August 2014 Volume 52.8
My Dear Friends,
The words of the theme song to the epic film
"Love Story" come to mind as I write my
final Connections Letter to you. "Where do
I begin to tell the story of how great a love
can be…?” I have been doing a lot of remi-
niscing over the past weeks. I will always be
so grateful that you trusted in God to call
me to serve here at Beautiful Savior when I
was facing the latter years of ministry. As
we have worked together, I have been privi-
leged to see one of the most talented staffs
in all of my church work put together. We
now are over twice as large (some of us in
weight) as when I started here in
2002. God has blessed us with one of the
finest Senior pastors in our church body or
any church body. He is supported by two of
the finest young pastors in the LC-MS. We
have one of the finest traditional worship
leaders in the country. Our contemporary
leaders have developed musical talent and
worship here that causes jealousy among
many other churches. Our Christian Growth
and development is unmatched. Our youth
and children's ministry is par excellent. Our
lay leaders are absolutely superb. We have
been fortunate to successfully complete two
building projects. Our mission zeal and ser-
vice mindset is unparalleled. We have a
Stephen Ministry that oozes with love and
compassion. Our seniors are vibrant and
energetic. I marvel at what God has
done through the wonderful staff and peo-
ple of Beautiful Savior. It's been an amaz-
ing love story for the past eleven and a
half years and Vicki and I will always
be grateful that you allowed us to
share in the story and that you so won-
derfully shared your love with us.
I am grateful for all the College
World Series tickets, the Husker and
Creighton tickets, the golf outings and
fishing trips, the numerous lunches and
dinners over the years. You are amaz-
As the curtain is ready to fall on this
portion of my ministry I share the title
of another song with you. A group
called New Colony Six out of Chicago
sang in 1970, "I Will Always Think
About You." I will. Vicki will. We
enter into retirement with the excite-
ment of being with our children and
grandchildren, but you will always be
on our minds, on our hearts, and in our
The Germans have a beautiful saying
when leaving one another; they say
Auf Wiedersehen. That doesn't mean
good-bye it means until we see each
other again. Auf Wiedersehen and
God bless each of you richly. Thank
you from the bottom of my heart.
In Christ's Love,
Pastor Tim
Letter From Pastor Tim
Preschool News
Women’s Connection
New Horizons
BSLC Long Range
Adult Bible Studies
Mexico Update
Health Ministry
Odds and Ends
Letter From the Carters
Costa Rica Trip
Student Connect
August 2014 Volume 52.8
Page 2
Womens Connection
During the month of August our
new sermon series is titled, the
“Power of We.” We will be high-
lighting the importance of fellow-
ship and participation in Life
Groups. To be more prepared for
each weekend’s message, take a
few minutes to read the designat-
ed Bible lessons each week.
August 3: “We Are” Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12, Romans 12: 10-15, John 15:12-15
August 10: “We Grow” Daniel 1:11-17, Ephesians 4:11-16, Matthew 18:19-21
August 17: “We Make Me” Proverbs 27:17, Galatians 2:11-14, Luke 17: 3-5
August 24: “The Power of We” Joshua 1:12-15, Ephesians 2:19-22, Matthew
August 31: Pastors will answer submitted congregational questions during the
Our Women’s Connection meeting for August is
“Percolating Through Life” on Saturday, August 16, at
9:30 a.m., at the Melissa Site. Bring a friend and enjoy a
wonderful brunch, listen to the speaker, Marge McClana-
han from Sioux Falls, SD. She will be discussing:
“Reforming Requires a Bit of Smushing and Pounding.” She
will also be doing a special feature on coffee, as she was
an owner of a coffee shop. For reservations, please call
Susan Parsons at 402-731-1937. Brunch cost is $11.50.
Free babysitting is available with advance notice. Please
let Susan know when reserving your spot!
Preschool News
M/W/F) - 10 years
The 2014 school year
marks the 40th Anniver-
sary of the preschool! We
opened in 1974. We are
so honored to be able to
keep early childhood edu-
cation going strong at
Beautiful Savior. We plan
to celebrate this all year
We need your help
please continue to save
your Campbell Soup la-
bels for the preschool
(donation bucket in pre-
school office). Our goal is
It is hard to believe the new
school year is right around the
corner. Fall is our favorite time
of year as we anxiously await
familiar and new faces to ap-
pear. We love these new begin-
We currently have only a few
slots left for the M-F and M/W/
F classes. If you are still looking
for a preschool, please contact
us at 402-331-2681 or via
All of our preschool teach-
ers will be returning for
the fall. That is awesome
Pam Prazan (T/TH) -
10 years
Madelyn Boardman
(M/W/F) - 8 years
Marie Bode (M-F) - 2
Robin Kolumban (T/TH
& M/W/F) - 6 years
Zorayda Puente (T/TH
& M/W/F) - 1 year
Dawn Lasaitis (M-F) -
1 year
Grace Sillik (T/TH &
5,000 labels. We would
be very grateful if you
could help us reach our
goal. Also, if you have
gently used clothing for
boys and girls ages 3-5,
we need those as well.
Clothing can be left on the
table or desk in the pre-
school area.
Thank you for praying for
our program and our staff
throughout the summer.
We are looking forward
to another exciting year
with the help of God.
Pam and Preschool Staff
New Horizons
The New Horizons of Beautiful Savior will meet on Thurs-
day, August 7, in the Lower Fellowship Hall. Please gather
by 11:45 a.m., and the luncheon will begin at noon. The
luncheon will be a potluck meal. Johnny Ray Gomez will
present a program of musical favorites.
Please call your hostess to reserve a spot. Members or
guests whose last name begin with A through Mc should call
Carolyn Schrader at 402-331-3833. Members and guests
whose last name begins with Me through Z should call Alice
Downey at 402-493-3944.
August 2014 Volume 52.8
Page 3
Adult Bible Studies
Iron Men: This is a 20 week men’s discipleship program which involves weekly 90 minute meetings, homework, Scripture
memorization, accountability and with the goal of equipping men to put their faith into concrete action. Interested parties
can contact Jim Haack at 402-331-7376 or [email protected].
Kindle: This is a leadership development process using a collaborative (group-based) adult learning model. Kindle in-
volves learning by doing, including leading group devotions, sharing life experiences, reading and discussing leadership
books and following an individualized growth plan based on a 360-degree assessment results. For more information con-
tact Jim Haack at 402-331-7376 or
The Story: This is a 31 week immersion in the Bible that uses a chronologically arranged, condense NIV Bible in narrative
format with no chapter or verse numbers. It reads like a novel. Beautiful Savior is one of thousands of churches nationwide
to use “The Story” and its many resource materials. Beginning after Labor Day we will experience “The Story.”
BSLC Long Range Strategizing
Why are we bringing in a consultant
to help with long range strategizing?
While 4,000 new churches are start-
ed every year, about 3,800 other
churches close their doors. Here are
three reasons churches don’t make it
(and why we are doing long range
1. Launching too many ministries.
Most ministries begin with good
intentions, trying to meet a legiti-
mate, specialized need. Over
time, these ministries become ex-
pensive and volunteer intensive.
All the while, their effectiveness
dwindles. So ministries must al-
ways evaluate sustainability.
Mexico Update
Part of our mission at Beautiful Savior Lutheran
Church is to be empowered by the Holy Spirit
to reach people for Christ.
A team from BSLC went to Mexico in February
2014 partnering with Christ for the City.
Christ for the City is an international mission
sending organization, serving Latin America,
North America, Africa and Asia. They are a
501(c)3 non profit organization. For this trip
there was a need identified to help the chil-
dren at the orphanage. Look for information in
September for opportunities to help sponsor a
child or children. For questions, please contact
Anna Cole at 402-331-7376.
What will this ministry look like as
it continues to grow? It’s better to
do a few things well than offer a
bunch of programs that scratch
the surface.
2. Being sidetracked by difficult
people. Churches attract wonder-
ful people, but they are also a
breeding ground for difficult
people. As a result, sometimes we
spend a great deal of time justi-
fying what we do to people who
are slightly misaligned with our
congregation’s mission. We’re
coddling people who always
seem to have a problem with how
we spend money on outreach or
how our congregation isn’t more
like their last church. In the end,
this isn’t a people problem, it’s a
vision problem.
3. Working in it, not on it. In church-
es, the work comes at a fast and
furious pace. We’re starting
things, launching things, meeting
with people and operating week-
to-week, While some of this is
necessary, if we never back up to
evaluate and create systems
we’re going to stay stuck in the
hamster wheel of ministry. Church-
es must stop reacting to this
week’s problems and implement a
long term strategy.
The Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church Health Ministry has been promoting
flu immunizations for the past five years. Getting vaccinated is cost effec-
tive and life saving. 45,000 adults die annually from a vaccine preventa-
ble disease such as influenza. Group immunity is a method to protect those
who cannot receive vaccinations for several heath reasons.
What are UVA and UVB rays? UVA rays are the weakest, but can cause
skin cells to age and some indirect damage to cells. UVB rays are stronger.
They are mainly responsible for direct damage to the skin. These are rays
that cause sunburn and are thought to cause most skin cancers.
Limiting exposure is the best way to prevent sunburns and skin cancer.
Avoid peak times between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and use sunscreen of SPF
30 or greater, reapplying every two hours. Wear hats and sunglasses to
protect your eyes and face.
Health Ministry
August 2014 Volume 52.8
Page 4
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings from the Carters in Saint Louis! We pray that God has continued to pour out His many blessings on you all as
the heart of summer is upon us. We’ve been longing for this time of year to discover new adventures that vicarage will
offer. Finally! We have found where we will be going for vicarage! We will be serving Immanuel Lutheran Church in
Grand Rapids, Michigan! Our moving date is the 22nd of July. We are very excited with this new opportunity and would
appreciate all prayers for growth and support.
Tyler is currently in the last week of his final class before vicarage. He has taken two classes this summer: Crisis Interven-
tion and Post-Modern Theology and Pastoral Practice. He is taking the second one right now and has enjoyed both of
them this summer. The classes have taught him a lot and he’s ready to put all that hard studying to practice.
Natalie is in the process of finishing up her last few weeks of work here in Saint Louis. She has learned an extraordinary
amount at Huvepharma and will definitely take all that knowledge to her next job. She has been looking for a job in
Grand Rapids and was able to get in touch with a temp agency that sounds promising. Hopefully we’ll hear something
This summer has been filled with traveling and vacation times. In a few weeks we well be joining Tyler’s family on a trip,
ironically, to Grand Rapids, Minnesota. We will definitely enjoy being out on the lake and catching some fish.
We want to thank you all for the continued prayers and support as we go on to our vicarage and our fourth year. We
truly appreciate all that you have done for us. Our new address will be 440 Crescent Dr. Apt #6, Grand Rapids, MI
49503 and our email is tyler.carte[email protected]. Thank you for allowing us to have a great Seminary experience so far.
God’s Blessings, Tyler and Natalie Carter
Letter From the Carters
Odds and Ends
Be sure to keep Pastor Tim and Vicki in your prayers
as they transition to retirement in Eau Claire, Wiscon-
sin. What a blessing it has been partnering with them
in ministry and leadership at Beautiful Savior since
December 2002. There will be a quick Voters’ Assem-
bly to grant Tim a “peaceful release” from his pasto-
ral office immediately after the 11:00 worship (at La
Vista) on Sunday, August 3.
Our strategic planning consultant, Bryan Blackford, will
be attending worship services and meeting with sever-
al “Focus Groups” on Sunday, August 10. All of our
Beautiful Savior families will also be sent an electronic
community survey the first week of August to help Bry-
an glean detailed information about our church.
Please take a few moments to complete this email sur-
vey when you receive it so the gathered data will be
as comprehensive and accurate as possible.
Pastoral Leadership Institute (PLI) will be hosting a con-
ference at Beautiful Savior from November 11-14,
2014. They are expecting 50 pastors and their wives
for this event.
As a part of the November Voters’ Meeting, we will
be appointing one pastor and one lay person (and an
alternate) to represent the congregation at the 2015
Nebraska District LCMS Convention in Kearney (June
12-13). We will also be nominating one pastor from
the Omaha South Circuit for the office of Circuit Visitor
(used to be called Circuit Counselor).
Mark your calendars - Confirmation classes resume on
Wednesday, September 10. All of our eight grade
students who participated in “Summer Confirmation
Camp” will be confirmed on either Saturday, October
25 at 11:00 a.m. or on Sunday, October 26 at 1:30
p.m. (Parents may decide which option works best with
their schedule.)
The special Door Offering gathered Sunday, June 29,
for the Nebraska District LCMS Disaster Relief Fund to
assist the Pilger area families recovering from tornado
damage totaled $3,390.
Thank you for your generosity!
August 2014 Volume 52.8
Page 5
Costa Rica 2014
A small team from Beautiful Savior Student Ministry recently had the opportunity to serve in Nicoya, Guanacaste, Costa
Rica. The team included Erin Welsh, Trevor Lewis, and Josh Keithley. The students partnered with a church from Benton-
ville, Arkansas to do great and mighty things for the Kingdom. The Holy Spirit led us in a few different directions with one
common purpose, to bring the love of Jesus to the students and children of Nicoya. Our team served the community
through clean-up projects at homes, at the city park, and at a local church.
Trevor Lewis said, "I was impacted greatly by the friendliness of the people in Costa Rica. It was cool to see everybody
welcome you and how they were openhearted and open-minded while they were trying to communicate with you. God
really showed me His love through the love of others in Costa Rica. I now know that I will be more open about welcoming
new friends into my life."
The team spent the entire day Sunday in Worship and fellowship with a local church. Other opportunities included re-
modeling of a church fellowship hall, Kids Camp, street evangelism, and countless opportunities with one on one conversa-
tions. One of Josh's favorite moments was being asked to speak during half-time of the futbol (soccer) game! During this
time a young man's knee was healed and he experienced Jesus' love for the first time.
Erin shared her testimony in front of 200 Ticos and Ticas Sunday morning and really stepped into an obedience to God's
voice and discovered what its like to share the love of Jesus in her life with others. She had this to say, "During this trip I
felt like I was only scratching the surface of what God wants us to do there and my heart is really being pulled back.
Throughout the week at different times I could really tell that I was only getting a glimpse of what God has called us as a
youth group and church to do there. I am excited to see what He has in store for us in the future." Our time in Costa Rica
was short but we are excited to go back and bring more groups to share the love of Jesus with a proud country and a
place where our students will grow in their understanding of God's love for His children.
August 2014 Volume 52.8
7706 S. 96th Street
La vista, Ne 68128
B e a u t i f u l S a v i o r L u t h e r a n C h u r c h
Right now, nearly 2 million first year students are making plans to move into university campuses
across the country, where they will join about 16 million other students, scholars and faculty
members in the greater academic community. Right now is your opportunity to help your col-
lege bound child stay strong in their faith. What’s involved?
The easiest way to connect your student with a local Lutheran church or campus ministry is simp-
ly to use StudentConnect, a free and confidential service from LCMS Campus Ministry. Visit the
LCMS Campus Ministry’s StudentConnect webpage at
studentconnect/ and submit the convenient online form. LCMS Campus Ministry will alert a local
Lutheran campus ministry worker, who will make contact and invite your student to visit and get
involved. Only about 20 percent of students arriving on campus will seek out a campus ministry
on their own; but most who are invited by a campus ministry worker will consider attending.
Before Sending Your Kids Off to College...
A Christian doesn’t live in himself, but in Christ and his neighbor. He lives in Christ through faith
and his neighbor through love.
August Wedding Anniversaries
8/1 Gregory & Terra Beethe, Kathy & Patrick Black, Rich & Angie Kaipust, Brad & Erin Kempfert; 8/2 Brandon &
Kimberly Eymann, Nick & Felicia Wessel; 8/3 Veronica & Daniel Detjens, John & Carol Mumma; 8/4 Dan & Chandra
Bombeck, Jim & Marcella Ernst, Russell & Monica Swan; 8/5 Roger & Ellen Baumgart, Eric & Dawn Beacom, Steve &
Stephanie Beideck, Stacie & Michael Klingbeil, Steve & Sandi Weber; 8/6 Patrick & Melissa Damme, Jennifer &
Nathan Kamprath, Jamie & Trish Miller, Justin & Kristy Norblade, Richard & Samantha Petersen, Dave & Mel Smith;
8/7 Marty & Jeanne Going, Morgan & Kristen Hamilton, Dave & Joyce Puhl, Bruce & Kara Zirpel; 8/8 Bob & June
Eilers, Karl & Robin Kolumban; 8/9 Renee & Marc Huon, Tina & Timothy Karstens, Gail & Robert Kassmeyer, Mark &
Wendy Roth; 8/10 Ryan & Krista Brons, Andy & Lillian Jacobitz, Mike & Carol Jaeger, Oscar & Arline Mussman;
8/11 Ed & Cheryl Baker, Wayne & Louise Rasmussen, Fred & Kristy Rauscher, Greg & Leah Schardt, Jeff & Jody
Watkins; 8/12 Brian & Michelle Adams, Nate & Jacquelyn Kellar; 8/13 Keith & Rachel Grimm, Ed & Carol Williams;
8/14 Toby & Jean Dellamano, Dan & Dotty Mussmann, Tony & Nicholle Reisdorff; 8/15 Joshua & Analisa Peyton, Bill
& Tammy Vala; 8/16 Louis & Deborah Caccomo, Chris & Carrie Erickson, Kurt & Shelley Pohlmann, Matt & Jessica
Skradski, Becky & David Steinbach; 8/17 Shane & Rita Landmark, John & Jerry Petersen; 8/18 Brett & Rachel
Johnson; 8/19 Roger & Carol Bargstadt; 8/20 Mark & Carol Mellick, Mark & Shelli Muldoon; 8/21 Roger & Heather
Klassen, Tom & Dorothy Pflug; 8/23 Jon & Melissa Johnson; 8/24 Karie & Joseph Feyen, Tom & Jen Hermel, Danny &
Linda Owens; 8/25 Jeff & Sarah Loveland, Mike & Susan Westcott; 8/26 Doug & Pat Durbin; 8/27 Tim & Connie
Maine, Tim & Ivette Reick; 8/28 Mike & Patty Callahan, Rich & Barbara Froiland, Howard & Anita Hansen, Sam &
Marilyn Moessner, James & Jennifer Severson; 8/29 8/30 Tim & Vicki Heupel; 8/31 Phil & Diane Taylor.
August Birthdays
ADULTS: 8/1 Roland Beideck, Kim Chilvers, Jill Foster, Andrew Kloeckner, Tara McCarty, Amanda Scholtes, Eric
Vander Woude, Donna Wiman; 8/2 JoAnn Harrison, Kelly Hiatt, Julie Lainson, Seth Marek, Cheryl Roth; 8/3 Melissa
Bergoch, Teri Cissell, Richard Craig, Jamie Hanway, Susan Schiltz, Gerry Warner, Scott Wollberg; 8/4 Kendall
Christensen, June Eilers, Zach Gerch, Darrell Karr, Austin McCleery, Donny McQuigg, Alicia Mikoloyck, Jessie Pflug,
Jane Stier, Corben Waldron; 8/5 Jan Hansen, James Hoppe, Rose Knutzen, Jeanette Laitner, Barbara Miller, Dave
Woodcock; 8/6 Harold Knapp, Michael Neilsen, Heidi Parsons, Patricia Rohloff, Gary Wallace, Meghan Zavoras,
Mikala Zavoras; 8/7 Michelle Beeson, Debbie Helmers, Tim Heupel, Linda Schmidt; 8/8 Matt Alvarado, Diane
Koehler, Russell Raszler, Dave Smith; 8/9 Marla Holmes, Jacob Keffeler, Don Larson, Gary Van Cleve, John Powley;
8/10 Lance Grigsby, Kara Johnson, Deb Niemeier; 8/11 Joni Adler, Michael Braun, Jackie Krueger, Kathryn Palmer,
Jonathon Priebe, Jake Priebe, Christopher Sadovsky, Sarah Svacina; 8/12 Kathy Black, Sharie Fischer, Mary Goforth,
Meredith O’Malley, Heidi Riessen, Mark Roth;Julianna Wisnieski 8/13 Todd Kruse, Betty Morris, Whitney Shanker,
Suzanne Steube, Chuck Van Winkle II; 8/14 Ian Grigsby, Carla Heumann, Phyllis Karr, Bill Lee, Kim Peterson, Melissa
Trapp; 8/15 Mark Adler, Shari Berg, Kristen Campbell, Dustin Durant, Kevin Fitch, Morgan Hamilton, Mary Hazelhurst,
Denise Isenberger, Leslie Laux; 8/16 Rachel McMenamin; 8/17 Wrex Harter, Stephanie Siedschlag; 8/18 Mary
Beideck, Cecelia Brunberg, Jessica Kellog, Jane Valerius, Shelly Welsh; 8/19 Tyler Brown, Angie Henderson, Sally
Leu, Geneva Rowe, Michelle Rule, Bill Vala, Keara Westphal; 8/20 Doug Carter, Bob Hansen, Roger Satter, Danica
Schaap, Michael White; 8/21 Annette Kammerer, Joanne Levin, Brian Swanigan; 8/22 Brittany Boots, Dave Galaska,
Caryn Havenridge, Andy Jacobitz, Kathy Marxen, Matt Skradski, Jill Zavoras; 8/23 Linda Berry, Dawn Henry, Karri
Horton, Virgina Keffeler, Stacie Klingbeil, Kimberly McDonald, Molly Muldoon, Bethany Redlinger; 8/24 Barry Holste,
Heather Klassen, Maryann Reick; 8/25 Stephanie Beideck, Jamie Draper, Julie Hrabik, Milan Reick; 8/26 Jennifer
Kamprath; 8/27 Richard Bastman, Kelly Haack, Mike McKenney, Travis Taege, Michael Van Cleve, Rod Wells; 8/28
Robert Fischer, Ron Holling, Amy Lloyd, Arline Mussman, Joe Vacanti; 8/29 Dean Nilson, Marcia Schrad, Clara
Schraeder; 8/30 Mark Baden, Bob Boardman, Lori Carter, Danial Johnson, Danny Owens; 8/31 Dena Jundt, Jake
Pflug, Tifany Steefensmeier.
TEENS: 8/1 Connor Hulke 8/5 Amber Hoss; 8/6 Jessica Lieb; 8/8 Drew Boyd; 8/9 Shelby Rule; 8/11 Nicholas Wilson;
8/12 Dakota Satter; 8/13 Antonia DeGeorge, Kaycie Havenridge, Abigail Linkhart; 8/14 Katie Pohl; 8/16 Kara
Grimm; 8/19 Adia Matousek; 8/23 Kristin Manley; 8/26 Colin Boex.
CHILDREN: 8/1 Joe Vocelka; 8/2 Paige Johnson, Addison Mauch, Adrian Palmer, Charlie Van Winkle IV; 8/3 Justin
Bystrom, Chase Olson, Kaylee Van Hill; 8/6 Kyrah Trujillo, Zakkary Zavoras; 8/7 Henry Lindsay; 8/8 Jentry Sheldon,
Payton Swaney; 8/9 Connor Crandall, Elise Raszler, Parker Schendt; 8/11 Justin Johnson; 8/12 Halle Reafleng, Kylee
Reafleng 8/13 Drew Flamig; 8/16 Cameron Fritton; 8/19 Noah Hackendahl, Jacob Holtmeyer; 8/20 Lexi Baatz,
Kenzie Peterson; 8/21 Brooklyn Bartlett; 8/22 Emme Baxter; 8/23 Avery Keithley; 8/24 Avery Cartwright, 8/25
Jaxson Sadovsky; 8/26 Connor Fanning, Jonas Harkins, Daniel Smith, Rian Van Winkle; 8/28 Jonathan Damme, Trey
Folger; 8/29 Kenzie Kamprath, Sophia Keilig, Bryce Vigness; 8/31 Elise Roth.
9:30 am ‘Perfectly Broken’
8:00 am Men’s Bible Study
8:30 am Prayer Group
9:00 am Abide Network
Strategic Planning Survey 3
8, 9:30, 11 am Worship & Communion
8:15, 8:30, 9:30 am Discovery Class
9:30 am Adult Bible Class
9:30 am Student Worship &
Kidnect Sun. School
10:00 am Worship & Communion -
Northwest Site
11:11 am lifestory Worship
6:30 am Men’s Bible Breakfast
8:30 am “Get It Together”
6:00 pm Valor Christian
6:30 pm Worship &
7:00 pm 210 Project
9:00 am Ladies Bible Study
6:00 pm Brons Life Group
6:00 pm Welsh Life Group
10:45 am Child Care Chapel
6:00 pm life
story Praise Band
6:30 pm Praise Band
9:00 am Ladies Bible Study
6:30 pm Foundation Meeting
6:30 pm Student Praise Band
7:30 pm Northwest Praise Band
9:30 am “Perfectly Broken”
5:00 pm Jahns Visitation
8:00 am Men’s Bible Study
8:30 am Prayer Group
11:00 am Jahns Funeral
10:00 am Food Pantry
Strategic Planning Survey
8, 9:30, 11 am Worship & Communion
8:15, 8:30, 9:30 am Discovery Class
9:30 am Adult Bible Class
9:30 am Student Worship &
Kidnect Sun. School
10:00 am Worship - Northwest Site
11:11 am life
story Worship & Communion
12:15, 1:15, 2:15, 3:15 pm Focus Groups
6:30 am Men’s Bible Breakfast
8:30 am “Get It Together”
6:00 pm Valor Christian Acad.
6:30 pm Worship &
7:00 pm Ladies Bible Study
7:00 pm 210 Project
9:00 am Ladies Bible Study
10:45 am Child Care Chapel
6:00 pm life|story Praise Band
6:30 pm Praise Band
9:00 am Ladies Bible Study
6:30 pm Stephen Ministry
6:30 pm Student Praise Band
7:30 pm Northwest Praise Band
9:30 am “Perfectly Broken”
Wedding Rehearsal
8:00 am Men’s Bible Study
8:30 am Prayer Group
8:30 am Health Ministry
9:00 am Women’s
10:00 am Food Pantry
12:00 Lichtas / Freudenburg
8, 9:30, 11 am Worship & Communion
8:15, 8:30, 9:30 Discovery Class
9:30 am Adult Bible Class
9:30 am Student Worship & Kidnect Sun.
10:00 am Worship & Communion -
Northwest Site
11:11 am life
story Worship
6:30 Men’s Bible Breakfast
8:30 am ‘Get It together’
6:00 pm Valor Christian
6:30 pm Worship &
7:00 pm 210 Project
7:00 pm Ladies Bible Study
9:00 am Ladies Bible Study
6:00 pm Brons Life Group
6:00 Welsh Life Group
10:45 am Childcare Chapel
6:00 pm life
story Praise Band
6:30 pm Praise Band Rehearsal
9:00 am Ladies Bible Study
6:30 pm Student Praise Band
7:30 pm Northwest Praise Band
9:30 am “Perfectly Broken”
Wedding Rehearsal
8:00 am Men’s Bible Study
8:30 am Prayer Group
10:00 am Private Baptism
12:00 pm Cole / Nell
8, 9:30, 11 am Worship & Communion
8:15, 8:30, 9:30 Discovery Class
9:30 am Adult Bible Class
9:30 am Student Worship & Kidnect Sun.
10:00 am Worship - Northwest Site
11:11 am life|story Worship& Communion
6:30 am Men’s Bible Breakfast
8:30 am ‘Get It together’
6:30 pm Worship &
7:00 pm Project 210
7:00 pm Ladies Bible Study
Missionary Training
9:00 am Ladies Bible Study
Missionary Training
6:00 pm life|story Praise Band
6:30 pm Praise Band
Missionary Training
9:00 Ladies Bible Study
6:30 pm Stephen Ministry
6:30 pm Student Praise Band
7:30 pm Northwest Praise Band
Missionary Training
9:30 am ‘Perfectly Broken’
Wedding Rehearsal
6:30 pm MOPS Kick Off
8:00 am Men’s Bible Study
8:30 am Prayer Group
12:00 pm Schumann /
Caccomo Wedding
8, 9:30, 11 am Worship & Communion
8:15, 8:30, 9:30 Discovery Class
9:30 am Adult Bible Class
9:30 am Student Worship & Kidnect Sun. School
10:00 am Worship & Communion - Northwest Site
11:11 am life
story Worship