User Documentation
Celonis Discovery
This document is copyright of the Celonis GmbH. Distribution or reproduction are only per-
mitted by written approval of the Celonis GmbH. Usage only permitted, if a valid software
license for Celonis Discovery is available.
Secure Coding Guide
This document is copyright of the Celonis GmbH. Distribution or reproduction are only per-
mitted by written approval of the Celonis GmbH.
Version 1.3
This document is copyright of the Celonis GmbH. Distribution or reproduction are only per-
mitted by written approval of the Celonis GmbH. Usage only permitted, if a valid software
license is available.
Version 1.4
Corresponding Software Version: 4.2
SAP Process Mining by Celonis
Operation Guide
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 4
ABOUT SAP PROCESS MINING BY CELONIS ................................................................... 4
TARGET AUDIENCE .......................................................................................................... 4
OVERVIEW OF THE MAIN SECTIONS ................................................................................ 5
TECHNICAL CONFIGURATION – SECURITY ................................... 11
TECHNICAL CONFIGURATION – LOGGING .................................... 16
LOGGING FOR SAP PROCESS MINING BY CELONIS ...................................................... 16
LOGGING FOR CPML ....................................................................................................... 17
TECHNICAL CONFIGURATION – R-SERVER ................................... 18
R-SERVER INSTALLATION ON WINDOWS ..................................................................... 18
R-SERVER INSTALLATION ON LINUX ............................................................................. 19
APPLICATION SERVER ADMINISTRATION .................................... 20
REQUIRED TOOLS ...........................................................................................................20
SAP PROCESS MINING BY CELONIS CONFIGURATION .................................................20
PERIODICAL TASKS - ARCHIVING FILES ......................................... 22
SAP PROCESS MINING BY CELONIS LOG FILES .............................................................22
SAP PROCESS MINING BY CELONIS RELEASES .............................................................22
RECOVERING FROM A BACKUP ..................................................................................... 24
(HANA) .......................................................................................... 26
MONITORING THE APPLICATION SERVER ..................................... 27
INCLUDED MONITORING FUNCTIONALITY .................................................................. 28
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
MONITORING SAP HANA ............................................................... 31
LOGGING AND TRACING ................................................................ 32
SOFTWARE CHANGE MANAGEMENT ............................................ 33
SOFTWARE UPDATE PROCEDURE ................................................. 34
SUPPORT DESK MANAGEMENT .................................................... 35
TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................... 36
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
SAP Process Mining by Celonis is a powerful software for retrieving, visualizing and analyzing real as-
is business processes from transactional data stored by the SAP ERP systems. It provides users with
the possibility to create and share comprehensive process analyses giving them full transparency
about the business processes at hand.
In order to provide process analyses, SAP Process Mining by Celonis makes use of raw data taken from
the SAP ERP systems. For efficient use, the solution requires data to exist in a specified target struc-
ture. Thus, raw data from the SAP ERP systems will be transformed into that structure on a regular
basis. The result will then be stored as either views or tables. As analytical backbone for the manage-
ment and storage of the raw data as well as the transformed Process Mining data and as enabler for
its real-time analytics, SAP Process Mining by Celonis uses the SAP HANA technology.
SAP Process Mining by Celonis was designed as an analysis platform for the supervision of several
business processes and by several users at the same time. Therefore, SAP Process Mining by Celonis
is a browser-based web application with a client-server architecture that is easily accessible through-
out an enterprise for many users at the same time. User access can be restricted either on analysis-,
or data-model-level. Users can also be assigned different roles with different rights for making con-
figurations or creating analyses.
This guide covers all relevant technical information about correctly operating SAP Process Mining by
Celonis and is meant to be consulted by the following target audiences:
System Administrators
Support Personnel
Technical Staff
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
This guide gives an overview over all information relevant for operating SAP Process Mining by Celo-
nis and is therefore divided into the following sections:
This section gives an overview over the SAP Process Mining by Celonis architecture as well as its in-
volvement with other systems in the IT landscape.
This section describes the SAP Process Mining by Celonis files and folders structure in detail, with a
highlight over available configuration files.
This section describes the software’s security features.
This section shows which steps are necessary for SAP Process Mining by Celonis to operate in a high
availability environment.
This section describes the logging capabilities of the application.
This section describes the SAP Process Mining by Celonis integration with the R-Server, the installa-
tion procedure and the configuration possibilities.
Since the application will be running as an operating system services, this part describes how to cor-
rectly configure it as such. It will also describe the necessary tools for administration.
This section describes how to best manage the task of periodically archiving old files: the log files of
the Apache Tomcat server as well as new releases of SAP Process Mining by Celonis
Here, you will learn about how to regularly backup the metadata datastore as well as restore it in case
of a failure.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
Here, you will learn about how to regularly backup the analytics database (SAP HANA) as well as re-
store it in case of a failure.
This section describes how to best monitor the application server in terms of resource usage to ensure
that the application can run with maximum performance and efficiency at all times.
This section describes how to best monitor the analytics database (SAP HANA) in terms of resource
usage to ensure that the application can run with maximum performance and efficiency at all times.
Learn about the log files that will be created during the usage of SAP Process Mining by Celonis as
well as about how to manage them.
This section describes how changes to the software are managed.
Here you can find a step-by-step guide about how to update SAP Process Mining by Celonis once a
new version is released.
This part lists the contact details of the service desk as well as the best procedure for getting in contact
with it in case of problems.
Refer to this section to find a list of common issues and first instruction for soling them.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
SAP Process Mining by Celonis consists of two components: The core SAP Process Mining web appli-
cation and the SAP HANA AFL plugin for SAP Process Mining by Celonis (called CPML).
In order to show you how SAP Process Mining by Celonis software works, we are presenting the SAP
Process Mining by Celonis System Landscape as a diagram below. The System Landscape itself con-
tains sufficient information and visual elements so that you can fully understand how SAP Process
Mining by Celonis works and connects with your existing IT Infrastructure.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
SAP Process Mining by Celonis file system layout simplifies the process of understanding, managing
and administrating the application. The entire layout is split in two main sections: the application in-
stallation path and the application data path where the application will create its files. Both locations
can be changed during the installation process. For the Windows Operating Systems, when kept to
their default values, SAP Process Mining by Celonis will install under C:\Program Files\Celonis\SAP
Process Mining by Celonis”, while all application files will be created under C:\Program Files\Celo-
nis\SAP Process Mining by Celonis\appfiles. The respective default values for the Linux Systems are
“/opt/celonis/celonis4” and “/opt/celonis/celonis4/root”. Next, we will list and describe the folder tree
for both Windows and Linux Systems.
Windows Systems
component_configurations: Directory Contains specific component configuration
files (in a new installation, only sample files) that can be used to address specific com-
ponent settings for access, audit, login and trace logging, password rules and query-
jre: Directory Contains the Oracle Java JRE embedded package.
logs: Directory Contains the SAP Process Mining by Celonis application log files.
pdf-exporter: Directory Contains the PDF Exporting capabilities functions.
temp: Directory Contains temporary application files.
cbpd.exe: File Main SAP Process Mining by Celonis executable file.
sappm_svc.exe: File Embedded Jetty Web-Server.
sappm_svcw.exe: File Embedded Jetty Web-Server configuration window.
uninstall.exe: File SAP Process Mining by Celonis uninstallation file.
vcredist_2008_x86.exe: File Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Redistributable 32 bit li-
brary, included with the installer.
vcredist_2010_x64.exe: File Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Redistributable 64 bit li-
brary, included with the installer.
vcredist_2015_x64.exe: File Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Redistributable 64 bit li-
brary, included with the installer.
FILEID: File Information file that contains the SAP Process Mining by Celonis version
build number.
cbpd_svc.jar: File SAP Process Mining by Celonis service dependency file.
installer-log.ico: File Celonis logo icon.
config.properties: File SAP Process Mining by Celonis configuration file that con-
tains all the installation parameters. DO NOT EDIT this file, as it will get overwritten
in case of a product upgrade. Use the config-custom.properties file instead.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
config-custom.properties.sample: File Sample SAP Process Mining by Celonis con-
figuration file that can be used as starting point to change the SAP Process Mining by
Celonis application server configuration settings. Parameters related to the applica-
tion server listening interface, port, ssl, logging, R-Integration, SAML, Encryption or
CPML can be defined here. Copy and rename this file to config-custom.properties to
configure custom values. A change of parameters in this file requires a restart of the
application in order to take effect.
cpm-sap.war: File SAP Process Mining by Celonis core package.
sappm_install_svc.cmd: File Script to install the SAP Process Mining by Celonis win-
dows service.
sappm_uninstall_svc.cmd: File Script to uninstall the SAP Process Mining by Celonis
windows service.
appfiles: Directory Contains all the SAP Process Mining by Celonis generated appli-
cation files. From the Operations Guide perspective only the following files are rele-
vant: appdata.lck, appdata.lobs, appdata.log, appdata.properties, appdata.script
defining the application database files; uploads containing all files uploaded into
SAP Process Mining by Celonis (images, transports, .xls, .csv); backup containing all
the application database files backup snapshots.
Linux Systems
component_configurations: Directory Contains specific component configuration
files (in a new installation, only sample files) that can be used to address specific com-
ponent settings for access, audit, login and trace logging, password rules and query-
db: Directory Contains all the application database files.
jre: Directory Contains the Oracle Java JRE embedded package.
jsvc: Directory Contains the JSVC service files.
logs: Directory Contains the SAP Process Mining by Celonis application log files.
pdf-exporter: Directory Contains the PDF Exporting capabilities functions.
run: Directory Contains the PID file.
scripts: Directory Contains the sample Linux service file.
FILEID: File Information file that contains the SAP Process Mining by Celonis version
build number.
cbpd_svc.jar: File SAP Process Mining by Celonis service dependency file.
config.properties: File SAP Process Mining by Celonis configuration file that con-
tains all the installation parameters. DO NOT EDIT this file, as it will get overwritten
in case of a product upgrade. Use the config-custom.properties file instead.
config-custom.properties.sample: File Sample SAP Process Mining by Celonis con-
figuration file that can be used as starting point to change the SAP Process Mining by
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
Celonis application server configuration settings. Parameters related to the applica-
tion server listening interface, port, ssl, logging, R-Integration, SAML, Encryption or
CPML can be defined here. Copy and rename this file to config-custom.properties to
configure custom values. A change of parameters in this file requires a restart of the
application in order to take effect.
cpm-sap.war: File SAP Process Mining by Celonis core package.
start.sh: File SAP Process Mining by Celonis startup script.
stop.sh: File SAP Process Mining by Celonis stop script.
root: Directory Contains all the SAP Process Mining by Celonis generated applica-
tion files. From the Operations Guide perspective only the following files are relevant:
appdata.lck, appdata.lobs, appdata.log, appdata.properties, appdata.script defin-
ing the application database files; uploads containing all files uploaded into SAP
Process Mining by Celonis (images, transports, .xls, .csv); backup containing all the
application database files backup snapshots.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
SAP Process Mining by Celonis application provides built-in security for database connectivity. All
user passwords in the application database are encoded (using SHA-256). Passwords for the connec-
tion the the HANA database are encrypted (using AES).
By default, the HSQL metadata datastore is secured with a password, that is automatically generated.
This password is not visible to the user and it cannot be read in any way. It is simply embedded within
the application. If you want to override this setting, you can do so by editing the App DB Settings from
the “config-custom.properties” file in your installation directory.
The SAP Process Mining by Celonis web access security relies on the Spring Security Framework hard-
ening. As SAP Process Mining by Celonis can also make use of up to date security standards SSLs, it
is recommended for you to enable and use the SSL option right from the beginning, after the instal-
lation. This feature can be enabled as well from the “config-custom.properties” file. Upon enabling
the SSL feature, you must go through the following steps:
Set the “server.ssl” option to “true”.
If there is no keystore available, create a Java keystore. To generate a key in a local
keystore, please use the Java keytool
or import an existing key. A sample command
for generating a new key is: keytool -genkey -alias celonis4 -keyalg RSA -keystore
keystore.jks -keysize 2048”. Note that for paths on windows, you should use forward
slashes (e.g. E:/celonis/my_keystore.jks). More information in the Oracle manual
Generate a new CSR and/or import the CRT (existing or obtained from the CA after
signing the CSR) into the keystore. For more information, the same documentation
from the previous step can be used.
Provide the keystore file path using the “server.ssl.keystore” parameter.
Specify the keystore alias using the “server.ssl.keyalias” parameter. The key alias
name was provided upon the keystore creation.
Specify the keystore password using the “server.ssl.keystorepw”. This password is re-
quired to open the keystore.
Specify the private key password using the “server.ssl.keypw”. This password is re-
quired to read the private key.
During the installation process, the password for the default user “sysadmin” is requested. Please
make sure that you are going to use a secure password. If there is no password specified, the installer
will choose the default “$admin!” password. We do not recommend keeping the initial password for
Please make sure to use the keytool utility provided with the SAP Process Mining installation in
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
the “sysadmin” in a productive environment, thus this password should to be changed as soon as pos-
sible via the web frontend. The default password policies also force you to change the password di-
rectly after the first login. The password policies are also highly customizable from the “password-
rules.properties” file. There you can enable or disable the rules and set password minimum require-
ments such as minimum length, complexity and change rate. With the number “0” the options can be
set to “unlimited”, for example “password.rules.last_passwords_forbidden=0” means that any old
password may be reused.
Authorization in SAP Process Mining by Celonis is done via the Authorization Objects. They can be
used to automatically filter the dataset for users. This can be particularized for each user and dataset.
With this functionality the administrator can opt for obscuring unauthorized data to be displayed to
unauthorized users in such a way, that the users will not notice that they are having access to incom-
plete data. This grants the perfect layer of data protection and privacy for customer’s data. The au-
thorized SQL queries must be defined in the “query-definitions.xml” file.
For a secure network setup, we recommend using a dedicated server and close all ports but the ones
required by our application. In the case in which another Web-Server will run in front of the SAP Pro-
cess Mining by Celonis Server, the server port can be bound, for example, to the localhost. This can
be achieved from the “config-custom.properties” file using the “server.interface” and “server.port”
parameters. Even more, all connections with the database can be encrypted. This can be done using
the JDBC String, by adding the “encrypt=true” parameter. In case your SAP HANA installation uses a
self-signed certificate, you need to add “validateSSLcertificate=false” parameter. For more infor-
mation regarding securing JDBC connections, please consult the official SAP Documentation:
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
In order to use PI Machine Learning a R-Server is required. It's best to run the R-Server as a restricted
user with limited rights. Be aware that a user with access to the R-Server can potentially delete all
files for which he has write permissions. Under Linux and new versions of Windows Server (2016) it
might be advisable to run the R-Server inside a Docker container. The following security issues
should be kept in mind when using R and Celonis:
The data channel between Celonis and R is not encrypted.
Rserve server does not use authentication by default. It does support plaintext au-
thentication which, if enabled, uses a very simple mechanism that uses an unen-
crypted password list stored in a file.
R functions can contain code which can harm security on the server where the Rserve
is running. For example:
o Access file system (read/write)
o Install new add-on/R packages which can contain binary code (for example,
written in C)
o Execute operating system commands
o Open network connections and download files or open connections to other
It is important for you to ensure that the user profile which is actually running the Rserve command
has rights that are limited in order to avoid these scenarios. The Rserve designer offers a couple of
options which include:
Changing the user profile and group profile that Rserve is running under to one with
no real authority on your server beyond the ability to run R itself. While they can still
load libraries you have installed, they shouldn’t be able to install new ones.
Ensure that the users have to use a profile and password to access Rserve. This is
pretty weak as it’s in a plain text file, but if you then mask that file using the above
techniques it will help.
Changing the root folder on the server from the perspective of Rserve.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
SAP Process Mining by Celonis application can be installed in a High Availability Cluster configuration
in order to benefit from:
High Application Server uptime.
Resource scalability.
Migration easiness.
It is recommended to use a dedicated VM Server for SAP Process Mining by Celonis and to perform
regular Snapshots to this VM on a remote location.
As SAP Process Mining by Celonis works highly intensive with the HANA database, its performance
and ability to often send requests to the Database Server(s) highly depends on the Database Server(s)
performance and availability. As such, it is recommended that the Database Server(s) should operate
within a High Availability High Performance clustering environment and that the fastest communi-
cation wiring and protocols with the SAP Process Mining by Celonis application server are assured.
The SAP HANA database environment can make use of clustering configurations. It is recommended
to scale the Database Server(s) accordingly with the databases size and complexity.
Due to the large number of infrastructure concepts only a sketch is displayed in the “HA-1” diagram
below. This is not to be considered as an infrastructure design, but it should give you an overview of
the key components you have to consider while using SAP Process Mining by Celonis in a HA design.
Networking elements and connectivity are also completely excluded from this diagram. For more in-
formation, the specific solution’s and / or vendor’s HA design must be consulted.
The Database Servers and Highly Availability Cluster’s security needs to be applied according with
specific tools provided by the SAP Database Software and / or by the Highly Availability Cluster’s ven-
dors and their support, considering each IT Infrastructure specific security policies.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
The default log level information for SAP Process Mining by Celonis is “info”. This only logs basic in-
formation. If you need more advanced log messages you should change this to “debug”. Less infor-
mation is available with the levels “warn” or “error”. We do recommend keeping this at the “info” level
in production environments.
SAP Process Mining by Celonis also has the ability to write audit logs. The audit logger allows you to
create a configuration for logging audit-relevant events. You can enable specific events by setting the
audit logger configuration to true. By default, no audit log is written. To enable the configuration,
copy the audit-logging.properties.sample file in the component_configurations folder in your in-
stallation path to audit-logging.properties and enable the events you are interested in. You can en-
able specific events by setting the options from “false” to “true”. Individual options can be enabled or
disabled for each of the following cases:
Login events
Failed logins
User creation
User deletion
Group assignments
Group creation
Permission changes
Object creation
Object deletion
Permission denied
Logging at what particular time a user has logged into the SAP Process Mining by Celonis software is
also possible. By default, this feature is turned off, but it can be enabled by copying the “login-log-
ging.properties.sample file to “login-logging.properties and fill out the required information:
Login_logging.enabled either false or true
Login_logging.database.url as the information is saved within a database, the JDBC
connection url must be entered here
Login_logging.database.driver the JDBC driver used to connect
Login_logging.database.user the database user with proper access rights
Login_logging.database.password the database user’s password
Login_logging.database.success_query the query that will be executed in case of a
successful login.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
Logging and tracing is based on the SAP HANA logging infrastructure, as provided by AFLSDK.
Every call to CPML is logged on INFO level. On DEBUG level also the end of a call is logged. For po-
tential long running calls also the runtime is logged. Exceptions which happen CPML are logged on
the WARNING level.
Logging can be configured and the log files can be viewed through the SAP HANA Studio. The log
level can be configured by setting the desired level of the “aflx” component of the ScriptServer.
(HANA Studio Administration View Trace Configuration Database Trace Show All Com-
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
There are three configuration options in the „config-custom.properties“ file, specific to the R-Server
rserve.hostname: Sets the address where the Rserve instance is running. The default
value is (localhost).
rserve.timeout: Sets a timeout for an Rserve query. After the end of the timeout no
further attempt to recieve the requested data is made and an error will be displayed.
rserve.terminate: If set to true, processes running queries that passed the timeout will
be sent a SIGKILL signal. This should terminate the process completely, but might
leave some resources hanging.
For Windows we recommend using the Microsoft R Open Interpreter, which is available for down-
load at: https://mran.microsoft.com/download/ . Next, you need to install the deployr-rserve library,
which takes care of the communication between SAP Process Mining by Celonis and R. Deployr-
rserve is available at https://github.com/Microsoft/deployr-rserve/releases , where you can down-
load the deployrRserve_<VersionNumber>.zip file.
Afterwards, open a CMD with Administrator Rights and navigate to the Download folder. Now exe-
R CMD INSTALL deployrRserve_<VersionNumber>.zip
where deployrRserve_<VersionNumber>.zip stands for the filename of the file you just downloaded.
You might have to give the full path to R for this to work, for example:
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.3.2\bin\x64\R" CMD INSTALL
"C:\Program Files\R\deployrRserve_<VersionNumber>.zip"
Now open the R interpreter as a restricted user and execute:
rservePath <- file.path(R.home(), "library", "deployrRserve", "Rserve.exe");
cmd <- paste(file.path(R.home(),"bin","R"),"CMD",rservePath);
After executing the system(cmd)” command, the interpreter should be busy and will not take any
new inputs anymore. The Rserve instance is now ready to use.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
All that remains is to edit your config-custom.properties for SAP Process Mining by Celonis:
rserve.enabled = true
rserve.port = 7004
Now you should be ready to use the R-Integration. Note that you will have to restart the Rserve
server manually after a system restart.
Most distributions should provide the R interpreter in their package system. This is different for
every Linux Distribution and Edition.
After you have performed the R-Setup, start up the R-Interpreter as a restricted user.
On the command line type:
A window with a list of mirrors will open, just select one close to you and Rserve is installed. The
most likely reason for any error messages here is that your firewall blocks your connection. In such a
case please consult your system administrator. Next, load the Rserve library and start the server:
All that remains is to edit your config-custom.properties for SAP Process Mining by Celonis:
rserve.enabled = true
rserve.port = 6311
Now you should be ready to use the R-Integration. Note that Rserve will be started as a daemon and
therefore keep running after you exit the interpreter. You will have to restart the Rserve server man-
ually after a system restart.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
The following tools are needed on the application server to successfully administer the SAP Process
Mining by Celonis application:
A text editor
All supported operating systems provide these tools out of the box. Furthermore, the standard Linux
command line tools (like tail, grep and others) will help you in accessing log and configuration files.
As Windows lacks most of those command line tools and the built in text editor is lacking features like
syntax highlighting or support for UNIX-style line breaks, it is recommended to install specific tools
for Windows (e.g. Notepad++, baretail, baregrep).
For administrative tasks inside the software itself a web browser is required. As the application can
normally be accessed from outside the server, there is no direct need to have a web browser on the
application server itself. It could however be beneficial to test connection issues, etc.
The basic SAP Process Mining by Celonis server configuration takes place during the installation pro-
cess. The central configuration file of SAP Process Mining by Celonis is config.properties. This file can
be found inside the root directory of the installed software; however, you should never manually edit
this file. The file gets overwritten in the update process. All user custom configuration should be made
in the config-custom.properties file. Further information can be found in the sample configuration file
config-custom.properties.sample. Component specific configurations can be found in <installDir>/com-
ponent_configurations. Sample scripts are provided here as well.
Using the Jetty Embedded Application Server, the SAP Process Mining by Celonis application is in-
stalled as a service inside the Windows Operating System, offering the possibility to be administrated
as any other regular OS service.
The SAP Process Mining by Celonis service name can be customized in any particular way that it’s
required. The usual service name that is used by Celonis during the installation process is SAP Process
Mining by Celonis. For Windows operating systems the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Application
Service can be configured using the following “Startup types”: “Automatic (Delayed Start)” (Recom-
mended), “Automatic”, “Manual” or “Disabled”.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
For Linux/OSX operating systems the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Application Service can be man-
ually controlled using the “start.sh” and “stop.sh” bash scripts. Using OS specific methods, these
scripts can be set to automatically run in special conditions (e.g. Automatically start the software on
computer boot). Example scripts are provided in <installDir>/scripts.
The SAP Process Mining by Celonis Application Service can receive the following service commands:
On Windows: “Start”, “Stop” or “Restart”.
On Linux & OSX: controlled via the provided bash scripts.
A service restart, if needed, could also be performed by first stopping and then starting up the service.
In order to offer flexibility, SAP Process Mining by Celonis does not require the operating systems
service installation in order to run. The application server can also be run manually, only when it’s
needed, however this is not recommended in productive environments. We highly recommend using
SAP Process Mining by Celonis installed as an operating system service in order to benefit from easi-
ness in administration. Operating systems services are also offering the possibility that when no
longer needed, they can be uninstalled.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
Using SAP Process Mining by Celonis for a long period of time will put you in the situation of dealing
with old files. Old files will take unnecessary disk space and keeping old files mixed with current files
will make the administration process more and more difficult overtime. We recommend archiving
these old files and / or even set up an “Old Files Strategy” policy.
The archiving policy should consider the following cases:
The log files generated by the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Server are located in the “logs” folder
that resides in the root of the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Server install path. The “logs” folder will
contain the following log files types:
sappm_svc-stderr.<date>.log (Windows)
commons-daemon.<date>.log (Windows)
sappm_svc-stdout.<date>.log (Windows)
stderr (Linux)
stdout (Linux)
As you can observe, all log files contain a date format that basically is the year, month and day of the
log files creation. A new log file is generated each time you restart the software. Inside a log file, for
example sappm_svc-stderr.2016-01-15”, you will find only the events that occurred between server
start and server stop (restart) commands. If you are going to restart the SAP Process Mining by Celo-
nis on a daily basis (highly unlikely) you will basically get each log type being generated once per day.
After a year had passed, - on a Windows installation - you will have 365 sappm_svc-stderr.<date>.log
files and another 730 files summing the other types. If you want to check for errors, you should not
search through log files from two-three months ago. Of course there are text filtering techniques and
log files search patterns that can be used and applied (and should be nevertheless), but still going
through all the log files can take a long time.
From the disk space consumption perspective, using SAP Process Mining by Celonis in a large (enter-
prise) productive environment may generate log files up to GBs values and as files this size matter,
keeping old log files will than take unnecessary disk space.
SAP Process Mining by Celonis gets periodic new builds that may deal with new features, tuning, cus-
tomization, new web browser compatibility, bug fixes or up to date security standards. As such, we
always recommend upgrading SAP Process Mining by Celonis to the latest version. As the upgrading
procedure describes, old SAP Process Mining by Celonis production releases (basically the install kits)
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
should not be deleted right away, but kept as backup versions in case the customer experiences prob-
lems with the newest release (the use of older web browsers for example). At some point in time,
these old versions of SAP Process Mining by Celonis will take unnecessary disk space.
As we do not encourage you to delete anything unless you need to (you may not know when you will
need something from the old files), we will make the following recommendations for an archiving
Archive (.zip, .tar.gz, etc.) old log files once per month and thus keeping in the “logs”
folder only log files newer than 30 days.
Move all SAP Process Mining by Celonis old software installer releases inside an “Old”
folder and thus keeping only the last two releases in your current SAP Process Mining
by Celonis installation path (outside the “Old” folder).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please consult the upgrading procedure in order to be aware of
all the files that are modified during upgrading to a new release they should all be
part of the old SAP Process Mining by Celonis version archiving procedure. Usually we
are taking care of this automatically, but there may be special releases at some point
in time that will require some extra steps.
Move all old archives to a remote location in order to free up unnecessary used disk
space on the current server.
All Celonis recommendations should be treated as such and you should always consider first the dig-
ital files management policies already established by your company, if they are available.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
In order to offer the best possible Process Mining experience with the SAP HANA Database, SAP Pro-
cess Mining by Celonis is storing metadata in a datastore powered by HSQL. The metadata contains
all configuration of SAP Process Mining, that is done via the web frontend. This includes users, groups,
datamodels, analyses and system settings. Please note, that only the configuration of datamodels
and analyses is stored in the HSQL datastore the data to be analyzed always resides on HANA.
For this datastore there is an out of the box predefined backup policy inside SAP Process Mining by
The datastore is then automatically backed-up each night to the appfiles/backupfolder in the root
of the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Server install path. We highly recommended to keep a remote
backup of this folder. This will allow the possibility to restore the application metadata in case a dis-
aster will occur.
The backup is set to be performed online so you do not have to worry about any SAP Process Mining
by Celonis downtime during this procedure.
The backup is running automated every night at exactly 3am (while the application is running) and
additionally whenever the SAP Process Mining by Celonis service is started. All backups taken are full
backups for all application metadata.
The backup files follow the naming convention appdata-<yyMMdd>T<HHmmss>.tar.gzwith the
timestamp indicating when the backup was started. Technically, this file is a zipped version of the full
application database. To restore the backup, please do the following steps:
Identify the backup you want to restore. Use the timestamp of the backup to identify
the backup you want to restore.
Extract the appdata-<yyMMdd>T<HHmmss>.tar.gz” file. It should contain four files
called “appdata.lobs”, “appdata.log”, “appdata.properties”, “appdata.script”.
Shut down the application server. Go to the services.msc, identify the service (De-
fault: SAP Process Mining by Celonis) and stop it.
Identify the path where the active application database is located. Open the con-
fig.properties configuration file (or config-custom.properties if you have customized
the application database location). Identify the property “filesystem.writableroot.
The path points to where the database files are located. These files should have the
same names as the files contained in the extracted archive.
Create another backup of the current database files by simply copying them some-
where else.
Copy the previously extracted files and overwrite the originals.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
Start the application server service using the services.msc console.
Wait for the application server to be started completely.
As a result, your backup is restored.
Note: If a file called “appdata.lck” is present, it means that the service was not fully stopped and that
the application database in still being used. Please make sure that the service is completely stopped
before you restore the database files from a backup.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
The SAP Process Mining by Celonis Analytics Database on SAP HANA should be backed-up on a reg-
ular basis, preferably to a remote location. You can use for your reference the Backup Policy already
established by your IT Department or if such a thing is not available, you can set one up that will best
suit your needs. This will allow the possibility of an Analytics Database recovery in case a disaster will
The SAP HANA has built-in tools that can be used for backing-up the Analytics Database. Please refer
to the SAP HANA documentation (http://help.sap.com/hana_platform).
When establishing a SAP Process Mining by Celonis Analytics Database backup policy you must take
into consideration at least the following topics:
HANA database size.
Backup destination and available backup storage space.
The connectivity and thus the speed and throughput available from the Analytics Da-
tabase Server to the Backup destination device or medium.
Database’s high usage time frames.
Regular Schedulers or Cron Jobs that were set-up together with our Data Scientist
technical personnel during the Data Integration part of the SAP Process Mining by
Celonis installation.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
It is a best practice to constantly monitor the Application Server. Besides the initial minimum system
requirements that are provided during the SAP Process Mining by Celonis installation, additional re-
sources must be always available, especially if the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Application Server
is sharing resources with other 3
party software.
Unless specified otherwise, an operating system gets periodic updates that will increase its Disk Stor-
age space necessity overtime. Additional Disk Storage space is also required so that the operating
system can create periodic restore points. Extra Disk Storage space is to be considered if additional
software, modules, libraries or features will also be installed on the SAP Process Mining by Celonis
Application Server machine in the near future. These are just a few cases that will make you pay at-
tention to Disk Storage space as other factors can influence this as well.
RAM and CPU resources are also very important. Insufficient RAM and / or CPU power may lead to
very poor server performance, hang-ups or can even freeze entirely the Application Server. Most ap-
plications are making use of these two resources in a dynamic way (only when necessary), so it is very
important to scale them properly.
Network throughput must be taken into account if the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Application
Server is shared with other 3
party software that require highly intensive and regular networking
data transmission.
Taking care of everything at start is quite easy, but this is not enough in a productive environment,
especially in large IT infrastructures. In such cases (but not only) you should consider using (central-
ized) server monitoring techniques. There are a lot of tools and features that can provide you with
real-time updates regarding all server resources, depending on the server’s operating system and IT
infrastructure. Having access to this kind of information in real-time will help you avoid unnecessary
problems related to server overburdening.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
Apart from the Operating System’s built-in monitoring capabilities, SAP Process Mining by Celonis
supports Java Management Extensions standard monitoring. To enable JMX, you have to configure
SAP Process Mining by Celonis accordingly by adding the following Java properties on startup. Please
note that the application needs to be restarted in order to activate those changes.
The listed properties enable you to monitor the application remotely and unauthenticated on the con-
figured Port <port> via HTTP. More information on JMX monitoring and advanced options/parame-
ters (e.g. for setting up monitoring via HTTPS and using authentication) can be found here:
Adding Java startup properties can either be done via the Commons Daemon Service Manager on
Windows or by adjusting the startup script (start.sh) accordingly on Linux (see screenshots below).
Adding Java startup options on Windows
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
Adding Java startup options on Linux
Opening a JMX Console and connecting to the configured monitoring port already gives the possibil-
ity to check the RAM and CPU usage in real-time. Even more, the following MBeans are predefined,
in order to provide the capability to monitor specific internal SAP Process Mining by Celonis pro-
DataManagement, with the following attributes: ActiveLoads, LastFailedLoads,
LoadedDataModels, Schedules, SystemDataModels.
Logging, with the following attributes: LogLevel.
SystemResources, with the following attributes: CacheFreeMb, CacheUsedMb,
CpuUsage, RamAvailable, RamInUse.
UserManagement, with the following attributes: UserCount.
Each of the attributes can be used to interpret specific SAP Process Mining by Celonis activities as
ActiveLoads Which loads are at the time active.
LastFailedLoads Which loads have failed.
LoadedDataModels Which data models are loaded.
Schedules What schedules are active.
SystemDataModels The number of SystemDataModels.
LogLevel The Log level.
CacheFreeMb The available RAM that can be used by the Cache.
CacheUsedMb How much RAM is used by the Cache.
CpuUsage CPU usage value. This is only available for Linux Operating Systems.
RamAvailable The amount of available RAM.
RamInUse The amount of RAM that is currently being used.
UserCount How many users are currently logged in the application.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
The application can also be integrated to be monitored with Wily Introscope. More information on
Wily Introscope and its setup can be found in SAP Note 797147 (https://service.sap.com/sap/sup-
To configure SAP Process Mining by Celonis for Wily Introscope integration, add the following Java
properties on startup using the same method as for JMX above.
<wilyInstallDir> is the path where you installed/extracted the Wily Introscope Agent.
There is no specific preconfigured agent profile for jetty, but you can reuse the tomcat profile. Please
review SAP Note 1438005 regarding the Installation procedure of the Introscope Java Agent for
Apache Tomcat server (https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/1438005).
In the IntroscopeAgent_tomcat.profile, you need to configure at least the following properties, so
that the agent will be able to find the enterprise manager installation:
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
As SAP Process Mining by Celonis is using the power of SAP HANA to deliver its high performance
analyses, the underlying SAP HANA analytics database should be monitored as well. When SAP Pro-
cess Mining by Celonis users are configuring analyses in the frontend and then refreshing data, the
application server transforms these requests into SAP queries that are then sent to the database
A detailed description of monitoring queries and performance on SAP HANA is out of scope of this
Operations Guide. Please refer to the SAP HANA documentation for this
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
You can always make use of the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Server logging system. The log files
generated by the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Server are located in the “logs” folder that resides in
the root of the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Server install path. These logs can offer you information
related to:
Starting and Stopping the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Application Server.
Exceptions of SAP Process Mining by Celonis
Queries and their timing
Other information related to SAP Process Mining by Celonis Server.
SAP Process Mining by Celonis offers the possibility to configure different logging levels. The logging
levels can be configured from the “config-custom.properties file. For this guide, the most significant
information is that you can assign different levels to each package: “INFO”, “WARN”, “ERROR”, “DE-
BUG”. Please note that changes to the logging parameters will require a restart of the SAP Process
Mining by Celonis to take effect.
In addition to the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Server logging, SAP Process Mining by Celonis logs
query and application exceptions separately and makes them accessible through the application’s
web interface (System Settings Exceptions). Here short-term exception information is displayed
which can be very helpful when debugging applications.
Detailed query tracing can be enabled on CPML as well as on application server side. For the latter,
please adjust the file component_configurations/trace-logging.properties accordingly and restart the
application. Please note that trace logging can slow down the system's performance significantly so
it should only be used for debugging purposes.
NOTE: The information gathered by each of the logging and tracing systems should be used only for
debugging purposes.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
New releases and support packages are announced via the SAP service marketplace and can be re-
trieved from there. Regardless of the type of patch you will be provided with a full installer file. The
procedure for updating an installation is described in the next chapter Software Update Procedure.
When you want to promote configurations and artifacts to production, there is a built-in export/im-
port mechanism for all transportable artifacts in the web interface of SAP Process Mining by Celonis;
for usage instructions, please refer to the SAP Process Mining by Celonis manual. Technical configu-
rations can be copied on a file level.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
The SAP Process Mining by Celonis software is shipped as an installer. The installer type depends on
the Operating System it’s going to be installed on. You always need to update both components: the
HANA AFL plugin (CPML) as well as the SAP Process Mining by Celonis on the application server.
The general update procedure is described below, however there may be several other instructions
specific to a certain release. If any specific instructions should apply, they will be shipped out together
with the particular release.
There will be a short downtime of the application for the duration of steps 2 to 8, and a short down-
time of HANA during step 4.
General update procedure:
1. Download the new release from the SAP service marketplace.
2. Stop the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Application Server and close all opened windows if
you are using a Windows OS. On Linux: Backup the start.sh and stop.sh scripts
3. Make sure, you have a recent backup of the metadata database and all configurations, as well
as all files, which you might have modified (e.g. the default Java key/truststore cacerts in
4. Run the CPML installer on HANA
5. Run the SAP Process Mining installer
6. The installer will automatically bring SAP Process Mining by Celonis to the latest version.
7. Re-apply changes to the start.sh and stop.sh script
8. Start the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Application Server.
9. You have successfully finished the update!
Information: If you need the check the version of SAP Process Mining by Celonis while the software
is not running, you can do so by viewing the config.properties file in the root directory of the SAP Pro-
cess Mining by Celonis application. While the software is running, you can access “About” from the
application home screen itself to view the version.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
Support for SAP Process Mining by Celonis is delivered jointly by SAP and Celonis. 1
and 2
support services for end users are provided by SAP, 3
level support services are provided by Celonis.
In case 3
level support is necessary, tickets are automatically forwarded to Celonis.
Support is available 24x7.
To contact support, you can create an issue in component XX-PART-CEL.
Please include at least the following items in your issue description:
Used browser including version (e.g. IE 11)
Installation which you are trying to access (in case there is e.g. Dev and Prod)
URL used to access the system (sometimes, there can be more than one URL to reach
a single installation. This will also help to identify the installation you are trying to ac-
Username used to logon
Screenshot of the error message/situation
Stacktrace of the error message (if any) accessible via System Settings -> Exceptions
Before contacting support, make sure you have had a look at the manual (accessible via “Help” in the
software) and related SAP notes for component XX-PART-CEL.
In case you need to escalate your ticket, you can write a mail to sap_global_partner_support@sap.com
and/or contact SAPs Customer interaction Centre (CIC). More information on the CIC can be found
here: https://wiki.wdf.sap.corp/wiki//display/ProcessControl/CIC+and+CIM.
© 2017 Celonis SE
Operation Guide
Application not accessible:
o Are you connected to the corporate network?
o Do you use a proper (up-to-date) Web Browser? Supported browsers are Google
Chrome (min. Version 40, preferred), Mozilla Firefox (min. Version 38) or Internet Ex-
plorer (min Version 10).
o Is the URL you are trying to access correct?
o Is the (Database) Server running?
o Is the SAP Process Mining by Celonis Application Server running? (For your reference
you can check the SAP Process Mining by Celonis as Operating System Service chap-
ter of this guide)
o Login failed:
Is the Password correct?
Is the User name correct?
Does the User Account exist?
Analysis is empty, no data is showing
o Are the permission rights set correctly?
For the Analysis?
For the Data Model?
o Was the Analysis saved after modification?
o Were all selections reset?
o Are the permanent filters deactivated?
o Is the database connection successful? Is HANA available?
o Have you checked for any errors in data integration?
Document/Data Model disappeared?
o Were the permissions withdrawn?
o Was any restore performed with an older backup? (For your reference you can check
the Backup and recovery - Backup Analytics Database (HANA) chapter of this guide)