
suspension while repeating that coursework and financial aid awards are not retroactive for
those periods in which coursework is successfully repeated. Financial aid eligibility will be
reinstated for the semester following the successful completion of a semester in which
coursework was repeated.
Students are expected to complete their program within 150% of the normal time required
of any graduate. In other words, since it takes two years to complete a COVENANT
SCHOOL OF NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH programs {nursing, radiology, or surgi-tech),
students must complete all coursework within 1-3 years.
standing" includes the student's attendance, personal appearance, and behavior. Students
who are absent more than 10% of the scheduled clock hours and who do not follow the
policies stated in the School Policy Catalog will not be considered to be in good standing
and making progress toward his/her diploma. A student whose actions do not demonstrate
willingness to comply with the stated policies may be placed on financial aid probation or
suspension. Financial aid probation or suspension will be removed after the student's
standing is reevaluated and it is determined that the student has demonstrated compliance
with the stated policies. If it is determined at that time that the student is still not in compliance
with the stated policies, financial aid will be suspended until the situation is resolved.
Students who are denied financial aid based on failure to meet COVENANT SCHOOL OF
NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH's reasonable academic progress and good standing policy
may appeal in writing to the Financial Aid Office for consideration. Appeals may be made for
mitigating circumstances such as a hardship based on the death of a student's relative,
personal injury, illness of the student, or special circumstances as determined by COVENANT
SCHOOL OF NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH. Documentation (i.e., death certificate,
medical reports, police reports, instructor recommendations, etc.) will be required and must be
attached at the time the appeal is submitted.
Financial Aid / Scholarships
Financial assistance offered through the School of Nursing is in various forms of grants, loans,
tuition assistance, and scholarships. Awards to eligible students are based on documented
financial need and other qualifications required by the donors of the scholarship funds. The
school participates in the following Title IV federal assistance programs: Federal Pell Grant,
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), William D. Ford Federal Direct
Loan (subsidized and unsubsidized), and for dependent Undergraduate Students William D.
Ford Federal Direct Loan for Parents (PLUS). Qualifications for each program may differ slightly,
but the general requirements for financial assistance at the school are that the student must be
in good academic standing, making satisfactory progress toward his/her diploma, (the
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy is posted on the Financial Aid bulletin board) be
registered with Selective Service (if required), not owe a refund on a Federal grant or be in
default on a Federal Educational Loan received for attendance at any institution, be a citizen or
eligible noncitizen, and have financial need. To apply for financial aid, request application forms
from the School of Nursing Financial Aid Office and complete the FAFSA via the web at
Financial Aid Disbursement
A financial aid academic year at CSON is based on clock hours rather than semester hours. A
clock-hour academic year at the School of Nursing is defined as 900 clock hours of instruction
and is divided into two clock-hour payment periods. Students must successfully complete all
clock-hours in each payment period before receiving assistance for the next payment period.
Excessive absences may delay or cause financial aid payments to be cancelled. Federal
financial aid will be automatically deposited into the Student’s account. After tuition and fees
are taken out of funds, a refund will be disbursed in the form of a check, payable to the student.
Checks will be released to the student once the Business Office has them in hand.
Return of Student Financial Aid (SFA) Program Funds
All students who withdraw from school must contact the Financial Aid Office for clearance at the
time of withdrawal. For students who receive SFA program funds the law dictates a specific pro-
rata formula to determine the dollar amount of the SFA program assistance the student earned
for that payment period at the point of withdrawal. When you (or CSON on your behalf) receive
more assistance than you earned, the excess funds must be returned. The student MUST PAY
ANY TUITION BALANCE CREATED because CSON is required to return all or a portion of the
student’s unearned SFA program funds. The law states that STUDENTS MUST ATTEND
EARNED 100% OF THEIR SFA PROGRAM ASSISTANCE. All unearned SFA program funds
will be distributed as prescribed by the law. Students will have 45 days to repay or make
satisfactory repayment arrangements with the Business Office Coordinator to repay the portion
of financial assistance that they are responsible for repaying. Specific examples of the
applicable refund policy are available in the Financial Aid Office.
Revised: April 2012
Requirements for VA Educational Benefits
Requesting VA Benefits while at Covenant School of Nursing:
Submit the following information during the admission process to the Business Coordinator
regarding your Veteran’s Education Benefits.
1. DD214 (member 4)
2. Military Transcripts
3. Educational entitlement printout from eBenefits
Here are the websites to obtain your military transcripts:
Army (AARTS transcript):
Navy & Marine Corps (SMART Transcript):
Air Force (CCAF Transcript):
Coast Guard (CGI Transcript): (Transcripts requested can be found
under LINKS)
The Ace Military Guide (Guide to Evaluation of Education Experiences in the Armed Services) is
on the web at
For any questions regarding VA benefits accepted at Covenant School of Nursing please
contact the Business Office Coordinator at 806-725-8901.
Payment Options
Tuition and fees are due, and must be paid, at the beginning of the applicable enrollment
period. Students who are not eligible for financial assistance (Federal, WIA, TRC) and who
are unable to meet the tuition and fee charges must use the payment schedule located on their
Tuition and Fees Schedule and/or Promissory Note.
Tuition and fees for all students using the payment schedule are due on the date
designated in their Tuition and Fees Schedule and /or Promissory Note. If the initial
tuition/fee payment is not received by the 15
day of class, the student is subject
to dismissal.
All financial aid will be posted to the students account and a refund check will requested
for any overage. Students that did not meet the financial aid deadline will be required to
make the initial tuition/fee payment by the 15
day of class and will be required to follow
the remaining tuition/fee payment schedule until financial aid is posted. If the tuition
/fee payment is not received by the 15
day of class, the student is subject to
Payment should be made in the Business Office at Covenant School of Nursing. In the
event of nonpayment of debts owed to CSON, one or more of the following actions may be
involuntary withdrawal of the student
withholding the diploma to which the student would otherwise be entitled
withholding the student's transcript
Along with Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express, personal checks, debit cards,
money orders, and cashier’s checks are accepted in payment of tuition. Any such check
that is returned unpaid by the bank on which it is drawn will be viewed by CSON as
nonpayment of debts owed to CSON. Any student notified of a returned check must
remedy the situation within 10 business days.
All tuition and fees must be paid in full before students will be allowed to advance to
the next semester, and all applicable tuition and fees for the senior year must be paid
in full before graduation.
Tuition/Nonrefundable fees
The following description of fees and miscellaneous expenses is subject to change without
Technology Fee $60.00 to be paid in the first semester for computer lab supplies and
copier supplies.
ATI Materials Fee approximately $588.00 to be paid throughout the program subject to
change. ATI is a licensing exam preparation program.
Graduation Fee $50.00 to defray the fixed cost of graduation.
FBI Fingerprinting $44.20 paid to L-1 Identity Solutions for an FBI background check
TBON Application Fee $139.00 - Texas Board of Nursing Examiners application to test
paid 3 months prior to graduation.
NCLEX $200.00 NCLEX application fee to take boards paid to Pearson/Vu.
1 month prior to graduation.
Books and Uniforms The student will be required to purchase the approved books and
approved uniforms at their own expense. (Approximately $1,500.00 paid over the four
Uniform Accessories Cost of watch, shoes, stethoscope, etc. is determined by personal
selection but must meet CSON dress code.
Computer/Printer Required for course work..
Transcript Fees Official transcripts are $3.00 each; Unofficial transcripts are $2.00 each.
Students may request transcripts from the Business Office. Academic transcripts
furnished from other institutions are part of the student's permanent file and copies will
not be made available by CSON.
ID Badge Replacement A $10.00 replacement charge will be required for a lost or stolen
A total of 10,028 is required in tuition payments for the entire 4 semester program.
Additional Tuition
Students who withdraw from CSON for any reason (personal/academic) and are readmitted to
CSON, will be charged the tuition listed above for any course for which they must repeat.
Miscellaneous Expenses:
CPR Course: Must take Health Care Provider course by American Heart Association prior to
entering CSON.
Uniform Accessories: Cost of watches, shoes, stethoscope, etc. is determined by personal
Student Refund Policy:
Students who officially withdraw voluntarily or at CSON's request must complete the official
withdrawal procedure. Students may be eligible to receive a refund of tuition. CSON
retains 5% of the applicable tuition for an administrative fee or $100.00. The amount of any
refund depends upon when the student withdraws; however, students are required to pay a
percentage of the total bill for the period of enrollment. The amount of refund due a student will
be the amount paid in excess of the percentage amount due. If the student has paid less than
the percentage due, the student will be required to pay CSON the balance of that amount. Past
due balances will be referred to credit bureaus. Unpaid account balances are subject to
collection costs and attorney fees at student's expense.
CSON Refund Schedule
Student withdraws after
Refund Due:
CSON Retains
Prior to first class day
Up to 10%
11 to 15%
16 to 20%
21 to 25%
Financial Aid Student Rights and Responsibilities
Student Rights and Responsibilities/You Have the Right to Know:
What financial aid programs are available
The deadline for submitting applications for each of the programs.
How financial aid will be disbursed.
How your financial aid was determined.
What resources were considered in the calculation of your financial need
How much of your financial need has been met.
The details of the various programs in your student aid package.
The School of Nursing's refund policy and the Department of Education's Return of Title IV
funds requirements.
What portion of the financial aid you receive must be repaid, and what portion is grant aid. If
the aid is a loan, you have the right to know the interest rate, the total amount that
must be repaid, and know when the payment is to begin.
How the School of Nursing determines if you are making satisfactory progress, and what
happens if you are not.
In Accepting Your Responsibilities You Must:
Complete all application forms accurately and submit them on time to the proper place.
Provide correct information. In most instances, misreporting information on financial aid
application forms is a violation of law and may be considered a criminal offense
which could result in indictment under the U.S. Criminal Code.
Return all additional documentation, verification, corrections, and/or new information
requested by either the Financial Aid Office or the agency to which you submitted
your application.
Be responsible for reading and understanding all forms that you are asked to sign, and
for keeping copies of them.
Live up to the agreement that you sign.
Be aware of and comply with deadlines for application or reapplication for aid.
Be aware of the School of Nursing refund procedures
Report changes in name, address, and telephone number to the proper office(s).
Section 10: Safety Policies
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Codes
Fire Escape Route
Inclement Weather
Risk of Occupational Exposure to HIV-HBV
Safety Management
Emergency Preparedness
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
The following process is designed to guide the handling of emergency situations during a
All faculty and students
Carry their ID badge at all times.
Present their ID badge for admission when called to the hospital.
Wear ID badge and uniform.
Since the School of Nursing is housed outside of the hospital building, in a disaster involving the
hospital during or after working hours, faculty and students will report directly to Nursing Service
for assignments when they are advised to do so following the regular call-back procedure.
Disaster Levels
If an internal disaster occurs during a normal working day, employees and students will
remain in their designated areas until notified by the Dean/Coordinator/instructor to repot
to Nursing Service for assignment.
If an external disaster occurs during a normal working day, employees and students
will remain in their designated areas until notified by the Dean/Coordinator/instructor to
report to Nursing Service for assignment.
Internal or external disaster occurs prior to or after the normal working day, employees
and students remain at home and wait for the call-back program to be initiated.
If the problem occurs on the School of Nursing premises:
During the working hours
Notify the hospital switchboard
Move employees and students to a safe place
After working hours
The fire alarm system alerts the hospital switchboard of fire in the School
of Nursing building
Call-back Procedure
After regular school hours, the Dean will be notified of the disaster situation. The Dean will
contact coordinators. The Dean and coordinators will report to the hospital Nursing Service
Department and will contact additional employees and students as needed.
Revised: July 1985, April 1999
Revised: October 2006
Revised: December 2009
Revised: January 2010
Emergency Codes
It is the policy of Covenant School of Nursing (CSON) to provide a safe and secure environment
for our students, visitors, and employees. Following is a list of emergency codes used by CH
and designed for the CSON campus.
Code Name
Type of Code
Additional Details
Code Black
Bomb Threat
Code Blue
Respiratory / Cardiac
Code Brown
Inclement Weather
Stage 1 Tornado or severe
thunderstorm watch
Stage 2 Tornado or severe
thunderstorm warning
Stage 3 Tornado or severe
thunderstorm imminent
Code Grey
Hostage Situation
Code Orange
Violent Situation
Code Red
R Rescue
A Alarm
C Confine / Contain
E - Evacuate
Code Silver
Active Shooter
Run Hide Fight
Reference(s): Covenant Health System's Environment of Care Policy # 4001 found in the
Executive Conference Room for detailed policy regarding each code.
Written May 23, 2007
Revised: June 2009
Revised: July 2012
Revised: June 2013
Code Black (Bomb Threat)
Department: CSON
Approved by: CSON Faculty and Staff
Statement of Purpose:
It is the policy of Covenant School of Nursing to provide a safe and secure environment for
students, visitors, faculty and staff. In the event of a bomb threat within the facilities or areas,
this policy seeks to provide guidance for effective response.
Performed by: All CSON Faculty and Staff
Guidelines and defining framework:
Code black is activated alerting staff of the possibility of a bomb or explosive device
within the facility. This is a Police issue. The Lubbock Police will be notified via 911 and
will need the assistance of staff that are familiar with the area to help screen the
threatened area. Bomb threats are usually transmitted in one of two ways: written or
orally through a telephone call.
Written bomb threat: while written messages are usually associated with generalized
threats and extortion attempts, a written warning of a specific device may occasionally
be received. It should never be ignored.
Telephone bomb threat: there are only two reasonable explanations for a call reporting
that a bomb is to go off in a particular location. They are:
o The caller has definite knowledge or believes that an explosive incendiary device
has been or will be placed and he/she wants to minimize personal injury or
property damage. The caller may be the person who placed the device or may be
someone else who has become aware of such information
o The caller wants to create an atmosphere of anxiety and panic which will result in
disruption of the normal activities at the facility.
Written Bomb Threat Procedure
Save all materials, including any envelope or container. Once the message is recognized as a
bomb threat, further unnecessary handling should be avoided. Every possible effort must be
made to retain evidence, such as fingerprints, handwriting or typing paper, and postal marks
which are essential to tracing the threat and identifying the writer.
Telephone Bomb Threat Procedure
Try to prolong the conversation and get as much information as possible. Keep the caller
on the line as long as possible. Ask the caller to repeat the message. Try to record in
writing as accurately as possible the words spoken by the caller.
Note what you hear. Are there background noises, such as music, voices, cars?
How does the caller’s voice sound? Any accent? What sex? What age? Note any
unusual words or phrases.
Does the caller seem to know about the School of Nursing? Inform the caller that the
building is a School of Nursing occupied by many students and that the detonation of a
bomb could result in the death or serious injury to many innocent people. This may
influence the caller to reveal the precise location of the device.
How is the bomb location described? If the caller does not indicate the location of the
bomb or the time of possible detonation, ask for the information. Ask for a description of
the bomb or explosive device, how it is packaged, what it is made from and how does it
Does the caller use a person’s name? Does the caller give his/her name?
When the call is over, complete the bomb threat report immediately and Call 911 and
Security Dispatch @ 725-0707.
After this is completed, notify your supervisor immediately, but do not alert others of the
threat to avoid panic. Remain in your area of responsibility and be ready to relate any
information you may have to law enforcement personnel.
Evacuation will be based on the decision of the on-site person in charge (Dean, Student
Activities Coordinator, Business Office Coordinator, Faculty, Staff). Evacuation should
not occur if threat is made that evacuation will cause detonation.
Procedure used if you discover a bomb or suspicious item
Leave the item untouched and secure the area.
Go to a telephone outside the secure area and call (911) to report the suspicious item.
You may be asked to assist in a search because you are familiar with the area.
Follow instructions from the overhead paging system. Evacuation will not occur until the
bomb or suspicious item has been confirmed by the Lubbock Police .
Reference(s): Covenant Health System Policy #4012. Homeland Security Bomb Threat
In the event that a student is contacted about a bomb threat it is the policy of CSON that the
student immediately contacts a faculty or staff to handle the situation as described in the above
Developed and implemented: June 2010
Code Blue (Basic Life Support)
Department: CSON
Approved by: CSON Faculty and Staff
Statement of Purpose:
It is the policy of Covenant School of Nursing to provide response in a rapid and efficient
manner to cardiopulmonary arrest and/or other life threatening emergencies.
Performed by: All CSON Faculty and Staff
Guidelines and defining framework:
Standards of the American Heart Association for Basic Life Support should be followed.
In the event of a medical emergency, Basic Life Support (BLS) trained personnel should:
Initiate BLS as indicated--- two man should be done if personnel are available
Call 911 and request response to the location of the code/event
Inform emergency medical services (EMS) to transport the patient to Covenant
Emergency Department
Personnel needed in a Basic Life Support (BLS) situation
2 people for BLS
Caller: person calling 911
Crowd controller: evacuate and clear premises for emergency crew to arrive
Flagger: person waving down EMS and locating patient
Note taker: person taking notes of sequence of events
Runner: person to get any supplies we may have at the School of Nursing
Reference(s): Covenant Health System Policy #PC 08.1.
Developed and implemented: May 2010
Code Brown (Weather)
Department: CSON
Approved by: CSON Faculty and Staff
Statement of Purpose:
It is the policy of Covenant School of Nursing to provide a safe and secure environment for
students, visitors, faculty and staff. In the event that severe weather threatens the facility or the
surrounding area, this policy seeks to provide guidance for effective response.
Performed by: All CSON Faculty and Staff
Guidelines and defining framework:
This plan is divided into three stages; Code Brown Stage I, Code Brown Stage II and Code
Brown Stage III.
Code Brown Stage I: This stage begins when the National Weather Service declares a
―Tornado or Severe Thunderstorm Watch‖ for the immediate area. This means
atmospheric conditions are favorable for the formation of a tornado or severe weather.
Code Brown Stage II: This stage begins when the National Weather Service declares a
―Tornado or Severe Thunderstorm Warning‖ for the immediate area threatening your
Code Brown Stage III: This stage begins when the National Weather Service declares a
tornado or severe thunderstorm is within 10 miles of the facility and is proceeding in the
general direction of the facility. This stage constitutes ―imminent danger due to the
proximity of the storm.
Safe Area: This is a designated area for all students/visitors, faculty and staff to go in
the event there is a tornado. Designated Safe Areas are Rooms # 114, 123, 125, G-6,
G-7 and the annex conference room. All designated Safe Areas are identified with signs
on outside of entrances.
Code Brown Stage I:
1. Be aware of the weather conditions
2. Indentify ―Safe Area‖. Some place away from exterior windows
3. Review instructions for Stage II
Code Brown Stage II:
1. Monitor weather more closely
2. Close curtains to any windows
3. Notify faculty/staff over PA system of worsening weather and safe areas
4. Notify classrooms of stage and be prepared to move to safe area (classrooms
#114, #123, classroom G7 and annex conference area).
5. Review instructions for Stage III
Code Brown Stage III:
1. Announcement of Stage III via PA system and verbal or air horn blast.
2. Move students, faculty and staff to nearest safe area away from windows if safe
to do so.
3. Take any necessary information to safe area (student attendance rosters, etc.)
4. Inform all personnel to take cover
5. Notify 911 as well as safety officer if necessary (392-3389).
Weather monitoring and preparation:
Weather monitoring will be done by the Business Office Coordinator and Student Activities
Coordinator. Between the two of them, they will watch for weather changes and initiate each
stage of the Code Brown.
Reference(s): Covenant Health System Policy #EC 4.2
Revised: May 2010
Code Gray (Hostage)
Department: CSON
Approved by: CSON Faculty and Staff
Statement of Purpose:
It is the policy of Covenant School of Nursing to provide a safe and secure environment for
students, visitors, faculty and staff. In the event that a hostage taker threatens the facility, this
policy seeks to provide guidance for effective response.
Performed by: All CSON Faculty and Staff
Guidelines and defining framework:
Code Gray is the announcement alerting faculty and staff of a hostage situation in the facility.
Dealing with those who take hostages and those who are taken hostage is the responsibility of
Law Enforcement. This basic response covers actions that the facility staff should take to assist
local Law Enforcement handling the situation. The primary concern of those involved should be
the safety of students, visitors, faculty and staff. Therefore, it is important that the assigned
responsibilities be acted upon with a sense of urgency. Actions taken during this type of
situation will only be acted upon with the approval of the Safety Officer.
Call 911immediately upon discovery of a hostage situation. Notify the Business Office
Coordinator immediately so that a code gray can be announced over intercom system.
When notified of a hostage situation, you may be in the immediate area or away from the
If in the immediate area:
Comply with all demands of the hostage taker.
When possible, have someone call 911 and notify business office coordinator of the
situation. Stay on the line with 911 operator.
Try to stay calm.
Pay attention to the number of hostage takers in the area and if possible their
Try to identify a leader; this information may help Law Enforcement if hostages are
Law Enforcement will want to make contact with the hostage taker.
If away from the scene:
Stay in your area. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR AREA.
Keep all persons in your area.
Do not let anyone new in your area.
Security will keep you advised of the situation as needed.
Upon notification of a hostage situation, the Dean should be notified immediately who
then should notify the Chief Nursing Officer, Security and President/CEO.
Dean or Designated Person in Charge. Since the duration of a hostage situation can
take from an hour to several days, the Dean or designated person in charge should do
the following:
Obtain a current list of all students in the facility.
Have a summary prepared of all facility staff on duty in the affected area.
Obtain blueprints of the entire facility.
Obtain a current facility-wide telephone directory.
Obtain background information of staff that are hostages.
Every situation is different and response to it must be flexible. History has proven that
the longer the situation lasts, the better the results of the situation. It should be noted
that time is on our side.
Evacuation of facility should be considered depending on location of the situation and
imminent threat to those present.
Public Relations
All inquiries by the news media must be handled by the Public Information Officer and
the Public Information Center. All other personnel should not discuss the situation with
outsiders, especially the news media. The purpose for this is to ensure that accurate
information is given to the public.
Reference(s): Covenant Health System Policy # EC 4.3
In the event that a student is contacted about a hostage situation it is the policy of CSON that
the student immediately contacts a faculty or staff to handle the issue as described in the above
Developed and implemented: June 2010
Code Orange (Violent Situation)
Department: CSON
Approved by: CSON Faculty and Staff
Statement of Purpose:
It is the policy of Covenant Health System to provide a safe and secure environment for
students, visitors, faculty and staff. In the event a violent situation threatens the safety of those
mentioned herein, this policy seeks to provide guidance for effective response.
Performed by: All CSON Faculty and Staff
Guidelines and defining framework:
A code orange is the announcement alerting faculty and staff of a dangerous or violent situation.
The violent situation can escalate into a riot. Employees in the immediate vicinity of a potentially
violent, assaultive, or combative individual, whether that person is a student, visitor, faculty or
staff of the facility, and believing that the person may endanger themselves or others should
initiate a Code Orange.
Stay calm and talk to the person in a soothing tone and discretely call for assistance or
indicate a need for assistance from other staff in the area.
If the situation escalates and the person becomes violent, faculty/staff will call for help by
using one or more of the following methods:
o Call out loudly Code Orange so that other faculty/staff in the area will know the
o Divert people away from the violent person or situation. Do not attempt to
intervene with the violent person.
o Close all doors to separate the violent person or situation from others.
o Have someone call 911 and be sure to identify where you are located. Stay on
the line with the 911 operator.
o In the event an active shooter(s) is identified on the property move to a place of
safety immediately to include leaving the facility. If at all possible, without
jeopardizing the safety of anyone, attempt to garner a description for responding
Law Enforcement.
o In the event that the violent situation escalates into a riot or civil disturbance, all
personnel should endeavor to protect students, visitors, faculty and staff from
harm by diverting them away from the situation. Stay away from the riot area.
o Contact the Lubbock Police Department - 911.
o Secure all documentation (Example: attendance roster)
Reference(s): Covenant Health System Policy #EC 4.5
In the event of a violent situation is the policy of CSON that the student immediately contacts a
faculty or staff member to handle the issue as described in the above policy.
Developed and implemented: June 2010
Code Red (Fire Plan)
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
It is the policy of Covenant School of Nursing (CSON) to provide a safe, and secure
environment for our student, visitors, and employees.
In the event a student identifies a fire, STAY CALM AND DON’T PANIC.
The student will notify instructor or pull the nearest fire alarm
The student will exit the building as directed by faculty according to the fire escape plan.
Fire escape plan is posted throughout the building and is shown below.
Students will follow fire plans as directed by community facilities.
Reference(s): CH Safety Officer
Revised: January 2010
Code Silver (Active Shooter)
Department: CSON
Approved by: CSON Faculty and Staff
Statement of Purpose:
It is the policy of Covenant School of Nursing to provide a safe and secure environment for
students, visitors, faculty and staff. In the event that a hostage taker threatens the facility, this
policy seeks to provide guidance for effective response.
Performed by: All CSON Faculty and Staff
Guidelines and defining framework:
Covenant Health has the duty to protect and to provide an emergency response plan to alert the
school campus that an active shooter appears to be actively engaged in killing or attempting to
kill people on the school campus.
An active shooter is defined as a person or persons who appear to be actively engaged in killing
or attempting to kill people on the school campus. In most cases active shooters use a
firearm(s) and display no pattern or method for selection of their victims. Additionally, active
shooters also have specific targets. In some cases, active shooters use other weapons and/or
improvised explosive devices to cause additional victims and act as an impediment to police
and emergency responders. These improvised explosive devices may detonate immediately,
have delayed detonation fuses, or detonate on contact.
1) The first employee to identify an active shooter situation:
a. Should call 911 and provide the operator with as much information as safely and time
may allow. The operator may ask you to stay on the line to facilitate ongoing situational
awareness and critical intelligence for first responders.
b. Should call the Business Office Coordinator (725-8901) and announce a Code Silver
(with the location of the incident) and a description of the person(s) and type of weapon
if known).
c. Evacuate students, faculty and staff if safe to do so.
2) The Business Office Coordinator upon notification will:
a. Announce over the intercom system ―Code Silver (and the location)‖ three times.
b. Call Security Dispatch@725-0707. Give all available information to Security Officers.
c. Upon notification of a shooter situation, the Dean should be notified immediately, who
then should notify the Chief of Nursing Officer and President/CEO.
3) The first Security Officer to arrive on the scene will:
a. Assess the situation
b. Report to the dispatcher the following information to relay to the Lubbock Police
Department at 911:
Number of shooters
Number of victims
Exact location of the shooter
Type and number of weapons possibly in the possession of the shooter
4) If an active shooter enters your campus, office, or meeting room, you should:
a. Try to remain calm.
b. Try not to do anything that will provoke the active shooter.
c. If there is no possibility of escaping or hiding, only as a last resort when your life is in
imminent danger should you make a personal choice to attempt to negotiate with or
overpower the shooter.
d. If the active shooter(s) leaves the area, barricade the room or go to a safer location.
5) At a location distant from the active shooter, such as in a different classroom; or you are not
able to leave the area safely:
a. Remain calm.
b. Warn other students, faculty or visitors to take immediate shelter.
c. Go to a room that can be locked or barricaded.
d. Lock and barricade doors.
e. Turn off lights.
f. Turn off radios or other devises that emit sound.
g. Keep yourself out of sight and take adequate cover/protection (i.e. tables, chairs, filing
h. Silence cell phones.
k. Have one person call 911 and state ―Covenant School of Nursing (give your exact
location), we have an active shooter in the school, gunshots fired‖.
6) If you are in an outside area and encounter an active shooter, you should:
a. Try to remain clam.
b. Move away from the active shooter or the sound of gunshot(s) and/or explosives.
c. Look for appropriate locations for cover/protection (i.e. brick walls, retaining walls,
parked vehicles, etc.). Avoid crossing in large open areas.
d. Call 911 and provide the information listed above.
7) What should I expect from responding officers?
a. Immediately engage or contain the active shooter(s) in order to stop the killing.
b. Identify threats such as improvised explosive devices.
c. Identify victims to facilitate medical care, interviews and counseling.
d. Investigate.
8) Police officers responding to an active shooter are trained to proceed immediately to the
area in which shots were last heard in order to stop the shooting as quickly as possible. The
first responding officers may be in teams. They may be dressed in normal patrol uniforms, or
they may be wearing external ballistic vests and Kevlar helmets or other tactical gear. The
officers may be armed with rifles, shotguns and handguns.
9) Do exactly as the team of officers instruct. The first responding officers will be focused on
stopping the active shooter and creating a safe environment for medical assistance to be
brought in to aid the injured.
10) How to react when the police arrive at your location:
a. Remain calm and follow officers instructions.
b. Put down any items in your hands (i.e. bags, jackets, books).
c. immediately raise hands and spread fingers.
d. Keep hands visible at all times.
e. Avoid making quick movements toward officers such as attempting to hold on to them
for safety.
f. Avoid pointing, screaming and/or yelling.
g. Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the
direction from which officers are entering the area.
11) When the police arrive the following information should be available:
a. Number of shooters.
b. Number of individual victims and any hostages.
c. The type of problem causing the situation.
d. Type and number of weapons possibly in the possession of the shooter.
e. All necessary individuals still in the area.
f. Identify and description of participants, if possible.
g. Keys to all involved areas as well as floor plans.
h. Locations and phone numbers in the affected area.
12) Available staff and faculty will supply the Hospital Command Center (HCC) with a list of
students and faculty and staff known to be in the area of the incident.
13) Marketing will establish a media center in a designated location. All family members
involved in the incident will be sent to an area; located away from the public and media.
14) The Hospital Command Center will:
a. Establish a medical response team ready to support casualty operations.
b. Provide floor plans of the hostage area for use by the Lubbock Police Department
c. Plan for a situation that may take several hours to resolve. While the violence may be
over quickly, there may be an extensive crime scene over a wide area.
15) The Hospital Security Department will:
a. Have a Security Officer meet responding police and escort them to the incident and
b. Assign additional staff to control access to the area as directed by the police.
c. Identify witnesses. Separate them from one another and escort them to a separated
room to wait police interview.
d. When LPD arrives, they assume jurisdictions over the event. Security officers will
follow all reasonable directions by Law Enforcement, even when asked to leave the
16) Campus staff, faculty, students and visitors will be kept away from the area until the
situation is fully resolved. Once LPD announces resolution of the situation, the HCC will notify
the Dean to announce the ―All Clear‖.
17) The Business Office Coordinator will announce ―Code Silver All Clear‖ Three times over the
intercom system.
US Department of Homeland Security Active Shooter-How to Respond, October 2008
This policy has been coordinated with the Lubbock Police Department
Reference(s): Covenant Health Policy #EC 4.11.
Developed: August 2012; Implemented June 2013
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
To ensure health and well being for students, faculty and staff. Students, faculty and staff are
expected to arrive on time and be prepared for class according to semester schedules. If flu-
like symptoms occur, the following will go into effect:
Preparedness for Flu Season:
Signs must be hung at entrances of building, classrooms and restrooms regarding flu
prevention and proper hand washing techniques.
Students will be informed of flu prevention weekly via student announcements.
A letter will be sent to students, faculty and staff regarding flu season and steps we are
taking to monitor the flu season
Students, faculty and staff will be reminded to be familiar with the Emergency
Preparedness Plan: Flu
All classrooms, computer labs, clinical labs and student lounges must have at least one
of the following: wall hand sanitizers, Kleenex boxes, disposable wipes, and any other
items deemed necessary to keep the environment clean.
All heavy traffic areas will be cleaned on a daily basis with disinfectants to kill flu viruses
by the environmental cleaning facilities. Examples of heavy traffic areas include but are
not limited to: entrance keypads and door handles, all classroom and restroom doors,
all student tables and chairs, student lounges, computer labs, etc.
The School of Nursing will not be closed unless directed by the City or State Health
Department or by Covenant Health. In the event that the School of Nursing is closed,
alternative methods of delivery for lectures must be provided to the students with content
information via Scholar360. Students will still be held accountable for theory content and
exams will be scheduled for those students who are feeling well. Clinical attendance will
be evaluated and determined by CH and Dean at the time of the occurrence.
All students, faculty and staff are encouraged to receive flu vaccinations when available.
If a Student is Ill with Flu-like Symptoms:
The student must take an absence to prevent spreading of any illness. The Attendance
Policy will be applied to any absence. If appropriate documentation is provided stating
the student does have the flu, then any absence after the allowed 3
absence will be
excused. The student must call the Course Coordinator to inform them of their
symptoms or diagnosis of flu. The Course Coordinator will inform the Business Office
Coordinator of the student’s name and diagnosis. The Business Office Coordinator will
keep a tracking record of all students diagnosed with the flu.
A student diagnosed with the flu will not be allowed to return to classes/clinicals until
they are fever free (less than 100 degrees F) for 24 hours without the use of fever
reducing medications.
If a student attending class/clinicals appears to be ill, the instructor has the right to take
the student’s temperature. If the student has a fever greater than 100 degrees, they will
be sent home and advised to see their physician.
*The student is responsible for having a back-up plan for any sick family members.
Covenant School of Nursing will not give excused absences for anyone who misses
classes/clinicals for sick family members. The student will be held to the current
attendance policy.
For further questions about the flu, please contact the Coordinators of your semester or refer to
the following websites:
Revised: January 2010
Revised: July 2011
Inclement Weather
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
To ensure health and well being for students, faculty and staff. Students, faculty and staff are
expected to arrive on time and be prepared for class or clinicals according to semester
schedules. If inclement weather occurs, the following will go into effect:
Inclement weather refers to any weather that could be harmful to student travel. Examples
include but are not limited to ice, snow, or floods.
In the event of inclement weather, Covenant School of Nursing will follow Lubbock Independent
School District policies (LISD).
If LISD delays school, CSON will delay theory classes for the same amount of time as
If LISD delays school and CSON classes fall on clinical days, clinicals will be canceled
for the day and will be made up at the end of the semester on the scheduled clinical
weather day.
IF LISD cancels school, CSON will cancel class and clinicals for the day. If the
cancelation is made on a theory day, the Coordinator of the semester will notify the
students of the times and days to make up theory content. If the cancelation occurs on a
clinical day, the students will make up the clinical day on the scheduled clinical weather
day at the end of the semester.
The student can determine LISD weather protocol by watching the news the day before
or the day of inclement weather. The Coordinators of each semester will also notify
students of the procedure to follow the day inclement weather occurs via the learning
management system (LMS).
Reference(s): Lubbock Independent School District
Implemented: January 6, 2006
Revised: January 2010
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
To define designated parking areas for students in all learning environments in order to insure
patients, visitors, employees, volunteers, and physicians visiting or working at Covenant Health,
Lubbock have adequate and convenient accessibility to parking.
Designated parking spaces are located to the north of the school campus and are outlined in
YELLOW PARKING STRIPES. White-striped spaces are PROHIBITED for student parking.
During clinical coursework, students are regulated by the policies governing Covenant Health
Employees as cited below with the following exceptions where disciplinary action is
mentioned in reference to violations for the COVHS ―campuses,‖ the student will be subject to
disciplinary actions as determined within administration at the school for violations of parking
policies of the Health System as cited below. References to employees include students as well.
The campus is defined as all land having a Covenant Health (CH) function in
Requirements: All employees/staff members/physicians/volunteers / students can
locate a copy of the Parking & Traffic Regulations at the hospital campus or on
Employees/students/staff members/physicians/volunteer must park only in
designated CH parking lots/garages.
Parking Permit Parking permits for paid parking may be obtained from a Parking
Services representative during employee orientation, or at the
Parking Services Office
3702 21st Street, Suite 101
Phone: 725-6918
Office hours are M-F 8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
To register a vehicle(s) and obtain a parking permit, the employee/student/staff
member/physician/volunteer must provide all information required on the CH
Motor Vehicle Registration (MVR) form.
Any change in vehicle ownership for which a parking permit has been issued,
requires the employee to notify Parking Services.
Restricted parking: Under no circumstances are employees / students / staff /
members / physicians / volunteers to park in areas designated as: No Parking,
Handicapped Parking, Emergency Parking, or Patient / Visitor Parking.
However, an employee / student / staff member / physician / volunteer having a
medical condition that requires a special parking assignment may present
physician orders stating special requirements and the length of time such
assignment is required.
Violations: Abuse of parking privileges and / or failure to comply with Parking &
Traffic Regulations could result in corrective action.
First ticket supervisor communicates with
employee regarding understanding of the policy
Second ticket - verbal corrective action
Third ticket - written corrective action
Fourth ticket - suspension
Fifth ticket - termination
There is no standard waiting period separating one step of the counseling
process from another. If an employee is aware that immediate improvement is
expected and the problem lends itself to immediate correction, then the
supervisor may begin the next step as soon as it is necessary.
CH reserves the right to remove any vehicle that is in violation of CH Parking &
Traffic Regulations without prior consent or notification of the owner. The cost of
removal will be the responsibility of the vehicle’s owner.
Vehicle Whenever a vehicle is parked on CH property, it should be locked
Security and valuables removed or locked up. CH assumes no responsibility for
loss or damage to any vehicle, or its contents, while parked on CH property.
(HR Parking 02/09/09)
Reference(s): Parking HR Policy #154 Parking Maps included herein
Revised: January 2010
Risk of Occupational Exposure to HIV-HBV
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
Individuals at risk for potential HIV and HBV exposure will be identified and protected.
The risk of occupational exposure to HBV and HIV is present in all clinical assignments
that include patient contact.
Individuals in the School of Nursing with potential for such occupational exposure include:
Nursing Instructors
Teacher Assistants
Nursing Students
Individuals may be protected by:
HBV immunization through Employee Health
Mandatory utilization of Universal Precautions
Adherence to policies specific for some clinical units
Reference(s): Detailed information is provided in the SAFETY MANAGEMENT
PROGRAM, "Employee Infection Control Safety Program", 1.5-1 to
Reviewed: January 6, 2010
Safety Management
School of Nursing Student Body
Approved by: Faculty Organization
Statement of Purpose:
Covenant School of Nursing believes all employees and students should be concerned with
their own safety and the safety of others. Each employee and student has the responsibility to
assure safety in the school and in the hospital for patients, general public and other employees.
Instructors and students will abide with the safety policies of all clinical facilities. Patient safety is
integrated into each nursing course.
The Safety Officer under the authority of the Dean and the position description will notify the
appropriate departments for assistance and revisions in actual and potential unsafe situations.
The following guidelines will assure that persons associated with the School of Nursing shall
function in a safe and protective manner.
Report injury to self, student, or fellow employee to immediate supervisor/instructor or
the Dean.
If any injury occurs while on CH property, the student will be referred to Employee
Health or the Emergency Department for evaluation.
Report any unsafe conditions, including defective equipment to the Safety Officer.
Never stand on unstable chairs, boxes, or tables to reach overhead objects.
Use sound judgment and proper body mechanics when lifting, moving, or positioning
persons or objects.
Smoking is not permitted in the School of Nursing or Wayland Plaza building.
Report to Employee Health or the emergency department for all injuries/illness.
Report suspicious persons in or around the school building, burglary or assault to the
Administrative Office, who will call 911 and Hospital Security.
Recognize hazards/unsafe conditions and report them to the Administrative Office
before an accident occurs. Such hazards include, but are not limited to:
Ice on walks or drives.
Spills on floors or stairs.
Cords or obstructions which could cause fall.
Frayed cords or malfunction of equipment.
Any odor of burning, heat, or chemicals.
Congestion in hallways.
Revised: April 1999
Revised: October 2006
Revised: June 2009
Reviewed January 2010
Revised: July 2011
Section 11: FERPAStudent Rights
General FERPA Information
Terms and Definitions
Access and Amendment to Education Records
Disclosure of Education Records
Law Enforcement Considerations
Annual Notifications of Rights
General FERPA Information
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Guidance for Eligible Students
FERPA is a Federal law that is administered by the Family Policy Compliance Office (Office) in
the U.S. Department of Education (Department). 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99. FERPA
applies to all educational agencies and institutions (e.g., schools) that receive funding under any
program administered by the Department.
Once a student reaches 18 years of age or attends a postsecondary institution, he or she
becomes an "eligible student," and all rights formerly given to parents under FERPA transfer to
the student. The eligible student has the right to have access to his or her education records,
the right to seek to have the records amended, the right to have control over the disclosure of
personally identifiable information from the records (except in certain circumstances specified in
the FERPA regulations, some of which are discussed below), and the right to file a complaint
with the Department.
FERPA generally prohibits the improper disclosure of personally identifiable information derived
from education records. Thus, information that an official obtained through personal knowledge
or observation, or has heard orally from others, is not protected under FERPA. This remains
applicable even if education records exist which contain that information, unless the official had
an official role in making a determination that generated a protected education record.
Under FERPA, a school is not generally required to maintain particular education records or
education records that contain specific information. Rather, a school is required to provide
certain privacy protections for those education records that it does maintain. Also, unless there
is an outstanding request by an eligible student to inspect and review education records,
FERPA permits the school to destroy such records without notice to the student. For more
information please view the website at the link below or click to open the 34 CFR part 99.
General FERPA Guide:
FERPA Regulations by the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR):
Definition and Terms
Student: A student is a person who has been admitted and is registered when classes are in
session, regardless of the person's age.
School Official: someone employed by Covenant School of Nursing in an administrative,
supervisory, academic, research, internship, volunteer or support staff position; or a person
employed by or under contract to the University to perform a special task, such as an attorney,
auditor or collection agency.
Legitimate Educational Interest: An individual must demonstrate a need to know by those
officials of an institution who act in the student's educational interest, including faculty,
administration, student employees, clerical and professional employees, and other persons who
manage student records information. Any school official who needs information about a student
in the course of performing instructional, supervisory, advisory, or administrative duties for
Covenant School of Nursing has a legitimate educational interest.
Education Record: Any record maintained by Covenant School of Nursing that is personally
identifiable to a student in any way except in a few very specifically defined circumstances.
These specific circumstances are included within this section of the handbook or in §99.31 of
the FERPA regulations.
Directory Information: Directory information is considered to be public information unless you
request that it be kept confidential. Directory Information includes:
Phone Number
Email Address
Date of Birth
Dates of Attendance
Access and Amendment to Education Records
Access to Education Records
Under FERPA, a school must provide an eligible student with an opportunity to inspect and
review his or her education records within 45 days following its receipt of a request. A school is
required to provide an eligible student with copies of education records, or make other
arrangements, if a failure to do so would effectively prevent the student from obtaining access to
the records. A case in point would be a situation in which the student does not live within
commuting distance of the school.
Under FERPA, a school is not required to provide information that is not maintained or to create
education records in response to an eligible student's request. Accordingly, a school is not
required to provide an eligible student with updates on his or her progress in a course (including
grade reports) or in school unless such information already exists in the form of an education
Amendment of Education Records
Under FERPA, an eligible student has the right to request that inaccurate or misleading
information in his or her education records be amended. While a school is not required to
amend education records in accordance with an eligible student's request, the school is
required to consider the request. If the school decides not to amend a record in accordance with
an eligible student's request, the school must inform the student of his or her right to a hearing
on the matter. If, as a result of the hearing, the school still decides not to amend the record, the
eligible student has the right to insert a statement in the record setting forth his or her views.
That statement must remain with the contested part of the eligible student’s record for as long
as the record is maintained.
However, while the FERPA amendment procedure may be used to challenge facts that are
inaccurately recorded, it may not be used to challenge a grade, an opinion, or a substantive
decision made by a school about an eligible student. FERPA was intended to require only that
schools conform to fair recordkeeping practices and not to override the accepted standards and
procedures for making academic assessments, disciplinary rulings, or placement
determinations. Thus, while FERPA affords eligible students the right to seek to amend
education records which contain inaccurate information, this right cannot be used to challenge a
grade or an individual’s opinion, or a substantive decision made by a school about a student.
Additionally, if FERPA’s amendment procedures are not applicable to an eligible student’s
request for amendment of education records, the school is not required under FERPA to hold a
hearing on the matter.
Disclosure of Education Records
Disclosure of Education Records
Under FERPA, a school may not generally disclose personally identifiable information from an
eligible student's education records to a third party unless the eligible student has provided
written consent. However, there are a number of exceptions to FERPA's prohibition against
non-consensual disclosure of personally identifiable information from education records. Under
these exceptions, schools are permitted to disclose personally identifiable information from
education records without consent, though they are not required to do so. Following is general
information regarding some of these exceptions.
One of the exceptions to the prior written consent requirement in FERPA allows school officials
within the school to obtain access to personally identifiable information contained in education
records provided the school has determined that they have ―legitimate educational interest‖ in
the information.
FERPA also permits a school to disclose personally identifiable information from education
records without consent when the disclosure is in connection with financial aid for which the
student has applied, or which the student has received, if the information is necessary for such
purposes as to: determine the eligibility for the aid; determine the amount of the aid; determine
the conditions for the aid; and/or enforce the terms and conditions of the aid. With respect to
this exception, the term "financial aid" means payment of funds provided to an individual (or
payment in kind of tangible or intangible property to the individual) that is conditioned on the
individual's attendance at a school.
Postsecondary institutions may also disclose personally identifiable information from education
records, without consent, to appropriate parties, including parents of an eligible student, in
connection with a health or safety emergency. Under this provision, colleges and universities
may notify parents when there is a health or safety emergency involving their son or daughter,
even if the parents do not claim the student as a dependent.
FERPA also permits a school to disclose personally identifiable information from education
records without consent when the disclosure is to the parents of a student at a postsecondary
institution regarding the student's violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or
policy of the institution, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.
The school may non-consensually disclose information under this exception if the school
determines that the student has committed a disciplinary violation with respect to that use or
possession and the student is under 21 years of age at the time of the disclosure to the parent.
Another exception permits a school to non-consensually disclose personally identifiable
information from a student's education records when such information has been appropriately
designated as directory information. A school may disclose directory information without
consent if it has given public notice of the types of information it has designated as directory
information, the eligible student’s right to restrict the disclosure of such information, and the
period of time within which an eligible student has to notify the school that he or she does not
want any or all of those types of information designated as directory information.
There are several other exceptions to FERPA’s prohibition against non-consensual disclosure of
personally identifiable information from education records, some of which are briefly mentioned
below. Under certain conditions (specified in the FERPA regulations), a school may non-
consensually disclose personally identifiable information from education records:
to authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States, the
Attorney General of the United States, the U.S. Secretary of Education, and State and
local educational authorities for audit or evaluation of Federal or State supported
education programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with Federal legal
requirements that relate to those programs;
to organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of the school making the disclosure
for the purposes of administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, or
improving instruction;
to comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena;
to the victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense
concerning the final results of a disciplinary hearing with respect to the alleged crime;
to any third party the final results of a disciplinary proceeding related to a crime of
violence or non-forcible sex offense if the student who is the alleged perpetrator is found
to have violated the school’s rules or policies. The disclosure of the final results only
includes: the name of the alleged perpetrator, the violation committed, and any sanction
imposed against the alleged perpetrator. The disclosure must not include the name of
any other student, including a victim or witness, without the written consent of that other
As stated above, conditions specified in the FERPA regulations at 34 CFR § 99. 31 have to be
met before a school may non-consensually disclose personally identifiable information from
education records in connection with any of the exceptions mentioned above.
Law Enforcement Units and Law Enforcement Unit Records
A ―law enforcement unit‖ means any individual, office, department, division or other component
of a school, such as a unit of commissioned police officers or non-commissioned security
guards, that is officially authorized or designated by the school to: enforce any local, State, or
Federal law, or refer to appropriate authorities a matter for enforcement of any law against any
individual or organization; or to maintain the physical security and safety of the school. The law
enforcement unit does not lose its status as a law enforcement unit if it also performs other,
non-law enforcement functions for the school, including investigation of incidents or conduct that
constitutes or leads to a disciplinary proceeding against a student.
―Law enforcement unit records‖ (i.e., records created by the law enforcement unit, created for a
law enforcement purpose, and maintained by the law enforcement unit) are not ―education
records‖ subject to the privacy protections of FERPA. As such, the law enforcement unit may
refuse to provide an eligible student with an opportunity to inspect and review law enforcement
unit records, and it may disclose law enforcement unit records to third parties without the eligible
student’s prior written consent. However, education records, or personally identifiable
information from education records, which the school shares with the law enforcement unit do
not lose their protected status as education records because they are shared with the law
enforcement unit.
Annual Notification of Rights under FERPA
Covenant School of Nursing complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) to afford eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An
―eligible student‖ under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a
postsecondary institution.) These rights include:
1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after
the day the [Name of postsecondary institution (―School‖)] receives a request for
access. A student should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic
department, or other appropriate official, a written request that identifies the record(s)
the student wishes to inspect. The school official will make arrangements for access
and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If
the records are not maintained by the school official to whom the request was
submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the
request should be addressed.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the
student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s
privacy rights under FERPA.
A student who wishes to ask the school to amend a record should write the school
official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student
wants changed, and specify why it should be changed.
If the school decides not to amend the record as requested, the school will notify the
student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the
request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will
be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
3. The right to provide written consent before the university discloses personally
identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the
extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
The school discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent
under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate
educational interests. A school official is a person employed by Covenant School of
Nursing in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff
position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person serving
on the board of trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a
disciplinary or grievance committee. A school official also may include a volunteer or
contractor outside of Covenant School of Nursing who performs an institutional
service of function for which the school would otherwise use its own employees and
who is under the direct control of the school with respect to the use and maintenance
of PII from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent or a
student volunteering to assist another school official in performing his or her tasks. A
school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an
education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for Covenant
School of Nursing.
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning
alleged failures by Covenant School of Nursing to comply with the requirements of
FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202
Directory Information: Directory information is considered to be public information unless you
request that it be kept confidential. Students may opt to not include their information with the
Directory Info on the Letter of Agreement signed at orientation. Directory Information includes:
Phone Number
Email Address
Date of Birth
Dates of Attendance
Students may request to change his/her status through the Business Office Coordinator at 806-
725-8901 (must present a copy of your new Social Security Card).
Disclosure of Information without Student Consent
FERPA permits the disclosure of PII from students’ education records, without consent of the
student, if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in §99.31 of the FERPA regulations.
Except for disclosures to school officials, disclosures related to some judicial orders or lawfully
issued subpoenas, disclosures of directory information, and disclosures to the student, §99.32
of FERPA regulations requires the institution to record the disclosure. Eligible students have a
right to inspect and review the record of disclosures. A postsecondary institution may disclose
PII from the education records without obtaining prior written consent of the student
To other school officials, including teachers, within Covenant School of Nursing
whom the school has determined to have legitimate educational interests. This
includes contractors, consultants, volunteers, or other parties to whom the school
has outsourced institutional services or functions, provided that the conditions listed
in §99.31(a)(1)(i)(B)(1) - (a)(1)(i)(B)(2) are met. (§99.31(a)(1))
To officials of another school where the student seeks or intends to enroll, or where
the student is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes related to the
student’s enrollment or transfer, subject to the requirements of §99.34.
To authorized representatives of the U. S. Comptroller General, the U. S. Attorney
General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or State and local educational authorities,
such as a State postsecondary authority that is responsible for supervising the
university’s State-supported education programs. Disclosures under this provision
may be made, subject to the requirements of §99.35, in connection with an audit or
evaluation of Federal- or State-supported education programs, or for the
enforcement of or compliance with Federal legal requirements that relate to those
programs. These entities may make further disclosures of PII to outside entities that
are designated by them as their authorized representatives to conduct any audit,
evaluation, or enforcement or compliance activity on their behalf. (§§99.31(a)(3) and
In connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the
student has received, if the information is necessary to determine eligibility for the
aid, determine the amount of the aid, determine the conditions of the aid, or enforce
the terms and conditions of the aid. (§99.31(a)(4))
To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the school, in order to: (a)
develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; (b) administer student aid programs;
or (c) improve instruction. (§99.31(a)(6))
To accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions. ((§99.31(a)(7))
To parents of an eligible student if the student is a dependent for IRS tax purposes.
To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. (§99.31(a)(9))
To appropriate parties, including parents, in connection with a health or safety
emergency, subject to §99.36. (§99.31(a)(10))
Information the school has designated as ―directory information‖ under §99.37.
To a victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex
offense, subject to the requirements of §99.39. The disclosure may only include the
final results of the disciplinary proceeding with respect to that alleged crime or
offense, regardless of the finding. (§99.31(a)(13))
To the general public, the final results of a disciplinary proceeding, subject to the
requirements of §99.39, if the school determines the student is an alleged
perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and the student has
committed a violation of the school’s rules or policies with respect to the allegation
made against him or her. (§99.31(a)(14))
To parents of a student regarding the student’s violation of any Federal, State, or
local law, or of any rule or policy of the school, governing the use or possession of
alcohol or a controlled substance if the school determines the student committed a
disciplinary violation and the student is under the age of 21. (§99.31(a)(15))
Complaints of Alleged Failures to Comply with FERPA
Complaint Regarding Access
If an eligible student believes that a school has failed to comply with his or her request for access to
education records, the student may complete a FERPA complaint form and should include the
following specific information: the date of the request for access to the education records; the name
of the school official to whom the request was made (a dated copy of any written request to the
school should be provided, if possible); the response of the school official, if any; and the specific
nature of the information requested.
Complaint Regarding Amendment
If an eligible student believes that a school has failed to comply with his or her request for
amendment of inaccurate information in education records or failed to offer the student an
opportunity for a hearing on the matter, the student may complete a FERPA complaint form and
should include the following specific information: the date of the request for amendment of the
education records; the name of the school official to whom the request was made (a dated copy of
any written request to the school should be provided, if possible); the response of the school
official, if any; the specific nature of the inaccurate information for which amendment was
requested; and evidence provided to the school to support the assertion that such information is
Complaint Regarding Disclosure
If an eligible student believes that a school has improperly disclosed personally identifiable
information from his or her education records to a third party, the student may complete a FERPA
complaint form and should include the following specific information: the date or approximate date
the alleged disclosure occurred or the date the student learned of the disclosure; the name of the
school official who made the disclosure, if that is known; the third party to whom the disclosure was
made; and the specific nature of the education records disclosed.
This guidance document is designed to provide eligible students with some general information
regarding FERPA and their rights, and to address some of the basic questions most frequently asked
by eligible students. You can review the FERPA regulations, frequently asked questions, significant
opinions of the Office, and other information regarding FERPA at our Website as follows:
If, after reading this guidance document, you have questions regarding FERPA which are not
addressed here, you may write to the Office at the following address:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue
SW Washington, DC 20202-8520
Addition: April 2012
Section 12: Forms Exhibit
Reference Form
Enrollment Agreement
Acknowledgement Letter
Criminal Background Check Consent
Student Data Form
Confidentiality Form
Honor Code
Injection Practice
Release of Information
Grade Counseling Form
Corrective Action
Informed Consent and Release of Liability
Letter of Agreement
Special Accommodations for Testing
Transcript Request Form
Registered Nurse (R.N.)
Reference Form
Applicants must provide 3 completed reference forms. Make sure you receive all the letters back so
you can successfully submit your application with the letters attached. We can no longer accept
incomplete application documents. Follow instructions carefully.
ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________
I hereby voluntarily waive and relinquish any right of access to all confidential letter of evaluation
provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment). I release
from any liability all persons and entities who provide information concerning my competence, ethical
conduct, character, and other information regarding my qualifications for admission to Covenant School
of Nursing. I further fully release and forever discharge Covenant School of Nursing and their servants,
agents, and employees for their use of and reliance upon any such information obtained and I hereby
indemnify and hold them harmless from any liability or loss whatsoever.
Applicant Signature Date
The remainder of the form is for the EVALUATOR to complete. This applicant has applied for
admission to Covenant School of Nursing in Lubbock, Texas. You have been asked by the applicant
to comment on his or her ability, suitability, and motivation for entering the school.
Please answer the questions on the back in order to provide information the school needs. This
Reference Form must be completed entirely in order for the evaluation to be acceptable.
Sign the back of the envelope after you have sealed it. RETURN THE COMPLETED
directly to the school. Return this form to the applicant so it can be submitted with all other
application requirements.
1. How long have you known the applicant and in what way?
2. Describe the applicant’s strengths or weaknesses as they would apply to the higher education
process. Please list any personal characteristics or areas that would enhance the applicant’s suitability
for nursing.
3. Complete by checking ONE box within the range for each category. Leave blank any section you
are unable to evaluate.
1 2
3 4
5 6
Emotional Stability
Social Values
Rapport with Others
Leadership Qualities
Intellectual Curiosity
4. Overall Recommendation
Check the ONE category in which you would place this applicant
______ Highly recommended without reservation
______ Recommended
______ Recommended with reservation
______ Do not recommend
Evaluation by:
Evaluators Signature_____________________________________________Date________________
Place letter in provided envelope, seal, sign your name on back of envelope, & return envelope
Covenant School of Nursing
2002 W. Loop 289, Suite 120
Lubbock, TX 79407
806-725-8902 Tel
806-793-0720 Fax
Enrollment Agreement
Covenant School of Nursing
Dear Applicant,
Please submit a $100 non-refundable deposit, if you plan to enter Covenant School of Nursing in the upcoming
semester. You must return this form as well as the Letter of Acknowledgement to the school by
__________________ along with payment in the amount of $100 (check, credit card, or money order) made payable
to Covenant School of Nursing. This will reserve your position in the upcoming class as long as your file remains
current. The deposit will later apply toward your final tuition payment. The $100 is NON-refundable, but if you do not
attend this semester this deposit can be used for the following semester deposit requirement. Please sign the line
below to acknowledge the above statements.
___________________________ ____________________________________ _________________
Applicant Name (Printed) Applicant Signature Date
Covenant School of Nursing conducts a criminal history search through Texas Department of Public Safety prior to
acceptance. Please read the following thoroughly and sign the agreement below. Return this form to Covenant School
of Nursing with your deposit.
NOTICE: Covenant Health and/or its affiliates intends to conduct an investigation, and or obtain consumer reporting
agency information concerning your character, general reputation (including criminal records), personal characteristics,
and mode of living for the purpose of determining your eligibility for participation in its Internship Program at Covenant
School of Nursing. By your signature below you are affirmatively authorizing Covenant Health and/or its affiliates to
request and use your report for admission purposes.
CONSENT: I hereby authorize Covenant Health and/or affiliates to request and obtain a report on me as described
above for purposes of evaluating my qualifications to participate in the registered nursing program. I understand that if
a report from a consumer reporting agency is the basis for an adverse action, I can be furnished a copy of the report
and such additional information as may be required by the law. This authorization shall remain valid until I furnish
Covenant Health a written notice of revocation.
___________________________ ____________________________________ _________________
Applicant Name (Printed) Applicant Signature Date
Partnership Program
Covenant School of Nursing/Lubbock Christian University Department of Nursing
Letter of Acknowledgement
Background: In 2007 the Texas legislature passed HB2426 requiring all diploma school graduates to be eligible
for a degree from an institution of higher learning by the year 2014. The bill was signed into law and subsequently
entered into the Texas Nurse Practice Act Section 301.157 (a-1).
Effective January 2012, Covenant School of Nursing entered into a Partnership agreement with the Department of
Nursing of Lubbock Christian University for the purpose of fulfillment of the intent of the law for all Covenant graduates
to be eligible for a degree from an institution of higher learning which in this instance is Lubbock Christian University.
The Partnership Program agreement provides the Covenant School of Nursing graduate the ability to seamlessly
matriculate to Lubbock Christian University Department of Nursing for completion of the RN-BSN courses and be
eligible for the granting of a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing upon completion of the university degree
By signing this letter, you the student acknowledge an understanding of the Partnership Program and the opportunity
to complete a BSN degree from Lubbock Christian University post graduation from the Covenant School of Nursing.
Further, by signing this acknowledgement, you understand that upon completion at Covenant School of Nursing you
will need to apply to enter Lubbock Christian University’s Bachelor in Nursing program. Upon acceptance in the
program, you will have one semester to take and pass the NCLEX-RN Exam or you will not be allowed to progress to
the next semester.
By signing this acknowledgement, I am stating the Partnership Degree plan between Covenant School of
Nursing and Department of Nursing of Lubbock Christian University has been explained clearly to me.
Print Student Name Student Signature Date
Student Data Form
Release of Information Form
Student Confidentiality Agreement
Nationally Standardized Assessments Policy and Procedure
Covenant School of Nursing
Covenant School of Nursing has chosen Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC (ATI) as the provider for nationally standardized assessments. The recommended
scores are published in the RN Content Mastery Series Faculty Resource Guide. The Resource guide is updated with each Content Mastery Series (CMS) update.
Updated versions of the CMS and Faculty Resource Guide may cause changes in statistical analysis data. Any changes to Covenant School of Nursing
standardized testing policy guidelines will be provided to students in writing. This Policy & Procedure provides students and faculty of Covenant School of Nursing
with guidelines for utilization of the ATI Program.
1. For students in Nursing 101 and Transition students, there will be a presentation of the ATI Program by designated faculty describing the program and how it will
be utilized.
2. Entering students will pay the ATI fee at orientation. In following semesters, the ATI fee will be included in the first tuition payment of the semester.
If the student has not made payment (or proof of arrangements with Financial Aid advisor) by the 3
week, the student will not be allowed to attend class/clinicals.
3. The Content Mastery Series assessment proctored examinations include Fundamentals for Nursing Practice, Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing, Nursing
Leadership, Maternal-Newborn Nursing, Nursing Care of Children, Mental Health Nursing, and Nursing Pharmacology. Required exams will be published in the
Course Outlines. Students are encouraged to complete the non-proctored practice exams appropriate to his/her semester of study as a learning tool and in
preparation for the proctored ATI exams.
4. Pharmacology requirement: Students will complete one non-proctored Pharmacology exam in the first semester and one non-proctored pharmacology exam in
the second semester. The due date for completion of the non-proctored exams will be published in the Pharmacology Course Outlines. Failure to show proof of
completion of the required non-proctored exam will result in a course “Incomplete” and the student may not progress to the next semester.
5. The proctored assessment exams will be scheduled near the conclusion of the semester. Proctored assessment exams are online exams and will be taken in the
Learning Resource Center. Only one examination period will be scheduled for each exam. Students unable to attend at the scheduled time will reschedule with the
LRC Coordinator as soon as possible. Students will have a different version of the exam if not testing with the group.
6. After the student has obtained a 75% average on unit exams and the final, the outcome of the required proctored exam will determine 5% of the student’s overall
course grade. The student will be awarded points as follows:
Below ATI Proficiency Level 1: 0
ATI Proficiency Level 1: 75
ATI Proficiency Level 2 or above: 100
In courses where there is more than one CMS administered, the student’s percent correct on each CMS proctored exam will be averaged to determine the point
award. If the student’s average of the exams falls below the average of the Level 1 cut scores, the student will receive 0 (zero) points, therefore, 5 percent of the
student’s grade will be 0 (zero).
The first attempt of the CMS exam is the only score that will be used to calculate point awards.
7. Comprehensive Exams
The current Content Mastery Adult Medical/Surgical Nursing, Nursing Pharmacology and the RN Comprehensive Predictor will be administered during the 4
semester. The Adult Medical/Surgical proctored exam will be given early in the semester as a diagnostic exam to help the student focus on content areas that need
improvement. .
RN Comprehensive Predictor
The minimum individual composite score determined by ATI to reflect a 91%-100% chance of passing the NCLEX is required. This score will be posted during the
semester and prior to the examination date. The student may repeat the RN Comprehensive Predictor one time.
Nursing Pharmacology
Students are expected to achieve Proficiency Level 2. If the student fails to meet the expectation he/she may repeat the exam once.
8. Required retakes will be scheduled with the LRC Coordinator. If unable to make the scheduled test date and time, the student will notify the LRC Coordinator.
Failure to notify the LRC Coordinator will be dealt with by the Dean.
9. Recommended scores for the Content Mastery Series and the RN Comprehensive Predictor will be posted in public areas for students to review as needed.
I have read the policy and been provided with answers to my questions.
____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________
Student Signature Print Name Date
Assessment Technologies Institute (2006). RN content mastery series version 2.1: National standard setting study (Executive Summary). Overland Park, KS: no author. Rev. 12-2011
Covenant School of Nursing
Medical Library Agreement
I, the undersigned, agree to return all materials checked out to me from the Covenant Medical Library while
I am a student at Covenant School of Nursing. These materials may be items owned by Covenant Health or
obtained from another library via interlibrary loan.
If the materials I have borrowed are not returned to the Medical Library following four successive overdue
notices sent to me at the School of Nursing (the last one of which will also be sent to my instructor and the
Dean of the School of Nursing), I will pay for the cost of the materials plus a $5.00 processing fee for each
If all materials are not returned by the end of the semester during which they were borrowed, I understand
that I will not receive my grade for that semester until the material is returned or paid for at the rate of the
cost of the item plus a $5.00 processing fee for each item.
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Home address: ______________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State:________ Zip Code:____________
Date: _________________ Signature:_____________________________________
Covenant School of Nursing
Grade Counseling Form
Name:__________________________________________ Date:___________________
Current Semester and Course:__________________________________________________
Theory Average Pharmacology Average Pathophysiology Average
1. Theory Average: ___________ after ___________ exam(s).
2. Pharm. Average: ___________ after ___________ exam(s).
3. Patho. Average: ___________ after ___________ exam(s).
Description of Discussion:
(Attach additional sheet if more space is required)
p. 2 Grade Counseling Form
___ See Student Retention Liaison for study skills and testing tips and apply on exams.
___ Evaluate work schedule.
___ Seek out a study group or partner.
___ Continue to be prepared for lectures by reading required material in advance.
___ Practice non-proctored ATI exams.
___ Other
Student Description of Evaluation and Comments:
Student Signature: _______________________________________Date: ______________
Coordinator/Faculty Signtaure: _____________________________Date: _____________
Covenant School of Nursing
Corrective Action Notice
Name:__________________________________________ Date:___________________
Current Semester:______________ Location of Infraction:_______________________
Description of Infraction(s):
(Attach additional sheet if more space is required)
Previous Corrective Action(s) ____________________________________________________
Policy/Procedure/Standard/Etc. Violation
Corrective Action Taken:
Written Reprimand Disciplinary Probation Suspension
Dismissal Expulsion
p.2 Corrective Action Notice
Corrective Action Improvement Objectives and Target Dates if applicable:
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
Failure to comply with Corrective Action Improvement Objectives will result in further corrective action up to and
including expulsion.
Student Signature: _____________________________________ ____ Date: __________________
Faculty/Coordinator Signature: ________________________________ Date: __________________
Dean Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________
Student Description of Infraction and Comments:
Covenant Hospital School of Nursing
Informed Consent and Release of Liability
An important part of nursing education is acquiring the necessary skills to correctly perform nursing procedures
through practice simulations in learning labs. Some procedures, by their very nature, are impossible to simulate
adequately through the use of mannequins and other models. Administering injections, insertion of intravenous
catheters, and phlebotomy are best learned by performance on a human subject. It is the intent of Covenant
School of Nursing, to provide students with the opportunity to practice these procedures on one another in order
to learn correct technique in the safety of a controlled learning environment, under direct supervision of nursing
In certain instances, students may have pre-existing medical conditions which would present a physical hazard
to either the student or fellow participant. In this situation, alternative arrangements can be made in order to
provide a student with the necessary learning opportunities. It is the responsibility of each individual student to
inform Covenant School of Nursing, of any possible reason which could limit or adversely affect their ability to
Participation is strictly voluntary and by your signature below you agree to participate of your own free will. You
understand that along with each of the above listed procedures, there are potential risks involved. These risks
include but are not limited to the following: infection, bleeding, pain, irritation of the vein, nerve damage
and loss of function of the involved extremity.
I verify that I have read the above information, and agree to participate in learning labs which I understand
include the invasive procedures listed above. I have notified Covenant School of Nursing, of any risk I am aware
of to either myself or to fellow students from my participation in such learning labs, and release Covenant
Health, Covenant School of Nursing, from any and all liability associated with my participation in such learning
Student Signature: ________________________________________________________
Student Printed Name: _____________________________________________________
Date Signed: _________________________
Revised 1//09
Letter of Agreement
I, _____________________________________________do hereby agree to abide by the following rules and regulations
of Covenant School of Nursing, as a condition of my admission to Covenant School of Nursing and further as a candidate
for graduation from Covenant School of Nursing.
1. Payment of all fees, tuition and charges, based on the length of stay in the school and as determined by the
2. All Policies and Procedures as stipulated in the Student Policy Catalog. (such as Academic and Attendance
Policies, Nonacademic Conduct Policies).
3. Any and all other rules and regulations as stipulated in the Student Policy Catalog, course outline and Tuition
I acknowledge that photographs/videos may be taken of students participating in class, labs and clinical sites. These photos
are used in school or hospital publications/videos.
_____ I grant permission for my name/picture to be used in CSON/ Covenant Health publications/videos.
_____ I do not grant permission for my name/picture to be used in CSON/Covenant Health Publications or videos.
I further indicate by my signature, that I have seen and understood the Covenant School of Nursing Student Policy
Catalog that is available at all times on LMS.
I understand that it is my responsibility to notify Covenant School of Nursing of any functional disabilities which might
interfere with my learning and performance as a nursing student and necessitate special accommodations while in school.
Furthermore, I understand that if I require special accommodations because of disability, I must request in writing such
consideration and submit a current letter from an appropriate licensed professional describing the nature of the functional
limitation and the specific accommodations needed while a student at Covenant School of Nursing.
I further understand that I must be able to fulfill all requirements of the registered nursing program at Covenant School of
Nursing in order to successfully complete the program, including all clinical skills, regardless of any disabilities I may have.
Signature of:
Student: ___________SSN# __
Date: _______________________________
Students may request in writing an opportunity to review their student file.
The school reserves the right to change any provisions, rules, or requirements at any time.
Rev. 6-2012
Covenant School of Nursing
Alumni/Student Transcript Request Form
Section 13: Faculty
Faculty Assistants
Part Time Clinical Assistants
Administrative Staff
Faculty and Staff at Covenant School of Nursing
Date after name indicates year of appointment at the School of Nursing.
Anger, Alicia (2002) Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1997; BSN, West Texas
A&M University, Canyon, TX, 1999; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX,
2004; 806-725-8905
Allison, Vicky (2001) BSN, West Texas State University, Canyon, TX, 1981; MSN, Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX, 2003; Pharmacology Instructor Sophomore Level; 806-725-8922
Berry, Mary Frances (1981) Diploma, Northwest Texas Hospital School of Nursing, Amarillo, TX, 1971;
BSN, West Texas State University, Canyon, TX, 1974; MAC, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA, 1978;
Nursing Instructor Sophomore Level; 806-725-8923
Braudt, Ina (2009) BSN, Texas Woman’s University, Houston, Tx 1976; Lubbock Christian University MSN
2011; Nursing Instructor Junior Level; 806-725-8932
Brazell, Patricia (1991) BSN, University of Texas, Austin, TX, 1983; MSN, West Texas State University,
Canyon, TX, 1991; Nursing Instructor Junior Level; 806-725-8933
Davis, Lisa (2008) BS, Texas Tech University, 1979, Lubbock, TX; Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of
Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1984; MSN, Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX, 2008; Nursing Instructor
Freshman Level; 806-725-8914
Delaney, Terry (2010), BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX, 1988; MSN,
Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX, 2009; Nursing Instructor Freshman Level; 806-725-8941
Durbin, Jimmy (2003) BS, Lubbock Christian College, Lubbock, TX, 1973; Diploma, Methodist Hospital
School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1975; BSN, West Texas State University, Canyon, TX, 1978; MSN,
Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX, 2007; Nursing Instructor Sophomore Level; 806-725-8924
Fabry, LeeAnn (2007) ADN, Eastern New Mexico University, Roswell, NM 1989; BSN, Lubbock Christian
University, Lubbock, TX 2006; MSN, Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX 2008; Nursing Instructor
Senior Level; 806-725-8942
Golson, Deborah (2007) ADN, Pima College, Tucson, AZ, 1985; BSN, Lubbock Christian University,
Lubbock, TX, 2005; MSN, Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX, 2007; Nursing Instructor Junior Level;
Hill, Terry (2008) BS Ag, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 1982; Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of
Nursing,, Lubbock, TX, 1995; MSN, Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX, 2009; Nursing Instructor
Senior Level; 806-725-8910
Hilton, Carla (2001) Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1978; BSN, West
Texas State University, Canyon, TX, 1980; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock,
TX, 2004; Pharmacology Instructor Freshman Level; 806-725-8915
Karvas, Connie (1993) Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1978; BSN, West
Texas State University, Canyon, TX, 1981; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock,
TX, 1993; FNP-BC, West Texas A & M University, Canyon, TX, 1997; Nursing Coordinator Sophomore
Level; 806-725-8908
Kilpatrick, Dondi (2008) BSN, West Texas State University, Canyon, TX 1981; MSN, Lubbock Christian
University, Lubbock, TX 2007; Nursing Instructor Junior Level; 806-725-8935
London, Merlene (2011); ADN, New Mexico State University, Carlsbad, NM 1988; Certified Hospice and
Palliative Nurse, 2004; BSN, University of Phoenix-Online, 2004; MSN-Ed, University of Phoenix-Online,
2010; Nursing Instructor Sophomore Level; 806-725-8926
Maeker, Pamela (2003) LVN, Ranger Jr. College, Ranger, TX, (1990); ADN, South Plains College,
Levelland, TX, 1993; BSN, West Texas A&M University, Canyon TX, 1996; MSN, Lubbock Christian
University, Lubbock, TX, 2007; Nursing Instructor Senior Level; 806-725-8943
Maya, Jaynie (2012) BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX, 1993; MSN, Texas
Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX, 2007; Nursing Instructor Freshman Level;
Milam, Mary (1991) Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1981; BSN, West Texas
A & M University, Canyon, TX, 1991; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX,
1994; FNP-BC, West Texas A & M University, Canyon, TX, 1997; Nursing Instructor Junior Level;
Nesbitt, Sue (1990) Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1982; Women’s Health
Advanced Nurse Practitioner, University of Texas HSC, Dallas, TX, 1985, BSN, Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX, 1989; MSN, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX, 1992;
Nursing Instructor Junior Level; 806-725-8927
Nesbitt, Tammy (2000) BS, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 1984; MEd, Texas Tech University,
Lubbock, TX, 1990; BSN, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX, 1993; MSN, West Texas A&M
University, Canyon, TX, 1997; Nursing Instructor Sophomore Level; 806-725-8938
Pia, Janet (2012) BSN, Arellano University, Philippines, 1979; MSN, Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock,
TX 2011; Nursing Instructor Senior Level; 806-725-8917
Ponder, Paula (2009) LVN, South Plains College, Levelland, TX. 1979, ADN, South Plains College,
Levelland, TX, 1990, BSOE, Wayland Baptist University, Lubbock, TX, 2002, MSN, Lubbock Christian
University, Lubbock, TX, 2007; Nursing Instructor Senior Level; 806-725-8945
Powers, Rebecca (2007) LVN, South Plains College, Lubbock, TX, 1985; Diploma R.N., Methodist Hospital
School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1989; BSN, Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX, 1996; MSN, West
Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX, 2001; Nursing Instructor Junior Level; 806-725-8916
Rodriquez, Gloria (2006) ADN, South Plains College, Levelland, TX, 1989; BSN, West Texas A & M
University, Canyon, TX, 1992 ; MSN, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 2005; Nursing Instructor
Sophomore Level; 806-725-8928
Rogers, Marshall (2005) Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1996; BSN, Lubbock
Christian University, Lubbock, TX, 1998; MSN, West Texas A&M, Canyon, TX, 2002; Pathophysiology
Instructor Sophomore Level; 806-725-8929
Smith, Monti (2005) BSN, West Texas A&M, Canyon, TX, 1995; MSN, Lubbock Christian University,
Lubbock, TX, 2007; Nursing Instructor Sophomore Level; 806-725-8930
Stennett, Charles Randall (2006) BSN, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX, 1981; MSN, West Texas
A&M University, Canyon, TX, 1999; Simulation Coordinator; 806-725-0295
Sue, Niki (2010) BSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX, 1985; MSN, Texas
Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX, 2003; Nursing Instructor Junior Level 806-725-8939
Thornley, Vicki (2001) Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1979; BSN, Lubbock
Christian University, Lubbock, TX, 1995; MSN, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX, 2001; Nursing
Instructor Freshman Level; 806-725-8907
Thornton, Kendra (2008) BA, Texas Tech University, 1990, AAS (Nursing), Regents College, Albany, NY
1997; MSN, Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX, 2008; Nursing Instructor Senior Level;
Timmerman, Jennifer (2012) BSN, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX, 2005; MSN, Midwestern
State University, Wichita Falls, TX, 2011; Nursing Instructor Freshman Level; 806-725-??
Vela, Carmen (2009) Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1998; BSN, Lubbock
Christian University, Lubbock, TX, 2004, MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock,
TX, 2007; Nursing Instructor Freshman Level; 806-725-8919
Virone, Kathy (2010) AA, Northeastern Christian Jr. College, Villanova, PA, 1979; BA, Lubbock Christian
University, Lubbock, TX, 1983; Diploma of Nursing, Covenant School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 2005; MSN,
Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX, 2009; Nursing Instructor Senior Level; 806-725-8946
White, D'Anne (1990) Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1982; BSN, West
Texas State University, Canyon, TX, 1988; MSN, West Texas State University, Canyon, TX, 1990; Nursing
Coordinator Junior Level; 806-725-8909
Williams, Linda (1991) Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1974; BSN, West
Texas State University, Canyon, TX, 1976; MSN, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX, 1993; Nursing
Instructor Junior Level; 806-725-8940
Wolfe, Julie (2006) Diploma, Covenant School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 2000; BSN, Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX, 2002; MSN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center,
Lubbock, TX, 2006; Nursing Instructor Sophomore Level; 806-725-8931
Woodward, Tracey (2010), BSN, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1976, MSN, Texas Tech
University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX, 1999 , Geriatric Nurse Practitioner, University of Texas
Medical Branch, Galveston, TX ,2003; Pathophysiology Instructor Freshman Level; 806-725-8921
Clinical Assistants
Hardegree, Stacey (2012), RN Covenant School of Nursing, Lubbock, TX, 1993; BSN, Lubbock Christian
University, Lubbock, TX 1997; 806-725-0296
Kensing, Angela (2012) BSN, University of Mary Hardin Baylor, Belton, TX, 1988; 806-725-8925
Administrative Staff
Arnett, Claire (2005) Student Services, Student Activities Coordinator; BS Ed, Texas Tech University,
Lubbock, TX, 1975; 806-725-8904
Bell, Michael (2010) Educational Instructional Technologist; Certified Technology Specialist, 2007;
Cunningham, Danielle (2012) Enrollment Management Services, Recruiter, BA in Organizational
Communication, Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX 2012; 806-725-8949
Garrett, Jodi (2010) Enrollment Management Services, Financial Aid Officer; BBA Management, Texas
Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 1998; 806-725-8903
Hendrix, Sue (2003) Enrollment Management Services, Business Coordinator; BA Advertising, Texas Tech
University, Lubbock, TX, 1985; 806-725-8901
Jones, Dana (2009) Enrollment Management Services, Nursing Career Counselor; LVN, Frank Phillips
College, Borger, TX 2000; ADN, South Plains College, Levelland, TX, 2003; 806-725-8902
Warner, Susan Bates (1998) Instructional Staff, Medical Librarian; BS Ed, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio,
1969; MLS, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, 1986; 806-725-0602
Section 14: Revisions and Updates
February 2011
Revisions: Catalog and Handbook combined, but no policies changed
July 2010
Revisions: Pg(s) 8, 13, 15, 17, & 64
New Policies: Cellular Phone Usage (p. 42)
October 2010
Added Corrective Action Notice to Forms Exhibit
Corrected Nursing Pledge
January 2011
Revisions Pg(s) 6, 15, 16
Reviewed and revised Dress code and Drug-Free Zone policies, pg(s), 50 and 54, respectively.
Revisions Pg 3,11,15-19, 21,27,29,31,32,36,49,67,68,77,84,85,87.91
April 2012
Revision: Section 3 Student Activities and Services Health Care Guidelines for Current Students (pg
Revision: Section 7 Internet Usage Address for Correspondence (pg 88)
Revision: Section 7 Addition of Social Media Policy (pg 85)
Revision: Section 9 Addition of the ATI Policy Signature Page, Entrance Counseling and Student
Data Form
Revision: Section 11 New Faculty/Clinical Assistants added
Revision: Section12 Addition of FERPAStudent Rights (pg 127137)
Summer 2012 Revisions
Revision: Section 3 Class Organization (pg 33)
Revision: Section 3 Student Body Organization (pg 34)
Revision: Section 3 TNSA Council or Schools (pg 36)
Revision: Section 6 Graduate Awards (pg 58)
Revision: Section 9 Satisfactory Academic Progress (pg 108)
Revision: Section 9 VA Requirements (pg 111)
Revision: Section 10 Code Black (pg 118)
Revision: Section 10 Code Blue (pg 120)
Revision: Section 10 Code Brown (pg 121)
Revision: Section 10 Code Gray (pg 123)
Revision: Section 10 Code Orange (pg 125)
Revision: Section 12 Letter of Agreement (pg 164)
Revision: Section 12 Special Testing Accommodations (pg 165)
Spring 2013 Revisions:
Revision: Section 7 Cellular Telephone Use (pg 73-74)
Revision: Section 7 Social Media (pg 93-94)
Revision: Section 9 Tuition and Fee’s (pg 113-114)
Revision: Section 6 Accessing grades and Requesting Transcript (pg 71)
Fall 2013 Revisions:
Revision: Section 7 Cellular Telephone Use (pg 77)
Revision: Section 6 Attendance (pg69)
Implementation: Section 10 Code Silver (pg 134)
Implementation: Section 6 Accommodation for Exam Administration (pg 57)
Revision: Section 6 ATI (pg 55)
Revision: Section 14 Updated Faculty Information
Revision: Section 12 Currently Used Forms inserted
Revision: Reorganized Prerequisite information to all be in Section 2 with Admission information
Revision: Renamed, ―Transfer‖ Policy to ―Registered Nursing Course Transfer‖ to reflect true
intention of the information.