Equipping Churches to
God’s Love to Their Pastors
Toolkit of Resources for Churches
Join the movement to
God’s love to pastors!
Bless Your Pastor is a national generosity campaign from the
National Association of Evangelicals. It is an opportunity for
church congregations to find creative ways to care for their
Bless Your Pastor focuses on resourcing church leaders to disciple their
people in generous living that leads to transformed hearts and generous spirits. The campaign
will guide believers to relieve some of the financial and emotional pressures that pastors often
feel as a result of their sacrificial service to their churches. Many churches may also decide to
extend the campaign to church sta members in addition to their pastors.
The Bible instructs Christians and churches in 1 Thessalonians 5:12 to “Make sure that you
your deep appreciation for those who cherish you and diligently work as ministers among you.
And, Galatians 6:6 says, “The one who receives instruction in the Word should
all good
things with their instructor.
We hope these free resources will help your church
God’s love for your pastor
and church sta. See the following page about how easy it is to launch and spark excitement
for the Bless Your Pastor campaign in your church.
The Bless Your Pastor campaign should be organized
lay leaders
the pastor
(and church sta, if applicable). This is a behind-the-scenes eort between the
lay leaders and the families in your congregation. While it is appropriate for the
pastor to know about this eort, the promotion, distribution of materials, and the
oering request should be handled by lay leaders and the admin/communications
sta members. Materials can be sent out by mail and/or email to the families in the
congregation, instead of being distributed during worship services. Do what works
best for your church! Treat this eort as if you were planning a birthday party for
someone special — they might know the event is happening, but they shouldn’t be
involved in planning the party, sending out the invitations, or requesting birthday gifts!
Bless Your Pastor Toolkit
STEP 1: Share Bless Your Pastor with your church leadership team.
• Email the Bless Your Pastor welcome video (Vimeo.com/NAEvangelicals/leaders-byp) and church
toolkit (BlessYourPastor.org/churchtoolkit) to your church leaders for them to watch and review.
STEP 2: Discuss Bless Your Pastor as a leadership team.
Note: While it is appropriate for the pastor to know about this eort, they would not normally be involved in the
planning process.
• Print out copies of this 5 Simple Steps sheet (BlessYourPastor.org/steps) and the list of 50 Creative
Ways to Bless Your Pastor and Sta (BlessYourPastor.org/50ways) to inspire ideas and make plans for
your church.
• Watch the Bless Your Pastor training video (Vimeo.com/NAEvangelicals/byp) together, or email the
video to your leaders to watch before the meeting.
• Decide what weekend to publicly honor your pastor during your worship service. Many churches will
pick a weekend in October as part of Pastor Appreciation Month. Other ideas include November in
connection with Thanksgiving, December in connection with Christmas, or anytime that fits best in your
church calendar.
• Decide if an Appreciation Oering will be received for the pastor and/or church sta.
• In addition to sharing the list of 50 Creative Ways to Bless Your Pastor with your church, brainstorm
other ideas for how your church can Bless Your Pastor.
• Identify one or two individuals to coordinate this behind-the-scenes eort.
STEP 3: Spark excitement at your church.
• Connect with the admin/communications sta members to plan the best ways to share about the Bless
Your Pastor eort and oering with your congregation.
• Review the materials in this toolkit and decide which ones will work well for your church (See Page 5).
STEP 4: Celebrate Bless Your Pastor Weekend.
• Decide how you will honor your pastor during the worship service.
• If your church collected an Appreciation Oering, present the gift to the pastor (and church sta
members, if applicable) during the service. Visit BlessYourPastor.org/oeringtips for tips and
BlessYourPastor.org/oeringspreadsheet for a spreadsheet to prorate the oering if given to multiple
STEP 5: Report your Appreciation Oering.
• Go to BlessYourPastor.org/giftcard to report the Appreciation Oering amount your church received.
The NAE team will then email your senior pastor a $150 Amazon gift card to be an additional blessing to
your pastor. (This will also help us measure the impact of Bless Your Pastor across America!)
Bless Your Pastor Toolkit
5 Simple Steps to Bless Your Pastor
• Meet as a leadership team and decide which weekend will work best to celebrate
your pastor.
• Connect with the admin/communications sta members to make a plan to spark
excitement for the Bless Your Pastor campaign and Appreciation Oering.
• Send out the Bless Your Pastor email/letter, list of 50 Creative Ways and
Appreciation Oering instructions.
• Consider using graphics and #BlessYourPastor sharing on social media. Collect
social media input/photos/testimonies about how people are blessing pastor.*
• Send out reminder email/letter as follow-up to first email.
• Continue sharing about Bless Your Pastor on social media.*
• Put an announcement in church weekend bulletin.*
*Consider your pastor’s preferences. Some may be sensitive to information about this
eort being shared on social media or in announcements in your church bulletins or other
• Bring pastor (and church sta, if applicable) on to stage to give them the oering
and pray for them.
• Continue to celebrate what God did in your church through an email to your church
and/or sharing on social channels.
• Remind church members to consider the 50 Creative Ways to Bless Your Pastor
(and Sta) and to continue showing and sharing God’s love throughout the year.
• Report your Appreciation Oering at BlessYourPastor.org/giftcard.
Bless Your Pastor Toolkit
Timing to Implement Bless Your Pastor
This timeline of major milestones is a tool to help you and your church plan. Some churches
may only need one month to plan the Bless Your Pastor campaign, while others will start
working on it 3 months or more before the Bless Your Pastor weekend. Do what works best
for your church!
Bless Your Pastor Toolkit
This 50 Ways list is available in several formats, including
versions to “Bless Your Pastor” and “Bless Your Pastor & Staff.”
Formats include: a one sheet, half sheet and tri-fold brochure.
Each format is available in black/white and in color.
The best way to help your pastor
and church sta is to pray for:
• Intimacy with God
• Marital love and unity
• Spiritual protection
• Divine guidance
• Emotional and physical
• Parenting skills
• Genuine friendships
• Financial provisions
• Daily wisdom
• Personal encouragement
• Helpful mentors
• Eective ministry
• Time management
• Quality study and prayer times
• Helpful training and books
• Leadership skills
• Let them know how God is
specifically using them to
bless, help and teach you to
follow God.
• Remember their birthdays and
anniversaries with a card, gift
or social media post.
• Show appreciation for their
strengths and give grace in
their weaknesses.
Give their spouses the freedom
to be themselves and to find
their own niche at the church.
• Let their children “be kids,
care about them, and pray for
• Prepare meals or baked goods
for them (ask about favorite
meals or certain foods to
• Give them gift cards for
restaurants, fast food or coee
• Give them food from your
garden, orchard, hunting or
fishing trips.
• Invite them and their families
to your home or a restaurant
for a meal.
• Invite them and their families
to go fishing, sailing, camping,
hunting, to the gym, concerts,
plays or sporting events. Oer
to cover some or all of the
• Oer your pastor and sta
members sports, concert or
event tickets.
• If you have a vacation home,
timeshare, recreational vehicle
or camping gear, oer to let
them use it.
• Share frequent flyer miles that
can be used for conferences,
vacation, mission trips or
holiday travel.
• Oer them the use of your
dependable vehicle for a
holiday family trip or vacation.
Share your skills and time to help
with any of the following items:
• Babysitting
• Auto maintenance and repair
• Home repairs, maintenance
and projects
• Decorating, painting and
• Haircuts and beauty
• Medical, dental and
chiropractic care
• Lawn and garden upkeep
• Legal, estate and financial
• Tutoring or lessons for children
If needed, communicate in advance
if there are any out-of-pocket costs
the pastor or church sta members
will need to cover (e.g., parts for a
car repair or materials for home
Faithfully give to your church, so
your pastor and church sta can be
properly compensated. Beyond the
church salary, the Lord may prompt
certain individuals to provide
personal funding to help with any
of the following items:
• Bless Your Pastor & Sta
• Marriage retreat costs
• Christian camp fees
• Back to school fees, clothing
or supplies
• Children’s college tuition
• Mission trips
• Lessons or tutoring
• Family or couple’s vacation or
• Pastor’s conference, seminar or
• Seminary courses or sabbatical
• Student loan debt
• Retirement savings
• Medical expenses
Most people have heard about
“paying it forward.” Do you know
you can also pay it forward by
passing along possessions you no
longer use or need? Possible items
could include appliances, furniture,
musical equipment, clothing, sports
equipment or electronics. Ask if the
items you may have available are
actually needed and wanted by the
pastor or church sta members.
Also, be sure they are in good
condition and will not need costly
Note: Please be prepared to
graciously allow your pastor or church
sta to decline anything that you oer.
Also note that most items mentioned
here are not normally tax-deductible
to the giver, but are to be given out of
gratefulness to God for what he has
given to you.
Over 50
Ways to
S taff
1) Training video
Training video for your church leadership team
2) Template letters/emails from your church leaders to your church
Bless Your Pastor letter template
Bless Your Pastor email template
Bless Your Pastor and Church Sta letter template
Bless Your Pastor and Church Sta email template
3) Appreciation Oering information
Oering envelope tips and tax information
Appreciation Oering chart spreadsheet
4) 50 Creative Ways one sheet
Bless Your Pastor one sheet in b/w
Bless Your Pastor one sheet in color
Bless Your Pastor and Church Sta one sheet in b/w
Bless Your Pastor and Church Sta one sheet in color
5) 50 Creative Ways tri-fold brochure
Bless Your Pastor brochure in b/w
Bless Your Pastor brochure in color
Bless Your Pastor and Church Sta brochure in b/w
Bless Your Pastor and Church Sta brochure in color
6) 50 Creative Ways half sheet
Bless Your Pastor half sheet in b/w
Bless Your Pastor half sheet in color
Bless Your Pastor and Church Sta half sheet in b/w
Bless Your Pastor and Church Sta half sheet in color
7) 50 Creative Ways article
MS Word article to post online
8) Social media toolkit
This social media toolkit includes an inspirational video, downloadable logos, social
cards, sample posts, graphics and Scripture verses so that you can create excitement
for the Bless Your Pastor initiative through social media.
Bless Your Pastor Toolkit
Everything You Need to Make Bless Your Pastor a Success
Click on the bold blue text to download any of these resources.
Compensate Your Pastor and
Sta Using National Research
The best way for church boards or
leadership teams to properly compensate
church personnel is by using nationally
recognized research, recommendations or
regulations from their denominations or
respected national research (ChurchSalary.
com, CompStudy.Lifeway.com and
MinistryPay.com). Using objective outside
information will give church leaders
guidance for what is appropriate and
fair based on church size, location,
denomination, church budget, experience
and education.
Plan an Annual Bless Your Pastor
Campaign & Oering
While many churches have limited budgets
for pastor and sta compensation, most
people in churches have been blessed
by God with skills, abilities, interests and
resources that they can use to bless their
pastors and church sta members. Over
the years, many churches in America have
celebrated October as Pastor Appreciation
Month. Through the Bless Your Pastor
campaign and resources, we trust that many
churches will plan an annual Bless Your
Pastor (and sta, if applicable) campaign
and oering. Every year, this will be a
reminder to church families regarding how
they can creatively show and share God’s
love to their pastors and sta members.
And for the pastor and sta families, these
intentional acts of kindness throughout
the year and through the annual oering
will help them feel loved, valued and
Provide Employee Benefits in
Your Compensation Package
Most pastors do not receive the typical
employment benefits that many working
Americans receive. Church boards, finance
teams or personnel committees should work
with their denominations or other financial
groups that serve pastors and churches to
make sure their pastors and sta members
receive retirement contributions, healthcare
coverage, and life and disability insurance.
Properly Set Up a Plan to
Reimburse for Ministry Expenses
Pastors regularly need to purchase books
and software for sermon preparation,
to attend conferences and events for
connection and encouragement, to take
people out for meals to discuss pastoral
needs or church business, to drive to
hospital and visitation meetings, to host
ministry events at their homes and much
more. Many pastors have to pay for these
expenses from their already limited salaries.
In the past, they could deduct these
expenses for tax purposes, but the IRS no
longer allows these tax deductions. So,
it is important that churches make sure
they properly set up ministry expense
reimbursement plans to cover these
ministry related costs.
Bless Your Pastor Toolkit
How Churches Can Properly Care for Their Pastors & Staff
Most pastors have advanced degrees and work 50 to 60 hours each week caring for their
congregations, but most Christians are not aware that their pastors and church sta members may not
be paid well.
A pastor’s week is filled with early morning meetings, oce hours, visitations, counseling, sermon
preparation and prayer, evening committee meetings and weekend worship services. Yet research
shows many pastor families struggle due to low compensation and a lack of proper employee benefits.
So, here is a list of seven things a church board and congregation can do to make sure their pastor and
church sta are properly cared for, loved and blessed.
Bless Your Pastor Toolkit
How Churches Can Properly Care for Their Pastors & Staff
Oer Time O and Time Away
Pastors work long hours every week. The
demands of leading the church, preparing
for worship services, and caring for the
flock can be non-stop. Church leaders and
congregations need to honor their pastors’
weekly time o and vacation time. Some
pastors say they can’t aord to take time
o with their families. Church members
who have access to vacation properties,
timeshares, RV equipment, unused frequent
flyer points, etc., can oer these to their
pastors or church sta members who need
time away but can’t aord it. Also, after
pastors have served for six years, consider
providing them with some God-honoring
sabbatical time to help them rest, restore
and refocus their lives and ministry.
Legally Approve Housing
Allowances for Pastoral Sta
In America, current laws allow pastors to
receive parsonage or housing allowances
free of federal income taxes. This is a
major financial benefit for pastors that
can be easily implemented by churches.
But it is important for churches to
properly follow IRS guidelines to make
this legal for their pastoral sta members.
If housing allowances are not properly
approved, pastors and churches can
face back taxes, fines and penalties.
Visit NAEfinancialhealth.org for Pastor
Compensation resources and IRS guidelines
for legally approving housing allowances.
Conduct Annual Reviews and
Planning Sessions
Being a pastor can sometimes be a lonely
and dicult job. Oftentimes pastors hear
negative comments about all sorts of topics
— the sanctuary is too cold or warm, the
music is too loud, the sermon is too long
and on and on. A good practice for a pastor
is for a small group of two or three lay
leaders to conduct an annual review with
the pastor and review together the good
things that have happened, possible areas
of improvement, a compensation discussion
and review, and positive plans for the coming
Pastors and church sta members are God’s servants, and church boards,
leaders and congregations are responsible to God to care for them
well. Galatians 6:6 (NLT) says, “Those who are taught the Word of God
should provide for their teachers, sharing all good things with them.” By
taking steps to follow many of these Best Practices, church leaders and
congregations can bless their pastors, allowing them to do their service
with joy and financial freedom.
Brian Kluth is national director of NAE Financial Health
and spokesperson for the Bless Your Pastor movement.
Church Compensation Research and Resources
• Many denominations have research and resources on compensation. Be sure to contact your
denomination to see what is available.
• Christianity Today’s ChurchSalary.com
• LifeWay Research Compensation Study
• The Church Network’s Annual Salary Research
• NAE Financial Health (Pastor Compensation Resources)
NAE Financial Health Free Online Training
• Bless Your Church | A 13-minute video training session to equip, empower and encourage your
church to receive generous gifts of assets and estate bequests
• Generous Life Devotional | A 10-minute video training session to inspire generosity through the use
of a 40-day church-wide devotional
• God Is Your Provider Personal Finances | A six-session at-home interactive training for couples and
individuals to improve their financial health regardless of their age or income
• Church Generosity | A six-session interactive training for church leadership teams to grow givers
and giving in their churches
Bless Your Pastor Toolkit
Additional Resources to Continue Blessing Your Pastor and
Church Throughout the Year
Click on the bold blue text to download any of these resources.